Houseboy for Hire
- 2 years ago
- 40
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Amanda pulled to the curb in a beat-up, older model Nissan, and lowered the window. “Hop in.”
Em tossed her small bag in the back seat and jumped in. She was used to getting up and moving, rather than primping and preening, so she’d only brought the bare minimum. “Wonderful car. Couldn’t bring the Beemer?”
Amanda laughed as she pulled into traffic. “Nah, it’s in the shop.”
She turned the music up, so Em assumed they wouldn’t talk much. Amanda also didn’t seem dressed for a long drive, wearing a rain coat with the collar turned up and a large floppy hat, but Em wasn’t about to point out any fashion faux pas. She made enough of them herself.
They drove a while, and Amanda kept glancing at her, as if expecting something. She removed her hat after a while, and when the song ended, she fidgeted with the radio, a satellite system probably worth more than the car itself, and punched in a pre-programmed song. It was a pleasant song and Em nodded her head with the tune. Amanda giggled.
“Nothin’,” she answered as they continued. Several blocks later, she turned to study Em again. “You’re not into music, are you?”
Em shook her head. “No. I appreciate it, but you can’t walk around the city wearing earphones while on the job. I never got in the habit. When I’m at home, I spent time with my friends. One of them usually picks the music, or I’ll learn what someone likes and queue up their favorite albums.”
“So you don’t listen to the radio?”
Em shrugged. “It’s not like I can avoid it. You hear music wherever you go, but I’m not real particular.”
Amanda shook her head, laughing. “So you’ve never heard this before?”
“No. It’s familiar.” Em tapped her fingers on her thigh. “It’s enjoyable. They play it all the time. I hear it in cabs, restaurants, even on people’s earphones. It’s popular. I like it.”
Amanda shook her head but didn’t say anything. When the song ended, she punched in another song. The previous song was a pop number, the first a jazz tune, but this was a fast rap. What Em thought of as ‘white-girl rap’, where someone tries to sound like a black gangster. A wanna-be female gangster.
Amanda studied her again, rolling her eyes. “And you have no idea who sings this?”
Em considered it, searching her memory for the name of the tune before shrugging. “Nah. I recognize it. It’s in the top ten or something. Should I recognize it?”
“Do you even know whether these numbers are by different artists? I mean, did we listen to songs by two or three separate performers?”
Em cocked her head. “Your satellite system doesn’t display which melody is playing.” She shrugged. “I know they’re all chicks. This sounds like something Susanna or Becky would appreciate.”
Amanda shook her head. “You’re something else. Everyone else could rattle off the names of each song. You nod along, keeping time, but have no clue who’s singing or what’s being sung.”
“Sorry. I realize music is important to you, but I spend all day responding to dispatcher calls. When I head home, I power walk for the exercise, but I like to be aware of what’s around me. I’ve made a few collars during my off hours, so I don’t like being distracted.”
Amanda giggled. “Ever arrest someone for listening to the wrong song?”
Em laughed, too. “Nope. Some of the misogynistic rap bugs me for the messages they convey, but otherwise I don’t worry about what other people enjoy.”
“You’re too much. So what do you listen to? Frank Sinatra?”
“No, he was long before my time. Even my parents weren’t into him. They were into eighties pop. I listen to a little of everything.”
“So you’re not terribly discerning?”
“Well, there’s a lot I don’t like, but these are pleasant tunes. I take it I should be familiar with them.” Em hesitated. “This isn’t like Lilith Fair is it? Lesbian singers I should be supporting?”
“No, no. Well, a few of them may be. I’ll tell you what. Since I keep up on music, I’ll get you a collection of these tunes so you can listen when you can pay attention. I figure your friends will like them. This one was three times platinum. It was on the Billboard Top Ten for twenty-seven weeks.”
“I guess I should know it then.”
“I’ll tell you what, rather than giving you the albums, I’ll give them to Lucy and have her distribute them to your girlfriends. That’s the only way you’ll listen to them.”
Em realized she was missing something. Amanda was trying to say something without saying it, but she paused, glancing as they approached an exit ramp. “This doesn’t lead to the George Washington. This is the Robert F. Kennedy Bridge. I thought we were driving to another state, not visiting Long Island.”
“Well, the ceremony is in another state, but we can get there from here.”
Em watched as they entered the bridge. Amanda was acting strangely. She didn’t seem talkative. If she was a suspect, Em would push because it was clear she was hiding something, but you can’t interrogate friends. “Well, you missed the turnoff for Connecticut and New England. You’ll have trouble reaching any other states unless you’re heading for the Long Island Ferry. This is the Grand Central Parkway.”
Amanda gave Em a nervous glance. “We’re actually heading for LaGuardia.”
Em snapped her head around. “Where the hell are we going? I thought we were driving to a nearby family wedding.”
Amanda shook her head. “No, it’s a music industry event. An agent wanted me to show up so ... people can learn who I am.” She bit her lip. “A producer agreed to fly us out.”
“Have you thought this out? A producer flying you somewhere on his dime? You sure you’re not being flown to Saudi Arabia, where you’ll be sold to some sheik? What’re they expecting in exchange for this largesse?”
“Don’t worry; they’re hoping to promote me. They ... like my music. This is a major event, but they want me to show up with someone, and I want someone who could ... cover my back. You’re skeptical enough, you’re always watching for someone trying to pull something.”
“So you want me to provide security?”
“No. You’re here for support. I want you there because I trust you. You’ll keep me relaxed in a stressful environment, and keep me grounded. Anytime someone tells me I’m the greatest singer since Taylor Swift, you can elbow me and keep my feet firmly on the ground.”
“This is a big deal, isn’t it? Why didn’t you explain what it was about?”
Amanda shrugged. “I’m not sure. I was nervous. This is a whole different world for me. It’s not like the Upper East Side. I’m a Brooklyn girl. Manhattan is even a stretch for me. I’m uncomfortable around glitz and glamour, and I wanted someone I can relate to. I don’t trust any of these music producers.”
“Yet you’ll jump on a plane, all expenses paid, and let them put you up for the night?” Em glanced out the window as if to see where they were heading. “Where are we going?”
Amanda blushed, answering in a whisper. “California.”
“California? What the... ? I’ve never been that far from home in my life. I visited Disney World once, but this...”
“California is similar to New York. A lot of people commute between them on a frequent basis.”
“Yeah, people who can afford to jet around the world on a moment’s notice.”
Amanda was grasping the steering wheel tight, her knuckles turning white. “More like entertainment executives who can help my career.”
“Where in California? What’s the event?”
“Oh, it’s a minor industry function, with hundreds of people competing for the same jobs. It’s where all the industry events are, Los Angeles.”
“Geez! I’d like knowing. I could have planned. I brought a winter dress and a heavy jacket. What’s the weather in L.A.?”
Amanda grinned. “Much warmer than here. From what I understand, it’s seventy-eight degrees and sunny.” Em shivered, thinking about the difference between the piles of snow and the cold wind blowing off the East River. “But you won’t have much time to see the sights. We’re heading directly to the stadium so I can practice my routines. Don’t worry about your clothing. I can ... arrange something.”
Em studied her. “Do you even know my size?”
Amanda giggled. “I do. I asked Lucy, and Francine double-checked for me yesterday. But it doesn’t matter. This is L.A. They dress thousands of wanna-be movie stars every day for dozens of different events. They’ve got every kind of outfit you could want.”
“You’re going to owe me a lot more than you said. This is a big deal, and I’m not getting a record contract out of it. What happens if my office calls?”
Amanda shrugged. “You do like everyone else, you take a call and handle it over the phone.”
Em leaned back in her seat, clutching her head and closing her eyes. “What if we get a lead? What if someone tries to take out my witness? What if something happens?”
“Oh, who’s being overly dramatic now? Who murders witnesses anymore? You’re not chasing the mob in the sixties are you? You’re not investigating Jimmy Hoffa’s murder.”
Em groaned as she dug out her phone and dialed Doug’s number.
“Officer Wei.”
“Hey, Doug. I may be out of contact for longer than anticipated. Seems I’m being kidnapped and taken across state lines. We’re heading to L.A.”
“Whoa? Who’s the girl? I wasn’t aware you were searching for a sugar momma, otherwise I might have applied.”
“Is anything happening I should be aware of? I won’t be able to rush back unless we turn around now.”
“Nah, things are fine. We’ve outfitted Milton with a wire. He’s going to wear it twenty-four seven so he’ll be ready whenever they reach out. We have a female officer from vice babysitting him, so no one will suspect she’s a cop. I doubt anything will happen for a while. Heck, we haven’t even released the news of our witness being murdered yet. You should be fine.” He paused a moment and Em noted the sound of his fingers tapping his desk. “What time will you be back?”
Em turned to Amanda. “When do we return?” She shrugged. “This is a big deal with free liquor, so there will be parties all night which we’ll have to attend. Various industry execs will be hovering, so this is my chance to hob-nob and brown nose. I was planning on grabbing a red-eye back first thing in the morning. We may have to be poured into our seats, but it’ll be worth it.”
“You can drink if you want, but I’m not sure it’s a good idea if you’re hoping to impress people. Me, I’ll be abstaining. I’m not about to be caught in an embarrassing situation. With an event this big, there’s bound to be reporters snapping pictures. If you need, I’ll pour you into the plane in the morning, but I need a time.”
“We leave at three-thirty in the morning. It’s a five-hour flight, meaning we’ll get back by noon.”
Em dropped her head against the headrest and groaned. “Looks like it won’t be until late afternoon.”
“Nah, I’ll get you there by one. Downtown may take longer, maybe as late as two.”
Em grunted. “You and what fairy dust.” She resumed speaking into the phone. “Figure around three in the afternoon. Early enough for you to inform me what I missed. You can tell me whether our witness is still alive.”
“Man, sounds like my kind of party,” Doug responded. “Have fun. I’m sure we can handle things on our end. I’ll tell you if anything happens.” When he hung up, Em shook her head. “You owe me another couple favors.”
Amanda giggled, “Add it to my tab. I’m sure to tack on a few more.”
“So is there anything else I should know about this shindig?”
Amanda bit her lip, glancing out her window. “Nah. It’s a music industry meet and greet. Since you don’t understand much about the field, you wouldn’t understand. I’ll tell you everything you need to know when we arrive, but it’s easier if I explain things as you encounter them.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Em stared at an approaching sign. “Shouldn’t we turn off here? That’s the departures terminal.”
“Nah, I’m going in the back way. It’s faster and less congested.”
Em glanced at Amanda and raised her brow. “I never knew there was a back entrance. This I gotta see.”
They drove past the arrival and departure gates before Amanda turned on a small access road which led to a guardhouse gate. Em noted the sign. “Private airfield?”
“That’s why no one knows about it, you can only get in if you’re authorized.”
Em shrugged and waited as they approached the gate.
The guard was about to say something when he recognized her. His entire face lit up. “Hey, Mandy. Your flight is set and warming up.”
“Hi, Earl. How’s the wife and kids.”
Earl was a large man with pudgy cheeks but a lot of muscle supplemented by a generous dollop of fat. He wore his slightly graying hair in a pompadour, and the laugh lines around his eyes crinkled as he conversed with Amanda. “They’re doing well. The kids love the album you sent. They send their love. They’re big fans.” He noticed Em and leaned over for a better view, his eyes narrowing and his hand resting by his side, which was hidden from view.
“You trust your passenger?”
“Yeah, she’s an NYPD cop. She’s here to ticket me if my bags are oversized.”
Earl laughed, waving her through with no further questions, all security precautions evaporating at Amanda’s say-so.
“I take it you come here often?”
“Yeah, the first time I came, we got to talking. The guards treat me wonderfully.” They pulled around the building and turned on a street facing the airfield and a row of hangers on the side.
Em glanced at the passing buildings, straining to see farther downfield. “This doesn’t appear to lead to the normal departure terminals.”
“It doesn’t.” Amanda hesitated and glanced at Em. “Prepare yourself. You’re in for a shock. We’re not flying coach. The contact flying me out has a private plane.”
“Impressive. Won’t a private plane take forever to reach L.A.?”
The car slowed and turned into an open hanger and Em’s mouth dropped. Standing before them was a Learjet with a guard by the open gangway. When he saw Amanda, he waved her in, having her park beside the plane.
She rolled the window down, popping the trunk and motioning with her thumb. “Hey, James. My bags are in the back.”
James, a mid-thirties black man with a thin mustache, a fedora and glasses, smiled, his face reflecting sheer delight. Em shook her head, figuring being a private guard was the way to go. They were dressed better than her and had a lot more latitude in their attire and attitude. “Hello, Mandy. Trying to appear inconspicuous, huh? Must be traveling light today.”
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Thankfully the day was a bit cooler than the last few. I like it warm but sitting in the dickie seat in the blazing sun is no treat. Our trip to Bairnsdale had left us with a slight case of wind burn, Dom's mum had given us some cream to sooth the burn and to protect us on the return trip. We were about half the way to Sale when I tapped Dom on the shoulder. "Dom, can we go back and look at that old house?" Dom pulled up and did a 'U' turn and drove back to the house. "What have you...
Another evening meal over, Jess, Cheryl, Dom and I were sitting back relaxing in front of the oven and talking. There was a radio playing in the mess hall and a few of the boys were playing cards. Ernie, Fred, Wally and another chap were playing whist; I felt contented, this was 'My family'. "OK Tony, let's talk about your 'Road house' idea" said Jess, "You told us a bit about it coming back from Bairnsdale, now's the time to tell all." "Like I told you, when I did my National...
The paint on the inside look smart and fresh, Dom suggested we do the outside next. "We did well with buying the café stuff so there's still enough in the kitty to buy some paint, what do you think?" "Good idea Dom, let's talk to our designers and see what colour scheme they would like." We caught up with the girls who were up to their elbows scrubbing the tables and chairs. "We need to talk about painting the outside of the building girls. Would you two get your designer hat's on...
Madhouse Chapter Five I was standing in my ballets and despite a months practice in six in heels, my toes were simply killing me. My feet, I was sure, were not meant to stand en pointe. Inside the latex mask and suit, sweat was running rivers down my back and thighs and collecting down in my toes: With everything tight on me, from toe to neck, the puddle there was rising up to my ankles. The only consolation of my boots were that they looked awesome. I would love to have seen them on...
Stories, you see, change limits. Of our perceptions, and our barriers. Reader, you may think, this is horrible! It is horror, to be sure, but it changes your limits. And what you see. And know. This is why we read. I, personally, like to read the web of fire from the space. It's called a fireplace, for some reason or other. But I also like reading here, and contributing, a lotta bad, a little thought. Something said. I received many bad reviews with the first chapter of this. They...
Susan noticed the cab pulling up next door. “I think our neighbors are back.” I walked over to the window to join her. Sure enough, a handsome black man was helping the driver pull suitcases out of the trunk, while his beautiful wife, a light-skinned black woman, was digging in her purse. When she looked up to pay the driver, she noticed us watching through our living room window. Susan waved and the other woman waved back. I gave a little wave myself, feeling very much like a...
Copyright 2014 by robindavisfiction. This story may not be republished or reposted on other websites without written permission. ***** He warmed the lotion in his hands before spreading it gently on her swollen feet and rubbing each cold toe carefully between his fingers until the chill was gone. Gently, but firmly, he massaged each foot before working slowly up her calves and shins, steadily increasing the pressure with each upward stroke. He lightly caressed her cool, smooth skin with each...
(This final epilogue of my "Learning to Let Go" series of short stories does not contain anything sexual. I'm simply posting it as closure for the story, but -- more importantly -- as my way of processing the pain that our separation has caused. If you're looking for anything as tantalizing as the previous installments, you will be disappointed.)They say ignorance is bliss, but that is a lie.Ignorance is simply the absence of pain and you cannot have the luxury of beloved memories without the...
Lies eventually do catch up to you.Christy was every man's wet dream. At 5'9", she had long, jet-black hair, perfect 36C breasts, and legs that reached all the way to heaven. Her skin was flawless, with a slight olive tint, which made it look like it had never seen the sun. She was college educated, had a fantastic job, in sales with a large d**g company, and loved to watch basketball with me. My only problem with her was that she oozed sexuality, and was a huge flirt. I didn't care when it was...
Dark Eventide By Emma Smith Prologue Lee Most modern people do not know that Halloween is not the most evil night of the year. That privilege is reserved for another day in our older calendar, when darkness tries to prevent the coming of spring. Nevertheless Halloween is evil for all that. We remember past battles and strive to ward against it. Each year my own coven attempts to hold back the evil and contain it. We know we cannot. Nearly limitless power would be needed...
Stevie was watching, his nose almost pressed against the glass of the front window, trying to catch a glimpse of Santa Claus in the early darkness and blowing snow. In spite of myself, I smiled. He'd already had two false alarms--one from the lights of a passing airplane, the other from the red, blinking light on the top of a microwave tower that was up on the mountain every night, but tonight must be Rudolph, leading the way through the storm. I sat back on the couch, cool beer in my hand,...
HOUSEMAID IN MY FIFTIES By Monica Graz PART 4 CHAPTER 9 It was nearly seven when I finished tidying up the kitchen. I was quite nervous anticipating the arrival of Pam and Tania. I was about to face them dressed as a housemaid, a 'boy maid' as Pam called me earlier on the phone. I was wearing my dove grey dress covered modestly by a full white apron. I thought the grey dress would look a bit more formal and certainly the...
HOUSEMAID IN MY FIFTIES By Monica Graz PART 6 CHAPTER 16 Monday morning, two weeks later... I was sitting in a back seat of a public transport bus on my way to attend Miss De Laurentis housekeeping seminar. I very much tried to keep to myself, avoiding any eye contact, holding firmly my hand bag on my skirted lap. I was modestly dressed in a blouse and skirt outfit, light green shiny cotton blouse, and dark green...
GREENHOUSE CRUISINGbyChristopher PierceI was laying on my back on the ground, my legs in the air, a sizzling hot cock reaming my butt. My vision was filled with the sight of the gorgeous man above me. He smiled down at me as he fucked my ass better than anyone else ever had.All I could see around him was the green of plants. Huge tropical leaves dripped with moisture, voluptuous blossoms sagged sensuously on their stalks and tall tree trunks disappeared into the bright sunlight above. A tangled...
Diane leaned out of her window as her vehicle sat perched in the nursery's sandy parking area. Jasmine stood facing her friend, with her navy blue leather handbag dangling from a strap that wrapped an elbow on one of her folded arms. Jasmine's swarthy legs were braced apart in a taunting, yet argumentative posture and she unconsciously flexed her gluts to accent her points of the discussion at hand. "Are you sure it's all right?" Diane asked with a whine and a squint. When the two...
Are you dissatisfied or frustrated by your current living situation? Do you wish that you were the one making the rules in your house? Do you make the rules of the house but wish your housemates would follow those rules without question? Well now you can! You have been randomly chosen to receive the HouseMate app absolutely free! There’s no need to give your credit card number or your personal info, we have all that stuff already! How do you think we found your phone? ;) How does the app work,...
IncestIt was getting late and we had all had quite a bit to drink. Everyone had gone except for Jen (my wife), me, and Jason (wife's best friend's husband). We were still out in the boathouse throwing darts. Jen and Jason were flirting a bit and it was making me horny. So when Jason went out to take a piss, I decided I was ready for a piss as well and followed him. While out there I asked him if he would like to join us in a 3-some tonight and he said SURE! I told him I'd work on getting Jen naked...
BisexualMy sister’s houseboat on Lake Mead was a ninety-minute drive, through Vegas traffic from my job on the strip. Finally getting away for a well-earned vacation, the marina was far out where the sky blazed with stars, the spiral arms of the Milky Way spun overhead.The lake air was always a bit cooler and driving a quiet road with the top down in my tired old convertible was still a thrill. I was looking for a bar, a cold beer and a baseball game on TV. There were quite a few bars in Boulder City,...
SeductionSo, Saturday came and went. Nothing happened, and for virtually a whole month we have had work, visitors and general life go mad. During this whole time I had not cum, any time where I could normally be alone for a wank, my wife would be with me. Or time was pressing, or a hundred other things that simply just got in the way.I had promised myself that I would only be honest with these stories, and make nothing up. So, it has had to wait this long before I can write again, sorry for that -...
The story I’m about to tell to place nearly forty years ago. At the time, I was living in a shared house with three other people. One of my housemates was a good friend, a tall Welshman called Ned with red hair. We all shared in the house running and often eat together, cooking communal meals. As close friends, sharing seemed natural though I didn’t at that time see how far that might go!My girlfriend of the time was at college outside of London and so we didn’t see each other as often as we...
ThreesomesIt was the start of my third year in college. This year, I was finally moving out of the dorms and living in a house. I really procrastinated the year before when it came to housing and I ended up asking Diana, my best friend, if she was able to accommodate one more at her place. She had already found someone to occupy each room at the house that she rented, but luckily for me, she offered to let me room with her. The two of us have known each other since middle school and have always had each...
Let me tell you about my job. I work in a major department store as a loss prevention officer. I am 24 years old, and single. I'm not bad looking as far guys go, 230 lb., 6 feet 2 inches tall and pretty well built. Like I said I work for loss prevention, a few weeks ago we had installed microscopic cameras in the fitting rooms. Although illegal the company I work for thought it would definitely help with loss control. I mean these cameras were right out of a spy movie or something they had...
Every time I travel to a city where there is a bathhouse I always try to spend at least a few hours there. This time was no different. Upon checking into my hotel, I ran a few errands and ate dinner.I'm bisexual but my indulgences in that world are rare. For that very reason, every time I do get to enjoy that, I try to make it as memorable as possible. I'm versatile and I enjoy giving just as much as receiving. The bath was only a short distance away from the hotel, so I decided to walk. The...
Gay Male