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“Faster, faster…”

Denise careens through the night, slicing through the darkness and the traffic. Speed feeds her hunger for thrills and it defies the rattling frame of her nerdy-cute commuter bike. It was built for a leisurely ride through the park or errands to the market. At this moment, however, in Denise’s mind, it’s a sleek and sexy racer. Although it had required a bit more effort to get the thing moving at a steady clip, Denise definitely has “oomph” tonight.

As she whips around corners and hurtles down the road she feels a rush like a stiff splash of ice water in her face. She’d holler with unbridled joy if she wasn’t muted by both exhilaration and fright.

“What are you trying to prove?”

It’s unlike her to find kicks in such aggressive recklessness. Yet, tonight she surrenders to the momentum and embraces the accompanying sense of danger. An insatiable pang swells within her and she has no intention of quelling it.

“Come on. You can do better than that.”

With her butt raised from the seat, she spins her legs till she feels a sumptuous burn, cranking the pedals at a brisk clip. Taking a curb at a harrowing angle, she propels herself down yet another steep incline.

“What do you want?”

She's a woman in full release, the wind stealing the breath from her mouth. The fenders tremble as she approaches full warp. Eyes wide, fingers strapped like vices around the handlebar, she thinks for a moment about applying the brakes… “Are you crazy? You shouldn’t be doing this…” then buries the restrictive thought behind her clenched teeth. A grin of pure exhilaration cracks her lips.

It’s breathtaking. It’s frightening. It seeds a tantalizing tremble in her belly. She presses against the seat, squeezing her thighs, feeling the rub of tough, worn leather through her denim shorts, the nose of the seat nuzzling explicitly along her crotch; it’s not an unpleasant feeling, not by a longshot.

“Enjoying yourself?”

“Oh, yes. My god, yes.”

The sensation of bewildering velocity drives the allure. Moving cars barely pass her, she’s going so, so fast. The ones parked along the side of the road are a wind-swept blur.

Suddenly, the door of a parked car just meters ahead of her swings open. It doesn’t even give her enough time to wipe the smile off her face, but her eyes widen to the size of quarters filled with a singular realization that this was not going to end well.

Impulse, instincts, and pure luck kick in. She hears a scream; she’s not sure if it’s her.

Someone yells, “Watch out!”

She crushes her brakes and twists the handlebars. There’s a skid and then a screech -- which is the sound of her tires and which are those of the car behind her? She doesn’t know. A car horn blares. Her leg kicks out. Her foot scrapes off the ground, then kicks off the door of another car. It feels like the wheels of her bike are sliding out from under her, the rear clipping something, fishtailing.

She's certain she's lost control. For the breadth of a micro-second, she accepts that fact. An impossible giggle escapes her.


Denise is stopped and staring back at the car that nearly ended her thrill ride in abrupt disaster. Her eyes are the size of dollar coins, two black pupils piercing the night air. She’s breathing hard, swearing that her throat is clogged with her trembling heart. Shaking, her whole body is clenched, the bike handles crushed in her grip. A cold sweat envelopes her and a tingly river of ice water flows through her veins.

Most telling, though, is the smile on her face that has no right to be there. It’s a defiant, near-manic pronouncement of glee from a person who just went through a tunnel of fire and emerged hot and singed… and yearning for more.

She almost slammed into that car… hard.

“Holyshitholyshitholyshit. Fucking. Incredible.”

“Holy fuck!” says the guy whose car door she nearly plastered with her face and body. He’s relieved and flabbergasted at the same time. “Where the hell did you come from? I didn’t see you coming at all! I swear!”

A thin veil of dampness swells in that tight, narrow space between her thighs.

“Are you alright?” the guy asks.

He doesn’t register, nothing around Denise does. She only acknowledges her racing pulse and the butterflies in her gut. She’s probably aged her heart by about fifty years.

“Was it worth it?”

The wicked grin is embedded on her face. She nods. Yes. Yes, it was.

“Give me more.”

She wants more of that in a bad, bad way.

She turns her bike and heads on her way, unrepentantly seeking that thrill.


Denise arrives in front of a large brownstone house, her family home. Evidence of a house party in its infancy is exposed by the sound of heavy beats and clamor of chatter escaping through the windows. There are a couple of guys standing on the stairs lighting up some joints, preparing for a long night.

She locks up her bike, grabs her bags from the basket and skips up the stairs. The guys don’t notice her.

The door opens even as she reaches for the knob. Patsy, a rusty blonde who fills out a strapless mini as if it were spray-painted onto her stands in her way, hand firmly on her hip and a frown entrenched on her face.

“Where the fuck were you?” she demands of Denise with love and scorn. “You were supposed to help set up.”

Denise apologizes to her with two bottles of her favorite wine and an excuse. “I had something to take care of after work.”

She's still sporting that sly grin on her lips, like a criminal relishing the excitement of eluding the authorities. Patsy takes the bait. “What? What?”

Denise is too anxious to stop and explain. Her mind is still riding that high, chasing that thrill. She even can't be bothered to remind Patsy that their parents would kill her if they came home from their trip and found the house in a wreck. It was her older step-sister’s idea to hold the party, so she’ll own any ensuing collateral damage. Besides, Denise had moved out her own a year ago.

Primal instincts and action will define Denise’s night. It’s no longer just a feeling, it’s a revelation, and no one is going to steal her off this wave of irresponsible nirvana. She barely brushes Patsy off before diving into the fray.

First stop is the powder room where she quickly tosses aside her glasses in exchange for contacts. From her tote bag, she pulls out a bundled piece of black fabric stuffed at the bottom. She strips off her frumpy jersey top and drops her jean shorts before peeling off her bra and undies that cling to her skin. She rolls a pair of black stockings up her legs, then she slides and stretches the black dress onto her body. The small piece of fabric melds to her skin, her toned curves and lines ironing it out taut. Half a week’s pay got her this dress, riding around the city on her bike every day earned her this body.

“All I can say is… bang!”

It feels like she’s wearing a layer of black gauze, the material of the strapless dress is so thin. She wiggles her hips and the tight hem of the skirt hikes up another inch revealing more of the lace fishnet stockings pouring down from her thighs to her toes. A dainty pair of three-inch heels just seems like overkill at this point. She’s a tempting weapon of seduction.

After a rough drag of her fingers through her jet black hair and a swash of gloss on her lips, she hits a pose in the mirror. She wears the look of scandal like a second skin.


For a “quirky, hipster nerd” she’s transformed herself into bait like no one’s business.

She stares at the mirror, into the eyes of a stranger, a wanton woman. She suddenly feels the twinge of hesitancy, biting her lower lip. “Who are you?”

She takes deep breaths --“Three. Two. One.”-- and banishes that unwanted feeling to the pit of her stomach. The stranger is now her.

“Damn good.”

She throws open the door and strides into the party to hunt for her pleasures. The guys she passed on the steps earlier now turn their heads unapologetically with obvious, appreciative leers.

“Holy fuck!” Patsy greets her again. “Is that my little sister under that layer of hotness? What did you do with the bookworm? You’re going to look pretty good riding your nerd bike back to your apartment dressed like that.”

“Who said anything about going back to my apartment?” Denise replies. Ha! Even her talking was getting into it.

Patsy holds it in for a second, glaring at her, then explodes with a burst of sputtering laughter. She didn’t see that coming from Denise at all. She makes it obvious that she doesn’t believe a word of it, but says, “Holy shit! Just what the fuck happened at work today?”

Denise shakes her head and asks instead, “Where’s that boy?”

“Our dear little brother?”

Denise rolls her eyes. Her step-brother is exactly two months “younger” than her. She quips, “Your little brother. My pain in the ass.”

“Donal is running fashionably late,” Patsy says. “He’ll be here, though. Donal never misses a good party.”

Denise cocks a brow. “No, he never does,” she muses to herself. She, however, has missed far too many. Time to catch up.

She snatches the little plastic shot glass Patsy is toting and downs whatever is in it with one gulp. She purses her lips and turns her head aside as she winces, the noxious concoction burning her throat. It’s disgusting.

“More!” she shouts and shoves the cup back at her step-sister, laughing.

Patsy is keen to oblige and leads her to the kitchen where a makeshift bar has been set up. More shot glasses filled with crude mash-ups of alcohol and other glistening liquids dot the island counter. Denise and Patsy each take hold of a shot, offer a toast and toss it back into their mouths.

“Another?” enthuses Patsy, ecstatic her step-sister is finally letting go.

Denise has her eyes closed, she can feel herself swaying in her heels. A warm smile melts onto her glossy lips. She shakes her head. “Later,” she says with a grin. With the two stiff shots, she has enough gas in her tank to rev her engine. It’s the music that calls to her now, luring her to the scrum of people dancing in the living room.

She quickly succumbs to the heavy beats and cajoling rhythms. As if the music were a key, it unlocks her, frees her body and mind, and she takes full advantage of the release. She sways her hips, rolling her belly, curving her back. She owns the circle of floor she carves out with her tantalizing gyrations which demand attention. The women around her smile and nod, cheering her on. The men lock narrowed gazes upon her and offer bare-faced appreciation of her beguiling presence through hungry grins.

Once again this evening, she throws herself to the whims of the moment and is carried away like she has never been before. A guy slides up to her a finger’s length apart and gyrates along with her motions in a ritualistic mating dance. She matches his lusty leer, offering him a provocative grin, and allows him to indulge in a touch of her waist, just above her hips. She taunts him with a curl of her finger, then brazenly pushes his sweaty face away as he leans in for a kiss.

Before he can speak, she spins away from him and into the space of another alluring nymph whose ample breasts are bursting at the seams of her sleek, auburn dress. The blonde welcomes Denise with a whistling hoot as she backs into her, nuzzling her round butt against her crotch. More space clears around her, more eyes are upon her as she melds against the bombshell with mesmerizing gyrations of her slender body. She closes her eyes, soaking in every sensation: the music, the smell of alcohol and sweat, the touch of a warm body and firm breasts curving against her back.

She could feel the eyes set upon her. There’s more than a few of them wondering who she is and those who know won’t dare to believe it. Whatever side they’re on, they all feed into her exuberance. This night, Denise takes hold of all the attention offered her.

She continues to dance, every seductive swirl of her hips charging, energizing her. She almost has to slap herself for denying herself this unbelievable pleasure of release all these years. As she moves along the floor she bumps her back against another body and turns. It’s him.

“Hey, Donal,” she says grinning and without missing a step.

Her step-brother smirks, unimpressed. “Hey, Noodle.”

Unfazed, Denise doesn’t go for his bait. She just wags a finger in his face, all the while still grinding and bumping her body to the beats. “Last one to the party, again,” she says.

“First in everything else, though,” he replies. Always the cocky bastard, Donal. He crosses his arms and frowns. “So, what are you trying to prove?”

The familiar question bounces around in her head, but she doesn’t want to think about it for too long. “Just enjoying myself,” she says. She spikes her brow and adds, “And you’re falling behind, little brother.”

Donal shakes his head at the floor. “You’re telling me to try to keep up?” he teases, but she simply turns away from him, grabbing another guy by the arm and pulling him against her body for a seductive dance. She glimpses Donal standing there amongst the dancers, trying to hide the dumbfounded expression seeping into his meticulously sculpted cool demeanor.

The intensity of the night quickens by the minute: the frenzy of the guests, the sucking down of drink after drink, the endless rhythms and vibes of techno music. At the center of it all is Denise yelling at herself, “Faster! More!”

She’s a blur that no one can keep up with, yet she revels in the feeling that she’s in control of it, in control of this mayhem of delight she is allowing to happen around her. Patsy is done being astonished and impressed by her actions and, like everyone else, joins in, swept away amongst the undertow of Denise’s verve, caught in her momentum.

There’s something else in the air that ignites Denise’s senses. The heady feeling of lust and desire. Many eyes are upon her, many thoughts involve her in intimate and illicit ways. She’s a beacon tonight and many are eager to call. She casts a focused eye upon all the guests, men and women, measuring, judging, imagining, fantasizing. She suddenly catches the eye of one particular person.

“What do you want?”

A pang of hesitation suddenly sinks in her gut. There’s the briefest pause in her step, in her swagger, and she skips a breath.

“What do you WANT?”

Too many questions. Denise stops dancing and turns away. She pushes herself through the crowd, shuts out the lustful looks and sly whispers in her ear encouraging her to stay, encouraging her to come. She rushes up the stairs and down the hallway. Slipping into her old bedroom she finds two guests making out on the bed.

“Get out,” she says.

“Hey! We were here… “

“Get the fuck out of my room!” she demands.

She’s not challenged again, and five seconds later she shuts the door, alone in her room.

Leaning back, she shuts her eyes and brushes her palms back against her temple. She breaths deep through her nose, trying to quell the pounding in her heart in vain.

“Holyshitholyshitholyshit. Fucking incredible.”

Her thoughts and feelings are in overdrive, burning her up. She’s unsure if she wants to douse them or deal with them.

She opens her eyes. She doesn’t recognize the room. It hasn’t changed since she moved out of it a year ago, but she doesn’t recognize it. Something’s changed. The furniture, the bedding, the books and decor on the shelves, they are all there as she left them.

But something’s changed.

She peels her back off from the door and walks across the room, each step pulling her further away from the clawing demands of the party outside and downstairs. She steps out of her painful heels, and her feet welcome the touch of the plush carpet with a sigh. Leaning over her desk, she looks carefully into the mirror at the person reflected back at her.

Reaching into a drawer, she retrieves one of her old pair of glasses and slips it on, curling her long, black hair behind her ears. She smiles a pretty, gentle smile and suddenly a vague familiarity washes over her. The smile fades.

“Who are you?”

“Hey, Noodle.”

Denise’s fingers stiffen against the edge of the desk. Peering at the mirror through her glasses, her eyes narrow a touch.

“Finally taking a breather?” the familiar voice of Donal asks her.

She’s still leaning over her desk. She realizes she’s calmer than she expected she would be, her breath steadying, her mind focusing.

She listens to Donal close the door and walk into and around her room behind her.

“Quite the little show you were putting on downstairs. Didn’t think you had that in you,” he chuckles. “Figured you’d prefer to be in the study holding a lecture or something.”

Her back remains to him. After a deliberate pause, she replies, “I’m surprised to see you taking a break. I didn’t notice you getting much action.”

“Is that what you call what you were doing? Action?” he sniggers sharply as he continues to pace around her room. He used to do this when the two of them lived in the house, entering her room uninvited while she was studying and reading, just to try to get under her skin and annoy the crap out of her. He would always succeed, leaving her fuming by herself unable to concentrate, when she should have just told him to get the fuck out of her room.

“I call it having fun, Donal,” she replies. Her eyes shift aside. As she pretends to show interest in the random items on her shelves and on her night table, she catches him glancing more than a few times at her, his gaze trained on her backside, the thin layer of black material stretched taut around it, which she shifts left and right ever so slightly.

He shrugs. She can hear him roll his eyes as he speaks. “Okay, Noodle. Whatever you say.”

“Noodle”. He’d been calling her that since their parents married and they moved in together when they were both sixteen. At first, it was an immature and mildly racial slur about her Asian heritage and preference for noodle dishes. It quickly took on another meaning: Stiff when dry, limp when wet. Almost seven years later, he’s still calling her that. Nothing changes.

Yet, something has changed.

Once more, Denise sees the ring dangling before her, tempting, tantalizing. The thrilling, sensuous, churning in her body and spirit the fired her up on the bike ride to the house and at the party below. She closes her eyes, concentrates and seizes it.

“What do you want?”

“What’s that?” Donal asks.

Denise opens her eyes, suddenly aware she had spoken out loud. It had slipped out as a long warm breath she had been holding.

She turns and leans back against the desk, black stocking clad legs crossed at the feet, arms folded. She peers at Donal over the point of her nose. “What,” she speaks deliberately as she removes her glasses, “do you want?”

Donal is uncharacteristically taken aback, frozen with his hands in his pockets. His eyes twitch and narrow upon her. His mouth hangs open for a moment before he feigns a meager grin and finally says, “I… was just checking on you, seeing if you’re okay and needed anything.”

Denise tilts her chin and shrugs. “I’m okay,” she replies as if it were obvious. “But Donal, what do you want?”

As she steps forward from the desk towards him, she could see his confident, cocky, pretty boy veneer crack. He shifts his head, shaking it, slightly agitated. “What… “ he scoffs, “what are you talking about?”

She continues her slow steps towards him, buoyed by a tingling that starts at her toes and runs through the ends of each strand of her silky hair. “You want to poke my back while I try to study?” she asks.

He smirks. “No.”

“You want to make fun of the plain, boring clothes I have in my closet?”

“Look, Denise… “

“You want to brag about all the girls you’re fucking every weekend?”

“Hey! That’s enough,” Donal snaps, holding up his finger as if that’s enough to stall her steady advance.

The momentum that carried her during her bike ride and on the dance floor at the party returns with a vengeance, and she is a smoldering fire ready to consume. She backs her step-brother up against the door and leans into his flushed, pink face.

“The funny thing is, Donal?” she asks, eyeing him sharply, “I don’t even care what you want.”

She grants him barely a moment to pinch his brows towards each other over his skittish green eyes before surging her lips forward, sealing his gaping mouth. She leans hard and presses into him, curving her trim belly against his, her lithe frame pinning his hard body against the door. Her hands clasp at his face and seize his soft, auburn hair as she churns her head, smearing her lipstick upon and around his lips.She feels him clutch at the curve of her hips, trying to grab hold of her writhing torso, but he can’t get a grip on her. Her tongue is just as slippery and nimble, sliding upon his, lashing and clashing together.

Her mind is screaming as if she was on a rollercoaster, the unadulterated thrill and surge of nerve-wracking speed sending wave after wave of ecstasy through her body. Unlike a roller coaster, though, she controls the energy, tames it and drives it forward.

By sheer luck, Donal manages to hold her back for a second… but he doesn’t push her away completely. Denise recognizes the question the expression on his face is asking: “Who ARE you?”

He’s breathing hard, his face glowing with blood and perspiration, as a fragmented grin breaks upon his shocked expression. He’s at an utter loss. Mouth quivering, he gasps, “Are you crazy? We shouldn’t be doing… “

Her hand clamps against his crotch, shutting him up. He’s already hard.

Denise tips her nose down flashing her hungry, almond-shaped eyes. “Try to keep up, ‘little brother’,” she breathes as she forcefully massages his stiff shaft, “or get the fuck out of my room.”

The look on his face changes instantly, triggered and ensnared by the fiery desire that Denise wields like a torch. His fingers dig into her arms and spin her around, shoving her hard against the door. His strong grip pins her wrists above her head as he shoves his mouth against hers.

Denise doesn’t flinch at his harsh motions. She rolls with them like the tide, grooving her body as she did on the dancefloor as she feels Donal scope her breasts and belly and crotch with his free hand. She feels the heavy beats of the music outside up and down her back. She senses the tremble within him, barely in control of himself, as he mashes her lips with one long, desperate, kiss. He yanks at the top of her dress, pulling it down past her belly button, exposing her glossy, pale-peach breasts. Breathing steadily through clenched teeth, she looks down, watching him indulge in hard sucks of her small, pert nipples and painting every inch of her chest and belly with his tongue.

Denise moistens her lips. She grabs him by the hair and pulls his head back to look up at her. She sneers at him and says, “Come on. You can do better than that.” She pushes him to his knees.

Within another second, the bottom of her little black dress is hiked up over her butt till it’s simply bunched up around her slender waist. The thin crotch of her panties is tugged aside by a rough finger and Donal swiftly plants his mouth against her tingling slit.

Denise tugs and pulls at his hair roughly, painfully, making him work to stay close to her delicate lips. He digs his fingers into her supple, round ass for support. As his tongue motors and swipes feverishly at her pulsing petals, she chews her bottom lip, pushing her head back against the door as she releases a growling groan from her throat.

Donal is good. Tonight she demands better.

Once again she gives his hair a sharp tug back, eliciting a pained grunt from her bedeviled lover. She makes him look at her.

“Enjoying yourself?” she asks him.

“Oh yeah, Den,” he gasps as he nods, his lips glossy with her wetness, “Oh, God, yeah.”

She grins and narrows her eyes at him. “Give me more.”

Instantly, Donal is on his feet, pressing his body into her again as they resume a torrid locking of mouths. As she listens to him unbutton his shirt, unbuckle his belt and unzip his fly, a tiny light sparks in the back of Denise’s mind. She closes her eyes and listens to it. It’s familiar. It’s secure. It’s safe.

Denise opens her eyes and grabs Donal’s hard cock in her hand. “Fuck me,” she commands.

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3 years ago
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Take Your Daughter to Work Day Version BravoChapter 10

"Judith!" squealed Tiffany, looking up from kissing Bob again. "You're doing it!" "Shit!" yelled Kendi, as she scooted off the bed to stand, wide eyed. It was the first curse word any of them had ever heard her utter. "Oh man," moaned Monica, as all her feelings from watching Janice the night before surged through her again. Bob lifted his head. He'd felt her hot sheath engulf him, and had known from experience that it wasn't a mouth causing those feelings. "Oh baby," he...

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Dominatrix Hunting

Dominatrix Hunting By SevikaaIt was way, way too early to be dealing with stuff this weird...I was a fresh-out-of-Police-Academy officer working with the San Francisco Police Department, based out of Inglewood Station and with the misfortune to have to punch in at six in the morning. I was literally two minutes into my shift – not even long enough to make a cup of instant coffee – when I heard something of a commotion down the hall, a handful of my colleagues craning their necks to get a look....

2 years ago
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Blessings of a Curse 2015 Usa EditionChapter 11

They desperately hugged each other and cried with relief as their minds joined and embraced as fiercely as their bodies, and Talia learned what had happened. A few minutes later a string of popping sounds made them open their eyes, and they realized that they were on the patio of their cottage on the slope of the volcano at Hilia. It was the darkest time of night here; and perhaps three hours remained before dawn. Firepits and glowspheres lit the patio. Their advance security team was...

3 years ago
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Lost Bet

My wife Amanda was not really into football, but she would bet on the games anyways, sometimes she would get lucky, but not to often. The bets were always if she lost, she would mow the grass or she would take the trash out for a week,or the odd time, I would do the dishes or clean the house, you know innocent stuff. Well this time, it all changed, she was either getting bored, or she really thought her team could win, any ways, the game was just about to start, I had two friends over, and they...

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Taking Mrs Greene Chapter 2

"Take off your nighty, Emily, and let me get a better look at you," he said. Caught by surprise by this sudden turn of events and more than a little turned on by the idea of a man wanting her again, Emily followed his command without thinking. She crossed her arms in front and lifted the thin satin garment up over her head and dropped it on the bed beside her.Emily Greene was indeed a beautiful woman. Although the calendar said she was thirty-four years old, she could easily pass for a woman...

4 years ago
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Crazy Cravings

On the first day of classes I held a meeting for all the freshman. There was a ton of boring campus policies to go over. At the end, one student stuck around. It was a short, Asian girl with long black hair. Her hair was breathtakingly beautiful, it cascaded down to her waist. She was almost a foot shorter than me at about four feet, eleven inches. Her pale cheeks blushed as she spoke, “Hi, I’m Lily. I’m in room 35C, across from you,” she started. Her face grew increasingly more red. “Um, I’ve...

1 year ago
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Sis Sits for Coma Bro part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! So there I was in the middle of the second and the biggest orgasm of my 13 years, while fucking the coma out of my 18 year old brother. When my father yelled out something like, “What the fuck are you doing you filthy slut!!!” Donny’s eyes were rolled up in his head but I could feel him pumping me full of cum. I was still panting and gasping for breath and fucking and humping up and down like a insane nympho. I just couldn’t stop fucking and orgasming...

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BangPOV Jynx Maze Sexy Ass Jynx Maze Gets A Creampie

Jynx Maze is super duper hot, she got a great big ass that i would too love to fuck. Her new stepbrother walks in on her as she takes some selfies. He bravely grabs her ass and see her freak out on him before he decides to leave. She runs back to him and tell him that she’s horny and that they need to keep it between themselves. She’s impressed with his cock size and gives him a sucking to get him ready to fuck. She rides him on reverse cowgirl where we see that great ass bounce. She ends up...

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Annas day off

Anna took the key card and headed in the direction the disinterested teen had vaguely gestured at. A gaggle of cheaply-uniformed cleaners stopped laughing and scurried off to their tasks at her approach, but Anna saw no other hotel residents, which also pleased her. The more anonymous she could feel, the more relaxed she would be this afternoon. Her hand shook a little in anticipation as she attempted to slide the key card into the designated slot of room 306, and she laughed impatiently at...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 447

English humour I saw my mate Charlie this morning, he's only got one arm bless him. I shouted - "Where you off to Charlie?" He said, "I'm off to change a light bulb." Well I just cracked up, couldn't stop laughing, then said, "That's gonna be a bit awkward i'nit?" "Not really," he said. "I still have the receipt, you insensitive bastard." Angela Merkel arrives at Control in Athens airport. "Nationality?" asks the immigration officer. "German," she...

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NuruMassage Alex More Kendra Lynn Janitor In The Tub

Kendra Lynn is manning the phones at work. The day has been slow and no one has booked an appointment yet. When Alex More walks into the reception area, Kendra can’t believe how sexy she looks in her red lingerie. Alex asks if anyone’s coming in, but Kendra informs that that’s not the case. Unable to keep their hands to themselves, the girls figure that maybe they could kill some time together. The girls lean on the front desk and start kissing, Alex starts playing with...

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Ed BiggersChapter 9

Officer Mike Tougas sat in the restaurant of the hotel sipping a cup of coffee waiting for Ed to arrive from his suite upstairs. After the discussion on the phone, he had investigated the family of Beth Hayes. When he discovered the number of times that the family had been attacked in the past, many of his suspicions about them had been dispelled although he didn’t know the reasons behind the attacks. It was only after digging a little deeper that he learned that this family was the John...

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Our little secret Part 1

Hi my name is Tom, this story took place a few years ago. At the time i was still living at home with my parents. I'm an only c***d and at the time i was a virgin. All i'd ever done was kiss a girl, but nothing more. When this story took place my dad had walked out and left my mum for another woman.My dad walking out had hit my mum really hard, she was a real mess. family and friends were really kind and supportive, but it was only when my aunty Teresa came to stop with us that my mum started...

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Cuckold Sissy

Cuckold Sissy It began at my wife's Christmas party. Consuming too much wine, my lovely wife wanted to dance with everyone. She was having the time of her life but everything changed in a matter of minutes. As I watched her change dance partners, Marcus, a large muscular jock finally got his turn with her. Fortunately, or unfortunately, the music changed to a slow dance. Ann seemed to just melt into his arms and body. She was tired and drunk. Marcus moved slowly with her, holding her...

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Light and DarkChapter 13

She'll let you in her house If you come knockin' late at night She'll let you in her mouth If the words you say are right Secret Garden, Bruce Springsteen Hillhead, Glasgow, December 7th Despite her observations earlier, Caerys hadn't managed to oversee Gabriel punching in the combination to the armoury, so she directed them all towards the gym. Christophe was whimpering gently into his mother's shoulder, which should have been drowned out by the noise of the front door being kicked...

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Little Mary

‘Man I don’t want to be here.’ I groaned as I arrived at a friendly restaurant downtown with my boyfriend of 6 months, Trevor. ‘Relax, it’s going to be fine.’ he assured me with a supportive smile. ‘You know how I feel about that woman and her daughter.’ ‘And by that you mean your mom and your sister.’ ‘Okay who’s side are you on?’ I asked accusingly as we finally got out of the car and headed for the restaurant entrance. ‘Yours of course. I just-‘ ‘You know what, I’m going to go in here...

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The Chronicles of Arthur Hawk Part 3 Blackmailing my Sister

"Arthur! I...I...I didn't hear you open the garage door..." My sister's face was a familiar scarlet red, and her small hands were barely covering herself up.Occasionally her trembling hands would slip, revealing one of her nipples or a piece of her tiny shaven pussy. "I came in through the front door." I said, and a look of realization and humiliation took over her face. "Wait, didn't you say you had cheerleading?" My sister blushed again. "I did. But I don't. When you nosed...

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Sandy and Frank Ch 06

So, Sandy’s first deliberate, pre-planned assignation was over and, in virtually every way, had worked out well. She had gone further than might have been expected and she was shocked to see herself reacting so strongly, but it had worked out. Their conversation had definitely cleared the air and any question about a desire to continue was answered positively. In general, their sexual activities would be limited to those after-party occasions although, as it turned out, there were other...

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Streamate Mature

Over time, everyone's taste varies, be they of the tongue or titillation. While I have never found a consistent pattern to it, I have found that a lot of people, no matter how old they are, prefer more mature women. Among the many different fetishes that I appreciate, I think that I can speak to a few of the reasons why. MILFs have a particular forbidden fruit aspect to them, and I have yet to meet an older woman who did not have plenty of experience.If you have never considered the merits of...

Live Mature Sex Cams
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Me Jane and her mother

I had only left the house for work an hour ago to meet Mrs Redgrave but the appointment had fallen through. Second time I’d trailed all that way to do a job that lasted the whole day and for nothing. Well not again. Punching the steering wheel in frustration at the money I should have been earning, I turned the ignition on my transit and headed home. ‘never again’ I’m saying to myself, ‘never again’ she can get someone else. An hour later as I’m pulling down my road I finally begin to calm...

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Mom Swapping Incest Orgy Part 3

My name is honey . My daughters have got their lovers but let us see what happened at last. All three girls mou, jen and nafi was very happy to find their partners and having regular sex with their lovers but after three months all three girls noticed that their mom are becoming demoroliged, bogged down day by day as their moms are not getting enough sex form their counter parts that is their sons.So all three girls decided to take some step. They discussed that their mom helped them to fuck...

3 years ago
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Kaverir Sathe Sex

Hello readers ami Raaj, ISS er onek diner reader. Ekhane onek story porechi. kintu kono dino sahos hoyni kono story post korar. aj 1ta story mane 1ta sotti ghotona ja amar sathe hoeche seta post korchi. prothome amar ektu intro dei,,, ami raaj,, amar age 23,, korchi,, hight 5ft 9inch,, jake nie story tar naam kaveri,, puro sexy may dekhte bes bhalo,,,, hight 5ft 5inch,, figre 34-26-36… story te aschi… ghatona ta aj theke 1mas ager, amader 1ta common frnd er birthday te maal tar sathe...

4 years ago
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Sugar Part 2

Robbie’s bedroom felt secluded and safe as though it’d been shut off from the rest of the world. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d just lain with someone; bodies, warmth and a shared afterglow. It felt better than anything. Outside the window the day crept closer, the sky glowing with a pale early-morning hue. Two chipped mugs of steaming black coffee were balanced precariously on the edge of the bedside table.“Why’d you turn the light off?” I asked.Robbie shifted. “What, last night? I...

2 years ago
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Your Domain

You wake up, slightly groggy. You feel drunk but do not remember drinking the night before. It's just your luck to be sick on your 18th birthday. Your name is Joe and you have finally turned 18 today. It opened up a slew of possibilities in your life that you cannot wait to fulfill. But you still want to spend the day with your family. You live with your mother and two sisters, all of them single bombshell beauties. You have always lived with them as your dad had been out of the picture since...

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Lindas Lay on the Thames Part 7

Day 10 ThursdayI woke up to find Lily dressing, preparatory to returning to her own room.“Now I can say a proper goodbye.” She said with a smile when she saw that I’d woken up. She walked over to the bed and I sat up. We embraced and kissed and before she left the room we took each other’s contact details in case we didn’t see each other again before I checked out. In addition to possibly seeing her again I was curious as to how her operations went over the coming months.After I’d had breakfast...

2 years ago
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RomanceChapter 19

Romance: Another country heard from:19. No matter what Sultry tried ... she couldn't get Jack to take care of the bodies ... or get to the bank. Sultry was stuck spending the night in the Inn. Chaos had a dearth of readers along with a lack of writers. The sign painter couldn't spell Jack's Place. So he painted a ball and jacks. Hey! It worked. First man to pass the signboard, said, "Jacks Place," and went inside for a drink. "Great name," he said to Art. Art hadn't seen the sign...

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Andena the RebelChapter 6

Arnost was pacing up and down his office while he waited for his head of security to arrive. He had summoned him because there had been a breach of one of the fields. His emissary, Tancred had confirmed that someone had managed to take video footage and had escaped. As Tancred looked out of the window, he said. “Your plan to leave those vines in the hope that someone would take them has worked.” Arnost stopped his pacing instantly. He still had difficulty understanding Tancred’s heavy accent...

1 year ago
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Jakes Journal The Philippines JoyfullyChapter 11

The first year of operation 'get them married' got sixteen marriages placed in the US. The second year we were shooting for twenty. But we had two mothers who balked at the concept that they needed to have their daughters in the mix of the marital bed to seal the deal. They were honest in their feelings and we thought that either we were over reaching and they might be right or we would have a valuable teaching tool for others as the matter would certainly come up again. So we set up to...

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Lauren Gisal II In South AmericaChapter 23

Election Day, and the country appeared to sleep late then vote often. The roads were almost empty, the cleaners deciding that they would take the day off and celebrate their thrill of a lifetime to register their vote. The television was surprisingly subdued, as though some governing body had imposed a blackout on all but the barest of facts. Although Lauren made a point of trying to catch the news at noon and again at five that day, there was nothing to be learned. Nikki's two week stay...

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My Name Is Asif

[ A story inspried by my friends A & T! ]My name is Asif. It's Arabic, and it means 'strong', 'powerful', 'fierce.' I am 43 years of age. I live in Morocco, but I came from Mali originally. I'm also married, and I have c***dren, but the necessity for me to earn more money than I could in Mali, I see them only very rarely; but this is not unusual for many African men. I live very frugally, and send all the rest of what I earn back to my family. I think I'm a good man, and a good father and...

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The Collapse A New Beginning Book 2Chapter 2

The bad thing about a weekday holiday is returning to work the day after. None of us had imbibed that much the day before; in fact as far as I knew none of the women had drunk at all, still it was hard getting up at 5:30. The flight over to NAS Pensacola in the Sabreliner VIP aircraft was less than 15 minutes. We were met by Chuck Swanson, commander of Det Two on the ramp. He was driving one of the Ford Explorers that we had modified to run off of the vegetable bio-diesel we were producing...

1 year ago
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BangBus Selena Sosa 18 Year Old Brazilian Babe Gets Ditched By Her Boyfriend

There are tons of hot chicks desperate for cash out there. The Bangbus aims to find them all and fuck them. This week the bus pulled up to a couple arguing. We started making fun of them and the guy got down from his car ready to fight our crew. If you’re angry at your girl don’t take that shit on us man. After he calmed the fuck down, we offered him 100 bucks to drop his girl on the spot and take off. Once he took off, it was time for the bus to swoop in with a wad of cash. Stranded in the...

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IncomingChapter 9

Carol called at eleven saying she was heading back and would arrive in about half an hour. “Would you like to stay, Lane?” Doug asked as he disconnected from his call. “I think I’ll go, Doug, as wonderful as it would be.” She smiled at him, holding his hand in hers. “I do want to stay, but I think I’ll wait. I want to make love to you and sleep by your side, but it won’t be until the doctors say you are okay again,” Doug wanted to protest, to say that he was fine, and he was capable, but...

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Simply SaraChapter 28

The rest of the afternoon was spent lolling about the balcony, kissing, caressing, rubbing oil on each other and letting the slippery parts slide in and out. Once the first passion was past, they just made love slowly, getting Sara off again and again. Steve made a pitcher of sangria. When the pistachios were opened, the shells and papery inner linings stuck to their oily skins. The sun went down and they showered off the coating of nuts, salt, oil and sex. One thing led to another and Sara...

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girlfriends mother

Hi guy i thought id share this story with you which is 100% true and happened few weeks. i started seeing a girl called hannah she was 15 and i was 17 just started my new jiob and had passed my test recently my girlfriend was in last year of school she was one of those popular girls that seemed to have everything looks figure etc not blowing my own trumpet but id always been lucky with girl friend had a sister lucy 20 who worked in a clothes shop in the local centre and a older sister...

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Sharing Cindy Chapter 23 Cindy Sandy Two of a Kind

Introduction: Cindy and her friend Sandy share some fun times. Sharing Cindy Chapter 23 Cindy and Sandy: Two of a Kind This chapter will be centered on a particular friend of Cindys. Her name is Sandy and the two of them managed to get into a lot of situations through the years. We met Sandy right out of high school and she has continued to be a part of our lives. As I told you about in an earlier story, a couple of friends of mine were in a band. They played drums and guitar while a cousin...

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Frank watched her from his window every day. Herapartment was a floor above and across the alleyway, sohe was looking up at her when she worked in her kitchen.She often had on shorts or a little skirt and sometimesjust panties. He dreamed of tying her up with rope. Shewould be so helpless and vulnerable and beautiful. Hecould do whatever he wanted to her.One night he looked up and she was getting spankedright there in her kitchen as she washed dishes. A largeman yanked her light pink panties up...

1 year ago
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She looked at me with those sparkling blue eyes. Mischief played there as she raised delicately trimmed eyebrows, "Well? What do you think?"What could I think? My mother stood before me on her 40th birthday awaiting my father to exit their bedroom. She stood there with very little clothing on. This was not like her at all. My mother is the flannel nightgown at 10 minutes past dinner every night! My mother wears baggy sweatshirts and crappy old pants. Not THIS evening!"Will he like it? Would you...

2 years ago
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Miss Hastings debauched

It was one week since I delivered Miss Hastings to the Bordello in Hythe known as the “Green Room.” Her father had pleaded with me to spare her from the workhouse when I had them thrown out of the property in Brighton Road which he had forfeit on failure to repay my loan with the necessary promptitude. Hastings had a liking for gambling which quite exceeded his talent. He owed money everywhere, his property was mortgaged, and not once but it seemed to many different persons at once, and...

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M D shower fun

"Ooh yes, that feel so good. Right there, just a little harder with your thumbs."Gina just loved getting massage, she felt the goose bumps spreading across her bare body as her daughter Tanya, who was standing behind her in the bathroom, massaged her stiff t****zuis muscles. This was a routine that had been going on for a few weeks after her evening bath. The doctor had said that non professional massage at home would do her good to besides her regular visit to the chiropractor. She knew that...

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I Was Sitting in the Bar on a Monday NightChapter 4

‘She’ held out her arms and the fly met the spider. “Look, I understand. I really do. After my sister killed herself, I felt such loss, more than when my mom overdosed. I was all alone, until the Jackson’s, my foster family, adopted me. Then I was part of a family instead of a temporary boarder.” “I’m a little too old to be adopted. Are you going to adopt me?” “If I have to in order to save you.” “Why?” “Why save you?” “I guess.” “Or is the question, “Why am I worth saving”?” “I can...

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A Peril at IshtarChapter 14 Landing at Ishtar

Eight days later we received notice that we were two days out from the colony and should start preparations for landing. I had finally given up on finding some great use for the last pod and asked that it be turned into a multi-use hall for presentations, dances and parties. Since I indicated that there would only be a need for one floor, the AI said that a sizable room could be created, complete with a stage. Bethany and Tina loved the idea, and Janice even offered to see if a band or two...

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Well Always Have Paris1

When the taxi lurched to a sudden stop, Diana nearly fell off the back seat."Voila!" the driver said, his right hand gesturing at the hotel entrance.Not much of an entrance, Diana thought. Well, she'd wanted the Left Bank and now she had it. When she climbed out of the taxi, she could see the St. Germain des Pres church up ahead, which made her feel much better. The hotel might be small, but at least here she was in the midst of youthful memories.The driver happily carried her two bags into the...

1 year ago
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BangBus Vanessa Sky The BangBus Gets Pulled Over

The bus still roaming the streets of Miami in search of horny chicks in need of dough. This week we pull up on a college campus and pick ourselves one of them smart chicks. She wants to be a lawyer. Well what better way to defend the good than by knowing the bad. After a bit of convincing she hopped on. We got her naked just by flashing some cold hard cash in her face. These chicks always get wet wet when they see the money. We had her in the palm of our hand, Derrick was picking her down in...


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