Fit for a King
- 4 years ago
- 24
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Thanks to my usual cast and crew of advance readers and editors, especially Dragonsweb & The OldFart
If they made me a king, I'd be but a slave to you,
If I had everything, I'd still be a slave to you.
If I ruled the night, stars and moon so bright,
Still I'd turn for light to you.
If the world to me bowed, yet humbly I cling to you.
If my friends were a crowd, I'd turn on my knees to you.
If I ruled the earth, what would life be worth,
If I hadn't the right to you.
The music was written by Tolchard Evans, the lyrics by Robert Hargreaves and Stanley J. Damerell.
Frank Sinatra - The Complete Reprise Studio Recordings
Holy Cow! Talk about going right from the frying pan into the fire!
It was just barely Tuesday morning and already our lovely idyllic South Pacific island of Poravuvu was having its second revolution of this week! They had just barely picked up the bullet shell casings from yesterday's junta change! Just goes to figure...
Stop me if you've heard this joke before ... why is Poravuvu just like an old phonograph record? 33 revolutions per minute!
Yeah, it's an old joke — but sometimes it's true, or nearly so enough to make your head hurt!
Working for Oceania Nitrates, despite the regular government changes, is a pretty swell (and safe) gig. We're the golden goose of the island, the only real source of hard rock solid western currency, and while all of the 'Dear Leaders', Presidents, generalissimos, and overly ambitious colonels all wanted us kept under their thumb, they rarely apply the boot. President-for-Life Fetuano had tried that novelty during his socialist regime of the 1970's. No one, no matter how greedy or zealous had wanted to try that stunt again! The bird shit, and the dollars must flow!
Technically, the senior management is all American, appointed from our corporate office in the deepest darkest wilds of Arizona. They've had the contract for mining the phosphates from this fertilizer rich island since the early 1930's, despite most of the periodic political changes, for a couple of extremely good reasons. Our miners and engineers know what we're doing and extract the most potential fertilizer with the least amount of inconvenience to the locals, and pay (by third world standards) a fair wage to the local excavators, miners and shipping crews.
We've stayed out of local politics — strictly and absolutely, and for the most part, the local politics has in turn left us alone. As I said earlier, the flow of bat and bird shit, hundred of millions of tons of it from thousands of generations of migrating seabirds, must flow! With no other nearby islands within nearly a thousand miles of us, any passing bird has stopped here for relief and a light snack — and the several odd million years worth of once liquid crap is now worth near pure gold instead.
Today, the current officer with a mind for self-promotion, didn't seem to have read the memo and decided that he wanted to go old school on us. His guards shot their way into the gates of our plant, shot at a half dozen plant workers just on principle, then shot a couple more security guards outside our offices, and finally came trooping in to visit our plant manager with AK-47's at the ready, and a sincere willingness to use them — often, violently and at anything that moved.
Holy Cow! This was the first time I'd ever had a gun pointed at me and I didn't like the idea very much! I wasn't even an executive of the company! I'd been hired straight out of college three years as a civil engineer, to help build and repair the barely passable dirt roads, rotting wooden bridges, and to keep the docks of the island's only port functional. OK, the fact that I was related to the famous Colonel Renwick probably helped ... probably a lot. He was legendarily famous back then, and probably even more so now.
My grandfather Colonel John Renwick was a famous civil engineer who had a thirst for adventure in the wildest places of the world during the 1930's, came to this island just weeks after the attack on Pearl Harbor to hack out an airstrip out of the jungle, so that the US military could set up a base on the island to help protect the convoys to New Zealand and Australia during the darkest months of the Pacific war. In those halcyon days, Poravuvu wasn't an out of control kleptocracy. Back in my grandfather's day, the island had a queen — and a darned good one by all accounts! She disappeared at the time of the first revolution in early 1947, shortly after the end of World War Two, and by most accounts my legendary grandfather, Colonel Renwick was involved up to his eye-teeth. Some native stories say that he was her lover, and moments before the foreign mercenary soldiers stormed the queen's palace, he had spirited her away. In any case, the two of them were never seen again on the island.
Like King Arthur, or General Douglas MacArthur, there are folk legends that the queen (or her heir) will return again at the time of most need. I'd say that she was long, long overdue.
By most accounts, since the first revolution in 1947, thirty-seven heads have claimed the crown of this small island kingdom, but none has ever quite had the balls to crown themselves king. In Poravuvu tradition there can be no king. Always, from antiquity, a female line has ruled the island. So the island priests say, and no one, except for the insane President-for-Life Fetuano, has ever contested their will. The priests supposedly stay out of local politics too, but don't confuse them with pacifists. Push them hard, and they'll push you back even harder ... usually in the dead of night when you're all alone. Those ancient Polynesian pointed spears that they carry aren't entirely for show.
The first revolution was mostly a benign one ... relatively speaking. A bunch of unemployed Australian army officers heard about this remote South Pacific island and its quietly profitable phosphate industry and decided that they wanted in on the gravy train. Since the US military had completely pulled out of the island as soon as the ink on the Japanese surrender was dry, the queen had little more than a ceremonial guard to protect her from a couple of dozen mercenaries with guns. Their take-over was bloodless, but that precedent ended shortly afterwards. The next thirty-six odd palace revolts invariably terminated with extreme prejudice the careers of the top men above them, in a never-ending cycle of junior officers promoting themselves, and invariably bringing in a fresh group of foreign mercenaries to help hold them in power.
Wash, rinse, repeat, ad nauseium.
By far the single two worst leaders were President-for-Life Fetuano, during a long five year reign of absolute rule in the mid 1970's, followed by the possibly even worse, and slightly longer rule of the ultra-Marxist 'Dear Leader' Puleleiite.
Fetuano, in his greed didn't settle for what our company could discretely mine from just a few select caves of the island, which already held more than enough guano to last several hundred years of careful ecologically sound mining. Instead, he opened up the central valley of the island, the island's most fertile land, to large scale strip mining. If that wasn't enough, nearly the whole of the southern part of the island was clear-cut and burned to create a meager grassland for ranching for cattle, causing large scale ecological damage to much of the island's best remaining farm and crop land. This formerly tropical jungle once provided enough fruit, root crops, and other edibles to feed the entire local population, with significant leftovers available for export, and instead turned a land of plenty into a near barren land of hunger and deprivation. Even the birds, the very source of the island's wealth, decided to pack up and leave.
It was this anger that turned a local minor local priest into a socialist revolutionary. Under his regime, which shared much of the philosophy of Cambodia's Pol Pot, all of the middle-class were driven from their homes and villages to toil refilling by hand-tools the great earth scars of the open-air strip mine pits, and the southern fields of weeds were resown to attempt to return the land to jungle. Alas much too late, now that the formerly rich jungle topsoil had all been washed or eroded away into the sea. Maybe given a few generations, the forest will slowly reclaim what was taken, but the hands of men, under the shadow of gunmen and whips could do little to speed this process. Some calculate that a full third of the islanders were murdered or died of hunger during these dreadful seven years, until even the hardened killers of Puleleiite's inner circle had seen too much outright murder for them to stomach.
The more recent juntas since have been much more benign, but even decades of time hadn't allowed the islanders to recover to anywhere near their former standard of living. The lucky few workers with a job dug or transported millions of years of accumulated bat and bird shit, company boats took the guano to a processing plant in Mexico that turned the crap into first class fertilizer, which was sold in the states, which in turn exported food and other goods back to the island. No longer self-supporting, at least half of the islanders lived in small shanty villages at the north and south ends of the island in bone grinding poverty.
The kleptocrats remained rich. The lions share of the local profits continued to be funneled to the local generalissimo, and that bastard and his closest cronies were extremely rich men, undoubtedly with fat overseas accounts ready for the day when it's their turn to flee for their lives, when the next 'trusted' colonel gathers the ambition to become the boss.
If even half of that plundered loot had gone to the islanders ... alas.
Revolutions without planning, government without foresight, power without wisdom.
Even the few times a fake election had been conducted, and the ruler gained faux legitimate power. Then ... what? They neglected all health and social services, they took and redistributed every public and private resources based on political, not social, needs - and their people begin to starve as cronies can't (or won't) farm, mine, develop, or otherwise use the redistributed resources to the true benefit of society. Eventually your people or cronies rebel -— and you ruthlessly torture and murder them, getting your country thrown out of any useful worldwide organizations that might help with the social and health services issues, or that might help train your cronies to use their redistributed resources. In the event that they managed to receive a small amount of aid from other countries, out of pity -— they not only stole it, they even lied about ever getting it.
Now, as a result of all of this 'modern enlightened leadership', today the island is starving, wracked with diseases ranging from cholera to malnutrition, rebellious, broke, and dying - except for the cronies, the ones that have sold what they can, where they can, and as fast as they could do it, to keep up their personal standard of living even at the expense of the island's future.
When white men ruled most of the third-world as colonies, the result was admittedly a lot of hard work for very little money, and if you griped, you got fired. But as long as you didn't revolt, you would be left alone, more or less. You might be poor, it's true ... but you were always poor. Now that the black, or brown or yellow men rule their lands like medieval fiefs, the result is robbery, rape, torture, murder, and even more work for even less money.
Go figure.
Now there is yet another new boss. Meet the new boss, far, far worse than the old boss.
This one looked like a reincarnation in spirit of either Fetuano or Puleleiite. He had a crazed look that indicated that this former minor captain had some boldly audacious plan for his reign. I didn't like the look in his eyes at all; they didn't ever seem to blink and they burned with an obvious insane zeal to put a few new heads up on pikes as an object lesson in fear to intimidate the rest.
Our company stayed out of politics. Period - end of story. It was written into our employment contracts and undoubtedly also carved in stone somewhere for good measure. This didn't help poor Jeff Hudson in the slightest when our new would-be 'Dear Leader' shot our hapless and unbelieving plant manager right between the eyes with his 9mm pistol when he refused to open his wall-safe behind him. The bastard then shot off another three rounds into Jeff's already unbreathing chest just to make sure that he'd made his point with us.
Yeah, we all got the message. You're a raving lunatic!
Undoubtedly our new generalissimo and all-around fucktard was certain that our main company secure storage vault, big and fireproof, contained lots of neat things like large stacks of ready cash for bribes, and other easily converted debentures, like letters of credit, stocks or bearer bonds just still there waiting for him!. Fat chance! I've been in that vault, a lot ... Jeff doesn't even usually keep it locked since he can never remember the combination! It stores our contracts, invoices, shipping bills of lading, and anything currently important that we want to keep fireproof.
Captain Dumbshit could shoot the entire lot of us and not find anything in that vault worth the replacement cost of the ammunition. Besides, all of the petty cash was kept in Jeff's secretary's bottom right desk drawer. Short of a dragon's lair, no place on earth was probably safer. Ele'ele, called by most of us Ellie, was a native born Polynesian beauty, drop dead gorgeous in the prime of her mid-late twenties, and she had the temper of a thousand furies if crossed. She guarded her domain, which was her boss and all that he surveyed, with the fury of a lioness. She inherited the top administrative job from her equally fiery mother, and no one ever willingly got onto her bad side. If you played honest and respectfully with her, then she was your very best friend in the company, and the few that ever crossed her rued the day.
I thought she was the most beautiful woman on the island, and treated her accordingly from the moment I stepped off of the boat three years ago. She smiled at me, but never once accepted my offers for a drink after work or dinner. After the third firm but polite rejection, I took the gentle hint and (mostly) kept my eyes to myself, although I sometimes caught myself mentally undressing her when I thought that she couldn't see me. Nothing ever got past her and I'm sure that she caught me secretly ogling her a time or two, but her exotic eyes never betrayed anything. She loved first and foremost her job, and then the rest of her stock of affection was saved for an uncle Fetu who earned a living making and selling silver wire jewelry, and pretty nicely made stuff at that. I often saw him doing business in front of Duncan's Lagoon, an old army quonset hut near the old US airfield down by the southern end of the island. It was a hangout for expats, like me, working guys from the airfield, the guano mines or the docks, and more or less our main hangout after work, except now my future drinking days there looked increasingly unlikely.
Now the Captain's gun was pointed directly at Ellie's head as he bellowed at me to open the vault or else the young lady would die next. Somehow I knew from the look on her face, she already had ideas about dealing with the overly ambitious Captain ... quickly, rather violently and very permanently. I had not the slightest doubt in my mind that she could handle herself in a violent situation. I'd once seen her completely take apart, virtually limb by limb, a drunken Aussie sailor that wouldn't take the hint to get his hands off of her ass. She broke his arm in at least three places, and good many other bones as well ... and with frightening ease and apparent simplicity. Even now her dark deep violet eyes looked for an opportunity or a weakness, and in a fraction of a moment she would then act.
This left the center stage of this remaining drama to me, Colonel Renwick's grandson and namesake, John "Renny" Renwick III, to find a way to keep the Captain happy, his two gunsels — guards — diverted, and to hopefully safely provide a fraction of an opportunity for Ellie to enact what mayhem she had planned. I decided not to disappoint any of them.
"Alright, I'll open the vault for you Captain, but I'm going to need help lifting the cashbox, to carry it out to you."
Magic words, cashbox. Envisions lovely images of stacks of gold coins, or even sweet shiny silver. Or lovely thick stacks of hundred dollar bills all banded up for easy counting too! Loot -— and more loot than a man could carry! Wealth beyond the dreams of avarice! Greed is such a simple but debilitating vice. The asshole would now have at least a third of his brain already mentally counting it, and deciding who else would need to die in order to preserve his sole possession of this fortune. Another slight edge to Ellie, should she need it.
Captain Hodgkin's, at least that was his name according to his uniform nameplate, looked to be either from Auz, New Zealand or South Africa. He was vaguely Anglo looking with a hint of some local colonial dalliances further up in his genealogy. We get a lot of Commonwealth or adventurous former European mercenaries coming to this island for employment, along with more local Asian imports like Thai's, Vietnamese, Chinese or Koreans (both North and South). The revolution business is very equal opportunity. I didn't know a thing about him personally, as the officers and cronies had their own northern bar up near the palace where they hung out, tortured locals, and drank and harassed whores. Already his face, hearing the golden words 'cashbox' was locked into a cruel smile, and he gave abrupt orders for his gunman escort, another white European-looking merc sergeant (Dutch, I think), to go with me to the vault door.
As I suspected, the bloody thing wasn't even locked as usual. The asswipe had murdered our plant manager absolutely unnecessarily, and for no practical value. Yeah, this fucktard was right out of the Fetuano or Puleleiite school of violent revolution. If nothing else, this showed that our new potential 'Dear Leader' had absolutely zero regard for human life ... and also absolutely no common sense. A rather bad combination. Rules of non-involvement be damned! I was dead certain that our nice little island couldn't handle another sociopath ruling from the royal palace, and it was now up to me to stop this nutjob ... hopefully permanently!
Opening the vault, I deliberately didn't turn on the overhead light, which is located in a rather inconvenient and unergonomic far back corner of the vault. Don't ask me why. The vault storage room was also rather big with several rows of central shelves down the center utterly loaded with old unimportant paperwork and other crap. The place was also full of old file cabinets, junk and just plain more junk, including a row of old native carved art. Again, a safe, dry, sort of climate controlled place to stick things where they'll be out of the way until they're someday needed.
The alleged cashbox in question was really an old military surplus footlocker full of Nelson's personal stuff, and a few items left over from previous plant managers, including a nice large wooden statuette that ought to be in some Polynesian museum. At the very bottom of the chest, under an old vintage military jacket were a bunch of loosely strewn old silver dollars, maybe about two hundred or so, dating from the late 1930's. I hoped that the sight of this shiny bottom layer would distract the sergeant long enough for me to overpower him, especially as the chest was just around the corner from the vault door, well out of sight from the Captain.
Really, the plan couldn't have worked any better! I showed the Sergeant the chest and the suspicious bastard wouldn't let me open it, in case there was a gun or another weapon resting on top. Fair enough ... there was a gun, an old military 1911 issue .45 Colt right on top of the junk pile, albeit unloaded. The Sergeant grinned and I could watch him mentally relax as he started to unload the rest of the junk out the box. He was obviously smug, certain that he had outfoxed my clever plan to grab the weapon and disarm him. When he found the layer of 1930's vintage Peace silver dollars, his eyes were off of me entirely, and without a thought of anything other than greed in his head, he bent down to examine and gather up the silver.
Picking up the large heavy ebony wood carved figure of a native woman that he had unwrapped from the jacket and set aside on the floor, I had no trouble at all picking it up and braining the poor fool with it. Rather too hard, I later discovered. The old ebony wood was as tough as metal and crushing his bare skull didn't even put a dent or a scratch in the base of the wood. Her head did come off in my hand, as the rest of the now broken figurine fell on top of the junk pile, but fortunately soundlessly onto the discarded old jacket it had been carefully wrapped up in.
"You, Sir," I muttered as I took the sergeant's gun, "are a lackwit!"
With his gun now in hand, I had no trouble sneaking quietly around to the edge of the vault doorway and then darting briefly into view I quickly popped two rounds into the central chest mass of the other gunsel Sergeant, and thoroughly getting the Captain's attention distracted to me. I ducked back around the corner of the vault as he fired off with lightning speed one round that went right through where my head had been a fraction of a moment before, but he did not fire again. Our new 'Dear Leader' had all of the trouble he could handle from that moment fighting off Ellie, who had taken full advantage of my distraction.
When I dared turn my head around the doorway about ten seconds later, the martial arts duel in Jeff's large executive office was disturbingly even. Apparently a lot of mercs spend their formative training years in martial arts dojos too and know nearly every trick of dirty fighting there is. I think Ellie was ahead on points, but he was bigger and stronger than she was. Her lightning fast kicks to his face and the side of his head looked nasty, but were non-critical, on the other hand one of his fast hard punches to the side of her head clearly wobbled her and half knocked her silly. At least his sidearm had been knocked away to the far side of the room, closer to me than to him.
I decided that the fight looked a little bit too fair and even to be comforting, so I waved my gun a bit and gave Ellie a quizzical look. Her dander was up, but even in her adrenaline fury and cloud of pain, she could see sense, and she nodded to me.
Sensing that I was behind him, the Captain darted like a jackrabbit to put his back to the wall, but that didn't concern me in the slightest. My first round, fired from right in front of him, blew out his right kneecap in a very pretty Technicolor spray of blood that splattered shattered cartilage and bone all over the wall of the executive office. If Jeff had still been alive, he would have been pissed.
I had zero regrets, and from the look on Ellie's face, he wasn't going to live long to enjoy his permanent disability. His mobility and balance gone, the rest of the fight wasn't even close to being fair. In fact, the next few minutes were so violently disturbing that I returned to check upon the dead body of the Sergeant in the vault and even took the time to repack up the footlocker. Even out of the room, I could still hear the loud cracking of bones and the howls for mercy that went unheeded. Doing so saved me some visual memories that I would have preferred not to recall, and this earned me at least one family heirloom as a reward. The US Army military jacket, complete with the insignia of a US Army Colonel, bore the embroidered name of Renwick. It was clearly my grandfather's, and when I put it on it fit me almost like a glove, except more comfortably.
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Pennants and flags fluttered in the wind; as far as the eye could see, north to south, greens, reds and whites on one side. On the other side, white crosses flew predominantly on a black field; though there were plenty on green fields. Some were bright as the day they were first fitted to the head of a lance or raised upon their pole. Some were dull and torn spattered with blood and mud; evidence of the battles they had been carried into. Soldiers and knights lined the field, brandishing...
HistoricalChapter 1 I stood by the side of the road, not looking left or right, but I knew before long a car would stop for me. It had been ten years since I'd been home and now I was just a few hours away. A car stopped right in front of me and I looked up. "Want a ride?" she said. She wasn't that pretty, about thirty and a bit mumsie, I saw a good size pair of tits pushed her dress out, so not all that bad. "Sure," I replied and threw my small case on to the back seat and climbed in. I...
Daniel is one of my good friends and we were planning on hanging out. He informed me that his girlfriend, Madelyn would be at his house as well. I didn't mind it because I had know her since I was born. Madelyn was a short skinny girl who's in competition cheerleading. She was barely a B cup with a small but very cute bubble butt. Just by looking at her, you know any hole you put your dick in, it was going to be super tight. Daniel was your regular guy who I knew from past experience had a...
In an alternate universe, Robert's Rebellion has failed and after winning the epic duel at the Trident, Crown Prince Rhaegar Targaryen spared Lord Robert Baratheon's life. Alongside his new brother-in-law, Lord Eddard Stark, Rhaegar led both the Rebels and the Loyalist armies to the capital to depose his father only to find the Mad King stabbed in the back by the young kingsguard, Ser Jaime Lannister. Thrust upon the Iron Throne at a young age, King Rhaegar adopted the ancient valyrian custom...
MARIA I Maria Laney waved her hand as the cab that devoured her friends sped off with a screech. The red tail lights streaked, much thanks to the alcohol in her blood, and grew dimmer and dimmer. She had insisted to them firmly that this was her last stop when they all rallied to continue barhopping. She didn’t even remember what words or twists of the face she used, just that they tried poking her pride playfully with heckling daggers. A younger form of herself would have struck back swiftly,...
Supernatural"Do you have any painkillers?" he asked me. My eyes landed on the small bottom of ibuprofen on the bedside table . "Yes, Sir," I said through the phone. "Better take some now. I'm on my way home," he said and hung up. I set the phone down and picked up the pill bottle. I didn't have time to worry if Master was in an angry or playful mood. It might not matter too much either way; it was clear that he intended to wear me out when he got home. I opened the bottle absently as I walked into the...
BDSMOver the years of teaching and as principal, Yvette King had built up strong barriers to her feelings. She let them down only once, letting the charming and witty Ivan King woo her and finally marry her after admitting that she felt for him after having him be the teacher to her best friend Karen Smith's children. It was tough to keep their relationship a secret from other teachers, then keeping it from bleeding over into their professional lives, but they maintained it thanks to...
The King“What makes you think you’re a king?” Sheila asked. James had shuffled up onto the bed on his knees in between her legs. His answer was to flex his groin muscles to lift his penis into a full, stiff, upright erection. The organ bulged with huge veins that wrapped around the shaft like lightning bolts of Zeus, showing every detail, every definition as they snaked under his satiny black skin. It was like the trunk of a great Sequoia rising more than nine inches above the base where hung...
Once up a time there lived a pirate by the name of Long John Thomas. A bloodthirsty fiend who terrorised the kingdom of Albion, he sailed the seven seas on his trusty galleon the Randy Badger. Any man who dared to take to the sea would find themselves on the end of his sword and any woman who dared to take to the sea would find herself on the end of his cock. This is the story of how Long John Thomas humped the oldest daughter of the King of England. Princess Beatrice was not a fan of traveling...
ExhibitionismIt was eons ago that Hell was gifted to the demons by the angels of Heaven. Well, perhaps "gifted" is the wrong word to use. Demons were forced to stay there, never to again plague the surface en masse. Upon their forced migration, their new home was thrown into chaos as the demons fought among themselves for supremacy. One demon rose above the rest, more powerful, wicked, and ruthless than any other demon in the realm. He brought organized chaos to Hell and asserted himself as the dominant and...
RomanceCast of Characters: Title Characters: Carol Maxine King AKA Carlos Maxwell King: A gynephilic cross-dresser Darlene Faye Roosevelt AKA Dee: An alluring and shapely call girl Minor Characters: Blonde and redhead: A couple of beautiful lesbians Jack Steel AKA Big Bro: A piggish bar owner Viktor Thorpe: A club disc jockey Sienna Kurtis: A call girl and Darlene's friend Naomi Jolene Rivers AKA busty barmaid: An enticing barmaid employed at Jack Steel's Bar Amy: Employed as housemaid by...
We stood in front of the gates, which were firmly closed, and above us a group of guards looked down at us and jeering. "Just open the gate and allow us entry!" I used Al's megaphone facility to project my voice up to the guards on the wall. "His Majesty isn't seeing anyone at this time ... go away!" A sarcastic voice shouted back down. "You've no idea what I've gone through because of him; I'm not just going to turn back now," I said and concentrated, feeling the power build,...
Scott huddled with Fiona and Eilean, hugging them to him as they poured out their story. They recounted their horror at witnessing the carnage at Aird Driseig, in particular the deaths of Kirsty, little Tina and Iain. "I couldn't do anything to save my sister wife," cried Fiona, "and the baby, oh Scott, the baby, I'm so sorry." She wailed out her grief. "Echdach pointed us out to the Norse and they were intent on taking us alive, but Kirsty would not have it. She fought with...
For the best experience, engage Game Mode --> Some chapters will not be visible without it! It is the middle of the 14th century. Warlords and claimants to royalty battle throughout Europe, clashing over lands which are won and lost and won again in a matter of weeks. Most of the common people want nothing more than peace, and some who are more determined than others to find it follow rumors of a glorious but abandoned castle in the Alps where the roads are too narrow for armies and the war...
Once up a time there lived a pirate by the name of Long John Thomas. A bloodthirsty fiend who terrorised the kingdom of Albion, he sailed the seven seas on his trusty galleon the Randy Badger. Any man who dared to take to the sea would find themselves on the end of his sword and any woman who dared to take to the sea would find herself on the end of his cock. This is the story of how Long John Thomas humped the oldest daughter of the King of England. Princess Beatrice was not a fan of...
“What makes you think you’re a king?” Sheila asked. James had shuffled up onto the bed on his knees in between her legs. His answer was to flex his groin muscles to lift his penis into a full, stiff, upright erection. The organ bulged with huge veins that wrapped around the shaft like lightning bolts of Zeus, showing every detail, every definition as they snaked under his satiny black skin. It was like the trunk of a great Sequoia rising more than nine inches above the base where hung his plump...
“Let’s remember who acted illegally in this situation,” I said, looking directly at the host, Larry King. Billy had orchestrated this interview largely due to Larry’s direct but non-confrontational interview style. “Let me restate that,” he said quickly. “China has accused you of an illegal act of aggression against them. How would you characterize the events?” “I would say that the Chinese government, or individuals illegally using the power of that government, undertook activities...
The head of the king's harem is a perfect whore and a perfect madonna, a perfect slave and a perfect mistress. Her name is Dalia and she is a loving, caring and mild tempered woman with great self-esteem and a great drive that comes from within her self. She is great in balancing care of her self and the harem and she is meticulous in everything that she does.She is gorgeous with her perfect smile and beautiful hair. She has a healthy feminine body that always smells great. She is always...
Waking up to loud banging on your front door was not how you planned on starting the day. As a matter of fact, your throbbing headache demanded retribution on the poor soul who decided they desperately needed your attention. Storming down the stairs of your moderately sized cottage(hey, being the kings bastard came with a few perks), and up to your front door, you threw the door open with a furious look on your face. Until you saw the bitch standing in front of you. She was of the furry race...
FantasyThere was once a small kingdom on the continent of Bazah, which was small but prosperous. Our story begins on a dark night in the season of spring 2015. The small kingdom of Nicaea was woken up in the middle of the night. Men were heard shouting in the streets; “The King is dead! Long live the King!”. A crowd gathered around the royal palace and was addressed by Prince Leylin Farlier. The young prince stepped towards the crowd and began a speech. “So as you all might know, my father, the King...
Mind ControlA small sigh escapes the king's lips. The voluptuous blonde worships his demonic cock lovingly. Running her tongue along his studded shaft before swallowing his swollen head. A clawed hand cups the back of her head as she works his massive cock into her throat. Just a few days ago, this buxom little thing was a mighty demon huntress who made her way to his throne room. Now the girl was little more than a devoted slave, worshipping him and his dark mother the Goddess Lilith. A grin broke across...
FantasyThe New King The New King ??????? The world has become nothing more than a hollow shell.? It is an existence that has driven many to insanity, and beyond.? A place of hate, murder and lust which benefits only the privileged, for those who would control us, a new day will dawn, a day were their own perversion will be turned against them, and the one shall rise above them all, to guide us to a new era where the weak will be made strong and whole, where the greedy and the despot and the...
Unlike my other two stories in the same setting, "A New World! Your Party of Hopeless Hotties", and "Erotic Dungeon Crawl", this one is not a game. It's a more straight forward and linear story about a preestablished demon king. There will be alternate choices, but it won't be as customizable as the others. It's something more simple, where you don't have to worry about clicking Start Game and the story's tracked conditions. I figure it's been a long time since I've done something like that. If...
FantasyThe cavern’s mouth loomed before us. Dark, ominous, there was absolutely nothing good down there but it was where we were headed regardless. “Before we do this, I want to make one thing clear. If you think goblins are nothing but tiny, dim witted brutes, think again. Yes, they don’t read or write, and you damned sure won’t see one compose a symphony, but that just makes them uncultured, uncivilized. Savage, yes, but not stupid. Never stupid.” “Truth is, the tricky little bastards are clever...
Terms tinton - 2 1/2 seconds specton - 2 1/2 minutes Toton - 2 1/2 hours minton - 2 1/2 days daycon - 2 1/2 weeks Malant - 2 1/2 months quant - 2 1/2 years galant - 2 1/2 centuries Metson - 2 1/2 inches maclon - 2 1/2 feet heckson - 2 1/2 miles tetson - 2 1/2 acres unit - 2 1/2 ccs Tac - 2 1/2 pounds Mayan Terms p’uchik - spank nohchil - Chief Ahau - King k’aat - Claim k’iimil - Death taak’in - gold Characters Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan, Cit-Chac-Coh King Tomco Traxor - Bill’s...
SACRILEGE ALERT-If reading rewrites of holy texts bothers you, you probably should spare me your ire and not read this. Last warning! Demetrius of Chersonesos looked up at the knock on his door and his already grim visage grew grimmer when he saw who entered. His vision of the murder of a newborn babe the night before caused this interruption of his work and he waved the three men who entered his cluttered office to the chairs before his beautifully carved desk of teak and cherry. The three...
Nimmi aur Raj nange hi ek dusre ke alingan mein so gaye. Raj ne aaj pehli baar choot ki chudayi ki thee aur Nimmi ne aaj tak bahut se lund liye thay lekin Raj ka lund anokha hi tha. Khas iss liye ki vo abhi bas 18 saal ka tha aur dusra ki vo usski saheli ka beta tha. Nimmi apni saheli ke Pati Ramesh se bhi chudwa chuki thee jab vo zinda tha. Baap ke baad bete se chudwane ki khushi alag hi thee. Nimmi aur Raj gehri need mein sote rahe. Jab subha Raj ki need khuli to apne pass Nimmi aunty ko...
Madeleine was working late with her new boss Deirdre. They’d been working late for two weeks trying to tidy the mess left by the previous manager. At last they’d cleared the backlog. Deirdre sighed, looked directly at Madeleine, and stretched up her arms – her large soft breasts pushed forward in her skintight jumper making it ride up to reveal a stretch of suntanned stomach. ‘I think this calls for a celebration.’ Madeleine was disturbed by the sinking feeling in...
The sounds of screaming filled the air, as men were being mercilessly slaughtered like animals or being kept alive just long enough to see their homes burn and their women being raped by the Ironborn. Theon's Ironborn. They had sailed the Sunset Sea unnoticed and landed a thousand men a few leagues south of the city. They had smuggled into the darkness, under the cover of the westermen stragglers who had escaped the Battle of Oxcross, fleeing the approaching forces of the Young Wolf and the...
Valgroth The world sees Alphas as being the dominating class. They aren't first rate citizens, but it would bode well for all parties involved to not mess with them or their loved ones. This is why we put in place different districts of spirituality throughout our kingdom. The northern district is governed by the priest and second son, Javex, who taps into the earthen element and grounds all alphas within his domain spiritually. He is said to be an Alpha of considerable strength despite is...
The Right Of The King Lorena Mae, 1995 He pulled back, spent, satisfied. The therapy room around him was institutional, cement brick with a cold stainless steel table dominating the space. She laid in the stirrups, softly moaning. He looked at her empty eyes in the midst of a beautiful face and wondered what she thought, if she thought at all. She had been in institutions for most of her life, unable to communicate or even control her body very much. He liked to believe...
In Ancient Greece, the world was ruled by the gods of Olympus, but you already know their stories, if not you probably wouldn’t be reading this. So let me tell you about the time Hermes single handedly cucked and fucked his way to being ruler of Olympus...this’ll make sense later. Our story begins in the forests of ancient greece. The messenger god Hermes was floating above the trees, sorting letters that Zeus instructed him to deliver to his mistresses, the king couldn’t even be faithful to...
FantasyAfter a long stressful day at work, Andy and Warren were winding down at Distiller's Microbrew & Tap. Each were on their second beer when Warren said, "Andy, did you read the news this morning?""Didn't have time. What, another story about the President's Tweets?""No, Andy, something worse.""Immigrants being deported?""Worse.""Well then, Warren, what in the hell is upsetting you so much?"The two men were talking sports, politics and women. Warren took a swig from his glass and said, "You're not...
CheatingMarch, 1920 Le Havre, France It was with a deep sense of melancholy that I stood along the rail at the stern of the ocean liner, watching the coast of France recede into the distance. I was going home, after seven years of service with the American Embassy in Paris, and while part of me was glad to be returning to America, a larger part of me knew I was leaving behind a large part of my life. It was a cold, blustery day on the cusp of spring, and I had my overcoat buttoned to the top to...
December, 1915 Paris, France Madeleine looked resplendent in her dark green dress, with the bright red corsage I had pinned on her breast. She looked very much in keeping with the holiday, which was the idea, since we were entering the ballroom at the Ritz Hotel, the same one where we had spent our wedding night, for the American Embassy’s annual Christmas banquet. Because the United States was still neutral in the Great War that was raging not far away, we were not under the same moral...
June, 1915 Paris, France ‘A toast! A toast to Robert,’ cried Sergei Hoffmann, over the din of well-wishers. ‘Hear, hear!’ was the response from several corners of the room. We were gathered in the private room of a well-known Paris restaurant for the traditional bachelor’s night, and the good food and copious amounts of spirits in all varieties had made for a memorable evening. Stories – many of them bawdy – had been told and conversation had been brisk. These were my friends, the people I...
CHAPTER 8 Paris, France March, 1918 I had been on furlough from my duties as an attache from the U.S. Embassy to Gen. Pershing’s headquarters, and Madeleine and I had finally reconnected after months of forced celibacy after her miscarriage and subsequent emergency hysterectomy. I had finally come to realize how close she had come to dying that day. Only a quick transfusion of blood helped her survive the surgery that saved her life, but deprived her of the ability to have any more...
June, 1917 Paris, France It was on a warm late spring morning that I arrived in my office to be greeted with a summons to the ambassador’s office. When I arrived, I stopped short, for Mr. Stark had a visitor, someone I knew well, and for whom I had decidedly mixed feelings. Gen. John James Pershing was seated in a chair across from the ambassador’s desk, and he rose when I entered the office. ‘Sergeant Guidry,’ he said as he offered his hand in greeting, using the rank to which I had risen...