Phoenix Pt 2 Ch 05 free porn video

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Thousands of years ago, a disaster had occurred disabling their ship so that it was no longer able to move between stars. The heavy elements necessary to restore their star drive were not available in this solar system. Trapped with the local life forms, their continued existence depended entirely on the whims of an unstable dwarf star and whatever preparations they could make for its inevitable demise.

“We are going to visit our new home,” Sibilius announced happily to Béla as he entered the lab.

He seemed to find it perfectly natural that she lived here in his laboratory. After all, this was where she’d been born. Her siblings in their Martian Drone bodies had insisted on personal housing, but Béla was perfectly comfortable sitting around naked in his lab all day. She was almost constantly mind-linked with the Praetor and she was learning a lot from it.

At night, or rather, during the off-duty period when most of the Deimosians rested, she would go out and fly. There was always a group of admirers there to gawk at her, but she didn’t mind. When she radiated love to them, they reinforced it and sent it back to her. They didn’t seem to be offended by her nakedness at all, probably because they weren’t the same species. Also, some of the locals seemed to think of her as a pet rather than an intelligent being; but they loved her just the same.

After her evening flying practice, she would quickly fall asleep in the lab and go dream-walk with Jake. At least she did when their sleep times coincided. And she made sure they did as often as she could manage it, sometimes by simply taking a nap in the middle of the day and leaving her body lying on the floor for Sibilius and his assistants to step over her like a pet dog.

“Am I going with you?” Béla asked, completely ready to go explore someplace new.

Sibilius looked lovingly at his daughter. “Of course you’re coming with me! Do you think I’d leave you behind, Child? But, there are a few rules…

“On the ship, you will have to wear clothes,” he told her. “You can’t go around disrupting crew members who are working by ‘flashing’ them. You could cause an accident. You don’t want accidents in space.”

He had picked up the term ‘flashing’ from her, actually, when she’d used it during a heated discussion about her casual lack of attire.

“But I don’t even look like them! How can flashing a member of a different species be disruptive? It would be like dressing your pet monkey or something!”

“That’s exactly right, Child!” he had replied, sternly. “And many of my people view you as a sort of… exotic animal! An intelligent one that can learn interesting tricks to keep them entertained!

“That’s nonsense! They treat me like a princess! They even call me Prince…

“Oh my God!” Béla exclaimed, suddenly subdued as she realized…

‘Princess’ is also a dog’s name…


The great ship left Deimos six weeks later after replacing the tired crew and restocking supplies for the journey to Jupiter. It carried, in addition to Béla and her father, about twenty percent of the remaining population of Deimos. That group also included Béla’s siblings, in their Martian Drone bodies and her father’s projects as they matured into fully grown hybrids for her siblings to inhabit.

It would take almost three years to orbit out to Jupiter. The reason for that, her father explained when she asked him, was they had a finite amount of fuel left, and it had to last several more centuries, as the technology no longer existed for them to make more. For most of their motion, they depended on the local star’s gravitational pull to orbit them to their destination. The return trip would be noticeably faster, dropping back down to the inner planets.

Béla had believed that the ship would be cramped because of all the people coming on this journey, but this thing was truly huge and she found vast spaces where nobody went. There, she could explore in private and practice her flying.

Using her wings in free fall was a completely different exercise than pushing against a gravitational pull. This was like flying in the middle of Deimos, in the invisible center of its weak gravity field. It was also a lot different than the new way of balancing she’d had to learn in order to fly in a straight line along an inverted surface.

Plus, on Deimos, it was easy to fall into an artificial gravity field, and dangerous. She’d had to learn some fancy, hot maneuvers to compensate for the changes in gravity of rapidly spinning Deimos in order to keep from slamming against a structure that, a moment before, had been off in another direction and not in what appeared to be her flight path.


Sibilius was checking his projects when Béla entered his makeshift lab aboard the giant ship. As usual, she was naked. She was also lonely and depressed.

“You were gone six days, this time,” her father admonished her. He looked at her. He could see her ribs under her skin. “You’re not taking care of yourself like you should. You’re neglecting your body and spending too much time outside of it. You’re making it sick, Child.”

Searching through his cooling system, Béla found a packet of meat her father had been holding for her.

“I don’t like space,” she said sullenly. “I can’t fly here.”

She sat down on a table and tore a piece of raw meat off with her teeth. She actually was malnourished. She could tell that by the way her mouth absorbed the congealed blood and fat in the raw meat as she chewed. She wished there were some way to heat the meat up.

“How’re your bodies coming?” she asked, trying to be interested in at least something.

Jake was fighting her for some reason. For the last two nights, he’d had a girl with him. Béla had spent the time she’d wanted to dream-walk with Jake exploring Albuquerque, instead. Two thugs had beaten and raped a young woman and Béla hadn’t been able to stop it because she wasn’t really there. As the young woman lay on the ground, afterward, she had looked directly at Béla and begged her, ‘Please help me…’ Startled, Béla had leaped back into her body on the great ship.

“The projects are coming along fine. There is less damage to the skin because of the light gravity here,” her father said, “and we’re actually ahead of schedule for their preparation. The first one should be ready in a few more days.”

'Really? That soon? Can I teach her how to fly?' Béla radiated her thoughts excitedly.

'No, not right away,' her father mentally responded. 'She has to learn to walk, first, like you did. But, it will probably take her longer. Not many of your sisters had your drive.'

“Here is something you might appreciate,” Sibilius said, switching back to verbal as he changed the subject.

He held up a coil of thin wire with a harness on one end. The harness was designed with a collar around the neck and a long strap to go down the back, between the legs and back up to the neck. It fastened at the front and the back of the collar. As Béla looked at it, her father sent her an image of how to use it.

Strapping one end around a supporting girder, she floated into the air, wearing the harness, backing away until she reached the maximum length of the wire. Then, forming her wings, she beat against the air as vigorously as she wanted to, with no danger of slamming into anything. The perfect form of exercise to keep her body in shape.

Béla happily sent her father an image of her kissing his cheek. Although he was right there, she didn’t actually kiss him because she could feel his aversion to raw meat, and, right now, she was pretty much covered with it.

Popping the last bite into her face, she hopped down from her table and headed toward the communal baths. Mostly because of her eating habits, her father had ordered the construction of a small, personal shower for her to rinse off in before she joined other members of the ship in the common baths. Only a few crewmembers considered her a step lower on the evolutionary scale, but almost everyone mentioned that they didn’t care for her washing in their bath water.

Béla found the shower great for washing her hair. The tubular enclosure surrounding her shower also had handholds on the sides, as it was cannibalized from a passageway on a part of the ship that was not being used. While she was showering, she could grab the handholds and do a slow handstand in the low gravity, availing every part of her body to the spray.

After not fucking Jake for two days, she stayed in the shower a long time holding herself upside down until she lost her grip, crashing to the floor as she came.

Despite the fact that she had fond memories of being fucked, fisted, sodomized, shot and stabbed, the body she now wore had not experienced any of those things and was, in fact, completely virginal in every aspect. The nervous system of her body and the nervous system of her astral form didn’t respond the same way. That made her feel off-balance and itchy most of the time.

She knew that once her present body got laid a few times and got used to sex, she wouldn’t feel so anxious. But, right now, she was the only sexual creature on the entire ship that stood on two legs, and she wasn't interested in horses.

The surviving members of her father’s race were all dormant, sexually. According to the Praetor, the local sun’s radiation had destroyed their ability to reproduce before they had even realized there was a problem. In addition, no humans had been collected on their last trip to earth as no one had stumbled onto their alien activities this time.

She stepped out of the shower and watched the cut on her arm heal. She’d cut herself on the sharp edge of a panel a moment before when she’d experienced her body's first orgasm and lost her balance. In her mind, she could hear some of the Martian Drones (no, her sisters) in the communal bath, complaining about the very thing she had just been thinking about. Only, for them, it was the fact that their drone bodies didn’t even *have* sexual organs.

She decided to go back to father’s lab and get the harness he had given her. Then she was going to go down into the cargo hold, strap herself in, and beat herself into a fucking frenzy.

The wire and harness contraption worked pretty well if she made sure not to push any air on the upward stroke. She already knew how to do that, from learning to fly back on heavy gravity Earth. She worked herself into a good shine in a very short time.

She also discovered that the strap running between her legs stimulated her clitoris quite nicely. By the time she quit, she'd managed to give her virginal body four more orgasms. She’d also sweated off almost two liters of moisture and was feeling dizzy and disoriented. Every muscle in her body burned. She felt great!

Béla dropped her body down onto the cold, metal floor without bothering to cool down and went to see Jake. He was alone. He was awake. She couldn’t get through to him. He had magnetic things strapped to his ears.

'People are so stupid, sometimes!' Béla thought to herself, frustrated again.

Before they started inventing things, people had a sense of ‘others’ about them. They could tell if a friend, husband, or wife was upset or hurt. There was a sensitivity there that began to disappear when people started getting obsessed with ‘things’. The smarter people got about things, the dumber they got about people.

The simple fact that she could communicate with people in her 'dream state' indicated that the humans had the same mental potential to do what she could do. But they surrounded themselves with electronic devices that radiated on the same frequencies as thought, flooding their psychic senses with useless noise, then wondered why they couldn’t get along with each other.

'Finally! He’s asleep!' Béla thought excitedly.

She mentally suggested that he take off that uncomfortable headset. Jake turned over and the headset slipped off his head. Then Béla bounced onto the bed, cheerfully waking him up.

‘Miss me?’ she asked happily. Without waiting for an answer, she pulled him into a sitting position. ‘Come on! I want to show you something!’

Béla pulled him up out of his bed and into the image of her ship. He floated in mid air, looking around, dumbfounded. ‘What is all this stuff?’

‘These are supplies from Earth,’ she told him. ‘We’re taking them to our new home.’

‘Where are we?’ he inquired, still sounding confused. ‘I think I’ve been here before…’

‘You have. I brought you here last week,’ Béla replied. ‘We made love just floating in the air. But there are a lot of places on the ship you haven’t seen yet. Let me show you!’

She created an image of the communal baths around them. She stepped down into the warm water, then realized Jake had arrived dressed! She stepped back out and began unbuttoning his shirt.
‘You can’t take a bath with your clothes on,’ she laughed.

Béla opened his shirt and began rubbing her hands on his chest. ‘I miss you, you know?’ she said quietly as she caressed him.

She began kissing his collarbone, working her way up his neck. Jake pulled her to him and kissed her passionately. Béla moaned in pure pleasure. But with his arms wrapped around her like that, she wasn’t able to get his belt buckle to work. Finally, she just vanished his pants completely out of her image. Then she vanished the rest of his clothing.

‘Much better!’ she thought as she ran her hands over his bare skin.

She led him down into the bath, stepping carefully on the slippery marble. It wasn’t marble on the ship, but in her image of the ship, she made it marble. There wasn’t anyone around to interrupt, either.

Warm water cascaded over an artificial waterfall at one end of the bath. Béla stepped underneath it and looked up, allowing the water to cascade erotically over her face and breasts and down her body. The weak gravity let the water splash over a much greater distance in a dream-like fashion.

Jake joined her a few seconds later and the water poured over them both as they kissed and caressed each other. Béla wished she could spend the rest of her life like this. Jake began fondling her breasts, making her nipples hard. Behind the falls, Béla created a marble bench, just large enough for the two of them.

Jake, spotting the bench, took the initiative this time. He pulled Béla back behind the waterfall and sat her down on the bench, then knelt down in front of her, kissing and licking her breasts. He began caressing the insides of her thighs while he kissed and licked his way down the front of her slippery, wet body.

Béla spread her legs, making it easy for him to get his head down there. In the next moment, she felt his tongue separating the folds of her labia and licking into the edges of her cunt. He inserted a couple of fingers into her and began licking and sucking on her clitoris. As she came, she lost her hold on the image and on Jake. Everything faded away.

Béla woke up. Opening her eyes, she found herself naked, floating in the cargo bay, tethered to a support structure by a long, thin wire. She felt gaunt and exhausted. As she moved, her wings, which had been dangling out on either side of her, became arms again.

She slowly and painfully pulled herself down, coiling the wire around her arm as she did so. When she reached the end of the wire, she unfastened it and secured the end around the coil, holding it in place. Then she found a catch on the wall and secured her harness and wire to it.

She pulled herself through the cargo bay door and into a section that had a gravity field in it. Finding a carton that was padded with canvass, Béla climbed up on it, curled up and went to sleep. It occurred to her as she drifted off, that, while they were making love, Jake hadn’t said a single word to her.


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Misstrial (c) 2003 by Nom de Plume FORWORD: The missing months of the "Foul Boy" saga are revealed by the parties to a tumultuous divorce proceeding. *** "Ruth, we have your husband dead to rights on adultery and abandonment. If it weren't for what you did to your son, he wouldn't have a leg to stand on." Dexter Boyd looked across his cluttered desk at his client, wondering how she would respond. He had kept her off the stand during her criminal trial, but her divorce proceeding...

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Lydias life lessons

Many stories begin under extraordinary circumstances recalling life-changing events that shaped this person into who they are today. This is not one of them. Lydia is an ordinary girl under all circumstances. Before turning 18 not much had happend to her really since she grew up in a normal neighborhood with a normal family. Her body was on the athletic side with breasts that could fill up B-cups on a good day but she still wore the same A-cups that she got in her early teenage years. The most...

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Finding ShelterChapter 24

I wasn't sure how much time passed but I awoke in the hospital. My mouth felt like someone has pissed in it and then used a pair of dirty underwear to soak up the urine. My head was hazy and the room was dark. My chest felt like it might have been where the elephant had stood when it pissed in my mouth. I didn't even have enough energy to lift my head. My throat was too dry to make a croaking sound. My left arm was in a sling and the nurses call button was on the left side. I figured I...

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A reunion at the funeral chapter 2

My grandfather, making up for lost time reaches his hands towards me. His fingers gripping into my shirt and with a mighty ripping motion he tears the shirt to the sides, the buttons not standing a chance, flinging out across the old barn, pinging off metal gates and wooden girders. My breathing was quick, my near bear chest, still encompassed in my plain white bra, rising and falling. He looks at me, his tongue briefly flicking out across his lips. My softly toned body, slight abs barely...

3 years ago
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My Mortal Enemy

My name is Jeanne, I’m twenty-eight, and I’m a blonde. For three years, I was a single realtor, trying to sell houses. I had done alright by my own standards. Although, I always seemed to have the same problem when a sale didn’t go through. The buyer would be stolen by another realtor named, Richard Flarn. They’d tell me that he could get them more, for less. He supposedly always gave them the ‘Rich touch’. I frequently got really irritated by this thirty-three-year-old brunette jackass. One...

4 years ago
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How I got lucky with another mans wife

She showed up at his hotel room door one morning. What was he to do? He had spent the night before on a red eye flight from San Francisco to New York City, and wasted the better part of the morning arguing with the concierge about the suite he had that looked more like the size of horse stall. She was just a breath of fresh air, and he couldn’t help but grin as she shoved a pile of papers at his chest. There was just something about her. The way she had her dark blonde hair swept up on top of...

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Les teens 6

Teenage LesbiansBy Doria LyonsChapter 5Riding back down through the canyon in Jim's jeep, the girls chatted about the events of the day. As Jim concentrated on the road, straining to see through the darkness and fog, he smiled at the delightful chatter of the ladies."Oh, look," Jan shouted, jumping up and down in the back. "What is it?" she questioned Jim."A coyote!" he said, taking his eyes off the road for a split second."I've never seen a coyote before. Do you see them often up here?" Sue...

3 years ago
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Why You Shouldnt Drink Your Inhibitions Away

This was just a quick story that I wrote based on a fleeting thought I had. It is almost purely about how the main character, Ed, ends up doing something he otherwise would not have done. Why You Shouldn't Drink Your Inhibitions Away By Kellie "Cowgyrl" Thomas "I don't see what the big deal is, Cheryl. Girls do it all the time." "Well this girl doesn't do that. So, just get over it, Ed." "If you lov..." "Don't even pull that crap with me. You think it's no big deal? Maybe,...

2 years ago
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A Christmas Wish

Lauren watched her younger brother play basketball with his best friend, Jeremiah. At twenty-one, they were only six years her junior. She had just come home for college, only to find that both her step brother and friend had grown into very attractive young men. Garth was the shorter of the two. But he still towered over her 5'10" height. And Jeremiah actually made her feel like a midget with his 6' '7" frame. It was obvious that both men had played basketball in high school. It showed...

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Heather and Steven Chapter 2

Steve's thrusts became more urgent, and he became more vocal. "Oh God,  I'm going to cum… Oh… Oh… I’m coming!"Heather quickened her pace and rubbed her clit, I stroked furiously, accidentally taking a step into our bedroom. Steve moaned out, shooting ropes of cum into Heather's pussy. Heather's body shook in pleasure and slumped back onto Steve's chest, and I shot a load onto the carpet and my hand. I ducked out of my hiding spot, grabbed my swimsuit, and headed for the truck. Heather slid off...

Wife Lovers
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Project ManagerChapter 10

Sandi’s efforts now with knowing that she was pregnant turned toward to finding a suitable location to build a house. She contacted the builder’s association for information on the builders that were building houses which she hoped would suit her needs. Nothing that she saw in what was currently being built interested her for various reasons. She contacted the relator that sold her house and asked her for a listing of individual lots that were for sale. There were a few remaining lots in a...

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Beast Within The Hot Wife

Hi, guys, I’m Rahul I work at an MNC in Hyderabad. If any girl, the lady wants to spend some good time, kindly email me Complete privacy is guaranteed. This sex story is a real incident that happened with me a couple of years ago. I met a girl online, her name is Priya Sachdev(name changed). Let me tell you about her, she is god’s own creation, 5″7, 34-28-32, fair skin, shoulder length hair and has a mesmerizing charm in her eyes. We used to chat regularly, she is Divorced and did not want...

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Monis first BBC

Hi It was 9 months after we were married. My hubby Marc and I decided to go south of the border for a weekend trip shopping. it wasn't a long drive so we got there early and we did a bit of shopping and went to dinner. We decided to go have a few drinks in our hotel lounge (it was 1978) We had 3 or 4 drinks and it doesn't take that much to get me going,there was music so we danced a bit. We went back to our table and there was another drink there for me that we didn't order. I took it and...

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Garage Gang Bang Payment

Found on literotica...Garage Gang ****bySlut4Use©"Friday, finally" I said to my friend Lisa at work that morning. "I thought this week would never end!""I know what you mean Claire, it's this heat, it makes everything go so slowly" She pushed her fringe back from her forehead for perhaps the twentieth time that day.And it had been unbearably hot too – we weren't exaggerating. In fact it was so hot; I had opted to go without underwear for most of the week, hoping that it wouldn't be too obvious...

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Fucked Cousin Sister Uma And Made Her Mother Of My Child 8211 Part 2

How i fucked my cousin sister uma and made per pregnant of my child Part II Continue … After she return to her home.. I was sad… Within 2 days i got an idea of visiting her house, as her husband always roam other cities for business… I woke up early in the morning and said to my mom I have some work.. Her family stays 45 Km away from our home. I left my home at 7.30 AM and reached uma house around 8.15, before I enter home I noticed that her husband and children were not at home as her...

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On Top of Old Smokey or viseversa

Introduction: This is a true story about my first time On Top of Old Smokey (or vise-versa) I remember it like it was yesterday. I grew up on a cattle ranch, with the nearest neighbor over a mile away. I was 16 and alone at home. It was late summer and the rest of the family was working in the hay fields while I was home and working in Moms garden. Mom had planted a large vegetable garden in the back yard but the weeding seemed to always fall to me, although, truth-be-told, I did enjoy the...

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A Raid and a Rescue

=== A Raid and a Rescue === by Trismegistus Shandy This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Feel free to repost or mirror it on any noncommercial site or list. ----- I stared in dismay at the screen, glancing back and forth from the regression test results to the clock display. 5:10 pm, and I wasn't getting out of here anytime soon. I took out my phone and texted...

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Double CrossChapter 2

By the time I got home it was after seven, and I was famished. I live in Jasmine Heights, in a one-bedroom apartment. It's a nice building, all brick with a swimming pool in the courtyard, with sixteen units in all. I live in one of the garden apartments, which is a polite way of saying the basement. I really can't afford to live here the way things have been going the past couple years, but I hate to move now that I've got the darkroom set up. I made myself a sloppy ham and cheese...

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A Bimbos Life for Mitchell

Janine Thomas sat bewildered. Thrown. Here she was, dressed for a peaceful Saturday of shopping, VCR movies, and relaxing. Her slightly faded jeans were pressed. Her tennis shoes a relatively new white and her blue polo shirt neatly pressed. Then this happened. She sat with her right leg tucked under her rear, her left on the floor as she leaned forward to her friend Mitchell Conners. Mitchell had that bleary eyed look that one gets when they have spent the better part of an early...

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My 63 Year Old Wife and The Young Man

My wife Diane is 63 but in great shape and very pretty. We both keep slim and exercise regularly. She has a luscious set of big titties that hang nicely. Even at 63 she looks great when going braless in a sheer top and it drives men nuts. They can’t take their eyes off of her. Diane is submissive to me so when I tell her to wear one to go out, she does it. She knows that refusing to do so will result in a spanking.Two weeks ago we went to Walmart because I wanted to buy her a couple of...

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YONI EGG TANTRA PRAXISThis introduction I wrote to my dear friend Niki in Austria, to give her some basic information and suggestions with the aim to get her going and enrich her feminine sexual energy..The Tantra yoni exercises are developed through ages, and have a proven and exceptional result. First of all, if you do practice, you train the vaginal and vulvic area, which involves the first and second chakra, in which subtle but very powerfull energy can be awakened. As you know, the...

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Seducing My Hot Aunty In Swimming Pool 8211 Part 1

Hello friends, I am Stalin from Kerala. This story is all about my affair with my hot aunty. This is a true story that happened 3 years back. All the character names are changed. We were living in Kochi since my dad was working there. My dad had a cousin named Akash (48 years). He too was working in my dad’s company. Because he was new in Kochi, my dad helped him to find a house which was just opposite our flat. Now let me introduce the main character of this story. She is Anjali (36 years), my...

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Stephanie Pt 01

CHAPTER ONE It’s been over three years since my husband James left me. I don’t think I’ve recovered from the devastation of the man I thought was the love of my life abandoning me for a younger woman, if you can call her a woman, she was more of a child. James and I met in Junior High, he was my first and only boyfriend, I was 12 he was 13. We went to the same college and married my senior year. We made it through 8 years of college, residency and internships, I thought it would last...

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Mother in law

Search I Had Sex With My Mother In LawMy Dear Mother In Law It all started before I was married. I bought a car from a friend and the engine was in parts. I was working on it in my future in laws garage. I will call her mom for this story. I was in the garage and nobody was home. Mom came home and used the front door to get in. Apparently she took a shower and changed up. She came downstairs and opened the door from the garage to the basement and called me over for a drink of water. She was...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 281 The Flow

Compared to the rather wild birthday night with Pam, Jennifer's twenty-second birthday the next Saturday was pretty calm. Of course she wanted some loving, but it wasn't like the impassioned reaming of her behind that marked her twenty-first. She didn't even want us to spend the night in the master, but preferred making love in the big room with all our hearthmates. Baby Eleanor's birthday on Monday came with a little more excitement. We invited Casa de los Caballos to our house to...

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Andrea Andy and Me

(MMF, wife sharing) At the time I write this story Andrea, (My wife) is 36 years old, and quite a knockout. She's always been into bodybuilding and has been a runner since she was a k**. With all of the attention that she has given herself, it really shows. At her age she still has a hard body, and a deep rich "California Girl" tan. Her chestnut hair is beautiful. And her dark brown eyes seem to see right through me sometimes. My Andrea is a beautiful "self made" woman that any man would be...

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Summer Heat

© Copyright March 2002 Dustin Dutton had been our neighbor for three years. He'd hinted about his interest every so often, but never enough to become annoying. His interest, apparently, was my wife. Now Dustin wasn't a bad looking fellow. He was shorter than I, but generally congenial. He sported a little goatee that he thought made him look dangerous. Keely was flattered by his attention but in conversation with me had never revealed anything but a passing flirtation with Dustin....

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BAMVisions Vina Sky Doing Something I Like

It’s Vina Sky’s Bam Visions debut. Mick Blue wants to get to know the Asian teen before their vag sex scene. She’s outgoing, open, and knows what she wants. And what she wants is to masturbate for him. Vina rips through her fishnet pantyhose, grabs her favorite vibrator, and squirts right out of the starting gate and again as Mick fingerfucks her. Still horny, the small tits cutie gags Mick’s big cock with such an intense deepthroat that he face-fucks her and then hammers into her shaved pussy....


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