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Stan looked dubiously at the little crystal trinket dangling from his hand. His marriage was on the rocks, but he'd been hoping for something a little more useful than half-baked folk remedies.

Both men took a moment to appreciate the curves of Tracey's ass under her short tennis skirt as she collected their empty beer bottles. Will's wife ignored their gazes and exited the room as silently as she'd entered.

"Seriously? I remember you worrying about Tracey playing the field. And weren't you telling me last year that sex addict rehab program you checked her into was just a big waste of money?"

"That? What a joke." Will chuckled. "This is totally different. She hasn't looked at another man since our 'intervention'. It's like magic, man! Yeah, I know it looks stupid -- but you go with what works, right?" He took a moment to shift the respectable bulge in the front of his shorts.

Stan moved his hand slightly, watching the mobile sway. It didn't seem appropriate to mention that he'd been one of the men Will's wife had fucked -- more than a few times. Neither did he want to admit his own marital crisis stemmed from his wife walking in on a rebuffed attempt to restart that affair. It was true enough Tracey had practically ignored him, but that didn't matter to Gretta -- and it probably wouldn't matter to her lawyer, either. "Well, it can't make things any worse, can it?"

Gretta thought it was the stupidest thing she'd ever heard. It took her a long moment to calm down enough to listen to Stan's words again.

"...if you'd see things from my viewpoint," he concluded.

"Oh, yeah? You should try mine!" she huffed, staring angrily at her husband.

Stan nearly lost his temper. "Nothing happened! I can't help it if Tracey is always advertising." His withering look of contempt raked her comfortable slacks and shapeless top. "You certainly don't dress up anymore, and sharing a bed is supposed to mean more than just taking the covers. A man has needs!"

"I have needs, too!" Gretta, stung by his criticism, snarled. "I am not just a waitress and maid service, and I'm certainly not going to stand by and watch you screw the neighbors."

"Okay, look," Stan said after a deep breath, "let's just say we both have valid viewpoints, okay? Will says we both just need to concentrate on the other's viewpoint. We hang up this" -- he lifted the mobile again -- "where we can see it; it's a reminder, see?"

Gretta rolled her eyes. "Okay, fine." The irony of getting marital advice from Will was enough to make her smile; he was a stud, and he'd boned her enough times to know he was better in the sack than her husband, even if he'd gotten a little kinky lately.

Unfortunately, a divorce would cost Will nearly everything -- Tracey apparently had laid some high-powered lawyers -- and Gretta wouldn't get a penny from a separation that wasn't Stan's fault. It was exasperating, but the best her attorney could recommend was trying to make things work and waiting for Stan to make a mistake.

Rising from her seat, Gretta managed to take the mobile from Stan without touching him, and carried it over to the doorway into the master bathroom. She suspended it from the small nail that, in better days, had held a sprig of mistletoe during the holidays. Who knew? Maybe this stupid visualization thing would even do some good.

Gretta walked past the mobile, not really paying attention to the way it twisted, alternatively showing slivers of herself or the empty bedroom. She looked critically at her body in the mirror. "I'm still good-looking," Gretta told herself. "Hell, I'm at least as sexy as that slut Tracey -- even her husband thinks so."

It pained her to admit it, but Stan might have had a point about her wardrobe. Gretta considered the contents of her walk-in closet, and selected a flouncy skirt suit she hadn't worn in a while. It was still business-appropriate, but looked good; it looked even better after she slipped into a pair of heels instead of her usual flats. She left for work in a good mood for the first time in days.

Stan made it home before Gretta. He walked through the empty house, enjoying the quiet and lack of recriminations. The sparkle of the mobile caught his eye, and he reflected on her complaints. When Gretta arrived home, she found the dinner table set with dinner already prepared and a bouquet of fresh flowers at her place.

"For me?" she asked, recognizing blossoms from the landscaping behind the house.

"The most beautiful things in the house, except you," Stan told her. "The meal, alas, is Lean Cuisine."

Gretta laughed. "A man should know his limitations! Thank you; I'm sure it will be delicious."

Their mood lasted through dinner, and the conversation gradually became less stilted. When they finally retired to the bedroom, Stan was a little surprised to find himself aroused by watching Gretta as she undressed, and she realized his interest was making her wet.

The subsequent sex was good, if not great, but Stan came quickly and fell asleep, leaving Gretta wide awake and unsatisfied. She masturbated herself to orgasm and then lay beside him, watching stray beams of moonlight reflect off the crystalline pieces dangling in the doorway. It would be nice, she mused, if he was a little more interested in pleasing her -- but, really, it was an improvement on the last several months.

Gretta caught her breath and enjoyed the warmth of the sun after swimming her usual 100 laps of the pool. The exercise was relaxing, and it did good things for her figure, too. She frowned, looking across the hedge to where her neighbor also was basking in the sun.

"What a slut," Gretta thought, looking at Tracey's skimpy string bikini without trying to be obvious about it. "She must shave herself to wear that." Grudgingly she conceded to herself that with that figure, Tracey was worth looking at. Academically, Gretta could understand why Stan would be attracted to the other woman, but that didn't mean she was planning to forgive him for straying. Her body was better than Tracey's, anyway -- well, equally as good if she was scrupulously honest.

Stan accepted a fresh beer from Will and leaned back in his chair. A game was playing on the widescreen television, but neither of the men paid it much attention.

"It's hard, bro'," Stan admitted after a quick swallow. "Things aren't so good at the office, and Gretta's busting my balls at home."

"I know what you're going through," Will sympathized. "How's the visualization thing going?"

"Well, better, I have to admit. I thought Gretta was going to blow a gasket when I explained it, but she played along. It still seems pretty stupid to me, but I can't knock it if it works."

"Tell me about it. Just remember Rome wasn't built in a day."

Stan sighed. "Yeah, I know. I just wish Gretta would be a little more supportive and understanding. It's sort of like she's just humoring me."

"Well, that's better than phoning her lawyer, isn't it?"

After the double-header ended, Stan walked back to his house, wondering if they should just order out for dinner. Gretta was playing some truly tasteless music in the bedroom, so he walked in to see what she was doing.

The music turned out to be the soundtrack for some adult movie. Stan's attention was completely engaged by Gretta, who lay sprawled on the bed naked. He watched her dip a finger into her bare cunt and stroke herself, intent on the television. The actress was rather unattractive, with absurdly large tits and a body showing minor signs of flab. The guy pounding her was much fitter, with buns that clenched above sinewy thighs with every hard thrust.

Stan quickly shed his clothes and joined her. Soon they were fucking furiously, and Gretta's foul mouth urged him to greater efforts. She was dripping wet when they started, and climaxed before Stan did. "Is this what you want? Some fucking slut?" He jetted his scum into her.

Gretta didn't bother covering up before walking to the kitchen to find something to eat. Stan, feeling drained, lay on the bed and watched the couple fucking on television. Sure, it was a porno movie, but the actors were still going at each other hot and heavy, while his real-life tryst with Gretta had lasted a fraction of the time. The way the blonde's tongue caressed the stud's gleaming tool distracted Stan before he got to thinking about his own behavior after their previous encounter.

"Nice," Will commented, after watching Stan's tee shot drop to the middle of the fairway just to the side of a pair of bunkers. His own shot had gone a little farther, but ended up in the rough. "Doing as well at home?"

"I don't know," admitted Stan, dropping his driver back in the bag. "I'm trying, and I think Gretta is too, but..." He shrugged. "I mean, she's dressing more like she did when we got married, and I've gotten laid more this week than the past six months, but it's not the same."

Will raised an eyebrow.

"It's like Gretta is more detached, emotionally distant. You know, I got home after the game last night, and found her getting herself off watching some adult movie."

"That must have been hot," Will chuckled. "You tapped her, right?"

"Hell, yes! She came like a crazy woman, too; it reminded me of our partying days. But afterwards, she just got up and walked out of the room. No cuddling, nothing." Stan collected his thoughts for a moment before giving voice to his fears. "I'm worried I'm going to lose her, man."

Will surprised Stan by hugging him. "It'll get better -- just stick with it." Stan just stood there, embarrassed.

It was over so quickly that Will was climbing into the cart before Stan's brain could start thinking about what had happened. There wasn't anything exactly improper about a hug, but it wasn't really a guy kind of thing, was it? Stan darted sideways glances at his friend on the drive down the fairway; he was almost sure he'd felt Will's cock against his thigh during their brief embrace.

Gretta walked out to the pool for her morning swim and looked across the hedge. As she'd expected, Tracey was already out sunning. Her neighbor's bikini top was sitting on the deck beside the chaise, and it appeared Tracey might be watching her, although the dark sunglasses made it hard for Gretta to know for sure.

"If that slut thinks she's going to tease me, she's got another thing coming," Gretta told herself. Resolutely not looking in Tracey's direction, she pulled off her suit and dove into the pool naked.

After Gretta finished her laps, she was breathing a little more heavily than usual, even though would-be voyeurs would have had to be standing on the patio or overhead in low-flying helicopters to see anything. She didn't think Tracey had been standing up. Determined to make her point, Gretta hoisted herself out of the water and picked up her towel. She patted herself dry, staring defiantly at her neighbor.

Sure enough, she could see Tracey's hand moving between her legs. "No wonder Stan was chasing her," Gretta mused, "the tramp is just asking for it." A trickle of moisture that didn't come from the pool punctuated the thought.

Gretta still hadn't gotten around to dressing by the time Stan returned home; he found her in the bathroom applying lipstick.

"Going somewhere?" he asked, brushing by the mobile in the doorway so he could toss his shirt in the hamper.

"I hadn't planned on it, but you could give me a ride," she replied, noticing the bulge in his slacks.

Stan didn't pretend to misunderstand her. He quickly removed his slacks and underwear, then roughly pinned Gretta to the counter from behind, finding her as wet as he was hard. She braced herself as he started pumping into her energetically, but Stan's attention was focused on their images in the mirror. He clenched his buttocks with every thrust, like the man in the video, and watched the contrast between his muscular body and his wife's softer figure. What did it feel like for Gretta? Did Will look the same way when he was fucking Tracey?

Curiously, Gretta was wondering much the same thing. She panted as she watched her tits sway in the mirror. Would Tracey's look the same, up close? Would they feel the same? Would her neighbor's eyes have the same heavy-lidded look when she shuddered and came? Gretta remembered the rumors about Tracey's orientation, but forced the scandalous thought aside and concentrated on the feel of her husband's tool buried inside her. It wasn't as satisfying as she'd hoped, and a finger drifted down to her clit to help out.

Stan had a difficult time holding up his end of the conversation during his morning run with Will. His eyes drifted repeatedly to the outlines of Will's tight ass beneath his shorts, and the fullness of the erection in his jockeys was beyond distracting.

They were cutting through the undeveloped wooded lot at the end of the subdivision when Will called for a brief halt. "Too much coffee this morning, man," his friend explained, nonchalantly fishing the head of his semi-erect organ out the leg of his shorts.

Embarrassed but unable to look away, Stan stared at the meaty head of Will's cock and the heavy stream of urine gushing from it. Without touching himself, he exploded in his shorts, filling the front of his briefs with hot scum.

The rest of the run was an exercise in torment. The sticky residue of his climax coated Stan's cock and balls, reminding him of its presence with every stride, and making him feel dirty and unclean like some whore. He ran behind Will the entire way, petrified something would leak past his shorts and reveal itself to his friend. Despite it all, Stan found himself harder than he'd been his entire life.

When he finally made it to the safety of his unoccupied house, Stan loped into the bathroom and quickly removed his shorts. His underwear was dark with moisture and he pulled it tight, massaging his spunk into his balls while admiring the look of the fabric pulling between his cheeks and tenting over his throbbing tool.

Finally the lure of the musky fabric was too great to ignore and Stan pulled off his abused underwear. He inhaled deeply, savoring the male musk of his secretions, and then excited himself to another searing climax while sucking at the semen-permeated fabric. A little masturbation while his wife was unavailable didn't make him gay, did it?

Gretta couldn't concentrate, either. For the second time that morning, she closed the door of a bathroom stall behind her and hiked up her inappropriately short skirt so she could reach her dripping slit. Her thong was as wet as if she'd peed herself, but Gretta knew the moisture was much sweeter. She bit her lip to stifle a gasp while she rubbed her clit with a lubricated finger; somebody had entered the adjoining stall.

She imagined what might happen if the unknown woman was Tracey, but shook her head with an amused smile -- that slut had never worked a day in her life and was probably jilling off on Will's expensive wrought-iron chaise lounge right now.

Gretta's finger increased its pace and her entire body tensed as she tried to hold off her climax a little longer. "I bet Tracey would already be screaming her lungs out if I did this to her," she thought, and lost her battle for self-control.

"Are you okay?" came a concerned voice from the next stall.

"Yes," Gretta half-whispered, half-moaned. She fought the urge to say more -- she'd be a fool to cheat on Stan this way, and she wasn't a lesbian anyway.

Her traitor mind formed a vision of Tracey touching her, and she just had to start stroking herself again. The tramp would probably even eat her out. Gretta's legs started trembling and her feet arched inside her high-heeled pumps.

Both Stan and Gretta were on edge that evening. It had taken her forever to get the damned draft proposal reviewed, and the deadline meant she hadn't been able to leave until it was finished. By the time she finally pulled into the driveway, it was after dark, the dinner on the table was cold, and Stan's cock was practically raw.

Only the last object was of any practical concern to her, and the couple left a trail of discarded clothing behind them as Gretta dragged Stan into the bedroom. Frustratingly for both of them, he was limp.

Gretta was desperate enough to kneel and take him in her mouth, although Stan smelled like he hadn't showered in days and his scent was so strong it was repellent. Sucking and licking didn't seem to be having any positive effect, and when one of his wiry pubic hairs caught in her teeth, it was the last straw.

"What?!" she screamed at him, crying and caught between frustration and anger. "Aren't I good enough for you anymore? Damnit, I have needs! Fuck your new age therapy!" Gretta jumped to her feet and started to run from the room. She stopped briefly to tear the mobile from its hook and hurl it into the bathroom wastebasket. Then, at her wits' end, she stomped out of the room and headed for the kitchen; maybe chocolate would take her mind off her arousal.

Stan silently watched her go, confounded by his totally unexpected lack of performance. Readiness was something he'd taken for granted his entire life; true, he'd jacked off four or five times already that day, but he'd never failed to please a beautiful woman before. He touched himself, wondering what the problem was, and felt a faint stirring in his organ.

Gretta broke off another square of dark chocolate and popped it into her mouth. She chewed it more slowly than the piece before it and stared sightlessly out the window, trying to understand what had gone wrong. Eventually she realized she was watching the play of the underwater pool lights next door against the landscaping.

Curious, she let herself out the back door and, still naked, crossed through the hedge between the yards until she stood beside the pool. Tracey, wearing her micro bikini, was swimming a lazy backstroke. The tightness inside Gretta increased. "Slut!" she accused.

Tracey finally noticed her and coasted to the shallow end of the pool before standing up. "What?" she asked.

"Whore! Did you ever earn anything except on your back or your knees? That suit isn't a cover-up; it's a come-on -- no wonder Stan ignores me! Can't you just leave him alone?"

"Oh?" Tracey cocked her head. "I'm sorry you've felt so threatened. Frankly, I don't see you have much to worry about." A long look reminded Gretta she was naked and heated her body. "If you're worried about the dress code..." A moment later, she was as bare as Gretta.

"God, you are such a slut!" exclaimed Gretta, watching the other woman swim to the edge of the pool and deposit the scraps of spandex on the patio.

Tracey retaliated by grabbing an ankle and toppling Gretta into the warm water with her. "Haven't you noticed that I haven't been showing off for Stan?" Tracey asked after Gretta surfaced. "Do you know how hot you are?"

"Stay away from me," stammered Gretta. She backed away from Tracey until she was leaning against the side of the pool, but kept staring at the other woman as she bobbed closer.

"Stop kidding yourself, Gretta," Tracey laughed. It was a low, sultry sound that resonated inside Gretta. "I know you want to fuck me as badly as I want to fuck you." Tracey licked her lips, and Gretta realized her mouth was dry.

She also realized her neighbor was right; if Tracey was a slut, Gretta wanted Tracey to be her slut.

Stan stood on the porch, gaping at sight of his wife and neighbor writhing together in the pool beyond the hedge. Rather than arousal, he felt a vast emptiness inside. Had his marriage come to this?

"Pretty hot, eh?" Will asked, startling Stan. His friend returned his attention to the camcorder in his hand, keeping it focused on the women in the water.

"I didn't think she even liked women, much less Tracey," Stan said, feeling like he needed to say something; at least Will hadn't asked why he was outdoors naked.

"Well, she looks like a lesbian now," Will chuckled. He zoomed in on the sight of Tracey helping Gretta out of the pool and held his silence while the two tumbled into a 69 atop the chaise lounge. "It's lucky for me Tracey was bisexual."

"I don't understand," Stan admitted, caught off-balance by the non-sequitur.

Will turned off the camcorder and set it down next to the grill. "You never did Gretta in the ass, did you?"

"Why?" asked Stan, suspiciously.

"I thought not. Well, it turns out Tracey was even more oversexed than I thought she was." Will adjusted himself, and Stan belatedly realized his friend was wearing only a wet Speedo that struggled to contain his erection.

Stan could feel blood starting to fill his own organ, and tried vainly to conceal his growing arousal. With no clothing or cover, it was a lost cause; his face heated, but not as quickly as his cock.

"The bitch was hungry to fuck anything on two legs. We didn't plan for this to happen, but it did, and she wouldn't even look at me afterwards -- she only had eyes for Gretta."

Stan started at his wife's name, but was completely lost by Will's rambling.

"You know she'll take me to the cleaners in a divorce, and I have a certain standing and image to maintain. There aren't that many rich heiresses around, right?"

They both laughed at the old shared joke.

"So, I took Gretta's anal cherry," Will continued. "Man, was she tight that first time, but I already had her wrapped around my finger."

"You were screwing my wife?" Stan growled, feeling some emotion for the first time.

Will snorted. "Like you weren't sticking that into Tracey every chance you got?" He gestured towards Stan's throbbing tool. "Not that it isn't almost the equal of mine, mind you." He pulled down his swimsuit, revealing a hard-on nearly identical to Stan's.

Really, there was little to choose between the two of them, except that Will apparently waxed or shaved. Stan couldn't take his eyes off it as Will started smearing something on it and resumed talking.

"Anyway, we kept at it. After a while, Gretta told me she liked it just as much as normal sex, and it was sweet to hear her talk about 'saving her pussy for Stan'. I knew we were ready when she'd come just from having me up her back door, without going near her cunt."

Will placed the tube next to the camcorder. "Then I just made sure Gretta found you and Tracey. Bet she didn't mention I was leaking out of her ass that day, did she?"

Stan stared at the turgid flesh gleaming in the night air and grappled with the concept of anybody fitting it inside their rectum. "This is some kind of joke, right?"

"Nope. I've known Tracey was gonna fuck me -- figuratively, especially since the change. But that's okay, now, 'cause I'm gonna fuck you -- and you're gonna love it."

Stan shook his head, but he was trembling and a stream of precum was leaking from his penis.

"And even if Gretta soaks you in a divorce, which she won't since we have proof she cheated first, you'll still have more money than I do now. And we'll always be together, 'cause you're my little man-slut, aren't you?"

Will pulled him close for a quick kiss that was unlike any he'd had before, but intensely exciting, and then roughly turned Stan to face the stone counter. There was a searing pain that didn't keep Stan from thrusting himself backward to meet Will, and then he felt his bowel distending to accept the intruder violating it.

"Fuck, yeah!" hissed Will, who reveled in the tightness of the recently-virgin hole surrounding his heated organ. Stan was nothing like any of the women he'd fucked, but there was something about the build of a man, and the power of those muscles thrusting back against him, that was even better. His ass twitched, but Will had already decided there was only going to be one pair of pants in this relationship.

Stan moaned when Will started pumping him hard, and quickly shot a huge load onto the countertop in front of him. His tormentor pushed him forward, rubbing his face in his own spend, while continuing to plumb the depths of his clutching ass. It was totally degrading and totally exciting and Stan begged for more like the slut he was.

Will just laughed and slammed forward again, and then Stan felt his lover's man-seed scalding his churning insides. "Oh yeah," Will exclaimed, "you're a fine piece of ass, Stan! Maybe even better than your wife!" He laughed again.

"Bastard!" Tracey growled, listening to the grunting and laughter coming from the other side of the hedge.

"Give it a break, love," Gretta suggested, pulling Tracey into a tighter embrace and kissing her. There were two chaises by the pool now, but as usual they seemed to end up sharing one. "I think you came out ahead, remember?" It was still hard for Gretta to think of the house she shared with Tracey as hers, even six months after their divorces. It wasn't at all hard to think of being with the woman who could still excite her like nothing else in the world with just a look or touch.

Tracey made a face, but relaxed with a sigh. "I don't care how much of his money I have. It still feels like that cheating bastard came out on top!"

"Beg for it," Will's voice carried to them from the house that was his in all but name. "Beg for me to fuck you until you scream like a little girl!"

"I still don't understand why he's so cruel to Stan," Gretta admitted. "You were never like that, were you?"

"No," replied Tracey. "I think the switch is just a starting point. I mean, who got me hooked on anal beads? Are you seriously going to claim Stan was into that?"

Gretta giggled. "No, I just thought they might be interesting."

"Still," Tracey mused, "I wish I knew what happened to that mobile." She noticed her lover was still giggling. "What?"

"Last night I snuck next door and hung it from the wind chime!"

Tracey squinted and caught a stray glint from the large chime suspended just beyond where her ex was skewering his rampantly erect companion. "Gretta! You are so bad! I love you!"

"Prove it," Gretta purred with a smile, and blocked the view with her body.


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That got the laughs I wanted. There were three ambulances out in the parking lot with paramedics trying to make sure it was safe to transport the girls to the hospital before they left. All three girls were fighting all attempts the paramedics did to examine them. They weren’t even letting anyone get their vitals. I went to the first ambulance to talk to the paramedic. I asked him if I could have a minute or two with the girl to see if I could calm her down. I explained how one of the other...

3 years ago
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Daniel Wolf Part 4

Reflecting back at her from the pool of water she had just bathed in...was the image of a young woman with sparkling brown eyes. Her skin seemed to glow as drops of water dripped from her erect nipples. The globes of her breast so perfectly shaped that just the sight of her cleavage has made many a mans mouth water. Usually the first sight that drew them back was a small handful of freckles scattered in said cleavage. A trickle of water found a path from her cleavage down her smooth...

4 years ago
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To Hurt is to Become Chapter 2 Day 2

Innocent Guilt To Hurt is to Become Chapter 2 Day 2 Bill was alone. The room was void of everything and everyone. Suddenly a spotlight from above shined directly in Bill's eyes. "Who's there?" Bill asked. "You've been a very bad boy Mister Edwards. You've hurt, lied, and cheated." A voice said. "I'm a American citizen! If you don't let release me there will be trouble. I know my rights!" Bill screamed back. "You had your rights, but you abused them. You were very bad...

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The LottoChapter 2

Patty A few weeks later Mandy called and asked if I were available for lunch and if I would host ... she offered to bring it. When I opened the door an hour later, I was surprised to see she had another young lady, diminutive, not 5 feet tall and while not homely, not a beauty either ... but shaped nicely in proportion. "Jake, this is Patty, my classmate" I welcomed both in and we went to eat in the sunroom. After a little small talk about Patty and Mandy's friendship and interest in...

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A Damaged Teen Slut Ch6

*** A DAMAGED TEEN SLUT - CHAPTER SIX *** The sound of heels clicking on the sidewalk, infrequent passing vehicles, and gentle sobbing fill the autumn air as an aimless, mistreated and misunderstood girl named Emmy walks without a home. She stops abruptly as she stands on the outskirts of suburbia, about to enter the city. Her arms folded, she looks around while she contemplates what she's going to do. Her father might be all she has left, despite her reservations. With her phone up to her...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Veronica Clark Charlie Red At Your Service

Charlie Red and Veronica Clark are enjoying some girl time as they hold up clothes to each other’s chests in an effort to find the perfect outfit. As the girls each take off their shirts to expose their tits, they find themselves more interested in locking lips than in playing with clothes. Their hands quickly start to wander, followed by their mouths. It’s the perfect moment, and when Michael Fly stumbles on them they decide not to let it end just because he’s there. Taking a...

3 years ago
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Very Erotic Family Saga Guaranteed

Hello reader, I live with my bhaiya and bhabhi in Bangalore. Ethnically, we are Gujarati, from Ahmadabad. Our father had bought some land in Bangalore about thirty years ago. He built a building for office spaces about twenty years ago. My brother has been looking after it for last ten years. I am 27. My brother is 33, bhabhi is 30. And a few days ago it was their third wedding anniversary. Those are all the ages, reader. We threw a party. The party was attended by our parents, our relatives,...

4 years ago
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HomecomingChapter 5

The next morning, Cindy and I woke up around eleven feeling completely famished. Unfortunately, there was no room service at the Lodge, so we were going to have to forage for food. Cindy suggested a shower together and I was more than happy to oblige. Sex in the shower was a new experience for me. The marathon from the previous night had me feeling sore, but Cindy's wet and soapy body against mine quickly brought my second wind. Cindy demonstrated some experience and flexibility in the...

2 years ago
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Home from the Road

We arrived home from our camping trip and started unloading the car and RV. Danny was a huge help carrying stuff in huge loads. The kid has a nice work ethic. After everything was in its place Danny called her mom to see when she was arriving. “Oh my god mom, are you OK?’ Danny gasped. ‘Don’t worry about me I can find a place to hang out for a few days until you can come get me. Maybe the YWCA has room,” Danny said as she paced the room. “OK mom. I love you too,” Danny said hanging up her...

1 year ago
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Adventure in the Park

I am 22 years old, 5'6" tall, long straight black hair, and I have an athletic body. I live in the suburbs of Nashville, TN. Just outside of Nashville is a fairly large public park; this is where my story takes place. It was a beautiful spring day and I decided that a little adventure was in order. I woke early and found the items I would need. This consisted of leather wrists and ankle cuffs that lock onto your limbs, a inflatable gag, a neck collar that has "D"rings on it, locks and...

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Whilst reading porn a bbw girl gets a surprise from her dog

I was home alone on a Saturday night and decided to get online and look for some one to talk to. To let you know why I was home alone I must tell you that I am a BBW and have trouble attracting men as not many men are attracted to big women. None of my net friends were online so I decided to surf for a while. While surfing I found a page with free porn so I decided to have a look. What I saw was amazing and getting me incredibly wet. The images in front of me were of girls and guys and animals....

1 year ago
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Haunted MansionChapter 3

I slowly began to realize that sunlight was pouring through the drapes on my window. A sense of dread overcame me as I realized that I had fucked an underage girl last night. Or was that a dream? No it was real, all the details were racing back to me. Wait. Her boobs, her massive clit. My longer dick. Muscles. Looking down, it was confirmed. While before I had no definition and pretty scrawny muscles, I now had some muscle mass, with tone! I stood up and admired my new naked body in the...

2 years ago
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Fucking a Friend

I was incharge of a three day event which hosted close to 800 people. It was a camping event with a banquet, band, field trips, door prizes, and vendors that were set up to sell to the attendees. Planning had dominated my time for more than 4 months but the last three weeks had been hell. I was working my job during the day and using every waking moment outside of work working on the details of this major event. Large quantities of caffeine was the only thing allowing me to get everything...

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Caugh wearing Hungarian MILFs bikini

I was visiting my friend Norbi in Hungary in mid August. He lived in the western suburbs of the city with his mom and brother. They had a sweet house with a pool in the garden, perfect for cooling off in on a warm summer’s day. His recently divorced mom had just arrived back from a girls’ holiday in Spain the previous day. Norbi had spent last night with his girlfriend at her house and his brother was staying at his friend’s house. Upon waking up, I remembered how sexy the mom looked after she...

1 year ago
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It was barely past five o'clock. Bill Jenkins sat at the bar sipping his drink. His second. The ironic part about this was, Bill wasn't a drinker, until now anyway as he sat there thinking about it. "When was the last time I was even in a bar?" he wondered asking himself. And he probably wouldn't be here now if it weren't for the fact he'd gotten tired at staring at the walls in his office. Three days of doing that, saying you were working late when you really weren't, staring out the...

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Little Big Man Sunday Surprise

I woke up about eleven the next day. My soft cock was crusty with the leftovers of my sister's pussy juice and my dried jizz.As I thought about it my cock started to squirm and lengthen. The memory of fucking Karen's willing mouth, juicy snatch and her big bouncy tits was making me hard. The image of Mom fingering herself while she watched made my now-swollen snake twitch.A knock on the door interupted my thoughts."Come for brunch," Mom invited through the door."Okay, be right there," I...

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Shaynas Wild WeekendChapter 2 Friday Night

Even though I was glad to have Jenny going with us, when the weekend began I was determined to make sure that I kept my position as the queen bee in Ryan's hive, no matter what that took. I started on that plan of action as soon as Ryan picked us up. As we had arranged, he picked us up at six o'clock on Friday. We threw our overnight bags in the back seat, and hopped in. Ryan had told me that one of the reasons he still liked to drive that old car was because it had a nice bench seat that...

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Carree Loves Billy Graduation TripChapter 3

"If you had stopped, I would have been more crazy. It was great!!" I told him. It was the first time he penetrated my butt when it was not my idea, and I didn't know it was coming. It hurt a lot at first, but it went away quick. I should have been mad, but I wasn't. If I had shrieked when he did it, I am sure he would have stopped. I was in that "after orgasm" state when I realized his thumb was still buried in my butt. Thumbs don't lose interest and get soft like a penis...

2 years ago
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Middle of the Night Play

I feel a hand on my waist and that is when I realize that I was sleeping. But I can’t think of a better way to wake than your hands on me. It takes me a moment to rid myself of the fog and I open my eyes. Yes. You are laying beside me, as you were a few hours ago when we fell asleep together. You smile sheepishly at me, as if you are sorry you woke me. As your hand slips to my ass, I smile back. No. I am not upset you woke me. You may wake me anytime. To talk, to cry. Even to make love. I...

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Heather the Little Sister

“Hello?” I said, half expecting it to be a telemarketer. I told you, I’d settle for anybody right now. “Hey sport, so I heard you’re turning 16 in a few weeks?” said a familiar voice. I haven’t talked to my older brother ever since the divorce two years ago. “Joe, is that you?” I said shockingly. “Yeah, it’s me. I just got a new car, and I’ve noticed that I haven’t been a good brother lately, and I was wondering if you wanted to go on a road trip with me; just us, two guys having fun...

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Sex with mother

Hi every one. I am Rajeev sharing my experience with you. I am studying b.e in one of the colleges in Hyderabad. My mother is also working as a lecturer in the same college. First i will say about my family. My family consists of 3 members. I said about myself and mom. My father is working in Dubai and he will come once in 2 years. Dad doesn’t want mom to go for job. But mom convinced dad as she will get bored alone at home. So dad agreed her to go for job. Now i will say about my mom. I think...

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Girl proving she can be naughty as well as nice

About 6 years ago I was just getting out of a long relationship. We had been together for four years and although it was obviously sad I had seen it coming for months and to be honest I was quite relieved when it finally ended. I went back to university after that summer for the new term with a feeling of adventure and freedom, I went out more, had more fun, and felt happier than I had for a long time. With me for this fun were my university mates and a very close friend I used to share a house...

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Fernanda Peituda Safada hottest stories

Following are all real life encounters!You can also be part of it if you meet Fernanda (nickname Peituda Safada) in Brazil!Fernanda gangbangedThey were 15 guys, they leave me out in a Nightclub in São Paulo where I worked as dancer also. We go to a house of one from this guys, there we stayed in big room, in middle was a normal table, I had to go first on table with my short shirt on and dance for them, the guys were sitting around me and pulled out their cocks and wanked them by looking how I...

4 years ago
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Balling Hot DaughterChapter 7

As Ben walked back to the beach for the afternoon session of shooting, he found himself in a real dilemma. Although he hadn't told Chrissy, he'd just met a girl who might be suitable wife material. For a long time after Chrissy's mother had died, Ben had played around, with no thought of ever marrying again. But the time had come to settle down, and he just might have found the right girl to do it with. So it was a helluva time to start an affair with his own daughter. Meanwhile back at...

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Livvys Dog Slut Fantasy 2 King

What I can see is a German Shepard on a chain which is attached to a ring on the wall opposite the one I am. The only difference is, there’s timer on it the lock securing it to his collar. Nick and Alondra explained it to me before leaving me alone with the dog. When the time is up, it will release him to do… whatever he wants. When I asked how long it’s set for, Alondra just laughed and told me not to worry about it. Then they left, going back upstairs, shutting the door behind them....

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Fucking Tanya

Hello! Pabby here again with my new experiences. In my this experience I used my most exiting and most hot n horny technique of ice cock which is now my speciation any female tries it can’t resist it. It makes them cum by just thinking about it but I didn’t explain it full in my story if anyone. If ladies, girls, couples or groups wanna contact me they can mail me at We together can have the pleasure which you wouldn’t have imagined for. Satisfaction is granted. Secrecy in demanded and...

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HandsOnHardcore Valentina Nappi Paola Hard Slut girlfriends Valentina Nappi and Paola DPd in Wild 3m2f Swinger Party

It’s the morning before their swinger party and Valentina Nappi is a bit worried because her girlfriend’s boyfriend allegedly has an enormous cock, and she’s not sure she can take it all. When Valentina expresses her feelings to her boyfriend Vince he reassures her that everything will be just fine and that she shouldn’t be worried at all. Later on in the evening, Vince, Valentina, and their friend Kristof are hanging out at the house when Paola and Thomas arrive. Valentina, despite...

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Hard For Women Ch 3

About a week later, we made the Let Me Help recording. It was an extremely enjoyable experience. It was almost as enjoyable when I got to watch it. I’ll never forget Jo Jo’s face. It was months after the shoot, and I was doing something in the kitchen one morning, when Jo Jo came bursting into the room. ‘You really did it, didn’t you?’ she said. ‘It really is you.’ ‘What are you talking about?’ I asked, knowing full well. ‘I’ve just got the latest Let Me Help,’ she said. ‘You’re in it.’ I...

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WildOnCam Anna Chambers Jazmin Luv Cum On Their Big Dildo LIVE

Anna Chambers has little to hide with her sexy strappy and blue bra and panty set that really does not hide any of her assets. Those tits don’t want to be tucked away and there is no reason to hide them from you or from the tall and sexy Jazmin Luv! Jazmin can’t wait until the show begins so she can bury her face in Annas beautiful pussy making her cum all over her face. This girl knows how to work her tongue touching and licking on Annas clit in the perfect way. Who can deep throat...

2 years ago
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Sali Ka Group Sex Part 2

Dear all I am regular reader of ISS, and many stories I have seen which inspired me to write my life experience when I was working in a leading telecom company in USA. I am RAJA, any female, who need a good friend in USA, especially in California, who want to have sex with me can mail me at HERE IS PART 2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ‘Please jiju no more’ I pleaded but he paid no heed to my plea. I tried to struggle but felt too weak and groggy. Slowly we went up the stairs to my room. ‘I can manage now...

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The French Lady

The day was fading slowly, yielding to the dark of the night. I watched out of the window as the world outside lost its color and the shapes and forms merged together as the darkness took over. There was no reason for me to still stand at the window, staring out into a black nothingness. There was absolutely nothing to see outside anymore. Maybe it was the rhythmic clicking of the rails that mesmerized e into staying at the window. I was on my way to the south of France , to the town by the...

Wife Lovers
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Becoming a Rubberdoll Part I

This story is a work of fiction. I have always fantasized about becoming a woman and in real life that is what I am working on right now. I have also fantasized about being a rubberdoll. That might happen in real life for me as well, but my story will be fun!My name is Cody Jackson. I am a recent college graduate who got two degrees in Biology and Psychology with an emphasis in genetics. In college I did an independent study on Alzheimer's and I discovered a way to alter or reduce the decay of...

4 years ago
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All Over the News

I only write stories when something happens. I actually did try and write some that were my idea of erotic but somehow they always sounded fake to me. Well, something happened, although there was nothing erotic about it at all, really. At least not as I write this. For those who haven’t read my stories, I will try my best to make this stand alone. I am a Doctor, some have commented that they think I am not but the truth is I did go to nursing school, then on to pre-med, and finally became a...

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Caught dressed by neighbor Part 1

Got the laptop set up with the cam, logged into a cam site and proceeded to get naked and start playin. Decided that today I would play while in the wife's nightie. A sweet little black thing. She is a lot smaller than me so it does not quite reach my ass and cock. Very convenient for riding dildos!So there I am, nightie on, squatting over a chair with a 9 inch dildo in my ass, when I look up and see the neighbor lady at the window with a shocked look on her face. I can imagine the look of...

2 years ago
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The Breeding of Laura

author: angieseroticpenLaura settled back on the settee, nervous, yet sexually excited. She enjoyed her 'fantasy nights' with her husband Tom.She could feel the coldness of the steel handcuffs that bound her wrists firmly behind her back and she could also feel her own dampness between her thighs. Wearing a thin black dress with just a pair of black stockings and suspenders underneath, she could feel a chill too. She was also in darkness. A black silk scarf covered her eyes to give everything...

2 years ago
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Be Careful What You Wish For Part 2

Joan looked around the room and shook her head, struggling at the restraints even harder than before after what Suzy had said."No, please Suzy. What did I do to make you do this to me? This can't be happening. Please take these rings off my nipples. They hurt and I don't want them to be stretched out like that.""Well, I think they look good like that. And so perfect for slapping and sucking, along with that little cock you call a clit."Joan had continued looking around the room while she...

Group Sex
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Way To End The Day

The steady drone of the big diesel for the last couple of hours has about made both of us drowsy. The traffic tonight has been sporadic, either light and moving along at 70, or heavy stop / go construction tie ups that really try a truck driver’s patience. The day is going to end soon, over 600 miles logged and we can retire for the night. It hasn’t been all that cool in the truck as the A/C has had problems keeping the temperature just “moderate” and not all that “cool”. Schedules and time...

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House Fucking

“I have a million things to do and the list is growing,” I thought to myself as I prepared for my interstate move. Between packing, cleaning and all the never ending chaos, life is just one continuous series of mishaps. Today, I was going to meet with Marcia, the realtor assigned to me by my company. She was scheduled to meet me at my hotel at 11am to show me some listings in what will be my new neighborhood. Wearily, I tumble out of bed, take a quick shower and wait in the hotel lobby for...

Quickie Sex
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The Case of the Paper Roses a Michelle Hammer Mystery

Looking busy isn't as easy as you might think; especially when you're a janitor ... excuse me, Custodial Engineer. I was undercover at Mad Marvin's House 'O' Electronics because someone on staff was taking a five finger discount on various gadgets and falsifying the shipping manifests. I figured there had to be two or more people involved and one was in management. I decided to catch the actual thieves first and get them to rat off their accomplices. So here I was wearing a thrift shop...

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Nearing her stop he pulled over to a darkened street so as to be a little inconspicuous and then turning off the light he prepared for his night of fun. In the course of driving his hands had already pulled her skirt up to her waist baring her g-string to his lecherous gaze and hands as he rubbed the soft cloth and then crept underneath to the warm and welcoming flesh underneath. He had fingered her slightly, just enough to get her nice and wet so he could taste and she was sweet, he thought...

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Reginalds DisasterChapter 15

He lifted the opened packet to his nose, and sniffed. “Hmm. Drugs of some kind, I think. Smells slightly of cannabis, but I am getting over a cold, so my sense of smell is affected.” He told the other man, “Don’t touch anything behind the panels. Leave the lot intact for now, but uncover the other three panels to check if what is behind them is the same. I’ll need to phone this in and we can have a team meet the train at St Pancras, for a forensic search. There might be more than just these...

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The Fembot Formula

Mike is a 18 year old teen who lived a very uneventful life. One day after school, he headed home thinking of another night of mundane conversations with his mother and sister over dinner. When Mike got home he saw a package at his front door addressed to him with no return address. Confused he grabbed the package and went straight to his room to see what it was. Mike ripped open the package and saw a note, a rather intricate looking remote control and a vial of liquid. Mike started reading the...

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A Year Ago My First Time

My first time was with a Korean girl about 20. She was a second year student in my university. She and I met at a club near my apartment. I was dancing with a group of friends when I noticed her. Wearing a short black dress, her straight black hair held back by pins. I was a bit drunk, so I got the courage to ask her to dance. Surprisingly, she agreed. We danced with the great music on. It was Dj Tiesto I think. Like a virgin single shy guy, I tried not touch her but she kept coming closer...

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Chapter 1 I had just come home after an extraordinarily hectic day at work. It was Friday, and this was the last day of school for the summer. I am a mechanic at a very busy shop. It seemed like everybody was going somewhere for the summer and they needed their cars fixed, yesterday. I was swamped all day. I didn't even get a lunch break, which I was really feeling because I had skipped breakfast that morning as well. I had just kicked off my shoes and was starting to get undressed for my...

4 years ago
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My First Seduction prt 3

Having washed her hair Sara dried herself with a big fluffy towel and ran that over her hair quite looking forward to having it dried by Mandy. She was also feeling little tingles in her body but put that down to the closeness and sheer friendship that existed between them. There were no thoughts in her mind similar to those going through Mandy’s for the idea that her friend might be interested in her for more than friendship hadn’t entered her head.Sara, with her extremely limited experience...

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