The Bet
by Karen Singer
Chapter 41 (Thursday - week 6)
In her dreams, she lived in a fine new house - a mansion. And Sissy
was right there to take care of it for her. Everything was kept
beautifully. The house was in perfect order, and everything she needed
personally was taken care of as well. Except that... Sissy had somehow
become a robot - a mechanical creature incapable of feelings of any
kind. He worked diligently and continuously without complaint. Every
request was automatically carried out, just as a proper machine should
While he basically looked the same, every once in a while she actually
caught sight of the small rivets that held him together - the most
noticeable ones hinging his jaw. The rivets served as a constant
reminder to her of just what he was... and what he wasn't.
Though he was perfect in every way as far as taking care of her, the
one thing that she found that she wanted the most from him was to feel
something, to express thoughts that weren't mechanically generated.
She wanted more and more to know that... he cared about her.
Over and over again, she tried to work with him, train him, teach him...
and over and over again she failed. It just wasn't possible. Teaching
the mechanical Sissy to have feelings of any kind was simply
More and more she began to feel alone, abandoned. More and more she
yearned for his affection... his love. And more and more the aching
loss made itself known by the physical discomfort in the pit of her
The sound of her alarm clock brought her out of her dream state, out of
sleep. Yet the feeling of depression and the feeling of discomfort in
her stomach didn't change one bit. She opened her eyes and reached out
to turn off the alarm, and remembered that she was still at the height
of her period. No wonder she felt bad. Hopefully, later today things
would start to ease off.
She pulled herself out of bed and made a stop in the bathroom before
heading to her kitchen. The coffee pot seemed like a beacon, calling
her to it. Mechanically, she fixed the pot and set it brewing. She
stood there, right in front of it, the whole time it was working. Her
eyes were closed the entire time as if she was asleep. She tried to
think, but thoughts refused to come. All she was really aware of was
the discomfort in her body from her period. She opened her eyes
occasionally to check if the coffee was ready yet... but as they say, a
watched pot never boils. It seemed like an eternity until she could
finally pour herself a cup and take that first sip. The hot liquid
seemed to burn all the way down to her stomach. And she loved it!
She took several more sips right where she was standing until she
finally decided she could move again - and then she headed directly
into her living room where she collapsed onto her favorite chair to
finish her coffee. A few sips later, she finally took a deep breath,
trying to wake herself up more, trying to snap out of her funk and come
back to life again. It worked, but not quite the way she would have
Her first new thoughts were of sitting at the table last night, trying
to talk to Sissy. And of how his reply had stung. She never once
thought about how rude he had been. She never once reminded herself
that nothing he said or thought mattered in the least. She never once
even thought anything at all about the bet. All she remembered was
that he thought she didn't care about him, and how cold he had been
towards her. And it hurt.
A few sips of coffee later, her mind slowly began to function a bit
more. How could he think that she didn't care? Wasn't everything she
did all for him? Wasn't everything designed to fulfill his wildest
fantasies - which were wild, to say the least! So how could he
possibly think that she didn't care?
An image of her beating him severely a few nights ago flashed through
her brain. An image of her making him spend an inordinate amount of
time on the perch in his corner came to mind. An image of him drinking
baby bottle after baby bottle in an attempt to avoid getting punished
for not leaking came to mind. An image of him in his highchair with
nothing to eat but baby food came to mind. An image... Ugh! There were
all too many of them... and none of them were good! Maybe she could see
why he thought the way he did. But... all of it was for him. And all of
it was designed so that she could win the bet... and ultimately keep -
Couldn't he see that? Of course not! Despite all the male things she
had taken away from him, what she could probably never remove was his
pig-headed way of thinking. Male thinking. Men! They just never had
a clue!
With her brain functioning marginally better now, she drained the last
of her coffee and headed for the shower. It was another day. And she
had absolutely no idea what she was going to do about Sissy.
Chad stared mindlessly at his reflection in the mirror. He had hurt
her last night with his words. He had never meant to do that, but they
had just kind of slipped out. But once words were said, they could
never really be recalled. She had every right to be mad at him. But
nothing she could ever do to him could make him feel worse than he did
right now about it. He had tried to tell her he was sorry, but she
didn't want to hear it... rightfully so. He needed a way to fix things
with her. But he didn't have a clue as to how.
Disgusted with himself, he grabbed his curling iron and went to work on
his hair. He was noticing now that it seemed to be a bit longer than
it was just a few weeks ago. When he wrapped it around the curling
iron, it not only went around further, it came out in tighter curls -
that he had to work a bit harder to straighten more with his brush.
Once his hair was done, he went through his usual makeup routine. It
was becoming so familiar that he could practically do it in his sleep.
And to think that he used to have so much trouble with putting on just
his mascara! How stupid! It really wasn't all that difficult at all!
He just prayed he wouldn't have to worry about fixing his face any
other way than what he was doing right now though because he really
wouldn't have a clue as to how!
Yesterday he had worn his colorful dress. Today, he reached for a
simple skirt and blouse. There was no question about wearing any kind
of pants, they were pretty much out of the question. Since he hadn't
worn them yet, he cleaned his ears and inserted the new pink earrings -
the good ones. He loved how they sparkled in the mirror as he turned
his head back and forth. There was something about adding earrings to
his outfit that just seemed to make him look more like a woman than
ever - a situation that actually pleased him.
Since he was wearing the pink earrings, he went with all his old pink
jewelry again. Well, it all did match - although the earrings were
just a shade darker in color than the rest of it.
Checking his entire image in the mirror one more time, he declared
himself ready - physically. Mentally, he had no idea how he was going
to face Mel again. And how mad was she probably going to be today?
And what was she going to put him through because of it? He worried a
lot about that. But mostly, he just wanted to take back what he had
said to her last night... or maybe at least the way he had said it,
because it wasn't exactly nice. He had hurt her with his words. And
in doing so, he was the one who was suffering. But of course, she'd
never understand that. Women!
Mel had fixed his baby cereal breakfast because she didn't know what
else to do. And when his knock came at her door, she still wasn't
prepared to face him. But she had to face him. Their time apart had
come to an end. Bracing herself, she went to the door and opened it.
"Good mowning, Mistwess," he said in his sissy voice as he dropped his
usual curtsey for her.
Something inside of her still thrilled to see him do that, but today it
was a muted thrill. "Good morning, Sissy," she replied as she backed
out of the way to let him in. She waited until he set his purse and
diaper bag down under her table by the door, then she took his bag of
empty baby bottles from him. She would never bother to check to see if
the right number was there. Not today at least. She gave him the once
over. "The pink earrings today," she noted out loud. "They really are
"Thank you, Mistress," he replied.
She recognized that they were both just going through the usual dance -
probably because neither of them knew what else to do. Continuing the
situation, she sent him to climb up into his highchair. She followed
him in and put the tray in place for him, then tied his bib around his
neck. Should she really be doing this? But what else was there? The
moment the bib was in place, she stood back to look at him. Was he
smiling at her more than usual this morning? She couldn't figure out
why - if he was.
She picked up the bowl of baby cereal with the tiny baby spoon already
in it and carried it to him. She set it down on the tray. Was he
smiling at her again? Why? She grabbed another baby bottle full of
juice and brought that to him as well. Then she went back to grab her
coffee and stand leaning against the counter to watch him - just as she
usually did. But somehow, she wasn't looking forward to watching him
make a fool of himself this morning.
Chad finally picked up the tiny spoon in his left fist like he was
supposed to. He started to bring it toward the bowl of lousy baby
cereal... and he stopped. He had to do something! He had to! He
carefully set the spoon down on the tray and looked directly up at her.
"Mistress," he began in his sissy voice. "I just wanted to say how
sorry I am again for what I said last night. I didn't really mean it!
I didn't mean to hurt you at all. I didn't want to do that... it just
happened." He looked down at the cereal in front of him. "I used to
have the same problem with my wife... I mean my ex wife. I sometimes say
things I don't really mean." He looked back up at her again. He felt
so bad! "I just wanted you to know how really sorry I am about that!"
Mel could see how emotional he seemed to be about it. She had no doubt
at all that he really meant every word. But all that was secondary to
her own need to patch things up with him. She barely realized she was
heading toward him until she pulled one of the chairs out and sat down
at the table near him.
Apologizing was never easy, but she knew that she had to apologize for
some of the things she had done to him as well. "I... I've been
reckless," she said before she even knew what she was going to say.
"I've done things to you and hurt you in ways that... well, I can only
imagine how they made you feel. I just thought that... everything I was
doing was things you would actually love - deep down somewhere. And
everything I was doing has been aimed at one thing and one thing only -
so I can win this bet." She looked down at the table. "And I'm afraid
I still feel that way... that I have to win this bet, because..." But she
couldn't really put into words why she needed to win so badly -
especially not to him. "Because..." She finally apologetically shrugged
her shoulders. "Because I have to!"
Chad heard her, but he didn't really understand why she felt she should
have to apologize to him. "But..." He searched for the right words to
say. "But I'm the one who hurt you! I should have never said what I
did last night! That was so wrong. It's just that... just that..." But
he didn't know why he had done it. "Maybe I was just too tired last
night," he finally replied. "Yesterday was a particularly bad day.
And I was hungry too." He tried to smile. "Baby food doesn't go very
far. I guess I was just feeling sorry for myself. I know I shouldn't
do that. It's not right! I'm not supposed to feel that way. So... I'm
sorry," he said again.
Mel leaned back in her seat. He had been tired and upset. She had
been out of sorts too. Together, everything combined to make things
worse for both of them. "So what do we do about it?" she finally
asked. "I guess that leads me back to my original question from last
night. How do you feel about all the things I've been making you do?
And..." She leaned forward, trying to find the right way to ask this
question again. "And, how do you feel about me? Do you at least know
that, despite everything I make you do, I do care for you?"
It was hard to look her in the eye and say it. "Yes, I know that you
care. It's just that sometimes... when there's so much other stuff going
on... most of which is bad or disturbing... I guess it's just hard to
realize or remember that."
She understood - all too well. At least he was aware, on some level,
that she cared. "So, where do we go from here?" She asked again.
"What do we have to change?"
He shook his head, then he thought some more and shook his head again.
"I don't really know. I guess... nothing."
"As much as I hate to say it," he grinned, "and I really do hate to say
this. Despite all the stuff you make me do, and despite all the
problems it's causing - and will continue to cause, probably for the
rest of my life - and despite all the pain - which I hate - you really
are making me live what can only be described as a dream. You're
forcing me to do things I never would have been able to do before. The
only problem is that all those things are getting harder and harder.
But at the same time, I remember that the things that seem like nothing
to me now, were just as hard when we first started. So because of you,
I'm getting to do things I never imagined I'd be doing in real life -
and all too many things I never imagined... period! So I guess my answer
has to be, don't change anything, because at least I know how things
are supposed to work now. And if we change things, then I'll probably
be lost."
Mel thought about his answer. It wasn't the answer she was expecting
to hear - this morning. It had been mostly the answer she had wanted
to hear last night. But now, after being so upset about everything, it
was a very unexpected answer. "So we keep on exactly as we have been,
or at least as my whims dictate... no matter what it's going to do to
Chad closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He opened his eyes again.
"Yes. Just as we have been." Then he thought to add something. "But,
maybe you can not pun..."
Mel cut him off quickly. "If we're going to go on like before, then
you don't get any say as to what I do and what I don't do!" She put a
wicked smile on her face. "So, it's full steam ahead?"
Chad paused then nodded, "Full steam ahead." And he prayed that he
would survive it.
Mel felt so much better all of a sudden. Like a huge weight had been
lifted off her shoulders. She leaned back in her chair again. "So,
you said that yesterday was a bad day? Tell me about it."
Chad picked up his spoon again and started eating. Then he told her in
detail how Robin was now starting to get on his case about using his
girly voice all the time and how all the women were now teasing him
about his upcoming date with Derek. Mel listened raptly to all of it,
actually enjoying every word of it. She particularly got a kick when
she found out that Robin had seen the picture of him from the poker
game and what she had done with it!
It was one of those moments when neither of them wanted the outside
world to intrude. Consequently, neither of them realized that because
his breakfast was taking so long, he was going to be late getting to
Robin was fretting. It was way past starting time and Sissy hadn't
come in yet. Had something happened to him... to her? Should she call
her? It wasn't like her to be late for work - ever!
A bit of noise from the cubicle next door reached her ears and she was
out of her seat in a flash to check. "Sissy!" she said with relief the
moment she saw her. "Where have you been? Are you alright?"
Chad pulled his cell phone out of his purse before he closed it up in
his desk drawer. "I'm fine," he replied. "I'm just running late
today. Why, did anybody come looking for me?"
"Are you kidding? You know that nobody ever comes down here. Well,
almost never."
Chad was relieved. "So hopefully, nobody even knows I'm late," he
Robin smiled. "Girly voice!" she reminded him. "And I know you were
late. Even though I don't really care... much. Hey... new earrings
Chad turned his head back and forth so she could see them better.
"I like them," Robin declared.
"Thanks," Chad replied as he sank down into his chair.
"Girly voice!" she reminded him again.
Chad just rolled his eyes and still using his regular male voice asked,
"Are you going to keep doing that all day?"
Robin confidently leaned up against his desk and replied, "You better
believe it!"
Chad just rolled his eyes again. This was going to be another long
day... he just knew it!
Mel walked her client to the door, shook hands with him and said
goodbye. As soon as the door closed behind him, she headed back
towards her office, stopping by Andrea's desk on the way.
"You had a phone call while you were busy," Andrea told her as she
searched for and quickly found the small piece of paper with the
message on it. "Are you taking up dancing or something? Because it's
from the dance clothing store at the mall. They said your order is
Mel smiled broadly. "I'm not taking up dancing, but someone else is."
"I wondered if that might be the case," Andrea replied. "What are you
getting him?"
"Nothing special. Just some toe shoes and a tutu. I've already got
the rest of his costume."
"Nothing special? So what are you planning on doing with it, have him
put on a private little show?"
Mel's smile turned wicked. "That much is for certain. But actually, I
was considering something a little more... public."
Andrea's eyes went wide with surprise. "What?"
"You don't want to know!"
"Wanna' bet?"
Chad stared at his computer screen and mentally went through the list
of little jobs he had to do... or rather could possibly do, because none
of them were that important. Basically, he really didn't have any
major jobs to work on at all. He had finished the list of things that
Tom had passed onto him, so he was now free to pretty much do as he
liked... as long as Tom didn't find out that he had nothing much to do.
"Break time, Sissy." Robin called from the entrance to his cubicle.
Chad turned his chair around, but didn't get up. "Hey Robin," he
started. "Do you..."
"Girly voice!" Robin reminded him.
Chad rolled his eyes yet again. "Can we not play that game?"
Robin went all the way into his cubicle. "It's for your own good! And
your female voice does need a lot of work. If you don't get used to
using it and stop using your male voice, then you're never going to
"So in other words, you're going to stay on my case about it," Chad
noted - still with his male voice.
"Girly voice!" Robin reminded him yet again. "Now say that again, like
you're supposed to!"
Ugh! "So you intend to hound me forever about it!" Chad replied,
finally in his girly voice.
Robin smiled. "That's much better. Now keep using it!"
Chad just shook his head in disgust before he continued - in his girly
voice. "What I was trying to ask was if you have a lot of stuff to
work on? Because I'm not really working on anything much except stuff
that doesn't really have to be done."
Robin shook her head and lowered her voice. "As long as you're not
going to tell anyone..." Chad just kept looking at her. "I haven't had
much to do for two days now. Just a few little things."
"That's pretty rare," Chad replied as he got out of his chair to go
with her to break. "Both of us aren't working on much of anything. I
wonder if we should ask Tom about it."
"Are you kidding? I'm kind of enjoying not doing much."
"But I'm getting bored!" Chad replied.
Robin giggled. "You can always work on your makeup techniques or check
the dress sales like I do."
Chad made no reply. The truth was that one time he had gone onto the
internet - just for a few minutes, to look at some dresses. Well, he
was wearing them all the time now!
The line for coffee was moderately long, but Chad walked right past
everyone in line as soon as he spotted the doughnuts at the other end.
He was already happily munching on one as he rejoined the line right
behind Robin.
"I don't know how you do it!" Robin stated. "I work my ass off at the
gym and eat nothing, and here you are eating doughnuts and you're still
losing weight! What kind of diet are you on anyway?"
The first thing that came to mind for Chad was baby food. But of
course he couldn't mention that. "I don't eat much at any other time,"
he said as he stuffed more of the doughnut into his mouth.
"You're so lucky!" Robin replied as she stepped up to the coffee pot.
"I never eat anything and I still keep gaining weight!"
The table was moderately crowded, but Robin and Chad had no problem
finding seats without pulling one up. Chad sat down and sipped his
coffee as the women's conversation droned on around him. He dared not
say anything because it would have only led to further humiliation.
"What do you think, Sissy?" Someone suddenly asked.
Chad was startled. He had been lost in his own thoughts about what had
happened between him and Mel earlier that morning and hadn't really
been listening. The last he remembered, the women had been talking
about the latest fashions that were out. "About what?"
"Girly voice!" at least three of them reminded him at the same time.
Chad felt totally exasperated! They just weren't going to let up -
yet. "About what?" he repeated in his girly voice.
"What do you mean, about what?"
It was embarrassing to admit that he hadn't been listening. "I mean,
why ask me? What do I know?"
"But that's just the point," the woman who had first asked the question
replied. "You're a man... sort of... or at least you used to be... or..."
"Close enough!" another of the women supplied so she could continue.
"I mean, you've got to have an opinion about what you like and what you
Chad hoped that they were still talking about fashion. "I haven't
really been paying that much attention to what's new," he replied.
"How can you not?" another one asked.
"But..." Chad continued. "I was kind of looking at some of the stuff
that they're putting on sale in a few of the stores, and..." he felt
funny voicing his opinions on dresses, but... "and I kind of liked most
of it."
"To wear, or to see someone else wearing?" Another woman asked.
"Well, I certainly wouldn't want to see a guy in any of it!" Chad
"I don't know," another woman replied, "I've been kind of enjoying
seeing you in dresses and heels for a change. It's nice to see a guy
learn what we have to put up with!" There was some general laughter
and agreement around the table.
"That was supposed to be a joke," Chad replied, forgetting to use his
girly voice again.
"Girly voice!" Robin and another woman reminded him again. The other
woman giggled.
"You're just not going to let me be, are you?" Chad protested.
"We never let up!" the woman replied, still giggling.
But in the back of his mind, Chad was thinking that they had already
let up on one or two things. For instance, they never asked him about
the fictitious slogan on his non-existent t-shirt anymore. So,
hopefully, eventually they might forget about this too. And that day
couldn't come soon enough!
Chad sat at his desk and stared at the company phone sitting next to
his computer. Should he, or shouldn't he? On the one hand, it was
nice to not have much to do for a change, but on the other hand...
Giving in to the inevitable, he picked up the phone and called his
boss. "Hi Tom, this is Cha... I mean, Sissy." It hurt a bit to say
that, but he had only said it because that's what everyone was calling
him now.
Over the top of the wall, Chad heard Robin shouting, "Girly voice!"
Which he promptly ignored.
"So even you can't get it straight!" Tom replied.
"Well, it's not that easy," Chad explained. "And it's kind of...
embarrassing too."
"I didn't pick the name, you did!"
"Uh... I didn't really get to pick it either. It was kind of... thrust on
"So what can I do for you?" Tom asked.
"Um... I've kind of noticed that things have slacked off a bit here, work
wise. I mean, I've got plenty to do, but... do you know of any new
projects coming though?"
"Any particular reason you're asking?"
"No. I was just wondering."
"Well, just so you know, we're trying to close a deal on doing a site
for another company. But it will be a much smaller job than the last
one that you and Robin had to tackle. We won't know for sure about
this one though till next week. Are you looking for something to do in
the meantime?"
"Uh... not really. No. I've got plenty to do here. I was just
wondering, that's all."
Over the top of the wall, Robin again shouted "Girly voice!" Chad
wished she'd stop that. It was embarrassing.
"Okay then. I'll let you know the minute I hear anything else."
"Great Tom. Thanks."
"Girly voice!" Robin said once again.
"I'm off the phone!" Chad yelled back in his male voice.
Two seconds later, Robin was in his cubicle. "That's not the point!
You've got to stop talking like a man! It sounds ridiculous when
you're wearing a dress!"
"Maybe," Chad admitted, "but my 'girly' voice, as you put it, is pretty
ridiculous too."
"Yeah it is, but if you're trying to pass yourself off as a woman, it's
a lot better than your usual male voice! So what did Tom have to say?"
"They're trying to get something, but they won't know about it till
next week."
"Did he say if he was going to pass anymore work on to us?"
"I told him we had plenty to do so I don't think he's going to."
"Good! Because I'm enjoying having nothing to do for a change."
Mel had to fight her way past the large tutu in her hands to find the
keys in her purse. Even wrapped up, the thing was difficult to handle.
With a press of the button on her key ring, the trunk of her car opened
and she was able to put everything inside. She was glad to get the
bulky thing out of her hands... but she couldn't wait to get the darn
thing onto Sissy. She was sure that it would make him feel horribly
silly and humiliated, but she was also fairly sure that he would
absolutely love the silly thing. Of course, he might not really like
what she had planned for him with it. But then, that was part of the
fun of all this.
A short while later, she was parking her car in a different parking
lot, right next to Gloria's car, which she noticed was empty. She
hurried inside the restaurant to find her friend.
"Well you seem to be smiling awfully broadly today," Gloria noted as
Mel sat down.
"I just picked up a little something special for Sissy," Mel exclaimed,
"and I can't wait to see him in it!"
Gloria hesitated before she asked, unsure that she really wanted to
know. "And what did you get him?"
Mel actually blushed a bit. "A big tutu and some toe shoes to go with
his pink and white ballet costume."
Gloria just nodded. She should have figured it would be something like
that. "And who's more excited about it, you or him?"
"He hasn't seen it yet, so I really don't know. Of course, what he
says about something and what he actually thinks are often two
different things."
"Are you sure about that?" Gloria asked skeptically.
That stopped Mel and actually wiped the broad grin off of her face.
"Yeah. Fairly."
"I see. So I take it you had your little talk with him finally?"
"You might say that."
"Uh huh. And what happened? It sounds like it didn't go well."
It was a second before Mel could answer. "Not last night."
"Last night?"
Mel had to stop to consider how to answer that one. "I think... we were
both too out of sorts last night for that kind of discussion. He said
some things in such a way that... I didn't appreciate."
"In other words, he's human."
Mel was a bit surprised. "Human?" A strange image of a mechanical
Sissy robot pulled from her dream world that morning briefly flashed
through her mind. "Of course he's hu... Oh, you mean..."
"I mean he's not perfect all the time. That and with the way you treat
him, he's got to resent it sometimes."
"Maybe," Mel replied. "Probably in fact. But he was falling all over
himself to apologize to me this morning... and I kind of apologized to
him too. We both felt really bad about last night."
"You did, huh? Both of you? And so now you've kissed and made up."
"We didn't kiss!"
"But you made up."
"And the results?"
Mel finally smiled again. "Full steam ahead - his decision actually.
Full steam ahead!"
Gloria had been afraid of just that. The two of them really sounded
more like an old married couple than anything else! In some ways.
The gym door loomed ahead of him. He stopped before he opened the door
and just stared at it for a moment. Did he have the courage to face
that darn receptionist again? But actually she was only a minor
nuisance on the way to the only fun he was really allowed anymore - as
long as Cassie was going to keep playing with his backside. And as
long as the receptionist wasn't going to be watching him, he was rather
looking forward to that bit of stimulation today.
He looked through the glass door and could see her watching him...
expectantly? Probably. Summoning up his courage, he opened the door
and trudged inside. He knew better now than to try to get out of it.
He dropped her his usual curtsey and said hello to her in his sissy
voice. He was rewarded by hearing her giggle at him.
"Hi Sissy," she said with a broad smile on her face. Then she leaned
across the counter and got more serious. "Cassie says I have to ask
your permission to go back and watch again today. So... can I? Can I...
Chad was totally aghast. That was the last thing that he wanted.
Before he could answer, Cassie walked up from the back.
"Have you asked him yet?" she asked Cindy.
"Just now," Cindy replied.
Cassie looked to Chad. "So what is it? Yes or no?"
"Oh please..." Cindy begged again before Chad had the chance to
vehemently refuse.
Chad shook his head. "I don't think..."
"But I promise I won't hurt you this time! I won't even touch you...
unless you want me to that is." She giggled some more.
Chad shook his head again. "I don't think it's a good idea," he
finally got out - politely.
But Cindy wasn't about to be put off that fast. "But it would be a
good idea for me to be there!"
That surprised Chad. "Good idea? How could it possibly be good?"
"What if Cassie can't be here? What if she's too busy? What if she's
sick? You still need someone to take care of you. And I can do that!"
Chad was not just surprised, he was aghast! "But..."
"It's really a good idea," Cindy continued. "You'd have a backup in
case Cassie can't help you. And I'm more than willing."
Chad had no doubt about that!
"She does have a point," Cassie added. "What if I can't be here?
Maybe it would be a good idea." But then she thought of something
else. "Are you really sure about this?" she asked Cindy. "Some of
this is rather... unpleasant, not to mention down right disgusting! And
you're going to have to take care of all of it. Are you prepared for
That stopped Cindy in her tracks. "You mean, he sometimes..."
Cassie nodded. "Not very often, but it has happened. And it's a major
"But you said not very often, so hopefully I may never have to deal
with it."
"Yes, but there are other aspects that you may find just as unpleasant
that you'll have to deal with every time. Unusual aspects."
The phrase "unusual aspects" registered on Cindy immediately and
instantly got her curiosity up even higher. "Really? What?" she
wanted to know.
Cassie shook her head. "Things I can't discuss here."
Chad was silently praying that Cindy would back off now. He didn't
want to imagine Cindy playing with his back end the way Cassie did.
Well, he was curious about it, but he simply didn't want Cindy there!
Cindy turned things over in her mind very briefly. But now there was
another aspect to the silly sissy here that she wanted to know about,
an unusual one. She was more interested now than ever. "I still want
to. More than ever now!" she declared boldly.
"Okay Cindy. You've convinced me. You can watch again." Cindy let
out of squeal of delight. "Better go find someone to watch the desk
while you're back there."
Chad could feel himself backed into a corner he didn't want to be in.
What had happened to needing his permission? "But I thought..." But
that's as far as he got. He looked at Cassie in horror.
Cassie just looked at him with a dominating smirk on her face. "And
what say does a big sissy baby like you have in the matter?"
Chad said nothing, because he knew he really had no say in the matter
at all. Meekly, he followed Cassie back toward the little office they
used every day. Cindy arrived excitedly just before they closed the
door. He didn't really want her in there at all!
"Close the blinds on the window," Cassie told Cindy. She looked at
Chad who wasn't moving. "Aren't you going to get undressed? Neither
of us has all day."
Chad had a feeling that this wasn't going to go very well at all. Not
happy about matters, he began unfastening his skirt. As he removed
each item of clothing, he had to listen to Cindy's excited surprise
over every little item he was wearing. Why did she have to be there?
Finally, he was down to just his waist cincher, diapers, and plastic
panties. He laid down on the floor to get changed - in front of Cindy
Cassie usually prepared everything for Chad's diaper change while he
was undressing, but not today. Since Cindy was so fascinated with
everything that Sissy was wearing, she put it off until she could get
all of Cindy's attention... or at least more of it. Once Sissy was
ready, she knelt down next to him and motioned for Cindy to do the
same. She pulled the diaper bag next to her and opened it.
"Everything you need is right in here," she told Cindy. She reached
into Sissy's diaper bag and pulled out one of his baby bottles.
Instead of handing it to Sissy, she handed it to Cindy instead. "Here,
want to give this to him?"
Cindy took the bottle delightedly. "Here comes your bottle, baby," she
crooned teasingly as she brought the nipple to his lips. Chad let it
slip into his mouth and began sucking on it as he brought his hands up
to hold the bottle. But Cindy wasn't letting go. Was she going to
hold it for him the whole time?
"Let him hold it," Cassie said as she sorted through the diaper bag.
Cindy reluctantly relinquished her hold on the bottle. Chad felt a
tiny bit better about the matter.
Cassie stopped what she was doing and looked into the diaper bag, then
up at Cindy. Then she suddenly passed the diaper bag over to her.
"Here. You want to learn how to take care of him? Then you should do
Cindy squealed again with excitement.
Chad took the bottle out of his mouth to protest, but one determined
look from Cassie stopped him. He put the bottle back in his mouth and
began drinking again. Oh great! Now the stupid receptionist was
actually going to change him! Not good!
"You're going to need two of those disposables," Cassie told Cindy.
"There's a small pair of scissors in the bag, but I usually use the
better ones on the desk there. You're going to have to cut the lining
of one of them." She guided Cindy though her usual process of
preparing the fresh diapers for Sissy.
All too soon, Chad felt Cindy pulling down his plastic panties... down
his legs and off of his feet. Under Cassie's guidance, she pulled open
his soaked diapers. She didn't do much else for a moment as she looked
closely at his plastic enclosed penis.
"It's so small," Cindy remarked to Cassie. "Is it always like that?"
"It has been for a while now. But of course, as you can see, that
thing won't let it get much bigger."
"But there is still some room in it." Cindy noted.
Cassie smiled. "And that's just the way it's supposed to stay."
But with Cindy now working on him, for some unknown reason, Chad was
beginning to feel the faint bite of the teeth inside that chastity
device - warning him, threatening him, reminding him of what might
happen if he started to get the least bit hard again. But that was
something totally out of Chad's control. He did his very, very best to
lay back and ignore what was happening to him below his waist.
Chad closed his eyes and felt someone wiping off his front side. He
tried to convince himself that it was Cassie doing it, but that was
difficult since Cassie was constantly telling Cindy how to do
everything. And then the soaked diapers under him were removed and he
set his bottom back down on two fresh dry ones.
"Okay Sissy. Roll over," Cassie directed.
Chad set his baby bottle down and rolled over. Was Cassie going to
have Cindy play with him... like she did? He worried about that the
entire time she was wiping his backside clean. And then came the baby
lotion being applied. Not massaged into him like Cassie did, just...
applied. Wiped onto him. It was with relief that he next heard Cassie
telling Cindy about the stupid suppositories and what she was going to
have to do with them. He was glad to hear Cindy make an exclamation of
how awful it sounded, but the stupid girl plucked up her courage and
took the lousy jar anyway. A moment later, he could feel her
cautiously trying to insert the miserable thing up into his rectum.
"How do I get it in?" Cindy started to say, then all of a sudden her
finger and the pill went up inside of him. "Oh!" she exclaimed with
surprise as she pulled her finger back out again, leaving the
suppository just inside of him.
"You're going to have to push it all the way in... up as far as you can
reach." Cassie told her.
"Do I have to?" Cindy asked as she held her finger up, thinking only
how gross it was and wondering how long it would be until she could
wash her hands.
"You're the one who wanted to do this," Cassie reminded her. "I told
you that there were some unusual aspects to all of this."
Instead of saying anything, Cindy put her finger back down on his
little hole and pushed a bit, trying to get it inside. "I'm not
hurting him doing this, am I?"
"No. In fact, he rather likes it!"
Very slowly and cautiously, Cindy stuck her finger all the way up into
him as far as she could, pushing the little pill up further and
further. Ewww! Then, very quickly, she pulled her finger back out
again. Cassie handed her a wipe so she could clean her hand. Cindy
was surprised that her finger had come out of him relatively clean.
She had expected it to be all brown and totally disgusting. But as she
wiped her finger off along with the rest of her hand, she looked down
at his backside and thought about what it was that the suppositories
were supposed to do. "But with that thing up inside of him, won't it
make him..." She paused, trying to find a polite way to say it.
"Absolutely," Cassie replied. "That's the whole point."
"And he gets one every day?" Cindy asked.
"Actually, he gets one now and one before he goes to bed every night
Then Cindy wondered something else. "How long before they start
working? I mean, will he, you know, before I get him diapered again?"
Cassie almost laughed. "No. But I'm not really sure how long before
it goes to work." She turned to Sissy. "How long before these things
usually do their thing?"
Chad answered, but it was reluctantly. "It usually takes a couple of
hours now. I usually find myself with... problems, by mid afternoon."
"So who changes you then?" Cindy asked.
"Nobody, not till I can get home after work and take a shower."
Cindy giggled. "So you're stuck in messy diapers every day?"
Cindy giggled again. "Poor baby," she said to him.
"Okay, Sissy. Time to roll back over again."
Chad rolled back over and picked up his baby bottle again while Cassie
directed Cindy in how to tape both diapers up. Then his plastic
panties were pulled up onto him again.
"You'll usually have to wait a few minutes till he finishes his
bottle," Cassie told Cindy. He has to finish it before he can get out
of here."
Cindy just laughed. "What a big baby!"
Mel checked her messages after lunch and found one from Cassie asking
her to call. That was nothing new, Cassie called almost every day.
Mel found that sometimes she enjoyed the break from thinking about her
work cases. But she had a few minutes now so she tried to reach Cassie
back again. She was rewarded to hear Cassie answer her phone. "Hi
Cassie. What's up?" Mel asked.
"Hey Mel. I just wanted to tell you about what happened today... before
you could hear about it from anywhere, or anyone, else."
Mel was immediately a bit anxious about what Cassie was going to say.
It sounded like trouble! "Okay, what happened? What did he do now?"
"Him? Nothing. Me, on the other hand, well... Remember our little
receptionist, Cindy, that I allowed to watch a bit before?"
"Yeah," Mel returned cautiously.
"Well, I let her convince me to let her watch again. But she kind of
suggested that it would be a good idea if she learned how to do it
because if I'm not available for some reason, then she would be
available to change him. You know?"
"Okay, I'm with you so far. So you let her watch again?"
"More than that, I let her actually do the work. I had her change him
while I told her what to do."
"I see..." Mel replied as she tried to think about the whole situation.
"And what did Sissy seem to think of the idea. Did it seem to excite
"Not exactly. And he wasn't too pleased about it at all."
"But he let her do it?"
"I didn't exactly give him a choice in the matter."
"Okay..." Mel replied as she digested that too.
"And how did she do?"
"Basically, she did just fine. I didn't mention any of the other stuff
I usually do with him, but I did make her shove one of his
suppositories up inside of him since it was his day to get one. I
didn't tell her though that he doesn't get them every day anymore. I
didn't want to take the chance that she might tell him. So please
don't be mad at me. You said to use my own judgment on the matter."
"Oh, I'm not mad at all," Mel replied as she fully digested everything
that Cassie had told her. "It sounds like it all went just fine, so I
guess that now Sissy will have one more thing to worry about, or maybe
look forward to, when he goes in there. You did say that she likes to
tease him. Maybe it will prove to be... interesting for him in the
"Maybe," Cassie agreed. "And besides, like she pointed out, now
there's someone else here besides me who can take care of him... if
"Sissy..." Robin called over the wall. "What are you doing?"
Chad almost yelled back "Nothing!" but he stopped himself just in time.
It wouldn't be good to be yelling that - just in case anyone else might
hear it. "Working!" he yelled back. "Why?"
"Girly voice, Sissy. You've got to use your girly voice!"
"It's hard to yell that way."
"It doesn't matter! You need to get used to it in all situations."
"So what do you want?" Chad yelled back - in his stupid high pitched
voice. What a pain!
"Come look at this."
Tired of yelling over the wall, Chad got up from his seat to see what
she wanted. He really didn't have anything better to do anyway.
"What is it?" he asked as he walked into her cubicle.
"Look at this," Robin said. "This store just posted the latest dresses
they got in."
The major part of Chad really was interested, but there was still
something in him that made him hold back - male pride perhaps. "And
why should I be interested?"
"Geez! You really have a long way to go," Robin replied - something
she had said many times to him before. "I just thought that you'd
enjoy looking at them. Besides, maybe you'll find something good to
wear for your date with Derek this weekend."
His date with Derek! The one thing he didn't want to be reminded of!
"I don't think I need anything special for that."
"So? It never hurts to look does it?"
Chad didn't want to admit that he had been filling some time at his own
desk looking at shoes. "I guess not," he replied.
She looked at him. "You know, maybe if you tried softening your voice
a bit, then it might sound better. I mean, the higher pitch is one
thing, but you've got to start working on making it sound better now."
"Softer?" Chad asked, dropping his voice to almost a whisper.
"Not that way! Just not as harsh! Try it!"
Chad wasn't really sure that it was what Robin wanted, but he tried.
"Is this better?" he asked, trying to take some of the edge out of his
'girly' voice.
Robin just looked at him. "I think so. Maybe. It's a step in the
right direction anyway. Why don't you go get your chair and we'll look
at these dresses together. See if there's anything you like. Then you
can practice talking a bit more... femininely."
Chad didn't know what he should really do, but knowing Robin, he wasn't
going to have an easy time getting out of it. So he left momentarily
and came back pushing his chair ahead of him. Together they sat and
discussed each and every dress, one at a time. Robin constantly tried
to figure out little ways to make his voice sound better. By the time
they reached the last dress - an hour later, he was sounding a bit
better, but only a bit.
Mel sat on the toilet and glanced down to check the pad protecting her
panties from the ravages of her period. It was obviously soaked. Time
to change it - again! Ugh! She hated her periods... mostly.
Unfortunately, they were all part of being a woman. Why couldn't men
have at least a similar problem to deal with every month?
She briefly toyed with the idea of making Sissy go through some kind of
monthly period, but she quickly abandoned the idea. The total lack of
control she had over her bloody mess - wasn't that pretty much like the
total lack of control she was trying to create in him - permanently?
And pads would never be enough for what Sissy was experiencing.
Sometimes, three heavy diapers weren't enough. No, what Sissy was
feeling was probably much worse.
Of course, there were the cramps and bloating issues to deal with. But
the cramps were probably nothing compared to the pain she inflicted on
him - and not just once a month. And the bloating? Well, she was
forcing him to drink a fairly extreme amount of liquids all the time.
She had no doubt that despite all the weight he still seemed to be
losing, his body was probably overly waterlogged to boot.
But at least her period was slowing down now. It wouldn't be long
until it was over - at least for the next month. She looked forward to
it ending. Of course there were also the fringe benefits of no period
to think about too. Like a little sexual stimulation from Sissy's
talented tongue. That thought made her smile! And from somewhere in
the back of her brain, she remembered a phrase that Cassie had said to
her last month - "If you're not making a mess, then you're not having
sex!" That stopped her in her tracks. Could she really do that with
him? Did she dare? Even now, when she still had another day or so to
go? She almost giggled. There was nothing there that would really
hurt him. In fact, since she blindfolded him every time, he might not
ever know! Did she dare? The thought did kind of turn her on. This
time, she did giggle out loud.
"Break time!" Robin called from the entrance to Chad's cubicle.
Chad turned in his seat. "Good! I could use a break," he replied in
his usual male voice.
"From what?"
"From doing nothing!"
Robin giggled. "Hey! Say that again, but try to make it sound
"Can't we just go to break?"
"Come on! I'm trying to help you! The least you could do is to try to
cooperate a little!"
Ugh! "What did you want me to say again?"
"Anything!" Robin shook her head. "Never mind, let's just go!"
Chad mentally cheered. Had he actually won that round? He got up and
followed Robin out into the hallway.
They were early enough that the break room wasn't crowded at all when
they got there. Chad and Robin each poured their coffee and were the
first to sit down at the women's table. Chad sipped his drink and
watched as some of the usual women entered the room. It was amazing
how many of these women he knew now... although most of them he
associated with how much they liked to tease him. Still, he guessed
that each of them was now a friend... of sorts. He was still embarrassed
about being "one of them." Even if he wasn't really. But he was
sitting there in a skirt and blouse - just like... some of them - because
the majority of them wore nice pants to work.
"Hi Robin. Hi Sissy," one of the women greeted them as she walked up
with her coffee and sat down. She was quickly joined by two more, then
three more, then... more. Within minutes, the table was buzzing with
different conversations. Chad tried his best to stay out of most of
it, but there were times when some of them would ask for his opinion on
something or just made a dumb comment about something. And the odd
thing that Chad noticed, was that for once, they all seemed to be
friendly. None of them were teasing him... yet.
And then his eye just happened to catch Derek walking into the break
room. He saw Derek glance at the table full of women, and then at him.
Derek stopped dead and stared at him for a second, then turned around
and walked out again. Chad suddenly felt bad. He had no doubt that
Derek had left just to avoid him.
"Hey, wasn't that Derek?" one of the women asked.
"Yeah, he just turned and left," another woman relied. "I wonder why
he did that?"
Robin looked at Chad. "Why don't you go after him?"
"Why would I want to do that?" Actually Chad was glad that Derek had
left. He didn't want to be seen with him any more than necessary
either. The rumors and teasing were already too much.
"Well," another woman replied, "aren't you supposed to be his
"I'm not his girlfriend! We're just stuck having to go out on a date
together. And I don't think either of us is happy about it."
"You're not his girlfriend?" one of the women noted. "But you're his
friend, and right now, you're certainly the girl in the relationship.
Am I wrong?"
Chad looked for a way out of that argument and quickly realized that
anything he said would probably turn out bad. "Well, I guess that's
sort of true. But I'm not really his girlfriend."
"Sure you are Honey. Now why don't you start acting like a girl and go
after him? You don't want him to think you're not interested, do you?"
Go after him? They wanted him to go after him? He shook his head,
then smiled broadly. "I'm playing hard to get." He replied. "Let him
come to me." His answer brought a round of laughter from most of the
"Hey Sissy," another of the women said. "It sounds like your voice is
starting to get a little better."
"It still has a long way to go though!" another woman added.
"Yeah, but I think it does sound better," the first woman replied.
"We've been working on it a bit," Robin explained. "The problem is
though, that he doesn't want to keep trying!"
"It's difficult!" Chad complained. "Not to mention embarrassing."
"Honey, you think wearing a dress and sounding like a man isn't
embarrassing enough?" one of the women asked. "And who ever said that
being a woman was easy?" There was some general laughter and agreement
around the table.
"You should try it from my perspective," Chad muttered.
"Well if you're trying to live your life from our perspective, then try
listening to your heart a bit more. Try acting like a woman more.
That man is definitely fine! So go get him! Let him know that you
like him."
Chad quickly realized that this was starting to go exactly where he
didn't want it to go. "But I'm not really his girlfriend. We're just
"Don't matter Honey. Relationships are important to a woman! Any
relationship. If I were you, I'd get my panty covered fanny out there
and make sure you and he are still good!"
Panty covered fanny? If she only knew what he was really wearing on
his fanny! "But we are good!"
"Didn't look like it to me! Like I said, relationships are important.
If you want to be the girl, then you go make sure that he knows things
are still okay."
"She's right, you know," Robin added. "You should go and make sure
that he's not mad at you."
"I feel like you're all trying to get rid of me," Chad complained.
"Honey, we're trying to help you! Now get!"
Chad sighed, this wasn't a good idea. He got up from his chair though
to do as they suggested. "See you all later."
"Go get him, girl!" one of the women called after him.
Chad wasn't sure but he thought he heard more laughter behind him. He
was supposed to be the girl in the relationship? Well, he supposed
that that part was true. He just wasn't used to having to act like a
girl... not that he'd really have the first clue as to how.
As he left the break room, he wondered where Derek had gone. Probably
back to his desk upstairs. He wasn't about to go all the way up there...
period! Chad half heartedly searched the hallways for Derek - on his
way straight back to his own desk. He really had no intention of
talking to Derek. He knew perfectly well how Derek felt about the
situation because it was exactly how he felt. But as he passed the
doors across from the elevator that led outside, he noticed someone
standing just outside, leaning up against the wall. Even from behind,
he could tell that it was Derek. Should he go out there, or not? Was
it really a girl thing to want to patch things up? Not that there was
anything wrong between them to begin with. But he could tell that
Derek wasn't exactly happy. Before he knew what he was doing, he was
opening the door and walking out.
"Hey, Derek," He said... cautiously, in his male voice.
Derek looked up at him in annoyance. "You want something?"
"I just want to make sure that you're not totally mad at me," Chad
replied. "I'm not too thrilled about this date situation either."
"Yeah, well trust me, it's even more embarrassing from my point of
view," he replied. "I mean, look at you, you're obviously okay with
going out with anybody at all!"
"Not really."
"Well, at least you don't care what gender they are then. You are the
one wearing the skirt here."
Unfortunately, Chad couldn't deny that part at all. From Derek's point
of view, he was probably completely right... even if he was really wrong.
Chad was suddenly more aware of the skirt around his legs and the way
that he was dressed than ever. "I know it looks that way, but... things
aren't always what they seem. I'm not interested in going out with
Derek shook his head. "It doesn't matter. With the way you're
dressed, nobody would ever think twice about who you're with!"
Chad couldn't deny that statement either. "I just wanted to make sure
you're not avoiding me because of this stupid date we're stuck with."
"I was," Derek replied. "You have no idea the amount of teasing that
Ray has been heaping on me over this. You don't have to put up with
that problem at all!"
"I have every woman in the company teasing me and riding my ass
instead. Not just one person, a lot of people."
Derek looked at him. "You're kidding? They're teasing you about it?"
Derek smiled. "I'm glad it's not just me then."
"I just don't want you to have to walk out of the room if I happen to
be there," Chad said.
Derek nodded. "Thanks, but for now, it may be better if I do."
Chad nodded disappointedly. "I understand. Is there anything I can do
to help?"
"Other than not be anywhere I'm going? I don't think so."
"That's going to be hard. I don't want you to not be able to use the
break room. We were doing fine till this stupid date thing popped up -
although the women were all teasing me even before that about me and
"You're kidding!"
"No, but that's just women. They have to have something like that to
talk about all the time. Relationships are more important to women
than to men."
"I guess you should know... now."
Chad was about to deny that, but wasn't that the reason he was taking
to Derek now? "I'm... learning," he finally replied. "I guess I still
have a lot to learn about women... or even about being one."
"Well, good luck with that. I can't help you there."
Chad smiled. "I guess not."
"You know though..."
"You could try being a bit more... consistent."
"Yeah. I mean, look... you're out here wearing a skirt and heels, and
you're talking to me like a man. At least, I mean, you're talking in
your old male voice. By the way, weren't you supposed to be trying to
stop that? It makes me feel funny to be talking to you when you look
like a woman, but then you open your mouth and I hear the old you
Chad actually blushed. "Sorry," he replied, this time in his new, more
feminine, girly voice. "I thought it would make you feel... more at
"Yeah, I get it. But it just seems weird. You know?"
"Yeah, I guess so."
"And then there's the way you dress."
Chad was surprised. He quickly looked down at what he was wearing.
"What's wrong with it, other than the fact that it's totally feminine?"
Derek shook his head. "It's not that! You look fine - now! I guess
anyway, for what you're trying to do. It's just that... well... the other
night. What was with the crazy way you were dressed then? It was
stupid! What were you trying to do?" He shook his head. "I sure hope
you're not going to dress like that for our date Sunday."
The problem was that Chad couldn't really guarantee that at all.
Knowing Mel, she might come up with anything! "Sorry, no guarantees,"
he replied.
Derek rolled his eyes. "Think about it! For my sake! Please! Don't
make things any worse than they already are."
Chad just nodded. "I'll... think about it." Unfortunately, it was a
matter he knew he would have no say in whatsoever. "So... are we good
then? I mean, still friends?"
Derek just looked at him, but finally nodded. "Yeah, still friends. I
just wish you hadn't... changed."
Chad hung his head sheepishly. "Sorry," he replied. "It kind of
caught me by surprise too."
Derek just shook his head. "I don't think I'll ever understand."
"It's okay. I don't expect you to. Just don't hit me when we're
together," he joked.
This time Derek smiled. "If you can't guarantee what you'll be wearing
for that date, then I'm not going to guarantee that!"
Robin had almost missed seeing Sissy and Derek talking together
outside. She desperately wished she could eavesdrop on that
conversation, but that was out of the question. So she waited inside
across the hallway for him. Finally she saw the two of them shaking
hands together and together they turned and walked back inside. It was
the handshake that bothered her though - it was all wrong! She shook
her head at Chad the minute they got through the door. "I guess you
two are still friends?" she asked.
"Yeah, we're good," Sissy replied. "There was never any doubt." He
looked up at Derek for confirmation. Derek's non-spoken shrug told him
that Derek still had some doubts though.
Robin looked back to Sissy and shook her head again at him. "You
really have an awful lot to learn!"
"What now?" Sissy asked. "I thought I was doing pretty well."
"Women don't shake hands like you two just did. In fact, what you
probably should have done was to give him a small hug instead. But
even shaking hands, you shouldn't do it like a man!"
Derek looked down at Sissy. "I see what you mean about them being on
your case all the time. And just for the record. I'm glad you didn't
try to hug me, because then I might have had to hit you for it!"
Chad would have laughed his comment off, but just then the stupid
suppository that Cindy had put up inside of him at the gym earlier
decided to do its thing. Without warning, he suddenly felt his insides
rushing out into his diaper.
"Hey," Derek exclaimed, seeing the look on Sissy's face, "I didn't
really mean it! It was just a joke... sort of."
"It's okay," Sissy replied, carefully trying to not show what was
really happening. "It just kind of caught me by surprise." He just
wasn't going to mention what that it that had caught him by surprise
really was.
After Derek left, Robin said, "You know, you did go white as a sheet
there for a moment. But then, I guess I might too if someone that big
threatened to hit me."
There was no way that Chad could tell her anything about what had
really happened. "Like I said, it just kind of caught me by surprise."
A little while later, Chad was staring at his computer screen,
wondering what to do with his free time. Hoping that Robin would stay
away for a while, he opened up the spreadsheet that he kept for
tracking his progress on the bet. Next to today's date, he noticed
that there were still 22 days to go. He couldn't decide if that seemed
like a lot or a little.
He moved up to yesterday's date, to the column where he kept track of
how long he had managed to hold back. The row for the day before said
twelve minutes, the first time he had shown improvement in a while.
But what should he put down for yesterday? Unfortunately, it wasn't
twelve minutes again. He pretty much knew the exact amount of time he
had managed yesterday, but should he round it up? It would certainly
sound better. Of course, since he hadn't managed to make the full
minute, he could also round the number down just as well. In the end,
he opted for the amount of time he remembered. He hated putting the
number down but he did... nine and a half minutes. Two and a half
minutes less than the day before.
What had happened? Once again he seemed to be on a downward trend, and
this time he had lost another two and a half minutes. What was
happening? It was Mel... and her stupid diaper games. They were really
taking a toll on him. But for the life of him, he didn't know what he
could do about it. He just prayed that in the end, his body would do
like it always did and bounce back quickly - very quickly. Otherwise...
He closed the spreadsheet because he didn't want to think about the
consequences at all. But now what was he supposed to do with the rest
of his afternoon? His mind pulled up an image he had seen on the
internet of some interesting shoes. Having nothing better to do, he
went in search of them.
Chad was yawning when he heard his cell phone ring. It was almost
quitting time. Almost time to go home. He quickly dug his phone out
and glanced at who was calling - Mel! "Hello?" he said, for once not
afraid to use his 'girly' voice.
"Well, I must say, it's a pleasure to not hear your stupid masculine
voice when you answer for once. Although I'd much rather hear your
sissy voice than your girly voice. But it is a definite improvement."
"Thank you," he replied. He had almost added "Mistress." He was glad
that he had caught himself in time.
"I just wanted to remind you that we have our therapy session tonight.
So make sure you get home and cleaned up fast. I'd like to have plenty
of time for dinner."
"I remember, and I'm looking forward to it." The relaxation therapy
sessions were by far one of the best things in his life now. He always
looked forward to them.
"Good. I shouldn't be late tonight. Don't forget to phone me when
you're rea