Consenting Adults free porn video

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It was crazy.

Sure, he’d had a lech for Marilyn Ralston for
a long time, but he’d never seriously contemplated
doing anything about it. She and her husband lived in
the same building as he and Laura, and they saw each
other for drinks occasionally. So you get the hots
for a neighbor, maybe in the flicker of her eyes, the
tone in her voice, he perceived something unspeakable,
have a few harmless fantasies about her, and that’s it,
until last night.

Not that anything had happened. She and Larry
had stopped in for a drink or two, and they’d talked,
that’s all. Among other things, they talked about the
rising crime rate in the neighborhood, how dangerous
the city was getting; hell, it wasn’t safe to walk the
streets anymore. And Marilyn had said, “Did you read
about what happened to that woman the other day? Only
a few blocks away from here?”

“No, what?” Laura asked.

Marilyn leaned forward. “She was home alone.
This man broke into her apartment in broad daylight,
mind you, and held a gun on her and made her take her
clothes off, and then raped her. And there wasn’t
anything she could do about it. Can you imagine that?”

Laura said something, but he hadn’t heard it.
He was watching Marilyn curiously. Something about
the way she had told the story intrigued him. She’d
been telling it as an example of the horrible things
that were happening, but there had been more than
horror in her eyes. Even in her voice, he thought.
There had been a kind of perverse fascination. Or
was he imagining it? The way she had said, “And she
couldn’t do a thing about it.” The way her eyes had
flickered for an instant knowingly.

Later, while Larry was in the john and Laura
was doing something in the kitchen, he’d brought it
up again. “Where did you say that woman lived? The
one that was raped!”

“Right up here on Seventy-Seventh Street,” she
said. “Near Central Park West, for God’s sake.”

He shook his head. “What was it he did again?”
he asked casually. “I’m afraid I wasn’t listening too

He watched her face as she answered. “Well,
he came to the door and when she answered he broke
right in with a gun. And he held it on her and forced
her to take off all her clothes. And then he made
her, you know, submit to him.” Again he caught the
flicker in the eyes, the subtle undertone in the voice.

“And she couldn’t do any, thing?” he asked.
“Yell for help or anything?”

“How could she? He was threatening to shoot her.
She was helpless.” A slight tremor in the voice.

“That is pretty frightening, I guess,” he said.
“What do you think you would do if it happened to you?”
He: watched her openly now.

She swallowed, “To me?” She gave a weak little

He kept his tone casual. “Yes, if someone broke
in on you with a gun, and forced you to strip, and then
raped you, what would you do?”

“Oh, don’t say that!” She gave a little shudder,
a pretend shudder. “I don’t know, I mean it would be
just-just terrible!”

“Funny,” he said. “I’ll bet there are some
women who would like it.”

Was that a faint flush at her throat? Or was it
just the alcohol? She avoided his eyes now, giving
that little laugh again. “I don’t believe it.” she
said. “How could they?”

He said nothing, and then Larry had come back
into the room. How interesting, he had thought, how
very interesting.

In the morning he had told himself that what he
was thinking was absurd, ridiculous, fantastic, not to
mention dangerous. The idea kept nagging at him,
though. Between the time he got out of bed and the
time he left for work he had dismissed it a dozen
times. But now he found himself getting off the
elevator on the Ralstons’ floor. His head was pounding
as he stood before their apartment door. I must be out
of my mind, he thought. It’ll never work. But remem-
bering Marilyn’s eyes he thought it just might. He
pushed the buzzer.

Marilyn opened the door. She wore a yellow
blouse and a black skirt. Her dark brown hair was
pulled back. She smiled at him, surprised. “Stan!
Hi. Come on in.” He stepped in, closing the door
behind him.

“I’m afraid Larry’s gone to work,” she said.

“I know. It’s you I want to see.”

“Oh? Well-would you like some coffee?”


“Well, sit down.”

He put his hand into the side pocket of his
coat and took a breath. The words he spoke sounded
hollow as if they came from somewhere outside this

“Marilyn,” he said, “I’ve got a gun. I’ve come
to rape you.”

She stared at him in blank amazement, then
smiled uncertainly, as though she wasn’t sure she’d
heard him properly.

“What did you say?”

“I said, I have a gun,” he repeated. “Here in
my pocket. And I’ve come here to force you to submit
to me.”

She stared at him another second, then she
laughed. “Very funny,” she said. “You’re quite a
joker. Now do you want some coffee? I just made it,
it’s fresh.”

That’s right, it’s a joke, he thought. You can
still back out. Tell her yes, it’s a joke, and leave.
“It’s not a joke,” he said. “I’m serious. I’m going
to make you take off your clothes, and then I’m going
to rape you. If you don’t, I’ll shoot you.”

She still smiled, but with a little less
certainty now. “Oh, cut it out, Stan,” she said,
trying to keep her voice light even though a trace
of edginess had crept in. “You wouldn’t know what to
do with a gun if you did have one.”

“It’s right here in my pocket,” he said. “Don’t
make me use it. Do what I tell you. You have no
choice, do you understand?”

Something flickered in her dark eyes for just
a moment, and was gone. “Let me see this gun,” she
said skeptically.

He took another breath. “All right.” He pulled
his hand out of his pocket and pointed his index finger
at her. “Take off your clothes,” he said.

She started to laugh, but midway the laugh be-
came false and died out. His eyes bored into her. She
looked away, avoiding him.

“All right, Stan,” she said, sharply now. “The
joke’s over, okay?” She started to walk to the door.
“You better be getting to work. I don’t know what-”

“Stop!” he said sharply. She stood still,
staring at him. He raised the finger higher, pointing
it straight at her head. “Now,” he said. “Stop
stalling. Take off your clothes!”

It was beginning to get to her. He saw it in
her eyes. She took a small step backward, swaying
slightly. “Stan…”

“Take off you clothes or I’ll shoot!”

She stood very still, her eyes wide, her lips
parted, staring at him. Ten seconds passed. Twenty
seconds. He stood there, waiting, watching it working
inside of her. A pulse fluttered on the side of her
neck. Her breasts rose and fell with her breathing.
Thirty seconds. Forty-five.

Almost imperceptibly, her hands began to lift
from her sides. With infinite slowness they rose,
trembling. They came higher as if they were something
detached from her. They hesitated over her breasts,
then moved on, until they met at the top of her blouse.
Her eyes never left his. They seemed hypnotized,
almost glazed. He kept his eyes steady, the finger
pointed at her head. Her hands opened the top button
of her blouse, as if this were a signal, a small sound
came from her. She moistened her lips reflexively.
Her hand moved down to the next button, and opened it.
Then to the next, and the next. When there were no
more buttons she pulled the blouse open, slowly, tug-
ging it out of her skirt, pulling it off and letting
it drop to the floor.

She wore a white brassiere. His eyes dropped
to the smooth, tanned skin beneath it. His heart beat
faster. When he looked at her eyes again, he saw she
was lost now. How right he had been!

He lowered his finger. “Keep going,” he said.

Her hands went to her skirt. “Don’t make me,”
she whispered.

“Take it off or I’ll shoot.”

She pushed the skirt downward, down over her
hips, and let it fall to the floor. She had good legs,
strong, the thighs heavily fleshed but shapely.

“The rest,” he said.

Less slowly than at first, but still slowly,
her hands moved behind her to open the brassiere.
“You’re making me,” she breathed as she unhooked it.
“You’re making me do it.” She slid the straps from
her shoulders and let the bra fall. Her breasts were
full and ripe and buoyant. The nipples were erect.

They hardened still further as his eye swept
them in a hard gaze.

“That’s right,” he said. “I’m making you do
it. And there’s nothing you can do about it.”

Her eyes closed for a moment, a horrific expres-
sion on her face.

“Don’t stop,” he said. Her eyes opened again.
Her hands went to her panties.

“You’re forcing me,” she whispered again, and
pushed them down.

Now, naked, she stood before him, her full-
fleshed beauty sending waves of desire through him.

“I’m going to fuck you now,” he said. “Into
the bedroom.”

She turned and walked in front of him, out of
the room, down a short hall and into the bedroom. He
gestured to the bed. “Lie down.”

She hesitated. “I-It’s our bed. My husband’s
and mine.”

“Good,” he said. “Lie down or I’ll kill you.”

“Ohh.” She went to the bed and lay down on her
back, looking up at him. Swiftly he began to take off
his clothes, his eyes never leaving the dark, volup-
tuous body. When he was naked, he walked over to the
bed and stood beside it. She was breathing rapidly.
Her nipples were incredibly distended. He wanted to
reach down and touch them, but he stopped himself.

“Spread your legs,” he told her.

She obeyed instantly. He put his hand between
them, directly on her cunt. She was moist, open. A
moan came from her. He took his hand away and flung
himself down on top of her.

He was inside her instantly, with one strong
thrust, and in a moment was pounding away furiously.
A series of deep, unearthly noises came out of her
throat as he took her the way a rapist would, quick
and hard and with no thought for anything but his own
pleasure. He felt her arms around him, nails digging
at his back. Her legs came up and locked around his
waist. He felt himself drowning in the abundant
sensuousness of her flesh. He drove harder; the
inhuman, out-of-control noises she was making exciting
him almost as much as her twisting, heaving body;
until suddenly, without warning, it crashed over him
and he was finished.

He rolled off her and lay drenched in sweat.
For a long time there was no sound but their breathing.

Finally, in a low voice, she said, “You better
go now.”

He looked over at her. “Not yet,” he said,
putting a hand on her breast.

She brushed it away. “Don’t,” she said flatly.


“Oh, shut up,” she said. “Shut up, for god’s
sake.” She sat up in the bed beside him. She put her
head in her hands. “How did you know you could do
that?” she said then. He could hardly hear her. “How
did you know you could just walk in here and… My
god! It doesn’t even make any sense.” She looked at
him now. “How the hell did you know?”

He shrugged. “I sensed it.”

“You sensed it.” She laughed sarcastically.
“That’s some sensor you got. I would never have
believed it, myself.”

“Why not?”

“Why not?’ she repeated incredulously. “What
do you think I am, anyway? I’m not a whore. I’ve
never done this before. I’ve never been with another
man since I’ve been married. My god!” She crossed her
arms over her breasts now, and drew her knees up,
shielding the sight of her body from him. “Did you
think I just fall into bed with any man who comes to
the door? Is that what you sensed!”

“Of course not,” he said. “If I had come in
here and just made an ordinary pass at you, you would
have smacked me down good. It wasn’t just a man you
wanted. You wanted to be forced. To be raped.”

“You bastard!” she said.

He looked at her. Her eyes moved away. “Even
if it was true,” she said in a softer voice, “how
could you tell!”

“It showed in the way you talked about that
woman on Seventy-Seventh Street. It excited you.
Oh, not that it was glaringly obvious or anything.
But I just had a feeling. Then later, when I asked
you about it, I was almost sure of it. You were
attracted to the idea of being in that position being
helpless, having somebody force you to submit…”

“Stop!” She bowed her head, resting her fore-
head on her drawn-up knees. “Nobody knows about
that,” she said in a muffled tone. “Nobody. Not even
my husband.”

“Everybody has secret desires, I guess. Things
they don’t admit, even to themselves lots of times.”
He shrugged. “So I figured if I could make it come
true for you, in a way…”

“I’d fall on my back like a damn nympho,” she
said with bitterness. “Well it sure worked, didn’t it?
That’s very clever, Mr. Ericson.”

He said nothing.

After a moment she raised her head and looked
at him. “Alright,” she said. “It’s done, and I guess
there’s nothing I can do about it. So just get the
hell out of here now and let’s forget it ever happened,
huh? God, if Larry ever found out about this, I’d
just feel…” She shook her head slowly.

“How would you feel?”

Her eyes flashed. “Damn it, how do you think
I’d feel? I’d be so ashamed, so mortified, I’d

“Mmm.” He was silent for a moment.

Then he said suddenly, “But he does know. He’s
been watching us.”

She stared at him.

“Sure,” he said. “He’s sitting in that chair
over there. I’ve got him tied up and gagged.”

She was very still for a long moment.

“What are you doing?” she whispered.

“Well, I thought you knew.” Watching her. “I
overpowered him when I first came in here. I tied
him to the chair so he could watch what we were doing.”

She gazed at him, her eyes narrowing slightly.
He looked back at her calmly. Then her eyes moved to
the empty chair in the comer of the room. She took a
long, deep breath.

He reached out and put a hand on her thigh.
She trembled. “He’s watching?’ she breathed. “That’s
right.” The hand moved on her leg. “He was watching
all the time I was raping you.” The fingers tightened
on her flesh. “And he’ll be watching what I’m going
to make you do now.”

He saw her catch her lower lip between her
teeth. Then she released her breath with a long
shuddering sigh. Her body relaxed seemed to soften.
Slowly, she lowered her legs and lay down beside him.

He didn’t move. After a moment she made a tiny
sound in her throat and turned her body toward him.
Her hand moved tentatively touched his hip.

“He’s watching,” she whispered, almost pleading-
ly. “Larry’s watching us.”

He nodded.

“Oh god,” she whimpered, and came to him, bury-
ing her face in his chest.

He reached to stroke the dark, disheveled hair,
then stopped himself.

He felt her breath against his skin, felt him-
self stirring, hardening again. There was a pause,
during which her breathing quickened, became loud in
the quiet room. She was waiting for him to command
her, but he said nothing. Then he heard the catch of
her breath, felt her lips kissing at his chest. Her
tongue came out, licked at his flesh. After a moment
her head moved downward.

He watched as she kissed her way slowly down
his body, degrading herself under the imaginary eyes
of her husband, whimpering as she paid homage to his
flesh with lips and tongue. Her hair brushed his
stomach. His body was throbbing.

His hands clutched at the sheets on either side
of him as her searching mouth moved lower.

Her lips buried in his dark tangle of pubic
hair, her cheek touching the aching rigidity of his
cock. She hesitated, trembling.

“Look, Larry,” he said hoarsely. “Look what
your wife is doing to me.

Look how she loves it!”

Her head lifted, her wild eyes going again to
the chair in the corner.

Then with a moan of abandonment her mouth
opened and she took him in, swallowing him. His body
stiffened at the sudden moist embrace. Immediately she
began to suck him, her lips clasping, her tongue
swirling as her head moved up and down the length of
his cock.

He gasped, his hips twisting under her face.
Her head bobbed faster, muffled moans coming from her
as she pleasured him toward the bursting point.

He let her continue until he felt his control

“Stop!” he said. “Stop, Marilyn!”

She raised her head one final, suctioning time,
her lips releasing him reluctantly. She stared at him
from her crouched position at the end of the bed, her
full breasts heaving with her panting breath. She was
a tawny, magnificent animal, trapped in the wilderness
of her own desires.

“Get on top,” he rasped. “I want him to watch
you screwing me.”

“Yes,” she whispered. “Yes!” She crawled up
over his legs until her hips were above his. She
reached for his cock, lowering her body. “Watch me,
Larry,” she moaned, her eyes closing as she guided him
into her.

“Watch me!”

They gave a simultaneous gasp as she slid down,
her cunt contracting as if to capture him in its grasp.
He raised his hips, pushing all the way up into her.
With a loud groan, she began to move strongly, raising
and lowering herself with wanton abandon, head thrown
back, mouth wide and gasping. Her body was a taut bow,
stomach thrust forward, breasts bouncing wildly, thighs
working in a powerful rhythm as she lifted and plunged
above him.

He took one of her hands in his and moved it
between her legs, placing it at the spot where there
crotches were joined. “Aaaaa,” she moaned, and moved
harder, her fingers caressing both herself and him as
he moved in and out of her.

His own breath was loud in his ears. He raised
his hands to her bobbing breasts, holding them, clasp-
ing the spiked nipples between his fingers. Her body
was twisting now as she pumped up and down, and the
wild noises had begun again. He knew the end was near
for both of them. He held on tightly to the yielding
flesh, letting himself drown in the vortex of sen-
sation. When he felt it upon them he pulled her down
on top of him, his arms going around her, mashing the
breasts against his chest. Their mouths crashed to-
gether, tongues stabbing frantically as the spasms of
climax shook them both.

They lay clinging to each other through the
blissful, drained torments of recovery. She rested
heavily atop him, her panting breath in his ear slowly
returning to normal.

After a while she said in a dull voice, “Let me

He released her. She disengaged herself and
pulled away, avoiding his eyes. At the edge of the
bed, she stared at the floor. He said nothing.

Then she stood up. “Get out now,” she said.
“Just get out. Please.”

She walked out of the room.

He got up slowly and got dressed.

When he came into the living room she was sit-
ting in a chair. She had put on a robe and was just
sitting there, looking straight ahead. When she saw
him she got up and went to the door, opening it. He
crossed the room to her and hesitated, not knowing
what to say.

“Don’t come back,” she said.

She irritated him. What was she trying to
prove? “You don’t mean that,” he said.

“I do mean it.” But she didn’t look at him.
“Go. Please.”

“I’m going. But I’ll come back, Marilyn.
Because you want me to.”

He stepped through the doorway, but before she
could close the door he said softly, “Maybe you’d like
me to bring a couple of friends along next time. I
bet you’d love a gang.”

Her eyes met his suddenly, wide and startled.
She said nothing, but her face told him the answer.
A shiver went through her. Then she closed the door.

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Consent Chapter Four

Consent By Michele Nylons Chapter Four - 'The Night Of' "I remind the parties that they can settle at any time before a verdict is reached and I recommend that you do. Do both counsellors acknowledge that?" Judge Karl Brinkman made one last plea for the parties to settle and he said this in open court so that the jury understood exactly what was going on here. Adele Edwards and John Murray arose and nodded to the judge. "I warn the jury now that you are going to see and...

4 years ago
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Consent Chapter Five

Consent By Michele Nylons Chapter Five - You Can Bin Them or Keep Them Peter Duffy knocked gently on the door to Adele's office. It was nearly midnight and the law office was devoid of staff. Celia was at her monthly dinner date with her mother, a chore she hated but tolerated. It meant staying overnight or driving for three hours to get back home and as Celia required at least two cocktails before dinner and a half-bottle of Shiraz with dinner just to get through the ordeal,...

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Consent Chapter Six

Consent By Michele Nylons Chapter Six - The Verdict "You let them do that to you today in public. Those men, using their lawyer, dragged you through the gutter and exposed a past that few could understand." Celia's eyes were wet with tears. They had come home exhausted from the day in court and had taken off their suits and dropped onto Adele's big bed in their underwear sans heels. "I know. But I did it for a reason." Adele lovingly swept Celia's bangs out of her eyes...

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Consent Chapter Three

Consent By Michele Nylons Chapter Three - Do You Love Me? Both Adele and Celia were wearing hold-up stockings and panties, nothing else. They had undressed this far before falling onto Adele's bed. Celia was on her back and Adele lay beside her, suckling one of Celia's nipples whilst stroking the other. Celia had her arms around Adele encouraging her. Then they kissed, lazily exploring each other's mouths with their tongues. Their lovemaking could be swift and torrid, or...

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Consent By Blackmail ndash Part 1

I am always attracted to young girls showing very little skin in their dress wear but like them wearing tight dress.I always fantasized of having sex with my dream girls not by force but by blackmailing them for some reason or the other with their full consent. I always dreamt of the likes of actresses Oviya of ‘Kalavani’ fame, Sindhu Menon of ‘Eeram’ fame, Sandhya of ‘Kadhal’ fame etc.I slightly tweaked the scenes in aforesaid movies in my day dreams and develop situations to blackmail my...

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Consent 2

This story picks up where Consent ends so you might enjoy this more is you read it first."I will leave you two for now. I am sure you and Celeste have much to talk about. Celeste stay here and take good care of him.""Yes Mistress Karen I will. I have never met a man quite like him before."The front door shuts and Celeste pulls the sheet from me. I pull her to me and kiss her deeply. She sighs and lays on my chest."God did this all really happen? I have never been fucked like that before and now...

2 years ago
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Consent Part 1

We met on Wednesday I had checked out Celeste's profile on a vanilla dating site. She had sent me a flirt I sent one back. A phone conversation resulted in a dinner date for Friday.Celeste is 52 divorced and from her profile photo, a very attractive brunette. I'm a 63 yo widower in very good shape if I do say so myself. At 6:30 I ring Celeste's doorbell."Please come in I am nearly ready." She is wearing a black mid-length skirt, flats and a tan blouse that is fit in all to right places to show...

3 years ago
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Consent By Blackmail 8211 Part 3

Thoughts running in my mind with the sequence of events that took place from the time I saw these girls. I felt a great opportunity of my sex life. I have 3 girls and a woman to have fun with and that too with their consent if my plans work out. Also, it was a gift that a lady SI is in my hands. But I was also worried about the bad consequences and therefore planning every move in detail. I was restless and desperate to have sex with any of them at the earliest. I called the lady SI to come to...

2 years ago
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Consent By Blackmail 8211 Part 1

I am from Chennai suburbs, 31 years male having my own fertilizer business and a mango farm. I am not that muscular but tall (5’9”). wheatish and has a lean young body with circumcisioned shaft stats of 7 inch length & 1.5” dia when aroused. I am always attracted to young girls showing very little skin in their dress wear but like them wearing tight dress. I always fantasized of having sex with my dream girls not by force but by blackmailing them for some reason or the other with their full...

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Consent Chapter One

Consent By Michele Nylons Chapter One - Short Skirt and a Long Jacket The boy pulled his bloated penis from Adele's lipsticked lips just as he orgasmed. The eruption of scalding semen spattered across her pretty face, splashing in her eyes, then across her cheeks and ran down her chin. The boy groaned with pleasure and then he laughed. "Good shot Pete!" the boy holding Adele down on her knees gloated. "She loves it! Look she's lapping at it with her tongue," Brian...

3 years ago
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Consent Chapter Two

Consent By Michele Nylons Chapter Two - Not Tonight Cowboy Adele opened the door to her apartment and put down her handbag and keys on the hall table. She took an envelope out of her handbag and placed it on the table. It was late, after eleven in the evening, Adele always worked late. She noticed that her bedroom door was ajar and a beam of light spilled into the hallway. Adele stopped in the kitchen briefly and poured herself a glass of Shiraz and then walked down to her...

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ComDotGame Adult

ComDotGame/adult is a browser game site where you can play all kinds of degenerate games for free. ComDotGames aka CDG Sex Games features some of the more tasteless games on the internet, like torture and fuck simulators. This review will focus on Comdotgame’s adult section, although they have all kinds of other games to features thousands of random browser games that you can play through Flash. These games include blowjob and sex simulators, adventure games, and more. If...

Free Sex Games
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There’s just something magical about good, real amateur pornography. Yeah, those pornstars with the silicone-enhanced bodies and practiced moans are hot as fuck, but sometimes you just want to beat off to a horny babe who ain’t in it for the money. The best amateurs want to get off as bad as you do, and that’s exactly who you’ll find over at site has been around since 2000, which practically makes it an institution in the world of online smut. They’ve had ups, downs, and a...

Amateur Porn Sites
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OVGuide Adult

Are you looking for a site dedicated towards the provision of detailed and modern guide to online videos? OVGuide or Online Video Guide is a leading online video search destination that cuts the noise from online video sites and only indexes the best. The site receives tens of thousands of high definition and excellent quality online videos and video websites from where the site’s highly professional editorial staff reviews each one of them to ensure they meet the required standards. OVGuide’s...

Free Porn Tube Sites
4 years ago
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Growing Up To Adult

Rohan just started to go to college when this tale took place. He felt he was old enough But, his family did not let him act adult. He was the youngest of the big joint family in a village Sadly, as it always happens, he was the darling of the family, and so, the object of everybody’s tease. All elders used to have fun at him But, on the day of the story, he was acting adult! No, not the way you might imagine. He was given responsibility of being an escort to his elder sister His sister Damani...

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4Chan Adult

Ready for some trolling at 4 Chan? Some people would say if you’ve never heard of 4chan, you should consider yourself lucky. Well, that’s not really the kind of company we keep around here. I know you’re a pervert, just like me, and you like seeing the weirdest, freakiest, sexiest and nastiest shit out there. That’s one of the 4chan’s big claims to fame.The site has been around since 2004 and has had its share of controversies. I’ll touch on that a bit, but there’s always Wikipedia if you need...

Porn Chan Sites
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Consent is Not Required Alexandra Daddario and the Black Drug Dealer

Her parents were addicts. There would always be people coming and going from the Daddario house, many of them looking scruffy and unkempt. Her parents were so poor, there would be days where she hardly had anything to eat. This was sad and challenging, but the true hell of her existence started early in high school. She had just gotten home from a day at school, when she heard her father shouting for her to come to their den. He wasn’t alone, there was another man Alexandra hadn’t...

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Consent is Not Required Scarlett Johansson and Her High School Drama Teacher

“Yeah, it’s not your best, Scarlett. It’s actually pretty bad.” The high school senior’s shoulders dropped and her beautiful green eyes threatened tears. She barely heard her drama teacher as he started to pick apart her performance, feeling numb and dumb. The problems with her acting he was mentioning he couldn’t possibly actually feel were problems! It was all so subjective! Anyone else who didn’t have her future in her hands, she would have snapped back with a snarky comeback, or argued...

4 years ago
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Consent By Blackmail 8211 Part 2

Early morning next day, I was waiting in my farm for Sundari and her friends to arrive. Finally Sundari came with her 2 friends as usual but the uniform they were wearing today is a white shirt and a white skirt up to the knees. Seems they wear this uniform on every Friday. One of the girls which I did not notice before was a look alike of our Tamil actress Amala Paul of “Sindhu Samaveli” fame. Her name is Vedika. I came to know their names when they called each other. The third girl is Archana...

4 years ago
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Consent is Not Required Billie Eilish and Her Father and Brother

It started with her father. Compared to some people’s tales of molestation, Billie got off relatively easy. Literally. One night in her late teens - after she’d become famous by releasing her song Ocean Eyes - Billie woke up with her father, Patrick O'Connell, laying on top of her. His rough hand, calloused from a lifetime of working construction unlike his actress wife Maggie, clamped down on her little mouth, pinning her to the bed. It took just a second for his other rough...

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Consent is Not Required Zendaya and Her Racist Bully

It all started Zendaya’s senior year in highschool. She grew up in a very, very affluent part of California in a community vastly dominated by whites. She had to work twice as hard to get any respect, and was on track to graduate with honors. Sure, by then she was already a world-famous celebrity for years, having been a Disney starlet since she was 14, four years ago. That didn’t matter very much to Chad. Chad was, if you couldn’t guess, a white six-foot-three football star, and built to...

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Consent is Not Required Olivia Holt and Two Guys at a Bar

From the day I turned fifteen I didn’t know a moment’s peace. Both paparazzi and my own keepers would follow me around everywhere, every single thing I did made it into gossip magazines for several years and ensuring I didn’t have a lasting moment’s privacy. I couldn’t handle the exposure anymore and one night I just sort of snapped and stupidly snuck away from my hotel room in Los Angeles to have myself some -me- time without letting anyone know where I was going. That’s how I ended up...

5 years ago
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Consent is Not Required Three Stories In One

There are a lot of things that I regret in my life, and the first time I was raped is one of them. I regret how I didn’t fight it, how I let it happen. I regret how obedient I was, how easy I was to victimize. I regret how everything in my body told me to scream or run or fight, but I stupidly didn’t. I regret that I was meek and quiet, letting him use my virgin body for his pleasure just so I could get what I wanted. I knew what sex was; I wasn’t an idiot, I was just a virgin. Even so, this...

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"Two nights, Ash." Ashley's brother was being stubborn. "Tommy," Ashley responded, "it's a senior. It's Ryan Barnes. It's my entire future." Ryan was one of the cool boys, and Ashley knew if she were late for a date with Ryan -- her first date with Ryan -- for any reason, he wouldn't ask her out again. If she were late because she had to do the dishes, the entire school would laugh at her. "I'll bet his family has a dishwasher." "Well, our family has two dishwashers." "Oh,...

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Becoming the Neighborhood Cock Sucker Part 2 Adult

In Part 1 of this story I explained how my best friend, Alan, and I sucked one another’s cocks for the first time when we were sixteen years old. After that, he let me know that he had no interest in sucking me again, but he was happy to have me suck him at every opportunity. I found out that I loved the taste of cock, balls and cum in my mouth, and I began sucking other boys from the neighborhood. By the end of high school, I was regularly sucking over a half-dozen boys, and even sucking their...

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My first timeas an adult

I was a recently married 29 year old. The honeymoon was over and we were arguing about dumb shit. This particular night I had enough and needed to leave to clear my head, else I'd say something that I really didn't mean. She is the love of my life. I just needed a break. My job had a 24 hr gym, so I left the house a little after 11pm and headed to relieve some stress. I began working out and didn't pay any attention to the only other person working out across the room. After about half hour, I...

4 years ago
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Angies An Adult

Angela "Angie" Sloan, a senior in her high school, woke up today, on her 18th birthday. She knew that her time had come at last. She had considered this matter seriously, and realized that she wanted to be a virgin until she turned 18, but then become a slut. Now, today, she planned to lose her cherry before the day ended. She had to make sure that she acted on her decision, and did not back out of it.Angie loved the idea of sex, but, somehow, boys her own age just had no appeal to her....

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Toyboy Forced to Act as Adult

Many thanks to Kirk2004 for editing this story. Easter is a booming time at North Scandinavian ski resorts. The weather is usually above zero and very pleasant and sunny. Everybody is at least four days off the job. I was at one of the larger more popular hotels in our North together with three friends. A gorgeous brunette gave me a bright smile and some kind comments during breakfast and now at the "after ski" I saw her sitting only a few tables away from my gang. Once again I got a bright...

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Becumming An Adult

Eighteen… the year of freedom. It was August when I attended university.  69A this is my dorm room. I knock on the door, expecting my new roommate to greet me with open arms, but there was no response. All I could hear were other people down the hallway moving in and what seemed to be a low moan. I knocked again while fumbling for my key. Again, no response. I unlocked the door and found my roommate Tiffany laying on her bed masturbating with a thick, long vibrator. Startled, she turned around...

College Sex
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Moms Curvy Her Daughter Curvier An Adult

I had only been out of college for a short two years. I got a job part time in my field doing computer web design and was working some hours bagging grocery at a local store. It all happens very quickly one night. I was helping an older woman to her car with some groceries. I could tell she was pretty rich by her ride and all the gold rings and her expensive outfit. When she asked me out, I think I just shook my head. We made plans for dinner about a week later. It went well and I was kind of...

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My First Decent Gang Bang as an Adult

I’d had a few smaller ones up until then. One, of five guys, was for a film loop and it worked out pretty well. I’d gotten a motel room on occasion, close to the one bookstore in town, and had a very nice evening with about eight guys who showed up off and on. My first good one was a combination of early chat rooms and some ‘advertising’ in both book stores. It took a month to organize and I ended up with twelve guys; I figured that [maybe] eight or ten would show up. As it ended up there were...

3 years ago
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Spanked as an Adult

This is a true storey that happened many years ago when I was nineteen. I was still living at home and my parents had gone on hols. One evening while I was sitting at home watching the tv the door bell rang , I answered the door to find it was the local councillor who lived a few doors up the road. he was in his sixties, and about six foot , balding ,and overweight. He said my parents had asked him to keep an eye on me whilst they were away , and he needed to come in to talk about something...

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Husband got more than he bargained for An Adult

I had only been out of college for a few years. I invested some money from my parents and started a small company. I had a small construction business that painted lines in parking lots and on different road ways through out the state. I had two small crews with about a dozen employees. I had just bought a small trailer as my office. It had a small waiting area in the front of the trailer with a small reception desk. There was a small bathroom. I constructed a nice size office for myself. It...

3 years ago
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my one gay love affair

I am very shy, but when i drink i open up. sometimes good sometimes bad. this time was good. i was at a bar on Beale st in Memphis with my roommate and his wife. i happily stumbled into this beautiful black woman with her arms up dancing. i noticed she had a couple of days stubble under her arm. which was chubby but tight skin with just a little hint of stretch marks. i told her how beautiful i thought she was (which i never do that), and how i wanted to lick her armpits. she was shocked but...

4 years ago
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Katie tells Tom how it is in Michigan

But now I know you, and I like you, you are beautiful, please kiss me. Tom, it just got me excited to tell you that. You can do some other stuff with my tits later, but right, all I want is this. I don't think I'm a real cocksucker, but I want to be the cocksucker for you, now."She was. There are certain nerve endings in a penis, that when properly stimulated, will produce a sense of euphoria. Katie, for all her innocence, hit them all. I was in heaven. In heaven, for all Katie's interest in...

4 years ago
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Mom Me In The Cold Cold House

When mom got home after working the second shift, I was sitting in one of the overstuffed chairs bundled in a heavy sweater and blanket. For a hot Florida home, it was a cold winter’s night. Very cold. I was only 1 5 and out of school for the winter break. Ginger and Mikey were staying with Grandma for vacation."My Lord, Donny, why don't you have the heat on?""Sorry, mom, I think there’s something wrong with it. I just got home myself and it was freezing in here. I turned the thermostat up,...

3 years ago
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First time fun

Been dressing for about ten years, started with few items now got full wardrober. Gone the extra mile by shaving all over and shedding some serious pounds to look good. Found a great site in US who sell made to measue mens CD TV Clothing so know I look good. Anyway, on a few websites and cam wanked a few times, but a while ahgo something caught my eys, or should I say someone!!!Get loads of messages on AFF from loads of guys but its the CD ones that attracts me until had one from a guy who said...

3 years ago
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Taken By MistakeChapter 2

I was going nuts, I heard a voice, it was my voice, I was saying "Jesus, Oh God, Oh Jesus, fuck me, give it to me. Harder, don't stop, please don't stop" I felt like I was building to a greater feeling than I had already felt from him. I was begging him. "PLEASE, PLEASE DON'T STOP, FOR GOD SAKE PLEASE, IT SO GOOD, IT'S SO FUCKING GOOD" I was picking these words up from listening to Sally on the video. It seemed the more I said to him the faster he went and I swear his cock got bigger...

4 years ago
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Fucking Weekend With My Girlfriend

Hello. This is my second story and hope it will make you hard and girls wet!! Please provide me the feedback at my mail: Without taking ur too much of time i am going to start the story in hindi. Mai rahul age 20 good in height and body! Yeh story meri girlfriend ke sath hai jo 19 yrs ki ae. Uska name vandana hai. Yeh story hamare relation ke start hone ke kch hafto baad ki ae jab humne ek weekend sath bitaya. Friday ko college khtm hone ke baad humne milne ka plan bnaya. Maine 2 nights ke...

2 years ago
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StungChapter 2 Returning Home

I hated leaving Aunt Penny. She was the best thing that ever happened to me. Except for that hornet's sting which I was convinced that changed me. If that bullfrog had not eaten the insect, I would gladly kissed it if I ever saw it again. Aunt Penny and I were in tears hugging and kissing each other on the cheek when my flight was called. "Here darling," she shoved an envelope into my hand. "Cash this check when you get back home." "But Auntie, you've given me so much," I protested....

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