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Beauty by BobH (c) 2009 Today is my wedding day. And watching the hustle and bustle as all those around me rush to get everything ready for the big occasion I can't help but think back on my relationship with her...with Rose. I first saw her one Friday night sitting at the bar in a smoky basement club in London's Soho, sipping a Scotch and smoking a cigarette. Dressed all in black - high heels, stockings, leather skirt, tank top, a leather jacket slung over the back of her seat - with long dark hair to match. She was beautiful. Not just regular-level beautiful either but Hollywood actress-level beautiful, with a face and figure that took your breath away. "Wow, who is that?" I asked Mickey, whose membership had got me into the club. "She looks like Megan Fox!" My work colleague and new drinking buddy - his previous wingman, Terry, having been inconsiderate enough to get married - chuckled loudly. "That, Peter my old son, is the gorgeous Miss Brialey. She could have her pick of any man in this club, and most of the women too, and has. Fact is when she first started coming here, about nine months ago, I thought she was a lesbian since she only seemed interested in women, but after the first month or two it's been all men." "Is she an actress, or a model, or something like that?" I asked. "Because with that face and that body she should be." "Yeah," agreed Mickey, looking at her wistfully, "but she's not. Seems she's independently wealthy and doesn't need to work. Terry went out with her once, right before he met his wife. Said she has a flat in a mews in Mayfair." I let out a low whistle. "Mayfair, eh? You've got to have serious money to live there. So why does she hang out in a club like this?" "Because she obviously likes sex - she might even be a nympho - and this is a pick-up joint. I mean, no one is going to say no to a woman who looks like that." "I certainly wouldn't," I agreed. As I watched her she took a final drag on her cigarette before stubbing it out, threw back the remains of her Scotch, then turned to face the rest of the club, scanning the small crowd. To my surprise, her gaze alighted on me and a predatory smile appeared on her perfect face. Rising from her bar stool, she made a bee-line for me, stopping in front of our table. "Dance with me," she said. In a daze, with what I'm sure was a goofy grin on my own face, I followed her on to the club's tiny dancefloor. The jukebox was playing George McRae's 'Rock Your Baby' - the owner kept it stocked with early-seventies music - and as we danced I couldn't take my eyes off her. The next record was Michael Jackson's 'Ben', and she immediately moved into my arms as it started up. The incongruity of slow dancing with such an incredibly beautiful woman to a song about a rat was not lost on me. As the song finished, she looked me in the eyes and said: "Enough foreplay. Come back to my place now and make love to me." I didn't need to be asked twice. "Gotta go," I told Mickey, not believing my luck. I don't think he believed it either. "You jammy bastard!" he laughed, as I followed her up the stairs that led out of the club. Mickey did not complain when we left together because he understood the most sacrosanct rule of the Guy Code: if your mate is going to get some then he will of course immediately abandon you and you will wish him well, because in his position you would do exactly the same. "I don't know your first name," I said, as we exited the club. "Rose," she said. "Yours?" "Peter," I replied, "it's Peter Cockcroft." "Good," she replied, pulling a set of keys from the pocket of her leather jacket. "Get in the car, Peter." I looked in the direction where she had aimed the key fob, and let out a low whistle when I saw the lights of a red Ferrari flash in response. "Wow! Nice wheels!" "Yes. If a car isn't beautiful and powerful I won't drive it." We climbed into the Ferrari on our respective sides, and the instant I'd clicked the lock on my seat belt into place she put her foot down and we shot out of the side street like a bullet from a gun. This was clearly a lady who loved speed, not that she was able to go too wild in the congested London streets on the short journey to Mayfair. As she drove I kept stealing quick, sideways glances at her, confirming she was just as beautiful in profile, still not quite believing she had chosen me. I was sure she only wanted me for a one-night stand, but if there was any way of making this more than that then I was going to find it. It took fifteen minutes to get to her place. Once there, she locked the Ferrari away in the garage and we climbed the stairs to her flat. As I would have expected, her furniture and decor all looked seriously expensive and on the cutting age of modern design. Against one wall was the largest flat screen TV I'd ever seen, with stack of DVDs piled up beneath it. These were all major movies and stretched from the 1930s to the present day. "Movie buff?" I asked. "Part of my project to give myself a full cultural education," she said. "You'll have already seen most of these over the course of your life so far, but I'm playing catch-up." There were a number of sculptures dotted around her lounge, all of naked women, and on the walls were framed photos of Rose involved in various high-adrenelin activities like ski-ing, sky-diving, mountaineering, white-water rafting, etc., usually in the company of one or more other women. What really caught my attention however was the large painting that dominated the wall opposite the TV wall. It was done in a style similar to that of the pre-Raphaelites and showed a young woman in a long, unadorned white dress, with lustrous blonde hair that cascaded down over her shoulders in waves. Her only jewellery was a simple, gold pendant necklace with a curious design on its face reminiscent of a Celtic knot. Various ladies-in-waiting were fussing over her, as if preparing her to meet a potential suitor. Her face looked pretty and innocent where Rose's projected a confident, knowing sexuality, and yet there was something similar about them, something I couldn't put my finger on. "Is she a relative?" I asked. "Not exactly, no," said Rose, looking at the painting with obvious distaste. "No, what she is is a reminder, a warning, about being sweet and passive and accepting your fate without a murmur." "Oh," I said. "Nice painting, though. Where did you acquire it?" "It came along with me," she said, vaguely. I might have asked her what she meant by this if she hadn't chosen that moment to press her body against mine and slide her hand down the front of my trousers. "No more talk," she said. "Okay,"I squeaked, leaning in to kiss her. "And no kissing on the mouth," she added, turning her face away. Before I could say anything further her hand closed around my cock and she led me into the bedroom. Naked, her body was every bit as magnificent as I'd imagined it would be, and perhaps predictably we made love with her on top. What was surprising was that as she squeezed my cock with her pussy muscles she stared off into the middle distance, almost as if she was gauging me in some way, as if she was learning something deeper about me in the process. When we came we came simultaneously, she yelling out "Yes!!" and smiling down at me with a look of triumph on her face. "At last!" she said. "Glad to be of service," I grinned, assuming from her reaction that I might be the first man who had ever actually brought her to orgasm. "Okay," she said, rolling off me, "you have to go now, but be back here at three tomorrow afternoon. Don't be late." Before I knew it - and before I had fully finished dressing - she had bundled me downstairs out of her flat and into the street. What a strange woman! I did not know what to make of her. ********************************* "So what are you going to do?" asked Mickey as we ate lunch in a Soho pub the follwing day. "Honestly?" I said. "I don't know. She may be bi, but if her sculptures and photos are anything to go by she definitely prefers women. Yet she picked me out. Why? And what the heck was all that stuff with her all about, anyway? She's one weird chick." "Maybe so," said Mickey, spooning chicken tikka masala into his mouth, "but she also looks like Megan Fox." "There is that," I admitted. "And since when has a girl liking other women been a problem for any red-blooded, heterosexual male?" "Well, yeah..." "Peter, my old son, you *will* meet Rose at her flat at three," said Mickey, "and afterwards you'll give me all the juicy details. Chicken out, and I will be forced to revoke your straight guy license and take possession of your porn collection, however personally distateful I might find it." "Yeah, right," I laughed. "At least it would add some variety to all that ladyboy stuff you drool over." "A foul slur spread about by those jealous of my success with women," he said. "Let us speak of it no more." So it was that later that afternoon I found myself turning into the mews where Rose lived. I was ten minutes early. If I hadn't have been I might never have seen what I did. As I rounded the corner, I saw Rose outside her flat with another woman. They were all over each other and kissing passionately. I stepped back out of their line of sight, and a few minutes later the other woman, as stunning as Rose herself, walked past me. I recognised her immediately as Sonya Hussein, though that was hardly surprising since I saw her on my TV every night, reading the news. So Rose didn't want me kissing her but she was happy to lavish kisses on other women? She was using me in some way I could not fathom, I was sure of it, and for a second or two I considered turning on my heel and walking away - but only for a second or two. Realistically, how many times in my life was I likely to bed a woman as beautiful as Rose? Not very bloody many. So if she was using me then fine. I would just have to suck it up. When she greeted me at the door Rose seemed happy, maybe even excited, to see me. "C'mon," she said, taking my hand and leading me up the stairs. "Make yourself comfortable in the armchair," she said, heading for the bedroom, "I'll only be a minute". The armchair had been turned so that it faced the painting rather than the TV, and the painting itself had been lowered to the floor so that when I sat down the woman's painted eyes were level with my own. "What's with rearranging the furniture?" I asked when Rose returned. "It's only temporary," she said. "Look, I have a gift for you." It was a pendant necklace, the same pendant necklace the woman in the painting was wearing. "Here, let me put it on you," she said, walking round behind me and dropping the chain over my head. The instant she did so, I became paralysed. My limbs and my mouth were totally immobile. Only my eyes retained the ability to move. "That confirms it," said Rose, smiling approvingly. "You definitely are a suitable candidate." A suitable candidate for what? I tried desperately to move, but I remained frozen in place. "It never occurs to anyone we might have dreams, have desires, beyond those they project onto us. But we do," she said, smiling appreciatively as she slowly ran her fingers over the curves of one of her sculptures of naked women. What was she talking about, and why couldn't I move? "My time awake was fully defined and mapped out for me, of course, but when I was asleep I was free. And I was asleep for a very long time. Why did no one ever wonder if I might dream, do you think, hmmm? What, cat got your tongue? Well, no matter." She poured herself a Scotch and lit a cigarette as I watched, still unable to move or to express the panic welling up inside me. "Such a long time to dream," she said, wistfully,"time enough in fact to dream my way out of my world and into yours, the world that defines mine, the one whose existence I hadn't even suspected. Time as well to explore this world, to dream my way around it, to become totally familiar with it's ways, and to know that this was where I wanted to be." Her world? Was she saying she's an alien? "Such joys to be found in this world, too; ones not even dreamed of in mine," she said, taking a long drag on her cigarette and exhaling with a sigh of pleasure. "Eventually I was able to dream myself totally into this world as the person I wanted to be in the life I wanted to live, to emerge from dream and take on physical form here as reality itself shifted and adapted to accomodate my presence and give me the wealth and lifestyle I required. I was finally me, the person you see before you, the person I wished to be. I admit the glorious freedom I now had went to my head a little at first, and I had sex with lots of women in a very short time. I was like a starving person suddenly confronted by a feast, and I gorged myself on them. That's right - I'm a lesbian. And I'll bet that's something no one ever thought I might be." She paused to take a sip of Scotch and another long drag on her cigarette, before giving me a look of cold amusement. "Yes, I can see the realisation dawning in your eyes; that's why no kissing on the mouth. I could just about manage sex with a man if I had to, but not that. Sex with more men than I'd have liked, actually, but finally I found the one I was looking for. Finally I found you. The thing is, you see, that eventually, back in my world, I have to wake up, and since I'm here now that would involve pulling me back there. I'm never going back, not ever, so the only way I can stay here is if someone wakes up in my place. I knew I had a year to find someone, knew that someone had to be a man, and as soon as we had sex I knew that man was you. A shame that was the only way to identify a suitable candidate, but it was. When I dreamed myself into this world I also acquired the knowledge of the conditions that governed that transit and how to have someone else take my place. I also acquired the painting and the necklace, which manifested here along with me from who knows where. They're the key to this. At the end of my first year here they would have activated and sucked me back to where I came from...if I hadn't found you. And just as reality shifted to accomodate my arrival here, so will it shift to accomodate your departure. No one here will remember Peter Cockcroft ever existed, not even me. Goodbye, Peter." So saying, she tapped the pendant once with her finger, and a strange, warm tingling spread through my body. A peculiar humming sound in front of me attracted my gaze in that direction. It was coming from the painting. My eyes locked with the painted eyes of the woman, eyes now mesmerically alive, and I was trapped. As the humming grew in volume, filling the world, and as the warm tingling increased until it pushed all other feeling out of my body, so my gaze was held. Then, suddenly, I was tumbling forward into her eyes, twisting uncontrollably and spinning, falling downwards as if from a great height. Then I blacked out and knew nothing more. Until someone kissed me. I opened my eyes and there he was, a smile on his handsome face. "My prince!" I sighed. He offered me his hand, and as he helped me up I glanced down at my female form, recognizing the simple white dress I was wearing and the pendant necklace, nestled between my breasts and framed by my long blonde hair. I was her now, the girl in the painting, the one Rose had once been. As my rescuer led me through the castle to see my father the King and to request my hand in marriage so the place was coming back to life all around us, it's inhabitants waking from the slumber of years. The kiss that had finally woken me had also woken them. I now knew who she was, of course: Rose Brialey - Briar Rose. And now I was she. I was filled with joy. I had no choice. Awake, I was now part of a story and the power of narrative would keep me in my assigned role, feeling and acting as the tale directed. Perhaps I would have free will when I slept as she had done, but perhaps not even then. Perhaps all that was left for me was to live happily. Ever after. ***************************** Rose Brialey smiled wistfully as she licked her fingers, savouring the still-lingering taste of her lover, and gazed at the empty wall opposite her television. It was a space that cried out for a painting, but for no good reason she could recall she had never hung one there. That was an oversight she definitely needed to rectify. Sonya had left for home twenty minutes earlier and Rose had been really sorry to see her go. Perhaps it was time she settled down, and perhaps Sonya was The One. The idea of living together as one half of a couple was no longer as scary as it used to be, and the thought of living with Sonya actually made her happy. Yes, perhaps she would raise the possibility during their next post-coital pillow talk, but right this instant she wanted to watch a movie. Going to the stack of DVDs, she pulled out an old favourite and loaded it into the player: Disney's 'Sleeping Beauty'. She had always loved the story, always related to it on a level that was true for no other fairy tale. But she could not have told you why. The End. ************************************ This is the second time I've used 'Sleeping Beauty' as the basis for a TG tale. The first is shorter than this, is told in verse form, and can be found here on fictionmania: Sleeping Beauty: The Real Story

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Sibling MagusChapter 31

We had spent so much time talking about what was going on and deciding what to do immediately, that by the time we were ready to discuss Magic, we were interrupted by a knock on the door. I went to answer it, but Dalton quickly pulled me back. “We don’t know who it is,” she said. Jordan went to the window and looked out without moving the drapes. “It looks like the police. There are two uniforms and a pair of men in suits.” Dalton waved me away from the door. “Let me answer. The Syndicate...

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The CureChapter 26

Ashlann was in her office, a place I’d never been invited to before. Also in the room were a tall, dark, oddly-dressed couple of women and by dark I mean jet black skin and by oddly-dressed, completely covered, other than their faces. “Cure David, Monitor Vilgra, welcome. Please be seated,” Ashlann began. “Supervisor Monitor,” we both politely intoned before seating ourselves facing the couple. “This is Ambassador Efiloqu and her assistant Iriantala of the Melanoqui Autarchy,” she...

2 years ago
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"Get your feet off the table" My mother insisted, kicking my legs as she walked passed me, carrying a laundry basket on her hip. "I'm reading! Chill!" I retorted."Well hurry up. You need to go move your stuff out of your brother's room before he gets back tonight.""STEP brother. I'll get it done. He'll be here all summer. It's not like he's going to freak if some of my clothes are in the dresser." I grumbled"Just do it. He needs a place to put his stuff while he's here, and that room is his,...

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The BoxChapter 3

"Bong!" The doorbell woke me up. It was 7AM. "Just a minute!" I called out. Over night, the dildo had slipped from my vagina and was lying on the floor. I quickly thrust it into the night stand, stumbling as I was again overtaken by the electric shocks that ran through my body whenever I moved the damn thing. "Bong!" The doorbell again. "Hold on!" I shouted, as I rushed to the closet and threw on a shirt and pair of jeans. Finally I got to the door. "Hello there!" A large, burly...

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The Courier Ch 07

Chapter 7 — An Understanding Maria Elena woke up in the middle of the night. She realized that she was awake because she heard someone coming through the front door. Still not accustomed to living in a country where break-ins were very rare, she silently went into the hallway to investigate. Very quietly she looked down the stairs, to observe Cecilia and her naked fiancé embraced in the front entryway. They were passionately going at it, a make-out session they would not even think of doing if...

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First affair

I was out shopping on a beautiful summer day when I saw this man looking at me checking me out.I was dressed to be checked out.I was wearing a pair of tight shorts,a sleeveless top with a nice amount of cleavage showing and a pair of strap heels.I smiled at him and he came over to me and introduced himself.I'm guessing he was 30 something.He was very handsome and had a pretty good body.We talked for awhile and I was a bit nervous not only that someone may see us but how I was going to get him...

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The Catalogs

It's a little embarrassing when Mother caught me looking at women's panties on the Victoria's Secret website but when she sat down next to me and told me that the panties I had been looking at were pretty and probably very comfortable, I just about died of embarrassment. She suggested I order the five for $25.50 and then I'd be on the catalog list. Then I wouldn't have to waste time on the internet when I could enjoy looking at all the pretty intimates in the privacy of my own bedroom....

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The Good Guy all the Bad Girls Want part 3

Part 3. Ruth and Ben.The four of us sat around Sharon's kitchen table working out our new routine for the coming week. A couple of days had passed since the first session and yesterday had me flat out on my sofa recovering from our little adventure.Angie, as usual, was in charge and taking notes."Alright," she said, calling us to order, "Here's what I'm thinking. Six days. Monday till Saturday. That means a potential two appointments per week for the three of us to have sex with Ben on our own....

2 years ago
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B8217day Gift in Train by a Stranger 8211 1

Hi, i am Sanju from Delhi, I am a regular reader of this website. I liked some of the stories very much and thus I decided to narrate you about one of my true and adventures story of my life which happened in a train some time back. I would try to narrate my story in hindi. Yeh baat last year (2007) ki sardiyon ki hai jab mai apne office se kuch dino ki chutti le ke apne ghar pe new year aur mere B’Day celebration ke liye jar aha tha. Maine 2 class AC Compartment mai reservation karwaya hua...

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Honkytonk HeroChapter 19

Tommy showed up for work at seven-thirty on the Monday morning after his vacation, refreshed and relaxed, even though he’d only slept for four hours. His vacation had been great, but he was glad to be home. He was the first one in that morning, so he unlocked the side door to the warehouse and he and Rex slipped inside. Tommy heaved a satisfied sigh as surveyed his realm, noting with pleasure that it was almost as neat and orderly as when he’d left. He went to his locker, shed his jacket...

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Simply Irresistable

SIMPLY IRRESISTABLE Creamy satin and silk Smooth nylon and lace To girls wearing these Men so often give chase So quick to remove them They sometimes don?t see Another sensation That is theirs, just for free Eye shadow and perfume Lipstick deep, shiny pink So much more exciting Than a young man might think Cotton, Lycra and leather Soft Angora wool Girls wardrobes with these things Are often quite full Bras, panties and stockings High heels and low There isn?t a...

5 years ago
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party at the club 1

We had been playing our fun games for a while now and having sex in some very interesting places at some very strange times, not worried about others seeing us or joining us the life of fun was being enjoyed totally.We had decided to go clubbing to a great spot near to us but not to near if you know what I mean, total anonymity was pretty much guaranteed and this was preferable for all, we had a great day going around London sorting some sexy things for you to wear for the nights fun. Bonus was...

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Getting Laid 8211 Part I

I love most stories posted here. I am an ardent reader of ISS and have come across few very astonishing erotic stories I’ve ever read. Specially the one’s where women are narrators. Following are my real life incidents: Aaaaahrrgghh” I grunted out loud as I came with beast force. I went in a trance and my body parts felt feather light as if they never existed. You scoundrelll, get off me” gagging she yelled at me slapping hard on my right thigh trying to stand up from her kneeling position. My...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 18 Connections

June 23, 1986, Chicago, Illinois “Mario called last night to let me know he was safely in Los Angeles,” Julia said to kick off our Monday morning meeting. “What did you decide about Cincinnati?” I asked. “Cindi and I will do it,” Julia said. “With your sister and Elyse handling the day-to-day administrative stuff for the summer, I can spend the time. The real pinch is that it’s going to take Cindi away from sales for a week. We don’t have an option, though, because we really can’t afford...

2 years ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Minxx Marii I Took My Stepsister On A Picnic

Ricky Spanish hasn’t been very nice to his stepsister, Minxx Marii. He’s been perving on her quite a lot, so he thinks that maybe he can set up a Labor Day picnic to make it up to her. Minxx thinks that’s just so sweet, and she even has a new outfit she can wear. A few minutes later, she struts out wearing a lovely dress that highlights her slim curves. Ricky lets her know that they’re going to picnic indoors because it’s too warm outside for a nice meal. At first,...

5 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 2

There was no rhyme, or reason for our affair. Deirdre had kept herself chaste since her teenage love affair with her brother, and now she gave herself fully and beautifully to me. The thrill of making love to such a beautiful woman kept my attention and we remained passionate lovers, though careful and circumspect at all times. It would not do to open ourselves up to the storm of criticism that would follow such a disclosure. Evie knew something was different because I was happier when she...

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A Teachers Story Ch 03

THE DANCE In early May, Grant High School held what was considered the second biggest social event of the year, The School Dance. Only the Senior Prom was a bigger event. All of the faculty would be in attendance. Spouses, significant others, girlfriends and boyfriends would be there. I went alone. Jen sat at he VIP table. Peter Brant and his wife had come to the dance and were seated at Jen’s table, as were Jen’s secretary Marie and her husband Tony. . I was relegated to one of the lower...

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Latha 8211 The Sex Whore

Hello friends, I am back with my new incident, which was happened to my real life during my Btech study. But sorry guy’s / Gals for not writing my stories from few days. Welcome once again for all my friends who really likes to read all my stories which were written before. And like to inform u once again that this is the continuation to my previous story “My Milky Aunty”. For the new readers, I am Naveen doing my Btech for 3rd year. I wrote several stories of sex and many more of different...

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Stella Maris SM in Spain 2

Stella Maris submits to sexual serving meI wake up with a heavy hard-on and see Stella Maris looking at me with a sweet shy smile."Hi Stella sweetie, my sexy servant for today. Are you already wet and waiting for me?""I waited for you. I know it's your day now. I don't know if I'm wet". I touch her there."Wet enough to take you when I want to, but get down on me first!" Sweet Stella submits.Gobbling up and down the shaft of my big brown banana isn't Stella's preferred position.She tries her...

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Malan MothersChapter 3

Enid expounded, "No, you misunderstand. Mother Narech is a mechanoid, built by the Personalia to look and act as a Malan mother, to give the babies instruction in a nurturing environment as close to the Malan norm as possible. If you imagine a robot made to look like a person, that is Mother Narech. She is semi-autonomous; connected all the time to The Personalia, but able to act independently. She is a lovely person, I am told, so don't think "robot", think "person". "The children...

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Feels Like 16 Untitled

It was the first Friday after Spring Break. I played the sick card. Riva was throwing a party and I couldn’t bring myself to go especially on a Friday night. Instead, I stayed in Tegan’s room while she went. I said I wasn’t feeling well and insisted that she go in my stead. She begged me to go, I couldn’t. Spring Break was still too fresh in my head. I lay there in her bed for hours, trying to convince myself that I should just go to sleep. I couldn’t. For as much as I wished I could, I...

Group Sex
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How It All Began Ch 09

With one eye open and then another, Jack realized he must have dozed off momentarily. Peering over the top of his sunglasses, the sun loungers were unoccupied. Jack felt disoriented and confused; he wondered where the others had gone. Questioning if the fun and games had started without him, he looked to his left. Looming into his personal space, there was Brigitte staring through her sunglasses directly at him. Caught unawares, only his own glasses maintained his façade of calm. Jack knew...

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My Chemistry Tutor

I was not very good at chemistry during school time. My mom decided that I should go for tuition. She asked me if I knew any good teacher. I told her that sujata teacher(i have heard her name from my seniors) was good. The next day we went to her house. She told that usually she doesn’t take tuition. But my mom insisted her and she finally agreed. And finally I got the chance I was praying for, to sit next to my favorite teacher. The next day I started tuition. Her timings were 5-6:30 pm and I...

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Defending sis CH 0102

by jessy19 I heard my mother and twin sister Natalie talking in the living room that Friday afternoon. She was getting ready for her big date with Keith Reynolds, the captain of the wrestling team. At that time my sister and I had just turned 18 and were both seniors in high school. She was a cheerleader and very popular. I on the other hand was more into the academics but still had a good amount of friends. "Oh sweetie you look beautiful. That Keith guy is going to drool when he sees you," I...

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Sex With Cousin During Study Time

Hello, I’m Aby (name changed), 18 year old currently residing in Bangalore. I have posted a story before on ISS – this is a fantasy cum real story! Only when the sex part comes, it becomes fictional. Rest everything is true. I hope you have a good time reading it. After what happened between her & me, she became a bit emotional and since I wasn’t good at dealing with those stuffs. I felt sorry & started to give her more...

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USAChapter 15

The children; Keri turned 11. Two months later, Artturi turned 12. We were still in New Orleans. We were still in New Orleans because Wendy didn't want to be a new mom at sea. Don't get me wrong ... she had no problem being a mom at sea ... she didn't want to be a NEW mom at sea ... like in the big watery middle of nowhere and trusting her birthing to me. Besides, there seemed to be plenty of money in tugboats. But what did I know. A tug looked to be a decent investment ... if people...

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Big Trouble In Little Soho

Thanks to all of you who leave comments. I am new at this and your feedback is really appreciated. I hope you enjoy reading this one as much as I enjoyed writing it. Intro. How the hell did I get myself into this mess? More importantly, how the hell do I get myself out of this mess? It all started after a lads day out in Soho in London. I got separated from the group and was wandering around a bit unsteadily trying to find them. It was early evening and the prostitutes were...

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A fantastic fantasy list

This Chyoo story is a collection of our user's most intimate and exciting fantasies. Please follow the choices below to your liking. The first story is my personal fantasy and is located under the Revenge category..

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The Six Pills of DominationPill 2

The word was masturbation. I had a fever whose heat was fueled by power. I tried to make a list of six women that I had access to and wanted. "I COULD have them!" was the death of any attempt at systematic planning. The fantasies were too strong; too many choices. What sixteen-year old male in a high school of fifteen hundred cannot number six to six hundred women he would fuck given the opportunity? I decided that putting together a plan was not going to work, at least not until after I...

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Role Play In Delhi 8211 Part 1

Hello guys, I am Pratik from Allahabad, a student. I am 21 years of age, athletic built, good bed skills and know some tricks to satisfy your fantasies and above average dick. I had a gf in Delhi and her name is Soumya. She actively participates and have a nasty shade. I will tell her figure in the story itself, just she is a gym regular. I was in 3rd year of college. She is a 1 year elder to me. We had phone sex and webcam sex chat and were desperate to have some intercourse. We planned to...

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