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Madison Avenue Advertising Men: Peggy

AMC recently launched a new series, Mad Men focusing on a Madison Avenue advertising agency, beginning in April 1960.  The series demonstrates that things that seem to be, seldom are.  The satirical stories herein are set in an alternate universe where Dick Nixon eventually wins the election of 1960.  They reveal that which I would like to see occurring in Mad Men.  But I doubt that AMCTV will follow up on these suggestions.

A Bridge and Tunnel Girl Does A Cross-Town Commute  As Peggy boarded the downward bound elevator from the Cooper-Sterling Agency offices she held her two hand tightly together gripping her purse so that their shaking would not be apparent to the other occupants of the elevator.  But that didn’t entirely work because her right leg started to shake as she clenched her buttocks tightly together.  Now she became conscious that clenching her butt was thrusting her pelvis forward, she blushed.  She was the only woman in the elevator and she felt that all the men in their grey suits were looking at her as if she was naked, examining directly her breasts beneath their concealing layers of blouse, slip and sturdy bra.  However the only thing that the men took note of was her rhythmically moving leg and one, a seemingly nice man from another firm remarked, ?Oh, I see that you’re into the latest hit?.  Peggy’s mind raced at the suggestion of ?hit? and she blushed before realizing that he wasn’t referring to a beating but to the popular Top 40 tunes.  She nodded to him but remained silent as her heart raced in panic.  Would this elevator ride never end.  But then, on the other hand, every second that ticked on brought her another second closer to her Friday evening appointment with Joan Halloway, her office manager.  One week at her new job, her first job after secretarial school, and she was quaking.  And not with joy but with dread anticipation.

At last the doors of the elevator opened and Peggy walked out into the lobby of the Meisian glass tower box housing the ad agency where she worked, or hoped to continue working, and prayed to continue working.  Although it was a bright early summer’s day in midtown Manhattan, she was shivering as she walked up Madison Ave. toward the street where she would catch the cross-town bus that would take her to the West Side address that Joan had given her.  ?Be there by 6:00 and we will take things the next step? were the instructions given her.  ?If you’re not there I will take it as an indication that you are no longer interested in this job? was the verbally stated conclusion.  Each click of her heels as they struck the sidewalk seemed to match a thump of her terrorized heart and she mulled things over.  She had cut her ties with home quite thoroughly.  All of her money had gone to secretarial school.  If she left her first job it would be without references.  This was early in the summer of 1960.  Although the economy was picking up after the recession of 1957-8, it was a hard time for secretaries.   All too many post-war brides, their children now well into elementary school, were seeking to return to the work force.  This was not the time for a penniless girl to be looking for another job.  She knew what she had to do.

A cross-town bus arrived, she dropped her token into the fare box and grabbed the first available seat as the bus lurched west.  As Peggy smoothed her somewhat voluminous skirt she remembered Joan’s caustic comment on its mid-calf length.  ?1958 is long gone?.  Joan had made a similar comment when observing Peggy’s light brown bangs and ponytail.  Yes, Joan was a vixen but that was the way with this world.  But Peggy loved her boss, Don Draper with his well cut suits, gentlemanly manners, rugged Korean war-hero handsomeness and, of course, his petite beautiful wife Betty.  It was worth an extra five bucks a week to be secretary to Mr. Draper and she could certainly use it.  Even living on a rather crummy block of the Lower East Side, and with sharing her tiny apartment with a roommate, it was tight to make ends meet.  As the bus pulled up to the appropriate avenue, Peggy got off and looked around to see what building corresponded to the address Joan had given her at the end of their evaluation interview.  At times nothing seemed right, everything always seemed to be shifting around.  Like watching a horror movie where in one scene Igor’s hump was on the right and in the next scene the hunchback’s hump was in his left shoulder.  Her shiver just got worse. 

Peggy was impressed. Joan had directed her to a 12 story apartment on a nice part of Eleventh Ave but then there was a rumor that Joan got just over a hundred dollars a week, well over five thousand a year.  You could bet that she didn’t have to share a one bedroom apartment with a roommate.  As the wind blew in from the Hudson River Peggy felt a spring chill coming out of New Jersey.  She hoped that this wouldn’t take too long.  She hadn’t brought a sweater and after dark her nervous shaking would only make a chill shiver all the worse.  She dreaded what was to come, not entirely sure what would happen.  Mr. Draper had indicated that her first week’s performance, although not discouraging, needed significant improvement but that ?Miss Halloway will of course show you the ropes and whip you into shape?.  Peggy entered the lobby of the building, constructed well before the war, but none-the-less impeccably maintained.  She noted a doorman, not bad for the West Side, although being born and raised in the outer boroughs, Manhattan still remained, by and large, a mystery to her.  Peggy noted the location of Miss Hallowoy’s apartment, the 11th floor, and approached the elevator.  An elderly Negro operated the elevator and Peggy ignored him during the slow ride up.  Her thoughts centered again around the strange conversation she had had with Joan earlier that day, ?A need for discipline, have you ever had discipline in your life?, you need to be motivated to focus on your appearance and what it is you should really be doing?.  What the hell was that all about? 

An Interview with Joan  Exiting the elevator Peggy found Joan’s apartment just across the hallway.  She had hardly had a chance to turn the door chime when the door opened.  ?Come in Miss Olson? stated the red headed Joan.  Peggy’s hostess was wearing a long dark blue housedress with buttons down the front and a peter pan collar buttoned all the way to the top.  This was about the last thing that Peggy anticipated given Miss Hollowoy’s usual attire in the office – low cut sack dresses with hemlines at the knee, and her constant upbraiding of Peggy for her dowdy skirt and blouse combinations.  And Joan’s bustline was radically different from the hard cones that jutted out at the world of the office.  Her breasts still pressed against the fabric of the dress but were more rounded and gave an impression of softness.  And Peggy swore that she could almost see nipple marks though the thin fabric.  Joan’s hair was undone and cascaded down to her shoulders in a soft wave and for the first time Peggy noticed that her eyes were actually blue-green.  ?Well Miss Olson, I presume that you are here to discuss your chastisement? continued Joan as she closed the door behind her.  Peggy could only gape and make a quiet ?Ah, Ah, Ah? noise.  Joan continued ?We will discuss these matters over supper.  I see you have no wrap.  You are likely to be quite cold going home later this evening.  We will have to see to this.  Ordinarily, you would get only a hour of my time on a Friday night or Saturday morning, there being so may girls in the office for me to manage, but since this is your first time you will have my whole evening.  You new girls need careful breaking in.  And there is so much turn over what with the Sterling Cooper’s policy of employing women only prior to their marriage.? 

Most of this went right past Peggy and she looked around the beautiful apartment.  White walls had real art work hanging on them.  The chairs and the sofa matched and the end tables and lamps went beautifully with the major furniture.  She thought to herself, ?I’ll bet that the sofa is a real sofa and not just a Castro convertible bed?.  As she followed Joan she noticed that there was a separate dinning room with a view of the river and New Jersey beyond.  And then they walked into the biggest kitchen that she had ever seen in an apartment, it was even bigger than the kitchens in some homes she had been in.

Cooking on the stove was a pot roast with an aroma that made Peggy’s stomach rumble.  The fashions of the day (or, at least of 1958, when Joan considered Peggy’s tastes to have been arrested) called for a girl’s waist to be narrow.  Peggy managed to attain that ideal only by usually forgoing lunch and using a girdle with tight ?tummy control?.  Besides, going without lunch saved money and that was plenty tight enough.  The savory dish cooking tormented Peggy and distracted her from what Joan was saying.  Therefore Joan removed a bottle of white burgundy from the refrigerator and motioned Peggy to follow her into the living room where a pair of glasses awaited them on the coffee table.  Joan removed the cork with a large wooden handled corkscrew, poured the wine, cleared her throat and began.  ?Peggy, your presence here right now indicated that you are willing, at least initially, to follow our rules at the Cooper-Sterling Advertising Agency, is this true??  Peggy nodded her head.  Joan looked deep into Peggy’s eyes and continued.  ?Mr. Draper, the executive who you serve, has concluded that you are na?ve and careless but he sees hope for your continued service with proper training.  I, of course agree with him and he has instructed me as to the broad outlines of your training.  Before we proceed any further I need to ask you a few background questions.?  At this point Joan took a sip of her white wine and sat back on the sofa, looking up at an abstract painting on the catty-corner wall.  ?I need to evaluate your disciplinary background and your willingness to undergo chastisement as part of your service training.?  Upon hearing this, Peggy almost audibly gulped.  She had certain fears and suspicions that had caused her anxiety on her way over.  They were now confirmed.  About the maximal response that Peggy could muster was a barely perceptible ?OK?.  Joan slightly raised her voice, ?What did you say?? ?OK? more clearly said Peggy.  Joan replied, ?Would not ‘Yes Madam’ be more appropriate?.  Peggy now clearly said ?Yes Madam?, she knew she was sliding down a path she was not sure she wanted to take.

?Well, before we begin supper let us clarify and seal these matters? said Joan.  She fired a series of questions, rapid-fire at Peggy.

?As a child were you ever spanked?. 

On the one hand, the question was wildly inappropriate.  Peggy suspected where this was going, she knew that she was trapped and that she had no choice.  She mumbled out, ?Yes, my mother would. My father died when I was a year old?.

Joan questioned further, ?Were you ever spanked on the bare behind??  Peggy was now sure she knew where these questions were likely to go and to what they would inevitably lead. 


?At school was corporal punishment ever administered?

Peggy’s heart was racing and her hands were shaking.


?Have you ever received chastisement on a place other than your bottom??


?Are you willing to receive corporal punishment as part of your training and management?

Peggy stared off into space for a long time before replying with a lump in her throat.


?Alright? said Joan, ?that part is over and the border is crossed?.  Drink your wine and we can continue.?  The office manager looked at the new secretary in a manner that expected a reply.

?Yes Madam?

After Peggy downed her glass of chilled white Burgundy, Joan motioned to the closest in the apartment’s foyer and told her ?Remove your blouse and skirt and hang them in the closest.  Take off your girdle and panties and place them on the shelf.  You will find a pair of garters there.  You can use them to hold your stockings up?.

Peggy Reacts  She should have been outraged but instead felt singularly powerless.  Ordinarily, she would have responded by spitting in Joan’s face, calling her a pervert, storming out of the apartment, and maybe even calling the police.  But it was all too slickly done.  The planning probably began when she was still in secretarial school and Joan had talked with her instructors, evaluating who were the candidates for such a plum job.  She knew that they had interviewed three or four candidates, before settling on her.  Everything in this first week was set up to lead to this moment.  And now her will was eroded, she had no choice but to submit.  God knew where this was going to lead but Peggy couldn’t figure out any alternative.

She walked over to the closet by the entry door, unbuttoning and then unzipping her full, long skirt as she did.  Joan was obviously some sort of a pervert, in league with all the executives at Sterling-Cooper, who were also undoubtedly some sorts of perverts, and she was stuck.  Trying to stall for time and being coy and modest was probably not going to work.  Peggy suspected that Joan had been through this sort of thing before, probably many times and would enjoy watching the novice secretary try and disrobe as slowly as possible.  Well she would go about it in as business-like a fashion as possible as though this sort of thing went on all the time.  She stepped out of her skirt and passed it through a coat hanger folding it as neatly as possible.  Then she untied the bow she had around her neck and hung it around the crook of the hanger.  She unbuttoned the cuffs of her blouse before she started unbuttoning the front, starting at the bottom and continuing until the collar button was undone.  Then with a professional shrug she took off the blouse, hung it on the hanger and hung the hanger in the closet.  She wondered how many girls had undergone the same ritual.  Joan’s earlier comment about others getting only an hour on a Friday night or Saturday morning now began to make more sense.  Clad in her long nylon slip that reached to just below her knees, Peggy contemplated how to remove her girdle with a minimum of fuss and commotion.  There is no way I am going to give Joan any more of a show than I have to, she thought.  Facing the open closet Peggy raised the hem of her skirt to mid thigh and folded the lower hem of her girdle up, exposing the metal and rubber slip fasteners holding up her nylons.  She deftly unfastened the snaps from the tops of her nylons, grasped the hem of the girdle, exhaled and with a mighty tug pulled the girdle down to the level of her ankles.  She then stepped out of the steel-boned rubber and fabric appliance as daintily as could be done.  ?Bravo, well done my dear girl? commented Joan.  Peggy loathed her, frustrated at giving her the pleasure of the least bit of show.  Peggy placed the girdle up on the shelve, her fingers searching for the circular garters that she could not see.  Eventually finding them, she once again raised up the hem of her slip, pulled up and straightened the stockings somewhat disordered by the lowering of the girdle, and drew the garters up first one leg and then the other.  She rolled the ends of her nylons down over the garters to an inch or two above her knees and then with her slip still hiked up, grasped the elastics at the leg holes of the lower portions of her white cotton panties and pulled them down.  After she folded her panties and placed them on top of her girdle, she closed the door of the closet and turned to face Joan to see what the manager now had in store.  It was only at this point that looking across the room and beyond Joan that she noticed hanging on the opposite wall from a hook is a leather strop.  Somehow the very public display of a strap for beating people did not surprise her.  Standing there in a full slip and bra, nylon stockings and shoes with nothing covering her bottom but thin clinging fabric, Peggy had a pretty good idea of where this Friday evening was headed.  At the same time one part of her really couldn’t believe the reality of what was going on.  That part of her mind was reeling with the surreal scene she was playing out.

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Evening the Score Chapter 12

Jess’ eyes got wide, and she pulled back a bit from me, looking me straight in the eyes. The look of surprise and shock in her face was precious.“What are you doing?”, she demanded quietly.I grabbed her waist again, brought her close to me, and whispered into her ear, “WE”RE exploring tonight.”, emphasis on the “we’re”.“What? You know I’m not into other women!”, she protested, again quietly.“The way you looked at Sharon, and believe me, you were drooling, that point may very well be moot....

3 years ago
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The Begining of Summer Made to Cuck part 2

That morning I woke early, not that I really slept that well. My mind was a total blur of visions from what I had witnessed the night before. My only chance now, was to try to talk Sue in to dropping the whole thing, I just didn’t want to be Summer anymore.I decided to go shower before Sue got up. At least that way I could look more masculine when we had our chat. I tried to reach the dress zip but could only edge it down a little way. If I tried to reach it from below it was just out of my...

3 years ago
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HypnoSubmission Pt 04

Part 4: Katie Katie woke in her bed, feeling happy and refreshed.God, I feel good. I haven't slept that well in ages. With all this stuff with Master Boratus, I …How did I get in bed? Wasn't I in the bar with him? Or was I? It's hard to focus. Did I dream it? I must've. How could he know I was going to be in the bar? And I don't remember what happened after. I must've dreamt it. Yeah. Lost track of time last night, gone to bed, and dreamt of meeting him.Jesus, that man is doing a number on my...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Ammi Ki Chudai Dekhi 8211 Part 2

Hie lundwalo and chutwaliyo, pichli chudai story mei aap ne padha hi hoga ki ammi ne eksath 3 Lund kaise liye.. uske Baad nikah ke samay bhi ammi khet mei chud Rahi thi. Us scene ke waqt Mai last me pahunch Gaya warna wo kahani bhi Mai likh deta. Mai aur ammi ab ek dusre ke sath Bohol khul Gaye hai, kyu ki ammi ne muje mere gf ke ghar me dekha tha, tab Mai gf ko doggystyle me chod Raha tha, tab se Mai aur ammi ek dusre ke friend ban Gaye hai, ammi mere saamne khul ke baate Karti hai, tour ki,...

3 years ago
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Padosi Ki Beti Ki Chudaai 8211 Part I

Neetu and I had been married for ten years, and for those years I had always been faithful to her. Our life together was good though a bit ordinary. Neetu and I both worked, and at night we had little energy to devote to each other. Our love life, what there was of it, was very predictable. Sometimes it seemed as though masturbation was easier and felt just as good. Neetu worked hard to keep in shape, though she had put on about twenty pounds since our wedding. I tried to keep in shape running...

4 years ago
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Seduced by Stepmom

Before I begin, I want to point out that the events of this story were a long time ago. I'm now firmly established in middle-age, whereas I had only just turned 18 when this happened. But as you might expect, these memories have stayed in my mind!I'll start by saying I don't hate my dad. We had a good relationship and if he was still alive I wouldn't have shared this story with anyone, even anonymously. My mom and dad had me in their early 30s, and my twin siblings in their mid 30s. However,...

1 year ago
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Fourth Draft of an Autobiography

=============================================================== I suddenly noticed how cold it was in the car. We’d been in the parking lot for at least an hour, occupied by each other’s bodies. I reached into the back seat for the rag I kept for wiping the dew off my car in the morning, and cleaned the thick cum from my chest first, and then from Ryan’s. Even right after we’d had sex, he was bugging me to go again. I laughed, pulling my body away from his greedy embrace. “You should...

3 years ago
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First time fucking my best friends girl

I was helping my best friend and his girl friend move into their new apartment. I was expecting anything but to help my friend move a lot of his shit into his place and talk shit about any and everything, which is our usual procedure when we're hanging out. I seen his girl before and I always thought she was a cute girl with a nice attitude who would do him some good being in is life. Anyway, him and I brought up box after box of some things he had packed. After sometime went by we all decide...

3 years ago
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The Box for Lolita

My uncle burst into my door and dropped a big box on my bed. His anger was real and he looked differently at me as I focused on his face. "Here take this damn thing, but you better keep this in the basement. If I hear or see that you wore this stuff upstairs then you're out." "What the hell is it that got you so mad?" "Mad is not what I call this, this fetish you have." I grimaced and then blanked out not knowing what he meant. "Some woman came up to me at work in front of...

4 years ago
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Money Makes Them Talk

I live a life that most would only dream of. I work hard and I play harder. I’ve always stood by my motto, “money talks,” and it's one thing I’ve been good at. I’m a very lavish person, one who has worked from the ground up to create his own investment company. I know that there are things you need to do to get to that point where you may never need to worry again. Even with that, there are constant struggles. Money equals power, and power only brings on the power trips. Drugs, drinking, women,...

1 year ago
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Older Man Perving on my girlfriend

So I have this thing about older men and younger girls......the thing that turns me on the most and REALLY gets me going is when i'm discretely watching older guys perving on younger teen girls and I mean proper perving, not just a sneaky eye when the Mrs isn't watching but full on following them, taking creep-shots on the phone ect! I get rock hard instantly when I see this.So here's a true story that happened many years ago when I was 19 and the girlfriend at the time was 17.The girlfriend...

2 years ago
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Whitewash High Ch6

Nik walked through the doors of his home, tossed his bag in the corner, and proceeded to relax on the couch. The game was on and he half watched it as he shifted around, trying to find a comfortable spot from the pain of the knife wound. It dulled down but was still throbbing.“Fuck, this is going to make teaching tomorrow annoying.”He didn’t have to go. People wouldn’t blame him for taking time off after getting stabbed but he wanted to make a point, a statement to the students. Don’t fuck with...

4 years ago
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My friends feet

I have this friend named Samantha, or Sam for short. We’ve known each other since high school and are pretty close. She knows a lot about me, we were even intimate for a short period of time, but one thing she doesn’t know is that I have a foot fetish and I’ve always been attracted to her small, sexy little feet. I think about them all the time, the way she paints her toes, the way her soles are wrinkled yet soft. I smell her shoes sometimes when she is out of the room. I’m getting a hard on...

3 years ago
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Extended bio part II Cuckhold discovery

I never dated much in high school, but I related to, and became friends easily with girls. I wasn't totally feminine physically, but my brain was. Guys disgusted me when they would talk about girls as if they were peices of meat, bragging about sex they probably never even had. To me that was gross and I never liked hearing it. I've always been a 50/50 balance of both feminine and masculine. I love several sports, fooling around under the hood of an old car, guns, mowing the lawn, and handy-man...

2 years ago
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Tipping Point Ch 02

Chapter 2: What next? A trip to the bank Monday afternoon allowed me to retrieve some things from our safe deposit box, including life insurance policies (all mine), a few certificates of deposit, again in my name, and some of my late father’s military medals. I left everything else behind. I had no use for her jewelry, or her family papers. I did notice a fairly new insurance policy made out in her name. I looked inside to see who the beneficiary was, and saw that it was Tommy. Somehow, that...

3 years ago
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Truth Or Dare The Family Reunion Chapter Eight

Janie wanted to help Stacey lose her virginity. She loved sex and wanted her sixteen-year-old cousin to know how good it felt.  She walked out of the girls' cabin and over to the boys.Knocking on the front door, she realized how buzzed she was from the stolen vodka. “Hey, cuz,” Jon said as he opened the door, “What’s up?”“Hi, Jon. Not much,” she answered, “Just wanted to talk to you guys.”“Billy isn’t here,” he said, “But your brother and Jim are in the common room. Come on in.”The alcohol was...

4 years ago
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Interstellar Defense LeagueChapter 15

Preliator never had time to order the Acer One into combat. It was over before he and his crew could have blinked. The new ships, the massive fleet, had swarmed the Ghaleran cruisers, pouring thousands of lances of plasmatic energy into their hulls. The Ghalerans were overwhelmed by the sheer power of this assault, and were quickly incinerated, nothing left of their once mighty ships except a few specks of space dust. Auctorita smiled at Preliator from the communications console. "Sir, our...

3 years ago
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Moth Ch 001

‘Moth’ is a completed story and I will, until the end of it, be submitting one chapter a day to literotica. I hope they will appear on the site at about the same interval, and in the same order. Please forgive the redundant copyright messages, I’ve found that sometimes my stories are copypasted in part and used elsewhere. Copyright of Nanna Marker 2010. * ‘Altwar forest,’ said the crone, ‘that is where your chance at great love awaits.’ ‘Altwar,’ whispered Lei, her eyes widening with...

2 years ago
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Breast Friends 2 Peggy and Charmaine

Please first read Breast Friends and then read the following to find out how life progressed for two of the friends…enjoy! Peggy’s life plan was to work very hard during high school and get a scholarship in a top UK university to study law. After that she would move to London , get a well paid job in a big law firm, and eventually start her own practice. Her prince charming would come along somewhere along the way. Peggy parents who were not particularly wealthy had struggled to raise the...

1 year ago
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Surprise for my husband

So one evening I was bored, when I'm bored, that's when I usually come up with bad, ornery ideas and thoughts. Well this particular evening, I was sitting at home all alone, enjoying a few drinks. As I sat there, my mind started to wander. I kept thinking about different ideas of how I could surprise and shock the hell out of my husband. As the ideas ran through my mind, I became sure that I was going to definitely plan it. Now that I'm extremely determined, I started planning the whole...

2 years ago
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Vicki Mick and Amy

Hi. My name is Mick. Vicki and I first met about 7 years ago when we were both 23. She was hired at the company where I worked, but we had very little initial contact. She was plain, not too pretty; a typical female engineer. I was not drawn to her, she was definitely not my type. Her short hair was dirty blond, her breasts were 36a, and her hips were slightly hefty. My girlfriend, Amy, had long brunette hair, a 38d-28-36 figure, and loved sex. There just wasn’t much reason for me to be...

1 year ago
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Ankita And Her Journey To Become Queen Of Bitchdom Empire 8211 Part 2

Ankita and her journey to become queen of Bitchdom empire (Actually this story is entirely written by Ankita. She forwarded her story and I made some corrections and added some spice. She insisted that I post her story. So I am posting on her behalf. My mail id is But all kudos should go to her) Hello Friends. This is Ankita here again with another experience of sex. This is the second part of my story. For new readers, you have to read my previous story to get the basic information about me...

2 years ago
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Heathers Secrets

Heather Stevens' face was a portrait of ecstasy. Her eyes were closed. Her head hung back and her blonde hair, gathered in a ponytail, brushed the chenille bedspread beneath her as she moved. Her lips were parted slightly and through them her breathing was punctuated by quick gasps. Naked, she held her shoulders off the bed with her hands below her, her fingers clutching the bedspread, shoulders rolled back as though holding a pose in a gymnastic exercise. Her feet were on perched on either...

1 year ago
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Ring Master First RingChapter 8

The back door crashed open as Ling and Ding came through in fighting stances, looking to kill someone. I just hoped it wasn't me. I looked at Ling as she looked around and asked, "Master! Are you alright? We felt something was wrong and that you were afraid" she hesitated a moment as she looked at May and June, "I'm sorry Master, you seemed almost terrified." "What the..." Now they all know. I've been holding it in check, hoping against hope that they wouldn't find out, but that...

4 years ago
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What happens in Vegas A comedy of errors

She smiled in contentment as she wrapped her hair in the big fluffy towel. The conference let out early this evening, and she was free. Her husband was back at home, and here she was in the great town of Las Vegas. She had consumed a nice dinner, had a nice swim in the indoor heated pool, and was nicely relaxed. A hot shower completed her evening. She intended to kick back and watch a movie on T.V. A knock on the door made her growl slightly. Who the hell could it be bothering her? She put on...

1 year ago
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Ninas Party

Nina got herself ready for her party, putting on her exquisite embroidered bra and satin panties, then her rich orange angel blouse and her black leggings which neatly hid the evidence of being spanked earlier by her Mum, finally slipping on her gold bracelet and putting on her earrings. Nina looked in the mirror and knew she looked a million dollars. People started to arrive and she waited for a few to be in the lounge before coming downstairs and making her entrance. Faces turned, her Mum...

4 years ago
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My Journey Book 1 CollarsChapter 29

“Tabby, come take a walk with me,” I said, acutely aware that I’d promised today to Collie, but Tabby looked like she was getting more confused and upset by the minute. I wanted to head this off before we had another emergency on our hands. She nodded and got to her feet, her eyes still on the portrait like it was a wild animal that might harm her if she wasn’t careful around it. I took Collie’s hand and squeezed it, giving her a look that I hoped told her how much I regretted having to step...

3 years ago
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Chapter 1I lay on the sofa sleeping, warm and snug. The day had been dull and I was snapping more out of boredom than of any real sense of tiredness. I’d been in the house all day and done nothing productive. I’d had a long bath using my favourite scented oils. Then dried my long dark hair and painted my fingers and toes a pretty silver colour. I couldn’t even be bothered to get dressed so had just slipped on a silver satin robe that matched my nails. I was awoken by my boyfriend gently...

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