Beauty free porn video

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Beauty by BobH (c) 2009 Today is my wedding day. And watching the hustle and bustle as all those around me rush to get everything ready for the big occasion I can't help but think back on my relationship with her...with Rose. I first saw her one Friday night sitting at the bar in a smoky basement club in London's Soho, sipping a Scotch and smoking a cigarette. Dressed all in black - high heels, stockings, leather skirt, tank top, a leather jacket slung over the back of her seat - with long dark hair to match. She was beautiful. Not just regular-level beautiful either but Hollywood actress-level beautiful, with a face and figure that took your breath away. "Wow, who is that?" I asked Mickey, whose membership had got me into the club. "She looks like Megan Fox!" My work colleague and new drinking buddy - his previous wingman, Terry, having been inconsiderate enough to get married - chuckled loudly. "That, Peter my old son, is the gorgeous Miss Brialey. She could have her pick of any man in this club, and most of the women too, and has. Fact is when she first started coming here, about nine months ago, I thought she was a lesbian since she only seemed interested in women, but after the first month or two it's been all men." "Is she an actress, or a model, or something like that?" I asked. "Because with that face and that body she should be." "Yeah," agreed Mickey, looking at her wistfully, "but she's not. Seems she's independently wealthy and doesn't need to work. Terry went out with her once, right before he met his wife. Said she has a flat in a mews in Mayfair." I let out a low whistle. "Mayfair, eh? You've got to have serious money to live there. So why does she hang out in a club like this?" "Because she obviously likes sex - she might even be a nympho - and this is a pick-up joint. I mean, no one is going to say no to a woman who looks like that." "I certainly wouldn't," I agreed. As I watched her she took a final drag on her cigarette before stubbing it out, threw back the remains of her Scotch, then turned to face the rest of the club, scanning the small crowd. To my surprise, her gaze alighted on me and a predatory smile appeared on her perfect face. Rising from her bar stool, she made a bee-line for me, stopping in front of our table. "Dance with me," she said. In a daze, with what I'm sure was a goofy grin on my own face, I followed her on to the club's tiny dancefloor. The jukebox was playing George McRae's 'Rock Your Baby' - the owner kept it stocked with early-seventies music - and as we danced I couldn't take my eyes off her. The next record was Michael Jackson's 'Ben', and she immediately moved into my arms as it started up. The incongruity of slow dancing with such an incredibly beautiful woman to a song about a rat was not lost on me. As the song finished, she looked me in the eyes and said: "Enough foreplay. Come back to my place now and make love to me." I didn't need to be asked twice. "Gotta go," I told Mickey, not believing my luck. I don't think he believed it either. "You jammy bastard!" he laughed, as I followed her up the stairs that led out of the club. Mickey did not complain when we left together because he understood the most sacrosanct rule of the Guy Code: if your mate is going to get some then he will of course immediately abandon you and you will wish him well, because in his position you would do exactly the same. "I don't know your first name," I said, as we exited the club. "Rose," she said. "Yours?" "Peter," I replied, "it's Peter Cockcroft." "Good," she replied, pulling a set of keys from the pocket of her leather jacket. "Get in the car, Peter." I looked in the direction where she had aimed the key fob, and let out a low whistle when I saw the lights of a red Ferrari flash in response. "Wow! Nice wheels!" "Yes. If a car isn't beautiful and powerful I won't drive it." We climbed into the Ferrari on our respective sides, and the instant I'd clicked the lock on my seat belt into place she put her foot down and we shot out of the side street like a bullet from a gun. This was clearly a lady who loved speed, not that she was able to go too wild in the congested London streets on the short journey to Mayfair. As she drove I kept stealing quick, sideways glances at her, confirming she was just as beautiful in profile, still not quite believing she had chosen me. I was sure she only wanted me for a one-night stand, but if there was any way of making this more than that then I was going to find it. It took fifteen minutes to get to her place. Once there, she locked the Ferrari away in the garage and we climbed the stairs to her flat. As I would have expected, her furniture and decor all looked seriously expensive and on the cutting age of modern design. Against one wall was the largest flat screen TV I'd ever seen, with stack of DVDs piled up beneath it. These were all major movies and stretched from the 1930s to the present day. "Movie buff?" I asked. "Part of my project to give myself a full cultural education," she said. "You'll have already seen most of these over the course of your life so far, but I'm playing catch-up." There were a number of sculptures dotted around her lounge, all of naked women, and on the walls were framed photos of Rose involved in various high-adrenelin activities like ski-ing, sky-diving, mountaineering, white-water rafting, etc., usually in the company of one or more other women. What really caught my attention however was the large painting that dominated the wall opposite the TV wall. It was done in a style similar to that of the pre-Raphaelites and showed a young woman in a long, unadorned white dress, with lustrous blonde hair that cascaded down over her shoulders in waves. Her only jewellery was a simple, gold pendant necklace with a curious design on its face reminiscent of a Celtic knot. Various ladies-in-waiting were fussing over her, as if preparing her to meet a potential suitor. Her face looked pretty and innocent where Rose's projected a confident, knowing sexuality, and yet there was something similar about them, something I couldn't put my finger on. "Is she a relative?" I asked. "Not exactly, no," said Rose, looking at the painting with obvious distaste. "No, what she is is a reminder, a warning, about being sweet and passive and accepting your fate without a murmur." "Oh," I said. "Nice painting, though. Where did you acquire it?" "It came along with me," she said, vaguely. I might have asked her what she meant by this if she hadn't chosen that moment to press her body against mine and slide her hand down the front of my trousers. "No more talk," she said. "Okay,"I squeaked, leaning in to kiss her. "And no kissing on the mouth," she added, turning her face away. Before I could say anything further her hand closed around my cock and she led me into the bedroom. Naked, her body was every bit as magnificent as I'd imagined it would be, and perhaps predictably we made love with her on top. What was surprising was that as she squeezed my cock with her pussy muscles she stared off into the middle distance, almost as if she was gauging me in some way, as if she was learning something deeper about me in the process. When we came we came simultaneously, she yelling out "Yes!!" and smiling down at me with a look of triumph on her face. "At last!" she said. "Glad to be of service," I grinned, assuming from her reaction that I might be the first man who had ever actually brought her to orgasm. "Okay," she said, rolling off me, "you have to go now, but be back here at three tomorrow afternoon. Don't be late." Before I knew it - and before I had fully finished dressing - she had bundled me downstairs out of her flat and into the street. What a strange woman! I did not know what to make of her. ********************************* "So what are you going to do?" asked Mickey as we ate lunch in a Soho pub the follwing day. "Honestly?" I said. "I don't know. She may be bi, but if her sculptures and photos are anything to go by she definitely prefers women. Yet she picked me out. Why? And what the heck was all that stuff with her all about, anyway? She's one weird chick." "Maybe so," said Mickey, spooning chicken tikka masala into his mouth, "but she also looks like Megan Fox." "There is that," I admitted. "And since when has a girl liking other women been a problem for any red-blooded, heterosexual male?" "Well, yeah..." "Peter, my old son, you *will* meet Rose at her flat at three," said Mickey, "and afterwards you'll give me all the juicy details. Chicken out, and I will be forced to revoke your straight guy license and take possession of your porn collection, however personally distateful I might find it." "Yeah, right," I laughed. "At least it would add some variety to all that ladyboy stuff you drool over." "A foul slur spread about by those jealous of my success with women," he said. "Let us speak of it no more." So it was that later that afternoon I found myself turning into the mews where Rose lived. I was ten minutes early. If I hadn't have been I might never have seen what I did. As I rounded the corner, I saw Rose outside her flat with another woman. They were all over each other and kissing passionately. I stepped back out of their line of sight, and a few minutes later the other woman, as stunning as Rose herself, walked past me. I recognised her immediately as Sonya Hussein, though that was hardly surprising since I saw her on my TV every night, reading the news. So Rose didn't want me kissing her but she was happy to lavish kisses on other women? She was using me in some way I could not fathom, I was sure of it, and for a second or two I considered turning on my heel and walking away - but only for a second or two. Realistically, how many times in my life was I likely to bed a woman as beautiful as Rose? Not very bloody many. So if she was using me then fine. I would just have to suck it up. When she greeted me at the door Rose seemed happy, maybe even excited, to see me. "C'mon," she said, taking my hand and leading me up the stairs. "Make yourself comfortable in the armchair," she said, heading for the bedroom, "I'll only be a minute". The armchair had been turned so that it faced the painting rather than the TV, and the painting itself had been lowered to the floor so that when I sat down the woman's painted eyes were level with my own. "What's with rearranging the furniture?" I asked when Rose returned. "It's only temporary," she said. "Look, I have a gift for you." It was a pendant necklace, the same pendant necklace the woman in the painting was wearing. "Here, let me put it on you," she said, walking round behind me and dropping the chain over my head. The instant she did so, I became paralysed. My limbs and my mouth were totally immobile. Only my eyes retained the ability to move. "That confirms it," said Rose, smiling approvingly. "You definitely are a suitable candidate." A suitable candidate for what? I tried desperately to move, but I remained frozen in place. "It never occurs to anyone we might have dreams, have desires, beyond those they project onto us. But we do," she said, smiling appreciatively as she slowly ran her fingers over the curves of one of her sculptures of naked women. What was she talking about, and why couldn't I move? "My time awake was fully defined and mapped out for me, of course, but when I was asleep I was free. And I was asleep for a very long time. Why did no one ever wonder if I might dream, do you think, hmmm? What, cat got your tongue? Well, no matter." She poured herself a Scotch and lit a cigarette as I watched, still unable to move or to express the panic welling up inside me. "Such a long time to dream," she said, wistfully,"time enough in fact to dream my way out of my world and into yours, the world that defines mine, the one whose existence I hadn't even suspected. Time as well to explore this world, to dream my way around it, to become totally familiar with it's ways, and to know that this was where I wanted to be." Her world? Was she saying she's an alien? "Such joys to be found in this world, too; ones not even dreamed of in mine," she said, taking a long drag on her cigarette and exhaling with a sigh of pleasure. "Eventually I was able to dream myself totally into this world as the person I wanted to be in the life I wanted to live, to emerge from dream and take on physical form here as reality itself shifted and adapted to accomodate my presence and give me the wealth and lifestyle I required. I was finally me, the person you see before you, the person I wished to be. I admit the glorious freedom I now had went to my head a little at first, and I had sex with lots of women in a very short time. I was like a starving person suddenly confronted by a feast, and I gorged myself on them. That's right - I'm a lesbian. And I'll bet that's something no one ever thought I might be." She paused to take a sip of Scotch and another long drag on her cigarette, before giving me a look of cold amusement. "Yes, I can see the realisation dawning in your eyes; that's why no kissing on the mouth. I could just about manage sex with a man if I had to, but not that. Sex with more men than I'd have liked, actually, but finally I found the one I was looking for. Finally I found you. The thing is, you see, that eventually, back in my world, I have to wake up, and since I'm here now that would involve pulling me back there. I'm never going back, not ever, so the only way I can stay here is if someone wakes up in my place. I knew I had a year to find someone, knew that someone had to be a man, and as soon as we had sex I knew that man was you. A shame that was the only way to identify a suitable candidate, but it was. When I dreamed myself into this world I also acquired the knowledge of the conditions that governed that transit and how to have someone else take my place. I also acquired the painting and the necklace, which manifested here along with me from who knows where. They're the key to this. At the end of my first year here they would have activated and sucked me back to where I came from...if I hadn't found you. And just as reality shifted to accomodate my arrival here, so will it shift to accomodate your departure. No one here will remember Peter Cockcroft ever existed, not even me. Goodbye, Peter." So saying, she tapped the pendant once with her finger, and a strange, warm tingling spread through my body. A peculiar humming sound in front of me attracted my gaze in that direction. It was coming from the painting. My eyes locked with the painted eyes of the woman, eyes now mesmerically alive, and I was trapped. As the humming grew in volume, filling the world, and as the warm tingling increased until it pushed all other feeling out of my body, so my gaze was held. Then, suddenly, I was tumbling forward into her eyes, twisting uncontrollably and spinning, falling downwards as if from a great height. Then I blacked out and knew nothing more. Until someone kissed me. I opened my eyes and there he was, a smile on his handsome face. "My prince!" I sighed. He offered me his hand, and as he helped me up I glanced down at my female form, recognizing the simple white dress I was wearing and the pendant necklace, nestled between my breasts and framed by my long blonde hair. I was her now, the girl in the painting, the one Rose had once been. As my rescuer led me through the castle to see my father the King and to request my hand in marriage so the place was coming back to life all around us, it's inhabitants waking from the slumber of years. The kiss that had finally woken me had also woken them. I now knew who she was, of course: Rose Brialey - Briar Rose. And now I was she. I was filled with joy. I had no choice. Awake, I was now part of a story and the power of narrative would keep me in my assigned role, feeling and acting as the tale directed. Perhaps I would have free will when I slept as she had done, but perhaps not even then. Perhaps all that was left for me was to live happily. Ever after. ***************************** Rose Brialey smiled wistfully as she licked her fingers, savouring the still-lingering taste of her lover, and gazed at the empty wall opposite her television. It was a space that cried out for a painting, but for no good reason she could recall she had never hung one there. That was an oversight she definitely needed to rectify. Sonya had left for home twenty minutes earlier and Rose had been really sorry to see her go. Perhaps it was time she settled down, and perhaps Sonya was The One. The idea of living together as one half of a couple was no longer as scary as it used to be, and the thought of living with Sonya actually made her happy. Yes, perhaps she would raise the possibility during their next post-coital pillow talk, but right this instant she wanted to watch a movie. Going to the stack of DVDs, she pulled out an old favourite and loaded it into the player: Disney's 'Sleeping Beauty'. She had always loved the story, always related to it on a level that was true for no other fairy tale. But she could not have told you why. The End. ************************************ This is the second time I've used 'Sleeping Beauty' as the basis for a TG tale. The first is shorter than this, is told in verse form, and can be found here on fictionmania: Sleeping Beauty: The Real Story

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De haut en bas Part 2

Bonjour, Toute cette histoire est un pur travail de fiction. Toutes ressemblances avec certaines personnes ayant exist?es sont purement fortuites. Vous voulez nous faire un feedback : [email protected] ou [email protected] Vous voulez rejoindre la plus grande communaut? fran?aise de TG caption et TG story ? Envoyez- nous un mail avec une histoire (minimum 2 pages) ou une TG caption ? [email protected] ou [email protected] avec les noms des transform?s : Arnaud et Alex. -- La livraison...

2 years ago
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Councils of WarChapter 5 Two Weddings

Sophia Grant wondered whether infants about to be born felt like this. She, as the intended bride, was the center of every concern. She had no more voice in the decisions than the expected infant did. Finally, her mother, Lady Fenhurst took her aside. “Sophia, there is more to marriage than running your own household.” “Yes, mother.” As a matter of fact, Sophia had no great desire to run her own household. It was the other part of marriage which had attracted her, and The Earl, Robert...

3 years ago
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My Wifes Friends Stocking Feet

I work at home so I often, I get to meet my wife’s girlfriends. On a recent day, while my wife was out, one of her friends whom I had not met, called and asked if she could drop something off. I said, ‘Yes.’ She arrived about ten minuets later. The day was cold and kind of snowy. She rang the bell and I answered. She was very attractive in her blue jeans, turtle neck, boots and leather jacket. She handed me the item she needed to return to my wife and we stood chatting at the door for a few...

2 years ago
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Make It Shine

Make It Shine Disclaimer: Victorious and all of its characters belong to Nickelodeon and Dan Schneider. Victor Vega was a common 16-year-old boy. He attended a normal, boring school where he wasn't very popular, but he wasn't a lonely guy, he was as normal as a boy can be. His sister, Trina, attended an art school called Hollywood Arts, where she could explore how "talented" she was. And Victor often imagined how funny would be to go to a school like that instead of the boring...

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A Wet Story shower time

After weeks of exchanging emails, and the occasional hottt phone call, you tell me to be at your house at 2pm on Tuesday. You've taken the day off, and your man is going to be out of town. You tell me to ring the door bell when I arrive, the door will be unlocked, and that I should let myself in and find you.A bit nervous, excited, aroused, and unsure, I look up the address you gave me and make my way. I drive over to your house. Park on the street. One last check of my breath as I walk up to...

2 years ago
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SamChapter 14C

We had just pulled off the highway onto Highland Boulevard when we saw the wreck. It looked like a bad one. A green minivan had gone off the road, flipped and rolled down an embankment. The roof was crushed in and there was smoke or steam coming from the squashed engine compartment. We couldn't see anyone but a State Trooper on the scene. He was on his knees trying to look into the mashed up vehicle. The EMS unit hadn't arrived yet. Neeka pulled over onto the shoulder in response to my...

3 years ago
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Intimate And Romantic Schooling

It all started in my adolescent age ,I was young and proactive full of energy and enthusiasm . I completed my 11th std ,looking forward for the vacations so that I can go to my grand ma’s place and spend the holidays satisfactorily with full satisfaction .I was a very active boy and considered myself the humorous , everyone in the family loves me . I used to participate in every activity at home and school as well . Before starting the next syllabus ,generally we get 45 days vacations ,I...

3 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 10Chapter 22

All returned to the village. I put my arm around George and said, "How's married life, Pindari?" "So far, it's great." He was still smiling. In the village,, there was more food and celebration. It was the next day before we back to the airport. Our parting from Mandu, Loorea, and Taree was sad but they were upbeat. Loorea held David's and my hands and said, "Your spirits will always remain as a part of this clan. You will have a great impact on this world and we are proud that you...

1 year ago
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A Hot Night and Sex With My Maths Professor Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

I was a part of our college football team and had practice that afternoon. I arrived at the locker room to change and saw this skinny older guy. He was wearing spectacles and talking to coach. That was the first time I saw Laurent. Later I found out that he was a visiting Maths professor. He taught at the university. We slowly became friends, even though we were from opposite spectrum. I was a jock and he was more interested in theorems. Everything seems so good so far right? It went way too...

1 year ago
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Becoming Mommy Fucking Son

Becoming Mommy, Fucking Son Roger sat in his room, frustrated as usual. If he couldn't even get a date, how was he ever supposed to get laid? Virginity was the number one anxiety Roger faced everyday. He didn't understand why girls weren't interested in him. Roger was 5'11, 170lbs, 19 years old. He didn't really excel at anything in school and after graduation faced some pretty average post-secondary choices. Roger had taken a year off school to "find himself" but that year had...

4 years ago
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In Randys black hands First Part

That Friday summer my beloved hubby had invited some of his office’s mates to a barbecue at our back yard.They were four guys, all married; but their wives had found a stupid excuse to stay at home, leaving them alone. So the guys were there very happy, enjoying beers and a nice barbecue.Two guys were black and the other ones were Latino type…As they all were sunning outside, I looked at them from the kitchen; getting my pussy wet as I admired the sweat covering their hard toned bodies,...

4 years ago
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The Cuckolding of Neil Dodds Part 12

Ten minutes later Claire snuggled up in bed beside Karl. Cleaned and refreshed, she lay with him. She was relaxed and at ease; Neil had texted her to tell her that he was at home, all was well in her world. She pushed her groin against Karl’s thigh so that he could feel her sex. “Everything has happened so quickly,” she said to him. “I feel like pinching myself to see if it’s all real.” Karl put his arm around her. “It’s real alright,” he told her. “It can happen this way. Most times it’s a...

3 years ago
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Waterbury Hills High School Teachers Friday Night Fun Club Part II

The three female teachers taught different subjects and were at different stages in life.  But they all had one thing in common.  They were cougars, and they had their sights on Bradley, the young first-year science teacher.Bradley was twenty-three years old, six feet two inches, one hundred seventy pounds, socially awkward, but still adorable.  At first, they saw him as their son, but that changed one Friday morning.  He was gaining confidence as a science teacher but was very uncomfortable...

3 years ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 29

By the time they got home, there wasn't much time for them to do much more than clean up, and get ready for a new day. They didn't mind though, because they were too excited to sleep, anyway. Sharon and Mary shared a ride, as they often did, stopping to get some breakfast at a fast-food drive-through. They had coffee at work, so some sandwiches and hash browns were all they needed. Mary also stopped at a bakery and bought boxes of donuts and rolls to celebrate with the others at work. Sharon...

3 years ago
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Diamond in the Rough

Authors note: Hello, I am a new writer here and this is my first and serious attempt writing erotica, so if it sucks I apologize. This was an idea I came up with. They always make the female love interest beautiful etc- but what if she was ugly? How would that complicate things. I just wanted to twist around a cliche and see what I got. WARNING: There is abuse and possible rape/dubcon. Also, some stockholm is no happy ending, but it may be interpreted as bittersweet or totally downer...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Marilyn Johnson Anal Newbie Training

Craving anal experience, perky, young blonde Marilyn Johnson teases her pink nipples and exercises her nubile asshole with a dildo. Muscle stud John Strong stuffs his hard dick in her pussy from behind, and she moans in delight. He plows her super-tight asshole, and Marilyn begs for more anal training. The butt sex newbie masturbates as his boner stretches her sensitive sphincter. Her bunghole gapes! John eats her pussy; Marilyn offers a sumptuous rim job, and she gives him an ass-to-mouth...

3 years ago
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A Perilous Journey Ch 09

The Ahlissan Chronicles ~ Novella 2 ~ A Perilous Journey ~ 9 ~ No Mercy The three rescuers were just above the hobgoblin raiding party as they watched the leader, Wulfgut open a large wooden chest with iron bindings. As Lord Brion looked down he was dismayed to not see Eryca in their presence. He had missed her! He cursed himself under his breath and judging by the steel swords that Wulfgut was admiring in the chest he had missed her by mere minutes. Looking up into the distance he could...

4 years ago
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Angel and I share Laura

Laura and Angel had been friends since Laura moved to the area a few months earlier. They had met through work and became fast friends. Both Angel and I had been attracted to her since we had met her. She was 25, short only about 5 feet tall, skinny, but with lovely big tits. She had big brown eyes and mouse brown hair and a beautiful smile. Not only that but a lovely girl smart and funny. Angel had asked her to join us in a threesome but she didn’t want to as she was only interested in Angel...

4 years ago
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The Party

I was in my parents bathroom watching the party go on from their bathroom window. It was the best spot to watch the hot tub and the hot tub was where all the drunk naked women would be. As I watched, Mrs. Hamelton took off her swimsuit exposing her naked body to everyone. My dick grew so hard it hurt. Just then the door to my parents bedroom flew open and the light came on. I jumped into the bathtub and pulled the curtain shut. I could peak out and see the bed from where I was hiding. My mom...

2 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS13 E08 Angelica Wrightson 44 from St Helens

We start this week’s show with establishing shots of a sprawling red-brick and glass, modern further education complex. The three-story buildings are topped (and sometimes sided) with sloping black roofs and surrounded by flat green lawns. A few young geeky students move around from one building to another. In the final shot, infront of a green sign (on the wall of one of the buildings) that reads “Mersey University Centre Technology – St Helens Campus” – and then, stepping infront of the...

1 year ago
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StreetBlowJobs Roxxy Renay Super Head

“It’s my lucky day!” Roxxy says after meeting Bruno, and she doesn’t know how right she is. This fun-loving chick showed up in Miami ready for a good time only to find that her motel lost her reservation, and everywhere else is fully booked. Luckily for her, landlord Bruno has a vacant apartment he’s happy to rent her for the weekend. When he takes the cute blonde to look at the place, he offers to let her stay for free…if she wants to have some fun together....

3 years ago
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Like Mother Like Daughter

I came home one day after work, it was a cold snowy day. My wife Sara and I had been married for 10 years. I walked inside the house and I called up the stairs for her, but she didn’t answer me. I took my phone out of my pocket and I tried to call her, without any luck, I also text her. I then went up to our bedroom to change out of my suit and into something a little more comfortable. That is when I noticed that all of Sara’s stuff was gone. There was an envelope on my pillow. I went over to...

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Taking Virginity Of Horny Girlfriend

Hi guys and girls i have been reading stories here from many years and finally decided to share my experience with you all which i had with my gf priyanka.let me describe her to you all she has a figure to die for with 34-28-34 size. Our relation was not so kind of seriious one but we were friends only for any girl,aunty,bhabhi intersted in or physical sex can contact me on We both are from kolkata.this incident happened a few weeks ago before we broke up.she is quite horny in bed and can...

1 year ago
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The Karma genie

One day a lamp containing a genie was rubbed by an old man. Unfortunately he died of a heart attack when the genie appeared, not making any wishes. The genie, being mischievous as genies are known to be, used an old loophole and granted his own 3 wishes. To be freed. (Duh) To free all the other genies (duh) To pay back all these annoying humans for being so annoying. The universe granted the genies wish, in typical genie fashion. Random humans will be bitten by karma in the most humiliating...

4 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 7 Rhonda WilsonChapter 4

Rhonda didn’t know what to do. She was mortified, and embarrassed. She thought about just leaving, but it was her house, and she didn’t have anywhere else to go. She looked around. He was gone, but he was coming back. He’d said he would be right back. She had no idea what he’d do then, but she was quite sure it would embarrass her. Why had he told her not to worry and then bragged about what a great time she’d have when he got back? She didn’t understand men, or how to act around them. She...

2 years ago
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Ann 2

Ann 2After the episode with Fred things seemed to take off sexually. We both thought it was exciting and something to do again.Bearing in mind it was the early eighties and before the use of computers. I don’t know if Anne Summers is a universal shop, but here in the UK it is a well used store nowadays but in those days the lasses used to have Anne Summers parties where an agent would go to someone’s house with samples of what you could buy, vibrators, toys or lingerie etc. Together, plenty of...

3 years ago
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Odd JobChapter 6

"Mum, Dad, there's someone I want you to meet," Cathy yelled from the small hall once they were in. Her mother - a jolly looking woman in her mid thirties by the very Irish name Molly - came up from the kitchen half a story down towards the garden side of the house. She took one look at the visitor and her welcoming smile turned to astonished shock. "Sweet Mother of God! You must be Jennie!" "You know me?" Jennie asked in amazement. "I have never set eyes on you before. But I can...

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Icy Finger Masturbation

Last night, I had a bit of fun with a new kind of clit diddling. As with all new ways of toying with my clit, I just had to watch it, so I took out my mirror and assumed the position. I put a glass of ice water by my bed and started to rub my clit in the usual way. A few minutes of medium instensity stimulation was all that was needed to get a generous flow of pussy juice started. After I made myself wet to my satisfaction, I dipped my fingers into the glass of ice water and allowed them to...

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Life Changed Upside Down

On a friday night, Tania was tired after a long week of work. It has been a pretty long week for her, both mentally and physically. She had to deal with abundance of complaints in her BPO. Its not easy when you have to work for 12 hours straight listening to complaints of others. Some of them even foul mouthed her just to let the heat go off from them. But as BPO guys are trained for that shit, she kept her cool through out the week. She would constantly get attention from her male...

2 years ago
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My Paperboy

The Paperboy Isn't a Boy Anymore It was 10:00 A.M. when I looked out the door to make sure my tiny back yard was empty and there was no one in the alley behind my house. All clear. I popped out the door onto the back porch. I was naked, carrying an armload of potted plants to put on the porch railing. I often spend time around the house naked. I like it that way. Going in and out doors sometimes giving a free peek is part of the fun. Tires screeched and a horn blew three times in the alley....

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