Ensign King free porn video

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Ensign King by Eugene Webber "The Admiral will see you now," the secretary said, ushering Ensign Ronald King into a very large office. King marched smartly into Admiral's desk and saluted. The Admiral returned his salute perfunctorily. King stood at attention, wondering why he had been summoned. He had never met the Admiral, indeed had not known of her existence, or the particular division she commanded until he was transferred to her command. He tried to look resolutely ahead, through the large windows which gave a spectacular view of the Pacific Ocean. Try as he might, he could not ignore the presence of a strikingly attractive Black female officer and an old dowagery white woman, very expensively dressed, coiffed and accessorized. The older woman seemed to be the Admiral's age, maybe older. The Admiral herself was also a puzzle. He could not tell from her sitting before him, but she seemed to be squat and solid, literally five-by-five. Very plain?indeed ugly?he had not been able to find out anything about her or her command, and it was quickly impressed upon him that he should not make inquiries. The Admiral looked him over, then turned to the other women. "What do you think?" The dowager looked him over, hard. Without saying anything, she looked at the Admiral and nodded, almost imperceptibly. The Admiral then looked at the Black officer, a naval lieutenant. The lieutenant also looked him over thoroughly, then nodded at the Admiral. The Admiral turned to King. "Sit down, Ensign." King sat in one of the chairs in front of the Admiral's desk. The Admiral turned to the Black officer. "Lt. Skeffler ..." Skeffler got up and crossed the office to the opposite wall. She pressed a button and the wall partition rose, revealing a large screen television. Pressing a few more buttons and the quartet were presented with a video of a couple in a bedroom making love. The light was poor, the angle high and distant, but enough could be seen of the woman giving the man a blowjob followed by the man fucking the woman doggy style. The man was naked, but the woman kept on her bra and pantyhose, the hosiery being open at the back. King was extremely embarrassed at what he was watching, wondering why it was being shown, especially considering who was in the room. He stole glances at the Admiral, but could not see the dowager, since his position watching the screen put her fully behind him. As he watched the screen, he suddenly realized that the room and the participants were familiar. Just then the man evidently came, collapsing on the back of his lover, the two of them collapsing on the bed. King now knew what would happen next. The man on the screen pulled out, his condom-clothed cock now soft. He rolled onto his back and it was very clear that the man was King! The woman sat up on the bed, removed the condom and licked King's cock clean. As the woman stood up, there was a bulge in the crotch of her pantyhose. On screen, King bolted upright, pointing to his lover's crotch. There was no sound on the tape, but it was obvious that King was shocked that he had just fucked a man. There was a lot of shouting on the tape as King quickly dressed and literally ran from the bedroom. The video ended there. Skeffler returned to her seat, leaving the wall panel up. King turned towards the Admiral, but looked down. The silence was broken by the Admiral. "Ensign, you know how the Navy feels about homosexuality." She waited for a reply. "I did ... I didn't ... I didn't know she ... he ... it ... was a man," he stammered. "You knew you were fucking an ass, not a pussy, didn't you?" Skeffler inquired. King still looked at his shoes. "She ... he ... said he was ... it was ... it was that time of the month." "So you engage in anal sex regularly?" "No. ... It was my first time ... my only time." "What about the oral sex?" Skeffler continued. King now looked up, briefly at the Admiral, before facing Skeffler. From their positions, King also caught the dowager. "Could I ask where this is leading?" "Well, you see, Ensign ..." Skeffler began, only to be silenced by the dowager's slightly raised hand. "Ensign," the dowager began. "Do you have a name?" "King. Ronald King." "Ensign Ronald King," the dowager continued, "the ... woman ... you were with is my great-grandson. His father is part of our country's diplomatic mission to your country. We have known of his sexual ... predilections ... for years, but, short of locking him away there's little that can be done. We monitor his actions, which is why we have the video you have just viewed. Your rejection of him sent him off the deep end, I'm afraid. Not the first time. Indeed far from it. We do have a cure ... of sorts." King was getting very confused. From her accent, he guessed the dowager was English. Homosexuality among the English aristocracy was well known. In fact, it was the source of endless jokes in the American Navy about the British Navy. As he recalled the incident, officers from his ship and other ships in the fleet were visiting a Mediterranean port nearly a year ago. There were lots of pretty girls there. And lots of booze. Everybody was hooking up with everybody else. He ended up in a hotel bedroom with ... with whatever. Kissing led to the woman telling him she was on her period, but would give him a blow job, and her ass. Drunk and horny, King went along. Satisfied, no longer horny, and his head clearing, King then realized that all was not as it should be. Accusations, recriminations, shouting. King quickly dressed and left, hoping that no one knew about the encounter. After nearly a year he thought the incident was behind him. Indeed, he had convinced himself it never happened?just a bad dream. Now there was this video. And these three women. Why? If they wanted his resignation, the lieutenant could have called him into her office, shown the video, and presented his resignation papers. Disgraced and ashamed, King would have left the office a civilian. But no one mentioned resignation. And here he was before an Admiral! He looked around at the three women. "I don't understand." The dowager looked at the Admiral, then back to King. "My great- grandson craves acceptance. He also craves punishment. He knows what he is ... and he hates himself for being that way. So if you can show acceptance of his ... his sexuality, as the psychiatrists put it ... he'll come out of his condition sooner." King wrinkled his brow. "Acceptance?" "Yes. You see ... oh, how shall I put this?" The Admiral took over. "Ensign, we want you to make love to Dame DeLancey's great-grandson, much as you did in the video." King nearly stood in horror. "No way!!!" He quickly rephrased it, "No way, Ma'am!" The Admiral leaned back in her chair and looked at Skeffler. On cue, Skeffler explained. "Ensign King, the DeLanceys have long served their country diplomatically. They have often placed their lives at risk not only for their country, but for us. For several generations. If this video became public knowledge, it would prove embarrassing to the Delanceys, to both our governments, and to the Navy. Embarrassing, but not fatally so. "However, it would mean the end of your career. The video does not cover your entire activity with Guy DeLancey, just the sexual portion. You two were going at it hot and heavy for quite a while before you ended up in that bedroom. Properly edited, the video can show that you're a flaming fairy." Skeffler paused. "And it will follow you your entire life ... made available to every potential employer ... to your grandparents. You are their only grandchild. ..." She let her voice trail off. King looked at his feet again. Silence ruled the room. After what seemed hours, but was in reality several very long minutes, he looked at the Admiral. "What do I have to do?" Everyone, indeed the room itself, sighed in relief. The Admiral spoke for all of them. "Lt. Skeffler will instruct you." With that, Skeffler rose and indicated that King should accompany her. He stood, debated whether or not he should salute, and decided against this. After all, what could they do to him, court-martial him for insubordination? * * * Skeffler walked briskly, her heels tapping a tattoo on the linoleum as she walked?marched?down the hall. King trailed her like a whipped puppy. Having to stop at the elevator allowed him time to catch up. As they entered the elevator, they exchanged glances. King thought he saw a smirk on her face. They rode to the ground floor in silence. Exiting the elevator, the same brisk pace was maintained. Only this time, it was the doorway outside that permitted a change of pace, as Skeffler stopped and waited for King to open the doors and hold them open for her. Only when they reached the curb did she speak to him. "How did you get here, Ensign?" "You ... I mean ... the Navy sent a car." "Hmm. Follow me. ... And stop looking at my legs." King couldn't see the smile on her face as she walked away. He was confused; he hadn't been looking at her legs. Now that she'd mentioned them, it was the don't-think-of-a-white-horse command. Having been told not to do something he had not done, now he couldn't help but do it. And great legs they were! Shapely, long, graceful, rising to that nice round ass that Black women have. For the first time King notice that Sheffler was also tall, a little over six feet with the heels. Skeffler led them to a dark blue sedan, regulation Navy, and got in on the driver's side. She released the door lock on the passenger side just as King reached it. As he got in, she spoke again. "Where's your gear?" "At the officer's billet, ma'am." "Okay. We'll stop there first." "First? Where are we going?" "We're to be guests of the DeLanceys this weekend. If things work out, we'll be there for a month." Guests of the Delanceys. King wanted to ask what that meant, but decided against it. Go with the flow, he thought. Go with the flow. * * * The drive to the estate on the Chesapeake the Delanceys were using took a few hours. King hadn't been assigned quarters at the officer's billet, so his gear was still in the storage area. It took only minutes for him to get it and put it in the back and trunk of the sedan. King noticed the envious grins, smirks, and smiles of the other junior officers, realizing that none of them knew he was far from the lucky stiff they thought he was, moving in with a statuesque superior officer. On the way, Skeffler filled King in. "Do you preferred to be called Ronald, Ron or Ronny?" "Only my grandparents call me Ronald. ... Only my friends call me Ron ... And I haven't been called Ronny since 9th grade." "Brrrr. Look, Ron," Skeffler emphasized his name. "You can offer your resignation anytime. Of course you know what that means. The only future you have in the Navy is to complete this assignment. So, do you prefer to be called Ronald or Ron?" "Ron, ma'am," he replied, surly. "That's better. ... Slightly. My first name is Virginia. You will call me Virginia, not "ma'am. Not Ginny, not Ms. Skeffler, not Lt. Skeffler, not Lieutenant. When you are introduced to the DeLanceys, you will meet Dame DeLancey again, grand matriarch of this family, whom you will always address as 'Madam DeLancey.' Full title and surname only.. She's the widow of Lord DeLancey, who died long before you were born. Before I was born too. Maybe even before the Admiral was born. You will always be formal and deferential to her, no matter what your relations to other members of the family turn out to be. By the way, whenever you're in the presence of the Admiral, you will address her as 'Admiral' or 'ma'am.' Preferably both. With either of them, if you are seated when they enter, you will rise and remain standing until they give you permission to sit. Being an officer and a gentleman, you will always rise when a female enters any room you are in unless you are dining. You will also consider anyone dressed as a woman as female. That, of course, includes Daphne, which is what Guy DeLancey is called when she is in drag. And she is always in drag. Any questions, so far, Ron?" Questions? Yeah! How did I get into this? How do I get out of it? Why me? What happens after this assignment. Will he have a career after this assignment? What's her role in this?his babysitter? King merely said "Well, I do, but I can't think of them now. What else do I need to know?" Skeffler sighed inwardly. She was beginning to think that King would either balk or bolt when they arrived at the estate. She felt a little relieved. "The estate the DeLanceys are at is a Navy facility, hence our involvement. Dame DeLancey's grandson, Sir Harold DeLancey, is on a special mission for the Royal Navy, working with us, and both sides of the pond felt that Daphne needed to be kept on a very short leash. As well as her two sisters." Skeffler looked sideways to gauge King's reaction. There was none. "All three are in their twenties, all three are promiscuous as hell, one of the girls with older men?father figures?the other with both sexes. There may even be incest between them. Rumored, but not proven. At least not to us colonials. When he is present, you will call Sir Harold 'Sir Harold,' or 'Sir.' As with any senior officer?Sir Harold is a captain in the Royal Navy?you will rise when he enters, not sit without his permission, etc. Unless Dame DeLancey is present. She rules the roost. Sir Harold's wife will be present most of the time. You will address her as 'Lady DeLancey,' unless she instruct you otherwise, which she probably will. Remember, the old broad is Dame DeLancey, the middle-aged one is Lady DeLancey, and the daughters, including Daphne, are Miss DeLancey. Got that?" "Yes, ma' am." "What was that, Ron?" Skeffler snapped, again emphasizing his name. "Oh yeah, sorry. Yes, Virginia." "Better. Repeat what I just told you." "We're guests of the DeLancey family, at an estate that is Navy property. Sir Harold DeLancey, a captain in the Royal Navy, is on some hush-hush business with our boys. His grandmother, Dame DeLancey, is also over here, with his wife, Lady DeLancey, and his children, Misses DeLancey, one of whom is a queer who calls himself Daphne when in drag. I'm supposed to fuck his brains out or be drummed out of the Navy." Skeffler smiled to herself. At least he hasn't lost whatever sense of humor he had. But I better wipe whatever insolence is still in him out before we arrive at the estate. "Not bad, Ron. You're a quick study. But you've got a chip on your shoulder that you need to lose. You're to be Daphne's boyfriend, at least for the weekend, hopefully the month. It's not like you'd hadn't hit it already." King turned to her. "Like I told you. I didn't know it was a guy. I thought it was a woman." "Yeah, yeah, yeah," Skeffler replied, briefly taking her eyes off the road to look at him. "I believe you, Ron. But you did have sex with her. And you need to start thinking of her and referring to her in the female gender. You seemed to enjoy what you were doing. Orally and anally. So enjoy her some more. She gives good head. She gives good ass. She's passable as a woman. A young pretty woman. Just do her like you did in Athens. Okay?" "I don't know, ma' ... Virginia. I don't know. By the way, what happened to the generation between Dame DeLancey and Sir Harold?" "Family secrets, off limits, never bring it up. If they bring it up, find some polite reason to exit." They finished the ride in silence. * * * The estate was called Captains' Landing, a former plantation fronting on the bay with facilities for loading and unloading ships. The Navy had modernized the place several times since acquiring it during the First World War. The old plantation house, a Tudor-era English manor house, served as the guest residence. Virginia pulled the car into the car park which was once the stables. She led them to the front entrance, where Navy enlisted personnel served as house servants. They were ushered into a large drawing room where four women, one in advanced middle age, the others in their twenties, were sitting. The older woman rose as they entered and held out her arms to Virginia. "Ginny, so nice to see you again," the woman gushed. "I'd requested you as our liaison officer, you know." The two women hugged each other momentarily, exchanging air kisses on each cheek. "Yes, Lady Denise, the Admiral told me. I'm always happy to serve you and your family." Lady Denise smiled past her. "And who is this handsome young man?" Virginia made the introduction. "Ron, Lady Denise DeLancey. Lady Denise, Ensign Ronald King," she introduced the two. "Pleasure to meet you, Ronald," Lady DeLancey said, extending her hand. King shook it like a dead fish. Lady Denise turned and looked at Daphne "You know my daughter, Daphne, already." King blushed. He couldn't remember what Daphne looked like and didn't know which of the daughters she was. The tallest of the three stood up and walked over to them. "I don't think Ronny remembers me, it was so long ago." She extended her hand, which Ron also shook wanly. Comparing Daphne and her mother, they looked like before and after photographs, what Lady Denise had looked like about a quarter century ago, what Daphne would look like a quarter century from now. Lady Denise turned to the other two young women. "And this is my daughter Deborah." The one closest to them nodded, but did not leave her seat. "And this is my daughter Donna." The other woman smiled and nodded. After the introductions were made, Lady Denise turned to Daphne. "Well, Daphne, I'm sure you two would love to get reacquainted." Daphne took Ronald's hand and led them outside. Once clear of the doors and the servants, she turned to Ronald. "Look, Ronny. .." "I prefer Ron," Ron corrected her. "Alright ... Ron. I'm a little confused here. You know what I am. The last time we saw each other you were not too pleased about that. If I remember correctly, you called me a fag, a queer, a fairy, a sissy, a pervert, maybe other things, I'm not sure. But I do remember you storming out of our ... my bedroom leaving me quite devastated ... like I didn't deserve to live." Ron found it difficult to face her. When he did, he couldn't help but notice that in the daylight she was even more pretty than at the hotel. Looking at her he found it difficult to imagine her anything other than the attractive young woman she appeared to be. "I'm not going to lie to you. I said those things, and I believed them. In fact, I still do." "Then why are you here?" "Your family is very influential. I don't know whether or not you know it, but your hotel room was bugged. Everything we did is on a tape or a CD somewhere. Your great-grandmother has ..." "Damn!" Daphne hissed. "That woman! She spends most of her time running ... no ruining ... our lives." She glared hard at King. "What's her plan this time?" "This time?" King asked confused. Daphne looked around. "Let's walk toward the water." She put her arm in Ron's like they were old lovers and steered them down the path toward the bay. At wharfside, she found a bench where they could stare across the water, certain that no one was in earshot of them. Seated, she turned toward him, her hands grasping his, her nails digging into his skin. To someone watching at a distance, it looked like two young lovers, a Naval officer and his pretty girlfriend, enjoying each others' company. "Okay, Ronald," she began. "I know what I am. Most of the things you called me are true. Hurtful, but true. Your calling me those things made me look at myself as I really am. Daphne, a woman. Not Guy. And not a guy. Daphne, daughter of Sir Harold and Lady Denise DeLancey, great-granddaughter of Lord DeLancey." Again, the skipped generation. "So why are you here?" "Your grand ... great-grandmother, Dame DeLancey, right?" Daphne nodded. "Well she said you sort of went off the ... deep ... end. That you needed me to uh ... uh ... accept you for what you are ... and ... that ... uh ... uh ... being your boyfriend while you were over here would ... uh ... do that." Daphne released his hands and sat back on the bench, her arms folded beneath her bustline. Ron rubbed the indentations on his hands, surprised she hadn't drawn blood. "So you're to be my boyfriend, uh?" "Yeah, I guess that's the ... plan, as you say." "So now you're into sissies, uh?" "No." Ron said rather emphatically. "Then why are you here?" "Like I said, your great-grandmother has pull. And the tapes of us in Athens. Either I'm your boyfriend while your family is over here, or I'm a disgraced sailor booted out of the Navy for being gay. Like it or not, I'm your boyfriend." A thought then popped into his head. "Unless you don't want me to be." Daphne couldn't miss the hope in his voice. Nor suppress the urge to destroy it. "Oh, no, Ronny, my beloved. You're my boyfriend and I'm your girlfriend. In every way." She then leaned over and kissed him fully on the lips. King instinctively resisted, but his brain overcame his instincts. He relaxed and let Daphne kiss him, although he resisted her tongue in his mouth. For her part she made it a really messy kiss, smearing both her lips and his with her lipstick. Breaking off the kiss, she stood and held her hands out to him. "You know we're being watched," she smiled snidely at him. Reluctantly he took her hands and stood. She linked arms with him again and guided them back towards the manor house. As they entered, the staff smirked at them. King wondered how much they knew. When they entered the drawing room, only Deborah and Donna was there. Both looked at the couple wide-eyed. Deborah spoke for both of them. "Daphne, you really should do something about your makeup." King turned to look at one of the several mirrors along the walls of the room. His mouth was covered with Daphne's lipstick, while hers was smeared. His face was in shock, hers was smiling. "Later, sister dear," Daphne cooed. "Ronny is my boyfriend for the month. Courtesy of dear great-grandmama. We're going to my room where I can give him a proper girlfriend welcome." Before he could think or reply, King felt himself being guided out of the room and upstairs. * * * Daphne's room was the epitome of femininity. Or gayness. Everything was pastel. Pastel pink, pastel green, pastel blue, and, yes, pastel lavender. Everything was bordered in white lace. The only thing solid were the drapes, which when closed could plunge the room into midnight. Daphne practically had to pull King into the room. She quickly closed the door and stood with her back to it, like some 1930s Hollywood drama about the Old South. She waited as King apprised himself of his situation. Realizing he was trapped, he turned to face her, apprehension on his face. She walked over to him, put her arms around his neck and kissed him again. Again, King instinctively resisted, then thought better of it. As he got into it, he realized Daphne was a pretty good kisser! After King relented, Daphne stepped back and brought her hands to his face. "You know, Ronny, you are handsome." She slowly squatted, letting her hands trail down the jacket of his uniform until they reached his pants. She deftly unfastened him, then pulled his pants then his Y-fronts down to his ankles. His dick was soft. She frowned. "Don't look like you're happy to see me." King looked down at the top of her head. "I'm sorry. ..It's ... just ... that" Daphne ignored him. She cupped his balls and took the flaccid head into her mouth. She sucked on it gently, tonguing the pee slit, then mouthing the entire cock. Slowly Ron responded, reaching his full six and a half inches. Proud of her work, she looked at him. "Time to make me your girlfriend, boyfriend." She unlaced his shoes and removed first one, having him step out of his pants and skivvies, then the other. Standing, she looked at him, then raised her eyebrows. King began unfastening the jacket. As he did so, Daphne removed her dress, revealing her long-line bra, garter belt, panties, and stockings. She removed her panties, then laid on her back on the bed. King finished removing his jacket, shirt and T-shirt, leaving only his socks on, like a post-war porn star. He looked at her, confused that she was on her back. Daphne noted the confusion. "If I'm your girlfriend, Ronny, then I'm your woman. Take me like a woman." Ron wasn't sure what to do, or to expect. In spite of her face and the lingerie, there was still her dick laying there. Ron climbed on the bed, then between her legs. She grabbed hold of his prick and guided it into her. "Lay down on top of me," she commanded. He did so. She wrapped her legs and arms around him, digging her heels into his ass. "You're not getting off of me until you cum inside of me," she whispered as she tightened herself around him. It took over an hour of their kissing and rubbing against each other, but Ron finally became Daphne's boyfriend.

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Alayne stood on the crest of the hill, her bow slung over her shoulder, her quiver emptied; below her lay the ravaged battlefield strewn with the filth and remains of their enemies. The sun had not yet begun to set and already the battle was over. Beside her stood Cicale, tall and proud; a warrior in every sense of the word. The two women stood in silent companionship for a moment, drinking in the sight of the fallen before them and the cries of victory from their army. Alayne only had a...

4 years ago
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Penny King

Penny King In 1957 when I was ten years old we had just gotten a television set. It was quite the entertainment center too. It was a big wooden cabinet with all of the doors closed. It was sort of divided up into four quarters. The upper left corner was a twelve inch television with the record cabinet below that. The upper right corner was a radio and below that was a record player. Mom and dad had some of the older 78s that were thick and only cut on one side but they also had some of...

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MeMikeand Mr king

Mike and I slid close to each other. I wrapped my fingers around Mikes dick and he did the same to mine. I never touched anyone elses dick before, not to mention a hard one. It felt weird, soft, but hard, the shaft was stiff, but the head was mushie. He felt mine, rubbing his fingers up, and squeezing the head. I shook when he did that, we both giggled. I stroked up and down a few times and held his little ball sack and tugged it generally. "That feels good" he said. I reached over with my...

2 years ago
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Cat Fight 28 Return of the King

tinton - 2 1/2 seconds specton - 2 1/2 minutes Toton - 2 1/2 hours minton - 2 1/2 days daycon - 2 1/2 weeks Malant - 2 1/2 months quant - 2 1/2 years galant - 2 1/2 centuries Metson - 2 1/2 inches maclon - 2 1/2 feet heckson - 2 1/2 miles tetson - 2 1/2 acres unit - 2 1/2 ccs Tac - 2 1/2 pounds Mayan Terms p'uchik - spank nohchil - Chief Ahau - King k'aat - Claim k’iimil - Death taak’in - gold Characters Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan, Cit-Chac-Coh King Tomco...

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The Devils Pact Hell Chronicles Chapter 11 The GodKing

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter Eleven: The God-King Notes: Thanks to b0b for beta reading! Brandon Fitzsimmons – The Abyss After decades ruling in Hell, it took more than a pretty face to excite me. It took blood and violence. I sat on my brass throne staring out at the latest woman brought before me for entertainment. She was newly dead, one of the, poor, deluded worshipers of Mark and Mary condemned to Hell for believing they were actual gods. Hell glutted with...

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The Fallen King

It is the year 2020, when the invasion of nearly 20,000 men led by King Christopher Esteban of Linced crossed over the southern borders of neighboring kingdom, Nicaea. The King of Nicaea, Leylin Farlier sent his right hand man, Landyn Kenneth, to be in charge of the Kingdom's poorly trained militia, numbering 70,000 men to meet Linced's army in combat, only leaving 15,000 men to defend the capital itself, which later proved to be a fatal mistake. King Christopher Esteban used genius military...

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Goblin King

The raucous shouts of hundreds of orcs echoed through the rough-hewn cavern as the guards hauled Celebrain across the floor towards the throne. At the foot of the dais she tripped on shreds of green cloth that were the remnants of her dress. Cursing, one of the uruks grabbed a handful of her silver tresses, dragged her up the steps, and dropped her painfully to the ground. "Well, what have we here," growled a voice above her. Celebrian tried to muster up the strength to speak,...

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The Once and Future King

Pennants and flags fluttered in the wind; as far as the eye could see, north to south, greens, reds and whites on one side. On the other side, white crosses flew predominantly on a black field; though there were plenty on green fields. Some were bright as the day they were first fitted to the head of a lance or raised upon their pole. Some were dull and torn spattered with blood and mud; evidence of the battles they had been carried into. Soldiers and knights lined the field, brandishing...

3 years ago
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Chapter 1 I stood by the side of the road, not looking left or right, but I knew before long a car would stop for me. It had been ten years since I'd been home and now I was just a few hours away. A car stopped right in front of me and I looked up. "Want a ride?" she said. She wasn't that pretty, about thirty and a bit mumsie, I saw a good size pair of tits pushed her dress out, so not all that bad. "Sure," I replied and threw my small case on to the back seat and climbed in. I...

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The Dragon King

In an alternate universe, Robert's Rebellion has failed and after winning the epic duel at the Trident, Crown Prince Rhaegar Targaryen spared Lord Robert Baratheon's life. Alongside his new brother-in-law, Lord Eddard Stark, Rhaegar led both the Rebels and the Loyalist armies to the capital to depose his father only to find the Mad King stabbed in the back by the young kingsguard, Ser Jaime Lannister. Thrust upon the Iron Throne at a young age, King Rhaegar adopted the ancient valyrian custom...

4 years ago
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The Spider King

MARIA I Maria Laney waved her hand as the cab that devoured her friends sped off with a screech. The red tail lights streaked, much thanks to the alcohol in her blood, and grew dimmer and dimmer. She had insisted to them firmly that this was her last stop when they all rallied to continue barhopping. She didn’t even remember what words or twists of the face she used, just that they tried poking her pride playfully with heckling daggers. A younger form of herself would have struck back swiftly,...

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Krystenahs Master and King

"Do you have any painkillers?" he asked me. My eyes landed on the small bottom of ibuprofen on the bedside table . "Yes, Sir," I said through the phone. "Better take some now. I'm on my way home," he said and hung up. I set the phone down and picked up the pill bottle. I didn't have time to worry if Master was in an angry or playful mood. It might not matter too much either way; it was clear that he intended to wear me out when he got home. I opened the bottle absently as I walked into the...

4 years ago
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Christmas Wedding Part 8 To Be A King

Over the years of teaching and as principal, Yvette King had built up strong barriers to her feelings. She let them down only once, letting the charming and witty Ivan King woo her and finally marry her after admitting that she felt for him after having him be the teacher to her best friend Karen Smith's children. It was tough to keep their relationship a secret from other teachers, then keeping it from bleeding over into their professional lives, but they maintained it thanks to...

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The King

The King“What makes you think you’re a king?” Sheila asked. James had shuffled up onto the bed on his knees in between her legs. His answer was to flex his groin muscles to lift his penis into a full, stiff, upright erection. The organ bulged with huge veins that wrapped around the shaft like lightning bolts of Zeus, showing every detail, every definition as they snaked under his satiny black skin. It was like the trunk of a great Sequoia rising more than nine inches above the base where hung...

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The Randy Adventures of Long John Thomas the Pirate King

Once up a time there lived a pirate by the name of Long John Thomas. A bloodthirsty fiend who terrorised the kingdom of Albion, he sailed the seven seas on his trusty galleon the Randy Badger. Any man who dared to take to the sea would find themselves on the end of his sword and any woman who dared to take to the sea would find herself on the end of his cock. This is the story of how Long John Thomas humped the oldest daughter of the King of England. Princess Beatrice was not a fan of traveling...

2 years ago
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How To Date a Demon King

It was eons ago that Hell was gifted to the demons by the angels of Heaven. Well, perhaps "gifted" is the wrong word to use. Demons were forced to stay there, never to again plague the surface en masse. Upon their forced migration, their new home was thrown into chaos as the demons fought among themselves for supremacy. One demon rose above the rest, more powerful, wicked, and ruthless than any other demon in the realm. He brought organized chaos to Hell and asserted himself as the dominant and...

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The Beauty and the King

Cast of Characters: Title Characters: Carol Maxine King AKA Carlos Maxwell King: A gynephilic cross-dresser Darlene Faye Roosevelt AKA Dee: An alluring and shapely call girl Minor Characters: Blonde and redhead: A couple of beautiful lesbians Jack Steel AKA Big Bro: A piggish bar owner Viktor Thorpe: A club disc jockey Sienna Kurtis: A call girl and Darlene's friend Naomi Jolene Rivers AKA busty barmaid: An enticing barmaid employed at Jack Steel's Bar Amy: Employed as housemaid by...

4 years ago
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A Cloud Over BrenhamChapter 11 Meeting the King

We stood in front of the gates, which were firmly closed, and above us a group of guards looked down at us and jeering. "Just open the gate and allow us entry!" I used Al's megaphone facility to project my voice up to the guards on the wall. "His Majesty isn't seeing anyone at this time ... go away!" A sarcastic voice shouted back down. "You've no idea what I've gone through because of him; I'm not just going to turn back now," I said and concentrated, feeling the power build,...

3 years ago
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Surviving 2Chapter 3 The new King

Scott huddled with Fiona and Eilean, hugging them to him as they poured out their story. They recounted their horror at witnessing the carnage at Aird Driseig, in particular the deaths of Kirsty, little Tina and Iain. "I couldn't do anything to save my sister wife," cried Fiona, "and the baby, oh Scott, the baby, I'm so sorry." She wailed out her grief. "Echdach pointed us out to the Norse and they were intent on taking us alive, but Kirsty would not have it. She fought with...

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Its Good to Be the King

For the best experience, engage Game Mode --> Some chapters will not be visible without it! It is the middle of the 14th century. Warlords and claimants to royalty battle throughout Europe, clashing over lands which are won and lost and won again in a matter of weeks. Most of the common people want nothing more than peace, and some who are more determined than others to find it follow rumors of a glorious but abandoned castle in the Alps where the roads are too narrow for armies and the war...

2 years ago
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The Randy Adventures of Long John Thomas the Pirate King

Once up a time there lived a pirate by the name of Long John Thomas. A bloodthirsty fiend who terrorised the kingdom of Albion, he sailed the seven seas on his trusty galleon the Randy Badger. Any man who dared to take to the sea would find themselves on the end of his sword and any woman who dared to take to the sea would find herself on the end of his cock. This is the story of how Long John Thomas humped the oldest daughter of the King of England. Princess Beatrice was not a fan of...

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why i am your king

“What makes you think you’re a king?” Sheila asked. James had shuffled up onto the bed on his knees in between her legs. His answer was to flex his groin muscles to lift his penis into a full, stiff, upright erection. The organ bulged with huge veins that wrapped around the shaft like lightning bolts of Zeus, showing every detail, every definition as they snaked under his satiny black skin. It was like the trunk of a great Sequoia rising more than nine inches above the base where hung his plump...

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A New PastChapter 66 King

“Let’s remember who acted illegally in this situation,” I said, looking directly at the host, Larry King. Billy had orchestrated this interview largely due to Larry’s direct but non-confrontational interview style. “Let me restate that,” he said quickly. “China has accused you of an illegal act of aggression against them. How would you characterize the events?” “I would say that the Chinese government, or individuals illegally using the power of that government, undertook activities...

2 years ago
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Dalia and the king

The head of the king's harem is a perfect whore and a perfect madonna, a perfect slave and a perfect mistress. Her name is Dalia and she is a loving, caring and mild tempered woman with great self-esteem and a great drive that comes from within her self. She is great in balancing care of her self and the harem and she is meticulous in everything that she does.She is gorgeous with her perfect smile and beautiful hair. She has a healthy feminine body that always smells great. She is always...

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Long Fucked the King

Waking up to loud banging on your front door was not how you planned on starting the day. As a matter of fact, your throbbing headache demanded retribution on the poor soul who decided they desperately needed your attention. Storming down the stairs of your moderately sized cottage(hey, being the kings bastard came with a few perks), and up to your front door, you threw the door open with a furious look on your face. Until you saw the bitch standing in front of you. She was of the furry race...

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Befalling the King

There was once a small kingdom on the continent of Bazah, which was small but prosperous. Our story begins on a dark night in the season of spring 2015. The small kingdom of Nicaea was woken up in the middle of the night. Men were heard shouting in the streets; “The King is dead! Long live the King!”. A crowd gathered around the royal palace and was addressed by Prince Leylin Farlier. The young prince stepped towards the crowd and began a speech. “So as you all might know, my father, the King...

Mind Control
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The Incubus King

A small sigh escapes the king's lips. The voluptuous blonde worships his demonic cock lovingly. Running her tongue along his studded shaft before swallowing his swollen head. A clawed hand cups the back of her head as she works his massive cock into her throat. Just a few days ago, this buxom little thing was a mighty demon huntress who made her way to his throne room. Now the girl was little more than a devoted slave, worshipping him and his dark mother the Goddess Lilith. A grin broke across...

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The New King

The New King The New King   ??????? The world has become nothing more than a hollow shell.? It is an existence that has driven many to insanity, and beyond.? A place of hate, murder and lust which benefits only the privileged, for those who would control us, a new day will dawn, a day were their own perversion will be turned against them, and the one shall rise above them all, to guide us to a new era where the weak will be made strong and whole, where the greedy and the despot and the...

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Thank You Demon King

Unlike my other two stories in the same setting, "A New World! Your Party of Hopeless Hotties", and "Erotic Dungeon Crawl", this one is not a game. It's a more straight forward and linear story about a preestablished demon king. There will be alternate choices, but it won't be as customizable as the others. It's something more simple, where you don't have to worry about clicking Start Game and the story's tracked conditions. I figure it's been a long time since I've done something like that. If...

3 years ago
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If They Made Me a King

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of advance readers and editors, especially Dragonsweb & The OldFart If they made me a king, I'd be but a slave to you, If I had everything, I'd still be a slave to you. If I ruled the night, stars and moon so bright, Still I'd turn for light to you. If the world to me bowed, yet humbly I cling to you. If my friends were a crowd, I'd turn on my knees to you. If I ruled the earth, what would life be worth, If I hadn't the right to you. The music was...

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The Goblin King

The cavern’s mouth loomed before us. Dark, ominous, there was absolutely nothing good down there but it was where we were headed regardless. “Before we do this, I want to make one thing clear. If you think goblins are nothing but tiny, dim witted brutes, think again. Yes, they don’t read or write, and you damned sure won’t see one compose a symphony, but that just makes them uncultured, uncivilized. Savage, yes, but not stupid. Never stupid.” “Truth is, the tricky little bastards are clever...

3 years ago
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Cat FightChapter 28 Return of thr King

Terms tinton - 2 1/2 seconds specton - 2 1/2 minutes Toton - 2 1/2 hours minton - 2 1/2 days daycon - 2 1/2 weeks Malant - 2 1/2 months quant - 2 1/2 years galant - 2 1/2 centuries Metson - 2 1/2 inches maclon - 2 1/2 feet heckson - 2 1/2 miles tetson - 2 1/2 acres unit - 2 1/2 ccs Tac - 2 1/2 pounds Mayan Terms p’uchik - spank nohchil - Chief Ahau - King k’aat - Claim k’iimil - Death taak’in - gold Characters Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan, Cit-Chac-Coh King Tomco Traxor - Bill’s...

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We Three Kings

SACRILEGE ALERT-If reading rewrites of holy texts bothers you, you probably should spare me your ire and not read this. Last warning! Demetrius of Chersonesos looked up at the knock on his door and his already grim visage grew grimmer when he saw who entered. His vision of the murder of a newborn babe the night before caused this interruption of his work and he waved the three men who entered his cluttered office to the chairs before his beautifully carved desk of teak and cherry. The three...

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The Iron King

The sounds of screaming filled the air, as men were being mercilessly slaughtered like animals or being kept alive just long enough to see their homes burn and their women being raped by the Ironborn. Theon's Ironborn. They had sailed the Sunset Sea unnoticed and landed a thousand men a few leagues south of the city. They had smuggled into the darkness, under the cover of the westermen stragglers who had escaped the Battle of Oxcross, fleeing the approaching forces of the Young Wolf and the...

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To Be King

Valgroth The world sees Alphas as being the dominating class. They aren't first rate citizens, but it would bode well for all parties involved to not mess with them or their loved ones. This is why we put in place different districts of spirituality throughout our kingdom. The northern district is governed by the priest and second son, Javex, who taps into the earthen element and grounds all alphas within his domain spiritually. He is said to be an Alpha of considerable strength despite is...

4 years ago
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The Right of the King

The Right Of The King Lorena Mae, 1995 He pulled back, spent, satisfied. The therapy room around him was institutional, cement brick with a cold stainless steel table dominating the space. She laid in the stirrups, softly moaning. He looked at her empty eyes in the midst of a beautiful face and wondered what she thought, if she thought at all. She had been in institutions for most of her life, unable to communicate or even control her body very much. He liked to believe...

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Hermes the new king

In Ancient Greece, the world was ruled by the gods of Olympus, but you already know their stories, if not you probably wouldn’t be reading this. So let me tell you about the time Hermes single handedly cucked and fucked his way to being ruler of Olympus...this’ll make sense later. Our story begins in the forests of ancient greece. The messenger god Hermes was floating above the trees, sorting letters that Zeus instructed him to deliver to his mistresses, the king couldn’t even be faithful to...

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Two Kings

Skeldergate Hill laid bare in squalor that cold morning - upturned earth, the stink of decaying man flesh, drying horseshit. The King of Sylfur's nostrils dilated as it overfilled with the all-too-familiar stench of a hard battle waged. He was resplendent in yellow-gold armour among the grey metal of his army. The King with gritted teeth surveyed the opposing forces ten thousand strong just two fields away.It was day two of battle. The King decided to lead his men today after the massive loss...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Rub Rankings

I initially thought RubRankings was going to be another cheap ripoff of ThePornDude, where some boring dude swears a lot while giving his joke-free opinions on free tubes, paysites, and other joints he's rubbed one out to. I was way the fuck off, but can you blame me? I see so many of those guys popping up nowadays that I’m always on guard, even when all that’s slipping into my DMs is an opportunity to get touched tonight. Sorry for the false alarm.In actuality, RubRankings.com is a body rub...

Erotic Massage Sites
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The Glory King

Last weekend I found myself home alone with no plans at all. I usually play football but the horrendous weather had us rained out so the football and the post-football beers were not going to happen. I idled about the house, did some cleaning, made a nice lunch but by mid-afternoon, I was bored beyond belief. I loathe to randomly browse the web but that’s exactly what I found myself doing once my odd jobs about the house were complete. I read the news, checked the sports and then decided I...

Gay Male
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Rise of the King

King Dante Shepard was bored, bored and incredibly tired of dealing with complete idiots all day long. So here he was in his little sanctuary, basically a closet full of artifact, swords and magical things he can't even begin to understand what they are for or what they are supposed to do. One thing he did know is that this 'seat' is damn comfortable. It was found some time ago in one of the 'steal catacomb' from before the collapse and like everything found in there was believed to be magical...

4 years ago
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Becoming A Man Part 8 Motel King

It was a lovely summer wedding, with beautiful weather: the dream of every bride.  The reception was held at a veterans' hall nearby, with alcohol flowing freely and a small group of college friends among the attendees.My other friends were all coupled up, but it was nice to just hang out with them and have fun.  No expectation of getting laid.  Heaven knew it had been a long time, though: nearly two years since I'd been with a woman, but that wasn't in the cards tonight, so I put that out of...

3 years ago
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The Nameless King

Prologue: Between Worlds "Do not avert your gaze, mortal. We have seen your desires, your dark fantasies, and we have judged them worthy,” a voice echoed from the void. My dark desires? How quaint. It’s not like I have ever kept them secret… “You need but say a word, mortal, and you will be made our champion to bring the treacherous Light to heel. You will become a monstrosity without equal, to despoil their cities, rape their women, and defile their saints. All this and more shall be given."...

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Valley of Dead Kings

I was born a mage like both of my parents. All my life I have had to listen to the warnings not to let the normals see or know about us. First it had been my uncle who was my master and teacher and then the mage school. Once I was out of school I was free and headed to jungles in the far east. Everyone knew where the valley was even if it was isolated and hidden. The local normals stayed away as far as they could. They knew entering the valley was death and most mages knew the same thing. I...

2 years ago
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Reddit Twerking, aka r/Twerking! You ever wondered where you can find some of the hottest videos of babes twerking? You can search on all kinds of porn sites, but maybe you won’t find what you’re looking for. When in doubt, you can always go to Reddit.com. I’m pretty sure that website has a community for pretty much everything. Twerking is one of these things and I think that you’ll find that these gorgeous sluts on /r/twerking are always ready for you whenever you need a show of the biggest...

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