Surviving 2Chapter 3: The New King free porn video

Scott huddled with Fiona and Eilean, hugging them to him as they poured out their story. They recounted their horror at witnessing the carnage at Aird Driseig, in particular the deaths of Kirsty, little Tina and Iain.
"I couldn't do anything to save my sister wife," cried Fiona, "and the baby, oh Scott, the baby, I'm so sorry." She wailed out her grief.
"Echdach pointed us out to the Norse and they were intent on taking us alive, but Kirsty would not have it. She fought with everything she had, her dirk flashing at the Vikings when they managed to break through your men." Said Eilean.
"Scott, the men and women of Aird Driseig were possessed, they threw themselves at the Danes, gave everything to stop them getting at our family. So many, so brave, brave beyond belief."
They described how they had been dragged onto the longships and taken away.
"They treated us differently to the other women Scott. We were treated well, felt guilty as we saw how they abused the others." Said Fiona.
"We knew something was going on when we were bundled onto the ship at Dunvegan. My heart swelled when we saw your banners unfurl, I knew it had to be you. We watched as you taught the Danes a lesson. And then it was despair as we sailed past you and out to sea." Added Eilean.
"We believed you would find us Scott, never stopped believing in you and now we are free once more."
They sobbed through more of the details of their ordeal but it was clear the sights at Aird Driseig were the most difficult to deal with.
Scott tried to comfort them as best he could, sharing his own grief too.
He knew he had just enough time to return to Crinan and Dunadd for Gabrain's crowning ceremony. The crews on each of the five longships were in exuberant mood, given the success of their venture and the vengeance they had visited on the Danes. That was in sharp contrast to the mood of Scott and the girls. Still, he recognised that a good feast was just what the men needed and the King's crowning would provide a suitable opportunity for that.
Their arrival at Dunadd was special. Many men had gathered for the ceremony - even High King Constantine had come south for the event - and word of Scott's success against the Danes had already spread. He rode into Dunadd with Lachlan, Fiona, Eilean and twenty or so of his main men. They were feted by crowds acclaiming their victory.
"Hail the Norse-slayer! Hail the Norse-slayer!" Was chanted over and over.
Gabrain himself pushed his way through the crowd to welcome Scott's return and to hug his mother and Fiona.
"Well met Scott, word of your mighty deeds has already reached us. It seems that there are far fewer of the cursed Danes to worry our coast for the remainder of this summer. And you have returned those who are dear to us. It is to my sorrow that I could not be with you as we agreed. But, I am sure we will stand together in the future. Now, to feasting my Lord. You and your men have certainly earned it!"
"My Lord King, wait you. Before the feasting there is one matter we need to deal with I think." Scott signalled and one of his men led a horse forward. Tied to the horse was Echdach mac Aed.
"No Scott, not now. I won't have the stench of this treacherous cur spoil your return or my crowning. Away with him, hold him fast and we will deal with him later!"
Scott, Fiona and Eilean sat at the same table as Gabrain for the feast that followed. The women seemed to have a need to be constantly close to Scott, almost as if they were drawing strength from his presence. Scott had once hoped that Eilean and Lachlan would get together, certainly Lachlan seemed in favour and Scott had tried to encourage it. However, Eilean had made it clear that she was not interested in Lachlan in that way and he had taken it with good grace.
Now Gabrain was being very outspoken in front of his mother, perhaps his elevation having gone a little to his head.
"Scott I know you mourn Kirsty and little Tina, as is proper. But you know my mother needs you also and you have been remiss for too long in meeting her needs!"
Eilean bowed her head, her cheeks flushing at this.
"You must know that she has wanted you for some time now Scott and it would be right that you satisfied her. I am not so crass as to suggest this is my royal wish, but I love you both dearly and would put an end to this false modesty!"
Scott glanced at Fiona and she smiled broadly and nodded. He looked again at Eilean and registered that although she blushed, she was in no rush to gainsay Gabrain. She raised her eyes to meet his and he nodded once to her. Her blush seemed to deepen and she lowered her head once more.
Having re-affirmed his intentions to Eilean, surreptitiously, Scott looked to change the topic of conversation onto other matters. The long hours at sea had given him time to think and as usual he had put his thinking time to good use. His thoughts this time had not been about ways to improve life for his people, not about new ideas or trade. Rather his thoughts had been focussed on what the immediate future held for Dalriada.
"Gabrain, before he died, King Fergus explained the situation that Dalriada finds itself in. Oengus had no heir, Echdach has no heir and whatever we do with him I am assuming he will forfeit his lordship."
"Yes Scott, and before you say it, I am a young and untried King. What is on your mind my Lord? I have seen you with that look many a time before, normally when you are just about to share another of your ideas!"
Scott explained what he had been thinking and was pleased to see Gabrain smile to show that he liked this latest plan.
"Scott, this all seems good and I would move to set it in train. However, there is one added little twist that I might throw in once I have had a chance to speak to some of the Loarne men you have brought back with you."
Scott raised his eyebrows in query as to what Gabrain was about, but the young boy merely grinned back at him and told him he would have to wait and see.
The next day the principals boarded ship and sailed to Iona for Gabrain's coronation. They took several longships with them, manning them with a mixture of men from all the four lordships of Dalriada.
The crowning ceremony was thankfully brief and it wasn't long before the Abbot was placing a very simple gold circlet upon Gabrain's head. Holding the circlet above his head would have been a more accurate description, as the band was still too wide to sit on Gabrain's young head.
Now Scott realised why Constantine had come. As his first act as King of Dalriada, Gabrain had to take his oath of fealty to the High King, pledging to support him and this Scotland. Then it was all back to Dunadd for Gabrain to hold his own ceremony of oath taking from his lords. Of course Dalriada lords were thin on the ground, but nonetheless the crowd turned out in great numbers to witness this important event.
Gabrain climbed the hill-fort and turned to address the assembled people.
"Men and women of Dalriada!" He shouted.
Scott smiled to himself at the King's inclusion of women - surely a sign that he was having a positive influence on young Gabrain!
"Men and women of Dalriada. You are gathered here to pay witness to the oaths of fealty from my lords for the land they hold of me. As you know, we have been sorely tested by the Danes and have lost many that we held dear.
That must now be in the past, put behind us. Today as my reign begins I want it to do so on a positive note. Let it be known that I have forfeited Echdach mac Aed his lordship of Kintyre, as part of the price he must pay for his treachery."
Here there was a noticeable growling from the crowd, which quickly began to increase in volume. Gabrain cut it off.
"As part of the price I say. But more of that another day. Where is Colmgil mac Iain? Step forward Colmgil. You have been staunch and true, stewarding first Knapdale and most recently my own lands of Cowall and Bute. I would reward you well for your service Colmgil. Instead of steward, I now name you Lord of Cowall and Bute."
A section of the crowd cheered loudly, obviously this elevation had gone down well with the men from Cowall.
"Lead your lordship wisely and fairly my Lord." Said Gabrain, smiling at the positive reaction this had received.
"Lachlan mac Lean, where are you man? Ah there you are Lachlan my good friend. You have been beside your Lord Scott mac Fergus whenever danger has threatened. It was your ownself who rescued Scott and me when we were being pursued by the Saxons. I would also reward you for your service. I name you Lachlan mac Lean, Lord of Kintyre."
This was also well received, the Kintyre contingent knew him from his time at Campbeltown and this would help lift the stain that Echdach had brought upon them.
"Lachlan, I also name you Lord of Knapdale and Jura. Be you as stout a lord as you have been a friend."
The contrast at how this announcement was received and the others was marked indeed. There was not quite silence, as all around people were exclaiming and questioning, but eventually a discernible murmur of disapproval began to rise. The Knapdale men were annoyed at the apparent stripping of Scott from his lordship. Before it grew unmanageable, Gabrain shouted once more.

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