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Dark Eventide By Emma Smith Prologue Lee Most modern people do not know that Halloween is not the most evil night of the year. That privilege is reserved for another day in our older calendar, when darkness tries to prevent the coming of spring. Nevertheless Halloween is evil for all that. We remember past battles and strive to ward against it. Each year my own coven attempts to hold back the evil and contain it. We know we cannot. Nearly limitless power would be needed to succeed as tonight evil is given license to roam. We must make the attempt all the same. It is part of our duty. The modern use this night as an excuse for fun. They gather at parties and wear gaudy costumes. We remember older times when the gatherings were more fearful. The shared light and noise a desperate barrier against what might be outside, and was. I find I care little for the modern ones, though I know some of them to be good. Many of them are weak and foolish. They follow no path, not ours, not that of the new God. They have no focus and no purpose. They are apart from the Earth. The best are their children, before they are corrupted by the material world. If the powers of darkness seek to menace a child they will feel our wrath. The Mother will allow us to strike back with a blessed hand. We will spend ourselves gladly in the attempt. In some ways the new religion usurped us but we bear no real ill will. There are cycles in everything, in faith as in the seasons. The darkest winter night holds the prospect of spring. We do not worship the new God, nor do we reject him. We are allies in some respects. We know that we fight for the light in our own way. We have our own trinity, as do they. Our Goddess has three aspects, as does their God. In some seasons one of us is called upon to fight the evil directly. We must place ourselves between an innocent one and harm and call upon our wits and the power our faith gives us. We do not always succeed; we do not always survive. It must be done and all that swear our promise do so gladly. The name that others may use for me as I am now is Lee. It is neither my birth name nor my true name. Even in modern times it should be understood why these things must remain hidden. This knowing cannot be lightly given away. Yes, I am a witch and an unusual one. The modern ones misunderstand us and think us all to be mad or myth. I have known my nature from an early age. My mother told me that my power would be great because of my special nature. Part of me always walks in shadow because two people live in one. A powerful witch herself my mother trained me as I grew up and passed on her knowledge to me. When I was grown and ready I joined her coven. We performed the ceremony of commitment under the Flower Moon at Bealtaine. I pledged my spirit to our path and to my sisters. The time and the signs were right and it was done. Three years ago we gave her back to the Earth with honour, in the sight of our Goddess. Such a good and powerful one does not depart easily from the world. I feel her around me at times, watching me. Her spirit still comforts and warms me as her body used to do when I was a small child. The omens are ill this year. We feel that evil is near us. Yet we do not despair. We have each other to call on and the protection of our deity. We continue to watch and conduct our rituals. We have been granted powers for a reason and we must hone and harness them for the endless struggle. Chapter 1 Rachel "You're not scared are you?" My brother teased me. He is a lot older than me and I couldn't let on about my fear. "No! I just don't want to." "Come on it will be fun. We'll get a couple of friends and spend the night there." "No Paul, we shouldn't." I really didn't want to go. "It's abandoned. Nobody will mind. What better place to spend Halloween?" "An empty church?" "Yeah, it will be great. Talk about spooky. We'll get the lanterns and everything." "Why do you want to go there?" I asked. "It just came to me, from nowhere. It's a great idea." "I don't know." "Oh come on Rachel, it's going to be fun. You don't still believe in that stuff do you?" The place was in the middle of nowhere but I had to go with him. It frightened me and I couldn't admit it. He'd made it into a dare. If I didn't go then he'd tease me about it forever. "Oh, all right then." I said reluctantly. "Great!" I'll ring up the others. I knew he'd want to invite Sara. He had a crush on her that was way too obvious, though he thought nobody else knew. A sister always knows these things. She was quite nice in a girly sort of way. I didn't mind her really. I didn't have anybody totally special to invite. I had plenty of time to find a boy as I grew up, what was the rush? There was a guy in my class I quite liked though. I'd once weakened and told my brother. I thought he'd ask Steve to join us tonight for me. I didn't mind. I'd be too shy to ask him myself. I knew he'd expect us to be frightened by the dark. Then he'd get to play the brave big brother in front of Sara. I could already see him putting his arm round her when she got scared as well. Maybe that would work for me as well. I could encourage Steve to put his arms round me. I think I'd like that and it would make me feel good. We had still to make some things to take with us. The lanterns had been left until last. We had some pumpkins and candles to make them with. This had all been done secretly. There's no way we'd be allowed to go so we wouldn't ask. It would be part of the adventure. I felt odd about it. I wanted to do it for the excitement but I was also frightened. I'd never been out on Halloween before, except round the nearest few houses to ask for sweets. I didn't know whether to believe in ghosts or not. I'd asked my teacher and she said they didn't exist. I read a lot about them though and similar things. If they don't exist then why does everybody write about them and talk about them? I don't have to sleep with the light on any more. I kind of believe what I've been told, but I don't know for sure. We finished getting our stuff ready and dropped it out of the bedroom window to pick it up later. We said we were going out to do "trick or treat" in the street and then going to stay with friends. I think we got away with the story. I wish we didn't have to do this but I know if I don't go along with it I'll be reminded of it for years. It has to be done. It seems very stupid really but we have to go. Before leaving my room I picked up my necklace that had the cross on it instead of the prettier one. It wasn't anything special but I felt better for wearing it tonight. Something felt wrong, not a feeling I could explain but I felt nervous. Chapter 2 Lee As soon as the ritual was over I left the circle and the others. There was no need to ask permission of anyone to leave. We are not men after all with their leaders and strictures. Before departing I did stop by the one who guides us to ask her about feelings and signs. She was troubled, this I could tell. Around me my sisters were dispersing to stand their own vigils tonight. Each of us would plant our wooden staff firmly in the Earth and defy evil to harm those in our care. "I see danger approaching you and it is close." "Tonight?" "Maybe so. Watch closely and ward them well." "I shall try sister. Can you tell me more?" I hoped she might indicate my fate tonight, or the fate of those I would watch over. She did not do so but I could sense her disturbance. "Please, tell me. I would rather know. Reveal your insight sister, that I may be prepared." I asked her. "Very well. You should know that Death is abroad tonight." "For me?" "That I cannot tell. I would do so if it were given to me." "Thank you my sister. I know you would." I had not planned a place where I should go tonight. I decided to sweep the area around our meeting place. There may be those in need, away from the lights and company of the towns. My sisters would be covering the populated areas. Perhaps one of us should roam the countryside. I wandered for an hour, meeting no one and came eventually to a cliff. I stood there looking out to sea. I raised my staff and completed a spell I must not speak of except to initiates. We are not an ostentatious order. My staff is plain wood. It has no symbols and needs none. It is cut from a tree, rooted in the living Earth. What are the scratchings of man by comparison? Again I looked outward over the rolling waves below me and now tried to discern my own fate. I have never been a seer and it eluded me as ever. I was not overly disappointed. Some things were given me, others hidden and taken. That is the way both of life and death. I remembered the words spoken earlier. Tonight I might face the latter. I turned from the sea and faced the land, scanning the horizon. I took in various sights, few of much interest compared to the might of nature behind me. The one that caught my eye was a brief and faint light. At first it was hard to work out where it came from but I saw it again a couple more times. There could be no doubt it was from the old abandoned church. I knew then that I must go there. I think I recognised the warm touch that imparted this fact to me. There was a fair distance to cover and there was no quick way of doing so, lest I call on powers that I may need later. I set off with a firm stride towards where the light had been. I pushed through bushes and vegetation as though it wasn't there. I must not delay. From the shadows I sensed eyes on me. They did not dare to impede me or show themselves. The watchers could not hurt me but they would not roam alone tonight. The moon shone on the path and made the way clear. I did not yet need additional light or wish to use it without cause. I came to a clearing with a dead tree in the centre where the path forked. I could sense a dark shadow near the tree though I could see nothing ahead. "Beware tonight." The voice told me. "Show yourself enemy." "I am not your enemy. I am a shadow of enmity." The voice continued with a liquid, empty tone. The source of it was still invisible. "Then depart shadow." "I strike no one but I claim everyone in the end." "I hear and know you." "Then I say again, beware." I knew the shadow was no longer there without looking. This is a perilous omen indeed but I must not falter. I struck out again through the bushes towards where the light briefly burned. As I walked I tried to compose myself and offer up the appropriate words. Maybe I would die tonight but not without cost to the evil ones. "Warrior and Mother, aspects of the Goddess give me the strength to protect the innocent. Let me not falter when tested. I again pledge my life to my coven, my sisters and the light. I shall die before betraying you or them." I repeated the words as a comfort as I walked. I could feel the watching eyes draw back from me as I felt my power stirring. They could feel it too. These low servants of evil would not dare challenge me, even on this ill night. I could see the outline of the church now. It stood there gaunt against the skyline and I could make out clouds in the moonlight behind it. It looked lonely and somehow forgotten. The world had turned away from churches and it hadn't been used for some years. Even though the houses of the village were close it might have been miles from anywhere. There were no more lights showing and I briefly wondered if I had erred by taking this path. A light touch from an unseen hand on my shoulder removed my doubts. I knew this was right. I moved in through the gate and close to the church wall. I circled the church clockwise three times, listening at the windows and muttering protective incantations. I heard voices inside; it sounded like several children were in there. They were in a holy place and should be safe. Is my task here tonight? If I stay then others may meet danger elsewhere. I feel the touch again and do not question it. I am needed here and must remain. The children sounded quite young. They will have been taught to fear strangers. It might be better were I to join them in my fairer guise. The powers I may need to call upon may also find this more fitting. Men do not easily speak some names and the powers they control are slow to answer them. I scan the church grounds for a safe place. It is a risk; I will be vulnerable for a while. On holy ground with no sign of danger the chance may be taken. I sit down on the ground and begin the spell. I reach inside myself to feel for my sister. This is the secret of my nature. She died almost at birth but my mother completed a powerful magic to bind her spirit to mine. Now we are two in one, brother and sister, witch and warlock. The knowledge of this spell died with my Mother, some day it may be rediscovered. Until then I am the only one of my kind. She answers me. I feel myself altering as I speak the powerful words. Her presence around and in me becomes stronger. She has been resting somewhere in my mind for a while, building her strength to assist in the work tonight. She awakens fully and I feel her strength and warmth. It is done. I am transformed. I tighten my robe slightly and throw back the hood to reveal my long red hair, a proud badge of our race on these islands. The two of us are together always and work for the same ends. One of us presents our face to the world at any time but we stand together in all things. We share one purpose. My mother raised me as a girl and by the time the others discovered my secret I had already proven myself to them and was accepted. No one has questioned my place among us since. My step was lighter as I left my little resting-place and walked up to the church door. My boots crunched small stones underfoot. I pushed it open and entered. Chapter 3 Rachel I felt much better when the lamps and candles were lit. I tried not to look at the pumpkin lanterns too much. They were still kind of scary, though I'd helped to make them. The church was old but clean inside. I'd squeezed in through an unlocked window and opened the door to let the others in. I don't think any of them would have got through the gap and I was pleased that I had been able to do what they couldn't. I jumped at a scurrying noise but it was only a small mouse that had made a home in here. I hadn't cried out and I was happy because they wouldn't be able to tease me about it. We had a quick look around the place. It was fairly empty. I looked round to see most of the decorations you expect in a church had been taken away. There was a table under what must be a big stained glass window. In the darkness it was just black and I couldn't really see what it showed. The seats were fixed in narrow rows as in the proper church we usually go to. They were very hard and uncomfortable so we didn't sit on them. We sat in a space some way back from the door. We were talking about nothing much. Steve held my hand. I saw Mike holding Sara. He was playing the game I'd expected him to. My brother started to tell ghost stories. He'd brought a book of them along and read out the scary bits from several of them. I shivered as I listened to him, not really knowing why. One of them was about people in old abandoned houses who heard strange noises outside at midnight. There was a loud noise at the door and it began to creak open. I nearly panicked but managed to stay seated and quiet. All of us were scared as we waited to see what would happen. My brother had stopped reading. A young woman in a black robe walked in. She smiled at us. I was very relieved and relaxed. I could see everyone else did the same. We all hoped the others hadn't seen our fear. "I hope I didn't frighten you. I'm looking for somewhere to stay tonight." She said. "Please come and join us. We're out for Halloween." "I am too. I'd be glad to stay here with you." She moved and sat down with us. There was a sparkle in her eye and she placed her staff carefully on the ground. "Rachel. You shouldn't talk to strangers." Steve complained. "Mum told me about nasty men who try and take you away. Not people like her. She's all right." I told him. "Why is she dressed funny?" He whispered urgently. "It's Halloween silly. Everyone does it." I told him knowingly. "That's a cool costume." My big brother tried to take charge and introduce everyone. The woman says her name is Leanne. I like her. She seems to be very calm and I don't feel as scared any more. Chapter 4 Leanne Inside the church I met the children and was soon accepted into their little group. They'd brought some food, books and games to pass the time. I think they planned to stay up all night. I smiled as I thought that children could think that staying up was fun and exciting in its own right. Now I began to work a few charms, under my breath. We need no elaborate preparations for our magic. The protective circle I created was not physically marked but it was there, waiting to be used when needed. I felt a trespasser in this place to an extent, not being of their religion and I tried to make amends for it. I hoped their God would suffer me here, my purpose is honourable at least. I called upon him and explained myself. It would do no harm to show respect. I got up and took a walk around. I was looking for other ways into the place. With the door bolted fast and the window secured again it seemed we were safe from physical intrusion. I was satisfied we'd done all we could and sat down again. I watched the children talking and playing for a while. My senses tried to feel out any danger or evil that might be nearby. I had no warning of the loud noise at the door. I could hear a man shouting for help and hitting the door with his hands. The children had become very frightened again. "Don't worry," I told them "It's probably just someone who's lost." I walked to the door, not entirely sure. It could be a trick to gain entry. I readied myself and unbolted the door. The man practically fell inside and I secured it again straight away. I put my arm under his shoulder and half carried him to where everyone was sitting. One of the children gave him some water from a bottle and I waited for him to settle down and tell us how he came here. "Thanks! I was really scared. I saw your light." He said to me. "Are you hurt?" "No, I wandered off the path. I heard something. I felt scared. There's something out there." I heard the beginnings of hysteria in him. I didn't want the children to pick it up. I got him to take another drink and then tried to calm him. "Don't worry. It was probably a trick of the light. Anyway we're safe enough in here for tonight." "Sorry, I must sound very stupid. I'm glad you were here. I'm John." "Leanne." "Do you often camp out in churches?" "No. I got here the same way you did. I saw the light. I thought I'd stay and see the children were looked after." "I guess I'll join you then. We'll stand guard together." He smiled at me and I smiled back. I don't think he could imagine what might be involved but I felt the good in him and his easy promise to help was genuine. He was in the same danger as the children. I was in little less if there was a determined foe hunting us tonight. He is better off with us anyway. We sat in silent thought for a while. Then he pulled at my sleeve. "Did you hear that?" He asked. "No. What was it?" "A scratching noise. Maybe a mouse?" I extended my senses again and felt around. I felt a slightly sick feeling in the direction of the door. I motioned to the young girl to take her place in the circle. The feeling grew more oppressive. Normal senses could feel it now and the children were getting restive. John took the younger children, one under each arm and whispered soothing words to them. I approved and walked with a firm stride towards the door. "I hear you. Depart." I called out. There were three loud and slow knocks on the door. The air grew colder slightly. "You shall not enter." I shouted. The bolt began to rattle slightly as if an invisible hand was trying to draw it. I spoke words of power and it remained fast. "Leave this place now." I tried again. The whole door now shook violently. I could feel the air chilling further. I quickly checked behind me. My new friend was looking after the children, who were now shaking with fright. I smiled at him. "John, be strong. You said you'd help me to guard them. It seems we are to be called upon." The door was still shaking. It didn't seem to be giving way. I wondered if they were playing with us. It all depended what was outside. If one of enough power had been sent then we would probably fight in vain. I would still fight. I repeated the words from my vows when I joined the sisterhood. They had no effect on the door but the air stopped getting colder. I repeated my promise louder. It will soon be tested. The heavy wooden door stopped moving. There was nothing for a while then alternate scratching and hammering noises came from the other side. They are playing with us. This is not well, they must be sure of themselves. "What do you want?" I shouted, making my tone confident. I didn't expect an answer but after a long pause the noises ended and a dark and malevolent voice replied. "I shall defile this place. Then I shall claim those you protect." "Never!" I struck the ground with my staff and pale blue light shone from it. I shouted powerful words against evil. I felt the presence draw back from the door at their touch. I'd hoped it would take more hurt but it did not scream in pain. It must be powerful. "You lack any means to prevent it. Worthless one I say again you shall all die." I took my staff in both hands and raised it. Then I struck the ground with it again and completed another spell of protection. "My power is strong enough to burn you dark one. Depart now." I told the thing outside. I head mocking laughter, gradually fading away. It was a temporary respite, only a testing. The thing would return. The other dark ones with it posed little danger. The powerful one was the foe that must be tackled and beaten. I prayed that I was capable of it. I asked the Goddess to grant me the power to put this foul thing out of the world. Then I went to tend to the children. Chapter 5 John I was sitting with the children trying to comfort them and to work out what the woman was doing. The terrified looks on the faces of the children sadden me. I want to make them feel better. I don't know what to do. It's like being in a horror film but it seems to be real. The flare of light from her staff had certainly been real enough. It made a light unlike any torch I've ever seen. I tried desperately to take it all in and react sensibly. Halloween is meant to be fun. You go to parties and have some drinks. Not like this. There's something evil out there and it wants to come and take us. I don't know what it wants with us. I don't think I want to know. It looks like we are going to depend on her, but I can help by looking after the children. I want to help them. They are shivering against me now in fear. I want to comfort them and take their fear away. I gently put them down on the ground and covered them with a blanket. Then I stood near them. "Don't be afraid. We're going to keep you safe." I heard myself saying the words but didn't know if I believed them. I walked over for a quiet talk with Leanne. "What is that out there?" I asked her. "Evil. Darkness." "Can it get in?" "This is a holy place for you. I don't think it can break in but it is powerful, more than I hoped it would be." "What are the chances for us?" He looked over at the fearful children. "And for them?" "Unclear. There is great risk for us all tonight." She looked worried but strong and determined. "I hate people who hurt children. I guess I hate things that hurt children just as much." I had become angry for them and thought of my own safety had left me. "Then we are of like mind," She gripped my arm tightly. "My order is pledged to protect them. I will value your help." "I haven't got powers like yours." "Look after the young ones. I had expected to stand here alone tonight. You are already helping by being with me." She told me earnestly. "I'll try." In a short silence I can feel her will and power. I know she is someone special and I want to do my best for her. "John, do you believe in this God?" "Well, I used to. I sort of stopped as I grew up. I guess most people do." "Then call on him. Ask for help, for them if not for us. I cannot do so honestly. My faith is elsewhere." "I'll try." I told her. I walked back to the children, leaving her to check the door again. The younger ones were crying gently and I tried to get them to stop. The older ones were holding each other very tightly and their faces were white. I put my hand on the shoulder of the older boy and smiled at him. "You have to be strong tonight young man." I whispered to him. "I'm scared!" "That's no shame, I feel it too. Look after your girlfriend whatever happens. The young ones will sense your fear as well. Try to hide it." "I'll try." I checked on the others. Then I recited one of the few prayers I could remember. After a while the words came to me more easily. I continued to repeat them and other prayers that came back to me. Chapter 6 Leanne The waiting wasn't easy. It is using the delay to try and make us afraid. I started to sing to myself. They were folk songs my mother taught me, not magical ones except in the way that music always is. I set up some more protective spells and saw that John was helping the children to stay calm. I liked the easy way he had with them and I was glad he was here. Knowing someone is with you is always good, though he cannot really help in this fight. I'm sure he would if he could. The concern he has for the young ones is obvious. It's good to see that the modern world can still produce such people. When the air grew colder again I knew we were about to face another challenge. I got the children to move to the back of my protected space on the floor. I looked around to make sure all was in order and stood facing towards the door again. The same things happened again with the bolt and the door shaking. This time it shook more violently than before. "Depart!" I screamed. The answer was a very loud mocking laugh. I hated the sound of it. A strange noise started to build up. Instinctively I moved back. "This is holy ground. You may not enter. Depart!" The laughter increased and then the door exploded. The metal fixtures dropped to the ground and a cloud of dust blew across us, driven by a violent wind. We were now breathing wood dust and we all started coughing. Blinded for a second I slammed the staff on the ground and the air cleared. "I can enter any time I choose." It said. I stared as the black and shapeless figure crossed the threshold. It still kept laughing as it approached. "There was a ritual my acolytes carried out for me. The portal or this place itself does not hinder me." "Get back!" I shouted. "I knew one of you would come." It mocked. "A trap!" "We left the place untouched to draw you in." The shape moved towards me all the time that it spoke. I retreated into the circle and brought it to life. Blue light glowed on the floor around us. I started to ready an attack. The thing continued to taunt us. "I will take them now. Give them to me!" "Never!" The response was more laughter. The thing stopped outside the circle and hung in the air. I struck at it with my power but I didn't manage to hurt it. "You are weak foolish one." I struck again and still it seemed to have no effect. Undismayed I prepared to strike again. There were many forces yet to be brought into play. The room grew darker as my enemy called upon its own resources. The lights in the room seemed to dim further but this was different somehow. I realised the thing was trying to blind me with a spell. This was a dangerous, concentrated, attack and I put my strength into resistance. We locked wills and I tried to break through the spell. I felt myself wilting under the power it put forth. The room around me grew dimmer. If I fell to this evil magic we would be at the mercy of this thing and the other dark ones that it brought with it. They would hurl themselves at the circle until they eventually exhausted my reserves. I must prevail against their leader to prevent this. I looked inside myself again. In my mind I saw my sister holding a bright lantern. From somewhere I found new strength and broke through the attack. The evil spell was cancelled and it faltered before it was fully completed. My sight returned to normal in a few seconds. I felt doubts as to my strength and worth. I put these thoughts to one side. I must not fail. I must not even think of failure. Those with me must not be left undefended. I prepared for the next onslaught. This time the thing sent waves of power into the ground and towards the circle, as though twisting roots of trees were running towards us. It sought to burrow them under the circle and around my protection. Then it could attack those within. My sprits lifted at this. The thing had made a mistake. We live in harmony with the Earth and share some of the secrets of nature. For a while I did nothing then with a gesture and some secret words I shattered the attack. The thing staggered back and hissed at me in pain. I raised my staff above my head. It hung there for some moments. Then three faint clouds of fog appeared in front of us. They began to take form and resolved into black clad figures. They beckoned to us. The enemy was using the shapes of their dead to trick them. I heard the young boy shout. "Grandma!" The child broke free and looked like he might run towards the rippling shape. For a brief moment he hesitated and John was able to hold him back again and tightly hug him. The other children were not looking at the things. "It's a trick. That's not who you think it is. Don't look at it." John told him. He was being very brave. I summoned power and my light revealed the true forms of the things. They were hideous. They glared at us for a while and then faded out of sight. John made sure the children didn't see them but he looked affected by the horror himself. I took a couple of seconds out from the fight to gently touch his face. "I am proud of you." I told him. I turned back to face the shape again. It was hanging there watching and perhaps considering what new devilry to attack us with. Now I would attack. I whirled my staff and a bolt sped from it to strike the shape. It staggered back. If it can be hit then it can be beaten. I hit it again and saw it falter. It drew back slightly and sent a pulse of dark force at the barrier I'd erected. It struck at me hard but the circle held. Then I saw the young girl was outside my protection. It cannot be. No, it is a trick, an illusion. The child is still safe in there. I heard a shout. John had not realised. He leapt to his feet and dived out of the circle. As he crossed it the image disappeared and the black thing went for him. He actually tried to hit it and I shouted as it struck him down with fearful force. He fell backwards into the circle and did not move. "Look after him," I shouted. I could not break off this combat now. "You'll pay for that." I told it evenly. "Misbegotten one. Why do you fight so hard for the children? I know your true nature. You will never bear one yourself. You are barren, mocker of woman form." I felt a tremor as something left me. It was my sister who manifested her image next to me as a shadowy duplicate of my current physical shape. A woman scorned she threw herself at the thing and attacked it ferociously. If she had been in solid form I think her blows may have felled the Lord of Evil himself. As it was she could not touch it. Thankfully it could not harm her either. The image faded and I felt her rejoin me. She had bought me some time though with her onslaught and I made good use of it. I called upon the Goddess in all her aspects and other powers we serve. The light in the room grew much brighter, far brighter than the candles could account for. The powers were with me tonight. I felt my spirit soar and gave thanks. The light grew as bright as day, then brighter. I gathered myself and prepared to strike for our cause. I raised my staff high and spoke words of great power. I swung the staff over my head and it glowed brightly. I saw the thing back off slightly. I launched a great blast of power at it and it staggered. It backed away. I hit it again and it retreated, heading for the door. It was suddenly halted as if it had hit a wall. "Leaving us?" I asked. "No! This cannot be!" It knew fear now. "Your ritual dispelled the barrier to entering here. I set a new one tonight against you leaving. I did not intend to lose this fight." Deliberately and clear-headed I stepped outside the protection of the circle and sealed it for those inside. The thing looked smaller now somehow and could not retreat anywhere. It struck at me several times in desperation. I smiled and easily deflected the attacks. It was time to end it. "No more threats? You have struck at those in my care. Now I will settle the account." I began to prepare the powerful spell I needed to unmake this creature. This effort will weaken me severely. It may leave me lacking the strength to tend to John. I heard him tell me to look after the children. I had to finish this thing before I could go to him. I completed my work. The ritual required no words but I said some "We are with the light. The light is in us. The light acts through us. The light banishes you!" As I shouted the words I hit the thing with my staff and there was a brilliant flash of pure white light. When I could see clearly again it was gone as if it had never existed. I had beaten it! I offered my thanks to the powers. I felt so weak but I could not rest yet. There were still two hours until dawn. I had little strength left in me. I tried to tend to John but I was exhausted and I could not properly heal him. The spells I tried did not seem to work right and did not ease his pain. We would not be safe until morning. I had to stand guard until then. I looked at him. He was hardly moving. I tried to comfort him and talk to him. He was in great pain. The children were standing around anxiously. I stood staff in hand before the door until the sun rose. Then I knew we were safe and I again desperately tried to do something for him. I had not enough of myself left to give. His wounds were terrible, not entirely physical in nature. He died a couple of hours after dawn; I could do nothing to prevent it. I cried out in frustration at my own failure. I blamed myself. If only I'd been more powerful. If only I'd been stronger or shouted a quicker warning. He was only struck because he cared too much for the child. It could never have harmed him within the circle. The morning light streamed in through the window and rays of it struck where he was lying. I could now see the stained glass properly. The main panel showed a man with a halo on horseback holding a brilliant sword. Above him was an Angel holding a scroll. I read the words on another small panel out loud "He will swallow up death in victory and the Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces." Though not of this faith the words affected me. I felt great sorrow for my new friend, fallen in battle. I bent over him and kissed him. Then I asked the young girl for her necklace. I gave her mine in exchange. Hers was a simple design of cheap metal, meant for a child. It was far too short to put round his neck so I put it around his wrist instead. I prayed to my Goddess and also risked asking a boon of the God of this place that the thing had only taken his life. His death was a sacrifice and deserves better than that. I saw the children safely to their home. I left them just before the gate, not wanting to have to explain my presence. Their mother may find the necklace and wonder where it had come from. The girl would not really be able to tell her. In the end it would be accepted though, it was hardly an expensive thing. I hoped they would end up believing that it had all been a dream. I thought the older boy might remember more and tried to talk to him about it and persuade him to remain silent. A minor enchantment will help them to forget the horrors of the previous night. I was able to do this but I had failed to find the greater strength needed to heal. Tomorrow I shall fetch one of their priests to this place and ask him to carry out the necessary ceremonies to seal it again against evil. I would rather it didn't stand empty but it may again serve as sanctuary in time of need. I cannot permit myself to grieve just yet. There are things still to be done. I went to fetch some of my sisters to help me carry him. We shall claim him and honour him as one of ours. I will see it done; none shall stand in my way on this. Chapter 7 Rachel We'd all had very little sleep and when we got home that morning we went straight to bed. Our parents had been very worried about us and were too relieved to see us to be really angry. I had more strange dreams when I went to sleep. I woke in the evening feeling better. I didn't know what had happened the previous day. It was pretty much a blank. I tried to remember what had happened yesterday. It was very difficult. I could remember planning to go out but after that it was pretty much blank until I woke up a few minutes earlier. I found I had my necklace in my hand. I looked at it and saw it wasn't mine. But it must be. I couldn't remember getting one like this though. This one was a plain silver chain and looks different somehow, not shiny like the other ones I have. As I clutched at the necklace I shivered. I had a feeling of something horrible that I can't describe. It must have been a nightmare that I can't remember. I got up, got dressed and went downstairs. My parents gave me a long lecture on why I shouldn't have gone away last night without telling them. I sat in silence and listened to it. They were right really. I didn't tell them that I'd just been going along with Paul. I keep feeling that I am missing something. I try to remember yesterday but I can't. I talked to Paul but he wouldn't tell me anything. I'm not sure if he's hiding something from me or he doesn't know what happened either. If it was a nightmare then I don't know why all of us are affected by it. But it must have been. There aren't any such things as ghosts and I'm a big girl now. At least that's what my Dad said when I asked him about it. He must be right. I don't want to be frightened when I go to bed. Epilogue Leanne We buried him that day in our sacred place. Four of us carried him there as soon as we could. Nobody can remember when a man had been placed in this ground. It has happened only rarely. It fell to me to say the words for him. One asked the question "Why should this one rest with our sisters?" It was a ritual, rather than a challenge. I found the words I needed. "He fought with us and died doing our work. He was struck down trying to save a child. Our victory was costly but four young ones live today." In response to her gesture I told the story of the previous night, leaving nothing out. I admitted that the banishing had drained me beyond being able to help him. He had asked that the children be cared for instead of him. It was a hard choice but it had been freely made. As the women started to dig I felt a presence again and a new thought filled and gladdened me. "No, I said. Place him where my mother lies. She asks for him. Please." There was a momentary murmur from those around me. Then there was general agreement. Our graves are marked with rocks and trees rather than headstones and words. My mother is buried near a large oak tree and this is where we buried John. At this time of year only a few late roses could be found to mark the grave. We added some things from the harvest. It is near that time when we celebrate the bounty of the fields and trees. These are fitting symbols and tokens of our faith. Nature has been fruitful again this year and we give thanks. Several of the sisters talked of a symbolic marriage, the old and new worlds joined under a flourishing tree. I took off the ring silver ring she had once given me and placed it in the grave with them. Maybe they need it now more than I do. We had a brief ceremony with prayers and songs. We gave thanks for the victory and mourned its cost. We did not know him well enough to fully celebrate his life but we did our best. In the afternoon I walked back to the top of the cliff and stood looking out to sea. The wind whipped at my long hair. I raised my staff once more and spoke secret words. Their meaning and purpose must remain hidden as I have sworn. The foul thing had called me misbegotten. I smiled. The servants of the Goddess have long lives and it seems this blessing is also given to me. My sister is with me and we both have this chance of life. If my mother had held back from her magic then my sister would have had none. I could then never have taken this path. There might have been no one there with the children last night. We build no temples or cathedrals. We do not acquire gold or silver. Nor do we seek to convert others to our beliefs. We celebrate the Earth and our place in it in our simple ways. On dark nights we place ourselves between the innocent and evil. Sometimes, as now, we prevail and we rejoice. Evil serves darkness out of fear and greed. Good serves the light out of hope and joy. I knew I had chosen my side well. The End

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DarkFyre Chapter One

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DarkFyre Chapter Three

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DarkFyre Chapter Two

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DarkFyre Chapter Sixteen

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DarkFyre Prologue

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DarkFyre Chapter Ten

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DarkFyre Chapter Eight

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DarkFyre Chapter Eighteen

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DarkFyre Chapter Seven

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DarkFyre Chapter Six

Rael sat at the long, ornate dinner table in the main dining hall with his long legs stretched out before him, leaning back in his chair as he rolled a small apple around in his hand. Selm, his whiskers newly trimmed and looking determined, watched him quietly, waiting for the young Nobleman to speak. The Knight had fully expected to have some distractions when he arrived home. He hadn’t been to IronWing Manor in a long time, and so much was left undone from his father’s death. He’d even found...

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DarkFyre Chapter Fifteen

DarkFyre Chapter Fifteen The next day was lost to the blizzard. They spent the better part of it huddled together in their blankets, pressed in close, as near to their small fire as they dared. The stone cliff was a forbidding face of rock and ice, and even with the nearby fire, the ice held strong, glittering with stubborn beauty in the firelight. The blizzard outside was a wild, angry thing. The winds were a deep, soulful wail echoing through the canyons of the mountains. Very briefly, Rael...

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DarkFyre Chapter Eleven

In the late morning hours the sun shone bright and glorious on Trelling’s Rest. The overcast clouds of yesterday’s snowfall had fled in the face of a clear and temperate day, the sort of mild and cheerful day DarkFyre Dale rarely saw this deep into winter. The snow underfoot gleamed pristine white under the sunshine, a blanket of innocence and purity cast over the countryside, a beautiful thing to behold. The Bear’s Maw was Trelling’s Rest’s main gate and the site of the majority of traffic in...

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DarkFyre Chapter TwentyTwo

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DarkFyre Chapter Twenty One

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DarkFyre Chapter Twenty

Silmaria’s heart beat violently, thudding unpleasantly in her breast. As the men stepped into their small camp she swallowed and fought to ignore the rising tide of panic threatening to drown her entirely. There were half a dozen of them, all armed and stepping with the confident, easy swagger of men who were comfortably acquainted with a great many kinds of violence. Dark eyes roved over her. She saw a flare of desire here, a glint of lewd interest there. Mostly, they looked curious, and...

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DarkFyre Chapter Seventeen

DarkFyre Chapter Seventeen The bear pelt was heavy and warm. Strange, to think that the pelt and meat were keeping them alive and comfortable after the bear had nearly killed him. There was a sort of grim irony in that, he supposed, but it was lost in the relief of being alive, the exhaustion of his ordeal, and the wonder of the woman in his arms. Rael stared down at Silmaria. She slept for now, a deep, peaceful sleep with her face pressed to his solid chest, one small hand resting on his...

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DarkFyre Chapter Fifteen

DarkFyre Chapter Fifteen The next day was lost to the blizzard. They spent the better part of it huddled together in their blankets, pressed in close, as near to their small fire as they dared. The stone cliff was a forbidding face of rock and ice, and even with the nearby fire, the ice held strong, glittering with stubborn beauty in the firelight. The blizzard outside was a wild, angry thing. The winds were a deep, soulful wail echoing through the canyons of the mountains. Very briefly, Rael...

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DarkFyre Chapter Thirteen

The mild weather snuck away in the night, setting the stage for their departure, to be a much more bitterly cold and uncomfortable affair. After sundown the temperature dropped until snow fell in a scintillating curtain of white, crystal-soft flakes. They danced along the wind, dazzling and fleeting in the moonlight as they did somersaults and dizzying spiral dives before collecting in a graceless mass grave all along the docks, their frantic, joyful celebration of cold and movement and life...

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DarkFyre Chapter Twelve

The next morning was mild, if not as clear and sunny as the day before. Clouds hung in a haze over the sky, drab and dreary and promising cold and snow to come, but all in all it was a favorable day for the middle of a Dale winter. Rael was sitting against a wall in an alley mouth, studying the grand building across the street. He was on the opposite end of Trelling’s Rest, right in the heart of the Palace District, watching the Hall of Valor, home and seat of power for the Knight Brotherhood...

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DarkswordsSRU Crossover The Fish That Got Away

Note: Sword is a recurring character in the Darkswords series. He is also a character in the game Time Stalkers, which is owned by SEGA and CLIMAX ENTERTAINMENT. In this case, Sword is from Darkswords. The SRU elements belong to Bill hart. Guess I got bored and decided to see what would happen if they crossed paths. Darkswords/SRU Crossover: The Fish That Got Away. Sword, your not-so-typical half elf, half vampire adventurer, always seemed to be in the right place at the right...

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       Andra screamed into her ballgag. She screamed as my whip hit her beautiful ass again. She'd been screaming herself hoarse since I started working my way down her back with the horsewhip. She screamed when I hauled her up by her bound tits, her wrists tied to them and they tied to a pulley fixed to the ceiling. Her ankles were tied together with cruel handcuffs, almost too tight for her. Her big toes were tied with wire to a D-ring in the floor and her head was covered in a gag and...

4 years ago
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Darkmeat Diet

              Dark Meat Diet!             Chapter 1  LoadSwapping Fun!                 TJ Ryder           http://www.bullsnboys.com/    Being a white boy of Dutch descent growing upin a 95% Zulu country, its difficult when I visit my grandfather'sfarm in the country because, well, for several reasons.    Like all white boys (and girls) who went to Mugabo publichigh school,  I'm part of the first generation of postapartheid teenagers who grew up and was raised in a countrydominated by black...

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Categories: MC, FF+, modification, reluctant.????????? ****????????? Note_1: The below story contains adult material. Do not continue reading if you are under age 18 or are offended by such material, this is a pure fantasy. All the other characters are pure fiction.Note_2: the story is based on Unseen_Unread picture story that can be found here.Note_3: Darkheart, shockwave and Lady Psy are used with the artist's permission.????????? ****????????? Chapter 1: fun and games.Michelle...

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DarkbitchChapter 2

"I'm not pretty, not a bit-- Thin and sallow-pale; When I trudge along the street I don't need a veil: Yet I have one fancy hit. Jess and Jill can trill and sing With a flute-like voice, Dance as light as bird on wing, Laugh for careless joys: Yet it's I who wear the ring." -Christina Rossetti, A Ring Posy With an awkward jolt, eyes wild, visage pained, the Darkbitch awakened and searched frantically among the tangle of bodies scattered around the huge, disarrayed, semiunduvetted...

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DarkbitchChapter 3

"Lo! Death has reared himself a throne In a strange city lying alone Far down within the dim West, Where the good and the bad and the worst and the best Have gone to their eternal rest. There shrines and palaces and towers (Time-eaten towers that tremble not!) Resemble nothing that is ours. Around, by lifting winds forgot, Resignedly beneath the sky The melancholy waters lie." -Edgar Allan Poe, The City in the Sea It was hard to see the faint reflection of her face in the window...

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DarkbitchChapter 4

"Justice with change of interest learns to bow, And what was merit once is murder now: Actions receive their tincture from the times, And as they change, are virtues made or crimes." -Daniel Defoe, A Hymn to the Pillory Each section of the patchwork school building that constituted Darkbitch Academy started classes at a different time. The area where Miss Rhea was rather roughly dragging her student Amy to the nurses' office would soon be filled with a bustle of happy, shapely,...

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DarkbitchChapter 5

"Full fathom five thy father lies, Of his bones are coral made; Those are pearls that were his eyes; Nothing of him that doth fade But doth suffer a sea-change Into something rich and strange." -William Shakespeare, The Tempest As she recovered her balance from Miss Rhea's rude shove inside, Amy cast a slightly bewildered gaze around the Nurses' Office. During orientation, Lady Akiko had discussed it only in vague generalities. Among the students it was the subject of various...

2 years ago
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DarkbitchChapter 6

"It were a vain endeavour, Though I should gaze for ever On that green light that lingers in the west: I may not hope from outward forms to win The passion and the life, whose fountains are within." -Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Dejection: An Ode Crouched within a coppice next to the palace, a blue-haired girl tensely waited. Her deep cerulean eyes slowly and methodically scanned the scene before her, betraying absolutely no emotion. The scene reflected in them was static: the hulking...

4 years ago
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DarkbitchChapter 7

_"Wild roses from the plains, that made hearts tender, All the funny circus silks Of politics unfurled, Bartlett pears of romance that were honey at the cores, And torchlights down the street, to the end of the world." -Vachel Lindsay, _Bryan, Bryan, Bryan, Bryan_ Jade staggered backwards, slack-jawed, staring blankly, pushed into near catatonia by the sudden memory of her sin. She had been the cause of the Darkbitch's justified anger, and she had directed it onto an innocent boy...

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DarkeyesChapter 2

Jonathan I'm following Alex in her little sports car, and envying her for the wind in her hair. Amongst this old Escort's many problems, it doesn't have air conditioning, so the east Texas heat is pretty sweltering inside the car, even with all the windows down. Within a few minutes, we're back in the residential area I'd passed through an hour ago. Alex is going much slower, which I'm thankful for. I know my controlling tendencies would have me twitching and frustrated if she were...

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DarkeyesChapter 3

Alexis I'm above him, my hips are moving against his body, the light glistening on his stomach. But my eyes are staring into his—his dark sad eyes. They don't look sad now though. They're burning into my soul. What's that look? Hunger? Desire? My body aches so good, and I throw my head back groaning. It's early, but I need to be back at Ray's by eight. I groan and rub the sleep out of my eyes and allow Death Cab to serenade me awake. "Yeah," I grumble. "I'd follow him into the...

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DarkeyesChapter 4

Jonathan I'm trying not to get frustrated, but it's hard when you're used to people being on time. I can't remember the last time someone was late to meet me. Generally, people who are late to meet me get fired—unless they have a really good excuse, even then, I check up on their excuse. I guess it's part of my controlling nature. I'm trying to change though. So when I see my beat up Ford driving up, I force a few deep breaths, exhaling slowly through my nose. It works, calming me...

4 years ago
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DarkeyesChapter 5

Jonathan Three weeks with Miss Alexis Rutherford and I'm not sure what's going on anymore. I thought it might just be a shameless fling. But after that first night, Alexis hasn't let me get further than heavy kissing and a few mild over-the-clothes gropes. And the weird thing is, I don't really mind. I don't want to rush into this. But I'm not sure why that is. I keep telling myself, "You can't fall in love with your rebound." Right? My wife' barely been dead seven months. It's...

4 years ago
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DarkeyesChapter 6

Jonathan When I wake up, she's gone. Her scent still lingers on my lips, and her taste still invades my mouth. I haven't been this happy in ... well, since Alice was born. After Alice was born, things between Michelle and I were never the same. She loved Alice, even as much as I loved Alice. But she told me long ago she didn't want children. Michelle didn't take out her resentment on Alice though. She really was an amazing mother. No, she resented me for ever getting her pregnant. She...

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