Solace & Rosanna Ch. 07 free porn video

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1998: Solace moaned so loudly that she woke herself up. Her heart was beating as if she had just completed the New York City Marathon. To her delight, she was still experiencing remnants of the intense orgasm that had been induced by the passionate love-making she and Rosanna Romero had shared. She basked in the euphoric feeling of the contractions of her vaginal muscles. How strange, she thought hazily. I just met her. How could I be dreaming about her already? When she came back to her senses, she sat up and ran her fingers through her tangled auburn hair, which cascaded to the middle of her back. I haven’t had a dream like that in ages. A beatific smile formed on her heart-shaped lips. She closed her eyes and tried to recall the details of the dream sequence, but they were quickly fading like a fine mist. Why is it that nightmares stay with you all day and sexy dreams vanish in two seconds?

Solace pressed the button on her talking watch, which announced that it was six thirty. Oh, Solace, you are nuts! What are you doing up at this hour on a Saturday!

When Solace felt she could stand on firm legs, she rolled out of bed and walked lazily to the kitchen to put on the kettle to make a cup of tea. She then glided to the bathroom to attend to her morning ablutions. She looked in the mirror and saw that she hadn’t changed, but she did feel different. She left the bathroom and returned to her bedroom to find something to wear. She settled on a long blue jumper covering a white t-shirt.

I’ve got to call Jessie. She pressed her watch again, an hour had gone by. She should be awake. She plopped down in a cushion by the phone and dialed her best friend’s number. The phone rang several times and was answered.

“Solace, this better be good or I’ll shoot your ovaries off!” answered Jessie groggily.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Jessie. I thought you’d be awake.” Solace stammered in apology.

“Gotcha! I am awake. I’ve been up since five. I had an inspiration and I’m trying to work it out musically.

Jessie Davis was a pianist and composer who had a successful career transcribing works for various artists and their instruments. Her dream, however, was to compose the score for a musical, and she had often tapped Solace to sing the female leads. Jessie often complained that the music industry was too interested in pigeon-holing an African-American artist and she was out to prove them wrong.

“Cool. How’s it going?” asked Solace.

“Well, it’s going okay, but I’m stuck at this one part where the—“ Jessie didn’t have a chance to finish because Solace interrupted her.

“Jessie, I have got to tell you about this woman.”

“Not another one! Solace, you have more crushes than the sea has fish!“ Jessie said in mock exasperation. “But who is she and why is this one so special?” Jessie moved to a comfortable chair because she knew Solace might ramble on.

“She’s not a crush. She’s just…groovy!” she said with a distant tone in her voice.

“Groovy! Oh, Lord. You are the only person in Manhattan who says groovy, Solace.” Jessie retorted.

“I don’t care,” answered Solace.

“Well, how long have you known Ms. Groovy?”

“One night,” answered Solace. “And I dreamed about making love to her.”

“What?” Jessie sputtered and sat up. “Man, she really did make an impression on you. Could you see what she looked like at all?” she asked, her interest peaked.

“Not at first, but when we went down in the elevator together I got a fairly good look and, oh, what a looker. She’s Latin with short, dark wavy hair. I couldn’t’ see what color her eyes were. Do you think she’ll think I’m coming on to her if I ask her?” Solace asked seriously.

“Well, you might wait awhile. Are you going to see her again?” Jessie asked.

“I’m gonna see her next week at the ensemble rehearsal,” she replied and grinned.

“Oh. How did you like the group, Lace?” Jessie inquired.

“It was way cool, Jess. I can’t wait for next week’s rehearsal.”

“Gee, I wonder why,” Jessie said sarcastically.

“Well, I can’t say that hadn’t crossed my mind.” Solace felt her face grow warm with excitement at just the mere thought. “Do you think I should do anything special?” she asked.

“Like what–beat her over the head with your cane and drag her to your apartment?” Jessie snickered at her joke.

“Well, actually, she was here last night,” Solace whispered.

“My God, girl. You really do work fast! What did you do, pull out the old blind thing again?” Jessie rolled her eyes.

“Well, actually, she offered to walk me home. I wanted to be Miss Independence. Really!” Solace said in her most righteous tone.

“Lace, please! Don’t even try to lie. I know you and your act.” Both women laughed at this for it was a long-standing routine with them. “Well, you’ve got two options from what I can tell,” Jessie began. “You can either call her or wait for her to call you.”

“That’s the problem!” Solace rushed in. “She said she’d call me, but she doesn’t have my phone number. I wanted to ask you whether you think I should try to get it or not.”

“Now, Lace. You know, you are going to hunt down that woman’s phone number the way a cat hunts down mice,” Jessie said with finality.

“You’re right, Jess. I’m going to call Katrina and get it. I don’t think I can wait until she calls me. What if she doesn’t?” Solace asked in her most annoying whining tone.

“She might. You could give her the benefit of the doubt, you know. Haven’t you ever heard of playing hard to get?” Jessie said.

“I have and it doesn’t always work, so I’m going to grab the cow by the udders,” announced Solace.

“Oh, no! You didn’t say that!”

“Yes, I did. Now let me get off the phone so I can get to work.” Solace said impatiently.

“Lace, it’s not even nine yet. Give the woman a chance to wake up, get up and freshen up.”

“You’re right. I will. Bye, Jessie. I’ll keep you posted.”

“Oh, lucky me!” Jessie said, but finished with, “Good luck, Lace. I hope she does right by you.”

“Thank you, Jessie.” With those words, Solace hung up.

Jessie sat there, staring at the phone for a few seconds and then placed it on the piano because she knew she’d be receiving regular updates from Solace.

Solace put on a cassette of vocal exercises, which she commenced in doing with great enthusiasm. She had to do something to keep her mind and body occupied until a decent hour came when she could call Katrina. Before she knew it, her table-top clock was announcing eleven o’clock. She unceremoniously dumped her ensemble music on the floor, which fanned out in all directions, picked up the phone and dialed Katrina’s. She got an answering machine.

“Hi, Katrina. This is, uhm, Solace…Solace Tynan? I’m calling to uhm ask a favor. I know it’s kind of uhm early on for this kind of thing, but I was wondering if you could give Rosanna Romero my phone number?” She rattled it off. “Thank you, Katrina. Really. Thank you very much. I’m sorry for the rambling. I’ll see you on Friday. Thank you very much. Remember. It’s Solace Tynan.” She almost spelled her name, but decided that would be overkill. She started pacing around her living room, talking to herself. My God! The woman is going to think I’m an absolute fool! What was I thinking? Jessie was right! I should have waited! Solace, get a grip! You’re usually loose as a…a goose. A goose! That’s exactly what you sounded like just now! Well, what’s done is done.

Rosanna’s fingers were damp with perspiration as she dialed Katrina’s number. “Hello, Katrina? This is, ah, Rosanna Romero. I w
as wondering if you could give Solace Tynan my number. It’s ah…” Her mind went blank for a few seconds. “Oh, it’s 555-1217. Thank you.” She hung up the phone as if it were a burning torch ready to singe her fingers. Madre de Dios! Why did I do that? Well, you did that maybe because you told the woman you would call her and you didn’t take her number. You genius! Rosanna did not want to stop to examine her feelings as to why she wanted to see Solace again. If she had been honest, though, she would have admitted that the fact that Solace was blind intrigued her and she wanted to know more about how she functioned. She did not think Solace would respond to this fact too well. The other reason was the warmth. Solace emitted a warmth that drew Rosanna to her like a moth to a flame. Who would be burning whom remained to be seen. And certainly not last on Rosanna’s list for wanting to see Solace again was her drop-dead gorgeousness. The woman was sensuality personified. She was the kind of woman who made Rosanna’s mouth water, her fingers tremble and heart beat out of control. Yes. At least she felt an attraction. But what about Solace? Rosanna would have to force herself to take this one slowly.

“Hello, Solace?” Katrina’s voice came over the telephone line.

“Who– Katrina?” Solace had fallen asleep and had been awakened by the insistent ringing of the phone and was still a bit sluggish.

“Yes. It’s Katrina. Listen, I’ve got Rosanna Romero on the other line. I thought you two could exchange info in person. How’s that?”

“Uh, fine.” Solace cleared her throat. The next sound she heard were the sultry tones of Rosanna.

“Sol?” Rosanna started. Let me have your phone number and I’ll call you back.”

Solace recited her number slowly and made Rosanna repeat it back to her.

“Thank you, Katrina,” Rosanna said.

“Yes, thank you,” Solace added.

“No problem. Think of me as the facilitator. I have to keep the women in my ensemble happy” That said, Katrina hung up the phone. Solace sat patiently waiting for the call. Upon hearing the first ring, she snatched it up.

“Hi,” Rosanna said.

“Hi,” Solace replied.

“Do you—“ Rosanna did not know whether it was appropriate to ask a blind person if they wanted to see a movie or watch television. She didn’t want to offend Solace. But she had seen a TV in her apartment. “Are you busy? Would you like to have lunch?” Rosanna’s voice sounded rushed to her, but she couldn’t seem to slow it down to her normal suave timbre.

Thinking of what Jessie had told her, Solace hesitated for a moment and then said, “Sure. Why don’t we do Sunday brunch?”

“Oh. Okay. That sounds good.” Rosanna said. She hoped Solace couldn’t hear the disappointment in her voice.

They made plans to meet at a trendy new café.

“Solace, should I pick you up?” Rosanna asked.

“No, I’m too heavy.” Solace replied before she could keep the awful joke from flying out of her mouth. Rosanna gave a small chuckle.

“I sincerely hope that your puns get better as the day goes by,” Rosanna said with a smile in her voice.

“Unfortunately, they don’t. Jessie calls me Princess Pun-Bad,” Solace said with a grimace.

“Who’s Jessie?” Rosanna tried to ask nonchalantly, but she felt a slight prickle of jealousy trying to worm its way in.

“My best friend,” Solace answered.

Deciding to let it go for now, Rosanna repeated her last question with a bit more emphasis. “Should I pick you up, Sol?”

“No. I’ll be fine. I’ll see you at noon on Sunday.”

“You’re sure.” Rosanna persisted.

“Sanna,” Solace’s voice took on a serious tone.

“Okay. Okay. I’ll learn. But I’m still taking you home.”

“Now that would be fine,” Solace said.

“Bye, Sol”

“Bye Sanna.”

They hung up the phone and both women headed to their closets to choose their outfits for the next day, both wanting to make a good impression on the other.

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Our Help pt 3

“Yea babe she is quite a good cock sucker, she didn't have any trouble with my cock anyway, and to be honest with you i cant wait to see how far we both can push her, i think we should use her together and not separately, i think we could give Mrs Rielly a good work out if we work on her as a team and anyway if we work on her that way then at least i can get to enjoy you and you sexy body a little more in the process too” I laughed. “Your a dirty old fucker Pops, enjoy my body my ass, all...

3 years ago
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I am a Straight Guy meets Shemale

I had the perfect level of alcohol in me, the amount that took away the fear without making me too drunk to function properly. Otherwise, there is no way I would have gone up to her. She was undoubtedly the sexiest girl in the bar- probably the sexiest girl in the city. And she was alone. Only for a minute, no doubt, before some other loser tried it on. Not this time, I thought. You don't shoot, you don't score.She was tall, dark, slim but curvy. Black hair, a tight red dress, dark red...

2 years ago
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Chris BeakerChapter 13 Games without Frontiers

He was back in Afghanistan, crouching behind the wreckage of his jeep hearing the moans of the others lying around while bullets were 'pinging' around them, it was only a matter of time before they were picked off by the snipers, his shoulder was also bleeding but he hadn't noticed it at the moment. He thought of something that he had seen in his dreams, it was in a book that told a spell to create what was supposed to be a shield, but it would only protect one person. He needed one that...

3 years ago
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Assistance Appreciated

Many thanks to angel love for the editing this story! My name is Albert Breen, 34 years old, self-employed accountant and in most ways an average Scandinavian guy. When I arrived at an expensive two days long tax information course at a nice conference center I was surprised to see my old school mate Fabian Holm there. Rumors had him spending some time behind bars. However, as old mates we took seats next to each other and decided to take some drinks and talk about the old times after the...

1 year ago
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The Grudge Fuck

The best piece of ass I've ever had – without a doubt – was a grudge fuck brought on by my being stupid and yes, there is a story behind it. The story starts in the seventh grade on the playground after school. A bunch of us got together to play a pick up game of softball. It was the fourth inning and I was on first when Norm Snieder hit a single to center. I took off for second and saw Harry Sort pick up the ball and throw it toward Phil Reed who was playing second base. I saw that it was...

2 years ago
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My Ex Wife and My step dad the preacher

I will leave this up to you to imagine if this was real or just made up.I was married to a beautiful Hispanic woman. I have always had a major thing for Latina woman. She was the love of my life. The sex was amazing and I was always trying to make her comfortable during sex in order to open up to me. One night I started to share a story from my teens. I kind of knew once I shared this with her it would open a door. I was telling her I had peeked at my step dad who was a southern Baptist...

4 years ago
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Holiday in Barbados

Many years ago, after the k**s had got to an age where they could be looked after by grandparents, the wife and I organised a holiday for the 2 of us to Barbados. It was the first in 12 years on our own, and we overspent, with a beachfront villa with private pool, constant alcohol top-ups, etc. etcThe direct flight was before business class had flat beds but the wide comfy leather seats were good enough for a daytime flight. The flight attendants made sure booze flowed, the excitement and the...

2 years ago
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I was down in the basement rummaging through a few cardboard boxes that were in various states of decay when I found one which contained about six dvd discs. They were unmarked and the couple of the jewel cases had been smashed by some rough, insensative handling. I put them aside for the moment and continued digging through the boxes but found nothing of any interest. I was upstairs when I rememberd about the discs and ran back to fetch them. I just suspected that they were nothing more than...

1 year ago
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PrettyDirty Cadence Lux Almost Caught With My Brother

While Cadence Lux and her husband are vacationing in Las Vegas, which happens to be where her stepbrother Johnny Castle lives. Johnny’s on his way to their hotel room and Cadence is so excited to see him. Cadence husband doesn’t like him much or trust him, but lingerie-clad Cadence brushes off his concerns. And she refuses to put on clothes when she opens the door for her big brother. Johnny scoops her up and twirls her in his arms then throws her husband some backhanded...

1 year ago
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Cuckolded By A Couple

not mine but hot Cuckolded By A CoupleA true cuckold story that happened in the fall of 2011. We are Chipair at SLS. Let us know if you like this sort of thing. ;-)========================================================My wife and I had been playing cuckold games for a while and we had down a nice routine. One of our problems however was that we were having a hard time finding nice guys who had cocks really bigger than my 7 inches. It seemed like a lot of guys lied about their size. Some were...

2 years ago
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Cry Uncle

On the surface, Martin was your typical once married, once divorced, middle aged loner. But the kinds of things most people never mention aloud, except in rumor circles, are curiosities about people, Martin in particular, and things that he did (or does) that make them uncomfortable. Martin was an ogler. He didn't leer or be suggestive, or even make kissing sounds, or whistling noises. He just happened to be a sexual "Walter Mitty", imagining himself with female after female in a variety...

2 years ago
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Mere Favorite Jiju Ne Choda 8211 Part 3

Hi friends, thanks for all your reply and comment. Mujhe ye jankar bohut khushi hui ki aap logo ko meri ye story itni achhi lagi. Please ek request hai. Main kisi se number share nahi karti. Main Nafeesa, aur aap yaha padh sakte hai. Main 23 saal ki hu. Mera figure 34-28-34 hai. Main fair hu aur slim bhi. Koi bhi ladka agar ek baar dekh le to tabhi hi uska lund khada ho jayega. Mujhe ladko ko tease karne mein bohut maza aata hai. Main bisexual hu mujhe ladke aur ladkiyo dono ke sath maza aata...

3 years ago
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Transformacion de Adrian

Hola a todas, les quiero comentar una aventura que pase hace algunas semanas, para iniciar les comento que soy Heterosexual, travesti de closet ya maduro, inicie con mi travestismo a los 11 a?os pero lo pude reprimir casi hasta los 20 a?os pues en mi ?poca el travestismo se pensaba como algo del demonio y yo, en ese entonces, me lamentaba de tener ese deseo de vestir de chica, como naci en los Estados Unidos, tengo la nacionalidad Norteamericana pero tengo padres Mexicanos asi que puedo estar en ...

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Demon and Demeanour Book 4 of Poachers ProgressChapter 6 Yellowbellies

The thought of Becky and Shelley engaging in ‘rascality’ had my demon spitting and screaming inside me. ‘You have no choice but to cut off his nugs. He has debauched your sister, and family honour demands you seek out the scoundrel and dispatch him.’ My demon was right, but there was scant chance of finding Shelley in Lincolnshire, where I was bound. Horse Guards had sent a letter to Lincoln Castle notifying the garrison commander of my imminent arrival. An escort would be dispatched to...

1 year ago
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Megans Revenge

My name is Tony Nash I am a 30 year old Production Engineer. My marriage is on the rocks and my wife and I have just gone through bitter separation as we went through the agony of applying for a divorce and separation of our few assets. Fortunately we had no children , although we had been married for five years. Marylyn my wife had an affair with her friends husband, for which she expected me to forgive her, she showed no remorse but actually implied she was going to carry on with the affair,...

Erotic Fiction
3 years ago
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Once More With FeelingsChapter 19 Getting to Know Me

Wendy was unusually quiet when we went to bed Thursday night. I couldn't really blame her. It had to be a lot like walking in on a secret meeting only to discover that life, as you knew it, was actually run by a committee. She just cuddled real tight to me that night and kept telling me how much she loved me. I knew she needed reassurance so I just showed her with gentle kisses and soft murmurs about how much I loved her and that I never wanted us to be apart. I could feel her tears on my...

1 year ago
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Saffron Gets Hit by a CarChapter 5

Things went back to the new normal for the next couple of days and I had a quiet time with just daddy looking after me. Although a ball from over the back did keep coming over each evening and 3 excited young men came to retrieve it and I let them continue their education. Then on the Thursday morning daddy woke me early telling me that we had to rush because Trisha and Tom were coming round on their way to college. I assumed that it was just to talk to me about something and wondered what...

3 years ago
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SandcastlesChapter 38

Simone and I were kept for observation for 4 more days. Gertie visited every day. Shit, she did more than visit. She spent more than 6 hours a day with us, talking with Simone mostly. With her workload at the NIH, I began to realize just how important this was to her, that Simone be OK. I left them to their talks. I used the time to sleep, as I was awake at night, still on alert. I think Gertie knew that. I didn't look but I knew there was an inconspicuous guard watching our door 24 hours a...

3 years ago
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IBE The Days Of WanderingReno

Here we go, another turn in my life. Now, I want you to understand that I don’t see it as a change for the better or a change for the worse. To some extent my life ended in my girlfriend’s house 25 years ago. To a different extent it ended in a tree 22 years ago. But either way I considered the important part of my life over already. By quirk of fate, my thrust for survival has made me go on living. This was just a change in my life. Not for the better. Not for the worse. Just different. I...

1 year ago
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SecretsChapter 6

Brad was looking over the coronerʼs shoulder as Linda entered. The morgue was actually a back room of the small medical clinic where David, a general practitioner and the only doctor in town, (or the county) practiced. “What have you got?” she asked. “As I suspected there are no external wounds which would cause death. She actually died of a myocardial infarction.” “A heart attack?” asked Linda. “Why she canʼt be more than...” “Mid to late twenties,” he finished it for her.
 “But what...

3 years ago
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The Pain and Toture Of Angelique CD

I am Angelique a 34 year old CD this is my story of my pain and torture it is true and it all happened. To start I have been doing this for some years now progressing to this. It was planned and agreed upon by both myself and the Mistress... I arrived at the appointed place and began. The Transformation to Angelique by first giving myself self an enema to cleanse by insides for later. Then showering with caress soap to soften my skin. Then shaving all body hair from my body. Next I...

1 year ago
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Poolside Exhibition Turns Orgasmic

Poolside Exhibition Turns Orgasmic----------Mom and dad were hosting one of their infamous theme parties; Tahiti Breeze, mom had dubbed it, because the winds were mild and the weather balmy, just like Tahiti was in late summer. There were seven couples invited along with several single men and women. Their mixers have resulted in a several engagements, and at least one divorce, over the years.I was a dozen years old, at least half the age of the other guests. My body had not quite developed...

2 years ago
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Stiffkey BluesChapter 7 Return From The Pub

Madeleine was shivering, cold and wet, on the floor of the pump tower. She had been half drowned by her terrifying experience in the sluice and while the woman that had pulled her from the water had taken the trouble to wrap her in some old sacking, her clothes were still soaking wet and she was shivering with cold. She had been dragged over to one of the other pillars and tied against it, to stop her, as the woman had said, getting into any more trouble. Krysta had been rewarded for the...

4 years ago
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Scotch and Soda

I could hear the click of the keys on Carly's computer in the next room. It was Monday and she was finishing up the payroll. I was at my desk signing checks, paying for the booze I sold in my bar, and paying for a bunch of other things that make it more profitable to work for someone else. I called my place 'Casablanca' and sometimes even thought of myself as 'Rick', the bar owner played by Humphrey Bogart in the classic movie of the same name. Every time I signed checks I wondered if I...

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