The Academy
- 4 years ago
- 43
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THe Academy Part 1
Life had never been fair to Amber andApril. Losing their mom seven years ago, and then living with Marcia thelast five was difficult, to say the least.
Marcia had been a young bride for theirfather upon the girl's mother passing, and never wanted children for herself,let alone two step daughters approaching their teen years. When the fatherdied suddenly, Marcia had to find a way out.
When Marcia received a letter from FatherJohnson at the St. Mary's Academy for girls, her prayers had been answered.Not only would she be rid of the girls by sending them off to catholic boardingschool, but they would be getting a top-tier education at the same time.
Amber was a looker. Only fifteen, shewas shapely and beautiful. She had silky, straight, long blonde hair to themiddle of her back and gorgeous green eyes. Her pink lips were large andfull. Amber got plenty of attention from men, and could cause divorces whenshe strutted around in her bikini at the local swimming pool.
April, Amber's thirteen year old sister,was also very beautiful and shared many of the same features as Amber. Herblonde hair was just a little darker and had some natural curl at the endswhen it grew long. Her eyes were a stunning light blue - almost turquoise-and large and beautiful.
The girls couldn't believe their earswhen Marcia told them that they'd been accepted to catholic boarding school.
Christopher Thomas was a self-made multi-millionaire.He had always had a penchant for young, teen girls. But as he became moresuccessful, he believed that the young prostitutes and runaways he was throwingmoney at were becoming too risky. The last thing his stellar reputation neededwas some underage girl suing him, or worse, getting caught by the law.
It was when he drove past a all-femalecatholic school one morning and saw the girls filing in that he began todream. Several years later his plan had come to fruition. After doing backgroundchecks on every Headmaster and Sister in every female catholic boarding schoolhe could find, he found Father Johnson, a man with a pedophile past to hideand enough greed to be easily bought.
Christopher Thomas also had successfulfriends who shared his enthusiasm for underage teens. He knew them well,knew of their own sexual passions, and knew of their fear for the potentiallegal and social problems that made their lust so dangerous. With three partnersand Johnson, Chris decided he had quite enough people to share in his secret.However, they needed someone to handle the girls on a day-to-day basis, andone of the partners brought in Judy.
Judy had her own run-ins with the lawand was having financial problems. The partners had enough on her to makematters much worse for her if they desired, and Judy knew it. Judy knew thatthe four partners were extremely rich and powerful and would destroy herif she crossed them. Johnson also knew this fact well. But it was the factthat Judy was bisexual and known to like having sex with minors, especiallygirls, that made her the perfect choice.
Amber and April Smith were just the girlsthat Father Charles Johnson was looking for. He needed two new replacementsfor the teen group since the two oldest, Jane and Debra, who'd been the first "recruits" fiveyears prior, had served long enough and were to be replaced. The partnerswanted some fresh blood.
When Marcia dropped the girls off withtheir suitcases on Father Johnson's doorstep, he knew that they were his.Marcia would never be back for them.
Amber was quickly separated from thesmall suitcase Marcia had packed for her, and put into an office with anold wooden desk and chairs. The walls exposed the brick construction of thebuilding, and there were no windows, no pictures, no effects of any kind.
The door slammed loudly as Judy entered.She looked down at Amber, inspecting her new charge, and gave a slight smile.Amber looked up at the woman. Mistress Judy was six feet tall, all of itlegs. With nary an ounce of fat on the woman, her long, tan legs extendedfrom a pair of tight yellow shorts. A light blue midriff tee clung tightlyaround her implanted D cup breasts. Her hair was dyed black, straight, andhung nearly to her waist. The brown leather sandals with four inch heelsmade her look even taller, and more imposing. Judy sat on the edge of thedesk in front of Amber and leaned back on her hands.
"Hello Amber…I'm Mistress Judy,and I will be responsible for you during your stay here at the Academy."
Amber looked into Judy's face. Heavymakeup hid the wrinkles of the 45 year old; her large hazel eyes were outlinedwith heavy mascara, green shadow, and liner; her lips were glossy red, andher long finger nails matched the color of her lips. Amber thought it oddthat such a woman would be found at a Catholic boarding school, and for thefirst time in days she felt a relief. "Maybe it won't be so bad here" Amberthought to herself.
"The first thing we need to do is getyou undressed and give you an exam. Come with me." Judy bounced up off thedesk and headed to the door, and Amber followed behind, curiously.
The hall seemed deserted…not anothersoul in sight, as Amber followed Judy down the corridor to the medical room.As Amber walked behind Judy, not only did the sight of the Cher look-alike'slong legs extending from her tight shorts seem out of place, but she wascurious why Judy had used the title 'Mistress'.
The medical room was also deserted, thenurse's station abandoned. Judy led Amber into a small room with an examinationtable.
"Undress" Judy said, securing the doorbehind them.
Amber blushed, but thinking it must justbe some routine exam for all of the new students, pulled off her tee andtook off her jeans.
"Come on, everything" Judy said as Amberstood in her bra and panties.
Amber blushed some more, and then unhookedher bra, letting her firm C cups fall out. Her dark blonde bush was exposedas she slid her cotton panties down.
"Nice!" Judy commented as she preparedthe balance scale. Amber thought it was a strange comment, but stood up onthe scale to be weighed.
"One hundred and fifteen…" Judylogged Amber's weight onto a chart, then measured Amber's height. "Five footfive and a half inches…" she mouthed as she logged it in…"perfect!"
Amber couldn't believe her eyes whena knock came on the door, and Judy opened it to Father Johnson, letting himin the room. Amber quickly covered herself with her hands, looking to gether clothes, but Judy already had Amber's clothes under her arm.
"Father Johnson will take it from here" Judysaid, quickly exiting the room with Amber's clothes under arm.
Amber stood, horrified. Father Johnsonwas wearing a black shirt with a Priest's collar and had a crucifix hangingaround his neck. He then took a small flashlight out of his pocket. "Let'shave a look at your teeth" he said, moving toward Amber.
"No! This isn't right! Where is Judy??"
"Amber, you are no different from theothers…I am the only one here qualified to give you the exam…nowplease, open wide for me."
Amber stood, one arm hiding her nipples,the other hand over her crotch, and opened her mouth wide, hoping he wouldhave a look and leave. Johnson pulled Amber's chin down and shone the lightaround in her mouth, looking for any imperfections in her teeth. Then hemade Amber stick out her tongue, and was pleased that it was a healthy pink.
"Get up on the table" Johnson said, asif it were all routine.
"No, please…I beg of you! BringJudy back in! Please!"
Johnson spoke in a calm, fatherly tone. "Amber,you must trust me…I am only here to help you. Believe me, you arenot the first girl I've examined. All of the parents of the girls here atthe Academy trust me with their daughters. You have to trust me too."
Amber knew that some girls did have doctorswho were men, and again made herself believe that this was all a normal routine.She got up on the table, and laid back, covering herself.
Johnson put Amber's calves into the stirrupsand forced her legs high and wide. Amber closed her eyes and tried to endure,but as she felt his fingers pull her labia open she cried and bit her lip.
Johnson shone his light into Amber, andwas very pleased indeed. Amber's hymen was intact. Johnson also took a closelook at the girl's vulva and clitoris, and realized she was going to makeMr. Thomas very happy.
"Now Amber, I want you to roll over ontoyour tummy for me" Johnson said, after taking Amber's calves out of the stirrups.
"Nothing else can be as bad as him inspectingmy vagina" Amber thought to herself as she turned over onto her tummy, butshe was wrong. She felt the mans bare hands pulling her ass cheeks open ashe inspected her; even worse, he greased his bare finger and pushed it intoher puckered hole.
"What are you doing!!?" Amber screamed,knowing that any qualified doctor would at least use rubber gloves. She kickedher legs and squirmed, reaching back to remove the headmaster's probing finger.Johnson embraced the tight muscle around his finger until Amber broke freeand jumped off the table. "I want the fuck out of here! You are a goddamnpervert!" she hollered, just as Judy came back into the room with clothesunder her arm.
Amber bolted for the door, but the doorhandle would not move. As she struggled with it, her arms were forced behindher and her wrists cuffed. She was forced back to the table, face down, andher ankles quickly secured to the sides of the table as she tried to kickand buck free.
A thin, gold plated necklace was fittedtightly around Amber's neck. As Judy held Amber's head down on the table,Johnson was using a variety of tools to clasp the necklace, which bound herneck tightly. Then they gave Amber a taste. The monitor set the voltage tothree, out of maximum force of five, and gave Amber a jolt. The shock wasso intense that everything went dark for a moment to Amber, as if her brainwas switched off for a second. The pain in her neck and spine was unbelievable,as her eyes bulged out of her head and she lost her breath for several seconds.
"Now you know what will happen if youdon't do exactly what you're told" Johnson said, and left the room.
"That was only half the shock that Ican give to you. If you ever try to kick me or fight me again, you'll getthe maximum" Judy warned, and then began to untie Amber's ankles.
"Why are you doing this to me?" Ambercried, tears flooding the table.
"Because your stepmother wants you tobe disciplined here."
It was a lie, but Amber believed it.She was totally convinced the whole thing was Marcia's doing.
With Amber's ankles and wrists freed,Judy began helping her dress into her school uniform. As Amber put the clothingon, she was sure everything was two sizes too small. The white cotton blousewas very tight over her chest and left her waist bare. The plaid skirt clungto her ass and was short enough to be a mini. The navy blue sweater was eventight. Her cotton stockings were the only things that seemed to fit. Evenher white leather shoes felt tight, and they had heels and tight ankle straps.Her bra and panties also struck her odd…white lace and sheer fabric,and tight as well.
Judy walked Amber out of the medicalroom and then gave her another warning. "Don't try a fucking thing with meor you'll get the shit shocked out of you!" Amber tugged on her necklaceand walked with Judy down the isolated corridor to a service elevator.
Amber thought it strange that Judy hadto unlock a hidden panel inside the elevator to operate it, even though otherbuttons to operate the elevator were exposed near the door. The elevatorbegan to descend, and in fact, seemed to descend for a long time. When itfinally stopped, Judy pressed a button and locked the hidden panel again.
Amber was taken into a very large corridor,with dark oak floors and oak paneled walls. They passed several very large,closed doors as Judy kept close to her, until they stopped a large door atthe end of the corridor. Judy unlocked the heavy door and took Amber inside,down another hallway, until they stopped at yet another door. Amber lookedup and saw her name on a gold plate on the door. She had noticed severalother doors also had names on them. "This is your room sweetie" Judy said,unlocking the door. Amber walked into the room and Judy told her to makeherself at home, then quickly shut the door and locked Amber inside.
Amber looked around the room. There wasa queen-sized bed with a canopy, covered with a pretty white comforter. Therewere shelves with stuffed animals. A small bureau with a large make up anddressing mirror sat in one corner. The walls and furniture were all whitewith pink trim. A small desk with a lamp stood against the wall near thedoor. It reminded her of her room at home when she was a very young girl.
Even though pink drapes adorned partof one wall, there was no window. Amber walked to the door. It was locked.She walked to one of the dressers and opened a drawer. She reached in. Toher surprise she had a tiny thong panty in her hand. She reached in again,finding more thong panties, tight fish net stockings, lacy and sexy C cupbras, and silk stockings. In the next drawer were tiny midriff tops, tanktops, and tiny hot pants and shorts.
Amber moved to a pink and white armoiredecorated with pink bows, and looked inside. She was even more shocked. Theclothes were about her size, but they were all mini skirts and baby dolldresses and little-girl style jumpers. She also noticed the go-go boots andall of the sandals and shoes with tall heels.
Amber stumbled back to the bed and laydown. What was happening to her? What was this place? Did they do this toall of the girls? Were they doing it to April too?
Amber lay back and rested, not yet awareof the hidden surveillance cameras; the chains, shackles, and manacles attachedto her bedposts and hidden underneath the box spring; the hooks and pulleysand ropes hidden within the lighting fixtures.
Judy's hunch had been right. April wasmore naive, and didn't complain when the Father Johnson examined her. Theydid not need to tie her down to get her necklace on her. April did not evensqueak when Johnson put his bare finger up her tight ass and wiggled it around.April had been examined, her necklace secured, dressed in uniform, and wassitting in the room next to her sister; an identical room with all of thesame types of clothing sized just for her.
April also felt everything was just alittle strange and unusual, but she was just going along for now. Then shehad to pee, and couldn't open the door. She began to bang on the door andholler out for someone to let her out. Mistress Judy was summoned by theB Wing monitor, and went to April's room.
"What is it? What's all the racket?"
"The door doesn't open from inside. Iwas locked in!" April said, aggravated.
"Why were you trying to get out?"
"I have to pee."
Judy took April's hand and walked herto her bed, where she sat with her. Judy explained that girls were not allowedout of their rooms without permission, and therefore the doors were meantto lock them in.
"But I have to pee. And what if there'sa fire or something?"
"If there's a fire, we will get you out.But girls at St. Mary's are supposed to use control. That means you haveto hold yourself until it is bathroom time."
"But I have to go bad! I'm in pain now!" Aprilwas starting to cry, and Judy opened the drawer on the bottom of the dresser.There was a plastic baby toilet that April missed. "You can use this if itis an absolute emergency. But we don't like girls using these. It will becounted against you whenever you do."
April quickly took her panties down toher knees and squatted over the plastic receptacle. Her skirt was short enoughshe didn't even need to lift it, and she peed hard as Judy watched.
"Where's Amber? Can I see her?" Aprilasked, wiping herself with a tissue.
"In about an hour, when I call you fordinner."
Judy began to leave, and April hurriedto the door with her. "Wait. Why do I have all these sexy clothes? Why arethere chains under my bed? I don't want to be locked in here…can'tI see Amber now?" Judy could only push the 13 year old back and quickly lockthe door.
April was now just as afraid as Amber.Something bad was happening to them, she was sure of it.
A short distance from the girls' bedroomswas a small dining hall. The other five girls of B Wing were already seatedwhen Amber was brought in by Judy. Amber was seated at the table, and thenJudy retrieved April and put her across from Amber.
A cart was then rolled in by a Spanishwoman, and a warm meal placed in front of each girl. There was a piece ofgrain bread, a bowl of home-made vegetable soup, a casserole of spinach andgoat cheese, and cornbread. A glass of milk, and another glass filled withwater, was served to each girl.
Amber and April looked at each other,and each knew the other was afraid. Then they looked at the others, as theothers were also looking back at them. Two of the girls were identical twins.Another girl looked older than Amber, and was very pretty with long brownhair. A small, blonde headed girl with big blue eyes stared at April, andanother blonde girl looked at Amber. Without saying a word, April and Amberread each other's eyes. Their mission was clear. They must escape.
As the girls silently sipped their soup,Amber noticed that not only did each girl have the same matching uniformswith tight blouses and sweaters, but that each one also had a tight goldnecklace on their neck.
"So, how long have you been here?" Aprilasked the young blonde across from her.
"Silence!" Mistress Judy barked. "Thereis no talking without permission, ever! That is another punishment star foryou April Smith."
At this point neither April or Amberwas surprised by the rule, but April was confused. "What do you mean another punishmentstar?" she asked.
Mistress Judy looked angry, irritatedat the question and yanked April away from the table by her arm. She tookApril to the corner of the room and got down in the young girl's face.
"First, you do not question me, ever!Second, I am 'Mistress' to you and you will address me as such! You werewarned not to potty in your room today, and for that you earned your firstpunishment star. And for this incident, you now have two more punishmentstars!"
Amber had seen enough. "Get off her youfucking bitch!" Amber yelled, rising up from the table. The other girls puttheir faces down in horror. As Amber moved to get her sister and take herout of there, she suddenly felt pain unlike any other. Electric charges coiledaround her neck, paralyzing her body. Her mind went black as she hit thefloor…her eyes popping out of her head as she convulsed on the floor,the electricity still pulsing into her neck and up into her brain.
April rushed to her sister, kneelingbeside her and crying. Amber didn't quite know what hit her. For a momentshe was sure she'd died. It was the worst thing she'd ever known.
Judy clapped her hands and the othergirls quickly rose from their places and returned to their rooms.
"What did you do to her!??" April sobbed,her sister still paralyzed on the floor.
Judy looked down, towering over the two. "Nowyou know I mean business. You'd best follow the rules!"
Amber woke on her bed, naked, the nextmorning. Judy had given her sleeping tablets when she was still dazed bythe shock and put her in her bed. As she opened her eyes, she saw Judy standingover her.
"I'm sorry darling, but you need to getup. You need to get with the program here."
Judy sat down next to Amber and liftedher head, shoving two Tylenol into the girl's mouth and making her drinkdown a glass of water. Then Judy pulled out Amber's school uniform and tossedit down on the bed. "Get dressed."
Amber still felt weak as she was takendown the hall with Judy, back to the girl's dining room. All of the girlswere already there in uniform. Amber was seated to her breakfast of stickyoatmeal, a fruit tray, and milk and water. The others were already eating.There was a small blue pill on a napkin. Amber noticed all of the other girlshad one too. Amber looked at her sister. April was just relieved to see thatAmber was still walking and coherent.
"You have five minutes to finish girls" Judycalled out, "be sure to clean your plates. No one here wants a punishmentstar."
All of the girls quickly finished eating,and then each swallowed the blue pill. Amber and April looked at each other,and then at the pill. Judy was watching them like a hawk, and the girls finishedeating and waited.
"Amber and April Smith, take your pillplease" Judy said impatiently.
Both girls were still hesitant, and Amberwas sure she knew what it was. With a knowing look, each girl took the pilland hid it under their tongues, washing water down their throats.
Judy came over to April and put her handon April's shoulder. "Open!"
April opened her mouth and Judy tookApril's tongue into her fingers and found the pill.
"Would you prefer a visit from FatherJohson and take an injection instead?" Judy asked.
April shook her head and swallowed thepill down.
Amber also swallowed, as Judy came andchecked her mouth as well. Amber knew that they had just been put on birthcontrol.
"Mistress Judy" April asked, "what arepunishment stars?"
Judy pointed to a chart on a wall inthe dining room. Each girl's name was listed, and next to April's name threestars were drawn. Next to Amber's name, one star. None of the other girlshad any stars next to their names.
"Each star means that you will lose certainprivileges. It is not up to me what they are. Sometimes you may have to cleanthe toilets, other times you may get physical punishment, such as a whipping.The Masters decide, based on your infractions.
"You should know, April Smith, that youcan get stars removed by doing something exceptional."
"Like what?" April asked, not likingthe sound of being whipped by a Master.
"When you are asked to do something,do everything you can to make it extra good…extra special."
The morning meal over, the girls weremarched a short distance into another room, where they all gathered on arug on the floor in the center of the room. Judy sat tall in a chair overlookingthem.
The room was silent for a moment as Judylooked over the seven young females, and then she called April. "Come uphere darling…stand up here next to me."
April rose to her feet and stood nextto Judy, facing the girls. She was surprised when she felt Judy's hand uponher bottom, but stood quiet and still.
"Girls, this is April. Say hello to her."
"Hello April" five female voices saidin unison.
"April is thirteen, and as you can see,very pretty. She's going to make a nice addition to the B Ward. Amber, comeup here with your sister."
Amber rose to her feet, feeling nervous,and stood next to April. She looked down behind April to see that Judy nowhad her hand under the back of April's skirt. April stayed calm, and still,even though she was only wearing a thong panty and Judy had her hand allover her ass cheeks.
Judy introduced April's fifteen yearold sister, Amber, and made the other girls say hello to her.
"Now, let's introduce you two to yourWing mates. Amanda, please stand."
The young looking blonde with long, wavyhair and big, round blue eyes got to her feet.
"Amanda was our youngest girl here, butnow that honor goes to April. Amanda is almost fourteen and has been withus for over a year already. Lisa, please stand"
The older, petty brunette stood up, herdark, sexy eyes and long, straight dark hair to her waist. She was quitedeveloped.
"Lisa is our oldest girl…and hasbeen in the B Wing for three years!" Lisa gave Judy a shy smile.
"Lisa is sweet sixteen…April,she was your age when she came to the B Wing. Are you happy here Lisa?"
"Yes Mistress" Lisa replied, shootinga soft smile to Judy.
The identical twins were called, andKara and Kayla both stood. They were beautiful fourteen year old girls withlight brown hair and large blue eyes. They'd been in the Wing for just overa year and were the favorite of Mr. Thomas and his partners. "Need I sayhow special Kara and Kayla are to us…
"And last, but not least, we have Julie.Julie just turned sixteen, and has been a delight since the day she arrived!" Juliealso gave a shy smile to the Mistress. Julie looked younger; she was petite,and small-breasted. She was very cute with shoulder length blonde hair andlarge brown eyes. She'd been in the Wing for nearly two years.
Judy had all of the girls sit back downexcept April. April remained standing as Judy kept her hand behind the girl,caressing her ass cheeks, touching between her legs, feeling the crack betweenher cheeks. April was red-faced, but she knew she had to go along with ituntil she and Amber could escape.
"Now, let's go outside for some sunshineand exercise!" Judy announced excitedly.
All of the girls were marched into aroom with a large showering area and places to hang their clothes. Each quicklyundressed…down to nothing, neatly hanging their uniforms, as Amberand April watched. Suddenly April felt a sharp swat on her bare ass. "Thatmeans you too" Judy told the girl. April slowly, and reluctantly, began unbuttoningher blouse, and Judy moved over to Amber. "Why are you not undressing, Amber?Don't you see by now what is expected of you?" Amber didn't respond; shejust started stripping until she too was naked.
The girls heard a large motor running,and then an electric door opened. They walked out into a small area surroundedby walls three stories high. Above they could see blue sky filling the topof the tall, rectangular box they were in. Then the ground began to move,rising up toward the sky. After ascending for three stories, the girls wereat ground level. The sun shone down on their naked bodies. Amber and Aprillooked around. They were in a large area with a green faux lawn, and boxedin by tall brick walls. The lift that brought them up was covered with greenfaux lawn that blended in perfectly with the surrounding area.
Christopher Thomas was a man who wantedthe girls healthy and glowing, and believed that they needed sunshine andexercise. The lift and courtyard were expensive enhancements to the Wing,but money well spent Mr. Thomas believed. The courtyard was quite large,and from the outside surrounded by barbed wire with "Keep Out" and "Condemned" signs.It was actually outside of the Academy campus on adjacent land owned by theAcademy, and made to look like an abandoned and condemned structure. Highabove was special netting. It let all of the sunlight in and made the skyvisible, but aerial and satellite photos would simply come back looking likethe courtyard was a covered building. The girls would not be spotted underthe netting.
Several foam mats were strewn about onthe faux lawn surface, and all of the girls quickly went and sat on a mat.At that particular time of day, a lot of sun was inside the four walls andshade was hard to find.
As the girls took their mats, Judy strippeddown, getting naked with them. She had Amber and April put on some lotion,as they were not as tan as the others, and Judy didn't want them to burn.Judy then and took the mat in the front of all the girls. It was there thatJudy guided them through an hour of yoga and stretching exercises and then45 minutes of nude aerobics, the entire time the girl's bodies being kissedby the sun. All of the girls had become quite flexible through Judy's yogatraining, and could easily do the splits, sit with their feet pinned behindtheir ears (and their slits gaping open), and stand on their knees whilearching their backs all the way over until they could touch the ground behindthem with their heads.
Then the most shocking thing of all happened.After all the girls had a good sweat from the sun and the exercises, Judylet the girls drink freely from a large jug of cool water. As the girls restedon their mats, Judy laid back, legs wide open, on hers. "Who is my eagervolunteer today?" Judy asked.
All of the girls except for Amber andApril raised their hands. Judy smiled, looking at them, and then focusedin on Lisa. "Lisa, come be my honey today!"
Lisa, her body dripping with sweat, setdown her cup of water and walked up to Judy. Amber looked at what an incrediblebody Lisa had…she was long legged, tan, a perfect heart shaped ass,and full, firm breasts. Lisa pulled her long brown hair behind her ears andkneeled between Judy's legs, then laid on her tummy between them. One couldquickly see the look of pleasure on Judy's face as she opened her legs wideand moaned. Judy leaned back on her elbows, her D cup breasts spilling overthe sides of her torso, her legs open wide as Lisa laid between them.
Amber was disgusted, and more determinedto leave. But something struck April, and she watched in fascination. Aprilfelt a wave of excitement, and for a moment, wished that she was Judy. Thegirls continued to relax in the sun, sipping water, and watching Lisa laybetween Mistress Judy's legs. Judy had several orgasms before she pulledLisa up to her face for a kiss. "Did you cum?" Judy asked the girl softly. "YesMistress" Lisa smiled. The girls knew it to be true, as they could see Lisa'sown fingers rubbing underneath her clit and Lisa's body quivering while sheserviced the Mistress.
The girls were lowered, hot and sweaty,back down and into the adjacent shower room. The lift was again raised andhidden into the courtyard. There were a dozen shower heads all in one common,tiled room, and it was one of each girl's favorite moments. Judy always showeredwith them and liked to take long, hot showers. Amber found herself standingnext to Lisa, and looked at her with disgust. Lisa caught Amber's look andblew a kiss to her. Amber was more disgusted. "You're gross!" she whisperedto Lisa, noticing Judy busy washing her hair. Lisa licked her lips seductively.Amber gave Lisa a dirty look, and then the finger, and Judy saw it. Afterall of the girls were done showering, dried, and dressed in uniform onceagain, Judy took them to the dining hall for lunch. They were seated andserved fresh, sliced fruit, slices of goat cheese, and cornbread. "Fifteenminutes girls, not a crumb remaining." Judy instructed.
After lunch, the girls were allowed freetime in their room. It was their time to get out of uniform if they wantedand indulge in whatever they wanted; painting, drawing, sewing, musical instruments,and nearly anything except for television and books (Mr. Thomas wanted themisolated from the real world, so as not to get too many ideas.) Classicalmusic played softly through the intercom at that time of day to help thegirls relax.
Amber and Lisa were the only two notyet taken to their rooms. "Amber and Lisa, come with me" Judy said sternlyas the girls followed her down the corridor. They were taken to a comfortableroom that the Mr. Thomas and his partners used. Lisa knew it well, with itsbar and leather furniture.
Judy sat back on a sofa and looked atthe two girls standing in the short skirts and tight blouses of their uniforms.
"Amber, I've been very patient with you.I know you don't believe that, after having your punishment necklace activatedtwice now, but truly, I have really tried to be tolerant. But what I heardand saw in the shower is just going too far. Now, why did you do it?"
Amber was scared, and swallowed hard.She knew she was at Judy's mercy with that damn necklace on her, and shedid not want to be shocked again. She'd never felt pain like that before;pain that could take the life out of her body. "I'm sorry Mistress" Ambersaid sweetly, "it won't happen again."
"I didn't ask you that, Amber. I wantto know why you were mean to Lisa."
Amber was nervous and growing more fearfulof her situation. She looked at Judy with pleading eyes…"Please don'thurt me Mistress!" she finally cried.
"Amber!" Judy snapped, "answer my question,and I want the truth!"
A tear rolled down Amber's cheek. Sheknew she dare not lie to Judy lest she get caught, so she told the truth. "Idon't want to be here Mistress…and when Lisa had sex with you, itmade me mad. If the girls here do those kind of things, you will keep ushere forever. You won't want to let us go."
Judy looked into Amber's eyes for a moment,and then gave a slight smile. Amber had told the truth, and that was a bigstep.
"Come, sit here" Judy said, patting thecouch next to herself for Amber. Amber sat down next to her, and Judy ranher fingers through Amber's silky long blonde hair.
"I know it's not easy. I don't want topunish you. But it is not my decision that you are here. If I were not herecaring for you girls, my god, you'd all be in terrible trouble. I am theone who keeps you healthy and strong. If I let you escape from here, theywould find you and kill you, and then they would kill me. Do you understand?"
Judy knew she had to earn Amber's trustif Amber was going to become a loyal, obedient, little whore to Mr. Thomasand his partners. Amber was holding back her emotions, but when Judy turnedand hugged her like a mother, Amber broke down in tears. Judy comforted heragainst her body for a long while, Lisa standing and watching somberly theentire time.
"Now, can we be friends?" Judy asked,wiping tears from Amber's face. Amber nodded.
"Good. Now I think you owe Lisa an apology."
Amber turned to Lisa. "I'm sorry Lisa.I didn't mean it. I was just upset to see that."
Lisa wanted to reach out to Amber, butdid not have permission. She just gave a small and brief smile.
"Tell Lisa that what she did is not wrong" Judysaid softly to Amber, her fingers still combing through Amber's hair, "andthat you would be honored to do it too."
Amber turned to Judy surprised. Why wouldJudy make her say that ?Amber hesitated, and Judy turned to her and looked into her eyes with allseriousness.
"Amber, your stepmother has put you andApril into a very unusual situation. The program here at the school is verycorrupt. It's all about sex…I know, as hard as that may be to believe.But it is. You don't understand your situation. You and April are going tosoon be having sex, and the choice will not be yours. You will be taken.If you do not cooperate, you will be tortured. The necklace is nothing comparedto what those men can do. You must start to bury your emotions and startto think about your survival."
Amber was shocked. But then she thoughtabout the medical examination, the sexy lingerie and clothes in her room,the necklace. She knew that Judy was speaking the truth. She just didn'twant to believe that there could be a place like this, and that she couldbe in it.
Amber decided to just play along untilshe got her chance to escape. And she would escape, some how, some way, andsoon.
"Now, tell Lisa that you love her. Allof my girls must express love to me, and to each other."
Amber was again surprised at the wordsJudy was choosing for her, but looked up at Lisa and said it. "I understandthings better now Lisa. I would be honored to do what you did today, Lisa.I love you."
Amber didn't mean a word of it, and Judyknew. "Now, show Lisa" Judy said, still touching Amber's soft blonde hair.
Amber looked at Judy, confused, thento Lisa. Now Lisa really was smiling.
"Both of you, clothes off" Judy ordered.
Lisa quickly began undressing, and Amberonce again slipped out of her uniform. Amber looked at Lisa's body, and onceagain admired how perfect Lisa was formed.
"Now, I want you to stand and give Lisaa hug" Judy whispered to Amber.
Amber rose to her feet and looked atLisa, tanned, firm…her long legs and perfectly trimmed bush…herfirm breasts and hard nipples…her big, dark beautiful eyes and long,dark flowing hair. Lisa looked back at Amber, the beautiful long, straightblonde hair; her large dark green eyes and full, pink lips; her large pinknipples, her fair, soft skin, and her sweet blonde bush. The girls gave agentle embrace, their breasts touching.
"Now, kiss" came Judy's command, andAmber closed her eyes, tilting her head as she leaned in. She felt Lisa'slips against her own, and although Amber thought she would be disgusted,it was very soft and sweet.
"Kiss some more…I want to seetongue" Judy ordered, squirming now on the sofa.
Amber quickly became disgusted. It feltso strange, kissing another girl, but having to push her tongue out againstLisa's was not only too weird, but gross. But she played along, looking atLisa's necklace tightly around her neck and knowing how bad it could be ifshe didn't do it.
Lisa, on the other hand, always lovedto be with the Mistress or a pretty female. I t was always so much sexierand sweeter than with one of the Masters, and she was especially hot nowfor Amber. Amber was young, very pretty, and, as Lisa could tell, completelyinexperienced. Lisa loved being Amber's first girl, and embraced Amber tighterand kissed her more passionately, sucking Amber's tongue, flickering herown tongue all about Amber's, licking Amber's lips.
"Lisa, sit down here on the sofa andopen your legs for Amber"
Judy's words made Lisa's heart flutter. "Ohyes, make this pretty virgin girl lick me!" Lisa thought to herself as shesmiled and sat down on the edge of the couch.
"Get on your knees between Lisa's legs,Amber."
Amber looked down at Judy, her mouthwet with Lisa's saliva. "May I ask a question, Mistress?"
Normally it would anger Judy if a girlopened her mouth to her without permission, but she again made an exceptionfor the newest Wing-mate. "Okay Amber. What is it you want to know?"
"If you are really here to keep us healthyand all, then why are you making me do this with Lisa?"
Judy looked sharply into Amber's eyes. "Becausethese kinds of exercises are what is going to keep you alive. You are goingto have to do this, and worse, to people you are not attracted to…peopleyou don't even want to look at. If you aren't conditioned, you will not performto their expectations and they will hurt you. Do you want to be tortured?Do you want to be forced to do horrible things beyond your imagination?"
Amber shook her head.
"Then get down on your fucking kneesand start listening to me!"
Amber couldn't believe that she was onher knees, naked, between another girl's legs. At least Lisa was clean, andsmelled good, and as Lisa opened her legs wide in anticipation, Amber sawthe moisture in her slit.
Amber pulled her hair back behind herears and started licking. After a few laps, Lisa started giggling.
"What is funny?" Judy asked Lisa.
"She's tickling me, Mistress!"
Amber looked up, confused.
"Show her how it's done" Judy said toLisa.
Lisa pushed Amber back and stood up,patting the couch for Amber to sit on. As Amber sat back on the sofa, Lisakneeled before her and pushed Amber's legs open. "Scoot up to the edge…likeI was" Lisa said excitedly, looking at the pretty blonde hair on Amber'svirgin snatch.
Amber scooted her little ass up to theedge and Lisa pushed her legs wide open. Lisa began kissing Amber's innerthighs, and it was the most sensuous thing Amber had ever felt. Soft, sweetkisses as Lisa moved her lips up one thigh, then over the other. MeanwhileLisa was softly caressing Amber's clitoris with her finger. Amber felt herheart begin to pound and her face became flush. She moved her legs open wider,and Lisa looked up and gave her a sweet smile.
Lisa gave Amber soft, lingering kissesall over her slit, occasionally touching ever so slightly with her tongue.Amber gasped. Then Lisa got more aggressive, putting her fingers under Amber,into the crack of her ass, and sliding her tongue all over the edges of Amber'spuffy labia. Amber laid back and closed her eyes, and felt Judy's hands softlycaress her face, then her breasts.
Soon Amber was in a world she'd neverbeen before. She had escaped from the agony of being captive; she could onlythink of one thing: how wonderful her body felt with the two females touchingher. Lisa began to massage Amber's clitoris with her tongue, eliciting shuddersfrom Amber's body and moans from her mouth. Lisa rolled her large, sexy eyesup to Judy and smiled. Amber was all theirs.
It wasn't much longer before Amber shudderedand quivered into orgasm. For those brief moments she had escaped from herhell. Amber had never been touched so sensuously, and the feeling of Lisabetween her legs was something she wanted to experience again soon. But now,the tide had again changed, and it was Lisa's turn for pleasure. Amber andLisa traded places, but as Amber kneeled between Lisa's legs, Lisa leaneddown and kissed Amber, pushing her tongue into Amber's mouth. Then Lisa leanedback and smiled, offering her pussy, and Amber began with the same soft kissesLisa had shown her.
Lisa was soaked, and as Amber finallystarted lapping Lisa's clitoris, Lisa took Amber's right hand and guidedher finger into her pussy. Amber couldn't believe she had her finger in anothergirl's vagina; it was warm, and so wet. She wanted to get this over with.She continued to lap and massage with her tongue as Lisa had done to heruntil she made Lisa cum.
But it wasn't over for Amber. MistressJudy stood up, pulled down her shorts, and sat on the sofa with her legsspread wide. "Now you're going to do me sweetie" she said to Amber, a lustfulsmile.
Amber moved between Judy's legs, kneeling,and went back to work. Judy was much more musky than Lisa and had a lot morehair. As Amber licked, Lisa was leaning across Judy's breasts as the twowere having a make out session. Amber licked and sucked on the pussy forwhat seemed like an hour before Judy finally erupted into a powerful orgasm.Amber stopped licking, but the moment she did, Judy painfully twisted Amber'shair into her hands. "Did I tell you to stop??"
"No Mistress" Amber said sheepishly,and leaned forward, continuing to work the swollen clit with her tongue.Judy kept her legs open wide and made Amber lap up her wetness for anotherten minutes.
While Amber was getting lessons in lesbiansex, April was trying to get her necklace off. It was impossible. She realizedit was welded on somehow, and if one twisted it, one got a horrible shock.A knock came on the door, and April heard Judy through the intercom. "Fiveminutes to be in uniform."
As Judy brought April into the diningroom for dinner, April was quite shocked to see her sister at the diningtable naked, seated next to Lisa, who was in full uniform. After all thegirls were seated, Judy stood before them. "As some of you may know, Amberwas disobedient in the shower today. For that she will receive a punishmentstar. And she was very spiteful to Lisa. For that, Amber will be Lisa's girltonight."
As the meal was served, Amber lookedsurprised when she did not get any.
"Perhaps Lisa will feed you some ofhers" Judy spoke, amused by Amber's surprised expression.
Lisa did in fact feed Amber from herplate, like a baby, making Amber open her mouth as Lisa fed her with herspoon. After the dinner, Lisa took Amber to her room and made her lay inbed with her and kiss for hours. Amber had no choice. Judy had warned herthat she would be looking in from time to time, and if Amber was not "beinga perfect slut to Lisa", Amber would get another punishment star.
"Lisa, what are the punishment stars?" Amberasked as the girls took a break from kissing. "Shhh. You are not supposedto talk to me without permission from Mistress Judy." Lisa pointed to thelight fixture, and Amber realized the room was bugged.
"Punishment stars are very bad" Lisawhispered. "The Masters like them. Some of them ask for a girl with a star,so they can punish you. They like to hurt you, sometimes for hours. If youget more than one star, they can be especially brutal."
"Hurt you how?" Amber didn't really wantto know, but since she now had two stars, and April had three, it was inher interest.
"Depends…sometimes they just whipyou. Sometimes you have to eat and drink things. I can't tell you more. Justdon't get any more stars. Please." With that Lisa went back to kissing Amber.
Amber and April had been in the B Wingfor over a week. As they learned the daily routine they were continuouslylooking for a way to escape. After exercise class, when Judy asked for an "eagervolunteer", both girls were required to raise their hand, and both endedup being selected. For Amber, it was something she handled well due to herencounters with Lisa. She brought the Mistress to orgasm and made Judy quitepleased. But for April it was completely new, and Judy didn't like the clumsinessof April trying to lick her slit. She made April stop, and called Amandaup to take April's place to "do the job right."
After the showers and lunch, with allthe girls still gathered, Judy stood before them with a smile. "Amber darling…"
"Yes Mistress?" Amber quickly responded.
"Young April here needs to learn howto please the Mistress…and you've become so good at it already. Whydon't you show her how it is done."
Amber blushed. Judy couldn't be serious.She looked at Judy, pleadingly. Judy looked back at her with conviction.
"April, undress for your sister."
April saw the horror in Amber's faceand began undressing slowly.
"Sit up on the table" Judy instructedApril, once naked, and April sat up on the edge of the dark wooden diningtable.
Judy then looked at Amber. Amber lookeddown, sickened by what she was being forced to do. Then out of the cornerof her eye she looked to Kara and Kayla. Both were smiling at Amber, andAmber knew that she wasn't the only girl forced to lick her sister.
Judy had April lay back on her elbowson the table, and then scooted her so that her ass was right on the edge.Then she called Amber over by motioning with her index finger. Judy pulledout a chair for Amber to kneel on. A tear rolled down Amber's cheek as shekneeled on the chair, her white stockings hanging off the edge, her shortplaid skirt barely covering her bottom, and she tucked her blonde hair behindher ears as she lowered her face to her own sister's bare crotch. It wasmoments like this that Judy lived for.
"April, pull your legs back…openwide" commanded Judy, and April lifted her legs high, then opened them wideas she bent them back at the knees, bringing them to her body. April wasquite flexible even without the yoga practice and had no problem keepingher legs bent back to her body and open wide as she laid back on her elbows.
Judy came to Amber and gently placedher hands on the girl's shoulders, nudging her forward. Amber put her facedown and kissed April's slit. Judy looked down at April. April's cunt lookedbald from a distance. She had a few long blonde hairs growing around herlabia, but mostly her crotch just had light fuzz.
"I want April to be my eager volunteertomorrow…and I want it to be really good. If I'm not completely satisfied,it is going to be on you. You'll be doing this every morning, noon, and night" Judywhispered to Amber.
Amber took her fingers and pulled April'slabia open, running her tongue up her sister. Another tear rolled down hercheek as April gasped. Judy clapped her hands. "We will leave these two" shesaid to the others, and then took them to their rooms for their free time.
When Judy returned to the dining room,Amber was massaging April's clit with her tongue, and April was loving it.April had her legs bent so far back that her asshole was exposed.
"Lick her ass" Judy instructed, and Amberran her tongue down April's slit and started lapping at April's asshole.April moaned, and Amber, in her disgust, thought to herself "If the littlebitch is liking this I'm going to kill her!"
"Push your tongue in…deep!" Judyinstructed, her hands gently placed on Amber's shoulders as she stood behind,observing.
Amber pushed her tongue into April'sass as far as she could; the rancid taste and the thought of it all madeher want to vomit.
"Now, suck her clit and put your fingerin her ass."
Amber ran her tongue back up to April'sclit, and shoved her finger into April as hard as she could, taking revengeon her sister for April's moan of pleasure. April gasped, but as Amber suckedon her clit, April closed her eyes in pleasure.
Judy moved up alongside the table andleaned her face over April's, kissing April's mouth and giving the girl hertongue. April began to shudder in orgasm, much to Judy and Amber'ssurprise.
"I'm going to kill her" Amber thoughtto herself as April moaned and shuddered.
"The girl likes her sister…andthe Mistress" Judy thought to herself, delighted.
Judy wanted some of April's baby pussyand relieved Amber from her spot. Judy then put her face down and startedlapping April herself, loving the sweet virgin cunt in her mouth. She suckedApril's labia and clit all into her mouth, and then after licking and suckingfor a while, shoved her tongue into April's wet pussy, trying to push itagainst her hymen. Judy devoured April's sex and made her quickly have asecond orgasm.
"I think you should give your sistera nice little kiss for making you cum" Judy whispered to April, and Aprilrolled up off of the table, looking at Amber seated in her uniform. Aprilwent to Amber and threw her arms around her. "Thank you" she whispered, andkissed a reluctant Amber on her cheek.
"Give her a real kiss April!" Judy smiled,as she began sliding her own shorts down.
April took Amber's face into her handsand pressed her lips against Amber's.
Judy pulled off her top, standing naked,and then laid back on the table just has April had. "April, come and showme what you've learned today."
April took her place, still naked, kneelingon the chair between Judy's long, folded back legs. Judy rested back on herelbows, her long hair flowing over the table, and closed her eyes as Aprilbegan to kiss and lick her slit.
"Mmmm….you're going to be my bestpussy eater of all April, I can just tell!" Judy joked, and then she lookedover to Amber. "Come suck my tits."
Amber leaned over Judy's body and tookher left melon into her hand. It was the first time she'd touched a fakeboob before, and she began to suck the nipple as Judy threw her head backin pleasure.
"Lick my ass!" Judy called out, and Aprilbegan lapping at Judy's butt hole.
"Oh God! Suck my clit…I'm goingto fucking cum all over your little face! Put your fingers in me!"
April slipped two fingers into Judy andfinger fucked her as she sucked on her swollen clit, and Judy began to cryout in pleasure, coming hard.
April knew she was to continue lickinguntil told to stop, as all the girls did, and after lapping a few more minutes,her fingers still inside Judy and drenched from the flood Judy put forth,Judy pulled Amber's face off her boobs and looked down at April. "Come giveme a kiss."
Amber watched as Judy sucked April'stongue into her mouth, then licking her own juices off of April's lips andchin. In between devouring April's mouth and tongue, Judy instructed Amberto get between her legs. "Get down there and make me cum again."
And so it was, Amber servicing the Mistressto another orgasm, the whole while Judy making out with April, a girl youngenough to almost be her granddaughter.
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Author's note: Please feel free to post this story to any free site, as long as the following conditions are met. It shall not be posted to any site charging a fee for reading it, either direct or indirect (avs), the story remains fully intact, and the original author shall be credited in entirety. This story contains harsh language and scenes of a frank sexual nature and is not suitable for younger readers. Also if you are offended by Transgendered, Gay, and Lesbian themes,...
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January 1st. That’s the day admittance to Wintermoor is permitted. In every mage guild in every city across the earthly Plane is host to a gate to Wintermoor, it’s one of the few institutions that teach magic after all, they kinda have to. The fee for entry is steep, the cost of staying is even higher, and not entirely monetarily either. You’ve heard stories of those who come back claiming, to stay they had to give up a part of their soul, literally. Either that or go so far into debt that even...
FantasyYou have just begun your first year at Winchester Academy, a privately funded academy for young adults with super powers. This is one of several such institutions across the country established to guide the young in controlling their powers. With the success of the school backing the X-men, there was little real resistance to establishing these institutions, especially with the rise in the number of super powered individuals. Some of these academies have less than savory reputations, but this...
My name is Amberlyn and I am a mage. We are not like normals and go to schools only other mages use. Even as young children it is normal for teachers to help us learn to control our power. I have always been smart even if I had started school a year behind. Until just before I started at the mage academy I never thought of girls. Mages attend locals schools until they are thirteen or fourteen and then they are sent to academies. I boarded the old looking steam boat and headed for the cabin on...
The Sensual AcademyAn addendum to the story, The Hotel.This story will stand alone, but will have more context if The Hotel is read first.Prelude.My name is Fatimah bint Mahmoud bin Abdulaziz Al-Fulan - my Master calls me Teema. I was his ward until I reached my twentieth birthday. The reason that I actually reached that date, is due to his kindness in keeping me safe from a certain set of relatives in my native country. My parents were fairly important government employees in the foreign...
Shit got real. I'm not a bad guy, but I have to admit, I've caused a little bit of trouble in my first 21 years of life. Some of it probably would have landed me in jail...if I had let myself be caught by the police, but so far I haven't. I've proven myself to be pretty good at escaping from just about every situation. It was a skill I was going to need. I was out for a walk. Okay, I was out looking go score. My usual dealer, Scotty, had gotten busted, so I'd gone down near the park where I...
The Scythian AcademyThe Scythian Academy Preface This story is copyright 2006 by the author. All rights reserved. Please contact the author at LadyDena [at] hotmail [dot] com if you would like to request permission to copy, archive, distribute, or do anything else with this story that requires the author's permission under copyright law. This story is a work of fiction about males being abused, dominated, and humiliated in a school environment. Unless you enjoy reading about this sort of...
“Hello?” was spoken in a tired and annoyed voice. “Hello yes… is this cadet lieutenant Tyler Morse?” He’s sit up in his bed knocking most of the blankets off “its cadet captain Morse now, but yes this is him”. The soft woman’s voice spoke again “my name is Corporal Jenkins of the Whitesville police...we have um…your brother here sir he said he is a cadet at the academy?” he moved to sit on the edge of his bed “my brother?” “Yes sir your brother max?”He thought for a moment “oh yeah…my...
Author’s note: This story is completely fiction and is bases on a story line supplied by a reader. I took the basic story line and embellished it. This story will contain vaginal, oral, anal, group and bi-sexual sex. All characters are at least 18 years of age. The story got a little long so I will submit it in chapters. In this chapter you will meet the school nurse and some of her lovers. PRELUDE Andy was nervous as hell when he arrived at Nurse Millie’s office. He had just turned 18 years...
New Student=s First Day Part 1 By Victor Lavay ‘Welcome to Hardonis Academy.’ The distinguished looking Principal said from behind his desk as Sandra walked into his office. ‘Have a seat.’ He pointed the young girl to a big comfortable chair in the centre of the room. She quickly took her place as ordered. Her parents had told her that the school could be a lot of fun, but it would be strict on discipline. They assured her, the punishments were not something she would ever forget. So Sandra...
The Sexual Academy Dedicated to providing the utmost in satisfaction Dedicated to the training of Wives, Mistresses, Maids, Husbands, Grooms, etc. 224 Glenferrie Rd. Malverne SE 4 * Phone U 4761 Inquiries WelcomeOur calling card had been profusely distributed in all the best Gentlemen’s Clubs in London and had proven to be hugely successful. In less than six months we were already at full capacity. We could only accommodate a dozen pupils at a time. Tomorrow two pupils would graduate, and we...
College SexThe morning had started out like any other. When he opened his eyes his ears were met with the usual sounds of the early morning. Loud drunken laughter, gunshots and what he later determined was someone getting their ass beat drifted through his slightly cracked window. These were the usual sounds of the morning and thus received no more than a fraction of his attention. One issue that did attract his attention was the thought that today also represented the first he would spend at his new...
FantasyYour day begins the same as it always does; you wake up, brush your teeth, throw on your school uniform, and toss a piece of toast in your mouth as you scurry out the front door. You quickly make your way around the corners and through the alleys of your beat up little town and come upon a cable car stationed at the foot of a hill. As usual, the struggle to get through the doors is an arduous one, but you manage to squeeze your way past the other students wiggling their way on before you get...
New Student=s First Day Part 1By Victor Lavay "Welcome to Hardonis Academy." The distinguished looking Principal said from behind his desk as Sandra walked into his office. "Have a seat." He pointed the young girl to a big comfortable chair in the centre of the room. She quickly took her place as ordered. Her parents had told her that the school could be a lot of fun, but it would be strict on discipline. They assured her, the punishments were not something she would ever forget. So Sandra...
Lucy had heard of the school, but had never believed it actually existed Lucy had heard of the school, but had never believed it actually existed.? Myths and lurid stories were rife but most people thought they were all made up.? Yet here she was, about to walk through the gates of Marigold's Academy for Wayward Girls.? She would soon discover that the rumours about the school were largely true. As she was marched by her escorting guard along the pathway to the main reception area...
Puddledrip Academy is a prestigious university located in Britain. All of the students come here to enhance their knowledge and develop their career opportunities. The university has been around since the 1700s and is constantly modernised to suit modern standards. Even the plumbing is updated regularly, ensuring that the pipes keep things flowing smoothly. However, this doesn't mean that things won't go wrong. It had been early morning at Puddledrip, and the maintenance staff were doing their...
FetishSt Francis of Asissies Correctional Academy This was a story idea given to me by Annabel. This is a rough draft. I do not want to spend too much time on it and asking her to proof read it, if it is not worth continuing. Please let me know your thoughts. England 2032 The black prison van stopped outside the large metal gates outside the forbidding walls of remote institution. St Francis of Asissies Correctional Academy, the sign read. The driver got out and spoke into the...
After living his childhood on a government ordered rural farm with his parents, Hardy Cochran at the age of seventeen had been recruited for a special academy; training young men and women for an astronaut program. Mankind had squandered almost all of the world’s resources and now governments were collecting gifted children and training them to save the planet. Some were sent to colleges where forestry was taught. These youngsters job would be to figure out a way to stop deforestation, speed...
Bobby Garfield was taking a walk around the property he had inherited from his grandmother. It was an old farm with a large stone farmhouse, a large wooden barn with stables underneath. It had been almost completely restored, but as a computer consultant, he had little time for country living. He kind of liked living in the big city and the variety of women it offered. He had trouble envisioning running a computer consulting business, an hour and a half away from Philadelphia, or trying to...
Julia Ponsonby had not taken her parents' divorce well. She had always been a daddy's girl and she missed her father terribly. It had not helped that her mother had remarried almost as soon as she received the Decree Nisi and that her stepfather was extremely unlikeable. Harold was something big in the City and was filthy rich but Julia found him cold and controlling. She was disgusted at the way that her mother fawned on him and seemed to accept his every whim (and there were many) as law, so...
The day starts out much the same as the previous day had. Breakfast, cleaning up, seeing Auntie June off, and accompanying Min Joon to the Academy. Once they get there, they part ways. Min Joon is heading off to pay off his debt, while Ki Jung goes to the administration building to discuss what options they have available. She is still willing to instruct to reduce the cost of her lessons, but it is no longer such a big issue for her, since she has plenty of gold, for the moment. She is...
Welcome to HOR academy, a very special school, al the students are eighteen or older and the teachers teach classes on subjects like sexual obedience and assfucking, and a lot of students and staff are extremly horny. You can only guess what is going to happen. Now let us see who's story we're going to follow If you ever have an Idea but don't feel like writing, why not comment it? And for writers, look at the comments every now and then, people can come up with very sexy scenarios
The Academy was founded and is still leadet by Maria Mariegold. With a lot of hard work and pasion she managed to make the Acadamy to one of the most prestigious schools in the whole Empire. Today some of the most influential Families send their kids to this fecilety to become influential Futanari or a great cocksucer for some high class Futanari. Over the last years the school expanded many times. Today you couldn't compair it to any other school. The school premis is now more like a small...
Transsexual(feel free to message me about anything! I'd love to hear from my readers :)) The alarm beeps away as you groan at the sound of it. A cool breeze rustles the curtains, letting the sun peek through. Pushing your hair to one side, you check the time. "Oh, it's still early," you say, pushing the sheets away to reveal your blue satin panties and chemise, the standard sleepwear you were given when you enrolled. "Better get started." You recall that you share this dorm unit with 2 other sissies, and...
TranssexualThis is so dumb, I think as I approach the gate. For the next year of my life I will be forced to stay at the Foundations Academy. It seems like a dumb school and a desperate attempt by my mom to get me to figure out my life. The worst part is I have no idea what to expect since there is no information online about the school. I doubt my mom even knows where she is sending me. I walk up to the gate and past it see a large well kept clean giant brick building with a smaller just as nice brick...
FetishJohn Doe, Welcome to The Bettie Page Academy. The worlds premier school for both classy beauties and top flight university education. We'd love to get you started on your path to success. First if you could tell us in what capacity will you be attending our school.
Academy is made up of 5 seperate colleges, each with a colour. In an attempt to increase performance the colleges are pit against each other in a series of challenges. Characters to play as: Blue College, Combat Magic Specialist, Team Captain. Red College, Combat Magic Specialist, Team Captain. Green College, Experimental Magic Researcher, Researcher