Best Friend I Go Camping free porn video

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Best Friend & I Go Camping by floridaguy2001
Tom and I have been friends for 15 years, we are both married with kids and we always hang out together. Tom is about 6 foot 2 about 220 pounds, well tanned and blond. As for me, I am 5 foot 11 about 230 pounds, a lot more muscular than he is, with brown hair. We are both 39, almost ready to hit 40, or as I call it the new age of discovery. I feel like I am hitting a midlife crisis.

Anyway this year Tom and I decided to rent a cabin and go fishing for the weekend without the wives. Heck they didn't care, they just assume get rid of us so they could go shopping.

Tom and I appreciated getting away from the stresses of our jobs and have a little fun. So we packed our bags and drove out to the mountains. It was summer time as we arrive at the cabin.

This was a small cabin with one bedroom, so one of us was going to take turns using the sofa this weekend. We arrived pretty early on Friday, so we got our fishing gear out and went fishing, we weren't having any luck, so Tom suggested we go swimming.

"Hey man I didn't think we were going swimming, I didn't bring any trunks"

"Neither did I, so what no one else is here, we just go nude"

With that he started to take off his clothes, I shrugged my shoulders and started to undress. I couldn't help noticing his nice cock, I have only seeing it a couple of times, mostly when we were in the men's bathroom together and I would sneak a peak.

But now I had a real good look at it, it looked amazing. Nice big mushroom head about 4 inches long hanging down. The rest of him looked pretty good too, good tan hairy all over, nice white cheeks. I also noticed he was watching me out of the corner of his eye; I was trying to give him an eyeful as I lowered my boxers over my soft uncut cock...

He jumped in first, and I followed. We had a fun time cooling off in the summer heat. We started fooling around, he splashed me and I splashed him back. He was doing a better job than me so I rushed him grabbed him by the waist and through him down.

He jumped up and grabbed me by the waist. We started to wrestle and I could feel our cocks touching as we wrestled in the water, it was so erotic and confusing. I was getting hard, but why I was with another guy. I am not supposed to get hard, but here I was with my cock reacting to his body.

I also noticed his cock getting hard too. His cock had slipped below mine; I could feel it hitting my ass, as mine hit his groin. This was too intense so I pushed off and dove into the water I came up under him and lifted him up and threw him over my shoulder.

He swam under me and tried the same thing but I was much stronger and heavier than him and when he tried to lift me I held him down, I couldn't help but notice my cock was on his shoulder as he tried top lift me, and since he couldn't it became quite noticeable the longer he stayed in that position,

He finally gave up. He couldn't breathe underwater, he got up and laid back on the sand bar exhausted, but I didn't stop I threw sand mixed with mud at him, the closer I got the better my aim, I was throwing it at his chest, when I got next to him he picked up some mud and was throwing it back, pretty soon we were so close we were rubbing it into each others chests and hair and face.

At one point I grabbed some mud and jumped up to come down oh is head, he moved out of the way and I landed face first into the ground. He jumped on top of me and held me down as he threw more mud on me. I could feel his hardening cock on my ass he held me down.

It felt amazing, I pretended to struggle so I could wiggle my ass, he kept trying to hold me down and in the process his cock was wedge inside my crack as he rubbed mud all over my face. I thought I was going to cum I was so excited. Finally I told him he won and he got off me. We both went back into the water. I think we were both to embarrass to come out with hardons.

We both washed up and got our clothes and headed back to the cabin. We fired up the grill and ate some hamburgers as we watched TV.

It was getting late and I headed for bed as he tried to get comfortable in the sofa. But the sofa was too small for him and he was struggling to get a good position to sleep in.

I finally said "hey why don't you take the bed, I will sleep out here"

"That won't work, your too big too for this sofa"

Then I suggested "okay we will just have to share the bed, just make sure you stay on your side, don't start thinking I am your wife in the middle of the night"

"Yeah right you would like that wouldn't you. You would love to have my cock all over you. Admit it"

"Fuck you. You're the one that sleeps naked not me, if I didn't know better I think you like to sleep naked just to see how much if you could fuck me"

He started to laugh and said "you wish"

With that we headed to bed, him naked on one side of the bed and me in my boxers on the other side.

I woke up in the middle of the night because I felt the bed moved. Tom was slowly sliding closer to me, with his back to me till his naked backside was touching me. I felt him reach from behind.

He was searching for my boxers, when he made contact I felt him reach in and touch my cock, then he slowly pulled it out and pushed his backside till my cock was touching his ass. He was using my cock to rub his ass all over it.

Finally he wedged my cock in his crack and left it there. I could feel the bed move as he jerked off. He finally came, moved away and headed to the bathroom to clean up, when he came back to bed, II felt him give my cock a little kiss and turned over and went to sleep.

I didn't sleep a wink the rest of the night. In the morning he pretended like nothing ever happened but he suggested we go swimming again instead of fishing.

So we both got naked and went swimming again. Of course we started to wrestle again, but it was even more blatant this time. As we wrestled we continued to try to lift each other up and we kept groping each other as we took turns trying to get the advantage.

I was winning, so he grabbed some mud and flung it at my face and hit me square on my nose. He started to swim away with me following him; I caught up to him and landed on him on the bank of the lake. I was on top with my cock wedged between his legs as I slapped mud all over him. I pulled away took a large handful of mud and jammed it up his ass.

To which he yelled

"You fucker"

He pulled away grabbed a handful and slapped my chest, got more and rubbed it on my stomach, he was grinding it into my skin. I got another handful of mud and rubbed it on his stomach, by now he had a massive hard on and as I rubbed it on his stomach my hand hit the top of his cock.

He gasped as my hand made contact. But instead of pulling away he froze as my hand massaged the mud into his groin. He was breathing very hard as I grabbed more mud and rubbed his upper stomach, my hand slid down till it made contact with his cock again and I slowly rubbed the mud all over his cock.

I grabbed more mud and kept rubbing his cock with it; finally I took some mud hit him in the face and made a run for the cabin, with him chasing me. We were a mess, I told him I was going to jump in the shower, and he followed me right into the shower.

We didn't speak until I said "damn man you pushed that mud right up my ass"

"Well turn around I will get it clean"

I turned and leaned my hands on the shower wall as he started to wash the mud from my back, his hands felt great as he went lower washing the mud from my ass. But he was no longer washing as much as caressing my globes.

"Reach back and spread your ass so I can get all the mud out"

I reached back with one and spread one side of my ass for him as he proceeded to spread the other cheek with his other hand as he ran his fingers along my crack as he washed the mud away. His fingers continued to rub my crack and kept going lower and lower until one of his fingers ran over my hole very slowly and he slightly pushed it in to wash my hole.

He then ran his hands under and was now cleaning my balls, it felt amazing as he reached further and ran his hand up my cock. He was now caressing my cock, slowly jerking me off. I let go off my ass and leaned into the wall as he jerked my cock off.

He then knelt down and turned me around. He was now eye level with my cock. He continued to stroke it, his face inches away from it. I reached over and put my hand on the back of his head and pulled his lips closer to my cock. As I pulled him in he parted his lips and let my cock enter his mouth. I could feel his soft velvety lips as my head entered his mouth.

I then felt his tongue licking my head inside his mouth. I pushed more of his cock in my mouth. He was using his tongue all over my cock. I pushed deeper till my cock was buried in his mouth. I was getting really excited watching my best friend swallowing my cock; I warned him I was about to cum. He reacted by grabbing my cheeks and pulling me deeper into my mouth.

I couldn't hold out any longer, I felt my ball tighten, and I felt my cock ready to cum. Then it happened I was exploding hot juicy cum down Tom's throat and he was loving it. He couldn't keep it all in and it was flowing out of his mouth as he continued to drain my cock.

He finally let my cock slip out of his mouth as he stood up, his hands caressing my cock on the way up, I took over and started to was his ass and let my hands glide around the front and was his cock. I told him lets go get dried off, and go to bed.

As he headed for bed, I turned the TV off and as I reached to turn out the light>

Tom said "no leave it on, I want to watch you suck my cock"

I crawled up to his hips, I laid my head on his chest as I looked at his cock, he was not hard, I reached over and took it in my hand, it felt soft and spongy and very warm, it was weird to be holding another guy's cock in my hand, especially one that looked so different than mine. I guess I stared at it a little too long because I heard>

"Hey are you going to look at it or play with it"

"Sorry, It's just it looks so different"

I grabbed a hold of it and pulled on his cock>

"Hey take it easy"

"Oops sorry did I pull too hard on it"

"I'd say, spit on your hand and let your hand slide over it like this"

Tom then jerked his cock for me, it was so different because when you're uncut you get a good hold of your skin and pull it up and down, and with his I had to learn a different technique.

"Here let me do it now"

I spit on my hand and let my fingers glide up and down his shaft. I must have been doing it right because he leaned back and closed his eyes. I leaned closer to his cock and watched my hand go back and forth past the head, I notice a drop of pre-cum forming at the tip, and I leaned over and let my tongue flick it off.

I then let my lips lightly kiss the head. My tongue then licked the entire head, he was starting to get hard so I let his cock enter my mouth, I wanted to feel it expand in my mouth, and it grew even bigger and harder. I guessed he was about 8 inches, slightly longer than mine but not quite as thick.

Feeling my first cock in my mouth was amazing, I never new I would enjoy tasting another man so much, I was a natural. I loved sucking cock and I knew whatever happened between us, this would not be the last time I tasted a cock.

I felt his hand on the back of my head gently guiding my head on his cock. He was now fucking my face and was really enjoying it, but I don't think he was enjoying as much as me.

He started breathing rapidly and I knew he was getting close, so I took him out of my mouth.

"Ok Matt please put it back in me want to cum in your mouth"

"No fucking way Tom I will suck you but your not going to cum in my mouth, I am not ready for that"

"Come on I let you cum in my mouth"

"I know and it felt great but I am not ready, sorry dude."

"Fine just keep jerking me off"

I stroked his cock till he shot it all over my chest; I kept pumping his cock till I got every drop. He laid back "Wow that was great"

He then started playing with my cock, sliding his hand up and down, exposing the purple head. He then bent over and let my cock slip back into his mouth, and he got me hard real fast. He was good at sucking cock, I wasn't sure if it was his first time, and he seemed too good at it. Within a few minutes he had me ready to blow. Then he stopped.

"Matt, get behind me I want you to fuck me"

"Are you sure"

"Oh yeah I been thinking about this a long time"

I got behind him and spit on my cock, and tried to push it in, it was going in> I was too thick.

"Hold on" I went to the kitchen and looked around till I found some cooking oil.

I went back and put some oil on his ass, then I started rubbing his ass with my hand and slipped a finger in, and he moaned as it slipped in, I worked it nice and slow and when I thought I had opened him up enough I slipped a second finger in. He loved it, so I pulled my fingers out, got behind him and oiled my cock.

I pulled his ass to my cock, I told him to reach from behind and spread his ass for me> Tom's hole looked so tight, I leaned in aiming my cock as his tight hole and put the head at the entrance.

"Are you ready stud?"

He meekly said "Yes"

I slowly and gently started to apply pressure, my head was almost in but it was meeting resistance, I gave him a harder push and the head pop past the outer ring, and we both gasped.

"Shit don't move it fucking hurts"

"I am not moving buddy, just let relax, girls take it all the time, and it must get easier"

Easy for you to say, you're not the one with a baseball shoved up your butt"

"I Know I Know, but you wanted it"

"I know, just give me a minute to get use to it, and don't move a muscle"

We must have sat there for 5 minutes with my head inside of his ass; finally he started to push his ass slightly.

"It's okay now, doesn't hurt anymore, starting to feel good"

"That's because your ass is opening up"

"Okay push a little more in but go slow, OH YEAHHHH hmmmm that feels good"

He was moaning as I pushed my cock half way in.

"Are you fully in me?"

I smiled "only half way buddy"

"Damn, well give me all your cock I want to feel it all"

"I gave him a hard shove and impaled myself all the way in his ass. "How's that, you love my cock in your ass don't you?"

"Oh my god yes, I feel so full"

He was now rocking back and forth on my cock. I started to fuck him faster. I loved fucking my best friend, his ass felt so tight, much tighter than any pussy I have ever fucked. I leaned over him and let my body weight rest on him as we fucked, it felt really good.

I reached around and played with his cock as I fucked him, he really started getting into it. "Man I can't believe how good it feels to get fucked; you are hitting areas inside my ass. I am on fire"

"Tom your ass is mine now. I am going to fuck you anytime I want"

"Matt you can fuck me every day, if feels that good. I love your thick cock. I want you to cum in me."

"Don't worry I will. You're my cum slut now, I am going to explode inside you."

I started to fuck Tom faster and faster, I was getting close. My hips were slapping his ass as I fucked him. I could feel the pressure building in my balls, with a big grunt I exploded inside Matt's ass. Matt was squirming as I came inside him; he was using his muscles to squeeze every drop of cum from my cock.

I started to pull out and he grabbed my ass and said "not yet"

I lay on top of him with my cock buried in his ass, and that is the way we fell asleep. I woke up the next day, my cock had slipped out. Cum was dripping from his hole, I let my hand massage his ass. I massaged my cum back into his hole, he woke up and looked at me and smiled.

"So Matt what do you want to do today, should we go fishing, or go swimming" as I was saying this my fingers were invading his ass. "Or should we just stay in the cabin and fuck all day long"

"I like the third option" He smiled and squeezed my fingers with his ass>

"But man I have to go to the bathroom"

"Me too"

He was finished first and was waiting for me in bed.

"Get in bed and turn around"

I obeyed and we started to suck each others cocks.

After a while he got up and said "Matt get on the kitchen chair."

I got up and sat down, he bent over and started to suck my cock in earnest, He was doing a great job, and he would stop whenever he sensed I was getting ready to cum.

He then got up and applied the oil to my cock, he put both legs on either side of me, took a hold of his cock and slowly lowered his ass until my cock was resting on his hole, then he let gravity take over and he lowered his ass on my cock, we watched his ass swallow up my cock as he descended. It felt amazing; my wife was never this sensual.

He was soon jumping up and down on my cock, I took a hold of his hips and fucked him good, but he was doing all the work and his ass felt great sliding up and down on my pole. I told him I was getting ready to cum, and then he got off me.

"What the fuck Tom I was ready to explode"

"Not yet lover boy, come here"

"He got on the edge of the bed on his back. He lifted his legs in the air; he curled his finger and pointed at me to come to bed.

I walked over aimed my cock at his hole and pushed it in hard and fast, so fast that he gasped for air.

"Tease me will ya"

"He responded by purring and curling his legs around my ass and pulling me deeper.

"Come on baby fuck me hard I want your cum in me"

He knew just what to say, I started to really fuck his ass, as hard as I could I didn't care if I hurt him anymore I just wanted to cum. I was so intense in fucking him you could see the veins in my forehead.

I was getting close again, I said "OH god don't move"

He then pushed my cock out of his ass>

"Dammit Tom I can't take it anymore I need to cum inside you."

"ah ah ah, there is only one way I will let you cum inside me"

"Name it I don't care"

"You have to let me cum in your mouth"

"No way, no fucking way"

"Fine, than your not going to fuck me the rest of the weekend." I guess you will just have to jerk off"

"Okay, Okay I will let you cum in my mouth, just let me back in please"

"Come here lover I want you to cum in me now"

I slipped my cock back in his ass and he wrapped his legs around me. I started to fuck him real fast, he sensed me getting close but this time, he grabbed my face and started to kiss me, I was coming as I felt his tongue hit mine. He was frenching me as I exploded in his ass. OH MY god!! I have never cum so hard. He was taking all my cum. I pulled away from his lips and collapsed on the bed.

He pushed me to the side and was playing with my cock.

"Take it easy the head is real sensitive"

"HMMM you really liked fucking me HUH"

"I love your ass"

"Time to pay up"

With that he moved up to my face and let his cock hit my lips. I opened up my mouth and let his cock slip in. In all the excitement I forgot how much I enjoyed sucking his cock last night.

He was now above me face fucking me. I loved how his cock slipped in and out of my mouth as he fucked my face.

He was getting really close to Cumming and I pulled his cock out and said. "You can cum in my mouth but let me up when you do, I ain't gonna swallow it, I only agreed to let you cum in my mouth"

"Don't worry I will let you up, just shut up and suck me"

He pushed his cock back in my mouth, he was getting real close again, I felt his ball tighten, and just as he started to cum I felt his hand on the back of my head. The fucker was holding my mouth on his cock as he came; he had no intention of letting me up.

I started to squirm but he had a good grip, so I relaxed and let nature take its course. He exploded inside my mouth. I felt the first wave of cum hit the back of my throat, it was so hot. It wasn't as bad as I thought, but he kept pumping more cum in my mouth, I couldn't hold it all in, some of it dribbled out of my mouth but I swallowed as much of it as I could.

He then did something I didn't expect, he got off and pushed his tongue inside my mouth, we were now sharing his juices, it was so intense.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?"

"Not at all, I actually loved the feel of your cock as it came inside my mouth"

He put his head on my shoulders and we fell asleep.

I woke up on my side and I felt something poking my ass. Tom had maneuvered himself behind me and had oiled his cock. He was now rubbing his cock all over my ass. I went with the flow, it felt good feeling his cock on my ass, and I figured if he enjoyed getting fucked so much I might too.

I bent forward a little more to give him better access, he pushed the head into my ass, and I didn't feel as much pain as he did the night before. I was relieved. The combination of his skinnier cock and my ass muscles opening up easier made it a more pleasant experience that it was for him. Pretty soon I felt his pubes hit the back of my ass and I knew he had his cock buried deep in my ass.

God it felt good. I pushed my ass back I wanted to fuck him as much as he wanted to fuck my ass. He grabbed my hips but from that position it was hard to fuck me deep.

So I pulled out and said "follow me"

I got up and went to the bathroom leaned over the counter and told him to get behind me. He got behind me and drove his cock back into my ass. He did it so fast that I jumped, but I got want I wanted, which was to watch Tom fuck me from behind. The mirror gave me a perfect view.

Tom started to push in and pull out his cock slowly, I watched in the mirror as my best friend was fucking my ass. I was reflecting back to just two days ago and how far we had come. I just wished we had done this sooner.

He was fucking me faster now, he took a hold of my hips and was driving his cock in me, I loved the feel of his cock and now I understood what he was feeling last night. Now I gad become his cock slave.

"Oh yes Tom fuck my ass….harder Tom…. Make me feel it"

"OH damn you're hot, I love fucking your ass almost as much as I like your cock buried in mime"

"Shut up and fuck me………ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

"Oh man I am getting close"

"Give it to me tom give me all your cum. I want it baby… I want your cum deep inside me"


I felt Tom Cumming, I felt his knees wobble, and I felt his cock throbbing. But best of all I felt his hot cum shooting inside me. It was so hot and he drove his cock deeper, I felt his cum deep in my bowels. It was incredible, I made sure I squeezed his cock with my ass, I wanted to drain all his cum. I must have squeezed so hard that he moaned with pleasure, His head was very sensitive and I kept squeezing it as he pulled out. He kept grunting every time I did. I turned around and smiled and said lets go back to bed.

We never left that cabin the rest for the weekend; we sucked and fucked till we were sore. On the drive back home, just before he was going to drop me off, I pulled down his zipper and blew him one last time, it was late at night and I sucked him till he came in my mouth in my driveway. I swallowed every drop; I had become his cum slave. As I licked my lips I watched him drive off, anticipating the next time I was going to have his cock in my mouth again. I waked in to the house and kissed my wife hello.

She said "How was your trip?"

"Not to bad"

"Did you catch a lot of fish"

"Oh yeah I caught a bundle all weekend."

"Where are they?"

"We fried them. That's what we ate all weekend" I smiled and headed off to bed

I hope you enjoyed it; I appreciate any feedback and please don't forget to vote.

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 35 Kinky Camping

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

1 year ago
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My Daughter MyAngel My slut Part 2 Camping

“My daughter, my angel, my slut” Part 2 NOTE: This story is completely fictional don’t try this in real life.. (if you do, ITS ILLEGAL so don’t be stupid, this is only a story!) Hey remember me? Mark, the 40-year-old who just had incest sex with his 17 year old daughter? Yeah that’s right I did. Well that happened just 3weeks ago. I haven’t fucked my daughter again. I know sad moment, I guess I just scared her a lil and it scared me too. I mean come on, we just humped and I took her virginity....

2 years ago
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When my two best friends and I decided to make an annual tradition of taking a week-long camping in Oconee National Forest together with our wives, we had no idea how much fun it would end up being. We were as different as three white guys from the suburbs can be, but having been friends since kindergarten, we were as close as brothers. Nick was tall, blond and athletic; his wife Nina was a busty Italian girl, with a heart-shaped ass and pouty lips that were equally likely to sweet-talk you or...

3 years ago
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cuckold camping

My wife Julie is a beautiful and sexy blonde and I love her dearly. She is very quiet and well mannered. That is precisely why the things I learned about her dark side surprised me. For example, little did I know, when we married two years ago, that she had this fantasy of being shared by a group of rowdy men. I learned of her secret yearning because of a summer camping trip.Julie and I love to go camping. We have this little tent trailer that we keep packed with all our gear so we can...

1 year ago
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When I Became His Wife After The Camping

Hello, This story continues my camping trip with Raj. It was the first time I was fucked by him. Or I would like to call it ‘surrendered myself to him’. Not only it was a great experience of my life, but Raj showed very subtle and gentle side of him at the camp. We mostly spent time cuddling in the tent all day on the first day. The second day we went to the beach and chilled there. At the evening time, when people left the beach area, Raj dragged me into the water and started hugging me and...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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My school district lets out earlier than most and after graduating in early May and having just turned 18 I decided to go on a camping trip by myself for the first time in my life. I was a bit worried about being alone so much but the campground I picked was in a national park and I knew there'd be plenty of trails to keep me busy. So after loading my car with gear I headed out for my adventure.When I arrived at the campground it was about half full so I had no trouble finding a nice site that...

3 years ago
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Cuckold Camping

This year we headed out early so we could get to our favorite camping spot which was about a 3-4 hour hike. It is right where a small lake and a stream come together where we can swim if it is warm and there is a good fishing spot right there also. This summer was warmer than usual and my wife was looking hot in her bikini top, tight shorts and hiking boots. We are in our mid-thirties with two kids and have been married almost 15 years. My wife has spent a lot of time the last couple of years...

3 years ago
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Second Time Camping

so you all remember my first time camping right, well a couple of months later i went camping again with some more friends zack didnt go to this one but a guy who i thought might be gay was going. So i thought i might try and get with him and to do this i had to pretend to be straight. The guys name was fred and he was about 6ft slim and ginger.we got to the camp and then everyone split up to do jobs such as tents and food me and fred got paired and we had to go wood collecting for the massive...

1 year ago
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So it's camping season again.Being part of the boiz camping club it's pretty cool, after serving for 3 years it's good to get back into the wild.Well this trip had a real turn up for the books I didn't expect what happened to happen. So all the guys know I'm gay never been a problem, I think my 6foot 5inch 17 stone frame says something about that. this trip was gonna be a cold one we were hiking at a higher altitude and base camp (I'd been there before) was 2000 feet above sea level and in this...

3 years ago
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Going Camping

Joe was quite excited since he was going to go camping with his friends Billy, Bryan and Bryan's girlfriend Sarah in a few hours. He was especially looking forward to all the unknown girls he would share the camping ground with. He hadn't been there himself but Billy who was already there last year, told him that many girls, especially single ones, preferred this camping ground a few hours from his hometown Atlanta. He assumed having a good chance to make out with someone. He was 5'7 tall, had...

4 years ago
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A Sudden Affinity for Camping

Several years ago, a young couple at work were going camping for the Canada Day weekend and they invited me along. Now, my idea of camping is a three star motel, but this couple were so hot and nubile, I just had to take them up on the invite. Though they knew I was gay, I had a feeling we might be doing more than just camping. Even if nothing happened, her boyfriend Mitchell was so hot, it would be worth just being able to ogle him for three days. The morning we left on our trip was sunny and...

2 years ago
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Adventure Camping

Husband, wife and 2 friends go camping...It had been a long 6 weeks that John had spent away from Emma. It had seemed like they’d hardly had any time together that year but finally the summer had arrived and John was home with some time off. They decided to spend a weekend camping in the Welsh countryside. The plan was to pitch a tent in the middle of the wilderness where they were unlikely to be disturbed. After a couple of days discussing the trip, the idea of inviting some company had...

3 years ago
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A beautiful woman, draped only in a pink satin dressing gown, steps into a luxuriously spacious bathroom, her long, slender legs smooth and tanned. Almost too much a point is made of her leaving the door ajar; perhaps she is expecting to be disturbed. The mere scrap of material is allowed to slither down her back, exposing the skin of her well-defined shoulder blades and the near-perfect contours of her sculpted buttocks. She reaches to start the flow of water from the shower head and tests the...

2 years ago
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A Weekend Camping

Copyright Information Held By Author A Weekend Camping A Story about a woman who has needs Day 1. Its 6:30pm on Friday 4th October 2002 and it’s a warm, 72oF, fall evening. We, (My Husband and I), had decided on a camping weekend, and after a 31/2 hour drive in our RV, and with humidity at 69%, we had finally arrived at our campsite, tired and very uncomfortable. We checked in at the office, picked up a few camp info guides and maps, and then drove into the camp. Five minutes later...

1 year ago
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Weekend camping

So, Jen and I had been chatting online for a while now, originally meeting from a Craigslist ad, we got to know each other and enjoy some hot times, I'm surprised that my keyboard didn't melt a few times. We had tried meeting a few times, but something always came up, well we were talking one night, and I mentioned that I was going to go camping that weekend, just outside the Twin Cities, and she was also planning to getaway that weekend, and was looking for something to do. That was when we...

1 year ago
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Mom Son Honey Camping

Mom Son Honey Camping I’m an only child and I recently turned 18. My parents are still married but I get the feeling that they stopped with me because there wasn’t really any sexual sparks between them. My dad is in his 60s and a successful lawyer but mom is only 37, having had me when she was 19. My parents met when mom was at college and dad at that time was a professor. She put herself through college doing fashion modelling but gave it up when she fell pregnant and dropped out of college. I...

4 years ago
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It was January 1985 and I was a normal almost sixteen year-old, always full of energy and ready to do anything fun and exciting. At nearly six feet tall, one of my favorite things to do was hiking and camping in the mountains near our home. Ever since I was born, my mom, dad and I have taken trips into the mountains to hunt and fish. We'd spend days camped in a tent next to our favorite lake, often without seeing anyone else. But this year we didn't get to take our usual trip because dad was...

2 years ago
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Rachel And Sami Go Camping

 It was the beginning of the long summer break and we were off on an adventure. It had taken several weeks of persuasion, first on mom to get her on side and then on dad who was by far a greater challenge.Sami wanted to visit the National park near where she had grown up and it seemed like the ideal opportunity for an all-girls trip. That would be Sami my stepsister and me, along with Charlene, Aimee, and Lisa.Since the rather intimate sleepover which took place a few months ago we had become a...

2 years ago
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Sophie Goes Camping

Sophie and I enjoyed a variety of wild sexual activities. This is the story about how we fulfilled her fantasy of being naked and used while out camping. We had talked about the scene and worked out just how she'd like things to go. Basically, she wanted me to invite some strangers to go camping with us for a weekend and have things turn into a wild gangbang where we all used her like a sex slave in any way we wanted. This is how it all worked out:We spent the afternoon putting our camp...

1 year ago
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Mom Son Honey Camping

Mom Son Honey Camping I’m an only child and I recently turned 18. My parents are still married but I get the feeling that they stopped with me because there wasn’t really any sexual sparks between them. My dad is in his 60s and a successful lawyer but mom is only 37, having had me when she was 19. My parents met when mom was at college and dad at that time was a professor. She put herself through college doing fashion modelling but gave it up when she fell pregnant and dropped out of college. I...

2 years ago
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A sweltering day in August finds us arriving at our chosen holiday destination, a baking hot Yellowstone National Park. Heat haze hangs in the air blurring the impressive natural beauty and the 1,000s of other sightseers also present.We’d thought this out well in advance and had picked a camping spot a long drive away from any of the major attractions. We knew that there would be few people wanting to travel that far, especially after a long muggy day walking round the park.Pulling up to our...

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Nude Camping

My name is Ed, 35 and my wife is Sue, 31 and we really enjoy camping. We camp as much as we can in the summer. Meeting new people with lots of stories and experiences is exciting. My wife and I have some good experiences also which I would like to share with you. I love being nude and I walk around all the time that way or as much as I can. My wife is always telling me to get clothes on but I feel so good being nude especially outside. We both love camping and for me I love the early mornings...

3 years ago
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Me and Hannah go camping

"ok im coming sorry!" I really couldnt believe i was aloud to take my best friend with me camping and sleep in the same tent. This really was going to be a weekend to remember. now a bit about myself im 16 and love sports and i dont mean to brag at all but because i love sports my body is fairly toned in a muscular way. i stand at around 5'9 with brown hair that comes down and just over my ears and have dazzaling blue eyes apperently. Now Hannah i had know since i was a little kid and...

1 year ago
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Adventure Camping

It had been a long 6 weeks that John had spent away from Emma. It had seemed like they’d hardly had any time together that year but finally the summer had arrived and John was home with some time off. They decided to spend a weekend camping in the Welsh countryside. The plan was to pitch a tent in the middle of the wilderness where they were unlikely to be disturbed. After a couple of days discussing the trip, the idea of inviting some company had surfaced. John got on the phone and spoke to...

2 years ago
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My Journal Camping

Note - These first few chapters are going to seem a little long, if you're only here for the erotic side of it. However, this is a serial story, and not episodic, as this is a continuous journey of my sexual adventures. Firing Things Up My wife is a reserved person, socially. At home, in bed, around people we know personally, she’s quite a cat. I use this reference as ironic as I can, cause’ her name’s Kitty. My name is Barry. She likes to play with our names, like, “Oh, the Bear’s chasing the...

2 years ago
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Cold Camping

Amy and I enjoyed camping during the autumn months when the trees were a rainbow of colours, and walking through the forest was a beautiful array of sights and sounds. This year however my friend Zach was visiting for the season and we took this trip as a good way to catch up since we were all friends from college and hadn't seen one another in ages.This year however felt a lot colder than usual and we were second guessing our time outside, but decided we could handle it being hardened campers...

3 years ago
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"Shit!" Kevin yelled, ramming both of his fists defiantly on thesteering wheel of his car. "This fuckin' car gives menothing but shit." Kevins two buddies, Jay and Dean tried to pretend they couldn'thear him. They had so many other wonderful things to pay attention to:the beautiful pavement stretching for miles ahead of them and behindthem as they sat still on the road; the searing rays of the noontimeAugust sun; the intriguing patterns of bitter, burning sweat linesrunning down each other's...

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Wet Camping

“I hate camping. Why did I ever agree to this?” I thought to myself as I lay in the tent, tossing from side to side while my friends were nice and snug in the trailer.“You’re going to have lots of fun, you’ll see” they said.“You have been cooped up in your house far too long, you need to get out, get some fresh air” they said. “And there are lots of women at the campground” they said.“Sure, whatever”! I thought. “They each found one and that’s how I ended up in the tent and they were happily...

4 years ago
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Adventure Camping

It had been a long 6 weeks that John had spent away from Emma. It had seemed like they’d hardly had any time together that year but finally the summer had arrived and John was home with some time off. They decided to spend a weekend camping in the Welsh countryside. The plan was to pitch a tent in the middle of the wilderness where they were unlikely to be disturbed. After a couple of days discussing the trip, the idea of inviting some company had surfaced. John got on the phone and spoke to...

Wife Lovers
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Gangbang Camping

Jamie and Carol finally reached their campsite. They hiked up from the parking lot about eight miles into the mountains that day and were excited to stop for the evening. Jamie and Carol were college students at the local university. They had met during last semester and quickly became friends. Jamie was 19, Asian-American, about 5 feet, 4 inches tall with long black hair that came down to her waist. Although an athletic body, Jamie was always disappointed at her 34B breasts. She was a...

1 year ago
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Fathers and Daughters Fuck While Camping

My wife Kathy, and I were forty-two years old and living in the Little Rock area at the time of this story. We had moved there right after graduation from college for me to take an engineering job at a medium-sized manufacturer in the area. I had progressed well and was promoted ten years ago to be VP of manufacturing. Kathy had been able to stay at home to raise our daughter, Molly, who was then sixteen years old.Neither Kathy nor I were very religious when we were first married, but after...

2 years ago
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Tiffany goes camping

Steven asked what I meant and I told him to just wait and see. Then I proceeded to re-pack my things, replacing all of the jeans and T-shirts I had planned on wearing for the next week with see through halters and tank tops a couple denim miniskirts and some tiny cut-off shorts. One pair was so short that there was just a thin strip of cloth in the crotch that split my pussy lips and left them in plain view from the front and left almost half of my ass hanging out the back. I traded my one...

3 years ago
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Mom goes camping

My husband died in November leaving me with two teen-age sons to raise by myself. He also left us well off. Enough so that I would never have to work again. However, I am young enough to miss him badly. I loved my husband but for sometime before his untimely death. We had not done much in the husband wife department. I had always enjoyed sex; I was easy to climax and somewhat adventurous. During our sixteen years of marriage I had read a few books that suggested that there were more than one...

1 year ago
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Fucked Girlfriend8217s Bestfriend In Oyo Room

Hi friends! My name is Divine and I’m here with another story and I hope you will like this one. This happened last week. I’m in last year of my graduation and fortunately, I have a girlfriend since second year. So, coming to the story. The name of the girl in this story is Vaishnavi. She is my girlfriend’s bestfriend and they are like sisters. One day, my girlfriend and I were casually talking and I asked my her to have sex with me. But she said I won’t do it till marriage. I tried to convince...

2 years ago
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MomSon Honey Camping

My parents met when mom was at college and dad at that time was a professor. She put herself through college doing fashion modelling but gave it up when she fell pregnant and dropped out of college. I think at the start there must have been some sparks but as time went on and they had me, I think the romance died but they stayed married and good friends. On occasion I have heard moans coming from my parent's room and the odd flirty behaviour but they are not like the loved up couples you...

3 years ago
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the things you find when your camping

Me and my family of three k**s and my wife were camping one summer like we always do at a park close to home. Where we were camped was next to a field and one day me and the k**s saw one of those miniature horses and decided to go pet him most of the field was empty but some cows way of and thats what was usually in the field. He was friendly and came right up to us and we started to pet and stroke him and he liked that very much. after a few min. my daughter of a young age at the time started...

1 year ago
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Mom Son Honey Camping

100% fictional! I’m an only boy and I recently turned 18. My parents are still married but I get the feeling that they stopped with me because there wasn’t really any sexual sparks between them. My dad is in his 60s and a successful lawyer but mom is only 37, having had me when she was 19. My parents met when mom was at college and dad at that time was a professor. She put herself through college doing fashion modelling but gave it up when she fell pregnant and dropped out of college. I think...

1 year ago
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Bisexual Camping

Karen an I went camping for a few days. On the first night we got there, there were two guys at the camp site beside who we had assumed were just buddies. Well later that night, we heard them and realized they were more than buddies;) the one was quite vocal, and you could hear the other keep telling him to be quiet. We didn't mind, as it turned us both on so much that we were quietly fucking while listening to them. The next night, we were sitting by the camp fire smoking a joint, and noticed...

3 years ago
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Night of Eternal Pleasure Pt 2 Gone camping

After breakfast, we ended up all going home, Victoria gave me a kiss before she left, infront of everyone else, which meant them all screaming, and asking if we were going out, Victoria cut in, from the door, and said yes, and then eventually, my ride got here. Fast forward two weeks, we hadn't seen each other much, we had talked online, and saw each other once at the shops, but she was only able to give me a hug and a quick kiss on the lips, neither of us had much time then, but we...

1 year ago
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Every summer we go to the same camping spot and spend a month. It is not too bad. The place we go is kind of secluded. There are a few other campers there, mostly the same people every summer. We got every set up and started to enjoy ourselves. Our camp neighbors, the Johnsons were all set up too. Several days had gone by and my family loaded up and went into town. My dad told me to be good and they would be back in about four hours. I was happy to have some time alone. I sat outside for a few...

3 years ago
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Chapter 1 She turned the car off and sighed. Finally, she thought, I'm so looking forward to this weekend. She had been planning this trip in the back of her mind for years. One weekend, no kids, no job, no stress. Just her, a tent, and the great outdoors. "I need this" she said to herself. Why not talk to herself? There was no one to hear her. She had chosen one of the campsites that was farthest from the office. No one else was anywhere close. She could let her hair down and be herself...

1 year ago
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Wet camping

my girlffriend and i were driving alone a drirt road trying to find some where to camp for the weekend. as her hand slid up my shorts legs, i decided we need to find somewhere to camp fast,i seen a dirt track and took it, lookked pretty secluded, and there was a small grass area to pitch our tent. we pulled up, got out of the car, opened the boot and got the tent out. my girl friend started to get the tent poles out of the tent bag. She was wearing a see through pair of tights. And as she was...

First Time
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Bestfriend to sexfriend

My name is Amy. My bestfriend, who also happens to be my new recent ‘fuck buddy’, is Joey. We have known each other since the 7 th grade. All through high school we were quite flirtatious with each other, but never once acted upon it. Until now. I’m 18, and he just recently turned 19. On his birthday he asked me to go to the beach with him. So I made sure I had a nice clean shaven pussy, and then I put on the sexiest bikini I own. It’s skanky, and hot pink, and it’s thin enough that when my...

3 years ago
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Bestfriend to sexfriend

My name is Amy. My bestfriend, who also happens to be my new recent ‘fuck buddy’, is Joey. We have known each other since the 7 th grade. All through high school we were quite flirtatious with each other, but never once acted upon it. Until now.I’m 18, and he just recently turned 19. On his birthday he asked me to go to the beach with him. So I made sure I had a nice clean shaven pussy, and then I put on the sexiest bikini I own. It’s skanky, and hot pink, and it's thin enough that when my...

Straight Sex

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