334 A Matter Of Costal Ccuckolding free porn video

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CRASH, THEN A TAIL OF RUMBLING, just seconds after the brilliant lightening had lit the darkening sky. Leaning from their attic bedroom window they clung together 5 floors up above the usually busy promenade, watching the blue-black clouds of an approaching heavy storm threateningly approach across the English Channel approaching from the French coast as they knew it would. They had been warned, the radio full of the destruction this storm had caused as it rampaged across Europe, the sea roughening with every passing second, the last of the little fishing fleet being dragged by one of the small tracked dozers owned by the group, from the water`s edge up the safer shingle beach. The showmen at the fairground amusements rapidly sheeting up their rides knowing the storm was about to hit and the financial holiday day trade was finished for them at least for today. The last miniature railway train had scampered to its shed, and sheets were being thrown over Dumbo and his friends on the little ride they had grown to love to watch these last few months opposite the block of flats, above the souvenir shop they called home, Home, being this tiny two room flat, sharing a bathroom on the floor below with the old landlord who lived in the bedsit next to it, they called him scrooge but his name was Mr Thomas.
The wind began to rise, another wicked flash of shear power and another crashing rumble caused them to look seaward.
The towns lifeboat was speedily beating a course seaward, an orange and blue splash of colour tossing about on the white topped grey water, on route once again on this wild afternoon to perform some gallant deed they had no doubt.
They watched the brave little boat hammering at its best speed into the grey spray, Tim knowing that Flo`s brother Fred was aboard, her twin brother being a volunteer crew member. Tim`s finger deep in her sex, felt her tense as she, realising the danger her sibling would be facing, yet again, tensing her body.
They had been together now some months, most of that summer season, the tiny flat all they could afford, but they were happy and content together, unmarried it`s true, but committed lovers in every sense.
Quiet inoffensive Florence had set her sights on him some time ago but was a shy one with folks she had not been introduced too and until there had been that opportunity on the sea-front, they had never spoken. She had caught his eye that day, he selling ice creams, her picking her moment and buying!
Now normally Flo, as he came to know her, would not have been the girl to start anything, and he being him would have not raised more than a flutter of his eyebrow, and perhaps a blush, he being so timid, but that day he had just served a couple of young women in the skimpiest swimsuits he had ever clapped eyes on, and he was feeling, well, shall we say frisky!
So, when this pretty if fairly plainly dressed middle age maid had come along having seen the girls and clocked his randy gaze, she seized her chance asking with a broad grin for “something refreshing big and creamy!” she had his full attention, and it had escalated from there, he suggesting if she wanted, she could have it with a chocolate stuck in it, so she could lick it slowly …
Apparently, she had set her mind on having him as hers and had watched from a distance, for some time they chatted, it was a gentle honey trap, he was soon keen to be caught in.
Within a week it was the local dance, and a fortnight after that, she was moving in and they were sharing the tiny flat!
Till she had seen him first, with his ice cream van she had been living with her twin brother, and working at the rock stall part time, but the brother was about to be married, so not wishing to be the wallflower she had been looking for a partner for a while. She was no virgin; shall we say brotherly love had sufficed and draw a veil over that, both to save her and both brother`s, especially the older one, some embarrassment. The three had lived together, since mum and dads passing, Florence being shy with outsiders, Francis the older brother, and Fredrick, sharing the old family cottage in the old town, till first Francis found his true love and moved to Bexhill just two years ago, and now Fred had become engaged.
CRASH, RUMMBLE RUMBLE, the storm reminded then it was about to strike, they watched as the last shutters were pulled down and various owners and staff beat a retreat to warm homes, it being late September, the season being nearly over anyway, it was only their landlord and neighbour the old lad from the souvenir shop below the flats, who they knew would be still open regardless of the weather. as he who they had nicknamed scrooge wanted every penny he could squeeze from passing trade,
The rain began pattering on the rooftiles in big wetting spots,
They closed the old dormer window, just in time as the full fury of the storm at last hit, rain splattering heavily on the glass as they sank back on the bed, entwined, still naked, the storm `s noisy arrival having interrupted their foreplay they now ignored it`s fury.
Her back arched to meet his entry, both knowing that she was as keen as he to enjoy the act they had come to enjoy. An hour passed, her two orgasms amazing, and his single massive cumming, having lulled them off to sleep. The storm slowly passing, though the rain persisting, sweeping the prom in huge slashing sprays, darkness approaching and the strings of coloured lights coming on while swinging wildly in the windy onslaught, they heard old scrooge come in, clattering and grumbling up the stairs, even he having given the storm best.
Flow brought up the question of money yet again, Tim`s job already tapering off once more, and hers already finished just a week ago, the dole would barely cover their outgoings, and the rent, well old scrooge was the landlord, and he would stand no arrears. The two flats below were used by two local girls, both toms, working girls, on the game, both fair lookers, Mistress Janice, a red head of about 40 and a slightly older blonde, called Mary, both finding life steadying now the season was closing, having to rely on regulars and barely making a living. They all knew Scrooge would be collecting his rent every Friday, and despite repeated offers from the two working girls he would not take a penny less than the rent and fearing some unspeakable disease. was not interested in any ‘discount’, However, in Flo`s case he was sure she wasn’t putting it about, he fancied her, and had hinted that “should they become”, as he put it “a bit short,” in her case he would he said “make an exception!“ his little piggy eyes undressing our heroine as he said, it one Friday afternoon when Tim was out! Knowing that it may come to that one day she had smiled but said “she would bare it in mind!” Paid the cash and once he had filled in the rent book swiftly closed the door.
Things were now becoming tight, so she had brought up the subject once more. Tim knowing the situation saying he had got a bit of painting at a farm in nearby Battle, but it was not going to keep the wolf from the door for long, they like a lot of other seasonal workers facing a bleak winter once again.
By the end of the next month they were both beginning to accept the inevitable, dole payment, minus food, heat, power, water rates, rent and a big slice of council tax and so on, doesn’t leave a lot, somehow the saving`s needed making.
So far, Flo had not told Tim about the offer Scrooge had made, thinking that there was no sense in causing a rumpus!
Then one-night in a sexual moment, Tim made the slip of saying his fantasy at that time and in truth for some years now, was to share his lady love with another man, in a threesome.
“Any one in particular? I mean have you a super-stud, or someone in your devious mind?” she asked with a grin. He said that no it didn’t really matter, just as long as he had a dick big enough to cope and was not some immature pimple, or Adonis who would fall in love with her and whisk her away…!
She smiled told him if he was that worried, she would find some crazy old bastard that, wouldn’t be a threat to him! They laughed, together, then the moment passed and she using her favourite vibrating dildoe, to pretend it was a second stud, blew him to a big orgasm once again. However, the seed was sown and over the next week she began quietly dropping the odd hint, and remarking about other men when out shopping with Tim. Whispered comments like “wow bet he`s a goer, or have you seen that bulge in his strides, his misses is a lucky girl,” that sort of thing This she broadened one afternoon mid sex, while laughing and enjoying the one pleasure that costs nothing, casually dropping in the suggestion that she should perhaps take a lover, then slowly introduce him to their love play! His broad grin told her he thought she was pulling his chain, but her next comment as she rocked her body on his erect dick, was that perhaps he would like to be cuckolded, her get a lover and he get her dressed up and sit here waiting her return with a body full of another mans cum… again he laughed though she knew the idea had him excited by the stiffening of his tool, Not now wishing to labour the point, she squeezed him with her interior muscles and the more serious business in hand overtook them both leading to a serious and massive orgasm.
It was on the Friday after lunch that the subject slid back into the conversation, they were sitting on the bed together, each with a book, nothing much to do, laying in the sun that streamed through the dormer window. A bright but blustery day outside, predatory gulls as usual here wheeling and squealing, trying to tempt the odd day-tripper to part with their chips!
She said that she was thinking about his fantasy and was he serious or was it just a passing fantasy? He put down his book carefully marked the page then with a serious face looked deep into her face and said, “Let me ask you a question first Flo, do you really love me or am I a passing fancy, and will you if you do care, really care, marry me?” she looked as though she had been given a gold bar, threw the book down her arms round his neck and kissed him. Muttering “I thought you would never ask!” then clearly said “Look muggins, whatever happens you’re the one for me, and come thick or thin WE are a couple!”
He said that he couldn’t afford even a ring yet, but he would and as soon as he could he would!
Then he kissed her and quietly said “to answer your original question, I would love to expand on the sex front but you want more I can sense it, however I can lt bring myself to hurt you, spank you or whatever else you have had in the past, I love you just too much and it`s no passing fancy, but what about you, and do you want k**s?” she said that “had he not noticed, she had never once had a period since they met?”
Now he had to admit that like most men led by this dick, he had never even thought about it, nor in fact about contraception, his mind rushing through the possibilities, his face looking shocked at the least thought that she may be pregnant
With a grin and shaking her head, she explained with a smile that he was safe, a c***dhood illness had robbed her of any hope of motherhood!
His grinning rather relieved answer was that, it meant that the world was their oyster then. She could, well more, they could, enjoy sex anytime and with whoever and whenever and in any way that fulfilled their fantasies, any they wished, but she must promise to always and forever return to him!
Laughing she readily agreed, then they kissed, said they would not ever have secrets and promptly began yet another round of the most superb vanilla sex!
A week passed, the sex having been amazing and only interrupted by shopping feeding, signing on, and occasional bouts of TV if they both needed to re-cooperate. The rent however she knew was now due in a day or so and it fitted in reasonably with her plan.
She was a little brighter than to tell Tim of scrooge`s offer, just saying she had decided to take a lover on trial, and Tim was to prepare her and await her return, like a good cuckold!
Laughing he said perhaps to add something to it to ensure he couldn’t get up and follow her. she should tie him to the bed! To which she agreed. He luckily was down in the bathroom on the next landing down next to scrooges bedsit, when old Scrooge called, so she made the necessary arrangements.
The greasy little man was grinning widely as he on his way to the two Toms down on the floor below. passed the returning Tim on the stairs, Grunting, a grinning “‘good morning” at Tim as he passed. Tim replying using his proper name “Morning Mr Thomas,” But it was a bemused Tim that arrived at the flat to ask, “what made that old misery smile?” Flow saying, she “had told him the man walking down the street with the cabbage on a lead joke, the one that when asked said it wasn’t a cabbage it was a collie!” which seemed to satisfy Tim who sat down with a wide grin.
She said that “this very evening he had to have her dressed for her new bull at 7, so he had best be toileted and ready for his bed before she left, as he would be secured, oh and he was to pick her clothing and have her ready to leave and to expect her to be a couple of hours.
His bright eyes told of the excitement and by 6 that evening he had more or less complied, she had been showered, and her hair done. He selected the underclothing that he himself loved, lacy, white as snow and matching the stockings.
To finish, the blue off the shoulder dress and matching heels, and her shawl and purse. He was allowed to go and pee, and then to lay on their bed. She clipped the handcuffs, (borrowed from Mistress Janice) from the bed head to his wrist (making sure it was his wanking arm she secured) kissed him, then clasping her small handbag, containing, if he had checked, the rent book, she swept out switching out the light as she went. He heard the stair light click then her heels on the stairs the outer door shut, then settled to listen to the bedside radio, knowing it would be two torturous hours…!
He heard the outer door open, though only ten minutes had passed the stairwell light clicked on, he could see that under the flat door, but only ten minutes had passed, she couldn’t be back surely, then scrooges door unlocking and the timed light going off. His mind a mixture of mental images, flashes of her, his love, his wife to be, in someone else`s arms, someone else`s flat perhaps, or a pub, or… he knew he had to calm down, faintly if he turned down his radio, he could just hear old scrooge`s telly, or records or something. The old boy had a thing about music, bands military and brass, and was having a music session! Time passed oh so slowly an hour then two, then Scrooges door clattered again, before the hall light, came on, he was off to the pub as usual for a couple of pints before last orders.
She should be home soon now, the front door clattered, then he heard her coming in, passing scrooge as she did, at the outer door, making a comment, he could only just hear, perhaps goodnight Mr Thomas it was too far away to hear properly.
The door clattered shut, the hall light on still, he heard her footsteps on the stairs, her key in their lock, him blinking as the light went on.
She stood in the doorway, lippy smudged, hair not quite as tidy as it was before, handbag bulging. She smiled asked him if he was comfortable then released his cuffs. They kissed, passionately, she stank of sex. He was soon hands under the dress, eagerly seeking the used cunt of his lady. The sex he sought, heaved with soggy well used seed, red and well used, he tasted it, kissed it, then slid into her pouting slot. Without further adoo or undressing. She was in extasy, she had worried that it had been a fantasy and reality would have been too much for him, that he would shun her, call her a whore, or worse, but her faith in him was vindicated, her worries over.
He didn’t last 3 minutes, hot pent up seed spewing like a major flood deep into her belly mixing with her lovers cum, Tim wondering whoever he may be, his errection unusually remaing stiff, and after just a moment, he being able to begin again, hard, brutal but vanilla sex, perhaps an element of vengeance, perhaps just lust, her head jerking with the effort, nodding with every stroke of his hips, his tool savaging her as if to chastise her for straying, her lips welded to his as they enjoyed the whole massive sensation. Again, the gasping moaning eye rolling orgasm they both needed so very much.
The dawn saw then in a stinking heap on the bed, unwashed her still in the cum-stained blue dress, the two men`s seed dried white now on the lovely skirt, her sex red from its hammering, and her once white underclothing crammed still in the purse.
They showered, together, then they breakfasted quietly in their dressing gowns. Neither knowing quite what to say, past the “pass the sugar,” or “more tea” level.
She suddenly broke; “Well? Was it all you had fantasised about?” a slow grin crossed his face then he quietly and fairly embarrassedly said that “it apparently had turned us both on going on the way you had acted on your return!”
It was her turn to look sheepish then they both fell to laughing, the embarrassment factor falling away like a sheet at an unveiling. They stood and kissed,
Later he asked who the lucky man was, and she rather surprised him by asking if he really, deep down, wanted to know? She was happy to tell him if he did but only if he was that keen to know, it being her only secret.
His nod said he trusted her, but his quiet voice said “he would like to know what went on,” adding that “for his part the mental anguish had been real torture but her return had been beyond his wildest dreams!”
She grinned then taking him by his hand led him back to the bed. They lay together side by side, a moment listening to the gulls wheeling and calling to one another as they do, then she slowly began her story.
“Well I met him in a doorway, and hand in hand he took me to his flat, and if you think this is small, his is tiny, still its clean and well kept,” she slid her hand inside his dressing gown. “We talked a while and he promised to respect the fact I was your partner and always would be, and that for this to work, on a more than one-night stand basis, he would not give you a hint of his involvement ever, unless I gave him the OK, and that seemed like best at the moment.” He nodded, and she went on “his name is Richard by the way, and he`s quite an adventurous sort of bloke and has asked if I would ask you if he could meet and share me once a week regularly, so as not to cause you inconvenience, which I thought was thoughtful, and has asked if he can have ‘free reign’ as to my body, whatever that means though he says wont mark or damage me long term if he can help it!” she grinned and said “well at least he asked, and this first time it was straight vanilla sex, though he promises me it wont be if you give him your blessing.” He had to ask, “has he a dick bigger than mine?” but she reassured him that it was “longer but slimmer and circumcised about 7 or 8 inches but not nearly as thick!” Placated he asked, “if she wanted to visit him again knowing that this man, Richard, wished to use her body in the most randy of ways?”
She hesitated a second then asked if “he was willing to spank her, tie her down and beat her, even hurt her a little as she had grown to expect with her older brother, or would he prefer another anonymous man to do the job for him?”
His answer was just as she had expected, he said “he loved her and could not bring himself to harm her, just wanting her as his wife and lover, but if she wanted more, he would show his love by not standing in her way, as long as he got the benefits and knew the details on her return. But he ‘reserved the right to say enough, and it stops if he thought it was getting out of hand.!”
She agreed, kissed him, and they made love as only committed lovers can.

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12 Maniku Matter Potal 8211 Part 1

En veetin arugil puthithaaga kudi vanthu irukum aunty matrum avalin magal, ivargalil yaar iravil oru ilamaiyaana paiyanudan matter seigigraargal enbathai jannel vazhiyaaga ulle eeti paarthu viyanthen. Intha kathai oru kala kathal kathai, athai tamil kamakathaiyil padithu aarvamaga rasiyungal, vaarungal kathaikul selalam. En peryar kanan vayathu 25 aagugirathu, enathu veetin arugil oru 100 adi thulaivil oru veedu irunthathu, naan sariyaaga angu yaar irukiraargal endru ellam kavanika villai....

3 years ago
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Railil Sex Matter Sambavam

Vanakam nanbargale, en peyar Rajesh, vayathu 26. En vazhvil nadantha unmai sambavathai ungaludan pakirnthu kolkiren. Naan siruvayathu muthal pengaludan nerunki pazhuguven, jollyaga kindal seithu kondu happyaga irupen. Naan parpatharuku velaiyaga 6 adi uyarathuku irupen. Sunni nindu perusaga 7 inch alavuku irukum. Entha oru penukum en suniyai parthal, umba vendum endra aasai thaan varum. Thinamum kaiyadithu suniyai perusaga vaithu irupen. Perunthil, pothu idam endru ella edathilum penngalai sila...

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A Matter Of Trust

Please note -: This story is written for Adults Only. It contains acts of non-consensual sex and some mild violence between females, if this is likely to offend you please do not continue to read it. This story is entirely fictional, including the characters in it. All comments welcomed and encouraged. Or by email direct to [email protected] MATTER OF TRUSTYou had taken a little convincing to make the long trip to Down Under. Sure, it would be the experience of a lifetime, especially...

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Motaril Matter Adithen

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kathaiyil en athai pennai motaril vaithu mater seithathai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Dass, vayathu 28 aagugirathu. En siru vayathil nadantha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren, en kathaiyai anaivarum padithu magizhveergla endru nambikai udan en kathaiyai thudangugiren. Appozhuthu en vayathu 19 aagiyathu, naan theni gramathirku seluven angu thaan en thatha veedu irukirathu. En thatha veetu pakathil en athai veedu irukum, athaiku oru pen irunthaal aval peyar...

3 years ago
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Size matters

Does size matter? I used to say it didn't, but in some circumstances it now does. I'm constantly being asked this question, both by random quickie hookups and from my couple of long term bitchholes, both of which love my biggest of strapons. Is it their size obsession with what goes in their slutholes that fascinates them with what I want in me? Maybe, but even before I was the man in one of these relationships, he was always worried I wanted more than he offered, despite my joy of his larger...

4 years ago
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A Matter of Perspective

Aging rapidly, John and Martha, still deeply in love after Forty years of marriage find a solution to their probable parting. Just not the one they expected. A Matter of Perspective By: Donna Allyson (c) 2001 Archiving Granted to Fictionmania All others by permission only. Chapter 1 John sat in his rocker by the window of the bedroom. He had another of those sleepless nights. The pain in his spine and legs had made it impossible to sleep. Not wanting to disturb Martha, He had...

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A matter of Security Remapped Personality Disorder

"A matter of Security-Remapped Personality Disorder" By: Alias G. Eliot (c) All rights reserved Greg put the gold cross between his teeth for the thousandth time with an irritating unconscious gesture as he did his daily pushups. It was six a.m. and he was just getting started with his daily routine of sweaty, hard muscle reps. He gritted and tried to bite the impenetrable gold metal as he pushed himself to the limit of endurance....

3 years ago
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Looks Matter

Looks Matter It was another lazy afternoon in Greensbury. The air was filled with the sights and sounds of a summer coming to an end. The smell of last barbecues and burning leaves hung in the crisp air. And it was silent. Other than the distant hum of city and a few shouts of children playing somewhere, everyone had retreated to their houses and backyards. On this very typical street in this maze of identical white houses and immaculately kept lawns a black sedan made its way to...

1 year ago
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Mind and Matter in Mejico

Note : This story is completely fictional! It would be the last resort vacation in Mejico for the three of us for separate reasons. Leo and Amanda reclined in their poolside chairs across from one another in dark shades. Angie, my wife lay next to me in her two piece and quite remarkable for a mid-aged wife. The years had been dificult on her thanks to Leo and his pervasive sex drives, but modern science had created this lady with a body resembling the day we married. Angie held up a bottle of...

2 years ago
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Vithavai Pennai Matter Adithen

Vanakam nanbargale, en peyar Venkatarangan vayathu 45 aagugirathu. Naan adikadi kama kathaigal padipen, ippozhuthu en kathaiyaiye ungaludan pagiruvathil mika santhosham. Enaku iru pilaigal irukiraargal, iruvarukum thirumanam seithu vaithu ippozhuthu naanum en manaiviyum thaniyaaga thaan veetil irukirom. Naan en manaiviyai eppozhuthum vidave maten, oothu konde irupen. Intha vayathilum en kaama veri adangaamal thaan irukirathu, en manaiviyai vaarathirku mundru muraiyavathu aasai thera matter...

1 year ago
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Vibachaariyai Matter Adithen

Hai friends, engal uuril oru vibachaari irunthaal. Aval vibachaari enbathu sila peruku matum thaan theriyum, aval soothu perithaaga pazhuthu irukum. Aval sothai paarthu mayangaatha aangale iruka mudiyaathu, aval mulai perithaaga pazhuthu irukum, niraiya angal panam koduthu antha vibachaariyai matter pottu irukiraargal endru en nanban solli ketu irukiren. Avalai naan muthal murai paarkum pozhuthe viyanthu viten, aval soothu thukalaaga perithaaga irunthathu. Aval nadanthu selum azhagai paarthu...

1 year ago
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Iravil Aunty Udan Matter

Hai friends, indru kathaiyil ilamaiyaana paiyan oru auntyai sexiyaaga iravil matter podugiraan. Eppadi auntyai usar seithu matter podugiraan endru kathaiyil paarkalam, vaarungal kama kathaikul selalaam. En peyar Guna, vayathu 26 aagugirathu, intha vayathil naan oru auntyai matter seithu viten. Auntyai eppadi seithen enbathai ungaludan pagirugiren. En pakathu veetil puthithaaga oru aunty vaadagaiku vanthaargal, avargal vaadagaiku vantha udan en veetirku vanthu inipu vazhanginaargal....

2 years ago
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Hotel Roomil Matter Poda Azhaithaal

Hi friends, en peyar Prashanth, naan oru catering student vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Engal kalluriyil vaara iruthiyil hotelil thangi velai paarka soluvargal. Naan paarka azhagaga irupen, en thudai thadimbalaaga sexiyaaga irukum. Maarbu virinthu sexiyaaga irukum, enai pengal vaitha kangal edukamal paarpaargal. Ithu naal varai naan entha penaiyum oothathu kidaiyaathu, en vaazhkaiyil oru sexiyaana vayathu athigam irukum penai oru naal night muzhuvathum matter poten enbathai ennal nambave mudiya...

2 years ago
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A Matter Of Trust Ch 02

The reunion was just as passion driven and all consuming as Colby had suspected it would be, after six weeks apart and within ten minutes of stepping into her apartment, Justin had her new dress cast onto the floor in a pink heap while she was stretched out in a recliner, her long legs dangled over each arm as Justin buried his face in her cunt. He went to work in an instant, licking…kissing…sucking…he ate at her with such intense vigor he soon had her lost in a sensual haze that felt heaven...

3 years ago
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Her Matter Of Trust

CHAPTER 1: A GAME OF CHANCEIt was a hot summer night in Philadelphia and Colin, as usual, was out with Sheryl. He probably wouldn't be home until late. With nothing better to do, Aileen went to the small alcove of their apartment where the computer was set up and signed on. Perhaps she would play a couple games of gin rummy, but what she hoped for most was that Ben would be online.Aileen Reilly had been divorced for almost ten years. Even though she hadn't had a serious relationship since her...

3 years ago
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A Matter of Betrayal Ch 01 Must Read

Today was New Year's Day, the first day of 2004. It was also Seth Reilly's birthday. Seth was turning eighteen years old today, which made this birthday even more special than most. He was an adult now, and it was time he took on adult challenges. Seth knew 2004 was going to be his year.He always liked the fact that the day he celebrated his birth, the rest of the world celebrated as well. His birthday was all ready a national holiday and all he did to deserve that was being born. Seth thought...

2 years ago
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A Matter Of Trust Must Read

CHAPTER 1: A GAME OF CHANCEIt was a hot summer night in Philadelphia and Colin, as usual, was out with Sheryl. He probably wouldn't be home until late. With nothing better to do, Aileen went to the small alcove of their apartment where the computer was set up and signed on. Perhaps she would play a couple games of gin rummy, but what she hoped for most was that Ben would be online.Aileen Reilly had been divorced for almost ten years. Even though she hadn't had a serious relationship since her...

3 years ago
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A Matter Of Interest

Sally Lewis stood in front of the door. Her eyes were wet and her mouth dry. She raised her hand to push the door bell and paused. She was thinking back to just yesterday morning when Don, her husband of three years, broke the news.“Sal,” Don said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t know that it would turn out like this. I…”“I still don’t understand,” his wife said interrupting him. “You borrowed ten thousand dollars five months ago and now you own over thirty thousand? That doesn’t make any sense. How could...

2 years ago
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Mama Paiyanai Matter Seithen

Hello friends, indru kathaiyil mama paiyanai athai pen eppadi sex seigiraal enbathai pagirugiraal. En peyar jaya vayathu 24 aagugirathu, enaku oru mama paiyan irunthaan avan peyar dinesh vayathu 19. Engal ooril nadakum thiruvizhavai parka aandu thorum oru murai veetirku vanthu povargal. Mama udan avarathu maganum varuvaan, avanai eppadi sex seithen enbathai ungaludan pagirugiren. Enaku muthal muthalil avan meethu kaama aasai eppozhuthu vanthathu endraal en thozhi avanathu mama paiyanudan...

2 years ago
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Just A Matter Of Time

[serious mood] Magic can do many things, but can it save a broken heart? How many times? One who seeks to die will find out. Just A Matter Of Time --Kiai 03aug03/14jan04 The still air is damp and chill, up here in the darkness. I'm well above the occasional cars. I can tell because their little splotches of light as they pass far below are visible through gaps in the trees. It's frustrating to have to stay silent, even up here in midair, where the bats flit past on their way from...

4 years ago
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Its not supposed to matter

Mother Nature loves to trip women up all of the time. Just when we carefully plan and predict our periods, Mother Nature decides to fuck up our schedule by pushing it back a week or making it several days early. When it is supposed to rain [and we protect our hair], it shines, and on days it is supposed to shine, it rains, causing our hair to look not so pleasant. She makes our breasts too big on some bodies and too small for others, and just a random guessing game when it comes to the rest of...

2 years ago
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Mind over Matter

To the readers: This is my second TG oriented story. I want to thank the reviewers' constructive criticism received on my first. This story is not particularly sexy, but really represents more of a general story with a major TG element or elements. As with Avarice, it has a strong scientific bent. I hope you enjoy the story. ESJr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mind over Matter ...

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Nanbanin Amma Oru Matter

Hi friends, en peyar Vasanth, vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Naan adikadi kaama kathaigal padithukonde irupen, athil amma magan kama kathai athigamaaga padipen. En kalluriyil oru naal vidumurai vitargal, andru en nanban veetirku naan sendren. En nanbanuku amma matum thaan irunthargal avanuku appa illlai, amma thanimaiyil thaan irunthargal. En nanban Asif veetirku sendru irunthen, avan amma ilamaiyaaga irunthaargal. Naan ninaithu kuda parka villai, asif amma oru mallu penaaga irupaal endru. Iru...

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Thangaiyin Thozhiyai Matter Adithen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyana 19 vayathu pennai usar seithu matter pota kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Enaku oru thangai irukiraal avaluku vayathu 19 aagugirathu. En thangaiku oru thozhi irupaal aval peyar saranya vayathu 19 aagiyathu, vayathu thaan siriyathu aval mulai periyathu. Soothu miga sexiyaaga irukum, en veetil adikadi vanthu poval. Ennai adikadi sight adipaal, avalai enaku migavum pidikum. Naan pesinaal en idam sirithu pesuvaal, en amma ilatha pozhuthu thaan...

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Kathali Akka Swethavai Matter Poten

Hi friends, kamakathaiyil thirumanam aana kathaliyin akkavai sex seitha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Ravi. Vayathu 26 aagugirathu. Naan oru pennai kathal seigiren. Avalum naakum 2 varudangalaaga kathal seigirom, en kathaiyai naan matter seithu irukiren. Iru varudathirku munathaaga niraiya pengalai sex seithu irukiren, en kathali kuthiyil ookum pozhuthu niraiya ratham vanthathaal thaan aval virgin penaga irupathal thaan avalai kathal seithen. Naan oru play boyaaga thaan irunthen,...

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19 Vayathil Matter

Hi nanbargale, en peyar Ashik, vayathu 19 aagugirathu, en udan padikum nanban udan avan veetirku sendru irunthen. Avan amma ilamaiyaaga irunthaargal avargal kanavan veli naatil velai paarthu irunthaar. Naan selum pozhuthu amma matum thaan irunthargal, naan en nanban udan veetirku sendren. Avargalai muthal murai paarkum pozhuthu ena neengal ilamaiyaaga irukareergal paarka miga azhagaga irukareergal endru solinen. Ennai pasamaaga ule vara vetraargal, aunty en idam nandraaga pesi...

4 years ago
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Office Velaikaariyai Matter Aditha Kathai

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en office mallu velaikaariayai eppadi oothen endra kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. En peyar Vikram, vayathu 25 aagugirathu, enaku innum thirumanam aaga vilai. Naan govt examku nandraaga padithukondu irunthen, appozhuthu bour adikum pozhuthu ellam kama kathai padithu kai adipen. Enaku bitu kathai endraal migavum pidikum, athai padikum pozhuthu ellam naane oru pennai oopathu pola unaruven. Kama padangal paarpathai vida kama kathaigal thaan ungalai athiga...

1 year ago
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A Matter of Interest

Sally Lewis stood in front of the door. Her eyes were wet and her mouth dry. She raised her hand to push the door bell and paused. She was thinking back to just yesterday morning when Don, her husband of three years, broke the news. “Sal,” Don said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t know that it would turn out like this. I…” “I still don’t understand,” his wife said interrupting him. “You borrowed ten thousand dollars five months ago and now you own over thirty thousand? That doesn’t make any sense. How...

3 years ago
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Size Matters Chapter 1

Size MattersBy Paul Garland A Cuckold Collection Novella (available on Amazon) All rights reserved by the authorContents copyright 2020 © Paul Garland and Cerulean PublishingThis is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.The Cuckold CollectionI decided to start a new series...

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Love Is The Only Thing That Matters

Love Is The Only Thing That Matters By Troy When I first changed, love was the last thing on my mind. However, life has a strange way of showing you the right path. I'm getting ahead of my life. Let me tell you my story. Now when you see my body, you note an attractive, young, Hispanic female. That's not how I started. I was once a burly, white male who was at best average looking. Then I met Carrie. She would be responsible for changing my life forever. She was an angel come...

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Private Matters

Private Matters by Gingerfred Man Chapter One ? Recruited Adults are often puzzled why teenagers are so surly and miserable. Fathers in particular look at their sons and say, "You?re so lucky to be young." What they?re thinking is, "You?re so lucky to be slim, have a hard cock with a quick reload, and be around all that pretty young pussy for you to boff." My dad was right about the slimness and hard cock, but the pussy didn?t seem to be yearning for my boffing. My name is...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 45 The Heart of the Matter

October 13, 1983 It was late afternoon; I was through with classes for the day. I was on my way out of the apartment, bound for practice, when the phone rang. I considered ignoring it and continuing onward, but thought better of it. Upon answering, I was greeted by a most welcome voice. "So, Mr. O'Malley, what's this I hear about you? Someone else is calling you 'Dreamy' now?" "Patti!" I exclaimed. Then I laughed as I told her, "It sure sounds like you've been talking to a...

4 years ago
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A Matter of TrustChapter 3 A Storm Of Words

For weeks after she found out the truth about Ben, Aileen wallowed in self pity and self loathing. She had done wrong and she was paying for it. She kept up a brave front whenever she was with Colin or other people, but every night she cried herself to sleep. The month of November went by like a slow agonizing time of incarceration, she was imprisoned by pain. Thanksgiving eventually came and she and Colin were invited over to Patrick's for dinner. They accepted the offer and Aileen acted...

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A Matter of Urgency

As Pastor Bob stood pressed up against the plywood divider panel, his cock and balls poking through the round glory hole, in the back of his mind he felt a twinge of guilt for being there. Yet, at the same time, the need that had driven him there in the first place had been gnawing at him for weeks and weeks!"Oh---GOD!" He said out loud, as he felt his erect cock being engulfed by that other guys warm, wet mouth; and the way he sucked on it, filled Pastor Bob with a deep pleasure he'd rarely...

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Altered Fates Family Matters

Altered Fates: Family Matters by Bashful bashful47"hotmail.com Jerry Fields was "baching" it tonight. His wife of 5 years was visiting her father for the next couple of days. Elizabeth's father, Harold Bigelow, was Jerry's boss. He owned the manufacturing plant that Jerry managed where they manufactured a variety of household cleaning products such as brooms and mops. Not very exciting but a solid, steady business. Jerry was very young to hold such a lofty position. He had...

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What does it matter

Who am I? I'm in my 60's now, yet people say I look young, many think I'm in my 40's. My face always had childlike features. Lived in the Chicago area all my life. Tall(over 6'),thin(under 175), long legs, tiny cock (1 " thick, 1"-5"long,depending on stimulative state), blue eyes, hair that started blond, turned darker around 20 then all silver at 28. Sexual preference: heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual? I'd respond "obsexual". Even though I'm married (that sexual fire died...

3 years ago
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Age Doesnt Matter

18 year old Tessa snapped at 52 year old Rita “I said now. Go to the spare room and take your skirt and knickers off because I am going to thrash you.”   The time had come for Tessa to give the older woman an Authority spanking, to show which of the two was in charge. The 18 year old or the 52 year old.   Tessa stood with her hands on her hips, tapping one foot, waiting for the older woman’s response.   Rita directed her comment at Janet, Tessa’s 43 year old Mother. Whilst she thought she...

2 years ago
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Kaalaiyil Mademai Matter Potten

Hello friends, indru sex kathiayil thirumanam aana oru mademai naan sexiyaaga usar seithu avargalai matter potten. Aval parka azhagaga irupaal, ennai vida mundru vayathu periyaval aval peyar Ramya, vayathu 35 irukum. En peyar Suresh, vayathu 32 aagugirathu, enaku innum thirumanam aaga villai. Athanaal thaan ippadi kama veri pidithu yar kidaipaargal avargalai oothu matter podalam endru kaathu kondu irunthen. Ramya kalaiyil officeku varuvaargal, naangal iruvar matum thaan muthalil officeil irupom...

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Velaikaariyai Matter Adithen

Hello friends, indru kathaiyil ilamaiyaana paiyan velaikaari udan thodarbu eer pattu matter adikiraan. Vaarungal avan eppadi velaikaariyai matter adikiraan enbathai paarkalam, en peyar vishal vayathu 22 aagugirathu. En veetil oru velaikari velai paarthu vanthal, aval peryar Alamelu, vayathu 38 irukum. Enaku muthalil velaikaari meethu entha kaama ennamum ilamal irunthathu, aval velaiyai aval parpaal en velaiyai naan paarpen. Athigam velaikaariyai kandu kola maten, naan thinamum toiletil sendru...

2 years ago
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Bikini Beach A Private Matter

Bikini Beach: A Private Matter By Bashful Anya called her grandmother and told her the bad news. "We've had another incident, someone sprayed 'Silly String' inside a locker and ruined a girls leather coat." "Damn it! Of course, no one saw anything, right?" the old woman said. "Nothing. I told the girl we would replace the jacket but she said she wasn't coming back. I'm sorry grandmother, I don't know what else we can do." Anya was near tears. There had been many incidents...

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