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"Have you ever wished you could get fucked so hard to the point it feels like you are going to get ripped apart and maybe even die?" I asked before taking another sip of my luke-warm coffee. It was a typical conversation between me and my best friend, Rowan, as we sat in our usual coffee shop. We probably reeked of weed because prior to coming in here we had been sitting in my car for over an hour hotboxing the shit out of some Purple Kush in front of a TJ max that we ended up never even going into.

I had been in a strange mood for weeks now. It probably stemmed from a complete lack of sex which was now causing me major frustration. So sex was officially the only thing on my mind. Everything made me horny. For example, I saw a bike fall from a rack earlier and I thought 'I bet it would feel good to sit on that bike seat and just grind myself into oblivion.' I also found myself checking out literally everyone. I went into a Joann Fabrics and I fucking kid you not I was eyeing all these basic looking moms and thinking' I bet I could make you scream louder than your husband ever could.' Which of course caused my cheeks to glow red.

When my cat meowed and screamed because she was in heat I just looked at her and was like, "You and me both, my furry bitch." I had found myself completely sympathizing with her. We were officially simpatico.

But that wasn't the worst of it. I found myself thinking about clown dick. Seriously how fucking terrifying would it be to get fucked by a guy who decided that being a clown was a good career choice. But for whatever reason, I imagined that clowns had dicks the size of Godzilla's. It was probably the giant shoes and tiny cars.

Now I know that I could go home right now and fingerfuck myself while watching  pornhub  but it just wasn't the same, Not even Julia Ann could satisfy my lusty cravings.

I also knew that I could go pick someone up or call up an ex and get fucked. But you know what? That just wouldn't fucking cut it either. I needed something different.

"Like by a tree," I faintly heard Rowan saying. I had been drooling at this MILFY Blonde for a few moments now and had practically forgotten where I was. I felt her hand slap my face. "Hello, Ada. I said like a tree. Stop checking out the hallmark moms. It's embarrassing." 

I felt my face redden a little, more from embarrassment than her hand. "Ouch, you bitch! What about trees? That they are terrific or something..." I was only faintly interested.

"Well, Lucia says that if you go into the woods and read a certain spell it causes the trees to fuck you. She says there is nothing like getting banged out by a plant. That it makes you more in-tune with yourself and nature."

I had almost forgotten that Rowan worked at the occult store downtown and now fancied herself a witch. 

"Banged out doesn't sound like something Lucia would have said." I didn't know Lucia very well but she was pretty proper in her manner of speaking. "She had probably said, "I would make love to a tree," I said before rolling my eyes.

"Well, I don't remember her exact words. Just the important parts, We should try it, Ada. We should borrow Lucia's spellbook and go into the woods. We can even go camping. Come on, it'll be fun." She said the last part with a bit of a nagging tone.

I just stared at her for a long moment before replying, "Are you fucking with me?"

"I'm a witch, Ada. Witches don't fuck around. This is serious, You are undergoing some sort of crisis here and it's my job as your friend to get you past this."

My eyes narrowed a little and I really couldn't decide whether it was the weed speaking or if I had finally just lost my mind completely from lack of sex. Had it been anyone else  I'd have decided it was the latter but with Rowan, anything was possible.

"Am I hearing this correctly, Rowan? Your job as a friend is to get me tree fucked?" 

"I know it sounds stupid, Ada, but hear me out. There's a tree fetish called dendrophilia. A lot of people have it. It's natural to be attracted to nature. But that's really not the point. You said you needed a good hard fuck. So who better to do it than a tree. There literally is nothing harder. Lucia told me that when witches come of age at sixteen they do a ceremony that involves going into the deepest darkest parts of the forest and reading from a book of spells. Then, when..."

I cleared my throat loudly and interrupted, "You are fucked in the head Rowan. I don't want to get fucked by a tree no matter how horny I am."

"Then don't. Do this for me. I need it in order to become a proper witch," she said her eyes glimmering with hope.

I knew it. There was a catch and it was more than her trying to be a good friend. There was always something more when it came to a plan of Rowan's I found myself silently thinking.

"First of all, you are past sixteen. In fact, you are thirty years old. Which is a bit old for suddenly becoming a witch. Two. What if we get pregnant by the trees and give birth to acorns or something?" The latter part was more of a joke than a real question.

"Okay, no It doesn't matter what age you are. You can become a witch at any time. Don't try to kink shame me, Ada, I didn't try to shame you when you decided to become bisexual a couple of years ago, did I. And, I seriously doubt we would be lucky enough to become pregnant with a tree's baby. If we did though it would be a blessing, not a curse I assure you."

I found myself unable to suppress a laugh. "Kink shame, huh? I didn't know becoming a witch was a kink. I'll have to try looking to see if it's a category on xHamster the next time I go."

 I could never say no to Rowan, for whatever reason. It was impossible.

It turns out stealing Lucia's spellbook had been easy. Rowan waited until Friday, which happened to be Lucia's only day off and the one and only day she apparently found faith enough in the powers that be to leave Rowan in her store alone.

We were currently walking through the dense forest. It was a beautiful Spring day and all the grass and leaves were a brilliant shade of emerald green. It was breathtaking and even though I knew that all this witch stuff was a waste of time, I was glad Rowan had talked me into it. 

Also, I had scenes from "Stand By Me" running through my head and I wondered which character I was more like. I truly hoped it wasn't Vern but with that said I didn't bring a comb and I didn't even have six cents in my pocket. I found myself reasoning that I was probably the Gordy, out of the two of us, because I liked to write and was often a bit of a buzzkillington. I certainly wasn't badass enough to be Chris and I wasn't quite as crazy as Teddy. 

I kind of liked it because every step I took I was deep in nostalgia. When I was younger I practically lived in the woods. I would smoke cigarettes stolen from my dad there and listen to my Discman, where I would go from Pink to Marilyn Manson And with each step I took my cd would skip because the Discman was shit and I was decidedly not nostalgic for it, but what I did miss were the feelings of being alive and carefree where the possibilities stretched out for miles and every one of my friends was adventure-ready. The thing you don't realize is that every time of your life could be the last time.

So right now while it wasn't exactly the same because I had gotten a dose of life's harsh realities, and the song that I had once carried in my heart had turned to static, I knew that this was something I would cherish. I was glad Rowan had moved back after all these years, glad when I found out she hadn't turned into some sort of burned out stay at home mom, whose only life fulfillment was watching Netflix and posting every little thing online.

Suddenly I felt myself smile and I realized something. It wasn't the sex I was missing it was the intimacy and closeness. It was who I used to be. It was living instead of existing.

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted and my smile quickly shattered.

"Ada, I've been meaning to ask how come if you miss sex so much you don't just fuck someone. You could easily you know, I mean sex is literally everywhere you look, Tinder, Grindr, Twitter, Instagram even. Probably some lame-ass vanilla sex over on Facebook. Everyone is a whore and everyone is hot and ready, just like Little Caeser's Pizza."

"That's why. It's everywhere, and also, Grindr is for gay men or sandwiches, probably both even." As usual, I found myself trying to crack a joke hoping to avoid any more questions and I had a feeling I knew what she was going to ask next.

"What happened with you and Mrs. Robinson?"

I looked at her blankly for a moment then realized she was making a reference I, of all people, should have gotten.

"We just ended, sorta. Things are  complicated and I still love her, and also she isn't anything like Mrs. Robinson. She's really beautiful and amazing and one of the few things right about my life."

"And now you're going to fuck a tree to get over her," she giggled.

"Seriously, don't giggle, Rowan. I hate women who giggle," I said my eyes narrowing.

"Should I ask why?" she said tilting her head curiously as she looked at me 

I almost said you're the witch, figure it out, but instead I answered.

"Because it makes women seem silly and they are instantly less interesting and as soon as they do that I dry up like Tatooine."

"Daaaaaaaaamn, you've become cynical. I would say that you really need to get that pussy fucked up by a nice thick tree, but it kind of seems like you already got a stick up in there."

Instead of getting mad I found myself laughing. "Low blow, but nice." 

I was glad she had dropped the subject of my ill-fated romance, though I was realizing something about that. I was going to go full-blown Shaun of the Dead about it, though actually I would probably skip the pub and I didn't have a Philip to kill, but I would try to get her back.

It felt like we had been walking for hours now. My legs were aching, which was probably just a form of punishment for skipping the gym for three weeks and eating pizza instead.

We had both gradually grown silent and the silence was noisy and nerve-wracking so I decided to end it with, "Caw, Cawwwww." I shouted as we ventured further into the forest.

Rowan glared my way. "Why are you doing that." Her tone was filled with annoyance.

"I'm being Carly the Crow," I said with a bit of a chuckle.

"Carly wasn't a crow, he was a fucking cardinal. Now stop, you are ruining the spiritual ambiance."

That only got me laughing more. Rowan took things way too seriously somedays. Especially for a girl who thought she could actually get trees to sex us.

"How much farther do we have to go," I said in a whining tone. Yep, those days of my youth forever walking, never growing tired or sore, they were gone, may they forever rest in peace.

She stopped for a moment and fished out what appeared to be an ancient-looking tome from her bag and opened it, flipping a ways in and then showed me the page. "You aren't a witch so I shouldn't be showing you this," she said her voice filling with the authority of a Wal-Mart greeter who just caught someone without a receipt.

It was a drawing of a gnarled up grotesque and very decayed tree. It appeared to be too gargantuan in size. It had roots that sprawled out everywhere around it. 

Just looking at it caused shivers to run through my entire body. "Is that tree okay? It looks like something one should avoid, not fuck. Um... besides I don't have protection big enough for that," I said with a bit of a nervous chuckle.

"Ada, geez. It'll be fine. Once you do this everything will start getting better. Life will suddenly make sense, and your heart won't be in tatters." When she said that her eyes filled up with concern and empathy and I felt my reluctance quickly fade.

'Besides,' I was thinking, 'it's just a tree, and this book its just bullshit. She'll find the tree or one that she thinks is it, because face it a tree that old has probably long since become lumber or mulch, read from Lucia's book,and nothing will happen.' 

We continued walking, dodging brambles, and watching squirrels run around busily. The forest was growing darker as we ventured deeper. I couldn't really tell if it was because of the time or just the fact that there were so many trees.

I yawned "Maybe we should set up a camp now, then look for the tree tomorrow." 

She shook her head. "No, we can't do that, the spell calls for it to be Midnight the witching hour and there needs to be a full moon. Which if I am correct there is supposed to be one tonight. So the best thing to do is to keep walking and locate the tree while there is light then wait for it to get dark and then begin."

"Ugh, okay then. I am real tired. I really could use some Dunkaroos and an Ecto Cooler."

"Neither of which still exists," Rowan scoffed rolling her eyes.

"Well, I thought since you are a witch you could conjure them up or something. Also, apparently Dunkaroos are scheduled for a come back this year, So that's part of what I remind myself every day when I wake up and hate life," I said, only sort of half-joking.

"Piss off, with the witch jokes. In a while you won't be laughing at me anymore," she said scowling.

"Question though, isn't it dangerous to be stealing a spellbook from a witch. Couldn't she sense that you took it and come and check?" I found myself asking and I was a bit worried. I mean you never know and better safe than sorry.

"I thought that all through. She actually has the store closed on Saturday to go visit her sister who is sick or something, Besides what could happen if she did find out?" she said shrugging her shoulders.

"I don't know,Rowan, she is apparently a witch. she could put a curse on us or something like that." I couldn't believe I had just uttered those words it was cringey.

Rowan laughed. "You don't believe in all of this stuff, Ada. Besides, we are Millennials. How much more cursed can we get." 

I had to agree. As Bill Paxton once said, "Game over, man. Game over." 

My knees were seriously killing me, but luckily just as I was about to open my mouth once more to complain and demand we rest, I heard her loud, excited announcement. "The Sacred Tree!" she proclaimed her voice practically radiating in pleasure.

I looked up from the ground I had been staring at for a while and found myself staring at the biggest tree I had ever seen in my life. It was all gnarled up even more so than in the drawing and had the stench of corpse decay about it. Nothing about that tree said sacred or felt holy. it didn't feel like it would make me more in tune with my life or whatever it was Rowan had said it would do. it felt more like it would suck the life right out of me. The tree looked hungry like it hadn't had a single meal in years. But of course, I was letting my imagination get the best of me. There is no such thing as an evil tree.

It was as if Rowan could sense my fear. "Love the tree, Ada, and the tree will love you back," she said her voice changing to a whispering lullaby.

It had suddenly grown dark all around us except for the light of the full moon that glowed above the trees. it cast shadows all around us, And I heard the distinct sound of an owl nearby and the sounds of the mournful coyotes singing their nightly song. It felt like a whole different world out here. I wanted to speak up and tell her I didn't need this anymore but I remembered that I had agreed to do this for her, and not myself.

"You ready?" she asked. It was more of a statement than a question

I nodded. "What am I supposed to do," I asked quietly. "Do I take off my clothes or is the tree going to do that for me?" I said smiling weakly

Rowan shook her head. "This isn't the Evil Dead. This tree has manners." 

'How the fuck does she know that. This tree didn't have shit but rot and decay. It was ready for the mulch bin at Home Depot,' but I quickly let that thought go.

"Take off all your clothes and strip down until all that you are wearing is your soul. Then stand in front of the tree and kneel. Offer yourself."

 I wasn't sure why but the moment I laid my eyes upon that foul-smelling and horribly corrupt looking tree I had begun to feel uneasy. If it were possible for trees to be malicious then this tree was certainly that, but I'd have to admit that to Rowan who would never let me hear the end of it, and what's more, she was my Sandbox, Playing with Barbie's, First Kiss Best Friend. That was the strongest type of friendship. Much stronger than any I had since. I would just have to hope that it was all complete bullshit. Then we could get on with the night and eat s'mores and I could read Scary Stories to tell in the dark to her. Just like we used to when we stayed the night at each other's houses. 

"Well?" Rowan asked impatiently. "Why are you just standing there? Get to stripping. We are on the clock here," she said, looking up and noting the position of the moon.

I began removing my clothes. I could practically feel her eyes looking through me as I pulled off one piece of clothing slowly at a time. After what seemed a nerve-wracking lifetime, I was finally naked and shivering. Goosebumps had started forming on my arms and thighs. I took a deep breath for bravery and stepped closer to the tree until I was at its enormous phallic base with its twisted sprawling roots. The moon was shining eerily on the tree illuminating it in a dread light. I looked back at Rowan for a moment and gulped before reluctantly lowering myself to the surprisingly cold damp ground. I pressed my hands and knees into the dirt. The strong earthy scent of decaying moss began filling my nostrils.

I looked up at the Tree once more which towered above me like an all-powerful deity of the forest. I felt a cold electric shiver run through my body, quickly I bowed my head down.

Rowan began to read, her voice changing into something almost unrecognizable. 

"Tearg sitirips fo emit dna erutan reah ym llac I gnirb htrof rof ouy siht thgin a ecifircas. Ekat reh, reh tirips, reh luos, dna tnarg em eht srewop fo eht kcalb nevoc!"

A long moment passed. Nothing happened. Then I noticed that every sound in the forest had stopped, and even Rowan had grown silent. I was feeling relieved. Nothing had happened after all. But just as I was about to stand up and begin putting my clothes on the ground began to rumble and shake. I almost screamed in terror at what I saw next but I couldn't make a sound. All the trees in the forest were no longer still but had begun to rock back and forth ominously.

The tree's giant roots had begun to free themselves from the earth and were lifting and slithering towards me like bark-covered snakes. My whole body was trembling, and my heart had begun to pound as loud as a drum in my chest.

I tried to stand up but my legs had turned to jelly. I was frozen on the cold forest floor with shock and horror. The vines had crept closer to me and were now wrapping themselves all around me. One had begun to twist around my throat while the others began to wrap themselves tightly around my entire body binding me. Branches moved and caressed my skin. I could feel the rough bark scraping against my entire body as the tree began to lift me upwards suspending me in the air. I felt its leaves begin to run across my nipples instantly causing them to harden betraying me.

A soft moan of pleasure escaped my lips as one of the trees many branches had found its way between my legs and was now slowly running itself over my now glistening and swollen cunt lips, causing me to squirm despite the constraints.

Suddenly I found myself wondering if it would hurt when it penetrated or if somehow because it was apparently an enchanted tree that it would continue to feel good. I was obviously hoping for the latter. Clearly, it had been way too long between fuckings.

It almost felt like the branches had turned to fingers as they explored my body, leaving no part of me untouched. My body was filled with electric pleasure static, and everything felt unreal.

Without warning the tree had moved its limb that was currently playing with my aching pussy and then quickly snapped back, slapping at my cunt, causing me to let out a loud scream of pain and pleasure. My clit felt like it was now completely on fire as the tree continued its merciless spanking. Its rough bark scraping against my lips and clit, causing me to quiver. It was giving me pleasure I had never even dreamed of.

My body was writhing, and had the tree not been holding me firmly in its possessive and firm grasp I would have probably found myself on the ground. But its vines were clinging to me in a lover's passionate embrace.

I was moaning louder with each movement of the tree. "Oh, My FUCKING God!" I screamed out as the tree continued its endless torment. I was becoming increasingly needier. "Fuck me, I want to feel your thick branches sinking inside my needy empty cunt, fill me." Those were words I never imagined I would say, but here I was quite shamelessly saying them.

The Tree, as if understanding, suddenly thrust its way into my tight but soaking cunt, causing me to gasp as I began to get filled completely. Its vines had begun pulling and tugging at my nipples teasing me. So many sensations were flooding my body and that familiar hot numb sensation to the brain had begun, and I knew it wouldn't be long now before I was squirting all over the place. Rowan had better watch out if she didn't want to be showered in my hot girl cum.

I had actually almost forgotten her and the thought of her watching me would normally have made me blush. But I felt almost drugged. The intoxication was mind-blowing.

My moans had turned to loud lust-filled animal-like screams. As the tree began to pound in and out of me, twisting inside of me as it did, I could feel it rubbing against my G-spot, causing my entire body to twitch and tingle.

My juices were flooding rapidly now and I could hear the lewd wet gushing sounds as the branch fucked in and out harder and deeper like a big thick cock. My legs were now spread wide completely exposing my cunt, the branch that was currently working my pussy over somehow began to throb inside of me, and it felt like it was growing like a cock that's reaching its exploding point. 

I let out a scream as I felt it. I was being flooded by the tree's hot sticky sap. It was filling me with it, splattering my walls and filling my womb, and I was cumming. Screaming louder than I ever had in my life as my muscles tightened around the branch inside me, before releasing and squirting all over, drenching the tree and the showering the ground all around me.

" Oh fuck... I cannot believe a tree just made me cum so hard." 

My body was in spasms as I struggled to get my breath. I wondered when the tree was going to put me down. I didn't have to wonder long because when I managed to shyly look down at Rowan she began speaking.

"In a moment now, I'll say goodbye to you. My final goodbye," She said her voice as sharp as nails and cutting into me.

"What do you mean? Say goodbye," I found myself uttering nervously, completely flabbergasted.

"I left out part of what happens at the ceremony when I talked you into this. I couldn't, of course, tell you the truth. You would never sacrifice your life for me. No matter how good of friends you think we are."

My heart had nearly stopped. She was joking, right? Not after what had just happened.

She flipped a page over in Lucia's book and held it up to me. it was a different picture of the same tree but in that picture, it wasn't withered and gnarled up. It was in fact the most beautiful tree I had ever seen.

"You see, Ada, In order to become a full-fledged witch you have to sacrifice someone you love to this tree. It has to eat and be strong. The entire coven has been feeding it their friends and loved ones for centuries now. Every one of us must give back to nature and respect it. It just so happens this tree is also highly sexual and likes to fuck its victims before devouring them and rejuvenating." 

"I can't believe you would do this to me. Just to become a stupid fucking witch!" I blurted out feeling angry and hurt all at the same time.

"Ada, calm your tits. What's done is done. The stronger the love, the stronger the sacrifice. You should be happy for me. I am going to be able to do great things. My entire life is going to be different and all made possible by you."

"Rowan, We have been friends almost our entire lives. You are going to feel bad about this for the rest of your life. Besides, do great things? You aren't exactly acting like a good witch right now."

Rowan let out an amused laugh. "Ada, you don't think I haven't thought all this through? I know I am probably going to feel bad, also good and bad? That's cliché."

I found myself twisting and turning trying to break away from the monstrous tree ready to consume me just so my so-called best friend could become some sort of satanic panic nightmare.

Rowan shook her head. "Might as well forget trying to escape. You can't fight magic."

The tree had finally withdrawn its branch that was inside of me. I could feel the sap begin to drip out of me.

"He must really have enjoyed that snug muggle cunt of yours. I have never seen him fill someone so full of his tree jizz."

I glared down at her. "Muggles? Are you fucking serious?? Wait, you've seen this before!?" 

She nodded. "I have seen it dozens of times. After all, Lucia is my grandmother."

The revelation stunned me, but the realization that she and Lucia had the same eyes quickly sank in.

"This is part of my heritage, this is my destiny. I love you, Ada. goodbye." She said that last part with a bit of genuine sadness but it didn't melt away the anger and resentment I was feeling.

"You can go fuck yourself, you stupid fucking cunt. In fact, your whole miserable coven can go fuck themselves. If I fucking die I can guarantee your ass I'll be back and I'll fucking haunt you and kill every last one of you. And, what's more, don't use dumbass Harry Potter words with me."

"I understand you feeling angry and resentful but I fully doubt that you have it in you to come back as a ghost. But if you do then you deserve your revenge. Also, don't worry I'll make sure to take care of your cat. She's always liked me."

With that she vanished into the fog that had begun to rise, and I let out one more "FUCK YOU" before the tree pulled me away swallowing me whole before letting out a loud contented burp.

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Desire and Despair Book 3 of Poachers ProgressChapter 21 Massacre

For the next two days we sat and waited for the arrival of the marching column. Cato thought it would be sometime in the late afternoon, as the mill and factory workers would be setting off from Rochdale after finishing their Saturday morning shift. With all preparations complete I now had time to think of the implications of firing the cannon. Certainly the parliamentary reform supporters gathering in Manchester, and many of the town's inhabitants, would be enraged when it became known...

3 years ago
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A story about a retreat that caters to the rich and powerful to satisfy their perverted urges

This story is about a place and not about a person. It involves persons of great power and influence and must be kept confidential. If you can’t keep this confidence then stop reading now and go elsewhere. The Chateau is located in Luxembourg, and tucked away between Belgium, France and Germany. It is in a wooded area, isolated, but in a place of great scenic beauty. The Chateau is a converted castle dated back to the 12th century that has been tastefully enlarged to accommodate a...

4 years ago
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Last In Line Part 2

The Head took some time to drink in the sight before him. A pretty girl, d****d on his punishment bench. Golden curls framing her sweet face, as she sobbed silently. At the other end, a pair of fine legs with what must be said were chubby, round thighs. And a rather nice bottom, completely pale white and blemish free. The Head surmised that Alison took little exercise, what with the roundness of her thighs and the padding on her rump. But overall this meant a larger canvas for his art.For the...

2 years ago
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The Hidden Princess Rewritten

The Hidden Princess Brian felt his mother staring and turned to see her standing in the doorway. She sheepishly smiled, turned and continued down the hall. Money had lost its importance once she had won the lottery and now Brian and his mother were starting over in a new house without Him. The one who claimed to be his father. The furniture was already gone; they were doing everything new including his clothes (Which had been crated away before he could see them.). Carolynn was...

2 years ago
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Hot ebony girl with a flat tire

She already has the donut spare on the back, She ask me to put a tire on. I had four tires for my personal car, nothing else. She ask how much, and agreed it was ok. I mounted the tire and put on the car. When I swiped her card it was declined. She had no cash, no one to call and she owed me $98.00. I started to take the tire off, she said no, I have to get home. She ask if i would trade, I ask what, She offered me sex. I told her that would be a lot of sex, $98 is a lot. She offered me...

2 years ago
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My sister in law

Introduction: After a sexual tension between my sister in law and me we end up in one bed. It is a Saturday-morning. I have taken a long shower and decided also to shave my balls again. I still have an erection of shaving when I walk out of the bathroom while drying my face with a towel. Turning left to the bedroom I hear a startled Oh, excuse me from the stairs which is located in front of the bathroom door. It is Amanda, my sister in law. I was not aware that you were in this bathroom. We...

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The Man of My Dreams

I had dated several men in the past but none could satisfy me the way I wanted to be satisfied. Everyone I dated was just into vanilla sex and I wanted so much more. I decided I am not going to waste my time with anyone unless they have the same taste in sex as I do. A friend of mine said they knew someone that I might like in that he had the dark hair and blue eyes that I loved. She said he is not like the usual guys I dated. I said great I didn’t like the usual guys anyway.

3 years ago
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Visiting My Estranged Brother Part 2

Introduction: Sadie Starts liking it ???? Enjoy I know the first one to this kind of sucked and Im very sorry it was late and I just wanted to finish it I promise Ill do better on this one and if you give positive feedback Ill do another! In the other one, it was from Sadies point of view, in this one it will be told from a third person point of view. ALL suggestions are welcome email me @ [email protected] THANKS a lot. ???? After yesterdays ordeal Sadie slept amazing and woke up around 8, it was...

4 years ago
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Black on White in the afternoon

It was a Saturday afternoon and I was super horny. My son was away at school and it had been a couple of months since we had sex. I missed his big cock. He knew I had other sexual partners and I knew he was fucking different girls at school. I was thinking about who I could call. I decided to give John a call to see what he was doing. John is a young black guy that works out in our distribution center warehouse. He is a 26 yr college student. He lives in an apartment near work. We have had some...

3 years ago
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Bahamas Vacation 2

(Summary of previous story: I had flown to Nassau for a 2-week vacation to get away from things back home and the death of my fiancee, Debby, a little over a month earlier. The woman at the front desk at the hotel, Cinnamon, invited me to her apartment for dinner and it had turned into an overnight invitation.) NOTE: This occurred over 30 years ago so some of the landmarks and places mentioned may have changed since that time. The next morning, Monday, the first thing I remember was the...

4 years ago
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Sex Slave The Gangbang Part Three

Now that I have been a member of the Grant team for a few months, I have learned a lot about the other members and clients. It truly does feel like a second home. There is so much to be offered when you’re at getaway, as they like to call it. I found out my third time there, that they have a gym, a spa, a large indoor pool, and a cafeteria. Grayson truly thought of everything. Last weekend Grayson informed me that a group of men were interested in me. That, when they saw me they all just knew...

Group Sex
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James The Slutty RahRah

So James sat on the floor of the room. He was dressed in a little cheerleading uniform. His short pleated skirt was barely long enough to cover. Under his skirt was a pink stringy thong panty. James was completely a panty boi. He was blushing from incredible embarrassment. James had just sucked off 28 Indian guys and guzzled down all of the cum they fed him. The slutty cum-gulping cheerleader licked his lips and blinked his eyes in staggered amazement. He could not believe that his secret as a...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Sexually owned by a huge cock

*DISCLAIMER: NAMES WERE ALTERNATED TO MAINTAIN PRIVACY OF THE INVOLVED.*Ok, this one is a very important milestone at my sex life.That's from mid 2010. I was living in Sao Paulo at time, sharing an apartment with a friend of mine, his name is Rick. We weren't old friends, we actually met when we started to share the apartment. It was a single man apartment, living room, small kitchen, one bathroom and one bedroom.So privacy was pretty much inexistent there, then we had this had this heads up...

2 years ago
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A Doctor Follows Orders

I have had a life of hard work. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I was forced to do it that way or that I didn't want it that way. I did. But, it seems that all my life, I've worked hard to achieve what I've done then put it to good use. Being a doctor, that isn't an unusual story. Just to get into pre-med and stay in pre-med took hard work, especially the organic chemistry part. Ask most doctors, they'll agree. Then med school and long hours of classes, labs, study. You can't...

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Ashley lashes out

Even through the headphones blaring music I could hear the uproar between my step-mom and step-sister of two years downstairs... Being a 17 year old guy, one does not generally care about the estrogen fueled shouting matches between a girl who just turned 16 a few days ago and her mother. But since the shouting was so loud I could not help but over hear the gist of the argument between the two... "WHERE WERE YOU ALL NIGHT!!! I'VE BEEN WAITING! I AM LATE FOR WORK! I'VE BEEN WORRIED SICK!!"...

2 years ago
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Ek naya anubhaw2

Dosto meri story ka 2nd part aap ke liy upasthit hai,,,,Ha to mai age ki dastan sunata hu,jab jamila meri patni nelu ko jamin par lagaya gya dunlop par le gai aur apne pati sher khan aur mujhe pas bulaya to nelu ke dono traf ja kar khade ho gay,nelu to jamila se lipat kar khadi thi,khan nelu ki chutar par thapki mar kar bola,mere pas aao rani,lund ki malis to ajit ke aane se adhura rah gaya,fir mujh se bola yar jara stool to lao,mai smajh gya khan fir meri patni ko good me lekar lund par uski...

1 year ago
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phone sex

She feels my touch my breath on her neck my lips on her breast tongue on her nipples. Skin to skin my hands on her clit massaging her inside and out till there is nothing left to do but make it whole. Start of soft and gentle light touches and an slow build up of rhythm changing position as I get used to the way our hips move together. Getting faster and harder as the room starts getting hotter and we start to make the floorboards creek the bed shake and the headboard leave dents in the wall....

3 years ago
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The Accidental MasterChapter 5 Meet the Press

The thing about dinner was how normal it was. It was just a nice normal dinner between friends. There was no undertone of Master and slave, no sexual innuendo, nothing out of the usual at all. It was exceptionally nice and relaxing, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. "God, Kayla, dinner is wonderful. I'm going to have to get in some extra workouts to burn off some of these calories," I said. "Don't worry!" Angela leaned over and said, "We'll be happy to help you burn off those...

1 year ago
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Nephew Breeds His Windowed Aunt

As a twenty-year-old, after a year in college, I had become very disillusioned with my prospects. Not only was I failing my classes, but I felt like a little cog in a big machine,… As a twenty-year-old, after a year in college, I had become very disillusioned with my prospects. Not only was I failing my classes, but I felt like a little cog in a big machine, a machine designed to extract money from people like me. However, my parents had high expectations, and I didn't want to disappoint...

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The Girlfriends LessonChapter 2

Julie and Roy were sitting on the sofa, still dressed in their day- time clothes, a bottle of fine French wine on the end table. Julie sighed as she pulled her boyfriend closer to her with a surprisingly strong motion that sent the two of them falling suddenly backwards. This was her answer to Ertha's suggestion: she would be as sultry and vixenish as she could tonight, and if it didn't pay off, she would be forced to seek greener pastures. After a two year relationship, she'd...

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Veronicas Punishment Part 1

“Ver-Veronica?” Pierce asked in a weak voice. “Yes, sir” The eight-teen year-old girl said to Pierce in a condescending manner. “Wha-what are you doing? Wher-where is Haley?” In a panic Pierce looked around his cell to see Haley sleeping soundly on another plastic mattress carelessly thrown in the corner, his felt a sense of relief. “Why am I here?” Pierce asked. “Cause, Pierce. Just because” Pierce gulped. But looked at Haley, their first date obviously didn’t go as planned He couldn't...

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a new Mistress

I’m a social alpha-male that loves being sexually submissive. Oh, I’ve been a Dom and thoroughly enjoyed it, but my first love is being subservient to a Domme. I had forgotten all the different ads I had placed, even forgotten what my profile said and all the shemale pictures in the profile photo album. I had a shemale lover before meeting my wife. She was a switch—we were incompatible, but the sex was great! Anyway, her message said: saw your ad and checked you’re profile. I live in...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Crystal Taylor Gizelle Blanco Wrecking The Homewrecker

Gizelle Blanco is NOT very happy right now. She’s angry at Sarah Vandella for divorcing her parent and marrying a WOMAN she barely knows. How could Sarah love her parent one day and then suddenly become a LESBIAN the next?? But even as Gizelle grumbles, Sarah is patient, trying to explain that the world isn’t that simple. Either way, Gizelle has to accept that Sarah’s moved on, especially since her lover, Crystal Taylor, is moving in with them. In fact, Crystal should be over...

3 years ago
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Discipline and Reward A Love StoryChapter 14 In which our heroines dreams come true

I was monitoring Cindi’s dreams now, more closely than ever. Her dreams were all gruesome nightmares. They were filled with Ares, towering over her, beating her, berating her, raping her, killing her. Or at least they would have been if I had let them. I was inserting myself into her dreams, towering over Ares, dragging him off of her, beating the crap out of him, throwing him around like a rag doll. Eventually her dreams settled down a bit. Her subconscious had accepted that I would protect...

1 year ago
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Dr Alyssa Carson Meets Ken The Soccer Hunk

A 18-year-old, male patient was sitting on the examination table with his injured ankle up on the table as well. He was a cute guy with light brown hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a t-shirt and soccer shorts, because he came straight from playing a game with a soccer team called the Knights. I, Dr. Alyssa Carson, came in with his x-rays in hand. I examined the x-rays and said, "Well, Ken. It looks you have a really bad sprain on your ankle. I'm afraid you might have to sit out this...

2 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Rogues Passionate HaremChapter 2 Creating Naughty Art

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Kora Falk I blinked as I kissed my brother. For a moment ... right after he finished spurting into me, I thought I saw pain in his eyes. Why? It was fleeting, gone in a moment. I must have just imagined it because that smile on his face, the intensity in his blue eyes. His wild, blond hair draped down his rugged features. I shivered beneath him, feeling his emotions. They almost drowned me. “Gods, I love you, brother mine,” I moaned....

1 year ago
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Walk Like a ManChapter 14 Moving On

“Teresa, I’m still hoping that Naomi is going to be in my future. I don’t want to mislead you. If we date, it will be just platonic until I know that whatever Naomi and I had is gone. Is that acceptable?” She had called me at home that evening. “Does that mean no sex?” she asked immediately. “I’m afraid so.” “Oh, well, at least you’re honest. I’ll have to think about it, Joel. You’re a really interesting guy and everyone who knows about you thinks you’ve got a bright future. There aren’t...

2 years ago
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BBC Frederick the Fib and one super Fantasy

Read my other posts and you'll know I found my BBC. Now I have 3 power cocks for my enjoyment. Frederick is by far the youngest and best screw. After meeting Frederick in June we went at it like teenagers for a good 2 weeks just about daily. Then I was knocked out of commission with an appendectomy. It was caught early and resulted in a small incision to the right of the naval. Nothing bad, internal stiches and a 10 day heal. All Frederick knew was I was in the hospital for nothing too...

4 years ago
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Laura Jim and I

I was sitting on the hood of the car parked in front of room 128 when the door opened and they came out. She saw me and her face lost its color. Her eyes couldn't meet mine and she looked away. As I slid off the hood of the car he put his hands up in a defensive gesture and I said: "Don't bother. Neither one of you is worth wasting my time on." I walked over to my car, got in and drove away. There was a long story that led up to that confrontation. I met Jim when his family moved into...

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Any Friday Night

Chapter 1 Sometimes as an erotic writer, you begin to imaging and think about a myriad of sexual situations and it almost becomes overwhelming when you think of the number of various sexual scenarios that you could write about. One of my favorite topics to contemplate is what goes on every single Friday night, especially during a school year in the fall and winter when sporting events occur and then guys and girls get together in the aftermath of the game. Oh yeah, lots of hot fucking,...

3 years ago
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Tasted The Matured Flesh Of Neighbour Aunty

Hey my friends, Rahul here, with my first story on this website. I am 23 yrs old, 5 ft 9 inches tall, with an athletic kind of physique. My email id is I reside in Kochi ernakulam. So, coming to the story, there is an aunty living next door. She is around 48 yrs old, and very close to my mom and me. We used to be friendly with each other. She was a housewife, and after finishing all her daily chores, she used to come to our home and gossip with my mom. But she was a good lady from nature, i...

3 years ago
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Worshipping Willy

It was one of those serendipitous moments confirming that nothing in life occurs by chance. I was on my way to a conference in New Orleans, a favorite place for fun and frivolity. While it rarely happens, that day the plane was over-booked and they accepted volunteers to wait for a later flight through Miami. As I wasn’t expected in New Orleans till that evening, it was no loss and some airline travel dollars gained. Several hours later we landed in Miami and transferred to the New Orleans...

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Crotch Lake Day 6

Day 6 FridayIn order to get an early start on fishing, I had set an alarm for an ungodly five a.m. I was disoriented. For a couple of minutes, I didn’t know where I was. My first realization was that I smelled pussy, and there was a leg between min and pressing on my crotch. As I usually do the morning after eating Cindy out, I licked my mustache to further activate my favorite aroma. I encountered something crusty. I opened my eyes to the sight of naked Karen sprawled across my body.I...

Wife Lovers
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20 years of Infidelity Part 14

Finished with breakfast, the sun was just coming up as we walked back to the condo. Back at the condo, Jason joined me for another hot shower. A full stomach, hot steamy water and Jason's hands massaging my shoulders and neck chased away the last hint of a headache. The only ache left was a deep, deep ache in my cunt muscles from coming so hard and long under Marty's pussy eating mouth. Remembering my orgasm had my pussy clenching around the wand as I moved it up and around the inside of my...

2 years ago
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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 38 Fully Loaded

Mickey left the house without a word. On the drive into work, he attempted to process what had just taken place; first of all, he had sex – full-blown, banging sex – with someone who wasn’t his wife or daughter. It struck him that he did not know her name, even though her knew her to be a friend of Michaela’s and Jacy’s from school. And idea of sex with a stranger had his cock rising to full mast once again. But right about that time, he pulled over into the 24-hour coffee and doughnut shop...

1 year ago
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Amongst friends

Growing up as 3 horny teens was tough on my group of friends. We were so horny we couldn't even figure out how to get laid most the time.One of my friends was the worst. Always talking about it.We'd go over to his house to watch sports or play video games, after a few hours he'd always find a way to pop a porn on. Always. Now watching porn with 2 other guys always felt a little weird to me and my friend Brad. We were normal teens at that point and too worried about what was gay or...

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A trans top and her bottom bitch Part 2

At the start of our second week together, we left the hotel in Makati to stay for one night at her little house where her friend is also living temporarily. We had made a brief visit the week before but we had not spent the night there. I was not too enthusiastic about staying at her house because she shares a room with her friend and I didn't think we would be able to have sex.However when her friend left to do a little shopping, she surprised me by coming up the stairs saying, "Quick, get...

4 years ago
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theatre treat

I had left the house quickly that evening and had not worn panties or a bra and realized that soon this mans hand would soon find my clean shaven pussy. I was rapidly getting turned on. The mans hand gently stroked my leg going a little higher each stroke. Soon his hand rested on my now moistening pussy. i quietly gasped as he stroked once more and then inserted a finger dep inside me. My boyfriemd leaned over kissed me and said he was going for some popcorn and something to...

2 years ago
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Mutant 59the Plastic Eaters

Many years ago I found a library book titled "Mutant 59: The Plastic Eaters". It was very up-beat. It's been swimming around in my head for nigh onto forty five years now. I think that it's time for a different impression. Since so much of our society depends on plastics now compared to the 1960s. Let's just imagine what a catastrophe it would be. The first thing that let me know something was wrong was my shoes fell off my feet. They disintegrated. Then the lights in the grocery store...

3 years ago
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The Cut

Blankly staring out the kitchen window, Renee was oblivious to the fact she had now minced the onion into minuscule fragments and only remembered she was even using the knife once it sliced through the tip of her finger, stopping only because of the nail. She snapped immediately back into reality and dropped the knife, blood already making eerie patterns on the onion pulp. Derek had heard her drop the knife and then the rush of water. ‘You okay?’ ‘Just wasn’t paying attention.’ She was...

2 years ago
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My dad take care of me

Hi this is Poonam am 27 I am proud of what happened when I was18 I had fully developed from all sides I looked sex even today I am my mom worked as a principal at school & my dad was a businessmen so it was my dad to take care of me as my mom used to leave home earlier that day in the morning my dad went for his bath when he came out I was in my night dress I opened his door he was in his bath robe he smiled at me he sat on the bed I came close to him all I could see his manhood I asked dad its...

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Mom pregnant with me and my birth

So like I said in my last story mom got pregnant with in 1991. Well my mom and dad had 2 friends Randy who is my dads friend who is black and his wife Tiranka who is my moms co worker and friend. So mom and Tiranka had to go to Ardmore Oklahoma for a work trip so dad and randy tagged along well one night randy and tirnaka went to the movies my mom and dad stayed behind and mom said I’m ovulating get me pregnant so they went to fucking mom still had her huge breast implants at the time. So randy...

1 year ago
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Gay Sauna fun

I was at out at a bucks party in the city, which started to finish up around 3am. We had just spent the last couple of hours at the strip club, so I was feeling pretty horny still and decided to try and find a local gay club to really satisfy my urges.I stumbled across Steam, a very nice and well maintained sauna in the middle of Sydney city. I had a nice long shower and started getting hard checking out all the other men showering with me. I finished showering and walked upstairs to the...

2 years ago
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Recycling Day

It was 7.45am on a Friday and I could hear people outside, putting out their bins ready for the rubbish collection. I sat up, swung my legs over the side of the bed and was about to get up when I felt her hand on my arm. "Where are you going?" she asked. "To put the bins out, it's recycling day." "The bin men come more often than I do around here. Come back to bed." Something was definitely wrong. Jane and I had been married for nearly fifty years and in all that time I had never...

1 year ago
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The Groomsman

Alexa rolled over onto her stomach. Spreading her legs wide for him, she came up on her hands and knees and stuck her round bubble butt out. She loved it when she got fucked from behind. Doggystyle was her favourite position. They seemed to be the perfect height for each other. Her pussy at just the right angle so that every thrust of his pressed his gorgeous hard cock against her G-spot. Neither of them could hold off on their orgasms when they switched to this position. Alexa would cum almost...

2 years ago
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Selena gomez fucks hard

Without wasting time, let me come to my fantasy sex story I have been imagining from quite a few days.I am the 24-year guy from Jabalpur, virgin, contact me at or hang out or eight seven seven zero seven four two one zero six. Selena Gomez and her very famous boyfriend were in the New York city. He was there to do a few shows as part of his world tour and she was promoting her new single “bad liar”, being photographed everywhere in between by the paparazzi as she went from radio station to...

3 years ago
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Maid to Order

               Maid To Order!                 TJ Ryder        It was a strange year, Patrick, aka Patty mused as hesat in study hall in the last period at school.  Just a year agohe had gotten in trouble over that mistaken stolen car beef, hissecond offense as a juvenile, and instead of the usual spankingor caning from his single parent mother, which most of the timehe found erotic, he was given the dreaded Choice!    Unfortunately lots of bad boys who had the right...

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Reluctant HeroChapter 6

Tragedy Strikes It was about an hour later that Anne-Marie returned home accompanied by the glamorous Fraulein Helga. Tony quickly realised that Anne-Marie was showing signs of tension, but he was highly intrigued by the glamorous blonde Fraulein Helga. They both came in shaking their umbrellas from the afternoon rain. Tony was a little surprised when he met Helga for the first time. She was extremely glamorous, and she exuded sex appeal and flaunted it. Anne Marie was not at all pleased...

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