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We have been having a lot of trouble lately from solicitors coming to the house trying to sell us something or convert us to their religion, and I was sick of it.

Let me back up a minute and explain our situation. My wife and I are retired now and both of us are kind of stove up, me with arthritis and back pain, and my wife with lupus and spinal stenosis, so neither of us gets along real well on the best of days. We have been retired for about two years now. We both worked until our health forced us to retire. I'm Barnard Ruggles and my wife is Katheryn. I'm 72, Katie is 73, and we have been married for almost fifty-two years. Not bad for knowing each other for thirty three days before marriage, huh? Everyone said it wouldn't last, but it has. Sure we have had our rough patches, what marriage doesn't? But we talk to each other and love each other, and that's what matters. We started out with me having been in the military for only about a year and a half when we met. We ended up serving twenty-three years together. It may sound weird to talk about us both serving our country, but in reality, military spouses serve too, just in a different way.

The military spouse has to put up with the constant moving, the low pay (well, it was back then anyway). They are usually away from family, friends, and in some place most people would consider beneath them for quarters. But then too, the military is a very close knit society, you either make friends easily, or you are very lonely. You adapt in most cases; you cope with the hardships because you know deep down in your heart that by defending your country, your spouse is doing something noble and right. Trying to raise children in this environment is tough, especially when the spouse goes TDY (Temporary Duty) or even on unaccompanied tours of eighteen months to two years. The one left at home sometimes has to move off base or go home, and then they are truly alone. All alone. Their old friends have gone on with their lives and they don't have time for you now. Your friends from the military, if you stayed around the base you were at, now see you as a temptation to their spouse, so you are ostracized to an extent in some ways. That is not true in most cases, and your friends rally around and help you get through the worst of the times of separation.

I guess you can tell I am pro military. For so many years, our military men and women have been treated like second class citizens, and yet all the goody-goody people who scream for rights for this, and rights for that, forget that every right they have in this country is due to the military. Without them we could just as well be speaking Japanese, German, or maybe even Russian. Think back even further, without our military, we could still be a British constitutional monarchy like Canada or Australia. So take a moment and reflect on what you have in your daily lives and the freedoms you enjoy. If you like what you have, the next time you see a vet or a soldier, walk up to them and say, "Thank you for serving our country." Nine times out of ten, you will get a sheepish grin and a "You're welcome" from a very embarrassed person. We don't do it for glory, or money; we do it, because it is the right thing to do. Never forget that. Enough of my tirade on that subject, I know; I am getting crotchety in my old age; On to more pleasant things.

We have a nice three bedroom single story home in the back of a very nice subdivision. The subdivision is about twenty-five years old and we bought a house at the very back of the first area that opened up. We are surrounded by many old oak trees, and it is quiet and peaceful back here.

Since we have been retired, we have been inundated with sales people. There is the local paper, the next larger town paper, and general sales people trying to sell us the latest and greatest in something they feel we desperately need. Then there are the religious nuts, well not nuts, but you know the type. Some young men ride around on bicycles with knapsacks on their backs; others just are older grandmother type ladies from the local churches. There are even some of the neighbors and some real young chicks coming to ring our doorbell. I have tried signs; 'No Soliciting' and I even made one up that says, 'No Soliciting – That means No Selling and This Means YOU!!'

Do you think that that stops them? Hell no; we still get the AT&T guy trying to get us to switch our phone back to them, then he comes back a week later trying to sell us AT&T Uverse. The Dish guy or girl comes by, and so on. What is frustrating is when I am unable to come to the door and my wife comes and unlocks the door in her wheelchair, and they try to walk in through the storm door and sell her something. She usually is so fed up by then she just tells them to go away and shuts the door on them. The dead bolt is kinda hard to unlock from her sitting position. We are about at wit's end concerning this.

Because we are into old cars, we have one of our own, a nice 63 Oldsmobile 98 sedan, that we go on tours with and have a lot of fun. Sure, it's a pain packing up a scooter or wheelchair sometimes, but with the trunk size of the Olds, I can pack most things we need in there. I also have a hitch on it so I can bring either my wife's power chair or her big scooter with us on a shelf with a ramp. About once a month, we go out on a tour with the car club and visit some nice places. Probably three times a year, we go on a three to four day tour to someplace over a hundred miles away and stay at motels. There is usually some time set aside for the women to go antique shopping. This is a very favorite past time of many of the women. The men usually sit around discussing all the old cars we have owned, even when they were not considered old.

I let my wife go with the ladies most of the time, but I sometimes take her in the Olds if the antique stores are fairly far away from the hotel we are staying at, or from the place we are congregating. We have found many nice things to add to our house and yard. I have an old small handmade wooden windmill that was in real rough shape that I took home, rebuilt, and now graces the flower bed in the front yard. I found an ancient wind chime of a sunburst in amber glass that had glass rods as the chimes. It hangs on the front porch so we can hear the chimes when the wind blows. I take it in when we get a storm, because we had one rod that was broken when the wind blew a little too hard during one storm. That one was even a metal one. We later found out we had a wind shear from a tornado that came close to our area.

We also found a mahogany side table that fits perfectly beside my wife's electric recliner. Boy, she hates it when the power goes off and she is reclined. Our grandson, Stephen, finally gave her a solution, move the foot stool under the foot rest, then squirm her way down to end up sitting on the foot rest and then I can help her get up from there. We can attest that it works, as we had a sudden storm two weeks later, and the power went out for over six hours. Katie had to use the rest room after about an hour, so we tried his suggestion and, lo and behold, it worked perfectly. My wife is no longer as terrified of being trapped in storms.

For the better part of a year, we have been searching the antique stores looking for something, actually anything that we felt would scare solicitors away from our door. We thought of hanging a cross upside down, but thought that was too subtle. I thought a pit bull tied up to the front porch post would be a little too aggressive, and somewhere in between these extremes would be about right.

We found a statue of a young black boy with a lantern in his hand, but it would not be politically correct to have a statue like that on our porch in a mixed race neighborhood like ours. We kept looking around. I did find a very nice polished cherry wood cabinet that appeared to have once been an old radio cabinet that someone had put shelves into. It was perfect for our VHS/DVD collection. As our grandchildren grew up and we were a little more financially able, we bought most of the Disney movies VHS tapes. I guess we had probably fifty to sixty of them, plus some two hundred other movies we liked and wanted to see again, once we reached old age and had the time to watch them.

You know, it's funny and I'm not sure where the time has flown, but we somehow never seem to have the time to watch all those movies we wanted to see. I may have to see if I can sell some at our next swap meet. We must have over four hundred tapes and DVDs stored in five cabinets around the house. I have belonged to the Science Fiction book club for years, well since we settled down here in central Texas, and I must have over a thousand books, as well as die cast metal cars of all sizes. Those I have so many of that I can't display them all. They may go to the swap meet too. Hey, if I sell some of them, I will have room to buy more. Not like that will work, as my wife would just say 'no more.' Oh well, it was a good idea at the time.

Of course, this doesn't get the solicitors off our front porch, does it? So we have been looking for something to scare the solicitors away, but yet, not turn our friends off so they won't come calling anymore. What a dilemma, one of those damned if you do and damned if you don't type of things.

So we are always on the lookout for something unusual, yet shocking enough at the same time, to grace our porch or front door. I even tried to keep our Halloween witch poster taped to the door for a month after Halloween and I still got people bothering us. I'd almost rather have an invasion of in-laws overstaying their welcome, than have more solicitors coming to the door.

I think we have tried everything we could think of and people still came knocking or ringing our doorbell. I even tried the old Dennis the Menace trick of taping a thumbtack over the door bell. That worked once, but not again. Have you tried to find thumbtacks lately? Push pins, upholstery tacks, and brads are easy to find, but I ended up going to an old stationary store in one of the small towns around here before I found a whole package of them. Apparently, the new breed of salesperson is emerging. They must have a network or a website somewhere and they have targeted our house as a challenge. Suddenly everyone knocked on our storm door, or some of the really bold ones even opened that door and knocked on our steel front door. The thumbtack deal went away when our son and his family came by to see us. Our grandson likes to keep pressing the doorbell to let us know it's them. Well, he punched the button and then yelled out a few obscenities. Needless to say, the thumbtack was no longer an option. Our grandson was not exactly happy with the result. I had to use my pocket knife to pry the thumbtack out of his thumb. That was another solution shot down, so I had to think of something else.

Our anniversary was coming up, fifty-two years together and I love my wife as much today, and probably even more than when I met her all those years ago. Contrary to popular belief, we still have a sex life. True it is not every day like it was several years ago, but we are still active two to three times a month. We are going a car tour for our anniversary, so we are really looking forward to celebrating with a night of passion like we always do on our anniversary.

My wife, even with all her infirmities, is still a very beautiful woman. She is not quite as slim and trim as she once was, but is still beautiful and in good shape. We swim as much as we can, as it is the one exercise that she can do well. I would like to say that we have a pool in our backyard, but alas, our yard is fairly small, and we swim at the local Y three to four times a week. She has shrunk somewhat over the years, instead of her statuesque five nine when we were married, she is now five-five and still under one hundred twenty-five pounds.

For myself, I started out married life at six foot four and 201, but I have shrunk too, so I am down to about six foot even and still 205. Even with my arthritis, I am still able to get around fairly well, and only have a small paunch around the middle.

Speaking of nights of passion, last night was one of especially great passion. It started like most nights, with us cuddled on the couch watching some inane something on the telly. We were holding hands, just enjoying being close, when I started to give my bride of almost fifty-two years kisses on the mouth with plenty of tongue. I became bolder and continued kissing her neck, ears, and the flesh of her upper shoulders that was not covered by her pink nightgown. While my lips were busy staking out the unencumbered flesh of my lover, my right hand was busy fondling my Katie's right breast, especially her nipple. My wife's nipples are a little unusual in that they look like a capped mushroom. The nipple, when erect, stands up with the top third that folds over on itself much like the cap of a mushroom. Her nipples have always been real sensitive, and they are still very sensitive even as she has aged. So as I tease her nipples through the nightgown, she is getting turned on quite well.

I slip the right strap of her gown down, which allows me full access to her slightly saggy boob, and the seduction now begins. I lean over and plant butterfly kisses on her chest, making sure to stay away from her areola and nipple. Katie holds my head in her hand and presses my mouth to her breast flesh, which quickly becomes bumpy gooseflesh. I continue to stroke her right side with my hand, and now concentrate on licking her bumpy flesh, blowing lightly to cool her heated breast, while heating her fiery furnace below. My left hand is now busy teasing her left tit while I kiss and batter her right nipple with my tongue. When I feel Katie squirming, I know it is time to step it up a bit. I suck her entire nipple into my mouth and suck as a child nursing at his mother's breast.

By now, Katie is now rubbing her legs together trying to put out the fire in her loins, or is it to stoke those self same fires? I then know time is nigh; I suck hard and turn that mushroom cap of her nipple up away from the rest like I am trying to take it off, but it snaps back down and triggers a small orgasm in her body. I keep this up, sucking hard and holding the cap up, then with a small light nip with my teeth, I let it snap back. The more I do this, the higher my wife climbs on that ladder to marital bliss and the nirvana state she loves so much for me to give her.

Katie leans down and whispers in my ear, "I think this couch is not where I want to be for the rest of this lovemaking. Please take me to bed, my big, strong, sexy man."

Who am I to disagree? So I help her to rise and we stroll into the bedroom and I pull the covers down. I assist my lovely wife in disrobing and help her lie in the center of our marital bed. I now start taking my clothes off in a hurry. I have no need for the little blue pill tonight, since I am as ramrod straight as I was in my twenties. I climb onto the bed from the bottom, kissing and stroking my way up my wife's body. Once at the juncture of her legs, I worship her body and drink from the fountain of youth that springs from her velvety tunnel of love. Age has brought a couple of changes, nothing that a little KY and patience can't fix. Once I have given my love a couple of more orgasms, I move up her body, kissing my way to her breasts again. This time I concentrate on her left boob and reach into the headboard and get some jelly to lubricate her nether lips to ready my love for penetration.

I kiss some more, then it's Katie's turn to take the bull by the horns, so to speak. She takes my pulsating cock and pulls me to her center. I move to accommodate this new position and she seats me where I am wanted. I slowly enter her, savoring each small increment that I penetrate. Once I am seated in the saddle, I wait for a bit to let her get used to the intrusion. Then it is a slow and deliberate easing up and down of my hips that allows me to slide in and out of her molten center. I continue to stroke in and out, varying my strokes, moving from side to side, trying to also stroke her G spot with my cock head. I will slow stroke her for about five strokes, hit her with two or three fast long strokes. I'll go ever so slowly for a few more to put pressure on the right side of her pussy, then on the left, and finally stroke hard for a few more. This moving around does two things for her; it allows all of her walls to get the benefit of intimate contact, and it deliciously grinds my pubic bone on her clit. We continue this dance of love until I can take no more and then start a short fast stroke. Katheryn is also at the point where her climax has been building from one plateau to another. Each step and small orgasm has paved the way for the grand finale, la petite mort as the French say, the small death.

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TO - Master FROM - Night Nurse Dear Daddy, I'm glad that we've managed to make Tommy happy. I'm sure that he'll enjoy his time in Ireland! As for your plans for Sister Mercy, I passed on your message and it was fun to watch her reaction! That said, they won't need to put a crucifix up in the garden - there's one already there! Oh, it's in another secreted area hidden away from general view and the nuns think that we don't know about it, but it's existence is known to us older...

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The Second School PartOne

In the classroom after breakfast, I sat down as usual with the others as Ann called out the days pairings. There were a couple of sighs when the names were called out, mine being missing until the end. I heard Melanie give a small cry of yes as she knew that it would be us together for the day with her name being the last one called out. She was up on her feet in a flash and was ready for me to take her hand and lead her to the last vacant futon. ‘Oh Will,’ she said as she lay down on the...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Sex With My Neighbour Aunt And Her Sister

Hello to all my Indian sex stories readers. I am Yash here narrating my another story after all your feedbacks. Thanks to ISS for publishing my story. I am a 23 years old guy, working in MNC company, height 6 ft, cock size :7 inches. Any ladies or girls who want to have fun can contact me on my email add and also can provide the feedback on my story : This is a story between me, my neighbor aunt & her sister, how we both started our relation and how we ended up in a threesome. Riya and Heena...

1 year ago
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Main Meri Biwi Aur Meri Saali

Hello dosto, Sam haazir hai aapke liye ek aur real ghatna leke. Meri age 29 hai Ahmedabad mein rehta hu. Ab badhte hai kahaani ki aur. Meri shaadi 3 saal pehle hui thi aur woh bhi love marriage. Meri 1 hi saali hai jiska divorce hone wala hai. Woh apne sasural sirf 6 mahina rahi. Uski life mein bohut problems ho rahi thi. To usne divorce lene ka decision liya aur apne maayke wapas aa gayi. Uska pati usse chhod uski maami ko chodta tha aur meri saali ne usse pakad liya tha. Meri saali ka shaadi...

1 year ago
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Halloween Party Femdom

This story is inspired from another One...And part two is on progress                                          Halloween Party Femdom Bobbie was running to get his bus to back home he was late his coach gave him some punishment after a lousy game he ad played.. While sitting in the bus he thought about his Mom compelling him to get a halloween costume for a company party which he had to fill in for his dad.He just turned 18nly 3 months ago.when he got home his mom Brenda a 38yr Mature blonde...

2 years ago
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Adjoining rooms continued

Adjoining room continued The next day was difficult, every time I saw Vicky she would not make eye contact. I understand. Neither of us had what happened in mind. Certainly we had not planned to have seen the other nude, let alone masturbating. I think we both enjoyed ourselves, but to have a stranger become involved, was difficult to accept. The day just dragged on and on. About an hour before time to quit, I stopped at her desk, and said “I am going to stop for a pizza on the way home. And...

4 years ago
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Me My Hubby With Our Master 8211 Part II

Hi all dear reader’s I am Moupriya now I am 29 years old and my hubby Manoj he is 30 years old .we married last 3years ago. Thanks to you all for read our last 2story’s.(3sum in our 1st honeymoon Honeymoon ) & (How I Become A Slave Of A Stranger Man) and also thanks for all of your reply. In my previous story I was share with u that how we meet with a handsome stranger man in our honeymoon and then how me and my hubby become the slave. How he start dominate & start rule on us. Now in this story...

1 year ago
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My Kashmiri Slut Cousin

Hello everybody. My name Nadeem and I am from Baramulla, Kashmir. Being a regular reader of ISS since 2010 I also decided to share my stories here which are indeed true. Without wasting time to talk about my physique and facial comments I would rather give a brief info of myself to you. I am a student of 12th class and come from a middle class traditional Kashmiri family were we are not that much free as rest of India in fact here we can’t even talk freely to our female family member. The story...

2 years ago
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Neighbors and NekojinsChapter 7

One weekend afternoon, a number of the neighbors are gathered at Ethan’s swimming pool. Rick and Jane are there as is Grady and Nari. Lars is of course there and Riko is by herself. Jimmy apparently has some work to do, but they all guess her is out with his teenage lover. Riko is wearing a very skimpy bikini and she looks great! Riko is a very fit brunette with almost a boyish look like Saki. At the pool she looks very athletic with her firm shapely legs, narrow waist and small chest. She...

1 year ago
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NeighborAffair Kimber Lee 23347

When Peter overhears his neighbor Kimber in an argument with her husband again, he takes it as an opportunity to try to slide right into her red-hot pussy! He sees her alone outside and tells her that she can come over to his house for some coffee and a chat, and that he’ll show her how such a beautiful woman as herself should be treated. Kimber laughs it off, but a few nights later she shows up a-knockin’ at Peter’s door, ready to make the place a-rockin’! Chillin’ in his boxers, Peter can’t...

1 year ago
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DeepLush AJ Applegate Intense And Intimate Anal

This scene features the gorgeous AJ Applegate and I having some intimate afternoon sex while I get to indulge in her amazing butt. We make out, I lick her pussy and ass a bunch before we start to fuck. After a little bit I start to fuck her ass and things quickly get more intense as she holds a hitachi on her clit and has an intense orgasm. We have sex in multiple other positions, with some POV shot during the blowjob, and we return to missionary where I go back and forth from her pussy to her...

3 years ago
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one love for peter

It all began when I was eleven years old. My family and I had just moved to a small town in North Dakota called Minot. Ya I know you have no idea where it is but the most significant thing there was the air force base. This is the reason my father moved us to North Dakota; he had gotten a new job as head of the air force bases network team. He was not in the military but was hired as a civilian contractor. This was a big change for me, coming from Las Angels California. All the warm and the...

3 years ago
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Rings of Fun

When I walk into the house, I sense something is up: the candles are lit. Soft music is playing. My organ starts stirring and stiffening. I know Julie has something planned, but what? Then I see her dressed only in leopard print bra and panties and carrying scarves and Velcro cuffs. Ooooh, someone is going to be tied up. My organ jumps to full erection at the thought it will be me. Julie approaches and orders me to undress. Oh yea, this is going to be a hot one, I know. My heart speeds up and...

1 year ago
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The Taylor family 5

"Hey, Ruthie? Did it seem to you like Mom was acting a little odd?"Kristen was not watching where she was going, looking back over her shoulder even as she was dragged along by the hand by her little sister. Somehow, she managed to avoid walking into anything as she was guided at something just short of a dead sprint up the stairs and into the bedroom the two teens shared."Never mind that now," the other girl answered, propelling her sister towards one of the beds while she paused just a moment...

3 years ago
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Attention Seeking Whore I Am An Part 2

Attention Seeking Whore – Part 2 You have returned. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am so grateful. I am nothing without you, just a simple desolate attention seeker bereft without her adoring audience. But I have been loved, have been attended to, have been written to by so many. I have made myself available to be taken, teased, and tantalised, to be used and abused, to be treated to the glorious lustful pleasures of your imaginings and you have not failed me dear readers. Indeed, I am...

3 years ago
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Commanders Pet Part I

Freddy’s tongue flicks between his lips revealing brown teeth, and the movement makes my stomach lurch. Good thing there isn't anything in there to hurl. I’d been searching for Lizzy all day and hadn't had time scavenge anything. Now I might have to blow this lowlife to even get a clue where she might have gone. God knows I don’t have any money to pay. “How am I supposed to know if you really have any info. How ‘bout you tell me first, then I suck.” I can see him calculating in his head....

2 years ago
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Clay Comes to sunny Southern California

After my trip I got back home and into work, the gym, the new guy who moved into my complex, and frankly, kind of forgot that Clay had wanted to visit. He had never told me any specifics about when he would be coming to town, if his Dad, Nate or Coach were also coming. One afternoon as I was leaving the gym after a great workout and rough spin class, I was starved, and got a text from Clay saying that he was at the college, went to some classes, got a tour, and was going to work out with the...

2 years ago
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Diwali Fornication 8211 Part II

“Now it’s my turn” I told Nikhil. I hoisted my huge arse, straddled him and sunk down onto the cock. Nikhil fondled my breasts as I jigged up and down for a few seconds. I positioned myself so my clit was being stimulated. “ I don’t have a condom on” Nikhil said. “Fuck the condom ” I admonished Nikhil. Nikhil’s cock threaded in and out of me slowly at first but then harder and deeper gliding smoothly on the lubrication of love juices. I felt my cunt fully accommodate his size and I began...

2 years ago
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Coworker rocks my world

Stephanie (25F) and I (23M) used to work together a couple years ago. We didn’t work directly together but were in the same office. It was a smaller office (only about 20 employees including us) so we saw each other quite often. She was of Latin descent with naturally dark skin, long slender legs, 32C breasts, black hair, brown eyes, a beautiful face with juicy lips, and a narrow waist with a nice bubble butt. She was always flirty and lively, full of energy. One morning I noticed her walk into...

3 years ago
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Pati Ki ExGirlfriend Meri Soutan 8211 Part IV

Hello Dosto Me App ki Mansi……….App logo ke samne apni ek nayi Dastan Pes Kar rahi hun Asha karti Hun ki app logo ko pasand aye.Jese ki me app logo ko batai thi meri 3rd part me …… me or mere bhaiya raj ne bahat enjoy kia tha jab hamare parents saadi me gaye the.or raj ne mujhe apni ek dost ke sath group sex karne keliye raji bhi kiya tha abbbb age………. Jab dost ne ghar aya to raj ne mujhe bulaya…….Mene dekhi ki uska dost bhi ek dum Handsome hay….to mene sochi ajj do do tagde lund se chudai ki...

4 years ago
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My Mom Chaperoned My Prom

1.My StoryIt all started at the last Parent/Teacher meeting before the prom. I'm secretary on the student council (don't laugh). The meeting was about the prom and how it was going to be organized.My mom was there and she made a big deal about having herself be nominated as one of the chaperones. She always has to make a scene wherever she goes. She made a big speech about it, even embarrassing me by mentioning that her son was on the student council and how that somehow gave her more of a...

3 years ago
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Tempestuous EnticementsChapter 5

Caleb wakes slowly, finding the blanket tossed aside with his catgirl daughter cradling his balls and his throbbing shaft buried in her small mouth. He cannot say anything because he knows that it would be a futile effort if he even tries to. He reasons that he will have a talk with her after. Candace on the other hand knows her father has awoken and the fact that he does not say anything is working in her favor. She swallows as much of him as she can before switching to sucking his balls...

3 years ago
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Best Friends mom

Eddie's mom, Susan, was one of those sexy women in her 30's who you could hardly bring yourself to believe was a wife and mother, much less the mother of your buddy. Susan was so hot and so sexy that Philip found himself frequently going home after he'd spent an afternoon with Eddie and having to jack himself off in the shower because Susan had gotten him so hot and horny. Philip had been Eddie's good friend for many years and when he'd begun to notice Susan, Philip had found himself...

2 years ago
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My Neigbours Kitchen Zink Getting Warmed Up

This Saturday morning I was in an exceptionally good mood. My leggy neighbour had hinted that she wanted me to take a look at her kitchen sink. Apparently the down pipe was somewhat blocked and the taps (faucet for the Yanks) were leaking. This she disclosed on the Thursday afternoon as we supported our kids playing an inter-school cricket game (our sons are the same age) The woman was starting to enjoy our neighbourly encounters (you’ll remember the first was a somewhat forced affair when her...

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Dinner table fun my story that brought me close to FingerFuckU

It’s a hot sunny afternoon and you’re driving over to my place for what I have promised to be a great dinner and evening together. You pull into the driveway and walk up to the door. With your finger ready to push the bell you hesitate just a second to wonder what I have in mind that will make this dinner special compared to the other wonderful days we have spent together. I hear the door bell and walk to answer it and feel my heart quicken as it always does when I know I will see you. As I...

1 year ago
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Fun Times Fucking Laney

IN late 2007 while living in South Carolina, I had begun talking with a girl named Laney. Now from what I had seen of here online she had a cute smile and inviting brown eyes. We never met in person until one night I bumped into her at a bar while I was with my ex-wife. When I saw her, I recognized the face but she definitely had put on quite a large amount of weight. We talked for a few minutes and we went along our merry ways.Fast forward a few years to 2010. I am going through a divorce...

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A Dream comes True 17

A Dream comes True. Ch 17 by Julian Irwin. My three weeks of school came and went rather quickly with most of the time spent with a speech therapist after my five or ten minute operation. I didn't realize the operation was going to be such a small part in the process of obtaining a softer more feminine like voice. Yes the hard work was then left up to me learning to speak once again, which is an ongoing procedure thankfully I have two wonderful helpers who won't let me slipup not even...

3 years ago
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A Bet led to Group Sex

Dear Readers, This is Suju again back with another real story. This happened a few years back. The other day my girlfriend Natasha called me and asked if I was free and invited me to her place. This usually meant that her parents were out and we could fuck when I reached her house she welcomed me with a grim face and the first thing she said was Suju I’m sorry but you will have to do this for me. I asked ‘do what? And entering her home, I could see three of her classmates sitting. She then...

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Channel 7 KUNT Wars

‘Whoever had the brilliant idea to hire two female anchors, should be taken out and shot,’ Sue Marshal said, as she watched the two women storm off to their respective dressingrooms. Sue was the producer of the late night K-U-N-T Channel 7 TV news program the two women were supposed to co-host, and had been dealing with their temper tantrums for over six months now. What had started out as a simple dislike had now escalated into full-scale warfare. Sharon Daniels and Lisa Moore had disliked...

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