Mme Moreau
- 2 years ago
- 78
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It was hopeless. Utterly, utterly hopeless. Jack was stuck tight, and there wasnothing he could do about it. Traffic had him pinned in, and he was going tobe late for his conference call. Five minutes from his apartment, he glaredat the light, willing it to turn green. Finally it did, and he sped quicklydown the street to his home.
Barreling up the stairs, he began undoing his tie, and fiddling with his keys.As he made it to his door, he could hear the phone start ringing. Shit!I hope that's the first one! Once more it rang, as he stabbed his doorwith his key. Turning the lock to open for him, he heard it ring again. Ashe slammed it shut, Jack pounded the speaker key on his phone, and waited patiently.
?Three rings, Jack? I thought you liked me?? A saddened and sultry voice cooedquietly over the speaker.
Jack was nervous; he didn't want to lose this one. ?Every woman tells me thatanticipation is supposed to make it more enjoyable.? Phew!
?You always were a smooth talker?suppose that's why you're in advertising.Right? Jack?? Jack froze instantly. Never once had he let that little detailout. He made a habit out of never giving up too many details about himselfjust in case a crazy one-nighter decided to come after him. As his mind raced,his partner grew impatient. ?Jack? Answer me.?
He paused before responding. ?How did you know I was in advertising?? Thiswas getting somewhat chilling.
A whiskey giggle came over the speaker. ?Oh Jack, you forget things so easily.Like the fact that Caller ID gives both a name and phone number. Both of whichcan be used to find your address online. Which can give me a little bit moreinformation about you through your firm's site.? So, she's not stalkingme in real life?that's a plus. ?And, if you have a companion that happensto be an excellent hacker, that gives me access to your credit cards, mailingaddresses, checking accounts, leasing information, driving record, and evenyour Internet history.?
Busted. This woman had Jack by the balls. ?Aww?I had my companion check outa few of these URLs, Jack. There are a lot of things in here that I don't thinkyou want the fans to know about. A lot of?frilly things.?
?What the fuck do you want?!? Jack's nostrils flared, as he grew weary ofthe game. ?What the fuck do you want?!? And then? Silence.
?It's not about what I want, Jack. It's about what you want.? His eyes dilatedin inquisition as she finished the sentence. ?Right about now, if you pokeyour head out the window in your place with the green curtains-the one on thebackside of the building, you should see a car with its parking lights on.Go check; I'll wait here.?
The woman began to hum softly as Jack dashed through his apartment and lookedout his bathroom window. There, in the alley behind his apartment, was a blackMustang. This year's model, with a small woman dressed entirely in black leaningagainst the near side. ?Yoo-hoo? Jack?you haven't forgotten about me, haveyou??
It was a brisk and terrifying walk back to the phone, and Jack's heart wasbeating out of his chest. ?W-what do you want, lady??
?Ah, I guess that means she's there. Good. Listen to me, and listen carefully.Go downstairs, with only what you have now-no jacket, no cell phone, nothingelse-and talk to the driver. She will give you a series of directions. Youwill follow all of them.?
The woman seemed almost humored by this twisted game. ?I don't think so, youpsy-?
?Psycho bitch? Come now, Jack. Let's not agitate the person who is holdingall of your assets right now. If you don't do this, I'll take everything fromyou. Money, possessions, all of it. Now, get your ass down to the parking lot,and follow my instructions.?
She hung up the phone. Jack was really starting to regret that date. If onlyhe had treated her a little bit better. If only he had stopped thinking withhis dick for ten seconds. If only he had been thinking of her as a person andnot a walking cock sheath, maybe none of this would have happened. Nonetheless,Jack knew what could happen with a hacker on your team. He'd done it beforeto people. Well, I guess it's time to go.
There was a light fog growing in the air behind the apartment as Jack movedtoward the car. He didn't notice before from the bathroom, but the woman wasdressed in a latex cat suit with buckling leather boots that came clear upto her thighs, and a form-fitting leather trench coat. She eyeballed him, slowly,from top to bottom and back.
Jack was certainly no physical prize. He was overweight. He wasn't very strong.Hell, he wasn't even a pretty guy. The only things he had going for him werehis incredible sense of humor and his bright blue eyes. Never one to miss anopportunity, Jack returned the favor. His driver had to at least be 22, maybeyounger. Long, dark brown hair was pulled back into a high pony tail. She lookeda little top heavy?at least a C, maybe even a D cup. And her waist just filledin the hourglass perfectly, with a nice, round ass atop a pair of strikinglegs. This was shaping up to be a halfway decent kidnapping. Until she kickedhim in the balls.
Slamming him down on the hood of the car, she patted him down. Emptying hispockets of all but his wallet, she spun him around. ?Take your shirt off. Andthrow it in the trash can.? Not wanting to be kicked in the nuts again, hedid as he was told. ?Pants. Now. Wallet stays in the car with me, pants inthe trash. Shoes and socks too.? So, there he stood, next to the car, in justhis boxers. ?Nobody said you could keep those. Off with them.? Nervously, hestepped out of his last piece of clothing; hoping the fog would be enough coverfor him to remain undiscovered. The driver stepped forward, and placed a glovedfinger on his lips. Gently gliding down his face, neck, chest, stomach. Shewas now crouched in front of him, her gloved hand just to the side of his dick.It was already rock hard at that point, begging for her to touch it. And shedid. As Jack looked down, she took a bracelet off her wrist. Leather, witha series of buckles around it. She wrapped it around his balls and the baseof his cock.
Grabbing a silk sheet with her other hand, she lined his genitals in the smoothfabric, driving the man insane with desire. As Jack's eyes rolled into theback of his head in ecstasy, she cinched the bracelet closed, squeezing bothballs and his dick until they hurt. ?Don't move.? She walked around him, wrappingthe excess fabric around him to keep him warm. As she tucked it into itself,she handcuffed Jack's hands behind his back. The fur on the inside of the cuffswas surprisingly soft, and was making Jack even harder than before. The driverstuffed him in the backseat of the car, and drove down the alley.
The fog made it nearly impossible to tell where they were going, but Jackknew it was somewhere far out of the city. He knew he was in deep shit, andhoped that this just turned out to be some kinky-ass second date. Jack wasabout to find out?
As the car came to a stop, two large men dressed similarly to the driver grabbedhim, and pulled him out of the car. Dragging him up the steps violently, theybrought him inside, and down a corridor. Once in a room, the men removed thesilk and the cuffs-including the one around his unit-and began to manhandlehim. As one of them flipped a light switch, Jack was horrified to see whatlooked like the skeletal frame of a robotic horse in front of him. Screaming,Jack was forced into the contraption. The larger man pressed him to the bench,as the smaller one strapped him in. Then his legs, and lastly his arms. Itlooked like he had fallen out of the sky, and landed on the bench, as he wasdraped over it. Then the guard began to smile. A soft whirring sound couldbe heard, as the bench tipped forward. When it stopped, Jack looked back asbest he could to see a rather large black dildo on the end of the device. Beforehe could register what was happening, it began moving towards his ass. Theother guard targeted it right for his asshole, and looked to the one in thefront. ?Welcome to the fun, Jack.?
The dildo punched through Jack, impaling him in the metal prison. As he feltthe base touch his ass cheeks, he sighed in a defeated fashion. Then it startedmoving again. Not in. Not out. It felt like it was opening. A moment laterhe felt water rushing into his intestines, as the dildo head continued to expand.It hurt, but it was going to get a lot worse. The guards moved an arm withwhat looked like a tube for tennis balls into place under him. They placedhis dick in it, and strapped a leather waistband around him. It started tosuck. Slowly at first, then faster. It felt like the machine was going to riphis cock right off. Between that and the enforced enema he was receiving, Jackwas in terrible pain. He began to scream, but was silenced quickly. A gag wasstuffed in his mouth. It was shaped like the head of a penis, and it was attachedto a small ball pump. The guard began squeezing the ball, forcing it to takeup his entire mouth.
Jack was mortified. He was being raped by a machine. There was not much elsethat could go wrong. Until the guard held up another ball pump. ?Hope you likeit fresh. I just made it this afternoon.? He squeezed the pump, and it shota gooey load of sperm into Jack's mouth. He couldn't spit it out. It was eitherleave it there, or swallow it.
Just before he could make his decision, the driver stepped into the doorway.
?Leave us.? She was of a dominant fashion in her words. The guards did asthey were told, chuckling to themselves all the way down the corridor. Afterthey left, the driver swept a keycard through a slider. The giant stainlesssteel door slid shut, trapping the two of them in the room. Jack was now ata point near exhaustion. He had the better part of a gallon of liquid in hisass, his cock had almost expanded to the size of the tube, and he was chokingon the fresh load of semen shot off in his mouth.
She had not changed, however. The only difference from the last time he hadseen her was that she was wearing no jacket. He got a clean look at her asshe walked around him. She was wearing a corset under her cat suit. Her bootswere heeled; which explained the defined shape of her calves and thighs. Andthere were padlocks all over her. They sprouted all over her body, and lookedlike they had been there a while. ?It's not so bad, once you get used to it.? Shestrode around to the side of the machine, and poked him hard in the stomach. ?Theenemas. The best part about the first one is the pressure.? She pulled a remotefrom behind her back. On it, simply a dial and a red LCD readout with the number01 on it. Jack was hurting. His entire abdomen wanted to just explode. ?Yousee, if I turn this dial up to the next level,? she said as she delicatelyrotated the small wheel. Jack's insides strained as the fluid was pumped inharder. Veins began to show all over his expanding stomach and ass. ?It comesharder. And if I turn it up to level 3,? she smirked as the dial clicked again.The 03 stared him in the face as the dildo began to vibrate inside him. Jack'seyes rolled into the back of his head. ?But the fourth is the fun one. That'sthe turning point.? She kneeled down in front of him, a mixture of cum andsaliva dripping down his chin and crusting over. ?You want it, don't you??
His murmured scream was low and quiet. ?I'll take that as an affirmative.Very well; if you wish.? This time the dial turned slowly, and Jack felt anew sensation in his ass: the dildo was moving back. And forth. And back. Inaddition to filling him with liquid, and stimulating his prostate from inside,now the machine was assraping him. She looked into his eyes, teasingly. ?There'sonly one notch left. We call it The Filler.? She stood up, and walked aroundto his ass. Running her latex-clad hand over the mounds of flesh, she squeezeda cold gel onto his asshole. ?Don't worry; this'll make it hurt a little bit?more.?
Menthol?! The icy gel oozed down onto the dildo, and was slowlycirculated into his ass. Everything suddenly felt very cold. It was like beingfucked with an icicle. Jack's eyes watered, as the driver continued. ?Level5 shoots so much more fluid into you that it actually pushes through your intestinesand into your stomach. Even all those little pieces of shit in there.? Sheslapped his back, causing a shockwave to pass through his stomach, still expandingslowly. ?I guess now the only question is how much cum you need to get cumbelly.?
Jack's eyes went wide, sending tears spiraling down the sides of his face. ?That'sright, Jack. That's all cum. From every guy we could get a sample from. Allit takes is just a touch here, or a wink there, and I've got a sample. As youcan see, my job involves a lot of that stuff.? She turned the dial, and Jackbegan to strain against his entrapment. A wave of pressure went through hisass; it was like passing a baseball in rewind. A nauseating feeling of pressureblocked the motion, until eventually his stomach gave in. The semen and shitspilled into his gut, and his stomach began to expand even faster.
He could feel the vomit coming up, but it had nowhere to go. As it hit thegag, he began to choke. Semen, shit flakes, and pieces of Chinese food startedsputtering out his nose and around the edges of the gag. The driver removedthe gag, but kept the machine going. She wheeled a mirror over slowly, so Jackcould see the underside of his torment. He had all but forgotten about hiscock trapped in the tube. It was pulled clear across it; had to be almost fourinches across, and about nine inches long. It looked like a water bottle. Hiscock no longer hurt though; it was his ass that was bothering him. Still vomitingsemen, he looked further into the mirror. ?You see that tank? That's yours.When it's empty, it'll shut off automatically. Until then, cum gargler, youstay put.? She twisted his nipples painfully, before walking across the roomto a chair.
Jack was left vomiting up shit and cum for the better part of ten minutes.Then all there was left was cum. The puddle on the floor was huge; nearly eightfeet across. And suddenly, it stopped. The vacuum on his dick turned off. Thedildo pulled out, leaving him stretched, and leaking semen out his ass. Jackcollapsed into unconsciousness as he saw the driver moving towards him.
The water was cold as it hit him, waking him up. He was strapped to what lookedlike an upright bed frame. His hands were bound at opposite corners in rustyiron shackles, as were his feet. He was still naked, and his dick was stillmisshapen. The driver entered the light, and slapped Jack across the face.Pressing a button on the side of the frame, Jack was lowered halfway into thefloor. ?Now, we continue breaking you for Her.? A series of clicks was heard,as most of the locks hit the floor. The driver stepped out of her boots, andslowly began to unzip her cat suit. If this is her idea of breaking me,sign me up! Jack smiled weakly as the zipper sailed past her belly button.It seemed to catch just under there, like it was stuck. Suddenly Jack felta cold presence around his cock. Something steely?
The driver smiled at his mild discomfort, and slammed the zipper down therest of the way. And out popped her dick. Jack leaned backwards to keep fromgetting hit in the face with it. It was bigger than his was naturally, andseemed even more alert than his as well. ?Lesson one: giving a good blowjob.? Shewrapped one hand around her dick, and the other was intertwined with the hairon the top of Jack's head. He struggled to get away from her, but she tookthe hand off her own dick and pressed another button. A powerful electric shockwent through his cock, causing him to scream in pain. The driver took her opportunity,and railed her dick into his mouth. Jack felt it scrape down the back of histhroat and into his esophagus. He immediately began to choke, but she showedno signs of stopping.
?Wrap your lips around it, and breathe through your nose on the twos.? Shestarted counting a rhythm to her strokes. ?One, two, one, two?? Jack obeyed,as she shocked his dick just for fun. The flesh was like a railroad spike beingdriven into the virgin ground of his mouth. She kept pounding his head. Harderand harder. Until Jack thought he would explode. Then she stopped. ?Lessonover. For now.?
She then stepped over his shoulders, and placed her balls on his face. ?Lessontwo: minding the testes.? Kicking him in the ribs, she forced her balls intohis mouth. ?Now, Slut, move them around with your tongue. And if you bite me,I swear to God I'll bite yours off and feed them to you.? Jack, again, didas he was told, pushing them side to side in his mouth. He gently began tosuck on them, as the driver moaned. He continued, and the driver began to breatheheavily. She clutched his head between her thighs, and came all over his face.Jack tried to pull back, but she spurted her cum all over his face for whatfelt like and eternity.
Rolling off hi shoulders, she fell to the floor. Gasping in ecstasy, she signaledinto the darkness. Another woman, or at least, what looked like a woman, steppedinto the light. She was wearing a vinyl corset; black with a red cloth stringin the middle. A small red velvet fabric patch covered her privates, so itwas still a mystery at this point. Her long, auburn hair covered her face.She was an Amazon. There's no way I went to dinner with this woman. Jackfelt the semen drool off his cheek and onto his lip. The woman stepped forward,and stuck her finger in his mouth. She scooped up the semen, and licked herfinger clean. As her head tilted back, Jack began to understand. Scarlett,the woman, had indeed been out to dinner with Jack in recent history. She hadworn a plain skirted suit, glasses, and no make-up. But now?now she was a completelydifferent person. She was a man-eating amalgamation of sex, lust, pain, pleasure,and fantasy. And she was standing right in front of him.
?Hello Jack. I hope you're enjoying your stay so far. It will be quite a longone.? She began to pace around him in a circular fashion. ?In fact, it seemsthat you've all but disappeared to the world. Your credit has been terminated.Your apartment has been vacated and re-leased to another tenant. All of yourmoney has been withdrawn and gathered in my personal accounts. Everything aboutyou has been closed. You are now a wandering soul.?
Scarlett leaned in from behind and placed her mouth just to the side of Jack'sear. ?You are now my plaything. Nobody will be coming for you. Now I can makethis?? She trailed off as she ran her long red nails through his hair, andlicked the outside of his ear. ?Very enjoyable for you. Or, I can make it?? Shetrailed off again, as she held the shock button down. ?Very painful for you.? Shelet go of the button, and Jack went almost limp. He hung in the manacles desperately,as she crouched down and kissed his neck. ?Now, what's it going to be??
I'm doomed. I've got to be this bitch's fucktoy for the rest of my life!I can't?I just can't! Gritting his teeth in anger, Jack responded. ?No.? Scarlettstood up, and stepped backwards towards the driver. ?No! I won't do it! Andyou can't make me!?
?On the contrary, Jack. I can, and I will.? Turning to the driver, she helpedher up. ?Violet, bring him downstairs. Dress him in something pastel; I feelspringy today.? The driver nodded, and Scarlett turned to leave. ?Oh, and Violet?Crotchless, if you don't mind, love.? Violet winked and Scarlett disappearedinto a doorway in the darkness. The driver walked to a lever at the edge ofthe light behind Jack, and pulled it. A hydraulic hiss could be heard, as theplatform-framework and all-began descending.
The room was bright; in front of him was a vanity. Sixteen bright white lightsshone into his face, as Violet walked around to his front. ?And now, we beginlesson three.? She picked up a bottle of Nair. ?Looking good for your master.? Theshemale giggled as she pulled the gloves of the cat suit back on. She squirtedthe lotion all over Jack, and began rubbing it in slowly. It almost felt good,and Jack could feel himself relaxing. But then it started to burn. As he beganto scream, Violet began scaling the frame. ?Time for a refresher course, Slut.Lesson one!? She stuffed her dick down his throat, sealing in his scream asshe rode his face hard. As the hair remover incinerated his skin, this trannywas grinding his face like a professional. Several minutes of this went on,until she started to tensen up.
?I hope you're not trying to buck me off?you're going to want to get usedto this as soon as possible!? She shot a load off in his mouth, and it coatedhis tongue. The thickness of it was the worst part; it was like mashed potatoes.Jack tried to spit it out, but Violet would not remove her wang from his mouth.She plugged his nose, forcing him to inhale through his mouth. The cum waddleddown the back of his throat like a ball of glue. ?And now, Slut, seeing ashow you passed lesson one in less than a day, I think you deserve an orgasm.?
Jack smiled bashfully. Turns out he was going to get treated halfway decentlyafter all. In the midst of his bliss, he suddenly started panicking. The framewas bending him in half; clean over at a ninety degree angle. He looked intothe vanity mirror, and saw the same little bottle of gel from the machine earlier.Violet dropped some onto his asshole again, and watched as it puckered. ?Comeon, Slut. Let's take you out for a test drive.? She lined up the head of herpenis with his asshole, and pressed lightly. Jack felt a vacuum inside of him,as she slid the head of her dick into him. A soft moan could be heard fromboth of them, as Violet continued to slide further and further into him, untilher lap was touching his ass. ?And now, Slut, you learn how to be assfucked.? Shepounded him hard once. ?Relax, and it'll hurt less. And, for all intensivepurposes, if you make any sounds, they had better be either moans, or one ofthe following terms: harder, fuck me, I'm such a slut, fill me up, take me.You got that??
She pounded him again, and her balls slapped off of Jack's. It was pointlessfor him to resist, so he just gave in. ?Take me.? Violet smiled, but did notmove. ?Fuck me.? Again, Violet did not move. ?Fill me up.? And again, she justsat there. Not moving. ?I'm such a slut.?
That was the keyword. She began slamming his ass with a newfound vigor. ?Keeptalking, Slut. Say them over and over again.? She continued to pound his ass,and Jack began cycling the words.
?Fuck me?harder?unh?fill me up?take me?I'm such a slut?harder?take me?harder?fuckme?fill me up?I'm such a slut?harder?harder?harder?? Jack lost control of hiswords. Here he was being bent over by a tranny, and he was begging for more.
?Yes sir!? Violet grabbed Jack by the love handles and began drilling him.Jack was literally swinging back and forth on the frame as she nailed him hard. ?Ican't hear you!?
Jack began spitting out new terms that Violet hadn't given him. ?Come on?makeme yours, fuck me?come on and pound it in there?don't stop?oh?unhh?? And thenit happened.
Violet spewed her load all over his cleaned out intestines. Jack could feelit running down his insides, just as he could feel his sweat running down hisback. But, the weird part was, he liked the feeling. That's all it would takefor Violet to stake her claim in the new piece of meat.
Meanwhile, Scarlett was preparing for her new guest. Placing Violet in chargeof Jack was a means of furthering her control on the tranny. Victor, or rather,Violet, came to Scarlett in much the same fashion that Jack has. Violet hadbeen shackled in a room and forced to take estrogen therapy, in addition tofeminization hypnosis. After successfully destroying all of the male qualitiesin her--save one long, pointy one--Scarlett began training her as an apprenticeof sorts; Scarlett was still the master, but Violet would take some guestson her own, or under Scarlett's educating suggestions from the corner.
Tightening the strings on her red satin corset, she exhaled in an alloy ofpain and pleasure. The stiff boning in it would keep her head high and herbreasts securely supported in their quarter-cup shelf. Her thong was trimmedin a lacey black material, as was the corset. The red matched her fingernailsperfectly, which, in turn, matched her earrings wonderfully. The black eyelinerand lipstick finished off the basics of the outfit, as she moved to the closet.There, she found her black fishnet stockings, and pulled them slowly up hermilky white legs.
Her lower lip quivered as she did this, slowly tracing up the inside of herown thigh with her hands. They capped off just a few inches past the top ofher knee, and really added dimension to her legs. Her boots were next; solidblack leather, with soft red strapwork. As they glided up her legs, her lipquivered again, casting a smile across her face. Grabbing her deep red kimono,she tied it around her waist with an elongated cat-o-ninetails and made forthe door.
Violet gently scratched her dark nails down Jack's back, as she began to regaincontrol. She had not yet pulled out of his ass; Jack's body was still havingspasms from being so close to an orgasm. Violet reached around his body, andplaced her hands on his dick. She began rubbing the underside of the head withher pointer, and the top with her thumb. ?Jack, if you want to come, you'regoing to fuck my hand. I'm not moving any more than this. Understood??
Jack was trembling in fear of the actions he had just committed. But, he hadnever wanted to cum so badly in his life. Slowly, he began moving his hipsback and forth, rubbing his penis into Violet's warm hand. Violet pushed forwardas far as the restraints would go, impaling him on her softening dick. ?I askedyou a question, and I want an answer. Understood??
Jack was lightly moaning at this point, and he opened his eyes. ?Yes. I understand.? Violetlet go of his dick, letting it throb in lonesome between his legs. ?I mean, ?yes,mistress'.? Violet smiled, and replaced her hand for him. As Jack ground backand forth on her hand, Violet was growing steadily harder. She ran her fingersthrough his hair, and gently pulled it to tilt his head back. She wanted himto watch as she made him fuck both her hand and her dick out of his own will.She knew he was broken.
And, as she realized quickly thereafter, not getting enough fluids in hisdiet.
As the door swung open, Violet was tying back the last frilly layer of thepetticoat. It was a light pinkish lavender, and it was adorned with silk andlace bows everywhere. The dress must have been at least four feet wide at thethigh, and continued expanding from there. Jack was already wearing heels thatmatched, a pair of gloves, and his makeup was done, albeit somewhat hastily. ?Violet,untie the slut. It is time to walk.? Violet nodded, and unshackled Jack. Ittook him a minute to regain his balance on his feet, especially in the heels.Scarlett hooked a small leather collar around his neck with a leash, and startedwalking. Hence, Jack waddled behind uncomfortably.
Scarlett, however, did not fail to notice the larger-than-normal bulge inthe bottom of Violet's cat suit. Or the small bottle of gel on the floor behindthe frame. Violet would pay for that little stunt; oh yes. Meanwhile, Jackwas tottering along behind her, made precious by her treacherous lieutenant.He was entirely bald, except for his eyebrows and the hair on top of his head.The inflammation of his skin was only intensified by his embarrassment. Notonly had he just been assraped, but he had received a semen enema, been madeto swallow a handful of times, and was made to fuck himself as a sign of hisbroken spirit; no, now he was in an uber-effeminate dress with matching heels,stockings, and makeup.
?I do hope you enjoyed your time with Violet, Slut. I-? She stopped ratherabruptly. ?Come to think of it, Slut is not a becoming name for you. Violetis a slut. You are not worthy of the title. You are a piece of shit, Jack.You are scum. You are what the French call merde .? She stopped, andtilted her head to the side with a smirk. ?But, I think a less-descriptivename is in order for you. You will be called Rosemary. And you will like it,won't you?? Scarlett tugged the leash down hard, forcing Jack to his knees.
As he hit the ground, Scarlett stepped on his hands. ?It's useless to resistme, Rosemary. Just tell me what I want to hear, and learn to believe it, andyou might even someday surpass Violet as my favorite plaything.? Jack was lookingat the ground; Scarlett driving his hand into the ground under her heel madeit hard to focus, but he thought to himself briefly. I can buy myself sometime if I'm not constantly getting abused?I won't believe it, lady, but I'llspill it for you? ?Yes, Mistress. Thank you for granting me my new name.?
Scarlett knew he was up to something. It was never this easy to break a man.Especially not one as independent as Rosemary. ?Excellent! Come, Rosemary.To the fitting room!? The satin-clad Mistress made a hard turn on Rosemary'shand, as she began to walk across the courtyard. Jack?now officially Rosemaryby title?tottered along behind her as best he could. But I'm already dressed?whatelse is there to fit?
As the two moved across the sunny opening in the manor, Violet turned backaround the corner. ?You will never surpass me, Jack. You and Scarlett willboth pay dearly. Very, very dearly.?
Lady Scarlett removed Rosemary's collar, and placed it on a table. Jack tookthe moment to breathe in as much fresh oxygen as possible, without making himselflook any more vulnerable than he already did. Scarlett took his wrists, andshackled them above his head. She then removed his petticoat to see him inhis true and scantily-clad form: soft, lavender panties, a white and lavendercorset, white stockings, and white garters. The shoes would have to come offfor this portion, but the underwear?thanks to Violet's attention to detail?wouldbe able to stay.
Rosemary removed her shoes bashfully, as the Mistress politely instructed.Lady Scarlett grabbed a large, steel bar from the wall, and placed it betweenRosemary's knees. Attaching it with heavy braces would mean that her newestaddition to the family would be unable to bend his legs. Whilst finishing theattachment, she made sure to kiss the last physical remnant of Jack's pridesoftly. Her lips suckled the head of his penis lightly, causing it to springto action. She could taste cum and menthol; the work of Violet. As she didthis, she placed a small cuff around each of Rosemary's big toes, and beganpulling them inward. Jack's feet turned inward as well, leaving his ass completelyexposed.
?Mistress,? Rosemary began quietly. ?If I might ask, what am I to be fittedfor??
?Everything, Rose. Everything.? With that, She walked over to the wall withthe spreader bars, and retrieved a small aerosol can and a plastic bag. ?Open.? Rosemaryreluctantly did as he was told, and Scarlett stuffed the plastic bag into hismouth. She then placed the nozzle of the can in the bag. ?Bite down.? His teethlightly pressed the nozzle, as she began releasing its contents into his mouth.The bag filled quickly with some type of foam. It was cold, and it kept expandingfor a few minutes. Rosemary was worried that he would choke, as he began towhimper loudly. ?Breathe through your nose, love. You'll be alright?I wouldn'tkill you on the first day.?
She walked back to the corner again, leaving Rosemary petrified in the shackledposition. When she returned, it was with what appeared to be some kink of horizontalbar; like something from a gymnastics center. She placed it in front of him,and grabbed his arms. Pulling them down, she bent Rosemary over it, and attachedhis manacles to an eye-hook on the floor. He looked up nervously, and LadyScarlett smiled back wickedly. She traced the line of his chin with her nail,causing her slave to shudder lightly and press against her hand. Disappearingback into the corner, Rosemary could only imagine what was next. And, it wouldseem, his imagination was correct.
She wheeled over a small cart, and placed it in front of Rosemary's hips.Adjusting the height, she took a tube similar to the tennis-ball cocksuckerfrom earlier, and filled it with the foam. She slowly slid it up Rose's dick,stopping at intervals to slide it back and forth. It was so cold, but it wasmaking him so hard. She worked it to his torso, and strapped it around him,bouncing it up and down a couple of times for good measure. ?And now, for yourfinal piece, Rosemary.? Scarlett grabbed another can off the cart, and movedbehind him. She began rubbing his ass with her warm hand; it was oddly relaxing.As she did this, she slid the nozzle into Rose's stretched asshole.
Pressing the trigger, she began releasing the cold foam into his rectum. Roseswung and screamed and moaned, but Scarlett did not let up. She needed to getthe whole can in if he was going to be properly fitted. Thinking quickly, shetook her kimono off, and used the nine-tails to tie the can to the strap ofthe cocktube. As she walked around the front of Rosemary, he stopped. Scarletttook out the gag in his mouth, and before Rosemary could even crack his jaw,she stooped down and placed one of her breasts in his mouth.
Despite being violated in such a vile fashion, at least parts of him wouldbe kept alive. But, at this point, it was unsure which other parts those wouldbe?
Chapter 2 The following week past in a dazed whirl for John. He couldn't pay attention in class, a fact very obvious to his teachers who rewarded his inattention with several after school detentions. John's mother, surprised at the change in her son's behaviour, questioned him a number of times during the week, to no avail. Nothing was important for him, nothing except the coming weekend and a chance to spend more exciting times with Michael and the nasty, exciting porn...
Jack's Christmas Present Part 2: New Years Eve Party(i****t - whole family, les, oral, teen, anal, group (MFmmf / (MFFmmff), double/triple pen) It had been a week since a very memorable Christmas for f******n year old Jack. Tall and slim, Jack had been putting his nine-inch cock to good use since Christmas morning. Instead of masturbating constantly like he'd done for the previous two years he'd been fucking his mum and two sisters.His mother, Virginia, was a beautiful blonde who was divorced...
JACK AND JILL By Tammy Richards SYNOPSIS: When Jack's neighbor discovers his feminine alter ego Jill, it's the worst day of his life. But sometimes bad beginnings have happy endings. ------------------- Jack Williams rolled over and hit the snooze button on his alarm clock. It was 6 AM on Saturday morning. He lay in bed planning out his day. Saturday was Jack's favorite day of the week. From Monday through Friday he was the...
The four of them rode up the elevator. Jack had his arm around both girls and took turns kissing Kit and Sylvia while Logan looked on a little crestfallen. "Don't worry, Logan; you'll get your chance later," Kit said to him. Logan hoped she meant with the girls, but the look in her eyes made him uncertain, especially when Jack winked at him.As soon as the elevator stopped, Jack led them down the hallway towards Kit's room. Lana suddenly popped out of a room, and Jack could tell by her hair and...
TeenKit desperately wanted to hold Jack's hand as they walked down the hotel hallway to his room. Her student walked slightly in front of her, and she truly felt naked in his wake. The cover-up she wore over the tiny white bikini was see-through, and all it did was emphasize her near-nakedness. When they arrived at his room, she followed Jack in like a good little sub. Neither of them expected what greeted them. Logan and Sylvia were naked on the bed, her mouth greedily sucking on his cock....
AnalIntroduction: this is the 2nd part to my story i hope u like it. oh and it is incest so dont read it if your not into it you should know there will be incest in this story so if u dont like it then done read it. this is the 2nd one to the story so you should read the first one Jack decided to head home because it was getting late and he didnt want his mom to freak out although his head was anything but clear. Amanda was on IM talking with her friend So what did he say when you made your...
The hotel lobby overflowed with teenage athletes from all the competing schools. Coach Moore struggled to keep her noisy boys and girls in one group as Coach Buchanan checked everyone in at the front desk.Jack admired his coach's sexy ass for several minutes before sneaking up behind her. "Did you like the show on the bus, Sylvia loves to suck my cock, and I know you wanted it to be you."The sudden voice and soft breath on her ear surprised her. Staring into Jack's piercing eyes, she lost...
BDSMKit woke early and admired Jack's naked athletic body as he slept soundly in her bed. Last night, while Logan and Sylvia were having sex, they quietly snuck off.She and Jack talked late into the night and discussed her desire for rough sex. It wasn't a pretty story, and she was lucky to have survived the ordeal that marked her psyche for life. Then, Jack shared his personal turmoil, and the two of them hugged and kissed after their revelations.The night ended with them having mutual oral sex,...
TeenHello Jenny ClarkJack was forced to take a break from seeing Charlie and H10 ... due to a couple of business trips. A 4-day trip to Los Angeles ... followed by a 5-day trip to Las Vegas. By the time he got back home ... Jack had no energy for either. Jack was never one to turn down a chance at care-free sex ... but he was human, despite the claims of some women! He let a few week go by ... intentionally staying away from H10 ... taking a break from the high-paced expectations! He felt he owed...
My downward spiral into a submissive bottom slut started late in life. I'm still very much in the closet and outwardly I appear as the perfect suburban husband, father, employee and neighbor. I love my wife and family but I recently found a new hobby that I crave with a passion; I can't get enough of my neighbor's big hard cock. It all started innocently enough. I'm an economics professor at UC Santa Cruz and my office is in one of the older buildings on campus. The basement of my building has...
Jack took a deep breath.He was very happy. A chance meeting with Charlie had left him physically drained - and sexually satisified! Recollections of watching his cock being pumped between her giant tits made him smile. It seemed as if his "dry spell" was finally over. The following day, he took off for Made Man - a "members only" gym afforded to him by Forbes. As he worked out with Jason Green, a friend he met there, his life took another positive turn. Like Jack, Jason was single - and led a...
He’d been at the company for two years but his six-monthly reviews were carried out by his line manager, Lucy Bishop. Today though, he had been called to an HR meeting with the HR manager, Sarah Lawson.Jack was thirty-one-years-old and a well thought of highflyer in the company. His sales record was superb and he was quite often seen as the go to person when more junior staff needed help.Lucy Bishop was forty-two-years-old and Jack liked reporting to her because she had a haughty manner and a,...
SpankingJack of All Trade by EmileDon't read this if you are underage. This is fantasy, stick to consensual sex._____Jack Harper reclined on the white silk sheets, his bronzed torso rippling beneath the halogen lights. On both his solid pecs, his large dark nipples stood erect in the breeze that wafted through the photographic studio, matching his bulging dicklump in the tight black speedos, that jutted forward from over his large balls thanks to the hidden thick chrome cockring. He raised one arm up...
Jack's Christmas Present(i****t - mother/son, mother/daughters, brother/sister, sisters, lesbian, oral, anal, first, teen, group (FFfm)) IntroChristmas time in the first few years since Virginia's divorce had been fairly difficult. Her husband had ran off with a younger woman leaving Virginia to raise their three c***dren. That had been in 1992. It was now 2002 and Virginia had managed to fully get over the absence of her other half. She barely thought about him now.When her husband had gone...
CHAPTER 1 Six years on from college graduation, Lana, Chloe, Jo and Addison met for their weekly Friday lunch at the Palm Court Café in the heart of the gallery of Palm Court Mall. From such a strategic location they could let fly waspish asides on unfashionably dressed women, wave to people they knew and rev up their hormones by watching, minds racing, the occasional credible hunk passing by and checking out their tits. Jo Lund had been last to arrive, her face an excited pink. ‘Babes do I...
The light knocking on the door caused Jack Benson to take a deep breath, grit his teeth, and finally call out. "Yeah, who's there?" From behind the closed bedroom door came the low voice of Kathy Collett, "Jack, it's Kathy. Can I come in?" Sighing loudly, Jack answered, "Ah yeah, I guess. Come on in Kathy." "I brought you a present for Valentine's Day," she began as she swung the door open and waltzed into the room carrying a wrapped box, a bouquet of flowers, and a card. When her eyes came to...
Oral SexThe light knocking on the door caused Jack Benson to take a deep breath, grit his teeth, and finally call out. “Yeah, who’s there?” From behind the closed bedroom door came the low voice of Kathy Collett, “Jack, it’s Kathy. Can I come in?” Sighing loudly Jack answered “Ah yeah, I guess. Come on in Kathy.” “I brought you a present for Valentine’s Day.” She began as she swung the door open and waltzed into the room carrying a wrapped box, a bouquet of flowers and a card. When her...
The light knocking on the door caused Jack Benson to take a deep breath, grit his teeth, and finally call out, “Yeah, who’s there?”From behind the closed bedroom door came the low voice of Kathy Collett, “Jack, it’s Kathy. Can I come in?”Sighing loudly Jack answered, “Ah yeah, I guess. Come on in Kathy.”“I brought you a present for Valentine’s Day,” She began as she swung the door open and waltzed into the room carrying a wrapped box, a bouquet of flowers and a card. When her eyes came to rest...
Jack said nothing, but just stared at Jill's torso, covered with his cum. Jill blushed deeply at the intensity of Jack's gaze, but made no attempt at covering herself. Finally standing up, Jack reached down and untied the ropes around Jill's ankles. Reaching down, Jack took Jill's hand and helped her stand up. When Jill stood up, Jack knelt in front of her. When Jack reached to the button of her jeans, Jill said nothing, but bit her lip in expectation of what was about to happen. Jack...
Getting Jack to go to see Jill at work turned out to be a whole lot easier than Denise expected. When she'd gotten home after lunch with Jill, Denise had unconsciously tossed the coupons on her desk, next to her computer monitor before she called Staci. Over the next couple of days she looked at them often, but failed to move them. By Friday, she had managed to bury them under her Computer Organization homework and forgot where they were. She was quietly studying when she heard a knock at...
Jack was running late. He had stopped to speak to his Algorithms professor regarding his last assignment, and after checking his watch to be sure he had time, paused in the student union's game room to get a soda. As his coke came out of the machine, he heard the bells ringing at the nearby St. Bartholomew's Cathedral, 4 o'clock. Looking down at his watch, which still read 3:45 pm, Jack realized that the battery must have died. Grabbing his can and stuffing it in his bag, Jack sprinted...
Jack moved down to Denise's hard pink nipples and began sucking them hard, not caring that her chest was covered in his cum. Denise moved her hands to the back of his head and pressed him closer, trying to get him to take the full breast in his mouth. Jack tried to oblige, sucking in a large portion of her right tit and leaving a large red mark on it. Denise moved his head to her cleavage and moaned contentedly when he began licking the flesh between her perky breasts, cleaning his previous...
After the track meet ended, all the school athletes returned to the hotel. Everyone gathered at the pool, except for the teens from the closer schools who had departed already.The pool deck wasn't as crowded as last night, and the mood was jubilant. Jack was the hero of the night, and more than one girl came onto him, offering an opportunity to fuck them; Jack never said no, but he never said yes.Coach Buchanan and Coach Moore sat at a table enjoying the success of the track meet and were...
TeenIntroduction: More Mg fun, enjoy Their Journey west is going well. Jack drove into the night, his classic black and gold Z28 Camaro has been pulling each steep grade of the Rocky mountains with no trouble. After what seemed like an eternity of never ending mountains, Jack finally stopped at a small hotel just outside Rifle Colorado. It was late by the time they stopped, they were both way to tired to make love. Jack wasnt the least bit interested anyway, after Diana seduced him into fucking...
Friday afternoon has always been a gift to me. The work week would be over soon and I could look forward to a weekend with my wife Pam, the kids and friends. I was really looking forward to tonight, because my best buddy, Jack was coming over for dinner. The plan was to hang out with Pam and me for the evening. It’s what we’ve been doing for more than fifteen years. We would probably have a few beers, watch a movie and then Jack would fuck my Pam.That would be the elephant in the room all...
Wife LoversFriday afternoon has always been a gift to me. The work week would be over soon and I could look forward to a weekend with my wife Pam, the kids and friends. I was really looking forward to tonight, because my best buddy, Jack was coming over for dinner. The plan was to hang out with Pam and me for the evening. It’s what we’ve been doing for more than fifteen years. We would probably have a few beers, watch a movie and then Jack would fuck my Pam.That would be the elephant in the room all...
Wife LoversJack in the Box By Morpheus The basement was a dark and dismal hole that was filled with random clutter that hadn't been cleaned out in decades. There was a layer of dust and spider webs which grew thicker with each footstep taken towards the back. And as the furthest light bulb had long since burned out without being replaced, those depths became even more foreboding. "What the hell are we doing here again?" Ian demanded as he looked around. "I swear, that dust bunny just...
Jack and Jill - A Naughty Nursery Rhyme Introduction: We've all heard the tale, but here's the rest of the story, wherein we find out WHY Jack and Jill went up that hill to fetch that pail of water. And what happened up there anyway, to cause them to come tumbling down? Was it the water that made Jill's belly swell ... or Jack? "Jack and Jill went up a hill, to fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown, And Jill came tumbling after."Once upon a time there was a boy named...
I apologise for the delay in submitting the next parts of this story. I got the dreaded blue screen of death and have had to rescue the story from a couple of sources. The final part is just being tidied up. Thanks to rpsuch for his comments and advice on technique. I haven’t entirely implemented them here because of the hiatus but I haven’t disregarded them either!:) Jack and Diane Ch 08 People like to talk. Jack had developed the skill of getting people to talk. Putting the two together,...
Generally speaking, I don't much care for stories that begin with a preamble by the author. Worst are the disclaimers that try to be too cute for their own good. Notice that it won't stop me though... This is my first work of fiction (not required by a class I was taking). I've done some writing, but I don't get paid for it ? and I'm not likely to... but you may know that by now. I only ask that if you have something not nice to say... you say it all in a big fat stinker of a review. I ...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Bus RideJack's final high school year's season-ending inter-state track event presented him with an opportunity to fuck a woman, not a teen girl, but a married woman. Jack never planned for it to happen, but it changed his life.Jack specialized in long-distance. He liked the personal challenge to push himself to be faster than anyone else. Running allowed him, for a brief time, to forget about the problems at home.The school track team had two coaches, Mr....
TeenJack & Janiebyjack_straw©Jack parked his bicycle on the back porch of the house he shared with his sister, Janie, after spending most of the evening working on a term paper at the campus library.After two years of junior college, Jack was getting the hang of life at a big university. But the work was a lot more than he'd experienced at junior college, and that hadn't left much time for a social life. Still, he was looking forward to kicking back with a cold beer and a hot doobie with his...
Jack woke up disoriented with a massive erection caused by a full bladder. He was lying on a bed with a warm feminine body next to him and his right arm, which seemed to have a heavy weight on it, was numb. He was sure it was a school day, but his alarm clock hadn't gone off. The bed he was lying in didn't feel like a conventional mattress, it was more malleable. He also had a mouthful of hair which he knew didn't belong on his head. Spitting the red hairs out of his mouth, Jack sat up...
“When is he due back?”“Who?”Audrey gave Jill a look. “Oh, you mean Jack? Not sure actually.”“I call that bullshit. You know exactly when he will be back.”Jill smiled dreamily . “Yeah, tomorrow at 8.15pm.”“And by 9.30pm you will have his cock deep inside you?”“Hopefully.”“How long has he been gone?”“Three months almost, hiking in South America with his other macho friends.”Audrey thought about her friend’s fuck buddy. Jack was such a man’s man. Tall, broad shoulders, square jaw and thick dark...
CrossdressingJack had been walking for quite some time and was beginning to wonder if he would ever find the girls. He had done a little searching near the house then began walking up the beach in the direction that Staci and Jill had taken Renee and John the day before. The beach was fairly empty for a Sunday afternoon, much to Jack's surprise, and he didn't anticipate having a hard time finding Denise with her bright red hair. However, after walking for close to thirty minutes in the hot sand, his...
After four long years, Jack finally got lucky...The new Manhattan attorney got set up on a blind date for a broadway show. He was in the ticket line outside when he glanced across the street, and saw two young girls looking at bootleg CDs in a sidewalk vendor's display case. They both were sexy, but the stud's eyes just about popped out of their sockets when he got a good look at the mind boggling tits on the girl with the short, curly, raven shaded hair. The skin-tight maroon dress she was...
Jack and Jill - A Naughty Nursery Rhyme by Lubrican Once upon a time there was a boy named Jack, who had a twin sister named Jill. They lived with their widowed mother in a small cottage at the bottom of a big hill. You may even have heard of them. There was a well known poem that was written about them going up that hill to fetch a pail of water. But what you probably DON'T know is the REST of the story of what happened that day. Jack was a strapping lad, 5'10", wide at the...
Brian Keaton had just finished up his last year of college. He was hanging out with his kid brother who was eighteen. He told his brother about a game that they used to play at fraternity parties. Jack was really interested in the game and wanted to try it out with his friends.Jack was a popular football player. Hooking up was very popular at school and Brian said that the game “Snap” would be even more popular with his friends. He told his brother about the rules of the game. Jack was very...
Straight SexJack's Terri Hobbs segwayAs Tina made a quick detour to the ladies room, Jack tore his shirt off. He pulled back the silky sheets and laid down. He laid there with his eyes closed, fantasizing about what was to come. He opened his eyes to see the beautiful Terri walking in, ready to produce another award-winner. She moved toward the bed, smiling. Jack pulled long and slow on his super stiff cock, oggeling her equally massive-breasted body. He teased, "I'm so Goddamn horny, Terri! I'd like to...
Mariah Cookson strode to the phone and quickly punched in a long distance number. "Hello, Frank. This is..." "Hey Marge, how are things going? Got the sucker corralled yet?" " "Damn it, Frank. Mariah, Mariah, NOT Marge. Why can't you get that into that thick skull of yours. You have to call me Mariah," she hissed. "Ok, Ok, Ok, Mariah. I'll remember, don't get your tits in an uproar." Frank complained. "Anyway, how's it going out there?" Mariah calmed down, "Nicely, Frank,...
Jack Morgan's trusty old F150 bounced down the nearly impassable trail and bounced through the last dry wash before he reached his destination. He could see the trail of dust hanging in the still air behind. It was a typical mid August day in Southwest Missouri. It was hot and dry with no real chance of rain for some time. When Jack had left home to go to college seven years ago he swore he would never return for more than a short visit. Now it looked like he might never leave again. He had...
Jack had just moved to the city a year ago. He was 22. Since he had moved there, he had begun exploring his bisexuality. Which was using a sex hookup site in his area. Even though he had met a few different men at this point, nothing prepared him for Sean.Sean and him had been talking for a few weeks. Sean grew up in the city, but had moved away. His mother still lived there, so he would come back from time to time. And this weekend was one of those times.Jack was at home, nervously waiting. He...
Jack's BIG LifeChapter 3 - "The titfuck that started it all"Laura took the massive, throbbing stick in her hands ... and slowly massaged the entire length ... dickhead to balls! Her mouth hung wide open ... as she gawked at the granite stiff 12" lead pipe. She teased "Jack, dear - have you ever had this big slab of dick properly spit shined?" He said "I've had lots of blowjobs - from girls at school." With a smile, Laura said "Well, sweetheart - girls at school don't really count - you need a...
School started up again two weeks later and Jack didn't see Staci for a few days. They had gotten together once more the week before school began, when he had run into her at Galileo's. Staci had really done a number on him that day. She made him fuck her hard in several positions, ending with him pounding her from behind while she screamed into her pillow, and he'd left with a pleasant soreness in his groin. He was getting better and the last time had lasted long enough to bring Staci off...
Jack woke early on Saturday feeling the effects of a bad hangover. Friday had started well. He'd gotten up late and gone to class where he sat with Denise. They didn't have much of a chance to talk before class as she was late getting there. They talked for a few minutes and Denise had mentioned that she had to change to meet him at the gym so Jack had decided to return to his apartment. He came home, had lunch and then met Denise at the student recreation center for their work out at 2...
Jack's BIG LifeChapter 2 - "Fun with Laura Larson"Way, way back in the day...Jack's endless quest for huge, oversized tits started with Laura Larson ... a neighbor that lived 2 houses down. When the Larson's moved in, three years prior, her tits were already extremely large. After having a little one, they went from being large ... to absolutely MASSIVE! The 38 year-old woman was the complete object of his desires. He found it more than difficult to concentrate when around her! He couldn't...
Jack & Sarah were the perfect couple, both were virgins, both were brought up in respectable families and received good educations. They both went to university and studied Psychology. They graduated in the same year, in the same class. They fell in love, eventually got engaged and today was the day they were to be married. Sarah looked beautiful in her pure white dress. Her flowing, long blonde hair was tied back onto her head, all except for a few small wispy strands that fell beside her...
Hello all ISS readers! I am back again with a hot sizzling story. As u knows me I’m Abhishek Singh 18 male living in Delhi near mother dairy of pandav nagar. I will hope that u will enjoy the story. Mail me any comments, queries or anything on or Jack parked his bicycle on the back porch of the house he shared with his sister, Janie, after spending most of the evening working on a term paper at the campus library. After two years of junior college, jack was getting the hang of life at a big...
IncestJack was a strapping young man of twenty. He was 6 foot 1, had wavy chestnut hair of a fashionable length, hazel eyes beneath brooding brows, a chiseled face, with a small cleft in is chin. All the girls at the college he attended thought he was delicious. Many were not averse to demonstrating this by giving him great blow jobs and every now and then a decent ride on their magic carpet. For Jack life was grand. During the summer break of his sophomore year Jack returned home to do a bit of...
Jack Morgan’s trusty old F150 bounced down the nearly impassable trail and bounced through the last dry wash before he reached his destination. He could see the trail of dust hanging in the still air behind. It was a typical mid August day in Southwest Missouri. It was hot and dry with no real chance of rain for some time. When Jack had left home to go to college seven years ago he swore he would never return for more than a short visit. Now it looked like he might never leave again. He had...
Actually, for the past 34 years, since President Nixon declared a wage freeze in 1973, Jack’s life and the lives of most of the middle class baby boomers began a downward spiral of misery, misfortune, and poverty. In 2000, Jack turned 60-years-old, his wife died of cancer, and the city broke ground to develop low income and section 8 housing the next street over from his house and in his neighborhood. The mayor, the Head of the Housing Inspectors, and the Police Commissioner were indicted for...
Jack had been studying hard all week. His Algorithm final was Thursday morning and he desperately wanted to do well. He had gotten together with Denise Tuesday night and they had studied for a few hours. Denise had gone home around ten when she could no longer keep her eyes open. Jack had offered to let her sleep in his bed while he slept on the floor, but she declined. Jack was looking forward to spending some quality time with her on Friday night, but for right now he had other things on...
Taking a swig of his beer, Jack finishes off his bottle and tossed it into the bushes. Continuing his way down the road with Jess, his best friend."Dude, the fuck we even doing?" Jess asks, his words slurring."I'm just followin you." Jack saysHaving been drinking for the last few hours, Jack had no idea where he even was. Looking around, there's the little park consisting of a swing set, one slide, a merry go round and a a monkey bar set. The little coffee shop nobody went to. The doctors...
Jack filled his plate and sat down next to Denise. As he began eating, Jack noticed how quiet the kitchen had become. Looking around, he noticed that everyone was staring at Denise or himself. "What," he asked, "is wrong with everyone? Is it something I said?" "No, we're just wondering if you two are going to stay long enough to be sociable or if you're just planning to eat and run," answered Jill. Jack laughed. "Sorry, I guess we haven't exactly been visible for the last half...
"Dude, the fuck we even doing?" Jess asks, his words slurring. "I'm just followin you." Jack says Having been drinking for the last few hours, Jack had no idea where he even was. Looking around, there's the little park consisting of a swing set, one slide, a merry go round and a a monkey bar set. The little coffee shop nobody went to. The doctors office. Wait, Jack knew exactly where he was. He spent a lot of time in this neighborhood when he was young. His parents had friends that...
FINE BRAK UP WITH ME AND GO OUT WITH THAT JACK ASS I DON’T CARE!!! AAHH Jack threw the phone down with disgust. He ran his hands threw his hair started up his 1972 MGB GT and slammed it into reverse and screeched out of the school parking lot. Jack was in 10th grade and was 16 5’ 11” brown hair he was skinny almost bony skinny but he was built like a runner so he had long strong legs his upper body wasn’t toned but he wasn’t weak ether he has all the potential to be tone and look strong...
A movie night to remember. NOTE: this is my first story so please be nice (: also it’s slow at the start so if you wanna get off right away, it’s not the story for you! “Jack! Stop it!” Katie giggled. “Oh my god! You’re gonna make me pee myself!” She pushed him off of her and sat up, trying to catch her breath. “Jesus Katie, I was tickling you. No need to freak out.” He stood up and looked down at his best fried. Her black curls were cropped short, close around her round face. Jack supposed...
A movie night to remember. NOTE: this is my first story so please be nice (: also it’s slow at the start so if you wanna get off right away, it’s not the story for you! “Jack! Stop it!” Katie giggled. “Oh my god! You’re gonna make me pee myself!” She pushed him off of her and sat up, trying to catch her breath. “Jesus Katie, I was tickling you. No need to freak out.” He stood up and looked down at his best fried. Her black curls were cropped short, close around her round face. Jack supposed...
First Time