Captured Ch. 02 free porn video

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Carly moaned softly as the gentle rocking of the boat intruded on her drowsy slumber, and her fingers curled in the sheets. She lay sprawled on the softest of mattresses, her hand nestled beneath her cheek, her limbs free from constriction beneath the clean sheet. Her sky blue eyes fluttered open, and she stretched, feeling a delicious ache between her thighs.

Her heart thudded in her chest as she sat up with a start, hastily drawing the sheets over the creamy swell of her breasts as her gaze flew around the large cabin in alarm. The last vestiges of sleep flew from her mind as her eyes collided with devilish green ones.

He sat with his long muscular legs stretched out before him, his arm looped over the back of the chair turned to face the bed. She swallowed hard at the realisation that he had watched her as she slept, and heat stole up her cheeks.

“You – you bastard. Get out of here!” she hissed furiously. “You’ve taken what you wanted, so leave me in peace.”

He merely smiled as his intense green eyes caressed her face and bare shoulders.

“If it was only your virginity I wanted, little one, no doubt I would oblige you.”

A frown marred her brow as she glared at him, trying to comprehend his meaning. She refused to dwell on the fact that she was naked in his bed, or of how vulnerable and tiny she felt as his tanned muscular body clad in light brown breaches and a cream linen shirt seemed to fill the cabin.

Her eyes widened slightly as she grimly concluded what is it was that he wanted. “The gown I wore belonged to my sis – to my Lady Miriam Montague. I am merely her maid, and of no value should you wish to ransom me.”

He wiped his hand across his mouth at her snooty tone, trying to hide his smile at the picture she presented. Despite being naked as the day she was born, she sat in the middle of his bed as though a queen, her back ramrod straight, her sweet face expressionless. The swollen lips and tumbled golden mane floating over her creamy shoulders told him something entirely different. “Ah,” was all he could managed, and fury darkened the wide blue eyes that gazed back at him.

“What do you mean, “ah”?” she demanded. “Either you will let me go or…” her eyes widened at the possibilities. Quickly she backtracked. “I mean, I’m sure Lord Montague will pay you a modest sum to return me, that it would be worthwhile not to…um-“

“Dispose of you?” he inserted silkily.

She bit her lip, knowing instinctively by the gleam in his eyes that he was teasing her, yet it was too important a matter – her life was at stake! – to treat it lightly.

“Yes,” she replied softly, concentrating on the patterns her fingers traced on the sheets.

Her heart began to pound as she head him shift in the chair and cross the small distance to the bed. The mattress dipped beneath his weight as he rested one knee on the bed and placed a finger beneath her chin, tilting her face to his.

“Then let me make it clear to you, little one. I have no intention of ransoming you.”

“But-“ a finger pressed against her pink lips, still bruised from his demanding kisses of the evening before.

“You are mine. You were mine since the first moment I saw you poring over pretty ribbons in the market place with your sister.” As her lips parted on a soundless gasp, he smiled. “Yes, your sister.”

His head lowered as his lips captured hers, moving over her mouth tenderly as he gazed down into her startled wide blue eyes before slowly withdrawing. She shivered when he tucked a stray golden tendril behind the delicate pink shell of her ear.

“And I don’t give away what is mine,” he promised her.

Her lips parted on a silent gasp as he left her, gently closing the door behind him.


Carly gave a gasp of delight when she discovered the bowl of fresh water and a small sliver of jasmine soap that rested inside of the door. Beside it rested a neatly folded chemise, and a silver brush. She had just finished dressing when a tall lanky man, almost as tall as Daemon, stood filling the entrance of the cabin.

The breath caught in her lungs as a small figure ducked beneath his arm and hurled itself at Carly where she sat on the edge of the bed running the brush through her long mane. Her arms folded around a sobbing Miriam in surprise as she gazed upon the man over Miriam’s head with loathing. Familiar green eyes glared back at her for an instant before he shook his head in disgust and closed the door sharply on the two women.

Carly stroked Miriam’s hair soothingly as her older sister heaved against her shoulder. Horrid thoughts raced through her mind at what had been done to her sister, and she tried to suppress the outrage that burned through her as she comforted her sister. After what seemed an age had passed, Miriam’s distress eased somewhat, and gently Carly questioned her.

“Did he hurt you?”

“Yes! Well, no, not really. But he wanted to!” Miriam mumbled against her shoulder.

“You mean he didn’t try to…” Carly searched for the words, not wanting to shock her sister.

“He said I was pretty, and that I had nice pale skin. But he was so huge, and I…”

“You what?” Carly asked fearfully when no more words were forthcoming.

“Oh, it’s all so humiliating. He tried to undress me, and he was kissing me in all these strange places, and it was nice at first. Are you shocked?” before Carly could answer she quickly went on, “but…but when he undid his breeches, I got scared and started to cry, and he got really disgusted and angry with me and he stormed out,” Miriam wailed.

Carly couldn’t control the growing fury as she rubbed her sister’s back. “Shh, it’s ok. It’s ok.”

She held her sister, her chin resting on Miriam’s head and she gently rocked her in her arms. Whether from exhaustion or emotional turmoil, Miriam was soon asleep, and Carly gently eased her down onto the mattress.


Carly stormed from the cabin, her fists tightly clenched as her eyes adjusted to the light as she stomped up the wooden steps with small bare feet. They didn’t even try to lock the cabin door. Did he think they were so weak that they wouldn’t try to escape? She spotted him almost immediately, the tall muscular frame standing at the helm, his legs braced wide apart. She recognised the instant he spotted her by the way his shoulders stiffened slightly.

Without a second thought she marched right up to him and slapped him hard across the face. Her hand burned as her furious eyes locked with his, and a slight tremour raced through her at the dangerous look in his narrowed green eyes.

“How dare you let that disgusting man try to – to ravish my sister. She is only nineteen, and soon to be wed.”

“The man you speak of is my brother, so tread carefully, little one.” Her eyes widened slightly at the underlying seriousness of his words. “And your sister is older than you, no?” She blushed as his eyes dropped, moving over her body barely concealed in the thin shift that clung to her gentle curves, reminding her of all the wicked things he had done to her body, and of how her traitorous body had melted beneath his touch.

She was unaware of the sun streaming through the material of her shift from behind, outlining the curve of her hips and the sleek lines of her thighs to his narrowed gaze, or of his crews sharp interest.

Carly gasped when without warning he captured her wrist and drew her up against his solid warmth. “I fear you are in need of being taught a lesson, little one. It is not wise to strike a man or to question his authority in front of his crew. Nor is it safe to prance around in skimpy delicates onboard an all-male ship. I fear th
e sight of your loveliness may incite a riot even I could not control.”

She squirmed against him, but his grip was like iron. “I’ve never pranced a day in my entire life,” she whispered back heatedly, her cheeks stained pink.

“Should you wish to fight me, Carly, I would take great pleasure in it. But such sport is for the bed chamber, so choose your battles wisely, lest you lose and discover yourself on your back beneath me.”

She gasped in outrage. “You bastard! I will never let you do that – that horrible thing to me again!” she declared rebelliously.

Carly squeaked in alarm as he picked her up effortlessly and tossed her over his shoulder, sending the breath rushing from her lungs. His hand was planted firmly on her bottom as he strode across the deck and down the steps, uncaring of the hoots and whistles of his men. His boots thundered along the dark hall until he reached his cabin, and he sent the door to his chamber flying back on its hinges.

“Get out,” he said with dangerous softness to a startled Miriam, and kicked the door close after her hasty departure.

He deposited a pink faced Carly on her feet, and unbuckled his wide belt and slowly withdrew it from the loops of his breeches. Carly swallowed nervously, familiar with the feel of a belt after being walloped often for her impudence by Lord Montague’s wife.

He saw that look of wariness in her wide eyes, and silently cursed as he let the belt fall to the floor. Didn’t she know he wouldn’t harm a hair on her head?

A breath she didn’t know she was holding rushed from her lungs when he dropped it to the floor. She watched in amazement as he drew out a chair and leaned back lazily on its solid frame. Her lips parted on a soundless gasp as his finger beckoned her insolently.

She shook her head, her golden curls tumbling about her shoulders as she gazed upon him with mutinous eyes.

He raised a black eyebrow. “The longer you hesitate, little one, the more severe your punishment.”

“Oh,” she murmured, biting her lip as she thought swiftly about what he might do to her. A delicious ball of heat uncurled in her belly at the wicked image of him sliding up deep inside of her virgin pussy. Slowly, anxiously, she took small step back from him. A gasp escaped her as his hand snaked out, capturing her wrist and drawing her between his spread thighs. Her heart picked up speed as her gaze flickered to the hard bulge between his thighs then darted swiftly away.

He gazed up at her as he released her wrist and ran his large palms ran up the sides of her thighs, drawing her shift up higher and higher. The corner of his lips quirked when he felt her quiver.

“Do you tremble in fear, little one, or anticipation?” he drawled as his fingers stroked her hips teasingly, the hem of her garment dangling precariously high. Her face pinked in confusion, feeling her body soften at his gentle touch, felt the heat pool between her thighs. She cursed her traitorous body, even as she knew full well the futileness of resistance.

“Neither,” she said with a coolness she was far from feeling.

His hands slid up beneath her shift, up over her belly to gently cup the tiny thrust of her breasts. His teased the rosy tips, coaxing them into tight buds. She arched slightly as he rolled the aching tips between his fingers.

His eyes were intent on her expressive face as he slipped his hand between her slightly parted thighs to discover her melting heat. “Little liar, you love it when I play with your tender little nipples,” he murmured huskily, and she moaned softly as he toyed with a nipple while his other hand parted her soft lips and stroked her pleasure nub.

Her hands reached out to cling to his shoulders for support as his knowing fingers tormented her between her thighs, drawing soft gasping cries from her untutored body.

“Where has my fiery temptress gone,” he murmured, laughing softly at the knowledge that his touch easily awakened the sensual creature within her.

Daemon had known from the first that he had to have her. It had been a simple matter to bribe the captain of the Ambassador to take a certain path, to offer only a show of resistance when he took the beautiful stranger captive. Something had gone fatally wrong when one of the Ambassador’s passengers thought to defend the ship, killing one of Daemon’s men and resulting in the fool’s injury. The arrangement had been to keep all passengers below deck, and Daemon had looted the Ambassador of some of its more precious treasures as some sort of paltry reparation for his dead crewman’s family.

He felt her delicious body shudder as his fingers coaxed her dangerously close to her peak, and he gently withdrew from her and stood up, towering above her as he guided her backwards.

Carly barely noticed as her knees bumped against the edge of the bed, or of the pressure of his hands on her shoulders as he eased her onto her back on the soft mattress, too lost up in a sensual daze.

He pushed her shift up high her thighs, and she squirmed slightly at the intensity in the dark green eyes.

“Lift your bottom,” he murmured husily, and she did as he bid without a murmur of protest. She bit her lip as he drew her shift up, exposing the sparse thatch of curls and the gentle swell of her belly, the rise and fall of her pink tipped breasts. His warm hands trailed down over her, down between the valley of her breasts and over her hips to ease down between her thighs. Gently he tugged them apart and knelt between them.

She didn’t know what he was about when his hands drew her bottom to the edge of the bed and guided her legs over his shoulders. It was only as she felt his warm breaths stir her damp curls that she began to realise his wicked intent.

“No, you couldn’t possibly,” she began, only to end in a squeak as his tongue darted out, lapping at her dewy folds. Her whole body arched, her fingers digging into the mattress above her head as his mouth moved over her, tasting her, nibbling her, driving her into a frenzy of need.

His palms clamped her thighs to his shoulders as she writhed and shuddered against his wicked mouth. Lightening racing up her spine as he sucked on her swollen, pulsing nub, and her breath came in small pants.

Her pink face rolled side to side as gasping cries escaped her, her bottom squirming and writhing at the feel of his lips and tongue in her most intimate place. She felt the tension build to the point of almost unbearableness as his tongue pushed up inside of her, and she keened in frustration when his mouth withdrew, her heart pounding madly.

“Please,” she begged, arching her hips as she desperately sought his mouth. He eased her thighs from his shoulders, holding them wide as he gazed upon at her.

“Have you learnt your lesson, little one?”

Her heart seemed to still for an instant in her breast. Had this been a game to him? Her thoughts rushed back to when they had stood on deck, and of what he had said.

“Never,” she breathed huskily, her wide blue eyes spitting angry sparks at him. The damned devil had used her traitorous body against her to prove a point!

He left her sprawled on the bed, panting, to return with a long silken scarf. Her eyes widened warily as he knelt on the bed at her side and gently drew her up the bed so that she lay fully on it. Before she realised his intent, he had wrapped the scarf firmly around her wrists and looped it around the bed post, securing her bound wrists. He stood back, admiring his handwork, as she tugged uselessly on the soft material.

“What have you done?” she cried, unable to break free. He leaned over, his muscular arms bulging as he pressed a teasing kiss against her belly.

“You pig,” she cried as he left her. “You can’t do this to me. Untie me at once!” He never once looked back as he closed
the door softly behind him. “Bastard!” she screeched, and his masculine chuckle could be heard through the door, infuriating her. She stamped her heels against the mattress in frustration as a low growl escaped her.


Her heart picked up speed when she heard him return a little time later, and she turned her face to the side, letting the long fall of her mane act as a curtain from her mutinous features. To her complete frustration the fever pitch he had aroused her to had only began to wane, and even now her body still pulsed from his intimate caresses.

Her lashes flickered close when she felt the bed dip beneath his weight, and heat skittered down between her thighs as warm fingers gently drew back her hair, exposing the curve of her cheek and the graceful line of her neck to his inspection. She felt swamped by the heady scent of him, musky male with a delicious hint of sandalwood and fresh, sea air.

Carly shivered as his warm lips pressed against the delicate skin just behind her earlobe.

“What is it you want from me?” she asked, the words drawn from some deep place within her.

His fingers stoked from her chin down over the hollow in her throat to lazily circle a budding pink tip. “Your body, heart and soul,” he replied lightly.

A small choke of nervous laughter escaped her, which quickly turned to a moan as his warm mouth closed over a pouting nipple through the thin cloth of her shift.

She felt fingers trail down over her belly to tangle in the damp soft curls between her thighs, and she squirmed on the bed.

“You have to let me go,” she cried, trying to fight the exquisite sensations of his mouth and fingers on her bound body.” You – you can’t keep me here a prisoner forever.”

She gasped when he flipped her over onto her belly, the ties at her wrists drawing her arms up higher with the swift motion. She wiggled as his hands grasped her hips, drawing her up and settling her onto her knees, leaving her creamy bottom thrust up in an extremely vulnerable position.

Her eyes squeezed shut as his fingers dipped down into the sweet cleft between her cheeks, delving lower until they discovered her dewy heat. His fingers began to stroke her, as though she were a delicate harp, gently plucking at strings. She squirmed with need and unfulfilled desire.

“Please,” she begged, hating herself. A whimper escaped her as his teeth gently closed over the silky skin of her bottom.

She moaned as a finger pushed against her dewy entrance, seeking admittance into her feminine warmth and her body clenched around the invading digit. She felt the moisture begin to trickle between her thighs as he begun to ease his finger in and out of her snug channel with frustrating slowness. Every cell in her body wanted to cry out ‘Harder!’

“Stop tormenting me!” she cried as she began to push back on his fingers. Her back arched as another long finger slipped up inside of her, her thighs trembling. Fire coursed through her as a thimb delved between her pouting pink folds to tease her throbbing nub.

Soft mewling cries escaped her as he worked his fingers inside her with maddening slowness as his tongue traced the dimples above her heart-shaped bottom.

“Do you want me, little one?” he breathed against her damp flesh.

Her face was pink between her straining arms, her breathing uneven. Her body screamed for the release only he could give her, yet some instinct, one last drop of dignity, prevented her from uttering the words that would end this torment.

“How long do you intend on lying to both of us, Carlissa Mary Jones?”

She should have been shocked that he knew her full name, but she was beyond caring, too lost up in the frenzy of need he had driven her too.

“Why fight what it is that is between us, little one?”

Tears filled her eyes as his fingers slipped from her pussy to gently spread her pink lips apart. Her whole back arched as his mouth settled over her nub, gently sucking on the throbbing heart of her. Just as she felt the tension build to breaking point between her thighs, his mouth released her.

“Oh, god,” she choked. “Please, I can’t take this no longer. Please, I need – I want you inside of me.”

He groaned against her creamy flesh, and she felt the bed move beneath her as he shifted behind her. Hands smoothed the flesh of her back in long sure strokes before gripping her hips as he pressed the broad tip of him against her pussy lips.

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Sharing Ruth Chapter 3

Ruth came home from work. Obviously she and Bronwyn had discussed the swingers club night. The details sounded great. Lots of drinking and lots of fucking. Ruth then shocked me, asking me about anal sex. Apparently Bronwyn had said some guys were into it. We had never done anything like that and Ruth wanted to know what it would feel like to have a cock rammed up her arse. I was not turned on by the thought but was willing to at least try it. Ruth had been told to douche so her anal tunnel was...

1 year ago
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Strawberries And Cream Chapter 2

We walked back to the car with her head on my shoulder and drove back to the apartment building. We took the elevator (why couldn't we have lived in a 40 story high-rise instead of the second floor of a three-story building!) to our floor and went to my apartment.Once my door was closed and locked, the clothes began coming off! Rose and I scampered back to the bedroom, leaving a trail of clothes like Hansel and Gretel left breadcrumbs.The hallway leading to my bedroom was just long enough so...

Straight Sex
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Sex With Gigolo

I am Rahul from Bangalore. EMAIL ID—- Today i am going to describe my real sex story with a girl in Bangalore. Her name is Reena. She got my email id from this website and send me a mail by giving her cell number and asking me to call her up. I called her. We talked few days. In those few days we just know each other. She told that her husband was in dubai and he is also having an affair their. She was all alone and was having no one to share her feelings. She lived with her mom, dad, son,...

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My Very Hot Aunty

Hello all guys and gals hope you are doing well. Today I am going to share an incident which happened to me when I was just 21 years old it was my first sex experience and that too with one of my aunt. Coming to the incident, I was staying with my parents. I was then studying in class IX I think and it was a summer month and starting my summer vacation. We all use to go for a vacation that time but due to some urgent business work this time dad was unable to take me anywhere. My mom suggested...

1 year ago
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A Simple Round of Golf

This story is fiction and all characters are over 18. Lucy and I went to a smaller state university located in a medium sized Texas town. Everyone knew Lucy and I was no exception. We had several classes together during our first two years in school. The first year she pledged a sorority and dated one of the stud athletes on the baseball team. The second year she didn’t date any one person regularly but went out with different people. I didn’t date much my first year as I was trying to adapt...

2 years ago
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Crazy ExGirlfriend

It was Miranda! Of course it was Miranda. It all started to make sense, although it was still a bizarre situation. I was tied down spread eagle on a king sized bed. The room around me was so preppy and pink it seemed to belong to a teenager. I woke up about ten minutes ago and I still didn’t feel fully awake yet. My head was throbbing, I had a nasty headache and grogginess still lingered. Yet seeing Miranda’s picture hanging on the wall sobered me up. I had been dating Nick for barely four...

1 year ago
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A Husbands Responsibility

"Linda? Linda Trilby!" I turned around to see who was calling my name. "Linda, it's me, Karen Gray, from high school. Remember? "Karen? Yes, of course. We were in the same class, weren't we? Well, what do you know. After, what is it, eight years we run into each other." "Yes, amazing, isn't it. You want a drink? We can stop in here and talk about old times," Karen said, indicating a nearby wine bar. "Why not. I was just window shopping anyway." I remembered Karen Gray. We did...

4 years ago
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These Girls Can PlayChapter 13 First Show of the First Tour No More Cherries

They got back to the hall with about an hour to go until show time, so they just sat in the dressing room talking like it was any other day sitting around the house. Janell changed into her "performance uniform" while everyone made light and chuckled at each piece she put on. Tonight it was a pair of men's boxer briefs rather than commando under the huge pair of men's gym shorts, you never know who's looking and what they may see. She put on little shorty socks and her custom made...

3 years ago
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The unexpected always happens

I came into school wearing a pair of my sister’s panties in the morning under my school uniform purely because it felt great. Plus I knew I was getting away with something, wearing soft female underwear when all the rest of the boys at school had no idea. I slipped on the white lacy tangas as soon as I got out of the shower, and it felt so good as I moved them up my shaved legs and over my ass. I made sure they were tight and snug as could be before sighing in pleasure. I checked my bubble butt...

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Las Vegas Part 2

In the last part of the story, Selene and I met in Las Vegas for some full-time daddy daughter roleplay. She is 18 and I am 46. I had just finished making Selene come with my tongue and she lay stretched across bed looking thoroughly ravished. Her red hair was wild across the pillows and green eyes shone. “I haven’t kissed you,” I said. “No, you haven’t,” Selene answered in a post orgasmic husky voice. I leaned down to kiss her pink and soft lips. Her skin was still damp to the touch. She very...

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My Special Weekend

My special weekend or at least it was suppose to be. Here I was 33 years old and with enough money to not to have to worry about working, divorced for a year and no family. I had finally moved into my own place about 3 months ago a townhouse after living in an apartment for over 6 months after my divorce. Shortly after getting divorce my parents died in an accident leaving enough money and investments that I could probably live modestly without ever working again or just working part...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 55 Major Cavalcanti

Both the count and Baptistin had told the truth when they announced to Morcerf the proposed visit of the major, which had served Monte Cristo as a pretext for declining Albert's invitation. Seven o'clock had just struck, and M. Bertuccio, according to the command which had been given him, had two hours before left for Auteuil, when a cab stopped at the door, and after depositing its occupant at the gate, immediately hurried away, as if ashamed of its employment. The visitor was about...

4 years ago
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You were obsessed with butts. Big butts, jiggly butts, firm butts, small butts... all types of butts, except for fat ones. You daydreamed about shoving your cock inside of an ass, groping the girls tits while doing so. And today, you would have your chance. You had picked up some drugs at the pharmacy that allowed you to temporarily have no fear - of anything. Such as the pain of being rejected, or the fear of being chased by cops if you decided to rape a girl. Your name was Alex Brown, and...

4 years ago
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The SwapChapter 6

In the weeks which followed, Peter's life began to unravel. He had built his entire life around Samantha and the kids and now that world was suddenly falling apart. Although he had hoped she would change her mind, Samantha filed for a divorce and after the appropriate waiting period, because children were involved, the divorce was granted. Since Peter did not object, custody was given to Samantha who made it clear his visits with the kids would be few and far between. Peter began drinking....

1 year ago
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Rocketman Axis of Evil

Rocketmen: Axis of Evil First off, although this could also be categorized in the Fan Fiction section of CHYOO but I decided to place it here to make it easier to find for enthusiasts of the genre. It's a fun bit of scifi with an obvious Flash Gordon 50's retro feel to it. Rocketmen is a relatively new game that has a bit of a story to it, and so far there are a few mini cartoons to go with the story, for the most part, at least with my thread entries, I will be following the story in the...

2 years ago
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Siblings on Fire

Early warning for those looking for a rocket ride, read elsewhere, this is a slow burn. “But I get the concept! I realize the math needs work but I don’t think I should fail just because I got screwy on sin and cosine! I’ve never even had trigonometry.” “And that’s part of the problem, but I laid the equations out on the board, you don’t need a class on following a formula do you?” the physics teachers retorted coolly. His pupil glowered back. “I didn’t think so. You’re a smart kid, don’t get...

4 years ago
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Once More With FeelingsChapter 16 All Saints Day

The big day was finally here! The first game of the season, and the entire team had the day off from classes to rest up for our game against Catholic Central. Rest, however, was about the furthest thing from any of our minds as we sat around the cafeteria chewing on fried chicken. For the last two weeks we had worked our asses off shaping a group of unexpectedly talented athletes into a coordinated team, and I thought we had done really well for such a small school. Unfortunately, or perhaps...

3 years ago
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Taking Her

He is sitting at his computer updating his website when he receives a work request. He is a professional rapist. People email him telling him exactly what they want done to them and he makes the fantasy a reality. He does not charge any money for these services. That would be prostitution. Instead he has them sign a model release form and he puts pictures and videos on his site. You have heard a lot about his site and what he does. You have been thinking about it months. You finally...

4 years ago
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Remembering San Francisco Fleet Week 1973

[ For Michael, an xhamster member, who asked me to write something in remembrance of that time (in 1973) during Fleet Week when coming into the San Francisco bay he was so eager to get off the ship and find some serious sexual indulgence after tossing about on the South China Sea! This is for you, Michael! Hope it does justice to what you've told me about it! ]I'd been stuck on the South China Sea for months. During that time everything around me seemed one, uniform, drab grey. The ship was...

2 years ago
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The Lost Tablet

Lucas Barrett boarded the train after a long day, and a long week of work. The area he normally sat in was full of other people wearing a range of business suits to fast-food uniforms. He climbed upstairs where he saw several empty seats. This area was less popular as most passengers wanted to be near the door when their stop arrived. Since Lucas knew he'd be on the train for a while, he didn't mind. He set his jacket and briefcase in one seat and sat down near the window when he felt...

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The Vampire the Wife and the CuckoldChapter 5

The following morning Andre was waiting at the breakfast table when the count entered followed by Justine wearing an identical negligee to the one worn by Markessa, Raquel and the other two concubines. "So you're his whore now," sneered Andre. "Andre, I never wanted to hurt you. I can't help myself. I've tried to break away from Erik but it's no use. He's too powerful, too overwhelming. I can't resist..." "Spreading your legs?" fired back Andre. "No need to insult the...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 392

HARD WORK ... Every morning, the CEO of a large bank in Manhattan walks to the corner where a shoeshine is always located. He sits on the couch, examines the Wall Street Journal, and the shoeshine gives his shoes a shiny, excellent look. One morning the shoeshine asks the Executive Director: - What do you think about the situation in the stock market? The Director asks in turn arrogantly: - Why are you so interested in that - that topic? “I have a million dollars in your bank,” the...

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Getting Hoodwinked by two Girls

Getting hoodwinked and sodomisedhaving my innocence brutally taken from meThere was nothing really untoward or special about the rainy Saturday evening in question, it started like many other before it, but ended like no other since!I was out for an evening on the town, specifically looking to find a nice young woman and to get laid before the end of the night. I was sitting in a night club surveying the "talent" when I noticed not one but two lovely specimens looking over to me and then...

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CHAPTER 12: THE OFFICE CHANGE Months passed and there were even fewer employees who fit under the dress code to be mostly naked. Sex was still an active part of the day but there was a subtle shift as people moved into offices, break room, and even into the locker room by the elevators. With the change in blatant nudity evident, people were shifting from blatant sexual acts. I, however, continued with my preference of nudity in the office and willingness for being fucked or giving...

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Waking Up

Something is pulling, calling toward a… warmth. Awareness flows toward the attraction, toward the warmth from… nothingness.Hesitation to leave nothingness. Warmth becomes compelling. Okay…Clarity forms out of the mist, ah, the in-between place. Not asleep, not awake. One of my favorite states.Awareness flows toward and into the warmth, a cold meteor diving into the center of a sun. Soaking, luxuriating, expanding until…I feel the edge. The point of contact. The curve of a pelvis embracing my...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 111

"We still have a problem," Diana said. "I doubt if Billy has ever used a litter box. So how are we going to train him to use it and not pee on the carpet? Since there aren't any pet stores in Winter Park, I guess we can order a kennel on the Internet and have it overnighted, but as late as it is, it will still be day after tomorrow before it gets here..." "Yeah, we were lucky the grocery store even had litter boxes. But we're ahead of you about the kennel," Jeff said. "Arlene had an...

2 years ago
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My Friends and My Milf Mum Ch 01

Hot mom loves son's friends' cocks, to son's humiliation"So, yeah, everyone says Chad's mom's a milf.""No way, I fucking love milfs, what's she look like?""Black hair, pale skin, curvy waist and the nicest pair of tig ol' bitties you've ever seen.""Fuck, man, I can't wait for Chad's party, thinking about his mom is making me hard already.""Tell me about it, I went to his house for a pool party once, his mom was out there sunning her double d's by the side. I put that image in my spank bank...

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Milk From My Neighbor 1 by loyalsock

"Please wait!" Sam heard a feminine voice as he entered the elevator. He turned and saw his neighbor Kaye, carrying a bag of groceries on one hand, and on the other, a baby girl. He knew her casually; they sometimes exchanged hellos and small talk. He lived across the hall from her; they occupied apartments on the 4th floor of their building. "Had a good day?" Sam asked, as the elevator door closed and they started to ascend. No other person was with them. "Oh, the usual," Kaye replied. "A bit...

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Babi ne khud chudwaya

Main mohan ek phir aap logo ke samne apni aap biti laike aa geya hun sabse pahle aap sab chut walion aor land walo ko mera namskar mere bare main aap jante hi hain vaise mere land ka size main aapko beta deta hun 9.5 inch long aor 3.5 inch mota land hai mera. Aor ye kehani us samay ki hai jab main college main padtha tha. Main apni babi se likhva reha ho so es perakar se hai haan to suniye aab babi ki jubani jo mere aor babi ke bich huyi.vijay mere pati kuch kam se bahar gaon gaye the. Me ghar...

4 years ago
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Here for You Ch 2123

Author’s Note: The final chapters are here. Please comment and let me know what you think! Thank you. *** Chapter 21 A week later, Karen appeared at Ben’s doorstep with a smile on her face. Ben was surprised by her visit, but he invited her in. ‘Where’s River?’ she asked as soon as she took a seat at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee in front of her. ‘Elle took him out to get a treat for getting an A for his Math test,’ Ben answered. ‘Oh, she shouldn’t have had to reward him,’ Karen...

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The Fortune of the ODellsChapter 10

Opal Anne was much happier after I reported on my talk with her two best friends, and soon she was riding next to the wagon again and even riding inside a bit. We made our next stop for sleep, food and water and had settled in when all hell broke loose. First the mules began to bray loudly and then the horses joined them. Mick immediately dumped a piece of very dry wood on the fire. We all prayed it would fire up soon so we could see if we were dealing with animals or men. The three of us...

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My New Neighbor

I live in a real “uptown” apartment building, it was right off of a lake so you could go boating if you desired, has a swimming pool and a host of other amenities to make life real livable. I was coming home from work, saw a moving van unloading and figured they finally rented the apartment at the end of the hall. There was a, how do you say it, Rubenesque type young woman unloading a car, so I asked her if she was moving into the vacant apartment and she replied, “yes I am, why”? I told her I...

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Slut mom bangs her sons coach

It was hot summer day in july and I was going over Mikey,s house. He was one of my players and I thought I would help him out with his football game. He was relitivley new so I figuerd I could give him a few pointers. I knocked on the door and when Jane opened it I thought my eyes were going to fall outa my head. There she stood, the beautiful 5'4'' latina goddess of my fanatsies. She was about 135lbs which was no problem with me as I liked my women more shapely than most girls. Her...

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