Mike and Peggy
- 5 years ago
- 31
- 0
I stood there at the window and watched as the car backed down the drive, turned right and then disappear down the street. I wondered why I wasn't more upset. I'd just seen ten years of my life drive away. Shouldn't I have felt something? Shouldn't there have been something other than a shrug of the shoulders and an, "Oh well; I guess I should go and take care of that dripping faucet?" As I turned and headed for the kitchen I ran the events of the last half hour back through my mind.
I'd come home from work to find my wife Peggy sitting at the kitchen table with a full glass of wine sitting in front of her. I knew something was up as soon as I saw her sitting there. First - she was home before me and she never got home from work until a half hour to an hour after I did. Secondly - the understanding we had was the first one home would start dinner and there was nothing on the stove. Lastly - there was the glass of wine. Peg rarely drank. I was no sooner in the room than she asked me to sit down and told me she had something to say. I grabbed a beer out of the fridge, sat down across from her and she said:
"Rob, I know you know this. There has been something out of sync between us for the last six months or so. I have no idea why we seem to be moving away from each other. I don't know if it is something to do with me or something to do with you, but something is wrong. I've tried to talk with you about it, but all I get from you is that we are just going through a rough spot and it will get better. I've decided that we need to separate. I'm not talking divorce, just a separation for a while.
"I think I need some space Rob. I need to get away, look at my life and see if I can figure out where the disconnect between us is coming from. You can use the time we are apart to look at the same thing from your angle."
"Oh come on Peg; it isn't that bad. Sure we are having some problems - what marriage doesn't - but two people can't work out problems if they are away from each other and not talking."
"Talking isn't going to help Rob. You only see one problem with our marriage. As far as you are concerned the only problem we have is that we aren't making love. Your solution to the problem is for me to get naked and let you have your way with me. As far as I'm concerned there is a lot more wrong. We don't make love any more because I don't want to. We don't snuggle or cuddle any more because I don't want you touching me and I don't know why I don't want you to touch me. I still love you. I love you as much as I did on the day we were married, but something is wrong and I don't know what it is. I need some space Rob; I need some time alone so I can figure things out."
"So you want to pitch ten years of marriage out the window."
"No Rob; I just think we need to spend some time apart. I've already packed my stuff in my car. I'm going to stay with my sister until I can find me a place. I'll call you once a week to keep in touch"
She stood up and said, "I have to go. I told Mary that I'd be there by seven." She turned and walked away without even offering to kiss me goodbye and that in itself told me where I stood.
It didn't take long for the word to get around that Peggy and I had separated. Most of our friends were sympathetic and went out of their way to try and cheer me up. Peggy called me once a week and asked me how I was and I would say I was managing and then I'd ask her how she was and she would say that she was okay. Then I would ask her if she were ready to come home yet and she would tell me not yet.
Peg had been gone for six weeks when I started hearing things; disturbing things. Things like she had a live in boyfriend. I didn't want to believe that. I wanted to believe that things were like she said they were; that she just wanted some time alone to get her head straight and then she would be coming home. I kept hearing things so I decided to check out the rumors. I'd find out where Peg was staying, do a little snooping and put the rumors to rest. But no one could tell me where she was staying, either couldn't or wouldn't, and I began to think that something about the situation stunk to high heaven.
I was having dinner with my friend Tom and his wife Tanya and I voiced my concerns and let slip that I was going to hire a private detective to find Peg and either confirm the rumors or disprove them.
I saw Tom look at Tanya and I saw her give him a little nod. "Save your money Rob" Tom said, "The rumors are true. Most of the people who know you know what is going on, but they like you too much to tell you."
"Tell me what?"
"That Peggy left you to live with Adam White."
"Adam White? Who the hell is Adam White? I've never heard of him."
"He works with Peggy."
"And she just up and left me to go and live with him? That doesn't make sense. If she was going to do that why didn't she just divorce me? What's with the separation bullshit?"
"You know Peg Rob. She plans, makes fall back plans and then makes plans for if the fall back plan doesn't work. She has been seeing White for almost a year and I guessing that she did this separation thing so she could come home if living with White wasn't as good as having an affair with him."
"And everyone knows this, but no one would tell me? Gee, gosh oh golly, what a great bunch of friends I have."
I stood up and threw my napkin down in the center of the table and said, "Thanks bunches. I'll see my self out" and I left their house. On the drive home I thought about what I had just learned. No sex with Peg for over a year because she didn't want to make love with me. No snuggling for over a year because she didn't want me touching her and all the time she was hanging horns on me. Like a fool I sat at home like a good little boy and behaved myself while I waited for the unfaithful whore to come home. And all my friends - my wonderful friends - knew all about it and they just let me sit there, stare at the walls and wait. Well, the waiting was over.
The next morning I made an appointment with the Corliss Investigative Agency and gave them a retainer. I told them where Peg and this White guy worked and told them I wanted all the dirt they could get me on the two and then I went home and started making a list of everything that I need to do to sever my relationship with Peg. I'd wait until I had the report from the detective agency, but when I got it I would have my list and I would be ready.
Once the list was made I sat back and thought about something else I needed to do. I hadn't been laid in almost sixteen months what with Peg denying me for a year and then the separation. I'd been a completely faithful husband, but now that I knew what Peg was doing I damned sure wasn't going to remain celibate any longer. I sat at the kitchen table sipping a beer and making plans to end my long dry spell when I remembered what Tom had said about Peg.
She planned everything!
After living with her as long as I had I knew that was true. To me that meant that she had plans for what to do if I found out about what she was doing; plans based on how she thought I would respond to finding out and the biggest plan of all - how to stick it up my ass if she decided that living with White was what she really wanted to do. I could see her having me watched so that if I went out and dipped my wick she would be able to use it against me in a divorce.
All of a sudden the list I had made was worthless because she might have planned for my reacting that way. It was back to the drawing board and a new list took shape and as it took shape I saw that a lot of what I wanted to do would have to be done right away and not left until the last minute. And there were some things that I could do that would stick it up Peg's ass and make her bleed. I smiled at the thought and wondered if she had a plan for when something like that happened to her.
The next morning I went to my bank to deposit my paycheck and while I was there I checked on the safe deposit box that Peg and I had there. I saw from the sign in log that Peg seemed to check the box at least once a week and when I saw that I knew she was keeping track of me and that at the first sign that I was onto her she would pounce. I thought about that for a minute and then I took the five certificates of deposit from their plastic envelopes and went upstairs and used the banks copy machine to copy all five and then I went and put the copies back in their envelopes and put them back in the box. Unless Peg took the CDs out of the envelopes to check them she would never know about the switch.
Then, since I knew that Peg was checking up on me, I took my passport from the box and casually mentioned to the woman from the bank as she put the box back in it's slot that I was going down to Mexico on a fishing trip. I left the bank with the five CDs in my pocket. I normally was into the bank twice a week on the average and each visit I would cash in one CD, pay the early withdrawal penalty, and then hide the cash away when I got home.
I wasn't a believer in credit cards as I thought you could get in trouble to easily with them so the only ones I had in my name were an American Express, on which the full balance had to be paid when you got the bill, several gasoline company credit cards and one Visa card with a low limit that was in my name only. Peg on the other hand had a good half dozen credit cards in just her name and some of them had high limits. I knew what the limits were because I paid the bills every month and I made a list of the remaining account balances and set it aside. I would make sure that I paid the minimum payment on those cards to keep them in good standing.
I sat down and made a list of all the things that I would like to have and then I went online and over the course of the next couple of weeks I went on a spending binge using Peg's credit cards. When I bailed she would be saddled with the credit card debt and I intended to see that it was considerable. I updated my computer and got a new Dell with all the bells and whistles. I bought a Remington 700 on E-Bay and a whole bunch of other stuff like a digital camera and a state of the art cell phone that did everything but cook my dinner.
The house was Peg's. It had been left to her by her parents so I would have no claim on it, but we had used it as collateral for an open line of credit when we put in the swimming pool and hot tub and both of our signatures were on the account. We had paid off what we had borrowed, but the line of credit was still open. If I timed it right I could draw on that line before she knew what I was doing. I had wondered why when she decided that we needed a trial separation she packed up and left me in her house instead of asking me to leave. Now I knew. If I was still in the house I would obviously be expecting her to come back. I would obviously see this separation as something that wasn't going to last.
Next, I closed out my 401(k) at work, paid the penalty and the squirreled away the cash. Then I sat back and waited on the private detective's report.
The one thing I couldn't figure out how to do was get my ashes hauled. I couldn't take the chance that Peg had someone watching me to see if I did go looking. I decided what I would have to do was leave town on the weekends to go on 'fishing trips.' She knew that I loved to fish and that I went quite often and she knew from the catches I brought home that I did actually go fishing so I doubted that she would pay a private detective to follow me. No need for her to get too carried away, right? After all, wasn't I stupid? Hadn't she been pulling the wool over my eyes for over a year?
It was a Friday and I was just getting ready to leave work when I got a phone call from Tanya asking me to stop by their house on the way home. I tried to beg off, but she told me that it was important so even though I really didn't want to go there I said I would. When I got there she let me in and led me into the living room where I found Tom sitting in an easy chair. He got up and offered me his hand and I shook it and then he told me to sit down and get comfortable while he got me a beer.
"Tanya needs to talk with you Rob and you need to know that I'm 100% on board with what she is going to say."
He left the room and headed for the kitchen while I gave Tanya a questioning look and she said:
"In a minute Rob; you are going to need some beer in you for this."
Tom came back and handed me a Bud Light and said, "I've got some errands to run and I probably won't be back before midnight. Catch you later" and he headed for the front door and I heard it open and then close behind him. The door closing was Tanya's signal to start talking.
"Rob, you hurt us when you stormed out of her the night you were here for dinner."
I started to say something, but she held up her hand and said, "Let me finish. You were justified, but it still hurt. In our defense all I can say is that we like you a lot and we didn't want to be the ones to hurt you. It gets a little complicated in that we are friends with Peg also and we were hoping she would get her head on straight and go home to you where she belongs. We know you love her, or at least you did love her, but we didn't know if it was enough for you to forgive her so we kept quiet. If you got back together and you didn't know you could have gotten on with your lives without having to worry about forgiving and forgetting. That's it; that's our apology, but that is only part of why Tom and I wanted you to stop by.
"We know you Rob and we know what kind of a guy you are. You would no more cheat on your wife than you would rob a bank. How long has it been since you last had sex?"
The question caught me totally off guard. For the first time I noticed how Tanya was dressed. Low cut blouse that showed off her ample cleavage, short skirt and high heels that show-cased her marvelous legs and friend or no friend I couldn't help but get a hard on. Then I remembered Tom's "I'm a 100% on board" comment and I had an idea where things were going. In a subdued voice I told her that it had been a year and a half.
She leaned toward me and I got a look down inside her blouse as she huskily said:
"I'd like to change that Rob."
"Tom's my friend Tanya; I can't do that to him."
I started to get up, but she grabbed my arm and pulled me back down. "Tom's okay with this Rob, that's why he left, to give us some time alone. This isn't a pity fuck or a mercy fuck Rob. Tom and I have talked this over for months now. You have something we want so hopefully I can help you and you can help us."
"I don't understand what you are saying."
"To be blunt about it Rob, Tom is sterile and we want a child. We want you to give me one."
I was stunned! I sat there and stared at her speechless. When I finally did find my voice I said:
"You just said that you knew I wouldn't cheat on Peg."
"Yes" she said as she laid a hand on the lump in my trousers, "but that was before you knew what Peg was doing. Now that you know you are released from your vows to her."
"Why me?"
"We want it to be someone we know and not some anonymous sperm donor. We are also going to want you to be part of the child's life. You will be the godfather and will always be around as Uncle Rob."
"This doesn't make any sense Tanya."
"Of course it does. What if something happens to Tom and me? Who better to take care of the child than Uncle Rob? On the bad side, God forbid, what if the child needed a liver transplant or something like that. Could we find the anonymous sperm donor? And even if we did would he help? If we got on a waiting list how long would we have to wait to find a donor who would be a match? No Rob, we've thought it through; we want you to be a part of our family. On the other side of the coin, are you going to tell me that you don't find me sexy?"
She squeezed the hard lump in my trousers and said, "This says you do" and then she dropped to her knees in front of me and pulled my zipper down. "There are benefits to being the father of my child Rob. We will have to make love many, many times to make sure that I get pregnant. I won't limit you to just the days I'm most fertile. In fact, I won't even tell you when they are. It could take weeks Rob, weeks and weeks, and you have been without for how long? We will help each other Rob" she said as her lips closed around my cock.
It had been a long time for me and I knew that I wasn't going to last long. I told Tanya and tried to pull out of her mouth, but she grabbed my hips, held tight and sucked harder. "I'm going to cum" I groaned and she locked her lips tight around me and that little bit of additional pressure caused me to explode into her mouth and she kept her mouth tight on me and swallowed everything that came out of my cock. When it started to soften she licked it clean and said:
"Now we can go into the bedroom and do some serious baby making."
All my reservations about what was happening had disappeared about the time my cum shot out of the end of my cock so I got up and followed her into her bedroom. We watched each other undress and then Tanya got on the bed and spread her legs wide.
"From what I've read, the hotter the sex the more receptive the womb is to the invasion of sperm. No loving and tender shit Rob; treat me like a slut, a fuck toy Rob, your fuck toy. Use me, make my blood rush, make me scream and beg and fuck my brains out."
She reached down and pulled the lips of her pussy apart, looked up at me and moaned:
"Put it in Rob; slam your cock into me and breed me."
I climbed on the bed, picked her legs up and put them on my shoulders and then pushed my hard cock into her hot pussy.
The second time lasted a lot longer than the blow job and as soon as I came Tanya grabbed a pillow and stuffed it under her butt to elevate herself so my sperm could flow down into her. Looking at her lying there with her pussy pushed up like that made my soft cock start to harden and as I slipped into her for the second time I was hoping that it wouldn't take so I could come back and do it again. The second time she clawed at me, bit my shoulder and begged me to fuck her hard and I was sweating bullets when I finally came. Once more she stuffed the pillow under her ass when I pulled out of her and then she said:
"In my mouth Rob, put it in my mouth so I can get you up again."
I did Tanya one more time before I left to go home and just before she let me out the front door she kissed me and thanked me for what I'd just done.
"I'd like to do it every day until I get pregnant, but Tom is used to making love three or four times a week and even though he is okay with this I won't give him sloppy seconds. Call me tomorrow, okay?"
I thought about what had just happened all the way home and as I pulled into the driveway it occurred to me that if Peg was having me watched she would find out about my visits to Tom and Tanya's and notice that Tom left, but that I stayed for several hours after. The next morning I called Tanya and explained my thoughts to her, but she told me not to worry, that no one would see Tom leave because he didn't; he went down to his basement workshop and stayed there until I left."
That information gave me pause. It was one thing to make love to Tanya when Tom was gone, but could I do it if I knew he was in the house? Tanya must have known what I was thinking because she said:
"Don't worry Rob; it will be okay. I promise."
That afternoon I got a call from Tom asking me to have a drink with him after work. Talk about awkward. Try sitting down with a guy you have known for twenty years, who is a good friend and whose wife you have just screwed with his knowledge. He must have known what I was thinking so he cut right to it.
"I know this is awkward for you Rob; hell buddy, it is awkward for me, but I have to talk with you about the situation we are in. First off, and I told you this when I left you and Tanya alone, I am 100% okay with it. I mean that Rob, but that said I have to tell you that Tanya didn't tell you the full truth. I know she told you about wanting a child and about me being sterile, but I also know that she didn't tell you the rest of it. To be blunt about it buddy - I can't get it up! I haven't been able to make love to Tanya in over a year."
My God! That is why she was so hot last night; she was playing catch up. And her telling me that she didn't want to give Tom sloppy seconds was her way of covering for his inability. She didn't want me to know he was impotent because she didn't want me to think less of him as a man. Not that I would have, but she didn't know that. What a difference between her and Peg. Tanya put Tom first, even in difficult circumstances while Peg thought only of herself.
"I don't know if it came through to you last night," Tom went on, "but Tanya is an extremely sexual person. My not being able to perform was driving her up the wall. She has tried hard to hold it together Rob, but sooner or later she was going to cheat on me. I know that seems harsh, but that is what would happen. I know she loves me and that she would do her best to hide her cheating from me, but I would know. How could I not? If she got laid she wouldn't be climbing walls anymore and I would notice.
"I love her Rob; the woman is my life. If I didn't have her I would just die and that's the problem. If she snuck off and cheated behind my back I couldn't live with her. I would know why she did it and I would understand why she did it, but I couldn't live with the dishonesty of it. The only solution, at least as far as I could see, was to make it happen out in the open, but Tanya isn't the kind of woman who would agree to taking a lover and going into the bedroom while I sat in the living room and watched TV while she fucked. She could probably have done it with a stranger in a motel room with me not knowing, but she couldn't just do a guy with me knowing and then a different guy the following week and another the week after that. What we needed was someone steady, someone we both liked and were comfortable with.
"We sat down and made a list of possible candidates, but couldn't agree on anyone. We kept coming back to you, but we were afraid that if we started with you and then Peg came back home it would stop and we would have to start back over. And Peg would eventually come back to you. Everyone who knows Adam White knows that he is a dip-shit asshole and Peg would soon find out and go home to you secure in the knowledge that you had no idea of what she had been doing. I have no idea why she thinks you are that dumb. I can only guess that she thinks you love her so much that the thought would never occur to you that she might be up to something."
Tracey visits Aunt PeggyBy: Jake [email protected], NO!!! Tracey said again as she grew more and more frustrated with her mother.?I am eighteen now and I don’t need to stay with Aunt Peggy while you are out of town? Tracey was becoming more desperate.?Young lady you might be eighteen but your behavior demonstrates to me that you are not ready for that level of responsibility? her mother said without emotion. ?You are going to Aunt Peggy’s and I do not want to hear another word about...
Madison Avenue Advertising Men: PeggyAMC recently launched a new series, Mad Men focusing on a Madison Avenue advertising agency, beginning in April 1960. The series demonstrates that things that seem to be, seldom are. The satirical stories herein are set in an alternate universe where Dick Nixon eventually wins the election of 1960. They reveal that which I would like to see occurring in Mad Men. But I doubt that AMCTV will follow up on these suggestions.A Bridge and Tunnel Girl Does A...
So Peggy, my wifes sister, is still staying at our house. It was time for us to get Easter decorations ready while wifey was at work. I needed a hand so I went to wake Peggy up. I walked into the guest bedroom and pulled her covers down, realizing Peggy sleeps naked. She was sleeping on her stomach facing away from me, legs slightly spread. I was still a little dark in the room so I couldnt see her asshole or ginch, but i knew where they were. I grabbed her ass cheeks and spread them apart, and...
This story is fiction based on real events. It is a compilation of events by many people written into two main characters.Susan did not like Peggy and Peggy returned this dislike. Nobody really knows why and it had been this way for as long as anyone could remember. Everybody on campus knew though, that each time they crossed paths there were going to be fireworks. Each tried to one-up the other and if that didn't work, whipping the other's ass would be option two.This including dating, it was...
so its that time of year when i get to go crawl around the attic looking for summer clothes in a plastic tote. Normally a sucky day, unless your big titty wife and sister in law are trying on bathing suits. As i climb down the ladder I see wifey and Peggy standing there naked, shaved pussies and bouncy titties everywhere. I carry the totes over as they start going through them. I lay on the bad as they ask "what are you doing?".... and i reply "watching". Wifey found a black bikini and squeezed...
I always had a crush on my wife's little sister, Peggy. I knew it was impossible and maybe that's what made her so attractive to me but it was very frustrating. I know she liked me too and we'd even shared a kiss now and then, you know, just fooling around a little. One weekend we went to visit Peggy and her husband John up in their high desert home. John and Patty, (my wife) went to the store to stock up on food and wine for the high end dinner the girls had planned and that left me alone...
So me and Peggy had started to mess around with tying each other up, since this was here payment for staying with us. Again, Peggy is my wifes younger sister that had to stay with us for a few weeks...months. So this last time, I had tied Peggy up, hands and knees foward, and ankles to the back. She was stuck on all fours with her ass in the air. I was slowly torturing her, by fingering her and leaving, I would open the curtains when I knew the mailman was coming so he could see, etc. Then on...
So me and Peggy had started to mess around with tying each other up, since this was here payment for staying with us. Again, Peggy is my wifes younger sister that had to stay with us for a few weeks...months. So this last time, I had tied Peggy up, hands and knees foward, and ankles to the back. She was stuck on all fours with her ass in the air. I was slowly torturing her, by fingering her and leaving, I would open the curtains when I knew the mailman was coming so he could see, etc. Then on...
We have been swinging with my wife the active one and me the guy with the camera for many years now. Peggy is Asian and in her late 30,s now and we have a daughter in college but have been into this most of our married life. I was watching my wife on her knees playing with Rogers cock well I am getting ahead of myself It was Super bowl Sunday and we had invited three of our married friends over to watch Super bowl with us but we all had other plans to. Peggy had been with these three guys...
CAUGHT jerking OFF by my AUNT PEGGYI was about 13 years old and as all you guys know, at that age, all you think about is girls, football and getting off! I would spend lots of time at my aunt and uncles place on the lake in the summer and when you see young girls running around in bikini's, etc. You HAVE to have some relief!Being that age, you can't really just walk up to a highschool girl who's HOT and ask her to fuck you so you do the next best thing..JERK OFF!!I had a secret hiding place at...
Peggy Hill was at home making tea while Hank and Bobby were on a weekend trip to Dallas to watch a Cowboys game. She decided not to go because she wanted to do some cleaning around the house. She started to get thirsty and decided to make so sweet tea. As she was in the process of boiling the teabags , she realized that there was no sugar in the house. "Damn it" Peggy said.. "well maybe I can borrow from the neighbors"
This story should start as so many do with inane details of the setup and context leading to the scene; but that will be added later as filler, what is important right now is the fact that right now in front of me is an absolutely gorgeous, fit, 34 year old American mom with red hair and a body that just doesn’t stop.She is currently on her bed, straddling a rather impressive jelly-red dildo and I am taking delight in watching her shapely ass move up and down as she slides herself on it; her...
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You're Peggy. Young, attractive, innocent... you just moved to a new town after you got a job. Your warmth and friendliness surprises your co-workers as much as your occasional shyness. During the first few days you still write to your boyfriend, making plans for when he can come in six months. But a few weeks after you arrived, when you got used to the job, they hired a new partner. His name is Andrew. He is a tall black young man with an impressive but natural musculature and a lot of...
Interracial“Oh, you like this then, do you?” the Simon masked person asked, noticing Beth’s predicament. Beth went to shake her head vehemently but Alex demanded she stay still whilst she took the picture. Simon had delved into his pocket and reached for his own cell phone, throwing it gently on to the bed. “Take a few for me too, please” he requested. Beth’s jaw dropped. How could anyone be so perverted? Dirty little fucker! Alex paused to swig some more of her drink before picking up Simon’s mobile...
Wife LoversThe hotel bar was jammed with weekenders, people on short breaks. Alcohol was plentiful and the atmosphere lent itself to unwinding, letting their hair down Kirsty sat at the head of the table, her devil’s horns still in place and a “Groovy girl” note book in her hands like some teenage student about to sit her exams. It may not have been cool but it did the job sufficiently. “Now can I have your attention please?” Kirsty called above the hubble of conversation. The girls all turned, smiling...
Wife LoversThis had better be good” Beth muttered under her breath as she reached for the telephone. Who the fuck would be ringing her during “Big Brother” anyway? All of her friends and family knew to avoid calling Beth at this time as Beth was highly likely to become most unreasonable, like a bear with a sore head whilst menstruating and she didn’t take too kindly to being disturbed. “Yeah?” Beth almost sang down the phone. If this was some marketing call, she’d rip them limb from limb. If she wanted...
This had better be good” Beth muttered under her breath as she reached for the telephone. Who the fuck would be ringing her during “Big Brother” anyway? All of her friends and family knew to avoid calling Beth at this time as Beth was highly likely to become most unreasonable, like a bear with a sore head whilst menstruating and she didn’t take too kindly to being disturbed. “Yeah?” Beth almost sang down the phone. If this was some marketing call, she’d rip them limb from limb. If she wanted...
Wife Lovers“Oh, you like this then, do you?” the Simon masked person asked, noticing Beth’s predicament. Beth went to shake her head vehemently but Alex demanded she stay still whilst she took the picture. Simon had delved into his pocket and reached for his own cell phone, throwing it gently on to the bed. “Take a few for me too, please” he requested. Beth’s jaw dropped. How could anyone be so perverted? Dirty little fucker! Alex paused to swig some more of her drink before picking up Simon’s...
The hotel bar was jammed with weekenders, people on short breaks. Alcohol was plentiful and the atmosphere lent itself to unwinding, letting their hair down Kirsty sat at the head of the table, her devil’s horns still in place and a “Groovy girl” note book in her hands like some teenage student about to sit her exams. It may not have been cool but it did the job sufficiently. “Now can I have your attention please?” Kirsty called above the hubble of conversation. The girls all turned,...
I have never been accused of being a nice guy which didn't bother me at all because I wasn't. I was an asshole and I knew it, but even though I was an asshole what happened wouldn't have if I hadn't disliked Tony so much and if he hadn't pissed me off just one time too many. Tony was my supervisor at work. He was one of those dick-wads that climb the ladder by taking credit for work that someone else did and by slipping a knife in the back of anyone he thought of as competition. Tony did...
The stick and the carrot The stick and the carrot. The cunt was throwing a tantrum. Master smiled. It was hard to take her seriously when despite her tantrum she was lying with her legs spread with his toes in her fuckhole. Admittedly he may have pushed her too far. It has been three weeks and he had not allowed the cunt to cum. It has started as an experiment in obedience. Testing her to see if she would obey his command and control herself. In the first week she had been pliable...
Still fuming with her own stupidity, Deirdre stomped out of the cave, nearly forgetting to check the surroundings before crawling over the big shielding rock in front of it. It had stopped snowing, but there was enough there to make sure it would take at least another day or two to melt – if it would start to thaw. The temperature was still below freezing. She was already halfway down the path to the timberline and she never realized what a beautiful day it was. The sky was an endless stretch...
It was a night to remember, the night my life changed. Just a another Friday bar crawl, looking for another one night stand. Sheila was her name. A chocolate Amazon, six feet if she were an inch, with legs that went on forever. The first woman I'd ever had to look up to, nearly half a foot taller than me. Drinks, a few words, and then my place. She helped me out of my clothes, and I hers. Foreplay, unwrapping a gift, revealing the beauty not yet shown, the anticipation had me stirring. At...
A word of thanks for HawaiiBill and A7inchPhildo for their comments and support. Warning: this story features a priest who errs from the straight and narrow. If you find this offensive, do not read further. For nearly 250 years the Witches’ Hammer (the Malleus Maleficarum was published in 1487) was the guidebook for the witch hunters. Open hunting season was declared on women, especially herb gatherers, midwives, widows and spinsters. Women who had no man to supervise them were of course...
She had said that he could have dreams. Rory was not sure he wanted that. Ever since he had first opened his eyes in this cave, his dreams frightened him. Not used to the proximity of women, his dreams had been filled with images of her, the turn of her hips, the way a black lock of hair caressed her neck, the dark shadow at the neckline of her bodice, her smell. God, he was surely being tested. His face flushing from the sinful thoughts, the bed coverings tenting over his erection, the priest...
Careful to avoid the loose gravel, Deirdre descended the slope and finally reached the path that crossed the mountain pass higher up. For a long moment she just stood there, listening, her eyes straining in the darkness. She didn’t hear anything and by now it was really dark – she could see no more than a few feet ahead. With a sigh she started walking again. She had to take her chances, as it was far too cold to stay out on the mountain. She didn’t know how long it took her to reach the...
Feeling sticky and sweaty Deirdre opened her eyes to the new dawn, Andreas still at her back with his arms around her. For a moment she lay reminiscing, a small smile on her face. A look in the direction of the mule and cart showed the boy to be sound asleep as was Conn who had rolled away. Very softly she got up to get her clothes. It was chilly, but she really needed to dip into fresh water. Even if it were salty, it would still clean her body. Andreas stirred, but she put her fingers to...
How could I have been that stupid? How could I? Deirdre lay on her back, her eyes staring into the darkness of the cavern. The steady breathing of the priest telling her he had fallen asleep. Very softly she crept to the fire, added another log and slipped off to her own sleeping corner. She had thought he was asleep when she first started undressing. There was nothing to blame herself for in that. When she had found he had been watching her though, the look of rapture on his face had touched...
Feeling nervous and unsettled, Deirdre hurried back up the mountain. Conn had convinced her to at least come with him to escape the area, but she refused to leave the herbarium behind. It was the only thing that her mother had left her and it was precious to her. It also held a lot of information and she hated to let that go to waste. Besides, she had persuaded him to pick her up near the mountain pass so nobody in the village would see her departure. She had left Conn’s house before his wife...
Lila was riding in the passenger seat as Janet drove. They were on the way to the warehouse store for a pallet of bathroom tissue and several cases of cat food, or some such. Lila wore a navy twinset with no bra, a matching tweed skirt, and under that, a sheer black thong. Black boots completed her ensemble. Janet was wearing a royal blue knit dress with a ribbed bodice and buttons all the way down the front. Lila knew a back way to the store and was giving directions. It was somewhat ironic...
It was Valentine’s Day, the day of love and affection. I was in my European-style kitchen cooking up some oxtails, brown rice, and vegetables. The meal was for my woman, Drew. She was a short brown-skinned Ebony goddess with a great body, long black straight hair, and lovely brown eyes. I knew this was the night where we finally have the greatest sex!The doorbell rang; I opened the door and there was my goddess clad in a sexy red dress. She smiled at me and gave me a passionate kiss. Her...
Lila was riding in the passenger seat as Janet drove. They were on the way to the warehouse store for a pallet of bathroom tissue and several cases of cat food, or some such. Lila wore a navy twinset with no bra, a matching tweed skirt, and under that, a sheer black thong. Black boots completed her ensemble.Janet was wearing a royal blue knit dress with a ribbed bodice and buttons all the way down the front.Lila knew a back way to the store and was giving directions. It was somewhat ironic for...
LesbianCorrine opened the door to the apartment, and set down her shopping bags. She giggled to herself just a little. "If this new outfit doesn't get his attention nothing the only thing left would be to strip naked and jump in his lap." she thought. The last five times she had been to the club he had been there. She didn't know his name, or anything about him really, but she felt drawn to him. If only she had the courage to just go up and talk to him, but there was something intimidating about...
Three days later. Time: Tuesday, May 14, 2047 8:44 AM twelve km north of Ft. Hood, Texas Megan stood quietly watching Little Thunder from an adjacent stall. The mare was the finest Morgan horse Megan had ever seen and was about to produce her first foal. The birthing so far had gone without a hitch, and Megan was very pleased with the performance of her assistant Private Collins. Megan had dropped into a role of quiet observer almost an hour ago. Her mind drifted back to the weekend. While...
found this wonderful story about a white boy with no purpose in life, and not knowing his true destiny to serve as a dominant Black Man's pet. I only wish I could have been found like Danny, and had my life give the purpose to be a Snowflake for a Man like Master Shabaz. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Danny Sullivan planned on spending the long Thanksgiving weekend with...
... in fact the next thing I remember is waking lying against her, my head on her shoulder, bound arms curled up in front of me. I wriggle my stiff limbs a little in their bondage and nuzzle against her neck, breathing a contented little sigh... "Good morning my little bitch." Mistress Thorne says, moving her arm to cuddle me to her, "Did you sleep well?" "Yes thank you Mistress, did you?" I murmur... "Oh yes... hmm..." she says still stroking my hair "I could stay like this for...
I talked to a bunch of people who came into Hardee's, while I drank from the endless coffee cup. As far as I was concerned I had closed the Wilbur Owens case. He had committed suicide and I didn't give a damn what the medical examiner's opinion was. After all was a fucking butcher. I laughed at that last. It was almost lunch time but I wasn't hungry. I think the thought of Liam as an old man scared the hell out of me. When he was an old man, me being an old woman wasn't far behind. I...
Clara felt herself coming to. She could not remember much but she was sure that she had been taken hostage last night. She had been asleep in her room when a strange man had woke her just as he was putting a rag over her mouth and then she could remember nothing else. She was sure her father the King would pay what ever payment was demanded for her safe return. She did not know that the man that had taken her did not want anything from the king and much from her small virginal body. Robert had...
This was the first morning when we didn’t have school commitments. Margaret was my lovely Companion of the day. She arrived in a casual but sexy black knit tube dress, quite short. Her bare legs with high-heeled pumps. reminding me pleasantly of some of the less dramatic street hookers in the business areas of the 14th Street strip. The fabric was thin enough to emphasize the perkiness of her lovely breasts, and show off the nipples. Giggling, she told me “I’m not wearing a living bra, but...
Damn it. It was just a dream, again. I’d been having dreams like this ever since the first day at the dorms, and increasingly so since he asked me out two days ago. It was the morning of my date, and when I remembered this, my stomach filled with butterflies. I laughed at myself. What is wrong with me? I was acting like a little kid, going on my first date. I could handle this. It was one date, and it’s not like I’d never done it before. It would be fine. I got out of bed and went...
So ten days after she was shot, Melinda was released from the hospital. I rented an ADA equipped van with lift to transport her and a wheelchair to and from doctors appointments and rehab. The nurse wheeled her out to the van and I activated the lift. When we got to my condo, I wheeled her in to my bedroom. I said, “Ok, Young Lady, into bed you go. You are still very weak. You have to rest. She stood up on her crutches and made her way to the bed. ‘ She said, “Damn, that hurts” as she hung...
This is my first story so be gentle with me. I appreciate feedback but please be nice. One caveat, there is a lot of unprotected sex, but it's critical to the storyline. This is fiction, girlfriends, please be careful out there in real life. Sisters stick together By Amy B Michael was just about finished transforming into Michelle. Shoulder length black wig, hoop earrings, over the months with...
By the time Mike Grines, Director of the TDF, enters the Oval Office, it is already a full house. Grines left two of his agents just outside the White House doors and two more just outside the Oval Office with the contingent of Secret Service agents already lining the hall. Waiting with President McKinsey is the Vice President, Ulfr Hawke, and FBI Director, Todd Nichols. He nods to both men as he enters, but neglects to acknowledge either of the other two men present. McKinsey stands and...
Becky wusste nicht, was sie erwartete, als sie ihren Freunden erlaubte, sie in das verlassene Lagerhaus in der 49. Straße mitzuschleppen. Sie wusste nur, dass es "die Party des Jahrhunderts" werden würde. Aber dann waren alle Parties die Party des Jahrhunderts in diesem Jahr, da die Uhr nicht nur ein neues Jahr, sondern ein neues Jahrhundert und sogar ein neues Jahrtausend drehte. Die normalerweise schüchterne, zurückhaltende Achtzehnjährige entschied sich nicht für den "Ich bin ein eklatanter...
Hi, everyone, I am reading stories on this website for quite a while and this is the first time I am writing my sex story. So if there are any mistakes, kindly give your feedback. You can call me D, north Indian, 29 yrs old and I have average body and average size (don’t want to exaggerate) as I believe more in foreplay and I recently moved to Singapore been away from India for quite a while, so I had lots of experience but I am sharing the latest one. I will share more once I get feedback from...
Pervert TwinsBy: Londebaaz Chohan Damn true. Samuel really looked very beautiful. Stepping out of the shower, bathroom filled with steam like a sauna, drying his ruffled hair. He had dried himself from head to toes but as he stepped naked into his bedroom with a towel, he continued to dry his well-sculpted body, making sure; his hair was nice and ruffled as he liked them. He was no super model but then no less either. Sam took a great pride in his in his body. His very nicely developed...
Note : This story is completely fictional! When Cindy came home from Portland that evening she found everything relatively normal. Of course I was wondering around grinning like a Cheshire cat. After all it wasn't everyday a fellow lost his virginity, especially with a women as sexual and sensuous as my Aunt Elaine. Cindy had indicated to me that her plan was to take my cherry as soon as she had finished her period, which had just begun. Elaine obviously had other plans and it was going to be...
IncestA middle-aged woman wearing a black and blue sari stepped out of the house with her little daughter and small baggage. It was very early in the morning. The sun had not come up yet. She seemed to be in a hurry as she pulled on her daughter every time she felt drowsy. “This is our only option. We must be there on time,” said Champa as she walked to the bus depot. When she was close she heard the roaring of bus seeming about to leave. The moment she saw the bus accelerate she ran for it leaving...
IncestThe Succubus: A lustful demon, which lives off men´s sexual energy. For millennia, humans have been terrified and fascinated by these powerful and seductive creatures... Though we think we live in an age of reason, and few people really believe in demons and spirits, mysterious and supernatural beings still live amongst us. Succubi in particular can easily blend into human society, living happily and peacefully in our midst, feeding off a regular (and easily available) source of sexual energy,...
IncestI was a freshman in college on a basketball scholarship at a state university. I signed up late for classes, but seeing I was pre med taking a jr. level science class seemed undaunted. I soon learned this wasn’t high school anymore. I was always in the gym, a red shirt freshman gave me time to add some weight to my 6ft 180 lb frame. Women’s volleyball practice always coincided with men’s basketball practice. Drinking fountains were shared, so as my face was stuffed sucking water from the...
Kate Bloom and her older step brother Nathan Bronson have been into each other for a while. They go on a low-key date to the arcade, where they have a great time together. Throughout the night, Kate knows that Nathan is checking out her ass and she plays up to it, hiking up her miniskirt for a peek at her panties. When they get home, Kate stops all the pretense as she flashes Nathan her boobs and pulls her shorts off so he can see her clit. Watching his stepsister flaunt herself like that gives...
xmoviesforyouIt was a hot summer afternoon and we were in the hotel room with all my brother’s girlfriends family. We had just come back from the concert and extremely tired. Someone suggested that we check out the pool and hot tub. So we got dressed in our swim gear and headed out. His girlfriends sister just turned 18 a few weeks ago, so she was still, to me, naive, or so I thought. Her name was Dani and was as cute as they come. Long black hair just past her shoulder blades, tone from playing an...
The System Lord Ba'al had the right idea but stealing Stargates was definately the wrong thing to do, after the fall of the System Lords Ba'al wanted to start all over but we all know how that ended. The Replicators, Ori and the Tau'ri using Asgard technology make it impossible for any Goa'uld to regain the power and status we once had plus trying to restart in the Pegasus Galaxy wouldn't work either because we would have to deal with the Wraith, so what's a Goa'uld who wants to be...
Gossip Girl Hell What a dream date I was about to have! Two of my all time great young actresses had invited me to a night of partying and promised sooooo much fun in our last correspondence. I was on my way to the Post Ofice to pick up some stamps and a tiny package from Blake & Leigh. At 3:00 the Post office was empty and when I seen the Yellow index card in my Box I pulled it out with my mail and walked up to the counter to retrieve my package. The woman behind the counter had...
OK, my uncle Joey was a p**o, and because of his affliction, I showed him my pussy, each morning, before going to school.Uncle Joey's sister, my mother, was a wild girl in her twenties, always on a high, looking for a fix, would find a stunning blond, having her bottom scrapped against a rough brick casting of a wall, up some dark alley, as the 'Fixer', shagged the shit out of her, and created me, and you wonder why, 'I am all fucked up'? 'Hurry, or you will miss your bus', mother would call...
My female cycle is timed with the lunar cycle. This is actually kind of freaky according to my OBGYN. I typically "start" on the day of the actual full moon, sometimes the day after. If I am particularly stressed out my schedule gets out of whack and then I am usually late, but my cycle rights itself in time. I always go back to the lunar sync. I refer to this ritual as *Mother Nature* being in town. Now I don't want to dwell on this too much as this is a very non-sexual topic to me, I am...
"So how do you want us to stand Mrs. D?" "Hmm, I don't want to paint your bodies in profile, but I do want you looking at each other. I don't want to paint either of you from a reverse angle either during your first time facing each other. I think the only thing that will work is if you both angle your bodies at the easel, but then turn your heads to look at each other." Peter assumed his position eagerly, although his cock remained soft. Meagan still had her robe on, as she...