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Kara looked in the mirror and sighed. In her hand she held a magazine filled with skinny supermodels, women six feet tall barely weighing a hundred pounds. Kara looked at the pictures then back at her reflection. She knew she didn’t look like any of the models in the magazine–that is unless you roll them all into one to make on large one, then you’d have Kara. She looked at her reflection with a critical eye.

‘My hips are too wide, my ass is definitely not round and perky, my breasts are way too full and big, not to mention these huge chocolate nipples attached to them and if God only created eraser for the body, I’d erase my stomach till it was flat as a board’. Day in and day out these thoughts plagued her, tearing down what little self confidence she had.

‘Excuse me, Miss, but can you tell me how to get to 12th and Alexandria?’

‘W-What did you say?’ Kara asked, the deep male voice interrupting her thoughts.

‘I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. I’m trying to get to 12th and Alexandria. Do you know how to get there?’

Kara turned around and stared at eyes that looked like rays of sun dipped in sweet chocolate. His beaming smile shone like the high beams of a new car. His midnight hair was neatly fashioned in twists covered his creamy mocha complexion. She watched is full pink lips move, but she never heard one word as her eyes devoured him.

‘Miss are you okay?’ She heard him ask. Catching her reflection, she saw to her horror small beads of sweat on her forehead.

‘I-I-I’m okay’, she stammered, ‘You said 12th and Alexandria, right? she finally managed to ask.

‘Yeah, 12th and Alexandria. There’s a new poetry club opening there and I wanted to check it out. My name is Jared.’ he said offering his hand.

‘Kara.’ she smiled, taking his hand. They say a man’s handshake is but a mere inkling of the power of his soul. Kara felt her soul quake from his firm, yet gentle handshake.

‘It’s nice to meet you, Kara. I’m new here and don’t really know to many people. I know you just met me and don’t know me from Adam, but would you like to go with me to the poetry club?’ Kara blinked her eyes hard, not truly believing what she was hearing. This chocolate god was asking her, the fat girl that got teased her entire existence, to go with him.

‘Are you serious?’ she asked. Suddenly images of her high school prom flooded her mind. As a cruel prank, the school’s president asked her to the prom. She was heavier in high school than she was now and couldn’t believe that someone this handsome would ask her to the prom. Without hesitation, she accepted his invitation. She spent all her summer job savings on a gorgeous baby blue gown that did a fairly decent job of disguising her many rolls, a limo and a grueling six hour stay at the hair salon getting coiffed within an inch of her life. He never showed up. Determined, she went to the prom by herself. As soon as she step into the hall, the entire senior class turned around and laughed at her. She ran from the hall, their cruel laughter and taunts still haunted her dreams some eight years later.

‘Yeah Kara, I’m very serious. Why wouldn’t I want to have a beautiful woman on my arm, showing me around town, and enjoying some good poetry with me?’ The sincerity in his words cut through her resolve.

‘I would be delighted to join you, Jared. Matter-of-fact, if you’re not driving, I can take us to the club. My car is parked out front.’

‘Actually, I am driving. How about this, the club doesn’t open until nine and it’s only about three now. Why don’t you follow me back to my place, I can park my car and then we can ride back into town in your car and cop a squat in the park or just hang out till it opens?’ She couldn’t believe her luck. Her she was, the fat girl, getting asked out by this gorgeous hunk of man.

‘Okay Jared, just let me get my things rung up and we can go.’ Jared had taken a peak of the clothes she had in her hand and frowned his nose.

‘Um, Kara, if you don’t mind me saying so, those clothes won’t do you one bit of justice.’

‘What do you mean? This is what all those models are wearing in the magazine. See.’ she said, pointing to the pictures. Frowning his face again, he took the magazine from her hand and through it in the trash.

‘Why on earth did you do that?’ she asked, eyes opened wide.

‘Trust me. Those magazines do more harm than good. Tell you what,’ he paused taking the clothes from her, ‘Let me pick out an outfit and you can wear it tonight.’

‘Okay.’ she relented. Jared cut through the department store like a buzzsaw. He finally settled on an ankle length midnight blue sleeveless dress, with full straps accented by rhinestone clips, a sweetheart neckline and thigh-high side split. He picked out a pretty rhinestone earring and necklace set to match. Kara looked at the dress, a little unsure of it. It would expose her body in ways she wasn’t all too comfortable with. She felt flushed with fever when Jared came back with sensual black lace lingerie for her to wear. The strapless ebony corset, with garters and matching thong made her heart drop. ‘How cruel can he be to pick out a thong for me to wear? Can’t he see my ass is too big for that?’ she thought. As if reading her mind, Jared took her hand and whispered in her ear, ‘Kara you are a beautiful woman, no matter what size you are. Whether you’re a size 2 or a size 22.’ She felt her eyes well with tears. No man has ever said that to her. He let her hand go and went off in search of shoes. He came back shortly with at pair of platform heeled shoes with wide ankle straps. It never dawned on her to tell him her size. She quickly paid for her items, taking the bags in his hand, they walked out to there separate cars.

Twenty minutes later, they pulled up in front of his apartment. Jared’s apartment was tastefully decorated with various African sculptures, paintings, and throw rugs and butter soft ebony leather.

‘This is my humble abode.’ he said smiling.

‘Jared, I see your excellent taste isn’t limited only to women’s clothing.’ she joked.

‘Glad you like. C’mere, I want to show you something.’ Kara followed him to his bedroom. She stopped short of the doorway, looking at him suspiciously.

‘No, I’m not a rapist or a cannibal,’ he laughed, easing her mounting tension, ‘I only wanted to show you this.’ Taking her hand, he pulled her in front his full length mirror.

‘Look into the mirror Kara, what do you see?’ he asked softly.

‘I see me.’ she answered, her voice straining. Her reflection always made her cry.

‘No, what do you see?’

‘I see me. Big, fat ole me,’ she cried. ‘My cheeks are fat, my lips too big, my breasts too full too big, I have a gut, my hips too wide, my legs too fat and to top it all off, I have a big ass!’ she wailed, covering her eyes as she cried in torrents. Moving her hands away from her face, Jared softly dabbed her tears with a silk handkerchief.

‘Now, let me tell you what I see. I see a woman, with beautiful, soulful eyes. Very sexy full lips and cheeks. Your lush breasts can drive a man to insanity, trust me when I say that I’m not that far from it. I would love to have those hips and legs of your wrapped around me. And that ass! I was drawn to it like a magnet.’ She blushed from the roots of her hair to the soles of her feet. She never had a man compliment her body like that before.

‘Kara, would you do me a favor? Can you go in the bathroom and change into the lingerie and heels that I picked out for you?’ he asked softly.

‘What did you say?’ she asked, dazed.

‘I want to see you in the lingerie I picked out. Stocking and heels. The whole nine.’ He said, cupping her face, kissing her on the lips. His kiss sent fiery chills down her spine. With trembling hands and jelly-like legs, she grabbed the bags and went into the bathroom.

A few minutes later, she emerged. The corset fit her kind of snug a
nd push her full breasts up, her nipples straining against the lacy material. The garters stretched down her full hips, snapping onto the lacy tops of the sheer thigh-high smoky black stocking. She had never wore a thong until today and despite the material in the crack of her ass, she found the experience quite liberating and made a mental note to buy more. Slipping the heels on, thankful that they were the thick platform style since her large frame wasn’t really compatible with stiletto heels. Applying a thin coat of her favorite reddish brown lipstick and loosened her braids that were held in a bun. On a whim, she added the rhinestone necklace and earrings.

‘Jared?’ she called out.

‘I’m in here.’ he answered. She walked out the bedroom and saw Jared sitting on the leather sofa. He had his leg crossed, sipping on a glass of white wine. Duke Ellington’s Single Petal of a Rose filled the room. The scent of rose and Egyptian sandalwood candles burning filled her lungs. Jared watched Kara step shyly out of the room. His breath was taken away at the sight of her in the lingerie. She had no idea how sexy she looked.

‘Turn around Kara, I want to see that ass of yours. I want to see how lovely that thong looks.’ Kara timidly turned around, thankful not to see his hawk-like eyes. Jared couldn’t believe that this woman wasn’t brimming over with self confidence. He slowly crept up off the couch and stood behind her. Slipping his hands around her waist, cause her to jump.

‘Here, drink some of this.’ he said handing her his glass of wine. She gratefully accepted his glass, taking a healthy gulp. Her heart began to pound as she felt the smooth palms of his hand stroking her ass.

‘Tell me Kara, have you ever had a man appreciate this wonderful ass of yours?’ he whispered in her ear, still stroking.

‘C-Can’t say that I have.’ she whispered, taking another gulp.

‘That is a pity, because this ass of yours is magnificent.’ he said. She felt his body slide against hers as he knelt down behind her. Massaging her ass, he began kissing her soft skin. Kara gasped as she felt his hot kisses on her ass. She nearly dropped the glass when she felt his fingers slip the thong from her buttocks, moving it aside, replacing it with his tongue. If her legs weren’t jellylike before, they were now. His tongue was slashing through her ass cheeks, stabbing at the tight skin of her anus. Her moans were like music to his ears. He could feel her juices moistening the crotch of her panties. He ran his finger against the soft material, feeling her wetness.

‘Jared,’ she whispered, ‘I really need to sit down before my knees buckle.’ The passion was burning through her body. She had never had a man do to her what Jared was doing to her right now. But, then again, her sexual experience was very little.

‘Not yet, love. Turn around, I want to see that pussy of yours.’ he said, placing a kiss on both of her ass cheeks, slowly turning her around. ‘Oh my God, he’s gonna see how wet my thong is.’ she thought to herself.

He hooked the waistband of her thong between his teeth and slowly pulled them down, exposing her pussy inch, by glorious inch. He deeply inhaled the musky scent of her womanhood. His fingers couldn’t resist touching the soft bush of black curls covering her swollen labia. His touches were like pure electricity shooting through her body. She placed her hands on his shoulders as she stepped out of the thong.

‘Keep your hands on my shoulder, Kara. You’re gonna need something to hold onto.’ Those were the last words he uttered before burying his face in her curls. She quickly grasped his shoulders, holding on for dear life. His tongue teased the folds of her vagina, slipping between her outer labia, drawing in her inner labia with a powerful sucking motion of his mouth. Her moans grew louder, taking on an almost pleading sound, since he has yet to touch her swollen. Sensing her growing need, he attacked her clit like a starving man. Sucking and nibbling on the hardened nub, blowing on the little kernel of pleasure. Kara thought she was going to die from pleasure. Even when she masturbates, she never built up an orgasm like the one building in her now. Jared could taste her juices changing ever so slightly, sure sign that she was ready to climax, but he wasn’t ready for her to come yet. He kisses her clit once more before moving his mouth away. He looked up at her, her dark brown eyes shimmering from unshed tears. Tears he knew were from her built up passion straining for release.

‘Please Jared, why did you stop?’ she cried. Jared stood up, scooping her up in his arms. Kara gasped in shock, not believing that this man was carrying her as if she weighed nothing. Jared carried her to the bedroom, laying her out in the middle of his white satin covered bed. Slowly, he began to strip. Kara thought she was going to come just from watching him. Before she knew it, he was standing there, naked and very erect. Her eyes bulged at the size of his penis. And it was semi-erect, she had seen enough to know that his penis wasn’t totally erect. But even in this semi erect state, Jared’s dick was at least eight inches long and about three inches wide. Kara’s body began to shudder as a huge orgasm washed over her. She couldn’t believe that she was coming just from the sight of him. She covered her face in shame and embarrassment.

‘Was it good?’ Jared asked.

‘I cannot believe I just did that,’ she mumbled, her breathing still a bit shallow.

‘Why? Because you came so hard from so little?’

‘Jared, I have never had a man do what you did to me before.’ she whispered.

‘That is a shame. Because I have never had a woman taste so sweet.’, he paused, licking his lips, ‘I can only imagine what that sweetness is going to feel like around my dick.’ he said, stroking his erection. Watching Jared made her pussy flood, so much so she could feel the moisture dripping down her thighs.

‘Kara, unhook that corset. I want to see those big breasts of yours.’ he said, his hand still stroking his dick.

‘But, Jared..’ she trailed off, ashamed of what she was going to say. She couldn’t bring herself to remove the corset. Sensing her reluctance, Jared climbed on the bed, straddling her lap, resting his penis on her stomach. She reached out to touch his erection. The satiny smoothness of his swollen head set her mouth watering. She had developed a major oral fixation thanks to her last boyfriend. Jared watched her lick her lips and smiled.

‘Wanna take a lick?’

‘God knows I do.’ He was only too happy to oblige. But before he gave her what she wanted, he slipped his fingers beneath the hooks of her corset and freed her full breasts. Gathering her breasts in his hands, he slipped his organ between her mounds. Kara snaked her tongue out and licked at his head each time it peeped out between her breasts. Taking his finger, he opened her mouth, resting his penis on her lips. Sticking her tongue out, he playfully spanked it with his tip before slipping it between her full lips. Jared was in absolute heaven. Her mouth expertly sucked his dick. He couldn’t keep his hands off her full breasts and enormous nipples, that got hard from his pinches.

‘God Kara’, he groaned, ‘I only imagined what my dick would look like in your mouth, surrounded by those thick ass lips of yours.’ Kara listened to him, occassionally looking up at him, causing him to moan even louder. She would slip his dick out of her mouth, rubbing the head over her lips, sliding her tongue down the shaft. Jared couldn’t believe that she was blowing him like a champ and if he wasn’t careful, he was shoot cum all down her throat. He pulled his dick out of her mouth, causing a groan to escape both their lips.

‘Kara, I have got to fuck you. If your pussy feels as good as you taste, I can die a happy man.’

She parted her thick thighs and guided his head into her dripping pussy. His massive organ slipped effortlessly inside of her. He drove his cock hilt deep
inside of her and stopped. He stopped because she had started coming again and if he stroked again, he would have came too. But for now, he was savoring every moment of her orgasm. The way her breasts quivered, the way she bit on her bottom lip, the way she held her hips in the air as if they were suspended by invisible ropes. Kara couldn’t believe that she was coming this hard, this soon after her first one. She had never experienced more than one orgasm, if that many. Jared’s dick was like magic inside of her. She couldn’t stop licking her lips, as she savored the taste of his cock in her mouth. Then the unbelievable happened – Jared placed each of her legs on his shoulders. His lips left a trail of hot kisses on her stocking covered legs. Placing a hand on her stomach, lovingly stoking her ‘gut’.

‘Kara are you ready? Because I am going to fuck you like no other.’ Saying that, Jared began to thrust hard and deep inside her pussy. By her legs being elevated, she felt his thrusts even deeper inside her. Suddenly, she felt his thumb slide inside her anus. Kara moans soon turned into passion filled screams as Jared pumped furiously inside of her heat. Jared was mesmerized by the bouncing breasts and nipples dancing before his eyes. He leaned forward, bending her knees to her chest, thrusting even deeper inside of her, capturing her nipples in his mouth. Jared felt his balls getting extremely tight and he knew he was ready to blow his load. Kara’s heart began to pound in her chest. If she though the previous orgasm was hard, this one coming was off the Richter scales.

‘Oh God Jared! I am CUMMINGGG!’ Kara howled like a banshee, digging her nails in his back as he pounded her. Her pussy clamped hard on his dick giving him the extra push that he needed. He shot his seed inside of her spasming pussy which such force that he couldn’t contain his own screams. Kara closed her eyes so tight, she saw white spots dancing in front of her eyes. They remained joined at the sex for a few minutes as each struggle to catch their collective breaths. Jared rolled off of her, pulling her into his warm arms.

‘Kara, you are one sexy lady. I don’t give a damn how big you are. Don’t change one iota.’ he whispered, kissing her lips.

‘Jared, do you think I’m beautiful, like the women in the magazines?’ she timidly asked.

‘Hell no.’ Kara’s eyes began to tear. ‘Kara you are more beautiful than those stick pin women.’

‘Are you serious?’ she asked, her voice filled with shock.

‘Honey, I don’t know about some men, but this man likes a little meat when he bones!’

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The Mission I

The Mission I I "May I come in?" It was the Ambassador. We called her that but she was more than just an Ambassador. We referred to her as her as a convenience. Her gender was something like human female but not exactly. She is Thanopses, the leading diplomat and project director for the Fomalhaut First Contact Mission to Earth on behalf of the Galactic Federation. She is also my boss. My office, in whose door she stood, is in the building now known as the First Contact...

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Neighbor Petecont

I know I moaned as I massaged the head using only my lips and tongue.I looked up at him to see his head back,eyes shut tight,breathing deeper.I whispered that I love huge cock,opened wide and displayed my unusual gift.When I was about 17, a very well hung older man taught me how to deep throat.The act of concentrating,relaxing and opening the back of my throat has impressed some very large men.This was the perfect time,he was swollen but still soft,better to conform to my throat.Opening wide I...

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TRAVELS (LESBIAN TALES)Many of the lesbians I know or I’ve met, single or married, told me that much of the exciting sex they have had was on a trip, either a holiday or business. Here are a few examples, although all are fictitious, written as if they were narrated to me. MANDY (Single. 40 years old. Canadian. Brunette, rather plain face, nice body)I was never one to “go south” during our long cold winters, but last year I was fed up by the time Christmas came around and went to a travel...

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Fling at the Gym

Fact is I work out a lot and it shows. It's a stress reliever and sometimes I take it a little far cause I really get into it. Some guys get scared by my muscles now, but that's ok. I'm not really looking these days, I've been burnt too many times by too many assholes. So I just go to work, work out, and keep to myself. I'm actually pretty happy but there's this one guy at the gym who keeps stealing glances at me. I can't figure out if he likes me or if he's scared of me, but the gym is often...

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Sara sighed in frustration as he lit the candles in her bedroom. The room was set for seduction, a seduction that was supposed to happen, but now never would. She had all the props – scented sheets and candles, champagne. She wore just a silk robe with panties, an invitation to see what was worn beneath. Sara was ready for a night of hot sex with her lover, but her lover was a no-show. Earlier, she had attended a glitzy party wearing the most sinful concoction of black lace and silk that...

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Marathi Aaichi Vaasana 8211 Part IX

Ata diwsa Sundar aila thokun jaycha ani raatri Sundarchi aai mala thokayla yaachi.pudhche 3 aathavde ha nityakram chaaluch raaahila.Mi aaila mhanalo “Aai vel aaliye ki aai-mulala ek mekaanche khare chehre daakhvaaychi!!”aaiine mala dola maarla.Mi Radhaa kakula shanivaari doopari bolavla ani aaine Sundar la tyaach diwshi dupaari 4 chya sumaraas maaglya daarane yaayla saangitla ani bedroom madhe ye asa bolli.Aai ani maavshi tya diwshi dupari 2 laach baaher geli.3 laa radhaa kaku tharlyapramane...

1 year ago
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Nursing Neighbor Part II

I was relaxing between Judy's legs with my cock deflating inside of her, feeling my cum running out of her pussy, and continuing to suck her milky nipples as she lay back after having had several strong orgasms when I heard the distinctive sound of a key being pushed into a lock. I looked over the back of the couch to see Debbie coming in with an armload of books and her tits pressing against a white blouse under a blue school sweater. I quickly ducked back down, and she didn't see me. I...

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An incident that changed my life

Hi, this is Ruchi Sharma, Hope you have enjoyed my other 2 stories, here is the 3rd one, which infact changed my life. After finishing our 12th std, both Ankit and I opted for Hotel management at one of the top hotels in Delhi. We had continued our relationship throughout and we were almost like husband and wife for all sexual relations. This happened in the 3rd yr of the course. As usual we were studying/working from 2pm to almost 1 am on all days except the weekends. At around 11 pm Ankit...

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SixMonths TurnaroundChapter 11

Cliff was visiting Jack Crowther, vice president of purchasing at Magna Motors in Troy, Michigan. The meeting was not going well. Crowther had reviewed the business Magna had given to Murphy and the reasons for it. Then he dropped the bomb: "Cliff, I'm sorry you came over today. You would have received the word in Milwaukee tomorrow. We're cutting off Murphy as a supplier, effective at the end of your current order. I guess that's in about three or four weeks. I'm sorry, Cliff, but your...

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Shouldnt That Scare me More

It is based on somebody's real-life experience, yet the exact events were tailored to make it a story. I still put it in true stories though because I like to keep all of my stories in one place. I which the site had a creative nonfiction genre. Part two is pure fiction. Shouldn't That Scare me More? By Bistander Before the scoopful of cereal reached my mouth, milk dropped. Shit, I thought, a direct hit. My ball sack constricted and rolled my nuts. I shouldn't be able to see my package...

3 years ago
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MotherinLaw Panties Ch 01

Mother-in-Law Panties Ch. 01bytrianglestitch©This is the first of a series of stories about my mother-in-law.So I'm just the average Joe. But I married into a wealthy family...both in money and in looks. My wife is the eldest of five k**s, two of whom are budding and beautiful women. Now I don't want to take away from the k**s (of whom I will have another series of stories about) but the most gorgeous and beautiful of them all is their mother.Her name is Angie. She turns 51 this year but does...

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Daze in the ValleyChapter 60

Adam was relieved the situation with Trinity had ended at least semi-positively. He wasn't sure what had gotten into Sarah. She was sweet and cuddly this morning but he could see from her face when she walked through the door that she was pissed off about something. Still, she didn't seem to be irked with anyone outside of Trinity. He sat and drank iced tea with Karlie, learning a bit more about her and telling her some about him, when Allie gestured to him from the hallway. "Duty...

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The Big Fight

I had a couple days off from work, so I just pretty much laid around the house. Daddy came in the familyroom and told me, that Brian had been calling the past few nights. It didn't make any sense why he hasn't been around or coming up to work. I called Brian to tell him to come over, that I had the house to myself for a few hours. When Brian got to the house, I had my robe on, covering up one of my new nighties I bought just for him. Brian walked into the familyroom, seen me playing with...

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Her Diary

We were having coffee after dinner when she excused herself, with a wink, to visit the restroom. For no particular reason, I glanced at her open purse lying on the table and noticed the small pink book that said “Diary” on the cover. I sheepishly pulled it out and fanned the pages to browse its contents. My heart nearly stopped beating when I read the latest entry: "Dear Diary, I’m going out with him again this week and it is so bitter sweet. Such a sweet, generous man, but one who is very...

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A fun night after the races

My friends John,Nick and I all decided to go to the local sprint car track for a fun night of girls,badass racing,and amazing food,what more do you need for a great time? So after the final checkered flag was dropped we all decided to go back to Nicks house for some fun.Bomb fire,drinks,hangin out,it was the perfect summer night.Nicks extrememly hot sister kept staring at me.i would look over at her and she would be staring at my cock.Me being only 18 and her 25,she just seen me as...

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Multiple Creampies

Those that have spoken to me know that I've always had a thing for being shared. Just the thought of men hungry for my pussy is something that always makes me wet. It's as if they are saying I feel so good they want their friends to know and experience it too. The next story comes from a time where I was seeing a guy (Ed) who enjoyed watching his friends fuck me. Not in a 'traditional' way though. In his bedroom, he had a built in wardrobe that had wooden slats slanting down and what he would...

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The ForcePart 15

Cleaned and dried, we found ourselves back in the bedroom that Diane and I shared - still naked, and cuddling with each other on the bed. Both of us were a little tired from all the activity we'd been engaged in, and we just lay there talking to each other. Susan told me about some of the problems and troubles she'd had growing up - I wasn't surprised to learn that most of them were from being abused in varying ways by her brothers - as well as some of her happier memories, too. In return,...

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EvilAngel Francesca Le Mila Jade Nasty Couple Takes Asian Cuties Booty

Outdoors, hot-assed, Asian Mila Jade strips off her black bikini. She comes in naked to make out with MILF sex symbol Francesca Le. Surprise: Francesca’s husband, thickly hung porn stud Mark Wood makes it a threesome. The girls share dick, balls and spit! Mark porks Mila as she eats Francesca’s asshole, and the sluts share a tasty French kiss. The dominant couple chokes and sodomizes masturbating, orgasmically gasping Mila. Dirty-talking Francesca gets corn-holed too, with Mila...

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EuroGirlsOnGirls Honey Demon Kira Queen Kiara Lord 3some dildo and strapon at the pool

There’s been sexual tension between voluptuous Russian babe Kira Queen and her curvy Hungarian friend Kiara Lord for months. They’ve been masturbating to fantasies of fucking each other every night! Today it seems it will become a reality as the girls meet at the poolside for a massage from busty Romanian brunette bombshell Honey Demon. Kira goes first, and the slut can’t help but get wet as she feels Honey’s skilled fingers running up and down her well-oiled butt, and...

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Mom Taught Me How To Be a Slut Part 1

nOTE : tHIS STORY IS COMPLETELY FICTIONAL! My mom and I had always been close. My dad apparently freaked when my mom got pregnant and never even wanted to see me so it was just me and my mom. My mom was only 18 when she had me so we got along great. When I was 18 my Aunt Megan, my mom’s sister, got divorced and came to live with us. She was even younger than my mom and I thought it was great, sort of like having 2 big sisters instead of a mom and an aunt. Both of them dated guys, and I was...

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Sleeping Mother in Law

“Goodnight Christopher!" I watched my mother in law as she climbed the stairs to her bedroom and I heard the door close behind her as she went off to bed, carrying the mug of hot milk her considerate son in law had made her as a nightcap. She always said coffee kept her awake. I smiled to myself - this particular mug of milk was intended to have the opposite effect. If my contact with the chemistry degree was telling the truth my old bitch of a mother in law was soon to be in a very deep sleep...

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A Lazy Afternoon

"How is it that every semester you always count the days until your next vacation only to spend that vacation time sitting around doing nothing and almost waiting for college to start up again?" Mindy said, throwing a magazine to the ground. "I know" agreed Sally, "Even the television seems to plot against us. During term time you get all the great shows enticing you to abandon your studies and watch them instead yet as soon as you have empty evening after empty evening praying for...

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Making Love With My Sister

Guys this really happened to me & not a fake. It happened in 14th of august 2013.First let me introduce myself I’m Viki and I’m 20 years old. I have sister I don’t want to mention her name, she is 18. And my parents are professional’s they go for work every day and return to home by 6pm. My sister finished her 12 grade and joined a college nearby. She is hot looking, 5 feet tall and has such a nice ass checks and big breast too. Her bra size is 34 c. She often wears sexy dress inside our house...

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RUNAWAY Chapter 4 Tonight It Was Special

She once again sat back down on the mattress and had to smile that Ol'Jack had only lifted his head watching her. She laid back down petting him and taking a deep breath. This was far from the only night that she couldn't stop thinking or dreaming about Roger raping her. It made her nauseous to think about the things he did that night and over the next few weeks until she built up the nerve to runaway. Before he moved in with her and her mom, Holly, her old real birth name, would never...

3 years ago
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Fucking A Babe From Gym

Hey guys… This is Rohan… How you all doing!! I had never known that after posting my 1st sex story, I will get more chances like this… So here I am, sharing another story.. Heroine of this story is Sandhya, a damn cute babe who regularly comes to gym and has a figure to die for, which I will tell you later in the story.. Now coming to the story Well, a little background… Sandhya and I knew each other by face since 1 and a half year or so as she was already a member of that gym when I joined it...

1 year ago
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The Office

I work in a IT office where people are coming and going anywhere from 6 am to 9 pm even though the office hours are 8 – 5 and mostly guys.   Out of 50ish people there are only 7 women working in the office but most of them are younger good looking guys considering I work in a male oriented business. Some of the guys even come in on the weekends or stay late weekdays to play poker, Wii, or have land parties.     I work in the accounting department so at year end I have a lot...

Group Sex
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Blackies Revenge

Paula was just looking for a drink before heading home after a long day at the office. Her boss was such a jerk and had kept her over to finish an assignment that was not due until late next week. She just wanted a drink or two to calm down, then a quick dinner at home and eight good hours of sleep. She had just finished her first drink when she noticed the man approaching from across the bar. Hi, he said. Your drinks are on Mr. LeVale and he would like you to join him for a drink and a chat...

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Winters BladeChapter 2 Storm

Alex figured she'd been through a lot, so when Em didn't say anything more, he didn't try to fill the void. They were only a few miles short of the downtown exits when he noticed the warning light. "I need to get gas." The blinding lights of the station were a welcome relief after the tunnel-like darkness back at the accident. The rain had let up, too, now just a gentle shower. He'd just started pumping when Em got out of the car. She started to stretch and twist her shoulder...

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Teaching the Neighbor

My wife and I live in a very nice quiet neighborhood and know all the people who live on our street. Our daughter has a friend who lives on our street. They've been friends since they were in 7th grade but now both have now turned 18 and graduated high school. Her friend, Addy, is basically part of the family as she comes by nearly daily and hangs out with us for all our big family events for the past 6 years. Through that time, we watched her have boyfriends and go from being a "straight A"...

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The Good Hostess

(A story for my pet): Guests were starting to arrive, and she was nervous. They had gone to several other parties before, but this would be the first one that they had held for the group. He stood behind her and rubbed her shoulders and whispered "Relax" into her ear. Then he bit it gently. The "zing" made her giggle and she stepped forward to answer the door. Couples entered the home, and all the men studied her with an air of interest. She stood here with her long brown hair braided...

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The Sisters Divine

Looking back on that day now, from up in a corner as if looking down on a dream, I look out of place on the starched linen draped over my mother’s Italian sofa, green tea steaming on the coffee table as she twittered about the room, wringing her withering hands. The room was pristine, bleached and sparkling, I sat precariously near the edge of the cushion, my long legs crossed, straining against my tight skirt. I sipped on my tea, uttering a sultry hiss under my breath from the heat as I heard...

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Save point

Steve looked at the little, black book tattoed on his forearm. He breathed heavily, exited. He placed three fingers on it and pressed slightly. A strange, tingling feeling erupted in the arm, like the vibration of a cell phone, but very small, somewhat unreal. He looked around him, at the empty back street where the strange, angel like creature had appeared to him. The brown skinned, winged woman with her strange purple hair and futuristic glasses. What kind of weird pantheon would she belong...

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Switching partners between best friends

My name is Steve, and I have a beautiful wife named, Jessica. I say that, because she is truly beautiful. With that said, I've had a thing for another woman. It's my best friend's wife, Rachel. My best friend's name is Pat, and I think he might have a thing for Jessica. All four of us are friends, and we frequently go on double dates. I've caught Rachel undressed a couple times, and I know Jessica went into the shower thinking that I was in there before, when it was actually Pat. So, it's more...

Wife Lovers
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Found Out

I was walking home from school that afternoon, thinking about what my friend, Holly, had told me. She spilled her secret to me that she was bi-curious. She is very attractive. She is only 5"2' but we're only 13. She has medium, shoulder length dark brown curly hair. She has 34C breasts and a pretty nice ass. I have been bi- sexual since I was 11. My mom never really paid attention to what I was doing so it was easy for me to find my dad's porn videos and my brother's playboy magazines...

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Michael and Sophia The Shower and the Storm

Her ample breasts pressed against his masculine chest, and her nipples hard as pebbles were causing his cock to stir. Michael and Sophia: The Shower and the Storm The storm was fierce. Michael and Sophia huddled together on the couch. As he held her, he could feel her shivering with fear. Her ample breasts pressed firmly against his masculine chest. Her nipples, hard as pebbles were causing his cock to stir. Sophia was afraid of the thunder. Every time it crackled, she squeezed him tighter. Her...


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