The Count of Monte CristoChapter 58 M Noirtier de Villefort
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Author: Powerone
Title: Captured For Sex
Summary: Her account of her capture and defilement by twomen.
Language: M+/F, anal, oral, violent, humil, n/c, rough
By Powerone, Copyright 2004. Author may be reached at [email protected]
She struggled as the two man held her. One pinned her armsbehind her back, the other was fighting off her kicking legs. She was taughtto fight her attackers. She had attended a rape protection class and they hadshown her various ways to fight off her attackers. It seemed much easier inclass with one attacker coming straight at her. With two, two strong men inwas not so simple.
She had been walking home from the store. It wasn't darkyet, the sun just starting to set, the streetlights not on yet. She had feltreasonable safe, having done this before. The neighbor was safe, or so shethought it was. For an eighteen year old girl, life was always a series ofchallenges and adventures. Except for the rape protection class, which hermother had forced her to attend, she always felt safe, having a tendency tounderestimate danger, seeing it more as adventure. She regretted it now.
They came out of nowhere. One minute the street was empty,the next she felt someone behind her. Before she had a chance to react, herarms were pulled behind her back, a hand thrown tightly over her mouth. Shewas hefted up into the arms of the men, one holding her arms tightly, the otherlifting her feet off the ground and hustled off to the car that was parkedaround the corner.
She was thrown into the back seat onto her stomach, herarms pulled behind her. Her face was pushed into the seat, unable to breath.
"Stop your struggling and I'll let you breathe," she heardone of them say.
She continued to fight, but began to get dizzy from thelack of air. She stopped struggling, feeling the pressure on her head relaxing.
"AAAGGHH," her head pulled sharply back by her hair. Apiece of wadded cloth was stuffed into her mouth, smelly fingers pushing thedry material deep into the hot confines of her mouth. "GGGHHHGG," she gaggedas it pushed into the back of her mouth. Her cheeks swelled from the largeamount of cloth, her saliva soaked up into the dry material. She sucked inair through her nose, her chest rising and falling rapidly, trying to fillher lungs.
She felt her wrists pulled together and groaned in painwhen she felt the harsh rope wrapped tightly round and round her wrists, bitingpainfully into her skin as her unseen attackers tied her tighter then needed.Rope was applied to her ankles, the same painful manner used, her toes andfingers already feeling the pins and needles as the circulation was cut off.She felt a hand on the back of her knees, her ankles brought up to her wrists,more rope securing them together.
A blindfold was placed around her eyes, darkness descendingon her. She felt earplugs pushed into her ears, the sounds of the night suddenlysilent. She felt the strangers leave her and she attempted to struggle to getfree but only succeeded in bringing about more pain as the ropes seemed toconstrict tighter as she moved. She had lost two of her senses, sight and sound,trapped in an unknown hell. Her breathing was ragged, still trying to figureout how to fill her lungs only through her nose.
She panicked, feeling someone pressing down on the seatnear her. She began to struggle as fingers clamped tightly onto her nose, heronly avenue for air now cut off. She shook and struggled, fighting the ropesthat bound her tightly, ignoring the pain, her only purpose was to get somevaluable air into her lungs. Her movements began to slow, getting lightheaded,her head dizzy. She was just about to pass out, almost grateful for the reprievefrom the terrible asphyxiation when the fingers were released. She sucked inair through her nose, her body hyperventilating, hoping to fill her lungs rapidly.She continued the rapid filling of her lungs, grateful even for the stale airof the back seat.
She began to thrash about again, her nose clipped tightlyagain by strong fingers pushing harshly down. The pain was nothing comparedto the apprehension she felt, as she bounced around the back seat, strugglingfor air. This went on for three more times. Each time her assailants seemedto know exactly when she would pass out and allow her to breathe again, notletting her escape into unconsciousness. He, or they, seemed to delight inher struggles and she never failed to do as expected, fighting for the airshe was being denied.
He finally let her go, the assailant leaving the back seat.The vibrations of the car began, an indication that they were taking her elsewhere.Her hopes of a quick rescue by her family or neighbors were rapidly decreasingas they continued to drive longer and longer. They seemed to be on a highwaynow, the car no longer stopping and starting at lights or signs. It seemedlike hours, the passage of time no longer relevant, the pain of the rope andthe fear that they would return and cut off her air again keeping her on theedge of reality. She felt a rough, calloused hand run up and down her leg everyonce in a while, but the ear plugs had effectively cut off all sounds and voices.She could not even hear the car, the vibrations her only indication that theywere still traveling.
It must have been at least an hour or two, the sense oftime without hearing or sight being difficult. The vibration of the car seemeddifferent now, and they seemed to be going slower now or the surface of theroad was different. She felt the vibrations of the tires, they seemed to begoing over a rough surface, not the smooth pavement of the highway. It beganto get cooler in the back seat, her fears worsening. They could be in the mountainsby now. Her rescue now seeming more distant. Her only chance of escape wouldbe herself. She had to fight them off and get away. She didn't know where shewas, but anything would be better then with them. She feared that she wouldbe raped, a thought that she dreaded. At the first chance of escape, she plannedto take it. No matter what!
She felt the car slowing, the air colder, her body gettinggoose bumps. The hand continued to occasionally move back into the seat, theassailant in the front much be leaning over and running his hands up and downher legs at will. The vibrations and the car bouncing up and down made herbelieve that they were on a gravel or dirt road. The car did not seem to bemoving fast, her body bouncing up and down on the seat. Her apprehension increased,they seemed to be driving for a long time. It could only mean that they weredriving deep into the forest. Even if she could escape, the hike out wouldbe hard and she would have to evade recapture. She would not know where shewas or even which direction to run. It must be dark by now, the blindfold makingher reality that. In addition, any hope she had of screaming and someone hearingher and coming to her rescue was gone. They seemed to have planned her capture.It was not an act of randomness. It seemed to well planned. The car aroundthe corner, the rope, and the drive to a desolate location all indicationsthat her capture was planned. She feared that the most. They seemed to haveworked out all the details. What were the details for her?
The car stopped and began to bounce, knowing that her assailantswere getting out. She felt a rush of cold air come in the doors and felt handsreturning to her body. She was forcefully pulled by her ankles to the edgeof the seat and was frightened that she would be dumped painfully on the ground,unable to break the fall. She was relieved when she felt another pair of handsgrab her by her shoulders, her body lifted and carried off into the night.They must be strong, her body tossed about like she was a feather. Escape wouldbe more difficult.
She felt the hands leave her body and was released. Sheseemed to be flying through air, afraid of where she was going to land. Shebounced on a bed, scant relief that it was soft, landing on her bound armsand legs, bending them painfully at unnatural angles. She lay curled on thebed, her heart racing, waiting for the unknown, the silence eerie. She couldfeel the room begin to get warmer, brightness behind her blindfold an indicationof bright lights.
It felt like eyes were staring at her, her unseen assailantschecking out their capture. She was wearing a blue sweater, jeans and sneakers.Her jeans were low cut, hugging her hips and fit her ass like they were pouredon her. Even though she was not a virgin, she did not "sleep around. She didlove to tease men with her clothes. Her sweater was short enough to leave abare patch of flat stomach to entice any male and she regretted it now. Shewished she was dressed in baggy sweat pants and sweatshirt. She was wearinga matching set of black bra and thong, another regrettable decision now.
She felt someone get on the bed next to her, trying toturn over to evade them, but a pair of hands grabbed the rope connecting herwrists and ankles and pulled her back. She could feel the ropes being pulledand suddenly her legs fell back down, released from her wrists. A hand rubbedher ass, her hips pushed into the mattress. She began to squirm, hoping tomove away, not caring about the pain of the tight ropes, just wanting to stopthe molesting hand that rubbed her ass like he owned it. Another slap on herass, a painful sting. The hand returned to begin again rubbing her ass cheeks.She started squirming again, the slap again, this time harder. He was tellingher to stop squirming. Her ass stung from his hand but she was not about togive in. Thank goodness for jeans, they bore the brunt of the slaps. When themolesting hand returned she started moving her hips from side to side, hopingto evade the molester.
She felt another pair of hands at her feet, the tight ropessuddenly loosened, but not before they were painfully pulled, burning her skinas they were pulled off. Hands held her ankles together, while she felt theother pair of hands move up to her face. The earplugs were pulled out, suddenlyher head full of noises. She shut her eyes, the blindfold released, the glareof the harsh lights suddenly blinding her. She squinted, her vision finallycoming back. She was in a rustic log cabin. It was a small one room cabin witha small kitchenette with a wooden table and chairs. The living room and bedroom,or more precisely the bed was in the same room as the couch and chair. It wassparsely furnished. A small fireplace seemed to be warming the cabin.
She looked up and finally sawher captors. Her thoughts of a quick escape diminished. They're two, muscledmen, early forties, over six feet tall. While not ugly, they were not attractiveeither. Both men showed rugged features, their hard life etched into theirfeatures. She looked back at the one behind her, one large hand encirclingboth of her ankles and holding them tight, grinning as he did. She looked atthe other, his face only inches from hers, a big, mean smile on his face. Sheshook her head, "MMMMM", the only sound coming from her gagged mouth.
He pinched her nose shut again,the panic in her eyes again. She felt the hands tighten on her ankles as shebegan to struggle for the precious air that she was being deprived. Her captorsmiled as she bucked around on the bed, his finger tight on her nose. She beganto slow, the oxygen deprivation sapping all of her strength.
"Are you going to behave and keepyour mouth shut if I remove the gag?" his voice a loud, raspy voice.
She barely had time to nod herhead, the dizziness coming on again. The fingers released her nose just intime again, the sound of her nose sucking in the precious air filling the room.The hand stayed on her face, running over her features. It moved like a loverwould, outlining her eyes, nose and mouth as if trying to memorize them. Fingersmoved around her tightly stretched lips, her nose inhaling the foul smell onhis hands. They pushed inside her mouth, grabbing the soaked cloth and beganto slowly pull it out. It dripped on her chin as it came out, her spit havingsoaked it completely. She spit, the fuzz from the cloth still filling her mouth.
"Please, let me go and I wouldn'ttell anyone. You haven't done anything yet." Her voice was determined, hopingthat her demands would scare them into releasing her unharmed. That was herbiggest worry. They did not seem to care that she saw their face and couldrecognize them. Her biggest fear before was rape. Now she feared that theymight kill her. "Otherwise you will end up in jail for a long time."
"Bring her over to the table," oneof her captors seemed to be the leader, the other grabbing her by her boundwrists and pulling her to her feet. He pulled her over to the table, sittingher down onto a bench. He stood behind her, his body pressed up against her.She could feel a hard cock pushed into her shoulder blades. She had never feltanything that big before. They were going to rape her. She was sure of thatnow. She had to find a way to resist and hope she could get a chance to escape.The one behind her picked up a billy club and pushed it behind her bound arms.He yanked it up, forcing her body upright, her chest pushed out. She had beautiful,full breasts, with large, hard nipples. At her age, they would stand up bythemselves, capped by her dark areolas and pink nipples.
The leader came over to her, hereyes widening in fear. He had a pistol in her hand. He moved in front of her,placing his legs on the outside of hers, straddling her bound body. He grabbedher under the chin, lifting her face up to him, the one behind her yankingup on her arms, forcing her into an upright position. "What do you want?"
He moved the gun around her face,letting the muzzle trace around her mouth, letting the tip of the gun sit onher lips. She watched him in fear, watching the finger on the trigger, afraidhe would accidentally or on purpose pull the trigger. He tilted her head backmore, her pleading eyes staring into his cold eyes.
He grabbed her face tightly, forcingher head up painfully, the gun place on her mouth, "with a body like yours,you have to ask a question like that."
She jerked her head back and forth,hoping to escape the gun pushed into her lips. "Please, please let me go," shebegged. She felt her arms pulled up in back, the leader's hand becoming moredemanding, her head held tightly.
"Such a lovely thing you are," thegun playing along her chin before moving down the front of her sweater. "Areyou going to let us fuck you?"
"No," she exclaimed, "never." Shewas defiant, hoping that she could convince them to let her go or she wouldfind her chance to escape. She felt the pistol return to her breasts, the sideof the barrel caressing her breasts, moving back and forth over them, slidingbetween them, the barrel pushing into her nipples. She squirmed, the one behindher yanking on her arms. He seemed to be humping his hard cock into her backin a rhythm, almost like he was fucking her, trying to drive the big cock intoher shoulder blades.
"Don't ever say never, you mightregret it," a dangerous tone in his voice. The muzzle of the gun moved downbetween her breasts and ran over the naked, flat plane of her stomach, movingup and down.
She felt it snag onto her sweaterand begin to pull her sweater up as it moved back between her cleavage. Hemoved his hand under the sweater, the cold muzzle now playing over her halfnaked skin.
"Cut off her bra. She wouldn'tbe needing it," he ordered the one behind her.
"NNOO," she cried out, beginningto cry as her situation became more desperate.
"Hold real still, I wouldn't wantto cut you."
She froze, feeling her arms slumpdown, the one behind her make short work of her bra. She felt a prick, thenthe tension in her bra was released. She heard the sound of the knife cuttingthe cloth, the straps falling down. The bra was pulled out from under her sweaterand she saw him throw it into the corner of the room.
"Such nice tits like that don'tneed a bra," the leader said, the gun moving under her sweater again, thistime the cold metal touching her naked skin.
She felt her arms lurched up again,her breasts straining out in the front, both of them pinning her body betweenthem. "Let me go and I will be nice to you," trying a new tactic. "I will masturbateyou. I know you don't want to get into trouble. I'll jerk you off." She dreadedhaving to do that, but it was better then the alternative.
She felt the leader yank her headpainfully up again, the muzzle playing over her lips. Her breast were pushedout and in by the one in back of her, a gentle fucking motion of his hips drivingher back and forth.
His giant hand grabbed her face,pushing in hard. "You'll do more then that. Much more." His hand tightenedon her neck. "You'll do anything we say."
Her head was held tightly as themuzzle began to move under her sweater, feeling the cold steel play over hernipples, the tips becoming hard at the stimulation. He pushed her head downso she could watch as his hand slowly pulled her sweater up, revealing hernaked breasts to both of her captors, the gun moving all over her breast flesh,her nipples swollen from the stimulation of the gun on them. "Please, no, no," herhead moving back in forth in panic. They were slowly stripping her naked.
The gun moved lower, down theflat plane of her taut stomach towards the top of her jeans. She looked backat the one behind her, his cock still humping her back, the Billy club stillforcing her body upright. She looked down, the gun now playing over her bellybutton
"Get up so we can get your jeansoff you."
"No, no, no," sobbing loudly now.
The leader grabbed her jeans,yanking her upright by them. "I said off," he shouted. "Pull her jeans down," heordered her other captor.
She looked back at him, his faceshowing a big smile. He pulled the Billy club from behind her arms, makinga loud noise as it dropped onto the table near her. He pushed her back downonto the bench, her wrists still tied behind her.
He yanked her sweater up in thefront until her naked breasts were exposed, his hands rubbing over the teenageflesh. He moved behind her, leaning over her body, his hands roughly fondlingher naked tits as the leader watched. His hands reached down to her jeans,moving to open the snaps. Her legs began to pull up and she started squirmingon the bench, anything to stop the stripping of her jeans from her body. Hepulled the zipper down and pulled the jeans to the side.
She was yanked up, the captorbehind her, pulling her jeans down her tight hips. He continually spun heraround, pulling from the front, swinging her around and then from the back,almost knocking her down, keeping her off balance as he shoved her jeans downher legs. She could only stand there, bound, as her jeans were slowly strippeddown her legs.
"Nice ass on her, swing her aroundagain," her body forced around so the leader could get a better glimpse ather panty covered ass cheeks. "Let them fall around her ankles," he orderedthe other. She felt them pulled down until they bunched at her ankles.
"Please, don't strip me naked," shebegged.
She was pushed back down ontothe bench, her captor moving behind her, his hands moving quickly to her breasts.She felt his big hands squeeze them painfully before moving down and pullingher sweater up. She brought her legs up and moved about on the bench, attemptingto stop him from stripping her naked. She pleaded with the leader, "don't lethim do this to me," twisting and turning.
She felt the one behind her pullup her sweater until it was under her chin, her breasts naked. His hand grabbedher chin, pulling her upright, his hand returning to fondle her naked breasts,pinching and pulling on her nipples before moving lower to her panties. "NNNO," shecried, but he pulled on her panties, pulling them out from her body, lookingdown inside to see her naked bush. His hands returned to her breast, runningback and forth over her teenage breasts.
She sat in the chair, her headhanging down in embarrassment, her breasts naked and her jeans gathered aroundher ankles, binding her legs, clad in only her panties. And she wasn't surehow long they would remain.
The leader came back overto her, straddling her half naked body now, his hands running over her face,pulling her face up to look at his. "How do you like being stripped for us?" Yourtits are even better then I thought. His fingers began to twist in her hair,gathering the long tresses and pulling them into a circle, tightening them.She felt the one behind her, his hands still continuing to play over hernaked breasts, rubbing and caressing them, fingers pulling her nipples up,making the red from the abuse. The leader continued to play with her hair,his other hand running over her face. "We're going to fuck you hard.
Such a nice body like yours was made for fucking."
"Please let me go, please," shebegged, the two men continuing to fondle her half naked body.
"Release her arms," the leadertold the other one.
"Thank you, thank you," jubilantthat she was going to be released, not understanding why, just happy that shewas. Her jubilance was short-lived. The leader reached down and started strokingher naked legs as the other fumbled with the tight rope behind her. He ranhis hands over her naked breasts.
"Great tits," one hand movingdown to her legs and begin to rub them, moving from one leg to the next, hishands rubbing her hips, moving back to grab her naked ass flesh. Two handsfollowed, grabbing one of her thighs.
She struggled, bringing her legsup when he reached between her thighs, squirming when he rubbed her hips, hermovement limited by her captor working on her bound wrists. "I thought youwere letting me go," she cried out to the leader.
Her wrists were finally releasedfrom the rope, but her captor gripped them tightly in his big hands. "We'rejust going to strip you naked for us," he laughed.
She began to sob, her situationnow terrible. The leader was pulling her jeans off her legs as she kicked withher legs. But the jeans around her ankles made her kicks ineffective. "NNNNNO,wwwwhhh," tears falling from her eyes. She struggled, the leader grabbing hernaked leg and pulling the jeans off one of her legs. The captor behind heryanked her arms back, his other hand yanking her chin back, forcing her uprightagain. She kicked and kicked, one leg now free from the confining jeans butnow naked. She tried to kick him with the free leg but he was stronger, brushingher kicks aside.
The leader moved up to her face,grabbing it tightly. "You don't want to get hurt do you? Relax now," he orderedher. She pulled her legs up as he moved back down to strip the jeans from herother leg. He took her jeans, balling them up and tossing them into the cornerwith her bra.
The captor behind her yanked herarms up high into the air, while the leader pulled the sweater up, coveringher face before pulling it off her arms. She cried again, her breasts now naked.Her arms were released as she was now naked except for her tiny panties.
She began to cry again, movingaround on the bench, four hands now roughly fondling her body. The leader grabbedher wrists and moved them behind her. "Hold her," he ordered the other. Thecaptor grabbed both of her wrists in one giant hand, his other hand back toher breast to fondle it. The leader moved between her kicking legs, his handsrunning up and down her side, sliding over her naked breasts before slidingdown her naked hips and ass cheeks as she bounced around the bench.
His hands moved up her stomachto grab her breasts before moving back down to run up and down the inside ofher thighs. She tried to kick him, but he moved in between her legs, his bodykeeping her legs to the outside as she kicked uselessly, crying as she wasfondled against her will by the two captors. She felt his leg move betweenher thighs, snuggling up to her sex, his hands moving towards her face again,pulling her head up.
"Time for you panties to comeoff." We can't wait to see that tight, teenage pussy."
She felt her body being leanedback, the captor behind her pulling her arms down towards the ground. Her assmoved up, her legs following, the leader now placing his hands on the waistof her panties. His hands ran over her panties, feeling her flesh beneath them,running up and down her naked hips, moving under her to grab her ass cheeks. "SSSOOBBB,'her babbling as she jerked around on the bench, her captor behind her continuingto fondle her breasts.
She was lifted up from the chair,the leader taking the opportunity to pull her panties down her legs. She kicked,but he grabbed her legs, yanking it up and pulling her panties off. They releasedher arms but she fought them as the leader began to run his hands over hernaked pussy. He pulled her wrists back again to her captor, but he was toobusy running his hands over her flesh.
"Put your hands behind your backor I will have to hurt you," the leader ordered her. She saw the look on hisface, afraid of what he might do. She put her hand behind her back and watchedas the leaders hands moved back to run up and down her naked thighs, his legskeeping hers separated, her naked pussy now open for his hands.
She looked back, her captor behindher, his hands running up and down her side to grab at her hanging breasts. "Obeyor we will hurt you," he said. The leader began again, her hands unable toabide, moving in front, grabbing at the air, afraid of pushing him away ashis hands crawled all over her naked flesh.
They both stopped touching her,standing up, pinning her seated body between them. She brought her legs up,tucking her face between her hands, her knee preventing him from between herlegs and cried. The one behind her continued to play with her breasts, theleader cupping her face. "We're going to fuck you, so you might as well cooperate."
She bent her head down, her facebanging into his arm. She did not think, just reacting, biting his arm.
He jerked his arm back beforeshe could do much damage. One grabbed her from behind and jerked her upright.The leader stepped between her legs and swung his hand and hit her face withhis open hand, her head snapping to the side from the powerful blow.
She cried louder, her hands holdingher stinging face, blood running from her nose.
The leader cupped her face tenderly, "areyou going to do that again?"
"No, please don't hit me, please." Shefelt her arms pulled behind her again, readying her again to molest her nakedflesh.
"Hands behind your back and keepthem there this time."
She complied, her wrists together.She watched as the leader picked up the pistol again, afraid for her life thistime. They had now hurt her, any expectation of it not happening having disappeared.The one behind her had two hands free, using one hand to grab her by the hair,yanking her head upright, the other hand grabbing her breast, hefting it up.The leader caressed her inner thighs with the cold muzzle of the pistol, lettingit play up her pussy slit. She brought one leg up, bent at the knee, her pistolcontinuing to run up and down her slit.
"Leg down and spread your legs."
She obeyed, the pain still lingeringin her face. Her hips jerked up as the muzzle slid between her pussy lips,the metal spreading them apart. "Please, not the pistol," she cried.
"Keep your legs spread open," themuzzle run across her abdomen, back and forth before running up her slit again.
She allowed her legs to part,her pussy open to the cruel fondling of the pistol. He continued to move themuzzle over her body, from her breasts, circling her nipples, back and forthover her abdomen, her thighs clenching together, afraid of the muzzle betweenthem again.
"Open again, I know you like thefeel of the metal on your pussy." Her legs parted, the muzzle pushing deeperbetween them, her juices beginning to coat the pistol.
Her hair was being tightened,her head pulled back. The leader moved in closer, his mouth moving down toone of her erect nipples.
"AAAGGGHH," she yelled as shefelt the hot mouth suck one of her nipples into his mouth, his tongue lashingat the pink nipple. "NNNOOO, NNNNAAAH," she yelled, her hands yanking her hairfrom her captor hand, pushing away the leader from her breast and kicking outwith her legs. She pounded anything she could find with her fists, kickingand yelling, unable to stand the molestation of her body any longer. "GGETawwway, nnnoo," she cried out.
The leader straddled her bodyagain, her captor pinning her arms behind her again, trapping her young bodybetween their muscled bodies.
"What did I tell you?" the pistolstill playing up and down between her breasts as he spoke to her. "What arewe to do with you?" Her captor released her arms, his hands not able to getenough of her teenage breasts. The leader placed the pistol muzzle againsther mouth. "Would you like it in your mouth and pull the trigger?" he tauntedher.
She felt her body being pulledfarther back onto the bench and then pushed forward, bent at the waist, theleader's hand pushing down on her back, her breasts hanging down. Her captorpulled her wrists behind her back and picked up the rope again.
"Yes, tie her again. She doesn'tseem to know how to behave."
She cried again, "no, please don'tI'll be good." She did not want the feeling of helplessness she felt when shewas bound. Unable to stop them from doing anything they wanted with her nakedbody. The leader held her by her neck until she was bound again, the ropesdigging painfully into her flesh. A slap to her ass showed that they were finished.
She was pulled upright again,the leader now behind her. He twisted her body sideways onto the bench, nowstraddling the narrower width. The leader placed his hands on her naked titsand pulled her backwards. Her captor, now between her legs, slapped her innerthighs. "Spread 'em." He moved his legs between hers and parted her legs bypushing outward on her thighs.
She cried as her sex was now spreadobscenely, her legs yanked wide and held open by his legs. The leader grabbedher face, bending her farther back until she was almost horizontal. Her captorran his hands up to her breasts then back down the naked plane of her stomachuntil finally his hand running over her naked, spread pussy. She sobbed asher sex was openly fondled.
"No, no," she sobbed, humiliatedas the two men molested her. One hand reached between her legs and lightlyslapped her spread pussy. The Leaders hands moved back down to her breastsand squeezed them, his fingers digging into her hard nipples. Four hands werenow running over her naked body as she cried and begged. Her legs were heldopen, her captor's hands moving over her pussy, grabbing it with his big palm,the leader moving down her stomach and back up to her breasts. She tried tokick the hands away, but the four hands were more powerful, slapping asideher useless effort.
Her bites to the leader was brushedoff, his hands reaching down between her spread legs and goosing her open pussy.She bucked and kicked, but each time they pushed her back down horizontally,her legs spread to the side, her naked sex open to their fondling. Her headshook back and forth, unable to comprehend why someone would subject her tosuch ruthlessness.
She tried to kick them but shebegan to fall off the short bench, the leader her only support before she wouldhit the floor. Her captor pinned her legs together and the both of them liftedher back up onto the narrow bench. She tried to kick him, bringing her legup between his, both she did not have enough power to do any damage. He releasedher pinned legs. She drew them up towards her body and tried to lash out withkicks to her captor, the leader still holding her head tightly.
"Let me go, let me go," she yelled,kicking her legs back and forth, her captor trying to grab the fast movinglegs. He finally succeeded, grabbing her tightly around each ankle and broughther legs up and back, her pussy lips now spreading open even wider, revealingher soft, pink insides. He stepped between her legs, keeping her in that position,ass rising up from the bench as he drew her legs up higher. She began to slipagain from the bench, her legs getting free and kicking out.
"EEEEHHH," she screamed out inpain, her bound wrists painfully bent. Her body slumped in pain. A hand waspushed between her legs, hauling her body back onto the bench. They continuedto run their hands between her legs, grabbing her pussy even when she slumpeddown, the pain overcoming her body. She caught them off guard and kicked herlegs, almost hitting one before they overpowered her again and pulled her flatdown on the bench again.
Her captor grabbed her legs behindthe knees with one hand, raising her ass up from the chair, her ass cheeksand tiny asshole now exposed. His hand began to run over her cheeks, slappingher ass as he did as she cried out. "No, NO, not there," trying to squirm butthey had managed to securely hold her.
They sat her back upright on thebench, four hands continuing to run over her naked body as she begged and criedfor them to leave her alone.
"We're going to fuck you. Goingto fuck that hot, wet, teenage pussy. Are you ready for some big cock?"
She felt her hands being releasedagain. Her hair was being curled on top of her head again, a strong hand grabbingit tightly, forcing her head upright. She rubbed her hands, her captor stilltrying to run his hand over her naked flesh. She tried to brush his hands aside. "Please,leave me along for a few minutes. Please."
She did not see the leader throwa blanket on the floor behind her, otherwise she would not have been so vulnerable.Her captor quickly swept her off her feet, his hands grabbing her behind theknees and quickly scooping her up. He kicked the bench out of the way and placedher down on her side on the blanket. The leader was waiting, rolling her overonto her stomach, pinning her down with his hands. She kicked and screamedas she felt so vulnerable, naked and pinned on her belly. She cried as hercaptor grabbed her kicking legs and began to spread them out, the leader pushingdown on her lower back, effectively pinning her to the floor.
The leader pinned her arms down,her captor kept her legs spread at least four feet wide, one leg pinned withhis hand, the other with his leg. "What a great ass." The hands began to roamover her vulnerable body again, the leaders moving up and down her back beforefinally dipping down to stroke her naked ass cheeks.
She was afraid, her body so spread,the leader releasing her hands, too anxious to fondle her naked ass. She laytheir, trembling in fear, her hands clenched tightly as they subject her totheir fondling again. Her captor pinned her legs with his, two hands now freeto roam over the naked ass cheeks before him. He could see her pussy peekingout from between her legs. His fingers sought out her ass cheeks, spreadingthem painfully, her tiny asshole exposed to their gaze.
"NO, NO, NO," she sobbed, fingersrunning over her exposed anus, her body shivering in fear.
"You ever been fucked in the ass?" shewas asked. She panicked, the fingers becoming more insistent, one finger slowlyentering her asshole, the finger painful as her tiny hole had to expand. Fingersstretched out her asshole, pulling it open.
The hands left her, urging herover onto her back. She fought the leader, her arms flailing uselessly, herlegs kicking. Hands grabbed her ankles, twisting her over. "No, please, letme go," a hand slapping her painfully on her naked ass.
"On your back and spread yourlegs," one of them ordered her.
She fought them, pushed over ontoher side, hands always running over her body, a palm slapping her ass as shecried. "Over now and spread your legs," hands grabbing her ankles and yankingher onto her back.
"No, no," the leader pinning herarms down again, her captor holding her legs. She had brought them up towardsher chest, bent at the knees, trying to prevent their hands from her sex.
The leader released her hands,cradling her head. "Do you want some cock now?" Her captor lifted her up byher ankles, her naked ass exposed again, his hands rubbing over it as she foughtthe fondling. Her arms were pinned again by the leader, her legs spread wideand pinned by her captors legs, his hands running between her legs, up anddown her body until they clenched on her teenage tits then back down to cradleher pussy.
"It's time to suck some cock," theleader said. Her captor grabbed her between the legs and pulled her arounduntil she was on her knees.
She buried her head into the blanket,not even caring if her ass was exposed. She had never had a cock in her mouthand did not want to start now. Not when it would be a rape. Her captor pulledher upright, still kneeling on the blanket. She looked at the leader in frontof her, his hands pulling down his zipper and unloosening his pants. "No, No,never."
Her captor grabbed her wristsand pulled them behind her back. The leader pulled her face upward by her hair.His hand reached out and slapped her face, her head shooting to the side bythe blow. She cried out but before she could do anything, she was slapped again,this time her other cheeks.
The leader had already removedhis shirt, his muscular chest before her, his pants already opened. She couldsee a giant cock inside his shorts. "No, don't make me do that. I'll use myhand. I'll jerk you off, please."
He grabbed he head again by thehair, her head shaking back and forth, "no,no". He stood up and pulled hispants down until his cock was free. She had turned her head, not wanting tosee. He yanked her head forward. "This is for that hot little mouth."
"If you bite it, I will cut yourthroat," he threatened her. Her captor moved behind her, forcing her body up,his body pinning her. The leader moved in, his cock in his hand, pulling herface towards it.
She had never seen anything thatbig. The head was a bright red. She could already see some cum glistening onit. It must be over three inches in diameter and at least ten inches long.Two swollen balls hung down below it. Her hair was yanked by her captor, hermouth opening to scream in pain. The leader pushed his cock into her waitingmouth, pinning her head between the both of them.
"Now suck, suck my cock,"
Her head was pulled back and forth,her lips closing onto the huge cock, her mouth stretched tightly around it.She gagged when it was first placed inside her mouth, her tongue tasting thesalty, thick cum. She pulled her mouth from his cock, trying to push it aside. "No,don't make me do this. I can't." She pulled her hands lose, trying to pushhis cock aside.
Her wrists were grabbed againand pulled behind her. The leader amused himself with rubbing his dick acrossher face and lips, a trail of wet cum marking where it had been.
"AAAHHHHEE, AAAHHHEE," she sobbed,crying at having to perform such a loathsome task. Her head was pulled back,her mouth opened and she was fed his giant cock again. "MMMM, MMMMMMM' hermouth gagged with the giant head of his cock.
"Suck it, use your tongue or I'llbeat you senseless." He pulled her face onto his cock, forcing more of it intothe hot confines of her teenage mouth.
"No, don't do that, please, Isuck it," she mumbled the cock sitting heavily on her tongue.
Her captor left her alone andbegan to remove his clothes. He wanted to feel her hot mouth wrapped aroundhis cock. The leader was jerking her face back and forth onto his cock, feelingher tongue swirling around the bulbous head. She pulled her mouth off his cock. "Please,just don't cum in my mouth, please, no." She was jerked back onto his cockher mouth fitting it like a glove.
She was face fucked, each timethe leader forcing more and more of his long cock into her mouth. Her facegrimaced each time it shot to the back of her throat. Finally it hit the end. "CCCOOOUUGH," chokingas it gagged her. She pulled off the large cock, but the leader pushed herface back on again. Her hands were clenched in front of her, her eyes shuttightly as the cock was pushed deep into her throat. Each time, she chokedand gagged, her eyes watering, her nose running, her head twisted back andforth, forcing her to take the brutal face fuck.
He pulled his cock from her mouthas she choked, her fists clenched in front of her, her head down, her breathingragged. His stroked his cock, rubbing it all over her face, leaving trailsof spit and cum.
Her captor returned, his cockout, his hands running over her face. "You're going to be sucking a lot ofcock."
The leader held his cock up toher lips, pulling her head up to it.
"Please, not anymore, don't putit in my mouth again. It's too big, it makes me choke.
Her captor stroked her face, pushingher towards his cock. "Suck, you have my cock next."
The large cock slipped betweenher lips again, filling her mouth with his foul tasting cock. She let her tonguerun over it as his hands instructed her head back and forth on his cock, usingher mouth to masturbate himself. He twisted her head sideways, her big eyeslooking up at him as he forced her cheeks out with his bulbous head. She choked,pulling her head off his cock, her face grimacing from the terrible task shewas required to perform.
The leader kept his hand on herhead while her captor maneuvered around, his cock in his hand, waiting forhis turn in her hot, teenage mouth.
She turned sideways, his handgrabbing her head and pulling her onto his cock, plunging inside her lips,his cock jerking in pleasure as her tongue began to run over the head. Shesobbed as she sucked, "mmmmmm, eeeehhh," her head jerked back and forth onhis cock. The leader stood next to her, stroking his cock as he watched hersuck.
"NNNNEEEE," crying at having toperform the despicable act. "AAAhh, AAAhhh," beginning to sob, her lips andtongue tiring. Her captor used two hands to hold her face, one on top, theother under her chin, fucking her face onto his cock.
They bent her head back, bothcocks now being rubbed over her face. The leader began to slap her face withhis heavy cock. She whimpered as they both fought to get her to suck theircocks, her hair pulled back and forth, her mouth fucked onto one cock, thenpulled off, the other cock shoved harshly into her mouth. Her face was yankedback and forth. Finally she could not stand it any longer, her arms raisingup, pushing their cocks aside. "No, No more, I can't do it anymore."
They pulled her to her feet, theleader behind her, stroking his cock with one hand, his other hand runningover her naked flesh again. Her captor could not wait, pushing her down toher knees again, his cock in his fist, jammed into her waiting mouth.
Her hair was grabbed and the facefucking began again. The leader kneeled behind her and began to run his handsup and down her flanks. Her hands fought his as they tried to grab her breastsor move between her legs and feel her pussy. "No, leave me alone," slappingat his groping hands. Her captor, impatient, grabbed her head and forced hiscock deep inside her mouth.
The leader's hands began to playwith her breasts, pinching the nipples before moving down the flat stomachto grip her pussy with his hand.
She choked and gagged, the thickcock forced down her throat. "GGGGHHHGGGG, GGGHHHGG", her breathing raggedas she was throat fucked. The leader's hand returned to his cock, strokinghis cock as his hands rubbed over her ass cheeks. She moved back off the cock, "NNNNNOO,noo more," falling backwards against the leader, pushing her captor away. "Nomore, I can't do it anymore," she cried.
The leader was fingering her pussyas he stroked his cock. Her captor let his hands molest her body again. "Maybeyou would like to fuck instead."
Her arms flailed at them but shewas pushed down onto her back, the leader instantly pouncing on her, kneelingover her head. Her captor grabbed her ankles and spread her legs as she triedto kick free, crying as they continued to molest her. She put her hand on herpussy, trying to stop him from fucking her. Her head was pulled back and beforeshe could respond, her mouth was opened and filled with the leader's hard cock.He used her mouth for a receptacle, stroking his cock inside her lips as hertongue play over it.
He pulled her head back fartherand pushed his cock in deeper.
"EEEEEEHHH," she screamed. "EEEEEEHHHH," forgettingabout her captor between her spread legs. He lifted her ass off the blanked,her ankles around his neck. He fisted his cock and pushed it into her tightpussy. She squirmed and kicked her legs, the leader helping to grab her legsand pull them up until they were almost over her head, sinking his cock deepinside her mouth as she bucked around. She jerked her hips around, as the cockcontinued to fuck her tight pussy. He pulled his cock out and removed his shirt.He ran his hands up and down her pussy lips, his other hand stroking his cock,preparing to fuck her again.
She was pushed on her side, thethick cock still forced into her mouth, her captor stroking her ass. She wassuddenly turned over and forced to her hands and knees, her captor behind her. "No,no more," she cried out, the hands continuing to molest her flesh.
The leader stroked his cock infront of her. "Suck it again," grabbing her hair and pulling her down ontohis cock as she mewed in protest. Her hair was used as reins again, jerkingher back and forth on his hard cock. Her captor was behind her naked ass, herlegs spread, his hand stroking his cock as he ran his hands over her body.He slipped his hand between her legs and began to finger her pussy as she suckedthe leaders cock. He wet his fingers, slipping two inside her tight pussy.
The leader pulled his cock fromher mouth, her captor already on his feet. They pulled her upright onto herknees, her mouth already filled with a hard cock. The leader stroked his cockbehind her, rubbing his finger up and down her ass cheek, letting his fingersrub over her anus. She was pulled back and forth on the hard cock again, hermouth sucking on again. Her hands rested on her thighs as her hair was usedto fuck her face again, her face forced deep onto the cock. She pulled back, "nomore, don't make me anymore."
They forced her onto all fours,her head pushed into the blanket, her ass arched up high. She felt a hand grabher ankle, spreading her leg wide. Her other legs was pulled backwards, herpussy now stretched open. The leader ran his fingers up and down her pussy,her arms fighting back his intrusion. Her hair was grabbed, her head pulledup and a cock fucked back into her mouth again.
She was kneeling on all fours,her captor holding his cock inside her mouth, stroking in the hot confinesof her teenage mouth. The leader behind her wet his finger and stuck it upher asshole, a loud burst of protest coming from her cock stuffed mouth. Shecried, mumbling, "take your finger out of my ass, please, it hurts." He ignoredher protests, fingering her tight asshole, feeling her sphincter grab the digit.Her captor used two hands on her head again and began to pump her up and downquickly on his cock. She mewed and groaned from the duel ravishment.
Her face grimaced in pain as thefinger speared her virgin asshole, plunging in and out as he stroked his cock.She moved her hips about, trying to expel the finger so ruthlessly plungingup her asshole. She whimpered and cried, as the finger continued to expandher back passage. She kneeled up, pulling her mouth from his cock, unable tostand the pain any longer. "No more, leave my ass alone," she protested.
The leader pushed her back downonto all fours again. Her captor continued to stroke his cock into her face,the leader's fingers returning to enter her hot, tight asshole again. She lookedback, his hand stroking his cock, his finger in her asshole. She scooted forwardon her knees, the finger popping from her asshole.
He moved forward, pushing up againsther ass again, hid hands running over her tight ass cheeks.
She looked back as he grabbedher left leg, pulling it back and out. Her right leg was next, spreading heropen. His hand grabbed her spread pussy, his other hand still stroking hiscock. His hand went between her spread cheeks, fingers running over her anusagain. She looked back, afraid of his finger as she saw him wet it. He pushedit against her anus, pushing hard on it, forcing her back down onto the cockthrust back into her mouth. She felt hands grab her head again, her mouth fullof cock.
She did not have any time to adjustto the large cock. The leader pushed it hard into her pussy, tearing into hertight passage, his hands on her hips, jerking her back and forth as he fuckedher hard.
Her hand went up into the airas she felt the hard cock tear her tender flesh. "AAAGGHH," she screamed ashe fucked her. "OOOOWW," she yelled, her body jerked back and forth, her pussyforced to take the hard cock banging her tender insides.
"What's the matter, never beenfucked by a big cock," the leader laughing.
"MMMMM, MMMMM," she cried, hermouth fucked by her captors cock, her lips wrapped tightly around it, her pussygetting fucked, her body buffeted between the twin cocks, a mass of pain. Hercaptor wrapped his hands into her hair and drew her mouth farther onto hisbig cock.
"Suck it, suck my big cock."
She felt the leader's hands rubbingover her ass cheeks, a hand slapping them as he rode her hard. "Nice tight,teenage pussy," her moaning as he forced her little pussy to expand for hishot, hard cock,
The leader slowed down, makingher take all of his cock in each push. He slowly jerked her pussy onto hismeat, feeling it clenching as he bore into her. He began to pick up speed again,fucking her with hard, brutal strokes.
She pulled her mouth off her captorscock. "Please, tell him not to fuck me so hard, please, it hurts so bad." Shewas crying now, her pussy burning as he continued to fuck her, his stomachslapping noisily onto her ass cheeks, bouncing off each time.
Her captors grabbed his cock inhis hand and slapped her mouth and lips, back and forth, forcing her to stickher tongue out, before sticking it back into her mouth, muffling her criesof pain.
They both rode her hard, the cockin her mouth banging painfully on her lips, the cock in her pussy, slappingon her ass cheeks, her body bouncing around, her hanging tits swaying backand forth from the hard fucking.
The leader forced her body flatonto the ground, climbing onto her ass cheeks and pumping his cock as he spewedforth rope after rope of hot cum onto her flesh.
"MMMM, MMMM," her mouth forceddeep onto the cock in her mouth, gagging and choking as the hands in her hairforced her back and forth onto the thick cock. He stroked his cock in her mouth,slowing down, the leader getting off her back, his cock still hard. It washis turn to ride her with his cock now.
She felt hands on her, turningher over onto her ass, pushing her onto her back. "What, what are you goingto do?" Her captor grabbed her head, pushing it down, his hips almost on topof her face.
"Open up, I'm going to face fuckyou." He did not have to wait long, her mouth open, jerking his hips forwardfucking his cock into the hot confines of her mouth again. He slapped her handsaway as she tried to stop him and began to fuck her mouth like it was her pussy,his hips jerking back and forth into her mouth, pinning her to the ground.
She coughed and gagged as he wasable to take her mouth with deep hard thrusts, burying his cock into her throatas her hands clenched in the air, her head shaking back and forth, protestingthe fucking of her mouth. "NNNNNN, the cock blocking her begging, fucking inand out.
She pushed him away, spittingout his cock. "Noooo, nnnooo more," she cried out, turning on her side awayfrom him, curling into a ball.
"More, so much more," rollingher over onto her back again, crawling between her legs. He grabbed her knees,pulling them up and back, his hips jumping between the space between her legs.He laid on top of her, his cock burying itself into her tight pussy in onebrutal plunge that knocked the air from her longs. He began to pump her, hermuscular body pounding into her splayed body as she screamed and cried.
He rose up onto his hands so hecould get better leverage and give her brutal, jar wrenching fucks into herabused pussy, his body riding her body painfully. She fought with her hands,punching uselessly at his muscular chest as he fucked her hard. He grabbedher hands, pinning them besides her head, her screams making his cock bigger.His hand went beneath her ass, pinching and squeezing her flesh, his hand grabbingher under the knee and pulling one leg up until it was almost over her head,her pussy now open even more to his brutal cock.
"NNNO, NNnoo, stoppp, I can'ttake the pain any longer. You're tearing me up," his hips splatting into hersplayed sex, her pussy taking a beating.
He slowed down, her body pinnedunder him, her legs drawn up and spread, his body pressing her painfully intothe floor. He thrust his cock forward, bruising her insides as the bulboushead banged her cervix. Again, beginning to pick up speed again. "I love hot,tight teenage pussy. Now you know what it feels like to be fucked by a bigcock," pumping her harder and harder again. She began to cry and beg again,her fists clenched in pain.
She felt him get off her, buther relief was short-lived. He turned her over, placing her onto her handsand knees, her legs spread wide again. He fisted his cock and plunged it backinto her, now able to fuck her harder and deeper. She raised her head up, "stop,stop, you're killing me."
He pushed her head down, her asssticking back up higher. His cock went back to fucking her hard, her tits bouncing,her ass slapped by his stomach as he fucked her.
She rose up her head, turningtowards him, "please, please, it hurts tooo much,"' his cock continuing tofuck her. She kneeled up, his cock still buried in her pussy, his hands comingaround to cup her tits, rubbing his body on her ass.
"Do you want me to stop fuckingyour pussy? Does it hurt too much?"
"Yes, thank you, it hurts toomuch, you both fucked it too hard."
She saw the leader come aroundand help her over to the bench that they had stripped her naked on. They pulledher over to it, pressing her onto it, her tits flattened out and pushed intothe bench. Her hands and head hung over one hand, the rest of her body fromthe waist down hanging off the other.
"You said you wouldn't fuck meanymore. Please, no morel," she began to cry. She felt her captor move behindher, spreading her legs again, pushing up against her, his cock still hard,pushed against her ass. She felt him fumbling behind her and then she felthim line up his big cock. But it was not her pussy, but her asshole. "NNNO,NNNO," panicking, his cock slowly forcing its way into her asshole. She feltit stretching, a painful burning as his bulbous head slowly expanded her tinyanus.
"EEEEEEHHHH," she screamed ashis cock tore into her tiny asshole, tearing her flesh as it wormed itselfinto her rectum. Her sphincter clenched onto the mighty cock, squeezing it,trying to force it out of her body. He continued to push, "EEEEEHHH," panting,her body racked with pain as it felt like a steel bar was being forced up herass. It continued its journey, feeling every bump and vein on it as it slidinside her colon, her stomach cramping on the giant cock.
He finally hit bottom, his cockjerking inside her, her asshole clenching and unclenching in pain on his pulsatingcock, massaging it.
The leader came over to her, hehad the billy club in his hand. "Never had a cock up your ass before?"
He looked back at her captor, "fuckher, fuck her ass."
"No, NO," she cried as she feltthe cock pull out of her asshole, feeling like it was dragging her guts outwith her. She began to cry and sob as her captor grabbed her hips and beganto piston his cock into her asshole. He pushed down on her neck, pinning herto the bench, her hands hanging uselessly as he began the painful fucking ofher once virgin asshole.
"Oh, I love virgin, teenage asshole.You should feel it gripping my cock. It feels like she is going to scrape theskin off of it every time I fuck in." Her captor plummet her body, his largecock opening her tiny asshole, her anus spread tightly around it as it fuckedback in and out.
"EEEEHHH, NNNNOOO, EEEEHHH," crying,her mouth open in pain as her asshole was constantly filled with his man-sizedcock.
The leader moved the billy clubunder her neck and pulled up on it, smashing on her throat, her mouth openingas her breathing was cut off. "Fuck back with your asshole, squeeze his cockor I will choke you."
He was doing it again, just likewhen they first captured her. Cutting off her oxygen until she panicked andalmost passed out. Her body was arched up, giving her captor easy access tofuck her in the ass even deeper, her stomach cramping on the hard cock buriedinside her. He was taking less strokes, but deeper, making her take all ofit slowly up her backside until it was buried deep inside her colon, her bodygripping onto it in pain
"Is she squeezing you yet?" theleader asked her captor.
"Not yet, make her fuck back.I want her to milk my cock."
The leader pulled the billy clubfrom under her neck, placing it on the back of her neck and pushed down, pinningher down onto the bench. "NO, please don't do that again," she begged, sobbingas her ass went from empty to full each time he fucked his cock inside her.
"Squeeze his cock!"
She squeezed the muscles of herass, the pain increasing as she did. She felt his cock jerk, knowing that herpain was giving him greater pleasure. She felt a slap on her ass.
"Again, do that again."
She did, gripping his cock asit pulled painfully from her asshole. She felt the billy club push down onthe back of her neck, pinning her to the bench. He was still slowly fuckingher asshole, the painful stretching and tearing burning her back passage.
"Fuck her ass, fuck her ass hard.Ride her," he ordered her captor.
He did not need any encouragement.He grabbed her hips tightly, his fingers turning her flesh white and beganto ream out her asshole.
Her arms flailed about, grippingthe edge of the bench in pain as she was painfully ass fucked. She cried, hermouth open in pain, screams torn from her lips as her body was wracked withpain. She grabbed the legs of the bench, her knuckles white as she enduredthe ass fucking, her sphincter having given up the fight, her anus stretchedaround the big cock. "You bastard," her hands trying to slap the leader asshe endured.
They grabbed her arms, pinningthem behind her, her head up high, screaming in pain, begging, pleading, anythingto stop the painful ass fucking she was enduring. All the things they had doneto her, this was the worst.
Faster and faster her captor went,his cock tearing in and out, expanding as he was getting ready to cum. Hercries of pain and pleading made his cock harder, punishing her with his bigcock. He plunged his cock inside her, feeling her jerk in pain, his cock tearingsomething deep inside of her as he buried it deep, his cock spewing forth hishot cum.
It hurt, hurt more then anything.She could feel his cum filling her, the salty cum burning her anal tract, rubbedraw by his big cock fucking her. She cried and sobbed, as he held her tightlyagainst her stomach, his cock jerking about inside her, emptying his load ofcum, a cum enema filling her. He pulled out and pumped back in again, new screamswrenched from her lips, another load of cum filling her colon.
He finally pulled his cock outof her, her asshole gripping it tightly as he pulled it free with a pop. Sheslumped to the floor, curling up into a fetal ball, sobbing, cum dripping fromher asshole
The leader stroked his cock, alreadyhard again from watching her ass fucking. "Let's double fuck her. I want tohear her scream again."
MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Location: file:///C:/23522904/Captured,Caged,MilkedandEnraged.htm Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Missy Bits Captured, Caged, Milked and Enraged (c) The Qmoq 2006 Warni= ng: This story features kidnapping, non-consensual sex, torture, lactation and brutal captivity scenes. It is based directly on an idea suggested in the forums by Slut4U: Hope you...
Captured in Ajikistan 4 - Horror Camp -------------------------------------------------- The rebel truck trundled along a sorry excuse for a road - just a furrow of gravel-speckled dirt stretching like a dead snake through the rough desert terrain. The truck was headed for General Aamir's nearest training camp, home to more than one hundred jihadi fighters, and the truck's cargo included two attractive casualties of a pointless war. The tiny, war-ravaged nation of Ajikistan had been...
This story is not intended to vilify nice decent TVs or TGs -- it just so happens that the principal is deranged and happens to cross dress.This is a nasty, misogynistic story.Avoid it if you are sensitive or under eighteen.Synopsis He had been searching for a victim. He wanted a wife, a sex slave. Yes, he thought a victim might become a wife and love him.Categories Bondage SubmissionKeywords High Heels Appliances Machines PiercingCapturedBy Janet BakerHow...
Hopefully you enjoy them both. Because there are some strange people out there I must put in this reminder – this is fantasy, do not take this as reality. In reality people want to be treated with respect and dignity, do not abuse or take advantage of people – play nice. A brief background: Dr. Jack Kylle is 42 years old and works at Janus Pharmaceutical. He is the grandson of Dr. Henry Jeykll, his father had the family name changed because of the stigma placed on it. Jack has a...
This is a continuation of "Dr. Jeykll and Ms Heidi – DV8." While this story can stand alone and I do give a brief background for those who do not want to read the first story, I think it is worth reading (duh, otherwise I wouldn't have written it). Hopefully you enjoy them both. Because there are some strange people out there I must put in this reminder – this is fantasy, do not take this as reality. In reality people want to be treated with respect and dignity, do not abuse or take...
The Real Stepford Wives: Lizzie's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This story is a prequel to my prior story, "The Real Stepford Wives: Sophia's Story". Both stories are based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Sophia, along with some of the characters in the other two stories make cameo appearances here. *************************************** I...
Captured in Ajikistan 6 – Night Raid ----------------------------------------------- A SHORT TIME BEFORE THE ATTACK… “This way, cunt.” The General hustled the petite, wavy-haired brunette into a tent on the edge of camp. Inside there was a threadbare mattress sprawled in one corner. In no time at all Aamir had stripped out of his sweat-soaked uniform. “You can call me Slave Kareena, Sir. My real Master calls me that,” Kareena said without thinking. She had grown accustomed to Hakim’s...
~~~~~*****~~~~~ CAPTURED IN AJIKISTAN 5 – NIGHTMARE ORGY A SHORT TIME EARLIER… The General Aamir ushered Sandy into the gigantic tent at the end of the de facto thoroughfare that bisected camp, dozens of tents ranged on either side. A beaded curtain cordoned off the rest of the enormous tent as soon as they came in, making the space seem almost claustrophobic. Judging from the displeasure on the General’s fat face, he was impatiently wondering what was keeping Layla and his man Kasim. Now...
Captured by the Cartel-II [First, a small recap from part 1. A young freelance photographer has been captured by a drug cartel in Chicago while trying to take photos. As the mafia boss Pablo almost decides to kill him, the gangster's aide -- the beautiful dominatrix Victoria -- saves his life by offering to keep him as her pet. She takes the chained and naked captive to a mansion where two of her assistants give him a makeover and put him in a latex maid's dress.] My ass was still...
The Real Stepford Wives - Vicky's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This is my third entry in the Stepford Series. This story is a prequel to my prior story, "The Real Stepford Wives: Lizzie's Story". Both stories are based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Lizzie, along with some of the characters in the original two stories make cameo appearances...
The Real Stepford Wives: Sophia's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This story is based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Some of the characters in those stories make cameo appearances here. ********************** I was four years into my career as a Big Four accountant. Two years ago, I had been promoted to senior associate and was hopeful about...
Introduction: Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron get lost in the forbiden forest and finaly let their feeling for each other show. Ron and Hermione were strolling around the black lake, they werent actually dating but they were doing all the normal couples stuff except for the kissing and sex. They saw two people in the distance walking towards them. Is that Harry and Ginny Hermione asked. The red hair was unmistakeable and ten minutes later they sat down on the bank as Harry and Ginny (who were...
The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy By VI This story is based on my favourite piece of TG fiction, which was written by the author Sarah Barndt. If you have never read 'The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies' then please do so, as it is an imaginative and well told story. Thanks very much Sarah. ************************ I had been performing ballet since I was eight, and for the last six years had been with one of the American ballet companies. I think the fame...
Disclaimer: all characters in the story are 18 or older, and all events are entirely fictitious. Remember, this is a fantasy. Always follow your dreams, the darker and kinkier the better! --------------- The slender brunette licked her lips, her eyes going wide as she watched her Mistress clasp the strap-on dildo around her waist. Mistress Ashley was tall, with reddish-brown hair, ample breasts, and curvaceous hips perfect for bearing children. She looked down at her lithe and helpless...
The red hair was unmistakeable and ten minutes later they sat down on the bank as Harry and Ginny (who were dating) walked up to them. "Hey guys" Ginny said in a bouncy giddy voice she always used now it got even giddier when she was with Harry. "Hey" Ron replied "we were just heading back to school for lunch" "Bah that's dull" said Ginny almost actually bouncing now "come with us we're going to the forbidden forest" "You know the forest is forbidden for a reason" Hermione...
The Chelmsford Stalker By Michele Nylons The man sat at a corner table in the coffee shop surreptitiously eyeing off the woman sitting on a stool at bar. She was dressed in a navy blue suit; her jacket was open, revealing well-formed breasts swelling her white satin blouse, which opened to the second button so that a hint of lace bra was displayed. Her legs were crossed and her skirt had ridden up revealing most of her well-formed thighs atop long legs encased in sheer...
Once upon a time.... All my life I had always feared God. Growing up I thought he personally stared down at from Heaven watching my every move, listening to my every thought. It was this fear that has always kept me on the straight and narrow and given me my morale courage. My only sorrow is that I was unable to pass this fear down to my children and from this, there will be no retribution. I am surely damned as if I had spent a lifetime of murder and greed. With this knowledge I don't...
After being led into a building, each was injected with a knockout drug and they all passed out. An unknown amount of time later, Sgt. Joyce Danniels, a 30 year old American squad leader slowly regained consciousness. It was a couple of minutes before she was alert enough to realize that she was strapped to a hard surface and that she was naked. There was a strap across her chest just below her breasts and another across her waist. Her hands were strapped down and her legs were tied so...
Please note that there are some reluctance themes. Carly moaned softly as the gentle rocking of the boat intruded on her drowsy slumber, and her fingers curled in the sheets. She lay sprawled on the softest of mattresses, her hand nestled beneath her cheek, her limbs free from constriction beneath the clean sheet. Her sky blue eyes fluttered open, and she stretched, feeling a delicious ache between her thighs. Her heart thudded in her chest as she sat up with a start, hastily drawing the...
Introduction: Jessaica and her father take a road trip to the small california town Stepford to try a special kind of exotic meat, Bassed on a fictional town (Stepford) in the game SecondLife. Stepford Meat Swap Story: #47 Copyright 2010 Written: October 02 2010 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************* ~~!! NOTE !!~~ This story is bassed on a fictional town within the...
The man sat at a corner table in the coffee shop surreptitiously eyeing off the woman sitting on a stool at bar. She was dressed in a navy blue suit; her jacket was open, revealing well-formed breasts swelling her white satin blouse, which opened to the second button so that a hint of lace bra was displayed. Her legs were crossed and her skirt had ridden up revealing most of her well-formed thighs atop long legs encased in sheer flesh-toned hose. He thought he could make out a subtle seam...
Story: #47 Copyright ©2010 Written: October 02 2010 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************* ~~!! NOTE !!~~ This story is bassed on a fictional town within the game Second Life called Stepford, I would like to thank Ariana RoeCastle, Emilie Muggins & Jerrol Jarvinen of Stepford for thier approval of this...
Arianna, Layla, Mira, and Sandy had embarked on their risky adventure with the best of intentions. Working for an NGO aid group called 'Hearts Healing Conflict,' they had volunteered to help bring in humanitarian supplies to the tiny, struggling third world nation of Ajikistan, which was in the midst of a civil war. Unfortunately for them, the young women had no idea how dangerous the job of driving the supply trucks really was. They had been told that as long as they stayed on the main...
A/N: This dialogue is used to reflect the time period and make it as realistic as possible. It is not to offend people the wrong way. If you still feel offended after reading it, please don’t write me about it because I’m warning you before reading the passage. Thanks! ***** -Light Heart- Light Heart had been captured in that snowy forest about two weeks ago. It was hard for her to keep track of the days or the time. She ached for her mother and wondered how her sister had fared. She was...
Our two English twins, captives of the Apaches, experience an unexpected turn of events.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part 1 can be found here - the flap of the wikiup, Dahteste said, "My brothers will not see you again before tonight. The other men will take them away. For you and them, there are certain ceremonies...
Charlotte and Rebecca, sixteen-year-old identical English twins are captured in an Apache raid.***********Rebecca didn't know how long they'd been sitting there among the rocks. Maybe two or three hours. She shifted her weight slightly to reposition the rock that was sticking in her back. Two hours ago, it had seemed quite comfortable but was now beginning to seriously irritate her. That, together with the blistering dry heat cracking her lips and a blinding headache with a raging thirst, made...
Captured by Sir Al Chapter 1: The Beginning I was spending my afternoon quietly, waiting for Hubby. A cold shower mighthave been the best to relax my senses on so hot a day. When you're hot intobondage and discipline, you need your Master's constant presence, don't you?So I was trying to relax and preparing everything for my Master and his night;it will be a night in his ropes, of course, and our lust. My body was gleaming under the shower but then a noise from the lounge drewmy attention....
I unwillingly opened my laptop and started watching lesbian porn. I was captured by a lesbian, and she made me do this day and night. When on a camera site, a girl rang me. Another horrible masturbation order. I answered, then said, "Please don't hurt me. Just make me be naked and cum, then leave. I hate this, so don't make it hard on me." "What's wrong baby?" The girl asked. "I was captured and forced to watch these sites." "One second." She said, then logged off. I was sad. Another...
LesbianClifford sat up in bed feeling the warm body lying next to him. He looked down at the shape in the near darkness. Janet. Christ, why did it have to be this way? He had loved Tracy, he still did. So why was he in Janet's bed? Why did he have sex with her? Four times? Not one of them was anything like the times he had been with Tracy, and yet... He got out of bed and made his way to the window, padding in his bare feet across the carpet. He slowly pulled open the curtains and looked out at...
The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies by Sarah Barndt I was once a normal, heterosexual male. That is, I was until I happened upon the town of Stepford. I was spending a few weeks there, installing some equipment at Stepford Pharmeceutical Labs, for the company I worked for. I had recently broken up with my fiancee and was glad to be back on the road as a working engineer. I enjoyed it, but Stepford was odd. All of the men wanted to ask me about my sex life when I...
All my life I had always feared God. Growing up I thought he personally stared down at from Heaven watching my every move, listening to my every thought. It was this fear that has always kept me on the straight and narrow and given me my morale courage. My only sorrow is that I was unable to pass this fear down to my children and from this, there will be no retribution. I am surely damned as if I had spent a lifetime of murder and greed. With this knowledge I don't feel fear anymore, just...
The Real Stepford Wives Brown Sugar by Sarah Barndt I was once a normal, heterosexual male. That is, I was until I happened upon the town of Stepford. I was spending a few weeks there, installing some equipment at Stepford Pharmaceutical Labs, for the company I worked for. I had recently broken up with my fiancee and was glad to be back on the road as a working engineer. I enjoyed it, but Stepford was odd. All of the men wanted to ask me about my sex life when I visited 'the...
Copyright 2004 She struggled as the two man held her. One pinned her arms behind her back, the other was fighting off her kicking legs. She was taught to fight her attackers. She had attended a rape protection class and they had shown her various ways to fight off her attackers. It seemed much easier in class with one attacker coming straight at her. With two, two strong men in was not so simple. She had been walking home from the store. It wasn't dark yet, the sun just starting to set, the...
Reddit Erin Ashford, aka r/ErinAshford! Erin Ashford is not a pornstar from a bygone age, nor is she a famous modern-day pornstar. She’s also not a semi-famous Twitch streamer gone nude, not an Instagram model that promotes flat tummy tea, and definitely not a XXX cam model. So who is she exactly, and why should you care about her? Truth be told, she isn’t really known outside of Reddit - she made her XXX debut on /r/GoneWild after posting a large selection of XXX pictures (and some videos) on...
Reddit NSFW ListAuthor’s note: I had planned to take a break from writing and submitting stories to Literotica when I reached 300 submissions. I know I said that when I reached 100 and again when I reached 200 submissions but many of you loyal readers asked me to continue. Many of you also sent me story lines and topics to write about, some more detailed than others. Recently I received an e-mail from Peggy Sanford who has written several stories for Literotica and if you have a Literotica log-in and...
Stepford brothers (change to sisters!) By bojok71 Author's notes: this story serves to plug a hole, in my view, of the credibility of the Stepford stories. What if someone came looking for a lost relative? The answer is simple, and forms part of this story. Story notes: this story is very close, for obvious reasons, to the original Stepford story. However, it's new enough to be considered a new read. It's as sexual and interesting as my other stories. Thanks again to Sarah Barndt for...
Sexual Forums! Welcome to one of the OG forum websites… a place that a lot of us loved to visit, and that offered just what we wanted to see; the Now, this place was filled with a shit ton of great content and suggestions in general, just what you would expect from this type of site in the first place. Now for those who were not lucky enough to have visited this website before it ended up on the wall of fame, I am here to tell you all about it.Upon your first visit, it is...
Porn ForumsHi guys..! Ashish here again. Thank you all for your responses and emails appreciating my story. Thank you so much. Your emails motivate me for writing my experiences. Do write and tell me about the story. And please do not ask me the information of the girls as it is confidential and private so i cannot give it to you. So do not waste your time. Enjoy the story (part IV) … It’s continued from where i left. You may find the previous parts’ link above. After the lunch, we all were ready for...
The next morning Forrest woke up at about 10 and woke me with a kiss on the lips. I surprised him by throwing my arms around him and deepening the kiss. I reached down under the covers and grabbed his balls. I played with them as I felt his dick start to harden. He did the same to me, squeezing my balls and moving them around in my loose sack, causing my dick to harden. Without a word, I grabbed my cloths and beckoned for him to do the same. After checking that his sister was still...
We waved bye to Forrest’s and my parents as they drove off. It was summer break and they would be gone for several days. My friend Forrest and his 9 year old sister, Scout, were staying at my house for the time they were gone. None of our parents wanted us to be home alone, but they were fine if we were together. I was 15 and Forrest was 14, but he looks 10 or 11. I live in the middle of nowhere, but we found plenty of things to do during the day, but my favorite time was at night. My...
Peggy Sanford stepped out of the elevator and into the lobby of the Roosevelt New Orleans Hotel. As she walked across the lobby she noticed several males obviously checking her out. She smiled to herself as she walked across the long spacious lobby. It always pleased Peggy that she could still attract such attention. Not that she should be surprised, for a married mother of two in her late forties, Peggy was still a very beautiful woman. Her long brown hair framed a face that belied her age,...
It was the summer before my second year of high school when I got a call from Darci Smith asking me to meet her at the high school the next day to help her clean out the costume room. Now Darci is the drama club teacher and the art teacher. Every guy in the school wants to fuck her and masterbates to her. Darci is in her early thirties, married, and looks like she is still twenty one. She has nice mid size tits, a fine ass, big blue eyes and blonde hair. She has a pert little hard body and...
–Light Heart Hours later, Light Heart found herself doing her nightly ritual of brushing Mrs. Carlton’s wheat colored hair sprinkled with strands of gray. ‘Do you find my husband attractive?’ Light Heart paused from brushing her hair confused. ‘…Ma’am?’ ‘Do. you. find. my. husband. attractive?’ she snapped, whirling around to face her. Light Heart didn’t know what she was getting at and wasn’t sure what to say. ‘I-‘ ‘Oh, don’t you play coy with me. You know very well what I mean,’...
A/N. So normally I would do more research while writing a story but since this is online and I’m not writing it as a midterm (smiles), I’ve been more lax. I apologize in advance if something is way off base or inaccurate. The prologue is a backdrop with not much dialogue. It picks up though. I promise. ***** Light Heart ‘Yes mother,’ Light Heart repeated again for what felt like the fifth time just that morning to her mothers interrogation before her usual walk into town. She knew her...
I thought this would be a big score. I'd had the old house under surveillance for about a week and it looked ripe for the picking. Large, detached and isolated with only two middle aged female occupants who went to bed early every night. Easy pickings I thought. How wrong I was. Gaining entry in the early hours of a moonlit morning had proved easier than even I could've imagined, a carelessly left open back window, and quick as a flash I was inside and rummaging around silently in a...
"There's a man here to see you, Mr. Forrester; he says he's a detective from the Denver Police Force." Oh-oh, thought John. "Ok, send him in, Angela." "Hello, Mr Forrester; my name is Paul Donohue, I'm a detective from the Denver Police Force." "What can I do for you, Detective Donohue?" as I pressed the intercom so Angela could listen in discreetly out at her desk. "Well, Mr. Forrester, sometime last year I was handed a case in Denver that has us all baffled. It seems that two...
Chapter 1 Stephen sighed as he watched the world go by. "I still don't see why we have to move," he told his wife as he turned to look at her. "Because honey, the company is opening a new store in Stepford and they asked me to run it," Emily replied, not taking her eyes off the road. "Besides, the offer was too good to turn down and the house came as part of the job," Emily continued. "I'd thought that you'd be proud of me," she added. "And I am. Really," Stephen added as his wife...
I had been working in the construction industry a week when the foreman called me to his office. As I made my way over I wondered what I could have done wrong. As it had gone clocking off time I was annoyed that the meeting would be eating in to my free time. 'Aah, come in.' he said as I stepped through the door. 'Have a seat.' His office was much neater than I thought it would be. As I looked around the room I noticed that there were no girlie pictures like I had seen plastered up everywhere...
GayShe struggled as the two man held her. One pinned her arms behind her back, the other was fighting off her kicking legs. She was taught to fight her attackers. She had attended a rape protection class and they had shown her various ways to fight off her attackers. It seemed much easier in class with one attacker coming straight at her. With two, two strong men in was not so simple. She had been walking home from the store. It wasn’t dark yet, the sun just starting to set, the streetlights not...
EroticMeeting at Bedford MillsI had often thought about my friend Simone in the years since we had been at school together. After I graduated, I had moved to New York to pursue my career and with a husband and children, I had lost touch with Simone, but I knew that she had married a rich man whom she had met at college, and that they lived in Greenwich, Connecticut, but they had no children. I had also heard from other former classmates who had met her, that she had a glamorous lifestyle, with...
Somewhere in the tiny, war-torn republic of Ajikistan, four beautiful young girls working for a humanitarian aid group were captured by sadistic soldiers. General Aamir and his two bodyguards, Kasim and Musad, were now enjoying the use of their newest playthings. The beautiful blonde with the huge breasts was Sandy. She was naked, straddling a saddle-shaped contraption with a tall, cruelly ribbed dildo, humping it hard with her pussy as one of the soldiers looked on. Then there was poor Mira,...
Jake looked down at a slender brunette captive, Miranda, her just-raped pussy spread with Jake's cum oozing from her raw-rubbed sex lips. Her boyfriend Derek now had his face thrust between her legs, lapping submissively and eating out all of Master Jake's nasty jism. "SLURP!!! Unnhhhggkk!" Derek groaned, slurping madly as Mistress Ashley took a three-tailed whip and smacked it loudly against Derek's butt cheeks. "Put some more effort into it, you worthless man-slut. Eat your...
Slowly Leanna surfaced from a sea of sweet dreams. She snuggled deeper under the covers and closer to the warm body that was holding her close. Her eyes opened. Warm body? Then she remembered, she was married. She blushed again as she remembered what had transpired last night, was even more mortified when she remembered how much she had liked it. She knew for one thing, she had to get back home quick, before she wanted to stay here forever. She sighed and was about to close her eyes when...
Two weeks passed before Leanna got the courage to try and escape. Finally she asked Khadeem if she could go visit the town and go shopping. He agreed, but insisted Ella and two body guards accompany her. She wasn’t going to complain, she was just going to have to find out a way to disappear and get to the airport. When they left to go shopping she was a bundle of nerves. She needed to get back home and fast, she was starting to like this place and her husband to much. Granted, she was happy...
Read Captured The Van first. As Amanda sat in the back of the van with her hands bound high above her, her mouth stuffed with her dirty red panties, and a large black dildo locked deep in her cunt she felt them slow down and turn into some type of dirt road. She looked down at her son, Tristan who was still hogtied, gagged with a large ring gag, and his cock hard and leaking precum. She started to cry and struggle as she knew that what the black man had told her a few moments earlier was about...
Captured familyThe Bruner family was on their way back home from vacation, and all of them were rather tired. Rock Bruner was proud that he had been able to finally afford the cross-country trip that he had always promised to his family, but until this year they had been unable to go. They'd been on the go for two weeks, had been to California and were now only several hundred miles from home. Rock's wife Linda was in the front seat asleep, and the two teenagers, fifteen-year-old Mark and...
This story is not intended to vilify nice decent TVs or TGs -- it just so happens that the principal is deranged and happens to cross dress. Avoid it if you are sensitive or under eighteen. Synopsis He had been searching for a victim. He wanted a wife, a sex slave. Yes, he thought a victim might become a wife and love him. Categories Bondage Submission Keywords High Heels Appliances Machines Piercing Captured By Janet Baker How about this one? Hmmm. She's petite,...
This story is not intended to cast aspersions on peace loving, gentle transvestites who desire little more than acceptance and some new shoes. This is a nasty, misogynistic story. Fiction of unremitting cruelty and horror. Avoid it if you are sensitive or under eighteen. Synopsis He had been searching for a victim. He wanted a wife, a sex slave. Yes, he sought a victim who might become a wife and love him. Categories Bondage...