Valley of Dead Kings
- 3 years ago
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SACRILEGE ALERT-If reading rewrites of holy texts bothers you, you probably should spare me your ire and not read this. Last warning!
Demetrius of Chersonesos looked up at the knock on his door and his already grim visage grew grimmer when he saw who entered. His vision of the murder of a newborn babe the night before caused this interruption of his work and he waved the three men who entered his cluttered office to the chairs before his beautifully carved desk of teak and cherry. The three were his best, most accomplished masters and long-time teachers in this ancient edifice located in the hills above the bustling city of Taksasila. One was a tall, thin man with skin black as night; a wizard of Aksum in the Ethiopian Highlands. One was a pale, dark haired man with piercing blue eyes; a conjuror from the far off island of Hibernia. And one was a bronzed man with weathered skin, black hair, and jade eyes; a healer and visionary from the northern reaches of Parthia. Each had seen much in the world and their gifts had brought them across the many leagues to this center of wisdom and erudition.
"I see we go on a journey once more, Master Demetrius," Diviticus of Hibernia observed, seeing three large pyxides sitting on the floor by the door.
"It must be a long trip, at that," Mithradates of Parthia said laconically, glancing down at his finely made silk clothing with regret. "I will miss my wardrobe whilst we are gone."
"You would have missed your wardrobe if we were merely going to Aornos or Bucephala, my friend," the last man, Sabrakamani of Aksum, quipped wryly as he brushed a hand over his own gray kasmiri kaftan and gazing down at his white silk pants. "Besides, I saw camels and many servants gathering. I believe the Master has a more prosperous guise for us this time."
Demetrius shook his head at their banter and sighed. "A vision came to me last night of a prophet to be born soon being murdered in his mother's womb. I know not why or how other than to say his birth will be portended by a celestial marker and that he comes to a Jewish woman on her way to the census Augustus commands. You will take those chests," he told them, pointing to the finely crafted caskets, "and the caravan assembling in the rear court. Contained therein are gold, frankincense, and myrrh. You are to present yourselves as foreign kings bringing gifts to honor the babe's birth. I spent last night and much of this morning working on an enchantment which will cause the mother to be diverted to a safer place. That enchantment will simply delay the inevitable slaying of the child. What you must do is deliver those pyxides to the family. To demonstrate their pleasant aroma and medicinal qualities, you will mix a sample of the two and anoint the child with it. I have infused the frankincense with a short-lasting protective spell and the myrrh with a longer lasting spell for general well-being until he reaches manhood."
The Master stood and looked at each of his associates in turn. "Mark me well, my friends, this is a dangerous assignment I send you on. From this event flows much anguish and torment, but also much good and, in time, the freedom of the world may flow forth from this. There are many who will try to stop this and so you must use the names given on the travel documents provided at all times. They will pass you through the borders of Rome and see you home safely," he explained. Looking to Diviticus he continued, "You shall be known as Kasparus, King of Hibernia and the gold shall be your gift. Don't give me that look. I know there is no such thing but how many Romans know that?"
"None who wear the uniform of the legion and probably none east of the Rhine," Diviticus replied sourly, his cheeks flaming.
Demetrius looked at Mithradates and smiled, "You will probably be least put out as you can dress as you are accustomed. You will be playing the part of your cousin, Tigranes IV of Armenia and the frankincense is from you. I am sure your uncle Phraates of Parthia will forgive you if this goes well," he said with a chuckle at the amused look on the Parthian's face. Looking to Sabrakamani, he sighed. "You, my friend, were the most difficult to figure out what to do with. Romans in the Levant know Aksumites too well to believe you to be King of Aksum. Thus you will be the King of Kush. I am sure Queen Amanishaketo would be surprised to learn her husband visits a Roman Provence bearing myrrh, but you should be there and gone before anyone thinks to question you. Since nobody here knows what the Queen's husband's name is, you may keep yours or invent a new one. Sabrakamani is certainly royal enough a name."
Sabrakamani smiled slightly. "It should be. My great-great grandfather certainly fled much to carry it to Aksum for my mother and father to give to me."
The Master looked at them all again and nodded. "Bless you on your journey and may the Gods see you home again," he said intensely, his worry plain in his lined face and drooping gray eyes.
The journey was long, and made longer by the horses and extra water they had to carry through the dry hills of Parthia and the arid plains surrounding Mesopotamia and the Levant. By the time they had crossed the Tigris River, the celestial marker the Master had spoke of was plain to see in the western skies. A star, many scores of times brighter than any other in the sky, hung low on the horizon from early in the afternoon until late in the morning. It was so bright that only the sun at its most powerful could chase its brilliance from the sky. And as they neared the Levant, the star drifted ever so slowly higher into the sky until it seemed to hover lower than even some of the passing clouds as they crossed into Judea. They were not even a league into Judea when Sabrakamani, riding to the fore with the vanguard of the caravan, rode back to Diviticus and Mithradates.
"We have company, my friends," he said laconically, gesturing over his shoulder with a large thumb.
Over his should they saw a century of Roman soldiers checking the caravans in front of them very thoroughly before allowing them to proceed along the road. At a word from Mithradates, their caravan smartened their line of march and straightened in their saddles. The men acting as the guards of the three Kings smartened up their formation as well, their weapons loose in their sheathes and their arms limber.
"What be your business in Judea?" the centurion demanded in a mangled pidgin of Parthian and Armenian, his tone bored as his soldiers rifled through their belongings.
Mithradates looked down his patrician nose at the man from his camel. "I do believe what my business is would be my business alone," he replied in an erudite Roman tongue.
The centurion flushed and glared up at the well-dressed man with what he now realized was an Armenia headdress with a gold circlet surmounting it. "Your pardon, Lord, but I have been ordered to inspect all caravans coming into Judea from anywhere but Roman territory," he replied harshly, his tone now bitingly sarcastic with an overemphasis on "Lord." His rough face suddenly grinned, his dark eyes bright. "Especially those from the East."
Sabrakamani nudged his camel up next to Mithradates' and he looked down on the centurion with curiosity. "Truly? And why especially those from the East? When I rode through many weeks ago, this was not the case," he said in Latin just as immaculate as his friend's.
"Only the Governor of Judea and King Herod knows the answer to that, your Majesty," the soldier said respectfully, recognizing the dress of a Kushite King. Having fought the Kushites, he respected them far more than the Armenians, who were little more than Roman clients temporarily aligned with the Parthian Empire. "I was told that I was to bring any Eastern nobles to the King for him to supply to any answers."
The soldier noticed a horseman walk the finest mount he had ever seen to stand abreast of his companions and his eyes widened as he noticed another circlet nestled in the black, wavy locks of the rider. He would almost mark him as a Gaul, but they had not had even chiefs since Julius Caesar conquered them. His scant training in showing respect to dignitaries kicked in and he clumsily bowed to the three men. "Might I ask whom I have the honor to address?"
The horseman snorted and shook his head. "Yae've a pretty way with words fer a warrior," Diviticus replied in his heavily accented Latin, grinning. "I be King Kasparus of Hibernia. My darker friend be King Sabrakamani of Kush. And the fellow with the fancy dress be King Tigranes of Armenia. We be on our way to yonder land on a pilgrimage of sorts."
The centurion's eyes widened and bowed again. "I am afraid King Herod was most specific that Eastern Nobles were to be taken before him," he reiterated stubbornly. "I understand you, King Kasparus, and you, King Sabrakamani, are not exactly Easterners, but I must still bring you all before King Herod."
King Kasparus glared down at the soldier, his fist whitening in its rest on his sword before he snorted and waving farther into Judea. "Then let us be about it. We would like to return to our travels."
The centurion passed his... "guests" on to his centurion who in turn passed them on to the Captain of the Guard of King Herod's Palace in Jerusalem. He instructed the seneschal to make the rest of the Kings' caravan to be made comfortable and refreshed while the Kings were conducted into the presence of King Herod.
While most visitors to the Palace were often caught gawking, these men were not. The Captain passed it off as their being monarchs with palaces of their own. That was certainly the case of Mithradates, who grew up a prince in the household of his uncle Phraates IV of Parthia. Sabrakamani's family was only mildly wealthy, having fled to Aksum with some of their family's wealth following the death of the King of Kush who gave the Aksumite his name. He was a frequent guest of Mithradates, whose family had a palace in Taksasila, and therefore was comfortable around such opulence. Diviticus, however, was actually from a land lacking such opulence and grandiosity. He, however, looked upon such displays of wealth as vulgar and wasteful. He had to catch himself several times on the walk through the Palace from shaking his head direly with a grimace. His people believed such displays weakened the constitution and made a people in general weaker.
They were conducted into a large room filled with low tables surrounded by cushions occupied by lavishly garbed women and men dressed more soberly all ringed with soldiers of the Guard. Diviticus was the first to notice the Roman General seated amongst the hangers-on and Mithradates nodded at his meaningful look. Sabrakamani recognized several more prominent players in Jerusalem politics, particularly three Jewish elders clustered near the King with their heads together.
"Ah, my brother Kings!" hailed a loud voice in Latin that resounded through the room. Herod was an older man in flowing purple robes with a gold circlet in the shape of olive leaves twined with grape vines. He was on the portly side as he rose from his more opulent place at the back of the room on a gilded chair fashioned low to the floor. "You journey from afar, my friends. You must be tired. Come, rest yourselves by my side and tell me what I may do to make your stay more comfortable."
The three men shared a glance before advancing and lowering themselves to cushions on either side of the King of Judea. "Truthfully, we come not to visit with you, King Herod, pleasant as that company might be," Sabrakamani stated boldly. "We are, in fact, on something of a pilgrimage."
Herod's eyes narrowed and he repeated, "Pilgrimage?"
Mithradates saw the shrewd calculations going on behind those eyes and inquired, "Have you not seen the celestial manifestation in the sky above your land? My royal brothers happened to be visiting me when my astronomers and priests witnessed it as well. They interpreted it as a sign from the Gods that demanded a pilgrimage to find where it is that they are marking with such a display. It is thus for which we journey to your land. We merely follow the Gods' sign and to pray for their favor in our roles as sovereigns."
Herod nodded slowly, his eyes closely watching the three men. "So I see," he remarked guardedly. Finally he clapped his hands on his knees and stood once more; necessitating the three men rise as well. "Then I can only wish you well in your search and beg that you return here from whence you go ere you journey home again. Tell me of what you find that I might make a similar pilgrimage. Surely my God would hear my prayers in such a place as well."
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I was on Interstate 80, maybe fifteen miles East of Fairfield, CA heading towards Sacramento. Up in the high, flat country with the golden grass in the summer. It was hot, very hot, but I had my windows open enjoying my new state. At 70 half the traffic seemed to be passing me. I was heading to my sister’s house for the weekend, and in no particular rush since I was three hours early. I was dying for something to drink, maybe a Snapple, when I saw the van on the shoulder up ahead. ...
The pastor had been clear that we couldn’t date for the next 4 months. I was still expected to spend time with Sherri, we were engaged after all. That meant spending a great deal of time with Sherri at her house. Her parents seemed to welcome me visiting the house regularly. I think it might have reassured them that I had a sincere interest in their daughter. It isn’t surprising that her parents weren’t anxious to leave us alone anytime soon. They actually gave us a great deal of privacy, at...
Chapter one Boarding School spankings.I went to a boarding school where spankings, the hairbrush and to a lesser extent the cane were common.Teachers would give conduct points, if you got three or more ‘bad’ conduct points in a week it meant you were spanked by the headmaster. It didn’t matter how many ‘good’ conduct points you got you were still spanked, although it did seem to mitigate how hard, with what and if it was on the bare bottom. Usually the pupil with the most bad conduct points was...
Do you have a kink? The great powers who define such things say the desire to be spanked lies underneath the sexual kink umbrella. Honestly, I don't even like to use the word 'kink'. It is defined as a sexual interest that falls outside the mainstream appetite. In other words, it is an abnormal interest. Trust me, if you are a shy person, you want to fit in so you don't draw attention to yourself. Being labeled 'abnormal' is painful. So you can imagine I didn't want anyone to know about...
SpankingSandy was a newlywed; she and her husband Jeff had married just 7 months earlier. Their marriage had been a dream come true so far. Just after they were engaged, Sandy had found a good paying job as a secretary in a small office. With their combined incomes they were able to buy the house of their dreams. But it took nearly every penny they had. They cut every expense they could to have this house. Cutting coupons, shopping only on double coupon day, packing lunches and eating dinners at home...
It was the end of Games at Red hill College an exclusive private school. Due to the small class sizes games were usually 5 a side football for the boys and hockey for the girls.Mr Robson, blew his whistle and sent the boys to the changing rooms to shower. Miss Summers had left Amy Davenport in charge of the girl’s hockey game as she had some marking to catch up on. Amy had a plan in her head, she let her game go on for five minutes after she had heard Mr Robson blow the whistle, then gathered...
It was a Friday night and we’d arranged to meet friends at the local pub for a few hard earned drinks after work. When we arrived we were surprised to see how busy it was. The landlord had organised another of his Open mike nights and the ‘stars’ of the local area had arrived to show their skill. The night didn’t get off to a great start when the friends we’d arranged to meet cancelled on us. The talent on display at the mike wasn’t exactly music to our ears either. I toyed with the idea of...
grew up in new jersey ,i'm john....friend in neighborhood,had this really cute ,pretty,petite,brunette gf,later they married,we still hung out once in awhile. they were pretty open,go to the nude beach all the onetime i over there place were partying..lookin at porn on hamster of course,and he says john wannaee my wife give me a blowjob,,sure of course,,she gets under the desk and starts to give him a blow job, i said is it alright if i jerk off sure go ahead. than he says john come...
"Hi babe, I won't be home 'til a bit later, relax and I'll see you soon". Deciding to skip dinner you run a hot bath and open a bottle of wine, stripping slowly you look at yourself in the bathroom mirror dark blue, almost black eyes look back at you, running your gaze down your body you see a trim figure, nice firm breasts, not large but still noticeable... a light tan darkening as it reaches your long nipples. As your gaze drifts down you can just see a few wisps of pale hair...
Vanna and I are what you might call sexual predators. We visit bars and clubs in search of women to seduce. We are pretty successful at this and sometimes we hit the jackpot. This is a story about such a night. We arrived at the nightclub around 9:00. It was an average place, with a bar area and tables set back and dimly lit. It was famous for being a hookup bar, just what we were looking for. Vanna and I took seats at the bar and immediately began scanning the place for possibilities. There...
We spotted her sitting alone at the end of the bar. It was a moderately-sized place with a small dance floor and a DJ spinning light tunes. It was the kind of place where a couple could feel alone, yet had enough room for larger parties. We had been there just under one hour when she arrived. She was drinking a martini and just sitting there. No checks of her cell phone, no interaction with the other patrons, nothing. We wondered when would be the right time to break the ice. She appeared to be...
I had known both Jake and Marksince I was little. We had grown up together and shared most important memories. We had been inseparable all through school. None of our other friendships lasted, even going through puberty and the awkwardness of feelings never changed our friendship. Having been through everything with them it was no surprise when I found myself falling for them both. Jake was tall and skinny with blonde hair and reminded me of a skater punk even though he was friendly and...
It took you a while but you finally got around to asking Sammy to prom. You didn’t expect her to say yes, but to your surprise she agreed right away. She didn’t even have to think about it. You thought fro sure she would have had a lot of offers as she had no boyfriend and she was one of the cutest girls in school.Sammy is a petit dirty blonde with a tooth filled smile and deep smoky eyes highlighted by black rimmed glasses that are both flirty and soulful. She was very nerd hot, looking like a...
(Sorry dear reader. This is not a gay story like I usually write)I was 19 and in college. For spring break I went to Reno NV with the intent of going to a brothel and getting laid by a pro. It was early evening when I made my way to one of the brothels. The girls were busy so I was waiting at the bar in the lounge drinking a soda. Also in the lounge was a man who looked to be in his late 50’s with mostly red-ish brown hair on his head. He was talking with the madam of the place. He...
I had known both Jake and Marksince I was little. We had grown up together and shared most important memories. We had been inseparable all through school. None of our other friendships lasted, even going through puberty and the awkwardness of feelings never changed our friendship. Having been through everything with them it was no surprise when I found myself falling for them both. Jake was tall and skinny with blonde hair and reminded me of a skater punk even though he was friendly and...
BisexualWow! So where to begin? Well, I guess I should say that prior to this event I was really shy. There, with that said it's safe to continue! My boyfriend seems to really enjoy me posting my experiences for others to enjoy. One of my most private fantasies is to have a threesome with my deliciously virile boyfriend and my best friend Grace. They both have an appetite for kinky sex and that would overshadow any hesitation that I might have. But, like I said this is just a fantasy. "Being best...
Growing up in a small town you know everyone and everyone knows you. I started a summer job at the local diner as a waitress to earn a little extra money between school terms. The local Sheriff, John Stone and my good friend Judge Bob Mahoney eat breakfast every morning at the diner and were pleased to see me serving them. Mrs. Martins that owns the restaurant supplies us girls with a simple uniform dress. The dress fits me real tight around my hips since my measurements are 35-22-37, a fact...