Big Beautiful DollyChapter 2
- 3 years ago
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I soon learned that beatings were as common at Canard’s tavern as fucking. There was no routine or reason for them the way they had been when Fabienne was in charge of my mother. If business was slow, then Canard or his friends fucked the whores. If business was VERY slow and Canard became bored, then he beat them.
Canard was usually drunk, horny, and bored when he initiated the beatings, and it was usually out of frustration with the women’s glances or condescending comments. He promised Esmeralda and Carmen riches, but they had been living in squalor for months before we arrived. They were extraordinarily judgmental and often whispered and mocked him behind his back.
There was no regimented discipline like when Fabienne was in charge of my mother. My grandmother had outlined discipline rituals and routines designed to humble and humiliate my mother in her Devoirs Des Femmes notebook. There was a method and an order to all of the discipline. There seemed to be an internal logic to the lessons Fabienne was teaching.
None of the women wore panties or bras, or if they did, they were loose and exposed in a sultry manner. The women were experts at revealing just enough of their bodies to be provocative. Fabienne had made my mother remain nude or dressed in humiliating clothes to put her in the right mindset to serve.
These whores exposed themselves and wore cheap makeup because they were whores. They cared about profit and were too lazy to take the time to dress appropriately between sexual encounters. Their nudity was casual, and frequently they bathed with buckets of water in front of the tavern without any inhibition. The beggars and street urchins paid little mind to it. If they had money, the women would coquettishly try to entice them to come to play with them in the tavern. If they did not, then, they would mock and ridicule them for staring while they bathed.
They also squatted over the chamber pot without any clothes at all simply because they did not care whether anyone saw them or not.
Women without morals were difficult, if not impossible, to humiliate.
These beatings were just short, often brutal preludes to rough sex with little more than an exchange of vulgarities between both parties. The women almost always submitted but frequently fought back and were reluctant.
Jacques sometimes helped with the beatings, although he never beat his mother. He was merciless to my mother, though, and Madeleine seemed to enjoy it.
The day came that my mother was supposed to report to the Magistrate for her trial. She got drunk and refused to fuck anyone. She kept looking at the door when it opened, expecting a uniformed French guardsman to walk in with papers demanding her arrest. We never told anyone that it was her day in court. Canard gave her that day off because even he could tell my mother’s mood was foul, and she was like a tempest in a bottle. If anyone uncorked her, they might have unleashed her full fury.
I wondered what happened to Fabienne. I contemplated whether I had made the right decision to live here. Jacques let me wear some of his ratty clothes so that I would not stand out like a school-boy. They didn’t fit well and smelled of oats and Merde. I was thankful at least not to have lice or fleas infesting my clothes.
Every day after that, though, my mother fucked her brains out for money. She owed Canard money, and she told me to be thankful that he gave us room and board. All the women owed Canard money eventually. He extended them credit and gave them a pittance of their earnings. In exchange, he provided a place to practice their trade, food, and kept other pimps from beating them. The Ale he sold at the tavern was less for customers than it was to keep the women just inebriated enough to be flirtatious and not revolt against their exploitation.
They realized Canard had the upper hand, but all the whores were convinced that this was just the order of things for women, such as them in the Victorian era.
The cheese was moldy, and the bread was stale. The soup was watered down, and the ale was downright nasty. My mother reminded me that her month living as a dog had prepared her well, and this food was as fine as is served at the tables of La Tour d’Argent (a legendary Parisian restaurant). In some ways, I envied her ability to thrive in these conditions while I languished and regretted my decision daily.
Jacques was a bully, Sabine was stuck up and aloof, Canard was a drunken penny-pincher, Esmeralda and Carmen were surly and bitchy whores. The roof leaked, the mice were so large the cats were afraid of them. The tavern smelled of pussy and dried semen. The straw heaps that served as our beds were uncomfortable enough without the odor of piss and sex.
Over the next week, I watched Canard tie my mother upside down through the rungs of a ladder so that her wrists and ankles were tied to the rungs. Then he stuck a funnel in her ass and pissed in it.
Esmeralda once talked back to Canard and made a fool of him in front of a customer. She spent the night forced to sit on a wooden pole stuck up her ass and tied with her hands behind her back. Canard gagged her with a horse’s bit and placed a lit a candle on top of it. The wax slowly stung her face and tits, and Esmeralda whimpered her muffled cries of agony all night long. Milk dribbled out of her nipples all night like a leaky roof. The next day she thanked him for untying her and then continued her duties as a whore as if nothing had happened.
“Stop your niggling glances at me,” Jacques told his Aunt Carmen, and he told me to help him tie her up. He was awful to me, but we also did the more onerous physical chores around the tavern together. Anything too heavy for Sabine was delegated to us.
He stripped Carmen naked and tied a rope tightly around her neck. She squawked and protested his rough handling of her, but Jacques was a stout boy.
“Hah, her neck looks like a stretched goose,” Canard encouraged us to slap her ass and treat her roughly. It was daytime, and we had no customers.
We suspended her over the door frame like we were going to give her a water cure then tied her feet wide on either side. Carmen was stoic like my mother and struggled but didn’t fight us very hard. She knew it was inevitable she would be tied up and beaten. Jacques told me to gather some kindling planks we use to stoke the fire and hand them to him. He shoved three such boards into his Aunt’s pussy and then three more in her mouth and left her gagged and sputtering like that for an hour.
Esmeralda and Sabine did not even look up from what they were doing or appear sympathetic to her, and my mother was busy masturbating her asshole with a carved penis-shaped dildo on one of the straw beds.
The use of the whip and flogger were so common that all four women were quite used to daily beatings and ass-slappings. I wasn’t told I could beat them, and I didn’t think they would let me. It was not very frequent, they asked for my help, but If Canard or Jacques invited me to help tie up the women or beat them, I would.
Canard rarely beat or whipped Sabine. She was well behaved and went about her duties efficiently. She mostly cleaned up after the others. He focused more on the sour dispositions of the other three whores. My mother, Esmeralda, and Carmen were sturdy whores who could take extensive beatings.
Jacques, on the other hand, fucked Sabine at least twice a day. She clearly hated it.
I remember once when Canard was out of the tavern. “Sabine, lift your skirt and bend over the table,” he demanded.
“Non, I have chores to do, and Canard will beat me if they are not done when he returns,” she answered him rudely while washing up dirty mugs.
“If you don’t let me have your cunt, then I’ll beat you before he returns and take it!” Jacques said. He was looking right at me when he told his cousin to obey him. I think he wanted to flaunt his control over her. He had no idea I once controlled my mother and grandmother. He thought I was a naïve skinny little French runt.
“Fine, just a blowjob? I must finish the chores,” Sabine squatted and began to unbuckle Jacques breeches.
“Non!” Jacques picked her up and flipped her around. He slammed her head into the table and lifted her skirt. He stuck his stumpy cock into her pussy and began to hump her. Sabine gripped the table and endured the fucking. She looked right at me.
“Look, Elle mouille,” Jacques showed me Sabine’s wet little cunt. He wanted me to see that Sabine was getting off on this rough sex. Sabine shook her head that she wasn’t enjoying it even if she was soaking wet. Jacques insisted I look more closely, and he pulled out so that I could see.
“Fuck her from the front,” he pointed to Sabine’s mouth. She looked at me as if she expected better from me. I felt guilty about it, but I also wanted to fuck her face. I unbuckled my pants and came around to the table. Her cousin lifted her onto the table so that she could stretch across the width and began to fuck her from behind while I fucked her face from the front.
I could not look Sabine in the eyes. Her mouth was a tremendous pleasure to use, and she did not bite or resist me. She could have easily done so, but she let me fuck her face without resistance.
“Good, I was beginning to think you prefer boys,” Jacques said to me while he focused on pumping Sabine from behind. My mother and the other women observed us casually. They were hungover and half-asleep from a night of rough fucking. They played with themselves or napped most of the morning.
I was about to answer when Canard burst through the door angrily.
“While you two Orphelines were in here playing around someone stole a barrel of ale from the front of the tavern!” he sounded drunk and angry. He kicked Jacques to the ground with his muddy boot. Then he turned on me.
“It was Encule! He was supposed to be watching for the delivery! I told him to do it!” Jacques blamed me. I knew nothing of any delivery.
“You should have made sure he did it! Encule could not defend himself from a wet fart in a rough wind! How could he have stopped the robbers from stealing my ale!” Canard beat Jacques. “You two are in here sampling my women for free when you are supposed to be working for me! What do I pay you for?”
“You do not pay us!” Jacques said as he defended himself from Canard. He didn’t fight back, but he held his hands in front of his face and tried to avoid Canard’s clumsy punches and kicks.
“I feed you and clothe you! Now you want money?” Canard was definitely drunk and angry. He insisted we get his ale back.
Carmen was masturbating with a dildo in the corner and said that the ale was so sour and disgusting that perhaps the garbage collector mistook it for a bucket of piss.
Canard turned his attention to tormenting and fucking her because of her smart mouth and dismissed us.
Jacques and I went outside to look around for the missing barrel of ale. “I didn’t know about a delivery,” I said.
“Since you have arrived, you have made things worse for me! I try to share with you, and this is how you repay me?” Jacques kicked me into the mud in front of the tavern. I had not tried to do anything other than avoid him and help where I could around the tavern. I did not understand why he was so angry with me. It seemed like Jacques was simply taking out his frustrations that he could not beat Canard on me.
He held me down in the dirty alley and punched my face several times. I hated being unable to fight back. I had lost much of the confidence I had when I was in charge of my mother, and I felt powerless.
The only reason Jacques stopped beating me in that encounter was a shifty-looking rat-faced man approached us with a large bruiser of a bodyguard. “Tell Canard that he must pay what he owes us, or we will make sure he receives no shipments of ale,” they said. They were the ones who took it, and it was because of a gambling debt.
Jacques launched himself at the rat-faced man to defy him. He stepped out of the way, and the Bruiser kicked him in the head. I ran inside to tell Canard that they were outside.
“Ah, a debt, you say?” Canard looked up. His head was buried in Carmen’s wet pussy, and the two of them were laughing and fucking. Esmeralda had joined the pair, and she was licking his cock lewdly. “It must be Le Maquereau! Tell him that I will pay him in credit at my establishment,” he insisted I return and give that message to the wicked men outside.
“Monsieur le Maquereau,” I addressed the ratty faced man. The bruiser was holding Jacques by his arms while the rat-faced man beat him with a cane.
“That is not my name,” he scoffed at me dismissively as I tried to deliver Canard’s message to him. When he would not listen to me, I grabbed a broken spoke to a wooden carriage wheel. I walked behind the big man and hit him in the back of the knees, and when he went down, I hit him hard across the base of his skull.
The weasel was so shocked that his ruffian friend went down that he panicked. Jacques lunged forward and pushed him into the mud and began to beat him. I held the man down. Jacques meant to rob him and possibly kill him.
“Mercy! Mercy!” he begged.
“Bring back the barrel of ale!” Jacques demanded.
“Canard owes a gambling debt,” Le Maquereau insisted the money was duly owed. I confirmed what Canard had told me inside the tavern.
Jacques seethed with rage. He wanted to kill this man. Le Maquereau could tell his life was forfeit if Jacques wanted to continue beating him. He pointed out that his Associates would come to collect the debt and seek vengeance if he killed him.
“Then we won’t kill you. We will just beat you until you forget about the debt,” I said with a ruthless tone in my voice and spit on his face.
I was surprised that the terms were acceptable to Le Maquereau. He collected his friend and left. He didn’t return the ale, but he never returned to collect upon the debt.
When we returned to the tavern, Canard hailed us both as heroes. He was delighted that the debt was forgiven, and after that, he treated me much more kindly. He stilled called me Encule as that had become my nickname. He called the two of us his Orphelines (balls), but he meant it endearingly.
After that, Jacques stopped bullying me, and we became fast friends. I told him about Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn and their adventures in the American wilderness. “Which am I?” he asked me.
“You are Tom Sawyer,” I said.
“I want to be Huck Finn!” he insisted. He was convinced I had taken the better character for myself. He expected everyone to be greedy and self-absorbed because most everyone in this part of town really was.
When I told him the story of how Tom had to whitewash his Aunt Polly’s fence as a punishment for a prior mischief, he changed his mind. I told him how, at first, his friends ridiculed him, and he wanted to play instead. Tom Sawyer not only turned the situation around, but he also spun it like a top on his palm. At the end of that day, a dozen boys painted the fence for him while he played to his heart’s desire. He even convinced them to pay for the privilege.
Jacques idolized Tom Sawyer after that and asked me to tell him more stories about Tom. I had to make some up because Jacques thirst for stories became so great. I told him stories about Injun Joe’s treasure, but I also told him how Tom fucked so many women that his giant penis was cast in bronze and displayed in a museum.
That evening it was slow in the tavern. “Carmen, bend over the table! I want to use you!” I summoned my courage to demand sex.
“Hah, the rabbit has become a lion? How about you suckle on my sister’s teats instead,” she laughed at me and ignored my request.
“Face down on the table and spread your ass cheeks so that I can decide what hole I want to fuck!” I insisted angrily.
Esmeralda and my mother laughed too. Sabine watched with interest, but Jacques and Canard were drinking and ignoring our petty squabble.
“You helped my nephew beat up a man today, and now you think you are a pimp? What will you do if I don’t let you? Throw a tantrum?” she giggled.
I grabbed her hair and stuck two fingers up her nostrils. She resisted and scratched my face with her nails. I slapped her hand hard and told her never to resist me again. I bent her over the table and ripped her corset off. I kicked her legs apart and held her down.
Canard and Jacques could not help but notice the woman struggling. Carmen easily outweighed me by 9 or 10 kilograms and had a height advantage. It took all of my muscle to hold her down.
“Tom, throw me a lasso!” I shouted to Jacques for help. He didn’t know what a lasso was, so I had to explain it was a rope with a noose at one end. He quickly tossed me a rope, and I bound his Aunt and forced her to submit to me.
I had read the adventures of Huckleberry Finn enough times that I knew it almost by memory. I paraphrased a quote from a chapter when Huck goes to the circus.
“And then faster and faster they went, all of them dancing, first one foot out in the air and then the other, the horses leaning more and more, and the ringmaster going round and round the center-pole, cracking his whip and shouting “Hi!—hi!” and the clown cracking jokes behind him; and by and by all hands dropped the reins, and every lady put her knuckles on her hips and every gentleman folded his arms, and then how the horses did lean over and hump themselves! And so one after the other, they all skipped off into the ring, and made the sweetest bow I ever did see, and then scampered out, and everybody clapped their hands and went just about wild.”
Then I forced Carmen up to imitate the steps of a horse while I called after her “Hi!-Hi!”. It was hilarious to the others who were only used to rough-born fucking. I had made my mother high step and trot like a circus show-pony for amusement. My mother was obedient and followed my instructions then.
It was altogether difficult to make Carmen whinny and behave like a horse. She bucked and tried to kick me even when I had her buckled in an old leather harness. I applied a leather strap to her ass until she complied with my wishes.
A customer entered the tavern while I was trying to bend Carmen to my will and was fascinated with the spectacle. He told Canard he wanted to have a turn when I was finished grooming the wild pony.
At first, Canard thought he was joking, but when the customer handed him real coins for the privilege, Canard barked some orders, and Carmen stopped resisting. She glared at me angrily but obliged the man his fun.
He trotted her around the tavern and even out in front in the nude when he got the hang out of it. We laughed and chuckled while he did. It was quite entertaining, and he asked me for tips on handling her. I told him it was no different handling a beast like her and a plow horse. “The whip or the carrot,” I said, and I showed him my whip and my penis.
Carmen and Esmeralda did not resist me when I wanted to fuck her after that. My mother frequently offered to let me fuck her. Just as Madeleine predicted, there were men who liked to watch me have sex with her. I look like my mother in the face, and they knew I was her son. It was more humiliating to me to call her mamma than it was to her to answer to it while they grinned at our sinful behavior and laughed. Incest was a tremendous taboo at the time, and yet it was prevalent in smutty books and many Victorian Households.
Jacques didn’t bear as much resemblance to his mother or Aunt to pique the interest of those who enjoyed the taboo of incest. He was never paid to fuck them in front of other men, but he fucked them both when the mood struck him.
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Hey, Hey, What can I do? I gotta woman and she won’t true! I walk the town, keep searching all around. Looking for my street corner girl. Traveling riverside blues. Robert Johnson She was there waiting, looking a little pissed Cause I was late. Climbing in she looks hot! That tite little body wrapped in a tiny little flowered dress bobby sox and white sneakers. “I want to get high before,” she says sliding over to touch his leg. Looking her over he smiles, “Of course my dear, I...
Céline continues to lick along the love lips of my gracious great granddod pretty Princess PetraCéline can not to stop to drink Petra's pussy juices while I walk away for another bottle of wineEvery drop of you tastes so precious Princess Petra Céline tells her between long love licksEvery hour of the day or night I can make love to you if you want my mighty Mistress PrincessLong time I watch after I come back to the scene with the second bottle of white wine with bubblesLet them exhaust...
“Well, good morning,” I said with a smile on my face as I closed the door behind me. I sat the tray on the ledge beside the sink and glanced over to the bubble-filled bathtub in our suite. There she was, just basking in the glow of our late night/early morning lovemaking. She looked so beautiful in the tub covered with bubbles in all the right places.I popped the cork and poured the champagne out and went to hand Sydnee a fluted glass. I did make her pay me with a kiss to get the flute...
ThreesomesI met the first real love of my life when I was at school. Dawn had long dark brown hair, she was tall, slender and very good looking, a real catch for a young lad.After a short while of the usual hormone filled passionate kissing and heavy petting sessions we decided on a night that we were going to have full blown sex. My parents were going out and the house was to be empty. A good 3 or 4 hours on our own was just the job. I loaded up with condoms and awaited the said night coming...
I went out drinking with 2 long time girlfriends that I hadnt seen for years now even though weve kept in touch.We went out alot during and after high school and they pulled shit like this before but nothing ever happened sexually back then.Tonight though was a different story.We got together and went out to eat and talk .I wasnt planning on staying out late and diffently wasnt planning on having sex.After we ate we decided to go to a bar and have afew drinks and talk about what weve been doing...
My dad is in the hospital, my wife said. My mom is out of town and I don’t want to leave him alone so I’m staying at the hospital tonight Of course my love. No problem with that. Send your dad my best and I hope he is better. Just like that, my wife left the house, en route to care for her sick father. A group text came through that went to her entire side of the family. “Dad is in the hospital, and since mom is out of town I’ll go help out” All was smooth sailing, then I got a...
'Half true-half fantasy' kind of story. It starts slow but gets hotter as the story moves on. Since most of the details are true, you'll find some paragraphs of description, conversations, and real life effects. I did rush it on for the convenience of my readers when the characters are talking on the phone. I hope you'll like the story. I'm eagerly waiting for your feedback. Enjoy! ~ Erotica Lover --------------------------------------- It all happened because of two character flaws in me. If...
Straight SexTowards the end of the year 1913 Mr. Thomas' wife Murial died after a long illness. The shop was closed for the next week whilst arrangements could be made. The funeral was held at St Margaret's church and it was well attended.At the request of Mr. Thomas, I stood beside him throughout the service. His wife's passing was probably a blessing for her because she was no longer in constant pain.When the shop reopened the mood was as expected. We had our usual regular customers most just wanted...
HistoricalIN THIS– CROSS-OVER Western arching 120 years, be prepared for a little humor and even satire, sex, romance and obnoxious attitudes. The setting is Clyde, a city of 27,600 servicing a hinterland of small productive farm units on the grassy and water restricted plains and large ranches rising into mountainous slopes. In pioneering days the Jefferson family arrived first followed shortly by the Elliot’s. They cross-married but within this generation the two families divided because of ‘the...
We Never Break A Promise 7 By Warm Hearted ****Willow**** Fiona with Ged's arm around her watched Willow sleep in the huge four poster bed with loving smiles on their faces. Then Fiona said, "We have our baby back with us and the cursed promise that kept her from us was destroyed with that school of hers." The Willow's Grandfather replied, "Yes but she can not stay here we need to get her to a Wizards academy as soon as possible. But we will have to stay here. You know there...
Hello, guys and girls oof indian sex stories dot net! This is Akash from Mumbai back with a real life story. Names are changed for obvious reasons. Post your feedback at If you have a story and finding it difficult to pen it down then feel free to drop a message. Let’s get to the story now. This happened 2yrs ago. The protagonist here is my cousin sister. Her name is Sanjana. She looks damn cute. She has an ass to die for and medium sized firm boobs. She was married for a year and there were...
Incest"Hmmm..." I tapped my index finger against my bottom lip thoughtfully, browsing the videos and grateful they were somewhat sorted by subject. "Kylie..." Rodney tugged at the sleeve of my jacket and I knew he was getting impatient. "Hold on, I'm looking." I said without looking at him. "You've been looking." He said, not unhappily, but just ... impatiently. "This one." I said, after holding my two favorite choices side by side and comparing the little pictures and vague...
The Awakening of Alexis - Part 1I can't say that I really regret anything that's happened. Step by step it's been unbelievably exciting. Let me explain what happened.I am in my late forties and Alexis, my wife of some 18 years, is the same age. She is tall, fairly slim, with brown eyes and hair, smallish breasts, and with lots of light brown pubic hair. Our sex life has been drab to say the least and as our sex has dropped off, I've tried to find new ways to excite her. I have never been...
InterracialHey fellow Pornaholics! This one IS a true story that happened just the other day... I thought Id share it with you.It was freezing outside with a high temp of about 10 degrees above zero. I got this chill in my bones that just wouldn't leave. I told my girl that I was gonna go jump in the tub and read some stories from my favorite site on my Ipod to bring you up to speed, we'd been bantering back n forth for some time on how cool (and hot) it would be if she let me shave her legs....
I wasn't exactly sure what kind of building Ariana was bringing me into. It wasn't dirty or dangerous or anything like that, but it wasn't an apartment building either. It seemed like a collection of business suites. She had asked me to be quiet so I didn't want to ask her until we were behind closed doors. When she lead me into the room, it made more sense. The space was small and softly lit, very warm and cozy, with music playing and a padded table in the middle. Very small. She had clearly...
There was a soft tone as the seat belt light flicked off on the plane. Meghan unbuckled hers as she stretched, looking over at the other travelers getting off in Chicago. They slowly began to queue up to leave the plane, giving Meghan room to stand and grab the only bag she was allowed to bring. She slung it over her shoulder and slowly walked off the plane herself. Meghan was dressed in black yoga pants and a tight athletic shirt, and had caught more than one guy staring at her ass, which...
Hi everybody this is Simson from Mumbi.This is my second story in ISS. I loved the reaction I got from you guys and willing to tell you my experience with my girlfriend Sandipa. This incident happened during my late 4th year of M.B.B.S (2010). If you like this feel free to contact me at Any girls who want to have paid safe sex I am always on and ready to pay any amount as I want to explore whole night in sex. OK let’s go into story. Both of us were good friends from our clinical session. Since...
Anmerkung: Nach unendlich langer Zeit habe ich endlich wieder mal Zeit und vor allem Muse zum Schreiben gefunden. Die Geschichte im Hotelzimmer kann also weitergehen. Es lohnt sich natürlich auch, die bisher erschienenen Teile 1 bis 4 zu lesen. ;)„Natürlich, es macht mir ein wenig Angst, Herr! Ich wollte nicht respektlos erscheinen. Verzeiht mir“, beeilst du dich zu sagen. Und augenblicklich lässt mein Griff nach. Ich hatte dich heute schon genug leiden lassen – freilich aber noch nicht genug,...
Introduction:I started writing this because I was bored, and it got a little interesting.DeliriumGENRE- Fantasy, Anal, Bi-sexual, Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, First Time, Male / Female Teens, Romance, Teen, Threesome, Virginity, YoungLynx had always had a vivid imagination. He began to suspect that he had more than just an overactive imagination when he started seeing girls near his home and in his school. He didn’t go to an all boy’s school or anything, so seeing females wouldn’t normally...
This is a true story.Back in the mid to late 1970's I lived with my family in one of those areas that was a very decent place to live, but now due to one thing or another has really gone down hill and you really wouldn't want to walk through there in broad day light let alone at night.But back then it was a great place to grow up. There were lots of family's with offspring of similar ages.There was a family down the street that had a daughter that was only a few months younger than me and we...
With money not being a problem due to the earnings of Fiona especially and Alice whilst at Donald's warehouse I was able to purchase a three bedroomed apartment on the fifteenth floor of a new build plot right in the heart of the city overlooking the new shopping complex that was full of shops, restaurants, a casino and a few bars. The apartment was well overpriced at £400,000 but I had money to burn and purchased it with my card. We got the keys and went there instantly in a cab leaving...
I was sixteen and Daren was a bit older. We were looking at porn in my bedroom. (This was the 80s when it was magazines). Daren was a good looking guy and had a great body hidden under his clothes. He was also the older brother of my best friend, Carey. I hung out with Daren a lot. Anyway, we were showing each other the pictures of girls in the magazines who we’d like to do and saying what we’d like to do with them, the usual. I was flipping through a copy of OUI which had this picture of a...
I awoke with a start. Rolling over to check the clock, I saw that it was only four in the morning. Soft, steady breathing from beside me told me I had company but I wasn’t sure who it actually was. There had been two women in the room with me when I dozed off and it was too dark to see clearly which one was still there. For a while, I lay there trying to lull myself back to sleep. For reasons I was not entirely sure of, though, I was too awake. I thought about trying to awaken my companion for...
Quickie SexFurther adventures of Jess. It may help to have read the first story. "Your tattoo is very beautiful; it's done in Japan." It wasn't a question and he was right. I was going out more on the weekends as Jess. My assignment to Alaska had been deferred twice in as many months, but now it was two weeks until I was shipped out for the final term of my enlistment. If it wasn't deferred again. Whatever. I'd been busy. I was at a coffee shop in Shibuya on a Saturday evening, getting ready...
She looked at me curiously over the top of a drink. We were sitting on the patio by the pool, late on a Friday afternoon. I was sweaty and tired from hours completing a complex Internet installation at her family’s home. Behind us, speakers floated Mozart from an Internet radio station. It sounded very nice, but had taken a lot of work to put in place. ‘You have never asked me for a date, or made a move. Is there another girl? Or something wrong with me?’ I smiled back at her, thinking of a...
Let us introduce you to a latina hottie – Dulce Katy. She is great at blowjobs as you would see very soon. She has a teen-vibe of sorts. Great smile on her face just invites you to have some fun with her. And boy-o-boy what sort of deepthroating fun times we are ahead! First things first – she teases. In that leather-kind of outfit she sports her tits barely fits in. Gorgeous sight! Perfect preview of what to come really. She quickly jumps on that dong we presented in front of...
xmoviesforyouI woke up next to James, lying in a cold, wet spot on the sheet, from the cum that had oozed out of me, after we had fallen asleep from fucking. I had spent the night in his room, to comfort him and to talk about the incident that had occurred with our mom and him. After catching me in the shower with my half-bother, James, and Mikey, she had joined us, to show her disappointment in the amount of sex that had been happening between us over the last few weeks. While proving a point with my...
Now Dave knew everything and had accepted it all partly because he wanted to and partly because I told him to. I could not believe that I now had control over the sex lives of these three people. This gave me a feeling of great power but it also gave me a great deal of responsibility. I had to make sure that I did not destroy the lives of these people to entertain myself. Over the next two months we stuck to foursomes and occasional threesomes. I was always involved. That was a rule that I...
Straight after breakfast on Saturday morning Allie went round to see Toby. She found him up and about, fully dressed and back to his normal smiling self. “Great!” she exclaimed. “You’re better” “Yes and thank you, sweety, for coming round every day while I had the grumps.” “You didn’t. You were a bit mis but that was because you were feeling rotten.” “OK but you might have picked it up.” Allie made a rude noise. “And then you’d have come to visit me and cheer me up.” “Yes but I would...
There you are in front of me. Naked. Your hands are ensconced in handcuffs with velvet linings and are attached to a pole which runs parallel to the ceiling. Your feet are also captured in velvet lined cuffs which are attached to rings in the floor. Your legs are slightly apart, and you are not in any discomfort at all. I come a step nearer so that I am directly in front of you, and I can feel your breath on my chest. It’s warm and coming in shallow breaths. I reach out and cup both of...
Cute blonde Slimthick Vic radiates lusty heat, teasing in a sheer bikini, playfully showing her natural body. A poolside intro features a sexy strip show, soon evolving as Vic talks with director Mick Blue. The distinctively named girl flaunts her fleshy tits for Mick, oiling up her luscious body for action. Indoors, she and Mick make out on the couch, and Vic strokes his big cock. She drools as she gives a nasty blowjob, and then hops onto Mick’s lap for rowdy rod riding. Mick rails her...
xmoviesforyou(This story is a part of the Blackedmerica series, which is set in an alternate history.)Prologue Madison was on her way back to the pool bar with the empty glasses on her tray. Her large breasts gently flopped up and down in her skimpy bikini, whilst her curvaceous hips swayed sexily as she walked. She wore no bikini bottoms. As a waitress at the Black Rooster Resort, clothing was optional. It made her feel so sexy walking around like that, knowing that black guys could see her bare pussy and...