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He caught himself looking at her profile for the thousandth time. Adam couldn’t help himself he just had to check. It was almost as if he wanted to make sure she was still there, that she wasn't gone. Each time left him feeling guilty and c***dish.

The girl was Ashley Walker his next door neighbour. Adam leaned back in his chair, he sighed with frustration. He had known Ashley since they were little k**s. They used to be the terror of the neighbourhood when they were growing up. Their days were spent exploring the windy creek in the forest, or playing pirates in her tree fort. The best of friends, they stayed out late into the evenings until their mothers would yell from their back porches for them to come home.

A smile crossed Adams face as he gazed out of his bedroom window. He could still make out the old tree house. The years of neglect and weather had taken their toll. Boards were missing from the walls and more than one branch now grew though the rotting windows. Yet it still stood proudly like the pirate ship they often pretended it was.

His gaze drifted from the tree to gaze at the house in the yard. The purple curtains still hung in her window. He could remember how often Ashley and he would stay up late into the night gazing up at the stars from their perspective windows. They would defy their bedtimes, if only to spend a little more time together. Now the curtains hung limp concealing the room within.

High school had changed everything. He had joined the hockey team and quickly made new friends. While Ashley’s gymnastics kept her busy. Slowly the inseparable pair had grown apart. Adam could not remember the last time he had talked to her, although he would catch fleeting glimpses of her now and then in the halls.

She had grown up in high school. No longer the little tom boy he had known growing up, her breasts had filled in almost overnight. Gymnastics had helped to shape and tone her body until not an ounce of fat was left on her.

Adam was caught staring at her in the halls more than once. He would be transfixed by her beautiful green eyes. Embarrassed he would quickly walk away eyes downcast. The girls that were with Ashley would giggle and talk in hushed whispers. His cheeks would redden with embarrassment.

Lying in bed that night he remembered back to when they were younger. One of Ashley’s favourite games was playing cops and robbers. Adam always preferred to play pirates but he would often let her decide, looking back he didn’t know why he did. Probably just something boys do for cute girls.

At first they would take turns playing the cop and the robber but soon it seemed that Ashley always wanted to be the robber. Which was fine with him, he liked having the plastic police badge. It made him feel like a real policeman. Each time Adam would give her a head start before he would try to catch her.

Although Ashley never did put up much of a fight. Looking back it seemed strange how she almost wanted to be caught. He would use a pair of plastic handcuffs to lock her hands behind her back. They were just the cheap dollar store kind that anyone could slip out of, as he would often do when he used to be the robber. But she never did, she would insist he keep her as his prisoner.

Adam would often become bored and want to do something else around that point. But Ashley insisted saying that the real cops don’t let robbers go and so she would stay locked up until they were called for dinner.

Those were the good times he remembered, before everything changed. He had been thinking about it for years, the memory etched into his mind.

It was a day like any other, but on this day he had insisted they play something else. Ashley seemed to hesitate, cops and robbers was her favourite game, he had expected more of a fight but instead she had told him to wait a minute.

She came back outside wearing her Halloween dog costume from last year. She had told him they could play pet if he wanted. He was sceptical at first but anything was better than boring cops and robbers so Adam agreed. Being little he thought it was a fun game, and they played the rest of the afternoon.

Adam still didn’t know why but when her mom had come to get Ashley for dinner she was furious with the girl. Ashley’s mom had yelled at her for playing in the dirt and on her hands and knees no less, while wearing that costume!

After that Ashley didn’t come out to play anymore. Adam waited by his window but from that day forward the purple curtains covered her window.

The whistle blew the puck dropped. Adam was caught flat footed as the other player stole the puck out from under him. Damn it he thought as he now had to chase down the other teams forward. His head was down and his arms pumping as he flew down the ice.

Suddenly out of the corner of his eye something broke his concentration again. Was that Ashley in the stands? His focus lost he never even saw the big defensemen come in from the side. With a sickening crunch Adam was knocked into the boards.

A broken arm, it could have been worse the doctor had told him. He was lucky he didn't have a concussion. It didn’t really matter to him though, he thought as he sat in the chair at his desk. His mind was still focused on Ashley, was that her at his game? Did she come to see him play, the thought sent butterfly’s through his stomach.

Reality set in, no she had come because it was the schools team and he just happened to be on it. She hadn't talked to him in years. She probably didn’t even know he existed anymore. Dejected he went back to wasting time, browsing online before dinner. The task had become much more difficult as the cast wrapped around his forearm and hand. Only the ends of his fingers sprouted from the fresh cast. At least I will get some practice being left handed he thought idly.

A notification appeared on his screen. Nothing out of the ordinary all night people had been messaging him from school about the injury. With a sigh he clicked on the new tab. Pup22 he didn’t recognize the usernames. Most people he knew used their full names. He read the message on the screen. “Hey are you okay? You took a nasty hit.” The person had typed.

Another well-wisher in no mood Adam closed the conversation. Whoever Pup22 was though they were persistent another notification appeared, this time he painfully typed out “What do you think my arms broken.” A little harsher then he had meant to be but it had served its purpose. No reply this time he closed the link again.

Several minutes passed before he was interrupted again. Adam could feel his anger building as the notification flashed at him Pup22 again! He clicked open the link ready to unleash a verbal tirade against this inconsiderate person.

His eyes went wide and his mouth opened in surprise. Pup22 had inserted a picture into their conversation, and well it blew him away. The picture would have put a hustler girl to shame. The girl had taken a picture of herself in the reflection of a mirror. Although her face was cut off from view, every curve and line of her naked flesh was displayed before him. Her pert breasts stood out from her chest. Her flat stomach and ribs were clearly defined against her supple smooth skin. He was puzzled by what looked like a dog collar locked around her neck.

His gaze was drawn to her hand, which was covering her most intimate area. In shock he banged his cast against his desk, the pain made him let out a gasp. Her hand wasn't protecting her modesty. The girl was playing with herself!

He was so blown away by her wanted display of lust he almost missed the furry tail that hung between her legs! He realized with a dirty thought that there was only one way for the tail to stay in place like that. At the bottom Pup22 had included a message “Hope this makes your arm feel better.”

Adam was in shock. He continued to gaze at the picture of the girl, drinking in the view of the beauty before him. He was so distracted that he almost missed the purple curtains in the back of the picture.

A call from downstairs interrupted his thoughts. It was dinner time, and he would be expected to eat with the family. As his mind tried to process the information before him, should he message her back? What if she had sent the picture by mistake? Or maybe that wasn't really Ashley? There was no way the sweet girl next door would take such a dirty picture.

The decision was made for him as before he could make up his mind Pup22 logged off. Adams heart was racing now, could the girl of his dreams really have been Pup22? A more insistent call from downstairs echoed through the house. He sighed as he made his way downstairs.

Dinner passed in a blur, his thoughts were elsewhere as the conversation flowed around him. He idly sat swirling his mashed potatoes. His mind was filled with the dirty thoughts of a teenaged boy, and Pup22 or more Likely Ashley was at the centre of his fantasies.

A snippet of conversation drew him out of his day dreams. The whole table was looking at him. He must have had a puzzled look on his face as his mother repeated herself. "I said Adam, Mr. and Mrs. Walker left for holiday in Germany on Sunday. It would be nice if you went over to check on Ashley since she had to stay behind because of school."

He couldn’t believe his luck. Adam muttered a quick excuse of not being hungry, as he pushed back his chair and rushed out of the kitchen. The front door was heard slamming shut. "I wonder what that was about" his mother stated. His father could only try to hide the grin on his face.

Adam was standing in front of his neighbour's front door before he realized what he was doing. He rubbed his sweaty palm on his pants, before he rang the doorbell. He ducked to look at his reflection in the window trying to smooth out his unkempt hair.

Impatient he hammered on the door, nothing. Even with his ear pressed against the door no sound could be heard from within the house, and his attempts to look through the treated doors windows showed nothing out of the ordinary. Without thinking his hand slipped to the door handle, the door loudly creaked open.

He had not expected it to be unlocked. Should he enter the house? Ashley was probably out with friends he thought. Better to come back another time, and yet he found himself taking a step into the entranceway. His mind made up he stepped inside and shut the door. He turned surveying the house. The lights were on in almost every room. As he walked around the familiar house he tried softly calling out for Ashley. No luck on the main floor, time to check upstairs.

The sounds of his steps were muffled as they sunk into the thick carpet. His breath caught in his throat as he came to stand in front of Ashley's room. He could see light shining out of the crack at the bottom of the closed door. A knock on the door produced no reply. It felt like his heart was about to burst out his chest. A nervous hand slowly fumbled to open the bedroom door.

Her room had changed from when he was last inside of it. Posters of lead singers now covered the walls, while makeup containers were spilled across her dresser. One thing hadn't changed though still covering the room's window were the drawn purple curtains he had gazed at for so long.

In the centre of the room however was a large wire cage. Much like the ones you would use to hold a large dog. But Adam was shocked to see that it was not occupied by any dog he had ever seen.

He quickly shut the door behind him. With quick steps he found himself gazing down at the cages occupant who was resting on her hands and knees. His eyes were quick to take in the sight before him.

Her body was presented before him, covered only by a velvet furry like material. The suit did little to hide her beauty though as it firmly clung to each curve of her flesh. The contours of her firm bottom were further enhanced even exaggerated by the stretchy material. He marvelled at how the tight material seemed to cup each of her breasts.

Adam was in shock at the sight before him. But like an addict he was unable to stop himself.

This second furry skin seemed to cover her from head to toe, although he was amazed to see a cut out in the suit left her most intimate areas exposed for all to see. A thin strip of milky white flesh ran down between her bottom cheeks. The result was that her womanhood was presented for anyone's viewing pleasure. Her pink lips glistened with her own juices. His own breathing quickened at the sight of her obvious arousal.

The cage rattled as she tried to turn toward the sound of the intruder. The wire walls kept her in place however. She was only able to let out a low whine as he continued his inspection.

The familiar looking tail he had seen earlier, arched across her back. The tail was held aloft by the flared base of an anal plug that could just be made out as it disappeared between its wearer's cheeks. A grin spread across his face, his earlier suspicions had proved correct. He watched as the movement of her steady breathing caused the tail to gentle sway back and forth. The tip of her tail tickling her lower back, while the rocking movement causing the plug to move within her.

Strangely her legs seemed to end at her knees. Her ankles had been drawn up to rest against her butt. A short sleeve of material pressed her calf tightly against her thigh. This had the effect of shortening her legs, and forcing her to stay on her knees. He was amazed at the level of detail of the suit. It not only appeared to effectively restrain its wearer but also to accentuate her natural beauty, and to enhance it even further. Adam had to let out a loud breath to try and calm himself.

A movement from the front of the cage drew his attention. She was trying to turn around again. He watched as she placed her hand forward on the cold metal bottom of the cage. Although it was not a hand at all it was a paw!

She let out a pitiful whine as she failed in her attempt to turn to face him. Moving around the cage he could see now that her arms were covered in the same furry material as the rest of her body, and that her hands were indeed hidden from view. Each was enclosed inside of what looked like a puppy's paw. Much shorter than a human hand, its clever design forced its wearer to curl their hand into a fist, so that all dexterity was lost to them once it was slipped in place, effectively trapping them unless another person was there to help free them.

The girl let out another low whine. The sound drew his attention away from her body. For the first time since he entered the room he looked upon her face. A mask obscured much of her face. The half mask gave her a sleek short muzzle that covered her nose and mouth. A cute black puppy's nose tipped the muzzles end.

The muzzle effectively hid its other feature from view. As he got closer to the cage he could see its more sinister purpose. The girl was forced to keep her mouth permanently open, by the presence of a built in O-Ring gag. This kept its wearer silent except for the occasional whine or whimper. Leather straps kept the mask firmly in place. One from each side of the mask, while a third ran up from the top of her muzzle before disappearing beneath the hood that covered her head. A last strap was cinched tightly under her chin, to keep her jaw locked around the ring gag.

He admired the craftsmanship that must have gone into designing the half mask. It allowed its wearer to maintain her famine beauty while elegantly molding the addition, of her new canine features. It had obviously been made with loving hands, and must have cost quite a sum.

Below the mask he could see a nylon dog collar was buckled tightly around her neck. He smiled at its pink colour. Always such a girly girl, pink had always been Ashley's favourite colour. Hanging from the metal D ring at the front of her collar was heart shaped dog tag, the word 'PET' was engraved into it with large letters.

Running up from the collar was the suits hood pulled over beautiful blonde hair effectively hiding it from view. The suits furry hood stretched to encircle her head. In addition to the hood two pointy dog ears were perched atop her head. Each was the same colour tan as the rest of her fur, while the inside of each was coloured with a soft white down.

Finally his gaze lowered, but instead of finding her enchanting green eyes, there was only a blindfold. The cloth was tied tightly in place, obscuring her view.

The girl whimpered again, she pawed at the door of her cage, causing the metal door to rattle. He could tell she was anxious. As quiet as he had tried to be she must know that he was in the room with her now.

Adam could only imagine the thoughts that must have been running through her head. Trapped inside of the cage wearing only her revealing furry suit, which did little to protect her from prying eyes. How did she even know it was Adam that was in the room? He could be anyone, while she was just waiting to be taken as a prize.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing. That his neighbour, the girl of his dreams was so kinky, Adam was not naive, and he had his share of kinks just like the next guy. But this was something else, and yet he thought it was kind of sexy. He caught himself staring again at Ashley.

The skin tight furry material did indeed hide nothing from view. He watched as the slow movement of her body caused her tail to swing sensually back and forth. Even just the sight of a girl down on her hands and knees, her breasts displayed for the world to see, was getting him aroused. She was just a pet locked away inside of her cage until her owner decided to come and get her. No choice, no free will, waiting for his command.

He could feel the familiar tightness in his pants at the thought of actually owning Ashley Walker. To take her be his pet. To play with her when he wanted, to train her to be obedient and to punish her when she was a bad girl.

The cage door slowly swung open. The sudden sound appeared to startle the blind girl as she tried to shuffle back inside her cage. She began to whine and gave a frightened yelp as he reached inside. A comforting "shush" from Adam was enough to quite the girl.

Visibly calmed, he was able hook the leash he had found on her bed to the D-ring on the front of her collar. Gently he gave the lead an experimental tug. The girl was still visibly afraid but she started to move forward, led on by the pull of her collar. It was only with much further encouragement was he able to gingerly coax her out of the cage.

As she stopped before the front her cage he took the opportunity to take a seat on the edge of the bed. Adam kept a hand on her leash, but he let her have some slack. He watched the puppy girl explore her new surroundings. With her vision still obscured the girl took each step with care. She stopped many times cocking her head to the side to try and listen for him, but Adam was silent he was enjoying watching her antics.

It was sometime before she finally bumped into his thigh. He gave her collar an upward tug and like an obedient puppy she knelt down onto her bottom. Her tails plug was pushed further inside as her weight settled onto her bum.

It felt like his pants were about to explode. He felt hot and flustered as he looked down at the girl between his legs. He looked down to find her starring up at him, her head tilted to the side in a questioning expression. Even with her eyes covered by the blindfold he could still feel her intense gaze. Her expression was enhanced by her tongue hanging out of her muzzle. The girl was panting trying to cool the intense heat that threatened to overwhelm her. Each breath seemed to shake her tiny frame, causing her tail to slowly sweep back and forth across the rug.

Only able to use his one good hand, Adam struggled to release his raging member from within his pants. With a final desperate tug, his pants fell away revealing his fully erect manhood. He wrapped the end of her leash around the fist of his good hand, and slowly began to pull on the girl's collar. She did not fight him allowing herself to be guided toward his awaiting member.

It was not long before he felt the warm wet embrace of her outstretched tongue against the tip of his cocks head. He let out an audible groan, as Ashley needing no further guidance wrapping her lips around him. Slowly her tongue began to curl around his length as she began to suck and slurp against his hardened shaft inside of her mouth.

With a panting gasp she let his length slide from between her lips. Her breathing was hot and heavy as she worked to suck down air. Adams reprieve was brief as she was quick to return to her work. He was barely able to stifle another moan as he felt her slowly find his length again. This time she was able to take more of him into her mouth. Even with the ring gag in place, he could still feel her heavenly tongue running up and down his erect length. He could feel his need start to build from within.

Gradually she began to move her mouth up and down his cock. Ever so slow at first, just enough to tease him. Each time it felt like she was going to let him slip from between her lips, before stopping and sliding once more back down his length. The feelings were torture to Adam, the cold air on his slick member sent goose bumps up his back. While being quickly replaced by the warm embrace of her darting tongue and pleasant mouth. It was enough to make a man go crazy.

He was unable to stop himself from groaning as he felt her mouth slide further over him. The sounds of her ministrations filled the air as she sucked and licked. Greedily she kept trying to force more and more of him inside of her small mouth. The sounds of her heavy panting filled the air. Each time he felt her mouth slip over him a little more. Her tongue lapped and slurped as she worked to bring him closer and closer to the edge. He wasn't far away from release ether. His own heavy breathing now mixing with that of her own.

His hand now firmly gripped her leash, each finger pressing into the leather, as Adam fought to hold back from the edge. Gradually the pull of her leash restricted the free movements of her head. Increasingly she was forced to take him deeper and deeper into her mouth in an attempt to ease the constriction of the collar around her neck.

Her pace had quickened substantially now. The ears on her head bobbed up and down in rhythm to her movements. Her tongue played across his member, as she licked and sucked him closer and closer to release.

With renewed vigour she began forcing even more of his rather large length into her mouth. Adam moaned in ecstasy, it felt like was she trying to swallow him whole! He could feel the pleasure threatening to overwhelm him. The suction her mouth was creating felt amazing. He didn’t even realize he was biting the inside of his cheek, the warm metallic taste lingering on his tongue.

The jingling of the tags on her collar accompanied each of her thrusts along his member. He leaned back on the bed slowly sinking into the mattress. His eyes firmly closed as he tried to focus on anything else, anything but the girl between his legs. But that wasn't what she was, was it? She wasn't any girl, she was his girl, his pet girl.

The thought was too much for Adam. He couldn't hold back his release any more, he was done fighting it. Bliss seemed to wash over his face as he gave in to the feelings raging inside of him.

As his body shook and his abdomen muscles spasmed and contracted. The pressure that had been building in his groin seemed to burst like a tidal wave as his cum began to shoot out of his member. She didn't even miss a beat, taking as much of him as she could inside of her mouth. The girl began to suck and swallow the streams of his cum, the milky substance coating the back of her throat. Greedily the puppy girl gulped down his cum, allowing it to fill her belly.

It was several minutes before Adam was finally able to gather the energy to prop himself up on to his elbows.

His girl was still kneeling right where he had left her. Obediently she had not moved. Her body still shook with the movement of her panting breaths, her tongue lolling out from between her lips. Drool mixed with cum trailed from her muzzle slowly dripping onto her breasts, making trails in the fur on her chest.

With the slow exhausted movements of someone who wanted nothing more than to sleep he reached over until he could grasp the blindfold that still covered her eyes. Gently he untied the knot allowing the cloth to fall away.

She looked up at him with her big green eyes, a look of contentment and happiness upon her face, her muzzle even seemed to give her a playful smile. Adam gazed down at his beautiful girl. For the first time since he entered the room he spoke to his pet "Ashley I love you." Her green eyes went wide, she let out joyful bark, while her tail never stopped happily wagging.

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Pony girls Part 2 of 2

Before he left He turned me over, being chained to the hospital bed it was painful, he ripped of my diaper and the catheter. He unzipped his pants and plunged his penis into my asshole. My nipples harder and I felt cum building up in my penis. He brought his penis out of my ass and said "You cannot cum unless I say" then violently put his penis back into my asshole. By then my ass was beat red. He grabbed one of my boobs and started to squeeze them as if he was trying to make me cum. He...

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Black TGirls

This next premium site is going to be a real treat for anybody who likes to jack off on their lunch break while also enjoying a big, fat sausage. Black-Tgirls is exactly what it sounds like, and Black Tgirls are exactly what you’re going to find there. As much as I appreciate clever porn site titles, I like the no-bullshit approach here. Nobody is going to be surprised to see all the ding-a-lings on these Ebony whores unless they’re illiterate.The tagline at the top of their landing page calls...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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Batman and Batgirl

Batman and Batgirl By Alana I anxiously paced back and forth, scarcely believing I was in the world famous Batcave, taking in the sights, in awe of the incredible high tech crime-fighting equipment. I was waiting for Batman to make his decision, but I already knew what it would be. I was going to be his partner! Me, Dick Grayson, partner to the coolest crime-fighter the world had ever known! Batman came into view. He was carrying a garment I didn't recognize. "You may...

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Ich hatte einen sehr stressigen Job, und so suchte ich f?r meinen Urlaub etwas sehr Ruhiges. Keine St?rungen und kein Handy-Empfang. Nur Ruhe. Angeln vielleicht, aber das war auch schon das Stressigste, was ich geplant hatte. Ich fand was ich suchte in Skandinavien. Finnland kam mir zuerst in den Sinn, aber dann erfuhr ich von den vielen M?cken. Norwegen schien das bessere Ziel zu sein. Und ich mochte Berge, deshalb war ich dort richtig. Ich hatte eine kleine H?tte an einem Fjord...

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Harley Quinn and Batgirl

Batgirl was out in gotham it had been a long night and she was ready to head home as nothing much was going on. Just then something caught her eye a shadow in the next street.She moved stealthy over and knelt down peering around the corner, she saw harley quinn trying to break in to the back of a jewelers store, batgirl sighed thinking she was in the mood for this but moved round the corner sneaking up behind harley."need a hand there harley" batgirl said, harley jumped around "no im ok...

4 years ago
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Ponygirl Sisters

Ponygirl SistersBy SarahChapter 1:  Making Ponies        Sarah and Julie squirmed as their father adjusted the ropes holding them to the bondage frame in the back yard.  Both girls had been hanging upside down by their ankles for the morning, but now their father had flipped them over, so they were now being suspended by their arms.         Sarah and Julie were 18, and had been living normally until their parents had found on their computers, multiple links, images, and videos of ponygirls. ...

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The Erotic Adventures of Supergirl

Beads of cold sweat ran down Susan Wienczorkowski’s neck as she carefully navigated the long dark and empty warehouse corridor. Clad in lightweight body armor, the newest addition to the Metropolis Special Crimes Unit looked like one of the troopers from Star Wars. Close behind her followed a similarly clad associate. “Wienczorkowski ... west corridor clear.” she said into her helmet’s comlink. With a nod she motioned for her partner, Sergeant Mike Robinson to cover her as she dashed across...

2 years ago
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Reddit Tgirls, aka r/Tgirls! What looks good to you may not look good for other people. A lot of women can be beautiful to their husbands even though the rest of the world would find them to be total eyesores. That jacket you like wearing so much might only look good to you because it holds sentimental value for you - but other people might think it’s nothing special when they see it. Hell, even your favorite pornstar could look like a flawless queen to you because you’ve developed an...

Reddit NSFW List
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The Perils of Dating Supergirl

Hi my name is Robert Shephard...yeah I see you scratching your head. Don't worry I get that a lot. Needless to say I'm a nobody, however you've probably heard about my Girlfriend people call her Supergirl. Wait don't go, I'm serious. You see six months ago I met an amazing girl named Linda Lang. She was Smart, Funny and very very passionate about....things. We started going out almost every night but every once in a while she'd leave for one reason or another. It got to the point where I was...

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The troubles of Supergirl

Hunting down a speedster was hard business - impossible for most people. For Kara In-Ze, also known as Supergirl, it was far less so. First, Kara had her Kryptonian Vision that enabled her to search large areas despite all obstacles - she was tracking the supervillain even then. Secondly, while she wasn't as fast as a speedster in her moves, she could fly, taking shortcuts the speedster could not. And third and most important (at least as far as Kara was concerned), she was eighteen now. Gone...

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The birth of Poison Ivy and fall of Supergirl

2150 A.D Los AngelesIt's been 150 years ago that we discovered the kryptonite on Earth and yet we know nothing about it only he weakened Superman and his cousin Supergirl. We know nothing about its power its effects on human. However it's gonna change. Indeed professor Pamela Isley experienced it against her will. But who is Pamela Isley? She is a young woman 25 years old brunette hair blue eyes 5.5 feet 32C this lovely girl has no lover but doesn't despair she has no friends either, indeed she...

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breeding party for babygirl

“Hey babygirl… it’s time to go for a ride.” “Oooo Daddy! I love riding with you. Where we going?” “Daddy’s taking you to a breeding party.” “A breeding party? Sounds exciting, what is it?” “Just like it sounds, babygirl… Daddy’s taking you to get you thoroughly bred by lots of stranger daddy cocks!” “Oh Daddy… you have all the best ideas!” “Of course, babygirl… now put on that thin little short dress real quick and your fuck me shoes before Daddy gives you a spanking…” So babygirl puts on her...

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Shrunken Batgirl

Her memory of the past night was still clouded. As her alter-ego Batgirl, she remembered trying to enter a supposedly closed lab building to look for several missing women. One of her sources had told that a group of scientists was doing experiments on live people there. All that she could remember was a bright light........ ....Suddenly, she felt the room starting vibrate as what sounded like giant steps approached her "room". In an instant, the "ceiling" opened up, and to her shock,...

2 years ago
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The Fall of Batgirl

As promised here is a suite :) But the story is in future so the names may change As I said before the Supergirl is no more she's now Super Evil and with Poison Ivy they love each other but with their sex thristy and their lust mind they want more so they think together how to hunt down the others heroines and they both choose targets Super Evil will take care of Wonder Girl and Poison Ivy chooses the Batgirl. Batgirl alias Barbara Gordon daughter of general Gorgon himself great grand son of...

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New Life for Batgirl

The event in this story takes place shortly after the Joker's attack on Batgirl that crippled her for life. Barbara Gordon lay in her hospital bed shortly after her crippling incident with the Joker. She curses herself for being so dumb to get caught by that maniac. She had spent the last few hours crying then getting mad and finally crying again. The Doctor's told her that she would never walk again. She did not know what to do. A nurse came in and handed Barbara an envelope. She simply...

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Two new pretty things for Mistresses Expensive red shoes a slavegirl

Two new pretty things for Mistresses . Expensive red shoes & a slavegirl.   I finished off my makeup in the mirror, by applying a final touch of lip gloss & just the tiniest extra hint of mascara to the tips my lashes. I had spent over 2 hours in the process, in? the bath & waxing my body all over & especially intimately. Painting my toenails & primping myself. I slipped out of my lace baby doll nightie. & pulled on my most expensive sheer silk pantie & bra set. A matching garter belt for my...

3 years ago
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Ponygirl Copper

Ponygirl CopperII caught her while she was throwing stones at my horses. She did it laughing and giggling as if it was a funny game. She obviously enjoyed seeing them jumping and trying to get away from her. Every time they fled out of her reach, she walked along the fence until she could hit them again. She picked the new stones with care. She cast them with deliberation, aiming for their heads or flanks, and she screamed in delight when one of the mares started panicking and screaming in fear...

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The Batgirl

Her ass looked like heaven. He’d never seen a smoother, more perfectly shaped set of feminine hips. Her hips couldn’t be better displayed than in those skin-tight, white and pinstriped, polyester baseball leggings.She was the batgirl and he’d been told she was strictly off limits, but Hollywood Kasey couldn’t keep his eyes off her ass. Even standing in the ‘on deck’ circle, he couldn’t keep his eyes off her ass. He couldn’t be more mesmerized. Bent over scooping up some scattered baseballs by...

Straight Sex
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Ponygirls for Christmas

Ponygirl's for Christmas By: DonnerTie "What about this one Lizzy?" I held up the black latex corset. A look of utter embarrassment spread across my friends face. Her cheeks had turned crimson red, and she quickly averted her eyes. "No I don't think so Kelly" she managed to whisper. She tried to hide her discomfort by turning back to the rack of latex and rubber outfits that hung in front of her. I looked down at the shiny piece of material in my hands. It felt deliciously smooth to the...

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Becoming a Catgirl

You are a person in a slightly futuristic society where a special serum has been invented that allows normal human beings to become catgirls. This is a multi-step process to turn you into a fully trained pet for someone to adopt. Catgirls appear mostly human, except with a cat tail growing from their tailbone, and cat ears on top of their head as opposed to normal human ears. These new appendages are extremely and erotically sensitive, as is the lower back. The subject can choose their new body...

4 years ago
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Ponytailed Pitcher

"What was that announcement?" Jean asked as she hurried toward her second period class. "Something about baseball," said her friend. "I really wasn't listening." By lunchtime she had figured out that the school's baseball team had lost a couple of pitchers over the weekend. She sat with a senior she knew and learned the whole story, or at least a version of it. "Mike told me," the girl said, spooning up cafeteria spaghetti, "that Chas has a broken arm from a bike accident and...

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Life With AlphaChapter 19 Batgirl

On a Wednesday in January, Beta, Kasumi, Kara and I took the afternoon off to look at real estate. When I had first started on this adventure to recreate fictional women for my own pleasure and company, I had built a rather large house to accommodate everyone. I hate the word mansion, but that's basically what it was. Three above-ground floors plus a large (and secure) basement. It had fourteen bedrooms and was currently laid out to comfortably hold up to 22 people. (It was originally...

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Ponyville After Dark Contributors Welcome

Disclaimer The characters, locations, mannerisms, descriptions, expressions, and identity manifests in this story are the property of Hasborough and It's affiliated companies; with the exception of OCs and other original content: the 'owner' of the story, other contributors, and the website on which it is hosted make no claim or challenge, express or implied, to that status. This is a work of derivative fiction intended purely for the enjoyment of the visitors to this website and it's...

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PonyboyBy Sarah        ?But mom, why can’t I be a ponygirl like Sarah?  She looks so cute in her tack, all quivering and prancing.  He ass and tail really make me hard, just thinking that only ponyboys can fuck her.  Please mom, I want to fuck her.  Can’t I be a ponyboy??        John stood at the table looking at his mom, and out the window at his slave sister Sarah.  He had watched as his mother and father had taken a nude and struggling Sarah outside, and forced her into the hoof boots, bit,...

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PonyfarmThe two girls haven't had any use for their eyes for a long time, their heads strictly packed in a leatherhood with padded flaps covering their eyes and ears. The only part of their faces that could be seen were the nose that had been pierced by a thick metal ring and part of the chin. Their heads were bridled on top of said leather helmets, straps leading down to their mouths that were mauled in a particularity cruel arrangement. At first glance it might have looked like a Baucher bit...

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Ponyland PonylandBy Sir Thomas The following story was inspired by the film ?Closet Land? written and directed by Radha Bharadwai and starring Madeline Stowe and Alan Rickman. The original story was sponsored by Amnesty International. Its intention was to spotlight the horrors hidden from view that often occur in a police state. My intention is to capture some of that frightening atmosphere while incorporating the ponygirl theme. The following is a real story that never...

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Ponymaking Taking The acquisition went smoothly, as usual I picked my ponyto be with care. First step, to acquire always go to another state, preferablyone in which you didn't "work" before. Find the matching specimen, in thiscase an eighteen year pale blonde 5'10'', with a 36C-26-30 figure. Second step,observe and find about her as much as possible, doctors records are quite helpful,you don't want to acquire someone who has any future health problems. Thirdstep, a stun gun and a van always...

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My girlfriend is strange. I don't mean nerdy strange. I mean sexually strange — uh, kinky. Case in point: She likes to pretend I'm her pony. Let me back up a little, and I'll set up the story. My girlfriend's name is Lisa Chang. She's a sexy, petite Chinese girl ("Chinese-American!" she corrects me every time). She has the best ass and these sweet little tits with nipples that, like, are pokey all the time. We're both sophomores at UCLA. Her parent's are bigtime wealthy, so she is...

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Belles story Daddybabygirl

He opens the door and steps into his home, relieved to be home and exhausted from a long day. But more then anything, he's relieved to be back to the place where his princess is. And the fact that she hasn't come running the moment he stepped inside suggests she must be sleeping.And after hanging up his coat, he moves straight to her room, gentle opening the door to peer inside. Indeed she has fallen asleep, though clearly not a proper sleep, she rarely sleeps well when he isn't home. Instead...

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Bath For Babygirl

He knew her name was Molly, he knew some of her past wasn’t very pretty. Her life so far, at such an early age, had been less than pleasant. Now she is 18, even though she looks alot younger. She had endured abuse from a very early age. It had continued as she lost her home and was on the street, no one cares about you on the street, that he knows for sure. She began to feel like maybe they were right, she was nothing, just something to be used. Worthless in her own mind.After talking to her...

First Time
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Playtime For Babygirl

I lay in bed completely naked. Slowly rubbing baby oil all over my body, paying special attention to my tits and my pussy. I begin to pull and tease my nipples, my other hand finds my swollen, tender clit, I feel myself slowly pinching and rubbing my clit. As the fever builds, I stop and tie my tits as tight as I can get them. They change to a deep purple. Next, I clip clothes pins on each nipple as I continue to tease my clit, taking my other hand and fingering my pussy and my ass with two...

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Me And My Sister Boobie 8211 With A Salesgirl

Hi, all this is your Shreya- the lesbian girl is back with a new sex story. First of all, a nice boobs shake and a sweet pussy lick to all girl with a long smooch. I’m here to narrate what happened with me a few days back. But before that meet me introduce myself and my twin sis Shivani(Boobie). I’m Shreya (titty) get my new sizes which are because of my and boobies daily sex encounters.My sizes now are 36-28-40. And same for boobie. We have got nice big ass which we love to spank. Now coming...

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Shemale, tranny or as some like calling them t-girls, I like them. Im not talking cross dressers, I'm talking about the ones with titties, curves and sound like a woman. Being a bi male, to me its the best of both worlds. I like watching porn of them and honestly I prefer the ones of them doing a strip tease, ending with them stroking their cock and cumming all over themselves. I met one, unknowingly, once while playing around on a chat site. I was cruising thru the members "online" when I came...

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For the Cowgirls

                                                                                                     For the Cowgirls Iris was on her way home from work. It had been a long stressful day at the doctor’s office where she worked. One of the other girls had called in sick, and she was left to deal with all of the patients and paperwork by herself. She had to stay late just to catch up. On top of that, she was almost 2 hours from home, and missing her kids, who had been at daycare since early that...

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For the Cowgirls

                                                                                                     For the Cowgirls Iris was on her way home from work. It had been a long stressful day at the doctor’s office where she worked. One of the other girls had called in sick, and she was left to deal with all of the patients and paperwork by herself. She had to stay late just to catch up. On top of that, she was almost 2 hours from home, and missing her kids, who had been at daycare since early that...

Straight Sex
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Sophie My Playgirl

Sophie My PlaygirlBy: Londebaaz Chohan How it all started, I really do not remember and I do not give a fuck if anyone else knew or not. Honestly, I worried a little that Sophie shall be hurt if she knew that I was fucking her mother as well but my friend Mathew would surely do something drastic, if he found out that I was fucking his sister as well as his mother. However, it happened and it went on. Sophie always gave me that demur kind of looks that said, she wanted to suck my cock, whenever...

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ballbusting Batgirl

Una notte come tante a Gotham City. Le strade sono quasi deserte, il vento trascina lungo i marciapiedi fogli di carta e la pioggia sottile cade sull'asfalto. Dall'alto dei tetti Batgirl osserva la situazione. Quattro rapinatori hanno disattivato l'allarme della gioielleria e sabotato il sistema di sorveglianza e stanno forzando la porta principale indisturbati. Ci sanno fare, ma gli occhi attenti della nostra eroina li hanno colti in flagrante.

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A boys femininity awakened Part two early girlhood

Sissy boy John was petticoated at Secondary School after falling foul of Jenny Tough, a school bully. During his week of penance, John found that he was more at ease and happier amongst girls than with boys. John decided, therefore, to explore his feminine side by trying to live as a girl. John’s Mum was shocked when he first arrived at home wearing a schoolgirl’s uniform but calmly listened to his story.“Well, sweetie, this is a bombshell. You’ve always been a sensitive boy, but I never...

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The Schoolgirls

The Schoolgirls by Jayme Erin Hendricksen How far will a young talented female musician go with her boyfriend to advance her musical career? My name is Gretchen VanAustin. I'm 23, a child of money, spoiled, artistic, intensely creative, devious, bisexual, a talented guitarist, and I yearn to be a rock star. And I'm becoming one, with the help of my group, the "Schoolgirls". And I'm about to tell you who is probably the most responsible for my path to success, and why. His...

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Arizona ICEd TGirl

Arizona ICE'd TGirl © 2010 by Nom de Plume A very short, very sad story based on current events, as told in a letter to my friends: Arizona SB 2010: Where reasonable suspicion exists that the person is an alien who is unlawfully present in the United States, a reasonable attempt shall be made, when practicable, to determine the immigration status of the person. Any person who is arrested shall have the person's immigration status determined before the person is released......

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Wonder woman and Supergirl

Superman was returning to the city so kara (supergirl) decided she would head off to see her friend diana (wonderwoman) and take a little break from crime fighting, and she missed her friend and it seem like forever since the two off them had just hung out without worrying about evil doers.She rang diana to let her know she was coming and then flew to dianas island were she and her amazon warriors lived, "kara its lovely to see you again" said diana as kara landed and gave her a hug "you to...

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Mommys Girl! I have never been disappointed with any site in the Girlsway network, and I doubt Mommy’s Girl will be any different. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Girlsway, it is an American porn studio that produces exclusively lesbian porn. More specifically, Girlsway tends to focus on narrative-driven, high-quality lesbian porn to be exact. It is, for me anyway, in the incredible stories and extremely high-quality production of the porn where Girlsway really sets itself apart from...

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