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In most areas of magic, I am generally considered to be a very weak wizard...but in one area I am almost peerless. In my specialty area of magic, I am generally considered to be one of the most powerful wizards in the United States. I am woefully unprepared to hurl bolts of lightning around or transform dogs into cats, but when it comes to sensing potentials in people, places and things...I am generally very capable. Because of this talent, I have been highly successful in training some of the most well known magic users in the world. A bad feeling came over me as I thought about the assignment I had given my current apprentice. His potential was amazing, if I could somehow teach him the wisdom of power as well as how to manipulate it. I gave him his little weekend project in the hopes that he would fail and get burned in a small way so that he would learn to be more careful with the balance of things. When I thought about the assignment, I got the sense that this would be a very important lesson for him...but I also felt troubled for some reason. Karma and fate can be tricky even for someone like could get powerful insight into one thing, but still get blind-sided when random elements are applied. *** "I've done it master, I completed my task as directed", Sean said proudly as he entered the room, disturbing my train of thought. Trailing behind him, came a woman who could only be described as voluptuous. She was a bit shorter than average height, with the sort of frame that traditionally belongs to porn stars or strippers. She had long silky looking hair, a near perfect complexion, and breasts a bit larger than a pair of grapefruit. She also gave off an aura of overwhelming sexuality. Everything about her seemed design to provoke a reaction in most men, and a good number of women as well. Of course, that's because she had been designed that way, out of Sean's unrestrained fantasies. While all of those things caught my eye (I am a man after all), the thing that really drew my attention was the vacant look in her eyes that spoke of a near complete suppression of sort of intelligence or self control. I sighed as I resigned myself to losing another apprentice...unfortunately more often than not they fail to listen and wind up in more trouble than they can handle. With an efficiency from decades of practice, I quickly cast an analysis spell to see just how badly my apprentice had messed up. "As I recall, your assignment was to work a minor transformation on a stranger according to the code," I said grimly. "Not to coerce someone into a permanent soul bonding with you." As I examined the snarl of mystical energy wrapped around the girl, I sighed inwardly at the knowledge my apprentice was about to have a very bad day...or at least, he was about to have a major life altering event. "Let's see if I have this right. You cast a low yield coercion spell on your victim to make her (or should I say him) very agreeable with you and highly suggestible. Then based on her consent given under effects of that spell you proceeded to alter her physically into this extremely well endowed young lady. After that I see some higher level spells designed to alter her memories and make her extremely eager to please you. On top of that you worked a soul bonding on her forging an empathic link between you so she would be completely responsive to your desires. And finally, I see you did a major fortification on the spells so that they would become nearly impossible to break. Does that sum things up?" "Well, the soul bonding works both ways, it gives her an empathic link to my emotions...but it also gives me access to draw on her life force to fuel my spells," Sean said proudly. "Other than that I guess you have it about right." "My god, I told you to find and convince someone to allow a minor transformation...and instead you did a major working. What was going through your head Sean?" "You keep telling me to go slow, to hold back...minor workings and self castings. I mastered casting high potential spells almost six months ago and you still want me to cure zits and give facials. I wanted to prove that I am ready to be released from this apprenticeship and granted journeyman status." "Very well, Sean. I am releasing all claims and responsibilities for you as my apprentice. You are free to pursue whatever usages for your power you deem suitable. Do you accept your release and take responsibility for the consequences of using your power?" I stated formally. "You're damn right I do. About time!" Sean said, excitement filling his voice. Internally I heaved a sigh of relief, as his master some of this snarl would likely have caused me some difficulties as well. "Well teacher, guess I'll be getting the hell out of this dump then," Sean said arrogantly not even trying to hide that ever present sense of entitlement I had been trying to eliminate for the last year. Like so many magic users, he had convinced himself that because he had power he was superior to normals. As he started strolling towards the door, the girl following docilely behind him, he suddenly staggered. As a precaution I took a step back and raised additional protections around myself to prevent any negative effects from the wild magic I could see releasing. "Master, what is happening?" Sean asked, a sudden panicked look in his eye. "I am not your master any more, but it should be obvious even to you. The spells you cast were flawed and now you are being hit with the backlash as they unravel." "But that's not possible. I had his consent for everything but the suggestibility spell. There should be no karmic debt for my spells!" "You think that just because he agreed to some things under the fog of a mind altering spell that he gave true consent? Did you even read what I gave you on the subject? Ah well, it doesn't matter any more. Your career as a wizard is over now." "Over? What is that supposed to mean old man?" "It means just that. You now have no hope of wielding magic in any useful manner, not that you will care much about it in a bit." Another wave of wild magic unraveled from around the girl and lashed out at my former apprentice. As I watched, the soul bonding spell suddenly inverted and reversed itself, forging an even deeper bond between the two...just flowing in the opposite direction from the original casting. Seeing the intricacy of the spell I couldn't help but feel regret. From a strictly technical standard, my former apprentice was truly a genius at crafting spells...had he only listened better he would have become a wizard of the type that legends were made of. A blissful look filled his face as my apprentice looked at me. "She is so happy," he murmured ecstatically. Looking at the binding I could see that he would essentially feel whatever emotions she was feeling at several times the intensity. Her happiness and satisfaction would be his bliss...but her sorrow and pain would be his hell. Another wave of magic lashed at him. And suddenly his gaze turned from blissful to lustful in an instant. He was staring at her with a look of such overwhelming bestial desire it was almost frightening. He sank down to his knees in obvious worship as in his eyes she suddenly became his owner, his be worshiped and pleased with his every breath. "WHAT THE FUCK!" The first words the girl has uttered since entering the room. I watched as the last vestiges of the mental bindings she was under faded away allowing her to act on her own will for the first time in days. My former apprentice began to whimper in empathy as her finely tuned emotional state unraveled into the chaos and confusion that only this level of mental tampering could cause. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU FUCKING DO TO ME!" she screamed. Her voice a mixture of anger and panic. "Please relax," I said, "I will try to help you through this if you let me." With an effort of will, I quickly cast a spell upon the room. As I watched, the panic and rage died down in her eyes...not gone, but somewhat suppressed so she could breath easier for a few moments. "I just cast a spell to allow a person to calm and focus their thoughts during emotionally trying times. The effects of the spell will fade as soon as you leave this room, though I would ask that you stay here a while longer as the backlash of all the spells he cast on you breaking is still not complete. If you will allow it, I will try to help you find peace with whatever he did to you." "All I know is I was hanging out in a local singles bar when this ass- hat came over and started talking to me. The next thing I know I am his eager little bimbo following him around like a puppy dog...and doing THINGS I would never do...loving things I would never love." With a snarl, she savagely kicked my apprentice in the side. "You fucking bastard you violated destroyed me..." She went on in that tirade for a while, alternating between anger, rage and despair as she railed at my apprentice as he whimpered on the floor. Occasionally you could hear him begging, "Kick me again mistress...kick me again." Even as she had an almost complete breakdown, I could tell the effects of my spell were working as her emotional control remained on this side of the line of sanity. Given that she had been physically, mentally and spiritually raped the fact that she was holding on was a good thing. Her tirade abruptly cut off as another wave of wild magic pulsed from her. As I watched, two simultaneous transformations happened. Over the next couple of minutes I watched as her body gradually reshaped itself, transforming from voluptuous woman to what could only be described as your average guy. He was slender and on the short side, with relatively plain features. On the other hand, Sean was transforming in the other direction. His features became more delicate as his body began to transform into an attractive looking woman. He didn't blow out to become the next bimbo princess, but rather he was changing to have a girl next door type. Looking deeper I could see the spell was designed to base the physical appearance on the caster's unconscious "perfect" ideal of sexiness. Under the surface I could see that the spell had designed her new body to be extremely sexual in nature, well into the range of what could only be called nymphomania. A wave of relief passed over HIS face as he realized he was in his own body again. His emotions were still in turmoil, but the effects of my casting were gradually increasing over time allowing him to remain calm and rational. "Michael," he said. "My name is Michael." "Hello, Michael. My name is Victor. As you have no doubt surmised, I am what I believe you would call a wizard. And Sean there is my very disappointing former apprentice. I am afraid I am somewhat in your debt as my protege in his foolishness used the skills I taught him to take advantage and violate you in the worst ways imaginable. Unfortunately for him, he was adept at the how of magic, but failed miserably at understanding the when, where and why for its usage." Even while under the effects of my calming spell I could tell he was still having an extremely difficult time with what happened over the last few days. Not only was he dealing with all the impacts of the sexual acts, but also of having his entire belief structure challenged. Add to that the fear of what I could or might do to him, or what else might happen. Almost effortlessly I opened up my gift to the fullest, allowing myself to see the potentials flowing around the two people in front of me. I looked down path after path seeing only darkness and despair for the two as I saw Michael heading down a hundred different likely paths of insanity, vengeance or despair. From everything I could see, the end results of any of the likely paths would result in a level of negative karma that would echo through centuries into the future, spanning not just this life but dozens of reincarnations as well. Grimly pushing more power into my gift, I looked deeper trying to find a better path. Eventually I found one thread, then another, then more where things could have a hope of going positively. I sighed as saw what would have to happen to push things in that direction. Before I could talk myself out of it, I quickly crafted and cast another spell...this one was extremely potent, yet so intricate it was almost a masterpiece of spell crafting. I felt a twinge of sadness and guilt, because the spell was cast without conscious consent on both of them...and more it was borderline in how it impacts their free will. Technically, they could both reject the spell without much effort, but ultimately it was highly unlikely they would be able to in their current mental states. Since my intent was ultimately benign and the overall spell construction was such that it required some level of unconscious or spiritual consent to work I didn't think I was at risk of any serious karmic backlash. Michael suddenly stopped in mid-sentence, shot a scowl at Sean and quickly left the room. Suddenly he just had to get out of here...had to get away...had to find some way to forget everything that happened over the last couple of days. It only took moments after he closed the door for the memories, the pain, the fear to flood back into him nearly overwhelming him with the intensity. It wasn't just the act, it was all of it the feeling of being twisted and trapped in his own mind as his body betrayed was the memory of spending days as some douche's bubbly bimbo puppet and loving it. "Oh God, do I wish it would happen again!" Another twisting and he couldn't help himself as he puked on the carpet. "Oh God! Oh God please help me" He mumbled almost incoherently as he shambled away down the hall. "I can help you, if you want," a voice said (his voice said) cutting through all the voices of misery, doubt and fear and loathing. "You have to let me though, I don't have the power to help if you don't accept it." An image formed in Michael's head, an image of himself as he always wanted to be. Just from a glance he could see that the confidence and happiness radiating off of this vision self...he could sense that this was him, but not him. "All you have to do is reach out to me, and this is what we can become." "Who are you? What are you, you aren't me," Michael thought at the vision in his mind. "I am your future potential...what you could become if you let yourself. You know how people always say 'you have so much potential' well I am the essence, the embodiment of that potential. All you have to do is come to me and I will help you through this pain, and help you to find me within yourself." Somehow without any internal decision or thought, Michael found himself drifting towards the other self within his mind. For some reason, he was he was sure of the sun rising or gravity certain, that this internal voice was being (could only be) 100% honest. Somehow he knew that it was impossible to be deceived in this place in his mind. "What would I have to do?" Michael asked. And they were suddenly much closer. Michael could feel confidence, satisfaction even joy radiating off of his other self. He also noticed the closer he got to his avatar the more the emotional chaos faded into the background, gradually becoming more muted and distant. "Just trust me, and accept me. Do that and everything will change. Together we have the power to make all of this just a shadow of a memory." It didn't take much thought. Michael considered the emotional turmoil he had been in and compared it to the image of all he wanted to become. Somehow he knew this was his last, best hope for a happy life. And with that acceptance, the power of the spell locked around him full force. *** Victor strained against the power of the spells locking onto his former apprentice. He knew that the longer a spell like this worked on a person, the more powerful the spell would become...and while there was no way short of a fully prepared circle with a major artifact to break the spells, if he acted fast he might be able to tweak them enough for his apprentice to have some semblance of self left. Victor felt a rush of energy as the first circle of the spell locked around Michael. He couldn't help but to smile, Michael had accepted the first option with virtually no resistance. Instead of trying to base the entire spell on a single acceptance, the spell would continually give the target options and with each acceptance it would grow more potent. Meanwhile, as Michael healed, the stresses on Sean's mind and soul would be reduced as well. Victor watched as Sean gasped in relief as the emotional echoes he was getting decreased in intensity. Using the power that flooded back into him from the spell on Michael, Victor erected a powerful mental barrier in Sean's mind...basically a space where he could think clearly and focus for a bit. With practice born of months of working together Victor sent a pattern for a spell into Sean's mind instructing him to cast it while he could still think clearly. Sensing the urgency, Sean immediately cast the spell as provided, and felt what could only described as a wall form in his mind. "That spell will provide a bit of a buffer against the soul link," Victor said in a weary voice. "It will reduce the effectiveness of the link over distance, and allow you to shut out some of the lower intensity emotional effects. However, it will draw on your magical energy to do so, so any usage of your magic will increase your empathy towards Michael." *** "First thing," his avatar said confidently, "is to lock these memories away until you are ready to handle them. Is that Ok?" Michael nodded slowly. In an instant, he flashed back to the meeting with Sean in the bar. The memory began to play itself over in his mind, only as it moved forward it seemed to fade out... the emotional intensity draining from the memory as quickly as it played through. His thoughts flickered to the next memory, and the next draining all the emotional intensity from each one in a flash. With each memory, he felt the anger, the helplessness, the overwhelming desire, the pleasure all bleed away as he skipped through each memory from the last few days. In almost no time, his thoughts were back to the present, and while the memories of the weekend were still there they didn't seem to hold nearly as much force. He flashed back to the first memory again...and watched as his avatar summoned up what appeared to be a huge vault within his mind. Following his avatar's instruction, he pushed each memory into the vault one by one...and after the last one he imagined the vault slamming shut on them. For a minute the vault just hung there in his mind before fading away...along with the last traces of conscious memories from the weekend. "The memories are not gone forever," the avatar said calmly. "Over time they will resurface in dreams or flashbacks as you become emotionally equipped to accept them. You cannot truly heal until you come to terms with everything that happened the good and the bad, and decide how you want to deal with them." Michael noticed there was a crackling, intense energy in the air as if he was surrounded by lightning. "We need to deal with all of the energy we drained from those memories now," the avatar said next. "Will you trust me to handle that?" Michael nodded numbly. He was feeling extremely tired as if he had just run a marathon and while he couldn't quite remember the details he knew the avatar had saved him. Suddenly his thoughts drifted back to Friday night. He was sitting alone in the local singles bar when this gorgeous looking lady sat down next to him and started talking. For some reason, something about her...or the night...or just fate... he seemed able to just say all the right things, react in all the right ways. It was like on that night he just had the perfect game because they talked for hours and they clicked so perfectly. The pulsing energy around him diminished a bit, and the memory imprinted itself deeper into his mind filling him with a sense of confidence and accomplishment. Flash forward. They were at her place, making out. God she was beautiful. Another pulse of energy. Flash forward. They were making was the best most intensely pleasureable sex ever. Flash. Pulse. Again...and then again. Sex, cuddling, talking. The best weekend ever. Michael stumbled as he realized he was daydreaming about his weekend again. What was he thinking, he had to hurry up and get over there to pick Shawna up. As he walked down the hallway towards the apartment, he suddenly felt a flash of deja vu. Pushing aside the thoughts that he had somehow done this before...he raised his hand and knocked sharply on the door. A moment of confused recognition flashed through his mind and the fading away, as he looked into the face of the older gentleman who answered the door. "Ah, you must be Michael," the man said smiling. "I am Victor, Shawna's uncle." *** Shawna and Michael had left some time ago, and it looked as if the spells were working splendidly. While he hadn't been able to remove any of the various spells layered on Sean, he had been able to mute some of them or allow Sean some measure of control over which aspects were in effect at any given time. The end result was that Sean wasn't quite a raging nymphomaniac any more, but Michael would NEVER have to ask twice. Also, Sean would always be rather submissive to Michael, but he still had some limited self control. In that sense he came out way ahead because had the spells not shattered so spectacularly Michael would have been nothing but a mindless pleasure bunny. Victor randomly picked up a book from his library and sat down in his favorite chair. Without thinking, he randomly opened the book to a page and began reading. On Consent: One of the biggest failings most magic users have is an incomplete or very childlike view of consent. They see it as being black or white. Consent is not something that can can be dealt with as simply as getting someone to agree verbally or sign a contract on. Consent is a belief within the target that says I accept this change, I believe in this change...etc. On several layers of a persons consciousness. A person may agree to something, may even on the surface think they want it...but deep down inside their spirit rejects it so totally it can never come to pass. When casting major transformational magic on a person take however much time is required and make certain to give them time to adjust and accept each change. Using strong arm tactics such as blackmail or coercion magic is not recommended to obtain consent for transformational spells. The first rule of consent is simply this. Coerced consent is no consent at all.

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Authors Note: All characters in this story are at least 18 years old. Mission Complete!.... Phew..! You're totally exhausted. Today's activities are finally done and over with. Some quests here, some material gathering there. Heavy amounts of constant grinding in order to level up and strengthen your servants. Still, it's all good work, and no doubt your Servants thank you for the hard amount of work and effort you put into making them stronger and capable for the upcoming missions that'll...

1 year ago
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That First Halloween Part 2

They parted company long enough for Guy to reach his own car and pull up behind the SUV that was already on the street. As he followed it to the Carriage Hills condos, he was unsure how the evening would end. Carriage Hills was a gated community and the SUV stopped long enough for Zorro to address the guard on duty in the shack.They proceeded to an underground parking garage and parked their vehicles and boarded elevator. They rode the elevator attached to each other lips and their bodies...

2 years ago
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Birthday Boy

I think my family has always know i was gay. The way i acted and dressed and my interests gave it all away. So the day I finally came out it was no surprise to them. They continued to treat me the same and so did my friends. The only thing that changed was my mom. The same year I came out, she bought me a dildo for my birthday. This was a real shocker but I accepted the gift and anxiously waited to use it. That night I was in my room and decided to try it out. I started by giving it a blowjob...

3 years ago
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A Mother8217s Gift of Virginity 8211 Part III

Over the months our life was full of mirth. A routine life with plenty of sex made Sally (a nick name given by me to Mrs Scott) and made us a happier couple. Jennie was a part of our life. I always avoided sex with her; nevertheless’ she wanted to peep into our private life. We did not mind as it just happens with teens. She was doing fine with her studies and wanted to join a degree college early next year. One last weekend Jennie had to participate in a community work service so we were alone...

2 years ago
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RebelChapter 52 Captured Women

On my way back to Foster's company, I ran into Gilly, sitting on the tail gate of an old wagon at the side of the road. "My, my," she said, "look who's here. Pretty as ever." Another woman appeared from the ditch at the side of the road, her dress and apron hanging open and her lush, young body ready for inspection, and well worth the effort. She pulled her clothes together and stepped up on the worn road. "Wheel's broke," she said. "I'm Annie." I took her offered hand and then...

3 years ago
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Cindy Learns Her Lessons Ch 01

Although I have been writing for some time, this is my very first story for Literotica. I hope you enjoy it and if you do, there is a lot more to – cum. ~~ With Lix from Jen ***** Cynthia ‘Cindy’ Sanders was sitting up late one night, several weeks before the arrival of March Break. She was looking forward to that and to being away on her own for the first time. Several of her girlfriends had booked a trip to Fort Lauderdale and Cindy was thrilled that her mom had given her permission to go....

1 year ago
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The Second Hundred Years SequelChapter 2

"Who's Chante?" Ten year old James asked. "She is one of our ancestors," Lewis answered. "You know what an ancestor is?" "Yeah, it's a relative that lived a long time ago." "That partly right honey," Alyssa said. "Ancestors are part of our family that are alive or lived before you. Your Dad and I are your ancestors. So they don't have to be from a long time ago. You understand?" "I think so. Boompa is my ancestor then," James replied. The boy called William, Boompa. No...

1 year ago
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The Guitar Lesson Part Two

Sam strode through the door and out to the pool deck. I spun around on the couch up into a sitting position and looked at him, my eyes wide with terror. ‘I’m dead, I know it.’ With a cold, hard expression on his face, he walked right up to Renee’ “Looks like you two have been having quite the time!” he said in a loud, curt voice. Renee’ began to sob. “Oh Sam, you don’t understand.’ “Oh, I understand, alright. Get rid of old Sam, so you can fuck the guitar teacher! My God, Renee’, it sounds like...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend Ke Sath Sex

Hi to all ISS friends and I’m Sunil 20 years old and I’m reading stories in this site from last 2 to 3 years and I really enjoyed it. I’m doing my B tech in Mumbai and now I will explain my story in Hindi which is happened 1 year back with my girlfriend mera naam sunil hai mai yaha Mumbai me Eng ki Padayi karra ha hon mai aapne bare me bata na to bholhi gaya mai 5.8″ height normal average body hai aur mera lund 6 inches ka hai aur jis kisi b ladki ya bhabi ko complete satisfaction chahiye o...

2 years ago
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PARTY1.TXT 1 of 4. by Cindy V. femdom, TV, humil Dear Readers: This is a four part story that I wrote as a followup to an introductory story written by someone else. In the introductory story our hero lets his girlfriend Annie put panties and makeup on him for what he thinks is a little harmless fun between the two of them. She has other ideas ... The doorbell rings, and you tell me to the answer it. But I'm dressed only in panties. You smile sweetly and insist that I answer it...

1 year ago
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I slid the keycard to the house into the little box and watched the dot turn from RED to GREEN. Just like a hotel. My heart was racing as I waked into the grand living room adorned with dark, deep, red curtains which covered the floor to ceiling windows. A fireplace stood against the far wall, next to a large, comfy looking couch. As I looked around I saw very little decor, but what I did see had a rather dark tone. Against the opposite wall from the fireplace there was a large collection of...

1 year ago
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Julie Ch 06

Julie didn’t see much of Greg that day. He was there at the start of the meeting and dropped in a couple times before lunch. But mercifully, Julie didn’t have to sit in the same room with him all day. It would have made it too hard to concentrate. And for all the wrong reasons. She should have been worried about being discovered. The consequences of what she did. How it would ruin her life and her husband’s as well. Her career too. But those wouldn’t have been the reasons for her distraction. ...

1 year ago
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Discipline Correspondant 01

The Discipline Correspondence School. The submissive woman after searching the internet located an interesting site. She could not believe her eyes, it was exactly what she was looking for discipline orientated site that would actually tailor its levels to the Sub. Eagerly she joined and filled out her Submissive questionnaire. The next few hours were exquisite torture for her, what would be her first lesson. And would she be able to complete the tasks, if not what would they demand as a...

2 years ago
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Fucked Hard Sunita Aunty

Hi friends I am amar (name changed) from hisar and I am going to tell you about my first sex experience with my sunita aunty. Her family lives in the house next to ours.She is 25 years old and only 6 years older than me. Her fair colour and gorgeous figure can make any man horrible about her. When she was married to my uncle, I had not any wrong feelings about her. After her marriage I went to ambala for studying. When I turned 18 I started living in hissar again. At that time she had two...

1 year ago
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Some Winter Fun

I was very it snow sports. i loved to snowboard. one day me and some friends wanted to hit the slopes. we went to the nearest resort that we all went to a lot. we enjoyed a day full of skiing and snowboarding. one of my friends wanted to try to take a trail that no one has used yet. i was up for it. We had to break our own trail. we started down and when we got deep in the woods the snow got deeper and deeper. eventually going along the trail my friend got stuck and got flipped over. i...

3 years ago
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Nikkis Lust

My Brother ErinOkay, let's get right to it. I like men. I always have and from the very start. I like what they can do to a woman. I liked it my first time. I like everything about their cocks, their shapes, their variety; the way they grow large getting ready for me; the way they feel deep in my pussy; the surge of fluids flowing inside me. I like a man's balls, sometimes loose and dangling between his legs, sometimes tight and round. There's nothing not to like about a man except maybe...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Show and TellChapter 2 The Sun

The lights burned bright in the Art Deco administration building of Sunshine Studios Tuesday night. All of the administration assistants had headed home long ago, the sun had set, but still the Board of Directors met in closed session. There was only the one topic: the senior executives' meeting that afternoon with senior officials – VERY senior officials – of the FCC. "Could they carry through on their threat? Or is it, could they enforce their promise?" board member and pediatrician and...

4 years ago
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Tricking Trixie Chapter 1

Trixie wasn't well off. While her parents tried their best to look after her, any clothes, toys or jewellery she owned were hand-me-downs or thrifts. She didn't even own her own laptop. Thankfully, to keep lower income students educated, her school provided a computer for her to use. For Trixie, this was a dream come true. She could watch YouTube, talk to her friends, oh, and do school as well. But Trixie didn't just use the laptop for wholesome extracurriculars. She was at that age...

3 years ago
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CindyChapter 55

Dan's turn: So Friday we're in the air headed to Tennessee. Yes, Cindy's in the pilot's seat. I've just about given up the seat entirely. I just wish I could get some kind of waiver to let her get licensed, but she's only fourteen. She has to wait three years. "Tina's giving us her car for the weekend," she said. "So we won't have to rent. It's not like we're going to tour the countryside, exactly." "You and your sisters seem to have us scheduled out pretty well," I...

1 year ago
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Exchange of Fantasies

Chapter: 1 The Challenge Christy and I have been married for eight years and are as much in love today as we were the day we married. When we met neither of us was very experienced sexually but we were both willing to try just about anything. As a result our sex life has never been boring. The events I am about to relate to you had their beginning about four months ago. One night Christy and I were fooling around in bed like we always do before we make love. As I was lying next to Christy...

2 years ago
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My New Neighbours Part 6

Laura was sound asleep and I told Lucy that she didn’t miss anything, ok it was a white lie but she didn’t need to know especially as she was still groggy.“Can I have some more juice please sir?” she asked finishing off her glass so I stood up and took her glass fully aware that from the angle Lucy sat she could see up the leg of my shirts, she didn’t comment but did smile.I returned with more drinks and another smoke, Lucy smiled and sat up while I sat opposite, we fired up and talked quietly...

2 years ago
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Sunita Ki Chudai

Hello friends mera naam Rahul hia aur main ambala ka rehne wala hun.meri age 23 yrs hai main patiala se masters kar rha hoon.main 6 feet lamba aur smart ladka meri iss site par doosri kahani hai aur meri ppehli kahani ko aap sab logo ne bajut like kiya uske liye thanks.mera email id hai Ye story mere aur mere saamne wali bhabhi ki hai uska naam sunita hai. woh thode din pehle hi ambala aaye the uske hunband chd me ek tribune me kaam karte hai aur yahan par relative hone ki wagah se woh...

3 years ago
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Day TripChapter 2

The next morning, Jean stood guard with an AR-15 while I lashed the boat to the steadying stakes with more ties. I had just finished when Jean screamed for me to get back on board. She had seen a small dinosaur, and she was afraid that it might be a velociraptor. I scrambled back on board and the two of us rushed down to the lounge. I had told her not to shoot unless she had to, since I did not want to waste ammunition. We were sitting in the lounge, talking, when Angie asked, "Why don't...

1 year ago
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TrueAnal Emma Starletto Emma8217s First Anal

Emma Starletto has never had a dick in her ass before, and she’s in for a surprise. A whole new world of pleasure awaits her, as that monster cock is going to go where nobody else has! After rimming her asshole until it starts to open up, that lucky dude slides his thick rod into that super tight booty. You can tell Emma loves having her asshole stretched out by her hot moaning and the size of the gapes. This hot blonde takes her first ever anal cream pie as well. A new anal princess has just...

3 years ago
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Love Button

Love Button Emily Banner lies upon her bed. Naked, she swipes right, viewing a sequence of naked men on her favorite erotica-for-women website. She likes what she sees: handsome, buff men with broad shoulders, deep chests, narrow hips, and sinewy thighs. She also likes their thick, long cocks, some of which are flaccid (but still massive), but most of which are erect (and huge). To be featured on this site, a guy had to have at least eight inches. After she clicks the last photo...

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Two from daddy

I am Chris. A 32 year old widower with a 16 year old daughter. My wife, whom I married as soon as we found out she was pregnant, died from complications due to her C-section and I've been a single teen parent for my baby, Victoria. She has always been beautiful; long silky brown hair, sun-dyed a light brown, piercing green/blue/grey eyes that stare straight into my soul and smooth tan skin with no blemishes or bumps. She is my perfection. Fuck, she just turned 16 yesterday and I have the...

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Cousin Upskirt

When I was younger, about 14 or 15, my family went down to see my aunt and her family as their daughter, my 18 year old cousin, was in the local village fete. We got down there and were talking to the family when my cousin said that she wanted to show me something upstairs. My cousin and I used to get on very well together, sometimes able to finish each others sentences but usually both wanting to cause trouble and chaos whenever we were together.I followed my cousin upstairs and into her...

4 years ago
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Septembers ChildrenChapter 2

Bob closed his eyes and his shoulders slumped. He presented the classic indications of a man conjuring up an image in his mind, about to divulge something deep and dark. I let him work up to it naturally by remaining silent. "I was ten, and it was Christmas eve. I was more excited that year than usual, because I knew my dad had gotten a big bonus that year." His eyes opened and he stared at me. "That's the only reason I couldn't go to sleep. It's not like I was up trying to catch...

2 years ago
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Kicking and ScreamingChapter 6

I was minding my own business in my wing of the manse, eating lunch with Consuela, my dear wife, when I heard someone enter my part of the residence. The lock had been picked, though how I didn’t know, and someone, namely Jill, just walked into my presence. I was very grim at this sight, deeming it a serious breach of my boundaries for her to enter my home without even knocking, but I also knew that something major was up. I had to get to the bottom of it. “So ... I talked to Karen ... and I...

1 year ago
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No Control

No ControlI'm not sure what's going on right now. He called in to work today and told them he wouldn't be in. He hardly ever does that. But there is something different about him today. Something intense. When I cross his path and he looks at me, it is with a hot look that seers me to the core.Something is about to happen...It scares me a bit. Makes me feel a little anxious.But the excitement is building. By mid-afternoon the tension is so strong I'm ready scream. I turn to take the laundry to...

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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 26 Hatchet

Richard snarled in anger as he stood up, shaking his hand he looked at the woman. "I'm going to rip your head off," he said as he charged the woman. Jerri dodged the man's clumsy attack and grasped his wounded hand. Turning she slammed him into the wall where he bounced off. Moving quickly, Richard jumped on the woman and grasped her in a bear hug. "Got you now bitch," he growled out. Laughing, Jerri replied, "You think so? Do your worst." Suddenly she screamed out in agony and...

2 years ago
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No Longer A Virgin

“I don't know John, I'm just not sure I'm ready.” I said grabbing the last things out of my locker. “Come on Sam, I promise you'll love it. I mean you do love sucking my cock.” John said standing next to me. “Yeah, I do. Alright I'll think about it. So I'll see you tomorrow okay.” I said giving John a kiss. “Okay, see you tomorrow.” John said as he turned and started walking away. I shut my locker and walked towards the door. I walked out and looked up into the sky, the sun was shining and...

4 years ago
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My School Girl

As I entered the house from the garage I did a double take wondering if I had walked into the wrong house. A familiar looking girl was sitting at the kitchen table. The girl had her hair pulled back into a ponytail. She was wearing what appeared to be a plaid schoolgirl jumper with a white blouse underneath. Her legs were encased in white knee-highs and high-heeled loafers. She appeared to be doing schoolwork. As I closed the door behind me, she turned to look at me. Her face was made-up just...

3 years ago
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Motherinlaw Fantasy Ch 02

Be sure to read Chapter 01. Enjoy!As Betty took my place in the chair I got down on my knees. By now Betty had removed her robe and sat naked in the chair. She positioned her ass near the edge of the chair and spread her legs wide. From my position I could see the lips of Betty's pussy. There was no doubt that Betty was excited. As her clit grew I was amazed at its size. It was a good inch long and as thick as my forefinger.Placing my hands on her knees I began to softly lick and kiss the...

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One Lucky GuyChapter 44

As soon as we were on the elevator, Julia moved around until she was standing in front of me. Turning her head, she looked at me and smiled. She was still smiling as she took my left hand and placed it on her left hip. Before she could back up to push her buttocks against my cock, I was hard. She’s just the right height, and my cock slipped between her buttocks. With a few quick wiggles of her sexy ass, she has my cock nudging against her wet pussy. Pushing her body back against me even...

1 year ago
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LANewGirl River Lynn Shoot

Blondes are back, and we could not be more pleased. As it turns out, our Model of the week is a stunning new girl who is willing to do anything to get ahead in the world of Modeling. As our Producer gets aroused during the photoshoot, his cock becomes rock hard, and it is visible through his pants. Our new recruit wastes no time and warps her lips around it. She says: “Sorry but I can’t say no to a hard cock in front of my face.” She begins pumping on it with her mouth. “Fuck me”, she says, and...

3 years ago
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2 December 2006Chapter 2

Karen, Dan, and the kids stopped at Tim Horton’s for breakfast on the way to her old house. Brenda was mad at Diane when she told her she gave their dad a blow job. “I give him his next blow job,” she countered. Vicky called, saying she, Scott, Abby, and Brad would meet her at home for moving day. Cathy and Ben had also volunteered to help with the moving. They arrived at the house before anyone else and began sorting boxes. “Dan I think you should tell Diane, Brenda, and Brad about their...

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