Devlin's StoryChapter 31 free porn video

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Their plane landed at Miami International just after noon, local time. Once in the concourse Devlin had to take a minute and just stare at the people; nearly everyone was wearing shorts or a short skirt, and tank tops and tee-shirts were everywhere.

"One of the best ways you can tell you're in Florida is the tee-shirt signs," Krissi said as they walked past a souvenir shop. "I think the Florida State Motto should be '3 Tee-shirts for $10'."

"They do seem to be everywhere," Devlin said, looking at the third tee-shirt shop they'd passed since getting off the plane. "Remind me to say nice things to your agent when I meet her. How on earth did she get two tickets? If we'd driven we'd be somewhere in Kentucky right about now."

"I have to do a book signing in Orlando and Jacksonville," Krissi said. "She has a sister who works for the airline, that's why she found those tickets. We'll drive back, though. That'll give us a few days together, and there are some things I want to see in Florida." She stopped at the Departures display. "Here we go, Gate E1. We have about 40 minutes before they start boarding."

"How far away is it?"

Krissi bit her lip, thinking. "We're at Gate D34. I would say at least 10 minutes, maybe longer. That doesn't include a potty break. We should save that until we get to the gate and we find out when they're going to start boarding. We can change at the same time."

They made it with time to spare. Devlin had packed her blue floral print sun dress just for this moment. Krissi had one just like it, but in red. They weren't the only ones changing in the Ladies Room; for a few minutes it seemed like that was the only thing people had come in here to do.

"Much better," Krissi said as they picked their way through the crowd. "I know a sweater and jeans were appropriate for the Midwest, but not here in Miami." She paused as an older woman walked by wearing shorts and a sleeveless blouse. "Shorts can be worn by anyone here, just keep that in mind."

Devlin nodded, her attention on a tall, bronzed young man wearing much the same thing as the older woman; but he was much better to look at, especially his shoulders.

Krissi nudged her. "Come on, we have to check in."

A few minutes later they were airborne, circling out over the water before heading toward Key West. Devlin could see downtown Miami off in the distance, and a blue ocean that seemed filled with boats. She commented on that to Krissi.

"And the funny thing is, Miami doesn't have the most small boats, either in absolute numbers or per capita," Krissi said. "That's Seattle, another place I'd like to visit."

"Count me out. I hear it rains all of the time there."

Krissi frowned. "No, I understand it only rains 360 days out of the year. The other five days it's about to rain." She wiggled and leaned back in the airline seat. "No rain for this girl, not for the next 10 days. It'll just be sun, sand, palm trees..."

"And bronzed male bodies," Devlin added quietly.

Krissi broke up. "Yeah, especially those bronzed male bodies."

They arrived in Key West, rented a car, and stopped briefly at the exit from the airport. "Which way do you want to go?" Krissi asked. "If we go left its downtown Key West; if we go right, it's on to Islamorada and what we came for."

"I thought we'd planned on visiting Key West on our way back," Devlin said. "Turn right."

"Turning toward bronzed male bodies," Krissi said as she cranked the wheel. "Hard male bodies.

"As long as they're hard in the right places," Devlin replied.

"I think we can count on that." Krissi accelerated into traffic, and a couple of minutes later they both turned as a pair of Navy jets streaked into the sky. They pulled over to watch them until they were out of sight.

"Even if nothing else happens," Devlin said, holding her arm out the window, "this was worth it."

"I'll take blue skies, white sandy beaches and warm water every time," Krissi said. "If I make enough money from my stories I'll move to the Gulf Coast."

"Not the Keys?"

"Too many people move to Florida. Of course I may end up moving to Colorado or Wyoming so I can enjoy the mountains."

"I've decided I want to live some place warm," Devlin said. "I want some place with only two seasons, not four."

"The mountains may make you change your mind," Krissi said. "Snow, you and someone special in a hot tub... um."

"Have you actually been to Colorado or Wyoming?"

"The Swiss Alps," Krissi said. "And, no, there wasn't that someone special. I was 11 and still pondering important things like 'where does your nose go when you kiss someone?'."

"Well, now you know." They rumbled over another bridge, and Devlin tried to count all of the different shades of blue in the water. "So tell me how to pronounce the name of this place we're going. Is-lam-oh-rada?"

"Eye-lah-more-ah-dah," Krissi said slowly. "Say it fast, Islamorada."

Devlin repeated it until Krissi nodded. "I won't ask how it got its name."

"Good, because I don't know. I think it's one of those Spanish things, sort of like Cayo Hueso... I think I pronounced that right."

"Cayo Hueso?" She tried to remember her Spanish from high school. "Bone Island?"

"That's the original Spanish name for Key West. And, no, I don't know why they called it that. There've been a lot of shipwrecks in the Keys, maybe it's because of that."

A little while later they pulled to a stop by the side of the road and Krissi took out her directions. "We're looking for the Islamorada Marina. Not the main one, but the smaller one."

"You navigate," Devlin said, "and I'll drive."

Krissi nodded. "Works for me." They switched places and Krissi began comparing her directions with the map she'd printed out. "Seven Mile Bridge and Marathon, and then we're close. The bridge is just up ahead."

"Seven Mile Bridge? I suppose that's because the bridge is seven miles long."

"Got it in one. We're looking for the shopping mall. When we see it we turn left at the next light."

Devlin dutifully turned at what she thought was the correct light. When they got to the water's edge without seeing a marina they had to backtrack. She saw a small restaurant and pulled into that to get a bite to eat while Krissi called for updated directions.

"They wrote the directions assuming we were coming from Key Largo," Krissi said when she joined Devlin at their table. She snagged a fry. "Um, maybe I should eat. I haven't done that today."

"I'm told it's supposed to be good for you," Devlin said. She waved at the waitress. "Hamburger and a diet coke."

Krissi practically inhaled the food when it arrived. "I'll have to try that again in a day or two."

"You're not getting into the model's mindset are you? You know, if you can taste the food you've eaten too much."

Krissi shook her head. "No, anorexia was never my thing. Finished?"

Devlin took a last sip of her coke. "All set. You're sure you have the right directions."

"We'll be there in 10 minutes."

Not quite 10 minutes later Devlin pulled to a stop at the gate to the marina. Krissi identified them to the guard. He nodded. "Park most anywhere," he said, and opened the gate.

There were a lot of cars in the parking lot. Devlin found a place near some trees and killed the ignition. The engine popped and clicked in the silence.

"Getting anxious?" Krissi asked.

"Sort of. I was wondering: do guys start getting hard about now?"

Krissi laughed. "Judging by the way they park at Emma's, they must. Of course that might be the wives driving. I wonder how hard it is to drive with a hard-on."

It was Devlin's turn to laugh. "We'll never know, that's for sure. And before you ask, I'm not going to reach between my legs and find out if I'm wet, not here." She reached over and felt Krissi's breast. "Your nipples aren't hard. I can change that if you want."

Krissi removed Devlin's hand. "Later, if we both feel like it. Not right now, we'd have an audience." She got out, opened the trunk, and pulled out their luggage.

"Sure the car will be all right here?" Devlin asked.

"That's why we park here," Krissi said. "It's a guarded lot. Got everything?"

"You've got my small bag?" Devlin glanced around in the car one last time. "I think that's it." She locked the car and followed Krissi to a gate next to the water.

There was a couple there holding small suitcases. Krissi waved at the woman. "They were here last year," she said in an aside to Devlin. "Tina, hi!"

"Krissi," the gal said. She had short strawberry blonde hair, was slightly taller than Krissi, and was wearing black shorts and a white tee-shirt emblazoned with palm trees and seashells framing the words "Conch Republic".

In moments they were hugging. "So glad you could make it," Tina said. She turned and nodded at her companion. "You remember Joe."

"How could I forget," Krissi said. She gave him Joe a quick hug, then returned to Tina, holding her at arms length. "You're looking good. Love your hair."

"Thank you," Tina said. "You look pretty good yourself." She glanced at Devlin. "No boyfriend?"

"Not really," Krissi said. "I met someone, but he had family obligations, not that I'm sure he would be ready for this."

"I understand," Tina said.

Krissi motioned Devlin forward. "I want you to meet someone. Tina, this is Devlin. Devlin and I met at a party a couple of months ago, and hit it off right away."

"So, are you two... ?"

"Not really," Krissi said. "You know me, I prefer my partners to be male."

"Hi," Tina said, holding out her hand. "I'm Tina."


"I love your hair."

Devlin picked at one of the ends. "Oh, this. It's probably a rat's nest from blowing in the breeze."

"That would be a real bummer," Tina said. "But I know the feeling. I love the feeling of the air here blowing over me. Are you a student, too?"

"I'm a Business Major," Devlin said.

"Biology Grad Student," Tina said. "I've been specializing in reproduction, which is kind of funny when you think about it."

An electric cart towing a trailer with seats pulled up on the other side of the gate and a deeply tanned short brunette woman in a halter and shorts hopped out. "Hi folks," she called. "I'm Linda, your hostess. Tina, Joe, Krissi, nice to see you again." She gestured at the trailer. "If you'd go ahead and load your stuff we'll be leaving in about 10 minutes."

Devlin followed Krissi and they made themselves comfortable. Tina and Joe sat opposite them. Linda was about to start up when another couple hurried up.

"Thanks for waiting," the guy said. "Traffic was a real bear."

Linda waited until they were settled before leaving the gate. They followed a meandering path that ran along the end of the docks. Boats were bobbing in the afternoon swell, sailboat masts waved back and forth against the blue of the sky, and gulls wheeled overhead, searching for food.

Presently the path split, one arm running to another section of the marina. Linda followed the path to the left around a clump of palm trees and over a slight rise. The path ran along the shore for several hundred yards before bumping across a causeway and out to an island dominated by a large building. Linda followed the path past several bungalows. She finally stopped at the far end of the island, at a gate in front of a small bridge that led to an island on the other side of a small channel.

"We're here," Linda said, getting down. "You'll have to carry your luggage from here." She used a key card to open the gate. The bridge was over a hundred yards across, and several jet skis raced by underneath, splashing the bridge deck with water.

"I think introductions are in order," Linda said as they walked across the bridge. "Tina, let's start with you."

"I'm Tina Walker," Tina said. "I'm from Newark, New Jersey." She patted the elbow and smiled at the guy next to her. "And this is my boyfriend."

"Joe Crane," he said. "Tina and I were here the last two years. We flew in to Miami and rented a car to drive down here."

"Kristal Carpenter," Krissi said. "I go by Krissi. I'm from Bloomington, Illinois."

"Devlin McCabe," Devlin said. "I'm Krissi's friend, and I'm from Bloomington, Illinois, too."

"Joan McMillan," the woman who'd come running up the dock said. She was a short brunette wearing a denim miniskirt and a tee-shirt tied under her breasts. "We're from Knoxville, Tennessee," she added with a decidedly twangy accent.

"And I'm Brian McMillan," the guy next to her said. He smiled. "And before anyone asks, we're brother and sister, and we're not married."

"I didn't think so," Linda said as people chuckled.

"But it's good to get that out front," Joan said. "In parts of Kentucky and Tennessee we might be."

Linda nodded. "Okay, here's what's going to happen. We'll check you in, and you'll be told which bungalow is yours. For those of you who've been here before we'll have a brief refresher talk. For those of you who haven't, I'll meet with you individually starting in about half an hour. We'll go over the rules, I'll get some material for our records, things like that." She looked around. "Any questions?"

"Is there going to be a Get Acquainted Party like there was last year?" Tina asked. She grinned. "That was fun."

"That's what we're planning," Linda said. "That'll be tomorrow night after dinner. The main resort is having a get-acquainted dance tonight, and you're free to attend that. Any other questions?"

Nobody else said anything. Devlin looked across the water. Islands covered in green seemed to bob on the blue of the water. One blue shaded into another. 'Blue' was inadequate, there were more shades than she could name. The sun, the water, the white sand, "... we're not in Kansas any more," she quoted quietly to Krissi."

"I know. Don't you love it? Not a cornstalk or a snowflake in sight."

There was a small shack at the end of the bridge. Linda grabbed a list from the counter in the shack. "All right, Joan and Brian, you're in #3." She looked at them. "If you want, I can split you two up."

"No, we've seen each other naked before," Joan said. "It's no big deal." She picked up the bag she'd dropped. "Which way?"

"Up the path. The bungalows are numbered. #3 is on the right near the house." She looked at her list. "Alan and Ellen, you're in #4, which is across from Joan and Brian. Krissi and Devlin, you're in #5. Tina and Joe, you drew #6."

Krissi practically ran up the path. "I want to see what changes they made from last year," she said. "Linda told me they'd put in quite a few improvements."

The path, looped back and forth through the brush and trees, finally giving way to flagstones set in mortar. In moments they were surrounded by palm trees and other kinds of trees, including, Devlin was surprised to see, pine. The breeze found its way through the trees and brush. It was just enough to keep the heat down. In the distance Devlin could see the roof of the house. Beside the path were stones about 18" high with a single number painted on it. Krissi turned at the one marked "5". There was a short path to a small cabin with a door and a single window facing the main path. Krissi opened the door, flipping on the light.

"Just as I remembered," she said, looking around.

Devlin pushed past her, looking around. The interior was cool and shaded by the trees outside. There were two rooms: the main room was the bedroom, with two double beds. The other was the bathroom, containing a sink, a toilet and a small shower. There was a small 3-drawer dresser made out of dark wood next to each bed with a lamp on top. The bathroom was painted white, the bedroom was painted a very light blue. Blue curtains framed windows on each side of the room. The beds were firm without being hard, with plenty of room to sprawl out. The blankets were folded at the foot of the bed, leaving only light sheets as covers.

"This is it?" Devlin asked. Somehow she'd expected more.

"It's enough," Krissi said. "These bungalows are little more than detached bedrooms, with a small bathroom. We take all our meals in the main house, unless we want to picnic somewhere else."

"Where are the improvements?"

"Let's check around outside."

Devlin tossed her bag on one of the beds and followed her friend out the door. They followed the path around back of the bungalow. Just a few yards away were the backs of three other bungalows. And in the middle, where the paths intersected, was a gazebo containing a hot tub, chairs, and four picnic tables.

"That's new," Krissi said. She glanced around. "This'll be kind of handy."

Joan came around the side of her bungalow. She waved, and knelt to check the hot tub. "It's on," she said. She knelt and trailed her hand through the water. "And it's nice and warm, too."

Devlin knelt and felt the water. "I've almost fallen asleep in these things," she said.

"Easy enough to do," Joan said, nodding.

"We'd better see about orientation," Krissi said. "Come on."

Linda was sitting on the patio of the house. "There's another couple due in about two hours," she said. "Tomorrow morning two more couples will arrive, and then we'll be complete. But before they get here I thought I'd cover a few things.

"The island is just over 4 acres in size and is heavily wooded, so there's plenty of room and opportunity to be by yourself it you want. We have our scenic outlook on the west end of the island, but don't get your hopes up, it's a tree house set 15 feet up in a tree. There's no piece of land on this island higher than 10 feet above the water. We do have a small natural pond, on the north end of the island. I would advise each of you to make time to visit it. For these two weeks we don't sell romanticism so much as fun, but, guys, all of us gals like a little romance in our lives, even if it's just the setting.

"We're part of a larger resort. There are six other islands like this one, each separated from the main part of the resort by a small bridge. You aren't allowed on the other islands, just as the folks staying there aren't allowed on this one. Everyone is allowed on the main island. That's where you'll find a pool, jet skis and boats for rent, and the other things people like to do in Florida while on vacation. They can also arrange tours here in the Keys--I recommend you check them out, there's a lot to do here in the Conch Republic."

"What's the difference between this island and the others?" Joan asked.

"They're clothing optional."

"Well, so are we."

"Ah, but those are all for families; the rule there is the same as it is in most nudist camps: no sex. That doesn't apply here. And, by the way, we'd appreciate it if you didn't let people know what we do here.

"Okay, on this island we have the house and 16 bungalows, as well as a few other things. They're leftovers from when this island was a separate resort. Jim's folks bought it at a bankruptcy auction quite a number of years ago. We joined in a partnership along with the main vacation resort, and most of the time we run it as such. But twice a year, here in the spring, and again in the late fall, we keep it for ourselves Over the years Jim's parents rebuilt the bungalows, rebuilt parts of the house and so on. About seven years ago they got tired of the resort business and retired, moving back north up into the other Florida, and Jim and I took it over. Since then we've added water and sewer connections to Islamorada, added eight bungalows, rebuilt the pier, put in better pathways and electricity, and, this year, added the hot tubs.

"Besides the pool and the hot tubs, we have a sheltered anchorage where we'll dock our boat this evening. That's one of two secluded beaches, for those who want to do the thing with the waves. Because we put in a small breakwater, wave action in the moorage is pretty minimal, which we're glad of. We do get hurricanes through this part of the world from time to time. I would advise you to use the other secluded beach, there's a little more cover from curious passers-by.

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Julia had moved into the Professor’s house several months ago. She wasn’t taking one of his classes so she was no longer working on a grade. When she was his student, she was struggling to make a good grade and asked for his help. He responded that “you only get what you give”. Julia understood completely and wanted to get ahead in class so she gave head. When she decided that she wanted an “A”, she, of course, gave “A”. Julia was an almost perfect housemate. Although she wasn’t a great cook,...

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20 March 2009Chapter 4

“Now this is more like it!” Karen commented as she took one cock up her ass while the other fucked her pussy. She even managed to get a third cock to suck on. She was quick to mention her anticipated gang bang tomorrow in the bondage room “So there you are,” John smiled entering the room. “I can see you’re having your usual fun.” “Hi, honey. What can I say, I’m a happily married slut,” she replied, referring to being married to Dan. She sucked on her cock a few more times. “Aren’t you going...

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Lost Empire 15

Shelby was half tempted to delve back in, the kiss Derrick had given her had held a lot more meaning to her than the last. Touching her lips again she watched as Mary ran through several scenarios trying to figure out why Derrick hadn't awoken yet. Mary wasn't blind to the fact that Shelby was far more worried about Derrick than a mere A.I. should be. Softly Mary examined Shelby's circuits hmmm interesting Shelby was far more alive than Mary had at first thought. Reaching out she found...

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playtime chpt 1

By German shepherd Chapter one One hot summerday I decided to pick some cherrys. Not what you folks think, some real cherrys right from the tree in my houses garden. So I took a ladder and climbed up into the tree. Before I could start picking, I recon’ed my neighbours wife Mandy in their garden, which was usually hidden against our sight and only visible because of my higher viewpoint. She was playing with her 2 year old son in his sand box. Which means he was playing in it and she...

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My Journey Book 2 ExileChapter 4

I woke that Sunday morning, feeling refreshed and alive. I checked my messages, but there wasn’t one from her. Instead, there were a lot of questions on Facebook about the status change and a notification that Emma wanted me to confirm our relationship. I smiled and clicked accept, adding a link to her profile next to my relationship status. I was about to go to the shower when I heard footsteps thundering down the stairs and my door was flung open. “You’re ENGAGED!??!” Lilly blurted out....

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Hindsight 2020 Book 2Chapter 26

I called Lola and told her that Shawna and I could stop by any time after nine-thirty. We had to wait on the overnight delivery driver. She sputtered and then told me that Shawna wasn't invited. I said, "I'm sorry I thought that you just needed me to stop by sometime to take care of something. What's this about?" "The Prince and Princess wanted to thank you for saving their daughter and since we're protecting your identity only the ambassador, the Royal Family of Monaco and me know...

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The Wimp and the DebChapter 12

Rebecca My mother really surprised me this evening. She hardly ever asserts herself or goes against anything my dad says or does. Yet twice this evening she took him to task for things he was saying and doing. She made it clear that there were areas where she had a degree of expertise and had something of value to contribute. She also asserted that Rory and I were way too mature to be regarded as children in any discussion about our future or the future of the companies we might one day be...

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Strangers in the NightChapter 5

Strangers in the Night: 5. The Nurse ... ooo such a nurse ... a porn movie nurse ... came by and saw we were still talking. "Go to bed, morning is very soon." She shut of the light at the door. "Move over," Wendy said. She stripped out of her sweater and the reason for the deep shadows swung free ... smaller than bowling balls but bigger than halved cantaloupe. Former breasts of my acquaintance were sloped and full ... breasts that had a decided hang even in a bikini. Wendy's were...

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Feminists Against Capitalism and Exploitation Feminists Against Capitalism and Exploitation  The four men stared out of the window at the house opposite.? It was a tall three-story one in the centre of a terrace.? Once it had been grand and imposing but was now extremely run-down.? The paintwork was peeling, the garden was full of weeds and blankets hung in place of curtains over the windows.? On the door a crude hand-written sign had been pinned: ?Headquarters of FACE.?? FACE, the men...

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Steve and ChuckChapter 59

Chuck Sam and I had just come up to our rooms and I had just entered mine. Something was spooking me and somehow, I felt as if I was not alone. Standing motionless, I listened and looked around. This was the third floor, so the small balcony outside the window was not an exit. I concentrated on what I felt and quietly pulled my Glock, not making any fast movements. The only area of the room I couldn't see from where I stood was just on the other side of the bathroom, where the bed was, and...

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Fairy III Paradise

Taking one for the team The argument was hot and heavy in the control room, but silent. Spearmint finally admitted afterward that her actions had caused a furor among her fellow monarchs. They understood why she had done it, but at the same time, the news that almost a hundred geriatrics and terminal patients had merely disappeared had made not only national but global headlines. Dandelion and Periwinkle had calmed them down, and they had decided to meet once a week for the next...

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Comforting after a break up

It was around the time Summer becomes Autumn in 2010 and I was only 16. I had my very first girlfriend and I was very pleased with how we were going. We had hit the 3 month mark, and I was elated, I couldn’t comprehend our relationship going any better. Evidently, she could. Pheobe dumped me on a Thursday, during the lunch break at school. I was devastated. I found myself questioning how this could happen, what went wrong, what could I have done. As you do. In the face of these...

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Desperate To Fuck Cousin Bro

Hey ISS members this my first story which truly happened in my life now my age is 21 when I was 18 yrs now one can believe my fig was 38c 28 34 when I use to walk people use to look at me . I used to feel better. Now I come to actual story when my 12th boards got completed n it was time of my result n it was going to come early in morning. My cousin brother Vicky he smart handsome and his age was 18 younger to me. I live in Mumbai n he came for vacation. I loved in so much that I can get fucked...

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Young military guys

My wife Ann and I have been married for just over ten years. We met just out of high school and got married. She is twenty-nine, five-foot-six, one hundred and twenty pounds with perky C cup tits. We moved to San Diego, CA a few years ago close to a Navy base. I work long hours on base as a financial advisor and my wife recently got a job working on base as a lifeguard at one of the swimming pools. Our son just turned five years old and started kindergarten last September so she told me she...

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MyFriendsHotMom Pristine Edge 24117

Pristine Edge’s son is having his prom pictures taken by his friend Rion, who stops by early to get the lay of the land at her home and take some test shots. When Pristine figures out that Rion’s taking some snapshots of her ass, she feels confident to throw on some apparel to resemble that during her catalogue-model days. Rion shoots away at Pristine in a sexy dress…until she discovers that her nipple popped out! But that doesn’t discourage Pristine, she’s not shy. Rather, it emboldens her...

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Sarahs Naumlchte Teil 8

Wenn ich genau hin schaue: Von Gegenseitigkeit meinerseits war keine Rede mehr. Bruno hatte mich so mit seinen Zärtlichkeiten verwöhnt, dass ich nicht mehr zum Nachdenken kam.Und nun, so bemerkte ich, hatte Bruno wieder etwas Neues vor. Seine flache Hand hatte ich ja nun schon seit ein paar Tagen gespürt, wie sie massierend meine Scham verwöhnte."Schließe Deine Augen!" warm und doch bestimmt erteilte mir Bruno seine Anweisung.Ich war folgsam. "Ziehe Deine Beine an!" die nächste Anweisung."Bitte...

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Eternity of Desire

When the universe was born in a maelstrom of cosmic fire, the Immortal was born with it. He had no tangible body of his own, but his keen intelligence grew alongside the stars and galaxies. In time, he came to discover his power over the material universe and all the dimensions that comprised it. With this discovery came curiosity. The Immortal investigated the vast mysteries of creation, and was soon intrigued to find that other creatures existed in the material world. Like him, they seemed...

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Holidays at the Farm Part 2

Sarah's parents went to Boston for a shopping trip. They expected to return on Monday. Their plans changed and they came home on Sunday morning. Sarah's mom came in the house looking for me. Sarah's dad was still outside putting the gifts in the barn and moving the car into the garage. Elaine and I slept naked in each other’s arms in the basement. Sarah's mom came downstairs and woke us up. She caught us. The secret was out. We were in deep trouble. Elaine and I looked at Sarah's mom with fear...

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Whatever Gets You Through the NightChapter 25

“5th of May, V-Day’s just around the corner. 1945, the Fuhrer’s reign’s at its end. Jenny at the gates as the SS open fire. There’s no time to waste; the final battle’s begun. After the downfall, a castle besieged. Facing the Nazis, awaiting relief. Gangl and Lee and their men set the prisoners free.” -Sabaton, “The Last Battle“ Contessa Helena de San Finzione looked at a map of the warehouse that Detective Inspector Luc Allaine brought up on his tablet. He was now learning what his...

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New Girl in TownChapter 5

Tom and Jessica had been lovers for several months and they decided to go out of town on a trip together and just enjoy being alone and having fun doing whatever they felt like. Tom looked forward to their time alone especially because Jessica had been hinting that she was going to give Tom some special treats and that she was going to treat him really good. He could hardly wait to find out what his sexy girlfriend had in mind. Tom and Jessica drove to the resort up in the mountains where...

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Sleepover Bliss

I was excited to be leaving home for college. It hadtaken me a year after graduating from high school to decidewhat I wanted to study, a year needed to get my head onstraight.Closing my suitcase, I took one last look around theroom I had shared most of my life with my brother, Brad.Approaching footsteps drumming up the hall forced me toquickly get a grip on my emotions. It was time to leave.Time to begin a life of my own.My eagerness made the ten-hour drive to the campus seemlike an eternity....

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No Better Way

The week before Halloween was always a busy time for Karen. She hosted a party at her work, and she had last minute shopping to do and errands to run. With half of the week gone, she was staying late at work to get things set up. Her husband Tom was feeling pretty neglected. He was lucky she was making dinner when she got home. By Thursday she was mostly set up for work and running ahead of schedule. Impressed with herself, she decided to do a couple more Halloween-y things around their...

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The Creation of my Slave Chapter 22

The morning after, Nic was so excited he woke up well before 9 am. What if she didn’t come? He wasn’t quite sure what he would do. At two minutes to 9, he heard the door open quietly and someone coming into his apartment. He lay there, listening to the sounds from the his kitchen. He heard the frying pan, he smelled bacon and he could hear the water boil. It would seem she was doing her job. After a while he heard her movements stop and the room go quiet. He knew she was done, and that she...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 32 Snow Money and Romance

February 11, 1983 We had a show scheduled for this evening; we'd booked a Friday night slot at one of the campus pubs. It was to be my first gig with Lightning in a Bottle that wasn't specifically for friends and family. But it didn't happen. Oh, don't get the wrong idea. It wasn't because of any misdeeds on my part, or a resumption of intra-band discontent. Not this time. Rather, the blame fell squarely on Mother Nature. The snow started falling early that afternoon, and within a few...

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Real Family Part 3

Chapter 10 Juan could not believe that his own mother had just threatened his friend, a woman who had never hurt a fly in her life and who was the sweetest person you could ever meet. Linda was a saint, and her kids were just as well mannered. He shook his head as he looked at the shocked Linda while the kids tried to figure out what just happened and why Juan was so upset. Juan grinned widely as he happily stated to his mother, "After discussion with Tio Jorge I put any phone calls...

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Aphrodites RevengeChapter 6

With Demos back in the city, Kaia had no time to waste. She went to an alchemist's shop to acquire some poison. As she entered the dimly lit shop a middle aged man sat stirring a small cauldron of bubbling liquid. He looked at her naked body and smiled wide, "What service can I offer a beauty like you? Would you like some cosmetics or perhaps some nice aphrodisiacs? I have just developed a wonderful elixir guaranteed to enhance your libido all night." "No thank you, I need..." she...

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The Hidden Desires Part 3 8211 Sober New Dawn

January 2nd, 2021 – 7 am Early morning, new dawn, as the sun was rising. A ray of sunshine was falling in my mother’s bedroom. Swati and I were getting cozy with each other, sleeping naked in each other’s arms. But wait a minute, how did this happen? Mother and son, duo sleeping naked with a smile on the face. What happened on the 1st day of 2021? If you want to know, keep reading. I hope you like the story, and if you do, then do comment down. Now, let’s not keep you waiting...

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My Korean GF Michelle Cheats

When I was a sophomore at college, I was fortunate enough to meet a girl who I thought was one of the most attractive girls on campus. Her name was Michelle, and she had the best combination of hot/sexy/cute on the whole campus. The best part was, she didn't have that bitchy attitude that most hot girls on campus did. She didn't walk around with her nose in the air, and didn't slut it up at any of the local frats like many of her classmates. She was the perfect image of an innocent cute, and...

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Sallys motivational spanking

I met Sally though She contacted me in search of a motivational spanking. She needed to be pushed to get busy with her business. She knew she was goofing off, doing everything but her business. We exchanged a few emails. Discussing what she wanted. Her likes and dislikes. I informed her (in an email) when we met she is to call me "Sir" when around me.•••••••Her dislikes may go out the window, depending on the offense!••••Sally had a boyfriend. But he just wasn't into spanking her....

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A PromiseChapter 12

'Daviddd!' said the voice on the telephone early that same evening. 'What do you want Tamsin?' I asked with amusement. 'Can you do me a biggg favour?' 'If I can, you know I will, though I'm guessing I won't enjoy it.' 'I have a friend who is feeling very low. Will you take her out somewhere?' Tamsin said almost pleading. I agreed immediately. I knew Tamsin wouldn't ask unless she felt it important enough. She'd already agreed not to fix me up with blind dates so I was sure...

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Its a Mans WorldPart 5

'Wait a minute, ' Madhu didi laughed and rang the call bell. Couple of minutes later a young eighteen-year-old girl from Nepal entered the room. She was not exactly pretty but had a sexy air about her. She was very fair, about 5 feet 2" tall and slim with small but firm breasts. 'Ma'am, you rang?' she said. 'Yes Kanchi. These are our sisters, Adi and Sarit, they will be staying here with their husbands and those there are their maids, Basanti and Shanti. Take the maids to the...

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The Undercover Paralegal

Cheryl goes undercover...and gets uncovered. The Undercover Paralegal by Deputy Duffy The sound of shuffling papers and dragging chairs signified the end of anotherFriday meeting. Cheryl Thomas sat nervously tapping her pencil on the mahoganytable and glancing up at Mr. Griswald, the firm's senior partner. He had askedher to remain after the meeting so they could "talk." Her head wasswirling as to what he might have meant by that, surprised he even knew hername. She had fidgeted throughout...

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The Cuckoos Progeny19 Traffic Stop

“We’re making progress,” Gary said, indicating their newest addition. “Xi certainly knows where she’s going.” “I’m not making the same turn-by-turn decisions Be did,” she explained. “I can tell which direction we want and approximately how far away it is.” Gary slowed and eased into the right-hand, slower-traffic lane. “Why are we slowing?” Al asked. “There’s a police car behind us. It was behind the other cars, but now it’s following us.” Al glanced over his shoulder, noting the...

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Wife sets things up to cheer up the baby sitter

My wife and I had to go to dinner with my boss so we got a baby sitter and headed out. The baby sitter Amanda is a 21 year old college student that has taken care of our kids many times and pretty much each time I thought how Amanda could baby sit me anytime. But she had a boyfriend so I knew she was not much interested in a 40 year old guy. After we got home, I went to check on the kids and my wife said Amanda needed a ride home, her car had issues. So I went to get my coat and as I was...

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Mrs.Yu Tan, 27, is a very self-confident and pretty business woman. She grew up in China so she doesn't speak much English, much more tagalog. She wanted to open business here because she heard a lot of chinese coming here for business.Mrs. had a sexy body and enjoys lathering a thick layer of soap all over her naked body and allowing the jets of water to strike her ripe breasts enlarging her nipples. She had large brown nipples that always appeared hard.After drying off, Mrs. Yu Tan dressed...

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Lesley and Denny do a threesome

Lesley and Dennis. True story!My wife met Lesley at Primary school walking our boys to school, often walking there and back together. Later, I met her, then her husband Dennis. Lesley was not a very attractive woman, overweight, rather like a ball! She did not try to look good and had a huge chip on her shoulder about men in general. One evening, we had a small party to try out some homemade beer I had brewed; my first! Dennis, my inspiration, had made it before and his beer is quite...

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Comando 1

Commando #1 By Randolph O. Mann   Harangue Lindsey Leicester knew exactly why this meeting had been arranged, while her mother on the other hand had nary a clue. This whole affair had an impish déjà vu feeling of a dreaded trip to Principal’ s Office which had placed Ms. Leicester on edge. As all single working moms know, conferencing with scholastic ‘professionals’ is always knotty. These types of summonses as a rule are meticulous orchestrated toward academia’ s...


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