Captured Part 3
- 3 years ago
- 47
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A/N: This dialogue is used to reflect the time period and make it as realistic as possible. It is not to offend people the wrong way. If you still feel offended after reading it, please don’t write me about it because I’m warning you before reading the passage. Thanks!
-Light Heart-
Light Heart had been captured in that snowy forest about two weeks ago. It was hard for her to keep track of the days or the time. She ached for her mother and wondered how her sister had fared. She was almost certain Walking Light would have made it home but unfortunately, the medicine had been on her person and she didn’t know if Song Jay’s condition had gotten better or worse.
After being pawned from one buyer to the next, she had ended up somewhere down south. It was the place her father would rarely speak of and she figured it was probably too horrific for him to relive. All she knew was that she feared everything and everyone. It was all so foreign to her.
So many pale skinned people. It frightened her. Most of them looked at her with disdain and hatred and the few that didn’t, didn’t seem to notice her all together. She had been grouped with her father’s people in cramped cages with very little to eat and even less to bathe with.
It had only been today that she was given water to bathe… if one would call it that. She was stripped of all her deerskins along with the other girls who had been captured and had to stand there while a man threw river cold water on them. She waited for someone to give them something to wear but they never received anything except for a large block of metal that fastened around their necks. Each collar linked with a chain that could be used to pull at will by the pale skinned man.
Light Heart tried to be strong and not let her fear cause her to fall into hysteria. Other girls were silently crying and some were speaking in a language in hushed tones that she couldn’t decipher. Her father had learned English and later the language of her mother’s tribe. Light Heart had learned both from respective parents.
‘Come on girl. Move,’ a man snarled, yanking at her chain. She felt vulnerable in her nakedness and tried to hide her body but the tug at her neck led her out of the makeshift tent that housed the girl slaves. The sun shone brightly and the birds chirped happily belying a pleasant day. It was unusually warm for this time of year and it made her wonder exactly how far away she was from home.
She followed the man up the wooden stairs, feeling her face heat up from embarrassment from the dozens of eyes gazing at her. Her head hung down, too ashamed to raise it until her father and mother came to mind. Her tribe. Her family. She would never be ashamed of who she was. She was her father’s daughter. A man, who had been a slave, paid for his freedom and became his own man.
Light Heart raised her head just has she came to the middle of the platform and looked straight on into the distance, ignoring the leers and jeers from the crowd. The sun beamed on her naked form and the humidity caused a small sheen to form on her caramel skin. The collar made her neck itch and a pesky fly was buzzing incessantly around her ear but she remained still as a stone, looking straight ahead in all her naked splendor.
‘Now right hea, I’ve got a fine chickadee,’ a voice to her right stated, his voice dripping in some accent she hadn’t heard before. ‘I’ve got a half injin beauty that’s never been plucked that’s right for the pickin. She’d be good for some fun and I guarantee you, if my name ain’t Jimmy Jones, she’ll give you some good chil’lin to help with them crops if you pair her with a strong buck. Them hips are made for child bearin’, I guarantee it.’
Light Heart continued to look ahead, trying to ignore the stammer of her heart in her chest. Child bearing? And what kind of fun was he talking about? She struggled to stay calm and wished she could fly away like birds were off in the horizon.
‘Let’s start this biddin’ at $500. Can I get $500?’ he started.
‘$500,’ a man’s voice to her right called out.
‘$550,’ another called. The crowd murmured with the sounds of light talk of the ‘injin beauty’ before them and the fluttering of southern ladies fans to ward off the heat.
‘$575,’ one competed.
‘$600,’ another man wagered.
The bidding had a pregnant pause and the seller stepped up closer to her right and gestured down at her body.
‘Come on folks,’ he tried to persuade, while mopping his brow with the soiled handkerchief in his hand. ‘This gal has no markings on her, nice set of teeth, and no signs of sickness. She’d be good as a lady’s maid or help in them kitchens. Don’t let this catch go by now.’
‘$650,’ the first voice countered.
‘$800,’ another man fired.
Women twittered and fluttered their fans harder. ‘$1000,’ the first man called easily.
‘$1000,’ the seller repeated happily. ‘Well Tom, I reckon that boss of yours needs a new wench huh?’
Light Heart couldn’t help but turn her eyes to the man named Tom who had just offered $1000 for her. He wasn’t much to look at with a wide rimmed black hat, a white loose shirt and dark pants. He lazily had a cigar hanging from his mouth and glanced around to see if anyone else would counter his offer.
No one objected and after all the necessities were out the way, she soon found herself in the possession of Tom, bought and paid for in the sum of $1000. The cost of her freedom.
Light Heart had been given a brown burlap oversized shirt to wear but her collar was left on. She was now at a huge estate that she could only gaze at in wonder. She was left standing at the front of a massive house on the steps while Tom went inside to fetch someone. Moments later, she stood face to face with an attractive pale faced woman in a concoction of laces and silks and a fan attached to her hand.
‘Is this her then Tom?’ she asked, eyeing her up and down.
‘Yes ma’am,’ he answered, holding his hat in his hands.
The mistress of the house stepped outside from the see-through door and stepped closer to her. She circled around her until she was facing her again.
‘How old are you?’ she demanded to know.
Light Heart debated whether to answer or not. She was undecided if she should cooperate or refuse to do anything but thinking that refusing would only cause her more pain and heartache and interfere with her plans of escaping, she decided to make the most of what she was given and worry about escape when the moment presented itself.
‘Nineteen seasons,’ she answered.
The woman stared at her some more. ‘You could’ve gotten someone uglier,’ she told Tom.
‘My apologies Mrs. Carlton,’ Tom said, bowing his head.
‘What do they call you?’ she asked her.
‘Light Heart.’
The woman tsked. ‘No no no. We won’t be having you walking about without a good sound Christian name, will we?’ Light Heart knew that wasn’t a question directed to her, so she kept quiet. ‘Of course not,’ Mrs. Carlton answered herself.
She was quiet for a few moments and then smiled the most insincere smile Light Heart had ever seen. ‘We shall call you Ruth, because wherever I go, you will go.’
Light Heart had no idea what that meant but she hated the name. She hated everything it stood for. It meant even more that she wasn’t home. That this was not her land or her people.
‘Come Ruth. You are to be my maid. I’ll take you to Ms. Patricia so she can see to your things.’
Light Heart followed her and was taken aback when Mrs. Carlton’s hand struck her cheek.
‘When I address you, you will always say ‘Yes Ma’am.’ Do I make myself clear?’
Dazed, Light Heart nodded. ‘Yes ma’am.’
‘That goes for my daughter, my son or my husband.’
‘Yes ma’am,’ Light Heart acknowledged, following her again down a hall and ending up at a kitchen w
here a tall older woman stood near a counter kneading what appeared to be dough. Silver streaks ran through her hair that was tied neatly in a bun and hinted at her maturity. Her black clothes were starched underneath an apron that was riddled with flour and some other stain that Light Heart couldn’t distinguish.
‘Ms. Patricia, this is Ruth. She’ll be my new maid. See to it that she gets the proper clothing as well as all of her duties explained to her,’ Mrs. Carlton told her. Light Heart noted that when she spoke to Ms. Patricia, the coldness wasn’t in her voice anymore.
‘Yes ma’am,’ the older woman said, wiping her hands on her apron and eyeing Light Heart.
‘Alright then. Dinner at six,’ Mrs. Carlton reminded her before making her leave.
Light Heart stood in the kitchen alone with Ms. Patricia, who looked her up and down and then gave her a warm hearted smile.
‘Have you been a personal maid before child?’ she asked gently.
‘No ma’am,’ Light Heart answered, relaxing under Ms. Patricia’s warm friendly gaze.
‘I would’ve been Mrs. Carlton’s maid but working here in the kitchen and following her around all day was too much for these bones to take. She finally didn’t want to see me working so hard, so she persuaded Mr. Carlton to come out his pockets and get her a new girl.’
Ms. Patricia motioned for her to follow as she made her way through the house and fetched Light Heart her clothes.
‘Have you been here long?’ Light Heart asked.
‘Most of my life. I was Mrs. Carlton’s nanny when I was twenty and she was five. When she got older, her mama passed away and she didn’t want me leavin’ too so her daddy let me stay on. After she got married to Mr. Carlton, she had me come here with her in this big house to run things.’
That explained why Mrs. Carlton’s tone changed when she talked to Ms. Patricia.
‘Ms. Patricia-‘
‘Pat,’ she interrupted. ‘The rest of the folks call me Pat when she’s not around. You best do the same.’
‘Pat,’ she started again, ‘Don’t you ever want to leave?’
Pat stopped walking and sighed heavily. Light Heart noticed the fine lines on her otherwise smooth rich brown skin. ‘Child, I’ve been on this earth for sixty years. If the good Lord didn’t see fit me for to leave all that time, I don’t recon I’m supposed to.’
She started walking up a long flight of stairs. ‘Besides,’ she continued, ‘my Samuel is here with me and I’m better off than most. We were promised never to be separated. He’s Mr. Carlton’s driver.’
Pat stopped at the top of the stairs and pulled down a ladder that led to an attic. ‘You’ll be staying up there.’
‘But where will you be?’
‘Most of us stay outside in the shacks you might’ve seen out yonder on your way here. You have to stay here if’in Mrs. Carlton needs you.’
‘Oh,’ she said, disappointed to be away from her only friend so far.
‘Don’t worry. I’m here before the sun comes up every mornin’ to make breakfast,’ Pat assured her.
Light Heart started up the stairs to put her clothes on and dreaded being alone with Mrs. Carlton.
Jack lay in bed with his eyes closed listening to the sounds of the south outside his bedroom window. He has been in New York the past few months and missed the quietness from time to time. He also missed not having his ears and nose frozen from the bitter cold.
He had come home for his last break before graduation from college. Two more months and he could call himself a lawyer. The day couldn’t come soon enough. In the meantime, he spent his days working at a prestigious law firm gaining incredible insight and soaking up as much as he could from the more seasoned lawyers.
Now he lay in bed awaiting a gathering his stepmother was throwing to welcome him and his father home who was returning from Washington DC. His father was heavily into politics and with the talk of slaves becoming free, it became the subject matter in most conversations. His father was at the forefront trying to preserve the way of life for the south. After living in New York for so long, Jack wasn’t certain his father was on the right side on this one.
A knock at his door interrupted his thoughts and before he could answer, his half sister Sophia opened the door, her blond curls bouncing as she bounded into his room. ‘Papas home,’ she said gleefully. Jack knew the glee was moreso aimed at the gift that she undoubtedly would receive from their father than actually seeing him. ‘Hurry. You know he’s been dying to see you.’
With a heavy sigh, knowing that she wouldn’t be that easy to get rid of, he followed her down the hall and the flight of stares to greet their father. On his way down, he observed how his younger sister, seventeen years old and nine years his junior, was growing into a lovely young lady and he realized that before long, she would be off married and starting her own family. It suddenly made him feel older than his twenty-six years and wondered how and when the time flew by.
‘There’s my son! Come on now and give your ol’ man a hug,’ Derrick Carlton boomed jovially, embracing his only boy. He was tall and sturdy with dark blond hair the color of wheat that had shocks of gray at the temples. He had gained a few extra pounds around the midsection, thanks to Ms. Patricia’s pound cakes and sugar cookies, but he was still a handsome man and he knew it.
‘Goodness Derrick, you’ll startle the horses with all that noise,’ his stepmother chided.
‘Nonsense woman. It’s not everyday a man sees his son on the threshold of his career into the law. I’ll startle the horses if I want to and I’ll have no word out of you about it,’ he said, smiling at his son.
‘It’s good to see you too father,’ Jack said, after his old man released him from his embrace. He honestly meant it too. Before his mother died from influenza, he had a close relationship with his father and after her death, it was just the two of them, which made their bond grow even stronger.
After hugs were given and Sophia squealed over new bauble their father had purchased in Washington, they all headed to the dining room to have dinner.
Ms. Patricia came out of the kitchens with a ham topped prettily with pineapples on the good china. ‘Now this looks like food fit for a king. You outdid yourself Ms. Patricia,’ his father praised, tucking a napkin under his chin.
‘Thank you Masta,’ Ms. Patricia said with a smile.
‘Mighty fine indeed,’ Derrick Carlton went on, as she sliced a chunk of ham and laid it carefully onto his plate. She went around to do the same for the others while another slave girl came out with a tray of biscuits.
Jack was pouring more gravy onto his mashed potatoes when his father spoke again. ‘What’s youre name girl?’
He was asking the slave girl who had brought the biscuits to everyone’s plate. She stood by his father with her head down.
‘Speak up,’ his stepmother snapped.
‘Ruth,’ she said quietly, not raising her face.
‘Let’s have a look at you Ruth,’ he said. Jack didn’t miss the way his father’s eyes trailed along the curves she had underneath the black maids uniform she wore. It was common knowledge that his father admired the opposite sex and fulfilled his sexual lusts outside his marriage. If his stepmother knew, he wasn’t sure but if she did, she turned the other cheek and didn’t speak of it.
The slave girl who called herself ‘Ruth’ looked up and Jack could feel her embarrassment from where he sat. She was nothing short from beautiful. Her eyes were almost as black as night matching the color of her silken hair that was braided down her back with soft curls framing her face. He couldn’t get over her lips, the second best feature on her besides her raven hair. They were full and soft looking and he marveled that he had never seen lips such as hers on anyone before.
‘Mighty fine indeed,’ his father murmured for the second time th
at evening, gazing her up and down.
‘Derrick, please say grace,’ his wife cut in, clearly breaking his trance.
‘Yes, yes, of course.’
Ruth made her escape back to the kitchen while his father led grace over their meal.
‘How many slaves do we need Loretta?’ Derrick asked after prayer.
‘You said I could get a personal maid, remember dear,’ she reminded, slicing her ham into smaller pieces.
‘I guess I did, didn’t I… Well, anything for my Lovely Loretta,’ he said, trying to appease her with a winsome smile. At that, she blushed and continued to eat, basking in his attention.
The meal continued uneventful with no sign of the pretty slave girl from before. In a way, Jack was a little sorry she didn’t come back out.
This story is not intended to vilify nice decent TVs or TGs -- it just so happens that the principal is deranged and happens to cross dress.This is a nasty, misogynistic story.Avoid it if you are sensitive or under eighteen.Synopsis He had been searching for a victim. He wanted a wife, a sex slave. Yes, he thought a victim might become a wife and love him.Categories Bondage SubmissionKeywords High Heels Appliances Machines PiercingCapturedBy Janet BakerHow...
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Lesbian–Light Heart Hours later, Light Heart found herself doing her nightly ritual of brushing Mrs. Carlton’s wheat colored hair sprinkled with strands of gray. ‘Do you find my husband attractive?’ Light Heart paused from brushing her hair confused. ‘…Ma’am?’ ‘Do. you. find. my. husband. attractive?’ she snapped, whirling around to face her. Light Heart didn’t know what she was getting at and wasn’t sure what to say. ‘I-‘ ‘Oh, don’t you play coy with me. You know very well what I mean,’...
A/N. So normally I would do more research while writing a story but since this is online and I’m not writing it as a midterm (smiles), I’ve been more lax. I apologize in advance if something is way off base or inaccurate. The prologue is a backdrop with not much dialogue. It picks up though. I promise. ***** Light Heart ‘Yes mother,’ Light Heart repeated again for what felt like the fifth time just that morning to her mothers interrogation before her usual walk into town. She knew her...
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This story is not intended to vilify nice decent TVs or TGs -- it just so happens that the principal is deranged and happens to cross dress. Avoid it if you are sensitive or under eighteen. Synopsis He had been searching for a victim. He wanted a wife, a sex slave. Yes, he thought a victim might become a wife and love him. Categories Bondage Submission Keywords High Heels Appliances Machines Piercing Captured By Janet Baker How about this one? Hmmm. She's petite,...
This story is not intended to cast aspersions on peace loving, gentle transvestites who desire little more than acceptance and some new shoes. This is a nasty, misogynistic story. Fiction of unremitting cruelty and horror. Avoid it if you are sensitive or under eighteen. Synopsis He had been searching for a victim. He wanted a wife, a sex slave. Yes, he sought a victim who might become a wife and love him. Categories Bondage...
This story is not intended to cast aspersions on peace loving, gentle transvestites who desire little more than acceptance and some new shoes. This is a nasty, misogynistic story. Fiction of unremitting cruelty and horror. Avoid it if you are sensitive or under eighteen. Synopsis He had been searching for a victim. He wanted a wife, a sex slave. Yes, he sought a victim who might become a wife and love him. Categories Bondage...
This story is not intended to cast aspersions on peace loving, gentle transvestites who desire little more than acceptance and some new shoes. This is a nasty, misogynistic story. Fiction of unremitting cruelty and horror. Avoid it if you are sensitive or under eighteen. Synopsis He had been searching for a victim. He wanted a wife, a sex slave. Yes, he sought a victim who might become a wife and love him. Categories Bondage...
Captured by the Cartel I was stark naked. My hands were cuffed behind me, and on my neck was a collar that chained me to the damp cold stone wall behind me. In my mouth was a red ball-gag because of which the only sound coming out was a mmmpf. So how did I land myself in this situation? Well, I was an immigrant from India. I had come to Chicago in search for the American dream. Desperate for a job, I had jumped on a freelance assignment to go undercover and snap some photos in a...
This story is intended to be unpleasant.Avoid it if you are sensitive or under eighteen.Synopsis He had been searching for a victim. He wanted a wife, a sex slave. Yes, he thought a victim might become a wife and love him.Categories Bondage SubmissionKeywords High Heels Appliances Machines PiercingCapturedBy Janet BakerHow about this one? Hmmm. She?s petite, about five feet tall, perhaps 90-95 pounds, easy to handle. I could pick her up with one arm. I?d...
Author Note: I feel obliged to warn all readers as to what is going to follow Author Note: I feel obliged to warn all readers as to what is going to follow. This story is inspired by the works of an "artist" named Dolcett. If you are a fan of his works (and thus one sick puppy) you'll thoroughly enjoy this series. If you are not, and you are offended by cannibals, rough rape or torture then read no further. Otherwise enjoy! I love feedback, even negative feedback. I only ask that you...
Foreword: Somewhere I read another story similar to this. I can't find it to give proper acknowledgement. It may have come from Powerone. I can't find it. Anyway, the other story was filled with violence; beating and every kind of sexual punishment you could put a woman through. I am not much better, but I have tried to put a different slant on a similar story about a woman captured during World War II. If another writer emails me that they had the original idea, I will pass it on somehow I...
Captured and Broken Part 2 I am awaken from my slumber by the guards as they unstrapped the spreader bar from my leather ankles. Ilsa removes the ball gag from my mouth and insert a cigarette between my lips and light the cigarette for me. I take a drag and blow smoke out of my mouth, feeling relaxed. The guards unhooked the chain from the armbinder as Ilsa unstrapped the straps on the armbinder. The guards untied the leather mittens and slide them off my hands, freeing my leather...
It was a beautiful spring afternoon and Jay didn't have a care in the world as he walked home from school! The sun was shining brightly in the clear blue sky and his thoughts were on maybe going for a swim in the old quarry pit on the other side of town when out of the corner of his eye he saw a middle aged woman falling down on the steps in front of her house!!! He raced to her aid and while helping her to her feet asked, "Are you all right, ma'am, that was a nasty spill!?!" "I-I think so,"...
FetishYou walk into the house and it is dark. This is not unusual, as you live alone. However, tonight you worked especially late for a Friday night and it was now nearly ten thirty when you unlocked your front door. You walked into the foyer and as you reached for the light a hand grabs your and pulls you away from the light switch. Suddenly another hand grabs for your free hand and pulls it back behind you and both hands are quickly secured behind you with the click of a pair of handcuffs. You...
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CHAPTER 1 _____________________ Beau Lovejoy was pretty much a nerd when he was young. He loved to read, and he was completely addicted to comic books, but anything that wasn't grounded in reality would do. He was always lost in some fantasy or another, and the real world seemed rather mundane in comparison. At least, it did until he discovered something even more facinating. Women. When he was a boy, he found girls annoying, and he actually tried to...
Copyright 2004 She struggled as the two man held her. One pinned her arms behind her back, the other was fighting off her kicking legs. She was taught to fight her attackers. She had attended a rape protection class and they had shown her various ways to fight off her attackers. It seemed much easier in class with one attacker coming straight at her. With two, two strong men in was not so simple. She had been walking home from the store. It wasn't dark yet, the sun just starting to set, the...
She wet the tip of her thumb with her tongue and smudged the charcoal line. Still… She was drawn from her musing by a soft groan. Her blue eyes lifted inquiringly to the man who lounged against the far wall of the cabin. One leg was drawn up before him on the bed, where a pad of papers were propped. He merely raised an eyebrow at her before returning to his attention to his sketching. Miriam chewed on her bottom lip as she watched his tanned hands with their long, tapered fingers and clipped...
She struggled as the two man held her. One pinned her arms behind her back, the other was fighting off her kicking legs. She was taught to fight her attackers. She had attended a rape protection class and they had shown her various ways to fight off her attackers. It seemed much easier in class with one attacker coming straight at her. With two, two strong men in was not so simple. She had been walking home from the store. It wasn’t dark yet, the sun just starting to set, the streetlights not...
EroticIn the war-torn republic of Ajikistan, two captives, both former humanitarian volunteers, were now at the mercy of a scar-faced rebel soldier. Musad relished the scene before him. The two girl captives were completely naked. A slender, beautifully curved brunette with medium-sized breasts lay on a long table, tied face-up in a spread-eagled position. This was Mira, and she had the most exquisite-looking face Musad had ever seen. Kneeling between the girl's legs, having just brought Mira to...
By Stifflittlepoints Emma and Karly sat next to each other on one of the twin beds at the cottage. They took turns reading out loud the story Karly had found in their aunt’s cottage, probably left there by Uncle Mike. Karly continues reading: ‘Stacey looked carefully at the crystal globe and noticed every aspect about it, including how it sparkled. The sparkles had begun to absorb all of her concentration . . . in fact, she couldn’t think of anything except those sparkling crystals. “Your...
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael, Charles, and William had just become extremely wealthy men, having sold 3 nurses as slaves to some very rich people who traded in the human traffic market. Now the men were doing their research to find 3 more beautiful women who would meet their demands for the next sell. They had decided to abduct three women lawyers this time, and they each did separate detective work to determine...
Carly didn’t know which was worse, being locked in a cramped cabin filled with terrified women, or not knowing what was happening on deck. Her sky blue eyes flickered around the stuffy cabin in despair, wishing she were able to do something, anything to aid their plight, rather then suffer the pitiful moans of the women. Opposite Carly sat a frail elderly woman, her trembling hands clutched tightly in her lap as she prayed under her breath. The plain, middle-aged woman beside was her recently...
Please note: there have been some artistic licence taken with the conversations between Carly and Miriam to ease the flow of the story. Miriam screamed as the massive monster lifted her sister off the ground and swung her between the seesawing boats on a long rope. She fought free of the hands that held as she tried to get to Carly. She had barely taken two steps before a large palm wrapped around her upper arm and spun her about. The breath shuddered from her lungs as she came up hard...
Introduction: The three partners continue their career in human trafficking It might help to understand this story if you have already read my first effortSlave Nurses for Sale. If you enjoy these stories, please give me high marks. Im new at this kind of thing, but I would love for you to leave comments of what you would like to read and how I can improve my writing. Im just a lonely girl with big natural boobs, who fantasizes about having some of the same experiences of the girls I write...
Capture and broken I sit in a dark, padded cell in a straight jacket, with nothing but a pair of scrubs on. I heard the rain outside the window. I don't know how I got here or what happened. You are wondering who I am. Let meb see, I work in the accounting field. I am very good crunching numbers like no one's business. I am 5'8, about 220 pounds. I have a stocky build from playing hockey for 8 yrs. All of the sudden, the steel padded door opened. A lantern shines in as I tried to...
EPISODE IVCrimson & CloverWe decide for our anniversary to go for a ride in the country, having a picnic lunch packed with a bottle of red table wine & a blanket. Just the two of us this time. We drove for quite some time, until we drove way out into the boonies, big time! We spotted this huge field of clover growing on the right side of the country road, so we found a dirt road leading into it. Bob's road, I presumed? Ha ha. Driving in just far enough not to be spotted from the road,...
She smiled as she looked around, maybe she’d overdone it a bit this time. For as far as she could see the landscape around her was abandoned. No sign of human life whatsoever. She took a few deep breaths and waited for her pulse to go down. She would jog down and run along the water edge for a kilometer and a half and then she would return to her car. She took a sip of water and started to run again. The cool wind turned into a refreshing breeze. Her running found a rhythm, a...
()-Thoughts. She did not know how long she had been held for. Days seemed to go so fast for her. All she knew is that her life as an Assassin was over. She could never go back. She didn't think she wanted to go back. Her days as Assassin and noble of England were over. Dame Evie Frye was now dead, in a sense. The door to her cell was opened as the usual sight of her warden appeared. He was not an overly attractive chap, smelling of sweat and hard liquor, but he kept her locked away and...
Queen become afraid and asked, what kind of treatment? Jinia said, You will see soon but first we shall observe your body. Rini took the robe off the queen’s body and queen put her hands on her breasts to guard herself. She did not try to hide her pussy because they are already covered with hairs. Jinia slaps her buttocks roughly with her hand and she cried in pain. Jinia keep her right hand on her ass crack and asked her to spread her legs. She obeyed without and hesitation. Jinia keeps...
Soldiers broke the gate of the temple, she did not move. She knows that very soon she will be dead. And soldiers came inside the room killed the four guards that were trying to protect the queen, a man shouted, stand up whore. She did not move a bit, she is awaiting death. A soldier came forward to kill her with a sword, but captain stopped him, said-we must wait till the prince to see her. He stopped and ordered a soldier to check her if she has weapon. The soldier started with her legs...
They lazed and idly watched as some fit sun-tanned young guys played some sort of ball game and others splashed and swam in the shallow water by the gently shelving beach while further out speed boats twisted and turned as they churned the blue ocean into creamy froth as they sped past with water skiers in tow. "I wish we didn't have to go home," Lynnie said wistfully. "Um," said Jo as she lazily moved her bra strap yet again to get an even tan. "Is many peoples saying...
Then I heard a voice,“Hey bitch, don’t bother trying to break loose. You won’t succeed.” The instance I heard the voice, I jerked my neck as a reflex to see the person. My face immediately smashed onto the floor again, there must be something tied around my neck to the ground. I groaned and weep faintly on recalling what had happen. My panties was still in my mouth and it was saturated with my saliva. I smelt the air around me, there was a scent of liquor and wood in the air. I must be...
I was living with my dad in a small town in the outskirts. He worked as a carpenter and he was the pillar of the family of two. My mother had passed away while giving birth to me and I knew little about her. My dad always told me that she was a great woman and one day I would grow up to be like her. Together with my dad we lived in a small humble cottage with a small river in our backyard. The house had two floors and a basement where my dad would do his carpentry and keep his small...
The Bruner family was on their way back home from vacation, and all of them were rather tired. Rock Bruner was proud that he had been able to finally afford the cross-country trip that he had always promised to his family, but until this year they had been unable to go. They'd been on the go for two weeks, had been to California and were now only several hundred miles from home. Rock's wife Linda was in the front seat asleep, and the two teenagers, fifteen-year-old Mark and...
A few hours later Leanna woke up. She sat up in bed quickly and looked around, realizing it hadn’t been a dream, she was home. ‘Feeling better?’ Leanna turned her head and saw her father sitting in a chair next to her bed. ‘Yes,’ she said quietly. ‘I feel much better.’ ‘Good. Mom’s got dinner ready, are you hungry?’ Consulting her stomach she found herself ravenous. Nodding to her father she got out of bed and walked downstairs to the kitchen. There she found her mother and brothers...
A/N: Sorry for this update taking so long guys, don’t be surprised if this chapter sucks. The writer’s block has been chewing on my brain for quite awhile. I’m trying to get Leanna to start showing some spirit, she’s been lacking it since she got caught up in Fahmeer. * The next morning Leanna woke feeling a bit better, she was to be discharged from the hospital today, with orders to stay in bed for one week to allow her back to heal. Ever since she had found out that she was pregnant...
‘This is not happening…’ Leanna thought to herself. Just two days ago she had arrived in the desert city of Zariff to take a vacation that her family insisted that she take. It was a charming city, and Leanna had been having a good time until she was drugged and kidnapped by a slaver. She was brought back from her reverie by a shout. ‘Get up!’ one of the guards yelled to Leanna. When she did not immediately respond the guard snarled and grabbed the rope that bound her hands and hauled her to...
So she rode. Khadeem smiled faintly while he watched Leanna riding a horse, from the looks of it a young one, from inside the rented limousine. That smile was quickly replaced when he watched her get thrown on her back. Quickly opening the door he ran towards the ring where she lay. The man in the ring, he assumed he was her father, yelled to the house for someone to call 9-1-1. Reaching her side he leaned down by her side. ‘I’ll be guessing that you’re Khadeem.’ Khadeem looked up into the...