Bellaire BellesChapter 3
- 4 years ago
- 29
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A very naked Grace answered her door and looked at me like I was crazy.
"How in the hell did you get over here?" asked Grace, worry washing over her face.
"Ashley walked me over and then left. I need to talk to you alone where I know no one else is going to walk in on our conversation."
"OK sweetie," said Grace, visibly relaxed. "I'm gonna have to send Patrick away though."
"I can come back at another time," I said, blushing.
Grace shook her head. "No, it sounds like this is serious. I'll send him over to Sarah's. Maybe he can go wear Ashley out for awhile instead of me."
"Not likely," I said under my breath knowing Ashley would be in no mood for her brother.
Grace led me into the house and then after a few minutes I watched as Grace ushered Patrick out of the house. He gave me a dirty look as he walked out the door. I knew I must have interrupted something fairly intimate to get that kind of look.
When Patrick was gone Grace came back into the house and went up to put some clothes on. She came back down wearing a terry cloth robe. She sat on the same couch as I was sitting on and smiled.
"What seems to be the problem?" she asked.
"I want to change the way things are between Ashley and I," I said. "In order to do that I need to change the way things are between Sarah and I, and Bree and I."
"You want to be exclusive with Ashley, don't you?" asked Grace. She could always read me like a book.
I nodded.
"You still love Bree and Sarah?"
I nodded. "I love Bree a lot but its new love so I have no idea where it could go. As for Sarah I see a distance forming between us that has been getting bigger and bigger every day ever since the first day Patrick and Megan came to visit. When I add it all up I love Ashley as much as those two girls combined."
"Are you sure Ashley wants to leave Sarah?" asked Grace.
I was surprised that Grace hadn't caught on to the fact that Ashley didn't love Sarah. She was normally quite perceptive.
"Ashley doesn't love Sarah," I said flatly.
"Really?" said Grace in surprise. "Could have fooled me."
"Ashley came to me before the accident and pledged her love for me and told me she was sick of sharing. I want to make her dream come true. She told me then that she pretended to love Sarah so she could be close to me."
"Again, could have fooled me. I've seen how she looks at Sarah. I do know she is more crazy about you though. She always has been."
"I know."
"So, how are you going to break the news?" asked Grace.
"Well that's part of why I'm here," I said.
"I don't want Ash and I to have to stay with Sarah," I said.
"Of course you can stay with me," said Grace as if by instinct.
"No, that isn't it," I said. "I've never asked for anything of you. Never thought it would be right. Everything I have from you is because you have offered it to me first. I feel bad asking now but I see no other way."
"Go ahead honey," said Grace with a warm smile.
"I want to rent a house near school in September," I said. "I know it would be an additional burden on top of what you are paying for in tuition already and much more than just staying in the dorms like last year. I will understand if you say no."
"It won't be a problem at all," said Grace.
"Really? I feel so bad having to ask."
"Don't," said Grace. "You spent your whole life with your parents not being able to ask for anything for yourself. I'm not gonna allow that to happen anymore. I want you to ask me for things. I have so much money and only you and Patrick to spend it on. Rent on a house is mere pocket change with what I have in my estate. I hope you ask for more things in the future."
"I feel like I shouldn't be taking advantage of you though," I said. "I'm not even doing chores around here to make up for all you've provided me."
"You've done chores all your life for no money," said Grace. "It's time for a break. Besides I owe you more than I have in the bank."
"I don't understand."
"I owe you my life," said Grace. "You helped make me whole again. You made me feel wanted and helped me find a family. I know that things are going to be a little rough in that family in the next few days but I know that everything will work out too."
Then it hit me how I was going to prove to Ashley that she was going to be my one and only.
"I need to ask you for one other thing," I said
"I told you that you can have anything," said Grace with a smile.
"Would you mind if I put about ten thousand on your credit card?"
Grace helped me back to Sarah's house and back up to my specially prepared room. I gave Grace a chaste kiss and thanked her for helping me. Grace gave me a not so chaste kiss and told me to ask for help anytime I needed it.
It didn't take long for Ashley to show up after Grace left. She was clothed so I knew she was ready to talk.
"Well?" asked Ashley as she walked in the door. She looked uneasy.
"Have a seat," I said gesturing to a corner of the bed.
Ashley sat down and gave me a weak smile. She was shaking like a leaf.
"Have you given a thought as to where you're gonna live when school starts in a couple of weeks?"
"Yeah, right here," said Ashley. "You and I can carpool."
"It seems like an awfully long drive to make every day. I for one don't want to deal with Malfunction Junction every day." Malfunction Junction was where the two main highways in Tampa converged, I-4 and I-275. It was always a serious mess and the cause of lots of accidents.
"You have a point," said Ashley. She was noticeably calmer.
"I was thinking the two of us could rent a house near campus and than we wouldn't have to drive so far."
Ashley looked at me with a puzzled expression.
"What about Sarah and Bree?"
"What about em?"
"Aren't they gonna be hurt by us going to live together on our own?"
"Probably," I said without emotion.
"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" said Ashley who was starting to tear up.
I nodded. "I want to make your wishes come true."
Ashley knocked me over with the force of her hug. Next came the assault of kisses and then the uncontrollable squealing. I had a serious shit eating grin from all the emotion she was showing. I knew I had made her the happiest woman on the face of the earth. Unfortunately that happiness had a price. Ashley suddenly realized it as well.
"What about Sarah and Bree? How are you gonna tell them?"
"You and I are gonna tell Sarah together. You need to tell her things are over too," I said.
Ashley nodded.
"Bree and I will have to sort things out alone. Telling her will be one of the hardest things I have ever had to do in my life."
"You still love her very much," said Ashley matter-of-factly.
I nodded. "She will always hold a very special place in my heart but what I feel for you is so much more."
"What about Sarah?"
"There has been a distance growing between us ever since your brother and sister came out. She discovered free and open sex and I think that she started growing further and further from me in the process. I think she will probably accept things fairly easily but will be concerned about Bree."
"What about the sex?" asked Ashley. "Do I have to give up my brother and sister? Grace? Even Sarah?"
"No," I said. "Not if you don't want to. I think we can still have an open relationship except I want to be committed to you and only you."
Ashley nodded her head furiously and squealed "YES!"
"If we kept the relationship open than the blow won't be so hard on Sarah and Bree. They know that they can still have us in the future if they want. It just will be under different terms."
"I have no problem having an open relationship as long as I know that you will always be mine and only mine and I will be yours and only yours."
"I agree," I said.
Ashley rained down kisses on me again and then pulled my shirt off. The shirt caught on my cast, but Ashley quickly worked it off. She slowed down and kissed my chest on every conceivable spot she could, taking extra time with my nipples. Next she was sliding off my shorts and then my shoes and socks. She kissed up and down my legs and even kissed my feet, which was way too ticklish for my taste.
Ashley tore off the sundress she was wearing, exposing her gorgeous body to me. She was getting so thin and it was all because of Sarah who we were both going to break up with in a few hours. Her tummy was now flat as a board, most of her visible fat was gone. Her breasts were a bit smaller and firmer. She looked like a tanned Irish goddess.
Ashley rubbed her pussy a few times and then impaled herself on my hardened member. She leaned down and kissed me, almost causing me to come out of her. She then sat up and began milking my cock with her pussy while bouncing up and down on the shaft slowly. I grabbed her and dragged her back down to me again. I kissed her deeply. I shifted her legs so they were now pointing towards me. This caused me to come out of her but I quickly entered her again. I then sat up with her in my arms. She was now in my lap with her legs wrapped around me, both of us locked in an embrace of love.
I couldn't believe it! Sarah's surprise for me was Ashley. I ignored the stares of those around me from the broken glass and flew into her arms. "Oh God, I am so happy to see you," I cried. "Me too," she said in tears. "I am so sorry for hurting you," I said. "It was my fault, I am sorry." I couldn't bring myself to let her go. I was so happy to have her back. She wouldn't let go of me either. We hugged each other for what seemed an eternity and finally Sarah had to...
I woke up in a state of euphoria. I knew for sure that I was in love with Sarah and our activities the night before consummated it. I still didn't know what to do about Ashley but I felt too good to worry about it. I turned over in the bed, hoping to give Sarah a good morning kiss and found that she was gone. I got up, rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and climbed into the shower. I let the hot water run over me for awhile to bring myself back to reality. I thought back to the limo ride the...
As I stated earlier, when push comes to shove, I will choose flight over fight every time. When I was caught having sex with Ashley in the pool by Bree and Sarah I did the only thing I could think of doing. I went by instinct. I took flight. I pulled back from Ashley, dislodging myself from her and took off out of the pool. I could hear Bree crying and wanting to know how I could do something that would hurt her mom so much. Sarah was telling her to calm down. At least she wasn't yelling at...
The two weeks after Ashley's return were busy for everyone. My first order of business was to patch up things with Bree. Her mom had prepared her for our discussion and things actually went pretty well. Within a few days our friendship was back to normal and I was back to driving her to her practices. I was starting to see that her true talent was in dancing. I am no dancing professional but I could tell she would go far as a dancer if that was the route in life she chose. Sarah spent most...
I looked at Bree with a mixture of shock and arousal. Both girls were fully naked and Megan's red swollen womanhood was spread out for all to see. I quickly noticed that what I could see of Bree's womanhood was also quite swollen. These girls had obviously been quite busy. "Greg, please don't tell my mom!" Bree screamed at me. I didn't say anything. I didn't even move. I was too shocked to move. "Greg please!" I looked at Megan. She made no attempt to cover up but I could see she...
The week after Bree's party was another week of routine for the four of us. Once again I was diving all week. Sarah had numerous planning meetings to go to for her various charities. Bree was busy with all of her acting, dancing, and voice classes. Ashley was still working her ass off at Busch Gardens to make tuition for the year. I called Grace during the week to see how she was holding out against my mother. She was having no luck and starting to feel that it all wasn't worth it. I gave...
Sarah, Ashley and I walked out of Nordstrom's arm in arm. I of course had a huge grin on my face, but that goofy grin hid the inner turmoil going on. I wondered where our relationship stood. I wondered if the girls would want to have similar liaisons and if I could handle them doing so. "Let's go grab a bite to eat," said Sarah. "I want to try out that new Mexican place in the outdoor plaza." The outdoor plaza had some shops and some upscale restaurants. I thought it would be nice to...
As Grace and I left the house I took her hand in mine. She squeezed my hand in thanks for the sign of comfort I had given her and then we made our walk over to Sarah's house. We walked up to the back gate at Sarah's yard and knocked. "Sarah?" I shouted over the gate. After a few seconds a very naked Sarah came running over to the gate. "Thought you weren't coming," said Sarah with a smile as she scanned the neighborhood and then opened the gate. "My guest here convinced me...
I followed Sarah into the house with a sense of dread. I knew we would have a talk about Bree after she talked with her, but the way she said that we needed to talk filled me with a sense of trepidation over the talk. Sarah led me upstairs to the master bedroom. "Get dressed," said Sarah. "It'll be easier to talk for both of us if we are dressed." Sarah went over to her dresser and picked out a pair of sweats. I threw on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. When we were finished dressing,...
The entire evening was about sex. Everyone in the house was having it in some form or another. Only Bree and I kept away from the main orgy going on downstairs. The only reason we knew that it was continuing was the screams and groans of passion that filled the house, and likely the neighborhood as well. Bree and I spent time together just getting to know each other's bodies. I wasn't ready to take her virginity just yet, but she was more than willing. We fell asleep in one another's arms...
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The next week passed with quite a bit of awkwardness. Ashley and I still stayed at Sarah's house at her insistence but we ended up spending as much time away from the others as possible. The only people we actively socialized with were Grace and Patrick. I was going to really miss Patrick when the two of us went back to our respective schools. He and I had gotten really close since our trip down to Sarasota. Being with Grace had changed him for the better. He was less nerdy, more friendly...
Ashley's eyes widened. "Oh my God," she whispered. Tears were running down her cheeks. I pulled a small box out of my pocket and opened it. I dropped to one knee and presented her the box. "Ashley, would you do me the greatest honor of my life and join me in marriage?" I pulled the ring out of the box and started putting it on her finger as tears streamed down her face. She started nodding furiously. "Yes! Yes! Yes, I will marry you!" cried Ashley. She looked at the ring on her...
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Premium Black Porn SitesIt was weeks into spring break almost over in fact and I wasn't sure how I felt about that. The water cascaded down my body, loofah in hand as I tried to scrub my body clean. The past couple weeks had been somewhere between bliss and hell as Jace had been true to his word, on his part of the deal anyway being outside my apartment building every morning to take me someplace different that his parents owned or had something to do with to have his way with me. His way hurt I've found, but I...
You look at the little bottle of syrup skeptically. "What is this stuff again?" "It's a hormone," your roommate says. "Obviously it's a little more complicated than that, but that's the gist of it. A little something me and some of the med school guys whipped up in our spare time. Forget what it is - here's what it does. It boosts your pheromone output to about fifty times normal levels." "So it'll make me stink? How can I ever repay you?" "No! Now listen. You drink this tonight, before going...
It would be good to read one of my other stories about Liz first. It will give more depth about her personality, and her behaviour. Reading the stories about her being gangbanged or spit roasted on holiday will give you an insight. An insight that I never had when I met her unfortunately. I was in a bar one Friday night with friends, took a step back to let somebody walk by, and I felt a crunch. I turned around and one of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen was jumping up and down in pain....
Beeing in a hotel, after we woke up, we cuddled for a while, and I wanted to start our new relationship, but the last night memory was wery present. I was kissing A like I was trying to wash off all my thought. And she enjoyed it alot. She came 2 times before she asked me to go downstairs to grab something to eat. I went and while I was still in the elevator, I couldn’t figure one thing. She was a virgin yet, she did not bleed. was was going on. I made some sandwitches and wend back in our...
I recently brought my sixteen year old daughter and one of her girlfriends to a concert in Los Angeles . It wasn’t held in a large venue, but rather in a club. The tickets were very reasonably priced and I subsequently found out that this concert was the first of a worldwide tour on which the band was embarking. Frequently, bands play in small clubs to work out the kinks before beginning their tour. From a father’s perspective, I was quite pleased with the venue. There was a...
The day starts as any other day working in maintenance for the university facilities office. It’s mostly changing light bulbs, fixing toilets, occasionally cleaning up some vandalism, but nothing major. That’s all about to change. You’re called to one of the dorms to fix a leak in one of the communal showers. You recall that the hot young starlet Emma Watson is attending here and, in an effort to get the most “normal” college experience is staying in this dorm, albeit in a private room. You’ve...
He’s already left for work but she still smells his scent on his pillow. She lays there for a short while breathing it in. Finally, she runs her hand down across her tits, just brushing one of her nipples. She feels a shiver and continues to run her hand down to her bare pussy. She runs a finger across her clit and breaths in sharply as she touches it. She starts to rub it, thinking of his tongue as she does. She absolutely loves what he does to her with his mouth and oh how she wishes his...
That night seemed to change things for the five of us. Tammy had done everything there was to do with me, and seemed to give permission for her girls to take their behavior to a sexier level. Amy crawled on top of me one night and after kissing me like it was going out of style, spun herself around and planted her naked pussy right on my mouth. She groaned when my tongue split her lips, and drilled deep inside her. I could feel her nipples harden against my lower abdomen as I teased her clit...
Hiiii frnz mera naam ankur hai.filhal to mai bangalore me hun par basically jharkhand se hu…baat us samay ki hai jab ham ek bhade ki ghar me raha karte the. Us buliding me kuch 9 alag alag ghar the.. Aur 9 gharo me ek na ek aunty jaroor thi..aur mai bachpan se hi un auntiyon mw kuchh jyada hi interest rakha hun na ki unki betiyon me…mature aunty agar ready ho to main unke liye 6feet ka tandrust jawaan hu… Baat mere bachpan ki hai ek ladki jo ki mere hi building me rahti thi wo kuchh mere se 6...