Help From Star CityChapter 9: Both Sides Plan For The Future free porn video

The Fire Department had left after extinguishing the fire. Since there had been an explosion the Arson Investigator left with them as the Police tow truck showed up, hooked up, and took the car off to Police Plaza where Max knew nothing would be found to implicate the Chief. He had video of Police Chief Tony Romano placing the bomb, but the bomb squad would never make the connection.
When Chet Nomouri arrived with Anita Jackson, Lydia, as Bordello Madame, had ordered her seized and stripped. She was subdued and then placed on stage and bound in a doggy position. A laptop was set on the floor in front of her and Paul streamed the video from the club that showed how Tony had spied on the house, placed the bomb on the Mustang and the subsequent explosion. Tears flowed from Anita's eye as she realized her lust and dereliction of her duties had caused their Master to be killed. When the laptop was removed and the first man knelt at her head she eagerly devoured his cock. When she felt the dog mount her and his fur and weight on her back, she remained motionless to allow him to penetrate her ass. She felt someone guide the dogs cock over her pussy, wetting it with precum and her own juices. Finally she felt it at her brown rosebud and realized he was being positioned for anal sex with her. She took a breath through her nose as her mouth was full of cock, and awaited the pain of penetration. She furiously sucked the cock in her mouth to distract her from what was happening behind her. She didn't know how long this punishment would last but knew she deserved it. She had the responsibility for the security of Max's holdings and his life and had failed. Max, her Master, was dead and she deserved anything the others did to her.
Got Gal, directing the k9 cock, finally allowed it to spread the sphincter muscles. The head stayed there, stretching her for a moment as Got Gal refused his attempts to go deeper into his bitch. It was Anita's pet Blacky, a black Doberman, mounted on her and he had never had his bitch's ass before. He had fucked her and received blowjobs but Anita had never allowed him to fuck her ass. He knew this hole was tighter than he was used to and was squeezing on his cockhead like never before. He was positioned higher on his mistress than usual and all this indicated he was in the wrong place. However every time he had fucked and been sucked by this bitch had felt good and he was willing to try this hole out, if only they would allow him to sink his shaft in it.
When Got Gal released his cock Blacky was ready. His hind legs had been trembling as they waited for the chance to drive his shaft into the waiting receptacle. He powered forward and there was a muffled scream from Anita as he drove his entire 10 inch cock into his bitch. He paused to allow the tunnel to expand to his girth. When he felt everything was ready he withdrew, leaving on the head inside her. Suddenly he lunged again and again. Finally the ball of his knot was in and the sphincter had closed on his shaft behind it. Now he could fill this tunnel with his cum and hold it there long enough to impregnate the bitch. He was only an animal and didn't realize that he and his Mistress having sex was wrong or that he couldn't impregnate her. He fucked her with the thought of pumping his puppy making cream deep in this bitch and holding it there until it had a chance to do its job.
As Blacky began to fuck her ass Anita swallowed her first load of cum. No sooner had her first cock finished erupting into her throat and been cleaned then it withdrew and a second took its place. Anita began to suck it as she felt her body finally accept Blackys invasion and begin to respond.
"Damn," she thought, "I'm going to cum to Blacky fucking my ass. I can feel it building. I'm going to orgasm because he's fucking my ass. Oh, it feels like any other orgasm from a cock in my cunt. I never knew this could feel so good and make me cum." Her hips thrashed around as she attempted to fuck the cock back. She forgot about the cock in her mouth and stopped sucking as she concentrated on her pending eruption. She was reminded of the cock in her mouth when the owner became impatient at her lack of attention to it and rammed it into her throat and began fucking her face. The two sensations at either end of her body threw her over the top and watchers could see her body responding to her inner eruption.
As Anita was being punished Lydia rounded up all the heroines under 25, Chloe and Nannette Hamilton and Isabelle Casta from Star City and herself and Summer Morgan from Delta City. She took them to her and Max's bedroom where their Master and Midori and Yumi were in post coital bliss. With 7 of the 8 youngest heroines available, Max began to train them in the art of hypnotism. He wanted to be able to send out teams to capture and hypnotize others. He had plans to take over Star and Delta Cities all together, but there were key people he wanted to control first. He wanted the legalization of prostitution passed in Star City at the least, and hopefully in the county. It depended on where Jessica Armstrong's mansion was, inside or outside the city limits. When his takeover was complete, the heroines of Star City would move into it and Chloe's House of Super Sluts would open there. Wade Manor would have its name changed to Lydia's House of Super Sluts and Morgan Manor would become Gail's House of Sluts.
As Anita was being punished and Max was training his students, Ramon Prize was meeting with Gail Roberts to arrange her son's funeral. Tony was calling elsewhere to try and locate the Great Illusionist. Finally he called Boss Long Rod McSwain in Star City. He was one of the most feared criminals in Star City. Very few knew that he had been the four times elected former Mayor before losing the election to Jessica Armstrong.

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