IngridChapter 2 free porn video

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Ingrid Solberg walked quickly from the back porch to the kitchen phone. She reached it just after the third ring. It was the business line light flashing and she answered it.

"Good afternoon, Ingrid's Designs."

"Hi Ingrid, its Steve Inhalt." His tone was light and upbeat.

"Oh, hi Steve. I didn't ... I mean I wasn't expecting," she stammered.

"Relax, Ingrid, I didn't call about the project, I called to see how you made out with your presentation this morning."

"Oh, fine, thanks ... I mean ... I think OK. There were lots of nodding heads and I hit all the criteria, point by point. I'm pretty happy with how it went." She had recovered her usual confident voice. "I even included a couple of references from previous clients, and each of the committee got a take-home package covering the presentation."

"I'm glad to hear that," he said, sounding genuinely happy. "When do you think you will know?"

"They said they would be back to me in two weeks."

"Hmmm, typical government isn't it? Bring half the entire staff and then take two weeks to decide on a project that is a tiny fraction of their budget!" he said cynically. "Well, good luck. One win with the government can open a lot of doors.

"Thanks for calling, Steve." She assumed that was the end of the call.

"Actually, Ingrid, I called to see if you were doing anything this Saturday?" he said sounding less self-assured that just a minute ago.

"This Saturday? Uh, what time?"

"All day, actually. I wanted to invite you to come sailing with me. It looks like it's going to be a lovely spring day and I was hoping you'd like to join me for a sail."

"Uh, I'm not sure, I..."

"Don't worry Ingrid, as far as I know there's no Code of Ethics preventing you from dating a client. Have you ever been sailing before?" He kept it light and conversational.

"Years ago, on Lake Okanagan, with a bunch of my schoolmates. We had fun," she remembered.

"You don't suffer from seasickness do you?"

"No, not as far as I know. I don't get seasick, carsick or airsick. I seem to be pretty durable that way." She was a little less cautious.

"Great! I thought we could sail up the Sunshine Coast, run south out into the Gulf and let the Westerlies run us straight home."

"Who's going to be there?" she asked.

"Just you and I."

"Oh ... is it a small boat?" She began to feel a bit dubious again.

"No, not at all. I have a 37 foot motor-sailer. It's capable of sailing any ocean. It's no race boat, but there's lots of room, and it has all the safety features. You won't be taking any risk," he said, sounding hopeful.

"Can you handle a big boat like that all by yourself?"

"Not only can, but have, many times. I was taught by an old pro and I have the certificates for seamanship and navigation to prove it," he said with a hint of pride.

"Please say you'll come. I'll provide everything. All you'll need is some flat bottom sneakers, sun block and sun glasses."

"I guess so ... OK, I'd love to! But what should I wear?" She felt more positive again.

"Well, it will be cool in the morning and warm in the afternoon, so wear layered clothing, you know, t-shirt, sweat shirt, jacket. No tight clothing in case you go for a swim. I'll look after the safety gear.

"Oh ... and one other thing. I don't mean to be too personal, but if you have a sport-bra, wear it. If you get wet from spray or whatever, the regular bra will chafe you and with salt water, it can be very unpleasant. Do you have some canvas tennis shoes?" He'd spat all this out almost non-stop.

"Yes, I think I've got a grungy old pair." She was almost laughing at his string of instructions.

"Grungy is fine, there won't be any fashion critics aboard."

"Ok, but when do you want to go?" she asked.

"What's good for you? I'm usually up at seven, so I would usually go out around eight thirty for a day sail, but I don't want to rush you."

"I'm usually up at seven too, so eight thirty sounds fine. Where to you keep the boat?" she asked, now feeling much more enthusiastic.

"The boat is moored at Fisherman's Cove. There isn't much parking there, so I suggest I pick you up at eight at your house. I have a reserved parking space that goes with the moorage."

She detected a note of relief in his voice.

"Fine, I'll look for you at eight at my house. Do you have the address? It's the same as my office address in the phone book."

"Great, I can find that easily. Oh, before I forget, do you have any allergies?"

"No, not that I know of," she replied, now curious.

"Good! I'll look after the food. With any luck we should be able to have a picnic in a quiet bay up the Coast."

"That sounds lovely, Steve. In the meantime, I'll try and get our preliminaries for your house ready for tomorrow as promised. I'll give you a call when I'm ready and we can arrange a meeting."

"That's fine, Ingrid, but don't rush yourself. Make sure you're happy with what you want to do. A couple of days here or there won't mess up our schedule. I've already run into some snags with lowering the garage floor. Call me anyway, even if you can't finish this week. You can tell me where the hang-ups are."

He sounded like he was back to his normal confident self, and she found it reassuring.

"Thanks, Steve. I haven't had much time to think about it since yesterday, so I don't know what to expect yet."

She was pleased that he had taken the pressure off. Truthfully, she didn't quite know where to start with the dark interior and unusual floor plan.

"Ingrid, why don't we meet for dinner tomorrow and we can talk about the house then". This time he didn't sound hesitant about asking her out.

"Well, I don't have any reason I can't, but this time, I pay!" she said forcefully.

"Uh, that might be a bit awkward. I was going to prepare dinner at my place. I've been taking lessons from a couple of chefs and I don't think you'll be disappointed. So your paying is not going to work. However ... if you'd like to leave a tip."

"Very clever, Mr. Inhalt. But I have to tell you, I'm dazzled by your versatility. Financier! Sailor! Chef! Is there anything you can't do?" she asked with a smirk in her voice.

"Yah ... I don't have any experience in asking beautiful women out on dates. I am a genuine rookie in that department," he said quietly but with a smile in his voice.

"I don't believe you!" she laughed. I met you one day ago and already we've had dinner, have another arranged for tomorrow and we're going sailing on Saturday. Let's see, three dates from Tuesday to Saturday. Tell me again how you are a 'date rookie.' Sorry, I don't buy it," she laughed as she finished.

"Well, it's true. I guess I just got on a roll and ... well ... anyway, I'm delighted you accepted my offer ... all three times," he said quietly.

"So far, you haven't made me nervous, but if you really are the innocent boy you say you are, I want to hear the whole story tomorrow at dinner. No holding back!" she said merrily.

"OK, that's fair." he surrendered. "How does seven sound?"

"Seven's fine. I have your address, so I'll see you then," she said.

"Terrific! I'm already planning the menu! I intend to impress you."

"You already have," she replied with a sincere note in her voice.

"Bye Ingrid, see you tomorrow." he said quietly and hung up.

Ingrid looked at the phone after she had put the receiver down. She was in strange territory for a woman who was used to being in control of her personal relationships. He had her both interested but cautious. Was he too good to be true? There was that recurring sense of sincerity that allayed her fears. She hoped he would put her doubts to rest tomorrow.

He was a mystery man, but a handsome, eligible, financially secure mystery man.

"I should be jumping into his arms and I'm not," she thought. "The bad experiences from the past have made me careful. God I hope this guy is for real this time!"

She walked back out to the sun deck and picked up the notes and pictures from yesterday's meeting. No time like the present to get started.


Steve walked through the Living Room one more time and looked carefully around. It was probably the tenth time he had made this walk in the last thirty minutes. Once again, he adjusted the drapes on the picture window, opening them another six inches after having closed them three inches on his last trip. He glanced at the clock for the umpteenth time. On this occasion it was showing six minutes to seven. She would be here in a few minutes.

He walked back into the kitchen and went over the cutlery, utensils, place settings and ingredients. Everything laid out in time and place order, just the way Maurice and Robert had taught him.

He opened the refrigerator door and took out the bottle of French Red he had spent many minutes reviewing before choosing. He was breaking his own rule. Never serve an untested wine to friends you wish to impress. The risks are too great. It was the recommendation of Maurice that carried the day and allowed him to throw caution to the wind. It was the one risky move of two he had chosen for the evening. The other was the entrée.

He was startled by the buzz of the intercom and he walked briskly to the receiver and picked it up. "Hello?"

"It's Ingrid, Steve."

"Great, I'll buzz you in." He pushed the small black button on the wall-set and hung up the receiver. It was two minutes later that she appeared at his open door as he stood waiting for her just inside.

"Hi, welcome," he smiled broadly.

"Thank you sir. I brought you your 'tip, '" she smiled in return, handing him a bottle of the same wine he had chosen.

"Thank you. Couldn't resist, huh?" he grinned as he turned to invite her into the living room.

It was a warm evening and she wasn't wearing a jacket or sweater. She looked absolutely lovely in her stylish sleeveless blouse and knee length matching skirt. She started to take off her white low heeled shoes when Steve interrupted.

"You don't have to do that, Ingrid, unless you are more comfortable shoeless?"

"No ... thanks, I'll leave them on ... for now." She looked around the apartment and walked over to the living room window.

"What a lovely view," she commented turning her head to speak directly to him. "From what you told me, you were really lucky to find this unit, and now you have that great new property just waiting for you."

"Well, there's a bit of work to do, you know, but ... yes, I feel very fortunate to have found both these places. In fact, I've been pretty lucky lately, period!" he said, pointedly looking at her.

Ingrid blushed and smiled, turning back to the view of Stanley Park and English Bay. The stereo was playing softly in the background. It was a familiar female voice and the music was an old standard from the forties.

"Actually, I have made an unsolicited offer on this apartment to the owners," he continued. "They are non-residents who hold a stack of condos in False Creek. I've made them a handsome offer with a tidy profit for them. If they accept, it would make a good addition to my investment portfolio," he said matter-of-factly.

"Wow! A new house and a condo in Park Royal. That's a lot of property for one person," she remarked wide-eyed.

"Well, I've been investing since I was seventeen and I've been pretty successful at finding good places to put money. The best thing to do with it is to keep it working, whether that's in the stock market or in the property market. I've been lucky enough to be able to do it without having to beg the banking establishment for money.

"I've always had the collateral, so it has never been an issue. They're happy as hell to lend money to people who can prove they don't need it."

He tried not to sound arrogant or angry, more matter-of-fact.

"I'm impressed, really," she said.

Was he laying it on a bit too heavily?

"Sorry, I shouldn't be running on about it. Can I offer you a glass of wine?"

"Yes, please."

She waited at the living room window, looking around at the apartment, its furnishings and accessories. There were no surprises. The room was just like its owner, neat and tidy. It was tastefully furnished.

She appeared in the entrance to the kitchen. Steve had removed the cork and was pouring the wine into two simple crystal Bordeaux glasses. She looked around and noticed the second bottle of the same wine.

"Tell me," he asked, "how did you choose this wine?"

"I'm guessing that I did it the same way that you did," she laughed. "I asked Maurice."

Steve smiled. "I should have known. Oh well, at least we won't run out and we know he has impeccable taste."

Her tone was light and humorous. She was obviously enjoying being there, even with the awkwardness of her 'gift' to the host. He passed a glass to her and raised his in salutation.

"Here's to tonight. You're a brave girl to let me try my new skills out on you."

"I am? Now you have me a bit worried," she replied with her customary smile.

They sat in the living room, Ingrid in a large, comfortable wing chair and Steve on a light coloured upholstered love seat. For the next twenty minutes they easily exchanged small talk, possible ideas for the new house, her recent vacation in Mexico, his travels in Europe. It was light and easy conversation.

Finally, Steve stood up. "I'm just going to get the dinner started. You're welcome to join me in the kitchen." He took her glass and she followed him to the kitchen island. There was a single stool at the end of the island and she perched herself on it. He refilled her glass as she surveyed the dishes and items in front of them.

"So what's on the menu, Steve?" she asked surveying what was in front of her.

"Well, a bruschetta to start as an appetizer and light lime freeze for dessert. The entrée will be a filét with roasted Rosemary potatoes, and a variety of lightly grilled vegetables. Not very adventuresome, I admit, except perhaps for the filet."

"What's unusual about the filét?" she asked.

"It's Musk Ox. From the Arctic. Don't worry, I'm not going to serve you something you won't enjoy," he said quickly, looking at her with a sly grin. "Not a good idea to put the lady off with a bad meal."

"Where in the world did you get Musk Ox steaks?" She looked incredulous.

"You'd be surprised. In this day and age, you can get anything from anywhere thanks to airfreight. In this case, I get exotic meats from a small specialty shop in the city. Relax, I wouldn't serve you anything I hadn't tested myself," he grinned

The bruschetta were taken out of the broiler and he carefully arranged them on a rustic plate that suited the small slices of Italian bread. He suggested they partake of the appetizer at the island and she quickly agreed.

The aroma of the toasted cheese, garlic, and tomato prompted her to take a bite of the hot appetizer.

"God, I could eat a dozen of these, they're gorgeous!" she enthused with her hand open underneath her chin to catch any falling bits. The first one was gone in two bites. She reached for another.

"I hope you don't mind me helping myself. These smell so good, I can't resist."

Steve passed her a paper napkin and she held that in her hand and patted it on her mouth when she had finished the second piece. She closed her eyes and said, "If the rest of the meal is as good as this, I'll have an orgasm ... Ooops! Sorry, I didn't mean that," she blushed.

"I was hoping you did," he said looking at her with a quick smile. "A chef always wants some evidence that his food is enjoyed. That would be pretty ... conclusive, don't you think?"

He didn't look her way as he began to prepare the small but thick filéts for the broiler.

Ingrid said nothing as she reached for another piece, she too not looking at him.

Steve assembled the vegetables on a plate and began placing them in a particular order in a large, rounded, wok-shaped pan which he had earlier wiped with olive oil. After about half the vegetables were in the pan, he turned to the filéts on the broiler pan and slid them onto the top rack in the oven. He looked at his watch and then at Ingrid and smiled. "It won't be long now." He continued to add the final group of vegetables to the grilling pan and stirred them with a wooden spatula.

The aromas in the kitchen were driving Ingrid back to the appetizer platter again. She had eaten four while Steve had had three. He was happy to see her enjoy the small appetizer. He knew it would enhance her appetite for the entrée. He was also satisfied with his timing on preparation. The grilled veggies, potatoes and steaks would be ready almost exactly at the same time and since there was little to add for serving and arrangement, they would all be hot when the plates were placed on the table.

"How do you like you filét cooked, Ingrid?"

"Oh, medium is fine," she replied

"Medium it is then."

A few minutes later, the oven door was opened and the broiler pan removed. Steve used tongs to place the steaks on a small platter and began slicing them in medium-thin pieces but not cut all the way through. He left them on the platter while he reached for the grilling pan and using the tongs, removed the vegetables and began arranging them on the pre-heated dinner plates.

Next came the Rosemary potatoes and several pieces were arranged on another part of the plate. The filéts were then placed on each plate and he fanned the slices in a decorative fashion near the centre. A small pot on the stove contained dark brown gravy and he carefully spooned some on the meat and potatoes with a decorative trail on the plate.

He looked up at Ingrid when he had finished, smiled and said, "Dinner is served."

He carried the two meals using a pair of quilted pads to protect him from the hot plates. Ingrid followed him with her wine glass. He placed the plates on the table and pulled Ingrid's chair out and seated her. He removed his white vested apron and threw it on the counter, picked up his wine glass and moved to the table.

"You really have that down to a science, Steve!" she said picking up her wine glass and moving it toward him. "It smells wonderful and I'm starved. Thank you for this."

She took a sip of wine and picked up her knife and fork and began.

The meal was quiet and what little conversation passed between them was mostly consisted of Ingrid's compliments. Steve was delighted with the enthusiasm she showed to his offerings. She savored, and then devoured the Musk Ox, as he guessed she would. The grilled vegetables were a hit as well. Rosemary potatoes were no risk at all. He didn't know anyone who didn't like them.

He let her know that there were more vegetables and potatoes in the kitchen and she looked like she might take him up on the offer. It was a treat serving a guest who had a hearty appetite and she was truly enjoying the food.

When they finished, she changed her mind and declined more. "It was more than delicious and I want to leave room for my dessert. The little Bruschettas were more filling than I thought. Lucky I quit when I did." Smiling, she had a satisfied look on her face and leaned back in her chair.

"I'm glad you liked it. I made a couple of mistakes, but nothing serious." He enjoyed the look of contentment on Ingrid.

Same as Ingrid
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Her boobs looked beautiful as they slightly bounced. She looked very flushed in her face and totally passionate. I don’t remember having seen her so much passion in her in last so many years. She bent down on me and her boobs landed on my hairy chest. Her boobs felt awesome as she moved her boobs sideways. I got a fantastic sensation as her nipples brushed over my nipples. Within minutes we were both moaning. Her face was very close to mine and in an impulse I pulled her face close and kissed...

1 year ago
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A Night Out Alone

Carol entered the building looking around at the large number of people that were already at the unveiling of the new art exhibit. Normally Carol wasn't interested in this sort of highbrow event, but she wanted to get out and mingle. It had been too long since she'd broken up with her boyfriend, and needed some human contact. She paused and look at her reflection in the mirrored display case. She was wearing a black dress with a plunging neck line, and no bra. The dress clung to her every curve...

1 year ago
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Moms friend comes over to congradulate me

James was a young man of 17 he was in excellent shape, was a letterman in  three sports, football, basketball and baseball at his 5-A highschool in Texas.  He had signed a letter of intent to play football the following year for the Texas Longhorns. In Texas,  football was king and if you played and you where good you where king, which needless to say made you very popular with the ladies.  James had been with forty or fifty girls by his senior year and was know by everyone as being in good in...

Wife Lovers
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I knew you were a Faggot PT3

Graduation was Saturday. While every one was planning what party they were going to, I was thinking of one thing-Ray's cock. He was fucking me everyday at this point. I would blow him in the morning, and he would fuck me after school. It was routine. My ass was always lubed from his dried cum. I had converted to a liquid diet so I keep lean and only have to piss. I grew my hair out a little longer per Ray's request. He liked me to wear it in pigtails when I blew him and a ponytail when he...

4 years ago
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This was a dream I had when I was younger or was i

I have always been a very light sleeper and would wake up to the slightest sound until I knew what it was and then my subconscious would allow me to go back to sleep.On many occasions I would not get back to sleep when I heard my mum and dad having sex. At first I was frightened to get up and go and see what they were doing, as some of the floorboards would squeak. Over time I found the route to their room without them making a sound and every time I went to the toilet I would practice the...

4 years ago
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Six Days on the RoadChapter 17

Since it was only mid-day I had time for a leisurely afternoon. The new black stallion, Blackey, and the new buskin model were both well started so I gave Red a break, saddled the buckskin, Buck, and headed back to check out our wall and other stock. The wall had damned sure done its duty even if it hadn't come through without a little damage. Most of the electric fence-wire was pulled down now and a lot of it was wrapped around a very large cave bear who seemed he'd been really mad about...

3 years ago
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Marriage Between Aunt And Nephew

This story is about my friend cham***.he lives in colombo.he lives with his parents.he has a relation aunt( mother's sister)she came to live with them 6 months ago.cham*** is 19 years old.and aunt age is 30.his aunty's name is priy***. she is widowed her pregnant age she met to car accident with her husband.she lost her husband and c***d.After that she came to live with cham***'s family.Priy*** do love to cham***ara still he was a little her son.After she married she went to her...

2 years ago
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Christy A TVs Story

Christie/ a TV's Story Christopher Murphy sat in his usual place, his fingers flying over the keyboard of his laptop computer. He didn't look up when he heard the clicking of her heels as she walked to her regular table in the campus hangout. He knew Claudette Bowers would be surrounded by her friends and admirers in a short time. He could resist no longer and glanced her way. She was truly beautiful. She was looking directly at him and smiled and nodded slightly. His eyes dropped...

1 year ago
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MylfXMandyFlores Mandy Flores Step Mom and Son Share A Creampie

You have gotten home early from school and hear some strange noises coming from your mom’s room. As you look through the cracked open door you see one of your friends on top of your mom, convulsing in orgasm inside her! He stands up and you see your mom pussy soaking wet from all of the cum smeared all over her pussy. Your friend quickly leaves and you watch her playing gently and happily with her wet pussy. She notices you and you enter the room. She tries to explain, describing her need...

3 years ago
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Who Needs The Bathhouse

Hey my name Abdul Musaveer—20 years of age from Hyderabad, India…6feet 2inches tall…slim body. White complexion…with very cute face…and very sporty and friendly nature….I have very sexy smile as most of my friend says….One afternoon…with my 3 other best friends … my three best buddies, Mohsin, Ibrahim and Shahzad ..Wondering around in King Street in Hamilton…it was a hot summer day….and looking around lot of semi nude’s boys and girls….make us horny as fuck Short description for these three...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Home alone or so i thought

So I was home faking sick from school one day and I had free range of the house, I watched mtv for a while and than some stupid infomercial and I was getting bored fast. So I decided to snoop around the house and see what I could find, I was going through my moms room when I came across her boyfriends weed and bowl, (why not right) so I got super high and continued looking around the house, and in my older brothers room behind his game station and games I found a porn. So I went to my room and...

1 year ago
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Hidden Part One The Diner

I wasn't sure how i arrived in the diner... i remember gunshots, lots of blood, but not much after that. I think i remember being in a plane... but someone had sabotoged the fuel line... it went down, i got the last parachute, the pilot died. I landed in a field, a guy from witness protection found me, shoved me into a SUV... that is when i met Sara. Sara was beautiful, Six feet tall even with flowing black hair. That night she had been called away from a wedding-not hers- and was wearing a...

Erotic Fiction
3 years ago
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Be Gentle Daddy

Here I was in my final year at high school, eighteen years old and I was still a virgin. No guys seemed interested in me and it left me depressed. I know I wasn't the prettiest girl. I looked nerdy and I wore glasses. I was basically flat chested as well. I thought my love life was going to be hopeless. That was when my Daddy took an interest in me. I think he overheard me talking to Mom. I needed someone to tell me what to do.My mother was no help. She told me to be patient and some guy will...

3 years ago
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Taking Mom Down to the Woods by blueheatt

Fiction, Blowjob, Cheating, Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, First Time, i****t, Oral Sex, Reluctance, Teen Male / Female, YoungTaking Mom Down to the Woods__I was so proud of the fort I had made down at the woods. It was hidden in a bank by the creek. I told my mom how cool it was and how no one could see or find it. She smiled and said how her dad had built her one when she was young. A private place where dad and her could go to talk private. Talk private? I wondered what they would have to...

2 years ago
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The Candy Striper

Men often complain that their wives aren’t interested in sex, but my husband doesn’t complain at all—I’m the one with the complaint! From early morning to late at night, my husband works as a heavy equipment salesman. He makes tons of money, but he never makes love to me except for a half-hearted effort on Saturday mornings. What’s even worse, when he gets home at night he usually falls asleep on the couch. We never see a movie, go out to dinner, or even just go...

2 years ago
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Milwaukee Cuckold Goes Shopping

Milwaukee Cuckold Goes ShoppingAs I was getting ready to leave the office after my last patient I got a call from Judy. She said can you pick me up so we can do some clothes shopping for the party I have this weekend? I said, “I’m tired but if you need me to I will.” She said, “good, I’ll be waiting.”I pulled into the driveway and Judy walked out of the front door, I was thinking wow, she is going shopping in that. She had on 4 inch heels which I had never seen her wear, a short skirt, a halter...

4 years ago
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Lesley part 31

Lesley sat in the staff room talking to a delivery driver who was on his 30 minute driving break. He was a funny guy and he temporary made her forget about the pounding she had just had in Mcpeevies shower and then over his desk. He was telling her a funny story about delivering to a psychiatric hospital and being 'captured' by an inmate. She was sure it was made up, but it was funny anyway. She stood too refill his tea mug, and felt the tenderness in the cheeks of her backside, as she moved....

3 years ago
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Naked on the Train

At last! thought Emerald, lovingly waving goodbye to her parents as the train pulled off. She'd got the compartment to herself, and her family were gone. Not that she didn't love her mother and father and darling sister Betty, but it was term time and she was off to her other life, where she was more or less free to do as she wished. She bent her neck as far as she could to see a last glimpse of Betty running along the platform edge, waving her handkerchief at her as the train picked up pace,...

4 years ago
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Corruption of Champions

A man of the age of eighteen walks forward slugglishly as the elders of the Village known as Ingram move him forward to his time. He looks around at the enviorment that he has grown used to and now forced to give up. Even though its for a good eason he just couldn't handle the idea of having to give up his life he managed to make form himself. He gives a heavy sigh as they walk into a cave where the rocks glows with darkness and an odd arouma feels the air. This was all meant to keep the...

3 years ago
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Sonyas Siren Song Part 2 Educating Sonya

This story continues on directly from my first story, Sonya’s Siren Song. In the morning, I opened my eyes, and there was Sonya, in the bed beside me, still fast asleep. I realised that whatever happened last night had really happened, and there was no going back. I wasn’t sure what would happen when she awoke, but just in case, I quietly slipped out of the side of my bed, and put my pyjama pants back on.I looked down at the still-sleeping Sonya, lying with her back to me, and I remembered that...

2 years ago
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Private Enslavement Penology

In the rare cases of the private enslavement penology system being practiced, the highly automated government is beginning to go overboard and soon decides to for example enslave worthless lowlives like yourself to more commendable citizen. Ever since that's been going on, you live in constant fear. Naturally even this terrible thread isn't enough to motivate your lazy ass to perform well at school or contribute anything to the community. Actual enslavement cases are rare, still people begin to...

2 years ago
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Focused On Sex

Milena’s story My name is Milena and I work in a well-known chain of Opticians on the high street. When the manageress of our store suggested that we have a ‘wear what you want day’ I was excited. I’ve always been one for fancy dress. Then she added one or two caveats. We must be decent and not wear anything that brings the business into disrepute. Knowing me, that was a tall ask, but hey ho! She said it would be good for morale and create a talking point among customers and attract passing...

3 years ago
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I was strangling in my job and my life. I found myself grinding my teeth before going to work every morning. I drank myself into a solitary stupor every night. I'd worked myself into an unendurable present and a grim death spiral. I could see no real way out but a complete break in occupation, lifestyle and habits. What was a more divergent lifestyle from a chair-born computer management job than that of a mechanic? I'd once been a bench tech and found that I had the knack. I took night...

1 year ago
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Cassie Hole Pt 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! Cassie and Michael walked into the mall, and she tugged him into a shop called Rave, a hip store that catered to young girls, rather something more than that, a store that specialized in fashion that was on the edge of MTV and the more subtler side of porn, some of the sunglasses and types of clothing actually had sponsors like Metro or Anabolic or Vivid Films which he recognized as porn distributors. They went in and Cassie immediately squeezed hard...

3 years ago
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Disciplining Frank Leigh

This story only available on Lush Stories. Dedicated to a humble man and a lovely friend.It isn’t every day one wins the chance to meet one’s favourite writer, and the women of certain lusty circles had been ready to scratch each other's eyes out over the charity competition. For a mere 3,000 (or $4653.90) donation, anybody with the cash and will to write a poem could enter and be in with a chance to meet Frank Leigh. Nobody remembers if there was a second prize. Or a third. Who cared, when...

3 years ago
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My Gorgeous Neighbor

My neighbor’s wife is so beautiful that I just had to have her!Jill is simply gorgeous! She's blonde, has blue eyes, has a sexy smile, and is friendly. The three of us get together every weekend for bar-b-que, drinks, and a fun time. I spend my time sneaking lengthy peaks at Jill, trying to imagine what it would be like to get her into bed. She is always smiling and friendly, but never leaves Jim's side. She was obviously devoted to him, so I thought that my fantasies were all I would ever...

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The Adventures Of Karhleen MChapter 4

Kathleen went over the list of things she had to get done with an eye to those items where there was a possibility of being able to expose herself to Billy. She had no idea why she got such a rush from letting the boy see her, she just knew that it turned her on and she loved that turned on feeling. The item she was giving the most consideration to was the wall between the upstairs bathroom and the kid's bedroom. The kids at one time had done a number on the wall with crayons and finger...

3 years ago
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This is a serial story that was written and posted over several months to my Yahoo group Augmented By Morpheus Part 1 I leaned back in my recliner, watching a movie on TV and feeling annoyed. I'd been looking forward to this movie since I first heard it was coming out, yet now that I was seeing it I could only feel disappointed. It starred an actress that I'd once had a crush on back when I'd been a teenager, back before I...

3 years ago
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Life after Death Ch 11

We deliberately showered separately so that there were no further distractions, as we had to be ready for when Tim and Issy got home from their after school sitter and Alice came home from her friends. Rachel was pleased, as she had bought a lovely outfit that day that she thought would be ideal for this evening. I pottered around downstairs for a while, making sure that I caught up on my e-mails and fed the dog whilst allowing Rachel the space to get ready. Just before 5.30 Alice arrived,...

1 year ago
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The Hermit of Scarecrow ValleyChapter 14

Bobby woke first. He was accustomed to getting up early, usually before the sun rose. He did most things without benefit of power tools or other labor saving devices, and little tasks took him as long as they had taken men two or three generations earlier. He didn’t care. All he had was time. Waking in the arms of a warm, naked, woman, however, was something that had never happened to him, and he was completely at a loss as to what to do. Mindy was lying on top of his left arm, in which he...

1 year ago
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WinnerChapter 10

It took me the best part of an hour to get home. I did a lot of thinking on the way. I eventually concluded that the hopefully-achievable benefits outweighed the possibly-dire consequences and that it was very unlikely that opportunity was going to knock again any time soon, especially not in the form of a pretty blonde with a rich husband. And, although I would rather not admit it, from the back of my mind came the thought that I had just about run out the string as a ballplayer. I also...

3 years ago
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Ethan came up behind his mother as she leaned over the kitchen table reading the morning paper. Her short, silky robe clung to her curvy figure and it was obvious to him that she was naked underneath it. "Morning mom," he said as he slipped his arms around her from behind. "Hi sweetie." She responded as he pressed his morning erection into her full ass and slid his hands up to cup her large breasts. "Ethan!" she giggled, and pulled away from him. He noticed her flushed face and stiff...

2 years ago
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Slender sexy students submission 1

I ring at her door. She opens immediately. Shows a sweet shy smile. She is dressed just as I expect.I ordered her to wear just a simple short skirt and a showy shirt, closed only at the few lowest buttons.I smile, to show I like what I see. She embraces me and whispers 'Warm welcome for help, my Master'.I get a glimpse of her firm little titties and let my hands slip under her skirt to check the lack of any slip.I unlock my belt and invite her to kneel down, open my fly to find that tool, to...

3 years ago
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Little Robin has Big Ideas

I made the first time happen for me during my sophomore year in High School. Although I was sixteen, I stood only four foot ten and weighed ninety pounds. Most boys treated me like their little sisters, patting my on the top of my red head and cracking short jokes. Although I was short, I was well built. Some guys in computer class had gotten a hold of the band uniform list, and published the measurements of all the girls in school. In addition, they made a computer model of me at five...

2 years ago
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Daughter To DaughterInLaw

Hello all ISS readers! I’m Susant again. Thanks for your over whelming response to my all 4 stories. I repeat, I love to ram cunts of virgins of 18(-) and experience their screaming, moaning. I want to share the experience of such teen virgins when they got fucked by monster cocks. I’m sure this one also will be appreciated by u. Let me come to the point. This is an incest sex story of a girl. The story is like this .I am Nisha Kulkarni, a girl from an orthodox Brahmin family. Like most Brahmin...


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