Razor Ch. 02 free porn video

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She came walking into my room, her steps long and slow. I hadn’t really thought about it before, but she moved in a decisive, strong, capable way. There were no uncertainties, she seemed to know exactly where she was going and what she was doing, every step of the way. I couldn’t help taking a second and a third look at her, because I realized she had somehow managed to slip under my radar every single time we’d met before. She had hidden a very interesting, and yes still arguably a very scary, personality behind an extremely bland surface.

She wore a pair of jeans and a wide black t-shirt with long sleeves. She was dressed just as she always was, except for the fact that her t-shirt didn’t have a text printed on it. Her clothes were all overly large, preventing any deeper knowledge about her body shape. She seemed pretty fit, and I wondered if her choice of clothes were a significant sign of something, or if she just dressed for comfort.

I continued looking at her as she settled down in her chair. Her face was unusually pale, she had dark circles around her eyes and she didn’t wear her hair up as she usually did. She seemed tired and tense, her hands in her pockets, her shoulders pushed high. She didn’t look up at me as she usually did, but kept her eyes lowered, and I could almost feel the way she was building protective walls, distancing herself from me.

‘Good afternoon Mary’ I said, keeping my voice low and calm.

I felt my pulse speed up as I waited for her response. I saw her take a deep breath, pull her hands out of her pockets, close her eyes shortly before she turned her eyes to meet mine. Her eyes were still the same deep forest green color as always, but the absence of glittering laughter in them made cold shivers run down my back.

‘Good afternoon William’ she answered softly, the corners of her mouth turning up slightly, not quite a smile, but almost.

I didn’t really know where to start, or how to get her to start talking, it was yet another strange feeling, I was seldom this lost for words. I was still trying to find a good starting point when I heard her laugh softly.

‘Uncomfortable silences isn’t really my thing,’ she said with a small smile on her face ‘nervous silences especially, they trigger all sorts of physical reactions inside of me, most of them not very good ones. I suppose there’s a chance we’ll find the reasons behind that as well as few other, shall we call them ‘quirks’, if we dig deep enough…’

I looked at her and nodded, deciding against using any of the few sentences of encouragement that were sitting on the tip of my tongue. I had a feeling that she’d see through all of my usual wordings, as being just that, standard phrases for standard situations. A short moment of silence had her speaking again, to my great relief.

‘I wanted to find a way, my own way, to tell you my story. And a few days ago I thought of a way that seemed… fitting, considering the way my mind works and what inspires me more than anything…’ she started, before continuing ‘music in almost any shape or form.’

I had realized that a few of the texts she used to wear on her t-shirts were lyrics from famous and not so very famous musicians and I had written every single one of them down in my notebook, thinking that they might mean something special to her, but I hadn’t been able to figure out in what way they were significant, and they hadn’t really been able to tell me anything about her. Perhaps I needed to go through my notes once more…? My thoughts were interrupted by her continued words.

‘And except for some of the worst mass produced pop music, I would say that the musicians of today are what the great philosophers of the past was for the then so called modern world, but even more potent, the beats and sound of the music reaching our souls and the lyrics triggering our minds, our thoughts…’

I nodded, there was a truth to what she was saying. There was a really good reason why music was such a large part of almost every religion, why singing to your children was so important and why there was an ever growing number of therapists using drums or music to help people. Music was the great connector, a natural bridge between cultures and people, timeless, ageless and in its purest form both artless and equal.

‘And I’ve decided to tell you my story helped by those present day philosophers, to borrow their words and their music, hopefully making it possible for me to tell you things I decided long ago to never tell a living soul…’ she added softly ‘In four weeks I will give you eight songs, and some words in between. Okay?’

I nodded and clasped my hands tightly, to prevent them from reaching for a pen and paper. I had decided to stop writing around her, mostly because the whole idea of her seeing my thoughts was still scaring me, sending me into a state of mild anxiousness, probably very like what she experienced in moments of nervous silence. I looked up at her expectantly and waited for her to start singing or talking or… anything.

‘I suppose I should start from the beginning, being born, growing up, living life and so on?’ she said, her voice calm but a bit distant ‘And even if ‘the childhood years’ wasn’t one of the first things that therapists try to make people talk about on a regular basis, I very much like the idea of doing things in a chronological order, so I will start where it all began, and try to tell you as much as I can about my small family and the years we spent together.’

I nodded once more, realizing that she’d made a silent head-nodder out of me, ‘the tongue-tied therapist of the year’ was perhaps the next price to go on my imaginary wall of achievements. I took a deep breath and nodded once more, deciding to go with the flow, to follow her where she needed to go, and to stop beating myself up because I couldn’t find the right things to say at the right time. She seemed uniquely capable of moving forward without my help and I decided to only step in if she grew silent, and only if my mind could provide slightly better, non-standardized responses to what she was saying.

‘I grew up in this city, in a pretty regular middle-class family. My father was a high-achieving workaholic and my mother was a religious stay-at-home-mom, who cared as much about people’s opinions and doing good deeds as she did for me and my big brother, Mike. I’m still not sure if she tried to teach us to be good people, or if we were supposed to learn how to make people believe we were good people, but nevertheless, our lives were surrounded by a lot of mustn’t do this, absolutely cannot do that and speeches about burning in hell for the small sins that are a quite natural part of growing up and exploring life.’

I kept my head still, but in my mind I could feel myself nodding once more. I remembered my father preaching many similar things, trying to push his religious beliefs on me and my sister, and the way I had just silently accepted everything he said whereas my sister had fought hard to be allowed to think for herself. But those were bad memories, memories that had no place right there and right then.

‘My father was, or at least very nearly was, a closet drunkard, always needing just a few shots of whiskey to reach a state of calm when he came home from work late in the evenings. It’s still strikes me as one of those strange, illogical things, my mother preaching about the sins of drinking, smoking, fornicating, and my father hitting the bottle just as soon as he got home, my mother saying nothing to him about his ‘inappropriate behavior’. Sometimes I wonder how hard she had to bite her tongue on those days when my father had just a few glasses more than he usually did, when she had to help him as he took decidedly staggering, swaying steps upstairs a few hours later.’

She took a sip from the glass of water I had placed on the table beside her, then she looked up at me and gave me a grateful smile and a nod. She turned her eyes
away from me and looked at the books in the bookshelf behind me, her eyes probably seeing nothing, as she seemed completely focused on her story, the information she wanted to give me and the thoughts she wanted to process and maybe communicate to me as well.

‘So there I was, in a family with a religious mother and a sometimes-drunk, most-of-the-time-absent father, and my all too perfect brother, the shining light in our family. I suppose it isn’t very unusual, still, that men are considered better and worth more than women, but I hope it isn’t as bad in most families as it was in mine. My mother was just a necessary evil, almost more like an unpaid servant than someone of true value, someone to be counted on, someone to love. And me, a small, skinny child with my strange hair- and eye-color, was worth even less. It took me years to figure out that it was all because of our gender, the we — as born into the weaker sex — were not equal in the eyes of my father. I suppose my mother might have carried around a lot of repressed anger, and that the reason why she was so hard on me was to be able to release some of that pressure. As I grew up, she began focusing almost all of her energy on trying to teach me how to be a righteous person, or as I said, at least an image of respectability. Needless to say, I tried very hard to avoid my mother’s attention, but that was difficult, to say the least.’

She coughed once and took another sip of the water before she continued.

‘When I became a woman, I was pretty young, 11 years old. And I thought I was dying, because I didn’t know what was happening, I didn’t know it was just another natural step towards womanhood, like the breasts I was told to hide and so on. When I went to my mother, crying, telling her I thought I was sick, because I was bleeding she just pulled me into the bathroom, showed me where she kept ‘the things’ and left me to figure out the rest on my own. And of course I figured things out, but with every shushed word when I needed answers to my questions, I was taught that ‘female matters’ was something to be ashamed of…’

She paused and looked at me, and she seemed to hesitate shortly before she continued.

‘… you’ve got two daughters. Well, I know because I’m good at finding things out, you shouldn’t be surprised. They’re eleven years old, aren’t they? Tell them about their bodies, that it’s all natural, that they don’t have to be afraid, that they’re not sinful, please!’

I sat in silence, annoyed that she had taken yet another step inside my safety boundaries, the fierce protectiveness I felt every time something threatened my personal life and my daughters sending me through a small cloud of anger, until what she was trying to tell me settled somewhere close to my heart. Of course I would talk to my daughters, I’d be a really unnatural father if I didn’t. As unnatural a father as her mother had evidently been. My anger ran out of steam as I thought about her struggle, going from child to a young woman without the support and wisdom of a caring parent.

‘A year or two later I found out, on my own, the pleasures that could be found in caressing and touching my own body. I think it’s safe to say that almost everyone does find out, sooner or later. I hid in my room or locked myself up in the bathroom and gave myself climax after climax, until I was one day confronted by my mother. She had found underwear that was showing distinct signs of wear and tear in one specific spot. And she wasn’t stupid, she told me, she knew what I’d been doing. Pleasuring yourself was one of the biggest sins, I was unclean, I was unworthy…’

She stopped speaking, her words choking in the end of her last sentence. I looked at her and saw her sitting like a tight bundle of nerves on the chair, her hair hiding her facial features, but I could still tell that she was fighting to keep her distance, to keep her calm. She kept swallowing over and over, and it felt like her silent sorrow sucked the light and warmth out of the room. I kept still, almost not daring to breathe as she fought her silent fight against the feelings I knew she’d have to let out at some point, at the same time knowing I wasn’t going to suggest that she process them right now. There would be plenty of time after the four weeks she had forced me to agree on, to go through what she’d told me and to help her come to terms with her memories, her feelings and her strong reactions.

After a long moment of silence, she kept talking, her voice a bit rougher but surprisingly calm.

‘Of course, being told to never ever touch myself ever again didn’t stop me from enjoying my body, very silently and secretly. But with every orgasm I knew I was just piling up offence after offence against god, living a life in sin…’

And then, surprise of surprises, she started singing.

‘Mother, forgive me, I tried not to do it Turned over a new leaf, then tore right through it Whatever you taught me, I didn’t believe it Mother, you fought me, ’cause I didn’t care And I still don’t understand

So I look back upon my life Forever with a sense of shame I’ve always been the one to blame For everything I long to do No matter when or where or who Has one thing in common, too

It’s a, it’s a, it’s a, it’s a sin It’s a sin…’

I sat absolutely stunned after her slow and soft but strong interpretation of the old Pet Shop Boys song. Her voice rang absolutely clear, and every tone made something vibrate inside of me. Her words about young, innocent pleasure and sinful behavior had already shaken something loose inside of me, that the heavy sadness of her song thoroughly dislodged.

She wasn’t looking at me, but down at her own hands, as if she didn’t want to see my reactions, for once not studying, not analyzing, just sitting there holding herself tightly, her shoulders tense, her long strawberry blonde hair still partly covering her face. Those few seconds of complete stillness I saw everything clearly, I saw the sad child in the strong woman, I saw her fears and her doubt. Then I heard her sigh and saw her straighten out and turn her face my way. Her green eyes met mine and it felt as if she saw straight into my mind, straight into my heart when she started speaking softly.

‘Don’t feel sorry for me, what’s in the past is in the past. And I figure that someone who once thought about becoming a priest, who very nearly became one, should have thought a whole lot about the concept of sinful behavior. And in the end it turned out that my mother was at least partly right about my sinful old self…’

She sat back, silent for a few seconds, before she continued, her voice a bit stronger.

‘… but when you talk to your daughters, if you haven’t already, tell them that it’s not sinful to love your own body, tell them that it’s something beautiful and wonderful, tell them it’s ok, will you? Don’t make them think they’re devils…’

She took a deep breath and looked down at her hands once more after looking at me and seeing my reaction to her words about my daughters. After those first few initial shocks when she let me know just how much she knew about me, I wasn’t really upset that she knew I had kids or that she wanted to tell me to treat them right. The worried and upset feeling in my stomach was because she made me realize I had to talk to my girl’s about things like this, with no female support, no loving wife to turn to… in just a few sentences she had made me feel absolutely and totally inadequate. I did not feel up to the task of telling my daughters about the natural beauty of the female body and the pleasures that could be had. There had to be a way to not have to do that, books that could be bought, female friends that could be bribed, just something…

Her low, raspy laughter made me look up at a surprisingly gentle smile. I was beginning to doubt her inability to read me without a pen and paper. Her bright eyes seemed to see far too much, even without the help of my nervous hands. Her smi
le disappeared and she bit her lower lip, another surprising sign of hesitation on a woman where brutal honesty seemed like the most natural way of communicating.

‘Why do you tell people that your wife is dead?’ she asked in an almost-whisper, scanning my face as she let that heavy shoe drop.

I didn’t say anything, my surprise at her question only slightly bigger than my anger. No one knew that my wife was alive, and that was the way I wanted it. I hadn’t ever said ‘my wife is dead’ to anyone, and even though I knew that my silent acknowledgement of what people believed was almost as bad as lying, trying to explain the real reason behind my single-parent status would just be too complicated, too upsetting, too difficult.

‘I’m sorry,’ she said ‘sometimes I really don’t know when to shut up, especially when something puzzles me, when something doesn’t follow the pattern, when the information pieces that I collect don’t match what I see and sense about a person. I had the distinct feeling that you pride yourself at being truthful, but I do thoroughly support those tiny white lies, you really need them sometimes, to protect the ones you love.’

Her words calmed me quicker than I’d thought possible, and I started thinking that too many tiny white lies would make for an awfully large sea of untruthfulness. I only had one big thing I tried to keep hidden, so at least my slope wasn’t a slippery as most other people’s. My path to righteousness was perhaps not completely straight, but at least I hadn’t fallen off the stairway completely.

‘I promised you two songs, so I better tell you the rest of it…’ she continued after another silent moment.

‘As I said, my father only cared for my brother. There was a never spoken, but very much shown, disdain for women, and the only purpose of a woman was to be at the beck and call of the man. I just didn’t get it, because I somehow grew up believing in every person’s equal value and equal rights. I’m still surprised that I kept that naivety going all those years. Instead of accepting the beliefs of the rest of my family, I tried my very best to get my father’s attention, to show him that I was as good as, in some ways even better, than my brother. I wanted, no, I needed my father’s attention and appreciation. I worked hard in school, excelled at almost everything, from an early age. I taught myself to read just before my fifth birthday. Math, science, languages, I sucked up everything, every day I learnt something new was – and still is – a good day. I was good at sports, arts, music, everything…’

She stopped talking and laughed softly whilst shaking her head.

‘Well I was good at everything except writing stories, I just wasn’t good at describing things as poetic and vividly vibrant as you’re supposed to be able to, I just don’t think those sorts of things are all that interesting. And also, I kept forgetting and misplacing words, not often enough for any of my teacher’s to realize that I have a mild form of dyslexia, but often enough to be classed as a ‘she just won’t try hard enough’-person. And yeah, I still can’t make sense of the lose-or-loose-words, for some reason which is which just won’t stick in my mind… I suppose it’s the same reason as the rest of it though, if it’s not interesting enough, it just doesn’t matter to me. Somehow that always annoys people with more than a moderate amount of ‘for the love of god, just get it right’ sentiments in them. Needless to say, I’m never going to be a very famous writer, I will just stick with being a very unfamous reader.’

She coughed once more and fell silent for a few seconds.

‘But being good at everything just wasn’t good enough. I was still just a girl. And trying to show one parent that I existed, that I counted made the other parent react, because ‘excelling’ and ‘seeking attention’ was also a sin…’

She looked at me again, and I held my breath and dreaded what was to come.

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Sweaty Romantic Rough Passionate Sex With Virgin Colleague

Hi, this is Nihal a 23-year-old software employee from Hyderabad. This sex story is all about my first sex encounter with a hot virgin sexy Swithika, where we both never had sex earlier. Believe it or not I even ever touched a girl with the odd intention of sexual lust, but this time, I made, showed all my teen and youth stored sex desires on my dream angel. Seems like too eager to jump into the story, no more descriptions shall quietly and lustfully hop deep in the ocean of romantic...

3 years ago
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Becoming Her Chapter 2 into the gang of gay lust

Chapter 2 … into the gang of gay lust …. So we myself and my (NOR) spend the next day in sex, it was like I discovering a new sensations and emotion's But at the end of our trip, I can feel I become someone else, a new person The way he (NOR), treated me, care for me, even looks at me….. Everything happen last couple day's was like a living dream Next Sunday I am back to school.At the rest time I joined him with his pack or gang I was accepted in, but many of them were interesting in why me?We...

1 year ago
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I Love My Brother

--- I Love My Brother (M-solo, F-solo, mf, Mf, MF, 1st, inc, nc, preg, reluc, rom) by Krosis of the Collective --- I love my brother. I can admit it freely. You may judge me, but I know what is right in my heart. My name is Beth. Let me tell you my story... --- I was almost 17 when it started. I was in the change room at my school and heard some girls in the corner giggling, looking at something on the wall. When I got close I realized they were looking through a small...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Kay Carter Anal Heartbreakers

Hot blonde Kay Carter undulates her tight body and jiggles her cheeky rear in anticipation of her first anal scene ever! When pro stud Mark Wood presents his big cock, Kay slobbers and gags through a wet blowjob. She pops her pink pussy, and Mark fucks her from behind. Kay moans as she enjoys the doggie-style cunt slamming. Mark oils her eager anus and slides his cock inside. Dirty Kay masturbates her clit to orgasm and gives Mark a tasty rim job. See nasty, ass-to-mouth cocksucking and intense...

2 years ago
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Room for Rent Part 4 of 14

"Why don't you show me what you've learned so far?" Mel asked, lying back on her bed. "And don't be afraid to get creative." I started at her earlobe, like she'd taught me, gently sucking it between my teeth. Mel closed her eyes and sighed. From there I kissed a slow trail down the side of her neck, over her collarbone, and across her chest. This time, without her shirt in the way, I carried on to her breasts, taking each nipple playfully into my mouth, until they were both nice and hard. As I...

3 years ago
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The Deal Her Ass for My Silence

Whenever I needed to get-off, which was often the case, I would always fantasize about my sexy mother. She was the main porn actress of my perverted fantasies. My name is Kevin. I'm 18 years old and live at home with my mom and dad. I have an older brother named Jeremy who is a junior architect for a major firm. He lives in an apartment on the other side of town. Cynthia, my mom, is a busty 45 year old sexpot. But, if you ask me, she looks more like a vibrant nymph in her 20s. Mom is a very...

1 year ago
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Opening Earth Part 2Chapter 10

During the remainder of the week, and the weekend, I dealt with the various matters that my staff brought to my attention. I skim read the procedure for determining a currency exchange rate. Most of it addressed financial considerations that were not familiar to me, and I was definitely not qualified to address those considerations. I would have to turn it over to Kendrick and my financial support group. Once I finished that familiarization process, I decided to begin writing the document...

3 years ago
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Summer Is Hot in CozumelChapter 1

"Jake, promise me that I'll never wake from this dream..." Sighing contentedly while pulling our light blanket over us, she hugged herself against my bare chest. Once she was all settled in, I wrapped my arms around her slender shoulders and kissed her forehead before giving my happy girl a gentle squeeze. Summer and I lay together on our back porch, staring up at the brilliant starry night sky of Cozumel. She was curled in my lap, purring like a kitten. Bathed in soft, warm candlelight,...

4 years ago
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Crossdress Fun

We have all had those experiences of meeting someone on-line and chatting and things really get hot and exciting and then the huge let down when the person leaves you hanging with a hard-on or even worse when the time comes to meet they don’t show.Well this story is one with a happy ending.I met Paul (not his real name), on line and we chatted for ages. He was from a town about an hour away so on-line chatting was really our only safe way of communicating. When he found out I was into...

3 years ago
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Katies beginings 6

The following morning Tricia slept late. Caroline walked into her room, placed two cups of coffee on the side by the bed ,drew back the curtains and climbed into the bed beside her sister. "Someone must be tired, you are usually the first one up " handing her a cup of coffee and she snuggled under the duvet. A disheveled Caroline peered at her through the veil of hair across her face and mumbled something about how draining yesterday had been. The urgent call of future possibly caused by...

4 years ago
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DemandChapter 2

"Mount!" The command echoed in my ears. It would for the rest of my life. As a safety mechanism, I allowed my mind to detach from my body when the animal's massive body enveloped mine. I become a spectator to the depravity that was about to visit my body. I felt his crushing weight as he climbed onto my back. I felt his forepaws wrap around my waist exerting his control of his new breeding bitch. Then his hard bony dog cock began to poke at my labia trying to find the entrance to my wet...

2 years ago
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Vacation With Friends

It was going to be another one of those vacation weekends with friends. One of those weekends that was supposed to be fun but turn out as they usually did... a long and boring two days. That's what I thought as we loaded up the car and headed for the mountains. The drive up was uneventful. When we left my wife sat in the front seat with me and our friends Sara and Jim in the back. After about a hundred miles or so Sara said she needed to make a pit stop so we pulled into a rest area. The girls...

2 years ago
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Masters Sissy Slave Chapter 9 Reward

Reward The next morning I woke up in my bondage jacket with Masters gently pumping in and out of me. After a slow but loving morning fuck Master came inside me and let me get ready for the day. As I was walking out of the room Master told me what I had been waiting for. "My Jessica, your performance was fantastic yesterday and you have earned your reward. I will allow you to orgasm this evening during our training session. Now go get that sexy ass ready for the day." My heart...

2 years ago
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Hedonia High School 1

The closest men’s room had two urinals and two stalls. Bradley chose the stall against the wall. After a halfway satisfying dump, he had flushed, pulled his pants up, and was almost ready to head out when someone came in the bathroom. He heard wet smacks and high pitched moans — wait, is that a girl? He froze inside the stall, as he listened to the sounds get closer, and then the stall door next to him banged open and two sets of feet shuffled in next door. One pair of feet wore bright...

2 years ago
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Sixes and SevensChapter 20

November Aidan and Vicky returned from their London trip feeling a mixture of triumph and fear. They agreed the outing had been a resounding success, and now it was a question of how to manage a much wider extension of the business. Fortunately the commissions were to begin with the new financial year in April, though there would have to be more meetings before that. Once again they needed to hire more staff. Fortunately an adjoining office suite had become vacant on their floor of the...

3 years ago
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A Girl Always Has OptionsChapter 3

Yasmin lay panting under the handsome thirty-something man who’d just given her her first fuck. Well, her first real one. Her head was still spinning from the orgasm that his huge cock had ignited in her, drilling her inexperienced young pussy within an inch of its life! Not that he’d been rough. In fact he’d been pretty gentle, considering how he and Sadie had imprisoned and enslaved her so they could use her freshly developed fourteen-year-old body however they felt like. The fuck had...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 106

At 0700 I was in the hotel café with my security detail, clerks and coffee. It was 0730 when the State Department people arrived - hung over. “That must have been some party! I can order you a taper-off drink from the bar if you like,’’ I said as I poured myself another cup. I could see this was going to be another long day. I let them eat breakfast before I told them we had a conference call at 0900. Then I gave them the final draft of the agreement we had worked out in the early hours of...

2 years ago
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The Risks We TakebyGideonW©I watched in horror as the fire erupted. My men had barely reached the beaches before bullets began ripping through their ranks and cannon fire forced them down against the sand. The surf battered against the rocks of the shore, painting them crimson with the blood of my troopers. I slammed down my fist as I watched another wave be repulsed. With a silent curse, I issued the order to end the attack. It seemed that the islands of Great Britain would not fall to me...

3 years ago
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The Group Erik and Beth The New Couple

Introduction: NOTE:This story is told from Eriks perspective, it may be re-written from Beths perspective at another time if I feel like it. I woke up the day after the party and got a ride home from my dad, asking what happened like any curious parent, I told him about me and beth, but no specifics, and especially not about her and her shirt. My phone had died so it was no suprise when I got home to see that she had written me. She told me her parents werent gonna be home today, and that she...

2 years ago
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Give Her An Inch Shell Take a Mile

My wife Katie had been into rap music long before I met her. It was seemingly the one big difference in our interests. From movies, to television, to books, and even politics, Katie and I clicked on every level. But then there was music. I just didn't understand Katie's enthusiasm when it came to that god-awful "music" she insisted on blaring every time we went anywhere in the car, especially considering the over-the-top misogynistic lyrics.Still, it would have taken much more to dissuade me...

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first time group male sex

All of my life I have been what I considered a straight male. The last few years have proved a different story of my sexual turnons. While masturbating to porn magazines I was at first turned off by the images of the shemales throughout the magazine promoting phone sex. As time passed I started looking a little more until I was really turned on by the thought of a nice hard cock. It went from shemales to males and here we are. I started looking at ads on craigslist hoping to have some nice cock...

2 years ago
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Workout with Lara 8211 4

Then it happened again. Her arse, which felt delightfully full, was suddenly empty, and her tensed sphincter pulled her back door shut. She tried to look round but Greg kept her ponytail pulled tight to prevent. Angelina felt his fingers tickle over her sensitive hole again, brushing up the back of her swollen pussy lips and over, smearing a little of her dripping juices from her hot cunt onto her anus. She moaned in anticipation and pleasure, her body tensing up, her firm arse cheeks clenching...

1 year ago
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SeeHimFuck Chloe Temple Valerica Steele See HIM Pegged8230And Then Some

2020 XBIZ Gay Performer of the Year ? Pierce Paris makes his long awaited See H?️M Fuck debut this week, and we teamed HIM up with both Chloe Temple and Valerica Steele ?‍? for an update that caused us to add at least 5 new categories ? The scene starts as usual, with our talented director Johnny ?? Robins helping us get to know a little about the stud from Montana ??‍♀️?? Pierce then stands so Chloe and Valerica can assist HIM in removing his sharp black suit ?️ The girls pause to admire...

2 years ago
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Sharing My Wife with my Boss

I'm working in a electronic firm and things have not been easy on our company. our management has no choice but to let go of some staff to keep the company going. However, my bosses are rich and they have other businesses that could cover from some of the shortfall. My boss Dan is a 48 year old guy from Chicago and he is married. However, he is known to be a womanizer and he has his fair share of ladies that he has fucked. We had few rumors in the past that he has fucked some of the...

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Cecil the Caboose Becomes a Home

Cecil the caboose was one unhappy little railroad car. They hadn't washed him or even oiled his wheels for a very long time. He remembered when the yardmen Oscar and Pete would always start the day with giving him a nice wash with the long green water hoses that washed away all the dirt from a hard day's work. He liked it a lot better when he was bringing up the rear to a passenger train instead of one of those really dirty freight trains that left him covered with soot and dust after a long...

1 year ago
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Not A Normal Day

At some time in the future Linda Greer would enjoy recalling the unexpected way she was feeling on that day, not to mention the eventual outcome. Although having, what she considered to be, a normal healthy attitude to sex, she had never found the need to chase after it. There had been occasions when she could go months without it. Although such times were never desirable, she could always bury herself in her writing to help any needs to pass. Since losing her virginity in a forgettable manner,...

Straight Sex
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We take home a young man who had wanted to fuck my wife for a long time

We used to go to the same pub at least a couple of times every week, became one of the “regulars” and got to know loads of people in the same position. Only about a 10 minute walk from home, it was great, and nearly all the regulars were also. One young man of about 20, called Richard, seemed to develop a sort of “crush” on my wife. Don’t get me wrong, nobody flirts more than me and I had a passionate “snog” with a few women frequenting the pub, but at...

3 years ago
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A Girls Sexual Growing Continues by MarieL

I have finally lost my hymen and experience a man's cock inside me for the first time, now as time has moved on I need to explore all avenues for sex available to a girl willing enough to try anything, by now I have had experiences with many man, so now for something different.Please read on and relive my experiences and please dont forget to get involved, I need to know you so please comment.After Grandpa Gardener, I became an uninhibited girl, returning regularly to the scene of my surrender,...

4 years ago
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Highschool exploration chapter 2 The shopping trip with a surprise

Wednesday morning I started to think of a costume for the party. Jim is going to be Batman and his girlfriend will be there to. I needed to talk to her and find out what her costume will be I thought to myself. I finally found her at lunch time in the school cafeteria. She was with Jim and a bunch of other students. Cindy Tompkins was just a regular girl. I mean nothing to special, average looks, small bee sting tits, shoulder length bleach blonde hair. She's really got dark brown hair and...

3 years ago
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Lovely Step Daughter

It was a cold day yesterday so we all settled down by the fire, my wife on the couch opposite and my step daughter Ginni next to me on the other couch. Ginni is at University and when she came in she was complaining about her bad back again and could I give her a rub, if you remember last time it was her legs and I got to test her sexual desires by gently rubbing her mound, clit and between her legs. So she said could I just lay down on the couch with my head on a cushion on your lap so you can...

2 years ago
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There was a yell, “STUART,” coming from behind us. It was Liz Minder. She got hold of Stuart’s other arm. Shaking it off, he said, “Isabel is my exclusive girl, besides, we are married, now, Liz. I’m sorry!” She seemed perplexed, but slapped him hard, and ran away. “Are you all right, Stuey?” Izzy asked. “We’re exclusive? What do you say to that, big brother?” “No problem, Sis. He can give you things I can’t.” “Do we eat first, or ride first?” Stuart asked the group smiling like the...

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Sarahs Submission Ch 27 Summer of Fun

Sarah had the best summer of her life. After more fun and sex the first weekend, she showed up to work bright and early looking professional. Welcoming her, they got her set up at her desk before reviewing her expected tasks, which included working on spreadsheets and helping prepare financial reports for the most part. She took to the work immediately and over the first several weeks proved to be good at the job and got more responsibilities. It wasn’t until the third week that she found...

1 year ago
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Inherit My Heart Ch 02

Chase woke up around 2am with a migraine. He often got them when the weather changed from hot to cold or he was really stressed. He assumed it was from the aggravation this whole situation was causing. He got up and went to the bathroom, splashing some cold water on his face. He looked in the medicine cabinet for some aspirin, but found none. Of course, he thought, Satan over there wouldn’t keep any aspirin in the castle. He sat down on the toilet in the dark. The light bothered his eyes and...

1 year ago
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Coping with my Brad

Story's content: Femboy, Voyeurism, Oral. Oh boy, I was pretty sure I was in deep shit here. I just couldn’t see how having a hot new step brother living under the same roof as me was going to work out well for either of us. Not possible in my book. I didn’t think it would work for the simple fact that I was a Femboy and he was as straight as they came. Well, I guess a Femboy could technically be considered straight too, but I wasn’t one of those. I liked my cock, and I liked them often. So...

2 years ago
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He Belongs To Me Now Ch 2 Pixie Dust

Things have actually progressed towards the better. Not only has her life mirrored the one in her dream, Marcus has moved in with Deana.   She stepped out of the tub, wrapped a towel around her torso, and one around her hair. She closed the door for a moment. The full length mirror attached to the back of the door and the one above the sink were foggy from the steam. She started drying her hair while she waited for the mist to dissipate. When the image of her own body was visible in the glass,...

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