Captured Burgler free porn video

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I thought this would be a big score. I'd had the old house under surveillance for about a week and it looked ripe for the picking. Large, detached and isolated with only two middle aged female occupants who went to bed early every night. Easy pickings I thought. How wrong I was. Gaining entry in the early hours of a moonlit morning had proved easier than even I could've imagined, a carelessly left open back window, and quick as a flash I was inside and rummaging around silently in a large living room, the two women safely tucked up in bed, looking for anything valuable whilst using the moon instead of a torch to aid my search. I didn't even notice the two figures hiding in the corner shadows watching my every move. I still didn't notice them as my search carried me towards their position, only at the last moment did I see them but it was already too late. A fierce jolt of pain shot through my body as it convulsed helplessly and I collapsed in a heap on the floor. I lay there stunned and unable to move when the lights came on. I saw two middle aged women wearing jet black Lycra cat suits and knee length black stiletto boots standing over me with satisfied smiles on their faces. One of them was holding a wicked looking stun gun and aimed it in my direction. "I'll shock him again just to make sure he won't give us any trouble, and then we can move him down to the playroom. You're right, he'll do nicely," and shocked me again until I passed out. I didn't know how long I was out for, but as my head cleared and I became more aware of my surroundings I knew I was in a hell of a lot of trouble. The room I was being held in was pitch dark except for a spotlight shining above me and another spotlight shining on an old antique triple lens mirror. I could also make out several small red LED's dotted about in the dark. I stared straight ahead, horrified at the reflection in the 3 mirrors that greeted my eyes and because I could do little else. It was obviously positioned in such a way as to maximise the view of my predicament. I was sitting bolt upright on a large solid wooden chair, held tightly in position by numerous sturdy leather straps. I had been strapped into what felt like a straight jacket that was made of leather and my arms were folded across the front of my body and secured somewhere behind, a strap disappeared down between my legs crushing my manhood and painfully splitting my ass cheeks. Leather straps also secured me to the upright of the chair and held me firmly in their relentless grip, one across my chest and one across my stomach. Shockingly adorning my legs were sheer and shiny black stockings and on my feet were opened toed high heeled sandals. Each leg was strapped tightly to separate chair legs at ankle and below knee and were completely immovable. All I could do was twist my sandaled feet as they dangled inches from the floor, the rest remained perfectly immobile. My head was completely covered by what smelt like a rubber hood. It only had holes for my eyes and I assumed for my nose as I could only breathe through my nostrils. My mouth was packed full of foul tasting silken materiel and what felt like a large strip of adhesive covered it under the hood. Over the top of the hood was a head harness which covered my mouth and chin up to my nose in a solid leather pouch with straps running either side of my nose, over my eyes and up over the top of my head. The straps restricted my vision but I found I couldn't move my mouth or jaw at all. The reason I looked straight forwards at the mirrors was because a strap had been placed over my forehead, securing it to the chair. My whole world was reduced to the restricted vision of the hoods' eyeholes and whatever was in front of me. I tried moving my head but it was useless. I could only stare at the reflection of my thoroughly bound and gagged self. I repeatedly strained against the straps and the straight jacket but they held me completely still and the soggy packing in my mouth combined with the hood and the harness reduced my shouts to mere muffled grunts. The only audible noise was the creaking of the leather used to restrain me and the rushing of blood in my temples combined with the whistling of air as I tried to breath. All I managed to do was make me breathless and sweaty so I had to stop struggling against the bondage until the white stars cleared from my vision due to lack of oxygen. After a while I gave up struggling and I sat there completely immobilised taking stock of my situation. The women, who shocked me and now held me prisoner, were they punishing me for breaking into their house if so why they didn't call the police. They very obviously knew about how to restrain someone because I couldn't move a muscle so how did they know how to do it and where did they get the restraints. Also what did the one woman mean when she said I would do nicely, what did they have planned for me. They obviously wanted me to stick around but why would they put stockings and high heels on my, to humiliate me perhaps, well it was working. I was humiliated. During my struggles I also became aware of something else crushing my body, other than the straightjacket and the straps and I wondered what that was. I could see in the mirrors' reflection the suspender straps disappearing under the straight jacket so what were they attached to. Also the strap from the straightjacket between my legs and spreading my ass cheeks was agony but some of the pain was coming from within, it felt like I was sitting on an egg so had they put something up inside my bottom. All these questions and no one to answer them. Just the constant pressure of the straps around head and body, the foul tasting silken wad in my mouth, the silken caress of the stockings, the high heels painfully forcing my feet into an uncomfortable position, and the numbness of my butt cheeks from being forced down onto the hard wooden chair. But no answers. Just when I thought my predicament couldn't get any worse I heard a mobile phone message tone. Beep-beep. Beep-beep. This triggered a vibrator to activate inside my arsehole. If I wasn't so tightly strapped to the chair I would've jumped up but the straps did their job well and I remained firmly seated whilst the vibrator continued its torture. It continued it's buzzing with increased intensity driving me mad as I struggled against the bondage with zero hope of being able to dislodge it until it suddenly stopped after about 60 seconds. I was panting heavily and groaning into the gag until my breathing eventually returned to normal but even with my increased vigour to try and get free I still barely moved a muscle. Beep-beep. Beep-beep. And of it went again. On and on this torture continued for hours on end. I lost count at fifteen and nearly lost consciousness a dozen times. Each time the vibrator was remotely activated by a mobile phone text message I went mad with struggling and grunting but the bondage held firm and defeated me every time. Sometimes minutes would pass and sometimes it would be hours, but the threat and the bondage remained constant. As soon as I heard that dreaded noise the torment would start again. Whoever these women were they knew how to plan, how to capture, how to restrain, how to torture, physically and mentally, and they clearly enjoyed doing it. I had definitely picked the wrong house to rob and was deeply regretting my decision. Obviously they knew I was watching the house so that means they were watching me, they then allowed me to enter the house to trap me and strap me up and keep me prisoner but for how long and for what reason remained to be seen. The house was set back from the street with no close neighbours so privacy for them was ensured, and any help for me was impossible. All these thoughts were going through my tormented mind when I heard a noise above my head. It sounded like the click click of stilettos on wooden floor boards. The two women had returned and were moving about, I followed their movements with my eyes for several minutes as my head remained immobile because of the straps. The click of the heels moved behind my position and I heard a door unlock, open and then two sets of stilettos descended down some steps and then move towards me. My heart quickened and my body tensed, restricted by the restraints of course, as the women moved closer. Suddenly lights were turned on around the room and I grunted into the gag as the strap restraining my head to the back of the chair was removed. My head fell forward and I growled into the silken packing at this sudden painful movement. I gingerly raised and turned my head to examine my surroundings and stretch my neck muscles as both of the women moved the antique mirror off to one side. Before me stood two visions of dominant beauty. Dressed in matching outfits, white satin shirts, wide waist belts, elbow length black leather gloves, black leather knee length skirts, sheer black stockings and killer high heeled pumps, they looked at me with broad smiles on glossy red lips. "Welcome to our home, now your home for the foreseeable future. I bet you have lots of questions about who, what, and why but don't worry about that. All you need to know is that you are now ours. End of story. You made a very grave mistake thinking you could break in here and steal from us. We've been watching you from the first moment we saw you scoping our house and planned this to perfection. Nobody will think of looking for you here, you covered your own tracks well which helped us no end. But you are not as clever as you think. As to what we have planned for you, well, I don't want to ruin the surprise." "But be warned. We know you will try to resist or escape, which does make it a little bit more fun for us, but we will only tolerate so much. You will be kept in tight bondage at all times from now on, and tightly gagged, but it's up to you just how extreme we go. If you play ball we may be gentle and you may even enjoy it, but if not we will let our imaginations run wild and you will suffer. But consider this. If you become too much trouble we have no problem with killing you and dumping your body dressed in women's clothes. Keep this in mind and think of the implications before you try anything stupid." "This tazer will help us elicit control and you already know how effective and painful that is so don't make us use it. The house is also more secure than you think and very private with no prying eyes. All doors and widows are locked, alarmed and electrified. Not too much voltage, just enough to stun and incapacitate. Now that you know the ground rules we have enough time for a quick play session before your appointment." With that they both advanced on my helpless body and began unstrapping me from the chair. I was hauled to my feet where I teetered unsteadily on aching legs and towering heels. The two women supported me and helped me shuffle off to a raised platform, the heels clicked and the stockings on my legs rasped together noisily as I was positioned in the centre and ordered not to move A Wide collar was fastened around my neck, and chains clipped to rings in the front back and sides of the collar. Next my heeled feet were spread about three feet apart and a bar was attached by leather cuffs to the ankles, keeping them separated. The chains attached to the collar tightened and I was balanced precariously on heels trying to keep the pressure of the collar off my throat. I was breathing noisily through my nostrils and mmmphed into the gag in protest but the women just laughed at my predicament. They busied themselves by setting up video cameras around the platform and I saw the familiar red LED lights, they had been filming me all along. I saw a couple of computers on a desk off to one side as they switched them on and managed to get a look at my surroundings for the first time. I was in a large room, probably the basement, and it looked like a fully equipped dungeon, shackles on the walls, unidentifiable furniture of all sorts of shapes and sizes, cages, a large four poster bed, racks of clothing, shoes and bondage equipment and a massive vanity mirror with tons of bottles of perfume and all sorts of make up and dummies heads with wigs. Cameras were dotted all around the room as well as the computer workstation. The chair which I was strapped to was off to one side as were tailors dummies garbed in outlandish looking leather, rubber and PVC outfits, the heads of which were covered in masks and hoods of all shapes and sizes. I shuddered inwardly at the spectacle before me and wondered how much of this stuff I would get to know intimately. I knew I had to escape these two psychotic women but also heeded their warning. If I was caught how bad would things get for me, and if I annoyed them enough for them to kill me would they carry out their threat. I did have family and even though I was missing I couldn't put them through that sort of hell. The newspapers thrived on this kind of story. No. I would bide my time. Wait for them to make a mistake. If they ever would. Mind you. If they carried out their threat to keep me in tight and inescapable bondage would that chance ever arise? I would have to endure and wait and see. I was interrupted from my reverie by the two women returning, activating the video cameras by remote control and then proceeding to circle my helplessly bound body, strategically swatting my most sensitive areas with crops. Each stinging blow made my body twitch in the confines of the restraints, the loud slaps they made followed by a muffled grunt and an explosion of air from my nostrils, followed by frantic inhalation. But the straightjacket kept my arms firmly wrapped around my waist, the spreader kept my legs widely apart and the heels ensured imbalance which caused the chain attached to the collar to pull tight, further restricting my breathing. I had no choice but to endure, what choice did I have. My legs quivered because of the position they were in and kept giving way momentarily increasing the pressure around my neck. The swatting continued mercilessly and expertly. Buttocks, inner thighs, calves, outer thighs then back to buttocks, over and over and over. All caught by the cameras. Through my tearful eyes I saw one of the women produce a mobile phone, key in some digits and then the vibrator in my ass exploded into life. I screamed into the gag, nothing but muffled sounds escaped the silken packing until I mercifully passed out and collapsed into the restraints. Sweet oblivion enveloped me. When I came to confusion reigned supreme. It took me several minutes to realise that I was in a car and we were driving somewhere. It took me longer to understand how I had been restrained. I was lying face down on the back seat with my hands cuffed behind me, my elbows were cuffed and even my thumbs didn't escape restraints. My ankles had also been cuffed and were pulled up behind me and attached to the cuff chain of my elbows. Judging by the fact that my toes were pointing skyward I guessed that my feet were in high heels. Stockings also adorned my legs and my waist was being crushed by some garment. My head was encompassed by a tightly fitting leather helmet with holes at the nose for me to breathe through and a large object inserted into my mouth, after exploration with my tongue I realised to my horror that it was a penis shaped rubber wedge. Naturally I tried to expel the object but the tightness of the leather hood meant that was impossible. I tested the confines of my restraints for several minutes but stopped when I realised the helplessness of my current situation and the cuffs remained tight and dug painfully into whatever appendage they were attached to. My thighs, calves, and buttocks were very sore after the attention they had received and my limbs were all crying out with cramp from the position I was forced to endure and every bump in the road the car ran over brought fresh agonies and I grunted into the penis gag. After what seemed like an eternity the car finally stopped, doors opened and closed and I felt hands unlocking the chain that was hogcuffing me. Pain shot through my legs as they were forcefully straightened and I groaned and bit down on the rubber phallus in my mouth as I was hauled to my feet. I was held up and swayed unsteadily on towering heels that I wasn't accustomed to and I felt the cuffs removed from my ankles. I shivered in the cool air as something was draped over my shoulders and I was ushered to some unknown destination, guided by arms holding my cuffed arms as I shuffled along in the heels. The leather helmet kept me blind, silent and docile, almost disciplined, and I finally understood its use. When we stopped walking I felt hands unlacing the discipline helmet then it was loosened and pulled up over my head. Cool air covered my face where only seconds before it was covered by suffocating, tight and restrictive leather and bright light blurred my vision, momentarily blinding me. The rubber penis was removed from my mouth with a loud plop and drool dribbled down my chin. The relief of being ungagged for the first time in ages was short lived as a large red rubber ball was wedged firmly behind my teeth and strapped tightly in placed. As my vision cleared I took stock of my new surroundings. I was dressed in what looked like a corset. It was red in colour with lots of frilly lacy parts made of satin and laced very tightly around my waist. This held up very sheer black stockings and high heeled stilettos adorned my feet. A raincoat was draped over my shoulders but was removed leaving me standing there like some cheap hooker. I was in what looked like a beauty salon. There were numerous people having all sorts of treatments and haircuts looking at me and smiling but no one bothered to help me. This was very troubling. A man corseted, stockinged, heeled, cuffed and gagged and standing in full view in public and nobody cared. My two captors started unlacing the corset before removing it, the stockings, heels and restraints except for the thumb cuffs, leaving me standing there naked except for the gag and a large erection. This brought giggles and smiles from the patrons but angered my captors who dragged me off to a vacant cubicle. I was forced into a padded chair where they proceeded to strap my arms to the arrests with my hands hanging over the ends at wrists above and below elbows and one across my waist and stomach. One of my captors grabbed my erect penis and squeezed and whispered in my ear. "You will pay for this later. I promise." And flicked the tip with a perfectly manicured finger. She then proceeded to assist strapping my legs to specially positioned leg restraints. I sat immobile in the chair completely naked except for the gag. A curtain was pulled around the cubicle and a machine was wheeled in by a tartily dressed large breasted woman wearing a shiny pink top, short leather miniskirt, shiny black tights and knee length stiletto boots. She had blonde beehive hair, long red nails, large hoped ear rings and entirely too much make-up. She also looked slightly manly due to her height, build and facial structure but I couldn't be sure. Dials were turned on the machine and electrical wand was produced. She started rubbing it over my arms, legs, chest and crotch and a crackling sound was emitted followed by a mild burning, I groaned into the rubber ball wedged in my mouth and drool dripped down my chin. Hair proceeded to fall away from everywhere the wand touched and straps were undone and refitted so nowhere was missed. Even a hatch in seat base was removed to gain access to my arse which soon became as hairless as the rest of me. My face was next and my stubble chin was soon as smooth as an egg. When she had finished she planted a silky covered knee in my groin and said in a deep husky voice, "There you go my dear, as hairless as the day you were born. Except your head of course which we will sort out soon." And planted a kiss squarely on my gagged mouth before licking the drool off my chin and running her tongue around my stretched and dry lips. I was hard due to her ministrations but again I had doubts this was a woman as something didn't seem quite right about her. My two captors and this other woman disappeared for a few minutes leaving me strapped tightly to the chair whilst staring at myself in the mirror. They returned with some attachments and began fitting them to the chair. First was two hand shaped plates fitted on the end of the arms and my palms were laid flat against them. Small leather straps were used to secure each finger just after each knuckle joint. Next to be fitted was a headrest with a large red rubber ribbed and tapered object attached by a pivot arm, the ball gag was un strapped and removed from my mouth and the rubber object was positioned over my head and in front of my face ready for insertion. "Open wide my dear" said the wo/man and pinched one of my nipples hard. I opened my mouth to shout in pain when the tapered rubber object was pushed forcefully into it. I gagged and wretched as it approached the back of my throat and it forced my jaws open as wide as they would go. Finally my teeth settled over a rib in the gag and they seemed satisfied that it was in far enough. They locked the pivot mechanism off so I couldn't expel the monster, not that I could anyway, and a strap was fastened over my forehead, further locking my head into position. I gakked and choked silently swallowing the drool that crept down my throat. The three bitches laughed evilly at the noises I was making and how I was so helplessly restrained but they hadn't finished yet. They disappeared out of view and I suddenly felt a finger probing my anus through the hatch in the seat base. The finger continued its ministrations before entering painfully and probing inside. I twitched within the leather bondage and squirmed as much as the leather straps would allow, which was not at all, and gakk gakk gakked into the gag. The finger was removed but returned seconds later this time massaging cold lubricant into my already sore opening. I then felt something bigger being pushed up inside and I wailed into the rubber gag as it was pushed deep. My poor anus was being stretched beyond belief as I felt the monster pushed deeper and deeper inside of me. It only stopped inserting when I felt a something press between my hole and my balls which suddenly sprang vibrating into life. I sat helpless as a baby strapped to the chair for the next few hours, with the object inserted up my arse and the object vibrating against my balls. My fingers, strapped immobile to the hand plate, were treated to manicures and moisturises and had bright red false nails glued to each tip. They then released each arm and pulled satin opera gloves up my arms all the way to my shoulders before strapping it back down. The women and wo/man took great pleasure explaining to me what they were doing as I sat helpless and gagged in the chair, drool dripping from my distended jaws. Next my feet were pedicured, pampered, dusted and moisturised before the nails were painted red as well. Each leg was released in turn and moisturised until they shone and had finest nylon stockings pulled up each one, all of which was explained to me as they went along, all the while the vibrator buzzed away. My head was reeling, spinning hazily from their expert ministration and the vibrators' constant attention. The high heels I wore earlier were refitted to my feet and strapped tightly on. Each leg was then re-secured. Next my eyebrows were plucked into a high arches and my body jerked when each hair was yanked out. At last they removed the horrible gagging device and I cried in agony as my jaws were forced closed. My relief again was short lived as a couple of pairs of lace and silk panties were stuffed into my mouth. These of course were soiled as I found out much to my distaste and they took great pleasure from letting me know. Still the buzzing continued. Semi permanent lipstick and lip gloss was applied to my lips and my eye lashes were extended and curled. Foundation and eye shadow were next followed by ages of face make-up application. I sat there and endured, tightly strapped and helpless to prevent my continued feminization. Customers would come over and chat to my captors, offering advice and having a poke, a prod or a feel, taking photos on their phones and not one saw fit to help me. Just complimented the women and went about their business. With my face finished and my features unrecognisable they set upon my hair. They added blonde, shoulder length extensions and dyed, washed and set my hair, all the while soiled panties were crammed in my mouth. At one point I was wheeled to one of the driers and sat helplessly strapped amongst the other customers who sat under their driers and gossiped or read magazines. The humiliation was incredible. When finally enough was done to me so that I was completely unrecognizable to the poor schmuck who was brought in, the vibrator and the anal intruder were removed, the panties were pried out of my mouth and the ballgag was strapped tightly back in. I was released from the chair and dragged to my high heeled feet. Cuffs were fastened around now satin clad wrist, elbows and thumbs. The corset was wrapped around my waist and they all took it in turns to tug at the lacings seeing who could get it tightest, much to my breathless dismay. The wo/man obviously won, which reinforced my belief that it was a man, but they had to undo the laces slightly as the colour drained from my now heavily made up face and I nearly fainted from lack of air. It was still incredibly tight and I still struggled to breath but at least I was conscious. Their conversation turned to payment and the wo/man asked if I had any cock sucking experience. They said they didn't know as they had only just acquired me. I stood there helplessly cuffed and gagged, dressed in a corset, finest nylon stockings, heels and satin opera gloves, tarted up to the nines with a very sore anus, absolutely exhausted from hours of being strapped up, tied up, gagged and vibrated and they were talking about my cock sucking experience. My two captors agreed that the stylist could bust my oral cherry in return for not paying for my makeover which he readily agreed. They all told him that I had best remain ring gagged just in case, whatever that meant. I shuddered in disbelief and bolted for the door when they turned their backs. The clip clip of my heels and the customers warning gave my escape plan away. I actually made it to the door but my cuffed wrists and thumbs and the smooth and shiny materiel of the satin gloves made it impossible to grip. The three bitches just casually sauntered over grabbed my arms and dragged me off through a door to the cheers of the watching female crowd. We entered a storeroom with a stout support pillar in the middle. I was manoeuvred over to it , forced down onto my knees, had my stilleto'd feet placed either side of the pillar and then cuffed together. My wrist, elbow and thumb cuffs were all removed and refastened behind the post. One of my captors rummaged inside a large leather hand bag and pulled out a strap with a large ring in the middle of it. She approached my helpless form, reached behind my head then unbuckled and removed the ball gag. Grabbing a generous handful of my now ample extended, dyed and styled hair she forced the ring behind my teeth before strapping it tightly in place. She released my head and stood back, reaching into her bag again and pulling out a compact video camera. My mouth was now held invitingly open for payment to commence. That came in the form of the drag queen that now stood before me. S/he unzipped the leather mini skirt and let it fall to the floor, rasping against the shiny tights as it went. Before my eyes was a massive erect cocked trapped by the tights and busting to get out. He hooked manicured thumbs under the elastic waistband and slowly pulled them down and freeing the monster. It was about eight inches long, heavily veined but not too wide that it wouldn't fit through the ring holding my mouth open. It jutted straight out and pointed right at me as he stepped forward, high heeled knee length boots creaking as he went. I tried to back away but had nowhere to go. Helplessly cuffed to the post I turned my head away in disgust. He, now most obviously a he, just grabbed a handful of my now luxurious mane to hold my head steady and pressed the shiny tip of his cock through the ring holding open my mouth and kept pushing , inch by agonising inch until it reached the back of my throat and I retched. He then withdrew and repeated the process. Each time he pulled back drool exited my abused mouth and ran down my chin, hanging in threads as gravity dragged it towards the floor. In and out, in and out. Faster and harder all the time holding my head steady, pumping away ignoring my gurgling and retching until he tensed, gripped my head tighter, rammed his cock deep down my throat and exploded buckets of hot, salty, stick sperm into my mouth. I choked on his discharge trying not to swallow but helpless to stop it. Down it went as I choked and gagged on his cock which had now stopped depositing sperm and was rapidly going soft. My two captors clapped and shouted bravo, all of this captured remorselessly by the video camera. One of them threw him a pair of satin panties and said, "Clean yourself off and leave them stuffed in there, she can enjoy your taste for the rest or the night." With that he pulled his now flaccid cock out of my mouth, drool and sperm forming tendrils between us, and wiped himself off with the panties. He then wiped my chin and crammed them into my mouth. "You're a good little slut, can't believe I was your first. Hopefully I'll get to bust that other cherry of yours too." He pulled the tights back up, wriggled back into the leather miniskirt and zipped it up. "Ladies, it been a pleasure. Come back very soon and bring the slut too. Maybe we can arrange a deal for me to pop her other cherry too." And walked out laughing. I tried to push the sodden and soiled panties out of my mouth but one of the ladies saw what I was attempting to do and stepped forward, "Oh no you don't, they are staying in there for the rest of the evening and possibly the night too." And pushed them back in with her thumbs. The other woman pulled out the leather discipline helmet, removed the large penis gag attachment and readied it for fitment, my newly extended hair was braided into a pony tail and pulled through a hole in the top as the helmet was tugged and adjusted to fit. The laces were pulled tight and the leather conformed to the contours of my face, stifling and blocking out all light. It also kept the panties in my mouth from being expelled thus keeping them trapped in their for the duration. I was released from the post, dragged to my feet and quickly and tightly re secured I was then woman handled blindly back to the car, put face down on to back seat and hogcuffed again. A few hard slaps on the ass to check I was properly restrained then they closed the door, got in the front, gunned the engine, cranked up the music and drove me back to their home to a very uncertain future.

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Captured female Sergeant and her men1

After being led into a building, each was injected with a knockout drug and they all passed out. An unknown amount of time later, Sgt. Joyce Danniels, a 30 year old American squad leader slowly regained consciousness. It was a couple of minutes before she was alert enough to realize that she was strapped to a hard surface and that she was naked. There was a strap across her chest just below her breasts and another across her waist. Her hands were strapped down and her legs were tied so...

4 years ago
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Captured Ch 02

Please note that there are some reluctance themes. Carly moaned softly as the gentle rocking of the boat intruded on her drowsy slumber, and her fingers curled in the sheets. She lay sprawled on the softest of mattresses, her hand nestled beneath her cheek, her limbs free from constriction beneath the clean sheet. Her sky blue eyes fluttered open, and she stretched, feeling a delicious ache between her thighs. Her heart thudded in her chest as she sat up with a start, hastily drawing the...

4 years ago
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Captured in Ajikistan

Arianna, Layla, Mira, and Sandy had embarked on their risky adventure with the best of intentions. Working for an NGO aid group called 'Hearts Healing Conflict,' they had volunteered to help bring in humanitarian supplies to the tiny, struggling third world nation of Ajikistan, which was in the midst of a civil war. Unfortunately for them, the young women had no idea how dangerous the job of driving the supply trucks really was. They had been told that as long as they stayed on the main...

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Captured In Love Ch 02

A/N: This dialogue is used to reflect the time period and make it as realistic as possible. It is not to offend people the wrong way. If you still feel offended after reading it, please don’t write me about it because I’m warning you before reading the passage. Thanks! ***** -Light Heart- Light Heart had been captured in that snowy forest about two weeks ago. It was hard for her to keep track of the days or the time. She ached for her mother and wondered how her sister had fared. She was...

3 years ago
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Captured Part 2

Our two English twins, captives of the Apaches, experience an unexpected turn of events.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part 1 can be found here - the flap of the wikiup, Dahteste said, "My brothers will not see you again before tonight. The other men will take them away. For you and them, there are certain ceremonies...

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Captured Part 1

Charlotte and Rebecca, sixteen-year-old identical English twins are captured in an Apache raid.***********Rebecca didn't know how long they'd been sitting there among the rocks. Maybe two or three hours. She shifted her weight slightly to reposition the rock that was sticking in her back. Two hours ago, it had seemed quite comfortable but was now beginning to seriously irritate her. That, together with the blistering dry heat cracking her lips and a blinding headache with a raging thirst, made...

2 years ago
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Captured by Sir Al Chapter 1: The Beginning I was spending my afternoon quietly, waiting for Hubby. A cold shower mighthave been the best to relax my senses on so hot a day. When you're hot intobondage and discipline, you need your Master's constant presence, don't you?So I was trying to relax and preparing everything for my Master and his night;it will be a night in his ropes, of course, and our lust. My body was gleaming under the shower but then a noise from the lounge drewmy attention....

1 year ago
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Captured By a Blonde

I unwillingly opened my laptop and started watching lesbian porn. I was captured by a lesbian, and she made me do this day and night. When on a camera site, a girl rang me. Another horrible masturbation order. I answered, then said, "Please don't hurt me. Just make me be naked and cum, then leave. I hate this, so don't make it hard on me." "What's wrong baby?" The girl asked. "I was captured and forced to watch these sites." "One second." She said, then logged off. I was sad. Another...

2 years ago
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Captured In Love Ch 03

–Light Heart Hours later, Light Heart found herself doing her nightly ritual of brushing Mrs. Carlton’s wheat colored hair sprinkled with strands of gray. ‘Do you find my husband attractive?’ Light Heart paused from brushing her hair confused. ‘…Ma’am?’ ‘Do. you. find. my. husband. attractive?’ she snapped, whirling around to face her. Light Heart didn’t know what she was getting at and wasn’t sure what to say. ‘I-‘ ‘Oh, don’t you play coy with me. You know very well what I mean,’...

2 years ago
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Captured In Love Ch 01

A/N. So normally I would do more research while writing a story but since this is online and I’m not writing it as a midterm (smiles), I’ve been more lax. I apologize in advance if something is way off base or inaccurate. The prologue is a backdrop with not much dialogue. It picks up though. I promise. ***** Light Heart ‘Yes mother,’ Light Heart repeated again for what felt like the fifth time just that morning to her mothers interrogation before her usual walk into town. She knew her...

1 year ago
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Captured in Ajikistan 2

Somewhere in the tiny, war-torn republic of Ajikistan, four beautiful young girls working for a humanitarian aid group were captured by sadistic soldiers. General Aamir and his two bodyguards, Kasim and Musad, were now enjoying the use of their newest playthings. The beautiful blonde with the huge breasts was Sandy. She was naked, straddling a saddle-shaped contraption with a tall, cruelly ribbed dildo, humping it hard with her pussy as one of the soldiers looked on. Then there was poor Mira,...

4 years ago
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Captured Couples 2

Jake looked down at a slender brunette captive, Miranda, her just-raped pussy spread with Jake's cum oozing from her raw-rubbed sex lips. Her boyfriend Derek now had his face thrust between her legs, lapping submissively and eating out all of Master Jake's nasty jism. "SLURP!!! Unnhhhggkk!" Derek groaned, slurping madly as Mistress Ashley took a three-tailed whip and smacked it loudly against Derek's butt cheeks. "Put some more effort into it, you worthless man-slut. Eat your...

3 years ago
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Captured The Sheiks Bride Ch 05

Slowly Leanna surfaced from a sea of sweet dreams. She snuggled deeper under the covers and closer to the warm body that was holding her close. Her eyes opened. Warm body? Then she remembered, she was married. She blushed again as she remembered what had transpired last night, was even more mortified when she remembered how much she had liked it. She knew for one thing, she had to get back home quick, before she wanted to stay here forever. She sighed and was about to close her eyes when...

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Captured The Sheiks Bride Ch 06

Two weeks passed before Leanna got the courage to try and escape. Finally she asked Khadeem if she could go visit the town and go shopping. He agreed, but insisted Ella and two body guards accompany her. She wasn’t going to complain, she was just going to have to find out a way to disappear and get to the airport. When they left to go shopping she was a bundle of nerves. She needed to get back home and fast, she was starting to like this place and her husband to much. Granted, she was happy...

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Captured The Rules

Read Captured The Van first. As Amanda sat in the back of the van with her hands bound high above her, her mouth stuffed with her dirty red panties, and a large black dildo locked deep in her cunt she felt them slow down and turn into some type of dirt road. She looked down at her son, Tristan who was still hogtied, gagged with a large ring gag, and his cock hard and leaking precum. She started to cry and struggle as she knew that what the black man had told her a few moments earlier was about...

2 years ago
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Captured familyThe Bruner family was on their way back home from vacation, and all of them were rather tired. Rock Bruner was proud that he had been able to finally afford the cross-country trip that he had always promised to his family, but until this year they had been unable to go. They'd been on the go for two weeks, had been to California and were now only several hundred miles from home. Rock's wife Linda was in the front seat asleep, and the two teenagers, fifteen-year-old Mark and...

4 years ago
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Captured One

This story is not intended to vilify nice decent TVs or TGs -- it just so happens that the principal is deranged and happens to cross dress. Avoid it if you are sensitive or under eighteen. Synopsis He had been searching for a victim. He wanted a wife, a sex slave. Yes, he thought a victim might become a wife and love him. Categories Bondage Submission Keywords High Heels Appliances Machines Piercing Captured By Janet Baker How about this one? Hmmm. She's petite,...

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Captured Two

This story is not intended to cast aspersions on peace loving, gentle transvestites who desire little more than acceptance and some new shoes. This is a nasty, misogynistic story. Fiction of unremitting cruelty and horror. Avoid it if you are sensitive or under eighteen. Synopsis He had been searching for a victim. He wanted a wife, a sex slave. Yes, he sought a victim who might become a wife and love him. Categories Bondage...

2 years ago
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Captured Three

This story is not intended to cast aspersions on peace loving, gentle transvestites who desire little more than acceptance and some new shoes. This is a nasty, misogynistic story. Fiction of unremitting cruelty and horror. Avoid it if you are sensitive or under eighteen. Synopsis He had been searching for a victim. He wanted a wife, a sex slave. Yes, he sought a victim who might become a wife and love him. Categories Bondage...

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Captured End

This story is not intended to cast aspersions on peace loving, gentle transvestites who desire little more than acceptance and some new shoes. This is a nasty, misogynistic story. Fiction of unremitting cruelty and horror. Avoid it if you are sensitive or under eighteen. Synopsis He had been searching for a victim. He wanted a wife, a sex slave. Yes, he sought a victim who might become a wife and love him. Categories Bondage...

2 years ago
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Captured by the Cartel

Captured by the Cartel I was stark naked. My hands were cuffed behind me, and on my neck was a collar that chained me to the damp cold stone wall behind me. In my mouth was a red ball-gag because of which the only sound coming out was a mmmpf. So how did I land myself in this situation? Well, I was an immigrant from India. I had come to Chicago in search for the American dream. Desperate for a job, I had jumped on a freelance assignment to go undercover and snap some photos in a...

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Captured One

This story is intended to be unpleasant.Avoid it if you are sensitive or under eighteen.Synopsis        He had been searching for a victim.  He wanted a wife, a sex slave.                Yes, he thought a victim might become a wife and love him.Categories        Bondage SubmissionKeywords        High Heels Appliances Machines PiercingCapturedBy Janet BakerHow about this one?  Hmmm.  She?s petite, about five feet tall, perhaps 90-95 pounds, easy to handle. I could pick her up with one arm. I?d...

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Captured by Cannibals

Author Note: I feel obliged to warn all readers as to what is going to follow Author Note: I feel obliged to warn all readers as to what is going to follow. This story is inspired by the works of an "artist" named Dolcett. If you are a fan of his works (and thus one sick puppy) you'll thoroughly enjoy this series. If you are not, and you are offended by cannibals, rough rape or torture then read no further. Otherwise enjoy! I love feedback, even negative feedback. I only ask that you...

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Foreword: Somewhere I read another story similar to this. I can't find it to give proper acknowledgement. It may have come from Powerone. I can't find it. Anyway, the other story was filled with violence; beating and every kind of sexual punishment you could put a woman through. I am not much better, but I have tried to put a different slant on a similar story about a woman captured during World War II. If another writer emails me that they had the original idea, I will pass it on somehow I...

1 year ago
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Captured and Broken Part 2

Captured and Broken Part 2 I am awaken from my slumber by the guards as they unstrapped the spreader bar from my leather ankles. Ilsa removes the ball gag from my mouth and insert a cigarette between my lips and light the cigarette for me. I take a drag and blow smoke out of my mouth, feeling relaxed. The guards unhooked the chain from the armbinder as Ilsa unstrapped the straps on the armbinder. The guards untied the leather mittens and slide them off my hands, freeing my leather...

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It was a beautiful spring afternoon and Jay didn't have a care in the world as he walked home from school! The sun was shining brightly in the clear blue sky and his thoughts were on maybe going for a swim in the old quarry pit on the other side of town when out of the corner of his eye he saw a middle aged woman falling down on the steps in front of her house!!! He raced to her aid and while helping her to her feet asked, "Are you all right, ma'am, that was a nasty spill!?!" "I-I think so,"...

3 years ago
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You walk into the house and it is dark. This is not unusual, as you live alone. However, tonight you worked especially late for a Friday night and it was now nearly ten thirty when you unlocked your front door. You walked into the foyer and as you reached for the light a hand grabs your and pulls you away from the light switch. Suddenly another hand grabs for your free hand and pulls it back behind you and both hands are quickly secured behind you with the click of a pair of handcuffs. You...

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Captured For Sex

Copyright 2004 She struggled as the two man held her. One pinned her arms behind her back, the other was fighting off her kicking legs. She was taught to fight her attackers. She had attended a rape protection class and they had shown her various ways to fight off her attackers. It seemed much easier in class with one attacker coming straight at her. With two, two strong men in was not so simple. She had been walking home from the store. It wasn't dark yet, the sun just starting to set, the...

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Captured Ch 05

She wet the tip of her thumb with her tongue and smudged the charcoal line. Still… She was drawn from her musing by a soft groan. Her blue eyes lifted inquiringly to the man who lounged against the far wall of the cabin. One leg was drawn up before him on the bed, where a pad of papers were propped. He merely raised an eyebrow at her before returning to his attention to his sketching. Miriam chewed on her bottom lip as she watched his tanned hands with their long, tapered fingers and clipped...

1 year ago
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Captured For Sex

She struggled as the two man held her. One pinned her arms behind her back, the other was fighting off her kicking legs. She was taught to fight her attackers. She had attended a rape protection class and they had shown her various ways to fight off her attackers. It seemed much easier in class with one attacker coming straight at her. With two, two strong men in was not so simple. She had been walking home from the store. It wasn’t dark yet, the sun just starting to set, the streetlights not...

4 years ago
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Captured in Ajikistan 3

In the war-torn republic of Ajikistan, two captives, both former humanitarian volunteers, were now at the mercy of a scar-faced rebel soldier. Musad relished the scene before him. The two girl captives were completely naked. A slender, beautifully curved brunette with medium-sized breasts lay on a long table, tied face-up in a spread-eagled position. This was Mira, and she had the most exquisite-looking face Musad had ever seen. Kneeling between the girl's legs, having just brought Mira to...

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Captured in Lust

By Stifflittlepoints Emma and Karly sat next to each other on one of the twin beds at the cottage. They took turns reading out loud the story Karly had found in their aunt’s cottage, probably left there by Uncle Mike. Karly continues reading: ‘Stacey looked carefully at the crystal globe and noticed every aspect about it, including how it sparkled. The sparkles had begun to absorb all of her concentration . . . in fact, she couldn’t think of anything except those sparkling crystals. “Your...

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Captured Girl Lawyers for Salepart 1

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael, Charles, and William had just become extremely wealthy men, having sold 3 nurses as slaves to some very rich people who traded in the human traffic market. Now the men were doing their research to find 3 more beautiful women who would meet their demands for the next sell. They had decided to abduct three women lawyers this time, and they each did separate detective work to determine...

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Captured Ch 01

Carly didn’t know which was worse, being locked in a cramped cabin filled with terrified women, or not knowing what was happening on deck. Her sky blue eyes flickered around the stuffy cabin in despair, wishing she were able to do something, anything to aid their plight, rather then suffer the pitiful moans of the women. Opposite Carly sat a frail elderly woman, her trembling hands clutched tightly in her lap as she prayed under her breath. The plain, middle-aged woman beside was her recently...

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Captured Ch 03

Please note: there have been some artistic licence taken with the conversations between Carly and Miriam to ease the flow of the story. Miriam screamed as the massive monster lifted her sister off the ground and swung her between the seesawing boats on a long rope. She fought free of the hands that held as she tried to get to Carly. She had barely taken two steps before a large palm wrapped around her upper arm and spun her about. The breath shuddered from her lungs as she came up hard...

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Captured Girl Lawyers for Salepart 1

Introduction: The three partners continue their career in human trafficking It might help to understand this story if you have already read my first effortSlave Nurses for Sale. If you enjoy these stories, please give me high marks. Im new at this kind of thing, but I would love for you to leave comments of what you would like to read and how I can improve my writing. Im just a lonely girl with big natural boobs, who fantasizes about having some of the same experiences of the girls I write...

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Captured and Broken

Capture and broken I sit in a dark, padded cell in a straight jacket, with nothing but a pair of scrubs on. I heard the rain outside the window. I don't know how I got here or what happened. You are wondering who I am. Let meb see, I work in the accounting field. I am very good crunching numbers like no one's business. I am 5'8, about 220 pounds. I have a stocky build from playing hockey for 8 yrs. All of the sudden, the steel padded door opened. A lantern shines in as I tried to...

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Captured on the Beach

She smiled as she looked around, maybe she’d overdone it a bit this time. For as far as she could see the landscape around her was abandoned. No sign of human life whatsoever. She took a few deep breaths and waited for her pulse to go down. She would jog down and run along the water edge for a kilometer and a half and then she would return to her car. She took a sip of water and started to run again. The cool wind turned into a refreshing breeze. Her running found a rhythm, a...

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Captured Assassin

()-Thoughts. She did not know how long she had been held for. Days seemed to go so fast for her. All she knew is that her life as an Assassin was over. She could never go back. She didn't think she wanted to go back. Her days as Assassin and noble of England were over. Dame Evie Frye was now dead, in a sense. The door to her cell was opened as the usual sight of her warden appeared. He was not an overly attractive chap, smelling of sweat and hard liquor, but he kept her locked away and...

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Captured Queen3 Treatment In Harem

Queen become afraid and asked, what kind of treatment? Jinia said, You will see soon but first we shall observe your body. Rini took the robe off the queen’s body and queen put her hands on her breasts to guard herself. She did not try to hide her pussy because they are already covered with hairs. Jinia slaps her buttocks roughly with her hand and she cried in pain. Jinia keep her right hand on her ass crack and asked her to spread her legs. She obeyed without and hesitation. Jinia keeps...

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Captured Queen 1 Getting The Queen

Soldiers broke the gate of the temple, she did not move. She knows that very soon she will be dead. And soldiers came inside the room killed the four guards that were trying to protect the queen, a man shouted, stand up whore. She did not move a bit, she is awaiting death. A soldier came forward to kill her with a sword, but captain stopped him, said-we must wait till the prince to see her. He stopped and ordered a soldier to check her if she has weapon. The soldier started with her legs...

2 years ago
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Captured by Slavers Pt 1

They lazed and idly watched as some fit sun-tanned young guys played some sort of ball game and others splashed and swam in the shallow water by the gently shelving beach while further out speed boats twisted and turned as they churned the blue ocean into creamy froth as they sped past with water skiers in tow.‭ "I wish we didn't have to go home,‭" ‬Lynnie said wistfully. "Um," said Jo as she lazily moved her bra strap yet again to get an even tan. ‭"Is many peoples saying...

3 years ago
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Captured During WarChapter 2

Then I heard a voice,“Hey bitch, don’t bother trying to break loose. You won’t succeed.” The instance I heard the voice, I jerked my neck as a reflex to see the person. My face immediately smashed onto the floor again, there must be something tied around my neck to the ground. I groaned and weep faintly on recalling what had happen. My panties was still in my mouth and it was saturated with my saliva. I smelt the air around me, there was a scent of liquor and wood in the air. I must be...

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Captured During WarChapter 1

I was living with my dad in a small town in the outskirts. He worked as a carpenter and he was the pillar of the family of two. My mother had passed away while giving birth to me and I knew little about her. My dad always told me that she was a great woman and one day I would grow up to be like her. Together with my dad we lived in a small humble cottage with a small river in our backyard. The house had two floors and a basement where my dad would do his carpentry and keep his small...

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Captured Family6

The Bruner family was on their way back home from vacation, and all of them were rather tired. Rock Bruner was proud that he had been able to finally afford the cross-country trip that he had always promised to his family, but until this year they had been unable to go. They'd been on the go for two weeks, had been to California and were now only several hundred miles from home. Rock's wife Linda was in the front seat asleep, and the two teenagers, fifteen-year-old Mark and...

4 years ago
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Captured The Sheiks Bride Ch 07

A few hours later Leanna woke up. She sat up in bed quickly and looked around, realizing it hadn’t been a dream, she was home. ‘Feeling better?’ Leanna turned her head and saw her father sitting in a chair next to her bed. ‘Yes,’ she said quietly. ‘I feel much better.’ ‘Good. Mom’s got dinner ready, are you hungry?’ Consulting her stomach she found herself ravenous. Nodding to her father she got out of bed and walked downstairs to the kitchen. There she found her mother and brothers...

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Captured The Sheiks Bride Ch 10

A/N: Sorry for this update taking so long guys, don’t be surprised if this chapter sucks. The writer’s block has been chewing on my brain for quite awhile. I’m trying to get Leanna to start showing some spirit, she’s been lacking it since she got caught up in Fahmeer. * The next morning Leanna woke feeling a bit better, she was to be discharged from the hospital today, with orders to stay in bed for one week to allow her back to heal. Ever since she had found out that she was pregnant...

3 years ago
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Captured The Sheiks Bride

‘This is not happening…’ Leanna thought to herself. Just two days ago she had arrived in the desert city of Zariff to take a vacation that her family insisted that she take. It was a charming city, and Leanna had been having a good time until she was drugged and kidnapped by a slaver. She was brought back from her reverie by a shout. ‘Get up!’ one of the guards yelled to Leanna. When she did not immediately respond the guard snarled and grabbed the rope that bound her hands and hauled her to...

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Captured The Sheiks Bride Ch 08

So she rode. Khadeem smiled faintly while he watched Leanna riding a horse, from the looks of it a young one, from inside the rented limousine. That smile was quickly replaced when he watched her get thrown on her back. Quickly opening the door he ran towards the ring where she lay. The man in the ring, he assumed he was her father, yelled to the house for someone to call 9-1-1. Reaching her side he leaned down by her side. ‘I’ll be guessing that you’re Khadeem.’ Khadeem looked up into the...

3 years ago
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Captured The Sheiks Bride Ch 11

A/N: Yes, finally another chapter! I know I take forever don’t I! Argh! ,-) —- The five minute drive to Callie’s apartment was achieved in silence. Upon arrival the girls climbed out of the truck and entered the living room. Callie turned to Leanna. ‘Would you like something to drink, coffee…tea?’ ‘A Cup of tea would go down nicely.’ Leanna requested. Nodding Callie led the way into her little kitchen and started making tea for the two of them. Five minutes later the two sat down in the...

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