A Bumbling Suitor free porn video

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Shea’s elder sister arrived home from two years working in Europe. Douglas Jones had been invited to tag along with the family as he’d been going out for Shea for three months and everyone was expecting him to pop the question anytime soon.

At the airport Douglas watched with a grin as Betty, Shea and youngest sister Annie ran screaming at Bella as if she’d been away from home for twenty years rather than two years. The girl’s father, Luke, standing with Douglas smiled and said, ‘Women reckon guys make too much noise at times but look at that lot will you?’

‘Yeah, are you glad to have Bella home?’

‘Oh yes, although she’d thirty I still like to keep an eye on my brood. Europe is a little far away for my eyesight at my age.’

It was a feeble joke but Douglas laughed politely. ‘So she’s come home to find a guy to marry and settle down?’

‘Correct so don’t be surprised if Shea acts a little protectively at times, thinking Bella could make a move on you.’

‘In that case thanks for the warning. But why aren’t you worried about Annie?’

‘I am worried about Annie, really worried and so is her mother. Um, I shouldn’t be mentioning this but do you notice she never looks at guys and is extremely close to Meg and Tammy and those three are always touching?’

‘You’re not suggesting…’


‘Well Mr Carter, I’ll point out that’s not such unacceptable behavior these days and Annie is living in a girls’ only dorm at college, rather isolated from guys.’

‘Well all I’m saying is that we’re worried. We’d hate her to be pregnant but having a guy sniffing around would ease my concern.’

‘Want me to chat to her about it for you?’

‘Hell no, none of us are saying anything. Just act as if she was a normal young woman. God, Betty will cut my throat if she knows I have been discussing this with you.’

‘Then why discuss it with me?’

‘Because I’m worried.’

The dark blond Douglas at 6ft 2in placed his hand on the shorter man’s shoulder and said, ‘Your secret concern is safe with me. I can tell you Shea’s sexual focus is straight as an arrow.’

Luke grinned and slapped Douglas on the back. ‘Well, the melee is over. Let’s step forward and I’ll introduce you to my pride and joy. Oh, that’s another secret.’

Douglas thought the new arrival was a lively personable woman and wondered if he could hurry along her quest to settle. He obviously appealed to her.

‘Oh God,’ she said, giving him a big kiss and holding on to him. ‘It is so nice meeting you.’

Douglas said, ‘Me too. I have a buddy who might like to take you to a movie.’

Slightly caught with her mouth open, the attractive brunette quickly adjusted. ‘Well perhaps. I should stay home tonight.’

‘What about Friday night — we all could go to a bar and I’ll invited him along, just for a drink? Then it’s up to you.’

‘What about me?’

Everyone expect Bella looked at Annie in surprise. Douglas said did she mean she wanted to tag along on Friday night or did she want to appraise one of his buddies if he could find one who was off the lead on Friday night.

‘You and Shea never ask me out with you and here’s Bella just arrived home and she’s invited out with you two already.’

‘Annie, I’m sorry. It wasn’t a slight. You always seem to be studying when you come home at weekends or going out with your friends.’

‘Possibly but my point Douglas is you never talk to me.’

‘Please come with us on Friday night Annie. If you’ll late arriving we’ll wait for you.’

‘Thank you.’

‘Well let’s grab Bella’s luggage — just as well I changed to a SUV a few months ago with all you women getting bigger in the body,’ Luke said, and was almost assaulted by a pack of females in denial about weight gain.

On Friday night it took only thirty seconds for Bella to close up on Douglas’s friend Frank and from that point Frank only had eyes for her. Douglas had invited Jackson along to meet Annie but as Jackson was also into pharmacy, he and Shea had a lot to talk about so Annie and Douglas were left looking sheepishly at one another in the packed bar, standing only inches away.

Finally, in the half yell one uses in a crowded, noisy bar, Annie who was the tallest of her family and the most athletic, said looking at Bella and Frank making great headway, ‘You really are a nice guy.’

‘Thank you. I’m sorry you feel I have ignored you and I guess it’s true.’

Annie frowned. ‘You know it’s true.’

‘Okay, I admit it.’

‘Why have you ignored me?’

Douglas had no idea — perhaps it was because he was a law graduate, aged twenty-eight, whereas she was a law student just turned twenty-one. Well, this was the time to probe without raising suspicion. ‘I suppose it’s partly because of the age gap and partly because you seem focused on females.’

‘Do you think I’m gay?’

‘I have no such opinion and it’s none of my business.’

‘If you must know I have experimented with two of my girlfriends and we have continued at college because there was so many male creeps there who just bang any female they can get their hands on.’

‘Annie, I really don’t need to know. You are a lovely young woman with great personality and…(Douglas paused to look at her breasts long enough for her to catch him looking)…you would appeal to most guys.’

‘Do I appeal to you?’

‘What, as an acquaintance?’

‘Yes, and sexually?’

Douglas swept his hair back knowing the conversation was becoming dangerous because Shea was standing not too far away. ‘Yeah. Listen you could get me strangled.’

Annie laughed and drank more of her cocktail. ‘I’m rather shy around guys and not very experienced.’

‘You mean you haven’t done it with a guy?’

‘A few times. Five times to be exact, spread among guys.’

‘What, you can remember such statistics?’ asked Douglas, rather surprised.

Coloring, Annie said, ‘I remember my sexual encounters without regarding them as statistics. Don’t you?’

The lawyer looked blank and Annie frowned and said she didn’t think so. To move out of the hole he found himself in conversationally, Douglas scratched his nose and said, ‘If you’d like to sample an older guy there’s Jackson over there who’s not happy with his present girl friend. I could put in a quiet word and use skill to avoid any embarrassment for you.’

‘I’d like to meet you somewhere one evening.’

‘Christ Annie, what are you saying?’

‘I know what I’m saying, and so do you. May I call you some mornings?’

‘If you feel you have to. I’m at the office at 8:00 and don’t meet clients until 9:00. Ask Shea for my number.’

‘Oh you funny man,’ Annie laughed, holding out her glass for another drink. When Douglas returned Annie was talking to her sisters and Douglas fetched fresh drinks for them and his two pals.

Bella was tired so the women left early. Shea, who usually stayed with Douglas at weekends, kissed him and said she’d see him at a cookout lunch at the family home on Sunday. She had invited Frank and Jackson. Bella kissed everyone while Annie simply said goodbye to the guys and scarcely caught Douglas’s eye as she turned to leave.

Sitting on his bed that night, a little fuzzy headed from excessive alcohol, Douglas wondered if it were polite to fuck his girlfriend’s sister and decided it depended on the girlfriend …and the sister. What the hell could a guy do? He decided to let Annie make the waves if she was of a mind to do that and see where that took them. He smiled thinking that was a cop out and didn’t he want to remain loyal to his girlfriend?

The pool at the Carter’s home was closed down for the winter but the early afternoon was warm enough to stand outside and before long the daughters and male guests divided into two teams and played ‘dribble’ soccer, the yard being too small to tak
e hefty kicks.

Later Douglas was entering the bathroom when Annie pushed him in and locked the door.

She looked at him defiantly and said, ‘Well Mister, what does a guy usually do when he’d locked in a bathroom with an attractive woman?’

‘Kisses her and feels her tits I suppose.’

‘Well, what are you waiting for?’

Douglas’s advice to himself was don’t remonstrate, get it over fast and get out of there.

Annie’s body felt firm as he took her in his arms and kissed her gently. He felt her mouth open and pushed in. She pulled his hand on to her left breast and he fondled her until the nipple rose and felt rubbery.

‘Right have a pee and get out of here,’ he said, a little tersely.

‘I want you to watch me pee.’



‘It’s not an elegant thing to watch.’

‘I don’t care.’

‘Well hurry up them. The longer we stay here the greater the chance we’ll be found in here together.’

Douglas watched and saw nothing but Annie looked pleased and kissed him lightly and left. He locked the door and wiped his brow thinking that girl deserved to have her ass smacked. That left him with a grin.

Later in the afternoon Bella and Frank went off for a walk and returned looking rather sheepish as if announcing to everyone Bella had gotten her first fuck back on home soil. Douglas was under the impression they’d get along fine and it did not escape him that Jackson and Shea had become real buddies although they’d not touched — in fact they remained no closer than three feet apart all afternoon except when they’d played soccer.

The three guys left just before five as the Carter family was having an intimate welcome home dinner for Bella that evening.

Sitting alone in his apartment, looking at the city lights against a fading sunset, Douglas thought wow, what would happen if Shea and Jackson became a number? He could fuck Annie to give her the experience she wanted. He could then ram Bella to give her a comparison against Frank and he could then shaft Betty to allow her decide if she really did prefer Luke or would she decided to live with Douglas for a few months until he wore her out.

Oh man, you need a good fuck to get back to reality, he said. He went to the nearby diner and the Harrison sisters who lived on the floor above him invited him to eat with them. Although they were in their early sixties they were good company and drank like fish. Douglas staggered off to bed glad he’d just fall to sleep and wake up a normal person not thinking of fucking his way through the Carter family. Er, the Carter women.

Two mornings later Douglas received the unwelcome call.


‘Oh hi. You are back at college I guess.’

‘Yes. So what do you think about me?’

‘You appear lively, intelligent and with perhaps just the right focus to do very well when you go on to law school soon.’

‘You’re teasing me.’

‘Annie, please listen. This is going the wrong way about getting experience. Think how hurt Shea will be and if we did go ahead I would have to live with my conscience.’

‘Don’t you wish to sleep with me?’

‘Not really.’

Annie cut the call. Douglas sighed with relief, mistakenly thinking it was all over. But next morning she called again.

‘Hi, are you sorry you were so mean to me yesterday morning? You made me cry.’

‘I’m sorry. You don’t deserve to be made to cry.’

‘Oh thank you, that’s encouraging.’

Douglas almost panicked. He drew in a deep breath, loud enough for her to hear.


‘I don’t wish to encourage you.’

‘Douglas, my focus is on you. You’re a dead duck. Give in now and get it over with.’

‘What, just one encounter and it’s over?’

‘I could think about letting you go that quickly.’

Douglas said goodbye with a touch of hostility in his voice and cut the call.

Annie called the next two mornings and they had similar truncated conversations, cool businesslike and devoid of friendly emotion and yet they were discussing the framework of a sexual liaison.

On Thursday Douglas arranged to have afternoon coffee with his section head, Mrs Ryan, who was a motherly type. He’d told her it was personal and she said oooh, she’d extend his time to twenty minutes.

Elaine was so interested she virtually sat at attention. ‘Well I understand why you have come to me. Your parents live four hundred miles from here and this is scarcely something you can discuss with Shea or her mother. Technically, Annie is becoming a stalker.’

‘Technically I agree as I feel she is closing in on me.’

‘I can say I can’t blame her. She’s had a little bit of experience from what you’ve said, she might be a mite confused about her sexuality. She’s decided to have it off with someone she believes she can trust and feel comfortable with and I think she’d made a fine choice.’

‘Elaine,’ Douglas groaned. ‘You are piling guilt on to me and adding to my trapped feeling.’

‘I was just painting the picture dear so you could see it clearly. You wanted advice, so here’s my best shot. As an older woman, a mother, this is what I think you should do.’

Douglas returned to his office, almost reeling. He’d not know how to handle this before and now after talking to Elaine he felt like a rookie about to make his first parachute jump and someone was yelling it was his turn. He’d not talked to Shea all that week because their arrangement was she’d do the calling. She called that evening and after the usual sweet talk and catching up she said, ‘Jackson has invited me to accompany him to a major seminar sponsored with a pharmaceutical company on Saturday and there’s a dinner at night. What do you think?’

The idea made Douglas feel surly but he could see the advantage of professional liaison that went beyond Jackson and sure as hell he couldn’t provide that for Shea to this extent so he said, ‘That’s okay.’

‘Okay what?’

‘You go to both the seminar and the dinner. You will be mixing with like-minded professionals.’

‘Dinner will mainly be socializing. I can skip the dinner and go out with you.’

‘No it’s fine. I’ll meet you at the bar tomorrow night and we’ll go out for a bite darling.’

‘I’d love to do that. Good night darling. Oh, I’ve decided to stay home this weekend. As you know, Bella is just home.’

‘Yeah, right. Goodnight.’

Douglas was miffed but only slightly. He wondered if Jackson was sniffing around Bella and would she encourage him? Well he’d keep an eye on them tomorrow night.

The young stalker called him next morning. ‘Hi, are you still grumpy?’

‘What, with you?’


‘Actually I’m thinking of a solution but it worries me.’

‘Oooh, what can you tell me? My pussy has an opening for a swell guy like you.’

‘Annie, please. I work with a leading law firm and…’

‘Okay, I’ll back off. I’m going to a party tomorrow night so will see you Saturday.’

‘If I don’t see you I’ll give you a call. You know Annie I’m interested in helping you with your problem but that creates more problems. There is a way and I’m thinking about it.’

‘Do you really want to fuck me and fuck me good?’

‘I’ll answer that question but not here at the office Annie.’

‘Wow, I’m playing with myself in excitement.’

Douglas smacked off a loud kiss and cut the call.

On Friday night in the bar Shea kissed Douglas warmly but did not push her crotch in against him as she usually did and when he placed a hand on her breast she pulled it away gently and laughed. Douglas and Jackson hugged and slapped each other on the back. Jackson bought Douglas a beer and they chatted for a while, leaving Shea to talk with some others in their last-Friday-of-the-month meeting of the full gang.

Shea asked if Jackson could come to dinner with them and Douglas said that was fine. Douglas
spent the next hour largely listening to those two talking and thinking he was being made surplus to requirements. As he finished his main course Douglas asked casually, ‘Have you too been fucking?’

Jackson didn’t quite know where to look. Shea looked shocked and very red-faced said, ‘How dare you?’

‘That’s not an answer Shea. Have you?’


‘Come on pal,’ Douglas said. ‘Women lie about these things but guys tell their real pals the truth.’

Jackson looked at Shea who shook her head furiously but he decided to ignore her. ‘We’ve decided to do it tomorrow night, given the opportunity.’

‘That’s fine pal, Shea is very good. Enjoy it. Here’s the money for the meal. Keep the presents I’ve given you Shea and have a great life.’

Shea burst into tears and Jackson hugged her. Douglas reached over and patted Jackson on the shoulder. ‘Stay pals Jacko. This is no big deal. And I’m not really angry with Shea but she could have told me something was happening, rather than pretending it wasn’t.’

Jackson said mournfully, ‘It just happened pal, just one of those things,’

Douglas called Annie next morning. She took sometime to answer because she’d been asleep and had to grope for her phone.


‘It’s Douglas. It’s after 9:00 so I thought you’d be on your way to the gym.’

‘My head’s killing me and my eyes are hanging out almost reaching my tits.’

Douglas laughed. ‘I want to tell you something and I don’t want you to repeat anything of what I say to anyone. Promise you won’t?’

‘No I meant yes of course I promise. I’m sitting on the toilet now having a pee.’

‘I think I can hear the tinkle.’

She laughed.

‘I took the opportunity to split with Shea last night. She’s Jackson’s girlfriend now.’

‘Oh, that’s a shock.’

‘Yeah, for me too. But don’t say anything, she’ll tell you guys when she’d ready.’

‘So can we fuck tonight?’

‘God, you’re ruthless. No and I’m sorry and this is the way it has to be. On four Friday nights from tonight I want you to come into the bar if you are still interested in me. You can kiss me and hang around me all evening if you like. Then if it’s still what you want we’ll go out for supper and end up back at my apartment and I’ll fuck the ass off you.’

Douglas was following the strategy Elaine had suggested to give the younger woman time to think about the situation she wanted to exploit.

‘You’ll what?’ Annie gurgled.

‘You heard. So one month from tonight and I don’t want you telling anyone about this arrangement. After our night of debauchery and if you want to kick around with me for a bit, you may invite me to lunch at your parent’s place next day and we’ll give them the news.’

‘That’s wonderful. That’s astonishing news.’

‘Great. Well that ends this call so give me a noisy kiss and I’ll smooch one in return.’

The next day Douglas received a long letter from Shea thanking him for the wonderful times she’d had with him and she regretted not handling very well the obvious wrench she wished to make in their relationship. She described herself as ‘despicably underhand and dishonest’ and asked forgiveness.

Douglas sent her flowers and wrote on the card, ‘You are Forgiven. xxx’. Well, that was the end of that.


Two weeks later Douglas had a weekend of great sex with that daughter of Elaine Ryan, his principal. Elaine called him and said her married daughter Toni would like to meet him and although Douglas hedged, waiting for her to say more, he said okay after she failed to provide more information. ‘Meet Toni at lunch tomorrow at this address. I’ll call her to say you have accepted. Oh, take a weekend bag with you.’

Douglas was left wondering what all that was about. Perhaps the family intended inviting him to go on to a cabin or out on the lake?

Rather intrigued and thinking Elaine was the only person he’d allow to set him up on an weekend bereft of details, Douglas arrived to find lunch set for two and Toni was dressed in shorts despite the cool weather and a top and obviously no bra. Handing him a drink the woman in her early thirties said, ‘Salud! Please don’t withdraw and leave me disappointed. My husband is away and I need company over the weekend.’

Douglas gulped and went on to have a weekend in great company. The woman liked sex almost as much as he did and matched him stroke for stroke all the way. If Douglas had realized bored women on their own could become quite irreverent about their marriage vows, he may have been involved in adultery years earlier. That illicit weekend broke the slow-moving month for him very nicely.

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Well, I go to meet you at the hotel. I have an address and a time to be there. When I arrive, I go up to our room, knowing that you are in the bar waiting for me. I think that I will probably have a couple of bags with me, one with all my outfits, underwear and shoes in, and another one that just has my stuff in. The first thing that I would do, would be to have a look round and unpack my bags. I would take out the six inch platform stilettos and the thigh boots. The pink thigh boots that go...

1 year ago
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Dreams Really Do Come True Ch 01

Author’s note: Ordinary guy going through a rough patch starts discovering the power of his dreams and makes his wildest desires become a reality. This is a work of fiction and any semblance to actual people or places is purely coincidental. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I walked through the depanneur door, trying to act nonchalant and casual, but as is so often the case, the more one tries acting cool, the less one actually ends up being. As it happens, I couldn’t keep my gaze straight and I inevitably...

2 years ago
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My beautiful bisexual slaves and I

        This story is intended as entertainment for adults onlyHaving become fabulously wealthy from my vast real estate, and other assorted ventures,  I decided to fulfill my deepest sexual fantasies, and to enjoy the fruits of my years of labor.  My assets totaled about thirty five billion, and I constructed a very large and special estate in Mexico, with surroundings quite conducive to peace and solitude, and to the pursuit of my vocation as a male dominant to willing women, and researcher...

4 years ago
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Lessons From My Fisting Stepdad

Lessons From My Fisting Stepdad- Chapter 1 I am in my Stepdad's room. My parents are divorced. I am living with my Stepdad. I turned 18 yrs old a few months ago, young and horny and very curious. My Stepdad is at work (or so I think). Being the horny k** that I am - I am snooping around my stepfather's bedroom hoping to find some porno. After going through his drawers, under the bed and not having any luck, I go to his closet. Above the rack of hanging clothes is a single shelf with folded...

2 years ago
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Afraid of Women Until

WARNING: Has fairytale elements and possibly unAmerican-like humor. ONE The popularity of Kevin MacLeod virtually went from zero to heaps in 48 hours. Lean and lanky, with teenager pimples on his 24-year-old face virtually devoid of character, eyes of near translucent blue and a flaring red nose and thin, turned down at the corner lips, the word ‘unattractive’ rather understated his woeful appearance. ‘A carcass ready for the mortuary,’ one young upset English woman was heard to remark in...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Allie Addison Harmony Wonder Who8217s Your Favorite

Jason has come to visit his niece by marriage, Allie Addison and her stepsister, Harmony Wonder. Uncle J asked Harmony if she wanted to go to the fair with him, and the girls wind up arguing over it as Jason walks in. He says that if the girls will get along, he will take both girls. Instead of making things better, Uncle J’s offer makes things worse. The girls start arguing and Harmony reveals that she must be the favorite because Jason let her suck his dick once. Jason points out that...

4 years ago
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Confessions of a transvestite hooker or whore

Confessions of a transvestite hooker or whore – you cannot be serious I hear you cry – well I am as I reflect on my life in dresses to date and some of my experiences which I am about to write about here as a memoirs of a life in dresses.So why use the term ‘hooker’ or ‘whore’ – well what I am about to relate from my current stage of life the memories are that upon reflection the meets I am about to relate felt more like me being a provider of sexual services and pleasure to people desperate...

2 years ago
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Parking lot cock

Yesterday I was feeling a bit restless and decided to go the glory hole for a little fun. I showered and shaved and headed out. I got there about 12 noon because that’s usually a good time during the week. You know, guys on lunch break. I pulled into the parking lot on behind the building and was surprised to see it completely empty. I thought shit, no one here today. I figured that I would go in and worst case I would watch a video and jerk off. So I walked to the door to find it locked....

3 years ago
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BohicaChapter 15

I was bent over the hood of a car, and moaning as I felt the cock plowing into me over and over again. I moaned, feeling the shaft sliding in and out of my pussy. I felt the guy behind me remove his hand from my hip and start to play with my ass. “No baby, not there” I moaned, and I heard Paul say “Please honey, let me do it tonight. I promise to be gentle.” I moaned, and asked him not to. I felt his thumb press against my butt, and I said no again. “Baby, you know I don’t like that. Tell...

3 years ago
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Catherine Dixons PunishmentChapter 4

The two weeks spent without hearing from her young ‘Master’ Sean Brady seemed to last an eternity to Catherine Dixon, for having been administered by an expert, Catherine’s piercing had gone well and the slight soreness in her nipple had disappeared after only a few days. So To her pleasant surprise, m Catherine was soon proudly moving the small gold ring around her healed nipple with ease, astonished at just how much more sensitive her nipple had now become. Indeed it appeared to Catherine...

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Nude Beach

I was looking forward to this vacation for a long time. I had been working hard and my stress level was at it's highest. I decided to go to Jamaica and just relax at a secluded beach.I checked into my hotel at Negril and discovered it was basically for couples. I asked around and the hotel staff directed me to some nearby restaurant/bars where singles could be met. I proceeded there that evening and although I didn't score I knew I was going to have a good vacation. The next morning I wandered...

2 years ago
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MackChapter 03

On Thursday Irene isn’t surprised to have a visit from Marker’s wife and his mother with Hammer’s wife around ten o’clock. However, the other seven senior women of the tribe weren’t expected. They sit down for tea and biscuits while they chat about Irene’s circumstances. After half an hour Ma Hanson asks, “Irene, can you show us where you’re up to with the new houses, please?” Irene smiles as she nods yes. They get up and go over to the new houses. While they walk Irene tells them where...

1 year ago
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My Second time Bi Experience the Second Hour

Ok, I had just had my first Bi KISS and first CUM Kiss with Tom who was just as Happy as he could be. After our kiss, he said how much he was enjoying introducing me to the Bi life. So here we stand, my chest still sticky with the random cock's cum, my head spinning a little from what I had just done to that cock...totally naked except for shoes...with Tom who was Also totally naked as well. He said "Now, where were we?" and he took my aching cock in his hand and made me sit back on the bench...

2 years ago
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Stop WatchChapter 3

I made my way home with a remarkably clean conscience considering what I had just done. My utter lack of guilt at having taken advantage of an unaware young woman should have worried me - but it simply didn’t. I had been right on the verge of doing ... I don’t even know what - with Kara. Walking away from that temptation had actually filled me with a measure of pride. Think on that for a moment - I was actually proud that I had molested another girl instead of my daughter. With time still...

3 years ago
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Enter Bad Brenda

Enter Bad Brenda by PYT Kirk and Tommy ran full speed out into the parking lot behind shopping mall. Pausing behind a dumpster, the two boys caught their breath. Kirk pulled a box from his track and field jacket. "I think we lost the mall security guards," said Kirk. "Yeah," said the smaller boy. "But I don't think it was such a great idea to steal from a wizard." "Pfaw! He was a guy in a bathrobe in a mall. You are so dumb sometimes." "Oh yeah? Well how do you explain the...

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The InvestigatorsChapter 6

Eddie was up at 6 AM which was his usual time. He read the local paper on line with a cup of coffee made the night before. While he did that fresh coffee brewed in the drip machine. The machine was one of the old style Mr. Coffee knock offs sold in Walmart. It might be a knock off, but it made good coffee. Eddie joked that it should have been called Mr. China. As was usual he ate a bowl of custom cereal which he mixed himself. It was a blend of cheap cereals bought at the dollar store. The...

1 year ago
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The Take Over

I could feel his cock throb as he released his spunk deep into me. We both lay still for a couple of minutes as he softened and slipped out together with half his erupted load. He kissed the tip of my nose and glided to the side.We lay side by side, I felt wonderful. I held his hand between us as I felt the rest of his cum trickle out of my pussy. We both looked at each other and smiled; I knowing what we were doing was not right, but oh so good.My name is Jodi; I’m fifty-six years old and I...

3 years ago
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Black Dahlia AvengedChapter 9

Dee looked out from the stifling warmth of the car; its open windows and the feeble through-breeze they created doing little to cool the women as they waited anxiously across the road from the cafe. The waft of leather which came from Carmen's tight and squeaky outfit somehow complementing the feminine scents borne by her and the other women, but though they had parked just a short while before, the sweet mixture of essences and the increasing heat had them all longing to be out in the air....

2 years ago
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A Family game

Our family have always been very close and bonded well. First and second cousins, aunts and uncles would regularly meet for parties and special occasions. My wife and I have always suspected that things on my side of the family were a little abnormal. My brother Cliff has never been married and has never really had a steady girlfriend despite his good looks and wealth. He always acts the innocent one but whenever the younger family members are around, you would often see him staring at their...

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Cousin Fucked My Hot Wife While I Watched

Hi, I thank all of you for the love and support you have shown for my previous stories. Hope they made you cum in your pants and wet in your twats. I am married to Sunita for five years. Now we have a two-year-old kid. Sunita had been breastfeeding him all the time, yet her boobs are still perky and she is as usual horny. My young cousin Vikas was visiting us here. He had just completed a business degree from a reputed college, and was in Mumbai for job hunt. He had like some 10-15 interviews...

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Step one Giving In

I’ll be honest, I’m horny and I’m absolutely sick of waiting. I’m a 29 year old virgin and I've decided it's time I do something about it. So tonight I dressed in a red and black wrap dress and black stiletto heels. After a quick fluff of my hair I was ready. I wasn’t sure where I was going, but I knew what was going to happen when I got there. I went to a club called ‘Body on me’. The music was loud and the place was packed. I hadn’t been in the place for a good minute and already I had four...

First Time
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Fantastic Four Strange Appetites

In the large research complex of the Baxter building, a portal the size of a large doorway swirled open, its shape a raging torrent of a circle yet calm, while a group of people made their way out of the passageway. “My goodness how disorientating, a world with five suns, I wonder how the life on that world deal with so much solar radiation.” Wondered Reed Richards out loud, typing notes onto a small digital notepad while the rest of the Fantastic Four stepped out with him. “Yeah, five suns...

3 years ago
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friends with benefits in a stationery store part I

“I know,” I sigh. “It just sucks, is all.” “You’re a good looking guy. You’ll bounce back in no time.” Rebecca flashes me a grin before disappearing into the stockroom. It would have been our 6-month anniversary today if Elaine hadn’t broken up with me. An old lady ambles toward the checkouts with a handful of pens and pencils. “Hiya, just these?” “Yes thanks,” the elderly lady smiles. I scan the items through and wait for her to finish fiddling with the EFTPOS...

1 year ago
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Bouncing Bella

This story is written from both father and daughters perspective New BELLA Until last year my life was pretty normal. Dad worked. Mum stayed home and me and my sister went to school. We lived in a nice house. All was pretty great. Then when I was 14 my mum died in a car accident.  my sister was 6.  Dad was a mess. We all were. He started drinking every night when he came home from work. Which he never did when mum was alive.  He never became abusive or angry so it was never really a...

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Travels With Miss LucyChapter 2

Lucy was playing with her pussy on top of the white leather sofa dressed only in her signature high heels and black leotard that was so tight that the fabric rode up into the crack of her ass and almost disappeared. Her pussy didn’t seem to mind the attention and it was purring like a kitten with all nine lives. She had a jet black pussy that was like a furry lump of coal with two glowing eyes right in the middle. The pussy’s name was Scotty and he was a he with a capital “H”. I knew his...

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Unexpected Encounter At Bus Stop Lead To Erotic Session On Bed

Hello everyone…. This is Tarun Goyal from New Delhi…. This is my first story at ISS and the description is also about my first sexual encounter….. If there are any errors then please do inform me coz mistakes are the source of improvement….. Your feedbacks are appreciable to encourage me to write more stories….. My mail id is … Any lady girl or woman interested in having some workout around Delhi NCr region can also mail me…. Now not boring uh i directly come to my story…. This story is going...

2 years ago
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My Teenage God Ch 3 Deborahs Story

Deborah Kass, a twenty-six year old fellow grad student of Davids, had been looking forward to tutoring for months now. She had been so excited when Breanne, the program organizer, had told her about the program. She had always wanted to give back to the local community and work with kids. She had had a tutor in high school as well who had made a great impression on her, she hoped to be such a role model. Deborah arrived at the school early, wanting to make a good impression. For the occasion...

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A whole new world part 1

Dianne was 46 when she and Will bought their vacation home.   They had been married 25 years and in some respects it was a testimony to them making it that long.   After all, they had gotten married at the tender age of 21.   But more than 25 years and three grown kids later, they were still together.   Was it a perfect marriage?   No.   But it was a relatively good one.   Will worked too much and they were just not as affectionate as Dianne would have liked.   But in truth, it was really...

4 years ago
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Old Photograph

I eke out a meagre living by buying, unseen, items left in storage that their owners have defaulted payment on. You know they might have died or moved on, leaving their belongs behind in a secure lock up. After six months the storage firm can sell off these items to recover their costs. The company holds auction every month or so and I bid on the smaller lots that the big boys are not interested in. I usually end up with a lot of tat, old school books and report cards, that are worthless to...

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First his daughters now it was my turn

I stood nervously outside the big gate, my finger hovering nervously over the bell, if pressed, would announce my arrival.I looked around, we were in the countryside and his house was the only one around. I looked at my bicycle propped against the wall, my mode of transport and to be honest, I was more inclined to get back on the saddle than press the doorbell.'Mariel', I turned and saw him approach me from my left, he had been out with his dogs. 'Too late now', I thought, he has me.He came...

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Jimmy the College BoyChapter 2

Friday after classes I walked my roommate Derek to the bus station for his trip home to Connecticut. On the way back to school I stopped at the coffee shop for supper. O. K. a ham and cheese sandwich. Good enough and well within my budget.I had told Rita that I would call her around 7:00 PM which gave me an hour to study first. Seven on the nose I called her. "Hi it's me." I said. "How are you Rita?" "Cold Jimmy." "Uh? Why are you cold?" "Because I am naked Jimmy. I'm lying...

1 year ago
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A Trucker Drives it Home Part 3

Now here’s the scene; Doug was the driver and me a young student fresh from college. I had been chosen to go with him to oversee loading of this big milling machine we were supposed to be collecting. It was the boss who gave the order but Doug had done the choosing. There had been knowing smiles when we left the yard. Perhaps the sight of a big muscular guy and me, a handsome shapely youth, were reason enough. Anyway you can read what happened that day and the following night in ‘A Trucker...

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The LetterChapter 4

Valerie shivered, and not just from the cold. She hated not knowing if one of them was waiting in the dark. Her fingers fumbled with the lighter, but finally, she got a spark. The flame wavered, but there wasn't quite enough wind coming through the roof hatch to blow it out. She lit three of the candles, setting two of them on a shelf across from the door. The other she held in her left hand while she pulled the little pistol from her pocket. She took a deep breath and pointed the weapon at...

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Pissing Games With The working colleague

I had last year, often to do business abroad and was often accompanied by Annette, a fifteen-year-older, very attractive colleague. I myself am in my mid twenties and have indeed already had some experience with NS, go with my preference, however, like most, not necessarily peddling. It came naturally as it had come: after the first business travel has developed a nice and above all highly satisfactory relationship between me and Annette. The theme NS I had towards her not yet cut, but I was a...

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InnocentChapter 3

I pulled my knife out of where it was sticking through the galoot's wrist and into the table. He fell to the floor, just plain screaming bloody murder. The swamper ran over with his slop bucket and poured the water onto the burning pants. The fire went out, but not before the man's balls got well cooked. The marshal and a doctor showed up about the same time. Several witnesses and I told the marshal what happened, so the marshal congratulated me on a novel approach to self defense. The...

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The plane was about to land. All I could think about for the last five hours was Gina. I kept thinking about what she would be wearing and what she said the last time we met. Gina is about 15 years younger than I. She worked for me a few years ago when I hired her right out of college. I will never forget her first day in the office. She was wearing an off-white blouse with a short navy blue skirt along with 2 inch heels. Her brown hair glistened and her smile could light up a room. I always...

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My Girlfriend Stole My Cock Day 2

Warm water running down my hairy chest, I can feel the water running along my pussy lips, "my pussy lips" I say softly, not even realizing or caring I said it aloud. I reach down and cup my mound, I gently graze my finger against my clit and instantly start getting aroused, but as I start working my clit the soreness from yesterday's activities comes back to me. I get out of the shower, dry off and walk towards my dresser. I pull open my top drawer and pull out a pair of my favorite...

4 years ago
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My Tryst Into Heaven

Hi readers, I have been reading stories on iss since a long long time. So, just thought I will share my experience. I am Yash(the name she used to call me with), currently working and living in Pune, but this is from when I was in College in Ujjain. (Note – I am writing this note after I finished typing the story. The story is long, and this part does not even have complete sex. I wrote (typed) every word as I remembered each day and moment so there may be faults, I am sorry for them and...

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