Madeleine Ch. 06 free porn video

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June, 1917
Paris, France

It was on a warm late spring morning that I arrived in my office to be greeted with a summons to the ambassador’s office.

When I arrived, I stopped short, for Mr. Stark had a visitor, someone I knew well, and for whom I had decidedly mixed feelings.

Gen. John James Pershing was seated in a chair across from the ambassador’s desk, and he rose when I entered the office.

‘Sergeant Guidry,’ he said as he offered his hand in greeting, using the rank to which I had risen during my service in the Army. ‘You’ve done well for yourself. I’m pleased.’

‘General Pershing,’ I replied as we shook hands guardedly. ‘It has been a long time.’

For just a moment, my mind went back to the steamy jungles of the Philippines, where I had served under Black Jack Pershing in subduing the Moros.

In some respects, I admired the man. He was a very capable soldier, and leader of men in combat. We had become well-acquainted during our time in the Philippines, and he had been crucial in the advancement of my military career.

However, I also came to believe that he was at least partly responsible for some of the excesses that American troops engaged in during that bloody conflict.

I should make it clear that I don’t know for certain whether he ordered or even knew about some of the darker things that went on there.

But I have always been convinced that he at least suspected some things were happening there that shouldn’t have been going on, and that his attitude of doing whatever it took to achieve the objective — in this case, subduing Aguinaldo’s rebels — fostered an atmosphere where atrocities could be committed.

American activities in the Philippines were a deep dark secret in certain circles in the Army. It was a forgotten episode in a faraway part of the world, nobody was willing to speak up, and, frankly, nobody was probably willing to listen at that point in time.

However, Pershing himself had given me a letter of recommendation that eased my entry into LSU when I left the Army, and helped me obtain my position with the college’s militia, so I was somewhat beholden to him, and perhaps that ensured my silence on the matter.

All of that passed through my mind in but a heartbeat, then I focused on the task at hand. I had been brought in for a specific reason, and I suspected my previous service under Pershing was a major factor in that reason.

Pershing had just arrived in Paris a week or so before to begin the process of establishing an American presence in the war. He was to be the supreme commander of the American Expeditionary Force, which would soon be joining the French and British in fighting Germany.

As I had expected all along, the Germans had finally done something stupid that pushed the United States into the war on the side of the Allies.

The stated reason was the resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare, which President Wilson believed was a grievous breach of American neutrality, and which many Americans believed was an inappropriately sneaky way to wage war.

Personally, I thought that was incredibly naïve. The British blockade of the European continent, which Germany rightly called a, ‘starvation blockade,’ was having a debilitating effect on the German people, and the best means at their disposal to fight that blockade was the submarine, which by its very nature was a stealth weapon.

And there was no doubt in my mind — nor that of anyone in the know — that American merchant ships headed for Britain were secretly carrying armaments to Britain that ended up with the Allied armies.

So I didn’t have a serious moral problem with unrestricted submarine warfare as a tactic of war, and by itself that might not have been enough to jolt America out of its neutrality.

What did it was the so-called Zimmerman Telegram, a notorious bit of correspondence from the German foreign minister, Alfred Zimmerman, to the German Embassy in Washington. The British had intercepted the telegram, figured out what it meant and had eagerly — gleefully — passed it on to the Americans.

Basically, the Germans were suggesting an alliance with Mexico against the United States, and in return Mexico would be given the states of Texas, New Mexico and Arizona in the event of a German victory.

It was outrageous and outlandish on its face, because Mexico was in no position to offer Germany any sort of material assistance in the war. Mexico was more than five years deep into a bloody and chaotic civil war that had left that nation ruined.

In fact, Jack Pershing himself had spent months campaigning in Mexico with a small force in pursuit of Mexican bandits after one of them, one Pancho Villa, had come across the border and shot up a small town in New Mexico.

Nevertheless, the mere thought of some of our states as booty in the Great War inflamed American opinion, never mind the fact that we had taken those very states from Mexico by force almost 70 years earlier.

It was that something stupid that I had told Marcel Lévesque years earlier would be what got the U.S. into the war, and in April, the president had declared war on Germany.

Now, Gen. Pershing was in Paris with his staff and my assignment was to be a liaison with him and his staff in acclimating them to the brutal realities of war on the Western Front.

We weren’t any too soon getting involved, either. Just weeks earlier, the Tsar of Russia had abdicated and a democratic government had been formed, but it was precariously perched in power, and Russia’s continued involvement in the war was uncertain.

My good friend Sergei Hoffman had been called back to Russia, and he had reluctantly gone home. We had enjoyed a farewell dinner at Marcel’s the night before he departed, and he wished Madeleine and I good luck.

I didn’t realize it at the time, but I would never see my friend again. We heard from him for awhile through letters he sent, but after the Bolsheviks took power in November, those letters stopped, and we never heard from him again.

I can only assume that as a diplomat for and a minor noble in the tsarist regime that he had been a target of the Bolsheviks and that he had paid for that with his life in the madness that befell Russia in the years that followed the revolution of 1917.

I spent the rest of that day, and the rest of the week in consultations with Pershing and his staff members. I quickly realized that I needed to disabuse our officers of the nature of this war.

‘There is nothing glorious about the fighting in this war,’ I told a group of staffers in a lecture one afternoon. ‘It is dirty, brutal, monotonous, terrifying and bloody.’

The next week, I got an assignment that both thrilled and terrified me. I was asked to accompany an American pilot to take some aerial photos of the front lines.

The pilot was one of the men who had been flying and fighting with the so-called Lafayette Escadrille, a group of American volunteers who brought their expertise to the Allies.

I had never been up in an airplane before, and the experience was like nothing I’d ever had before. It was exhilarating in one sense, but I was also shaken by the thought of the many things that could have gone wrong.

We were not up there to fight, but to do some reconnaissance, and I wasn’t sure what would happen if we had encountered an enemy plane.

We were actually flying over German territory, and I was afraid we would draw the attention of the Germans, who would send a squadron up to take care of us. But, fortunately, we were able to do our business unimpeded.

Another concern was the matter of taking photos from the rear cockpit of an early airplane. I had to take a firm grip on the camera and lean slightly out of the open cockpit to shoot. Sure, I was strapped in, still, it was a terrifying experience.

From up high, however, one c
ould get a real sense of the trench system, and the photos I took were instrumental in giving me and the Army staff the overall picture of the geography of the war.

Nevertheless, I was relieved when we finally landed. I kissed the ground when I disengaged from the plane, much to the amusement of my pilot.

In early June, something happened that drove home the importance of my job. Earlier in the spring, the French had suffered heavy losses in a futile assault near Verdun, and the French troops reached their breaking point.

Thousands of French soldiers had mutinied, and others who were prodded into battle marched to the front bleating in derision, the implication being that they were simply sheep being led to slaughter, which was not far from the truth.

Gen. Pershing heard about the mutiny and pressed to me the importance that something like that must not happen with our troops.

The French mutiny, however, was a manifestation of a wider war-weariness that was finding more and more expression in art and literature, as well as on the streets of Paris. Nearly three years of butchery, with no end in sight, had fostered a bitterness and a coarsening of life that was palpable in Paris, so close to the front.

I, for one, had taken to carrying my trusty pistol with me at all times, even in public. I procured a smaller one for Madeleine, as well, and I took her out to the country south of the city to teach her how to use it, should it become necessary. I was taking no chances with my life, nor that of the woman I loved.

I was working long hours, and traveling quite a lot between Paris and the American Army headquarters, and Madeleine was faithfully keeping house, tending to Marie and helping her father at the bistro, where business had picked up again after a lull shortly after the war began.

Madeleine was a wonderful cook and housekeeper, and she had taken to the role of wife and mother like a duck to water. She was a natural nurturer, a woman who was born to care for others. She had taken care of Marcel during her youth, and she took care of me and our child.

She and her friend Therese had worked out an arrangement where they cared for the other one’s baby while they each split time serving at Marcel’s. We had also set up a nursery area in the back office at the bistro on occasions when they were both needed.

As a war widow, Therese was entitled to a stipend from the French government, but it wasn’t much, since she and her husband had not been married long. Marcel had offered her a job, and she had accepted gratefully.

Having a friend who could look after our child paid off nicely on our second anniversary in June.

I returned from a visit to Pershing’s headquarters to be greeted by a smiling Madeleine and the smells of something delicious coming from the kitchen.

‘Where is Marie?’ I asked after a lengthy kiss.

‘She is staying the night with Therese and Rosa,’ Madeleine said in a seductive tone of voice, referring to her friend’s young child, who was already a playmate of our little girl, who was just learning to walk. ‘We have the house to ourselves. I have something in mind for you.’

‘Oh?’ I exclaimed, with a raised eyebrow. ‘Can I assume this will be something I will enjoy?’

‘Oh, indeed,’ she said, leaning over and kissing me again. ‘I think you will enjoy this very much. You know, of course, that it was two years ago today…’

‘Yes, my love, the best day of my life,’ I said. ‘A magical day.’

We kissed again, a sort of hunger growing between us, then Madeleine pulled away to finish preparing dinner.

After a sumptuous meal, Madeleine excused herself to our bedroom, while I relaxed on the sofa with a copy of the afternoon newspaper.

At length, I heard Madeleine call for me to come join her. I walked to the bedroom, opened the door and stood transfixed.

Madeleine was kneeling on the bed, with her back to the door. She was dressed, sort of, in a one-piece set of bloomers, that were somewhat old-fashioned, but incredibly sexy with the ties to the crotch and the top undone.

The effect had her sex open and ready, like she was offering herself as a meal. Her breasts were out and hanging free from the opening at her chest, the dark pink tips stiff in plain arousal.

She was looking back at me with a seductive smile, like some Parisian courtesan, her fingers beckoning me to enter, to take her. Her long dark hair was down and spread about her shoulders like the finest silk. She had obviously spent some time brushing it to a polished sheen.

‘My God,’ I whispered. ‘You are so beautiful. The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. You always have been.’

‘Come, Robert,’ she whispered back. ‘Come and take me. Just for tonight, I will be your whore, your wanton woman. I will do anything you want, any way you want.’

I couldn’t pass up an offer like that, although truth be known, Madeleine always had a little bit of whore in her when we made love. She loved sex, and had a real sense of adventure in bed. And I was to find out just how uninhibited she could be.

I quickly stripped and threw my suit onto the chair, then approached the bed, lightly fisting my cock, which was already hard in anticipation. The head was red and wet from arousal as I pulled my foreskin back in preparation.

I was tempted to just climb on the bed and mount her, but I decided that if she wanted to play, then so did I.

‘Turn around, my whore,’ I commanded softly, and she quickly complied. Madeleine’s eyes were sparkling with lust as she looked up at me in anticipation. ‘Suck it.’

There was no hesitation. She leaned forward slightly, took my cock in her hands and brought the head to her face. Her tongue slid out from her moist lips and licked the head, the slid her lips down the shaft, licking around the rigid flesh, causing me to groan in incipient ecstasy.

She bathed the shaft with her lips and tongue, sawing my length over her open mouth, before abruptly slipping the head past her lips and into her mouth.

I groaned louder this time, as she sucked a good two-thirds of my length into her maw. She kept a firm grip at the base of my penis while feeding the rest into her hungry mouth. She was humming in lust of her own as she worked me with her mouth, sending vibrations all the way to my brain.

I lost myself in the sensations of Madeleine’s oral ministrations, and I congratulated myself on my success in teaching her how to do it. Oral sex had been part of our sex life almost from the beginning, and Madeleine had been eager to learn.

This was just another example of how much freer the French were in sexual matters. Most nice young American wives of that period would never be caught dead sucking their husbands. But it was simply another way for Madeleine to please her man, and she had not objected at all at the thought of taking me in her mouth.

Nor did I object in the least at pleasuring her that way. I had come to appreciate the wonders of cunnilingus during my college days by a New Orleans prostitute that I had come to know, and I enjoyed showing Madeleine what I knew.

As much as I was reveling in the feeling of my wife’s warm, wet mouth on my cock, I wanted a taste of her hot pie.

I pulled myself away from Madeleine, and felt a stir at the tendrils of wetness that clung to her lips momentarily.

I climbed up on the bed, knelt down behind her, just like she was and inhaled her essence. She as dripping wet, and the aroma of her hot slit was intoxicating.

I grabbed her hips and slashed my tongue up her slot, then bored in until my lips were pressed against her labia. I felt Madeleine’s body twitch involuntarily and a low groan escaped her mouth.

I smiled to myself at how I was able to please my little minx, at how I had made her mine. I wouldn’t have called her my love slave, but that’s basically what she was. I had quickly learned how to
work her body like a fine-tuned machine, and she loved me for it.

In and out, I licked her sex, while reaching under to roll her clit with a finger. Madeleine was thrusting her hips back as he climax began to climb, and I knew the time was nigh.

Giving her vagina one last kiss. I stood up, slid in right behind her, lined up my cock to her opening and pushed the head right on in. We both groaned deeply and loudly as I plunged in to the hilt in one smooth, screaming stroke.

In no time, I was in rhythm and we were gasping in lust. I could not believe how hot and wet Madeleine was as I fucked her with long, purposeful strokes. She threw her head back and her long hair flipped back with it, with loose strands spread over her shoulders.

‘You are so beautiful, my love, my whore,’ I whispered as I felt the sap rising in my scrotum with each sizzling stroke.

‘Unnnnnnnnh, yessssss,’ Madeleine exclaimed. ‘I will … always be your … whore, Robert. Always.’

Madeleine’s body was starting to shimmy and shake as we reached for a mutual climax. Higher and higher, the sensations kept building. I leaned over and captured her breasts in each hand, rolling her nipples between my fingers as I did, and it was like turning on a switch.

She shuddered from her head to her toes, and she cried out in passion as the orgasm ripped through her body. That was all I could stand. With a groan, I fucked her incredibly deep three full strokes then surrendered a crackling load of semen.

I felt like my entire body was coming through my penis as I spurted my seed deep in my bride’s womb. For long minutes the convulsions of lust swept over us, then we slowly sank to the bed in sweat-soaked satisfaction.

‘Robert, you are my love,’ Madeleine whispered as we lay together in our afterglow.

‘And you are mine, Madeleine,’ I whispered back.

If I could have, I would have preserved that moment in glass, for there would be fewer and fewer of them as my role in the war began to deepen.

It wasn’t that our love in any way diminished, but the time was rapidly approaching when I would be spending more time in the field than at home, and we would have precious few moments like this one.

And we were on a collision course with personal trials and tribulations we could not have imagined.

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Hello, everyone of indian sex stories dot net, I am Sam from Nagpur and I am 21 years old. I am in final year of engineering.I am fair and loves pussy licking. This story which I am going to tell you happened 3 months ago.If u liked the story u can give feedback on my email id I am explaining the story now in Hindi. Ye bat kuch 3 mahine pehle ki hai jab meri 6th-semester ki exams khatam hogyi thi. Mai abhi bhi virgin tha aur porn videos aur sex stories bhot padta tha issi karan se mujme sex...

4 years ago
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The Ring Ch 02

Chapter 2 Keith awoke not knowing where he was and hot as all hell. His head spun as he opened his eyes to daylight and looking at a ceiling where fan blades spun slowly. Not enough to even feel a breeze. As his mind began waking, he became aware that someone lay in the bed with him. He turned slightly and saw black hair. Leti still slept, her slow breathing making that observation fact. Details began fading back to him from yesterday. He remembered going home with her after their backseat...

2 years ago
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Joining the FamilyChapter 2

The following days I was unusually quiet. I tried my best to spend time with Tom and avoid the rest of the family as much as I could. Dad was right. I was hurting and felt insulted. They had sex with 12 year old girls and we, the boys, were left out. Tom had the same feelings and we talked a lot about what we saw and what we felt about it. Sunday afternoon the guests left, and only then the family noticed how quiet I was. During dinner on Monday Mom asked: "You've been very quiet the...

3 years ago
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ScoutChapter 9

Spring in Texas can be beautiful, but beautiful doesn't buy groceries. We decided that a trip back to Oklahoma was warranted to restock the larder. However, as a safety measure, we did choose to visit another town. We set out with our usual complement of two horses, each, and a pack mule. We stopped in Amarillo to pick up the latest in wanted posters and saw that there were some high-value characters there. We might score as well as we did on our first trip to Oklahoma last year, but we...

2 years ago
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Rough Day

Your phone rings, you answer it and see its my number you answer in the usual way "Hey? Hows your day been?"I say to you "Ok, i'll be home at 5pm. Have to go see you when i get home."You could tell by the way i spoke that I've had a rough day and knew you where going to be punished for it. Driving home all i could think about was fucking your tight asshole until i filled it with cum, but tonight was different i was going to push it a step further i was going to take my frustrations out on you.I...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 435 What Do We Have Here

Time to make more friends before I meet this unknown enemy. “Get your girls out of here as fast as they can. Something is coming that puts them in danger. I don’t want them used as pawns for this person who doesn’t fear what they should,” I told Mr. Big. “Whatever is coming will be in the area outside of town where I am going to have a meet and greet with them. At their current rate of speed, your girls should be at a safe distance by then, I hope. I’m not as I was when they last got near...

2 years ago
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The Kristal Chronicles Story I The Birth of a H

The Kristal Chronicles - Story I: The Birth of a Hot WifeChapter 1 - The Warm UpWith our 20th wedding anniversary approaching, and the boys old enough and responsible enough not to destroy the house (or each other!) while we’re away, we decided to head up to the City for a night away. This was the first one in a long, long time. I was excited about getting away...and the thought of banging my wife silly in some hotel room.A little bit about my beautiful Kristal. I adore her. She’s a cutie in...

3 years ago
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The Road to Recovery

My god did I get pissed last night. That’s a statement, not a question. If the throbbing in my head is any indication of my condition I must have been pissed as a newt, blind maggoty drunk. I don’t remember which particular poison I drank to arrive at the state I must have been in, but I do remember that at one stage there was a woman involved. I rolled over and bumped into something soft and it moaned. My eyes couldn’t quite focus but there was a woman in my bed, or was I in a woman’s bed, I...

3 years ago
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Ricos crush

The boy calls Jackson: "Jackson! Do you know who's doing his job here? Nobody!" shouted Rico. "Chill, Rico. I was just taking a break!" "Did I say you could take a break!?" "Geez, Rico! Why are you always like this?" "Just go back to work, if you wanna get paid!" shouted Rico, as he left to the counter of his bar and sat there, doing his job: making sure Jackson does his job. Jackson went back to work, still trying to flirt with a few girls while he does his job. Later that...

1 year ago
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Cassandras Destiny The Ball

As Cassandra felt the delights of Alfonse’s cock for the first time and drank of his blood to fulfill her destiny more than her body was changed. Yes, she became a vampire as was he, but somehow the desires to know everything flooded her mind and body both. This is the continuation of the short story written originally for a contest. Without the word count limitation now in place, see just how far our little vamp slut will go to find the answers to her fantasies. Cassie grinned from ear to ear...

2 years ago
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Rainy Day With Village Aunty

Hi friends I am Abhay(name changed), sharing my life experience with you. This is story about me and my sexy aunty. I am a software engineer working for one of the mnc. I am 5ft 11 inch tall and medium built with fair skin color. Very silent for the outer world but very naughty from inside. Only my close friends know I am naughty. This incident happened 9 years ago when I was in first year engineering. I was 19 year old boy. My aunt name is Sarala and height 5.6 heavy build. She is from village...

1 year ago
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MyDirtyMaid Amy Amor Horny Maid Cleans His Dick

We called for a maid service to clean our house today, but didn’t expect the maid to be so fucking sexy. I knew when she came in, I had to get her out of those clothes. I offer her some money to show off her bra. She was hesitant at first, but it’s hard to say no to so much cash. After she lost her top, I needed to see that booty. Paid her a little bit more and got to see her twerk her perfect booty. I ended up getting her completely naked before I was way too hard to not stroke my...

3 years ago
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Sexual Discoveries Ch 03

Kira’s sister, Misty Lawson, was also at the point in her life of making a major decision. One that she had thought over in her mind many times over the past year or more. She was eighteen, and although sexually active to point, she was still a virgin. She had been dating her boyfriend Eric for five months, and knew he was the one she wanted to give herself fully to. Her breasts were bigger than her sisters, a full 36C, with ultra sensitive nipples. She always felt excited anytime he touched...

2 years ago
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Hot Fun With Cute Stranger

Hello friends this is my first story on ISS and I keep often reading stories on ISS and I like to read it. M Sid from Mumbai and male 21. I’d like to share my incidence with you people without wasting much of your time I’d like to tell u the actual part! This incident occurred with me recently actually, I had problem with my cell phone due to which I had to visit the service center in my area. It was Tuesday, so around 11 am I left home, took my bike and went to service center. There was less...

2 years ago
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Adventurous Time In Uganda 8211 Part 2

Thank you very much for appreciating my previous story about my time in Uganda. I had occasionally been having sex with Sara, my 100-kilo African neighbor. She was enjoying the erotic sex she was having with me. She showed some of our videos she had recorded to blackmail me to her best friend, Namono. Now, Namono wanted to sleep with me. She was a 32-year-old widowed woman with a child. Her husband died in a gun attack two years back. Sara brought Namono to my apartment. Without her saying...

4 years ago
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For Friends and Family Part 26 The Norns Intervene

For Friends and Family 26 - The Norns Intervene Blackness, wonderful peace, calm, pain free I remember not very much of the ten minutes or so after Brett and I were shot. I woke hearing the keening of someone very distressed, a low wailing; moaning sound that I realised was coming from me! With consciousness came pain, a horrible burning pain in my right leg, around the thigh, and then I heard a familiar voice saying, "Amy, can you calm Nicky down, so the ambulance crew can tend...

4 years ago
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Rooming With Jodie

Jody was two inches smaller than me. She wore a washed out blue hoodie, faded jeans with holes everywhere, and pink trainers. I knew her - only from seeing her from afar, of course, and from the rumours about some rather nasty things she was supposed to have done - from college. She was one of these ‘rebels’, or nerds, or whatever you liked to call that riff-raff with no class at all. Her shoulder length, dirty blonde hair was a mess of tangled strands. The baby fat in her rounded,...

1 year ago
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BlackPatrol Maggie Green Joslyn Illegal Street Racers get more than they bargained for

We got a call down in Overtown about an apparent Illegal Street Race going on. When we arrived on the scene we found that the suspects were riding around on Dirt bikes and Atvs. We pursued the suspects who were intimidating us as they evaded arrest. One suspect a black tall man was stopped finally when his ATV broke down. We quickly apprehended that suspect and dragged him to our squad car. Once we had him in custody, we got a good look at him and decided that we weren’t going to take him in,...

2 years ago
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She made me a slave sissy

Please check out my profile here on xhamster it is Please read the ENTIRE "About Me" I love to PM back and forth with CDs, Fem Bois, Sissies and Feminine Gay Male EMOs etc. After reading the entire "About Me" I hope that you decide to send and invite and the one line PM I talk about there. Become a friend and I will write a story tailored just for you as this one was done for another friendFolks As I said in my profile I am straight, but I also said in my...

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Under the Covers Chapter I

His hands slowly slid around my back and under my shirt, unclasping my bra before discarding it on the classroom floor. He sat me on his desk as he slipped my top over my head, and lowered my mouth to my giant tits, enveloping them with his gentle sucks. My hands tangled in his hair as he nibbled delightfully on my breasts, sending shivers down my spine. His hands cupped my breasts and he slowly squeezed them together, causing my pussy to flow with juices. He hooked a finger under the...

2 years ago
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Sarah discovers masturbation 2

Little Sarah woke up so excited and a little sore from her first amazing day of masturbation, she actually loved the feeling of her pussy, nipples and ass being a little sore from the workout she gave them the night before and she absolutely loved the way she felt, so aroused and she was amazed to have woken up with her young pussy already soaking wet, she wondered if she would ever not be wet down there now that she had found out about masturbation and the feelings she could have while playing...

4 years ago
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Sweet sister Dolly

My name is bobby, I am 21 yrs old and my younger sister dolly is 19 years old. She is 5’6″ with very good figure. She have breast of 32 and waist 27 bat garmiyo ke din ki hai,mai dolly ko pahle aisi nazro se nahi dekhta tha,ek bar maine us kapde change karte samay dekha aur uske bad kisi ur ladki ko dekhne ka man nahi karta.karib ek mahina pahle humare yanha kafi sare guest aaye the to hum sabhi log ek hi hall me soye mai rat e kafi late ghar aaya,sabhi log so chuke the mai b dolly ke as so...

1 year ago
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Kandy I have become to know this incredibly hot sexy gurl the dream of my life is unfolding as I collect my baggage at the airport and climb Into a cab to take me over to Kandys residence ,My first time to Germany im thinking dreaming wild thoughts Kandy & the land of super giantess goddess never before have I met some one with super qualities ,super tall over eight feet tall in heels huge massive boobs almost 300 inches at fullest point of her bust arms that look like bands of steel so...

3 years ago
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Finally Got Laid With My Junior

Greetings all, My first sex story, do not wanna bore you by telling about me and the girl. The story tells all. Just an intro I am from Mumbai and 33-year-old. This happened in 2014 when I was working for an MNC in Goregaon as head of operations. There was co-ordination depart where reena(name changed) use to work she used to be a head of the co ordination and used to report to me. Every one use to eye here as she was very fair maharashtrian girl not too tall but around 5.1″ use to dress well...

3 years ago
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I Fall for My Brothers Best Friend

I was probably about ten when I first fell in love with Matt. At the time, I figured it was just puppy love – infatuation. But now I know it’s real love. No one stays infatuated with someone for nine years. Yes, I’ve had a few boyfriends before, but I’ve never loved anyone as much as Matt. Matt has been best friends with my brother Sam for as long as I can remember. Both of them are a year older than me. He’s always been gorgeous. I think of him like stage lighting. If you want a play to seem...

4 years ago
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A Dream Wished For

A Girls Desire CHAPTER ONE My Fantasy Comes True I have been ordered to sit here naked and write about the past months thatled up to my being here. Also I am to describe in detail who and what I am.What I look like and how I feel.' My name is Slut Terry. Six months ago my name was Terry Leiu Anderson. Iwas a happy 17 year old with usual desires, tastes and curiosity. My 18 th birthdaywas just around the corner and I kept telling myself I would be of legal ageto make decisions about things I...

2 years ago
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Lacie Ch 07

Chapter 7: Lacie’s Mansion Lacie decided to wander the halls for a while, strolling through the hallways of the mansion’s first floor. Poking her head through doorways at random, the young brunette teen enjoyed her time alone, reveling in the stately pace at which she let herself amble along. Ever since she had arrived at the mansion, it had seemed like Lacie was always rushing, dashing from one place to another, always racing the clock. Now that she had some time to herself, Lacie simply...

3 years ago
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Green DoomChapter 2 Caravan Guard

Shantar let his pony pick its own path through the gathering darkness. It had been a long day, and only the memory of his anger was left to keep him from nodding off in the saddle. A few of the brightest stars glimmered feebly through a tattered veil of high clouds, and none of the moons would be up until later in the night. At last, he caught a faint odor of wood smoke. His pony pricked up its ears and walked a little faster, eager to join the pony herd it could smell and hear somewhere...

1 year ago
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My best friend Darrell

Darrell and me my best friend for over 18 years started playing around about 8 years ago. We started out slow at first. We would watch a hot xxx video and J/O in front of each other. I've been Bi ever sense I was 18 I'm 50 now so I've had my share of hot m2m sex. I was pretty sure Darrell was interested by the way he would hint around about getting a blow job at the Adult book store but neither one of us would make the next move. I was afraid it would fuckup our friend ship. Then one day I was...

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Exposing Amy

This all started one day when my wife was sat on a bar stool. We were having lunch in a pub and my wife Amy decided she needed to go to the toilet. As she spun around her dress seemed to catch and as she lowered herself from the stool her dress rose up her thighs. The lads sat down across from us had a clear view up her skirt and they can't but have seen her panties. This innocuous incident changed our lives. Amy was really seriously embarrassed, and anyone else would have thought that she was...

4 years ago
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Daddys Lessons IX

“Do you want to try being on top?” Mat asks as he holds himself above Abby, weight on his elbows as he pushes and pulls inside her. She smiles, teeth like a string of pearls, nodding her head. Mat slips a hand under her and carefully rolls onto his back, Abby clinging to him. Knees on each side of his chest, she lays her naked torso right on top of his, breathing into him as he carefully moves beneath her.“Ahh, fuck. That’s nice,” he murmurs. Every vocal affirmation he gives makes her want to...

3 years ago
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The LS Story Part 2

Jim’s Perversion: Before leaving to take Jim home, Ann asked Jim if she could stay at his house for the weekend. Jim responded that since he was taking the following week off, that Ann could stay the weekend and even a few more days if she wanted. Ann say that she was sure that she could get a day or two off from work with the short notice that she would be giving her job. Ann said to give her a few minutes to pack some clothes. Jim responded, “Get your purse only; you will not need...

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