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Hi Folks. As I warned you last week this story is kind of out there. I'm prepared already for the "But it wasn't her fault," chorus. And the "violence is not the answer," choir as well. Normally my stories tend to be in the middle, neither BTB nor "let her get away with it," stories but this one is on the crazy side. It bears absolutley no resemblance to anything I'd suggest or admit to in real life so let's look at this as kind of a "What if" fantasy. Those of you who don't like violence or BTB and all of her friends stories should probably skip this one. If you choose to read it anyway, you don't get to whine about it, because I did warn you. Thanks as usual to mikothebaby for editing this story with her usual skill and sense of humor. Once again try to remember this is only a story.

"What's the last thing you remember?" asked the voice. The lights in my eyes were so bright that I couldn't see who was barking the questions at me. I had a feeling that something bad had happened though.

Throughout my life, a lot of bad things had happened to me. They always say that God never gives us more than we can handle. The problem is that God thinks we can handle hurricanes, floods, cancer and losing the people we love most.

"I remember so many things," I said.

"Let's just start with this evening," he spat. I heard a touch of a southern accent. And the voice was raspy like a guy who'd spent too many nights nursing scotch while smoking.

"I had a date," I began. "I met her at the restaurant. First dates are weird. You never know what to expect or whether or not there'll be any chemistry. But I wasn't interested in chemistry with this woman. You see I knew that she was a whore just like the rest of them."

"I didn't always feel that way. It took me a long time to realize it. But once I did, it was an epiphany of sorts. I knew I had a calling. That was when I realized that I'd been called by the Lord."

I noticed then even through the haze and glare of the lights that they were looking at each other.

"I started out life as plain old Aidan Williams. I was married to my high school sweetheart and we lived in a nice house. I worked as a CNC set up man for one of the largest automotive after-market parts companies in the state. I guess you can say that I'm average. I'm just not the kind of person who stands out in a crowd. I kind of blend into the background."

"Over the years, I've tried to do things to make myself stand out more. Some of my friends told me that the reason I kept getting passed over for promotions and things like that at work isn't because of my work. The quality of my work and the quantity of it seems to suggest that I should have advance far beyond my station years ago. My personality, or lack of one, is what's holding me back."

"Bill, my friend, told me that I didn't necessarily need to change my personality, I just needed to do or get something that people would remember so they'd remember me. He told me that at several of the manager's meetings when positions came up, they could never remember that I'd be perfect for them. He said that it was mostly because they simply didn't remember me. I was like a chair or any other piece of furniture. I was extremely necessary to have around but no one spent a lot of time thinking about furniture."

"I racked my brain trying to think of something to make myself more memorable. Finally I decided to ask my wife, Wendy, what I could do."

"She just smiled and ran her finger across my arm. Her face and her touch radiated so much love that I could feel it even when we weren't together. Wendy's not a world class beauty. She's just a typical suburban housewife. She's more of a MSOGF than a MILF. She's not a troll but she's not one of those Victoria's Secret models turned moms either. She's short and kind of chunky. She has big boobs and a big butt and she wears glasses. She can look pretty good in a tight black dress, but I suspect that most women can, if given the right motivation."

"I'm not trying to downplay her attractiveness because to me she was the best looking woman, ever. I loved her and I still do. I'm just trying to be honest about what she looked like. Wendy told me to just be myself. She said that I was a nice guy and sooner or later, if I just kept on doing the right things, good things would happen for me."

"Wendy," I said. "In my whole life, only one good thing has ever happened to me."

"What's that?" she asked.

"I got you," I said. Her smile brightened up the room and she came over and hugged me. She rubbed those huge boobs of hers against me and I was ready.

"Calm down cowboy," she said. "We're going to have to wait until later for that. Two other very good things that happened to us aren't asleep yet. We don't want them to hear their mommy grunting and moaning like a slut and begging to be fucked, do we?"

"I shook my head but my dick got even harder when she said that. I went outside and worked on my then current home improvement project. It seems like I'm always doing something around the house. Anyway, as I worked, I thought about what I could do to be more noticeable, maybe not to my family, but to the people at work."

"And it finally hit me. It struck me like lightning. And it was something that I wanted anyway. The Mustang would be perfect for that. Every day, as I made the drive to work, I passed a car dealership. For the past week, I'd noticed a bright shiny yellow Mustang on the lot. It wasn't a brand new car. It was a couple of years old. It was a 2009 GT. I wanted it badly. It was the car of my dreams. Sometimes as I sat there at that red light, I imagined myself driving it."

"Until that day, imagining was as far as it had gotten. I knew every single reason why I couldn't have the car. It was expensive. The car, at north of thirty thousand dollars, though inexpensive for a dream, cost almost twice what we'd paid for our Toyota."

"It was also impractical. There was no way that, my wife and I, plus our two small children were going to fit in that car. Even though our children were barely school aged we just wouldn't all fit. Then there was the cost of gas. Instead of my fuel sipping econo-box with its tiny and very practical four cylinder engine; that beast was powered by a gas guzzling V-8 that until it was tamed, would shred tires as quickly as it drank fuel."

"Somehow just the thought of the car's ungodly shrieking as I smoked the tires and left a trail of blackened road surface behind me at a stop light made me giddy. I imagined myself as I flipped down my sunglasses at the next light and apologized to the driver next to me."

"Sorry, this thing gets away from me sometimes," I said to her with a boyish smile.

"Shit, I'd have to buy just the right sunglasses for that," I thought. "But anyway I couldn't have the car. My insurance costs would also go through the fucking roof. And we live in the snow belt. What the hell would I drive in the winter? Controlling or trying to control all of that horsepower on ice was ludicrous."

"If we were going to do it at all, it would mean that we couldn't trade the Toyota in. We'd have to keep it for winter transportation. With no trade in, that would make the price even steeper and even further outside of my budget. Yep, I knew every reason why I couldn't buy the car. I couldn't think of a single reason that I should."

"But maybe the problem wasn't the car. That Mustang had never done anyone on this planet wrong. Perhaps the problem was with me. Maybe the real reason that I couldn't have the car was my lack of imagination. That, coupled with my lack of balls and my lack of personality, was why I was in the position I was in."

"One good reason for me having the car was the fact that everyone would notice it. Wasn't that my goal here in the first place? And having the car would instantly catapult me from being plain old Aidan that no one remembered, to Aidan with the Mustang. Shit, no one would forget, Mustang Aidan. Everyone would look at me like that woman from the stop light. That bitch knew she wanted me. Or at least she would have if she'd actually existed."

"I could still see her sitting there in her lesser vehicle with her panties so wet she was in danger of drowning. I could smell her pussy from here. But there was no way I'd take her up on what her imaginary eyes were offering. I was a family man. I would use the awesome power of the Mustang for good and..."

"Aidan... ?" the sound of Wendy's voice dragged me back to reality. "Aidan uhm, Honey dinner is ready. Aidan, why'd you hammer ten or twelve nails right there in the same spot?"

"I uh, was lost in my thoughts," I gushed.

"I'll bet I know what you were thinking about," she smirked. "I didn't realize that I was marrying a sex maniac. You're acting like you haven' had any in a while. It's only been since last night Tiger. Are you trying to get me pregnant again?"

"She had an extra little hitch in her giddy up as she sashayed away from me. I decided to put off telling her about the car until I got some hard figures."

"On my way home the next day, I stopped to look at the car. Up close, it was even more awesome. The car was clearly not stock. The thing I'd thought was a hood scoop was the top of the engine sticking through a hole in the hood that was designed for the purpose."

"Something just felt weird. As I approached the car, I felt as if I was being watched. There was probably a salesman around. I reached out to touch the shiny yellow paint that was broken up only by black racing stripes and it almost seemed as if the car backed away from my touch. When I finally got my hand on it, the car felt warm to the touch. That freaked me out. The car felt as if it was a sentient being. It had to be the heat of the sun that warmed the cool metal up ... didn't it."

"A very jovial, fat salesman leaped out of the bushes with vision of sugar plums ... I mean commission dancing before his eyes."

"So How ya doin' buddy?" he asked. "Would ya like to test drive this beauty?"

"Well I'm not..." I began.

"Come on," he cajoled. "Whattaya got ta lose?" He tilted his head and nodded it. I started wondering which game show he was the host of."

"Here, relax, just sit down on this thick rich leather and then tell me you don't want to drive it?" he said. "Let me open the..."

"He started reaching for the door handle and both door locks snapped into the locked position. It was the weirdest fucking thing I've ever seen."

"He just looked at me and then erupted in that huge fake ass smile again." He pointed at me with both of his thumbs pointed skywards while both index fingers were aimed straight at me as if they were pistols."

"I don't have the keys to this one on me," he said. "Let me show you this nice Camaro. I think I have one with that exact color scheme."

"My face soured and he noticed it."

"How about a Lincoln?" he asked.

"I really had my heart set on that yellow Mustang?" I told him.

"Okay, Bud, I'll go and get the keys. It's a great car, but it's kind of finicky. I think it has a short in the electrical panel. If you want to buy it, I'll have my electrical guys go over it. Maybe we can shave a little off of the price. I can't go too far though because that's a pretty God damned special car. It's got that Ford Racing engine in it."

"You should hear that motor. The one time we test drove it, it sounded like the gates of hell opening up when the guy chirped the tires."

"He came back a few minutes later and tentatively pointed an electronic key fob at the car. The look on his face was anything but confident as he pressed the button. I listened, expecting to hear the locks open, but heard nothing. It was as if the car had just decided that it didn't want to open."

"The frustration was written all over his face as he approached the car."

"Hope you don't mind doing this the old fashioned way until I get this God damned electrical system sorted out," he said. "It's still an awesome car though ... are you sure you don't want to at least try that Camaro?"

"He inserted the key into the lock and twisted it, then reached to open the door, which still refused to open. He yanked on the door handle so hard I thought it might come off but it wouldn't open. He grabbed the keys from his pocket again. "God damned car," I heard him utter under his breath. He re-inserted the key and twisted it viciously as if he was trying to hurt the car. I heard a loud snap and he doubled over in pain, holding his wrist."

"It appeared that he had sprained or broken his wrist trying to unlock the car."

"Joe," he screamed at the top of his lungs. "He was rubbing his wrist which appeared to be swelling quickly. It also appeared that he had no movement in his fingers. A huge hulking guy came from the service department."

"Whut do ya want?" he asked the salesman.

"I want this God damned car open," screamed the now red-faced salesman.

"Yuh should probably try the key," said Joe.

"Try the key," mimicked the angry salesman mimicking Joe's voice accent and delivery. He gave Joe the keys then.

"Joe pointed the fob at the car and nothing happened. Then he took the keys and tried to open the door manually."

"The 'lectronic thingy don't work," said Joe. "The key don't work either."

"I already know that," said the steaming salesman.

"Well you should get somebody from the servicer department over here pronto, chief," said Joe.

"Joe," grimaced the salesman. "Where do you work?"

"Ah work in the service depart ... Oh, I get yuh. You want me ta fix her, right?"

"You're a genius," smirked the salesman. He led me away from the car. I kept looking over my shoulder. Joe had gone and retrieved a huge crowbar. I was afraid for the car but I probably shouldn't have been. Joe put his nearly four hundred pounds of body into the crowbar trying to pop the door loose."

"He's not going to damage the car is he?" I asked.

"He's a professional," said the salesman. "Can you come back first thing in the morning to test drive it?"

"How about, this same time tomorrow?" I asked.

"Even better," he said.

"I looked back at the car and Joe was putting so much pressure on the heavy crow bar that it was bending. As I turned to leave, the crowbar suddenly snapped back towards Joe, striking him in the center of his forehead. Joe's body hit the ground before the crowbar did and he wasn't moving."

"See you tomorrow," said the salesman, waving an arm where the wrist was as big as Popeye's.

"I didn't mention the car to Wendy when I got home. But I was even more determined to have it. And I had a couple of ways I might get the money for the down payment."

"The next day, I returned to the lot after work. I noticed then that the car wasn't on the lot. I figured that they must've moved into the service area to work on the electrical system."

"I'd barely gotten out of my car when my salesman came over. His wrist was in a cast, but he still tried to smile."

"Where's my car?" I asked.

"We uhm sold it," he said. "It was one of the other salesmen. I tried to hold it for you. I even kept the keys. It was the weirdest thing. Remember how we couldn't get the God damned doors to open? Some guy named Tim just walked up to that car and it opened right up, like it was his pet pony. He bought the damned thing without even test driving it. I did call our other lot, though. I'll have another Mustang over here for you to try out in a couple of days."

"I think he could tell that I was disappointed."

"Hey, maybe that car just wasn't for you. Shit, I wouldn't have wanted it. That fucking car broke my God damned wrist and I got off lucky. The fucking thing is weird. Usually I can sell a Mustang in a couple of days or less. That car sat on my lot for over two weeks. First off, that loud ass yellow just isn't everyone's cup of tea. With that big assed motor in it, I have to sell that car at a premium price just to get my investment back and it's not this year's model or even last year's. And third, please don't look at me like I'm crazy, but there's something odd about that car. It's like it got a mind of its own. You're a nice guy. I'll find you something but that car just wasn't for you. The truck driver who delivered it is still in the hospital. He has noting good to say about it."

"What happened to him?" I asked.

"He delivered the car along with five others on his car hauler. When he took the chains off of it and rolled it down the ramp ... it must've been one of those weird scientific anomalies. I think he parked the truck on a hill so that the ramp was actually facing uphill. Anyway he put it in neutral and rolled it off of the truck and a little bit away from the truck so he could get the next car off. He turned around and the car rolled back up the ramp and crushed him between it and the other car. He has all kinds of internal injuries. The weird thing is that his body actually cushioned the blow enough that there wasn't a scratch on the car. And then, there's uh Joe..." he said looking downwards.

"As I left the lot that day, I realized that maybe the car was right. Perhaps I had been judged, I had been measured and I'd been found wanting. Perhaps I just wasn't Mustang material."

"When I drove home, the nineteen year old girl from down the street was taking care of my kids. She told me that Wendy had gone out grocery shopping and hadn't wanted to take the kids with her. There was nothing unusual about that. Wendy often borrowed her sister's car and did our shopping or ran errands while I was at work. What was unusual was that she wasn't back by the time I got home."

"Becky, the babysitter, looked me over and smiled."

"Where's Wendy?" I asked.

"She's out shopping," said Becky. "I guess it's just you and me."

"And the kids," I interjected, feeling nervous. "So how's, uh school?"

"I'm out," she said. "She moved closer to me then."

"Oh, so what college are you going to in the fall?" I asked.

"I'm not going to college," she said moving closer again. "I want to experience what life has to offer. I feel that experiential learning imparts its subject matter on a more primal level. And the lessons stay with us for far longer than things we simply memorize and regurgitate on demand."

"Uh, what kind of degree do you get from that?" I gulped. "I noticed that Becky was wetting her lips and looking up at me. Her lithe teenaged body was very ripe. Her breasts, while not nearly as large as Wendy's were upturned and hadn't been ravaged by gravity or child birth. Her legs were long and lean and so tan that they seemed impossibly beautiful in the casual shorts she wore."

"Her young ass was a work of art. One of her legs brushed against mine as she moved yet again. The stirrings in my nether regions told me that although my mind wasn't interested, my body was fully capable of accepting the situation."

"The phone rang and saved me from what could have been a tragic and ultimately premature situation."

"Hello," I gulped out. "The voice on the phone immediately snapped me back to reality. "I'll be right there," I practically screamed.

"I hung the phone up and turned to Becky. She was still looking at me like I was a chocolate dripped brownie during the craving point of her period."

"Can you watch the kids for a little bit longer?" I asked. "Wendy's in the hospital."

"When I got to the hospital, I was directed to a room where a bunch of cops both in and out of uniforms were swarming. As I approached the group, they all looked at me with the same mixture of pity and suspicion on their faces. I didn't have time for any of their bullshit so I started to just move through them and into the room."

"Cops apparently react to certain situations the same way that dogs do. It's just hard wired into their brains. When they see something run, they chase it. In this situation, they saw me as moving into the area that they thought they controlled, so they had to question me. Although I hadn't done anything wrong and had a perfect right to be there, they needed to establish control over the situation."

"Who are you?" asked one Alpha male. "Unlike in nature, the alpha males among the police force are determined by rank. In Nature, the strongest, fastest, and smartest survive. Among cops, it's the one with the most rank. Unfortunately, in my case, that was the officer who was also the most rank. He smelled like old piss and new cheese as he and his belly stepped into my path. I had to categorize them separately because his belly confronted me a full three seconds before the rest of his body."

"I smiled as he stepped in front of me, mostly because I could see a trace of white residue on one side of his mouth. It had to be either cocaine or powdered sugar left over from a recent visit to a donut shop."

"I'm the guy who you called and told to come down here because his wife was in the hospital," I said.

"Do you have any ID?" he asked.

"Yes I do," I said, stepping around him.

"He followed me and was obviously getting pissed. I don't blame him though because forcing that much weight to move quickly has to violate all kinds of physics laws."

"Hey, smartass," he yelled. "I asked you to see your ID."

"I turned and looked at him."

"No you didn't," I said smiling. "You asked me if I had any and I told you I did. You never asked if you could see it."

"Several of the cops and all of the medical personnel in the area laughed."

"Can I see your fucking ID SIR?" he grumbled. "He enunciated each syllable as if he was talking to a three year old. I truly believe that was supposed to intimidate me. I actually don't know why I was acting that way. I truly believe that not getting that Mustang had fundamentally changed me in some way."

"Probably not from where you're standing I said. My license is in my wallet, which is in my pocket, so unless you have x-ray vision, I don't think you can see it."

"Then I just walked into the room, leaving him standing there fuming."

"Inside the room, Wendy was lying down on a bed. She was being examined by a female doctor and a couple of nurses. They turned to regard me as I stepped into the room."

"He's my husband," said Wendy in a tear filled voice. The look they gave me after that was another of those mixed things. It was partly relief, partly acceptance, with a big dose of that pity thrown in."

"The next few moments filled me with shock, rage and pain. Wendy had been shopping at the supermarket that was only a few blocks from her sister's house. On her way back to the car, several young men, had forced her into an alley where they stole her purse, her cellphone and her credit cards. She'd thought that they were done with her. They'd actually started to walk away when two of them came back and forced her into a car. They drove her somewhere that she couldn't remember due to shock and panic. It was a musty old garage or warehouse."

"There, they'd stripped her and repeatedly gang raped her until they got tired of her. Then they'd simply left. Wendy had gotten up and put her damaged clothes back on and gone out into the street. She kept asking people for help until she finally got one woman to call the police."

"As I looked at her, she was in tears. She couldn't look me in the eye."

"None of this was your fault, Honey," I said. "You didn't do anything wrong. It's the animals who attacked you who have to pay for this."

"The nurses and technicians from the police department were taking pictures and measurements of the bruises and bite marks all over Wendy's body. Her breasts were bruised and her ass had been slapped so hard there were hand prints on it. There were numerous bite marks all over her body as well."

"I was filled with rage as she described the incident. They'd made her suck them all off and they'd each fucked her several times. A couple of them had even taken her anally, which was something that Wendy and I never cared for. As she described the incident she couldn't look me in the eye."

"Afterward, while I spoke to the doctor, I was too shocked to even know what my feelings about the incident were. A host of conflicting emotions went through me. I felt anger that this had happened to the person I loved more than anyone else on the planet. I felt a violent rage that made me want to find the men responsible and kill them all."

"I wanted to make sure they were all punished as severely as possible for what they'd done. At the same time, I just wanted to take my wife in my arms and protect her from all of this. I wanted to move away to a place that was secure and safe from all of this. As the thoughts ran through my mind, as if she could read them in my skull the doctor stroked my arm and spoke to me."

"The best thing for her," she said. " ... Is for you to let her know that you still love her. What you said when you first found out was perfect. You let her know that none of this was her fault. You let her know that you don't blame her for this. I hate to tell you this, but this is only the tip of the iceberg. The two of you are going to go through hell over the next few years trying to put this behind you."

"There are going to be periods of time that she holds onto you like a child. She'll be too afraid to have you very far away from her. She may show up at your job at all times of the day, just needing to be with you or be held by you. There will be other periods of time where she can't stand to be around you just because you're a man. There will be times when the two of you don't have sex because she can't get past what was done to her. Or times when she just wants to fuck the shit out of you to show you that the two of you won't let this beat you." I nodded.

"And after all of that, she's going to go through an emotional rollercoaster that your marriage may simply not survive. I'm going to give her several prescriptions both for the pain and to help her sleep. I'm going to give you the name of a great therapist that I hope can help the two of you through this."

"And that's how the nightmare started. And a nightmare is what it truly was. There were times when Wendy would wake up in the middle of the night screaming her lungs out as she dreamed about or remembered in great detail what had happened to her. There were other times when she folded herself so completely around me that I couldn't breathe. She needed to be held and couldn't get to sleep otherwise."

"I think the scariest time though was when she woke screaming and pushed me out of the bed demanding that I leave the house. She screamed so loudly that the police were called by a concerned neighbor. When the police arrived unexpectedly, Wendy was still screaming at me to leave."

"I was handcuffed and marched outside to a waiting cruiser in full view of my neighbors. Several of the neighbors attempted to explain to the police who I was. During this time a couple of the officers noticed several pictures in the house of Wendy and me together, including our wedding pictures. My kids woke up and came outside crying about the police taking their daddy away. The police had begun to listen then. They spoke to Wendy again and finally asked me some questions."

"I think the most telling moment was when Wendy started crying and asked them where her husband was. They escorted her out to the car that I was still handcuffed in, only to have her start screaming at them."

"Why have you locked my husband up," she screamed. "He didn't do anything wrong. I can't get to sleep without him."

"They released me from the cuffs then and sat down with me and I gave them the whole story about Wendy's tragic incident a few weeks earlier. They apologized and suggested counseling. I explained to them that "WE," and "SHE," were already in counseling. And that I was also undergoing counseling to help me process and deal with both what she was going through and how best to help her."

"During those first two months after the incident, I blindly held onto the hope that the turnaround was right around the corner. I hoped above hope that some tiny little thing would happen to snap Wendy back to the way she'd always been. There were signs that my Wendy was still there. There were mornings when I'd come downstairs and she'd be holding one of our kids and she'd look across the room to me and mouth the words, "I love you."

"I was sure that a return to normal was coming and it would be there soon. But there were also other times that let me know that we had a long way to go. There were points in time that made me feel like I was banging my fucking head against a wall for nothing. The times I hated the most were those when she just pointedly shut both me and our children out for no reason. She had days when she'd simply wake up and call Becky over to watch the kids and she'd just simply ignore us all while she remained locked inside her head."

"What I hadn't considered at that time was Becky. I guess we never really look too closely at the people around us unless we're in a relationship of some sort with them. There were things going on in Becky's life that I had never considered. Becky was the younger of two daughters. Her sister had gone to college and come home saddled with debt to go with her bright shiny new degree. She couldn't get a job in anything resembling the field that she'd chosen. So now she'd fallen back on that old standard and become a waitress. The funny thing about it is that waitressing barely paid her enough to cover the monthly payments on her college loans and cover a few expenses. She wasn't making enough to put anything away. If she'd simply started waitressing instead of going to college, not only would she not have the massive debt, she'd be a more experienced waitress so she'd make more money."

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This is a fiction and any resemblance of characters with any living being is regretted. I am an amateur writer, and seek your feedback. Aruna was confused. She did not know what was to happen. Lately Sudhakar’s behavior was baffling her. Sudhakar was their most honest and oldest handyman though he was 24 now. Since his childhood he was working along with his mother at her parental home and after her marriage to Arun, she had brought him to the city as a handy boy. In last 10 years he had...

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Scars Ch 02

Okay, well I probably should have put this at the beginning of my other chapter…but I kind of forgot so I’m putting it here. This is my technically my second submission, but it will be part of one big whole. Just like any other writer I love feed back, any and all. Also if anyone wants to help me on some other books…feel free to email me. Oh, and if you are looking for a quick book with sex…this isn’t it. I don’t even get to that point for many more chapters. I like to build up to it. All...

2 years ago
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Faceboook Porn And Sex

Hi, this is Shahid from Mumbai, and I am going to tell a story of my encounter with a stranger girl Debika whom I met on facebook. First let me tell about myself. I am tall, 6 ft, wheatish complexion and of a muscular build. My cock is 7 inches long , quite thick, 3 inch circumference anI was rubbing her pussy skin.private area clean and shaved. I am not a virgin and had sex with two different girls. My age is 31. I work in an MNC and do a lot of traveling within India and abroad. Now let’s...

1 year ago
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I Suspected and I Saw That Slut Part 2

Paul was just lying on the bed, savouring the mind blowing blowjob he just received from Karen. She was sitting there completely comfortable and confident in just her tiny underwear. They were making small talk as if what just happened was normal. I realised I was still hard after watching their sordid show, but wondered if there would be more. More so, I was surprised they hadn't noticed me spying at the window. Karen lay next to Paul, gently running her finger from his chest down to his...

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First Threesome Ch 2

male bisexual - oral sex – blowjob – cum – threesomeI ran back into my office as the phone rang. "Hello," I said in my normal business tone."Hi," he said.What the fuck?!?! He was calling me at work!!!The call startled me. It's not as if I'd forgotten last weekend's events. How could I? They were probably the most intense, and troubling, sexual episodes of my life. I'd been thinking a lot about them these last few days. And Lynn and I had talked about them a little, too. My thoughts were...

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Sex With The Maid

Hi! Guys, this is Prajwal. This is my first sex story as I’m new here. I wanted to share one of my sex experience with a worker lady. You can send me the feedback or thoughts on this sex story to I live in Bangalore, Karnataka. I’m 23 years of old. Like 3 yrs ago, my grandma passed away. She used to live in a village.We had assigned a lady to look after her.As she passed away, there was no one to stay in that house. Since I had study holidays, I told my parents that I would go there and stay...

2 years ago
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Cottage Trip Ch 1

Simon woke up with a start, as the alarm next to his bed started to go off, and he reached over to turn it off. He was a little tired, having had trouble falling asleep the previous night, but then again, he'd always had trouble sleeping before trips or holidays and this week at the cottage up north would be no exception. After all, it wasn't very often that he got to go to a private cottage for a week, since his family didn't have one. However, this was a special occasion. With only a month to...

3 years ago
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A driving fantasy

I was just driving along a lonely road in the Californiadesert watching the clouds build towards afternoonthunderstorms. Since my divorce these drives had becomemore common for me; they were a way to not be sittingat home moping. Up ahead I spotted something by theroad and as I got closer I could see that it was a personwalking. The person turned around a stuck out a thumb. Pickingup hitchhikers had never been my thing but this far outin the desert in the summer I couldn't just leave someone. I...

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A Sudden Awakening

I was lying on my back in bed and I could make out a shadow towering over me. Was this a dream? I knew it was not when he spoke to me in a deep voice. "Make one fucking sound bitch and I'll kill you" he whispered. I screamed into his hand, "MMMMnnnn! MMmmmm!" My screams were muffled by his hand. I tried to turn my body and wriggle free but his hand pushed down harder over my mouth and the weight of his body was too much for for me.. I tried to scream again and I saw him raise...

2 years ago
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caribbean fun

We were spending our third anniversary of swinging together on this sun-drenched Caribbean island. It was wonderful-sensuous moonlit tropical nights with the surf lapping at the shore; days around the pool and hanging out at the beach bar. It was intoxicating. Now we were in our cottage with the stranger that we had met at the bar. You and I had become acquainted with him when we were enjoying our rum drinks, and found him pleasant and charming. We invited him to join us for dinner, and he...

4 years ago
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My Sister8217s Cute Teen Friend

The setting–> I’m a B.Tech student and lives in delhi. Recently,my family recently bought a flat in jaipur and we usually go there in weekends and holidays. My sister is very friendly to girls,there she became best friend to my neighbours daughter. The girl is cute teen, short 5′,very fair and damn beautiful. I first saw her during dusshera and got strucked by her looks, decided I want her. I was a virgin and 19 years old.Initially I didn’t know how to start conversation with her, I also...

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My 18 Year Old Jessica A True Story Part 3

We went back to our routine of chit chatting at work. I found myself always wondering what she was wearing underneath and subsequently visualize her shaved tight pussy. I'd get a hint of a thong or a glimpse of a silky bra, but mostly Jessica would talk to me about normal stuff like TV shows and pissed off clients. Either way I had to concentrate very hard on losing my erection when lunch was over or I'd have been in for a very embarrassing walk down the hall. It had been about two weeks...

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College life 15

!***********************With classes here on Monday in late October, the weather seemed to changeovernight after a nice rain shower all through the night. I was ready andwoke Kris to start our first classes. To get the week started right, myprofessor announced we'd have a nice little test come Friday. If thatwasn't enough, in the next class, the bitchy old professor laid a test onus for Friday as well. Now, I wasn't happy and didn't hide my feelingswhen we ate lunch today with Jess and one of...

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Kein Safeword

I have published this story on another site before. Ich habe diese Geschichte bereits auf einer anderen Webseite für erotische Fiktion veröffentlicht. Ich stelle sie hier erneut ein, um zu erfahren, ob mein Stil zu CHYOA passt. Alle Personen sind 18 Jahre oder älter. Es war spät. Andere würden vermutlich sagen, es war schon wieder früh. Ich hatte mit den Jungs in unserer Stammkneipe das Spiel angeschaut. Der Sieg an diesem Freitagabend sicherte dem Club die Europa League Teilnahme und welch...

2 years ago
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Daytona Beach Desire Book IIIPrologue

As weddings settings go, it could not have been much prettier. The small church was made of grey stone, its steeple nearly obscured by the falling snow. The tiny parking lot was filled to capacity with the excess vehicles overflowing in both directions down the adjoining road. As was the custom of this parish, the walkways were lined with luminaries, small paper bags, the sides of each one carefully cut out to form a design of a dove or a cross or other holiday symbol, and then filled with a...

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DTF Tinder Date Switched Gay

This whole thing started when I broke up with my girlfriend. At the time, she had said I wasn't there sexually and emotionally for her needs, and that she needed space... whatever that means. We had been together for three years, living together for the last year. I guess it was the co-habitation that led her to grow irritated and bothered by me. I never saw it coming either; she just blindsided me one day and packed her stuff up the following day. That was three months ago. Since then, my luck...

1 year ago
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Bring cheryl

Tommy knew he was taking an awful chance, but if he was ever going to fuck Cheryl, he just had to let her watch him fuck either Miss Parsons or Miss Williams!!! If she could see how much pleasure he gave them with his big pecker, he was that then she would gladly let him put his penis into her cute little box!!! The trick was getting her to join him in Miss Parsons' room after school, if she suspected anything, she wouldn't show up! Then it hit him, why not have Miss Parsons make Cheryl stay...

3 years ago
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My Bisexual Teacher and His Wife

So I just posted about the first time I made love with a man. We had been having sex for about six months when what I am about to write happened.He was married and he had a very attractive wife. She had red hair, a nice thick body and big natural tits. My cock always got hard when I saw her and sometimes when he and I were having sex I would sometime imagine her being there. I even asked him about the possibility of her joining us one day and he said no as she did not know that he was...

4 years ago
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Perchance To Dream Pt 4

“Jim, I’ll see you in a few days. Okay? Honey?” “Yeah,” I responded to Mel. “Of course, babe. I was just… just missing you already!” I forced a smile and a small laugh. I watched Mel as she walked away from me towards the elevator of my hotel. She valet parked, so there wasn’t any reason for me to follow her downstairs. She gave me a smile and a little wave as she stepped into the elevator car. Reluctantly, I stepped back into my hotel room. God, I hate this place. But,...

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As I was on my way to get fucked, I reflected, once again, what I was up to... I was a married guy, happily married, who liked getting another guy. It wasn't love, yuck. It was an extremely pleasant diversion that no one except a guy could provide. It messed with my mind when I thought about it, but in spite of my best intentions, I couldn't stay away. Tommy was the first, last, and only guy to ever fuck my ass. He was 35, 15 years younger than I, whom I had come to meet somewhat...

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The Tides Of War Pt 01

Chapter 1 The look on Andrews face as he came through the door, said it all for him. Removing his hat, he sat down and poured out a drink from the scotch bottle on the table by the side of the bed. He drank it in one swallow, his face lined with suppressed anger. ‘The bastards have blocked any introduction other than the charge of disobeying an order. The Colonel at least had the decency to look embarrassed, but it seems the only charge is that you willfully disobeyed the order. No...

2 years ago
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Miss Tiffany Fulfilling Her Dream

Miss Tiffany Fulfilling Her Dream Finally, I had everything I needed to dress up for a little fantasy today.  Ever since I was a little boy, I had always thought my neighbor Steven was extremely handsome and sexy.  At 6 feet 3 inches, Steven is exactly what described as tall, dark, hard tone and muscular.  Tonight, I would finally have my chance to fulfill a fantasy to show him just how much I wanted him.  When I was growing up, I always heard he was ladies man with many women lusting and...

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LaredoChapter 7

The Circuit Judge decided to hold the trial in Anderson, since that was where Basilio "Reverend" Zanetti's last crime took place. He was unrepentant and just rubbed the judge the wrong way. The judge tried to find some reason to moderate the sentence by asking, "Mr. Zanetti, Please tell the court why you masterminded these heinous kidnappings of children." "I will not demean myself by explaining my actions to these peasants! They are not worthy to judge me!" Zanetti thought to...

4 years ago
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Three Blackbirds Outside Akeing MiddlesbroughChapter 2

Frances McDermot, had had a busy week, what with the new premises nearly complete, parts of the original tarted up and the birth of her eight grand child. Her waste of space, transgender secretary had left under a cloud of discrimination, handsomely paid off by the trustees to keep her/him quiet and the temporary girl wasn’t too bright either, being a real hick from the worst and most deprived estate in town. The boss decided to have a massage and shower in the brand spanking new...

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Double Dating With the Parents Version BravoChapter 7

"It's a good thing Daddy didn't know your parents are out of town," said Mandy, as Claudia poured Coke over the ice cubes in a glass. "What parents don't know won't hurt them," said Claudia. "After all the help you've given me in algebra, I had to help you. Besides, I'm not allowed to date either. Reggie about went crazy when I told him my parents were going out of town." I bet," said Mandy. "You guys have been going together for a while, right?" "Almost six months," said...

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The Morning Glory Part 1

This is a work of fiction.I was 19 and it was the first time I'd lived away from home, I shared a flat with two other guys, Cal and Luke, it was the only way we could afford the rent and it gave us some independence, they were nice guys as far as I knew and we had fun together, innocent stuff really.Until that morning.We'd had a fun night before, a little too much to drink maybe from the pain in my head and my dry mouth but it was worth it, talking about the women we'd fuck and the ways in...

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Banding the Cuck

I do love it when Master calls and gives me an assignment, although I do have to be careful. When he orders me to do something, I know that I will be punished if I fail. When he asks me to do something, I know that I will be rewarded if I succeed.This was a request and I was keen to please him. He informed me that slut Ann would also be involved along with the cuck 634. From the moment that Master took the three of us from the cuck he insisted that we refer to each other as sluts and cucks; I...

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Ethans Revenge Part II

Robert Carter, better known as fat Bob, is the owner of the butcher shop, that Ethan frequently visits. He stands 5'11", weighing 425 lbs., with jet black hair and green eyes. Ethan walked up to the counter, grinning wide, "hey Bob, I'm doing pretty good." Fat Bob chuckled, "looks like it, what's with the shit-eating grin?" Ethan's grin faded a little, "well let's just say I had a good day at work." Robert looked down at the meat he was cutting, "uh huh, looks more like a...

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Rendezvous IIChapter 23

Hairy Good lord, back in class again. Although I’d never stopped learning now I was getting educated. There is a difference. Learning usually happens because I survived. Survival is generally accompanied by sweat, blood and tears ... sometimes feces and urine feature prominently. “I Told you so,” is frequently heard. I hate that part. Educated has instructors and books. Books seldom cause blood ... except a paper cut or two. I never was very good at math and flying has math. At least...

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Start Every Day With a SmileChapter 16

Roman begins to slowly undress the squirming Lucy, removing her shirt. When she sits up to assist him in removing the shirt form her shoulder, she kisses him deeply at the same time. Lucy isn’t wearing a bra so her breasts tumble into view once the shirt is removed. He gently pushes her back onto the bed and then dips his head to kiss her distended nipples. His mouth gently surrounds one and he teases it with the tip of his tongue. The woman moans and arches her back, feeding her breast to...

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Willows Story

N.B. I've noticed sometimes, but not always, a small problem caused when I change to Rich Text Format from Word that some accents on or under letters get lost. For example Provencal should have a cedilla under the 'c' but comes out as Proven(al in my story 'The Pre-nuptial Agreement'. In the following story is the word 'melee' and this has a circumflex over the first e and an acute accent over the second e. Sometimes it reproduces correctly, other times it doesn't. Having gone to...

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The Commander

With fairly good looks, sunkissed skin and light brown hair you are very unassuming, able to be just another face in the background an trait you have used to your advantage. Your life up until this point hadn’t been the easiest kicked out by your homophobic parents as a teen you had spent the last few years on the streets. Barely scraping by you became disillusioned with life, so when at the age of 18 when you discovered your ability to control people with only your words you did not become...

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A Troubled Mind Ch 03

This morning I congratulated myself on my ability to weather the storm of abuse and torment I have been forced to suffer. True, I had launched into a tirade the other day, an outburst, venting my spleen at Pastor Michael, condemning him for the selfish and evil way he has handled my dilemma. No more will I succumb to his unsavoury influences. Wanting to be rid of me now (does he feel guilt or fright that I might tell the world that he misused his power to try and seduce me, to satisfy his...

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Slut Anns history in her own words

SLUT ANNMy name is Ann, well actually, it's been Slut Ann most of my life. My body has ruled me always. My nipples would itch, then when I played with them or scratched them, a charge would go through my body and make me crazy, insanely horny. Once that happened. I would need to cum many times to settle down. It was intense and consumed me.I always found ways go to the bathroom or some other spot to quickly pinch my nipples and cum. My body shakes when I cum and the first 5 or 6 orgasms are...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess6e2 Raquel Ferdinand 33

We’re looking at the pretty but increasingly fake features of our hostess – Charley Ozvik. Her nose a little too slim and pointy, her jaw too defined, her teeth too perfect. There’s not a line on her face and when she talks her face barely moves. It’s a little like watching a Thunderbird puppet talking. A very sexy Thunderbird puppet! She’s wearing a tight blouse, the top few buttons undone to show off plenty of her fake cleavage and fragments of a huge tattoo that’s across her chest....

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Highland Incest

Robin had a magical upbringing. Not only did he have the two most incredible parents, but he also grew up in affluent surroundings. Malcolm, his father, owned one of the only privately owned distilleries left in Scotland, producing an exceptional, single malt whisky. Their customers were passionate buyers, willing to pay a hefty price for their whisky. Although Malcolm had often received unbelievable offers to buy his distillery, he was not interested in the slightest. The business had been in...

Gay Male
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Maami Mia Khalifa Ki Mast Chudai

Hi readers, mera naam karan hai aur main delhi mein rehta hu aur ek multinational company mein job karta hu. Aaj main aapke sath ek sachchi ghatna share karne ja raja hu jo meri aur meri maami ki hai. Wo din main kabhi nahi bhul sakta jise aaj yaad karte huye bhi mera lund khada ho raha hai aur paani chhod raha hai. Meri maami uttarakhand ki hai aur aap logo ko pata hoga ki waha ke log kitne gore hote hain. Mere mama ki shaadi unse pichle saal hi hui thi but main wo shaadi attend nahi kar paaya...

4 years ago
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A Show of RealityChapter 11

The dish above continued to alternate pops and showers of electrical sparks with a deeply disturbing humming sound, and I saw that above the platform, there was a semi-spherical shape loosely defined by the same sort of firefly-sparkles that had accompanied the earlier transformations. More disturbingly, the computer voice chose that moment to announce calmly, "Communication with the secondary dish has been lost," and then without missing a beat, "Communication with the secondary dish has...

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Mother Son india

Rajiv was only 19 years old. Rajiv's father name was Dipak and rich businessman in city. His mother Rupa was the house wife. Rupa was 39 years old now. She was a modern up-to-date free lady, regularly visit to clubs and gim. Rupa like to dress very conservatively. She understood the modern concept of sex and liked it better. Her husband Dipak was busy most of the time with his business, cannot give much time to his wife. Rupa was happy, but her sexual life was far from what she desires. As a...

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Youre Not My Mom

"Your Not My Mom!" is an interactive story that is mainly focused on the possession theme. There isn't a main protagonist, you could use whoever you want and you can even add new characters but, if you do so, at least add a small description of them. Even though, as you can tell from the title, the story is mainly focused on possessing moms you can even possess other people if it is helpful for the story. You can be either the mom, her son or the possessor, it's your choice. Now I will add a...

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Alone And Pregnant Chapter 2

Even though my cock was as stiff as a steel pipe and I was looking forward to thrusting it deep into that pregnant pussy, I also had no problem spending some more time gorging myself on her and at the same time pleasuring her and satisfying that lack of cunnilingus she had been experiencing. It would make her happy and "tenderize" her for the fucking to come. Plus it would make an invitation to return for another meal more likely!Moaning and whimpering and pushing back at me, she was soon on...

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Beautiful Niece Kaylee Ch3

Introduction: Things continue the next day. I have changed the age of my Niece to be compliant with the rules. This also throws off all future timelines. I apologize for any confusion, however I hope you will understand. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 3 I awoke at the sound of footsteps outside my bedroom door. From the light coming through the window I could tell it must still be early morning. Normally, I can probably sleep through a train...

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My first time with a man true

One night I was hanging out with my good friend Rich. Rich was a big guy, 6'4" about 240, big Nordic looking guy. We were hanging out listening to music, just bullshitting, drinking beers and smoking weed. About 1:30 in the morning we started to get drowsy. I didn't really want to see him drive home, we were loopy enough to be an issue if a cop pulled him over. I suggested he crash on the floor. My bed was a pull out couch in the living room, so we were in the same room. I went and got some...

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Der Planet

Wir schreiben das Jahr 2372 nach den Correctness Kriegen, die Menschheit hat ihre Zersplitterung überwunden, zusammen mit aller Hand nutzloser Dinge, wie zum Beispiel überholte Ideologien, Krankheiten oder Vorurteile. Vor fast 2000 Jahren war es dann der Menschheit gelungen, aus ihrem Sonnensystem auszubrechen und entferntere Sterne zu besiedeln. Vor 1000 Jahren war die Universale Liga zerbrochen und Chaos hatte vom menschlichen Teil des Universums Besitz ergriffen. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt war der...

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I AM NUMBER 69 CAW 12 Entry

The heat waves shimmered in the distance, inexorably rising off the sand in an unmerciful display of mother nature's authority. In the midst of the chaos of Dubai, the recovery truck was nowhere to be found. Off to the left, Abu Dhabi race track could be heard, the police were signalling the traffic to move on and watch for yet another broken down jeep; ours. It was the summer of 69. It was the summer of travel and mystery. This story starts on day three of my summer adventure...

3 years ago
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Jias Awakening Ch 3

Introduction: Jia gets her first cock Jias Awakening Chapter 3 – Jias first time Let me recount whats happened so far. A few weeks ago I was seduced by a 15 year old neighbour named Erica and weve been fucking ever since. Im bisexual myself and weve enjoyed some games together where she uses a dildo on me and I wear panties for her too. But mostly she enjoys me fucking her. Shes a cute 5 foot tall Brazilian girl with B cup firm tits, and a nice shaved tight pussy. Then one day she knocked on...

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Golden Ball

The Golden Ball THE GOLDEN BALL(by [email protected])    ?Oh, blest are they who beheld these last years and breathed their autumnal air full of rot and corruption! But twice blest is he who suffered the touch of their knowing, sinful flesh...???????????? ? From a medieval manuscript kept at the abbey of St. Colomannus.    1. One cold evening in late October, 1785, an open coach rattled along the dark and narrow Parisian streets, its wheels disturbing the chilly fog that crept over the...

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Rudimentary Porno Routine

“ Without shame the man I like knows and avows the deliciousness of his sex, Without shame the woman I like knows and avows hers.” Walt Whitman – A Woman Waits For Me        I’m always reaching out for some kind of foothold to what might lead to eventually a complete aesthetic erotic experience – the kind I found in my younger days when sex was somehow a brave new world and more trepid in the imagining of its possibilities .When I can feel the moths in my craw attempting mutiny,...

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My First Sex Experience

MyFirst Sex Experience I always knew that I am a lesbian, and never been able to imagine myself kissing a guy or touching a guy, I was always attracted to one women and one women only, she is my step mom, a gorgeous blond with brown eyes with an amazing body d cup breasts and nice ass and long legs. She was married to my dad when I was only 9 years old and she loved him and me and it was the only mom I ever had. And because I really loved her and desired her I never told her that I am a...

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Clarissas Final Pleasure

__________________________________________ Clarissa had first come to him several months ago. She had told him about her illness, a viral infection that attacks the heart and lungs. The doctors had told her that the progress of the disease varied from a month or two up to a year, but, in 99 % of the cases, the illness was fatal. She had wanted to make the arrangements now, while she still could. She had made numerous visits to his office in the succeeding weeks. Together, they had made all...

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A beauty in Agra

It was 30 min past 5 on a foggy winter evening of December 2003 in Agra when I got a call from my office colleague while I was gulping down the second bottle of beer in the bar. She frantically said the boss was looking for me and he is quite annoyed. Her words made my mind swirled & I went to the past one and a half hours before when I had an argument with my boss on the remuneration of a colleague. I couldn’t bear the sick sucking behavior of my boss and decided to vent my anger on the beer....

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The Monks Power

THE MONK'S POWER How I got there The Monastery Janan Marish's story The Tour Jakeed What Next Marish's Gift Dalark The Omni My memory returns The Master's Death The Monk's Power How I got there As I slowly woke up, several realizations occurred to me at the same time. I was freezing although I was covered with heavy coverings and didn't even have my face exposed to the frigid mountain air. I also hurt all over and knew that my body had been badly...

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