The Captured Princess Ch. 08 free porn video

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We sat, strapped in, watching the blur of the old tunnel wall, seeing each flash of the overhead lights in the ceiling as we passed them, two each second. If the track had been laid straight, and we had been going at full speed, the trip would have taken less than a minute. But I hadn’t dared specify full speed, and the track curved and twisted — it had been designed as a joyride, not serious transportation.

I tore my eyes from the blur of the walls and focused on the controls. I was not an engineer. I was a woman who, as a girl, had been caught up in (and secretly fascinated by) my brother’s madcap imaginary adventures, many of which had involved daring escapes on a 14-B. He’d printed up a mockup of the control cabin, accurate in all details, and in it we’d flown from imaginary advancing armies, hid in tunnels from air strikes, taken on refugees and smuggled weapons, and dealt with temperamental engine breakdowns (these always occurred at critical moments like a steep track descent or an arrival at a station, so I always knew when they were coming.) In fact we’d had so many imaginary bizarre engine failures that he’d ended up drilling me extensively in the controls and on the fly recovery procedures.

The indicators all glowed a reassuring blue-green. This was not an imaginary madcap adventure, and we were fine. I turned my mind to the problems of the real world.

‘What becomes of me, Lord Tir?’

‘We escape and live happily in a new land,’ he said instantly.

‘Or Tir shoots us,’ Enjine added helpfully.

‘Or that,’ Tir said, smiling a little. We were all giddy with the excitement of the flight, of the dangers and uncertainties.

‘No, I mean… assume we do escape. You have some place to go, so there we are going. But what happens to me?’

Enjine opened her mouth and immediately shut it again. It was not her place to comment. Tir looked me over, and I suddenly remembered I was naked. My hand slid over my flower, but I did not bother trying to conceal my breasts.

‘In the short term, you are my possession, my slave. In the long term, I have no idea.’

‘And how does this even come to pass? Were you planning to leave all along? With Enjine? How do I fit in?’

‘I’d always wanted Enjine to be mine. I was also unhappy with the way the kingdom’s politics were going. No one wanted a kingdom under Arj, but Raka isn’t ideal either. He’s very fond of war as a solution to everything, and he wants the planet for his own, and that is a path to ruin. So for years I’ve been carefully moving my assets to a more stable nation. And then you showed up. Arj made a lot of fanfare about your capture and boasted you’d be his whore within the month. That kind of talk plays well in this country, and success would have positioned him ahead of Raka in the esteem of the nobles and common people. But I am old enough to remember a more honorable way of treating the conquered. And I do not want Arj as Raja. So it occurred to me that if you could have resisted him, or even be whisked away, his capture of you could be his undoing.’

He ran a hand over Enjine’s breast, and she smiled and closed her eyes. ‘Enjine and I have been becoming closer for over a year now. She was unhappy under Arj. There’s only so much conditioning can do, it can force sexual responsiveness and obedience, but it can’t compel love. Only a man can compel a woman’s love, and Arj is in a very real sense a boy, not a man… She and I discussed ways to keep you from breaking, or to help you escape. We both did what we could to encourage you and keep you strong. There was little we could do though.’

‘We did not do badly,’ Enjine said. ‘I chased off that Tormentor pretending to be a guard, before he could fuck with your head. I watched as the Prince analyzed your progress and I learned your strengths. I even fed you some of my precious chocolate to give you a distraction when you needed one. Tir did his best to feed you scraps of respect, even while playing the Prince’s man. But in the end we could not do very much, you survived as long as you did because, as Lord Tir said, there is only so much conditioning can do against a strong will.’

‘It can do a great deal,’ I said, quietly. ‘If the Prince were here now, I woul-‘

There was a violent thump, and we’d all have been thrown from the seats if not for the straps. Then there was an unholy squeal of tortured metal and a terrifying vibration, and indicators on the controls started going red and orange. Tir cursed and reached for the brake.

I was faster. Later I realized I was hyped on two different kinds of stimulants, but at the time all I could do was wonder why Tir was moving so slowly. I slapped his hand away from the brake, hit the override and shoved the accelerator to full.

The squeal of metal grew louder but that did not matter. The vibration was what was going to kill us, and for a terrifying second it grew worse. My hand snapped to the manual trim controls, things you don’t touch when a train was in motion. I touched them, hard. Somewhere behind us a blazing array of sparks washed out from the train, garishly lighting the tunnel around us. The train gave a terrifying lurch and the ceiling got much too close, I’d gotten it wrong. I tried to re-adjust, but too late, the tail end of the train left the grip of the magnets and whipped upward, smashing into the ceiling…

Instantly I hit the emergency disconnect, and the last three cars of the train, intended for freight, detached, just as we passed Mach 1. Because of our speed the chaos behind us seemed eerily silent, but in the rear screen I watched three cars spinning off the track, tearing the tunnel apart and turning orange-hot as they disintegrated.

Speed of sound in rock is over Mach 10, we couldn’t outrun this-

But the train stiffened and the vibration died away. So at least the train wouldn’t tear itself to pieces, but if the ceiling kept collapsing-

Chunks of stone suddenly fell around us, but at our speed they looked and acted like projectiles flying at the train. One hit the front of the train dead on, but shattered, and the train took the impact in stride, they don’t make them like this anymore-

Station Ahead, Reduce Speed, flashed the indicator. We passed Mach 1.5, things blurred, but all that mattered was the ceiling, where’s the steel, where’s the moondamned steel-

Light and dim silverness , all around us. I slammed the brake on and wondered if I’d black out from the deceleration.

I didn’t, but I wished I had. I vomited and my vision reddened. The train overshot the station by a mere 300 meters, and then, to my surprise, stopped and began to back up, calmly, as if I hadn’t just fucked with every aspect of its design and construction.

We pulled into a cute little replica of a station, still deep underground, and the train whrrred softly and cycled off. Outside, clouds of dust trickled past us, and there were faint rumbles.

I sat, patted the controls, and cried.


Tir’s hand landed on my shoulder, and so did Enjine’s.

‘Let me guess,’ Tir said. ‘You read.’

‘I was so scared,’ I whispered. ‘Oh moon. I wet myself and threw up. I’m sorry.’

‘That’s fine. I get the impression we’re alive because of whatever you just did.’

‘Huh. Yeah. The poor train, I ripped it to shreds…’

Tir got out, after banging the stuck door open. He looked back, but there wasn’t much to see except for the dust. ‘Probably. I’m curious, what happened?’

‘Tunnel collapse. My brother and I used to pretend- no, I’m not going into that. As a high speed train moves through a tunnel it pushes a big pressure wave of air in front of it. Not a problem normally, but this tunnel hasn’t been maintained for hundreds of years. There’s probably been flooding and shifting and who knows what else. So the pressure wave up ahead of us stressed something and the ceiling began to collapse. Part of it hit the train and the
train got unstable, and that’s instant death at those speeds. But by accelerating you stabilize the train — it stiffens and sinks down, gripping the… eh, never mind. I screwed up getting things stable again and had to release the cars, and that just smashed up more of the tunnel, which triggered more collapse.’

‘So why aren’t we buried now?’

‘Stations and the approaches to stations are wrapped in steel, so even if there’s a collapse it only takes out tunnels, not stations.’

‘So I think what I get from all that, is if I’d slowed the train down, we’d be buried and crushed.’

‘Um… no. Buried and smeared. We’d have spun off the track in the collapse and smashed into volumes of stone. Human bodies turn to jelly in those conditions.’ I smiled shakily at the controls. ‘No one’s ever died in a 14-B, though. I was so scared I’d ruin her perfect record.’

Enjine squatted down and looked into my face. ‘You are the strangest female I have ever met. Can we leave now?’

‘I’m shaking so badly I don’t know if I can walk.’

‘Lord Tir would be happy to put you over his shoulder and carry you into the city, ass first.’

‘Oh. I’m fine, let’s go.’


We climbed a long, narrow, dusty stairway. Enjine and I were talking. Tir was ahead, largely ignoring us.

‘Women cannot do the things men do,’ Enjine said. ‘It’s biology. We’re not meant to fight and kill, to rule, to investigate the sciences. Our minds work differently. And it’s true in reverse. Men can’t do the things we do.’

‘Bah,’ I said. My father had been very fond of saying bah, and I decided I’d carry on the tradition. ‘That’s mostly upbringing. I was raised by my older brothers, since kings and queens get busy in wartime. I can fix a hovercraft, I can dig holes and find worms and catch fish with them and I can clean the fish. And I can drive a train,’ I added, proudly.

‘Badly,’ said Tir.

‘Better than you,’ I retorted. ‘I agree about not fighting and killing, though. But that’s not an essential skill. It’s just something men do because they don’t know how to negotiate.’

‘No,’ Enjine said. ‘It’s something they do to get more women for themselves. Winner gets the spoils.’

‘That’s how Prince Arj thinks,’ I said. ‘Proof that it’s probably wrong. My father was wiser, he said that men got more women by growing food than killing men. Sounds funny, but I see now what he meant. As woman we want security, plenty, peace…’

‘You also want confidence in a man’s ability to fight for what’s needed,’ Tir said. ‘Don’t try to tell me about how women are all sweet and pacifistic and peaceable. Show me a man who has hacked his way through a battle and emerged victorious with the blood of the fallen dripping from his sword, and I’ll show you a man who’s going to get laid by his pick of the women that night.’

‘Said the man who’s been there and laid his pick of the women,’ said Enjine. ‘And sometimes more than one a night.’

‘Never more than two,’ he said. ‘That’s just proper manners.’

‘He tried three once,’ Enjine murmured to me. ‘He couldn’t actually-‘

Tir’s hand was suddenly around Enjine’s throat, her back was against a wall and her toes were an inch from the floor. ‘In our long life together,’ he told her, ‘I will make it a project to tame your tongue, so help me stars.’


I will skip over some of the details. The city was being locked down and troops were everywhere, but the forgotten station’s forgotten emergency exit opened into a city guard station that was nearly deserted, with every man on the streets, looking for us. I snuck up and knocked out the one guard who was between us and the waiting carriage, with the injection I’d stolen earlier. In the carriage we were able to quickly clean and dress, and my hair was turned an oriental, inky-black under Enjine’s quick ministrations. She made me up to look oriental as well. If we were stopped and examined closely, it was unlikely to fool anyone, and if there was any doubt there would be a DNA test, but it was perhaps better than nothing.

Enjine made up Tir as well, coloring his hair and smoothing wrinkles, and adding a beard. He looked fifteen years younger, and I found I did not prefer him that way, but I did not dwell on it. The carriage took us into an airport and we were loaded onto a cargo plane, but once inside a man instantly packed us into crates which were being hurriedly offloaded from the plane. Later we learned that the plane was shot down for contravening a suddenly imposed flight ban.

Our crates were carted around, stored, carted again, loaded onto a train… we could not talk, there was no food and only one bottle of water in the crate, and, as I realized four hours into our travels, no provision for dealing with pressing biological needs. I shall say no more.

We were uncrated in a noble’s house in a different country. We were free.

A slave arranged much needed baths for the three of us, scrubbed off our disguises, informed us that the Lord of the house had given us three days to find other lodging, and in the meantime we were free to eat, drink, and keep a very low profile.

Late in the second day, Tir — no longer a Lord, but a rather wealthy man — moved us into a hired apartment high in a tower overlooking a beautiful city. As soon as the slaves unpacked a few goods he’d bought, he opened a glassee screen, gathered us to him, and began to speak.

‘My name is Tir Saros, and until recently I was a Great Lord of the nation of Narsana. I have left my land and title in protest of certain events orchestrated by a member of the royal family, and in protest of Narsana’s recent treatment of prisoners in general. With me, of their own free will, are Enjine, formerly chief concubine and slave to Prince Arj of Narsana, and the Princess Alani Silvermere of fallen Kilmjada, recently enslaved by Prince Arj, in violation of the laws and customs of Narsasa and all civilized nations of this world. I wish it known that we are safe and well, far from Narsana’s borders. I miss my homeland but I cannot in good faith support the actions of Prince Arj. I flout his authority and denigrate his character as unworthy, and find him unfit to be my prince. I call upon the people of my land to consider carefully his character and actions, and remember that we are a proud nation, and our pride is based in our honor. I shall not return, or speak again of Narsana, until Prince Arj is permanently removed from the succession.’

He tapped Send, and Dismiss. A tear trickled down his face, but then he looked at us, and smiled.


I was on the balcony, watching moonrise, when he made his move.

I was wearing dark blue harem pants, and was topless. I didn’t know why I liked being topless now, it was something that Arj had somehow lodged in me, and someday I’d fight it and win free, but for today I just marveled at the feeling of air on my nipples. There were bangles on my wrists, and high heels on my feet, and I’d begun to experiment with makeup, under Enjine’s tutelage. I was not yet twenty five, but the customs of my country were becoming less important to me. I was no longer a virgin, no longer a princess, now I was simply a woman. And arguably a slave. Tir referred to me as such, but he didn’t treat either I or Enjine exactly as one. He made passing reference to the fact that in this land, only nobility could keep slaves, and he was not a noble. I smelled a rationalization.

There was movement behind me, I ignored it. He knew I was ignoring it, too.

His hands settled, lightly, on my hips. ‘Good evening, Princess.’

‘Good evening, Lord.’

‘So, this is how it’s to be? To each other, we are still titled?’

‘If you like. But in fact, I am a slave girl and you are a man.’

I hadn’t meant it to sound quite that sexually charged, but his hands tightened on me, and the shiver I felt was not unpleasant.

‘Lean back against me,’ he whispered against my e
ar. It was a cool evening, and I did.

His hands crossed to my belly, and stroked, very slowly.

‘Where is Enjine?’ I asked, conversationally.

‘Watching, probably.’

He was probably right. I made a non-committal sound.

His hands slid up, and very slowly massaged the base of my breasts. After a few moments, I bit my lip. His lips found my ear, and he bit down, gently.

‘When you first took me,’ I said in a remarkably steady voice, ‘you were my rescuer. Except you weren’t. Except you were. It has been a little confusing. When a woman gives herself, there has to be a reason. She has to believe the man is worthy, or she’s giving comfort, … men don’t a reason. Women do. And in the end I have seen that you are worthy, but I am a Princess, Lord, and my standards are necessaria-‘



‘Shut up.’

‘You may learn to tame Enjine’s tongue, but min- oh stars and moon stop, stop that, stop-‘

His teeth bit gently into the side of my neck, just where it meets the shoulder, and his hands massaged my breasts, roughly. My nipples, already erect from the cool wind, wrote pleas and invitations across his palms. Languidness flooded me, and my eyelids nearly closed. I could whisper stop from core rise to moonset, but he’d hear the shivers of my skin and the fluttering of my eyelashes and that damnable licking of my lips, and not one word I said.

And then his fingers caught my nipples, and squeezed down, sending jets of fire into my belly. My absurd words turned into a soft moan.

‘Look down,’ he whispered against my ear. I did, and watched his strong, capable hands tease the nipples, pull them taut, and then bite in lightly with fingernails. My legs went weak, and after a few moments my head fell back on his shoulder.

One hand came up, and he traced a fingertip over my lips, lips made slightly slick by Enjine’s application of a glossy gel. His finger parted them, and I closed them but he simply repeated the gesture, and I found I couldn’t close them again. He tuned my head and kissed at the corner of my mouth, and instantly I was back at the ruins with him, trusting him too much, kissing him timidly, and then… less timidly. He’d made me burn, and my body had learned to dance in the flames. It wanted to dance again now, and shuddering, I fought to hold it back, and hold it back and then I was kissing him, kissing him opened mouthed, hungrily.

But I broke that kiss, before I lost everything. ‘You have Enjine. What do you need another woman for?’

‘I’m not even going to dignify that with an answer.’

Men, I thought.

His hand drifted down my belly, and my thoughts turned to confusion, that sweet confusion that a woman could fight off if she wanted to, but somehow never does. Clarity returned somewhat when his hand dipped into my pants.

‘On the balcony? No. You’re the same as Arj — you want to show the world you can have your way with a princess.’

‘No. I want something much better than that. I want to show the world I have a princess who wants me to have her. I want to bask in the love of a princess.’

‘Don’t you dare use the Love word with-‘

His hand plunged in and his finger curled, and I was already so very wet for him. I had been for two days, the bastard had been going around shirtless, working his swordsman and punching exercises, and spanking Enjine’s ass, whenever she spoke inappropriately. Which I think she did occasionally so she could be spanked, in front of me.

‘Stop!’ But it was a moaned whisper, breathy and sexy, a plea in denial’s clothing.

A second finger joined the first, and they spread out within me and twisted, slow and merciless and strong, and with his other hand forced a kiss from me, his tongue moving in the same slow, ruthless rhythm as his fingers. Somehow the combination was hypnotic, every thought and feeling flowed to his movement.

I was outraged. Really I was. I was so outraged my legs were useless and my lips were soft and yielding and my eyes were slowly fluttering closed — I was surprised to learn that really did happen. I was so outraged I sucked his lower lip without realizing I was doing it, and when he pressed his thumb against my bud and circled it mercilessly, my arms went up and circled his head and pulled him into a tighter kiss. That is how angry I was. I’d punish him by being bad in bed, I decided, and then I thought about that and shivered, yes, I’d be bad, I’d be so, so bad. Some of the things I’d read in the library in my captivity…

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The Beauty Princess

The Beauty Princess Or (My Ode to Alleta) *Note From Priscilla*: Hi girls. This is a story where I took some ideas from the real life of a very sexy and sweet Trans Girl named Alleta. She is a gorgeous Southern California Filipina Lady Boy Night Club Girl. Much of this is fiction of course. Thank you so much Alleta honey! I hope you enjoy this? I loved writing it girl! Priscilla. A story of change, redemption, and coming of age, by Sissy Miss, Priscilla Gay Bouffant I always...

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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Chapter 4 Fertile Princess

Book Three: The Rogue's Passionate Harem Part Four: Fertile Princess By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Chapter Ten: Function and Form Kora Falk – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch Theophil ran his finger across the facet of the ruby, his blue eyes growing studious. “Biomancer Vebrin...” The way he said the name made my skin crawl. I swallowed, hating that I was so close to him right now. As he moved the gem in his hand,...

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Liaison with a Princess

I had been a member of Lush Stories for not quite one year. I enjoyed writing stories of past sexual experiences and fantasizing about those I'd not had. Being able to express myself and interact with other like minded folks was in some ways relaxing, while also sensually, sexually stimulating. A young woman who went by the screen name of Green Princess was one of the first to friend me online. Over a period of time, Green Princess and I developed a fairly interactive and sensual friendship....

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Pine Ridge to Princess

From Pine Ridge to Princess. The afternoon sun shone brightly on the Berghoff, its snow covered peak dazzlingly white against the clear blue sky. The city was almost deserted everyone seemed glued to their TVs or lining the streets from the Palace to the Cathedral for today Prince Boris was to marry and they were to have a new princess who would one day be their queen. A glamorous young woman from the USA, Jessica May Blanchard from Pine Ridge Nebraska known to the whole world as US...

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EllenChapter 34 The Royal Princess

It was a week later. Ellen sat in her coach heading towards Kensington Palace, the seat of the Duchess of Kent, the Princess Victoria of Sachse-Coburg-Saalfeld. She was the widow of Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathearne, the fourth son of King George III. Their sole offspring, Alexandrina Victoria, styled the Princess Victoria of Kent, was heir apparent to King William. Ellen was about to meet the fifteen year-old Princess at the behest of the King. The reception was frosty. The Duchess spoke...

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The Proper Rape of a Princess

***WARNING: This story is actually a short story. If you are looking for instant sex, find a new story or scroll down half a page. This story is longer so that you can be engrossed in it, you can know the characters, their motivations; you can feel their pain and you can understand the plot. All making for a much more sickening and horrible experience when the rape does occur. (Still, it's pretty short.) Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy. The woman walked swiftly through...

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Homecoming Princess

Homecoming Princess By Arecee It was the third week of the new school year and the students were becoming more at ease with each other. Mr. Copeland's English class was becoming somewhat rowdy as the students laughed and joked with each other before class started. Lynn Collins was somewhat of a joker and loved to tease other students. He never did it in a mean fashion but always in fun and the other students loved the way he did it. Lynn was a freshman at a new school and even...

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Prom Princess

Prom Princess Three Months Karen was smiling at me. I should have realized it right then and there: if she was smiling at me, it could not be good. She had come over to drop something off from her Mom to my Mom. They have been friends for a long time, which explains why Karen and I have known each other for, well, ages. It looked like she had come over from school since she was still in her Catholic school girl uniform. Since I go to a public school, and since I loved to give...

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The Ebony Princess

The Ebony princess by Jorgan On the African west coast, in one of the smallest nation on earth, witha population of less than 300 000, a spoilt and wicked young princess by theage of twenty-one, named Gw´Neela, inspected her own lion den. She hadalways enjoyed watching her feline predators feeding, how they tore their liveprey apart and consumed them. The beautiful successor to the throne had had all of her suitors turned downby her father, the king. Hence, she was still technically a virgin....

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Dream Princess

Introduction Over the summer in 2010, I had a very vivid dream that I awoke from with a start, and almost immediately wrote down the details. It was a very transgendered dream, and I think I have only had a few before that I had any post sleep memory of. Anyway, not only did I write it down, but it has become the impetus for the beginning of a story of sorts. The first seven paragraphs of this story are basically the dream as I recalled it from only hours before, embellished...

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The Nutcrackers Princess

The Nutcracker's Princess By Paul G Jutras It all started at a castle in a far off land. Queen Lesley sat up on her thrown in a red silk blouse and matching loafers. She wore a black skirt that zipped up the back. Beside her was King Ken wearing royal blue and Princess Sandra who sat between her parents in a royal red dress and heels. "Nice to be allowed to come, Mistress Lesley." My father said as he bowed before the queen and kissed the Princess' hand. "Your daughter...

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A Very Sensual Princess

Chapter 1 Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales, wife of the heir apparent to the throne of England, mother of the next King of England after his father, Prince Charles. Diana was an amazing young woman even before she met Charles and through her betrothal, marriage, and then split-up from Prince Charles, she grew and matured into a totally amazing woman and person. Yes, Diana had been a physical virgin when she met and was engaged to marry Charles, the Prince of Wales and future heir to the...

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Playing to be princess

Playing to be princess!I remember when we played with my older sister, I was only 4 years old and she was 8 years old.We went running to her room, I liked to play with her princess or Barby costumes, and she liked to dress and make up like the prettiest princess while I looked in the mirror and I enjoyed being a girl.I remember that I laughed and sang, spinning aimlessly until I fell to the ground, breathless and dizzy. I felt like a Disney Princess. I felt feminine and beautiful, delicate and...

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The Princess

The Princess Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I took one last look in the mirror before I grabbed my purse and walked out of the bedroom, my heels making no sound on the carpet. The burgundy skirt was just above my knees, cut straight and fit me perfectly; the antique white blouse with the sheer inserts above my breasts hinted, but didn't reveal my breasts, while the high lace collar hid my Adam's apple. I slipped on the jacket and adjusted my clothes one last time before I...

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Another little horny princess

Hello to all ISS readers. Thanks for the hot response you gave to both my stories, Sex Game At It’s Peak and Blind Room Game. Before continuing with the nigh incident with my elder sister Mehak I would like to narrate you another real sex encounter of mine which took place with my Bua’s daughter Chinky. Again, my little angel Guddu was in a way involved in getting me close to Chinky, another little angel aged 18. Chinky had developed a nice pair of breast for her age with a perfect figure too...

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The Nervous Princess

Once upon a time, there lived a young princess who surpassed in loveliness all of the days of spring. She was such a beautiful child that when she bathed in the stream beside her father's castle, the sun himself felt unworthy to shine upon her, and he burned more brightly, consuming himself to clothe her in radiance. She was fair-complected, with golden flowing hair, eyes of sapphire and the soft blush of roses in her cheeks. Her hands and feet were delicate, her hips were slender, and her...

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Pagan Princess

Pagan Princess  It is the year 50 AD; Roman invaders had set up enclaves throughout the southern lands of Briton. They had met with fierce Pagan Kings who fought bitterly against them and also showed the same aggression toward their neighbouring counterparts. One of these Kings was Alfred who had spawned two children, a boy and a girl. His son who was every bit as fierce as his father perished at the hands of the Romans in one of the bloodiest of battles ever to have raged on the south...

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Butterfly Princess

It is a little practice, what I did here. I'm not good in writing stories like this, but I wanted to try. The characters are from a fantasy novel I'm writing, so this story isn't far from realistic. But I hope you like it.____________________________________________________________________„Sakuya? How are you?“ A gentle voice was heard. The young girl turned around, seeing her husband. „I don’t really know. My parents attacked you…You’re just defend yourself“ She turned around, making some...

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Snow White the Naughtiest Princess

Have I ever told you the tale of Snow White the Naughty Princess? No? Well, let’s get started. Once upon a time, there was a kingdom ruled by a great King and his beautiful Queen. One day, when the King returned to the castle from his adventures, the Queen welcomed him with a tiny baby in her arms. The baby was gorgeous, with skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood, and hair as black as ebony. What a pleasant surprise it was for the King, who hadn’t been home for two years. “My King, I’m...

Group Sex
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Shannons Little Princess

Cameron was sitting at his desk in his apartment, working on his thesis when his cell phone started ringing and vibrating across the desk. Happy for the interruption - the writing was not going well - he glanced at the phone and smiled when he saw that it was his girlfriend calling. He and Shannon had only been dating for a couple months, but things were going exceptionally well, especially compared to Cameron's past relationships. He had always struggled to lead and take charge of...

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The Panty Princess

Jane and I had only been living together for three weeks when I was caught red-handed. I was mortified when I saw her in the mirror, standing behind me with her mouth wide open. She had managed to come through the front door, up the stairs and into the bedroom without making any noise. I tried to explain that it was the first time I’d ever done such a thing, but she was having none of it. For the next hour we sat on the edge of the bed while she bombarded me with questions about my sexuality,...

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The Princess

Author’s note #1: Thanks to Hollandguy for his help in editing this story. Author’s note #2: Some of you may have seen this story before on a website that is now defunct. However I am the original author of this story. It is not plagiarized. Author’s note #3: Even though some of the characters start out as minors, All sexual acts in this story takes place after the characters have turned 18 years old. Portlanddrew ————————————————– ‘Princess Michelea Jordansa Patricila Smikto, do you take...

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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Rogues Passionate HaremChapter 11 Fertile Princess

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Aingeal “You can use my bedroom,” Journeyman Carsina said, her fiery hair dancing about her shoulders. “It’s not the biggest bed, and it’s not really fit for a princess.” “Oh, it’ll be fine,” I told her as we walked away from the Vault, my breasts jiggling before me. I put an arm around her shoulder. “You should see some of the wicked places we’ve enjoyed each other. Fields. Forest glades. Libraries.” “Libraries?” gasped the girl, her ruby...

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Float Trippy Island Princess

I pulled up in the parking lot and found Tory standing by a battered Jeep SUV. I drove over and parked the Monte Carlo next to it, and he walked over to my car. “Hey,” he said looking in at Bree. “Are you guys passing out dares already? Cause I thought we’d wait until we got to the river." “That’s her fault, because she was running late. Anyway, so where are we headed?” I asked. “Down I-44 to US 19 at Cuba, then State Hwy 8 thru Steelville. You probably know how to get there, you’ve floated...

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Princess By Teri Franken I should have known better than to have that last scotch and soda. The first six or so had gone down so nicely that it did not seem fair to not have another. Looking at the clock, it was time to leave the party, I did have to be at work in the morning and since it was nearing 2am, I decided to pack it in. "Thanks for having me over guys," I said to Steve and Laurie, "I had a great time." Laurie gave me the LOOK and she could tell that maybe I should...

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Special Agent Princess

I grimace as the black hood comes off. For the past eight hours I had been cursing and counting the minutes until someone would finally remove it but for the split second that it's yanked off and the desert sun cooks my retinas, I cannot help but groan and wish I could go back to my stifling little cocoon. The cuffs around my wrists are popped open soon after and I'm allowed the luxury of shielding my own eyes from the sun. Stiff pain arcs down my back and across my shoulders. My legs still...

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The Hidden Princess

The Hidden Princess By Alexus Bowles Brian felt his mother staring and turned to see her standing in the door way. She sheepishly smiled, turned and continued down the hall. Money had lost its importance once she had won the lottery and now Brian and his mother were starting over in a new house without Him. The one who claimed to be his father. The furniture was already gone, they were doing everything new including his clothes. (Which had been crated away before he could see...

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Forgotten Princess

Princess Serenity screamed in frustration. She was to be wed to an ally in order to keep the truce. It was not at how Serenity had imagined her marraige to be. For one, she thought that she would be marrying for love. When she told her parents this, they laughed and told her love is just an emotion used as an excuse to get married or to enjoy the lust of the flesh. You don’t need love when you have money and power, they reminded her. ‘I do not wish to be a princess or rich any longer if it...

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Daddys Little Princess

Your eyes slowly awake to the sight of your familiar bedroom as you rise from your night's sleep. As usual, you are instantly greeted with a 2 million dollar chandelier on the ceiling, made out of diamonds, rubies and sapphires that seems to illuminate your room with a beautiful trance. You were about to rise from your bed when you heard familiar footsteps running towards you. "Good morning Daddy!" Greeted your daughter, Sophia Storm, who as usual, is completely nude from bottom to top, her...

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Night Out with Sheetal my adorable princess

Sheetal, age 24, round face, height 5 ft 4 inches, fair is a pleasing personality. Working in MNC at Delhi, living in a common PG for girls. Is a friend of mine and we had chat on xhamster few times here. It is her who actually inspired about to write here, so am writing, with of course, her name changed. Yes, so, once casually chatting here we met here and just shared some hi and hellos. We did chat about fantasies, some sexual encounter in life and all that. I came to know that Sheetal had...

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Daddys Little Princess

We meet at the Safeway by your house. I’m shopping and you come up behind me and ask what my little slut is doing.Just picking up a few things for later. You see that I have some assorted veggies and ask what I plan on doing with those. You then tell me that I am coming back to your house where you will show me how to prepare those veggies. I will save this part for the next story.I’m a little nervous, but my cock is now twitching and growing harder and you can see it through my sweat...

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A Life Ever Changing 35 36 Princess

"Joyfully now to our princess we come Bringing gifts of all good wishes..." -- Disney's Sleeping Beauty A Life Ever Changing #35 & #36: Princess By Angel "My mommy looked like she was hurt real bad..." Do you think I could spend some of my money and send her some real pretty flowers? She loves yellow roses and I think getting them from me would make her happier." Auntie Helen said, "Angel, that is a wonderful idea, we could all send her some flowers and some...

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Being Pretty For Princess

Oh no, I thought, my Princess will be arriving shortly and I still haven't even shaved my legs yet. In a panic, I went to the bathroom and ran a very hot bath. As soon as I stepped in, it was almost as if I was in another world. My name, Stephanie, echoed through my head as I reached for the razor and shaving creme. Being generous, I lathed on the creme and started to shave quickly lest my Princess arrived early. I don't know what I had been thinking, but I had been distracted for quite a...

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The Paper Bag Princess

The guy at the bar is wearing a T-shirt that says “Honey Badger Don’t Care.” He’s skinny enough for the shirt, but he cringes when he takes a sip from his bottle of Pabst Blue Ribbon.I wonder if he can fuck a girl like me and really not care.I like to tell myself that I’m not that ugly. I’ve studied my reflection enough times to believe that my cheeks aren’t that chipmunk-like, that my teeth aren’t too big, that my forehead isn’t too high. Those features are all I know, but self-confidence is a...

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The Reluctant Birthday Princess

The Reluctant Birthday Princess Edward Mathews sighed as soon as the alarm went off. He considered calling in sick, but knew that would only delay the inevitable, so he got up, got dressed, and trudged to work. "What a crappy way to spend my birthday," he thought, as he entered the building that held the company he worked for. Upon arriving, he saw a number of "the boys," the group who were responsible for what he was going to endure today. He sighed, and thought that "the boys"...

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The Twelve Fornicating Princesses

© 2004 Connard Wellingham There was once a king who wished for a son to inherit his kingdom. It was his greatest sadness that he seemed destined only to have daughters. When their number reached twelve, and he had worn out three wives in the process, he finally accepted that it was his fate never to have a son to whom he could teach the manly arts of swordsmanship and jousting nor introduce to the pleasures of hunting. So he resigned himself to dying without an heir. Despite this, he was...

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Greta the Reluctant Princess

In a display cabinet deep in Prussia is a giant bronze cock, well bronze coloured, it is actually cast iron with bronze gilding, Its head is fearsome. its eye seems to follow you around the room and its wings are so exquisitely formed you would almost think it could fly. A giant cock, and why was it made? A simple mistake, but behind it a story of a simple girl who preferred pigs to Princes, a heart warming feel good story and so I have translated the words from the original Hugenot...

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