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Twisted Values By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold Chapter 1 "Well this is one big fucking mess!" barked Vernon Larson as he slammed the typed report down on the boardroom table. "Quite," replied Bill Rose calmly as he casually stroked his neatly trimmed beard. He was sitting directly across from the CEO. Bill was the one who had complied the report that had upset the CEO of LMK Pharmaceuticals. Unlike the portly balding CEO sitting across from him, Bill was in excellent shape. He was in his early forties, his jet black hair was short...not as short as it had been when he had been in the Army Special Forces. Vernon pulled out a handkerchief and wiped small rivers of sweat from his face. "If the press gets word of this we'll be ruined!" "The press is the least of your worries," interjected Bill. "I think your biggest concern is the authorities...the FDA, the police, and then that's all followed by a massive lawsuit." "You're full of great news," lamented Vernon. "This corporation has been around for almost one hundred years and now it looks like it will come crashing down on my watch!" "Relax, I'm the problem solver....that's why you hired me," said Bill. Bill ran a very special service; he solved troubles, the type of troubles that could ruin a company. Vernon got up and walked over to the bar and poured himself a large glass of Scotch. He took a long swig and then refilled his glass. "So what do you suggest?" he asked. Bill smiled slightly. "Basically you have two options. I can fix the one you pick...but it won't be cheap." Vernon stared at the portrait of his grandfather who had bought LMK fifty years earlier. "You're talking about murder," said Vernon. "That's one way of saying it...I prefer 'elimination of a problem'. I can take out one of the two problems...and the other one can then be handled more...delicately....the question is which one do you pick?" "I'll leave that up to you," said Vernon. Bill shook his head. "No, that's not how it works. You must decide." Vernon looked at the report on the table. "It's not that get paid an obscene amount of money every year to make decisions," continued Bill. "Yes...but I never made a choice concerning the...murder...correction, the elimination of another human being," snapped Vernon. "Or two if you take the second option," said Bill. Vernon took another long drink of Scotch. "Don't you have a soul?" he asked. Bill laughed. "Yes, yes I do. But this is business. I don't feel any emotion over my actions since this is're the one who has to make the ethical decision and live with it. I just carry it out," he replied. Vernon set his glass down. "When do you need my decision?" he asked. "The sooner the better," replied Bill. "I can execute the contract within twenty-four hours." Vernon's eyes opened wide. "You mean you already know what you're going to do?" Bill nodded. "Of course. I have plans for the execution of either option. Of course, once I do what I do...then it's up to you. The surviving party will have to be it states in my report. The cost is the same for either choice." "Wouldn't it be cheaper to kill both?" asked Vernon. " would raise too many questions and those answers would certainly lead them back to you," explained Bill. Vernon stared back. "If you had to make the decision which would you pick?" Bill shook his head. "Nope, not what I'm paid for." "So you are totally without an opinion?" "I didn't say that," replied Bill. "I'm not heartless...but this is business and you have to make the decision...or I'll walk." Vernon nodded again. He knew Bill Rose was correct. "You'll have my decision tomorrow," he replied. Bill stood up. "I'll be waiting." Chapter 2 4 Months Earlier Eighteen-year-old Robert Haynes re-read the note that he had found in his school locker and realized that he was dead. Well, not physically dead, but his life was about to be crushed. The writer of the note stated that they had evidence that Robert had cheated on his recent SAT exams. Robert wondered how someone could have found out. He thought he had covered his tracks completely. Desperate to get into college, Robert had found a website that promised the answers to the next cycle of exams. For $500 dollars, Robert had bought the math section and to his surprise he found that the answers he bought were all correct. Just to play it safe, he had even deliberately missed a few questions so it wouldn't look too suspicious. Yet, somehow, someone found out and they were now threatening to turn him in. The writer said that he would give evidence to the school if Robert didn't do exactly what he was told. What frightened Robert was that the note didn't say what this would be. He thought about what the blackmailer could want from him. Robert lived with his aunt following the death of his parents five years earlier. They had left him a small trust fund, but it was in the hands of his aunt. Robert thought about turning himself in, but that would mean a suspension and the loss of his scholarship. The note even hinted of possible jail time for what he had done. With no one to turn to, Robert waited for the next note and his fate. At the end of the school day he stopped at his locker and found another note. "Since you didn't tell anyone about the first note then I assume that you are agreeing to do what I tell you. This Friday you will walk home from school. You will follow the map provided. I will pick you up somewhere along the route. If I see anyone following you then I will turn you in." Great, thought Robert as he ran his right hand through his shoulder length brown hair. Well as least I'll find out who is blackmailing me, he thought. Chapter 3 Even though it was late March, the weather was still quite chilly and Robert had his hands in his coat pocket as he walked home on Friday afternoon. He only lived a mile from his high school, so he knew that whatever was going to happen would happen soon. He hoped that all it would cost him would be some money. Ten minutes after he left school a black SUV pulled up along side of him. The window rolled down and when Robert looked over he was shocked to see that the driver was John Chance. "At least you know how to follow directions," stated John. "Now, get in." Robert did as he was told. John Chance was one of the most popular students in school. He was nearly six-four, very muscular and was one of the star athletes, lettering in football, track, and wrestling. He was several inches taller than Robert. Additionally Robert was much thinner too. John came from a very wealthy family as his mother was a doctor. His father lived in California and was also very rich. "What do you want?" asked Robert nervously. John grinned. "You." A short time later they pulled into the garage of John's home. "Don't worry about us being interrupted, my mom is out of town for the weekend," said John as he led Robert inside. Robert followed John into the house. "We'll talk upstairs," said John as he motioned Robert to follow him. They stepped into what Robert assumed was John's bedroom. "Have a seat," ordered John. Robert sat down in a chair that was next to a desk. "How did you find out?" asked Robert nervously. John shook his head. "Sorry, I'm not going to give that up. The important thing is that I know and I have proof. Now, unless you want to be exposed, you'll do exactly what I tell you." "And what is that?" asked Robert. "Go into the room across the hall and follow the instructions," ordered John. Robert stood up and walked out of the bedroom. He opened the door and stepped into another bedroom. He closed the door as he entered. Robert was shocked by what he saw on the bed. Laid out neatly for him was a complete set of girl's clothing. It looked like the girl's uniform from the local Catholic High School. There was a white blouse, a plaid skirt, knee socks, shoes, panties, a bra and a blonde wig. There was also a note next to the clothes. "Okay, Robin, you are to go into the bathroom, and take a bubble bath. You will shave your legs, and underarms, and face. Next you will use the makeup provided. Make yourself look slutty. Then you will get dressed and come down stairs. I will be waiting for you." Robert gasped as he reread the note. The door to the room opened and John stepped inside. "Either you do what I tell you or you will be that clear...Robin?" he asked. "Robin?" asked Robert. "Yes, that's your name now...bitch. So do what you're told," he ordered. Robert debated running out of the room...but as he saw John standing in his way grinning at him...he knew he was caught. "I'll be downstairs...Robin," said John as he stepped out of the room. Chapter 4 An hour later, John looked up and smiled as he saw the now feminized Robert walk into the living room. "Not bad, not bad at all. In fact you look very hot," he stated. "Don't worry; you'll get better with the makeup over time." Robin felt his face get warm. "Okay, you humiliated me," said Robin. John laughed as he patted the cushion next to him. "Oh, we've just started; sit down next to me, my sweet pretty Robin." Robin did as he was ordered. "Oh, before we continue, let me show you something," said John as he picked up the remote for the TV. Robin's eyes opened wide as he saw himself on the TV dressing up as a girl. "Yep, the room has hidden cameras. This is just a rough cut; I'll have a better edited copy later. Now, if you think about disobeying me, then this goes online and everyone will see it," stated John. Robin gasped as he looked at the video. "It looks as if you're doing this out of free will," continued John. "Why?" asked Robin. "I like sissies," said John. "And you're now my sissy slut. Now, from now on you will think of yourself as my slutty sissy girlfriend...and you will do whatever I want. If you do a good job then I will let you walk away from all this...but I'll let you keep the memories." "Why me?" asked Robin. "I saw you dress up like a chick last looked really hot," he continued. "Look, do as I one will believe you if you tell them that I like sissies." Robin just stared back in silence. "I'll take that as a yes," said John as he slipped his arm around Robin and pulled her closer. Robin kept waiting to wake up from the nightmare, but it was all too real. John pulled her close and began to kiss her, his tongue pressing deep into her mouth. She tried to pull back, but that only turned him on and he got more aggressive. "Oh yeah, I like it when they struggle," he said in between kisses. As they kissed, John's hands began to run all over her body. He also positioned one of her hands so that she was now rubbing his cock through his jeans. "Rub it bitch," he ordered. To her shock and shame, she obeyed. "See, that's not so difficult," he moaned. Robin just hoped that it wouldn't go any farther, but she was soon to find that this was just the beginning. John reached down and unzipped his pants and undid his belt. He pulled his erect cock out and positioned her hand around it. "Stroke my cock, slut," he demanded. Oh god, she thought, I'm actually touching his cock! "Good, you know what to do next," he moaned. Robin didn't reply. "Go down on me slut. Suck my cock," he commanded. Robin hesitated, but she was just postponing the inevitable as John pushed her head down. "Now, don't get any stupid ideas in that little head of yours...just suck me off," he ordered. Robin tried to pull back, but he was too strong and his cock was soon filling her mouth. "Good girl, show me what a good cock sucker you are," he moaned. John's hands wrapped around her head and he began to force her up and down on his cock. Robin was now in shock by what was happening and offered no resistance. "Oh yeah, that feels good. Yeah Robin...suck me...suck my cock," he moaned. I'm sucking a cock she thought...I'm actually sucking his cock! "Get ready....oh it comes!" he cried out. It took her a second to realize what he meant, but then she felt his cum filling her mouth. She gagged as he came, but because he held her down she was forced to swallow. "Take it all bitch...suck me dry," he ordered. Robin did as she was told as the tears rolled down her face. If only she wasn't so weak...if only if she hadn't cheated...if...if ...if. Chapter 5 "You were good," he stated as he walked back into the living room with a couple of sodas. Robin didn't reply, but she took the soda he gave her. Maybe she could wash the taste out of her mouth. "The first time is the worst. Soon you'll do it without me forcing you. I've seen it happen before," said John. "You've done this to others?" asked Robin meekly. "To other girls...real girls," he replied. "But you're just as good as they were." She took another long drink of the soda. "So what happens now?" she asked. "We party some more tonight and then I'll let you go change. But you're mine...and you'll be back tomorrow, and whenever I want you," said John. "Where did you get the clothes?" asked Robin. "My cousin lived with us for a while. She left a lot of her stuff here. Thankfully you're the same size," he replied. Robin felt like crying again. "Please let me go. I promise I won't tell anyone what happened," she said. John laughed. "I know that...let me show you something." Robin watched as John got up and retrieved a hidden video camera. He plugged it in the TV and played the tape. It wasn't the best quality, but it clearly showed Robin sucking his cock. The camera had been set up so that it just showed her face as she sucked his cock. She felt like screaming but all she could do was cry. John laughed. "That's right cry like the girl that you are. I now have quite a large bit of ammunition to use against you. Just accept what's lost, I won." Robin wiped her tears away as she realized that he was right, there was nothing she could do. "Now, this time, I want you to get on your knees and show me that I own you," he ordered. Robin dropped her head down in defeat and did as he commanded. Chapter 6 "There, that looks much better," he stated as he stood back to admire his work. Robin looked down at her pubic hair, which he had just trimmed to look feminine. "What if someone sees this?" she asked. "Who's going to see it besides me?" he asked. "You don't have gym this semester." Robin nodded. "I want you to keep it looking like this. Also you're to keep your body smooth," he continued. "Okay," she replied. "Oh, one last thing," he said. "Lie down on my bed." Robin did as he ordered. John began to write with a red Sharpie above her public hair. "This will be another reminder that I own you," he said. When he was finished, he let her up and she looked down to see what he had written. "I'm a cock-sucking sissy slut!" "That looks great," he said. "Oh, by the way, from now on you only wear panties. I have a nice collection for you...very sexy, very pretty, and perfect for a sissy slut like you." Robin didn't argue. "You have a pretty clitty," he said. "I knew you would be small...perfect for a sissy." Robin didn't reply. She had always been ashamed that she had a small cock. It was barely four inches when hard. "That's right, you have a clitty...only men have cocks," he continued. "But don't worry, you can still have a cock...of course it won't be yours." He started to laugh. "Is there anything else you need tonight?" she asked. "No, you can go change," he said. "I'll have your panties ready." Chapter 7 On Sunday, Dr. Marissa Chance returned home following her business trip. She wasn't surprised that John wasn't home. In fact it pleased her as it gave her a chance to see what he had been up to while she was away. She smiled to herself as she logged onto his computer and accessed his files. John had no idea that she knew his passwords and where he hid his secret files. A few minutes later she was watching the videos of John having sex with a feminized boy. "So he finally did it," she said aloud. To be honest, she wasn't shocked as she knew that John had been interested in transgendered women for a while, but this was the first proof that he had actually done something. She looked at the girl that John called Robin. It took her a few minutes to recognize her. She...or he was the kid up the street, the one that lived with Sofia Haynes. At least the kid looked like a girl. "At least I don't have to worry about him getting her pregnant," she exclaimed with a laugh. There were six video files on the computer. The first three showed Robin sucking John's cock. The next two showed John fucking the young girl and the last one showed John giving her oral. Marissa watched all the files and soon it was evident that John had forced Robin to be his partner. Instead of being surprised or angry she was almost pleased. She had a very dominant sexual side and was quite happy that John had inherited it. She loved her son and wanted to do anything to make him happy and that's when she got a deliciously evil idea. Chapter 8 Robin headed over to John's house and wondered what sort of outfit she would have to wear today. All she could hope for would be that John would eventually tire of her and let her go. What was scary was that whenever she headed over to John's house she immediately saw herself as Robin. She hoped that this would end before it went too far and she couldn't return to normal. She was dressed in jeans, and a t-shirt. Of course she was wearing panties per his orders. When Robin arrived at John's house he was surprised to be greeted by John's mother. "Please come in. John had to run some errands for me," she said. Robin nodded and stepped inside. She had met John's mom once when her aunt had thrown a party. Marissa was a tall shapely woman with short brunette hair. In fact she was several inches taller than Robin. "Do you want something to drink?" she asked pleasantly. Robin nodded. "Thank you." Marissa led Robin into the kitchen. "Please have a seat," said Marissa as she walked to the fridge. "Do you want a soda?" "That would be great," replied Robin. Marissa handed her a glass of soda. "I'm sorry John isn't here, but I needed him to take care of a few things for me," she continued as she sat down next to Robin. "Do you know when he'll be back?" asked Robin. "It could be a few will give us time to get to know each other," she said. Robin was about to ask what she meant by that...but she suddenly felt very lightheaded. "It's okay dear, I put a very fast acting sedative in your soda," said Marissa as she stood up. "Let me help you upstairs." Robin tried to speak...but nothing came out...she felt so weak and it was all she could do to stay on her feet as Mrs. Chance guided her upstairs. "I know all about you...Robin," said Marissa. "I think it's wonderful that John found a little playmate." Robin felt a sensation of pure dread sweep through her body. "I just think that if he's going to date you then you should look more feminine," she continued. They walked into the guestroom and Marissa helped Robin lie down on the bed. "Now, just relax my dear," said Marissa as she walked into the bathroom. She returned a few minutes later with a portable IV stand. Robin looked up, but was too weak to complain. "I work for LMK, and they recently developed a new female hormone solution. It was produced through genetic engineering and I'm in charge of the testing. We found that it works quite effectively...and swiftly on men. Of course, this isn't what the company wanted...but it will be very useful in changing you," she said as she set up the IV. Robin tried to get up. There was no way that she could allow Marissa to actually change her physically. But she was unable to find the strength to get up. "This initial dose will take a few hours, but it will be worth it as we should start seeing results in a few weeks. I will also give you some pills to supplement the IV treatments," she explained. "We haven't quite figured out why, but after a couple of treatments we have seen the body actually start to produce estrogen." Robin shook her head. "At first you should be able to pass as a boy...but soon that will difficult. Your aunt has large breasts and that could mean that you will too," she said as she inserted the IV needle into Robin's arm. "There's another wonderful side effect that we've makes those who take do I put this...very susceptible to suggestion. Of course this means that the drug is useless for commercial use...but it should have a market." Robin stared up at Marissa and felt the tears roll out of her eyes. "I have created some special recordings for you to listen to. They will implant thoughts in your mind...after a while you'll accept them as your own," continued Marissa. "Don't worry; I'm not going to turn you into John's slave. Rather I will implant the idea that you're transgendered and have always wanted to be a woman. Over time this will help you adjust to your new life. By the time summer vacation arrives you will ready to live fulltime as a woman." Robin mouthed the word "why". "Why? It's simple; first I know that you bring pleasure to my son...and as a good mother I want him to be happy. I know John has his...flaws...but he's the love of my life. If having you as his lover makes him happy, then so be it. You'll become his dream girl. Second, I wanted to see how this drug works. We've only seen its results in lab tests and I want to see if it's as powerful as I think it is. This could make me a lot of money." Robin just stared back. "I will examine you weekly and monitor the changes," she said as she slipped the earphones onto Robin. "Don't worry, I don't want to see you injured." Robin felt like screaming but nothing came out. The tape came on and she heard a soft soothing voice speaking to her. "You've always wanted to be a girl; you're whole life you've fought the feelings; now you will become the person you have always known you should be. Your deepest desire is to be a love wearing women's want to have a feminine body. You will grow out your hair on your head. You will eventually tell your friends and family these feelings, but for now you will keep them a secret. As soon as you graduate you will live as a woman fulltime. You crave help with your transformation and will do what Marissa tells you. You also love sex with men, it feels natural to you and you feel no guilt only pleasure from being with a man." The tape began to repeat and Robin started to cry. Chapter 9 Two hours later, Marissa helped Robin sit up. "There, that wasn't so bad," she said. Robin dropped her head in shame. "Do you have any questions, Robin?" asked Marissa. "How soon will I see changes?" asked Robin as she looked up at her. "Depends on your body chemistry...but I wouldn't be surprised if you started seeing physical changes in a few weeks. The mental changes...those could start sooner." "I don't want this...I don't want to be a girl," cried Robin. "You will," replied Marissa. "Now, this room will be yours when you're over here. I will increase your wardrobe so that you'll have everything that a young woman needs." "What happens if the changes happen sooner...I mean, I can't go to school if I have large breasts," said Robin. "If that happens we'll figure something out," said Marissa. "From what I've seen you should be fine until graduation. Now, your boyfriend will be home soon, so why don't you get ready. I'll help you with your makeup. You do need some help with that." Robin nodded. "Dear, I've watched you with my son...and even though you deny it I can see that you're enjoying yourself," said Marissa. "That's not true," exclaimed Robin. Marissa gave Robin a look of disbelief. "Honey, there's no need to lie to need to remember that women can talk to each other openly. There's nothing wrong with liking're obviously very good at it...especially oral." Robin nervously ran her fingers through her hair. "It's okay, I love sucking cock too," continued Marissa. "Well, we both know the truth, don't we?" Robin didn't reply. "Okay, well, let's get you have a hot date tonight," said Marissa. Chapter 10 Robin was dressed in a short black leather skirt, stockings, high heels, and a thin black top. Her makeup had been done under the instruction of Marissa and it looked sexy and dramatic with heavy eyeliner and lip gloss. Marissa had also attached false nails on each of Robin's fingers. Robin looked in the mirror and realized that she looked like the bad girls at her school. "I look like a slut," muttered Robin. "Well, I think you look very sexy," noted Marissa. "And I think John will be quite pleased with your appearance." "Does he know that you know...all this?" asked Robin. Marissa shook her head. "However, I doubt he'll be upset once we talk...and after he sees you." Chapter 11 To Robin's horror John was actually happy that his mother knew about her. John was also overjoyed when his mom told him about her plans for Robin. "Mom, will she still be...functional?" he asked. "Yes, but she won't get as hard as before," she replied. Robin bit her lip in anger as she heard them talking about her as if she wasn't there. "And you can program her too?" he asked excitedly. Marissa nodded. "However, I won't make her your slave...I'll leave that up to you. Besides it will be more fun for you that way." Robin felt a sickening feeling as she listened to John and his mother talk about her. It was bad enough now...and it sounded as if it would get much worse. John turned to Robin and grinned. "I can't wait to see you with real tits," he exclaimed as he ran his eyes over her. "I hope they turn out big." "Well, I'll leave you two alone," said Marissa as she flashed a sly grin. "I don't want to interfere." Chapter 12 Two weeks later Robert was examining his body in the shower. It was a Saturday morning and he knew that soon he would be heading over to be with John. "I'm really being turned into a girl," he moaned. To his horror he could see that he was changing. His nipples were definitely larger and more sensitive. Additionally there was a slight swelling of his breasts. Thanks to the conditioning he was also starting to see herself as a girl. He was fighting it, but with each session with John's mother it was getting more difficult. With each session with John's psycho mother he could feel his masculinity slipping away. During the latest conditioning he was told that he was to consider himself as a female, and that wearing male clothing was wearing the clothes of the opposite sex. He knew it was working as he was feeling more and more at ease when he was wearing a skirt or a dress. He found that he was actually looking forward to heading over to John's so that he could change and become Robin. He debated telling her aunt. Now that he was changing physically then it would be easier to prove that he was telling the truth. It would be a huge risk, but he decided that it was worth it. But what if she didn't believe him? Instead he decided to try something else, but there was no guarantee if that would work either. After dressing boy's clothes, he went downstairs and was shocked to see Marissa talking to his Aunt. They were in the living room drinking coffee. "There he is," said Aunt Sofia. "Robert, you know John's mother Dr. Chance, right?" "Hello Robert," said Marissa. "Good morning," replied Robert holding back his curiosity. "Dr. Chance and I were talking about you," said Aunt Sofia. "Please sit down, Robert." Robert did as he was told and wondered what was going on. "Dr Chance and I were talking about work," she continued. Sofia worked in R&D at LMK. "Anyway, I'm being sent to our plant in China for the next year," continued Aunt Sofia. "Really?" When did this happen?" asked Robert. He was stunned by what she had just said. "It was finalized yesterday," she replied. "Anyway, I have to leave this week." Robert felt like screaming for joy as it meant that he was free of the Chances. But his hopes were quickly dashed. "Unfortunately, I can't take you with me...something to do with the work visa," she explained. "The good news is that Dr. Chance has agreed to let you stay with them." Robert felt all the air escape from his lungs as if he had just been punched. "Why can't I just stay here?" he asked. "I'll be renting out the house while I'm away...besides you'll be starting college in a few months," she replied. "I'm sorry about this but there's nothing I can do about it." Robert looked over at Dr Chance who smiled slyly back at him. Chapter 13 "Did you arrange for my aunt to go to China?" asked Robin as she changed. Marissa sat across from her in the bedroom. "Yes," she replied. "Now the only time you will have to dress as a boy is when you go to school. As soon as you get home from school you're to change immediately into your proper clothes." "This isn't right," complained Robin. "Maybe, but you don't a choice do you?" "And what will I tell my aunt when she gets back and sees me?" asked Robin. "By then you will have fully accepted your transformation. Besides from what she's told me, you two aren't that close anyway," said Marissa. "Don't worry dear; I will help you with the legal issues of your change. Now, finish dressing, John is waiting for you downstairs." Robin signed and did as she was told. "Your makeup skills have improved dramatically Robin. I'm very impressed. I doubt anyone would suspect that you were once a boy," said Marissa. "I...I'm still a boy," replied Robin. "Technically that's true, but just barely," replied Marissa. "Honey, there's no reason to fight're more of a girl than a boy now anyway." "Can this be reversed?" she asked. "You mean, can you go back to being a boy?" Robin nodded. Marissa shook her head. "The drug is too powerful...already your body chemistry has changed. I suppose that if we pumped you full of testosterone you might regain some of your masculinity...but you'd still be very feminine. Also the shock to your system would be very detrimental and possibly lethal. I also doubt that the mental conditioning could be reversed...accept it Robin, you're a girl now." Robin suspected that this would be the answer and she just nodded as she held back her tears. Chapter 14 A week later Robin had moved in with the Chances. She was now on her own and she could only hope that her plan would work. To avoid any conflicts, Robin no longer offered any resistance and did everything she was told. Just as Dr Chance had said, the only time she dressed as a boy was when she went to school. As soon as she got home she changed and became Robin. Today she was dressed in a short denim skirt and a t-shirt. Her budding breasts pressed out through her training bra. She no longer wore a wig as her own hair was now long enough that she could easily style it into a feminine look. Dr Chance said that as soon as school was over she would take Robin to the salon and get her hair styled professionally. "Damn you look hot, Robin," said John as he pulled her close so they could kiss. "Thank you," she replied as she kissed him back. In spite of everything, she was finding that she did enjoy the attention that John gave her. She also found that she loved having sex with him. The shame and embarrassment that she had once felt had long passed. She knew that this was due to the conditioning aspects of the drugs...but she also knew that it felt so real. At least this made it easier as she had sex with John often. She still didn't like anal that much, but she found that she really loved oral. She also loved the sensations she got when John played with her nipples. They went into his room and began to make out on his bed. Soon they both partially undressed. John sat up on the edge of the bed with Robin on her knees in front of him. Robin began to lick and kiss his cock. She began to kiss the head of his cock and slowly began to take him deep into her mouth. "Damn, I've been hard all day thinking about your lips wrapped around my cock," he moaned. Robin glanced up and smiled. "You like being my slut don't you?" he asked. Robin felt embarrassed as she giggled...then without another word she went back to sucking his cock. Chapter 15 "Very impressive," said the woman sitting across from Dr. Chance. She was looking at photos of Robin. The two women were meeting in a downtown hotel. "I thought you'd be impressed," replied Marissa. "And this is only after a few weeks of treatment?" "Six weeks to be exact," said Marissa. "In fact I've had to tone it back so that the...subject doesn't change too fast. The good thing is that she graduates next month and then I can put her back on the full strength dosage." "My clients will be very impressed," said the woman. "Her breasts look almost B-cup now." "I hope that means that they'll pay top dollar for this too," said Marissa. "Of course," replied the woman. "Because if they don't agree to my price I will offer this formula to others," said Marissa. The woman smiled as she pulled out a cigarette. "That won't be necessary. We appreciate that you contacted us first," replied the woman as she lit the cigarette. "They will want to see the...subject in person." "Of course," replied Marissa. "I can arrange that." "They will want to see everything. They're not just interested in the physical changes, they want to see the mental changes you're implanted. This means seeing how she performs." Marissa nodded. "Oh, is it possible to make some additional conditioning changes?" asked the woman. Marissa smiled back. "What do you have in mind?" "Consider it a test of the product," said the woman. "I will give you their instructions two weeks prior to the meeting, is that sufficient time?" "Of course," replied Marissa. "Great. They'll be out here in June. If everything works out you'll get your deal." Marissa stood up and shook hands with the woman. "I know you won't be disappointed," said Marissa. Chapter 16 As Marissa drove home she thought about what she had done. There was no guilt at all; in fact she was very proud of what she had accomplished. Soon she would wealthy beyond her wildest dreams. She felt absolutely no guilt about what she had done to Robin or how she was stealing from LMK. She had grown bitter over the past few years with her lack of advancement. The hormone drug had been a gift from the gods. No, there was no guilt over what the drug would be used for either. She knew that they wouldn't be using it to help the transgendered; rather they would be using it to create sex slaves. Marissa didn't care as she was a firm believer in survival of the fittest. If Robin had been stronger then she wouldn't have gotten herself in this fix. That was the next issue, what to do with Robin? John had mentioned that he was getting bored with her. Marissa wasn't against killing, but why throw away a perfectly good slut? Maybe she could throw Robin in with the deal? Beside, that would clean up another loose end. One other step that Marissa was working on was covering up her tracks. She had researched the best way to set a fire in her lab to destroy all evidence. Once she sold the process she wouldn't need to work again in her life. Chapter 17 "Just think, Robin starting tomorrow you won't have to dress as a boy ever again," said Marissa. "I know," replied Robin. "None too soon, as I care barely pass now at school." Marissa nodded. She had increased Robin's dosage back to full strength and there had been a sizable growth spurt. Robin's chest had to be bound down in order for her to attend school. "Well, tonight will be the last time you'll have to do that painful thing," said Marissa. Robin smiled back. "That's good to hear." While it had been risky to speed up the process, the results had been worth it. Robin was now totally docile and obedient. She had also taken to the new conditioning. Tomorrow, Marissa planned on taking Robin to a salon and having her hair styled and dyed. Her eyebrows would be shaped so that they were thin and highly arched. She would also get a nice set of long nails. Additionally there were some other modifications that had to be done...mental changes so that she wouldn't have any inhibitions. Her clients would be arriving in a few days and Marissa wanted Robin to be perfect. Of course, Robin had no idea of what was about to happen to her. Marissa shrugged it off as the law of the jungle. Chapter 18 Vernon welcomed Bill Rose into his office. "Please sit down," said Vernon. "Well?" asked Bill as he sat down in front of the fat executive. "Right to the point, I like that. We want you to take out the doctor and her son," Vernon replied. Bill nodded and he started to get up. "Wait...I have one last business proposition for you," said Vernon. "What is it?" asked Bill. "I have decided that it would be best if you eliminated all the subjects. This issue is too important to leave loose strings," said Vernon. "I know the teen is innocent...but it's too risky to leave him...her alive. It would raise too many questions, and even we if paid her off there's no guarantee that she wouldn't talk." "I don't work that way," replied Bill. He stared intensely at the obese CEO. Vernon smiled nervously as Bill's dark brown eyes burned at him. "I will reward you for this act...and if you don't do it....there are others who will." Bill stared back without showing emotion. "If I do, it will be triple the fee...all in advance...and it will be the last business I ever do with your company," said Bill. "Those terms are acceptable," replied Vernon. Bill turned to leave but then he stopped. "As soon as I get confirmation of the funds I will do it. Second, if you get it in your mind to try and eliminate me as a 'loose string' I have friends who will make life a living hell for you. That's not a threat, it's a guaranteed promise." Vernon smiled. "I'm a businessman, Mr. Rose...and this is business between us. You can trust me." "I don't trust anyone...that's why I've lived so long," he replied. "Of course. How soon after payment will these problems be...eliminated?" "Within twenty-four hours," said Bill. "You will get the proof you need." "Thank you," said Vernon. Bill smirked and walked out. Chapter 19 Robin stared at the full length mirror in disbelief as she couldn't believe that she was looking at herself. She now looked like a Goth. She was dressed totally in black. She was wearing a short hemmed corset dress and thigh-high high heel boots. The dress was low cut and exposed her now amble breasts. Her hair was dyed blacked and was cut short into a page boy cut. Her makeup was heavy and very dramatic, with thick eyeliner, lots of mascara, dark red lips, and lots of eye shadow. Her ears each had several studs in them and she had a small ring through her left nostril. Around her neck was a leather collar with studs which was locked into place. "You look exquisite," said Marissa. She had picked the outfit based on the instructions from the people who would buy the formula. "I agree," added John. "I can't wait to have her." "Easy, Honey. Robin has a little job to do for me," said Marissa. She knew that John would be disappointed that he would be losing Robin, but she would make it up to him by getting him another slave. Soon she would be rich beyond her wildest dreams and would be able to buy whoever or whatever she wanted. "Yes Mom," he replied. "Now, Robin, you will be entertaining some guests this evening. You will do anything and everything they ask, is that clear?" asked Marissa. "I understand," replied Robin. Over the past few weeks she had undergone some new conditioning. She hoped that she wouldn't have to do half the sex acts that Marissa had described. "And you don't have any issues with this?" Robin shook her head. "So you will have sex with both men and women?" "Yes," replied Robin. "And you don't mind the use of sex toys?" Robin shook her head. Marissa smiled. "Good girl." If things worked out tonight then she would be very wealthy. Yes, Robin would be entering a life as a sex slave, but that wasn't her problem, thought Marissa. "Okay, let's get going," said Marissa. They started to leave the bedroom when the lights suddenly went out. "What happened? Is it a power outage?" asked Marissa as she looked around. John looked out the window. "Can't be, the neighbors still have lights...we must have popped the circuit breaker...I'll go check," said John. "I'll go with you. Robin, sit down on the bed. I don't want you trying to walk down the stairs in the dark in those boots. The last thing we need is you falling and hurting yourself." "Okay," replied Robin. John and his mom went downstairs and headed down to the basement to check the circuit box. They never made it. They were hit with darts fired by Bill. The potent drug in the dart did its job and they were unconscious before they hit the floor. Bill looked at them through his night vision goggle and confirmed their identity. He didn't bother to check their pulse as he knew they would be dead within minutes. He did however remove the darts. The drug he used was very rare and it would be unlikely that it would be detected in their bodies, especially after the fire. Bill planned on moving them back upstairs and putting them into their beds. He would then set the house on fire and make it look like an accident. Even if the fire department arrived in time to prevent the house from burning down, it would look as if they died of smoke inhalation. They would last just long enough after the fire started to inhale the smoke. He then walked quietly upstairs to take care of the last part of his contract. He peeked into the bedroom and saw Robin sitting on the bed. He knew from his surveillance that Marissa and her son were sexually abusing the teen, but he was still shocked by her appearance. She sat silently as if she was awaiting her next command. He took a deep breath and carefully aimed the dart gun at her. Robin thought she heard something at the door, but it was too late as the dart struck her in the leg. She gasped and then fell down to the floor unconscious. Bill walked in and pulled out the dart. He still had a lot of work to do before he set the fire and only a limited time to do it. Chapter 20 The next morning Vernon Larson was awakened by a phone call from one of his employees. "Mr. Larson, I'm sorry to wake you, but there was a fire last night at the home of Dr. Marissa Chance...and I'm sorry to say that she was killed," stated Mark Fillmore, Director of HR. "My god!" exclaimed Vernon faking shock. "Unfortunately her son was also killed in the blaze," said Mark. "We're checking on the relative of one other employee. The nephew of Sofia Haynes was staying with the Chances. The police have discovered a body but they're waiting for dental records to try and identify it." "That's awful," continued Vernon. "Thank you for calling me and please let me know as soon as you find out anything." "Yes, Sir," replied Mark. Vernon hung up the phone and smiled. It looked like the company would survive. Ten minutes later Bill Rose called him. "I got the report about Dr. Chance and her son...what about the other one?" asked Vernon. "Was he the one who was burned badly?" "That's correct. I had to take care to destroy the body so that no trace of what Dr. Chance did to him would exist," said Bill. "Don't worry about the authorities and their investigation; it's all being taken care of." "Very smart, thank you," replied Vernon. "Good bye," said Bill as he hung up the phone. Chapter 21 Vernon sat at his desk on Monday and was briefed by the Chief of the local fire department on the fire. "It looks like there was an electrical fire and it quickly spread through the house," he explained. "By the time we got there the whole house was ablaze." "I see," replied Vernon. "I wish we could have got there sooner, this is the first fatal fire in the city in years," continued the Chief. "It's tragic. LMK lost three members of our family in this fire. The aunt of Robert Haynes is flying back from China as we speak," said Vernon. "Thank you for arranging for the release of his dental records," said the Chief. "Anything to help. Now, if possible I would like your department to provide some training for my employees so this sort of awful event isn't repeated." "We would be happy to do so," said the Chief. "Please call me as soon as you're ready." Ten minutes later Vernon was at his desk sipping a glass of Scotch. He then thought about the side effects of the failed hormone drug. It had been an expensive failure. Millions of dollars down the drain and nothing to show for it. Yes, it was very effective, but the side effects would prevent the FDA from ever approving it for use...even for transsexuals. Vernon thought about what Marissa had tried to do...and then he smiled. There might be a way of turning a profit on this drug after all. He pulled out his copy of Bill Rose's report and read about the people who Dr. Chance tried to contact. He wondered if they would still be interested in doing business. Chapter 22 "So what happens now?" asked Robin as she ate breakfast. "I mean, now that I've been dead for two days." "Good question," replied Bill as he refilled his coffee. "Do you want some?" Robin shook her head. "Good for you," he replied. Robin smiled back at her mystery benefactor. Even though she knew he was dangerous, she felt that she could trust him. She thought about what had happened. One moment she had been sitting on the bed in the dark, there was a sharp pain in her leg and then she blacked out. When she woke up she was on a private jet sitting across from a pleasant looking man. He comforted her and told her that everything would be fine. She slept most of the flight and when she woke up she found herself on the yacht as they pulled out of Miami. Robin didn't know it, but Bill looked much different from the way he appeared just a few days ago. His beard was gone and his hair was now much lighter in color. He no longer wore the dark brown contact lenses either. In many ways he looked several years younger. He still went by the first name Bill, but his last name was his own, Werth. They were having breakfast on his yacht, which was currently anchored off the coast of a small island in the Bahamas. Bill did tell her what had happened at the house and what had happened to the Chances. "I'm still curious about why didn't you kill me too," she asked as she ate some of her scrambled eggs. "By the way, you're a great cook." "Thank you," he replied. "Now to answer you question, it's simple, I don't kill innocents. But since you want the detailed answer there were several reasons; first if it hadn't been for you sending those letters to the LMK we would have never known what was going on; second you were a victim in all this, and third no one...and I mean no one forces me to do anything." Over the months of her abuse, Robin had sent letters to LMK's department of internal affairs. The person who received them thought they were a joke, but just to play it safe he had forwarded them to security. They eventually made it to the CEO who in turn hired Bill. "So they believed me?" she asked. "Not initially, they thought it was a prank, but when they kept coming I was hired to see if they were real," he replied. Robin nodded and absorbed what he had said. "Don't you want to know how I ended up in this mess?" she asked. "Not unless you want to tell me," he replied. "I know that it wasn't of free will." "I was blackmailed by John...he found out that I cheated on my SATs," she admitted. "I guess this was all my fault." "If it hadn't been that it would have been something else. Robin, this wasn't your fault and you didn't deserve one does," he countered. Robin drank some orange juice. "Thanks," she said. "No problem," he replied with a smile. "Why did the CEO order my death?" she asked. "He was more interested in punishing and silencing Dr. Chance...for him you were simply collateral damage and too much of a risk for the future of the company in his eyes," he replied. "Collateral damage...that makes it sound even worse," she replied with a slight laugh. "Still, thank you for saving me." "You're welcome...again," he replied. "I had initially proposed paying you off. However, I suspected that he would want you I came up with a new plan. Sure enough he asked me to have you killed too. If I hadn't acted then he would have had someone else do it." "And he really thinks I'm dead?" "You are dead. Your dental records matched the charred body they found in the rubble," he replied. "How did you pull that one off?" she asked as she buttered a piece of toast. "A connection provided me with a body...same size and build as you. He also changed your dental records to match the deceased." "Where does one just 'find' a body?" she asked. "He didn't kill anyone... if that's what you're worried about. It was a John Doe in a city morgue," he replied. "The body had been unclaimed for over three months." She shook her head in disbelief. "You say that like it happens all the time." He looked at her and grinned. "Who says it doesn't?" She then let out a sigh. "So what happens to me? Will I be turned into a sex slave like Dr. Chance planned?" "Robin, I would never do that to you. No, I'm going to help you get through this," he said. "How?" she asked. "I know a doctor that will examine you. We need to make sure that you stay healthy," he said. "I've called ahead and we'll meet him when we pull into Curacao. Before I started the fire I made a copy of Dr. Chance's medical notes on what she did to you...including information on the drugs she used. Her records got burned up in the fire." Robin nodded. "And as for your mental wellbeing, his wife is a therapist and she has worked with many patients who have had...forced conditioning, I think she'll be able to help you with some of the nastier urges that Dr. Chance left you with," he continued. "They have a nice home and it will give you a place to recover." "How do you know people like this?" she asked. "I was in Special Forces and then the CIA...I met a lot of interesting people before I went private," he replied. "How long will it take...before I'm ...normal...or as normal as I'll ever be?" she asked. "I mean, I have urges...very strong ones implanted in my mind by that bitch...even if you can help them with those...I'm a girl now...this is going to take ...I mean...." "Time is relative, Robin. What's important is that you become whole," he comforted. "There's no timetable to this...what counts is that you have a chance to heal." "Thank you," she replied as she took a drink of orange juice. "What about afterwards...I mean, I'm dead right?" "Robert Haynes is dead, that's correct," replied Bill. "I have other connections that will provide you with a new identity. Don't worry it will very complete and legal." She nodded. "It's still strange knowing...well, knowing that I'm dead." "You'll adapt...I did," he replied. "What do you mean?" she asked. "When I left the CIA they arranged for me to be 'killed' so that I could start fresh," he replied. "It's a long story." "I'd like to hear it sometime, I bet it's a real interesting story," she replied. He smiled back at her. "Okay, it's a long cruise to Curacao. Anything else on your mind?" "This is going to be expensive...I don't want to be a burden," she said. "You're not and you won't be... I stuck it to the CEO so that you'll be taken care of financially for life," he replied. "Anything else?" She nodded. "I have another question...please don't take it the wrong way...but did you have to kill John and his mother...couldn't you just have turned them in or something like that? I'm still not sure you're telling me the truth about why you let me live. I mean you could have just rescued me and turned me over to the authorities...why the can't all be about keeping me safe." "It would have been difficult...and you would have still been at risk. Killing them may seem harsh, but it was the only way to end this and save you," he replied. Robin looked at him with skepticism. "Look, if I had simply rescued you and turned you over to the authorities there would have been a gigantic media circus around you. Would you have wanted to deal with what they did to you becoming public? You'd never have a moment's peace for the rest of your life. This way you have a new start. You can be whoever and whatever you want to be." Robin thought for a few moments. "No, I guess your solution was for the best. Thank you." "You're quite welcome." "No offense, but I think you're still leaving something out," she said. He leaned back in his chair and smiled knowingly. "I knew you were a smart one. You're right, I left something out," he said. "I admired your perseverance. You never gave up and you kept writing those letters even though he had no idea if anyone was reading them. You also secretly fought being controlled, even though you were being abused. It was very brave." "I had no other options," she replied. "I wasn't going to just give up." "It took guts," he said. "Not quitting takes guts. It's the kind of trait that I look for." "For what?" she asked. "Future employment," he replied. "Of course that's a long way down the road. First you need to get well, physically... and mentally." "Dr Chance said the physical changes were permanent," said Robin. Bill shrugged his shoulders. "So? I know a lot of women who are in this kind of work. But don't worry about that for now." Robin nodded. "Well, why don't you give me a hand cleaning this up and we'll get underway, okay?" he asked. Robin smiled back. "Sure." As they finished cleaning up she turned to him. "Bill, do you think that what you do makes a difference?" she asked. "Most of the time," he replied. "There are...bad guys...that have to be taken care do I put this...outside of the system. As in your case, sometimes the system is 'broken' and can't provide the right solution. Does that make sense?" "Cool," she replied as she nodded. "I like the sound of that." He smiled back. "One more thing, I know you stopped Dr Chance...but what about others? I mean, what's to stop others at LMK from misusing that drug?" she asked. "I'm way ahead of you, Robin," he replied. "And this will make you smile, I used your technique." Robin cocked her head and then smiled as she realized what he was saying. "You tipped someone off about it?" she asked. Bill nodded. "Well, it looks like we're done down here, let's get underway," he said. "Sounds great," she replied. Chapter 23 It was early in the morning as The Assistant Director of The Agency sorted through her daily correspondence. In between sips of Diet Coke she scanned through the stack of paperwork. Most of it was routine updates of ongoing investigations. Then she saw something that caught her eye. She opened an envelope that was marked urgent and read the enclosed letter and corresponding attachments. The attached Agency note stated that several facts described in the letter had already been confirmed, including the death of Dr. Marissa Chance. Ally Burns looked at the letter and the documents. Even though the letter was unsigned, it was obvious that whoever wrote it had a background in intelligence. The groups listed in the letter had all been suspected of engaging in sexual slavery and this could be the break that they had been looking for. Then she turned her thoughts to LMK. The mystery writer of the letter was right. The drug they had developed was too valuable to just discard. Based on her feelings, she decided that further investigation of LMK Pharmaceuticals was warranted. Ally then set it in a pile of documents that she would take for her morning brief with The Director. The End For more stories about Ally Burns read The Protector Series

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“Vonnie,” I said when I’d recovered a bit, “what about Mummy? You have to untie me.” “You think I should break the deal?” Yvonne was challenging me again, “I gave Becky my word.” “Yes of course I do, sweetie, it’s not a normal situation is it, what do you think Becky’s doing to her?” “Well she’s grown-up isn’t she, it’s not like me. A few more orgasms won’t hurt her will they?” “Darling you know it’s all different if it’s forced. You understand that don’t you? Why have you done it anyway,...

2 years ago
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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 16 Family Values

August 4, 1984, Rutherford, Ohio “Hi!” Liz exclaimed when Lara and I walked into the restaurant in Rutherford on Saturday morning. “Hi!” I replied, hugging her. Paul and I shook hands with a nod, I hugged Emmy, and then the five of us sat in a round corner booth. “Liz said you did really well on your test,” Paul said. I nodded, “I’ll get into the school I want, which is all that really mattered to me. Well, I have to have an interview, but I don’t foresee any problems there. Clarissa did...

4 years ago
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Twisted Guardian

TWISTED GUARDIAN Part One by Blushing slutJ's babysitter, Nicole, found his stash of porno mags, and fetish stories once, when she was over for an evening, babysitting. Things have been very different for him, ever since. She put him through several hours of humiliation that night, flipping through them, asking him questions, forcing answers out of him, upon threat of exposing him, to his strict, religious parents, if he didnt give suitable answers.J was attracted to some very perverted...

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Twisted But Precious The Morning After the Sunrise Dance

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while you could miss it.” Ferris Bueller Have you ever thought of hosting a party in the middle of the desert and inviting 70,000 people? Well Larry did and John finally went. _________________________________________ The Present- “Smelling the Roses” It was the morning after the Sunrise Dance. John’s head was pounding with the dull throbbing pain of a heavy hangover. What a spectacular fucking night. It had been years...

Love Stories
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Twisted BoltChapter 4 Oanus

Helen had happened to the armory. Adult magazines were scattered all over the cabin and most of his posters were wedged between the mattress and bulkhead. He hadn’t checked the room after he left Helen alone to check the engines and ship status. She’d left the locker open or hadn’t secured it and everything he’d stuffed in there had been thrown around during the short fight. Shaking his head, he spotted Helen sitting on the deck, reading a magazine and breathing hard. “I forgot to mention to...

4 years ago
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Twisted BoltChapter 2 Jumping Sensations

After he’d finished securing all the doors, he went about the onerous task of securing any loose objects. While the ship had an artificial gravity system, it didn’t mean everything wouldn’t fly around during space travel if it wasn’t secured properly. He was conscientious about keeping everything in his ship safe, but he’d just moved a bunch of items from his cabin into the armory. It took him about thirty minutes to secure and hide some of the more graphic magazines, posters, and find space...

2 years ago
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Twisted BoltChapter 3 A Shot in the Dark

“Uh, yes Ethan?” Helen grumped as she reentered the cabin, her daughter close behind. “Green Light Shipping picked up an hour or so on us but that’s not the problem. Look at the contract,” Ethan said and pointed at a small line of text on the screen. Helen frowned, squinted, and moved closer to the monitor to read the text. “It says they are going to Arus Duo and are transporting personnel supplies. What about it?” she asked, straightening up and turning around. He was once again struck a...

3 years ago
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Twisted payback

© Graymangazer 2012                                                                    Twisted Payback.   Graymangazer.A wife wants payback for her husband’s cheating.Please feel free to comment, good or bad, I only know if my writing is any good by your feedback.I also welcome E-mails to [email protected] and will always answer.                                                                              Part 1.?The black Basque, with stockings and your five inch heels,? I told...

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Twisted Sisters Chapter 2

Elizabeth, Anne, and I got in the car and headed to the restaurant. Liz had just gotten off work after a tough day, and with her sister visiting from England, I thought it would be a good idea to take the girls out to dinner. I had made reservations at a local steakhouse so Anne could get a sampling of American food. It was about a 15 minute drive across town to the restaurant and I chuckled to myself seeing how excited the girls were getting! They were chattering like a couple squirrels and...

2 years ago
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Hi Folks. As I warned you last week this story is kind of out there. I'm prepared already for the "But it wasn't her fault," chorus. And the "violence is not the answer," choir as well. Normally my stories tend to be in the middle, neither BTB nor "let her get away with it," stories but this one is on the crazy side. It bears absolutley no resemblance to anything I'd suggest or admit to in real life so let's look at this as kind of a "What if" fantasy. Those of you who don't like...

1 year ago
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Twisted Porn

Want to get freaky at TwistedPorn aka Wild Master? Ever felt like taking your porn game to the next "fucked up" level? I know I sure have. After watching countless hours of vanilla porn and all of your regular genres and everything that you’d expect from ordinary porn tube sites, I felt like spicing things up a bit. And that’s when I found this freakshow of a website. Welcome to, a porn site that’s all about showing you the weirdest, meanest, and (you guessed it) most twisted...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Twisted Metal A Sweet Deal

The ding of the elevator told Needles Kane that he had reached his destination. The doors parted to reveal Calypso's office, the dark marble shining orange in the glow of Kane's fiery scalp. At the far end was a polished darkwood desk, the chair facing out to look out over the city through the enormous gothic windows. Kane scowled behind his grinning clown mask and entered, just as the chair turned to face him. In his expensive-looking black and red suit, his burnt face forming the...

2 years ago
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"Have you ever wished you could get fucked so hard to the point it feels like you are going to get ripped apart and maybe even die?" I asked before taking another sip of my luke-warm coffee. It was a typical conversation between me and my best friend, Rowan, as we sat in our usual coffee shop. We probably reeked of weed because prior to coming in here we had been sitting in my car for over an hour hotboxing the shit out of some Purple Kush in front of a TJ max that we ended up never even...

3 years ago
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Twisted Sisters Chapter 1

My wife Elizabeth and I had met while we were in college. She is English and was studying here in America, working on a degree in nursing. I was a Business Administration major. I was sitting in the cafeteria eating lunch one day, and this beautiful young thing came in looking for someplace to sit. The cafeteria was pretty crowded that day, and I watched as she looked around for a seat. She had been standing there for a few minutes, when I called her over and offered her a seat across the table...

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Twisted Stepsister XV She gets some help

Jumping forward to Saturday morning I wake by being shaken as I open my eyes I see Mom trying to get me up. I learn that it is just after 9am. The last time I was still in bed this late yes this is late for me I was sick.I am tired and ache all over not sick just feel like I was in a fight and lost.Last night I played every down of offense and defense. I ran the ball 19 time for 79 yard and two TDs. Mostly used for blocking made a key block that fueled a 45 yard TD run. On defense I had a pick...

4 years ago
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Twisted Logic

Synopsis This is a story of couple who have been married for many years. They live in a loving and sexually active relationship and are totally devoted to each other. Inevitably age has this horrible ability to change their sexual activities when the man can no longer maintain the erection he was once able to do. There are drugs available to help overcome these sorts of problems but in this case this was not an option. However a solution was found, a unique solution, but it did have a...

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Twisted Fates Part 2

Twisted Fates 2 Willow sat at the circle's center. Sweat in rivulets ran down her slim form dripping off her prominent breasts, her elbows, and pooling around her on the floor. She glances at the mirror again, seeing her reflection. Her flame red hair swept back falling well past her shoulders, pale as ivory skin splattered with freckles, firm breasts that had never been touched in all her thirty-five years, delicate hands and feet; but the most remarkable feature were her eyes, so...

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Twisted Teen Tales

                                             Twisted Teen Tales                                                                                          by                                                                                    Rolf Palsy                                                                                    Chapter 1                                                                       Spanked and Raped by Daddy        When I was fourteen, mom took a powder, leaving me...

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Twisted and Torn Part 6

Twisted and Torn Part 6 After watching a guy get fucked and jerked over, Chris’ cock was more than ready to empty in some man pussy as well, and he had a pliant cock sucker waiting to accept his hot married load. Chris could feel the cum dripping down his leg and told his new friend he wanted to go shower quickly and walked away, avoiding hands touching him as he passed. His semi hard cock under the towel was ready to ram a tight man hole and shoot its hot daddy juice soon. Rinsing his body...

Gay Male
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Twisted and Torn Part 4

Twisted and TornPart 4 The cocksucker was enjoying Chris’s cock and was hoping he would be allowed to go further with this hunky married sauna virgin.Chris had always thought he had great blow jobs before but this felt like something else. He could feel the back of the guy’s throat milk his cock head and pushed it deeper. The wet lips touched his balls and he looked down at his cock buried to the hilt and it felt damn good. He pulled out a bit and saw the wetness and the guy sucked in his...

Gay Male
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Twisted and Torn Part 2

Twisted and Torn Part 2 Chris had taken the plunge and walked through the doors of a gay sauna and now stood in the semi darkness and worried of he might bump into someone who knew him. The music was somewhat loud and the heavy beats rumbled in his ears and he felt like he was a young man again walking into a night club as he made his way further into the place and found many grey lockers in a well lit area. He could have been standing in any gym locker and the many locks made it clear the...

Gay Male
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Twisted Brother Me

Twisted Brother, Mea collection of written thoughtby Hugo Carlos ArreolaCopyright 2017Some Tidbits and InklingsWhat’s more dangerous than a drunk driver. Please just let go - stop with the texting while driving you shit stain.Tomorrow will only come for you if you unplug for that hot minute.At least a drunk driver is doing his her they the best to keep eyes on the road.After all the chota could be doing some work.Retail OVER, Think triage my dude.Adapt or die has simply held truer than a...

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Twisted Terror

Twisted Terror by Paul G. Jutras High over the jungle did the small plane go. Inside, Mark Green looked worried as he rechecked his map and thought back to the madman dressed as a witch doctor who had been on the morning news. The scientist was a long arch foe of his secret agent dad. Since both his parents died in their last undercover mission they couldn't be traded for the hostages. "Hope he'll take me instead," Mark said to himself as he thought about the home he was staying...

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Twisted Fates Part 1

Twisted Fates, part one By Myrissa Silverleaf It was a typical day at work for Tom. Long hours for too little pay; but his sense of loyalty kept him at it far longer than was reasonable. The drive home was even worse than typical. Must have been an accident up ahead. He could see the flashing lights of emergency vehicles in the distance confirming his supposition. He sighed, realizing he'd be late for his television show and the "catch as catch can" dinner that was his usual fare. In...

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Twisted Logic

Twisted Logic By Margaret Jeanette Marie Calvert was happy. She had just bought another business. It was a small printing business but it was successful. The owner had retired. Now she owned an upscale dress store, a discount woman's shop, a beauty parlor, a family restaurant and a car dealership. She was the top businesswoman in the entire area and ranked ahead of most of the businessmen. She was known as a no-nonsense woman who ran things with an iron hand. That night when...

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Twisted Fairy Tales

Twisted Fairy Tales Story 1: Diamond Screams Adapted From: The Blue Fairy Book, by Andrew Lang Synopsis: What would you do with a wife who produced gold withevery word, and diamonds from every scream? Codes: M/f, torture, humiliation, extreme, nc, serious The 16 th day of the Fourth Month Dear Diary: You are my only outlet for relieving my pain, Diary, and I am lucky my princelyhusband allows me this small release. He has denied me everything else, eventhe power of speech. The only sounds...

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It was early March and that winter chill was still in the air, it was my wife’s (Kathy) 25th birthday on Friday and like most men I had no idea what to get her. We had been together ever since we were 16 years old and had been married now for 7 years. Our sex life had been great, we had been the first for each of us and the only sex partner that either of us had ever had. We had talked about other men and couples many times but had never put much thought into such a meeting ever taking...

3 years ago
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Twisted Tale

It was about nine o'clock on a quiet winter evening. Abby sat on the couch in the family room of their 4,000 square foot, upper middle-class home in the outskirts of Houston with her two c***dren, watching a comedy movie that wasn't really very good. Abby was 37 and her daughter, Joy was 18 as was her twin brother Billy. Abby was considering suggesting that they try a different channel when suddenly the side door of the house was kicked in and four men burst into the home. Each man had a...

3 years ago
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Twisted Twister

My wife Adele and I were married 18 about years ago. Adele is a very attractive brunette with perky C cup breasts and an ass to die for. She has always had a bit of a wild and exhibitionist side to her which she's passed on to our oldest daughter Brittney. Brittney is a senior in high school and on the cheer leading squad. She's always bringing home the other squad members. I swear they all purposely tease or flirt with me when they come over. There's always someone bending over in front of...

4 years ago
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Twisted DreamsChapter 4

... The subterfuge works almost too well. Both Bob and Janice were convinced that they had raped Pamela; especially since all three were still naked. So when Pamela demanded they sign a promissory note to the effect that they would do exactly as she said for a period not less than one year; they readily agreed and signed willingly. Now turning to Bob; Pamela asked him how his arse was feeling and he suddenly admitted his arse felt really sore before Pamela jumped in by saying that whilst...

2 years ago
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Twisted DreamsChapter 5

Pamela Spoke to Bob and instantly he went stiff as a board ; No I don't mean just his cock went stiff; his whole body went rigid and as he was told to lie down he actually fell over as it was the only way he could manage to lie down. Thunder was still laid in the corner slowly licking his cock; whilst Jim his owner was smiling lewdly at Janice; when suddenly Pamela touched his shoulder and said "sleep". Instantly Jim's eyes shut tight and he seemed to relax. Now Pamela moved over to...

2 years ago
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Twisted BoltChapter 6 On The Run

Helen informed him that the projectile tore through some muscle had and ripped a large patch from his jumpsuit in the process. The round hadn’t hit his bone and his muscle would heal naturally after she applied the hypo-spray. He didn’t feel a lot of pain from the injury until Helen applied the first aid kit. “Viv, lock up the place. The code is 5501014562 for all the hatches and be careful if you go outside the ship,” Ethan ordered as Helen tugged on his arm, producing a wince from...

3 years ago
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Twisted BoltChapter 7

“Cut the power,” Ethan called over the radio once he was ready. Standing by the living area hatch on the port side, he felt the engine’s power fluctuate as the rear thrusters cut off. Jamming his finger on the button to cycle the hatch open, he rushed into the cargo pod. Careful not to fall on his face, he made his way to the panel that lowered the ramp. He unstrapped the welder from the clip on his belt and counted the large bolts in the bulkhead. After counting to the fifth bolt, he lit the...

1 year ago
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Twisted Step Sister lX the big day

I was tired and turned in early Friday night. Around 3am I heard something and got up to check around. Jens room she was sleeping, Kathy was also asleep. I went in Kims room empty and her bed not slept in. I started down stairs and started checking around. I heard noises, moaning finally found my noise. Kim was in the game room and had friends she was sitting on some dudes face and an other woman riding him like a bronc. I watched from the door for a few minutes and the girls switched places...

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Twisted StepSister Vll Party Time

Friday morning Dan announced that he and Mom would be going to New York for about 10 days, their plane leaves this afternoon. They got packed and both went to Dan's office and would leave from there.My drivers training was cut short today because of school sports physicals. 150 male athletes standing in line in the gym naked not sure why but who rally cares. We had four doctors taking us through like an assembly line. One of the doctors was a 30 something female and she was HOT. She caught a...

3 years ago
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Twisted Fate

My birthday was on the Wednesday that week so it would mean that any celebrations would have to wait for the weekend. I got the usual cards and a few presents from my family and friends but the present I always looked forward to the most was the one that Julia my wife always gave me in private before bed and away from prying eyes. That night as we got into bed Julia gave me a neatly wrapped present with pink ribbons tied into a bow. My excitement was clear to be seen as my cock started to...

3 years ago
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Twisted thoughts

The following morning I’d forgotten about the incident during the night. I’d woken around 7.15am, It probably was Kel leaving the house for work. I went and showered, but feeling horny as always first thing I decided to relieve myself. With the shower gel as a lubricant I was pounding my cock quite quickly. Just as I started erupting I lost my footing and slipped, crashing into the tub with a thud. It must have woken Rhea as she came running in to ensure I was ok. The issue being as I was...

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Twisted Tales Sleeping Beauty

It started a long time ago, when Maleficent and Briar’s mother were teenagers experimenting with their newly found sexuality. Maleficent soon developed a huge crush on the beautiful young queen, and the queen in her innocence, loved her in return. However, she had a duty to her people, to marry and produce an heir for the throne. And she tried to explain this to the besotted Maleficent, the reasoning behind her having to choose a husband, having to marry and bear a child, the reason of why...

1 year ago
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Twisted Chapter 1

This club section was built to vacuum out all your money, with 2 mini bars, one to the immediate left and another adjacent to the dance floor that was on the right side of the room; and an impressive ***********ion of girls to pick from. I was seated in a table between a mini bar and the dancefloor, basically in the middle of the club. The best seat in the house, as I had unrestricted view to all the girls already inside the club, and all girls coming in and out. And boy were there girls:...

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