Twisted Pink
- 4 years ago
- 22
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After he’d finished securing all the doors, he went about the onerous task of securing any loose objects. While the ship had an artificial gravity system, it didn’t mean everything wouldn’t fly around during space travel if it wasn’t secured properly. He was conscientious about keeping everything in his ship safe, but he’d just moved a bunch of items from his cabin into the armory. It took him about thirty minutes to secure and hide some of the more graphic magazines, posters, and find space for his spare clothes.
Grabbing up his helmet from on top of the cot, he strode out of the armory and up to the cockpit. He strapped the helmet to the back of his seat and dropped into the pilot’s chair with a grunt. Tiredly, he preformed the practiced routine starting up the engines. He had a habit while docked or landed to run the ship’s basic needs, such as power and life support, off one of the batteries so he could quickly turn on the engines in an emergency. If the battery ever got low, he’d turn on the engines and let the battery charge back up again. It was one of the little tricks he’d learned from other runners and it had saved his life from more than one station sweep or the occasional angry spouse.
“Dock Control, this is Twisted Bolt requesting departure,” Ethan said into the empty cockpit after keying in the frequency for the station’s control tower. Every station’s net had a quick access list of all their official frequencies by law. Entering and leaving stations fell into two categories, easy or Abyss-near impossible. The easy ones were the stations out in the middle of nowhere, like Demeter Station, and the Abyss-near impossible ones were large and busy stations near heavily populated or traveled worlds.
“We have you locked in, Twisted Bolt. Clearance is approved, scheduled departure in twenty minutes,” a soft feminine voice replied after a moment.
Ethan breathed out and was thankful they didn’t decide to throw another bogus tax on him for leaving or something similar. He already paid the docking fees and was good for another day if he needed it. The time ticked away as he waited in silence. He ran over the flight checklist twice. His father had drilled into him the importance of checklists while flying. The one time he’d decided he was too smart, too good, to do a launch without the checklist, he had to pay to be towed back in after a thruster had given out shortly after departing. His father had been livid and grounded him from flying for a full year. During the time he was grounded, his father made him redo all the tests to get his license again before letting him back into the pilot’s seat.
“Twisted Bolt, this is dock control, you’re cleared for launch. Your marker for departure is designation Theta. Please wait until you have left the marker boundary before engaging your Faster-Than-Light Drives and have a great trip,” the same feminine voice said over the radio.
Ethan gave a standard reply of thanks and switched off the link to the dock control. Flicking a switch on the console he turned on the ship’s speakers. “All passengers prepare for launch.”
Before he could turn off the speakers, his cabin hatch slid open and Viv came tearing down the corridor; her long blonde hair flowing out behind her. She all but took a running jump and landed in the co-pilot’s chair grinning. She bounced in the seat looking around at all the buttons, monitors, and flashing lights like a child. Looking closely at her, he was once again struck by a feeling she was older than she appeared and acted. Breathing out slowly, he shook his head. “Viv, if you’re going to stay up here, please don’t click random buttons and strap in,” he wearily ordered and pointed to the co-pilot’s harness attached to the seat for emphasis.
Viv grumbled but did as he asked. He watched as the harness pulled the off-gray jumpsuit closer to her body and he got an eyeful as the material was pulled tightly over her curves. Breathing out again, he turned his attention back to the monitors in front of him and started the ignition sequence. A rumble started from the back of the ship and a moment later the entire ship started to hum as the engines started up the thrusters. Grinning, he patted the console and whispered “that ‘a girl” before flicking the gravlocks on for the cargo hatches. Pointing to the monitor in front of him, he turned to Viv. “The main screen is what’s ahead of the ship. The two to either side are port and starboard cams affixed to each of the cargo compartments. The bottom screen is what’s behind us as a panorama view. I don’t have 360-degree sight, but it’s as close as I could get. The two small screens on my side over here are what’s above and below us.”
Viv nodded with wide eyes and looked at the monitors, trying to take everything in at once. “How do you keep track of everything as you fly?” she finally asked after frowning for a minute.
He laughed and shook his head. “Simple, I don’t. More accurately, I can’t keep track of everything because of the placement of the cameras. I didn’t have a lot to work with but she’s my baby and she has provided for me so far.”
Viv’s frown deepened. Biting her lip, she looked at him fully, “but where’s your AI? Can’t it handle tracking everything for you?” She looked around the small cockpit as if looking for a box clearly marking where the AI was housed.
He gave a hollow laugh, “sorry to disappoint, but I’m not that rich.” Reaching down, he took the flight stick and pulled back slowly. He felt the ship gently lift off of the hangar deck and pressed the left pedal on the floor with his foot. The ship slowly turned towards the opening hangar door. His eyes were momentarily blinded, even though the visor, as the station lights filtered into the darkened compartment. The illuminated hangar revealed scratch marks and dents all along the inside of the hangar door. “I wonder if they charge you for hitting the hangar door,” he thought savagely and thought he’d found a reason for the poorly placed lights outside the hangar doors.
Pushing the stick forward, he eased out of the hangar and carefully kept an eye on the monitors around him. Most of the bright lights of the station were filtered out by the camera lenses, but the screens still had a whitewashed look to them. He struggled to find the marker he was looking for. Finally spotting the T on the screen, he accelerated slowly on the hand-throttle attached to his seat and angled the stick towards the marker. Reaching over to the console, he flicked on the radar and collision warning system and smiled over at Viv. “First time in the cockpit?” he questioned.
Viv nodded and squinted at the screens before turning to him. “What are you looking for? I can barely see anything with all those lights.”
He laughed and was glad it wasn’t just him having issues. “Each lane into a hangar has a designated marker. Dock Control gave me the Theta designation,” he pointed to a green T in the middle of the main screen. “As the station rotates, the lane you use to fly in may not be the same lane you leave from. Dock Control also helps coordinate with ships to make sure they don’t run into each other. A station this far out will probably have one or two dock controllers. Whereas some of the larger stations may have a hundred or more controllers each with the job of bringing in or escorting out one ship at a time.”
She nodded and looked around again. “So what do we do?”
Smiling, he pointed at the screen in front of her. “That is the navigation control. After we pass the marker boundary, I’ll route us through the trade lanes and towards the sector gate. Basically, we’ll be using the FTL Drive to hop from beacon to beacon along a safe route.” Pausing, he wondered if he should tell her the truth about how “safe” the trade lanes really were and decided against it. “You can completely skip trade lane beacons if you have your own route. A lot of trade companies have their own beacons, but for a simple tramp freighter like me, it’s the trade lanes.”
“But, if two ships end up at the trade beacon at the same time won’t they blow up?” Viv asked scrunching up her face.
“Out in deep space, sure. It could happen if you’re using unguided beacons and no AI. However, in the trade lanes its a lot safer. The beacons are always talking to each other so you know exactly what’s coming in and going before you get there. Every ship is required by law to constantly talk to the beacon when they reach a certain boundary line.” As he talked, he angled the ship to follow the ever-moving marker and throttled up a little more. He reached over and pressed a little red button next to his armrest. Viv saw the action and asked what he’d done.
“Taking a still image of what’s around us, the flight logs on the open net, and our course setting,” he said quietly as he focused on the moving marker. “After I clear the marker I will take another image to see if anyone leaves directly behind us and where their flight plan is going.”
Viv frowned and looked at the monitors for a few seconds. “But why, don’t you know where you’re going?” she asked a little hesitantly.
“I’m a trader, Miss Viv, it pays to be careful. If someone leaves right behind us and is going the same direction, then I might have someone who wants the cargo I’ve got aboard. In a lot of the main trade stations, it happens all the time that there is a ship headed in your direction, but it always pays to be cautious.” He had prevented a lot of potential problems by spotting possible pirates leaving behind him before. It was a trick Allie had taught him years ago.
Half an hour later, he cleared the marker boundary and hit the same button again. Locking the flight stick in place, he reached over and turned Viv’s co-pilot station towards him. “Excuse me,” he said quietly and punched in the first set of jump points towards the sector gate. He plotted the course to the closest gate and prepped the straight-line jumps towards the Arcturus Sector. From there, he would split off in the opposite direction of Nero Prime towards their actual destination of Oanus. After the first points were locked in, about a day’s journey, he swiveled the terminal back and unlocked the flight stick. “Alright, the first jump will take about ten hours and the two after that will be seven each. If you want to rest after this jump you’ll get plenty of sleep.”
Viv nodded and continued to study the screen in front of her. He noticed with some satisfaction, she was careful not to touch anything as she studied the cockpit. He watched her out of the corner of one eye, amused, and gradually pushed the throttle up on the bulkhead next to him. As the throttle went up so did the power generated from the engines into the FTL Drive. The entire ship hummed louder and his seat shook a little. Viv yelped in surprise and then giggled before wiggling her bottom in the seat. “Oh, that feels good,” she said as she relaxed in the seat and grabbed the straps of the harness with both hands.
A small smile creased his face as his body vibrated with the ship. Once the throttle was maxed, he waited for a few seconds and flicked up the glass cover over a big red button. Grinning, he jammed the red button with his thumb and felt a small jerk in the pit of his stomach as the ship catapulted forward and all the screens went black. He closed the glass over and looked at the readings for the FTL Drive before grinning over at his co-pilot. “Having fun?” he questioned with a wide smile.
Viv nodded with wide eyes and giggled loudly. “That. Was. Amazing!” she declared before unbuckling the restraints and running out of the cockpit at full tilt. A familiar faint pungent aroma followed Viv as she ran down the corridor and he had to grin. “Girls and their good vibrations,” he thought, trying not to laugh aloud. Chuckling, he locked the flight stick and watched the FTL Drive’s power levels for a few minutes. He heard giggling from his cabin and swiveled the chair around to look down the corridor. Helen’s head popped out for a second looking up the corridor at him and smiled.
“Why does your ship vibrate so much when the drives are ramped up?” Helen asked as she approached him.
He continued his mantra of “Look at her eyes” in his head as he smiled. “I’m told that I’m an old-fashioned pilot. I like to feel the ship as I fly, but don’t like to get smashed into the bulkhead if I need to make a hard turn. The inertial dampeners are built into the hull and engine so we don’t go splat, but I haven’t allocated as much power into them as you’d find on a cruise liner; where you can’t feel anything if you move the ship. There is an automatic switch built into the dampeners to adjust itself if the force applied inside the hull becomes too great.” He smiled again and cocked his head to the side before carefully asking, “I hope my ship hasn’t left you with a bad experience.”
Helen giggled and cast a glance over her shoulder towards the cabin. “It was an interesting experience, to say the least,” she said with a slightly teasing tone. She turned back to him and smiled wide, “you know you could sell tickets for the FTL jump alone.”
He broke down laughing and had to bite his lip from laughing harder. “It has never crossed my mind, but yeah, I can see where the power rev up might be stimulating,” he replied, trying not to laugh again. His eyes roamed down Helen’s tight jumpsuit and quickly had to refocus, getting his professional face back on. Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he pointed down the corridor. “When you get hungry the food replicator has been restocked and cleaned. It won’t taste the best, but it’s got all the nutrients you might need and the synthmeal bars expand in your stomach to keep you full. I forgot to mention this, but please don’t smoke in the ship, it plays hell with the air scrubbers and could potentially start a fire.”
Helen nodded and smiled beautifully. “Neither of us smokes anything, but I must admit, I’m not going to enjoy replicated food.” When he shrugged, she continued on, “I might have some instant meals left if you have the ability to rehydrate them.”
He did have a hydration system for food, but it was currently in pieces in the armory. Scratching his head, he tried to remember what he had taken out of it and if it could be fixed. “I’ll be honest, I never used the thing so I broke it down for parts some time ago. I can give it a once over to see if I can bring it back to life, but I frankly don’t remember what I took it apart for.”
She smiled at him and shook her head. “It would be nice if you get time to look at it. When are we going to arrive at the gate?” she asked politely, looking over his shoulder at the navigation console.
He smiled and began to unstrap his harness. “The first jump is around ten hours with the next two jumps being seven hours each. From there, it’s a gate jump to the next set of trade lanes headed for the Core Planets. If you’d like to get some rest this part of the run will be the best time to do so.”
Helen nodded and squirmed a moment. He waited to see what she had to say and tried not to ogle her body. “Do we really need to keep the jumpsuits on at all times?” she blurted out.
He breathed in for a moment, considering his response. “I’m not going to lie to you. You have about a foot of metal between you and the void in this section of the ship. The cabins and living area have closer to two feet or so of metal and wires. The jumpsuits are there for a reason, but I can understand if you want to get, uh, comfortable. What you do is up to you. I can only recommend you keep the jumpsuits close.”
Helen nodded and glanced around appearing to weigh her options. “What are the chances we’ll run into trouble?”
He countered almost immediately, “what are the chances you’ve got someone on your back trail looking for you two?”
He watched as she stiffened, but smiled. “What do you mean?” she asked innocently but he wasn’t fooled.
“I took you on because I needed the credits. I don’t care who you are, who you’re running from, or anything else as long as you’ve been truthful about the credits for passage.” When Helen nodded slowly, he continued, “what I do need to know is if there is a possible person or persons following you. There is a three-day window for them to hit us before we hit the Arcturus Sector. From there we’re headed towards Oanus rather than Nero Prime. Without telling me what or who, is there a possible problem headed for you two?”
Helen frowned and moved over to the co-pilot’s chair. She sat down carefully and looked at him closely. “You’ve said “you two” twice. You’re not worried about yourself?”
Breathing out, he shook his head and relaxed back into his chair. “I built this baby, ugly as she is, from hull up. I know what she can and can’t do. I’m less worried about what happens if we get attacked out here than I am when I drop you two off. She’s more than she looks. But, as to your question, no, I’m not worried about myself unless you have something like the Alliance after you.”
When Helen winced the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. “Alright, the Alliance may be after you. That could pose a problem, but nothing I can’t deal with,” he replied woodenly. As he looked at his passenger, his stomach dropped slightly. “Maybe I should have taken the Rim run and hoped for the best,” he thought.
“We’re innocent, Ethan. I promise,” Helen said a little lamely. “You probably don’t want to know because if the Alliance does come after us then the less you know the better.”
=== Twisted Throwback === by Trismegistus Shandy This novel is set, with Morpheus' permission, in his Twisted universe. It's set about a generation later than his "Twisted," "Twisted Pink," etc. A somewhat different version was serialized on the morpheuscabinet2 mailing list in January-April 2014. Thanks to Morpheus, Maggie Finson, D.A.W., Johanna, and JM for beta- reading earlier drafts. Thanks to Grover, Paps Paw, and others who commented on the earlier serial. This work...
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Twisted Logic By Margaret Jeanette Marie Calvert was happy. She had just bought another business. It was a small printing business but it was successful. The owner had retired. Now she owned an upscale dress store, a discount woman's shop, a beauty parlor, a family restaurant and a car dealership. She was the top businesswoman in the entire area and ranked ahead of most of the businessmen. She was known as a no-nonsense woman who ran things with an iron hand. That night when...
Twisted Values By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold Chapter 1 "Well this is one big fucking mess!" barked Vernon Larson as he slammed the typed report down on the boardroom table. "Quite," replied Bill Rose calmly as he casually stroked his neatly trimmed beard. He was sitting directly...
Twisted Fairy Tales Story 1: Diamond Screams Adapted From: The Blue Fairy Book, by Andrew Lang Synopsis: What would you do with a wife who produced gold withevery word, and diamonds from every scream? Codes: M/f, torture, humiliation, extreme, nc, serious The 16 th day of the Fourth Month Dear Diary: You are my only outlet for relieving my pain, Diary, and I am lucky my princelyhusband allows me this small release. He has denied me everything else, eventhe power of speech. The only sounds...
It was early March and that winter chill was still in the air, it was my wife’s (Kathy) 25th birthday on Friday and like most men I had no idea what to get her. We had been together ever since we were 16 years old and had been married now for 7 years. Our sex life had been great, we had been the first for each of us and the only sex partner that either of us had ever had. We had talked about other men and couples many times but had never put much thought into such a meeting ever taking...
It was about nine o'clock on a quiet winter evening. Abby sat on the couch in the family room of their 4,000 square foot, upper middle-class home in the outskirts of Houston with her two c***dren, watching a comedy movie that wasn't really very good. Abby was 37 and her daughter, Joy was 18 as was her twin brother Billy. Abby was considering suggesting that they try a different channel when suddenly the side door of the house was kicked in and four men burst into the home. Each man had a...
My wife Adele and I were married 18 about years ago. Adele is a very attractive brunette with perky C cup breasts and an ass to die for. She has always had a bit of a wild and exhibitionist side to her which she's passed on to our oldest daughter Brittney. Brittney is a senior in high school and on the cheer leading squad. She's always bringing home the other squad members. I swear they all purposely tease or flirt with me when they come over. There's always someone bending over in front of...
... The subterfuge works almost too well. Both Bob and Janice were convinced that they had raped Pamela; especially since all three were still naked. So when Pamela demanded they sign a promissory note to the effect that they would do exactly as she said for a period not less than one year; they readily agreed and signed willingly. Now turning to Bob; Pamela asked him how his arse was feeling and he suddenly admitted his arse felt really sore before Pamela jumped in by saying that whilst...
Pamela Spoke to Bob and instantly he went stiff as a board ; No I don't mean just his cock went stiff; his whole body went rigid and as he was told to lie down he actually fell over as it was the only way he could manage to lie down. Thunder was still laid in the corner slowly licking his cock; whilst Jim his owner was smiling lewdly at Janice; when suddenly Pamela touched his shoulder and said "sleep". Instantly Jim's eyes shut tight and he seemed to relax. Now Pamela moved over to...
Helen informed him that the projectile tore through some muscle had and ripped a large patch from his jumpsuit in the process. The round hadn’t hit his bone and his muscle would heal naturally after she applied the hypo-spray. He didn’t feel a lot of pain from the injury until Helen applied the first aid kit. “Viv, lock up the place. The code is 5501014562 for all the hatches and be careful if you go outside the ship,” Ethan ordered as Helen tugged on his arm, producing a wince from...
“Cut the power,” Ethan called over the radio once he was ready. Standing by the living area hatch on the port side, he felt the engine’s power fluctuate as the rear thrusters cut off. Jamming his finger on the button to cycle the hatch open, he rushed into the cargo pod. Careful not to fall on his face, he made his way to the panel that lowered the ramp. He unstrapped the welder from the clip on his belt and counted the large bolts in the bulkhead. After counting to the fifth bolt, he lit the...
Chapter ThreeI recall feeling terribly alone. The first time ever I think, and was now unsure. I’d never been without nearby company and people I trusted and my Sydney hosts were unknown to me. However I managed my feelings by looking on my position as a new adventure, just as I’d looked at my year past and how positive that had been. I had to keep my wits about me and staying on track meant I pushed my emotions into the background. I easily found my way to my new abode and met Lyn and Greg,...
Chapter 43 Ed practically sprints to the bathroom, and I turn to Jen She holds up her hand and says, "I need a drink." We enter the suite and I pour two glasses of wine. "Ok Love, WTF is going on? There's no fuckin way Mistress watched the video!" "There's a problem with the new Harrah's contract. Mistress and Cindy have been working on it all day." "It's that bitch Nonnie Pelousy again, isn't it?" "Yes, she's either shilling for another group, or holding out for...
© Aug 1999 - last ed. 09/22/04 - Kristen Dana watched in awe as Karen pulled her top off over her head. 'God, ' he thought. Here he was, looking at a real girl with real boobs and she was stripping for him. He could hardly believe it. He and his best friend, Charlie, were on a couch in the Bagmen's basement family room and fantastically gorgeous Karen Bagmen was doing a slow, sensual striptease for them. The boys waited, hardly daring to breathe, for the moment of truth. 'Pop!' and...
Dave slipped out of work early, taking Nancy with him. They’d carpooled from the Circle anyway. They got home right at five p.m. They both put on casual clothes, and then headed towards the core. Nancy had brought several sets of clothing to Dave and Alice’s house from her apartment over the weekend. A circle of new friends had already gathered in the core: Aaron, Shelby, Mike, Clarisse, Kat, Owen, Holly, Heather, and Matthew. There was a comfortable round of hugs and kisses from each of...
West greeted Ethan at the door as he made his way into the lobby of the Abbott and Schutzman with a duffle bag slung over his shoulder, walking beside him as he headed for the elevator at the back of the room. Their footsteps echoed in the great, empty space, the amber glow of the lighting strips in the red marble pillars reflecting off the polished floor. “You don’t look very well rested,” the towering security guard commented. Ethan very nearly did a double-take. It was the first time that...
Suchitra was in college then. The vacations were around the corner and she had plans of going to her farm house near her home and tidying up the place. Since her home was near no one stayed there and it was just because she needed it that it was still there.It was in the last week that she got hold of the vibrating beads she had been wanting. The parcel was in bubble wrap so no one noticed. Her heart throbbed as she placed it in her bag. She went home saying bye to her friends and just decided...
The working environment at the office had quickly turned nasty under the new owners, but recently it had become just plain toxic. I talked to my wife and some friends, and we decided to jump ship before the crash, but first provide ourselves with parachutes. Turned out to be the best thing we could have done. Just gone nine. Great start to the working week. In to see my team leader to hand in my notice. Josh’s facial expression showed clearly to any observer that he didn’t like what he was...
Towards the middle of the week, they jumped to Baal. Baal was about the same size of Tychy and was a hot volcanic planet with a toxic atmosphere very similar in composition to Venus. The axial tilt was not as significant as Venuses being approximately one hundred and thirty-two degrees. This meant that it spun in the same direction as the other planets, unlike our Venus. It looked like a dirty red-brown and yellow ball from space, due to the high iron content and the volcanic ash in its...
"What are you guys doing?" Barry was standing at the kitchen door holding some bags of groceries. The women were embracing each other and both were naked. Lucinda and Karen jumped away from each other when they were surprised but Karen was laughing and Lucinda was acting dazed. "We were just playing girl games," said Karen. "Weren't we Lucy?" "No," she said, shaking her head as if in complete disbelief. "No," Lucinda repeated. The distraught woman burst into tears and ran from...
Lucy knew she wasn't dreaming this time. Karen was at it again. The teenager's hand was creeping inside the crotch of her panties. What the heck thought Lucy. Let her do her thing. It actually felt pretty good and if the older woman could ignore the source of this pleasurable experience she might as well enjoy it. Lucy was pretending to still be asleep but she moaned and squirmed involuntarily and then Karen knew she was awake. "I didn't realize you were enjoying yourself," said Karen...
I spent the rest of the evening having a drink and a few smokes and have to say I was feeling quite buzzed when I got a text from Rachel asking if Ruby and Janie could stay with me as I had a spare room, to be fair I think there was more to it than that as I did hear some raised voices during the course of the evening but put it down to sibling rivalry and to be honest I didn’t want to get involved in any family squabbles plus the spare room wasn’t even made up, why on earth did I say yes??I...
Marie lay tensely, if not quietly on the examining table while Dr. Sadler gently probed her vagina with his glove covered fingers! "Mmmmmm," he hummed before announcing, "Well, Maire, there's just no doubt about it, you're , congratulations!!!" Tears filler Maire's eyes as the enormity of what the doctor had just told her slowly sank in!!! For over three years she and her husband Ron had been trying to have a baby, and for one reason or another it just didn't happen!!! At age thirty nine, Marie...
EroticI was tired and turned in early Friday night. Around 3am I heard something and got up to check around. Jens room she was sleeping, Kathy was also asleep. I went in Kims room empty and her bed not slept in. I started down stairs and started checking around. I heard noises, moaning finally found my noise. Kim was in the game room and had friends she was sitting on some dudes face and an other woman riding him like a bronc. I watched from the door for a few minutes and the girls switched places...
Friday morning Dan announced that he and Mom would be going to New York for about 10 days, their plane leaves this afternoon. They got packed and both went to Dan's office and would leave from there.My drivers training was cut short today because of school sports physicals. 150 male athletes standing in line in the gym naked not sure why but who rally cares. We had four doctors taking us through like an assembly line. One of the doctors was a 30 something female and she was HOT. She caught a...