Captured -- One free porn video

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This story is not intended to vilify nice decent TVs or TGs -- it just so happens that the principal is deranged and happens to cross dress. Avoid it if you are sensitive or under eighteen. Synopsis He had been searching for a victim. He wanted a wife, a sex slave. Yes, he thought a victim might become a wife and love him. Categories Bondage Submission Keywords High Heels Appliances Machines Piercing Captured By Janet Baker How about this one? Hmmm. She's petite, about five feet tall, perhaps 90-95 pounds, easy to handle. I could pick her up with one arm. I'd have to chuck my purse into the van first. Yeah. Now, follow her, discretely. Is she married, children? Don't want a mother. Single is best. Check out her ring finger. Is she buying baby stuff? No. Good. Finally success. After months of prowling likely spots to find and pick up a girl I found a prospect. Not sure whether I do better dressed or drab. Ironic. A crossdresser trying to grab a girl for his entertainment. Oh well. What time is it? Six-fifteen. She's been here about fifteen minutes. Ok, arrived about six. She's dressed for business. Gray suit, white blouse, not see through, beige stockings, three inch black leather sling backs, pearls. Ah! Gucci handbag. Very nice! Now! Does she shop here regularly or is this a one time stop? It's Friday, payday. Maybe this is her regular stop. I'll return next Friday to determine her pattern. She's still shopping. I must check out now. Go to my van, watch, binoculars, spot her vehicle. Try to photograph it. There she comes! Stopping at that blue job. Ah ha! She lifts the gate in the rear to load groceries. Perfect! But I must park beside her. It may take weeks. I must be beside her. It's dark but there are parking lot lights. Hope she has to park away from the store. First things first. Is this a regular visit. Must prepare the van for 'occupancy', cuffs chained to floor for wrists and ankles, chain for neck, mattress, blanket to cover her. Chloroform, pad, OK. Blindfold! She must not see me until later, maybe. Not sure. Eventually release her or... Not sure. Depends... What a rush! The power I'll have over her! The fear I'll see in her eyes when I finally remove her blindfold and she sees me in mask. Hmmm. What kind of mask? Ordinary or frightening! Yeah, frightening, I want to see the terror in her face. I want to listen to those screams -- the pleadings -- music to my ears. Wait 'till I show her that three inch thick black dildo. God will she scream! I'll pull her legs apart 'till she screams -- 'till she almost splits -- almost. I'll put the blindfold back on. She'll be in terror of the unseen. She'll plead, I'll ignore her. I'll continue to be silent. Then! I'll fuck her! I'll drive it in -- hard -- hard and fast -- without warning -- without warming. She'll scream, plead, beg. I'll slam it harder... she'll scream louder. Oh God, I'm going to cum! Oh my! Back to earth. There she goes. Should I follow? If she lives nearby maybe I could take her from her home if she lives alone. Here we go. Damn! She made the light. I'm stuck. Maybe next time. I'll go home, see if UPS has delivered the bondage toy order and my clothing order. Those specialized restraints are so hot. She is going to give me years of pleasure. She'll never escape. I've thought this through thoroughly. No mistakes. Not like that dumb schmuck who grabbed his girl, raped her and tied her while he tried to get rid of her car. He tied her so badly she escaped, ran down the street naked and now he is in the slam. Not for me! Chains, locks, cuffs, irons. Once I get her, she'll never -- never escape -- escape my tender application of judicious pain. Pain applied to convince her that loving me is preferable to continued increase in pain level. My electrical equipment is ready. Once I get her, I'll get her sizes and buy clothes for her -- clothes that I like. Half bras. Yeah half bras so her nipples will show. I've got to learn how to pierce her nipples for rings. I'll hang bells from the rings. Oh will she scream when I pierce her nips. I won't use anesthetic. I want to hear her scream. I will put a bit gag on her to prevent her from biting her tongue. She'll wear ballet boots -- always -- her feet will adjust, her legs, ankles will adjust. As she does the ballet strut her nipple bells will tinkle merrily. Oh Christ! I'm going to cum again! Friday again, six o'clock, will she show? Watch the entry road. It's been weeks. She's been here but I couldn't park near her. Shit. This could take forever. Be patient. She'll be worth it. There are two entries but I can't watch both. Six-05. Ahha! A blue SUV. Hers? Watch closely. I'll follow. Maybe tonight! Oh shit, she's parked between two other cars. I'll wait. Maybe one of the others will leave. Is it she? Not sure. Possibly. I'll wait for a while. The slot is most important. Once I'm parked I'll go into the store and look for her. Tonight might work. I'm dressed right. Slacks, dark wig, knit top, Mary Jane flats, fake glasses. I can't risk any clothing interference when I grab her. Oh boy, that car next to hers is moving. I'll grab that spot. Check the remote side door opener. OK. Works. Check chloroform. OK. Now. Go into store, confirm. Purchases? No. Take cart. Mustn't look suspicious. Where is she? Next aisle? No. Next? No. Ah there she is! Yes! It is she! My love, my future bride, my sex slave! I can see her now, festooned with chains, gagged, arms pinioned behind her, tits sticking out. God, I'm getting a hard on. Focus. Focus! No mistakes. Your life depends on control. No mistakes. Buy something. Checkout. Go to van, load purchases. Leave purse in car. Ready chloroform pad, leave car door ajar. Lights are off. I pulled the bulbs out. Try sliding door again -- open -- close. Perfect. Slide down in seat. Watch for her. Here she comes! Now or never! She's stopping her cart, opening her rear gate. Loading her shit. Pour chloro onto pad. Quiet now, slide out of seat, out of van. See her through van windows. Walking around van. Grab her, hold pad to face! She struggles. I'm stronger. No noise. Look around. Don't see anyone. Push remote button. Door opens. Carrying her into van. Close door. Look around. Anyone? No! Cuff her! Right wrist, tight. Left wrist, tight. Turn, cuff her ankles, tight. Now her neck chain. Tightly but not too tight around her neck. Lock it. Now her waist. Straps only. Tight, very tight. No gag yet, she may vomit when she revives. Where's her purse? Must find it! In her cart? Yeah! Quick. Back to the van. No one has seen me... I think. I'll start to drive. Carefully, don't get nervous! No mistakes. Observe all traffic regs, must not get stopped. A long drive to home. Be careful! I did it! I did it! I got her! I'm ready to cum again. Wait, wait for home. Listen for girl. There's that abandoned gas station. Stop. Open her purse, wallet. Her name is Sue, she's twenty-two. Check her. Is she breathing? Yes. She's OK... I think. Strap the blindfold onto her. It's special. Completely covers her eyes. Bring straps around back of head then around neck then around neck again to back of neck then buckle and lock. Good! That's done. She can't see now. OK! Let's go now! Careful! Don't attract attention. Home soon. She's waking, mumbling, crying. "Where am I? What's happening? I can't see! Please! Say something! Who are you? Where am I? Please!" Remain quiet. Increases terror, hopelessness. Stop along road for more chloroform. I don't want her awake until she's in my 'guest room'. Some guest room! Stocks, bondage bed, suspension chains, electric stuff, whips, even a steel cage. Bath, bathing facilities. I could even waterboard her if she doesn't cooperate. Soon she'll love me! Soon she'll be a good and submissive playmate. I'll stretch her cunt, I'll stretch her ass, I'll impale her on that enormous dildo and make her suck me off. Damn it, I'm going to cum in my panties. Oooo that was good! Careful! You can't drive during orgasms, you'll fuck up. Watch what you're doing, stupid. This is too important to fuck up. Half hour to go. Almost home, there it is, the entry, restricted, with alarms and cameras. Into the garage. Open side door. Is she awake? No, not yet. Put the waist chain on her, lock it. Cuffs are already attached. Take her right arm, uncuff her wrist, bring arm around to back and recuff wrist to waist cuffs. Now her left. She's stirring, waking. Roll her over, gag her. Seat her in rolling chair, roll her into her new home. Leave her in chair, put steel collar on her, lock it, chain it to post. Ungag her, she can't be heard now and leave. Turn closed circuit cameras on. Watch from living room. Watch her squirm and plead wondering what will happen. I have to jack-off again. Turn recorders on, must have a record, burn a disk, watch monitor. How's she doing? She's waking more... realizes she's cuffed... pulling at her chained cuffs... resting, moving her head. "Please! Please! Is anyone here! Please! Please! Answer me please!" Remain silent. The fear, the terror will increase. "Oh God, please answer me, I don't feel well. Where am I?" Silence. I stroke my cock through my satin panties. Oh God, what a rush! I have her! She's mine... mine... all mine. I have to cum again! Leave her, let her sit for an hour. I have to decide the next move. Don't be impatient. I have all the time in the world. Will she resist? I hope so. Forcing her will be so much fun. I'll undress her to her bra and heels. I'll strap her arms at her elbows and bend her over the bar, chain her neck in position, spread her legs and wait. The wait will frighten her. Her neck held like that will be tiring and then painful. I'll wait 'till she cries then whip her ass... once. Then I'll breathe heavily near her. I'll wait 'till she needs to pee. As scared as she is, she'll have to pee soon. Yup.... "Hey, out there. Is anyone there? Can anyone hear me? I need to pee. Please! Please!" I go into the room, quietly. Unhook her collar, put leg irons on her, pull her upright, lead her to toilet, pull her panties down, sit her, say nothing. Wait for her to pee... spread her legs and wipe her. "Please! Thank you. Please, who are you! Why am I here? I'm only a secretary, I have no company secrets, no money. Please, let me see, let me go. I want to go home, my mother will be worried." Cute gambit, only a secretary. Lead her to a pole, chain her collar to the pole, leave her for an hour. I'm exhausted! What a night! Must do something with her, then sleep. What? Fuck her? No, not yet, that would be too soon. I want to increase the terror. Nipple clamps? Whip? Nooo, I think that I'll play some loud flogging tape with lots of screaming. She won't know if it's real or taped. "Please, I can't stand any longer, I'll choke. Please! Help me! Help! Help!" OK, I can help her. Ropes through her crotch will take the load off her feet. Yeah, I like that. OK girly, rope around waist, loop it through crotch, pull it up, tie it to hanging chain, winch the chain up slowly, watch the rope bite into her cunt, pulling her up, up, up. She's squealing now, it must hurt. Good! Leave it like that. "Yeoow weow weow! Please... please... it hurts." I'm tempted to play with her tits. Better not. Must continue terrorizing her. She's hurting but it won't kill her. I'll whack her once when she next squeals and I'll growl 'shut up girl'. Winch her up one more click. Should make her howl again. "Yeoow weow weow! Please... please... it hurts." I was right. Now! "Shut up girl." Whack!!! "Waooow. Please stop. Please! No more! What do you want!" "Hee hee hee." Now silence. Leave her. Go jack off again. Come back at midnight, put her in bed, go to bed. Tomorrow is Saturday, no work 'till Monday. What a weekend I'll have! I can't wait! Bedtime. Go get her. She doesn't look so hot, head hanging, tears. Lower her, unchain her from pole, walk her over to bed. Sit her down, take her shoe off, what size? Can't tell. Bra? Size? Panties? Size? Dress? Size? Get paper, pencil. "Girl! Sizes. Shoe? Bra? Panties? Dress?" "Why?" "Dress or stay naked." "Alright." Writing down sizes. Silent. Push her down on bed. Chain collar to wall. "Sleep." She is quiet, terrified, shaking. Good! I want her frightened. Too frightened to resist. Can't wait to get started. Must be patient, methodical. But if she resists I'll have the fun of forcing her. Yeah, I'll secure her with her collar leaving her arms and legs loose so she can fight me. I'll strip her clothes off, get on top of her, hold her arms. Then... "Help! Help! I have to pee! Is anyone there?" Walking in, I unfasten the chain from the wall, pull her upright, lead her to the toilet. Help her sit, she's still blindfolded. She pees, she wipes, take her back to the bed. Put her on the bed, chain the collar to the wall. I get down between her legs. She tenses. "Please! Don't! Please! Please don't hurt me!" I don't speak, I grunt, growl. Grab a wrist, cuff it to her waist. Now the other one. She's pushing me away. I'll roll her over, play with her tits. I'll squeeze her nips. Oh! Nice scream! Squeeze harder! Ooooh! That was much better. "Please! Please! That hurt! You hurt me! Please don't! What do you want of me?" Say nothing, drag her to the pole, link collar to pole, make her face pole. Take her wrists, cuff them to cuffs up on the pole. Put leg irons on, wrapping around pole, she can't kick now. Put nip clamps on, chain around pole. Pull her back from pole. It hurts. "Please! It hurts! What do you want? I'll do anything you want, just don't hurt me." Remain silent. Pull clamps off. Oooo! Nice yelp! "That hurts, please don't!" Now! Two whacks with the whip. Right on her butt. "Arghhh, eeee owww!" Lube fingers, stick 'em in her ass. Quick. "Eyoupe! Ooooo, oooo... oo..." By George, I think she liked it! She really squeezed her sphincter. I'll diddle her clit with my other hand. No response. She's just not happy. I wonder why. Tomorrow we'll try cock... or dildo. Yeah, stretch her on bed, shove bigger and bigger dildos in her cunt. In a few days I'll strap her to the bondage bench and ram the dildo into her ass then fuck her cunt. Oh shit, I have to jack-off. Time to sleep. Saturday morning.... Shave, shower, dress femme for shopping, need food, check on girl. She has no clothes except what I didn't wreck pulling them off her. She does have panties, bra, shoes. Her blouse is a mess, skirt and jacket are OK but I don't want them on her. I want to get some sexy stuff for her. I'll hit the mall and get some panties, bras, stockings. Maybe a pair of shoes then Fredericks for half and pushup bras. Hey, Fredericks for some good heels. Yeah. Then I'll order some fetish shoes online. I have her sizes now. She's really petite, I'm going to have to do some shopping for her. Enter her abode, hate to call it a dungeon. She stirs, sits up, hears me. She calls out. "Hello! Hey! Who is it there! I hear you! I'm hungry, thirsty. Please!" I unchain her from the wall, pull her over to the toilet, sit her. "I don't want to pee! I want to eat!" "Come." I pull her upright, bend her over bondage table, cuff her elbows together. Hurts. She squeals. Oooo, I like it. I lead her to kitchen, seat her at table, cuff ankles to chair legs, lock neck chain to chair back. Prepare cereal for her, coffee. "Coffee?" "Yes please." "Cereal?" "Yes, please." I pour coffee, hold it to her lips, she sips. I spoon the cereal to her, she eats ravenously. She empties bowl, finishes coffee. "Thank you. But please, talk to me, take off my blindfold." I squeeze her nips in reply. "Yeow, please stop, you're hurting me." "Think... girl, I'm going to pierce your nipples and put rings in them", I growled. A scream, then, "Oh no! please don't do that. it'll hurt, it'll stop me from nursing!" "Ha!" Nursing babies is the least of her worries. I continue to fondle her breasts. They are very nice, round, firm, perky, what you'd expect from a young woman. H'm, her nips are beginning to firm up. In spite of herself she is beginning to react to the stimulus. I'll pinch again. She yelps, squirms. I unchain her from the chair, pull her upright, lead her back to her bedroom. Yeah, some bedroom. Bondage cross, bondage bed, cage, good stuff. What a joke! What next girl? Think! First, do shopping run then... play time! Shopping was no problem, got lots of stuff, sexy clothes, shoes, groceries. Computer time now, I'll bring girl with me, play with her tits while I'm on the 'puter. Reminds me of Nazi in Lyon who fondled his girl while his prisoner was being tortured. I'll unchain her, make her dress. "Girl, dress. This bra, panties, shoes." "I can't see." "I'll help." I hand her panties. I put bra on her, playing with tits. I put shoes on her. "Come." I get behind her, hold her breast with one hand, cunt with other, rub my cock against her ass. Pinch nipple. She squeals. "Please! That hurts. "Get used to it!" I fondle both her breasts as we walk to her room. I chain her collar to the pole, put cuffs on her arms above the elbows and strap them together, very tight and close. She groans. I'm sure it hurts. I want it to hurt... I lead her around the room listening to her heels clicking. The Fredericks pumps are cute, erotic, can't wait until the fetish pumps arrive. Five, six inch heels. Wow! She'll wear them and if I like I'll buy ballet boots for her and keep them on her. Oh wow! I'll jack off then I'll shave her pussy. "Please, I'm hungry, can't you feed me please!?" "I just fed you. Shut up." "I'm still hungry." "Shortly. Shut up! I shave pussy." I take her to the bondage table, lay her down, secure her to the table and get the shaving stuff. Shave pussy then check body. Shave all over. Please! What are you doing?" "Shaving you. What the hell's it feel like?" "Ooooow, I don't need to be shaved." "Shut up girl, you're mine. I do what I want." Done, roll her over, refasten her, whack her! "Yeowwww." "Did that hurt missy?" "Yesssssss.... It hurt. You know damn well it hurt." "You're getting sassy. I'm going to improve your manners." Take her to bondage bar. Bend her over, Link her collar top and bottom holding her head in place. Shackle her ankles to the supports. Strap her wrists to her waist. Arms already strapped at elbows. Put paper on floor, bucket under head, under ass. Attach clamps to her tits. Tell her what will happen. "Missy, I'm going to teach you to be more respectful. You're mine. Remember that. I do anything I want to you. I'm putting a bit gag on you so you won't bite your tongue off." I arrange the wiring, set the level, press the button. "Yeeeeeahhhhh!" She stiffens, jerks, sags, breathes heavily, recovering. Again but higher and longer. Push the button. "Waaaaaaeeeeowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!" She faints, her body sags against its restraints. I wave smelling salts under her nose. She comes to. I unloosen one side of the gag. It falls away from her mouth. "Well? How did you like that?" "Oh my God, please no more no! Please" "Will you behave? Will you as you're told? More education?" "No please. Anything!" "I'm going to fuck you. OK?" Silence. "Answer." "I can't stop you." "You don't understand. You want me, you will want me to fuck you. You will beg me to fuck you. You will suck my cock. You will beg me to let you suck my cock. Understand?" Silence. I replace the gag. She pleads, cries. I push the button. "Argheeeeooowww." "Do you understand now?" She nods yes. Her head is restrained but she nods. "Remember that girl, anytime you don't do as you're told, you may be bent over the bar for more education. Do you understand?" "Yeah." "Not too respectful. Try 'Yes master, I understand'." "Uh hunh." Crack! A whip across the ass. A scream. "Well?" "Yes master, I understand." I'll put her in bed now, give her some time to think. I need to jack off. "Come girl, bed!" "Oh please, don't hurt me." "Shut up! Bed!" Stretch her to the bed corners, on her back, still wearing bra, panties, heels. Lie on her, grind a little, she if she responds. No she's lying like a lump, a dead lump. She needs help. Ho ho ho! Let's see now, a vibrator, a rabbit. Show it up her cunt, keep it there 'till she responds. If she resists too long, I'll try the electrical treatment again. Then she'll realize the pleasure is better than pain, a lot better. Now, where's that rabbit? Ah! Lube it, check the batteries. Good! Pull her panties down. Can't go far, her legs are spread. OK, unfasten ankle, pull panties, fasten ankle again. Now she's wide open. OK cunt, here it comes! Press it gently against her lips. Keep it there. Ah! She squirms. It's getting to her. Now gently insert it into her vagina, her cunt. One inch. Two inches. Rotate it. Vibrate it. She's breathing more heavily now! Yes, its getting to her. Keep shoving it in 'till it bottoms. Turn up vibration, rotation to max. Watch her. Ah ha!, She's reacting nicely -- squirming, moaning gasping. Unfasten an ankle, pull her panties up to hold the rabbit in her cunt. Unfasten the other ankle. Put leg irons on, roll her over, unfasten wrists, bring them behind her, cuff them. Lie on her, groin to ass, rub. I may cum that way! "Please master, please take my blindfold off." "Hmmm! Maybe. First a new gag. This is a ring gag. It holds your mouth open so you can't bite. When I let you suck my cock I don't want you to bite me. You don't want to bite me, do you?" "Oh no!" "Oh no what girl?" "Oh no master, please!" "You might bite me accidentally and I would have to punish you. You wouldn't want me to put the clamps on your tits again? Hmmm?" "Oh no master, please, that hurts terribly." "So you understand that the ring is for your protection." "Oh yes master." "Open wide." Place the ring in her mouth, strap it around her neck, buckle it. "Uncomfortable, isn't it?" "Nnngggn." "Kneel, wait." Help her kneel. Good. Mouth is at cock height. Jack-off into her mouth. "Ughhhugh, cough, cough." Great, shot it right down her throat. "How was it girl?" "Nnnggnngh." "Can't talk huh?" I think I'll take some shots of her kneeling with her mouth open. I'm putting my cock into her mouth a little. Let her run her tongue around it, get used to doing oral. Barely fits, tip only through the hole. She can tongue it. That was OK. We'll do more later. This should be fun... I'll tell her about piercing. "Hey girl! Listen up! Guess what's next. I'm going to pierce your nipples, put rings in them. Won't that be nice?" "Oh God! Please! No! NO! NO! How can you be so cruel? What have I done to hurt you?" "Nothing. I need you! I want you! I have you! You're mine! Get used to it." To be continued. © 2009 Janet Baker

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Captured Ch 02

Please note that there are some reluctance themes. Carly moaned softly as the gentle rocking of the boat intruded on her drowsy slumber, and her fingers curled in the sheets. She lay sprawled on the softest of mattresses, her hand nestled beneath her cheek, her limbs free from constriction beneath the clean sheet. Her sky blue eyes fluttered open, and she stretched, feeling a delicious ache between her thighs. Her heart thudded in her chest as she sat up with a start, hastily drawing the...

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GoddessChapter 2 Persephone

WHEN PERSEPHONE RELEASED ME SHE turned her face up for a kiss, her lips soft, warm and inviting. She didn't move away, and after our second kiss I was breathing hard and I'm sure she could feel my heart pumping, even through her leathers. She certainly could after she put her hand on my shirt. "Hey, sweetie, what's up?" I opened my mouth to reply, but no words came out. I must have looked like a stranded fish. She laughed. "Cat got your tongue tonight, Sam?" My lips moved once...

2 years ago
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To Break a Wishbone

To Break a Wishbone By Robyn Thanksgiving. Not my favorite time of year certainly. For most it is the time each year one gets to share the company of friends while eating a grand meal. For me too, Thanksgiving is the one day when all my family gets together from all over the country to celebrate together. Aside from being a time of turkey and talk, though, it is also the time of criticism and comparison. You see, I was born a twin. The "older one" as I'm constantly reminded of....

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Captured in Ajikistan

Arianna, Layla, Mira, and Sandy had embarked on their risky adventure with the best of intentions. Working for an NGO aid group called 'Hearts Healing Conflict,' they had volunteered to help bring in humanitarian supplies to the tiny, struggling third world nation of Ajikistan, which was in the midst of a civil war. Unfortunately for them, the young women had no idea how dangerous the job of driving the supply trucks really was. They had been told that as long as they stayed on the main...

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Captured In Love Ch 02

A/N: This dialogue is used to reflect the time period and make it as realistic as possible. It is not to offend people the wrong way. If you still feel offended after reading it, please don’t write me about it because I’m warning you before reading the passage. Thanks! ***** -Light Heart- Light Heart had been captured in that snowy forest about two weeks ago. It was hard for her to keep track of the days or the time. She ached for her mother and wondered how her sister had fared. She was...

4 years ago
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Captured Part 2

Our two English twins, captives of the Apaches, experience an unexpected turn of events.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part 1 can be found here - the flap of the wikiup, Dahteste said, "My brothers will not see you again before tonight. The other men will take them away. For you and them, there are certain ceremonies...

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Captured Part 1

Charlotte and Rebecca, sixteen-year-old identical English twins are captured in an Apache raid.***********Rebecca didn't know how long they'd been sitting there among the rocks. Maybe two or three hours. She shifted her weight slightly to reposition the rock that was sticking in her back. Two hours ago, it had seemed quite comfortable but was now beginning to seriously irritate her. That, together with the blistering dry heat cracking her lips and a blinding headache with a raging thirst, made...

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Captured by Sir Al Chapter 1: The Beginning I was spending my afternoon quietly, waiting for Hubby. A cold shower mighthave been the best to relax my senses on so hot a day. When you're hot intobondage and discipline, you need your Master's constant presence, don't you?So I was trying to relax and preparing everything for my Master and his night;it will be a night in his ropes, of course, and our lust. My body was gleaming under the shower but then a noise from the lounge drewmy attention....

1 year ago
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Captured By a Blonde

I unwillingly opened my laptop and started watching lesbian porn. I was captured by a lesbian, and she made me do this day and night. When on a camera site, a girl rang me. Another horrible masturbation order. I answered, then said, "Please don't hurt me. Just make me be naked and cum, then leave. I hate this, so don't make it hard on me." "What's wrong baby?" The girl asked. "I was captured and forced to watch these sites." "One second." She said, then logged off. I was sad. Another...

4 years ago
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I Love You Stephanie Mahoney

I fell in love at an early age. Really early. I remember it clear as day, seven years old, like a bolt of lightning. Her name was Stephanie Mahoney, and she was a sixteen year old goddess assigned to babysit my precocious little self. I told her within minutes of her walking through the door that I planned on marrying her, and bless her, she didn’t laugh, just smiled and said she liked younger men, but she expected to be kept in a certain fashion when we did get married. My parents were in a...

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Shift Happens Lionel

Shift Happens: Lionel by Kaitlyn Autofield It had been such a long Friday, and Lionel was eager to get home to his apartment and rest for once. ?He walked up the two flights of stairs just as Silvia was on her way down. ?She flashed a smile at Lionel which sent tingles down his spine. Silvia was obviously dressed for a night out with her friends, making her quite a lovely sight for Lionel. ?Secretly, he wished he would sum up the courage to ask her out, but living...

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GoddessChapter 12 The Rape of Persephone

THE TRILL CAME TOO LATE for me to save Persephone. Early that morning I'd opened my eyes to see Hebe, her face inches away, her smile an open invitation. In answer I rolled onto her and settled myself in the cradle of her hips and entered her with a single stroke. She grunted and locked her legs around my butt. "Don't wait for me, Sam," she whispered. "I'm right on the edge." She was. After I finished I slid down and used my tongue to give her a little vibrato of my own. She shoved...

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Josie in Tombstone

After all the noise and smoke and killings of 1881, Tombstone, Arizona began attracting scribes the way a buffalo corpse attracts vultures and flies. It seemed as if every newspaper back East had to have an eyewitness account of the big shootout between the Earps and the Clantons. These overly romantic seekers of Truth and Beauty inevitably ended up sitting across from Big Minnie, buying her drink after drink at the Bird Cage Theater and scribbling furiously in their journals. Minnie had a way...

2 years ago
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Sunny Leone

Sunny Leone porn, sex, and nudes! Pornstar Sunny Leone is one of few Indian actresses whose career has been very successful. She has also succeeded in founding her mainstream with plenty of works in Desi porn. She has also managed to convince a few of her friends to upload content on her site. Walk with and let’s find out what Leone has in store for us.To start with ThePornDude was very impressed with the fabulous layout, the colors, sexy pictures of Leone on the background and colorful...

Premium Indian Porn Sites
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Captured One

This story is intended to be unpleasant.Avoid it if you are sensitive or under eighteen.Synopsis        He had been searching for a victim.  He wanted a wife, a sex slave.                Yes, he thought a victim might become a wife and love him.Categories        Bondage SubmissionKeywords        High Heels Appliances Machines PiercingCapturedBy Janet BakerHow about this one?  Hmmm.  She?s petite, about five feet tall, perhaps 90-95 pounds, easy to handle. I could pick her up with one arm. I?d...

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Fucked by George Clooney

I awoke in a lavishly appointed bedroom with talk windows overlooking the ocean. The sand was white, the water was a gorgeous deep blue, and the coconut palms were waving in the gentle breeze.But, where am I? How did I get here and why am I here? All I remember is being in my own bed in Brentwood. Now I’m here!Then there was a brief knock at the door and in walked George Clooney! I had swooned over him for years and now here he was in this room…alone with me!"Hi, Arianna. I'm George Clooney,"...

3 years ago
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Captured In Love Ch 03

–Light Heart Hours later, Light Heart found herself doing her nightly ritual of brushing Mrs. Carlton’s wheat colored hair sprinkled with strands of gray. ‘Do you find my husband attractive?’ Light Heart paused from brushing her hair confused. ‘…Ma’am?’ ‘Do. you. find. my. husband. attractive?’ she snapped, whirling around to face her. Light Heart didn’t know what she was getting at and wasn’t sure what to say. ‘I-‘ ‘Oh, don’t you play coy with me. You know very well what I mean,’...

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Captured In Love Ch 01

A/N. So normally I would do more research while writing a story but since this is online and I’m not writing it as a midterm (smiles), I’ve been more lax. I apologize in advance if something is way off base or inaccurate. The prologue is a backdrop with not much dialogue. It picks up though. I promise. ***** Light Heart ‘Yes mother,’ Light Heart repeated again for what felt like the fifth time just that morning to her mothers interrogation before her usual walk into town. She knew her...

2 years ago
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Captured Burgler

I thought this would be a big score. I'd had the old house under surveillance for about a week and it looked ripe for the picking. Large, detached and isolated with only two middle aged female occupants who went to bed early every night. Easy pickings I thought. How wrong I was. Gaining entry in the early hours of a moonlit morning had proved easier than even I could've imagined, a carelessly left open back window, and quick as a flash I was inside and rummaging around silently in a...

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Sometimes I loved being a professor. Most of the time, really. My class is such that usually students don't take it if they aren't serious about it. Classical Mythology is not on the general education list so there are no general education credits for taking it. Teaching a specialized subject typically meant mature and dedicated students.This semester, however, my Thursday evening class had a handful of miscreants in it, one miscreant more troubling than the others. It seemed Blake...

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Road to Tombstone

It was hot. Dust-eating, butt numbing hot as I rode the trail from California into the Arizona territory. Tombstone was planning a big Independence Day shindig that year since eighteen hundred and eighty two was a territorial anniversary. Even though I was still more than a hundred and fifty miles away I'd met up with slower moving groups heading in that direction. The trail was crowded with buckboards carrying weary families, with children whining about the heat. Big, clanking wagons loaded...

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Hagrid takes advantage of Hermione

Hermione: Just think of Emma Watson or google her or something Hagrid: Big guy, like 9 feet tall, kinda fat, long bristly beard and hair. Harry: Skinny, untidy black hair, glasses, scar on his forehead Ron: tall, red hair, freckles “Where are you going?” Ron asked. Hermione, one foot out the portrait hole looked back at Ron and Harry, who were playing a game of Wizard’s Chess in front of the fire in the Gryffindor common room. “I’m just going down to see Hagrid. I need...

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Study friends Ginny and Hermione

Hermione walked towards the libary to meet up with Ginny - who had asked Hermione if she could help her with studying for the OWLS. The mere thought of studying sent Hermione into a frenzy of delight! What would she teach the young Ginny? Transfiguration? Defense Against The Dark Arts? Oh! Hermione did not care which subject, for she loved them all. She walked into the libary and proceeded to look for Ginny - she overheard several people talking, "man, I never knew she could be that hot -...

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Melody at Monet

We took an Uber down to the museum, and we were having a great time socializing on the way. The Monet exhibit had been sold out for weeks and as we preceded toward the exhibit hall where the Monet exhibit was housed, we were all very excited as we waited in the museum lobby for our scheduled time. We were soon allowed to go in and as soon as we started to walk around the Monet exhibit, it was apparent just how packed it was. The museum kept the lighting low, probably so it wouldn’t damage...

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297 PT1 The last atonement

297 PT1 The last atonement! This in pt1and 2 is a 100% true story as given to me by the lady concerned, some features of it some will find distasteful and normally I would not deal with in my normal course of writing, but because its true I have included the whole sorry story in her own very precise wordsThe last atonement! I was going through a bad patch emotionally, things were very difficult at home and I was in a rather dark place, I knew I needed some release from the mental struggle of my...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 34 Harry Gets Hermione

Chapter Thirty-Four – Harry Gets Hermione Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, mf, exhib, grope, magic, mc, reluc, spank, unif Since acquiring the fabled Spellbook of Desires from the strange and frankly disturbing salesman at the Quidditch World Cup, Harry had not once used it to seduce Hermione Granger into having some hot teenage sex with him. Ron and half...

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Captured in Ajikistan 2

Somewhere in the tiny, war-torn republic of Ajikistan, four beautiful young girls working for a humanitarian aid group were captured by sadistic soldiers. General Aamir and his two bodyguards, Kasim and Musad, were now enjoying the use of their newest playthings. The beautiful blonde with the huge breasts was Sandy. She was naked, straddling a saddle-shaped contraption with a tall, cruelly ribbed dildo, humping it hard with her pussy as one of the soldiers looked on. Then there was poor Mira,...

5 years ago
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Captured Couples 2

Jake looked down at a slender brunette captive, Miranda, her just-raped pussy spread with Jake's cum oozing from her raw-rubbed sex lips. Her boyfriend Derek now had his face thrust between her legs, lapping submissively and eating out all of Master Jake's nasty jism. "SLURP!!! Unnhhhggkk!" Derek groaned, slurping madly as Mistress Ashley took a three-tailed whip and smacked it loudly against Derek's butt cheeks. "Put some more effort into it, you worthless man-slut. Eat your...

4 years ago
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Captured The Sheiks Bride Ch 05

Slowly Leanna surfaced from a sea of sweet dreams. She snuggled deeper under the covers and closer to the warm body that was holding her close. Her eyes opened. Warm body? Then she remembered, she was married. She blushed again as she remembered what had transpired last night, was even more mortified when she remembered how much she had liked it. She knew for one thing, she had to get back home quick, before she wanted to stay here forever. She sighed and was about to close her eyes when...

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Captured The Sheiks Bride Ch 06

Two weeks passed before Leanna got the courage to try and escape. Finally she asked Khadeem if she could go visit the town and go shopping. He agreed, but insisted Ella and two body guards accompany her. She wasn’t going to complain, she was just going to have to find out a way to disappear and get to the airport. When they left to go shopping she was a bundle of nerves. She needed to get back home and fast, she was starting to like this place and her husband to much. Granted, she was happy...

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Captured The Rules

Read Captured The Van first. As Amanda sat in the back of the van with her hands bound high above her, her mouth stuffed with her dirty red panties, and a large black dildo locked deep in her cunt she felt them slow down and turn into some type of dirt road. She looked down at her son, Tristan who was still hogtied, gagged with a large ring gag, and his cock hard and leaking precum. She started to cry and struggle as she knew that what the black man had told her a few moments earlier was about...

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Captured familyThe Bruner family was on their way back home from vacation, and all of them were rather tired. Rock Bruner was proud that he had been able to finally afford the cross-country trip that he had always promised to his family, but until this year they had been unable to go. They'd been on the go for two weeks, had been to California and were now only several hundred miles from home. Rock's wife Linda was in the front seat asleep, and the two teenagers, fifteen-year-old Mark and...

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Captured Two

This story is not intended to cast aspersions on peace loving, gentle transvestites who desire little more than acceptance and some new shoes. This is a nasty, misogynistic story. Fiction of unremitting cruelty and horror. Avoid it if you are sensitive or under eighteen. Synopsis He had been searching for a victim. He wanted a wife, a sex slave. Yes, he sought a victim who might become a wife and love him. Categories Bondage...

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Captured Three

This story is not intended to cast aspersions on peace loving, gentle transvestites who desire little more than acceptance and some new shoes. This is a nasty, misogynistic story. Fiction of unremitting cruelty and horror. Avoid it if you are sensitive or under eighteen. Synopsis He had been searching for a victim. He wanted a wife, a sex slave. Yes, he sought a victim who might become a wife and love him. Categories Bondage...

4 years ago
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Captured End

This story is not intended to cast aspersions on peace loving, gentle transvestites who desire little more than acceptance and some new shoes. This is a nasty, misogynistic story. Fiction of unremitting cruelty and horror. Avoid it if you are sensitive or under eighteen. Synopsis He had been searching for a victim. He wanted a wife, a sex slave. Yes, he sought a victim who might become a wife and love him. Categories Bondage...

2 years ago
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Captured by the Cartel

Captured by the Cartel I was stark naked. My hands were cuffed behind me, and on my neck was a collar that chained me to the damp cold stone wall behind me. In my mouth was a red ball-gag because of which the only sound coming out was a mmmpf. So how did I land myself in this situation? Well, I was an immigrant from India. I had come to Chicago in search for the American dream. Desperate for a job, I had jumped on a freelance assignment to go undercover and snap some photos in a...

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Captured by Cannibals

Author Note: I feel obliged to warn all readers as to what is going to follow Author Note: I feel obliged to warn all readers as to what is going to follow. This story is inspired by the works of an "artist" named Dolcett. If you are a fan of his works (and thus one sick puppy) you'll thoroughly enjoy this series. If you are not, and you are offended by cannibals, rough rape or torture then read no further. Otherwise enjoy! I love feedback, even negative feedback. I only ask that you...

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Foreword: Somewhere I read another story similar to this. I can't find it to give proper acknowledgement. It may have come from Powerone. I can't find it. Anyway, the other story was filled with violence; beating and every kind of sexual punishment you could put a woman through. I am not much better, but I have tried to put a different slant on a similar story about a woman captured during World War II. If another writer emails me that they had the original idea, I will pass it on somehow I...

2 years ago
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Captured and Broken Part 2

Captured and Broken Part 2 I am awaken from my slumber by the guards as they unstrapped the spreader bar from my leather ankles. Ilsa removes the ball gag from my mouth and insert a cigarette between my lips and light the cigarette for me. I take a drag and blow smoke out of my mouth, feeling relaxed. The guards unhooked the chain from the armbinder as Ilsa unstrapped the straps on the armbinder. The guards untied the leather mittens and slide them off my hands, freeing my leather...

1 year ago
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It was a beautiful spring afternoon and Jay didn't have a care in the world as he walked home from school! The sun was shining brightly in the clear blue sky and his thoughts were on maybe going for a swim in the old quarry pit on the other side of town when out of the corner of his eye he saw a middle aged woman falling down on the steps in front of her house!!! He raced to her aid and while helping her to her feet asked, "Are you all right, ma'am, that was a nasty spill!?!" "I-I think so,"...

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Harry and Hermione

Harry Potter, "The Boy Who Lived", was beyond mad. He was seethingly angry. He had just been out on a date with Cho Chang, the girl he had had a crush on since his 3rd year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry. Thing had looked up over the past few months. Cho actually seemed to be liking him! It had taken him ages to screw up the courage to ask her our, but he couldn't have wished for a better response. She had accepted immediately. However, once out on the date, Harry found...

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The Mighty Tyrone

Cindy and I had been married for two years.  I had just finished giving her an orgasm with my tongue when she said, "I wish I could come when we fuck.  My friends tell me those internal orgasms are much deeper and longer."When we married I had very little experience.  I wasn't sure about Cindy's past but she wouldn't talk about it.  In those early days I was clumsy and came quickly. But I soon learned how to bring her off with my fingers and tongue.  But she never came during intercourse...

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The Real Story of Hermione

She clearly remembered one of their first dates in the library when she convinced Viktor to meet up with her in the back of the library, a usually secluded area that was home to old, mismatched couches. Hermione was a bit nervous before Viktor showed up. None of the few students in the library had wandered to the vacant area but the idea hadn't been pushed out of her mind. She had chosen not to wear her customary robes, but went with a more casual outfit. Nothing slutty, but something a...

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Bored In Yellowstone

Note: There is a hint of gay near the end but it does not go into any detail and it should not deter you from reading the story. I apologize in advance. It is just the way the story took me. Chapter One: The beginning My sister Stacey and I were bored! We were on vacation with our parents. We were way back in Yellowstone National Park. We were stuck there for the next three weeks. We were in hell! Mom and Dad had planned on a one-month vacation in the boondocks all year. They...

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One way ticket by Elaine © 2017 (based on an original story idea by Petite Pierre.) This story was inspired after reading a rough google translation version of a story that was written in French by Petit Pierre. At first I did think about making a better more accurate translation but as I started it was easier to do a complete rewrite adding parts that hadn't previously existed and modifying other parts extensively. This new version is around 60% longer and is obviously no longer...

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