- 1 year ago
- 43
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She was beautiful, by any standard. Tall, at five foot nine, slim, and perfectly proportioned, though too curvy for the catwalk. She might have, given the opportunity, done well as a glamour model. Her face might have appeared on the cover of Vogue. She kissed her sister, who was holding her little boy, and who looked like her, but softer, somehow.
“I wish you didn’t have to do this,” her sister said quietly. “I’d do my share...”
“I know. But it’s bad enough one of us has to. Sophie, you’re too gentle. You’d be hurt.”
“Oh, Tam...” But the older girl kissed her again, kissed the little boy, and left.
Peter Saunders wandered restlessly round his house. The departure of his wife after they both acknowledged that their marriage had become an empty shell had left him at a loss. Work was okay – fine, even – it was only times such as now when there was nothing to distract him, that he was lonely. Yes, he realised. Lonely. Nothing on t/v that he wanted to watch. Nor was there anything to tempt his interest among the programmes he’d recorded. He’d prepared, and made a desultory attempt to eat, a meal. At length, he made his way to the front door, put on outdoor shoes and a jacket and walked into town.
The pub wasn’t the sort he’d usually patronise, but it wasn’t noisy despite the t/v screens showing a game of football (that’s soccer to you Americans). The sound was low, though, and he decided he could tolerate it. He ordered a pint of ale, the product of a local microbrewery, and took it to sit, alone, at an empty table.
“Hello,” a mellow alto voice caused him to turn from his circular thoughts, and he looked over his glass at a beautiful young woman who he thought ought to be gracing the pages of a glamour magazine, or the television.
“Hello,” he responded, quizzically.
“You look lonely,” she went on. “Like some company?”
“Um...” it took a few seconds, but he thought, ‘why not?’ “Feel free,” he said.
“What do you do?”
“Me? I’m a senior systems analyst for” He mentioned a well-known software developer. “How about you?”
“Oh, I’m a working girl.”
Perhaps the simplest description of Peter was that he was naive. “Um ... at what?”
She sighed. This was looking like a waste of her time. “A pros-ti-tute. Lady of the night.”
“I was hoping you might be interested.”
He nodded in understanding and thought for a moment. “I’m not looking for sex, but I’d welcome your company for a bit.”
She took a deep breath, hesitating. “I ought to be looking for a customer, really.”
On impulse, he reached for his wallet, and got out two twenty-pound notes, and a fiver. “Get yourself a drink and sit with me for a bit.”
She did as she was told and came back with a weak vodka and lemonade.
“Tell me,” he said, “I’m interested – I’ve never met one of your profession. Do you kiss your customers?”
She shook her head. “No. I ... we ... have to be ... detached, I suppose. Besides, a lot of men wouldn’t want to kiss a mouth which had had other men’s cocks in.”
“I suppose not,” he said in comprehension. “I don’t know that I would, actually. It’s just ... well.” He stopped, fumbling for the right words. “My wife and I, we just separated. Nobody’s fault, at least I don’t think so, we just agreed we couldn’t live with each other. But the thing is, the reason I’m here, well, I discovered I’m lonely. I thought for a moment it might be worth paying you to, um, spend the evening with me from time to time.”
“Surely it wouldn’t be difficult for you to find a woman who’d like to do that? Without wanting to be paid, that is?”
He sighed. “Maybe. I don’t know. I’m not very good like that – socially, I mean.”
“That’s weird,” she smiled, shaking her head. “You’re talking to me.”
“Yeah. I suppose I am. Let me turn the question back on you. Why on earth is a beautiful young woman, who seems intelligent, selling her body?”
She shrugged. “You really want to know?” He nodded. “It’s the only way I can earn enough money quickly enough to pay my way. I ... have responsibilities, and the rent is expensive. I usually manage to earn at least a couple of hundred, sometimes four or five. But sometimes, when the weather is bad, no-one’s interested and I might go almost a week without any takers.” She spoke without any self-pity, just in a matter-of-fact way, and he took it like that. He looked at her, evaluating. If she was wearing make-up, it was very carefully and artistically applied; she just looked naturally ... gorgeous. Her hair, while straight and brown, was glossy with health and framed her oval face perfectly. She wore a jacket, but it was open and the blouse underneath had several buttons undone, revealing creamy skin and a modest cleavage.
“You’re gorgeous,” he sighed.
“But you’re not interested,” she said, flatly.
“Not in sex with no connection.”
She nodded, smiling sadly, and they went on to talk about the things that interested them finding a remarkable commonality. At length – she’d spent over an hour with him, enjoying the conversation – she stood. “I need to get to work, Peter. It’s been lovely talking to you.”
He stood, too, and pulled out his wallet. She thought for a moment he was going to offer her more money, but instead he handed her a card.
“One day, you may want to think about a different way of doing things, Beauty. If you need help, somewhere to stay, perhaps, advice, whatever ... please, give me a call.”
She took the card, blushing slightly, and smiled. “Thank you.”
Tamara Collins returned to the flat where her sister and little boy were sleeping. Four hundred and forty pounds. She thought about the man – she thought he was just a few years older than herself – who had given her the forty, without any expectation of ‘favours’, beyond company and conversation. Most of the money – and his card – went into their ‘safe place’. She then went to shower, very thoroughly, before falling into bed.
She slept heavily and not really long enough, woken by her sister. “Sorry, Tam. I need to go. Ben’s had his breakfast.”
She yawned. “Okay, Soph. I got it.” She sat up and swung her legs out of bed, knowing that if she lay there she’d go back to sleep. Her sister kissed her cheek.
“I’ll be back about four, I expect.”
Tamara ate a token breakfast before dressing for the outdoors and taking her son to the park to play.
Peter Saunders found himself thinking, off and on, about the girl/woman he’d encountered. Perhaps there really was someone compatible out there? But the summer passed and the thoughts of Tamara – Beauty – faded.
It was a miserable autumn. Perpetually overcast sky, drizzle interspersed by heavier rain. The leaves fell to collect in slimy, soggy, slippery layers on the paths. Tamara wasn’t getting many customers despite her beauty and personality.
Her sister went to their ‘safe place’ to get money to pay the rent, and noticed the card tucked among their diminishing stock of cash.
“Tam, who is Peter Saunders?” She was examining the card minutely. “Senior systems analyst for”
Tamara had buried her memory of that pleasant interlude, but managed to retrieve it. “Oh, just a man I met in the Minerva Tavern one night. Couple of months ago, it’d be. I thought he might be a customer, but he just wanted company.”
“So why’ve you got his card, then?”
“Oh, he seemed to think he could help me find a better way of living.”
“Tam, we’ve barely got enough to pay the rent this month, and things don’t look like they’re improving for a while.”
“ Peter Saunders speaking. How may I help you?”
A delicious, immediately recognisable voice. “Mister Saunders, this is Tamara. I don’t know if you remember me...”
“I could never forget you, Beauty.”
He heard a gasp before a longish pause. “Mister Saunders, you said you might be able to help me...”
“If I can, I will, Beauty. Look, I’m just in the middle of something right now, and I think our conversation would be better in private. I’ll tell you what. Come to mine this evening – I’ll pay for your time – and we’ll have a chat.” He gave his address. “Come about seven. Have some supper with me.”
“Okay. Thanks. I mean, really, thanks.”
“No, Tam. Not the mini. From what you’ve said, a dress is appropriate. The A-line. And not those spikes. And wipe off that make-up – I don’t think he wants that at all. I’ll call a taxi; you don’t want to turn up bedraggled and it’s too far to walk in this.”
Peter answered the door-bell. Over her shoulder he saw the taxi pulling away and cursed inwardly – he really should have offered to collect her. But then he turned his attention to his guest and his heart lurched. He hadn’t forgotten her, but the impact of her beauty had faded. One look brought it back with a bang.
“Hello, Beauty! Come in. It’s good to see you again. I hope you don’t mind sitting with me in the kitchen while I cook?”
Her heart lifted as she saw him. So ordinary, but yet so right. She stepped in and pecked him on the cheek. “Thank you for inviting me.” She stepped past him as he shut the door behind her, and slipped her coat of her shoulders. He took it from her and hung it on an empty peg.
“Oh,” he said, reaching in a pocket. “Let’s get this out of the way.” and handed her a wad of bank-notes, which she tucked away in her purse. “Come this way.”
It was quite a large and quite well equipped kitchen, with a table in the middle and a couple of straight-backed chairs,
“If you don’t mind,” he said, crossing to a work-top, “we’ll eat in here.” He pulled the cork of a bottle of vin rouge and placed it on the table before returning to the work-top. Prepared vegetables were dropped into boiling water and a pot on the hob stirred. They chatted easily about inconsequentialities and, being English, turned quickly to the weather.
“That’s part of my difficulty,” she told him, just as he delivered a hot plate to the mat in front of her, a grilled trout sizzling on it. Broccoli, carrots, lightly spiced potato wedges and a lemony herb sauce followed, and he filled her wine-glass. She bowed her head and murmured something, noticing as she looked up that he was doing the same.
The food was good, and clearly Peter preferred to eat without conversation. She savoured her meal, wondering how to explain her problems.
The fish was followed by a cheese-board and biscuits. Chocolate cake was offered and declined with a smile, the remains of the bottle of wine consumed, and they took mugs of tea to the lounge.
“D’you want to tell me about it, Beauty?”
She considered distracting him by asking why he called her Beauty, but decided that would be dishonest. She cleared her throat. “I suppose I’d better start from the beginning.”
“Always a sensible thing,” he agreed.
“A couple of years ago, my parents died in a pile-up on the motorway. That left me and Sophie, my sister living in their flat, which is nice, but rented. Dad had some insurance, but not much. I was in College and Sophie in her final ‘A’ level year in the sixth form. She had a pretty sure place in a computer studies programme at Uni. I was in Fine Arts. Well, we muddled along, and I started dating a young man from out of town. He was in his final year, and would be going in to the family business. We got on well enough, and I thought ... he implied ... that we’d be married when he graduated. I suppose I was careless, and Benjamin was the result. Not that I regret having him, you understand. But Jeremy – that was his name – graduated and took off to where-ever and left me ... well pregnant at that point. When Ben was born, I felt I was out of options. There was rent to pay, which kept on going up. The bit of money from Dad drained away. I couldn’t keep up with studies and what do you do with a degree in Fine Arts when you’ve got a baby to consider and a sister to support?” She paused, then and smiled at him.
“I’ve never been in that sort of situation,” he prompted, “so I can’t judge.”
“Anyway,” she went on. “I was already, well, used goods, with a baby to prove it. I suppose I could have pursued his dad, but, frankly, the way he behaved knowing I was pregnant, I reckoned I was better off without him. So I got a prescription for the pill, just in case, and a generous supply of condoms. Sophie got some bursaries and is doing well at Uni. Between us, we look after Ben. I earned enough until recently to cover our expenses and even to put a little away, but the weather recently has discouraged customers. We’re not quite at rock bottom, but not far off and Sophie has been trying to get me to give up, um, selling myself. She was the one who found your card and pressed me to see if, well, if you could maybe think of something to help.”
He was silent for several minutes, frowning, and her heart sank with each moment that passed. But then he spoke. “Let me get this right,” he began, “Your main expense is the rent on your flat?”
“That, and Sophie’s tuition.”
“Okay. But while your determination to avoid debt is admirable, your sister can get student loans and with a computer science degree she should be able to pay them off quickly. Actually, I can probably get her a place as an intern for the summer, but that’s a way off.” He hesitated, then, but went on. “You could save on your rent if you moved in here. I’ve got two empty bedrooms. I mean, completely empty – I’ve never got round to replacing the furniture Chelsey took with her when she left.”
Tamara saw at once that what he was offering would solve a lot of problems. But... “What, what do you expect? From us?” As she said it she realised that it was a silly question. If he was expecting sex, that was something she was used to providing anyway. And she was sure that was not in his mind.
“Company,” he replied simply. “If you feel you need to do more, housekeeping, cooking, laundry. But you’ll be guests. Friends, I hope. Not servants. Just one thing, though, Beauty. No more selling your body. Absolutely not.”
Tamara was pensive and was looking at her hands.
“Beauty? Do you like what you do? Do you want to continue?”
She looked up, meeting his eyes. “No. I hate it. But ... I don’t know who I am if I stop.”
“You are Ben’s mother. You are Sophie’s sister. And, I hope, you will be my friend.”
“Okay. Thank you. I need to talk to Sophie about this, but ... thank you.” She paused, then went on, “May I stay here tonight? I’ll need to leave fairly early to get home for Sophie to go out.”
“Surely! I’d offer to run you home, but I don’t drive in the city if I can avoid it. I’ll pay for a taxi, though.”
“And ... may I sleep in your bed? Not for sex, but for company?”
“Well? Tell all, Sis!”
“Well ... How would you feel about moving to a three-bedroom house, with a garden? A kitchen to die for? A mile from Uni?”
“What’s the catch?”
“I have to stop working the streets.”
“Is that all? That sounds like a wonderful idea!”
“Student loans? To pay for your course?”
“To get you off the streets, absolutely! What about you?”
Tamara shrugged. “I’ll sign on. Probably get a job now. Minimum wage won’t matter without having to find the rent for this place. I do feel a bit bad, leaving here. But it’s not as though Mum and Dad owned it – it’s hardly an ancestral home of the Collins!”
“This is living with him? That systems analyst chap? Who you liked? Who you met in the Minerva Tavern?”
“That’s him.”
“You going to sleep with him?”
“No, that’s not part of the arrangement. Not that I’d mind in the least.”
“So ... what’s next?”
“I ring him up and say ‘yes please’. Then at the weekend we get a van and shift our furniture to his house. I’ll give notice on the lease.”
The move was effected at the weekend with some help from Sophie’s classmates. Some furniture had to go into storage. Some books and knick-knacks, mostly from their parents, went to charity shops. More, which they really didn’t want to part with, but which they didn’t quite have a place for right then, stayed in boxes in corners of their bedrooms. After some discussion, Ben had the smaller room and Sophie and Tamara shared the double bed in the larger.
It took a few weeks, but they settled into a comfortable routine with Sophie out much of the day at Uni, and Tamara occupying herself with her son and housework. They were all content, especially Ben who had much more of his mother than he was used to.
True to his nature, Peter appreciated having the two young women in the house. He even enjoyed Ben’s antics and was happy to accompany the girls when they took the little boy to a playground. With interests in common, there was no argument about what to watch on t/v, and Peter was happy to eat whatever appeared on the table when he got home.
Tamara got some unemployment money - ‘job-seekers allowance’ or whatever it was being called now – and was looking for some part-time work. The problem being caring for Ben. It was so good being around for him and not having to worry any more.
They might have continued like that indefinitely, but Sophie became very interested in Peter. He was unlike the students she spent much of her time with – more mature, quieter, more considerate. She began to loosen up around him, wandering around (especially in the morning) in nightwear that left little to the imagination and, from time to time moving close to him as they passed so her breasts brushed his arm. Part of the interest was his knowledge of computer systems, though truth to tell, she was very good in her own right and her course had little to do with his work.
In fact, they’d celebrated Christmas – Peter found he enjoyed himself more in that season than he could remember since boyhood – and were well into spring before Sophie noticed how quiet her sister had become.
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Construction site: Mid-Town Things had gone from bad to worse since Goliath, Hudson, and Brooklyn had tried to stop what appeared at first to be a raid on the demolition tools and explosives stored at a building site under construction. They arrived to see a pair of security guards shooting it out with a trio of robbers, but when the Gargoyles swooped down to lend a helping hand to the outnumbered guards... the five men turned as one and opened fire on them. They tried to make their way to...
Hi friends mera name Jay hai. Meri age 22 hai. Or mai morbi gujaratse hu. Ye 2 saal pehle ki baat hai. Meri padosh vali bhabhi bohot hi sunder aur hot thi. Uska feghar ka size 34 38 46 tha. Unke pati most of out of city hi rehte the. Or wo bhi aakeli hi hoti thi. Wo thodi si padhi likhi thi to me aaksar vaha jaya karta tha or koi na koi bahana bana diya karta tha ki mujhe ye nahi aata oo nahi aata to pls sikha do na.1 din jab sam ko me ku6 sikh ne gaya to sikhne ke bad bhabhi ne muhe bethne ko...
-Angela Carter *** "Why does the wolf eat Grandma first?" The question floated out of Angela‘s mouth before she realized what she was saying and hung in the air, pregnant with possibilities. Nicolas wiped his mouth with a red-checked napkin and raised an eyebrow to indicate she should go on. "Think about it: The Big Bad Wolf meets Little Red Riding Hood in the forest and wants to eat her. So why not just eat Little Red then? Why bother running ahead and impersonating Grandma and...
Hi. My name is Kim. I am 5'8" 133 lbs. Black hair, green eyes. Olive skin with 40D breasts. I have fooled around with a lot of guys but only slept with two. While I enjoy having sex with my boyfriend's 6.5 inch cock... a girl craves to be stretched. My boyfriend's name is Tim. He is 5'10" and 175 lbs. He has a nice body and an even nicer cock... close to 7 inches. We had a normal straight relationship and a good sex life until one day last week. Last Friday after we made love Tim asked me if I...
Group SexIt had been five weeks since I’d watched the camcorder tapes of Julie, Tony, and Sue fucking. I didn’t tell Julie I’d watched them — but we fucked several times a night. And it wasn’t simply due to my horny vigour caused by my secret stash of wife porn: she seemed hornier than ever, too.I was really keyed up, desperate to view the final tape. The excitement created by not knowing what was on it was excruciating. Eventually, my luck was in. When Julie came home from work and said that her...
Group SexIn Private Specials, Sexy Hitch-Hikers, Private star Mary Rock has been left stranded by her boyfriend with nowhere to go, but lucky for her, there’s a well-hung passer by ready to give her a ride… and it’s exactly the kind of ride that you’re thinking! That’s right, this trip just got a whole lot better for Mary, who soon gets picked up by Potro and taken to a paradise beach before heading back to his place for a gagging blowjob and a sensational fuck that has her sexy body trembling with...
xmoviesforyouAdrift: 3 The price of gold started going down and kept going down. Jimmy got two grand for five and a third ounces ... but the price was $429 and change in Grand Rapids on the day Mr. McKinnon sold Jimmy's gold. Three years before his sale the price fix was $850 on the twenty second of January ... after a slow decline it dropped nearly $200 in one day and peaked over five hundred just a few times for a few years. Later it dropped to two hundred eighty an ounce. By 1987 gold had recovered...
Chapter OneThis is exactly why I prefer working with men. Which I know makes me sound like a female misogynist. But sitting in a room for hours on end while her perfume hits me like a wave every time I move an inch, is increasingly challenging at this hour.We’ve been at this since yesterday morning. I have no power against the stale cookies left on the table from yesterday’s lunch. And I certainly have no power against this woman. Lauren Callahan. Her name is infamous even in this office.I...
LesbianYou will want to read this story in order for it to make sense. (Undercover Tour and Diamond Tours may also help you make more sense of the storyline, though they are not TG oriented) As much as I don't wish to send readers away, I do want you to know that if diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story most likely will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several...
I wrote this for an female XH user on a picture that said leave dirty comments. What started out as a dirty comment turned into a short sex story. I was going to leave it in her PM, but when I finished it, it said user not found.---LOL--- All that work for nothing----So now you fine folks out in XH get to read it. Hope you enjoy it. If that's your avatar, then I'd most definitely would love to tongue fuck that ass of yours while fingering that sweet shaved cunt. Of course that's just to get...
My sister Cathy is a only a year younger than I and is a year behind me in school. Because we are so near the same age, we have always been very close to each other, confiding our secrets and presenting a united front in our relations with other people. I've always been the protective big brother, and she has been the supportive, adoring little sister. We respect each other's ideas and thoughts and depend on each other for advice and support. This has been particularly true with respect to...
We sat by the pool my wife and I. The sun bathing her body in the heat of the afternoon. The sweat beading up and trickling off her flat belly and pooling in her jeweled and pierced navel. I watched her lie there breathing thinking how it would effect all the young men around us if I were to pull aside the tiny 2 inch wide black band that covered her pussy. Exposing the most beautiful cunt God ever created. Neatly trimmed. The pouting large labia she had between her shapely firm thighs for all...
I was awakened by Nikki turning over so that now her little butt was pressed to my groin. In this position, of course my cock rested between the cheeks of her butt. I pulled her closer and found that she was awake also and she sexily wiggled her butt to excite me. She turned to face me and suggested that we need some condoms and lubricant. I agreed and she suggested we run out to get these items and possibly grab a pizza or something to bring back to the room. I thought for a moment and...
SEX WITH LACTATING MOTHER – PART IIIA note to the readers: This is the continuation of SEX WITH LACTATING MOTHER. Please read part 1 and 2 before you read this part. The final part will appear soon. Sorry for the delay. Comments appreciated. Enjoy reading. By 1 pm I felt very sleepy. The previous night I spent very few hours in the bed. Helen suggested that I should sleep for some hours and she would wake me up in the evening. She tucked me into the bed and kissed me saying “äiti rakastaa...
My name is Sophie, and this is the story of how I first gave in to my feelings for my boyfriend’s friend. Now, I don’t want you think that I found any of this easy. It really first started when I saw that my boyfriend, Jon, had been flirting with girls on Facebook. I had just gotten home from work and I’d gone to our desk top computer to check my emails, when I noticed Jon’s Facebook page open. I was about to close it when I saw some messages he had been sending to a couple of girls he had...
Later that day, I waited for Mike to come back home, he had been out to his soccer practice, although after all our fucking I don't know how he had much energy left.It was just after 5pm when I heard the door open. I walked into the hallway and saw my son standing there. He threw his bag onto the floor. A tight t-shirt clung to his chest, framing the outline of his muscles."Hi baby, did you have fun?" I asked"Yes Mom, but my legs hurt, think I might have pulled a muscle.""Oh dear baby" I...
Hi readers, I am Rajvi from Surat. I am currently working and residing in Ahmedabad. I am 27 years old, 5’7 height, light brown eyes, and long hair. I am 36-30-34. The story I am going to tell you is a real incident of my life which happened 2 months ago with a 62-year-old mature man Bharat. I stay in a rented flat with my friend. One day a new couple came to stay in our opposite flat. When they shifted to that flat, I and my friend went to meet them as they were new to town and they were our...
YOUNG MEN AND OLDER WOMEN When they reach the age of puberty and their sexual juices start flowing, most young men’s thoughts turn to older women. Sometimes they get a crush on a teacher, a neighbor or, perhaps, an older girl in school. Usually, these crushes don’t amount to anything. Once in a while, they do. In literature and film younger man/older woman romances have provided the basis of some memorable stories. Mrs. Robinson became a household word after seducing young Benjamin in ‘The...
I was at the grocery doing my weekly shopping, picking over some apples and peaches for a fruit salad, when I spied what appeared to be a good looking red-headed mother and daughter nearby. The daughter was about sixteen, maybe younger, wearing short-shorts and a "T" that ended just below her bra-less tits. She was covered with freckles. But her development in the tit department belied her true age. Firm and pear shaped, her tits jutted out as if she'd just been awarded a blue ribbon. We...
When I was 18 me and my girlfriends used to go out clubbing all the time. As would often happen we would all get a bit worse for wear come the end of the night and lose eachother. On one occasion this happened and I wasn't feeling too well. One of the bouncers seen this and led me down a side entrance at the bottom of a staircase outside to get some fresh air. When he let me back in 5 minutes later he gave me a bottle of water. He was genuinely nice and we were having a bit of a chat at the...
Hey guys, I am Vimal from Chennai. This is not my first story I already posted a story but this one has no connection with the previous one. Coming to the story, my uncle got married about 9 months back. My aunt’s name is Sravya and she was one smoking hot lady. Her body figure was around 34-28-34. Ever since I saw my new aunt, I fantasized a lot about her. My father works abroad so my father along with my mother lives abroad and I live alone here. So I became close to my aunt very...
IncestKarma part8 Saturday morning 9:35am. The beginning of what I believe will be the most uncomfortable day of my life. I just lay there in my bed dreading the beginning of the day. Tonight I was supposed to go out with Mike. I don't think mere words can explain how much the thought of going on a date with a guy grossed me out. But I was committed. So I was going to do my best to keep my word and behave. However, just to add to my misery, first I was doomed to spend a few hours baby...
Guys always say that it's easy for a woman to get some dick. Maybe that's true but then, what kind of dick is she gonna get ? Tonight, alone, k**s gone to their dad's, making some calls to some guys, but no one is answering their cell. Call up my Jamaican friend, n/a, call up my African friend, n/a, call up my American friend who's in S.A. and he says he'll call me back, but then, no news. Oh ! almost forgot, I called up two different Haitian guys, but N/A !! lolSo, I figure, I'm gonna smoke...
Sarah O’Connor stared down at the display on her bathroom scales, bile rising in her throat as she scanned the figures on the screen. Why had she had that cupcake on Monday night? It must be wrong, she willed it to be wrong. Sarah stepped back, letting the screen clear before tapping the base with her toe to restart the weighing-in process. Cautiously, she set one bare foot and then the other into the soft rubber indents and held her breath. But Sarah wasn’t looking down when the same figures...
This story is the main entry? There are four more first chapters of stories following this tale that may be submitted in full later, individually.WEBCAM VIDEOSChapter One? Modeling for the webcamInhaling a deep, deliberate breath she hesitates, glances toward the webcam above the computer, the red light blinking on. Carefully positioning herself across the stool in front of the dark bed sheet pinned to the wall for a backdrop, the black leather hood covering her head melding to the contours of...
Four hours later they were strapping themselves into first class seats of a Boeing 747 bound for Barbados. Eight hours later they landed at Grantly Adams airport, it had been a good flight. They’d slept most of the way, in the comfortable bed that the seats converted to. When the door of the aircraft opened the heat of the Caribbean hit them like a fist, more so because they were dressed for Scotland in March. Once they had cleared customs they were pushing the luggage trolley, with Robert...
SUE’S NIGHTWe had previously arranged that each person’s night would be in their own bedroom, and that they should be alone to prepare, so when Mike came back in we went upstairs to Mike and Marybeth’s room to shower. Mike went first. Sue had given us instructions on how to dress, just khakis and a tee shirt, and told us she wanted nice close shaves, and some cologne. Mike was dressed when I got out, and went downstairs for some water while I dressed. At about four-twenty she called down that...
Group SexHi, I am Dilep (23), this happened in real life to my sister(Nikitha), she is 21 now and have a kid, she revealed the story now as she got married and having a life, from now on Nikitha is going to narrate the sex story. Hi everyone, I am Nikitha this happened when I am 18, I got married at 18 due to financial problems. I have done tenth and left studying, my grandfather is a farmer and his age is 62 and he has a good physique. My father got married to a Guajarati girl at the age of 21. So I am...
IncestWe were steering in circles searching for a breeze. We were never going to get to Amsterdam like this. Any direction is better than standing still. "Wendy!" "Yes dear?" "Whistle us up a wind," I said. "Why don't you do it?" Ooo, she's a sly one. Along with a grape allergy, she knows I can't whistle. "Wendy." "Yes, sir," she started whistling. Wendy whistles like a good coin silver flute. The problem is what to do with her hands. So ... she started messing with the...
It had been a day full of the same bullshit – class, work, gym, home. I was really relishing the idea of unwinding in an empty house, as my roommate Chelsea had assured me she would be out of town for the weekend with her latest love interest. My phone buzzed as I slide my key into the lock. Speaking of love interests... Hey you, let me know when you're home and settled. I have a surprise for you... -Megan God only knew what that meant. She was a good girl, Megan, not to mention a total siren...
Straight Sex