A Matter Of Betrayal Ch. 01 - Must Read free porn video

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Today was New Year's Day, the first day of 2004. It was also Seth Reilly's birthday. Seth was turning eighteen years old today, which made this birthday even more special than most. He was an adult now, and it was time he took on adult challenges. Seth knew 2004 was going to be his year.

He always liked the fact that the day he celebrated his birth, the rest of the world celebrated as well. His birthday was all ready a national holiday and all he did to deserve that was being born. Seth thought there was something portentous about being born on the same day a new year was born. It meant something. A new year meant new resolutions, new aspirations, and new opportunities.

His parents had thrown him a lavish party at his dad's restaurant, Reilly's Pub and Grill. The place was decorated wall to wall with streamers, balloons, and "Happy Birthday' banners, along with the Christmas and New Year's decorations still up from the holidays. The restaurant had been packed with friends, family, and people who generally just wanted to kiss his ass.

Seth may only be eighteen, but he could have written his own book on winning friends and influencing people. He had learned early in life that the more people who thought you were their friend, the more power you had. Everyone had something useful about them to exploit. You never knew when you might need someone with the right connection, and Seth knew that having the right connections was a way to achieve power and influence.

The party had been quite entertaining. His parents and siblings lavished him with affection, more than one of his friends invited him to a "real" party after this one ended, and he got a shitload of presents, some of the best ones coming from the ass kissers. It kind of reminded him of the beginning of "The Godfather". People came up to him all night asking for favors.

Seth wasn't averse to doing favors for people. In fact, he felt quite the opposite. He considered favors a type of credit. If you did something for someone, then they owed you. Most of the time what people asked of him was easy enough to accomplish, especially with his network of connections, but that was the great thing about favors, there was no real rate of exchange. You did a small favor for someone and could ask for a big one in return.

The one thing Seth demanded was respect. If he was going to bestow a boon to someone, he damn well better see they respected him as a person of power. If someone asked him to do something as petty as to pass the salt and Seth perceived they regarded him as little more than their bitch, he would tell them to fuck off. It was all about respect. Vito Corleone knew about respect and resultantly he knew about power.

Tonight Seth felt powerful. People from school or around the neighborhood that he barely knew or didn't know at all would come up to him trying to find the nerve to ask him for something and he could see they were ready to piss their pants in fear. When Seth put his arm around them, affected his most friendly smile, and acted like they were his best friend in the world and said, "Sure, I'd be happy to help you out!" he saw the fear drain from their body instead of piss. He knew he had become a hero in this person's eyes and they would stop a bullet for him now if they had to. That was when Seth assumed his most practiced expression. His previously congenial blue eyes grew cold, his brows knit to shadow those eyes, and his mouth locked to form one straight sober line. The fear would return to their expression, they better watch that bladder after all. Then Seth would say, "Just remember who helped you out," implying that if they forgot they would be reminded in a most disagreeable way. Respect. He demanded it because he deserved it. People came to him because they needed him. After all, Seth was a people person.

Feeling powerful gave Seth a hardon like nothing else. Seth willed control over his erection. He liked to be in control of everything in his life, and that included his libido. He enjoyed fucking as much as any other eighteen year old male; he just didn't let his hormones dictate his actions. He decided the times he would fuck and who he would fuck with. Tonight he decided to indulge himself and have a birthday fuck.

Seth located Sheryl talking with his mom and dad. Seth grimaced when he saw this. Ever since he had started going out with Sheryl he would catch looks of disappointment in his parents' eyes. It annoyed Seth that they were disappointed in him because he had stolen Sheryl away from Colin. What the fuck was with that? They had no right caring about Colin after the way he'd been treated. They should have been proud Seth had taken her away from the asshole. His parents were disappointed in him? Fuck that, he was disappointed in them.

Seth strolled over to the table where his parents sat with Sheryl. He took her hand in his and motioned her to get up. "C'mon, some of the guys invited us to an after party, party," he said.

"Seth, you know it's rude to interrupt people when they are in the middle of a conversation," Sarah, his mother, said.

Inwardly Seth rolled his eyes, but outwardly he put on his "aw shucks" expression. "Sorry mom, it's just been an exciting day and I got carried away," he said. There were two ways to exert power over someone: intimidation and manipulation. It didn't take a neurosurgeon to know which method needed to be used on his parents. "This has been the best birthday party I ever had. It just seems to be winding down now and a few friends had invited me to hang out and have sort of an informal celebration. Would it be all right if I went?"

His mother sighed but he saw the corners of her mouth trying to upsweep, then she said, "I suppose so, if it's all right with your father." Seth felt like grinding his teeth. He swore there would come a day when the only method he needed to exert power was intimidation.

Seth looked at his father expectantly. "May I go Dad?" he asked.

Patrick Reilly took a minute to look like he was giving the matter serious thought. C'mon Dad, Seth thought, this act grew old when I was ten years old! Everybody knows you always agree with whatever Mom decides.

"I guess you can go," Patrick said. "Just remember, even though you are eighteen now and legally an adult, that doesn't mean you can do anything you want. Be home at a reasonable time and act responsible."

"I will Dad, thanks," Seth said. Do they give every parent the same handbook with all these speeches written in them for them spout? Seth wondered. Ah well, he knew his dad was saying that more for his mother's benefit than his own. With Sheryl in tow he grabbed their coats and made his way out of the restaurant, saying "Goodbye" to his brother and sister and any friend he came across that wasn't going to be at the other party.

The party was held at Ricky Woods' house, one of Seth's flunkies from school. Ricky's parents had gone out of town on New Year's Eve and wouldn't be back until Sunday. The previous night having been New Year's Eve, there had been a lot of parties with a lot of drinks. It had been pretty easy for each person to bring a bottle or two of leftover booze or a six pack of beer or something, and it wouldn't be missed. Most parents were still suffering hangovers from last night's festivities, and a few of their k**s were too, but for them the best cure for partying too hard was another party.

Seth never got drunk, especially when other people were getting drunk around him. Part of it was he didn't want to lose control, but also there were many opportunities to exploit when people around him were losing their inhibitions. He would only allow himself a few drinks at a party like this, spread out over decent intervals.

When they got to Ricky's, Seth refused the drink offered him as he pulled Sheryl along to an empty bedroom. He gave people only the most cursory of greetings when they stopped to say "Hello" and wish him a happy birthday. Most of the people here were people he had direct power over so he didn't need to be sociable.

He was a little bit more cordial when Carrie Moore greeted him, although he made sure Sheryl didn't notice, just a brief but meaningful glance between the two of them. It was rumored that Carrie had fucked half the boys at school (and a number of the girls too). She seemed to get a perverse sense of pleasure from fucking guys that she knew were in relationships with other people. Seth had to admit, it was kind of a turn on to cheat on your girlfriend but all Seth really cared about was Carrie was a hot piece of ass and it paid to stay on friendly terms with her.

Seth allowed his arousal to heighten and he hurried Sheryl into the bedroom. Once there, he shut the door and locked it; then he began kissing Sheryl deeply on the lips. He unzipped his fly and gave his erection some room to stretch out.

"Whoa there," Sheryl said breaking the kiss. "You practically ripped my arm off dragging me here, you barely said two words to me in the car when we were racing over here, and now you are just going to attack me like some horny gorilla?"

Oh shit...Seth thought in disgust, the things I have to put up with just for a fuck!"Oh baby," he began putting on an admonished expression, "I'm sorry. It's just that this has been such a big day for me, the party my parents gave me was so huge, but the whole time I was wishing I could just be alone with you to celebrate in private. I just love you so much I wanted to spend some special time with you on this day."

"Oh honey," Sheryl said with tears forming in her eyes, "I love you too and I'm here for you."

Finally! Seth thought as he began kissing her again trying to get their clothes off at the same time. Sheryl was pretty cute, Seth supposed, but he had been with other girls with way better bodies than her and were much better in bed. Like Carrie Moore. Sheryl had light brown curly hair that went down just past her shoulders and brown eyes. She was wearing a sweater striped in pastel colors and blue jeans.

Seth managed to get the sweater over her head revealing the white lace bra underneath. He quickly unhooked it. Sheryl's tits weren't that big, but they were nicely formed and felt good enough in his hands. He felt her nipples hardening as he ran his thumbs over them. Next he unbuttoned her jeans and let them slide to the floor. She had white lace panties on for underwear. She stepped out of her jeans and Seth took her hand and pulled her, gently this time, over to the bed.

Seth undid his belt then and undid the button that fastened his khaki slacks. He let his pants fall down to his ankles and he sat on the bed. Sheryl knew what he wanted her to do. Slowly she squat down between his knees. She reached up and slowly pulled his underwear down around his ankles where his slacks were.

She reached out and started rubbing her hand on his hard cock. Seth closed his eyes enjoying the sensation. Then he felt her tongue leerily reach out and touch the tip of his cock. Slowly but surely she took the head in her mouth. Sheryl really didn't like giving blowjobs, especially since that time he came in her mouth without warning her, but she knew Seth enjoyed them so she did it for him.

She started bobbing his cock in and out of her mouth, swirling her tongue around the head. One of her hands reached to his shaft and began to stroke it. Seth started moaning and when his "Ohhhh's" and "Ahhhh's" started getting too loud, Sheryl let his saliva slick cock slide out of her mouth.

She climbed up on the bed and started kissing him. Seth's hand found its way to the rim of her panties and he slowly pulled them down. His hand found her pussy and started rubbing it, feeling it moisten. When he felt she was wet enough he laid her back on the bed. He reached down to his slacks and fumbled around in the pockets until he found his wallet. He opened his walled and pulled out a condom. He took the prophylactic out of its wrapper and rolled the latex over his hard cock. Then he mounted himself on top of Sheryl.

He rubbed his aching cock around the wetness of her pussy. He found the entrance and allowed himself to sink in. He pushed himself in all the way then he pulled himself back out almost to the tip of his cock and then he slid back all the way inside her. He got into a rhythm as his cock pumped in and out of her pussy. Sheryl moved her hips up and down synchronizing herself to his movements.

Sheryl began moaning and he knew she was reaching climax. He pumped himself even faster into her and finally heard her scream out in orgasm. Seth wondered if the guys outside in the party had heard her, knowing what they were doing. Well, they haven't heard anything yet! Seth thought with a grin. He brought her to two more climaxes, each time she screamed louder, before he finally shot his load into the condom while deep inside her.

When he was done he pulled out of her and removed the used condom. He tossed it into the wastebasket. He smiled knowing this was Ricky's room and he might very well see what he left in the trash confirming what they had done. That would lead to more bragging rights for Seth. He pulled up his underwear and his slacks and then lay back down on the bed beside her, basking in the relief of his sexual tension. Sheryl had gotten better at this since their first time together, Seth thought.

He had taken her cherry more than a month ago. Hers wasn't the first cherry he had popped but it was the most satisfying. She hadn't been much different than any other virgin, a little unsure, a little excited, a little scared, then a little whimpering and it was over. What made it so satisfying was he had not only taken this girl away from Colin, he had taken something away from her that she could never get back and therefore never give Colin even if she wanted to.

Colin, Seth thought, with an angry frown. He had never been able to accept that Seth was the superior one between the two of them. Colin thought he could compete with Seth on any level. Seth had to work hard and wear Colin down to achieve any grudging respect in eyes. That was unforgivable so Colin deserved whatever he got. That's why it had been so much fun winning Sheryl's loyalty away from Colin.

For two years he had watched Colin strut around with the girl on his arm, thinking they had something special and therefore he was special. He had thought there was no way Sheryl would leave him. Seth's frown turned into a devious grin. There was always a way. Maybe now Colin realized that anything he had Seth could take away. Maybe now he had learned some real respect.

The last month had felt like an unending victory celebration as Colin came to school every day to see him together with Sheryl. Every day Colin seemed to get more depressed and more despondent, he quit the basketball team and he also quit working at his dad's place. It was hilarious to watch the asshole get his due.

"...said 'I love you!'" Seth was broken out of his reverie by Sheryl's voice.

"Huh?" he said.

"I just said 'I love you!' twice!" Sheryl said with an exasperated tone.

"Oh! Uh, I love you too babe," Seth said. He could see that wasn't going to be enough so he added, "I was just thinking about us and all that you mean to me, and I kind of got lost in my train of thought."

"Awwww, honey, that's so sweet!" Sheryl said.

Yes, it was sweet! Now stop yapping and let me enjoy the silence! Seth thought.

"What were you thinking about us?" Sheryl queried.

Fuck! "You know babe, I'm kind of tired, could we talk about this some other time?" Seth asked.

"Sure sweetie," Sheryl said wrapping her arms around him and resting her head on his chest. Seth sighed and just let her stay there as he returned to his thoughts.

It was kind of a let down that Colin was away for the winter holidays. It was going to be Seth's coup de grâce to rub Colin's nose in his and Sheryl's relationship on Christmas. But, in a way it was just as satisfying knowing he was snowed in at that stodgy cabin with no one for company but that bitch of a mother. It wasn't from anyone strange that Colin learned not to know his place in life.

He heard they got over four feet of snow in the mountains from that blizzard. They would be digging out until Valentine's Day! Seth inwardly laughed with glee knowing that they must be at each other's throats by now having to spend so much time together stranded in that isolated place. Cabin fever in an actual cabin! The lameness of being stuck in a cliché was just too rich. Colin used to be a mama's boy, but at least Seth had put enough pressure on him to break him out of that sissy habit. He probably resented his mother for attempting to pull him out of his wallowing despair and she was probably fed up with having to deal with a mopey teenager all week. Both of them must be miserable! Seth chuckled out loud at the thought.


Colin Martin set the bags down as he entered the apartment and took a look around. It was the same old apartment, he thought as he removed his coat, same kitchen with the leaky faucet, same living room with the worn in furniture, same everything, yet it all seemed so different to him now. After spending the last nine days alone with only his mother in an isolated cabin in the mountains, his life had changed in a major way and everything seemed new to him.

He heard the door shut behind him and he turned to see the vision of beauty that was his mother. She smiled at him as she pulled back the hood of her coat revealing her long curly locks of luscious red hair. Colin grinned back at her as she zipped down her coat and removed it. She was left in her maroon turtle neck sweater and black slacks, but all Colin could see was the beautiful body he now knew so intimately that lay beneath those clothes. Looking at her, he felt the heat rise in his cheeks and a yearning in his loins that he had become inherently familiar with over the last week.

Colin knew that everything felt new to him now because he had changed during the stay up in the mountains. His mother had changed too and more than anything, she seemed new to him. This was the second time in his life he felt she had changed. The first time had been when Colin was eight years old and she had divorced his father. However, each time she changed, the core of her personality stayed the same, she remained being the wonderful person he had known and loved all his life, but she also became more than she had been before. This most recent transition though, and the way he saw her now, was the greatest change that could possibly happen.

Colin's Uncle Patrick had lent them the use of his cabin up in the mountains for the holidays and Colin and his mother had gone up there to spend a private Christmas together and sort out some issues between them. It was there that they both discovered they had feelings for each other in more than a mother and son way. Their feelings had come to the forefront while at the cabin and at first they struggled with how to deal with them. But once they surrendered to them they had surrendered to bliss and there had been no turning back.

They became lovers and nothing about that seemed wrong to Colin. In fact, it felt integrally right. He loved this woman with all his heart and she loved him. She was the first woman he had ever made love to and she will be the last. He knew he would be with her for the rest of his life and knowing that made all seem right with the world.

There had been a huge blizzard while they were there and they were snowed in for the better part of the week. That was actually fine with them, it became like a honeymoon period for the new couple. But too soon the winter holidays were coming to an end and they had to focus some effort on getting back to the city. Colin had to return to school and Aileen had a job at a bank to get back to.

It took the snow plows five days to finally get to the mountain roads, but while the plows were working their way up into the mountains, Colin had his own task before him. Even when the roads would be basically clear they still had a hundred feet of driveway buried under four feet of snow to get through before they could reach the road. Luckily Colin's uncle had a snow blower stored at the cabin, it was still tough work clearing a path sufficient to get the SUV to the road, but it would have been much harder if all he had to do it with was a shovel.

Their last night at the cabin was on New Year's Day, and they had reveled in the knowledge that this was the first of many new years they would bring in together as a couple. They celebrated by making tender love repeatedly and passionately, but also at times screwing each other's brains out in a frenzied fashion. It was pretty much what they had done every day since Christmas morning. The next morning was a Friday and they decided to head home that day. There were weather reports warning of more snow headed to the mountains and as much as they enjoyed being snowed in together they needed to get back to work and school on Monday. It looked like their honeymoon had to end.

"Home once again..." Aileen said with a sigh, "How are we ever going to get used to this place again after being so cozy up in the mountains?"

Colin turned and placed his hands on his mother's waist and gathered her to him. "I think we can be pretty cozy here too..." he said, his grin turning lustful. He lowered his mouth to hers and their lips softly met each other, the kiss began gentle but became more intense the longer it went on, and neither of them wanted it to end. Colin drew Aileen's bottom lip into his mouth delicately sucking on it, eliciting a low moan of delectation from her. He then probed her mouth with his tongue, the bottom rubbed across the pearly texture of her teeth and then their tongues met and began to massage each other just like their hands were doing to each other's bodies.

Colin's libido was working in overdrive now. It had taken them over six hours to drive back home to Philadelphia. The trip usually took only about four hours but due to the road conditions and the fact that when they were about an hour and half from Philly they stopped at a restaurant in Allentown for a bite to eat, it extended the trip. The sun had completely set by the time they arrived home. While the couple had engaged in solicitous petting during the journey, all that had accomplished was heightening Colin's all ready stimulated arousal.

After separating from their kiss, he scooped his mother into his arms like she was a c***d. Aileen was no c***d at five feet eight inches and while she definitely wasn't fat, she wasn't skin and bones either, she was very well proportioned with a buxom chest, round hips, and plump ass; yet she had a slim waist and only a slightly rounded tummy. Colin was over six feet in height with a lean muscular build and he effortlessly carried the love of his life to her bedroom.

He set her carefully on her bed and looked into her beautiful green eyes. Even though they had made love more times than he could count at the cabin, this would be the first time he shared his mother's bed in their actual home as her lover. He was looking for reassurance that she was ready for this. While he felt their connection was as strong as any two lovers' could be, this new relationship was still little more than a week old and Colin, at eighteen years old, was in his first adult relationship. He felt a certain fragileness to it in some ways. He knew he would never lose his mother's love but he was still tentative about how she felt now that they were back in civilization. Maybe she would want some time to adjust to being back at home before they resumed their new roles as intimate partners. He loved her so much and never wanted her to feel uncomfortable with their relationship.

Aileen assuaged his concern with the next words out of her mouth. "Come to our bed and make love to me my darling," she said. Colin felt his heart swell with those words as well as another organ. He was hard as a rock. His mother ran her hand over the bulge in his pants, "I need to feel you," she said.

Colin began stripping off his clothes maintaining longing eye contact with his mother, first removing his V-neck sweater, then he kicked off his boots and using only his feet managed to pull out of his socks. He unbuckled his belt, undid the button and unzipped the fly of his jeans and when they slid to the floor he stepped out of them. Now only in a white tee shirt and plaid boxer shorts, he climbed onto the bed. It was only a double bed, up at the cabin they had a queen sized one, but that made no big difference, they didn't need the extra room, the closer they could be to each other the better.

Colin took his mother's chin in his hand and pulled her to his face and kissed her. Colin felt he could taste her excitement as he subtly sucked on her tongue. After a few minutes of being joined at the lips Colin could no longer ignore the building excitement inside him and had to progress further. He was holding Aileen in his arms and he slid his hands down to the base of her sweater giving her body gentle squeezes along the way. He pulled up on the sweater and Aileen enthusiastically lifter her arms so he could pull it off her, underneath she wore a white tee shirt similar to his and he could see she wasn't wearing a bra. The nipples on her large breasts were erect, he could easily see them poking out beneath the cotton material of her shirt. God, he loved to undress this woman!

Her long hair was now a bit mussed from the sweater being pulled over her head with curly crimson strands falling haphazardly around her face, it gave her a wild look which made her seem even sexier if that was possible. "I love you so much!" Colin said to her.

"I love you too baby," Aileen replied. Colin felt the emotion in those words and it filled him with ardent adoration and desire. He placed his hands on her breasts as she still wore the tee shirt. He affectionately caressed them. Even after a week of being able to see and touch them he still couldn't get enough of them, he couldn't get enough of any part of his mother. He started tugging at her tee shirt, he needed to feel his bare hands on her bare flesh, again she happily obliged by lifting her arms so he could take the shirt off, then they repeated the action only this time she was removing his shirt.

He placed a hand on a bare breast thinking that even if he lived to be one hundred he would still feel the same excitement like it was the first time every time he touched her. Her ample tits were amazing. They were full and creamy, and if they slanted a little bit down it made them no less delectable. They were perfect to him. He slowly and reverently moved his hand completely around the luxurious globe avoiding the nipple that appeared to extend an inch out, and then he lavished the same treatment on its twin.

Colin took hold of the waistband of Aileen's black slacks and pulled them off revealing Aileen's shapely legs, nicely rounded hips and the glorious mound that resided in her crotch underneath a pair of pink cotton panties and was nearly visible do to the wetness of the panties. He affectionately rubbed her feet for a moment then leisurely ran his hands up her smooth legs to her hips. His hands moved to caress her pillowy soft ass and then he pulled his lover into a lustful embrace, their lips pressed together and their tongues fondled each other.

He held her tight to his body; he could feel her heavenly soft breasts with the hard nipples rubbing against his chest. Sometimes one of her nipples would brush against one of his and it felt like a bolt of electricity going through him, he could tell she was feeling the same thing as she gave a little shiver each time it happened. Colin had his hands on her back and he massaged her from her shoulders down to the small of her back and then back up again, kneading his hands into her flesh and muscle.

His lips left her mouth to travel to her cheeks delicately kissing them, then to her left ear and down her neck as he kissed and licked her alabaster skin. Aileen made mellow cooing sounds as he did this. She lay back on the bed and Colin fell forward with her not wanting his lips to leave contact with her wonderful body, his hands moved to the bed as he held himself scant inches above her. His kisses continued their journey, his lips moved around her neck to the notch at the base, he licked her from that point up her neck and chin and back to her lips leaving a trail glistening with moisture.

He took a moment to look into her loving eyes again, giving her a smile that conveyed the happiness he felt and then he lowered his head to her chest. He moved his tongue down the valley between her breasts going all the way down to her naval leaving another wet trail. Colin stuck his tongue inside her belly button and swirled it around a few times eliciting tickled giggles from his mother. He then moved back up and brought his tongue to one of her tits, going around retracing the movement he had done with his hand minutes ago. This time, however, after he made a full circuit around that delicious mammary he started to close in on the center.

He made it to the florid areole stimulated with tiny bumps then navigated another circuitous route around the pink nipple. Aileen moaned as he got closer to that sensitive nubbin and he felt his cock stiffen to an almost painful degree. Finally he made light contact with her nipple and his mother arched her back at the feeling saying "Oh baby, oh baby, that feels so good! Oh my baby!" Colin's hardon was throbbing now with those words, but if anything, he was thorough and he knew he had a task to complete before he could he could allow his stiff friend to get the attention it was desperately crying out for.

His tongue put more pressure on Aileen's eraser hard nipple, pushing the supple bud in one direction and then another. He closed his mouth around her nipple and began to suckle it, his mother's moans grew louder. After giving this one breast such pampered attention he began on the other knowing it deserved no less than the same amount of care. Aileen moaned even louder.

Colin rolled over on his back to take a breather for a minute and he rested a hand on his mother's stomach and smoothly rubbed it. His cock stood straight up and out of the slot in the front of his boxers, he was so hard he was ready to stroke himself just to get some release from the ache. However, before his hand made it to his cock, he felt the delicate hand of his mother grasp his pulsating member, Colin let out a moan of pleasure at the sensation.

"That's my job now sweetie." Aileen said. "I love the feel of your cock. I love how hard it gets and that it gets that way because of me."

"Always you mom, always..." Colin managed to get out between deep breaths as she stroked his erection. "You turn me on like no one else, not only because of your incredibly sexy body, but because I know how much you love me...Ohhhh God yes...please don't stop!"

"I won't stop baby, but my mouth is getting jealous of my hand though..." Aileen said coquettishly. Colin tensed in anticipation as she pulled his shorts down past his cock then completely off and leaned in to take it to her mouth. Aileen's tongue came out and made contact with the oh so sensitive head, she slid it all around it, she then gently moved his organ so she could get access to the underside, once she did she licked him in one agonizingly pleasurable stroke from his balls, up his shaft, and all the way back to the head.

"Ohhhhhhhh yes!" Colin said. "That feels so good!" Aileen then put the entire head in her mouth and started moving it in and out while sucking on it. She had said she had never sucked a cock before Colin's, but in the week that they had been together she had learned to become an expert at it according to him. Of course, conversely, his mother was the only woman to ever suck his cock, but Colin had no desire to sample anyone else's methods. She had learned how to please him and was bringing him to ecstasy just like she did every time.

She really seemed to enjoy it, she said it thrilled her to give pleasure to someone she loved so much. Colin could definitely understand that, everything he did that brought pleasure to her excited him just as much. She was his beloved mother and all sons wanted to please their mothers in their own way, and for him to be able to pleasure her in an intimate way was the ultimate reward. He couldn't imagine it being better with anyone else because the love they shared added significantly to the richness of the experience and he knew for certain he could never achieve their level of love with anyone else.

"Ohhhh, you're the girl of my dreams mom!" Colin said. "And you've always been." Aileen was now rubbing her hand on his balls and stroking up and down his shaft, she gave his shaft a tender loving squeeze as a reply to what he said. She continued to suck on the head of his throbbing cock and playing with it with her tongue, exploring the texture of the engorged member. She was making smacking sounds and moans of yummy enjoyment as if she was tasting the finest thing on Earth. Colin loved the warm and wet feeling surrounding his cock. "Oh God! I love you doing this to me!" he said.

Colin couldn't take much more stimulation and he knew he was going to blow his load soon. His mother had become adept at reading her son's body language and as he started moaning louder and his hips began thrusting upward erratically fucking her mouth, he knew that she knew he was getting ready to come. She stroked him faster and began cupping his balls mildly squeezing them and she sucked his cock in her mouth until the head touched the back of her throat.

The pressure in his cock reached the maximum limit and Colin cried out in delight as he felt his balls contract sending forceful ropes of semen through his shaft and out the head of his cock into his mother's mouth. She received the creamy fluid and enthusiastically started to swallow immediately. Colin was having spasms as his body went on automatic pilot guiding him through a raging orgasm, warm feelings of immense gratification flushed through him as his cock expelled the last spurts of ejaculation.

"Oh God! Oh God! That felt so good!" Colin said as his orgasm subsided and he regained control of his body, he was gasping for air. He gazed at his mother as she licked the remaining cum off his cock, then she looked up at him and licked the corners of her mouth where some of his cum had leaked out. She had the impish expression of satisfaction on her face he had come to expect after she orally brought him to orgasm and swallowed his semen.

Aileen moved up into Colin's arms and placed her lips over his, as her tongue slid into his mouth he could taste the remnants of his salty sweet cum mixed in with her saliva. It gave him extreme pleasure to watch and feel her giving him a blow job, but tasting himself in her mouth afterwards was an arousing experience in its own right.

"You are so amazing," Colin said after their lips unlocked. "I can't believe how lucky I am to have you in my life."

"I'm the lucky one," Aileen said in a soothing yet passionate tone.

"I love you so much," Colin said as he ran his hands all over her incredible body.

"I love you too baby," Aileen said.

Colin rubbed one hand on her chest over her breasts, it slid down to her tummy and continued downward until it slipped beneath the waistband of her panties. His hand grazed through her neatly trimmed pubic hair, feeling the dampness of the downy hair, the further his hand went, the wetter the climate became, in fact, her panties were sopping wet. His fingers brushed over the outer lips of Aileen's pussy and he could feel her stiffen in anticipation of more contact. He rubbed her nether lips for a while, his mother spread her legs as far apart as she could in the position she was in and he felt her vaginal lips widen. Colin continued to explore this most sacred of areas – the passage through which he was birthed. It had been bequeathed back to him by the woman who meant everything to him so he could return inside of her to connect with her body and soul in the most intimate way possible.

Colin found the opening of that passage, he inserted his index finger and it quickly became coated in her feminine secretions. He moved his finger in and out of that wet channel feeling the slick silkiness of it as he moved it around her walls. Aileen was breathing heavier and her hands grasped tightly onto his shoulders. The next time he pulled out of her, his middle finger joined the action and two fingers submerged into her. He began sliding in and out of her at a faster pace, Aileen began to moan and her hands gripped on him tighter. When his thumb glided over her clitoris, erect and protruding from its hood, his mother bit her bottom lip and an airy "mmmph!" sound came out of her. He made subtle contact with her clitoris once more, and Aileen exchanged her bottom lip for his shoulder to bite and a louder "MMMPH!" emerged from her and her body shuddered.

Colin removed his hand from her flustered pussy; his mouth was salivating from an overcoming need to taste her. He pulled her panties down past her pubic region then over her hips and legs and finally they were off her and he tossed them to the floor. He lay back on the bed and grinning, said to his mother, "Move up here." Aileen straddled his chest and Colin put his hands on her waist moving her up until she was kneeling on the bed, her thighs spread, and his head was between them.

He took in her musky aroma and started giving small pecks and licks to her inner thighs, first one and then the other, back forth and each time getting closer to the jewel in the center. Aileen kept squirming, repositioning herself to get her pussy directly over Colin's mouth, which he kept moving having a little fun teasing her. When she finally had enough she just sat on his face, Colin tried to say "Okay, I get the point!" but it came out as "Ommmrphrhhis!" She let up just enough so he could breathe and then he licked the entire length of her pussy causing Aileen to give a highly satisfied moan. His mouth sponged up much of her leaking juice then he gingerly extended his tongue outwards and slowly it slid in between the folds of her pussy.

Aileen pressed herself down more firmly on his face again allowing his tongue to plunge deeper inside her. The hot humid atmosphere was like a tropical rain forest for Colin as he rolled his tongue inside her. His mother began to moan and as he continued to tongue fuck her, letting her juices trickle down his throat. Her moans became louder and interspersed with some actual words, "Oh yes baby! Oh yes!" She was saying, "That's it! Oh you make me fell so good! Ohhhhhhh yes!" She was moving her hips and pushing down and her pussy was wiggling and mashing itself on Colin's face. He moved his hands down to her hips to steady her and allow him to catch a needed breath as he slid his tongue out of her cunt.

On a new mission now, his tongue slowly slithered up her pussy searching until it found that hypersensitive little bud stiffly poking outward. He probed it faintly with his tongue and felt his mother's body quiver. Ever so lightly he began playing with her clit, gliding his tongue over it back and forth. "Ohhhhhhhh" moaned Aileen. Colin continued his smooth maneuvering of her most sensitive of nerve endings, now gently circling it. "Ohhhhhhh Yesssssss!!!" Aileen said loudly. He started to suck on her clit. Aileen began grinding her pussy over his mouth, "Yes, Yes Yesssssss! That's it!" she said. Colin had become familiar enough with her anatomy to know exactly how much pressure and manipulation to use to bring her to maximum pleasure. "Oh baby! Yessssss! Oh honey you are so good! Yes! Yessssss! I'm almost there!" Aileen said working her hips faster and faster. "Oh my God! Oh my God! I'm gonna cum!" Aileen's body started to convulse. "Ohhhhhh God! I'm cumming!!!!!" she screamed.

Colin felt her pussy lips contracting as her body shook, he continued to suckle on her clit. Aileen gave one final "Ohhhhhhhh!!!!"and then she stiffened. Colin felt a strong rush of juice poor from her cunt. He lapped up as much as he could savoring the taste. This was the result of her extreme pleasure, and he caused it, nothing could taste sweeter.

Aileen slid off of Colin's face. He relished the feel of her soft ass, slippery from the cum she expelled, as it slid down his chest to his stomach and finally to his groin where his cock, once again rock hard, fit snugly between her cheeks. Colin folded his arms around her just beneath her breasts and Aileen let out a deep sigh of bliss. He kissed the side of her neck below her ear.

Aileen wiggled her ass on Colin's hard on and his eyes rolled to the back of his head at the feel of it. "Baby?" she said.

"Yes mom?"

"I need you inside me."

"Yes mom," Colin said with a grin. Aileen rolled over onto her stomach while still on top of him. Their pelvises were against each other now, her tits mashed against his chest, and Colin's hard cock was between their stomachs. Aileen put her rosy lips to his shoulder and kissed it, and then she continued to kiss down until she got to one of his nipples. She sucked on it for a few seconds, and then she sucked on the other one. Colin loved the feel of it. It felt like the erotic sensation traveled from his nipple to his cock.

Aileen began moving her body back and forth over Colin's. Her tits rubbed against his chest and his cock was rubbed between their stomachs. Aileen pushed herself up with her arms and sat on him, now his cock was cradled lengthwise between the lips of her slit, she moved her hips and his cock slid back and forth along the length of her wet slit. The electric thrill the sensation gave him was wonderful.

"I need you in me now, baby," Aileen said in a craving voice.

"Yes I need it too mom!" Colin exclaimed. Aileen lifted herself off Colin and grabbing his cock she rubbed the head over her glistening pussy. She then positioned the head at the opening of her steamy cunt. The head went in smoothly as she lowered herself back down on his body, her hungry pussy engulfing the rest of his cock until he was all the way inside her. Their pubic bones met and the feeling of pure delectation Colin felt with his thick rigid cock inside of her was so incredible he just had to lie still for a minute luxuriating in the feeling. He couldn't believe he actually had his cock in her; he was actually making love to her! It had barely been a week since he lost his virginity but he thought he would never lose this feeling of incredulity every time he felt himself go inside her.

"Oh honey, you feel so good inside me!" Aileen said echoing his feelings. She then began riding his cock, moving her hips up and down causing his shaft to slide in and out between the lubricious walls of her cunt. Colin started moving his hips in synchronization with her and they fell into a rhythm of lovemaking. He then reached up to caress her breasts and play with her nipples. As he thrust inside her, he could feel her erect clitoris when their pubic bones met, Colin began to maneuver his pelvis so her clit lightly rubbed against him each time it came into contact.

"Mmmmm! Oh yes sweetie, that's it!" Aileen said in a husky voice. "I love you so much!"

"Oh mom, I love you too! Oh you feel so good riding my cock!" Colin said. Aileen's pussy muscles would squeeze Colin's cock inside of her, hugging it, giving him enough sensation to stay fully erect, but not enough to push him over the edge. Colin gently squeezed her breasts and rolled her nipples. They continued to maintain their rhythm together for what seemed an awful long time. Finally Aileen's movements became erratic and she began to shudder, Colin kept pushing his cock up into her, but now at a faster pace.

"Oh God! I'm gonna cum!" Aileen said. "Oh! Oh! Oh!" Aileen threw her head back arching her back and screamed "Ohhhhhhh!!!" as her body began to spasm. Colin remained hard and kept thrusting into her until her pussy clenched on his cock. When she unclenched, he began to thrust again. Aileen had not even completely subsided from her first orgasm when she said "Oh! Another one!" Her body began to shake harder again, "Oh God! Oh God! Here it comes!!!" she yelled. Colin propelled himself deep in her. She fell forward onto him as the second orgasm took her. She grasped his body as if she was holding on for dear life, her nails digging into his shoulders as the spasms overtook her. "OHHHHHHH!!!" she screamed and her cunt gripped Colin's cock once more.

"Oh please, oh please, give me a minute!" Aileen said as she panted taking in as much air as she could. Colin stopped moving in her, but he remained stiff, still not having had his release yet. Aileen was now planting sloppy kisses all over his face, "Oh God you are so good!" she said. "No one could ever make me feel as you do!" She placed her mouth on top of his in a deep kiss and he felt her tongue's ingress into his mouth searching for his tongue.

Colin wrapped his arms around her hugging her tight and shared the emotions of the passionate kiss with her. He then turned her over on her back and he was now on top, his cock staying entrenched in her pussy. They continued their sultry kissing and ever so slightly Colin once more began to move inside her. He started pumping slowly but kept increasing his pace, Aileen, having caught a second wind, began to respond by pushing her hips upwards to meet his drives into her. Colin kissed her breasts and sucked on her nipples.

Colin pulled all the way out of her with just the tip of his cock remaining at the entrance of her pussy, and then he plunged back into her all the way in a single stroke. "Ohhhhhh!" Aileen moaned. Colin knew he was on the precipice as he brought his hand down in between them to play with her clit hoping to get his mother to cum with him. "Oh yes baby, yes!" Aileen exclaimed. "Oh God! I'm gonna cum again!" Colin kept drawing his cock in and out between the walls of her cunt and stimulating her clitoris with his hand. When Aileen trilled, "Oh! Oh! Oh! OHHHHHHHH!" and her body started to quiver in orgasm, her pussy contracted on Colin's dick. He was finally driven over the edge and he felt his balls swell up and discharge a massive amount of cum through his engorged and throbbing cock. "ERRRRRAHHHHH" he growled as drove himself in to the hilt and ejaculated deep into his mother's pussy. They both came together and Colin lost control over his body as he started to spasm. The extremely intense feeling momentarily carried him beyond rational thought and took him to a place that can only be described as heaven.

When Colin came back down to Earth he was still on top of Aileen, his softening manhood still clutched by her fervid pussy. They were both breathing heavy and had a sheen of perspiration covering their bodies. Colin nuzzled against her neck, inhaling the mild fruity scent of her sweat dampened hair. He loved her smell. He administered her neck with tender kisses. Aileen wrapped her arms around him hugging him and said, "I love you so much honey."

Colin lifted his head to look steadily into her emerald eyes. "I love you too, with all my heart," he said.

"Tell me it will be like this forever," Aileen said. She had requested him to tell her this more than once since they embarked on this new relationship. Colin didn't believe for one second that she doubted his love for her, but they both had their insecure moments. Their bond was so profound, so deep with love, neither of them wanted to lose what they had found. Colin knew that they wouldn't, and he felt his mother knew that as well. Even when it seemed there was no one else in the world they could trust, they always had trust in each other. It just felt good to be reassured sometimes.

"I will love you forever mom," Colin said. "I've loved you all my life, you were the first woman I fell in love with and no one I've ever met has even come close to making me feel the way you do, and no one ever will. I'm yours forever."

"Oh Colin..." Aileen said with tears in the corners of her eyes making them sparkle. "You are the best thing that ever happened to me."

"I'd be lost without you," Colin replied. "I love you."

"I love you too baby," Aileen said.

"Mom?" Colin said.

"Yes honey?"

"Are we being safe enough when we do this? I mean up at the cabin we didn't have anything but now we're back home maybe we should start using some kind of protection?"

"I don't think we need it honey, Fred was the only man I'd ever been with before you and I'm the only woman you've been with so we don't need to worry about diseases and after you were born I was never able to get pregnant again, I don't think I can have any more c***dren." Aileen said.

"I see," Colin said. "That's good I suppose." He didn't know why but he sort of felt disappointed when his mother told him she couldn't get pregnant. But then he looked at her face glowing in the aftermath of their love and all disappointment completely left his mind as he was consumed by the happiness of just being with her. He kissed her tenderly.

Aileen's eyelids were beginning to droop; it had been a long day and he could see she was drifting off. Colin was getting sleepy himself after the long drive and the physical exertion of their lovemaking. His cock had grown flaccid enough to slip out of her pussy and he moved off of his mother to lie on his side. He pulled Aileen's body up against him in a spooning position then pulled the covers up over both of them.

The bed that used to be only his mother's from now on would be theirs. He knew he would never go another night without having this woman by his side. The thought gave him a warm feeling throughout his body as well as filling his heart with joy. Colin held his lover tightly in their bed as they both drifted off into a blissful sleep.

* * *

Colin awoke sometime in the middle of the night. Except for the light from the street shining in through the window, the room was dark. His mother must have gotten up at some point to turn off all the lights then come back to bed. He propped himself up on one elbow so he could see over Aileen's sleeping form to the clock on the night stand. It read a little past three in the morning. Colin was starving! They hadn't eaten anything since their meal at the restaurant on the way back home.

Just as he decided to get out of bed and fix himself a bowl of cereal, he looked down at his mother. The illumination from the window gave him just enough light to see her. Her beauty never failed to stun him no matter how much he saw of her. However, the way she looked right now, with the glow coming off her body and the pose she was in, made her look extremely sensual. She was lying on her side facing away from him, she had the blanket and sheet pulled up over her breasts and tucked under her arm, but when Colin had awakened, his movement had skewed the covers. Aileen's back was uncovered almost down to the beginning of her ass. Her long red hair ran halfway down her back and the contrast between her carmine hair against her alabaster skin was breathtaking. Looking at her form beneath the covers, he could envision her plump ass, broad hips, and curvy legs.

Colin couldn't resist reaching out his hand and placing it on her back, he had to touch her. He stroked his hand lightly over her bare back and brushed his hand through her hair letting the florid locks run through his fingers. He relished the feel of her smooth skin and lustrous mane.

Every now and then his hand would sweep over something that felt like a slightly protruding line on her skin. He knew those were her scars. Even before they became lovers he had caught glimpses of her scars on occasion. They weren't that conspicuous, they had healed over time and now they only looked like slightly discolored marks on various parts of her body, and they were usually hidden by her clothes.

Colin had always known that his grandfather physically abused his mother. She rarely talked about it though, and when she did say anything about it she was always vague. However, over the last week at the cabin his mother opened up her heart and mind to him as completely as she had her body. Sometimes during a lull in their lovemaking when they were just holding each other making quiet conversation, she would start talking about her past.

She told him about the constant beatings, how he would use a belt on her making sure she felt the buckle. Another favorite instrument of his had been one of those telescoping antennas that had broken off of an old television set. Sometimes he would just use his bare hands. No matter what he used, he would usually whip her and hurt her until she bled. Most of the time she hadn't even done anything bad, her father would just come home drunk and in the mood to be mean so he would make himself perceive that she deserved a beating. There was hardly a time in her young life that she didn't have a cut or bruise somewhere on her body, most of the time she had plenty of both. It was a rare week that went by that she would escape uns**thed. It must have been a horrible c***dhood. Colin had no idea how bad it had actually been for her. It sickened his heart and made his blood boil when he thought about it.

When she left home at the age of eighteen, before he was born, she never spoke to her parents again. When Colin was five his grandmother had died, she had been beaten to death by her husband. Colin knew his mother still harbored some guilt about how she ended things with her mother, but when her father would beat her severely her mother never interfered. That was a kind of abuse in its own fashion. Colin's grandfather went to jail on manslaughter charges for killing his wife. Two years later he died there.

Then there was Colin's father. Fred Martin was another miserable drunk that had taken a liking to beating up Aileen. Colin had been around at that time but for most of it he had been too young to understand what was going on and usually she would be beaten behind closed doors. He did have memories though of times when he would find his mom on the sofa or on her bed, surrounded by crumpled tissues and crying her heart out. He would ask her with genuine concern, "Mommy what's wrong? Why are you crying?" She wouldn't answer his questions, but she would envelop him in her arms, hug him tightly, and tell him how much she loved him.

Of course, as he got older he began to get his share of whippings from his dad as well, but it wasn't even close to what his mom went through. Then there was that day when Colin was only eight years old, his father had beaten them up so bad he had put both of them in the hospital. Colin looked at his mother's face, so serene in her sleep. No one would ever believe that two of her front teeth in that beautiful rosebud mouth were false. His father had hit her with a closed fist knocking those teeth out. All she had been trying to do was stop him from hurting her son.

That day everything changed. After they got out of the hospital, Aileen divorced Colin's father. He tried to worm his way back into their lives but Aileen wouldn't let him. When Colin was ten, his father died in an automobile accident while driving drunk. It had been two years since he had seen his dad and what he remembered most about him was how mean he could be. It didn't faze him that much to learn his father was dead; his Uncle Patrick was more a father to him than Fred had ever been. What mattered most to Colin, even then, was that his mother was all right, he could stand losing his father but if he ever lost her he knew he would never recover.

Even though Colin and Aileen had other family in their life, it really seemed that it was just the two of them since the time of the divorce. They depended on each other for companionship and emotional support. Colin knew his mom had always loved him, but after that time in the hospital Aileen seemed a different person. She was still his mother, but she also became his best friend and not a day went by that she didn't show her love for him in some fashion. Colin supposed that was when he first began not just loving her, but being in love with her, at least as much as an eight year old could be in love with anyone. But from that time onward, his love for her just kept on growing.

Aileen had managed to bury most of the trauma she had gone through as a c***d and as a battered wife deep inside her, but recently she wound up in another bad relationship with a guy named Ben who she met over the internet. When she discovered Ben was just a jerk trying to manipulate her, he even tried to attack her but Colin was there to stop him, it brought all her other bad memories back to the surface.

When Colin and Aileen became lovers and started having those intimate talks up at the cabin, Aileen let loose her grief over her tormented past. She had held the pain in so long that once she found the security, comfort, and trust that were born out of their relationship she was finally able to find some release in talking about her past.

Colin had listened intently to everything Aileen told him. He had held her close and when she cried Colin soothed her and wiped away her tears. Much of the time Aileen did the same thing for Colin. They had become so empathically connected that knowing the specifics of the anguish his love had gone through would bring tears to his eyes concurrent with Aileen's. She revealed that this was why she had never talked that much about it before; she never wanted to burden him with her grief.

Their new relationship had changed things though. Aileen expressed how she felt she now belonged to him as much as he belonged to her and she wanted him to be the one person with whom she shared everything about herself. Colin believed their talks had been cathartic for both of them, although his experiences hadn't been nearly as rough as his mother's he had things to share with her as well. However, this didn't stop Aileen from trying to apologize when she upset him, but he would hush her every time she tried. They had become so close that even if she hadn't verbalized her agonizing experiences, he would have sensed them and would want her to unburden herself on him. He made it clear to her that there would never be a time that she needed to apologize for sharing her feelings with him.

As Colin's mind drifted while he thought about all the things his mother had disclosed to him, his hand had continued rubbing her back. He had u*********sly focused his touch on her scars, seeking out random ones along her backside and his fingers were lightly tracing those meandering lines on her body. He began to feel overwhelmed with the love and compassion he felt for this divine woman.

He nimbly moved down and closer to her, so close his lips were almost touching her skin. He had an urge to kiss her scars, like when a parent kissed a minor injury of a c***d to make the pain go away. This was something Colin hadn't done before and as his gentle kisses traversed those remnants of past hurts his attention roused Aileen from her slumber.

"Baby...?" Aileen said as she hazily emerged from sleep, "What are you doing?"

"Mom, I want you to know I'm never going to hurt you and I will never ever let anyone hurt you again!" Colin said adamantly as a tear rolled down one of his cheeks.

Aileen turned her head to look at her son. "Honey, what's wrong?" she asked, now wide awake.

"I just want you to know how much I love you and I'm never going to let anything bad happen to you!" Colin's reverie had brought on an intense feeling of protectiveness over his mother. She had gone through so much and he felt a burning need to keep her safe and happy for the rest of her life.

Aileen rolled over to embrace him. "Shhhh...baby, I know sweetie, I know," Aileen said as she held him tightly in her arms. Tears began to stream down her cheeks. "I know how much you love me and I love you too, more than words can describe. And I know I will never be hurt as long as I have you in my life." Colin fiercely hugged her back. "You mean everything to me," she said, "you've given me so much and you have made me happier than I've ever been before."

"You mean everything to me too. You make me deliriously happy." Colin said. He kissed her cheeks tasting her salty tears and then he landed his mouth on hers which she devotedly accepted. His tongue sought out hers and found it waiting to be caressed and he joyfully complied. Colin felt his mother comforting him and reconfirming her love in that kiss which is what he longed for at that moment. He responded by pouring out his soul into her, communicating to her that he was all hers and his love for her was immeasurable. It was an extremely passionate kiss, the kind that had nothing to do with lust and everything to do with love.

For a while, time seemed to stand still. Up at the cabin, just before they had made love for the first time, Colin declared they would make a world just for them, a world sustained by their love. It would exist no matter where they were, as long as they were together. It looked as if Colin's declaration had been proven true. As the kiss went on, the outside world seemed to disappear completely and all that was left was their own little world.

Colin vaguely remembered being hungry when he had woken up, but he no longer felt hungry for food, he felt a different hunger, an all-consuming one that could only be satiated by uniting completely with his soul mate. He separated his lips from hers and commenced kissing her slowly down her chin, then down her neck, and finally he reached her chest. As his mouth encompassed an area of one of her voluminous tits, he could see her nipples were fully extended.

He took one of her nipples into his mouth, closing his eyes and just enjoying the sensation of sucking on that supple projection. Aileen began to moan and after a time pushed her other breast closer to his mouth, he understood the message and switched to the other nipple. Colin's cock felt stiff as an iron rod. He moved on top of his mother aligning their genitals. "I love you so much," he whispered.

"I love you too my baby," Aileen said. Colin moved his hips sliding his cock over her entire vaginal area feeling the warm wetness there. Aileen squirmed and bucked her hips trying to capture his cock in her pussy. He felt his member glide over a petite protuberance and he paused for a moment. With adept movement, he managed to run the head of his cock over her erect clit. Aileen inhaled sharply, let out a loud moan, and then shivered.

Colin moved his cock to the entrance of his mother's pussy. "That's it honey," Aileen said. "Take me; stick your cock inside me." Slowly he inserted himself until his entire length was buried inside her. Aileen sighed as if she just slid into a hot bath. "Please...let me just feel you all the way inside me for a moment," she said as she placed her arms around him, hugging him as close to her as possible. "I feel whole when you are in me." Colin remained still for a minute. He also enjoyed the sensation of having his cock nestled snugly inside her pussy. But soon the irresistible urge to begin movement came over him.

He started slowly, easing his cock out of her pussy then pushing it back in, he repeated this action and each time the pace accelerated a bit. Soon he was pumping furiously in and out of her. His head was tucked in the crook between her neck and shoulder and his mother was lightly stroking the hair on the back of his head. "Mmmmm, oh yes baby, yes!" Aileen cooed into his ear, Colin could feel her warm breath as she spoke softly. "I love you so much sweetie, I'll always be here for you and I know you'll always be here for me. You are the most incredible lover I ever had." Her words

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Secondary Education Chapter 14 Betrayal

Secondary Education Chapter 14 Betrayal [email protected] In Tyla's harsh demi-monde, how shall she discern the betrayer from the betrayed? Cautionary Note: This is adult erotic fiction (not fantasy) and should not be read by non-adults or by adults who are offended by violence or explicit erotica involving under-aged transgendered protagonists. All persons depicted are fictional, and...

2 years ago
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Triple B or Bad Bitch Betrayal

Another contest entry, as you can tell the theme was betrayal Betrayal, a word you never think of ‘til it happens to you. The dictionary defines it as the action of betraying one’s country, a group, or a person; treachery. Treachery, yeah that’s more of what I feel it is. As I said, no one really thinks of it ‘til it happens to you. Ok, to get everyone up to date, I am John Trumbel, six-foot, athletic build, chiseled chin. Sounds good to me right? If you ask my supposed loyal wife nothing...

2 years ago
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They say love is blind. I can testify that at least for me it was. What nobody ever said was that the betrayal by the only thing you cherish in the world will cause more pain than any whip and cut deeper than the sharpest blade. That's where my story begins. Kat (Kathy) was my wife. We're not divorced yet, but she is no longer my wife. She knew the difference between right and wrong and she decided to do wrong again and again. I don't give a rat's ass why. For the past several weeks she...

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Netorare Mama My Parents Betrayal

Introduction: A son learns the truth about his mother and late fathers kinky activities over the years Definition of Netorare: A Japanese term that describes a situation where a loved one is taken away or betrays the main character. Similar to cuckolding, but is a much broader term. It involves situations between the betrayal of husband and wife, mother and son, brother and sister, friends and so on. It is very popular in the hentai/doujin market. It is designed to play with the readers...

4 years ago
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Lucindas Betrayal

Lucinda's Betrayal By: Malissa Madison This is the story of Lucinda Regent, the Half-blood Ancient also known as Janet Riggs, Betrayer of the Ancients. We know it skips around and is a bit disjointed, but then it was taken from her memories while still trying to understand that she was no longer a Loki Prisoner. It also helps to set up the next few chapters. In the unexplored wastes of the southern continent, Lucinda Regent lay trapped in Stasis....

4 years ago
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The Newlyweds Chapter 2 Heart Shaped Betrayal

The Newlyweds Chapter 2: Heart Shaped Betrayal The alarm sounded. I remembered Jasmin had made a promise to a new friend that we'd have brunch with them down the street at a small bistro. How could she make friends so quick? I asked myself while still lying in bed. We've been in town for about five days. Already she made a dozen friends and was on the phone or texting people like they were war buddies or childhood friends. Jasmin must have just gotten up, her pillow was still warm....

1 year ago
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The Betrayal

Her hands were trembling as she prepared for his arrival. She had never kept anything from Him. And now contemplating her fate she wasn’t sure what to do. She knew his temper; she knew he would never tolerate another touching her flesh, not since she had given herself to Him. She never intend things to go this far, it was simply a diversion during his long absences. The computer seemed like such a safe place to explore her fantasies when He was away from her. Damn his job that could take him...

Erotic Fiction
4 years ago
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Betrayal and Payback

Part 1 - The Betrayal "That's the way - suck my clit you miserable little slut - make me cum - that's it." Gail had arrived home early that day. She noticed Paula's pick-up truck in the driveway. These were the sounds she heard emanating from the back bedroom. "YES - AHHH - Let me feel your tongue you little cunt." Gail recognized Paula's voice. "Lick it up - slave - lick it all up." Gail froze in her tracks as she first heard Paula announce her orgasm, then the words that...

1 year ago
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Legend of Zelda Betrayal of the Triforce

Legend of Zelda: Betrayal of the Triforce by Jim Ruggeri I've been writing for almost a year now and I love reviews, please review a story or shoot me an email at [email protected] I take requests too, so if you've got any ideas floating around it would be great to hear them! Three golden treasures, once reunited, will grant the bearer one wish, an ultimate power, to be used for good... or evil. Once the wish is fulfilled, while the objects will remain beautiful, they...

2 years ago
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Bad Bitch Betrayal

Betrayal, a word you never think of ’til it happens to you. The dictionary defines it as the action of betraying one’s country, a group, or a person; treachery. Treachery, yeah that’s more of what I feel it is. As I said, no one really thinks of it ’til it happens to you. Ok, to get everyone up to date, I am John Trumbel, six-foot, athletic build, chiseled chin. Sounds good to me right? If you ask my supposed loyal wife nothing could be further from the truth. In her...

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Price of Betrayal 1

Introduction: What happens when you fuck over your partner and what happens next. Just a quick note to let everyone know that when I write erotica, I write a story, not just a bunch of words stuck together for someone to jack off to. If you dont want plot and character development, then my story will not be for you. What the fuck! I stared across the street and actually rubbed my eyes once to see if the image burned into my brain would disappear. It didnt. She stood there beneath a weeping...

3 years ago
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Amys Betrayal

Amy’s Betrayed It had been a hectic day and everything that could go wrong for Amy did, just when things couldn’t feel any worse the phone rang and startled her out of her deep thoughts of Brad, the man she always felt was the one until she came home early and found him in bed with her best friend. She suddenly felt sick in the pit of her stomach as her thoughts went back to that dreaded day and quickly forgot the phone ringing. She remembered that day like it was yesterday, it was...

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Amys Betrayal

Amy’s Betrayed It had been a hectic day and everything that could go wrong for Amy did, just when things couldn’t feel any worse the phone rang and startled her out of her deep thoughts of Brad, the man she always felt was the one until she came home early and found him in bed with her best friend. She suddenly felt sick in the pit of her stomach as her thoughts went back to that dreaded day and quickly forgot the phone ringing. She remembered that day like it was yesterday, it was...

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Bikini Beach Betrayal

Based in Elrod W's universe and utilizing characters created by him. Bikini Beach: Betrayal By JDG Anya smiled at the pretty red head sitting before her. She judged the woman to be in her late 30's to 40 based on the mental impressions she was getting. Based on looks she would have to be judged to be late 20's to early 30's. She obviously worked hard at keeping herself in shape. "So... what can I do for you today Mrs. Johnson?" "Well, Anya is it? Anya, I have been having a...

2 years ago
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The Betrayal

My girlfriend- Avni- is a very sophisticated but a simple girl. She had never been in a relationship before meeting me- Prateek; and hence, having her in my life completes my life and we love each other a lot.Though she loves me a lot, I’ve always viewed her as a sex machine. In fact, we got into a relationship because I made her drink too much one night and then fucked her in my car. Because she’s a one-man girl, she was hence compelled to enter into a relationship with me. I need a regular...

1 year ago
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Betrayal of the SuccubiChapter 9 The Final Betrayal

When Calyndi awoke the next morning, she was once again lying in the middle of the graveyard, the sun pounding at her eyes and her body weak from loss of blood, her sex still quivering from the many climaxes that she'd felt. But this time there was no flutter in her chest at the thought. Devin had been cruel, forcing her at first to pleasure him with her mouth while offering her nothing in return. Then, as if to further prove his power over her, he had taken her from behind, commanding her...

4 years ago
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Amys Betrayal

It had been a hectic day and everything that could go wrong for Amy did, just when things couldn’t feel any worse the phone rang and startled her out of her deep thoughts of Brad, the man she always felt was the one until she came home early and found him in bed with her best friend. She suddenly felt sick in the pit of her stomach as her thoughts went back to that dreaded day and quickly forgot the phone ringing. She remembered that day like it was yesterday, it was their two...

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From Betrayal to Joy

Wanda felt that her place in King Dorn’s peace delegation was a mistake but her place was not to question orders. General Willow herself had assigned Wanda the task. Wanda understood the reason, just not her selection. She felt that an officer should represent the Sisterhood of the Moon. At least it should not have been as poor a soldier as herself. Nonetheless, here she was, marching at the head of King Dorn’s envoy. The Sisterhood of the Moon wanted peace just as desperately as King Dorn....

3 years ago
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Netorare Mama My Parents Betrayal 2

Introduction: Scott runs away. Netorare Mama: My Parents Betrayal 2 By Mathew Elizabeth 16-year-old Jay Roberto had all the power to do whatever he wanted to my mother and I. But not with me living under his roof! Thats right, I decided to run away for a while. Can you blame me? The first thing I did when Jay and my mother told me to go to my room was pack my things and get the hell out of there! I shoved my best clothing and other essentials into a backpack with tears in my eyes. I stomped...

4 years ago
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Amys Betrayal

It had been a hectic day, and everything that could go wrong for Amy did. Just when things couldn’t feel any worse, the phone rang and startled her out of her deep thoughts of Brad. The man she always felt was the one. Until she came home early and found him in bed with her best friend. She suddenly felt sick in the pit of her stomach, as her thoughts went back to that dreaded day and quickly forgot the phone ringing. She remembered that day like it was yesterday. It was their two year...

2 years ago
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Unintended Betrayal

She knew she was making a mistake, that the road she was about to go down would lead only to shame, regret and the end of her innocence. But thoughts like these are logical and logic is the first thing abandoned when your urges take over, when your blood runs hot and desire takes over. She gasped as his lips found her neck, his exploration of her body becoming more urgent. Warm sensations flooded her mind as he sampled her, breathing in her scent and tasting her need. His hand grasped the zip...

Straight Sex
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Betrayal in Love Chapter I

Betrayal in Love: Chapter I In quick steps and stern look on his face Rahul is walking towards a friend's house, a friend who has betrayed him, whom he had given almost everything of his in return of love. Passing through the narrow streets of old city of Delhi, he was absent of all the activity going around his path, vendors wailing, kids doing mischief and elders killing time of what they have in groups on road side corner shops. The air is filled with all the sort of sweet and sour...

1 year ago
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Double Betrayal

DOUBLE BETRAYAL by Long Tall MaryIt seemed like the perfect plan. Diane would have the wife of her lover for nearly two days to use as her sex slave, while hub was away on business. But something had gone terribly awry, and now Diane was the enslaved, naked and chained in the dank basement holding cell of a professional dominatrix.For nearly three years Jim had carried on an extra marital affair with Diane, his personal secretary. Jim, 49 years old, was owner and CEO of a small high tech...

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No Strings Attached The Betrayal Chapter 17

I walk down the driveway to my car with Selena following behind me. Anxiety is already coursing through me, knowing that I will have to admit to Liam about what I'm about to do when I return. Guilt will prevent me from keeping it a secret. I would have told him that Louise had contacted me already if I knew he wouldn't stop me.Casual sex isn't a problem to him, that part I'm sure about, and we are technically on a break, but he may physically try to prevent me from seeing her. He may see it as...

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RapeBetrayal 11 My Daughter my Cunt

I guess I've always had a thing for rape. Not the violent sick kind. I just like nice, normal rape stories. You know what I mean? I always thought it was cruel to pierce a woman's nipples, or cut them off, or punch her in the face and slap her around--I mean c'mon, why? I don't want to make her fuck a dog, lick a cat, or drink cum from a horse. I certainly have no desire to see her 3 yr old abused. The things I read on the internet can be quite disgusting. Beastiality, torture,...

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Picture of Betrayal

NOTE: To keep things relatively realistic, I sometimes use terms that are common to the photographic and arts industry but may not be understood by others. In this story I use, “TFP.” The literal translations is; “Time For Prints.” Now days, of course, we rarely make prints anymore, we make digital images but the term has stayed the same. It means exchanging services with others in the trade. If a model wants to update her portfolio with a certain look or revise it with new pics, she can call...

2 years ago
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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 66 The Second Betrayal

As soon as she woke up in the morning, she found that she could reflect on the previous night's activities with a clear head. Yes, Meg had broken her trust, but she decided that she wasn't going to let it bother her. Meg had obviously been sorry about what she had done, and that was the important thing. Lissa might have been angrier if it weren't for the fact that she had been touched by a woman like that before. If she had had no prior experience of this kind, it might have been...

1 year ago
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Amys Betrayal

It had been a hectic day and everything that could go wrong for Amy did, just when things couldn’t feel any worse the phone rang and startled her out of her deep thoughts of Brad, the man she always felt was the one until she came home early and found him in bed with her best friend. She suddenly felt sick in the pit of her stomach as her thoughts went back to that dreaded day and quickly forgot the phone ringing. She remembered that day like it was yesterday, it was their two year anniversary...

Group Sex
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The Ultimate Betrayal

I first met my wife, Jane, when we started at the same high school together. We became friends as a part of a large group. She was friendly and funny with the ability to make people laugh. She was also empathetic. She was the one who was always there when anyone felt down. When we all went out she wasn’t the life of the party but she made sure everyone was included. Since there was usually eight or ten people in our friendship group this was at times a difficult task. She spent an equal...

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The Betrayal of Katie Ch 01

Chapter One – Katie’s New Life by BrettJ © 2012 ‘Have a wonderful time in Europe, Mommy, Daddy,’ Katie Mitchell said as her parent’s car left her at the gates of the Browning estate. She had only been there once before when Todd Browning, her father’s boss, had held his annual summer barbecue. She remembered that she had almost gotten lost, because the Browning’s estate was almost as big as a golf course. Katie couldn’t believe that she was going to be living there for the entire summer. The...

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Bryans Betrayal

I gingerly turned my head from side to side looking for the discarded clothes of last night and fighting the urge to be ill. My skimpy red outfit was missing. There was nothing in the closet or small dresser. I could feel panic creeping into me and I steadied myself on a wall to keep from falling. I wobbled back over to the bed and lay down on it trying to devise a plan and to sort through the jumble of emotions, memories, and ill fitting puzzle pieces. I felt completely foolish as I...

2 years ago
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Betrayal Book 03

Chapter 1- Aftermath 9 Months on Book three is all about life after divorce and my decision about a lifestyle change I soon found a one bed-roomed flat for rent and moved in within the week. I contacted my solicitor and set the wheels in motion, regarding our divorce. I also followed his advice regarding bank accounts and other shared equity items. So the wheels turned slowly. Amanda barraged me with emails and left messages for me that I refused to respond to. Eventually she must have got...

1 year ago
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Netorare Mama My Parents Betrayal 3

Introduction: Scott confronts everyone at the party. Netorare Mama: My Parents Betrayal 3 By Mathew Elizabeth Oh my god, Scotts here! I heard a girl from my grade say as I walked past, ignoring her and stride into the main door. The party was very crowded. Ear bursting music played and thudded throughout my two-story luxury home. The house had to be filled with more than 100 boys and girls between the ages of 16 and 18 there were some middle school kids there too, but not too many. I looked...

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My Bridal Betrayal Fucking the Best man

For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health and it's at this point I may as well stop.I was married and willingly submitted to these vows, a creation by men for the subjugation of their bride, only as in my case, a cruel twist on fate, as you will see, my sickness was a hidden ordeal inside my head, I was a sex addict and my poor new husband did not know that and after we kissed in front of the congregation, I turned and winked naughtily to the best man, a big...

4 years ago
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A Betrayal of Lust

"A BETRAYAL OF LUST"starring Victoria Justice & Madison ReedDear Diary: What a roller coaster the last few weeks have been. I had been working on another project, and getting ready to go on a trip so I had felt like my world was all coming together then all the sudden it came crashing down around me. It all started around Saturday night when word had started to spread that numerous celebrity stolen camera iCloud accounts would be posted for everyone to see. Needless to say what was once a...

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First cum kissBetrayal tastes good

This is the story of the second time I was cuckolded.This was about 8 or 9 months after my first experience as a cuckold.Me and Rylee had broken up. I had gotten kicked out of our school. She started going out with this older k** who had choked me u*********s in the hallway once during a fight.The whole school knew they were fucking. Honestly he was probably fucking her while we were dating. I was still a virgin, she hadnever let me get farther then 3rd base. The closest thing id ever gotten to...

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Trust and Betrayal Part 8211 2

Hello readers, This is the 2nd part of the story on trust and betrayal..The story begins. Please read the first part to refresh your memories. We both knew I had messed up. Ria stood still holding the door frame as if she was about to collapse. I opened my mouth to defend myself but no words came out. Then she slowly collected her senses and asked if it was her panty. I nodded a yes still frozen and sweating in shame. My one hand covering my erect penis and the other holding her panty. She...

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Transitions Part 3 Betrayal

(TG) Transitions Part 3 The Betrayal By Colleen Shepherd Chapter 13 School Daze I arrived at school and went to my assigned home room. As the class filled with other students I could feel the eyes of some of the other students on me. I knew that no one knew who I was so I had to assume they were checking out the new girl, no doubt they were wondering who I was. The teacher took attendance by calling out everyone's name. When she got to mine the whole class looked at...

2 years ago
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                                                       BETRAYAL  Pulling into the Safeway parking lot, I could barely contain my excitement. It was Friday morning and the start of a long weekend of camping and partying.  As I entered the store I made my way to the liquor section and grabbed two large bottles of Patrone tequila and two large bottles of Crown Royal. Several bags of ice, some sodas and several gallons of bottled water rounded out my purchases.    As I arrive in our drive way...

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Found The Missing Essence With My Colleague 8211 Part 3 The Betrayal

Hello all, please read the last part before proceeding with this story about the betrayal. Madhan pumped me and left horny. Mukesh had fucked around 5 times, but still, I was not satisfied. I felt incomplete, and I wanted hardcore drilling to satisfy my lust. Madhan’s dick was in my mind, and I remembered moments with him, especially ass fuck. He fucked me for a long time. His stamina is so far better than Mukesh. Madhan’s pussy licking was amazing. He kissed, licked, and sucked my pussy at a...

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Chapter 1 as told by Bill Williams Greg Benjamin and I have known each other since fourth grade. We lived across the street from each other for almost eleven years when we were kids. We had been best buddies for almost all of that time. That’s why I can’t believe what he has done to my wife and I don’t even know why! It was last Saturday I had come home early from my golf game because it rained us out on the fifteenth hole. We could have waited the shower out but Greg wasn’t there because he...

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"Don't hit me. Please, for God's sake don't hit me," Jerry Smith begged. The man Jerry was pleading with was Ben Stillman, known as Big Ben on the street. The nickname was due to Ben's size, he was 6' 6. If he'd had been shorter, he would have been called stocky; he weighed 270. Instead, he was considered muscular and not someone to mess with. Ben was holding Jerry off the ground with one of his big hands around the neck because his boss, Moe Farrell, had ordered him to collect the...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 42 Battle for Karsakini Part 6 and The Betrayal

Ken jerked his head around to the main tactical screen. "To all ships! Red alert! All hands man your battlestations!" Ken ordered. He turned and walked quickly to the main CIC panel. He looked at the hyper wake coming in. "Estimated time of arrival?" "Six minutes, Sir," replied the sensor officer. "Stack us up. I want a full broadside of weapons to bear on the targets. Launch all fighters." "Yes, Sir! Launching all fighters, stacking the ships." "Dispatch the rest of...

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DemiGodChapter 16 Betrayal

It only took a few minutes to walk to the edge of the Fount. Bright energy-laden Ether spurted up like water under high pressure from the rift in the ground in front of him. Jake saw what the others could not: the rift between the planes was only about a eighteen inches across, but the stream was nearly quarter of a mile across itself, and shot nearly ten times as high. Jake marveled at the care that must have gone into constructing such a well of power in the mortal plane. Brent had...

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Love Lust Betrayal and ConsequencesChapter 12

Deanna I’ve only seen Robbie a few times since our talk but I hear he’s still doing the international routes. He will probably find some blue eyed blonde European vixen with flawless feet and toes to keep him warm at night. He was going to ask for continental flights before I blew up our marriage so we could reconnect. Shot myself in the foot again. Me? nobody wants to date a 8 months pregnant 45 year old with pretty toes. I lost the only man that was like that through selfishness, lust and...

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The War of 2020Chapter 3 Betrayal

Sitting at the telecom station in the Center, Murph rolled in his chair, kicking his feet up on the desk. He hated waiting for others, it was a waste of his time. CGB leaned against a brick wall to his left, his bulky arms crossed as he bounced a tennis ball against the floor impatiently. “These fucks do this shit on purpose,” CGB sneered, walking over to his chair. Finally, after waiting almost ten minutes for a thirty second conversation, the red light flashed on the monitor, advising that...

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Slave to the EmpireChapter 18 Betrayal

Aerick awoke first to the chains. The surroundings confused him at first, but his eyes slowly acclimated to the dim chamber. His wrists were bound above him, and his feet brushed the bone covered floor below. A moan to his left caught his attention, and he saw the similarly dangling form of Toril against the far wall. To his right, Savren lay crumpled in a heap, covered in blood and bound in wire. Of Kieron, there was no sign, giving the ranger pause to whether the young human had evaded...

1 year ago
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Betrayal of the SuccubiChapter 5 The First Betrayal

Calyndi's eyes practically bugged out of her head. "Do you mean to tell me that you've been with Devin tonight?" Calyndi was surprised to find feelings of excitement and a strange sense of jealousy flittering through her. "No, not tonight," Linki said, "last night. I didn't want to tell you because I knew you'd be so worried. But it worked! The ring protected me from his powers." "How can you be sure?" "Well, after we ... had our fun last night, he tried to claim me. He did...

2 years ago
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Betrayal of the SuccubiChapter 8 The Second Betrayal

Calyndi was happy to see the sun drop below the horizon. She'd regained enough of her strength to leave Linki's place following a delightful, blonde meal. Linki had thankfully not made any overt attempts to engage Calyndi sexually, instead focusing her energies on driving the young blonde girl as wild with sexual need as possible. Sometimes stealing a girl away like Linki had done with the blonde would result in a meal filled with the bitterness of fear, but with two succubi working her...

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