The King Of Hollywood free porn video

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Author’s Note: This story is a collaboration with my editor, Pat Harvey.

Well he sits up there on his leatherette

Looks through pictures of the ones that he hasn’t had yet.

When he thinks he wants a closer look

He gets out his little black telephone book.

He’s calling...

- Eagles

My co-star’s arms were wrapped tightly around my body and we shared a deep kiss.

“Will you let me see you tomorrow, after class, Lizzie?” He said after breaking our passionate embrace.

I shot him a playful, sexy smile.

“We’ll see; text me, okay?”

There were a few moments of silence before the director screamed, “Cut,” and a buzzer went off on our large set that looked like the front of an academic building.

“Great scene, you two,” he yelled before directing a question to one of the sound guys who had a large set of headphones on.

My co-star, Daniel Flemming, gave me another little hug.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, 7 a.m. call time, right?”

“Yes, I’ll see you bright and early.”

Just as he turned to leave, my assistant, Gabrielle, approached us and handed me my cell phone.

“It’s Max,” she said, “and trust me, you’re going to want to take this.”

Max Bialystock was my agent, and he knew I didn’t like to be interrupted when I was on the set working, so I knew it must be important.

“Max, how are you?” I said while trying to keep some of the irritated tone out of my voice.

“Great news, Britney. Nielsen just released the numbers for last night’s pilot and your show debuted at number one.”

I took a deep, excited, giddy breath as he continued.

“There were huge numbers in the 18 to 25 demographic and the network just added 10 more sponsors. You have a colossal hit on your hands; congratulations.”

“Thank you so much.”

“I’m already getting some movie offers. I’ll take you out to lunch next week and we can discuss them.”

“Okay, I’ll put Gabrielle back on the phone and you two can set it up; she knows my schedule better than I do.”

I handed the phone to my assistant and my mind drifted back. Suddenly, a chill coursed through my body that shook me to my very core...

Six months ago...

“You don’t have to do this, you still have a few options. You know that, right?”

I rolled my eyes and shot Max a skeptical look. I always hated going to his office and attending these informal meetings.

“Just what options are we talking about?”

“I’m close to getting you an audition for that pilot.”

“It’s a bit part, not even a recurring role,” I said incredulously.

“It could turn into a recurring role if you...”

There were a few seconds of uncomfortable silence before I shot him a cold glare.

“Never mind,” he said.

I cut my eyes at him. “No, you started this ... finish your thought.”

He paused for a moment. I could tell he was trying to choose his words carefully. Then he just abruptly blurted out, “If you develop a work ethic, show up to the set on time, and put a little effort into your craft.”

I felt tears forming in my eyes. Unfortunately, everything he’d said was true.

“I’ve changed, though,” I countered. “I’m an adult now, and I don’t act that way anymore.”

His eyes softened. “People talk in this town, everyone knows you ... and five years is a long time.”

When I was 12, I moved to Hollywood from Enid, Oklahoma, and was cast in a very popular children’s television sitcom on the Disney Channel. Because of my popularity, I got leading roles in two feature movies that did very well at the box office. Now, my world looked very different. A year ago, my show got canceled and the casting directors stopped calling ... my opportunities dried up.

“Maybe we could hire a public relations firm to help with my image,” I said hesitantly.

“Do you have the money for that?”

My shoulders slumped. “Not until I get my settlement.”

“Let’s be realistic here, that money is gone and it’s not coming back.”

The truth of the matter was ... I was broke. My parents had been my business managers, and instead of setting up a trust and taking care of my money, they’d squandered it. I filed a lawsuit against them, but they were just as broke as I was and, as the saying goes, you can’t get blood from a stone. All I had left was my car, my clothes, and my Beverly Hills home. With taxes coming due in a few months, I needed income and I was running out of options.

I felt tears welling up in my eyes again. “I just need someone to give me a chance.”

“I’ll keep working the phones, I’ll try to make something happen for you.”

“You said I have options, but I really don’t, do I?”

There was a full minute of uncomfortable silence. Then, “I can set up the meeting if you want me to.”

“Jonah Goldstein.”

His name, those words, felt like poison on my tongue. The most powerful producer in Hollywood was casting for a new sitcom about a college freshman’s first year at USC. I was perfect for the role and I knew it would revitalize my career ... if I could land the part. Unfortunately, landing the part meant taking a meeting with Jonah Goldstein.

I’d actually met him once, three years ago at the kids choice awards when I was 15. Those two minutes were the most creepy, uncomfortable two minutes of my entire life. The way he looked at me, undressed me with his eyes, was nothing short of disturbing. He offered me a part in one of his movies and I flatly turned him down. I was at the height of my career and offers for roles were pouring in. Now, my situation was much different.

“Why don’t you take a week and think about it,” he said.

“I don’t have a week, shooting is supposed to start soon.”

“Shooting starts next month.”

“A week from now he’ll have the part cast, won’t he?”


I was running out of options. I could always sell my house and move into a small apartment, which would buy me time. There was still a slim possibility Max could find me work and I wouldn’t have to move back to Oklahoma. In the end, I had to face reality. This was my only chance to get my career back on track.

“Make the call, I’ll take the meeting.”

I’d requested to meet Mr. Goldstein at his corporate office in Hollywood, but he refused. He insisted that we have a dinner meeting at his Bel Air mansion and threatened to cancel if I refused. He held the cards, and I relented and agreed to meet him at his home. I’d been spending a lot of time in the gym and I wanted to impress him. After trying on several outfits, I settled on a short little black skirt, a pretty pink top, and four-inch black pumps.

My hands were damp with sweat as I pulled up to a large metal gate outside his compound. It took everything in my power not to turn my car around.

Be strong, you need this.

“Can I help you, Miss?” The security guard said after lowering his newspaper from inside the little guard shack.

“I’m Britney Riley and I’m here to see Mr. Goldstein.”

The security guard shot me a knowing smile. “He’s expecting you, go on in.”

He flipped a switch and the gate began to slowly swing open. I drove for about a hundred yards while admiring acres of perfectly manicured lawn that was beset on all sides with large palm trees. Finally, I pulled up in front of a large mansion that had four giant decorative pillars holding up an extended awning. There were 20 large windows on either side of the enormous, ornate front door. The scale of the colossal house was truly breathtaking and I felt so out of my element.

When I pulled up in front of the door, I was immediately met by a valet who opened my car door.

“Mr. Goldstein is expecting you,” he said. “You can go on up to the main door.”

“Thank you,” I said politely.

I grabbed my purse and walked up the steps and heard my heels click again the marble pavers. Just as I got to the door, it opened and an older Mexican woman greeted me with a warm smile.

“I’ll take you to the sitting room, Ma’am. Mr Goldstein will be joining you shortly.”

“Thank you,” I said in a voice barely above a whisper.

We walked through a great room that was very tastefully decorated with large, ornate, Renaissance-era statues and expensive-looking frescos adorning the walls. We arrived in a large sitting room just off the great room and she directed me to sit on a large sofa. I was so nervous my knees were knocking together and I tried desperately to get my emotions under control.

After waiting several minutes, Jonah Goldstein entered the room. He wore black silk pajamas underneath a bright red robe. It reminded me of pictures I’d seen of Hugh Hefner. However, unlike Jonah, the founder of Playboy was reasonably handsome.

The richest, most powerful producer in Hollywood was at least 75 pounds overweight and had a thinning, almost bald head of brown hair. His nose was just a little too large for his other features and the short, stubbly growth on his face somehow seemed to multiply the creep factor. His eyes roamed over my body for several seconds before he spoke.

“It’s good to see you; I didn’t think you were going to take the meeting.”

“I would’ve rather met at your office, but you have a beautiful home; thank you for agreeing to meet me.”

“I see you’ve been spending time at the gym. I’m glad you’ve found something constructive to do ... since you haven’t been working.”

Smug bastard.

“I’m just in a bit of a lull right now. I know something will come along soon.”

He laughed. “Will it? At least you’re staying positive, that’s something.”

He was being such a condescending prick, I attempted to change the subject.

“You have a beautiful home and I’d love to see the rest of it.”

“I’m famished and we have a lot to discuss.” He quickly turned and walked towards the door. “Let’s go,” he said gruffly over his shoulder.

I followed him to the back of his mansion and we sat underneath a veranda that overlooked an Olympic-size swimming pool. Beyond the sparkling blue water were acres of perfectly manicured grass and a multitude of various trees. There were also three large fountains that gave the space an almost fairytale-like feel. Had I been anywhere else, I would have thought it was beautiful.

“Have a seat,” he said while pointing at the exquisitely designed outdoor table.

I sat my purse down on the table while he popped the cork on the bottle of what looked to be a very expensive champagne. Then he looked up and his eyes traveled over my body. I was used to people looking at me, studying my every move, but the way he did it ... it made me feel very self-conscious and unsure of myself.

“I’ve been following your career for a long time with great interest,” he said while handing me a glass of champagne.

“I feel very fortunate, this town has been good to me.”

“Max has done a good job guiding your career, but I could have done better.”

“He’s always looked out for me, much more so than my parents.”

He grinned sinisterly. “I would have insisted on a financial advisor, someone to take care of your money.”

“It’s in the past, there’s not much I can do about it now.”

“I agree ... we need to talk about your future.”

I took a sip of my champagne, it tasted delicious and helped to somewhat settle my churning stomach. In a split-second, I decided to seize the moment.

“My future is working for you and starring in your new project.” I hoped the strong, confident inflection in my voice would hide the nervousness I was feeling inside.

He laughed. “You’re getting way ahead of yourself, aren’t you?”

“You need me, this role is perfect for me.”

He took a sip of his champagne, then snickered. “Little blonde bimbo child actresses like you are a dime a dozen in this town.”

It was time for a bluff, one I hoped he’d buy. Calmly, I stood up and turned towards the door. “This is obviously a waste of my time, I should be going.”

“We’re just having a friendly conversation, sit your ass down,” he growled.

I took a deep breath and returned to my seat. “If you’re not going to cast me, why did you want this meeting, Jonah?”

“I’m considering it, but I need to know if you have the right temperament for the part.”

Just as I was about to speak, the door opened and the Mexican woman who’d greeted me at the door brought two plates of food and set them in front of us.

“I hope you like steak and lobster, I had it flown in this morning from Maine.”

“It must have been difficult to get the cow on the plane.”

He laughed and focused his attention on the woman.

“I won’t be needing you for the rest of the evening, Maria,” he said.

She shot him a fake smile then looked apprehensively into my eyes.

“Thank you, Sir,” she said before quickly scurrying back into the house.

My stomach was beyond nauseous and the last thing I wanted to do was eat. However, I didn’t want him to know that and I cut a small piece of lobster.

“I’ve been told by a lot of my friends that you’re unprofessional on the set,” he said while chewing his steak with an open mouth.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

It was a half-hearted and most likely unsuccessful attempt to deflect his obvious criticism. Inwardly, I cursed myself for not coming up with a better retort.

“I’m talking about showing up late to the set, not knowing your lines, and throwing childish temper tantrums,” he sneered.

“That was a long time ago, I’ve changed,” I said defensively.

“No one wants to work with you and I’d be the laughingstock of Hollywood if I hired you for this role.” He picked up his lobster tail with his fingers and shoved half of it into his mouth. Just watching him eat made me cringe.

“You do have a knife and fork, don’t you?”

He stuffed the other half of the lobster tail into his mouth and loudly began to chew it. “Do you think I need to impress you? Trust me, little girl, it’s the other way around.”

I took another sip of champagne and attempted to remain calm. The tension in the air was uncomfortably thick, and because I didn’t know what to say I waited for him to speak.

“This is a very lucrative project. What guarantee do I have that you’re not the spoiled-brat bitch that all my friends warned me about?”

I felt a tear come to my eye and I quickly wiped it away. “I just need a second chance ... I need you to give me a chance.”

For the first time that evening, his hard glare softened. “Perhaps there’s a chance both of us can be reasonable and get what we want.”

“I’ll put my cards on the table ... I need this and I’ll do a good job for you, I swear,” I said desperately.

“So ... I give you the role that revitalizes your career ... what do I get out of the deal?”

I thought for a moment. “Money. This show will be a colossal hit for you.”

He smirked and pushed his empty plate to the middle of the table and raised is arms into the air. “Look around. Do you know what I’m worth, do you think I need the money?”

An uneasy feeling washed over me. “What do you want, then?” I said in a voice barely above a whisper.

His eyes traveled up and down my body. “I’ve watched you, Britney. I’ve watched you for many years. The lanky little girl from Oklahoma who turned into a beautiful young woman.”

I thought I was going to throw up. Quickly, I took another sip of champagne.

“I guess it comes down to this, young lady ... how badly do you want this part?”

Tears formed in my eyes and I didn’t attempt to wipe them away. “There has to be another way,” I said solemnly.

“How much longer do you have before you’re forced to sell that cute little house ... three months, maybe six?”

“I don’t know, something like that.”

He refilled his champagne glass and looked deep into my eyes. “I’m the last chance you have to work in this town, little girl.”

There was a gnawing, sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I’d feared it would come down to this. The rumors I’d heard over the years were obviously true ... it was decision time, but I decided to play coy.

“Let’s just cut to the chase, what do you want?”

His eyes brazenly roamed up and down my body. “What I’ve wanted for years... you.”

“If I do this, the role is mine?”

“Yes, of course.”

I thought for a moment, then quickly added, “Only once, this is a one-time thing, Jonah.”

“Only once,” he repeated in agreement.

“Okay,” I said solemnly, resigning myself to the fact that this was going to happen.

A sly grin broke over his face. “Excellent, follow me.”

He led me to the east wing of his mansion. While I followed him down the long winding hall, I couldn’t help but notice the expensive paintings and sculptures that adorned the walls. It was an ostentatious, gaudy display of his wealth and status.

When he opened the door to his master bedroom, I took a moment to survey my surroundings. There was a king-size four-post bed in the back of the massive room that was constructed from dark oak. The dressers and nightstands were made from the same dark oak, which gave the room a very masculine feel. The walls were painted an off-white and there was a red accent wall behind the bed. For whatever reason, I remembered reading that the color red bespoke anger and aggression, which only added my nervous, uneasy feeling.

After he entered the room, he walked to the bed and sat down on the edge, and our eyes met. While his back was turned, I nonchalantly placed my purse on a chair near the door.

“Do you want me to join you?” I said nervously.

“No,” he said curtly. “You can do a little dance for me while you’re taking off your clothes.”

He reached into his pajamas, pulled out his cell phone and hit a few buttons, and smooth jazz music began playing through the speakers in the ceiling of the room.

“Get to it,” he growled.

I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and resigned myself to the fact that for me to get what I wanted, this was going to happen.

Hesitantly, I began moving my hips to the sensual rhythm of the music. Slowly, I removed my top, revealing my pretty pink-lace bra.

“Open your eyes,” he snarled, “and keep them on mine.”

I complied and calmly unhooked the little latch of my skirt and slowly slid it down my tan thighs. It was so difficult looking into his beady little eyes. Just a thought of being semi-naked in front of him disgusted me.

You need this ... You need this... I told myself over and over, summoning every bit of strength I could muster.

I swayed my hips seductively in time with the music and slowly turned, facing away from him. Deliberately, I reached behind my back, unhooked my bra, and let it fall to the floor. I turned and faced him again, but before he could see the upper portion of my body I slid my hands over my breasts, making a “hand bra” and denying him the view I knew he was intent on seeing.

While I continued to seductively sway to the music, he removed his robe and the top of his pajamas, exposing a thick mat of hair on his chest. Inwardly, I winced when his full round belly came into view. At least one of us knows what a gym is, I thought to myself.

Unfortunately, it was now or never. Hesitantly, I moved my hands lower, exposing my 34C breasts, and slid my thumbs underneath the elastic band of my little thong. Gradually, I slid the thong down my thighs, exposing my naked body to his lustful, peering eyes. While I continued to rhythmically sway my hips to the music, he slid off the bottoms of his pajamas, exposing his tight black boxer briefs. Just like his chest, his legs were covered with a thick patch of hair. His body reminded me of a gorilla I’d seen at a zoo.

His eyes never left mine as he slid his boxers down his thighs, exposing his hard cock. It wasn’t overly long, but it had a large, mushroom-shaped head and pre-cum was seeping from the tip. Just as I started to kick off my heels, he spoke.

“No ... leave them on,” he growled.

“Okay...” I said demurely.

“Come over here ... I want a lap dance.”

Hesitantly, I walked towards him and he extended his thigh.

“I’ve never done this before...” I said in a voice barely above a whisper.

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The King 3

King " It's been fun Doc, thanks for everything " ( The king dies ). Doc Holiday " Goodbye Mr Sims ". The 24th century, Federation space. Wishing Steve and his family the best of luck and getting into his ship Kevin leaves star base 12 to start his new life in the 20th century. He's about to use the same technique Captain James T Kirk used when he and his crew traveled back in time when he's contacted by another ship. Understandibly Kevin is surprised when the pilot of the other ship...

1 year ago
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Ensign King

Ensign King by Eugene Webber "The Admiral will see you now," the secretary said, ushering Ensign Ronald King into a very large office. King marched smartly into Admiral's desk and saluted. The Admiral returned his salute perfunctorily. King stood at attention, wondering why he had been summoned. He had never met the Admiral, indeed had not known of her existence, or the particular division she commanded until he was transferred to her command. He tried to look resolutely...

3 years ago
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Downfall of King Wilfred the Chaste

KING WILFRED’S CHAMBERS: Thursday June 4th 6423 King Wilfred awoke to a sensation he had never felt before. Ruler of the Chaste Kingdom of Prudonia, this was a sensation he had certainly never felt before: the sensation of lips sliding on cock. And not just sliding, but also sucking and licking. Somebody was committing one of the most forbidden crimes in the land and on none other than the High King himself! King Wilfred was a confused blend of groggy and outraged. An ultimate act of evil...

3 years ago
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King Charming

Note to readers: This single volume tale is a follow up to the Prince Charming series, that detailed how a young, arrogant Prince behaved as King following the untimely death of his father. It will probably help a bit to have read the original series, but if not, it’s not exactly Shakespeare so I’m sure you’ll pick up the plot as you go. PROLOGUE(KING NOTHING) Thomas trudged through the forest, stumbling on a tree-root and stubbing his bare toe painfully. “Ah shit!” he swore, limping slightly...

3 years ago
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College Girl Meets the King Part One

There’s stuff you haven't told me? About guys?” Paige asked “Kind of. I haven't told anyone.” “You can tell me anything. Remember? No judgment, not ever.” Paige said. “Remember that guy Mark, the one that kept asking me to come over to his place all the time.” “The construction guy? I remember. You finally did, and you told me all about it. He had this sex room at his house, his kinks. He got a little upset when you broke it off.” “Yea, well, I wasn’t fucking him.” Maddy...

2 years ago
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King And I

King had a rough face, that managed to be both masculine and pretty. His nose had been broken at some point in the past and it was slightly crooked now. His eyes were emerald, stunningly so, and glistened when he looked anyone in the eyes. His chin was covered in 2 or 3 day old stubble, never more and never less. He was covered in scars; they ran across his hands and up his arms and further. I could see one protruding from his collar; the skin there slightly discoloured, it was lighter than his...

3 years ago
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Morgan and the King

Warning - this story is for adults only, and not for the weak of stomach. Comments, etc to [email protected].~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~As he sipped an ale quietly in the corner of the public bar, the elderly man looked around at the clientele, taking in the parade of pretty young women who were there, some dresssed up as noblewomen, some as the lower classes, mixing and laughing and drinking. He smiled at a number of them, and they gave various responses. Many ignored him, the occasional one took...

4 years ago
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College Girl Meets The King Part Two

Maddy had received a text that asked both girls to come for a talk. Attached was a video of the girls having sex with Mark’s giant Great Dane, King. Reluctantly the two young women showed up as instructed. “Thanks for coming.” Mark said, looking over the two young women in his living room. “You really didn’t give us much of a choice.” Maddy retorted. Maddy, with her short blonde hair and big boobs straining under the athletic top she was wearing, stood with her hands on her hips, blue...

2 years ago
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The King in Yellow0

-Franklin Roosevelt *** It started with a play. If I had never heard of the play then none of this would have happened, and no one would have been hurt, and I wouldn't be writing this knowing that it's probably the last thing I'll ever do. But now it's much too late. And, in the beginning, it wasn't even about the play at all. Really it was just about the girl, and it was for the sake of meeting her that I was willing to do anything. Her name was Melissa Folger, and I can...

3 years ago
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Take it All My King

Welcome to this written document. I thank you for wishing to read it, but there are some rules. 1. If you know the content of this story is not of your tastes do not read it. 2. If you are not certain on whether or not it is, and read it, then decide you Do not like it, do not give negative comments like fag or saying that whoever reads it and does like it is sick. Other people DO like it, and By you saying negative things, you are harming their feelings. And when you Harm someones feelings,...

3 years ago
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King David and His Forbidden Destinee Book 2 Love Unleashed

Come With Me, My love. Standing alone, his powerful chest and arms are bare, garbed with white tribal harem bottoms in an immense multi-colored flowered meadow. The warm sun gleams through the callosal mountains that surround him in the distance, shimmering on the flowing river. A breeze gently rustles the grass as a cacophony of whispers fills the atmosphere of the meadow. Among the many voices he hears Destinee's voice majestically call to him, "David my love, my King come with me."...

2 years ago
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The Kings Sex Slave

This is one of my fantasies. I fantasize about being sexually desired by an older man with power, with authority, and with means, like a this fantasy I a prisoner in a foreign land, in a kingdom. The guards escort me, my hands cuffed, out of my cell and to the King's bedroom. After entering, the doors shuts behind us and the guards are still there, one on each side of me, their rifles ready to shoot me if I tried to get away. There on a luxurious round bed surrounded by curtains,...

1 year ago
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Home Porn King

HomePornKing! You know what they say about hitting a fucking home run: you jizz in your pants every time you do it. Oh, wait – this place is called Home Porn King? Not Home Run: The King of Porn? I must have been thinking of something else.When you crave getting off to a ridiculous amount of homemade porn and want to watch that shit all in one place, Home Porn King is your ticket to getting that hot shit you want and need. I found an abundance of homemade, amateurish porn that is certain to get...

Amateur Porn Sites
2 years ago
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The Egocentric King Part one

My arms still hurt from where they dragged me from my parents homestead. They tore my dress the bastards. Not like it matters they had me changed, bathed, and perfumed. The king had specific tastes and that did not included a young woman who looked like she was dragged through the countryside, even though that is exactly what happened. Feel half naked with this small piece of silk draped around my neck yet covering just my front side. You know I bet this would be easier to tell you if...

4 years ago
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StarDick King Kong

Hi I’m Terry Smith but you can call me stardick Today’s tale is about a lady friend of mine named Andria who had a fling with a guy or two, who had the strangest nickname King Kong. Andria got up a bit disappointed because she had been dreaming of a sexual fantasy so intense and exciting that she almost had an orgasm if it had not been for that stupid clock which alarmed 6:00am this morning. “I need a man…” she frowned as she could feel her panty slightly wet come the passionate...

4 years ago
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Groomed Prince Becomes a King

Gloria walked the long corridors of the glorious castle. All the spoils of war covered its walls. She smiled at the paintings of Kings past. Gloria was a servant to the royal family of Murtar. Murtar was a powerful and feared country in the middle of the desert. For thousands of years, it had ruled the desert by sword. She beamed in pride of her country and what it had become in her years. As she turned the corner onto the Prince’s Chambers, she sighed. She had grave fears for the fate of...

1 year ago
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My First Lover King

Hi, my name is Joey. I’ll be 15 in three months. I am presently a freshman in High School. I am now and have always been sort of small for my age and with a very fair completion. A couple of my friends tease me and call me a girl. There are times I wish I was a girl, like most of the time. I have a brother, Ned that is two years older than me. And he is a real stud. Great at sports and with the girls. We live about 6 blocks from school so I usually walk. Once in a while I’ll get a ride with...

4 years ago
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College Girl Meets the King Part Three

“More? Are we going to fuck him?” Maddy asked. “There is a very good chance things are going to get sexy. He’s older and twice-divorced. My secretary says he’s good looking. I’m trying to get him to close a deal with me, and I want both of you to be extra friendly. After dinner we’ll retire to the playroom and see what happens. And, I happen to know what his big kink is. Once we get to the playroom, listen, obey and let's have some fun.” “OK, I’m curious. What does Mr. Rich like?”...

2 years ago
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After The KingChapter 21

There was a fine drizzle of rain falling as the boat set out from Crinan. Eoric decided then and there that he would have boats built for his own use in Lorne and he would establish a port closer to home. Despite the weather, Gemma and Sarah were in high spirits at what they saw as a great adventure. Eoric's men had to row, as the wind was not entirely favourable so the going was steady rather than fast. The girls were chattering away, commenting on the scenic view as they passed along the...

4 years ago
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Getting plowed by a king

Zane was bored. The bar was empty at that time of day and he needed to get his mind off things.When King Kaiser walked in it was as if an angel entered the room. The moment he laid eyes on him he knew he had to get him. He had never seen a beardog before and King Kaiser truly was the definition of handsomeness. Looking at him, the way he moved, his looks, the confidence he showed, to Zane he breathed sex. His eyes got drawn to the bulge in the beardog’s trousers. It all looked so promising.King...

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King Ropemaker and the Revenge of the Fairies

King Ropemaker and the Revenge of the Fairies (RopemakerStory II) By C I. The Crisis Under his wise and benevolent rule, Ropemaker's kingdom had grown rich andhappy. His favorite pastime was, and remained, fairy hunting. On many a day,the people of the kingdom would see him and his men riding back to the castlewith a line of caught fairies stumbling behind them, their wrists and wingsbound, their lovely faces red and wet from crying. Each one knew that soonshe would be kicking at the end of...

4 years ago
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Marine Dad and King

Marine Dad and King By Buck Jones Note: This story is based on real events that occurred nearly 60 years ago, and is another story in my series of how seduction can be perpetrated with a degree of ease, even though the emotional harm can last a lifetime. The small three bedroom house was oppressive. Two growing boys shared one bedroom, the parents shared a bedroom whenever the husband decided to come home, the third room was a sewing, storage room… all within 900 square feet. And this Marine...

1 year ago
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King Rentokil PenetRATion and the Mouse King Mann

The RatArmy King sat on his throne, one hand under his chin, the other tapping nervously on the handrail. "I am bored", he said to no one in particular. He didn't had a decent fuck in hours. And with his sexual appetite, that was quite unusual. "You there!" he said to one of his goons, "C'me here and suck my dick". The servant obeyed him blindly and King Rentokil PenetRATion's dick responded immediately to the warm mouth. He looked down from his throne how the little Mouse sucked him off with...

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The Once and Present King

The Once and Present King By Rachel J. Badger It started out the same way it had the last several nights. He first caught a glimpse of her on the stairs as he was making his way backstage, a beautiful woman with an aristocratic look. She was dressed in an odd silver gown which fit tightly over her ample curves, but stopped above her knees. Her dainty feet were wedged into a pair of red shoes with impossibly thin, high heels. Thomas had never seen clothes like those before. Her hair,...

1 year ago
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The Incestuous King

Hi this is huma with an absolutely new kind of incest story. The action takes place in the ancient times and the characters are deniziens of old past and belong to royal family where anything can happen. I hope my readers will like this story. If you disagree, please write to me at This story too place in the year 1765, in the state of Punjab, in the Riyasat if Maharaj Partap Singh whose throne was in the hills of Himachal Pardesh. Maharaj Partap Singh was a massive figure some six feet and 4...

2 years ago
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Possession in Hollywood

Nobody noticed at first. Once in a while, a seemingly normal woman would suddenly lose her mind completely. A 40 old mother suddenly turned into a complete nymphomaniac. A well established CEO suddenly started robbing banks, ending up in jail. A judge would get caught by police for suddenly ripping off her clothes in public. Those sudden moments of madness were a mystery to even the best doctors. Some of the victims, once they had come back to their senses, would say they had had a complete...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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A warlock in Hollywood

It was a sunny day in Los Angeles and the Hollywood Boulevard was full of people. Still nobody noticed as suddenly a portal opened at a wall and a young man stepped outside. At least Jim looked young, but actually he had spent the last twenty years researching old arcane legends and especially searching for the great source. Soon he had realized that in every culture and time there were written evidences for it, from the old Egypt, from the Roman Empire and even in the Northern Mythology....

Mind Control
4 years ago
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Bebe Goes To Hollywood

"I wouldn't give you two cents for all your fancy rules if, behind them, they didn't have a little bit of plain, ordinary, everyday kindness and a little looking out for the other fella, too." ~ Jimmy Stewart as Jefferson Smith from 'Mr Smith Goes to Washington' XXXX "Oscar," Joanne asked politely, as she and John settled into the backseat of the tow car, "would you mind if I close the privacy partition for a few minutes? I am sorry, but I need to talk to Bebe for a...

2 years ago
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A God in Hollywood

Being a god wasn't a bad gig. Make it rain a few days, grant a wish or two, and get praise. Sure, why not? But for one god, named Johaado, he was done being a god. Well, not done per se. He used his powers to make himself a human named John Doe, but still keep his divine, godly powers. He landed himself in Hollywood, California, a place filled with stuck-up snobs known as celebrities. Not all celebrities were that way, granted. But from what Johaado had seen from the heavens, most of them were....

Mind Control
1 year ago
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Keeping Up With Hollywood

(For the best experience of the story, go to score in the top right corner and click 'Start Game'. It's made to keep your choices in mind. Some major choices will be obvious and will have a big influence on the game, others would be less important and have fewer consequences further on. If you don't click 'Start Game', some text won't be visible at certain points of the game. Have fun!) Like every morning, the morning sun fell through a crack in your curtains and shone right into your eyes....

3 years ago
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King David and His Forbidden Destinee Revised

Late on a rainy and thunderous Thursday night, David is leaving work from downtown Cincinnati. He rushes from the building to his car soaking wet he quickly starts the car and pulls off to head home. The storm is calming to him, therapeutic almost, yet he for sure wants to get off of the roads as it is becoming dangerous to drive with the strong winds, and heavily pouring rain. Ten minutes into his drive he notices a woman walking on the side of the freeway, he's no fan of picking up...

3 years ago
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The Revenge Of The Big Cocked King Part 8211 1

Hi this is me back with another series story….. This story is fiction and imagination…. Please support me and give your comments and valuable views to me My email id is The story begins It was 2070 …. The world had changed after the 3rd world war…. Monarchy came back… It was the time of the kings again…. Their customs etc…..Even though machines and big buildings were present…. I am prince mahesh varma …. My dad now is the king of southern part of india which consists of some parts of...

4 years ago
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Servicing My Kingrsquos Penis

checkout my profile i am looking for single women and couples to live with me and have my babies i am your king!Servicing My King’s Penis I knelt down to service my king by washing his penis. I prepared two bowls of warm water at the temperature he wanted: One soapy with aromatic, skin soothing sandalwood oils, and the other a rinse. Joining us was Julia, a young girl with green eyes and long blonde hair all the way down to her waist. She was selected to service my king after the washing...

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The King and His Forbidden Destinee Part 1 Official

The storm was calming to him, therapeutic almost, yet he for sure wanted to get off of the roads as it was becoming dangerous to drive with the strong winds, and heavily pouring rain. Ten minutes into his drive he noticed a woman walking on the side of the freeway, he was no fan of picking up strangers, but it was dangerous out, the least he could do was offer her a ride. He slowed beside her as she walked slowly, her arms were crossed and tucked to keep herself as warm as she could, as she...

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The Poor girl and the King and Queen

King Dong was a good man and loved his life, he lived in a beautiful house in a country far far away with his Queen and two pretty princesses and it was there that a young woman entered his life, she was poor and dressed shabby unlike Queen Kay who always looked imaculate in her clothes both her outer wear and underwear, but when King Dong saw this begraggled woman he fell in love with her, so much so that when she told him she was a lesbian the King promised his Queen to her, 'use her for your...

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Livvys Dog Slut Fantasy 2 King

What I can see is a German Shepard on a chain which is attached to a ring on the wall opposite the one I am. The only difference is, there’s timer on it the lock securing it to his collar. Nick and Alondra explained it to me before leaving me alone with the dog. When the time is up, it will release him to do… whatever he wants. When I asked how long it’s set for, Alondra just laughed and told me not to worry about it. Then they left, going back upstairs, shutting the door behind them....

3 years ago
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The Exhibitionist King8217s Fetish And Public Sex

Once there lived a powerful king in western India. He was strong and brave. The kingdom prospered under his reign. His bravery and war records deterred the neighbouring kingdoms.The only drawback was that he loved to show off his manliness. He had a strong built body and a big cock. He was proud of it and enjoyed being admired by the people. One of his consorts would accompany him daily on his court. He either sat on the throne naked or half-naked. People in the kingdom had used to this...

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