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(The erotic memoirs of a department store ‘Floorwalker’)

My Father passed away three months ago to the day. He was a good father and seemingly lived a very quiet, mild-mannered, average life. At least that’s what I thought until I pried open a locked large brown trunk in the attic of his small 2 bedroom home in West Hollywood and discovered the three dusty, well-worn black books inside. They contained the tightly scrawled handwriting of my father. The realtor listing my dad’s house was calling for me so I put the books in a packing box and carried them out to my car. Later that evening as I began scanning the pages of my father’s notes, I discovered they chronicled a span of over 25 years of experiences and events relating to his career as Floorwalker for the Broadway Hollywood Department Store. The more I read, the more amazed I become because the record therein was not that of a man who had lived an average life and it was all too obvious that my father was not the mild-mannered man I had thought him to be. He was the sexual ‘power-guru’ of the Broadway.

Before I share some of the bizarre events contained in these ledgers, you need a quick over-view of the store, it’s location and his job. Otherwise you may think what I am about to share is just another fictional sex-story submitted for your prurient curiosity. The truth is my father’s life was VERY prurient. The diaries he had left me to find told how he had used his position to seduce many female sales clerks and customers throughout his deviant and outrageous career. Stories so bizarre they will test even the most fertile imaginations. You be the judge whether my father had made it all up in fun, or as I believe, was telling the truth. Fact or Fiction?…Ask yourself this, why in the world would he have taken the time to so meticulously chronicled these events over a 25 year’s span and then kept them carefully hidden in a locked attic trunk (away from the prying eyes of his wife and children)?

The Broadway Hollywood Department Store was located at the famous intersection of Hollywood and Vine and just across the street from the ‘Brown Derby’ restaurant where all of Hollywood’s big-name actors partied and dined. Some of Hollywood’s great movies, scripts and deals had their genesis on the barstools and in the booths of the Brown Derby. The Broadway Hollywood Department Store (long before Rodeo Drive) catered to the rich & famous of Hollywood. It was appointed in the epic grandeur of Early Hollywood and its employees were trained to cater to the rich & famous they served. Vacationers from around the world would visit the Broadway Hollywood in the hopes of seeing famous Hollywood personalities and they were not often disappointed.

Dad’s job as ‘Floorwalker’ could best be defined as a ‘Manager-Tightrope-Walker’ who was on-call, at all times to any department on any floor of the store. He had to be a major-domo in knowing how to handle any emergency situation that could arise with the skill and delicacy of a foreign diplomat. My father was proving to be more than a mere diplomat of the foreign and unusual which occurred on a daily basis. These three books from which I was reading contained a history of the bizarre stories father had witnessed…and much more. They told of a man whom I had never known. A man who had cleverly woven these strange and bizarre events into a corrupt web of power in order to feed the strong appetites of his sexual fetishes and desires.

The first ‘S/E’ (father’s term for a sexual encounter) occurred in May of 1948 just one month after he was elevated to the position of ‘Floorwalker’ (he turning just 25). A famous actress (gosh, I can’t say the name can I, due to liability problems so I’ll use her real first name and just omit her last. It would be so much better to tell you her last name because you would know it. She was in so many great movies of that era and known for her haunting eyes. She had brought a Mink Coat into the store for storage. Dad’s diary explained that the Broadway Hollywood had a huge walk-in ‘Cold Storage’ locker that customers would use to protect their fur coats during the hot summer. The storage locker kept the furs from becoming damaged thereby extending their life indefinitely. This very famous actress had taken her expensive fur into the locker with her agent and they, being somewhat inebriated decided it would be a kinky place to have sex. The department head had gone in to check on them. When she entered and observed them having sex, she immediately called dad to handle the situation.

Here is how he described it in his own words, 5: 47 Allison contacted me regarding a S/E that was now occurring in her department. It involved Betty ____ and her manager. Allison took me into the Fur Locker where we found them naked and in the act of having sex. It was quite sexy and very amusing. There was Betty in high heels, black stockings and a garter belt. She was wearing her 3/4 length mink and giving her manager Sidney Le Belle a blow job. He was completely dressed and sitting on a pile of furs they had removed from hangers and tossed onto the floor. His cock was hanging lewdly out the front of his trousers and Betty was sucking like an Olympian athlete. Allison (the dept. manager) started to leave but I made her stay as a witness. Betty bobbed her head up and down like a puppet and shouted, ‘Come on you mother fucker, you’re always so god damn cocksure, let me see you make this pecker do all the things you brag about. Let’s see you get it up to that famous 10 fucking big inches you keep braggin’ about.’ She took a few more big sloppy sucks of his penis and said, ‘Come on Daddy, give you’re little dirty Star the juice from your big French banana. Shoot it down my cock-sucking mouth and gag me with your fucking managerial ten-percent, big-dealing fuck-sauce.’

They had created such a dirty and erotic scene. I was so filthy and bizarre I wanted to watch him deliver his ‘fuck-sauce’ in the famous lady’s mouth. When I turned to Allison, I could see she was shocked and yet turned on by their sexual antics by her flustered appearance. About that time Betty saw us and said something to the effect of, ‘What are you two staring at, haven’t you ever seen a star giving her manager a blow job.’ Naw, I guess not. How do you like my wardrobe.’

With that she stood up and faced us. Still holding Sid’s ‘big French banana’ with one hand (he had the silliest grin on his puss), she spread her long sexy legs and put the other hand down into her panties and said, ‘Come over here and get a good fucking look at a famous star’s wet pussy.’

I made them get dressed and told them they would have to leave. Betty said, ‘Hey Mr. Broadway Hollywood why don’t you and your cute little cunt-of-a-girl friend come over to my house tonight. Were gonna have a big party and a fuckin’ good time.’ She then started to sober-up a up a bit as she put her dress back on. Sid zipped his pecker back into his pants and then Betty got all apologetic and said, ‘Gee, I’m really sorry kids. I’m screwed-up from so much champagne at the ‘wrap-party’ we just came from. Really, please forgive me. In fact, I’m having a party tonight. Why don’t the two of you come over to the house and meet some of the cast and crew. I would consider it a personal favor.’

I knew why we got the invite (Allison didn’t have a clue). It was because I was in the position of being able to contact the ‘Hollywood Confidential’ and sell the story for a nice piece-of-change. I had an eyewitness and Betty’s fans wouldn’t appreciate their star acting lick a drunken whore giving her manager a b.j. in the middle of our Fur locker. She told Sid to give us the address and he scribbled something on the back of his business card. It was the address and his signature to get us past Betty’s doorman. The poor son of a bitch fell all over himself and then offered us each a hundred to forget what we had seen. Allison declined and so did I, but I gave Sid a wink and said, ‘See ya at the party.’ I knew I would get the two hu
ndred and maybe more from Sid in a ‘private’ meeting.

They left and I went with Peggy Allison to her counter to fill out my P-C Report (personal contact) for the record and get her witnessing signature. I’d been trying to get into little Miss Peggy’s panties ever since my new position with no luck. Well, just maybe a little progress had been made. She obviously liked me because a couple of weeks before she agreed to let me take her to the Derby for lunch. Not just anybody could get into the Derby. She was impressed when I introduced her to Mr. Ventura the Head Mater Dei, and my friend Franco the bartender. She obviously enjoyed the movie star scene at the Derby and nearly fainted when Robert Young walked over and ordered a drink while standing less that two feet from us. I knew then she was in awe of movie stars but it didn’t help me in my quest of getting into her knickers. After we got back to the store, she returned to an attitude of ‘business as usual’.

As I began filling out my report Peggy said, ‘Are you really going to go to Betty_____’s party tonight?’ ‘You betcha sweet-thing I got a pass and a couple of hundred dollar bills waiting for me. Plus how can I pass up a chance to meet half of the Hollywood swells that’ll be there? I’ll bet William Holden will be there. You know, he’s starring in that new movie with Betty.’ Peggy just about fainted for the 2nd time. Her knees actually buckled a bit when I said William Holden’s name. She was dying at the possibility of rubbing elbows with some big movie stars. I knew I finally held the ticket to getting into Miss Peggy’s knickers. My ticket was in the form of Sid’s business card. I laid it on the counter for reference (and directly in front of Peggy). Not a word, I just went on filling out the report.

‘Do you think I could go with you?’ I kept writing as though I hadn’t heard her. ‘Come on Mr. Henried, take me with you tonight. You know she invited both of us?’ ‘So what do I get for my troubles of escorting you’. Peggy looked at me with a curious expression (the little bitch was catching on). ‘What exactly do you mean Mr. Henried?’ ‘Come, come Peggy, you know exactly what I mean. And the name is Bill to you.’ I just continued staring into her eyes. She began fidgeting and shifting her weight from one leg to the other. Then I slowly looked down at her breasts, smiled and looked right back up into those big brown innocent eyes of hers. ‘Surely you can think of some small way to repay me for taking you?’

It was now out on the table. A straight forward proposition. She knew I would expect a sexual favor or she’d be staying home while I went. She said, ‘I….I don’t know. What would I have to do?’ ‘Tell you what Peg, come with me and we can discuss it in private.’ I turned away and began walking. I didn’t need to look back because I could hear her high heels clicking on the polished linoleum as she obediently followed me back into the storage locker. The prime-and-proper, tight-assed little bitch was laying herself wide open for a little one-on-one. God, I loved the power this new job was affording me! **[Note, This was the first time I had ever heard my father speak this way. As I read his own words I knew my father had a dual personality and lived a double life while working at the ‘Broadway.’]

I led her back into the Fur Locker. I wanted to see if I could get a peek at Peggy’s little Beaver Pelt. She was wearing a pale light yellow, pleated satin blouse. Her skirt was light-brown tweed, tapering to just below the knees and she was wearing silk stockings with dark brown high heels. Peggy wasn’t particularly beautiful but very sharp looking, nice and tall and slim. Just what I wanted, a long-legged cunt with a tight little ass. Her dark brown hair was in a ‘bun’ and she wore glasses attached to lanyard around her neck Yes, she look very prim and proper, but I was going to see whether I could use my position to make her my little whore for the evening. We had over a hundred employees (mostly female) and I had been thinking and planning for such an opportunity for many months. Now was the time to put some of my plans into action. I needed to see just how far I could pressure someone like Peggy Allison.

Here, put on this coat so you don’t catch a chill. I was wearing the required suit and tie so my coat would give me at least a half an hour’s comfort. I could linger longer if I could turn the ‘Ice-panty Peggy’ into some ‘Steam-heat’. She accepted one of the furs that Betty and Sid had thrown in a pile. I held it open and she allowed me to assist in putting it one. Her back was turned to me as she slipped her arms into the heavy coat sleeves. When the collar I was holding got to her neck I made my first overt move. I slid one hand around her neck and placed the other on her shoulder. Then I kissed the nape of her bare neck.

She started to turn and pull a way but I held her fast. ‘Mr. Henried, let me go! Stop right now and I mean it!’ (So the little bitch didn’t like my innocent complement) ‘Shut up, Peggy and listen very closely’. [I was going to play the hand for which I had been planning. It was either all or nothing and I would know in a couple of seconds. If she continued to resist, I’d release her and apologize by feigning a youthful error of judgement. But if she hesitated, I would press for more.]

Her back was still turned to me with my hand on her neck. Placing the lips of my mouth close to her right ear I whispered, ‘It’s up to you little girl, either go to the party with me and have the time of your life or spend the evening in your lonely little apartment thinking about how dull and uneventful your pathetic life truly is. Give me a little taste of what I want, and I’ll give you everything your little heart desires.’ My lips were now into the opening of her ear and she shivered, but not to the cold, rather my warm breath as it entered her ear.

Little Peggy didn’t make a move so I turned her around and looked down into her eyes and then further down onto her breasts. ‘You turn me on Peg and I know you want me but you’re just too shy so I’m making the first move.’ I was guessing that she was as lonely as I suspected and needed some intimate affection. Peggy didn’t move a muscle, but as I looked into her eyes, I saw the sign of resignation as her eyes lowered to my chest.

‘What do you have in mind Mr. Henried?’ ‘Did you call me by my last name?’ I said in firm voice! ‘What… do you want Bill?’ ‘I want you to stop being such a tight-assed, stuck up little bitch…that’s what I want!’ She didn’t say a thing. I was no longer touching her, the door was right in front of her and at 29 and with her position as Head of the Women’s Department she knew she could slap my face and walk out and that would end it. As I suspected might happen, she appeared stunned in the firm powerful way I was making my play.

Then she suddenly surprised me as she changed and spoke in anger, ‘Just who the hell do you think you are?’ and raised her hand to slap me. Her voice had already given warning of that possibility so I was able to ‘beat her to the punch’ and blocked the slap. In a lucky move I grabbed her wrist, which had gotten within a couple of inches from my face. With a cold icy stare I said, ‘I’m the man who is going to take you for my mistress and do whatever I want with you, that’s who the fuck I think I am!’

God the power felt so good. This may have been a new role for me but one I had been dreaming about for years. Peggy was my first victim. I made sure that any pressure I used would leave an open avenue. I wanted her and I didn’t mind using words but I would never go further than the permission she gave. Step by step, and move by calculated move. My plan was to pause at each step and assess her words and actions (or the lack thereof). Up to now she had stood up to me but she had also followed me: into the Locker, obeyed my command to wear the coat, let me hold her neck and whisper in her ear. The attempted slap and my holding her wrist were not necessarily a bad sign. In fact I noticed she wa
s no longer resisting my grip on her wrist nor indicating in any way that she wanted to leave. And this after I had just told her I was going to take her as my mistress! I knew I had just been given a green light to continue pressing the issue and take the plan to another level.

‘Are you ready to be a good little girl and come to me as my mistress or are you going to stay a tight-assed bitch in your lonely pathetic world?’ Tears welled in her eyes and she stopped just short of crying. ‘I would like to go to the party tonight and see if I could do it.’ ‘Do what my darling?’ ‘I’ve never been with a married man. I don’t know if I could date a guy that’s married.’ It was getting better! Much better!

I continued to speak from my established position of power, ‘First of all, I’m some fucking guy. I am your new boyfriend and you’re the girl I chose to be my mistress. You did not choose me, I chose you. My private life is just that, private. This isn’t a matter for you to ‘pussy-foot’ around. You will not go to the party and then make a decision. I expect you to decide here and now. If you go anywhere with me it’ll be on my terms and as my mistress. Do you understand?’ ‘Yes, dear.’

It was amazing! The ‘kill’ had been relatively easy. The difficulty had been the planning of the ‘Hunt’ and waiting for the right time to ‘Spring the Trap.’ The ‘Gutting of the Game’ which I had so carefully rehearsed was now going to take place with a series of questions and instructions. Taking her in my arms I gave her a firm (but brief) kiss. This was not about love, rather her serving my lustful needs. I already had a wife and family. What I wanted from Peggy was a person who could serve my insatiable desire for uninhibited sex on demand.

‘Do you know what a mistress is my dear Peggy?’ ‘I think so’. ‘I don’t want you to just think. I want you to tell me…what is a mistress?’ ‘Well, its like a girlfriend’. ‘No, Peggy it is nothing like a girl friend. It is more like a wife on demand. If you’re my mistress I will expect you to sexually give me everything I demand of you and give it whenever and however I say. Do you understand?’

Again she did nothing, like a deer frozen in a car’s head lights. ‘Well do you or do you not understand?’ I repeated. After several agonizing seconds, she said, ‘Yes’. Let the gutting of my prey begin ‘Then it’s time for you to show me you’re capable of giving me what I want. Unbutton your blouse’. Trembling, she hesitated, then lifting her fingers to the pearl buttons of her satin blouse she slowly unbuttoned the first two buttons and stopped. ‘I didn’t tell you to stop, unbutton all of them.’ God this was fantastic. She continued to finish the task I had demanded. And then, she gave me her first hint of a smile. It was very erotic and just what I needed. My cock was beginning to strain in my trousers as I saw her bra cupping her small breasts. God I loved women with little-girl tittys.

‘Now pull-up your bra so I can see my Mistress’s breasts.’ She didn’t move and I thought this game might have come to an end. Pressing a little more, I said, in a louder voice, ‘Do it or I shall do it for you.’ In a hushed voice she said, ‘I would rather you do it for me.’ Oh, this was fantastic. I reach under the bottom of her bra with both hands, one under each tiny cup. Pulling it away and up over her tittys I unveiled her chest and saw her beautiful perfect little tits spring into view. Her breasts were those of a china-doll and so very firm. I couldn’t wait to suck them into my mouth. All the pressure I had applied was obviously exciting her because her nipples were hard and pointy with a ring of tiny goose-bump like dots around each areola. ‘Are these hard nipples for me, Peggy? Did I make them get all pouty?’ She nodded yes.

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Il mondo di Hollywoodr

Sei l'uomo più ricco del mondo e controlli tutte le celebrità più importanti di Hollywood ma la cosa più importante di questo lavoro è che ogni ragazza è disposta a tutto per avere una minima parte per diventare famosa. Sono le prime ore del mattino e ricevi una chiamata...

2 years ago
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Gracie Goes To Hollywoods

My husband died in my arms early in 1969. He was thirty-one years old and I was a devastated eighteen-year-old.Edward's parents were every bit as wonderful as he was and did everything they could to help. They even offered, without being the least bit pushy, to take my step-children. This made perfect sense. They loved me, but they had known their grandparents all their lives. They would have a stable home, something I could not promise, and they would not have the stigma of a mommy who had sex...

3 years ago
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My JC Teacher

IntroductionI lived through the four years of my secondary school life in an all-boys environment and tho we dont get the chance to ogle at chio bus walking past we had lotsa fun tgt like you know the all guys stuff like stripping some guy in class when a female teacher is teaching and when the principal is giving his speech. Those were the days but thats not exactly what my story is gonna talk about so lets just leave it aside for now.Basically, I never had any problems in terms of studies...

2 years ago
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Seeking a Lover for the End of the World

Main Character: Arianna, 27, Female - Daughter of Will - 5’3, 130lbs, beige skin, long black hair Will, 47, Male - Father of Arianna Author’s note: This short story draws inspiration from the plot of the movie Seeking a Friend for the End of the World. But, of course, the idea gets the Chase Shivers treatment in that which follows. If you knew the world was ending tomorrow, what would you do with the time left to you? Where would you go? What would you do? Who would be the people you’d...

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Seasonal farm worker boys

Although I’m happily married, with the consent and often assistance from my hubby, I’ve developed quite an appetite for young men, and they seem to have quite an appetite for me in return. Years ago I would have never dreamed of having sex outside of marriage but after years of being together my hubby started to talk about the possibility of us adding another to the mix and we’ve now been part of the lifestyle for years. More often than anything else, we bring in a single male to the mix but...

4 years ago
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Young Explorations Part 2

The next morning when Helen got on the bus, she said hello as every morning. In reply I just said: “now it’s your turn”. You looked at me questioningly and I explained that now that she has seen and touched my cock, it’s only fair that I see and touch her pussy. She said it’s impossible, not in the bus. She went to a strict convent school and her uniform went down to well below her knees. Then she suggested something. “I can cut my pocket for you.” It took me a few seconds to understand how...

4 years ago
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Where the Mountain RisesChapter 10 Two for Joy

May 29, 2028 Clark lifted Katie off the floor of the porch to carry her over the threshold of the cabin door. They entered as husband and wife and it gave a whole new meaning to their lives. The cabin had not only served as a safe haven from the endless fear of the City, but introduced them to a new universe where they discovered love. They had been gone nearly three days. The first thing Katie did was check up on the chickens and feed them. Sally put away the things they brought up and...

3 years ago
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by Edweird Lytwer-Bulton (Sometimes knows as Russell Hoisington) Copyright© 2004 -- All rights reserved BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! It was a bright and shiny day; my wood-frame house shook like a stressed-out crack junkie in the pangs of withdrawal as I stumbled from between the rumpled sheets of my comfortably lukewarm waterbed, grabbed freshly laundered jockey shorts from the clean-laundry basket, and, staggering with drowsiness, got them properly oriented the second time I pulled...

3 years ago
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Vennoa the Halfelf SorcererChapter 12

The party searched the bodies of the kobolds and goblin, and mostly found mundane items, like daggers and shovels. The goblin’s chainmail armor looked to be of reasonable quality, but no one in the party could fit in it, and no one wanted to strip the dead goblin of its armor. So, they moved the corpses out of the way, and continued along the road. Vennoa and Fender went back to the cart, and the old donkey resumed trudging along. Pua walked slightly in front of the party again, and this...

1 year ago
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Girl in My Dreams Part ONE

 I’ve been reading very hot stories here lately and I thought I should write mine.  Summer has finally started. Instead of celebrating, our excuses to sneak around my parents back to do exactly what they fear we would do. Make love. My boyfriend and I have been together for the longest time. we have done steamy hot passionate sex a million times! but I crave him more and more.   I want his pussy-tearing, hot, strong masculine dick inside my steaming, desperate hole through days, and nights....

1 year ago
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FamilySwap Aaliyah Love Liv Revamped Shark Time Of The Month

What would happen if four families each contributed one member to create a new family? In this episode of Family Swap, Liv Revamped and her swap brother Juan Loco are doing an arts and crafts project for shark month. The swap siblings have made shark mouths, which opens up all kinds of possibilities for fun flirtation. When swap parents Aaliyah Love and Damon Dice walk in on the craft time, they find Juan and Liv “biting” each other’s privates with the mouths. Aaliyah and...

2 years ago
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GreeniesChapter 9C

Mermaid had no one in the official position of executive officer. There simply were not enough officers to go around for that designation. The closest that they had was Lieutenant Sugiyoto, the navigation and tracking officer, who filled the role if it was needed by virtue of being second in command. "Green light on all exterior doors, Brett," he said now, checking a panel on his display. "Thanks, Sugi," Brett said absently, looking at his own display board. He was now sitting in the...

2 years ago
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I had just returned home from my visit to Shinora's place. I thought about how my aunt turned me on, how she would caress and nurture me and make me feel so good. I hated to leave her, but vacation time was over and it was time for me to resume my duties as the crowned prince of Fantasia Prime. At the front door, my mother, Ethera Severus, waited for me. I placed my bags by the door and looked up at her. She was wearing a sexy pink lingerie with a g-string barely covering her pussy, though she...

2 years ago
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Lady in Red Ch 19

Gwen’s parents had never mentioned anything about Jordan Quick, or anyone else, staying with them. If Clyde’s assertion was correct, it must have been a very recent decision. They hardly had time to reach home after visiting the promotion at Macy’s earlier in the day. Gwen knew that if her parents had agreed to Jordan staying with them, that she had better be as hospitable as possible. ‘I see that wasn’t exactly the news you were looking for,’ smirked Jordan. ‘I’m supposed to be in a ‘stable...

2 years ago
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Long Life and TelepathyChapter 15

With all the problems facing us, I didn't expect another one coming our way. I was wrong. Wednesday evening after dinner, Loni and I sat with Owen and Maria watching an old John Wayne movie in the entertainment room when my cell phone rang. Caller ID told me the call came from Leah, which surprised me. Then I remembered that I'd told Sable to contact John Savage about some architectural work. Perhaps she was calling to thank me. "Hi, Leah," I said. "You said if I ever needed help that...

1 year ago
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Painters delight Continued

For those who have read the previous tale this is an update. To recap, what started off as a desire for a mfm threesome with my wife turned a little when she unexpectedly did the very same with two younger co workers. It was such an amazing feeling for me that she enjoyed it so much that we conspired for her to continue with me getting my 'jollies' listening to the descriptions of her escapades. I enjoyed dressing her up for her dates, tight pvc dresses latex wear, heels and anything shiny and...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Angie and Sara Ch1 Summer

And without further ado and lecturing here it is *Warning there is no sex in this chapter... it will not be implemented until later in the story* Sara and Angie Ch. 1 Summer It was a cool summer day, worries of school and homework all drifted away on the coastal breeze. It was the sudden clicking of buttons that stirred Sara from her sleep. Angie was texting away again as usual. "Don't you ever take a break from that thing?" Sara asked looking from Angie's phone to the open...

2 years ago
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Silly things I have done in my teens

My dad is a very keen gardener, as is our neighbour and his and so on, in fact every summer we all compete against each other for the best in show garden.It's a competition my dad would love to win, but he never does, that honer goes every year to the same man, our neighbour, he just appears to be ahead of everyone, and every year he walks away with it, my dad just goes ballistic. Last year was something of an obsession in our house, as dad plotted and schemed to do his utmost to usurp the old...

3 years ago
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Playing with wine bottles continued

But it's there, this totally consuming intense feeling that makes my whole body shake and my knees go weak, and I slump down on to the bottle with all my weight - reaching down with my hands to hold the serving set ring in an attempt to manage balancing my whole body on my pussy. My arms are pushing my breasts together in front of me, and I can't see past my cleavage and the lace, so all I can do is feel how my pussy is still stretched and yawning, the burning continuing as I slowly slip...

4 years ago
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A Sexy Lesbian Experience With My Couin Sweta

Hello everyone, thanks for your compliments about my first story series. Those who don’t know me, please click on my profile to read my previous series which mentions how did I had sex with my two brothers and mom. So moving to the new recent experience, it was a summertime and we had my uncle visiting our home for a few weeks. He was coming with his family to spend some time in India and get some relaxation from his busy schedule. So for a few weeks, we would be having four more members in our...

3 years ago
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Toxic Masculinity Has A Good Night

Back when I was in university, I optimistically looked upon any night out as a chance to meet girls.  I suppose this shouldn't be much of a revelation, since I was hardly alone in this objective.  Despite my best efforts though, results suggested flaws in my approach.  Then one night, I finally had a night that matched my wildest ambitions.The night started as usual with a few friends at the campus bar.  We were sharing a table with some others.  I knew most of the people at our table, but...

College Sex
2 years ago
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My Brother BradChapter 2

After Rachel had left for school the following day, I began getting to grips with the housework. The place hadn’t been touched for a few days and I got stuck into the task with gusto. As I progressed through the day my thoughts kept dipping back into the colourful weekend I’d spent with Brad. When we had first caught sight of each other, the sexual attraction between us was evident; our eyes had sparkled at the sight of each other. We had both matured some, and fortunately it had been a...

2 years ago
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HaremChapter 3 Dedanna

I had taken a notice to one of two college girls renting a small house next to a house that I owned and rented out to college kids. She was 22 years old stood 5'7" weighed 120 pounds with medium length brown hair just past her shoulders.{you would be amazed at what you can find out about someone just from going through their trash.} Dedanna was her name; she had blue green eyes and measured 32B-20-30.{lingerie catalog order sheet} She was attending the local college and shared the rent on...

2 years ago
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My First Sex Partner Part One

Kathy and met when we were both 18. We had dated just a couple of weeks, but everyone knew that we were a couple already. Kathy had dated other guys before, and had even fucked a few, but none lasted any time. I, on the other hand, had dated only two girls in high school, and had never even gotten past first base. It was in the dead of winter when we were invited to a party. Kathy, who had a 36A-24-36 figure, rarely wore a bra, and this time was no exception. She had fairly long nipples, and it...

First Time
4 years ago
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Akavai Appa Oothar

Enaku ippozhuthu 19 vayathu aagugirathu, en siru vayathil en thanthai akkavai eppadi oothar enbathai nan intha kathaiyil ungalidam solugiren. Naangal mothamaaga veetil 5 per irunthom, athu nan en akka thambi pin apppa matrum amma. Naangal nala jollyaana kudumbam aanal en thanthai oru kaama virumbi adikai en ammavai padukaiyil kasaki konde irupaar. En amma kathal seithu kondu thirumanam seithu kondaargal, en appa veetil kathal thirumanathirku samathika villai thanaal oodi vanthu thirumanam...

2 years ago
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Card Night

Sunny and I were getting ready to go down the street to our friend’s house for card night. It was the third Friday and we always met once a month at one or another’s house for cards, drinking and conversation. I opened a bottle of Chardonnay and we each had a couple of glasses while we got ready to go. It was hot on this July night, and Sunny had already showered and was wearing only a smile while doing her makeup at the mirror in the bathroom. I had just stepped out of the shower and was...

1 year ago
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The Story I Never Wrote

I have a secret friend and we love to tease each other. Jason and I are both happily married, but as everyone knows, marriage can get a bit dull. So we love to flirt and turn each other on, but we would never cheat on our spouses. No, that would just be wrong. We both love to read and write erotic stories. And there is nothing more arousing than reading each other's kinky stories. We often send each other little bits of inspiration in the form of sexy notes or pictures to help the other write a...

Wife Lovers
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Flesh and Fur

You can't believe how hot it is, your aunt's house sweltering even at 3 am with all the windows open. You never should have agreed to watch her stupid cat while she went off on a cruise in the north Atlantic, not once you found out that she didn't have AC or Wifi. Bored and sweaty, you wander aimlessly through the house, pausing in the kitchen to open the refrigerator door and stand in the cool air that wafts out. A junior in college, you'd rather be off partying with your friends and hanging...

4 years ago
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Women Reclaim the Night

WOMEN RECLAIM THE NIGHT. The most amazing and wonderful transformation has happened to me. I wasn't always the happily married woman I am now. Only a couple of years ago I was a frustrated and horny male. Looking for female conquests but somehow never satisfied. Then in one evening I began a change that has taken two years so far and is still not finished. I apologize for the different styles of the entries. These have all been taken as excerpts from my diary and they naturally vary...

3 years ago
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The Weekend with the Babysitter Part 1

I was well learned in the arts of sex, at least from a practical viewpoint, but had only had my first real kiss a couple of weeks earlier with a summer fling. I understood the basics, and even some secondary options, but had never had a chance to put my knowledge into action. My hormones were raging, and sleeping the same house as Sarah and Janet had started to mess with my mind. What really kicked it off was a TV show we had watched earlier: the show was some b-level story about a guy who...

1 year ago
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White slavery or is it Really part 2

Part 2 The boy at first did not know what to do. But seeing these older women used in this brutal manor and animal way, plus the sounds and actions the young girls were making. Immediately started his wangee to become very hard once again. He had watched the girls swim and play nude in the creeks and river near there village, a situation that had aroused him in the past but nothing like what was happening to him now. He had heard these men say something but did not understand,...

4 years ago
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Whipped Cream at the Store

I’m not one to like public restrooms. I drove truck for many years and was compelled to using rest area’s public facilities. Hence, the reason for not liking them. However, there are times when one does not have a lot of choices. This was the case recently, as I was shopping a major big box store. I went into the public restroom, heading to the stall. Wiping the seat down, dropping my jeans and boxers I sat down to take care of business. As I was setting there, I noticed someone standing on...

1 year ago
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The perfect job

Note : This story is completely fictional! When her nephew graduated from high school he went to visit his aunt Ida because his mother said her sister was lonely after her divorce. One morning she walked in on him while he was jacking off. When he saw her watching him he couldn't hell himself and squirted sperm. Then he covered himself with the sheet. Ida took off her nightgown and got in bed with him. When Jim grabbed her breasts and sucked them she pulled him on top of her and helped him...

2 years ago
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Third group meet up

The very next day the group chat was active. All four of my friends and myself were eager to meet up as soon as we could. I would smile to myself reading their messages about how good the last meet up was. Even though I was painfully reminded about our activities each time I sat down, I found it extremely arousing reading how they all enjoyed using my body and asking how it felt to be fucked like that. Even after letting them know how painfull it was to start with, every one was pretty keen to...

2 years ago
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Mummy Ne Tuition Ke Student Ke Sath Sex Kiya

Hi friends, mera naam rehan hai mai delhi me rehta hu meri age 20 hai mai college jaata hu . Family me mom dad and bro. Hai. Meri mom school me teacher hai. Unki age 41 hai or vo bhot hi beautiful ha. Figure 36 30 38 hai father job krte hai. Or mummy tutions bhi padhati hai . Tutuins me 5 ladke aate hai jisme se 4 unke school ke hai or ek mera friend ha.Vo sabh class 11 me hai. Vo chemistry padhati hai. Vo mostly suit pehnti hai jsime se unke boobs hamesha dikh rhe hote hai. Maine unke students...

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