A Dark Man Pt. 01 free porn video

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Chapter 1 -- HELP!

My phone rings. I look at the name, and immediately I answer my phone. Arthur doesn't call me often; I am generally calling him because I have a shipment that needs to be moved.

With a slight hesitation, I answer, "Hello Arthur. How can I help you tonight?"

Arthur gives me his patented signature chuckle and then says, "Oh my friend. I have a gift for you. One you will cherish. You owe me no cash. However, someday, I'm going to need a favor. I have an address you want to write down on a piece of paper."

He pauses while I scramble for pen and paper.

I tell him, "Ok, I've a pen and some paper. Continue."

Arthur says in his rich deep voice, "Corner of 1301 Kedzie and 35th Street is a warehouse. Enter from the east side, there is a big empty room. In thirty minutes, your friend Lester ..." I know him, but he is no friend of mine, just a guy I know, and a competitor of Arthur. "... will be there with three friends. They are bringing a cute young female cop there. She's to be strung up, stripped, fucked until their dicks get sore, and then they'll kill her."

I set my pen down, "Why the fuck do I care? Hey, I like these parties, but that's hardly special enough to get a favor from me. You're wasting my time. Goodbye, Arthur."

Arthur is quick to speak again, "Hang on, my friend. You do care about this woman, I guarantee it."

I laugh at my "friend," "Arthur, there's nothing special about any policewomen. They fuck and bleed just like any other woman."

Arthur then says three words that change my life, "She's your sister."

That's not possible. I was an only c***d to parents that didn't want me. I remember the hate they had for me. No way those two had another c***d. At age eight, they threw me in foster care. I spent ten long years in the world's most corrupt system. That system taught me how to lie, cheat, steal, and kill. There is no better place to learn how to be a successful criminal if you are smart.

Arthur continues, "One of my guys knew but forgot because he was high. When he saw them take her, he asked to go with. He called me to explain what he knew and where they are going. He knew this information would be worth gold to you."

I scoff at him, "I don't have a sister. My parents hated me, no way they ever had another c***d. She just has the same last name. Thanks for the info, I got better stuff to do."

Arthur reads for me, "Birth certificate, December 1, 1997, Lynn Anette Portacelli, daughter to Guiseppe and Martha Portacelli, Cook County Hospital, Chicago, Illinois."

I hang up my phone and run to my car, I am not going to get there in time. I know the area, and it's about forty minutes away. I have a heavily modified 2011 Ford Crown Victoria, specifically a Police Interceptor. It's painted black, with black tinted windows, and black rims making for one badass looking car. I get about 800 horsepower without adding NOS.

This is my dream and work car. It's dark, fast, and handles like a beauty. Oh yeah, it's heavily modified to my exacting specifications. I break a few speed limits, and I scare the crap out of a few people from my reckless driving. Even with that, I miss the start.

I pull up to the building and slam on my breaks, announcing my presence. The building is your standard turn of the last century brick building that's three stories tall, high windows that are mostly broken. They have been covered by boards for years. Graffiti tells me that the Four Brothers are the local gang of the week controlling this neighborhood.

I walk in like I own the place. These people know me enough to fear me. They should fear me; I have no attachment to them. A single light is on, and paper litters the floor with various debris and garbage filling most of the room. Hanging in the middle of the room is a woman strung up by two ropes, one on each arm, they go high up into the rafters, and out of sight.

This group is like many gangs in Chicago these days, two black guys, a Mexican, and two Caucasians. Missing is the Arab and his two Asian friends. They're probably high at a party somewhere and couldn't be bothered to stop by.

Hanging up by her arms is a woman with a black cloth bag over her head. Her body is naked, red from being spanked, and dirty from her treatment so far. She is young with small breasts. She has the same dark white skin as I do. She is tall and thin with prominent muscles and a toned body. She is screaming at them, trying to make a deal. "Her parents have money." Oh yes, that will stop them. HA!

Denny, the leader, says to her, "We take all the money we need. It's a good tight cunt that we want. Yours will do nicely."

Another man is squeezing her tits as hard as he can, which causes her to scream in agony. A third man, a small guy, punches his fist into her stomach. That too causes her to scream out in pain. They are annoyed at her noise and slap her face several times.

Denny asks me, "You think we should kill her first? She makes too much noise."

Oh, this is too easy. Denny knows so little; he deserves to die. You never kill the woman first; you want them fighting, that's half the fun. However, I take out my gun and point it at the woman. My first bullet goes between Denny's eyes. Every half second, I pull the trigger, and another of his men die with a bullet between the eyes.

I walk up to Lynn. She is breathing fast, I bet her heart is beating like she is on speed. She is cold. Goose pimples cover her body. I don't see a bead of sweat. She is pretty, I will give them that. I take out a zip cord. These are used for tying computer cables together, but they are so good on the human body as well. Easy, light, durable, the perfect restraining device? Even law enforcement has a version of the ties. Mine cost me twenty for sixty-nine cents.

She is hanging from the ropes like she passed out. I can't tell because I can't see her face. To be safe, I zip tie her feet together. Once I cut her down, I don't want her running away. Still no resistance or fight. One more test, I squeeze a nipple. Nothing.

I run my hands along her long body. Her skin is soft like a younger woman, and that is surprising since she has so much muscle. I cup her breasts. They are firm like I would expect of B cups. There is no drooping. They stand up straight, at attention for viewing and holding. Yes, these are fun to play with. I prefer more, but these will do.

Ok, the last test. I spread her wide at the knees so I can see her cunt. Pink, tight, she's hasn't seen much use. I slide my fingers along her lips, inside and out. I am delicate, if she is awake, she will shudder and possibly orgasm, my fingers are magic. She shakes. I knew it, she is awake. I stick two fingers inside of her snatch and finger fuck her. It takes almost no effort, and she orgasms. She is crying now.

I come up behind her and hold her up by her breasts as I whisper inter her ear, "I can do anything I want to you right now. You are 100% helpless. Before I fuck you good with my porn star size cock, I have two questions for you."

Lynn is crying and saying, "Please don't hurt me. I'll do anything you want. Just don't kill me. Please!"

I run my hands over her breasts and inside of her cunt quickly before removing my hands.

It's 2019, and she was born in December of 1997, that makes her just twenty-one years old but soon to be 22.

I ask with a commanding voice, "How old are you?"

Lynn says without hesitation, "s*******n."

I laugh at that. She shudders.

I say with an amused voice, "I really don't think there are many s*******n-year-olds on the police force. Besides, I'm a career criminal. Do you really think r****g a minor would dissuade me from fucking your beautiful body? You want to try again? How old are you?"

Lynn says, "Twenty-one. I've been on the force for two weeks, and today my fucking partner sold me out."

Wow, I didn't know that. Smart k** to have picked up on that already.

I ask my second question, "Who are your real parents? You only get one shot at this."

Lynn pauses before saying, "Guiseppi and Martha Portacelli."

I move in front of her quickly. I want to punch her in the gut. I don't.

In a rage, I scream, "You lie! What is this? Why are you really here? Is this a joke? This is too easy. Who put you up to this?"

I heard several gunshots from behind me and above. I am struck in my shoulder. Fuck that hurts! In my rage, I spin and shoot the bastard in the heart twice. Their Arab friend was upstairs and just now, walked out and found that I killed his friends. I am bleeding, and I see that there is blood on Lynn. Fuck! I have one hand on my shoulder, and with the other, I use a concealed knife to cut Lynn down.

I zip her hands together and throw her over my healthy shoulder. Fuck this pain. I use my remote to open my trunk and toss Lynn in. She can't interfere in there. The good old Crown Vic is the world's best mob car, you can easily get five bodies in the trunk. Lynn is screaming at me.

I've had enough of this shitty day.

I shout at Lynn, "I've had enough shit out of you. I saved your ass from a gang **** and murder. Then I take a fucking bullet saving your ass. Keep it up and you'll give me a good reason to put a bullet in you!"

She is quiet now. I close the trunk door and stagger to my seat and get in. I call Larry on my speed dial.

Larry is quiet when he answers in a deep and calm voice, "Yeah?"

I am short with him, "1301 Kedzie and 35th Street. Warehouse. Six bodies. My blood goes out into the street."

I hear a click, he hung up. A true man of few words. That takes care of the cleanup. He is expensive but does a damn fine job. He is a former CSI; he knows his shit.

The next call I make with regret, "Hello Pete. I need your sister again and quick."

Pete sounds concerned, "Stop by, and I will have her come on over. I haven't seen her in a while so it will be a good excuse."

I groggily laugh, "No, my friend, I am too hot for that. I won't put you at risk. I think it's only my blood, but I have a woman with me, and she may have been hit. How about my place and have her bring a pint of my type? I'm losing too much."

Pete asks, "Where are you, you son of a bitch?"

I can't argue anymore, "1301 Kedzie and 35th Street. Pete, if I die, give it all to Lynn."

I pass out.


I am woken up by Fey, Pete's sister. I am in his house on his kitchen table. Fey is a surgeon and lucky for me, was off work.

I spoke first, "Body in my trunk, check her."

My shoulder is already patched up, and a unit of blood is seeping into me through a needle and a hose.

Pete comes back into the house, carrying a thrashing naked woman over his shoulder. The bag is still securely attached to her head as are the zip ties. She is bleeding from the ties.

Fey screams at Lynn, "Sit still bitch! I have a knife in my hand. I'm a doctor and will help you but only if you stop resisting!"

Lynn stops moving. Fey then comes to me with a sweet smile on her face. WHACK! She slaps my face and presses her finger right on my gunshot wound briefly before she realizes what she is doing. I scream and cry due to the extreme pain.

Pete cocks his gun, and everyone freezes but me, I am still whimpering from the extreme pain.

Pete shouts, "Fey! I don't care if the dumb ass dumped you. He's my friend and a fairly decent guy. NO MORE PAIN! Now check out Gary's new play toy. She may have been shot as well. I saw blood but no leaks."

Fey is very professional now. All bonds are removed, and the bag is finally taken off her head. They beat her up pretty good. Two black eyes, a bloody lip, and lots of abrasions. She wasn't shot, it's my blood on her. She does require stitches in her face from the beating and hands from the zip ties.

In a quick move, she slams Pete's face with her fist, takes the gun, and now has it drawn on us as she backs up. The gun is pointed at me specifically.

Lynn is cool though, even breathing and in a calm voice, she asks, "Why did you k**nap me, beat me, string me up for a gangbang, and then save me?"

I chuckle, which hurts, before I explain, "When you see my car, you'll know that the loud screech of brakes slamming, and sk**ding is my signature entrance. I wasn't there when you were k**napped or beaten. I did kill those people and then took this bullet for you because there is a slight chance that if what you say is true, you might be the daughter of Guiseppi and Martha Portacelli. If so, that would make you my little sister."

The gun fell out of her hand. Pete is quick to retrieve it and tuck it in behind his back.

Lynn stumbles for words, "I don't ... have a brother."

I tell my story, "I was born to a pair of Freshmen college students. They didn't want a c***d; they wanted an education. Religion forced them to keep me. It was hard for them going to school while raising a c***d. No wild parties and dating for them. That made them resent me. Their only joy in the world was hurting me and making me feel bad. On my eighth birthday, they put me in the foster care system, and I never saw them again.

"My life got worse from there. I stayed in group facilities. You can spell that J, A, I, L, or with parents that were working the system for money. I was fed just enough to stay alive. At age eighteen, I joined the army and soon moved to Intelligence. There I learned to inflict pain, shoot, and slowly kill people. I specialize in information gathering and providing select services.

"I had a girlfriend up until three weeks ago, but I dumped her. It wasn't going to work out. I love her still, but our lifestyles are ... incompatible. If the wrong people found out I loved her, she would be dead by the weekend."

Fey starts crying. I never entirely told her why I dumped her. She understands. She won't like it, but she will know it's right once she stops crying.

I see Lynn doing calculations in her head and then she says, "Two years after you were tossed aside, I was born. To me, they were loving, caring, a bit overprotective, but in general, two normal loving parents. They were in the PTA, dad coached softball for three years, and they attended all my sporting events. They put me through College. I was always the youngest in school.

"I never saw any evidence I had a brother. No mention, no pictures, no notes, no mementos, nothing. The parents you describe, they seem like aliens to me. I can't fathom them having another c***d, not mentioning it, and then treating you the way they did."

There are about two minutes of silence before I speak.

I announce, "I think it's time I leave. I need some sleep."

Fey is a drill Sargent, "Oh no, you don't! I need to watch over you for a day or two and watch that shoulder of yours. You're sleeping with me tonight." Looking at Lynn. "You get the guest bedroom and come with me so we can get you some clothes. By the way, what is your name?"

Lynn looks embarrassed, she is still naked in front of three strangers, two of which are men and checking her out.

Lynn says confidently, "You can call me Lynn."

Fey offers sympathetically, "Tomorrow I'll take you in for a complete exam. Go take a shower, you'll feel better and then you can borrow some of my clothes."

I counter her wishes, "Sorry babe, but Lynn is coming home with me. We are endangering you and Pete. Besides, my home is a fortress. Lynn isn't going home until we know how far the corruption goes. At the very least, her partner must die. We both need to stay hidden and let my network do its thing. I can do that best from home."

Lynn hesitantly asks, "What is it that you do for a living?"

Oh shit. I am into so much shit her head would spin. Even Pete has no idea about the extent of my organization and ties that I have. Nobody does, and that works for me. I have companies that run telephone robo scams in Russia and India, I deal in d**gs from time to time, I take people out (and I don't mean for dinner), and I make things happen that wouldn't naturally occur, which includes a wide range of services. If I don't do what you need, I know someone who is an expert that does.

What nobody else knows is that I also work for the police department, FBI, Homeland Security, the Secret Service, and the CIA. Anyone that needs information comes to me. Some individuals in this world are too evil to live or want to cause mass chaos and destruction. I have just enough morals to care about our society and the common man.

Because of me, some of the most prominent cases have been solved, and some of the worst people have been taken down. I limit my destructiveness, which makes me unique. Everyone else's greed forces them to continue to build their empire. That's where they get into trouble. My life is comfortable, I travel the world, and I have enough wealth that I don't need to risk anything.

So, now I have a problem. I have an Achilles Heel. People can use Lynn against me if they learn of our connection. The smart thing to do is kill her. I don't know her; she means nothing to me. Hell, she looks terrible with the busted-up face. Her body is beautiful, although her boobs are quite small for my taste.

Lynn pushes me and awakens me from my reverie.

Lynn asks again, "What do you do for a living? Why were you at the warehouse? How did you know about me?"

I pick up my phone and call Roberto.

I greet my friend, "Hello Roberto, my friend. I need a favor from you. Arthur gave me a tip tonight that's kind of sensitive to me. He was tipped off by one of his people, I don't know which one."

My friend Roberto terminates the call. That was me telling Roberto that Arthur and his people all need to die.

I look at Lynn, "I was tipped off about your impending doom. The smart thing to do would have been to let you die. If anyone knows about you, it's a possible way to pressure me. I just made the decision to kill a man that is important to me to keep you. I'm very troubled by that. It's not rational. While you live, you are a liability to me. If you ever give me a reason to distrust you, we will finish tonight the way it started.

"I do a variety of things. Most of which will offend you. We work on opposite sides of life. I think I will leave it at that. Know this. If I find out this is a ruse to nail me, you and many others will suffer long and painfully. I'm not a man to be trifled with."

Pete continued for me, "I've known Gary for several years. He's the most loyal and trusted friend I have. He's helped my business and put Fey through medical school. I owe him everything, including my life. I'm going to give you three pieces of advice because, like it or not, your life has taken a big right turn.

"Don't trust anyone from now on, including your parents. Never cross Gary. You can count on Gary for anything. Anyone you knew, they have already been tagged. People are looking for you and will do anything to find you. DO NOT contact anyone, you are dead."

Lynn is in tears, "Why are they looking for me? What did I do?"

I answer that one, "Men purchased rights to use your body from your partner. By now, he knows that they're dead. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out someone saved you. That puts your partner in a very exposed position. He needs to find you and close the loophole, or he or his family will burn. Do you think he wants that to happen?"

Lynn's eyes steel as she says with conviction, "Oh, he'll burn all right. I can't wait to get my hands on him and bring him to justice."

I laugh at her naivete, "Don't you know he already has a story and evidence that you killed those men? You'll be the one going to jail. Do you think he's going to follow the rules now? Do you think he's going to allow you to put him in jail?"
Pete continues, "Gary got shot because of you. It's personal now. It may be the single reason you're still alive. He should have killed you and made the problem go away. There won't be any arrests or trials for this type of thing. The question is, do you want to be part of the plan or do you want to sit idly by and let Gary do what he does so well."

Fey stands up, offers Lynn a hand, and says, "They have been drooling over your naked body long enough. We can talk in the morning. Pete, is his car in the garage? Please get it in the garage. I don't want a shootout in our house. Lynn, time for you to shower."

Fey took Lynn for a shower, I moved my way to her bed. This is a bed I know all too well. I strip to my boxers and lay down in the middle of the bed. I know Fey will be back and will sleep curled up in my arm, opposite of the hole.

I can hear the water running for the shower. No talking or whispering. It's silent like she is soaking. Then my heart breaks, I listen to her crying. Through the wall, it isn't loud, but I know she is crying now. Most likely, she just realized that she was the width of a hair from death tonight. I hear Fey comforting her. She is using soothing words like you would with an infant.

Fifteen minutes later, and both women come into Fey's bedroom. They are both naked with long wet hair, Lynn's is blonde while Fey's is a rich brown. Lynn is taller and more athletic, but Fey has more substantial breasts. Both are athletic and in great shape.

I am laying on my right shoulder, the bullet is on the left. Fey sits on the edge of the bed, debating if she wants to put clothes on. She gets up and walks into her closet. She comes back out with two a teddy for each of them. Neither leaves much to the imagination. Lynn picks the red one and puts it on while Fey takes the blue one and puts it on.

Lynn snickers, "He's seen so much of me, it hardly seems necessary to wear anything. I guess this is perfect, it's almost nothing, yet enough to keep me from blushing. I know you said I could have the guest bedroom. But. I. I don't. I'd rather not be alone tonight. Do you mind?"

I uncover the blanket in front of me and in back. I will let them decide who goes were. Lynn scampers like a cat to get the inside position. Fey never moved, but she does have a smile on her face. She gets the lights and turns them off. Lynn was trembling when she got into bed. Now that she is curled up in my arms, she has relaxed.

Fey likes to be behind me, spooned up close, and an arm around me. She never took the inside position. With her large breasts, she knows that I love having them pushed into my back. I miss the feeling of those breasts pressed into my back. I miss everything about Fey. Breaking up with her was the hardest thing I have ever done.

Ahhh, those heavenly breasts are pressing into my back. Oh, how I love that feeling. I will sleep good tonight.


I would have slept all the way through to noon, but I am woken up by Lynn. My morning wood is up, and she is rubbing my shaft with her legs. She is rolling her hips while on her side, and it's a marvelous feeling. She is slow, probably so I don't wake up.

Lynn whispers, "You do NOT have a porn star size cock."

I know she is referring to my comment the night before. Funny girl and good memory.

Fey warns me, "Gary, you have a hole in your shoulder that is weakly held together using minimal medical equipment. I may not be able to stop the bleeding here if you break it open. No sex for you. Lynn, my brother is free if you have needs."

Lynn stops her rubbing. My cock is left inside of her vagina and that' still a pretty good feeling.

Fey shows her angry side, "I love this man. He broke my fucking heart. But I still love him. That makes him mine. I'm NOT sharing him with a woman like you, a woman willing to risk his life for your own enjoyment."

Lynn rolls over and away from me. She looks hurt now, Fey's words stung. We all get up, take showers, dress up, and find breakfast waiting for us. That's a nice way to start the day. The conversation at the table is also interesting.

Fey's dad, has made us breakfast this morning. He starts us off with an overnight update, "Lynn, don't go back to work. Your partner Ben has everyone looking for you on suspicion of murder. The funny part is they're the same group that he sold you to. Supposedly they have evidence that you killed them. They are searching for the bodies now. His contact doesn't know where the bodies are."

Lynn is furious, "How dare he! Who the fuck does he think he is?"

I give orders, "I'm going back home, it's safer there, and I can start Ben's demise. I'm endangering myself, Pete and Fey the longer I stay here. Lynn, find a friend to stay with. Don't spend any money, don't go outside, and don't go to your parent's house."

Lynn is near tears, "You have a fortress, why can't I go with you?"

I laugh at the naive girl, "Why would you want to do that? Right now, I want you dead almost as much as they do."

Lynn is crying, Fey is shouting, Pete's angry with me.

Pete snaps at me, "Fuck Gary, she is your sister. You can't leave her alone now."

My anger and blood pressure are quickly raising, "Every moment she's alive, she's a liability to me and my entire operation. All my problems go away with one pull of a trigger to the temple."

Pete's no dummy, "Then why did you save her? Why not let her die?"

Nice try Pete, "Because I was caught unprepared and shocked. Now that I am thinking clearly ... I need to go."

A still sobbing Lynn stands up in front of me and closes her eyes as she says, "Then kill me now so I am at least good for something. I have no friends, nobody will take me in, and I am endangering you, Fey and Pete, the only people that have ever been decent to me besides mom and dad.

"Just end my misery and shoot me now. Come on big guy, pull the fucking trigger, and snuff out my life. Kill your sister. Just make it quick, so I don't suffer. "Is there a box around? I can jump in, so the mess isn't so bad."

Pete is near tears, Fey is crying, and Lynn is still crying. She has opened her eyes and is looking around for a convenient place to die.

Fey seals my fate by closing her eyes and saying between crying, "I guess you better kill me too. I'm a loose thread that could be exploited. You better kill me too so that you'll be safe. Then you can live in the hole under your house, live a long life, and then die in it. Well come on big guy, KILL ME!"

I can't believe this. How did this happen to me? I just want a nice quiet life so I can run my organization and make other people miserable. How did I get here? I didn't ask for this. I certainly don't want this. If I take Lynn home, she will never leave. She could become my maid. I hate cleaning and cooking. With my luck, she can't do either. I can teach her; she doesn't seem stupid. Right now, I hate my life.

My downfall started with bringing my sister home with me. A compromise, no, a loss, she wins, she gets what she wants. I know this is happening and I allow it. What the hell is the matter with me?

I don't look at her, I start walking to my car and say in an angry voice, "Get in the God damn car before I change my mind."

I step into the barely lit garage and pop my locks. I hear footsteps rushing behind me to catch up.

I yell at her, "Back seat. I don't want anyone to see you."

I am blinded by the sun outside as the garage door goes up. I am making sure nobody is watching me or the house. It seems clear to leave the house. I get in the car and start the ignition which purrs to life with a rough rumble. Everything is good, three-quarters tank of gas. Pete had fun last night driving my vehicle.

I take a long way home, I drive around the city for a while to see if I am being followed, I am clean. I drive the speed limit even though I can go much faster. This is not the time to get pulled over. I look in my rearview mirror, and instantly, my anger is back. Four eyes are staring back at me, Fey came with.

I am mad again, "Dammit Fey, I can't keep you safe if you do shit like this."

Fey is confident in her answer, "Do you know how to change that dressing? Can you stop the bleeding if it starts again? Unless we are on the way to a hospital, you need me, like it or not."

Lynn is smart enough to not say a word. That is a positive sign.

Chapter 2 -- Home

I slowly roll into the garage. I never feel a bump in this car. She is silky smooth, handles like a sports car, and has the engine of a racing car. This is one bad ass car. My 4x4 Ford F150 is next to me. It's dark blue with blacked-out windows. A vehicle that can honestly go anywhere. On the end is a fully restored burgundy 1923 Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost. A most impressive vehicle that, in my opinion, outshines everything else. Something about the lines and headlights of the car that make me silly, even looking at it.

The garage door closes, a light turns on, and I get out of the car. Quickly, the back seat empties as well of its two occupants.

I am short with both women, "I am sore and tired. I am going to take a nap. Fey, please show Lynn around. It's ok to show her the safe room. Teach her about security. You can each have a bedroom. Get on Amazon and order what you need. You still have an account on my tablet that is in the kitchen. Help yourself to lunch. Do not wake me up.

"Feel free to use the pool, the game room, the movie theatre, and the garden after dark. You know where the freezer is, and you may have up to two bottles of wine if you need it. Otherwise, I have fixings for margaritas."

Fey is amused, "Of course you do. Gary won't drink anything else, it's Margarita or nothing. He doesn't own any other drink like a good whiskey. Only margaritas for Gary. So boring."

I defend myself, "When they make a better drink, I'll order the makings for it. Follow me. While you are here, check my dressing before I sleep."

Fey says to Lynn, "Each washroom has an amazing supply of medical supplies. He says he is prepared for anything; I think there is much more that goes on here than I could possibly know."

They walk off together, Fey pointing out important things about the house. I am in my bedroom and very carefully lay down. I am sore and in pain. I took three pain killers, but they're not made for gunshots, and she won't give me anything stronger today.

While waiting for sleep, I imagine Fey giving the tour of my house. I am off the road and surrounded by trees and a security fence. It's two hundred feet between a tree and my house, and I have motion sensing lighting and cameras. The house looks like a standard rectangular house from the outside. Nothing special other than the windows are all tinted black so people can't see in.

All windows and doors are much stronger than average with bulletproof glass. It's a ranch, but with an extended basement. My office is on the main floor with large windows. Voice activation to open the door, and it closes after I enter. Nobody else ever comes in here.

Four bedrooms, two of which are master bedrooms with amazing washrooms. Mine is stylized after ancient Rome. The lower level has a pressurized swimming pool for doing laps, a full gym, and a game room. I love the old arcade games, and I have an impressive collection. Pool table, shuffleboard, and a wet bar with mini kitchen round out the room. The rest of the basement is laundry and my twelve-person home theatre with surround sound.

There are hidden doors that take you down to the security level, where I have a safe room, my security center, and my arsenal. No survivalist can hold a candle to my system and storage. I even have a holding cell below the basement.

A private company monitors my security and has armed "guards" to stop any threat. They are elite and very expensive but comforting to know they have my back. I also have my own capabilities to defend myself if needed. Very few places on earth are as safe as my house.

Lynn is getting the low down on where she can go and how to use the security system. They will probably play a few games then head to the pool. Fey loves to skinny dip, so I expect they will jump in for a short swim. They will shower after swimming. Then they will come up to my futuristic kitchen with professional refrigerators, freezers, and ranges, I have two of each. I can feed quite the group if needed.

I am safe mostly because almost nobody knows me and those that do, fear me, and with good reason. If I think you are a threat to me, you die. Many people know of me and come to me to solve their problems. I fix them, which makes me lots of money and makes them very happy and more likely to come back with their next issue.

I have done a lot of bad things in my life. I live with knowing what I do and have done just fine. There are very few true innocents in this world that were an issue that needed my help. Most are bad people that ran into other bad people and cheated them in some way. One of the two came to me, and now the other is unhappy that they didn't.

I don't always kill people. Sometimes it's enough to ruin them or make them do something else. Those are rare as most payers don't ever want the other party returning the favor. I have taken things like cars and artwork. I have changed votes, so the right person got what they wanted from the city council, but my favorite service is finding people. I have a sprawling network, and I covet information. I pay top dollar for anything significant.

My most unusual assignments are from Homeland Security to be sure. They want to know where a person is and who their friends are. It's always interesting to see what happens. Sometimes it's just a businessman on vacation. Other times, it's four assassins or a bomber that gets stopped.

With the local city police, I am the whisper in a dark room. I give them pointers when they or I need it. They don't pay me, but they have helped me numerous times, and I get access to their databases. It's funny because there is so much protection of information that the different agencies can't share information. I will often find my answers in a system that the asker doesn't have access to. No risk, decent rewards, and almost no effort. That is my kind of deal.

Now it's time to deal with the elephant in the room. Why did I keep Lynn alive? It is wrong on many levels. The word that keeps coming back to me is 'Legacy.' I would like to retire and pass on my organization someday. I would like a partner, so I have a backup. I know she is at least trained to use a gun. Fey is a sweet woman but would never be able to assist me in my work. She is married to saving people, not making them go away.

Lynn is a good girl, though, and if she ever learned my system, she could take me down. For all I know, this is a setup to get me. Maybe she isn't really my sister, and she was never in danger. However, she could not be dumb enough to think they would live. That means it's not a setup. They haven't stormed the house yet, that is a positive sign. Boy, I have a lot of work to do.


I wake up early afternoon, I am hungry. I look at the house monitors and see that they are both in the pool, naked. I think I will stop by the pool and collect my ... friends, after I take some more aspirin. I walk slow and easy, I don't want to bump my arm. I walk into the pool area, and they are both at the far end, swimming laps. I carefully take off my clothes and make my way to the pool. No way I can swim; I don't want my wound in the water. I can sit on the steps that descend into the water and get my butt and legs wet. It feels good to kick my legs in the water.

Fey likes me naked, I do this for her. I will get a blow job just because I am naked. It's only after a few more laps, and they are getting out of the pool, that they notice me. Neither woman tries to cover her body. Lynn looks amused, I am sitting naked on the edge while Fey is downright giddy. She paddles quickly to me and like a heat-seeking missile, she zeros in on my cock.

I have been with many women. Several have said they loved me. Many wanted a favor and would do anything. None of them has ever been close to Fey when it comes to a blow job. She has one ingredient that none of the others have. Desire. I don't know if she loves to suck cock. I am positive that she loves to suck my cock.

Immediately, she starts deep throating my larger than average cock. Lynn is right, I am not porn star quality, not anywhere close. I probably don't even rate big enough for home movies online. Fey can and should get someone better than me. She is wasting her time on someone like me. She laughs at me every time I tell her that. I am not joking.

Lynn gets up on the edge of the pool, placing herself next to me. I am surprised she isn't self-conscious about her nudity around me. She is watching Fey enthusiastically suck my cock which raises an eyebrow on Lynn.

I explain to my unbelieving sister, "Fey loves the taste of cum and pre-cum. The woman can't get enough. To encourage me to share, she sucks a mean cock. As you can see, she just loves sucking."

Lynn laughs, "You also seem to love being blown."

I too laugh, "Oh yes, I do. It's partially why we complement each other so well."

Fey is looking up at me while bobbing on my cock and stroking my balls while slithering her tongue under my cock.

Lynn seems confused, "So why drop her if she is so wonderful?"

My amused expression is gone, "I fulfill a contract. A partner of the missing person hears a rumor that I'm to blame. Who is easier to kill, Fey, or me?"

Lynn no longer has a smile on her face as she says, "It's not that you don't love her, it's that you are unwilling to change professions."

I correct her, "Unable. If I stop and someone is desperate enough, do they threaten Fey or me? If people find out we're related, they replace Fey with you."

Lynn has the look of someone inspired, "Ok, then you need a partner. ME!"

I laugh in her face. Like miss goodie two shoes could be a crime lord. No chance in hell.

On my laugh, she gets defensive, "Hey! I'm a trained detective. I know how to use all the police systems, do you? I know the lingo. I know how a cop thinks. I can negotiate, and I know the basics of the law. I'm an excellent shot with a handgun, even at longer ranges. I know how to follow people and tail a car. I have skills."

I am not impressed; I smile at her to appease her.

Fey takes me to the shower and removes the dressing. She's happy with her work. After the two women wash my body, I am dried and bandaged again by Fey. We then go up to eat lunch. Just sandwiches and chips, nothing fancy. Fey fed me so I would not move as much. Personally, I think she is just babying me. With me not moving, I have no pain, so that part I like.

After lunch, they go to the game room, and I go to my office. If someone has an emergency, they call me. My email has several messages that are vague to most people. To me, they say a lot. People are looking for my services and want estimates.

My first step is to determine the risk involved. Too risky generally isn't worth the reward. Then I look at what I would need to perform the task as they want it done. Often killing isn't straight forward. They want it to look like an accident, or they want it to look like a mob hit. Often, they just want someone to disappear. Today, I get one of my favorites, the person wants a painting taken from a private home. Another wants a spouse killed but it needs to be an accident, and in a way so their k**s don't suspect him. The last is a cartel that needs some d**gs smuggled into the city. Their last few shipments have been confis**ted.

I have form letters for these three items. I send quotes back asking for specific details, time requirements, and my fee. When the price is received by my bank, I will send out another letter to people that will complete the work with detailed directions that I specify. I use the mail because it's safe. Email and phones can be recorded and hacked. It's why all my telephone calls are cryptic; I can't trust that there won't be people listening.
I spend the rest of the day researching the people and buildings that I may be working on. I need to understand the person and home of the painting to understand what my risks are. Once I know the risks and routines, I can make a fair estimate. Tonight, we will find a mailbox when we go out. I get an email that one of my accounts had a new deposit. I look at the amount, and I know it is the politician corruption deal.

A company needed help with zoning for a new plant. The politician was honest; however, he is a lady's man. I paid a twenty-one-year-old college girl to get him drunk and spike his drink. I then help him out of the bar and to a sleazy motel. Waiting are two ninety-year-old male nudists. We take several photos. My friends are not gay, they won't touch him sexually. I use camera angles and open mouths with a cock behind it to make them look like they are having sex. He voted correctly.

Chapter 3 -- Capone's Hideout

I find both women playing Pacman and Space Wars in my game room. Both have had several drinks already. Shit, I will have to drive. On the other hand, this will make them accept the restaurant and its unique theme more easily. You see, this place ... well, maybe I won't ruin the surprise. It's my favorite place to go alone or with dates.

It's no effort getting them to stop the games and into the city for dinner. I told Fey where I am taking them, and she grins big at me. Fey takes Lynn to change into something more attractive. They both have bright colored plunging blouses showing off their cleavage. Both women also have dark knee-length skirts on and red five-inch stilettos. They teased their hair; they both have curls now. All in all, they are two sexy women.

Deep down, I think Fey guessed at our destination tonight. She knows I will want to get Lynn in that environment to test her out. To help, they are both dressed up slutty, and they are both a little drunk. That will help loosen their inhibitions. I am almost hard already. I am annoyed that I must drive, I want to fuck these women now! I do find it funny that with all the laws that I break, I hate drunk drivers. I mean hate with a passion. The first foster parents adopted me because they loved me. They were killed by a drunk driver.

After that first pair, all the others were playing the system. I hate my first foster parents for getting themselves killed. That affected my entire life, it was my chance to avoid this lifestyle. Ever since then, I hate drunks and despise drunk drivers.

Halfway to Capone's, I stop at a post office and Lynn puts the envelopes into the mail. Then we are on our way. I pull up to a run-down warehouse on the edge of town by the waterfront. I honk twice, and a man greets me. He knows me well and lets me in. We park inside of the dilapidated building. It's an open building with two rows of cars widely spaced as all the cars are very expensive. No Pacers, Gremlins, or Prius here. We walk to a stairwell; it has the look of an old building that is ready for demolition. Once up the stairs and through the door, though, the lighting is dark, and the carpet is lush and clean.

There is a long hallway with armed men. Each man is wearing a 1920's inspired suit. Lots of color on some ugly men. The corridor is a ramp going down to a lower level. The hallway has millions of dollars in artwork on the wall, nothing modern, all typical for the 1920s. At the bottom is an open area leading in four directions. Each direction has a woman by the door. Each door is labeled; Bedroom, Kitchen, Parlor, and Storeroom.

The Kitchen, my destination, is an old 1920's speakeasy. Big steaks, fancy food, big drinks, and just about anything goes. The bedroom has the hookers, the parlor, has the swingers and people looking for kinky sex, while the storeroom has weapons, d**gs, Cuban cigars, slave women, and anything else that is i*****l to buy. Scarce paintings and other valuable artifacts show up from time to time for auction. Tonight, there are no auctions.

I escort my arm candy to The Kitchen. A table is waiting for me, I have reservations. While walking through Lynn's eyes go wide as some of the women are topless or naked. I see a group near my table doing speed, I move Lynn and Fey farthest from them. Lynn is seated across from me, and Fey gets to see the idiots next to me doing lines of coke now.

On seeing the frown on my face, our waiter, Tim, recruited a house guard to stand near our table. When they get rowdy, he will handle the situation. Tim has my Cuban cigar ready for me. He gives Lynn and Fey a menu. Tim knows I want the porterhouse, medium, with a baked potato and green beans. To round out my order I get the house dressing on my salad and potato soup since it is Friday. Fresh bread is already on the table with garlic butter.

Lynn orders the salmon and Fey gets the chicken to round out our order. They each get a Martini while I am having a Seven-up. Our salads arrive within moments of placing our order.

Lynn seems taken back by the place, she asks me, "Are those people really doing coke out in the open? What's with the topless and naked women?"

I am amused with my sister, "This is a Cuban cigar, and that is cocaine over there. This is the type of place where anything goes. The women are either slaves or showing off how much they love their man. Some are just exhibitionist and love the feeling. Some are nudist, while others just love sex. You'll see more of that later. At some point I will explain, but I need you to be seen here and with me."

I yell loud to the room, "I brought two bitches with me. Don't they look damn fine?"

There is a chorus of "Fuck yeah."

Lynn has a look of horror on her face. She can't believe I said that about them.

In my normal voice, "I want you two to stand up and strip naked. Then you may sit down."

Lynn's eyes almost popped out of her head.

I say softly, "You can do it yourself, or the guards will force you and then fuck you. Your choice."

They both bolt up to their feet.

Fey has a smile on her face and is laughing as she slowly opens her blouse to catcalls and wolf whistles. She brings her finger to her teeth to look shy, then she pushes a strap off her shoulder, followed by the other strap. She turns around for Lynn to help unhook the bra. It falls to the floor, and there is a collective intake of breath. Her breasts are large and gently swinging as she moves in a circle, showing off.

Lynn unbuttons her blouse and flashes it open and closed. That got a few shouts from the crowd. She pinches her nipples and then rips her B cup bra off her body. Her small tits are bouncing around. It's her long nipples though, that have people staring at her. They are incredible. Unlike Fey, Lynn is blushing.

Together, they both unzip their skirts and in one motion both let them drop to the floor. More screams and encouragement from the patrons ensue. Lynn is first to stand by my side and put my hand on her panties. My right-hand slides inside the panties, and I insert three fingers into my sister, which causes her to scream out her orgasm. I pull down and drop her panties to the floor. She falls forward onto my shoulder. She applies almost no pressure on me, no pain. Holy shit, she is wild and smart.

Fey is next, but she has another gentleman with two women pull her panties down. He does it the same way I did, with my fingers in her cunt and pushing down. Fey too orgasmed as her panties fall to the ground. They both take a bow to a standing ovation from the crowd.

Fey sits like usual, she has done this twice before. Lynn is still blushing and looking around the room to see if people are watching her. They aren't, most are watching Fey. She still is blushing because a few are watching her, like the guys that were doing lines of coke. The guard reminds them that he is watching.

The soup arrives, and it is incredible. While we are eating the man with two women asks his women to strip for the room. They both refuse. This will be interesting. He warns them that they are embarrassing him. Neither budge. The man stands up, stands behind the older woman, probably his wife as the other is young enough to be his daughter.

From behind her, he grabs her blouse and pulls hard. He rips the garment in half, and then he tossed both parts and the bra on the floor. She stands up in shock and faces him. He slaps her hard, knocking her to her side. He rips her pants in two and rips off the pants and panties, leaving her naked. She is crying.

The man takes her to an empty table, next to us, bends the woman over, and fucks her hard for a few minutes. Together, they both scream out their orgasm. She gets up, kisses him, and then sits down. Lynn is in shock; she can't believe what she just saw. Even Fey is taken back by the harshness.

Lynn asks, "He gets away with treating her like that?"

In a soft voice, "Be careful, or he will fuck you too. Anything goes here. However, if you must know, she loves it. She likes to be humiliated. He abuses her at the Lounge. I saw her cleaning up once, and she was explaining to the man how good he was. She was all smiles when nobody else was around."

Our dinner arrives, and we eat a terrific meal. I spend equal time staring at huge breasts and long nipples.

During our conversation, Lynn says to me, "You really are a horrible person. Why did you bring me here and make me strip in front of these people? Do you hate me?"

She is deathly serious and seems hurt by my actions.

I look her in the eyes and say, "I'm an alpha male. I need to be the alpha in my work. I come here to show the others that I can do anything I want, I'm discreet, and people listen to me. If I can force you to strip in front of strangers, I can get people to do just about anything. In other words, it's good for business."

She didn't seem surprised by my answer. After dinner, we get up to leave after paying the bill. Our coke head friends also get up. The guard yells out, sit down! Lynn also sits, which causes me to smile. I put out my hand, and she stands up with a smile on her face, she is embarrassed again as she realizes the man was not talking to her. I gather their clothes, and we walk out.

I take them over to the Lounge, an adult playroom suited for men like me. I put their clothes into a basket, #43. I keep my clothes on this time. I take both women to the side, so I can talk to them.

I am soft with my voice, "I can't do much without hurting myself. In this place, you can be humiliated, be dominated, gangbanged, made love to, join an orgy, find a female partner, get eaten, suck cock, and fuck anyone you want. In other words, it's all here. Be careful, though, not all people play nice here. This is your reward for tonight. It will be two weeks before I can fuck again. This is a place to address any needs you may have.

"I can stay here, follow you, and just stay within shouting range. You can suck and fuck all the men and/or women you want. Satisfy any fantasy you have. You tell me what you want. This is about you and getting you all the sex, you want. Any questions?"

Fey is timid, "Won't you get jealous of seeing me gangbanged?"

I explain to her, "We broke up. I have zero control over you. You can do ANYTHING you want. I'm here to keep you from getting hurt or killed."

Lynn seems curious, "How about you walk with me, and I'll take a look."

Fey likes that idea, "I'll walk with you too."

This part of the warehouse is dim with dark corners. There are many walls, beds, couches, and people are s**ttered about having sex. In general, the men are rough and uncaring of their partners. No wonder the women liked me here. I always treated them well, like I might want a relationship. We see choking, slapping, spanking, blow jobs, and good old fashioned fast and hard fucking.

As we get deeper into the labyrinth, the sex gets meaner and harsher. We could see women on chains and or a trade of two women. Very few single women back here. It's even darker than I like, so we retreat towards the door where the men are calmer. As luck would have it, the three coke heads came in, and they see us. Quickly they catch up to us, and they want to use Lynn.

One of the guys grabs her and forces her to the floor even though Lynn is resisting.

I ask the men, "Do you know who I am?"

One man is struggling with Lynn, she is good at fighting and resisting. She punches him in the balls. A second man slapped her when she wasn't looking.

The third guy asks me, "No, gramps, I have no idea who you are. Think you can impress me old man."

The second guy made the mistake of letting Lynn up. She can block his punches while jabbing him and then breaking his nose.

I snicker at the c***dren, twenty-five at best, "Yeah, I think I can get your attention. I'm Gary McFarlan."

All three men stop moving and look at me. Lynn is pissed and punches the second guy in the face and follows up with a knee to the stomach, forcing him to keel over.

I continue talking now that I have their attention, "So, you've heard of me. I brought my bimbos of the month up here to have some fun, and they get assaulted on our way home. You were assholes at dinner, now you disrupt their enjoyment. If they aren't happy, that means I don't get laid tonight.

"Hey, I have this great idea. How about you make them happy for me. I want all three of you to give each of my friends here an earth-shattering orgasm by eating their cunts. If you aren't good enough to please them, I won't get laid, and your life might as well end now. Start munching carpet boys."

Those three men startled both Fey and Lynn with their eagerness to eat pussy. They are motivated and used every trick they had. Soon both women were moaning and quivering in pleasure. What happens when a group of men eats women to orgasm? More women gather. What happens when more women gather? More men gather.

When the three men finished with my girls, I had them start on the other women who were more than willing to be eaten. I then suggested that the men standing around should eat my two ladies. Lynn and Fey had man after man after man eat them to orgasm for almost two glorious hours. They finally closed their legs and ran to me. They had had enough. Their pussies were sore from being worked over so much.

We gathered our basket and while Lynn and Fey got dressed, a random, tall, thin, blonde stumbles over to me. As she falls to the floor, she drags my pants and boxers to the floor. Of course, I am hard from that display. This woman deep throats me with zero effort and holds me much longer than an average human should be able to. Her tonsils lay on my cock. Oh my, what a feeling. She releases me, takes two deep breaths, and then inhales my cock again.

This time her tongue is doing magic to me. Her tongue feels wide, and it covers the bottom and sides of my cock, and she bobs up and down. She has the perfect amount of suction, lots of saliva, and she caresses my balls. In less than two minutes, that woman drained me of six ropes of cum. It happened so quick that Lynn, Fey, and I are all stunned at her performance. I feel bad that I didn't last longer.

The lady pulls up, looks me square in the eyes, and says, "No man has ever lasted that long. If you ever need another bimbo, call me." She slips her card into my coat. "Thank you for a most enjoyable evening, easily the best I have ever had here. It's nice to have a gentleman show up rather than just the c***dren."

I was going to say something but both Lynn and Fey pull me to the door, and we leave her behind. She seemed nice to me.

Lynn says under her breath, "You are mine. No harlot is getting you."

Both Fey and I look at her.

She blushes, and says, "Ooops, did I really say that?"

I chuckle, "You're full of surprises tonight."

Lynn smiles at me, "How can you of all people say that. You take us to a restaurant where you have us put on a floor show by stripping. Then you take us to an orgy and force men to eat our pussies for two hours. You then say I am full of surprises? Fuck you! How about I take you to Panera and have you strip for me at lunchtime and then eat every pussy in the house?"

Fey was going to point out that that isn't quite the same but the stern and vicious look from Lynn made her not say anything, and that was the correct choice.

With a smile on my face, I ask, "So, did you enjoy the evening?"

We are still walking up the ramp to the parking deck.

Fey says dreamily, "The best part for me was you telling them who you are." Lynn looks at her questioningly. "Did you see the faces of those three? They turned white as a ghost. One of them had to drop a load in his pants. They were seriously scared to death of your name and at the thought of making you mad. I had no idea you were so famous nor so feared."

I reply, "People know I get things done right the first time. I'm not a man you want to cheat. Nobody has survived that."

Lynn is more whimsical as we walk outside and towards our car, "Oh, I kind of like having my pussy eaten for two hours."

Fey is excited, "NO WAY! Two fucking hours? That was two great hours."

Lynn is surprised and stops walking, "That wasn't the best two hours of your life?"

Fey stops, turns around, and looks at Lynn like she is a small c***d, "You know so little. You've never been in love. I can tell. This man loves me so much, he broke up with me. So no, it wasn't even close. It was good, don't get me wrong. However, when Gary fucked me, the stars moved, and hell froze over. Someday, you'll understand. You're young, you'll know someday."

I finally got them in the car, and we made it home alive. They are drunk and frisky. I'm in trouble tonight.

Chapter 4 -- A Wild Night

Both women sit in the back seat, groping and making out with each other all the way. They are burning with desire by the time I get home. As the garage door closes, they practically drag me inside the house. I send them to my bedroom, and they run pushing and shoving each other to be first on the bed. I love the sound of them giggling down the hallway. I check the security monitor to make sure nobody has been here and that all my systems are working.

With all the moving and walking, my shoulder is sore. I take three more aspirin and then strip in Fey's room. I can hear Fey and Lynn having fun in my room. I hope that if I fall asleep, Fey won't wake me. I have no doubt that they will come looking for me.

I don't get two minutes before Fey finds me. She calls Lynn over.

Fey says in a seductive voice, "You forced us to strip in front of others. You make men eat our pussy for two hours. Did you really think there was any chance in hell we don't fuck you tonight?"

I am stern with her, "You know that there's nothing I like better than pounding or slow fucking that tight pussy you have. I'm sore tonight. I moved around too much. I hoped to try in the morning."

Lynn pulls the sheet away from me and hooks her fingers in my boxers. She pulls them down and off, so I lay there naked. My barely seven inches is hard as a rock. Having two nude women in the room doesn't hurt his odds of staying hard. She gets up on the bed and straddles my legs, which are together.

Lynn orders me, "I don't want you to move at all. No helping to meet me, nothing. I'm sorry that it won't feel as good, but Fey doesn't want you moving and hurting your shoulder. We are both horny as fuck and need something to relieve the pressure. Fey and I want this, we don't want to fuck her brother or some random guy in a convenience store buying cigarettes."

I see the issue now. They need my meat stick.

Lynn descends on my cock. Oh my, she is tight as a virgin. Very little if any use. Holy shit, this is awesome! She is slow in her descent, and it's spectacular. Fey curls up in my arm, I can hear her purring.

Fey is soft in her voice, "Lynn needed this bad. You're her first. You're lucky we even made it home. You have no clue how horny we were, did you?"
Lynn has bottomed out and is marveling in the feeling of having a cock lancing her vagina. She might orgasm just sitting there.

I comment, "I knew you were wound up. The two hours of eating pussy was too much. However, every movement, the cutting of my steak, puffing my cigar, lifting my soda, walking to the car, and even sitting in my car, all caused some amount of pain. On the way home, the aspirin faded. With each thrust of my hips or plunge of your body on my cock, my shoulder moves, and I get pain. It's not much, and I'll endure it because I know you have needs.

"Take what you need, we can shower after, change the bandages, and then get some sleep. I suspect that in the morning, we can play some more. It will hurt less tomorrow. I'll have had time to recover and relax."

Lynn has figured out Cowgirl, she is bouncing on my cock and having a wonderful time. Her smile is literally ear to ear. That must hurt, it's not natural. I smile at her. She looks so beautiful on my cock, and she feels even better.

Fey laughs at me, "It looks like big brother loves fucking his baby sister. I told you, Lynn, he fucks good even when doing nothing. There is something about him and his size. It's why nothing looked good enough to fuck tonight besides Gary."

Lynn is grunting as she bounces on my cock, she is in good shape, but this is hard work. Her aroma is thick in the room, she is sweating, the curls are gone from her hair. Her skin looks oiled from the perspiration. She is focused on my face. I can only assume she is looking for pain in my face. Even If I had extreme pain, I am hiding it from her, so this continues. I do hurt, but it's minor compared to the joy of fucking my sister.

Lynn is close to an explosion, I help this along by pounding into her five times, causing her to explode in her hard orgasm. She did a bit of everything. Immediately, her entire pussy clamps down on my cock. Then she screams out her joy, followed by passing out with a huge smile on her face. She is breathing and is doing just fine.

Fey uses her foot to knock Lynn off me so she can sit atop my cock. She has a deranged look on her face, this woman is crazy for my cock right now. She wastes no time is jumping aboard the old cock express, next stop orgasm. Fey rides me often, her legs are used to bouncing on me. Like Lynn, it won't be long. She is worked up and horny as I have ever seen in a person. She needs this.

Not one to deny a woman a good fucking from me, I play the part and present my good hard cock. Within seconds she descends and is already bouncing up. Now the crazy is gone, and joy is plastered on her face. She needed this, and her most primal need is being satisfied most enjoyably. She is riding me hard, and she feels great. I am getting close myself. I know Fey, she is close as well. To set us both off, when she pulls off my cock, I thrust my hips quickly about twenty times.

That does it. Fey shoots to the moon. Fey is a screamer and doesn't disappoint me as she lets out a loud scream that wakes Lynn up from her haze. Fey can't speak, but she is looking at me with lust still, albeit a satisfying lust. Her body is limp, and she is laying on my body.

Fey says to me with a smile on her face, "You're an evil man. I will never forget tonight. It was probably the single best night of my life. Just being naked in front of strangers was cool but that sex room was just incredible. I lost count of the number of orgasms I had from those men. Those women will be looking for you forever."

I hold Fey tight, "Get some sleep, you look exhausted."

We are all exhausted and quickly fall asleep.

Chapter 5 -- Parents

The next day both Lynn and Fey are giddy all day. They were insufferable to be around.

Around noon the Amazon delivery man shows up. He rings the doorbell. I instruct him to leave the boxes, but he needs a signature due to the staggering number and value of the boxes delivered. I use the camera, and it's just a delivery man. I still have a bad feeling about this. I answer the door with one hand in my pocket with my Colt revolver in hand just in case.

As I open the door, there is a very nervous delivery man standing in front of three guys with AR-15 assault rifles. This is bad. I don't know these men, that is worse.

The man behind the delivery guy says in a calm voice, "Gary, I want to see your hands. We're not here to hurt you, or the three women and I don't want to kill this man, he's just a delivery guy."

I take my hand out of my pocket and hold it up.

The same guys quickly sidestep the delivery guy and hugs me while deftly relieving me of my weapon. He starts laughing his ass off as do his friends.

The man thunders while laughing, "Your brother David says Happy Birthday bro! Ha, ha, he got you good this time."

The three then sing happy birthday to me and send the delivery guy on his way. Today isn't my birthday, and I don't have a brother. I do sign for the packages, and the bewildered delivery guy walks back to his van.

The man says, "Guys, let's help him with the boxes and then we can talk. Call Fey and Lynn please." He says to his phone, "Bring the van in, please." Talking to me again, "We're going on a short trip. My boss requires that you and Lynn join them for dinner tonight. They request that Fey join us. If she does not want to come, we will drop her off with her brother, so you know she'll be safe. We're not here to hurt you. This is dinner, and then we'll be bringing you back here after the meeting."

Fey asks in a firm voice, "Where are you taking them? How can we trust you?"

The talkative guy says, "They and maybe you are going for dinner. If I were his enemy, he would be dead now. He has more than enough resources to track me down and kill my family and me. Since this is a friendly meeting, no masks, I feel confident he won't want to kill me when this is over."

Fey says, "Well, let's get going, count me in."

We are all loaded into a black passenger van with black rims, no chrome trim, and blacked out windows. Inside are eight luxury captain chairs. I can spin and recline. We are free to move around. They have soda, cookies, candy, and entertainment in the form of DIY magazines, and movies on the small screens.

Two hours later we pull up behind an old Italian restaurant that's closed today. We go through the kitchen, which is bristling with people cooking food. They take us off to the side, a small room for small parties. There is one table set up with five place settings, two bottles of wine, and a long buffet table with an Italian feast laid out on it. Lynn and I both shout out but with very different levels of excitement.

My reaction is, "Oh, fuck me."

Fey's reaction is, "Who the fuck are they?"

Lynn's reaction is, "Mommy! Daddy!"

Lynn runs to them, and they hug her like she is their most valuable possession. They are both in tears at seeing Lynn safe. Mom rushes me and throws her arms around my chest. I crumple to the floor in pain as I scream out a shout of agony. All eyes are on me, mom releases me like she hurt me, which she did.

In a flash, Fey is on her knees and comforting me. She pulls my t-shirt up and over my head to look at my dressing.

Fey asks, "Do you have dressings for gunshot wounds?"

Dad is firm in his voice, "Dave, go get pain killers and everything she could possibly need to dress a gunshot wound quickly. GO!" A man runs off.

Mom asks, "What's wrong with my baby?"

Lynn is in tears and being consoled by dad, "He took a bullet for me, saving my life."

I laugh hard, "You make me sound like your savior. You were strung up, helpless, naked, and I was feeling you up when I was shot in the back by a friend of the guys that took you."

Lynn will have none of that, "You killed the four guys that k**napped me and were going to kill me, only after r****g me multiple times. You get shot in front of me and then killed the fifth member."

Dad says in a cold voice, "Son, I'm proud of you."

Mom is more cheerful, "Please, sit down, let's enjoy the wine and start on dinner."

Fey is quick to counter her orders, "No wine for Gary. I don't want him mixing pain killers with alcohol."

I sit down at the table as did Lynn and Fey. Mom and dad made plates of food and then served them to Lynn and me. Interesting, mom remembered all my favorites. Mom and dad return for themselves and invite Fey to also make her own selections.

Mom starts the conversation, "Your father and I are both former foster c***dren. That started our life of crime." Holy shit. What the fuck is this? "We knew what the system did to us, and Gary tested out at well above intelligence. We decided early on we wanted him to take over our empire. It killed us to treat you so poorly, but we were dedicated to having a worthy heir.

"You went a step further and went into the Army where they taught you to kill. Your smarts and willingness to get jobs done landed you in Intelligence. We pulled a lot of strings to make that happen, and you were perfect. You even created your own empire. It's funny, but you are so good that we use you far more than anyone else."

My eyes pop out of my head. My parents are crime lords!

Dad starts, "We are discrete. We had Lynn and raised her like a normal c***d. Nobody has a clue. It took us until today to find out Lynn had survived and where she was. We were devastated to find out her partner sold her to a group of thugs.

"We only found out because he has a story saying she killed people. There is no way Lynn kills someone. Our quick investigation finds a big payment in his bank account. If they are looking for her, that means someone saved her and is hiding her. Arthur has been our friend a lot longer than you, he gave you up." I am surprised Arthur is still alive. "I know what you have done for him over the years, he's loyal, and we are the only people he would have told.

"We have been impressed with you for a long time. Your cleanliness, efficiency, and professionalism are unparalleled. We helped you out early in your career. Now, you are our most reliable vendor."

I see Lynn sitting with her mouth open. She just found out that not only do her parents know about me, but they planned my life and helped get me started. They are crime lords. They are just as evil as I am. There isn't anything about them that isn't a lie. She is breaking down. Her entire life has been a lie.

I reach for her, and she lunges at me. She leaves her hands on my ribs near my gunshot wound. Her head is on my shoulder, and she is crying hard.

Mom tries to console her, "I'm sorry, honey. How do you tell your daughter that just graduated from the police academy that her parents have people killed for a living?"

Lynn shouts back, "My whole life is a lie!"

Dad does not help by saying, "At least we loved you. Look how we treated our only son and his first set of foster parents?"

Now that hit a dark cord in me. I loved those people.

Mom saw my eyes change, and she kicked dad. She wants this conversation stopped now. Little does she know that it is too late. They killed my parents. Two sweet, loving people are dead because they wanted to create a monster, me. I am no longer amused by this visit.

Fortunately, the medical supplies show up, and Fey has my shirt and old dressing off in moments. There are a variety of pain killers for me to take. Fey gave me two of the smaller ones and kept the bottle. She will regulate me and stop me from getting addicted. I am okay with that. She cleans and reapplies a new dressing to my back. Mom is impressed with her medical skills and what she has done for me.

I say to mom, "Did you not know that Fey's a surgeon downtown?"

It's funny, but through dinner, my parents that hated me with a passion, seem much more interested in me than Lynn, their loving and perfect daughter. They all but ignore her. Yes, they're glad she wasn't killed, but otherwise, she doesn't interest them. They have some interest in Fey and my relationship with her. She plays down our relationship just like I taught her to. She was perfect.

Dad finally addresses Lynn, "Lynn, my dear, I hope you don't think we don't love you. We do. It's just that we held your hand all the way through college. With Gary, we basically pushed him out of a moving car at age eight after abusing him. He was shoved onto a path, and we hoped he would make it to the right end. Not only did he meet our desires, but he far exceeded them.

"We hadn't intended to meet with him now, but with your situation, we had to make sure you're safe. I think it best if you live at home for a while."

I object strongly to this idea, "No way. Your house is way too obvious of a hiding place. Many people and groups will be watching your house, and it's much easier to get a search order since you're related. One peek of Lynn and you all die. She's safest with me. Nobody knows we're related. Nobody will be looking at my place."

Dad thinks for a moment and then says, "Ok. We anticipated this and have three suitcases of clothes for her."

Lynn looks very happy. I rain on her parade.

I look at dad, "No, thank you. I don't want someone remembering an outfit she owns, and I don't want you tracking her."

Mom and dad don't look surprised, Lynn does.

I ask Lynn, "They knew you were in trouble and they knew I'd go for you. They called my friends and knew they would pass on the information. Mom and dad are good at being subtle."

Now, mom and dad are impressed.

Dad says to me, "That's remarkable, without gathering any new knowledge, you worked out several things about us. Yes, with the group that took her, we were worried about her. She was too far from us when we found out. We had to save our baby. As a last resort, we hatched the plan to save her by using you. It worked out well, you saved her."

Mom is firm in her resolve, "What's your plan for her old partner and clearing her name?"

Like hell, I am letting them in on this.

I am evasive, "I have it under control. I'm gathering data still to make sure the right people are dealt with. There's more than just her partner. He needs to be humiliated, ruined professionally, maybe even killed. Lynn needs to be the hero while her co-workers learn not to mess with her."

Mom asks, "Why not just kill him?"

I roll my eyes, "That doesn't help Lynn or protect her from future threats. Why does a middle-aged man sell out a twenty-one-year-old cute partner? He wants to fuck her, not kill her. Someone talked him into it. Someone wanted Lynn eliminated, I want that person as well. I want to know why they wanted her gone."

Mom and dad both sit stunned. Lynn looks at them curiously, and they are now uncomfortable talking to us. Mom saves the moment for them. She stands up and grabs the plate of cannoli, then places them in the center of our table. We each take one. Something changed, mom and dad aren't quite as carefree anymore, they're more reserved. That's a fascinating development. I see Lynn eyeing them closer now.

Fey is ignorant of the change in the conversation. She quickly grabs a cannoli and explains how much she loves them. I too catch one, quicker than Fey. That causes everyone but Lynn to smile. She is still suspicious of our parents. I need to stop her, or we won't make it out of here alive.

I stand up abruptly and walk to Lynn. I put out my hand, and she takes it, then stands up. I ask mom and dad to join us. My other hand goes to Fey, and she is up in a flash. Since the room only has one table for eating, there is more than enough space to dance. I line up the women on one side and dad and me on the other.

I yell out, "Tarantella!" Mom and dad also yell it out with me, then they look at me with a surprised look.

Quickly, the music changes to something more appropriate, and I start. Fey is, of course, lost, but she is smart. She watches mom and soon figures it out. Now, figuring it out and dancing the Tarantella, are two very different things. Lynn knows the dance very well, just as I expected. In my business, you go to a lot of Italian weddings. I like to dance, I learned this one and a few others, so I figured this would distract everyone. I was correct.

Mom and dad are about as perfect a couple as I have seen. Precise movement at exactly the right time and speed. The dresses on the women, mom included, move, and make it more fun. This is basically line dancing were the women face the men. Then throw in some set sequences and a bit that is like square dancing, and you are an expert. Everyone is involved, and uneven numbers are fine. Playing the song three times was more than enough. We got the blood flowing, worked off part of the dinner, and had some fun.

As we sit down, mom sits on dads lap and gives him a big hug. She is flush, making me believe dad's hands did a lot of touching and caressing of mom. No k**ding, they are still very much in love.

Mom says to me, "We're getting old. We want to enjoy life while we can. In a few years, we want to retire. But we want to still have some income. We don't have social security to fall back on. We need our business to continue. We want to give you the business. You can grow it, invite others, and we can continue to earn some income."

Dad kicks in, "We aren't greedy. We only want 30% of the profits." I thought he said he wasn't greedy. "You give us zero cash, and we give you all of our contacts and spend a year getting accustomed to working with our customers. You can still work your own clients while working with us, of course."

I smile and say, "That's a very generous offer. I need to think about it for a while. I'm still emotional from being shot and finding out I have a sister. I'll need a partner to handle both businesses. Let me dispose of Lynn's partner first, then we can talk again.

"I want to see your books and all bank accounts. It's not that I don't trust you, but you're the two people that put me into the foster system at age eight and then killed the only two decent people I have ever met. Sorry if I have trust issues, you caused them. Cheer up, you got what you wanted."

Their smile is gone.

I smile while being honest, "I hated you growing up. You were awful to me. You gave me up to the foster system because I wasn't worth your love. So, why are you suddenly giving me your business and think there's any chance you'll see a dime from it?"

Dad looks at me like I am stupid, "Have you not figured it out yet? We did it because we loved you." That is a hell of a way to show love. "Look at your sister. We babied her, went to school functions, and joined the fucking PTA. Look how she turned out. Working as a cop and sold out in her first week by her partner.

"Now look at you. You have a successful business that handles problems. You are young, handsome, rich, and you have a thriving business. That's not easy these days with so much law enforcement watching. Yet, you seem immune to it. How's that possible?"

Is this why we are here? Does he want to know my secrets? Does he want my business?

I evade his question, "I have high expenses and many good friends. You know the secret, be smart and not so big that you draw too much unwanted attention."

Dad doesn't let it go, "I know of at least three air-tight complaints against you that never saw the light of day. That's some feat."

I reply by shrugging and saying nothing else.

Mom gets the idea and says, "Well played. You're far more intelligent than we ever guessed."

Fey is next to talk and surprises the hell out of me, "So, are you taking us home tonight, or will Gary's friends take us home? I work in six hours and need some sleep."

Mom is curious, "What do you mean, his friends?"

Fey keeps it up, "Whenever we go somewhere, he always tells his security company. That obviously did not happen today. They know exactly where his and my phones are. My brother is protective of me as well. You know what he's capable of." She leaves that last word hanging.
Dad smiles, "We kindly asked you here tonight, made an offer, had a nice family dinner, and now we'll make sure you get back safe. Gary is critical to us and our operation."

Dad talks to one of his men, "Bring the van around, I want a second car to sweep the neighborhood for watching eyes."

Both Lynn and I hug mom and dad on our way out.

As soon as we are on the highway, the driver says, "Oh shit. Call for backup. We are being followed by at least three and possibly two more."

The other guy up front says, "There is one in front of us too, see him. We are in trouble. We're in a four-wheel drive, they are in just Suburban's, slow and get off the highway."

I finally shout out, "No! We're fine, those are my people. Not one of those men is less than a Navy Seal. Trust me, we could be in no better hands. Watch, they'll block the highway behind us so nobody can pass us."

Fey was right. However, I had no idea she knew so much about me. That means that she knows I have a bodyguard on her at work and on her home. I hand Fey's cell phone to the non-driver. I text him, "If you want to live, how many listening devices will I find in my home?"

He replies, "One in each room other than your office."

I text back, "You will live, and it is ok to tell mom and dad if they ask."

I take back the phone and hand it to Fey. Naturally, she looks and nods her head at me and then shows Lynn. I then text Ed's Extermination Company, "Hey Ed. My home has a pest issue in each room. I need them removed immediately."

Ed texts back, "I have a new k**, you will like him."

I smile. I see a bill for $164.00. I owe him $16,400.00 to remove the devices and more importantly, not install his own. I trust Ed, I transfer the money. My security company had already called them, he is in my driveway waiting for me to show up.

The van pulls up, they help us out of the truck, and we watch them leave.

John comes up to me and shakes my hand, "My name's John, Ed sent me. I'll start with the bedrooms. Watch some TV. I won't be long."

Twenty minutes later and he shows me a handful of electronics and wires.

John says to me, "I can either destroy them, or I can install them in their owner's home. I spent time in the military, I can slip in and out of anywhere."

I smile, "I bet that is a bit unnerving. Yes, let mommy and daddy know that I don't appreciate them meddling in my private life."

John tells me, "I checked your WIFI. I assume you already know your line is being monitored. Given enough time and money, anything can be broken. You need a computer expert; some systems change encryption every two minutes."

He hands me a business card, "Your parents don't use him or us. He is a friend of mine. You are free to talk openly now. Thank you for your business."

As I am shaking his hand, I ask, "I have a project I am working on. A stealth entry and exit could be most useful. Can you freelance?" We exchange personal business cards.

John says, "I have many talents. I'm not cheap, and extreme risks are bad for business."

I reply, "I agree 100%. You'll be given the information you need and a suggestion on how to minimize risk, although you always can change anything. Just know that most that do, usually regret it, it's what I am good at. I was one of their best ... spooks."

John smiled, and I walked him back to his truck.

Once back inside, the girls are concerned.

Lynn asks me, "What the fuck was that? I thought I was the one they loved. Fucking PTA? My whole life is a lie." She is crying and hysterical.

Fey asks me in a concerned voice, "Gary, was that an offer for a friendly merger or the first shot of a hostile takeover?"

I snicker, "Damn, you caught that?"

Lynn is shaken, "What? They offered Gary their business."

Fey works it out, "Suppose your business is shrinking, your son is squeezing you out or is preventing you from expanding. You show him your business. However, at the same time, due to the proximity, they learn your business. They kill you, and now have both."

Lynn looks horrified.

I am quick to add, "I still need to verify that. So, how do they meet me? They call a policeman and have him sell out his new partner. Then they call a customer and have them give me the information. I rush over and save you. Your order from Amazon shows up, and you know the rest. Would I answer the door otherwise? Would I be distracted into answering the door?

"I think the retirement part was their plan. Well, either that or make me a partner. How do you get us together? Lynn. She's the perfect instrument. I've a lot of research to do. Fey, I'm increasing your security for a while. Tell them at work that you have a stalker boyfriend online and you are scared. That will make them more aware and won't mind me adding more people."

Fey is curious, "People? There is more than Ron?" I give her my angry look. "I spotted him immediately. We had just started dating, and this man is around me doing nothing but he's always there. A family member did not handle bad news once, and he ... handled the situation before our security could."

I laugh at her, "That's your father's man. Look harder, pay attention to your surroundings, they sometimes sit next to you in meetings." I smile.

I hired two medics so they could speak the language. The two cost me good money, but it is well worth it.

Fey stands up and marches off to bed in a huff. Lynn laughs her ass off.

To be continued ...

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Lois Lane and Catwoman

Some comic characters mentioned in my stories could be the property of these respective comic book publishers, Marvel, DC, or Image. If they are being used, this a work of fictional parody. The story I posted last night was a scenario joining events from the Lois & Clark TV show and the Lois Lane comic books #70 and 71. I hope most of you remember some of the details I put out for background there. This story is derived from events in the story in LL #71. The opening paragraph...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Sex With A Married Lady Suman

Hi there, I am back with another escapade of mine. Well, this particular incident was completely unprecedented and it unfolded in a very different fashion. For those reading my story for the first time, I am Amit from Mumbai, 39, well built, pretty good looking, adventurous and fun-loving. Always available on This incident happened a couple of months back, while I was returning from Delhi after a meeting and had an evening flight, which got delayed. I whiled away my time in the lounge and then...

2 years ago
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My Neighbor Seduced My Wife 8211 Pt 1 Welcoming Manoj

Please send your feedback to me or chat with me on the same id in hangouts. Hi, all Akash again. This is a true story of how my wife and my neighbor started their affair. My wife Sunita is a hot sexy maal. She usually wears soft shiny nighties at home which shows her ample assets proudly. She is a very innocent but horny housewife who expects frequent fondling and kissing from me. After our marriage, she has been giving me the best of sex full of love. She is a shy but horny woman. It took me...

2 years ago
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Mrs Hoffman

A DN sister “gas” story.A nurse collected the last patient, this time a young schoolgirl, her mum was told to wait for her and as the nurse led her away, I heard her tell her there was nothing to be scared about, and that they had some special black chewing gum for her that she had to bite not chew. An euphemism for the prop no doubt. I’d be next. I thought back to how I’d got myself into the predicament of being in a waiting room queue for gas extractions. I’d applied for a Dental nurse job at...

3 years ago
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Neve and the Sandman

"In the repertoire of my being, that of a mortal with creative juices...I, The Sandman and sweeper of sensuality make my nightly journey to seek out the one female creature that I might make my own.”Neve read these words to herself, then said aloud, “The sweeper of sensuality huh? Not in my experience.”Neve sat back in her bed. The story was from one of those online sites that specialized in more adult themed stories. Stories of erotic encounters between two or more people that resulted in hot...

4 years ago
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My Virgin Neighbour Mansi

Hi, this is arav (25), sharing my 1st true sex experience with my neighbor mansi(24) whom I banged many times in every fantasy situation please read the whole story will enjoy a lot. I am an engineer and preparing for govt jobs, my family and many family are nighbours for 8 years so its understood that I and mansi were friends for 7 years but suddenly things changed last year. When mansi completed her post graduation and I left a job for government job preparation, till then we were out of our...

2 years ago
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Wife8217s Friend Suman

Hi, This is my first story on ISS which a real one which happened with me a week back. I am Karthik 42 years old married for 16 yrs. This incident is about me and my wife’s best friend Suman who is 39 years old and married as well. Both Suman and my wife are college mates during the studying days and have known Suman since I got married as she had attended our marriage. Suman and my wife had been in regular touch and been best of friends till date though she stays in a different city to ours...

1 year ago
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Gotham City by Catwoman

[ Update: Free Use World !! The main storyline will continue. Please enjoy using Catwoman's lesbian anal fetish mind control Gotham City. ] Prologue: Batgirl struggled with the nylon ropes binding her in place. They dug deep into her costume across her nips and down the crack of her pert ass. There was little else she could do. The thin ropes bound her thighs and ankles together in kneeling position. Her arms were firmly tied behind her back and those ropes were tied to the ones around her...

Mind Control
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Incest With My Lovely Sister Manya

Boys and girls i am a regular reader of iss and this is a real incident that has happened to me after which i have started believing in incest. I am continuing this story in Hindi and pls forgive me of my errors as this is my first story. Ye story meri aur meri cousin behan ke bech ki hai. Hum dono ki age 18 saal hai . Mera naam Ayush hai aur uska Manya hai. Hum dono du me parte hai bt different colleges me parte hai. Uski figure 36-28-36 hai aur vo uska sabse strong point hai. Uske boobs bhi...

2 years ago
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(Inspired by a true story) Groomsman Kevin and Jessica had been dating for the last two years and had been engaged for the last six months. They were ready to get married, settle down, and have a family together. However, controversy soon arose as the wedding plans were being formulated. Upon given the list of groomsmen by Kevin, the always curious Jessica did a background check on them all. Nothing too serious, just an online program that looked through their criminal histories,...

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Celebs Meet CSSA 10 Natalie Portman

"And as you can see," Natalie Portman continued, pointing at the large projector screen with a laser pointer. "No one who is famous in the public eye goes untouched on this website. From actresses to singers to athletes to royalty, it seems that if there is an attractive woman on the planet who is famous, this site - Celebrity Sex Stories Archive - has at least one story on her," Natalie paused for a moment, shifting back to her notes. "As an actress in Hollywood, I find this sort of...

4 years ago
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Mrs Coleman

I've travelled almost my entire working life, mostly as a seafarer. Whilst I've had an amazing time, it meant that meeting - and keeping - someone special has been a real challenge. One of the ways that my wife and I have managed to keep our relationship fresh is through telling stories. It made the miles seem shorter, the separations easier.I hope you enjoy them as much as we have...I wasn't a very disciplined youth. To this day I have no real idea why I volunteered for the Army. When it came...

1 year ago
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Ok, I admit it. I had found the perfect chick magnet. So what if it was just a CAT, yes a kitty cat. Well, not just any old cat. My cat loved walking on a leash. And it’s extremely friendly. It will let anyone pet it and would hop into your lap without a second thought. It was a very handsome chocolate point Siamese male. Today, I’m sitting at a shady picnic table at a nearby park. Right in line for the parade of young women headed for the beach. “Oh! Cute kitty! What’s its name?” as the...

2 years ago
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The Terrible Fate of the English Nobleman

         The Terrible Fate of the English Nobleman                        By Dr. Phil This is the story of an 18th century English nobleman living in the Caribbean. He is hated by a local pirate governor. The Englishman refuses to sell a small piece of land to the governor who has wanted it for a long time. The Englishman has been protected by his friendship with the captain of one of the pirate ships. Even the governor fears this ruthless captain. One day the pirate ship arrives in port with...

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Seducing a telephone repairman

I’ve had fantasies about the cable guy that I had once seduced. Jimmy and I unfortunately didn’t have video of it but he was able to take pictures of me taking his big black cock. I’ve recently had to go back to that picture set and loudly reminisce about it as Jimmy fucked me in bed one night. Ironically, a day came when we had trouble with our phone line and finally Jimmy placed a repair request order to fix the problem. When we were finally told what day the telephone repairman was coming to...

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Robin and the Catwoman

“Oh my head.” Robin whispered as he stirred awake. It took a few moments for him to fully regain consciousness. His last memory was of chasing someone across the Gotham rooftops, now he was in someone’s apartment. “I’ve been captured!” He screamed in his mind as he suddenly realized he was under restraints. Taking a deep breath, he willed himself to think calmly, just as Batman as taught him. Take stock of the situation, then form a plan of action. The room was in semi-darkness, illuminated...

4 years ago
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Ek Main Aur Ek Manu

Hello ma crazy reader my name z Siraz, siraz sidaqi. I was also a reader of ISS lyk you. Actually still I am while reading ol d stories on ISS. I used to thought about se fun in ma like and humesa hi mauke ki talash me rhta tha bt aisa lgta tha ki jaise upper wale ne ek mere hi liye koi mauka banaya hi nahin, isi tadap me aur us parwar digar se narajgi me meri jindagi bit rahi thi bt wo khte hai na, ki dhundho to khuda v mil Jata hai to baki ki kya majal bs usi tarz pe wakai wo din aa hi gaya...

3 years ago
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The Airman

The Airman?.. It?s strange how the mind can recall certain events with such clarity yet blot out others. It was as if my life began during the years of World War Two. I don?t recall much of anything prior. Of course, being raised and educated in an orphanage doesn?t highlight much. I do remember enlisting into the military at the earliest possible age, to be on my own. As a young airman in the Army Air Corp, I remember my last bombing mission and the ensuing events...

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How Do You Solve A Problem LikeMiss Manson

After her meeting with Ms. Storey that lunchtime and on hearing that the strict young deputy headmistress was going to allow Rebecca Mulligan to carry out her plan to deal with Miss Manson, the head of Music at St Katherine’s School did not hang around for long after the end of the school day. Once she had taken the full school orchestra for their after-school practice she returned to the Music office, packed her bag and hurried to her car. She arrived home just after 5 pm and decided that she...

2 years ago
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Crazy Sexperience In Manali

I am Niki and I am back with my second sex story. This was my first one – https://www.indiansexstories2.net/couple/kritis-crazy-sex-story/ This happened a few years back when my four friends and I were on our way to Manali from Delhi. We were thrilled to take a few days off to enjoy the lovely spring in Manali. It was three girls including me and two guys. One of the guys had taken his brother’s Innova car for the trip to drive down. Basically, amongst the 5 of us, we had a couple, two single...

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TV Repairman

TV REPAIRMAN by kimmie oh The doorbell rang, and Billy padded barefoot over the hardwood floor of his apartment. He quickly checked his reflection in the mirror one last time. Then he took a deep breath, smiled, and opened the door. He felt a blast of January cold on his rather scantily clad body. In the vestibule stood a tall, good-looking older man in worn work clothes. The man gave Billy a quick once-over and Billy held his breath. He wondered if he had gone too far: the...

4 years ago
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The Horseman

Once upon a time there was a princess. She was feeling very trapped in her kingdom so she wanted to take a ride. She summoned her horseman to take her on this ride. He was a loyal man and was willing to do anything her royalness asked of him. Because deep down inside he had serious feelings for her, But was afraid to show this because he was afraid that she did not feel the same way about him considering their positions in the social order as they were. He brought the horse around and helped...

3 years ago
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The Legend of the Dickless Horseman

 It was a dark and stormy night. I was reminded of that fact by a beagle glaring down at me, hunched over like a vulture, perched on the porch of my destination. I pulled my raspberry beret down snugly for protection from the bitter New York wind.I glanced at the decaying house before me. The years had not been kind. Whereas it once stood majestically on a hill radiating beauty now it was an eyesore; the real estate equivalent of Kathleen Turner. Still, it was precious to me. Full of wonderful...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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My Pleasure Moments With Suman

By : Delhibiz Hi, this is Gautam from Delhi. I like the most the stories of ISS and reading them from long time. I am 28 years now and this story is 3 years back with one of my exclusive friend. However, she is not with me now and married to someone. Her name is Suman (name changed). We are of same age and worked in different firms in Delhi. During my official tour to Mumbai, we met each other and the story begun. Let me describe her about her physique.She is quite fair with some extra pounds...

1 year ago
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My Friend Suman

Hi friends mai bhaut dino se iss ko padathe arahu to maine socha ki maine bhi apni ek real stori post karu. kya malum apko pasand aye or na ahe thik hai. ok my name is joy and i from mumbai.any girl or any woman want relationship with me to contact my email id.. ok maine abhi meri stori pe aata hu. aap ise fake samse ya true its on you but its my true story in my life. ok. Main Mumbai me ek chawl me rahata hu. me us time 12 stands me tha main dikhane itna handsome nahi hu. esiliye main...

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Mrs Redman

Mrs Redman An Introduction With my assignments finished for the day I finally arrived, near exhausted, at the home of Mrs Redman where I had been resident for the last six months or so. With some reluctance born out of my exhaustion, I walked around the house from the garage where I parked my van and thought of what obligations may await me on entering the house. The household had consisted for months of just Mrs Redman, Miss Julie and me, however, for the last week, Mrs Redman's...

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The Journal of Samuel Samantha Waterman

Journal of Samuel (Samantha) Waterman January 1; I'm thirteen and thought I would start this journal. I ain't much at writing but I'll give it a try. I think it will be cool. I know boys don't keep a diary so I'm calling it a journal besides it sounds more grown up than a sissy diary. And this way when I tell my grandchildren my tales of youth, like grandpa does, I can say, "see its right here in my journal." Not much happened today, no school. So I thought I'd start this journal,...

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Friends Choosing A Groomsman

Chandler paced back and forth in the kitchen. He was fretting over Rachel's choice of Ross to be her groomsman in Phoebe's wedding that day. It was a last minute decision, and Chandler was trying to figure out how to get Rachel to change her mind. He stopped in mid-step, as she walked in."Hi," Rachel said, nonchalantly. She was wearing her green floral bathrobe and little socks, obviously in the middle of getting ready for the evening ceremony."Hey, can I talk to you about this groomsman...

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Seduced By Ugly Milkman

Oh, oh, he is again late today, this milkman is of no use. It is already 9 in morning and Samir has left for office. I was married to Samir last year and our daughter is just 2 months old kid. My Kid will not take breast milk, so we have this milkman who is supposed to supply us with fresh cow milk for her every morning at 7, but now its 9 am and no sign of him yet. I am going to kill that fool of a milkman. The kid is hungry and crying. But what can I do, she somehow does not like my milk. I...

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Cameron and Manny

Prologue Cameron and I were married for fifteen years. No children, bills paid, house nearly owned. She's thirty-eight and I'm forty now. She's still a tawny haired beauty with B-cup boobs and the plumpest ass ever to have graced the backside of a 110 pound five-foot four-inch female woman! Her olive complexion is to die for and she smells like something descended from Mt. Olympus. Our sex life was terrific through most of those years. Was, being the operative word. She eventually filed...

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My Sister JeanChapter 18 The Trip to Little Cayman

The movie had started in the main cabin and the American transcontinental flight from San Francisco to Miami had quieted for the first time since Jean and I had boarded. Quite often when we'd traveled with our parents, and particularly with our status-conscious father, we had flown first class, but this time we were paying for the trip from our own meager savings and we were firmly planted in the main cabin. Had there been a steerage class, we might have been there, so strained was our...

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My friends and my manageress

My name if John and i'm 30 years old and this is my story. In 1998 i started working in a Department store, i had a female manager who's name is Karen. Through the years i got to know my manageress very well. She was a married woman and had 2 teenage kids. She told me many times that her Husband was the only man she had slept with and after twenty odd years of marriage had often wondered what having sex with someone else was like. We both shared many a dark secret to each other about all sorts...

Group Sex
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Fucked my crush in Manali

Hi, readers. Your Milf Lover is back with a new story. This is also a real story. This happened after I lost my virginity to my aunt. I got more confidence to have sex with other girls. So let’s get to the story. This is the story of me getting lucky with my female best friend’s older sister. She had always been my crush since my school days. She was 4 years older than me. So the story starts when I receive a call from my friend one day. Me: Hi, what’s up! Friend: Hello, nothing much. I want...

2 years ago
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Taming the Lineman

Taming the Lineman   By J R   This is a fantasy work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is purely coincidental and the use of real company names or products is for literary effect only and definitely without permission of any kind.   Part One   Jeff was really struggling to drag himself awake for some reason. He felt to be drifting out of sleep as usual, but his arms and legs just didn't wanna move like normal. His rough palm refused to rub over his drowsy eyes or to stroke...

1 year ago
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Alice et sa maman

Alice et sa maman Par BMC (byBforbeMformyCforcunt)R?sum?. St?phanie est inqui?te, elle s'absente pour le week-end et a du confier sa petite fille ador?e, Alice, ? son voisin inqui?tant monsieur Pr?dat. Qui est vraiment monsieur Pr?dat, Thor de son pr?nom; qu'elle ne connait pas tr?s bien? Un type bien et incompris ou un pervers. Qui est vraiment St?phanie? Une maman aimante et attentionn?e ou une m?re indigne et une tra?n?e. Qui est Alice? une gentille fille ou de la graine de salope en train de germer pr?te ? entamer une desce...

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Nobody knows exactly where they came from, maybe they were mutants from the pollution of humanity or maybe they've always been around. Maybe this is Man's Hubris coming back to roost, maybe they're just a path of Evolution that was always there but never really discovered just from sheer dumb luck. Never officially, anyway. 1954, The Amazon. A scientific expedition takes a turn when Kay Lawrence, the group's ichthyologist and the only female in the group, is kidnapped by what was described by...

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Playing Cards With Manju

I was feeling exhausted after that woman just squeezed all the energy from me. Never thought that woman’s sex power can turn out be so high when they get to being near 40. She was sleeping in my arm like a small baby with a sense of satisfaction on her face like a small baby. Her smile made me think how we met for the first time and how did we ended up being on bed. My mother used to be very helpful in nature and so, all the neighbors and and relatives used to flock to my house for something or...

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It was late. I'd been arrested again. And, I'd been remanded in custody for the rest of the weekend... "Angela... ?" a female voice called. As I looked up, my cell-door opened to reveal 'Probationary' Constable Tania Margarson 23069 - the young policewoman entering the 'Female Cells' with a warm cup of coffee for me. "MMMM, " I sighed, smiling wickedely at the uniformed policewoman, "Thankyou, Constable Margarson!" "I thought, you might like a coffee..." she replied. The...

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My Experiments In Mangalore

Hi, I am back with another experience of mine. It won’t be just met and fucked kind of story as many published here.However, I always tries to keep a balance in romance/lust and how that lead to sex. This happened in 2006 in mangalore. With my colleague shani. Prologue Way back in 2000-2004 me and shani (heroine in this story) were batchmates. Those who read my previous story (met amy and slept with her after five years.) must be remembering my campus and the trip. Shani was a small thin girl...

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Newly married Manu

Manu was of 28 years and was a doctor pursuing post graduation. She had had a late marriage but still staying for last six months with her parents after 10 days of her marriage due to hubby’s posting in north east India. She was not a stunning beauty but looked serene, well toned and well shaped. Her body language showed that she was not a sexy woman but her eyes and casual smile were inviting. We were both new families in the locality, an urban settlement in Jharkhand. As my neighbour, she...

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