Hot Nights In Copenhagen
- 4 years ago
- 32
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"Hmmm..." I tapped my index finger against my bottom lip thoughtfully, browsing the videos and grateful they were somewhat sorted by subject.
"Kylie..." Rodney tugged at the sleeve of my jacket and I knew he was getting impatient.
"Hold on, I'm looking." I said without looking at him.
"You've been looking." He said, not unhappily, but just ... impatiently.
"This one." I said, after holding my two favorite choices side by side and comparing the little pictures and vague descriptions. They really were almost identical.
"Are you sure?" Rodney teased me, because I'd been looking for a good half hour probably.
"Yeah." I gave him a warm smile and a little hug. "I'm sorry, I just like to look."
"I noticed." Rodney grinned and looked at the movie as I handed it to him and then he sighed, as I knew he would, but it was just a little one.
We walked together towards the front of the store and passed a few people, men wearing suits mostly, on their way home from the office most likely, killing time before the long bus ride into the suburbs maybe. I knew that feeling all too well, since my parents live in Eden Prairie and the university is downtown. I caught the eye of one of them, a handsome man, trim with neatly combed brown hair and soft green eyes.
He smiled at me, which was a little unusual for that place, and I smiled back feeling Rodney's arm tighten around my waist as I slowed down. Rodney glanced at me, his thick black lips curling downward in annoyance, probably. I didn't know for sure because I was busy looking at the white guy standing just a few feet away. I noticed he was holding a magazine with a black girl on the cover and perhaps that explained his smile.
"Hi." I said, licking my lips.
"Hello." He seemed surprise that I'd say something, but I suppose just seeing a young and pretty black woman in an adult bookstore was surprising enough.
I giggled as Rodney pulled me along and I wasn't resisting him too much, it was just a tease really and Rodney understood that by now. We'd been engaged almost six months and our wedding was getting close finally, just a week away and I think it was making us both a little anxious.
The guy was watching me, well all the guys were, but the man with green eyes was watching my ass close in the faded jeans I wore. They were tight and soft and I'd had them since I'd pretty much stopped growing at sixteen. I loved those jeans, not only because they were super comfortable, but because they were tight around my thighs and ass, showing off my long legs and especially my narrow, but definitely round hips. I didn't have a typical black girl butt either, it was high and tight and round. I wasn't some MTV Booty Girl, thank God. Shape is more important than size, in my opinion, and my pert black ass was perfect
I gave it a little extra wiggle just for him, glancing over my shoulder with an impish grin to see the guy smiling back.
"Do you have to do that?" Rodney asked softly.
"Maybe I should get his phone number." I giggled.
"Kylie..." Rodney shook his head, putting the video on the counter.
"Huh ... White in Black Volume Nine..." The cashier guy nodded and he was young and blonde, but kind of scruffy looking and not my type.
"It goes with the other eight." I smiled.
He looked at the video, which featured a pretty black girl taking a huge white cock in her pussy while she sucked on another one, only slightly smaller. Then he looked at us, or most pointedly at me and he lifted his eyebrows and I shrugged playfully. A few months ago I would have been dying of embarrassment just walking into a place like that, but not anymore.
" ... Okay, that'll be nineteen ninety-five, plus tax, is that gonna do it for you guys?" He asked, looking at Rodney.
"Oh, get some of those condoms, the flavored ones." I clutched Rodney's arm as he was reaching for his wallet. "The banana ... And the strawberry too." I smiled at the grinning clerk. "I like those."
"Uh, flavored condoms." Rodney said, clearing his throat and he was a little embarrassed, as always. We were regulars.
"That guy in the store was kind of cute, don't you think?" I asked Rodney as we relaxed in his apartment.
"Which one?" He was using his ball point pen to tear open the cellophane wrapper on the video.
"The guy in the suit." I sipped my Diet Pepsi out of the plastic bottle. "The one with green eyes. I love green eyes."
"Humph." Rodney smiled at me. "Maybe I should get some of those colored contacts."
"It wouldn't be the same." I giggled, curling my feet under my butt as I sat on his sofa.
"No, I suppose not." He agreed, putting the DVD into his player and I held my arms out for him, inviting him to sit close with me.
"I love you." I sighed as Rodney settled onto the couch, thumbing his remote. "You know that, right?"
"I do know that." He turned his head, smiling at me. "Was I complaining?"
"No." I kissed him softly on the lips. "You never complain. Go to the menu."
"Okay." Rodney nodded, hitting the button and a moment later pushing play so we could watch the movie.
"We should have made some popcorn." I grinned at my fiancé.
"Popcorn?" He rolled his soft brown eyes. "We haven't even had dinner yet. You should be in the kitchen, rattling those pots and pans, girl."
"Me?" I protested playfully. "God! You act like we're already married. What happened to the guy who used to cook me those romantic dinners?"
"Yeah! What did happen to him?" Rodney chuckled. "He was a pretty good cook."
"Shhh..." I laughed. "Watch the movie now."
We watched as a cute black girl in a French maid outfit pranced around the screen, bending over and reaching high as she dusted a bedroom, showing off her nubile body to the handsome white man reading a book on his bed. All these movies were pretty much the same really and it was probably a waste of money, but something about watching porn with Rodney, interracial porn with black girls having all kinds of sex with white guys, really turned me on. I had about two dozen movies in my little collection now, all bought and paid for by Rodney and it was true, he'd never once complained about either the cost or the subject matter.
"That girl kind of looks like me, don't you think?" I stoked Rodney's chest.
"Mmmm ... Maybe, you're prettier than she is." Rodney decided.
"I got bigger boobs, that's for sure." I giggled.
"A smaller ass too." Rodney nodded.
"Don't start complaining about my butt." I warned him playfully. "You black guys, what is it with big round butts?
"I didn't say anything." Rodney looked all innocent. "You're the one who..."
"Shush ... She's going to take out his cock." I lifted my eyebrows.
I think I'd shocked him a little when I'd first suggested going into the adult bookstore, but he was game for almost anything I might suggest. Rodney, true to his word, seemed able to refuse me nothing. I'll admit I tested him quite a lot, like flirting with the white guy in the bookstore, but Rodney understood that I was just teasing him. He also understood that a day would come when it went beyond teasing and I was really hoping that watching movies like this, flirting with white men in front of him, would prepare him for that. I wasn't hiding anything from him and I'd promised both of us that I never would.
We were entering our marriage with our eyes wide open, as Rodney had said once. I liked that term a lot and I really hoped it was true.
"Oh God..." I breathed, pressing my hand against the bulge in Rodney's slacks. " ... Look at the size of that guy's cock."
"Uh-huh." Rodney nodded. "It's big."
"It's huge." I giggled. "I wonder what that would feel like."
I could feel pussy growing damp already and the girl wasn't doing anything but sucking the white guy off, although she couldn't fit much more than the head of that enormous prick into her small black mouth. I licked my lips sympathetically, imagining how that beautiful white cock would feel with my hands wrapped around it. How it would taste filling my mouth, all that precum mixing with my saliva, spilling out of me as I tried to swallow it.
"Play with my tits, Rodney ... Help me..." I whispered, moving so I could unbutton my blouse. I loved having my breasts licked and kissed and especially bitten and Rodney did it nice, he'd had a lot of practice.
"Yeah, Kylie ... Here..." Rodney was more than happy to help me and perhaps that's why he didn't mind those videos so much, he knew how hot they got me.
"Ummm..." I made a little face as I reached behind me to unclasp my bra. " ... There ... Worship my tits, Rodney."
"Anything for you, Goddess." Rodney sighed, bringing his mouth to my right nipple and kissing it tenderly.
That was his pet name for me, Goddess, and I always smiled when I heard him use it. It seemed so over-the-top, you know? He was sincere though, I knew that, and he did worship me. I guess if we were into the BDSM thing I would have been his Mistress or whatever, but that wasn't us. We didn't need it. We knew who was in charge and it was me, there was no reason to play games and I didn't want to hurt the man. Neither physically nor especially emotionally, except for a little humiliation maybe, but he liked that just as much as I did, even though he wouldn't admit it.
It wasn't domination, it was independence. That was the key and the gift that getting engaged to Rodney had given me. I really was free to do what I wanted, while Rodney was bound to me as a devoted lover. Not a slave, not that, but a submissive mate, yielding to my desires and so willing and happy to do so. I still didn't understand the appeal, what it was that Rodney gained from our relationship, but I didn't have to. It was enough to see him happy and if a little public humiliation was the only penance for his selfless love, then that too was a burden he eagerly shouldered.
My Rodney.
"You want to see me fucking a big white cock, don't you?" I whispered into his ear, cradling his sucking mouth to my breast. "Tell me ... Tell me you want to see it..."
"I want to see it, yeah..." He breathed, flicking his tongue over my hard nipple, dark and thick and a full inch long.
"I'm going to do it, Rodney." I kissed his neck, stroking his back through his polo shirt. "I'm going find a man to fuck me, a white man with blonde hair and blue eyes..."
"Mmmm ... Kylie..." Rodney dragged his teeth across my soft skin, squeezing my 34C tits in his large hands.
" ... I'm going to ride him bareback..." I shivered at my words and arched my back against Rodney's hard sucking mouth. " ... Let him cum inside me ... All night ... As many times as he wants to..."
"Mmphhh..." Rodney nursed on my nipple hard, the way I liked it, pinching it with his lips and tonguing it rapidly.
"Watch the movie ... Fuck..." I was breathing hard and I had to stop him before I went too far.
I was still a virgin and it had been hard keeping my hymen intact. My nipples were my Achilles heel and too much attention to them could make me forget my promise. I was going to give my virginity to Rodney on our wedding night as his reward for loving me so patiently, so selflessly. It was hard though and several times I'd come close to giving myself to him, begging the man to take me and release me from that strange bondage, because that was very much how it felt. Until I lost my virginity I couldn't fuck anyone and once it was gone, once I'd kept my promise to Rodney, I'd keep my other promises as well. I'd find a white man to fuck me good and hard and deep.
I was just waiting, like a girl counting the days until Christmas.
"Cognitive psychology?" Will was looking at me.
"Ummm ... Don't tell me!" I giggled, but I was a little frustrated. "The scientific study of how people..."
"Keep going." Kevin grinned at me, but he was looking at his notes.
" ... acquire, process and ... and ... shoot ... and what?" I frowned, because I could never remember the last one.
"Utilize." Steve smiled.
"Yeah, acquire, process, and utilize information." I sighed. "I'm going to get killed tomorrow."
"No, you'll be okay." Bobby leaned back in his chair, rocking on the back legs.
"Easy for you to say." I grumped. "You're smart."
"Heh." Kevin chuckled. "He thinks he is. Next one?"
"Developmental Psychology..." Will said and it was Steve's turn to answer.
We had a quiz in our freshman psych course the next morning and I hated that class. It was boring and the teacher sucked and I couldn't remember half the crap in my notes ... Blah. The good thing was that I was in one of the study rooms at the university library with my four best friends, all of them men, all of them attractive, and all of them white. I was in love with those guys, with all of them, or at least lust ... But when you're nineteen it amounts to the same thing.
"Hey Will, would you mind walking me to my dorm tonight?" I asked him, and it wasn't so strange as it sounds.
I'd gotten in the habit of asking one of them after every study session, mostly because at first they'd all volunteered to walk me home and that had made me feel a little funny, walking around the university at eleven at night with four guys. So my solution had been to pick one and only one, and it was nice that way. It was a fun game because I had no schedule, I just picked the one that caught my eye that night, and they were all eager to be picked. It made them special.
"Sure Kylie." Will smiled and looked around while the other three guys moaned and complained, but not too much. It was all good natured and they knew I was engaged of course. I'd invited them all to the wedding.
"So, Saturday's the big day, huh?" Will smiled at me as we left the library. "Getting excited?"
"Gotten excited." I laughed. "I'm beyond that, I'm ... Numb."
"Numb?" Will laughed too. "Okay, sure, numb is good."
"Oh, God." I sighed; taking Will's left arm and pulling it so he'd have to hold me around my waist.
We were close to the same height and walking hip to hip with the man was nice. Will was beautiful too. The other guys were handsome in their own ways, but Will was beautiful. He had a sensitivity that just made me melt, I swear, I don't know how to describe it. But his hazel eyes and soft brown hair and pale skin ... I was in trouble being alone with him like this and I knew it.
"I guess we won't have too many more nights with you." Will took a deep breath.
"Why?" I glanced at him and we were walking very slowly.
"You'll be a married woman, Kylie." He said. "Your husband probably won't want you spending your nights around here."
"Yeah." I shrugged. "Maybe. I'll still need to study though. Being married isn't going to give me better grades."
"You'll do okay; you're smarter than you think you are." Will's fingers tightened around my narrow waist.
"Mmmm ... I like that." I leaned into him a little as we walked.
"Being smarter?" Will chuckled.
"Uh-uh ... What your hand is doing." I told him.
"I'm going to miss these walks." Will nodded and all the guys had told me the same thing.
I'd never kissed any of them, never done more than played little word games, the flirtatious innuendo that made us laugh, but on the long walk back to my dorm I always made sure their arms were around me. It was our only intimacy really, and a wonderful tease for both of us, and just feeling Will holding me like that was enough to make my nipples pop hard under my bra.
"So, how's Betsy these days?" I asked, and that was a tease too. She was Will's girlfriend and Becky didn't care for me a whole lot. None of their girlfriends did, but I didn't care for them either.
"Becky." Will shrugged. "She's probably trying to call me right now."
"Where's your phone?" I looked at him.
"I must have forgotten it." He chuckled.
"You're bad." I made a little face and giggled.
"Well, she knows when we're studying and, you know..." He sighed.
"She just wants to make sure you didn't fall into a black hole." I told him, not really meaning the dirty pun and I gasped as Will stared at me. "I mean..."
"Yeah," Will grinned, "I know what you mean, Kylie, and you're right about that."
"On the other hand..." I bit my lip. " ... Maybe a black hole is just what you need."
"Is that right?" Will gave me a look and I was off and running with my vulgar and unintended innuendo.
"Oh yeah, they're warm..." I said softly. " ... wet ... and hot..."
"Oh jeeze, you're just trying to get me in trouble."
"Have you ever been in a black hole, Will?" I asked him as innocently as I could.
"Uh ... No, I haven't." He shook his head.
"You should try it sometime." I nodded seriously. "Becky wouldn't have to know."
"Uh-huh." Will nodded. "What about your fiancé?"
"Rodney?" I laughed. "Why would he care if you found a nice tight black hole?"
"Oh, I don't know..." Will said.
"You don't have to worry about him at all." I promised.
"What do I have to worry about?" Will wondered.
"Getting back out." I giggled. "Once you go black, you'll never go back..."
"I heard that." Will was looking at me and his hand was moving up and down, just a little, rubbing my side gently.
"I think Einstein said that." I nodded.
"After his trip to Africa." Will laughed and I gave him a little bounce with my hip.
"You might forget all about Becky." I said.
"I'm sorry." I rolled my eyes. "She's nice, I know."
"She just gets a little jealous." Will shrugged.
"A little?" I laughed. "She thinks we have sex."
"Yeah." Will said slowly. "I know."
"Don't you ever want to make her right?" I asked. "Justify all that yelling she does?"
"Justify Becky's anger?" Will grinned. "You've been studying too hard, Dr. Freud."
"Hmmm..." I shrugged. "Just a thought."
We were standing outside my dorm then and I sucked my lips as Will reluctantly let me go. I wished we had a reason to walk a little farther.
"Thanks for walking me home, Will." I smiled into his eyes.
"Anytime, Kylie." He said and we were standing there a little awkwardly, like we always did, unsure of what to do or what to say.
"You're coming to my wedding, right?" I asked him, for like the tenth time.
"Yeah, Kylie." Will smiled patiently. "We're all going to be there."
"Good." I nodded. "You better be. You know you can bring Becky too, right? I invited all you guys."
"Yeah, she's coming." Will said. "I think she really wants to see you hitched."
I giggled at that. "Yeah, I bet. Okay, well ... Goodnight, Will."
"Hold on, uh..." Will stopped me and I narrowed my eyes.
"What are you doing Thursday night?" He asked.
"Thursday?" I shrugged. "Um, Wednesday is the rehearsal. Let's see ... Friday we're having the big dinner, all the in-laws, you know." I rolled my eyes. "Hmmm, Thursday I think I'm just going to panic that night."
"You're going to panic?" Will laughed.
"Why?" I asked him. "Are you asking me on a date two days before my wedding? Your timing sucks."
"What? No, uh-uh ... I'm, well, me and the guys we were thinking you should have a little party."
"A party? For me?" I smiled.
"Yeah, you know, um..." Will shrugged.
"Like a bachelorette party?" I giggled. "I don't think boys are supposed to give me one of those."
"Well, not a party maybe, just hanging out." Will shrugged. "A little get together before we lose you forever."
"Lose me forever?" I giggled. "I'm getting married, not joining the Peace Corps."
"Yeah, that's a good idea." He smiled. "We'll call it a going away party."
"So I don't get a bachelorette party?" I pouted.
"Okay, okay ... We'll call it a bachelorette party. We'll get a cake for Steve to jump out of and everything." Will laughed. "How about it?"
"Yeah, God." I smiled. "Like I'm going to say no? Of course I wanna party with you guys."
"Good." Will nodded. "I'll tell the other guys and talk to you tomorrow, okay?"
"Cool." I grinned at him. "That's seriously nice of you guys."
"Well..." Will couldn't stop smiling. " ... Yeah, but you're seriously nice too, so..."
"So, yeah, okay." I nodded and we looked at each other for a long ten seconds. "I better, um ... Get inside. Feed my fish and stuff."
"Right." Will said. "Goodnight, Kylie."
"Mmmphhh..." I moaned around Rodney's thick cock as I took it deep into my mouth.
"Ummmm ... Suck it, baby..." Rodney sighed, sitting on his sofa while I knelt on the floor.
A movie was playing behind me with some black girl getting gang-banged by four white men. We'd been at the church for our wedding dress rehearsal and I'd decided to give Rodney a little reward for stopping by the adult bookstore afterwards. He deserved a good blowjob once in awhile and I was pretty good at giving them now. It had gotten a lot easier for me to enjoy it once we started using candy flavored condoms. I was naked, but for a pair of loose white panties and all Rodney wore was the rubber on his cock.
"God, I love strawberries." I giggled breathlessly, licking my lips and sliding my hand up and down Rodney wet shaft, looking rather pinkish beneath the condom he wore.
"I love your mouth, baby ... Keep sucking..." Rodney grinned at me.
Rodney really wished he didn't have to wear a rubber, but the few times I'd given him a blowjob without one it had pretty much turned me off. Not because I don't like sucking cock, I love it, but I wanted a white cock between my lips, not a black one. I know that sounds silly and I know if I close my eyes a cock is a cock, but I just wasn't into getting my mouth full of a black man's precum or most especially a black man's sperm, not even my fiancé's. The first and only time Rodney had cum in my mouth I'd almost thrown up, in fact I had thrown up, but hopefully he didn't know that.
I tried to hide it and I felt bad about it, a little guilty because I was going to be his wife. I couldn't help it though, black sperm just seemed so nasty to me and even the idea that my dad's black sperm had helped make me ... I tried not to think about that too much. I swear, it's just something in my head and I'd change it if I could. As it was, I only sucked Rodney's cock while he wore a condom now and that was a thousand times better for me, and him too because I could really work on making it good for him. Of course Rodney just didn't see it that way, but I'd laid down the law and he'd agreed.
Rodney's cock was nice sized too and I always giggled a little when I'd talk to my girlfriends, especially the white ones. I was blessed with a lot of friends, which was nice, and most of them were white, but just because most of the students were white. We were in Minnesota, you know? That's my excuse anyway, but the white girls I liked to hang out with, they were all convinced that every black guy in the world has like a ten inch cock and I always laughed when I heard them talking.
"Do you like that movie, Rodney?" I lifted my mouth, sliding his wet cock across my cheek slowly.
"It's okay, I guess." He shrugged and then caught my eyes with his. "I mean, yeah, Kylie, it's great."
"Liar." I giggled and wiggled my eyebrows at him. "I picked it out especially for you. Four white guys and one black girl, isn't that sexy?"
"She seems to be enjoying it." Rodney cleared his throat. "So does this have anything to do with your little party tomorrow?"
"Hmmm?" I licked along the bottom of his shaft, savoring the sweet strawberry flavor. "Of course it does."
"You're not going to..."
"No, don't be silly." I dropped my mouth down so I could kiss his big black balls. I did like those, they were cute. "I told you, my cherry belongs to my husband."
"Uhhh yeah ... Umm..." Rodney grabbed my loose black hair in his hands, pulling it away so he could see me taking his heavy balls in my mouth one at a time.
I suckled each of them gently, rolling them around in the warm wet confines of my mouth, using my tongue to massage the testes beneath that soft sack of skin. I thought Rodney's balls were great and that really was my favorite part of giving him head, maybe his too. I wondered how much better it would be kissing a white man's balls, knowing they were filled with hot thick sperm. That was what was turning me on, knowing that besides giving Rodney the pleasure he deserved, I was also practicing so that when I did finally have sex with a white guy, it was going to be really good for him.
"Do you want to come to the party?" I asked Rodney, looking up and licking my lips. "The guys won't mind."
"No, it's your party, Kylie." Rodney shook his head. "You deserve to have fun with your friends."
"I know." I wrinkled my nose playfully. "I wouldn't mind though, you could meet them and have some fun ... Keep me out of trouble..."
"Keep you out of trouble?" Rodney chuckled. "I trust you."
"Yeah, I'm serious though." I squeezed his cock gently through the condom. "Come with me, okay? Please?"
"Are you sure it's okay?" He asked and I nodded.
"Of course it is." I sat up, crawling onto the sofa and leaning forward so I could kiss him. "I'm gonna marry you."
Rodney smiled, even as I pushed my tongue into his mouth, and I knew that was it for him. The real reason he could accept my strange desires. He was going to be my husband and he'd have me the rest of his life. I'd have other men, he knew that, but they wouldn't last, they wouldn't spend their lives with me. Only him, just Rodney, and for that he was willing to share me. I wish I could love someone that much, I really do, but I'm too selfish. I wasn't going to share Rodney with anyone and if that seems unfair, well ... It was, I guess.
"I'm going to call Will and tell him you're coming." I said after our kiss.
"Now?" Rodney blinked at me.
"What? Why not?"
"Well ... What about..." He looked down and I followed his gaze to see his cock straining impatiently for my mouth.
"Later." I giggled. "I promise. I'll make you feel good..." I was reaching for my purse. " ... Why don't you give me a little foot massage first, hmmm?"
"Heh ... I can do that." Rodney took a deep breath. "I can definitely do that."
I grinned as Rodney slipped down to the floor, which was what he liked best, believe me. A blowjob was nice, but it didn't compare to the pleasure Rodney found worshipping my feet. I used it like a treat for him, a reward sort of thing, because if I didn't, Rodney would be making love to my feet three times a day, I swear. It was better this way, allowing him to play with my feet just once in awhile. I'd made a little rule a long time before that he couldn't touch my feet, or any part of me for that matter, without permission. I didn't want him grabbing me. He had to respect me at all times, and when I was in the mood I'd let him know.
"Do a good job and maybe I'll let you fuck my feet." I promised. "Would you like that?"
"Oh yeah. Can I cum on your feet tonight?" Rodney asked, lifting my right foot carefully, massaging it in his wonderful hands.
"Maybe." I smiled. "But only if you do me really good, otherwise you'll just have to go to sleep wearing that condom."
"Oh, don't say that, Kylie." Rodney kissed the top of my foot. "I'll make you feel good, don't worry."
"Uh-Huh..." I stuck out my tongue, holding my phone now. " ... Just remember, I don't want you to cum until I say so, right?"
"I know." He sighed and his smile was lighting up the room as he pressed my foot against his cheek.
"Who does that cock belong to?" I asked, holding the phone to my ear.
"You, Kylie." Rodney said.
"Why?" I looked at him and that phone was ringing a long time.
"Because I gave it to you." Rodney took my big toe into his mouth, sucking it gently and then pulling off it slowly. "You really are my Goddess."
"That's ... Oh, Hi Becky, this is Kylie ... Yeah, I know what time it is..." I rolled my eyes. " ... Is Will there? Good, um, can I talk to him? Please?"
God, that girl was such a bitch!
"Hey Kylie." Will's voice filled my ear and I smiled. "What's up?"
"I'm getting a foot massage." I giggled.
"Oh, great." Will laughed. "Must be a good one if you're calling your friends to let them know."
"Were you sleeping?" I asked, cause it was pretty late.
"Uh, well, we were in bed..."
"Oh." I made a little face. "Sorry, were you like right in the middle of ... You know..."
"Pretty much." Will sighed. "I think I'll be taking a cold shower later. Sleeping on the couch again."
"I'm sorry ... Tell her I'm in jail, looking for someone to bail me out. That'll cheer her up." I laughed.
"Yeah, maybe." Will chuckled. "I'll try it."
"Anyway, um ... I just wanted to let you know that Rodney's coming with me tomorrow, to the party."
If you have never been to Copenhagen, I swear you must go. It is a truly wonderful city by the sea. The inhabitants are hospitable, fun loving and to an overwhelming degree, exceptionally good looking. The story goes that centuries ago Vikings kid-napped the most beautiful women during conquering visits to Europe and deposited them in Scandinavia, resulting in the tendency toward tall, blonde, healthy and attractive generations to follow. It is not hard to believe the legend when you spend time...
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I was broke, cold and hungry. I had arrived in Copenhagen one cold December morning with the equivalent of a dollar to my name. After working on a Norwegian freighter for several months, I signed off in Alicante, Spain and made my way north, spending time in Paris on the Left Bank, Antwerp, and other places, and eventually made my way to Copenhagen, where I arrived with my last dollar. One of the things I learned while traveling is how important it is to find a café or bar I liked and keep...
Straight SexA Blonde in Copenhagen I arrived in Copenhagen one cold December morning with the equivalent of a dollar to my name. After working on a Norwegian freighter for several months, I signed off in Alicante, Spain and made my way north stopping here and there along the way, spent a week or so in Paris living in a small room on the Left Bank where many of my favorite expatriate writers lived, walked the streets, sat in cafes then made my way to Denmark where I somehow managed to live for several...
It was the very first night of my month long North Carolina July summer vacation stay when my Aunt Meg suddenly entered the bedroom that I was temporarily sharing with my younger cousin Rudy. Being so openly effeminine in his body language,voice and looks, I had already planted such dirty thoughts into my mind! Yes quite stimulating to me forbidden sexual thoughts about making my cousin Rudy become a secret faggot for me just like openly gay Joey Parker who lived right down the road from me...
‘You’re sure about this?’ Darcy asked, a dubious expression on her face. Her big hazel eyes were framed by dark bangs, and anyone looking at her would have thought that she was the kindest, most generous, most friendly and concerned person they’d ever met. ‘Because I really will understand if you want to back out. A bet’s a bet and all, but I’m willing to call it off if you are. The other sisters probably won’t even remember this by tomorrow morning.’ Lia knew better. She fixed Darcy with a...
"Mmmm..." I purred with pleasure, like a sleek black panther drowsing in the sunset. "Just think Rodney, after were married we'll get to do this all the time." "Yeah, Kylie ... Fuck yeah..." His rich voice was soft and I smiled at the sound of it. "Shhh ... Don't talk, Rodney ... Keep licking..." I nodded happily as my big black stud went back to his happy task. Big black stud, yeah right. I had to stifle a giggle as I mentally corrected myself. Rodney had seemed imposing at...
In the year 2020 a new card game appeared on the market. No one had ever heard of it before but it quickly swept the nation. Many were surprised at this change since it required any store that hosted games to create special rooms for playing it but the proprietors were all strangely willing to go along with this. The game was Sorcery: The Gropening, often abbreviated as StG or just Sorcery, it was the most popular collectible card game to ever exist despite being 18+ only. Within five years it...
Master Santino-The Arena Reopens: This is a another part of the series. You do not need to read the rest ofthe story to understand it. If the story offends you, don't read it. Male Modificationand enslavement. John Santino died. That is what started the events that changed a number oflives. John was part of our small gay group that met once a week for fun andgames. He owned an old building that was not in use any more called ARENA.Well not in public use. Our group had used it for our parties....
Mrs. Copenhaver's Night Out Judy Copenhaver called to her son Clay. Get the phone son, I'm in the middle of fixing supper. Its for you Mom it' s Sister Sorensen. OK come tend supper while I see what she wants. Hi Emily,whats up? Ooh I need to see you. Well I'm fixing supper,whats up? These two women had been lovers for several years. I need to see you, you know why. I'll meet you at the church house in a few minutes These women used their Custodial assignments for the church as a...
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Sex Stories SitesEYESORE EYESOREMonday When Katherine came in the house, the Eyesore was kneeling on the floor, naked with her face pressed to the floor, Katherine?s martini in front of her. It was something to see the Eyesore?s hands clasped behind her back, balancing herself with her face and her knees, awaiting me, Katherine thought.? Katherine? leaned down and picked up the martini and downed half of it, and then violently kicked the Eyesore in the ribs, and the slave fell over without a...
We were designed forty years ago, engineered. They called us catseyes because of our cat slit eyes. Besides the eyes that let us see in almost total darkness our muscles were more than twice as dense and our reactions twice as fast. There were also retractable claws but other than that we looked like normal humans ... Except we tended to regenerate and maintained the look of youth. Ten thousand of us were created and trained. We were the front line soldiers, the shock troops. They had many...
Jonathan I'm following Alex in her little sports car, and envying her for the wind in her hair. Amongst this old Escort's many problems, it doesn't have air conditioning, so the east Texas heat is pretty sweltering inside the car, even with all the windows down. Within a few minutes, we're back in the residential area I'd passed through an hour ago. Alex is going much slower, which I'm thankful for. I know my controlling tendencies would have me twitching and frustrated if she were...
Alexis I'm above him, my hips are moving against his body, the light glistening on his stomach. But my eyes are staring into his—his dark sad eyes. They don't look sad now though. They're burning into my soul. What's that look? Hunger? Desire? My body aches so good, and I throw my head back groaning. It's early, but I need to be back at Ray's by eight. I groan and rub the sleep out of my eyes and allow Death Cab to serenade me awake. "Yeah," I grumble. "I'd follow him into the...
Jonathan I'm trying not to get frustrated, but it's hard when you're used to people being on time. I can't remember the last time someone was late to meet me. Generally, people who are late to meet me get fired—unless they have a really good excuse, even then, I check up on their excuse. I guess it's part of my controlling nature. I'm trying to change though. So when I see my beat up Ford driving up, I force a few deep breaths, exhaling slowly through my nose. It works, calming me...
Jonathan Three weeks with Miss Alexis Rutherford and I'm not sure what's going on anymore. I thought it might just be a shameless fling. But after that first night, Alexis hasn't let me get further than heavy kissing and a few mild over-the-clothes gropes. And the weird thing is, I don't really mind. I don't want to rush into this. But I'm not sure why that is. I keep telling myself, "You can't fall in love with your rebound." Right? My wife' barely been dead seven months. It's...
Jonathan When I wake up, she's gone. Her scent still lingers on my lips, and her taste still invades my mouth. I haven't been this happy in ... well, since Alice was born. After Alice was born, things between Michelle and I were never the same. She loved Alice, even as much as I loved Alice. But she told me long ago she didn't want children. Michelle didn't take out her resentment on Alice though. She really was an amazing mother. No, she resented me for ever getting her pregnant. She...
CHAPTER 1 Book publishers Flynn & Lombardy, attempting to ride on novelist Jane Austen-Frewin’s popularity to push her new novel, ‘Legs Wide Open’ into the best seller’s list, announced in a newspaper and on local TV and radio it would conduct a competition at the widely promoted author’s next public appearance. People attending the function at Woodley Mall in southern England would have the chance of being selected to ask Jane, author of the controversial novel, ‘The Beastliness of Men’, a...
Gary's Golf "Outing" CHAPTER 8 -- A Stiff Eye Opener After a Hard Night I didn't sleep too well even though I was exhausted mentally and physically from the endless round of transsexual sucking and fucking I had experienced for the past 18 hours or so. I was half awakened several times during the night by being fucked up my ass (or as Kimberly and Christie put it, my TV pussy) by Christie's cock -- oops -- clitoris or pussy pole. Whatever. It must have been hard all night and it kept...
Jennifer was a pretty and talented 18years old that lives with her very strict parents. Jen is an only daughter and she likes to hang out with her friends, her family and I are neighbors in an apartment. I am a 42 year old male and working at night time in a bar. Me and Jen’s father are close friends, because we are neighbors we share time and drink for sometime. Jen’s mother, Amy, is a really nice woman she cooks well and works during day at their store in the market. Her father is a business...
Adult HumorALTERED FATES: THE X-FILE REOPENED by BobH. (c) 2003 For those of you interested in continuity, this story takes place during the first half of the final season of The X- Files. It's a sequel to my story ALTERED FATES: THE X-FILE in the sense of being set after that tale and making reference back to it, but you don't need to have read that one to follow this one. MARRIOTT HOTEL, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND It was her walk as she strode into the main bar that had first...
It started out as a simple rash that a few individuals got. A rash so painful and uncomfortable that, if left alone could kill the afflicted. Doctors found that the only cure was for sufferers to completely disrobe, it was as if they suddenly became allergic to all forms of clothing including shoes! This "allergy" was spreading. It soon also appeared to increase libidos and to dangerous and painful heights requiring constant sexual activity, masturbation only appeared to help so much as it...
Marcus Phillips opened the door of his apartment. The six-feet-three-inch, two-hundred-fifty-pound dark-skinned man looked at the slim boi.“Come inside,” Marcus ordered.The twenty-six year old complied and said, “Yes, sir”It was a Sunday – the second one of September. Marcus had asked the pussyboi to come over before the game. It was the season opener for the New York Giants. They were playing the Dallas Cowboys. The sissy boi switched inside. He was five-feet-six and weighed one-twenty-two. He...
So since Sam and I split, which is interesting considering how we were never together in the first place, I’ve been noticeably kind of upset. People keep asking me if I have lost a family member, I reply in the negative but can never tell them why I’m as sad as I am. Well, as sad as I was. The next time I had to see Sam was the day of our assessments. I was completely dreading it after the last time I saw her, the time where I felt like my heart was breaking… Well, as I expected, I was that...
So since Sam and I split, which is interesting considering how we were never together in the first place, I’ve been noticeably kind of upset. People keep asking me if I have lost a family member, I reply in the negative but can never tell them why I’m as sad as I am. Well, as sad as I was. The next time I had to see Sam was the day of our assessments. I was completely dreading it after the last time I saw her, the time where I felt like my heart was breaking… Well, as I expected, I was that...
LesbianYou have a slightly difficult relationship with Oscar's sister Hollie. This is due to the fact that you desperately want to fuck her, and she knows it. She discovered your feelings a while ago when she caught you wanking into a pair of her panties. For some reason, this did not endear you to her. These days her attitude toward you is a mixture of pity and contempt, but that doesn't stop her prick-teasing you mercilessly when your friend isn't around. You've tried to suppress your feelings for...
Hooray! Hockey season has begun and, in case you’ve not read my earlier journal entries, I do not like any sports. Couldn’t care less about them. I am, however, married to a man who loves the Boston Bruins and he goes to as many games as he can. Obviously, I knew in advance that he had tickets for the season’s opener and that allowed me time to prepare myself for it. Put it another way: I had time to plan the fun I’d have while he was at the game.I had so many online options. First question,...
CheatingJane`s eye-opener.This is a work of pure fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, or actual events, is pure concidence.Jane slipped in the door, tired after a long day of work. She happily accepted the glass of red wine from her roomate, Carla, before retiring to her room to change, relax, play on the internet and possibly read. Jane had just started a new romance novel, and was considering knocking off a few more chapters. However, she had barely covered a chapter when she began to feel very...
My daughter Lisa had now moved out staying with her bestie Lauren which was always going to happen one day but I still saw her quite frequently as she didn’t have a washing machine so would drop their laundry off once a week which had it’s advantages, it always amazed me how two young ladies got through so many pairs of panties in a week but who was I to complain as most weekends I could satisfy my panty fetish.Apart from a few items of clothing and a few personal affects her room was now...
——— Brie Nova woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of moans in the distance. Her eyes creaked apart and through the open doorway of her bedroom, she could see a faint light coming from her parents’ room. The young girl knew what they were up to and sighed. She had already determined that her mom and dad must have forgotten to close their door once again. Brie groaned and rolled over, pulling her pillow over her head to block out the cacophony of her parents’ lovemaking. She had...
Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is highly...
If you have read the other stories in this series, and I recommend you do, you already know Harvey, Jake, and Julie. After our last evening with Harvey and Jake, Sherry and I were at the kitchen table having dinner and she brought up that evening and said, ‘I think we need another woman in this group. Three of you were just too much, and I was completely fucked out by taking on all of you. Jake is so large I am not sure I want that as a steady diet. It certainly is not going to be good for my...
If you have read the other stories in this series, and I recommend you do, you already know Harvey, Jake, and Julie. After our last evening with Harvey and Jake, Sherry and I were at the kitchen table having dinner and she brought up that evening and said, "I think we need another woman in this group. Three of you were just too much, and I was completely fucked out by taking on all of you. Jake is so large I am not sure I want that as a steady diet. It certainly is not going to be good for my...
Group SexI had a text the following Thursday afternoon from Megan: 'Is it all right if I come by the house tomorrow night for dinner with Mike and Jon? I bet you can guess about how the night might turn out. Love. Megan.' I immediately replied, 'Cum as soon as you can with your friends. You can also all come to house tomorrow. Love u. Matt." April came in my office a few minutes later with some division reports she'd been reviewing. After I got her comments, I showed her the text...
Kylie relaxed as she let her boyfriend push her down onto her knees in front of him. Wearing thigh high black leather boots, a tiny black leather miniskirt, a tight boob-tube and a spiked collar, she was ready for her boyfriend to have at her. It was a nasty fantasy of hers, to have a guy use her like his own little whore and give her a throatjob she'd never forget. She'd tentatively asked her boyfriend, who'd happily accepted the challenge, already familiar with her deepthroating talents and...
Page 1My wife Linda has always been very close to her older sister, Stacey. There isn't much the two of them wouldn't discuss, and quite recently Linda has begun to include details of our sex-life in their discussions - with what turned out to be very interesting and erotic consequences. This account will be quite long, so please bear with me.Linda is a voluptuous 32-year-old green-eyed blonde, standing about 5'6". She is of medium build, with shapely legs and a very delectable 36D pair of...
I am a regular reader of iss since couple of months. I am well built 39 yrs young and of 5�5� live in pune. I thought of sharing my experience with you all. This happened when i was just married in 1995. I was 29 yrs young, well-built and smart personality. I was observing right from the day i got engaged. My wife�s distant relative was giving me a very different look. She has good built and must be aged about 23-24 yrs. She used to work for lawyer as his assistant and her office was...
They were a Marwari couple and were my neighbors in the apartment. Husband Vishal was a middle aged guy and wife Shraddha was pretty young lady in her mid 20s. Shraddha is a very attractive housewife, healthy in build, with good height, milky white complexion. But her sex appeal lies in her ¡§In the face kind of breasts¡¨ and nicely rounded ass. Every time I see her, my eyes invariably either get drawn towards her navel or her beautifully round boobs. Many a times I even shagged thinking of her...
Lorraine could barely breath as the man's cock thrust deep into her throat. She gagged as he ground his hairy groan against her bruised lips, groaning as he came in huge sticky gushes. It was all she could do to breathe; trying to swallow enough of his sperm to allow her to get some oxygen into her lungs between the thrusts of is big hairy cock.Finally the man was done. Loraine pulled his softening shaft out from between her lips. Vaguely she could hear the nasty 'plopping' sound as his meat...
She was wearing a white gown and reading the wedding vows with my son in front of a priest. While he was looking handsome in a black tuxedo, my daughter-in-law was simply exquisite in that shoulderless dress. If only his dad was alive to see him today, I thought to myself. I was supposed to arrive early, but since the flight got delayed had to rush straight from the airport and then back again to the airport directly after the ceremony as had an important work the next day. Although it was...
Right after he left I went up stairs and put an ad on the internet to suck dick. I knew I should had never of sucked his dick because it just open up my vault and let out the cock sucking whore that I am. I tried so hard to put that side of me away, but now its back. Soon I was getting emails non-stop. All these guys wanted to get their cocks sucked. They all said that they wanted their cocks sucked by a cheating whore of a wife. I started to set up meeting when I could. But I was sucking his...
I stood there and looked down at the hot young slut. I had just fucked her, and now I held her hair in my two clenched fists. Rachel was on her knees in nothing but a short red plaid miniskirt. She had clasped her hands behind her back. I admired her perfect thighs; her taught belly; her firm C-size tits all the way up to her perfect face and pink and black dyed hair. Her open mouth and large imploring eyes looked up at me as she begged me to fuck her face.She licked her lips and spoke with a...
After sixteen years of marriage my daughter in law Gail come to the realization that her love life was extremely vanilla. At thirty three years old she looked at her still sexy body in the mirror and decided that she was going to change her Outlook on life. Standing five foot three and weighing an even hundred pounds she knew she had something to work with. She started getting tattooed ,but she had a game plan. Her ink would be sexy and help drew attention to her body. It worked and soon she...
Who you will fight,how many opponents will you face,nobody knows but will be decided by you!!!Choose now.
FetishI am a fan of matriarchy and gender role reversal stories. I'm also a fan of science fiction, and my favorite science fiction is the type where I find a good deal of plausibility. Lately I've been trying to imagine a world where women are not only the dominant gender, but there is role reversal. Where women end up being the aggressive sex, and men are passive and obedient. It does seem pretty believable to me that if women held power for several millenia there would be role reversal,...
“I just can’t believe you did this,” the eldest sister chastised over the phone.“It’s the truth, Donna,” he shot back.“How dare you dishonor the memory of mother and daddy,” she hissed. “But you’re used to it.”“What is that supposed to mean.”“You know…”“I’m afraid I don’t,” the community college English instructor eased back into his favorite wingback chair.”“You’re lifestyle,” she scoffed, then ended the call without notice.Matthew Jay. or Matt as he had always been known in the family, was...
Jamie felt his head swim with the implications of what Britain's Ambassador had just said. It took him some time before he could marshal his thoughts and respond to the figure he could see on his computer screen. "Let me get this straight, you're saying that the surviving teenagers can just select someone to be the King of Scots and that person would legally be the King? The rest of the world would have to accept it? What kind of powers would such a person have?" he managed to get out at...
A woman married to Guy finds life stressful with lack of male companion and all doors closed. Then other door opens. Read along Hello, This is Sushi, or Sushela from Vadodara. I am now 35 and this story happened three years ago. Hope readers would like and enjoy reading my factual story. Let me brief you about me. I hail from Bengaluru, studied there at Jyotinivas college. As all may be knowing this college is famous for too much forward girls hailing from rich families. But my home was nearby...
IndianMom modeled her new hosiery, just for me! Based on art from Pandora's Box - email me if you want the drawing. Mom and I weren't rich. After my father died of cancer at forty-one, the medical bills took most of the life insurance and we struggled financially. Our little bungalow house had few pieces of furniture. Just the basics. The best thing we had was this wonderful white couch that mom's aunt had given us when she move to a retirement home. The fabric was a sort of soft...
Hi everyone - This is my 1st post so be kind to me!Its a real story of what my girlfriend got up to with some younger doctors a few years ago.I am really interested to hear from the red blooded guys on the site on how they would have handled her if they were one of the docs - would you have been satisfied to have gone just that far alone or given the chance would you have gone further - and if so what is is it you would have likened to do to her?All replies welcome...Reading these posts...
So I was in high school. One of those k**s who, for whatever reason hadn't gotten much action. I wasn't bad looking or chubby by any means. Hell, I even had a 6 pack. I had just fallen into that "friend" category. You know how it is. I didn't smoke, but I got along fine with the k**s who did. Lucky for me, my parents weren't home much.It was a day in late winter/ early spring, and prom was coming up. I had a bad first half of the day. First, there was an American History test on the reading I...
The second Wide Game had more rules. Jo-Lene wanted to avoid the girls exposing themselves quite so much. Not that she particularly objected to Clive getting an eyeful of camp friends’ boob, but some of the younger, more impressionable campers might be upset. Or they might simply revel in it and joyfully tell how ‘Tracey Malone and Jilly held me down and tore all my clothes off; oh! Just the top Mama, nothing rude, and they found my ribbon and then Clive walked past and saw me and then I got...
Henderson Cummings swayed drunkenly against one of the makeshift bars. He couldn't believe what had just happened to him. A little redhead from the comptroller s office had just sidled up to him and, without a word, pulled his cock from his pants and sucked him off. And now he couldn't believe the sight in front of him. The annual office Christmas party had turned into a full-scale orgy. Oh, everybody always got fucked at other Christmas parties, but they had always been discreet, going...
Many thanks to Jedbeaker for the editing of this story. Nowadays most people believe that using cell phones or computers are the main tools to catch cheaters. But that's hardly the truth for two simple reasons. First because all skilled cheaters know how to avoid leaving electronic clues on such items and for the second reason an average husband or wife usually doesn't suspect his or her spouse of cheating. And therefore, they never have any reason to search for non-existing evidence. I...