Solace & Rosanna Ch. 09 free porn video

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1998: Solace awakened that Sunday with anticipation. She was to meet Rosanna at Maria’s Market—a new restaurant on 91st street that offered what was billed as ‘healthy’ cuisine. Solace was not particularly health conscious, but she did make an effort to eat something nutritious at least a few times a week. She stood in front of her closet with the gooseneck lamp shining brightly over her shoulder. Gracious, that lamp is hot! I better pick something before I fry here. This was a thought that ran through her head each time she stood in front of her closet. She decided on a pair of white jeans and a red long-sleeved shirt. And now for the all-important shoes! She scanned the rows of her shoe rack and picked out a pair of white walking shoes that had a small black heel as she knew she’d be wearing a black sweater. As she was in such a free-spirited mood, she left her mane of auburn hair loose and simply brushed it to remove any stray tangles. She dabbed on a lipstick that she and Jessie had picked out at Bloomingdale’s. Jessie had advised her that it made her look sexy, but not slutty. Now why did she care about looking sexy? Better not stop to analyze that one recalling the dream she’d had the night before.

When she was ready, she sat down in her favorite chair. She hadn’t been sitting two minutes when she jumped up and flew back into the bathroom for a last check of her lips and to dab a bit more deodorant on. She was filled with a nervous energy and couldn’t seem to sit still, which was probably why she dashed out of her bathroom and into the wall.

‘Ouch!’ she yelped. She backed into the bathroom to assess the damage. I better put some ice on it, she thought. Having retrieved the frigid remedy, she sat down and plastered it to her head hoping to avoid a goose-egg.

‘Why me?’ she asked the empty room. She answered her own question. ‘Because your head’s screwed on backwards thinking about this woman. That’s why. Now try to pull yourself together before you do serious damage to yourself or some unsuspecting pedestrian.

She sat there until she checked her watch and realized she had better be going or she would be late. But I’ve got to call Jessie, she thought. I need her to give me some words of wisdom. She picked up the phone and punched in the numbers. The phone rang for quite a while before it was finally picked up by a very sleepy Jessie.

‘Solace, this better be good. I just dropped off a couple of hours ago,’ said a very groggy Jessie.

‘Is that true or are you trying to play one of your awful jokes on me?’ Solace asked with suspicion.

‘No, I’m not doing that. I worked on the musical until seven this morning and I—’ She broke off. ‘What do you want, woman?’

‘I need advice. I’m meeting with Rosanna today and I just want to do the right thing and not scare her away,’ Solace said, unconsciously beginning to play with the dripping towel she had previously used to dab at her recently injured forehead.

‘Solace, just be yourself,’ Jessie advised.

‘Be myself? Well, I guess I could try that. You think she’ll be freaked out by the blind thing?’ Solace asked with uncharacteristic self-consciousness.

‘Doesn’t she already know?’ Jessie asked.

‘Well, yeah, but—’ Solace realized that she must sound ridiculous and decided that Jessie was right. If Rosanna had been scared off by the blink act, she would not have asked her out. Right? Right.

‘Thank you, Jessie. You’re right, as always,’ Solace said.

‘Oh, please. You know you don’t think I’m always right. So don’t even try that, Solace. Just have a great time, okay. And goodbye!’ With that she hung up the phone, rolled over and attempted to complete the sleep that crazy Solace had interrupted. But her last coherent thought was that she hoped Rosanna was not going out with Solace out of curiosity or pity. She fell asleep with a frown marring her smooth, milk-chocolate complexion.

Solace put down the phone, grabbed up her bag and flew out of her door. She was halfway down the stairs when she realized that she had forgotten her cane. She ran back up the stairs, panting from exertion and frustration. She opened the door and went to its normal location. No cane. She growled. She then went on a rampage, looking for her lost mobility device. Where had she put it? She could not go without it. It did not occur to her to look in her closet.

Rosanna had not felt this nervous since her first date—and that was many dates ago. She chose her outfit with care, stopping at one point to remind herself that Solace probably would not be able to see what she was wearing. But she quickly dismissed that idea. Sol has some sight. I don’t know how much, but she might be able to see me and I want to look good for her. Why this should matter so early in their relationship, she did not know. Relationship? She had chosen white pants, a navy long-sleeved shirt and short navy-colored boots. She applied only a light lipstick and dabbed on her signature scent–‘Sensuale’. She didn’t have to worry about her hair because she had squeezed in an appointment with her stylist the day before. She smirked as she recalled the conversation:

‘Alos, please! I need my hair done. I have a really important meeting.’ Rosanna hoped this would sway the popular, but temperamental hairdresser.

‘Everyone’s important, R. I have clients calling me up saying they’re meeting with this person and that person. What can I do? I’m only one person,’ Alos Tempierri sighed with self-importance. Alos, who never allowed anyone to call him Al.

‘Okay, Alos. I have a date.’ Rosanna confessed.

‘Good for you. When don’t you have a date?’ Alos sniffed.

‘Look. I’ll make a deal with you. If you’ll squeeze me in, I’ll give you some computer lessons.’ Rosanna offered. She knew she must be desperate because the thought of the high-strung hair genius at a computer was positively frightening. But she needed her hair done.

‘Well…maybe I can—’ Alos began, but was interrupted.

‘Great! When can I come?’ Rosanna pounced on the opportunity like a puma on its prey. She did not want to give him any room to wriggle out of the deal.

‘If you can make it here in half an hour, I’ll start someone, do you, and finish them after,’ Alos said.

‘I’ll be right there,’ Rosanna said and hung up the phone without giving him a chance to say another word. As she dashed across town, she lamented her decision to teach Alos anything related to computers. She wondered if he could even grasp the basic concept of e-mail. Well, what was done was done and he certainly would not let her forget the hastily-made bargain.

Rosanna slung a navy sack-like bag over her shoulders, grabbed up her keys and sunglasses and left her apartment. She gave herself plenty of time to walk as it was a glorious spring day—just right for getting to know someone.

Rosanna paced the sidewalk as she waited for Solace. She looked at her watch. Hadn’t they said they would meet at eleven? Maybe in her uncharacteristic nervousness she had heard wrong. No. She wasn’t that far gone yet. At half past eleven she began eyeing the streets for a pay phone. She thought she might call Solace. But why would Solace be home? She should be on her way. Rosanna waited outside the restaurant thinking, at least they hadn’t made reservations. She was just about to walk down the block for what seemed the hundredth time when she felt someone hit her from behind nearly causing her to fall forward.

‘What the—’ Rosanna exclaimed as she whirled around to confront what she thought might be a mugger only to find Solace holding her nose.

‘Excuse me. I didn’t–‘ Solace began and then realized it was Rosanna. ‘Sanna! I’m so sorry. I couldn’t find my cane. I never put it in the closet. I don’t know what made me do that. I ran into a wall, and now I probably have a goose-egg.’ Solace was speaking so fast, Rosanna thought she might hyperventilate.

‘Slow down, So
l,’ she said softly and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. ‘It’s all right. I’m just glad you’re here. I was starting to worry.’

As Rosanna came closer to her, Solace became aware of a fragrance she had never experienced. It was difficult to describe, but it surrounded her in a heady cloud.

‘What are you wearing?’ she asked Rosanna, taking in another whiff.

‘White pants and a navy—’ Rosanna began to describe her outfit but Solace interrupted her.

‘No, you’re fragrance.’

‘Oh, it’s called Sensuale.’ Rosanna answered, feeling slightly embarrassed at her assumption.

‘it smells wonderful.’ Solace breathed.

‘Thank you.’ Rosanna thought it must be true about what they say about blind people having heightened senses. She was quickly disabused of this idea with Solace’s next statement.

‘I don’t want you to think that I have a keener sense of smell or anything. Actually, my sinuses are the bane of my existence, but I’ve never smelled anything like that and it’s great.’

‘Oh, okay,’ Rosanna said, mentally crossing off heightened senses from her list. ‘We should go in.’

They entered the brightly lit restaurant and Rosanna noticed the curious and admiring stares of several patrons. She was unsure how this made her feel—uncomfortable, embarrassed? She should feel proud, though, because as Solace was inquiring about her cologne, she had been staring openly at Sol. She looked fantastic. Her clothes fit her lovely curves very well and her hair was a sight to behold. She felt her mouth go dry and her heart-rate quicken. Solace, of course, seemed completely oblivious.

She had offered to take Solace by the arm, but she had gently, but firmly refused her assistance.

From the moment they sat down, they talked. They were so engrossed, they barely remembered to eat the deliciously prepared omelets that lay before them, growing cold. Solace felt flushed with excitement and Rosanna could hardly sit still for the growing warmth that was seeping through her pours.

Solace told Rosanna about her trials in college and Rosanna told Solace about her trials in starting and maintaining Getting Started With. And, of course, they discussed their favorite works by Mozart.

Everything was going smoothly until Solace realized that the conversation had shifted to a barrage of questions about her visual impairment. Normally, she did not mind discussing the subject, but she wanted to learn more about Rosanna as well. However, once on this subject, Rosanna seemed reluctant to leave it until she had wrung every last drop of information out of Solace.

‘Wow! Are you writing a book on visual impairment or something?’ Solace asked between sips of her smoothie.

‘No, I’m just curious. I’ve never been around someone who’s—’ Rosanna cut herself off.

‘Blind,’ Solace finished. A prickling sense of discomfort began to creep slowly through her body, and she felt herself grow hot with a dreaded realization. ‘Rosanna,’ she began. ‘Did you ask me out because you were interested in me or because I’m blind?’

It was Rosanna’s turn to feel uncomfortable.

‘I…I… No. I asked you out because I wanted to spend some time with you, Sol’ Rosanna stammered.

‘Are you sure? Because it never entered my mind to come out with you because you’re sighted.’ Solace said, her face feeling hot. She dabbed at her forehead with her napkin.

‘Okay. I was curious, but, Sol… You’re also…’ Rosanna did not have a chance to finish her statement because Solace had risen and was unfolding her cane, preparing to leave.

‘Sol, where are you going?’ Rosanna asked, rising, putting a hand on Solace’s arm.

‘I’m not a curiosity, Rosanna. I’m a woman who thought she was going to spend a lovely afternoon with someone who was interested in me, not my disability.’ Solace wrenched her arm free from Rosanna’s grasp and made her way to the door. She was moving at such a hurried pace that she didn’t see the full plate of food perched on the end of the table. Crash! Solace’s shoulder bag pulled down the plate as she passed. Food splattered the floor. The restaurant grew hushed for a few minutes, but quickly returned to life as a bus-boy rushed to clean up the mess.

‘I’m so sorry,’ Solace muttered as she made her way to the door. Her eyes were filling with tears. This was not good as it made it even more difficult for her to see.

Rosanna watched the scene as if in slow motion. She paid for all meals, eaten and uneaten, and bolted out of the crowded restaurant. She hoped to be able to catch up to Solace.

Once outside, Rosanna looked left and right and spotted Solace making her way to a bus stop. She ran to catch up to her before the bus arrived—not too difficult in Manhattan she thought.

‘Sol!,’ Rosanna called as she drew near the woman, who now stood dabbing at her eyes with a tissue. Solace did not look up.

Rosanna came to stand directly in front of Solace. She took the tissue from Solace’s hands and gently wiped away the tears. Solace reached out to retrieve the sodden article, but Rosanna grasped her hand.

‘I’m sorry, Sol.’ She whispered.

‘I’m not a freak. Just because you haven’t encountered any blind people, doesn’t mean we belong in Ripley’s museum.’ Solace blurted out.

‘I know. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I was just—’ Solace interrupted her.

‘I know. Curious.’ Solace sighed in exasperation.

‘Well, you know, it’s hard to forget the blind thing since so far you’ve tried to sit on me, bump into me and topple over a perfectly good plate of food’ Rosanna said, smiling down at her from her slightly elevated position.

‘Well… Oh my gosh, I’ve got to pay for that food.’ Solace realized with a start and reached into her bag as she began to head back to the restaurant. Rosanna stopped her by placing a firm hand on her cane.

‘I did that,’ she said.

‘How much was it? I’ll pay you back. I didn’t mean for you to pay for me. I have money.’ Solace said, looking straight into Rosanna’s eyes, even though she still could not discern their color. This caught Rosanna off guard a bit as it did not appear that Solace had a vision problem at all.

‘No, no. Let me do this…just this once…as an apology.’ Rosanna said, moving closer to Solace.

Solace could feel Rosanna’s warmth and smell her cologne, and she didn’t want to argue about anything. She wanted to… No. I’m not going there here in the middle of the street.

‘Okay,’ she said softly. ‘But you’ve got to let me do what I can do, Sanna.’ Solace said with finality.

‘I will try my best, Sol. I’m pretty old-fashioned and I’ll want to do for you.’ Rosanna countered, brushing a stray lock of hair from Solace’s eyes.

‘Old-fashioned is nice, but smothering is not. If you observe me, and I know you will, you’ll see I’m pretty independent, Sanna. I promise.’ Solace finished.

‘Okay. But can I walk you home?’ Rosanna asked.

‘Who says I’m walking? And, hey, you look great! We compliment each other.’ Solace said, running a hand down Rosanna’s arm, sending warm tingles through both of them.

Impulsively, Rosanna leaned down and kissed Solace gently on the lips. Solace was taken completely by surprise, but she did not pull away. Rosanna’s lips were satiny smooth, and she had to restrain herself from throwing her arms around the woman and melting into a longer embrace. When the kiss ended, they stared at each other in complicit silence. Solace had never had a really ‘out’ friend and she was thrilled by the prospect. But she would let Rosanna Romero know that she was no pushover. She was certain this Latin lover was a true lady’s woman, and she had to make it clear that they should be friends first and then… Well, who knew? Solace wondered how long her resolve would last.

Rosanna simply could not hold herself back when she bent her head to peck Solace on the lips. They
were such beautiful lips and she desperately needed the contact. How long would it be before…? No. She couldn’t just throw this one in the sack and ravish her, excruciatingly tempting though it might be. Pleasantly surprised, she found she wanted much more from Ms. Solace Tynan. Coincidentally, Solace was thinking the very same thing about Ms. Romero.

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Midnight Voyeur

It was well after midnight, and I was in bed with the lights out when I heard the click of the door latch, followed by some muffled rustling and whispers.“Are you sure it’s okay, Amy?” said a male voice. “What if we wake her?”Then there was another rustle and a squeak and a giggle from my room-mate.“Look, why don’t we just go back to my room?” said the male voice again.“Don’t worry; once she’s asleep you’ll never wake her up. But don’t make too much noise, just in case.”Carefully I opened one...

3 years ago
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My Fantasy Fulfilled by My Asian Lover and Her Sister

I walked up to the door of my home and eased the sliding door open. I walked in and didn't see anybody in the living room, so I started toward the bedroom door. As I approached the door I heard Betty moaning. I eased up to the door and peered in and was surprised at what I saw. My wife was on her back naked moaning as Awn laid out beside her, with Betty's nipple in her mouth and her left hand between Betty's legs gently rubbing her clit. My eyes switched back and forth between Awn's mouth...

4 years ago
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Skys the Limit Ch 01

Schuyler was bored and a little pissed, a potentially dangerous combination. Was it just three months ago, armed with her brand-spanking-new college degree, that she had thought her new marketing and business development job requiring her to travel a couple of times a month was glamorous and exciting? In reality, it was a lot of work schlepping materials to luxury conference resorts with little hope of actually getting to enjoy the amenities. She assembled the booth, set up materials, made sure...

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Linda and Peter

Note : This story is complete fictional!!! Never try to do it in real live! At thirteen Peter learned how to jerk off and had been jerking off ever since. In the beginning he had only done it once a day, but two years later he was doing it two, three times a day or more between rising in the morning and falling asleep at night. He always did it when he woke with an aching hardon. Later in the day something would stimulate his cock, and he would be at it again. If he could not get to sleep at...

3 years ago
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Why I Hated The Guy From The FBI Ch 05

Note: Dear Readers: I can explain what happened at the beginning of Chapter 4. It was supposed to start with Section 12: Thigh High, and 13: Hide and Seek. However, due to a clerical error by yours truly (ME), instead of submitting Chapter 4, I submitted Chapter 5 and labeled it Chapter 4 instead. Please forgive me. On its way now to Literotica, in two forms, are the following attempts to get you the real Chapter 4, which is pivotal to this story. Please look for the following Titles, with...

2 years ago
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When they saw us walk up to their ticket windows, there was a scream from within, and they called their supervisor who gave us all free passes for the day. Ever-present Sarah showed me she had autographing pens with her. First thing we did was to take the Behind the Scenes Tour that showed off their zoological support area, and Jonathan, our guide, made a prideful point of mentioning all of the endangered species they had at their park. After the Tour was over, our guide, Jonathan stayed...

4 years ago
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Something happened the other day that made me end up cumming so hard, I found profile of a ssbbw with huge breasts and a huge ass and I sent a friend request and she accepted, and I sent her a message saying that her huge breasts made me cum hard, and I told from just the little I could see if her face and the from how big her breasts and ass were, she reminded me of a teacher I used to be in love with in high school, in a language arts class where I was made to sit in the front row because I...

1 year ago
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PornMegaLoad Minka Tight Tops Over Giant Tits

“Look at this,” Minka says, lowering her pink dress to unveil her 44KK tits, a pair of the biggest headlights on the planet. The fabric slips down to reveal 56 inches of living fantasy fun-pillows, the kind you typically only see in an Otis Sweat or Duncan Gutteridge painting. Encircling her dark areolae and erect nipples, Minka’s bikini-created pale skin is itself surrounded by the darker tanned flesh, a turn-on for many who love tan-lines. The Korean Princess tries on a...

3 years ago
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Getting pulled over by Johhny Law

Be kind and tell me what you think, 1st story that I’ve tried to write. Grace by most men’s standards was a hot woman that they would love to take home and seduce all night long and women hated. She stood 5’6′, 120pds, if that, had long flowing jet black hair, size 1 waist, a toned body and a flat belly. Her eyes were two lovely brown almonds that in the right mood made you weak in the knees. Her chest a bit on the small B cup size had nipples that loved to be sucked and played with. Her ass...

2 years ago
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Samantha by loyalsock

She couldn't help herself, even though it was so dangerous now, this collection of pornography. Sex, it all its guises, all its forms, had always fascinated her, reached into her deeply. She'd been building it for years, harvesting the best from the floods of pornography that flowed across the net in the days before the ultra right took over things in the country. After that, many of her e-mail pen pals disappeared, one by one. Too many had careers or families to protect, and the net had...

3 years ago
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Part Time Job

Art sat at the bar slowly rocking to the sad country music playing while he nursed his beer. It would have to be his last one because he’d spent his last dollar. He didn’t want to go home to his fat, lazy wife and two whining kids and sure wasn’t in the mood to argue. He’d been talking to an older man, well dressed and quite handsome, for some time while counting change hoping the guy might buy him a drink, but no such luck. He just stood to leave when the man offered to walk out to his car...

1 year ago
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warehouse sex

A friend of mine had gotten a job through a friend of his families. He was helping to repackage Easter lillies to be delivered to stores by the Easter holiday. Weekdays after school and on the weekends, he was making good spending money. He had called me to let me know I could work there too, if I wanted some extra cash. I decided to go to the warehouse and check it out. I had never done that kind of work before. Most of my money was earned delivering newspapers. Walking into the...

3 years ago
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Step Sibling Encounters Homework

Why Teens don’t do their Homework: J’Arnie and Hamish promised a weekend of homework with their parents away. A bawdy romp by step siblings and their willing ‘studious’ partners; a brother and his adopted sister. Delia Rogers and Ted McDonald like any concerned parents with senior college aged siblings tried to keep homework on their blended family agenda. You know the talk: balance the social life with some genuine academic rigour. Well this was worth a try as Delia and Ted felt failures in...

1 year ago
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The dancer 1

"Okay now," Bonnie asked for the last time, "you got everything under control!?!" "Uh, yeah," he replied, "I've got the boom box, the CD's, my wardrobe, and the address, I think that's it!!!" "Good," she answered, "make sure you give them a good show, now the deal is they give you five hundred up front, and you get to keep two, any tips you make are all yours!!!" What if they pay me by check," he questioned?!? "It doesn't matter how they pay you, you bring back either the check or cash to me...

3 years ago
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My Office Masturbation

    God what happened last night. I never thought I could ever get that drunk."Oh my god im gonna be late.I took a shower and was out the door. In the office I said hey to every one and I kept getting laughs and giggles from everyone. I went into my office and closed the door. That is when i noticed that i still had on my night gown. I had a mirror in my office so i looked in it. I looked so sexy in it. The silkyness swurved nice around my ass and up my soft flat stomach up to my nipples. I...

1 year ago
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Reaping the Rewards

John Reynolds had worked on his family’s arable farm for the past twenty years. Now thirty-seven-years old, farming ran through his veins thicker than his blood and he’d readily admit that he’d never change where he worked.The farm was in East Anglia, England, and covered over two-thousand acres. It had been in his family for decades and his wife and children helped out during the busiest time of the year, bringing in the crops.He’d married Jessica — he called her Jessie — just over sixteen...

First Time
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Hi ISS readers hello to all my friends. Vaise to main ek achi ladki hun par main sex ke mamle me hindi bolti hun. Ab main mere sath hue sex experience shuru karti hun ye tab ki baat hai jab meri age 21 thi, aur main 23 saal ki hun. Mera figure 34-28-36. Mere papa ek dukandar hain. Humare dukan pe ek ladka deepak kaam karta hai. Vo bahut acha hai.vo mere ko school time lene aur chodne jaya karta tha. Is vajah se vo mujhse pyar karne laga aur kai baar mere boobs bhi dabata tha. Par main us samay...

1 year ago
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Jennifers CumPulsion II A Night in San Francisco

Jennifer's CumPulsion II: A Night in San Francisco By Jennifer James [email protected] In late fall 2000 I was on a trip to the Bay Area, and found myself with a day off. After a week of running (both in girl and guy mode), it was nice to have the time to take a nice slow bath, and to leisurely shave my legs, underarms, bikini line, testicles, and face (I have very little body hair anywhere else - lucky me!) Getting out of the tub, I lotioned all over, and poured...

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342 bdsm and the neighbours pt1

342 bdsm and the neighbour`s pt1 It was a dark and stormy night and the rain came pitter-pat down, and had for the last three days, next doors ornamental garden pond was so overfull that it being a semi-raised sided pond, it broke its banks. Not in itself a big thing but the koi carp that were washed towards the house must have cost a bloody fortune and the folks, their friends at no7 were out. Gethin had rushed to help Megan his wife scooping up each fish and throwing them back into the now...

4 years ago
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Prom Princess

Prom Princess Three Months Karen was smiling at me. I should have realized it right then and there: if she was smiling at me, it could not be good. She had come over to drop something off from her Mom to my Mom. They have been friends for a long time, which explains why Karen and I have known each other for, well, ages. It looked like she had come over from school since she was still in her Catholic school girl uniform. Since I go to a public school, and since I loved to give...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 13

Friday morning, and like the rest of the students the Gryffindors got out of their beds, if not with eagerness then at least with less reluctance than usual, for it was the last school day of the week, and the following Saturday was the first Hogsmeade weekend of the term. Harry, Ron and Hermione looked forward to the Saturday with considerable anticipation. Harry was excited because they would all be meeting at the Hog's Head to recruit students to the Defence Against the Dark Arts club,...

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Masturbation is his hobby common in retirement co

About 5 years ago I met up with a much older gentleman over the holiday while visiting family in FL. Not cut for a porn movie but at least it was real. I only embellished a few things. Guess and I'll tell you at the end what I exaggerated.Anyway, this old man, 70, had several hobbies, including one new hobby, one we had in common.It was early evening, shortly after dinner, and his wife had already gone to bed. I knocked softly, as instructed, and he greeted me in a shirt and bathrobe. "I...

1 year ago
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Sixes and SevensChapter 22

St Valentine’s Day. Strangely it was the first thing that came into Aidan’s mind as he awoke at the late hour of ten o’clock. He gave himself a wry smile in the bathroom mirror, as he thought of the loss of Sam, and the impending showdown and loss of Julie. The very reverse of all that Valentine’s day purports to be, he told himself. “Yad Enitnelav” he said out loud and laughed at his own stupidity, as he reversed the letters of the feast day, but that cheerful moment passed instantly, as...

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The Courtesans Journal Ch 6

Some of my clients were most puzzling, like the duchess who loved pain. One woman only wanted to have me watch her masturbate, others wanted to watch me masturbate before them. Some wanted to seduce me, which really amused me. The intricate scenarios they enlisted to ‘seduce me’ were quite refreshing. I would receive a written set of instructions, giving me advice on what clothes to wear, what name to register under at a hotel, how to respond to a set of lines. One, who was most...

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Alien Halloween

They didn't want to go to the party. He had been out of the hospital for just two days, and really didn't feel like partying. His release coincided with the annual Halloween party his family threw every year, and as the whole family was going to be there anyway, they turned it into a welcome home celebration. So costumes were improvised, and Jaime, with Beth beside him, became the center of attention. There were hugs, tears, and back slaps galore, But Jaime especially appreciated the...

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The Meeting Chapter One How it began

Introduction: Jack and Connie were bored sexually until a DVD changed there ives forever The Meeting Chapter One: The Beginning First let me say that the events that happened in our marriage are as accurate as memory serves. Now I will tell you a little about us and what led up to this adventure. My husband and I met in college and were married right after graduating. Neither of us were virgins when we met, but he had much more sexual experiences than I did. I was a shy girl that only had sex...

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MILF Tales No 1

This is one of many stories I have to tell from many years of experience and if this gets a thumbs up, there may be more.This is about something that happened almost 20 years ago and began some 30 years ago.I have been looking to write about it for almost as long.All names and locations are real as I'd love those involved to find this online,recognize themselves and maybe get in touch !!. So another women I knew (Shirley G.) and I had very very bad reputations. What set us...

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The Rape Of Sasha III

Sasha was weak, very weak. She had NO strength to struggle or to even say NO. Her legs and arms were like rubber from being tied in the van. Her tits, cunt, clit, and asshole were throbbing and sore. WHAT THE HELL MORE COULD THEY DO TO HER SEXUALLY???????? She kept asking herself this question constantly. Pete held tight onto Sasha's ankles as Tim squeezed her tits and nipples from behind. Toby spit on her cunt to moisten her up. He rubbed a big black hand roughly up...

4 years ago
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The Everyday Life of James 2

------------------------------------- "Get up JJ you got school!" I heard Gloria yell as she left the house. I groaned preparing for the day to come. I took a shower, then threw on all red, From my Chucks to my shirt (excluding my denim pants.) "D-Dub don't pack today they got metal detectors here!" I yelled down the hall. "Oh yea I forgot that bullshit thank you!" he yelled back. We met up with Jamal outside the house. The school district got smart after a shootout on a...

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Lori Part 1

I heard my mom yelling at me from the kitchen. Dinner was ready and she wanted me to get my sister to eat dinner with us. I knew that she would refuse to eat at the table with us, but I went anyway. I walked up the stairs to the attic door and went inside. My sister had recently turned it into her own personal area. We had previously used it for storing extra furniture, but she had rearranged it into a cozy space. There was a wide open area, with a fridge (which always smelled horrible) and a...

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