Punk Slut Sis
- 4 years ago
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Hey! Whoever’s reading this, I’m Jeff, and this my story. Well, actually it’s not my whole story, that could take a while. Let’s just say this is a really interesting chapter from my story. If you want the rest of it, you’ll have to wait for someone to write a biography about me someday when I’m rich and famous… like that’ll ever happen right? Anyways, I was 16 when this happened. I was at the mall with a few of my friends, namely Mike, Michaela and Katie. It was around 5:30, and we were waiting for a few more of our friends to arrive so that we could go get a bite to eat at Eastside Mario’s before our movie started at 7:30.
Now, I have to tell you something about my friends, especially Mike and Michaela. They have to have the weirdest relationship of any two people I’ve met in my life. Now Mike, has been desperately in love with Michaela for God knows how long. But Michaela has only had one relationship before, and has never even kissed a guy (which earned her the nickname ‘The Nun’). Now what makes this even more surprising is that she is drop dead gorgeous. Tall, thin, beautiful blonde hair with dark roots she would love to get rid of, but most everyone else liked. Anyways, there are so many guys who wanted her, but were too intimidated to ask. Mike was not one of them. Despite asking her out four times, and her turning him down each time, they’re still good friends. Although occasionally there’ll be a week here or there where they won’t talk to each other and I, being the middle friend would have to negotiate between them. You gotta love highschool.
Now Katie, she was kinda disconnected from the whole scenario, but certainly not to be overlooked. Her and Michaela had been best friends for almost forever, so whether she wanted to or not, she was dragged right into the middle of it. Hey, just like me. But, I digress, this isn’t what my story is really about.
As we were waiting in the food court of the mall, having nothing better to do than stare around wonderingly at the locals. Which had a wide variety of types, from hicks, to skaters, to seniors, to the little white kids who want to be black kids, you know the kind, and everything in between. But, this time, one girl really caught my eye. Now I know what you’re thinking. Tall, blonde, plastic surgery material, legs that stretch to the heavens…
*buzzer sound* wrong my friend. This girl was different, and somehow much much better. She was standing with a group of guys, the only girl of the pack, and it looked like she didn’t mind. It was plain to see she wasn’t ‘with’ any of them, she kinda stood alone at one side of the circle while the guys repeatedly hit on her. Now, why was she different do you ask? Well, let’s start from the floor and work our way up shall we? First off, most girls I know around here where one of two things, platform black shoes, or white running shoes. Very little variation on either of the two. But this girl wore dull black army boots. What a statement, and it goes with the rest of her let me tell you. Let’s keep going shall we? next we move to the pants. At first glance, normal every day jeans, right? Well on closer inspection they were covered from front to back, side to side, cuff to waist with drawing and writing in so many different colours and styles I don’t know where to begin. Somebody put a lot of time into those babies.
Next, as we move up, the shirt. Now, this I really love. You know those old, black t-shirts with the multicoloured writing they used for the whole D.A.R.E. program thing? Yeah, that’s her. And honestly, if I saw anyone else wearing it, I would’ve laughed. But somehow with her, it seemed to fit all too well. And speaking of fit, as we move upwards a little farther we notice how tight that shirt is around her large, shapely breasts (hey, I’m a guy, what do you expect me to comment on, the colour of her nailpolish? Which was silver by the way). Now, in addition to the shirt, and this one really got me, she had a pair of black, nylon arm warmers safety pinned to the sleeves of the t-shirt. Very goth, I liked it. Now, I have to say the next part really got to me.
Around her neck was the most beautiful choker I’d ever seen. It looked antique, but very stunning. A silver rose right in the middle of her neck, with black onyx beads all the way around, and one dangly off the bottom of the rose. Wow. That was cool. Now onto the face. Now fellas, here’s some man to man talk. I know a lot of guys will go out with a girl if she has a nice body, even if she has an ugly face. Now that’s fine if you’re just looking for a fuck-and-chuck, but if you’re looking for anything more, look no further than the face. Now don’t get me wrong, this girl looked like she had a fabulous body, but I nearly fainted when I looked at her face. She had these small pouty lips and the most gorgeous smile I’ve seen in my life. I swear, that smile was so bright it was blinding! She had this cute little nose which fit perfectly in the middle of her oval face. But my friends, from here my memory begins to fade because I was so captivated by the next site I swear I must have blacked out. Here eyes were too perfect for words. Looking into them was like looking into her soul. They were so dark and inviting I couldn’t help but be drawn in by them. It was like I was lost in a maze, and I could see the exit right in front of me, but it just felt so right being there that I had to turn back and only go deeper. And then, as if the complete the image of a Punk Rock Goddess, her hair was long and purple in the front and the back was black and spiked with 2 devil horns. I was down for the count.
Now by now you’ve probably guessed this is a story concerning myself and this girl. But you’re probably thinking, how could ‘I’, a 5’9′ tall, 143 lb loser with a ponytail who still get the majority of his clothes from Zellers have any chance with a woman that perfect. And honestly, I’d tell you if I knew.
Now, as I was staring across the food court, gape mouthed, looking like a complete idiot, she happens to turn around and see me. Now at this point, I freak out, turn away, and walk right into a support pillar in the middle of the food court. Smooth Jeff, really smooth. I turn back around and she’s laughing of course, as anyone would, but not one of those cruel ‘Look at that geek!’ kind of laughs, one that was friendly and inviting, and she was still looking at me! I could feel those dark eyes pressing into my soul, and I have to say I felt a bit uncomfortable. At this point I decided to take a seat next to Mike and just stare at the table floor, so I couldn’t embarrass myself further.
After about 10 more minutes I finally looked up to see that our other friends were here, and it was time to go eat. Luckily Eastside Mario’s was attached to the mall, I was starved and needed a distraction. Luckily, that girl and her guy friends weren’t around anymore, they must’ve walked off while I was hiding.
The restaurant was packed. That’ll teach us for trying to get in at 6 o’clock on a Friday night. But right before we entered we saw a group of guys leave. They looked like the ones with that girl, but where was she? I slapped myself in the face and tried not to think about her. ‘She’s out of your league man, let her go.’ I kept thinking. Anyways, when we got up to the top of the line the waiter said, ‘I’m sorry, there’s a 35 minute wait on tables…’ but then, a french fry came flying out of nowhere and hit the waiter in the face! He turned around, and low and behold, the girl from the food court was sitting in a booth while a gigantic smile on her face.
‘Hey Kevin, they’re with me, get back to work!’ she called out, the waiter laughed and let us in. Holy shit. I was gonna be eating dinner with her! ‘Calm down Jeff, she was just being friendly, she probably does this all the time. Get a grip.’
We walked over and everyone thanked her for saving us seats. ‘We’d probably end up missing our movie if we’d had to wait that long. You sure you don’t mind sitting wi
th us?’
‘Not at all, as long as this handsome guy sits beside me.’ she said with a smile.
‘Well, looks like you got an admirer Mike.’ I said, she must’ve meant him. He was taller, dressed better, the majority of girls would say looked better…
‘I meant you silly, now sit.’ she said, and grabbed my arm and pulled me down.
‘Uh… um… bah… wha?’ that was pretty much all I could manage to say.
‘That’s an interesting language, Swahili?’ she said laughing.
‘No thanks, I don’t drink.’ I said out of nowhere. And she actually laughed! My god I made her laugh! Jeff – 1, nervousness – ZERO!
And to my absolute shock and surprise, I was smart and witty and charming throughout the whole meal. I didn’t know I had it in me!
‘Why aren’t you having anything?’ I asked her as my pasta arrived. I would have had ribs, but finger food is a no no when you’re trying to impress someone.
‘Oh, I had a small salad before you guys got here.’ she said, sipping on her Caffeine Free Diet Dr. Pepper she convinced her friend to let her sneak in.
‘You girls and your diets, I swear. Even the most beautiful woman in the world thinks she’s fat.’ I said shaking my head.
‘Who’s that?’ she said.
‘Uh… Dushku.. Eliza Dushku.’
‘Oh my god! Isn’t she amazing? I love Eliza!’
‘Get out! She’s my favourite actress! Buffy the Vampire Slayer has gone DOWN HILL since she left!’
‘Yeah, and did you see her in Bring it On? Okay, I don’t like the whole cheerleader look personally, but wow!’
‘Yes! I love that movie if only because of her.’
And so it went. We all finished up our meals with about 15 minutes to spare before the movie started.
‘Hey… uh… you know I don’t even know your name yet.’ I said embarrassingly.
‘Hehe, it’s Erika.’ she said. Beautiful name, it fit her smile to a T.
‘Well Erika, I’m Jeff and I was wondering if you’d like to come to the movies with us?’ I said. Wow, where’d I get the guts to do that? I’m full of surprises tonight.
‘Aww, I wish I could but I have to get home.’ she said.
Rejection hit me like a sack of bricks. ‘I understand, well, I guess I’ll…’ But before I could turn away she grabbed my hand and put her other hand in my pocket, coming out with my red Sharpie permanent marker. I looked at her curiously.
‘I saw you fiddling with it in the food court. Don’t you love Sharpie?’ she said, and began writing on the back of my hand. When I took it back I saw a some really weird numbers and an even weirder signature. She giggled and said, ‘Sorry, I write backwards from time to time, it’s a habit, you should be able to make it out in the mirror though. It’s my phone number. Call me tomorrow and we can go to a movie some time next week.’
All I could think about was those English soccer announcers… ‘GGGGGGGGOAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLL!!’
‘Wow, absolutely, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.’ I said and hurried off with my friends. That’s when Mike patted me on the back and said, ‘Way to go kid, way to go.’
Now you probably don’t wanna hear the boring details of the rest of the night so I’ll just fast forward to the next week. Erika and I were set up to go see a movie at 7, but we were going to go shopping first. We both agreed that I needed new clothes. When I got to the mall at around 5:30, I saw Erika sitting in the food court, with her Caffeine Free Diet Dr. Pepper and several bags. As I approached she smiled at me and lifted the bags.
‘For you.’ she said with a smile. Now that was too much.
‘Oh no! You did not buy me clothes!’ I said.
‘Of course I did, wasn’t that why we were coming here?’
‘We were coming here for you to help pick out clothes for me to buy! I have to pay you back for these.’ I insisted.
‘Okay, but not now, you can just owe me.’
‘Oh yeah? And what will I owe you?’ I said, trying to make a sly voice.
‘Why spoil the surprise?’ she said with a devilish smile. ‘Now open up the bags and see what I got you.
Now this is what I needed. First of all, a decent pair of jeans. And not just decent, they were JNCO’s. A brand name I’d never heard of in my vast ignorance of style. She insisted she got them for $30 but I highly doubted it. They were great. Also, two stylish button up shirts. I like that kinda stuff. one was white with two guys fighting on the front… kinda looked like a He-Man remake. Then the other one, dark blue with Venom staring out, his mouth open, his long tounge dripping green saliva. A Marvel fan’s dream. She was too good to be true.
‘I’m REALLY gonna have to owe you for this…’ I said.
‘Hehe, I’m looking forward to it.’ she said with a wink. We kept shopping, this time I paid for my own stuff. I ended up getting a few white and a few black tank tops. She insisted that they’d go good under the button up shirts. Also a big blue sweater by Big Dogs and a yellow sweater with a skull on the front. Not too shabby. And man I was having a blast!
We still had some spare time before the movie started so we sat down in the food court and talked for a while.
‘So, what made you decide you wanted to come here with me? I mean look at me, I’m not exactly the biggest fish in the sea. You could get a thousand other guys much better than I am.’ I said.
‘Noooooo I couldn’t. I’m too chubby.’ Here’s another lesson for you guys. Chubby with girls means anywhere from about 10 lbs underweight to 2 lbs overweight. ‘And besides, you’re really hot!’
‘Psh! Yeah right, that’s a new one.’
‘I’m serious! You have great lips, I love the hair, it’s really original. You have really deep, mezmerizing eyes and I have to say, you have the perfect guy eyebrows ever!’
‘HAHA!!! Okay stop, I’m not used to so many compliments at once. Usually when I get compliments it’s one or two followed by a barage of insults.’
‘Oh c’mon, what could people possibly insult you about?’
‘Well as much as you may think I’m good looking that’s not exactly a concensus. I’m really clumsy as you could tell by the whole pillar incident. I have a big mouth, I’m always talking about stuff I’m not supposed to. You know like telling people’s secrets. I’m not very athletic… there’s a bunch anyways. The point is, I can’t see why someone as… well perfect… as you would want anything to do with me. I mean I’ve been shunned by girls way less attractive and much less interesting than you.’
‘Well then they must have been a lot dumber than me too to not notice what a great guy you are.’
‘Hehe, I give up. Arguing with you just isn’t possible.’
‘And why is that?’
‘I don’t know. There’s just this sense about you, that you’re always right. That it’s useless to even try to convince otherwise when you have your mind set on something.’
‘Well the last part is true. I have an iron will. I need it to keep off all those extra pounds.’
‘Whatever, you look great. I wouldn’t say you had an ounce of fat on you, besides your breasts of course. Hehe.’
‘I was wondering when you’d make a comment about them. Most guys do within the first 5 minutes, you actually lasted 4 days, I’m so proud of you.’
‘Well I can see why, it looks like you’re about to burst open there.’
‘HAHA! Well, okay it may look good now but I think my breasts are ugly when you seem them with no bra.’
‘Oh really? Maybe I should give you a second opinion. What do ya say?’
‘Haha. Mayyyyybe.’
‘Someday, we’ll see. But for now, the movie is about to start.’
If you asked me today, I couldn’t even tell ya what movie it was that we watched. All I can remember is that halfway through the movie, I got up the nerve to put my hand on top of hers. And she didn’t pull it away! In fact, she leant over and put her head on my shoulder! My god, at that moment I was the luck
iest man alive.
After the movie was out, we sat outside on the curb for our parents to pick us up. We sat the same way we did in the movie. My hand on top of hers, her head on my shoulder.
‘I don’t even have to say it but I had a great time today.’ I said.
‘Hmmmm… so did I. Too bad it’s over.’ she replied.
‘Yeah, but don’t worry, we’ll have many many more to come.’
Then she looked up at me and said. ‘Yeah?’
‘I promise.’
‘Yeah, I promise.’
‘Do you really promise?’
‘Yes, I really promise!’
‘That’s three times a promise.’ she said smiling.
‘I should have known. Fight Club.’ I said smiling back.
At that moment, everything felt perfect. The gentle breeze, the night air, her smell, like baby powder, her gorgeous smile. I suppose she inspired bravery in me. I leaned down and kissed her once softly on the lips. It felt like electricity coursing through me. To be honest, before then I’d never had a girlfriend for longer than a few days. But I felt something then I’d never felt before… I think I loved her.
‘So how much do I still owe you?’ I said with a laugh.
‘Oh, don’t you worry about that. I have a feeling it’ll all be paid off in time. But not tonight.’ and she stood up and walked to a car I didn’t notice pull up. She smiled that perfect smile one more time before getting in and driving away.
Well, that’s it for my story folks. I know I know, you wanna know what happens next? Sorry, that’s a whole new chapter in the book of Jeff. And like I said, if you want to you can wait till I’m rich and famous and read my biography… but I wouldn’t hold your breath.
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Beauty found pleasure in pain, inflicting pain on others. Men and women paid her handsomely to unleash her inner beast on them. In her basement, Beauty had designed a paradise where she inflicted pain for pleasure. She always enjoyed preparing for her clients. Slipping her body into her latex jumpsuit, she breathed deeper as she dressed. She loved feeling it caress, fondle and embrace her body. The rhythm of her breath raised her voluptuous breasts. Beauty's thigh high stilettos molded...
BDSMForeword: Dear Readers, I wrote this story nearly 20 years ago. Now, thanks to my new French friend Avaro Le Banni, who searched his archive and forwarded a copy to me, I am pleased to post The Price of Beauty, which is, in its own way, a love story. - Best wishes, Toxis. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE PRICE OF BEAUTY by: TOXIS Miranda...
Voluntary Beauty By Farleven Renton put his hand on the door handle, then pulled it away. He stepped back, shaking his head again. Did he really want to do this? He looked back up at the sign, glowing in classic neon. 'Voluntary Beauty' it blazed through the slight fog that drifted into the harbor district at night. The cool night air bit into him. He didn't even have a jacket. His damnable landlord hadn't even seen fit to let him get anything before locking him out. Sure, his rent...
She was beautiful, by any standard. Tall, at five foot nine, slim, and perfectly proportioned, though too curvy for the catwalk. She might have, given the opportunity, done well as a glamour model. Her face might have appeared on the cover of Vogue. She kissed her sister, who was holding her little boy, and who looked like her, but softer, somehow. “I wish you didn’t have to do this,” her sister said quietly. “I’d do my share...” “I know. But it’s bad enough one of us has to. Sophie, you’re...
by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter Ten: Sleeping Beauty Tuesday, June 14th, 2072 – Queenie Glassner – Southern Oregon My cheeks were warm and my leg throbbed when I woke up. How could a stupid scratch cause so much trouble? My upper thigh ached worse as I sat up. I reached for the pouch of willow bark, pulled out a piece, and chewed on it. It was bitter, but as I swallowed, the fever and ache diminished. “How are you feeling?” Reina whispered as I painfully crawled out of the...
The Turners and the Tudors settled land grants given to them after the Revolutionary War, for services rendered. The grants were located in the hills west of Brattle Town, located on the Connecticut River. The Tudors had the much better land to clear, with several level sections. The Turners had the larger parcel, but it had ravines and ledges interspersed with smaller pieces of level land. The Turners were the more prolific, the family units having more offspring. Over the centuries the...
It all started in Katrina’s teen years when her best friend’s older brother deflowered her at a sleepover. After all, Katrina had bloomed and blossomed into the beauty of Rosecliff Village. She was barely nineteen years old, but Katrina liked the attention she received from the men in her village. She didn’t care that some were even old enough to be her father, just that their eyes were on her and not the other women of Rosecliff Village. A few of those men were her father’s friends who had...
The link between Age and Beauty has been explored in pornography since the very invention of the stuff. Typically, we see ripe young babes presented as the pinnacle of female sexuality, which makes evolutionary sense: they’ve reached peak child-bearing maturity, and we’re hardwired with an instinct to breed with them. On their other hand, older women may not be as fertile but often have sexual tricks up their sleeves the younger babes still need to practice. Cougar fans know this all too well,...
Premium Granny Porn SitesHi this is Vignesh from chennai 28 years of age working in mnc Charming athletic built, If anybody interested in meeting me in real contact me through this mail id “” (Only ladies). This is a real incident its all about meeting a stranger and having some hardcore fun. Let me describe the lady. Her name was Hema(Name changed) She resides in chennai, some 10 mins ride from my place. Her age is 35 and she have attractive structure 36 30 34. The beauty got married with Chartered Accountant. And She...
What is the Shape of Beauty? Ask a hundred different dudes and you’ll probably get a hundred different answers. Body types seem to come in and out of fashion in the porn business, from the silicone-enhanced bimbos of the VHS era to all those sexy girls next door you see in reality porn these days. What if you’re looking for something a little bigger and better, maybe even a little something more real?ShapeOfBeauty.com is a premium BBW porn site, showcasing some of the sexiest, fattest ladies in...
Premium BBW Porn SitesMexican Beauty Mariko Martin stared at the girl on his comp screen. She was a short girl with bronze skin and black hair -- a Mexican beauty, she might have been the daughter of a Mayan king. Her hair was long, brushing against the small of her back, and shone like a mountain lake at midnight, when the water was as black as sin and the moonlight danced across the surface. Her eyes were large and soulful, if currently soulless, but the thing that really got your attention...
Hello, as you people already know, I only post stories of real sexual encounters in my life. So this incident happened 11 years back when I was a virgin. My first year of graduation and there I entered the lecture. A huge one indeed was in awe of the dream of becoming a doctor. There were many foreigner students too as I had gone outside India to pursue my dream. Arabics, Indians, Chinese and Srilankans. We were just talking to each other and having a good look at the fellow students. I was 18,...
It started a long time ago, when Maleficent and Briar’s mother were teenagers experimenting with their newly found sexuality. Maleficent soon developed a huge crush on the beautiful young queen, and the queen in her innocence, loved her in return. However, she had a duty to her people, to marry and produce an heir for the throne. And she tried to explain this to the besotted Maleficent, the reasoning behind her having to choose a husband, having to marry and bear a child, the reason of why...
Master Byron The capture of a Beauty Gemma Jones The great building sat nestled in the forest, it was known to the village people that Byron was not ?normal? his presence was only ever experienced in the dead of night, once a year as he came to claim his next woman. What he did to them was never known but in the 25 years none had ever returned, and stranger still rumour had it that his looks had never aged as time would have it. To all who REALLY knew, Byron was a creature of the night, a...
As the New Year fast approaches, we disregard for a moment all that has surrounded us over the last 9 months. We sit together in our hotel room, relaxing as much as we can when I decide to give you a slow, gentle massage. I ask you to go take a shower to let the hot steamy water cascade over your nakedness softening your flesh so the oil I use will soak into your pores and help relax your mind. Your beautiful blue eyes light up, before I can finish the next sentence, the water is running and...
“Woo hoo! I’ve got a date! Finally a real, proper date!” Ellen dropped her phone onto the table and punched the air, “You little beauty!!” Her fleeting reverie was interrupted by a tinny, laughing voice from the table, “Ellen? Ellen! I’m still here.” “Bob? Is that you?” Ellen looked around, confused, until she noticed that the screen of her iPhone was still lit up. “Oh shit, fuck!” she cursed, bringing it back to her ear, she’d never been much good with technology, “Bob?” “Well,” he laughed...
MatureHi. I am Rajasri( name changed). I am from Hyderabad, married, age 33, height 5.5 with an insatiable sexual desire. I had my fair share of sexual encounters with maids, girlfriends, and aunts. My seduction time period was as little as 1 week(my watchman’s wife) to as long as 2 years(my maid). This is my real sex story. One reason I never preferred hookers or prostitutes was that I was told by friends that they would get irritated and annoyed if we try to have actual intercourse with them for...
Reddit Aged Beauty, aka r/AgedBeauty! Sure, young babes are tight, hot, and new to almost everything… happy to experiment with a lot of shit as well. But if you really want to experience pleasures, then you need to have an aged beauty in your life, and thus I am here to introduce r/AgedBeauty/. I think we all know what the fuck I am talking about, right? The gorgeous older babes of Reddit.com!Now, if you are wondering, yes, Reddit.com is a free website, and everyone is welcome to visit. In...
Reddit NSFW ListBeauty Jimmy was an old man. Famous actor, during his life he played many great roles. He was a guest in a popular TV show, together with some other… Ok, females. Subject: what should a man provide so the woman agrees to be with him. You can guess: it was a neverending list. - It’s not like that, the most important is love… – Jimmy tried to say something, obviously tired of stupidities he was listening. - Kva kva, kvakvakva, kvaaaa... – their story was going on. „And I refused Boring Mike...
I'm walking through the mall, minding my own business when I spot a picture of pure beauty walking inside one of the mall clothing stores. She is of Indian descent, and looks incredible. I take a seat on the bench outside and just admire her like a work of art. I can tell she catches a couple of my glances and smiles back. After about 10 minutes she walks out, glances back at me and smiles again. I then think, I have to do something or at least say hi. I immediately get up and follow her...
TIMELESS BEAUTY BY PAUL G. JUTRAS Sam walked in the dorm house, looked at the lock and then in the dorm mistress's room. The plus size woman was dress in a black blouse and flats, black with white palm tree design jacket and skirt with dark brown nylons. She new there was only a half hour before she made her rounds and called lights out. Upstairs, roommates Chris and Alex waited on their beds. Like their friend Sam, both guys were petite and lovely looking. Being transsexuals who...
Hey friends, this is a fantasy story about this beautiful lady. I don’t know her name & address & even I didn’t see her photo I will dedicate this story to her and to readers. I read her story and I fall in love with her feeling and I travelled from bangalore to chennai through train and I found her by the hint she gave in her story. She was waiting near a bus stop by sitting in a car, I used to walk in such a way that she was looking me & she called me and asked some address actually I don’t...
I can describe beauty. It stands tall and slender at the rails of the boardwalk, allowing the sea breeze to dance with white hair glowing in the moonlight. It is elegance wrapped in a cream-colored mock turtleneck sweater and matching cashmere slacks. Beauty is a countenance of serenity, absorbing the power and wonder of creation knowing all share a common source. I walk quietly toward her, drawn to beauty like a soul to light. I feel the power I know is there. I can't resist it. As I...
I'm Jack Livingston. I'm a 58 year old widower, and have been for just over 20 years. I have two grown girls working out of the country. I've basically been alone since my kids graduated high school and left for college. I've also lived in the same two story, 3 bedroom house for over 30 years. One of my neighbors are Sheila Cowen and her daughter, Diane. This is the story of what happened just over a year ago and concerns myself and Diane.....The Cowen's have lived next door for about 10 years....
First TimeIntroduction: Mila Brooks, rich and beautiful, is wed to a Beast of a man who molests her. THE NAKED BEAUTY Chapter 1Weeping Beauty Brandon clinched Mila to himself with barbarity. She pursued means to break free from his malice. He steeled his hands on her back, sweeping his unruly lips on hers, and then breathing out pensively. She was his bondservant, his wife, the truth was he looked upon her as his wretched slave instead of an attractive, decent woman. Brandon, let go off me! she...
Friends, this is Pranav, back again after a long time with another story. Hope you have enjoyed my last stories. I got a few emails with feedback thanks a lot for the same. Coming to story, this time I am going to share a typical village story which stands different from the usual stories posted here. The story covers how I had sex with a typical village beauty in an empty riverbank on a hot sunny day. It is during my visit to my village during last January. It was a hot sunny day. I woke up...
Hi there all you fans of ISS this SAJ again from Kenya remember THE BURNING BED well I must say you gave me a good rating and am thankful to all of you but my only disappointment is that though I got mails from some of you but unfortunately I did not understand how and why but they were all virus infected and was unable to read any I kindly request you instead of attachments please write to me formal emails. This was one of those funky weekends when we went to party out, Me and a friend called...
Hi All, I’m Rocky from Bangalore. I’m 5’7″ tall, slim and fit. This is the story about my affair with best friend’s wife in Bangalore. It’s a bit long story, please bear with me. My friend’s name is Mani and his wife name is Nitya. Mani is little stout and short guy. Both of them are from Chennai and working in IT. I attended their marriage and was celebrated in a five star hotel. When I went to attend their wedding reception I was eagerly waiting to see her. She was bit dusky, but expressive...
It was a fine morning somewhere at Thane in Maharashtra. In fact, I hired a room in a Hotel at Thane. I am in sales working for a multinational stationed in Mumbai. I had to see my clients at Thane. At around 8.30 am someone banged at my door. I opened the door, Wow! To my utter surprise the visitor is a young lady may be in her late twenties. She is hot, sexy and God has created her with lots of time with a perfect 10 body. She was wearing tight jeans with a yellow embroidered top. Her Boobs,...