- 3 years ago
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Carly didn’t know which was worse, being locked in a cramped cabin filled with terrified women, or not knowing what was happening on deck. Her sky blue eyes flickered around the stuffy cabin in despair, wishing she were able to do something, anything to aid their plight, rather then suffer the pitiful moans of the women.
Opposite Carly sat a frail elderly woman, her trembling hands clutched tightly in her lap as she prayed under her breath. The plain, middle-aged woman beside was her recently widowed daughter. Antoinette, a governess in her early thirties who Carly had come to know and like, sat stiffly in the corner, tears trickling down her pale face. Carly’s mistress, Lady Miriam, sat beside her on the tiny bunk clutching Carly’s hand as she sobbed into a lacy hanky. The faces of the women were white with fear, and Carly knew, no different from her own.
She gazed down at the slightly oversized silk gown she wore, crushed from her cramped position, and she gently tried to smooth it over her slender legs. The material was soft and luxurious, so different from the simple gowns of pale blue or gray she usually wore. Miriam had begged her to swap gowns, fearing that as a woman of breeding she would likely suffer most at the hands of the pirates that had been bearing down on their ship since dawn. With a wry twist of her lips, Carly noted that Miriam was quick to assign that same fate to Carly.
That Miriam and Carly were half-sisters went unsaid in the Montague household. Lord Montague neither confirmed nor denied the rumors, yet the active dislike of his wife, Lady Annabelle, for the beautiful young girl seemed to confirm the whispers. Miriam and Carly both possessed the same silvery blonde hair and light blue eyes of their father, but where Carly was tiny and petite, her curves gently rounded, Miriam was tall and angular, her features pinched.
That Miriam had never shown her a moments kindness no longer disturbed Carly overly much. Yet she was more than grateful when Miriam, soon to marry a Duke she had never laid eyes on, had begged her parents to allow Carly to travel with her to his Island of the coast of France. Her life was one of misery under the strict rule of Lady Annabelle, who took great pleasure in meting out subtle punishments on the young Carly. Often things would go missing, only to be discovered a short time later by the Mistress upon searching Carly’s tiny room in the servant’s quarters. She would be punished as a result, but Carly had forbidden the other servants to stand up for her or inform her distant father.
Carly was jerked back to the present by the thud of something heavy against the thin wooden door, and the sounds of muttered curses. Her wide eyes met Miriam’s as the door thundered under another assault, her heart racing.
It wasn’t supposed to be like this, she thought desperately. This was supposed to be a fresh beginning for her, away from the cold, watchful eyes of Lady Annabelle.
Muffled screams filled the cabin as the door began to splinter under the forceful attack. The old woman started praying out loud, her small fist clutching her cross, and not for the first time did Carly fervently wish that there had been a pistol to spare.
Someone screamed as a bloody and torn sleeve appeared through the splintered door, fumbling with the small latch that was their last protection from their determined invaders.
Carly moved before she realised. Tugging a hair pin from her upswept mane, she crossed the cabin and stabbed at the grasping hand. A rough curse filtered through the door as the hand reached blindly through the cracks, shoving Carly away from the door.
Carly fell, hitting her head on the edge of a chest and knocking books to the floor beneath her. She cried out from the pain, dizziness overwhelming her as she tried to scramble to her feet, but the roll of the ship tumbled her back on the floor.
She heard the scrape of wood on wood as a chest barring the door slid across the floor from the forceful shoves of the pirates, and her mind screamed ‘No!’ She felt the trickle of moisture down the side of her face as she tried to sit up, but it was too late. Three men, bloody and disheveled, their tanned faces fierce, thrust themselves into the cabin, their weapons drawn.
‘On yer feet, ladies. Capt’n wants ye on deck.’
Rough hands grasped her by the upper arms, dragging her to her feet. The smell of sweat and sea assailed her. ‘You first, lassie. I’m keeping me eye on you.’
‘Take your filthy hands off of me,’ she demanded, struggling in his grasp as he held her by the upper arms.
‘Aye, a feisty one, lads.’
‘Capt’n will like that,’ another muttered, and her ears burned as they snickered.
She was pushed from the cabin and along the dark hallway and up the narrow stairs, the other women not far behind.
Carly blinked as the harsh sunlight hit her eyes, then everything came swimming into horrifying focus. Blood washed the deck, cloth from a torn sail blew gently in the breeze, the familiar faces of the crew either sat or laid on the deck, bound and gagged.
She fought back the nausea as she was forced to her knees, her eyes over the other women as they were pushed down beside her. Angry tears filled her eyes at her helplessness, and she blinked them back, unwilling to allow the pirates to see her distress.
Men swarmed over the deck, seemingly directed by one man, different from the rest. Her eyes were drawn to his broad as he shouted out orders. He was tall, and golden, long black glossy waves brushed the collar of a white linen shirt. Tan breeches clung to his muscular thighs to his knees, disappearing into knee-high polished leather boots.
As if drawn by her turbulent gaze, he slowly turned, hands resting lightly at his hips. The breath caught in her throat as she met deep green eyes that seemed to burn through her as though she wore nothing. The flash of teeth in the deeply tanned face made her stomach clench, and something stirred in her memory.
His gaze left her, flickering over the woman at her side, and he barked out an order to the man that had forced her up on deck, before turning his back to them. She didn’t catch what was said, his words lost to the wind, but her eyes widened as the elderly lady and her daughter were dragged to their feet by loathsome pirates. Without thought Carly was on her feet, but a thick arm anchored around her waist, lifting her clear off the ground. She struggled, her fingers clawing at the arm, before another man stepped forward and slapped her across the face. The soft skin of her face burned from the contact, and she cried out, black dots appearing before her eyes.
She continued to struggle weakly, and she saw the arm raise again, and she steeled herself for the brutal blow.
‘Hold,’ a stern voice ordered, and a large tanned palm caught the upraised arm. ‘She is a mere scrap of a lass. Tie her up if need be, but don’t bruise that soft skin.’
Carly flinched as a gentle finger brushed her temple, coming away with sticky blood. She watched as he rubbed the blood between thumb and forefinger. ‘Don’t make this harder than it has to be,’ he warned, capturing her chin with his fingers and lifting her face so that they locked gazes. Her lips parted on a silent gasp at the heat in those deep sea green eyes seared her before he abruptly turned and strode away from her.
She was too stunned to resist as a dirty hand grasped the hem of her skirt and tore a large strip off of the delicate material. She blinked back tears as her arms were caught in front of her and her wrists bound tightly with the cloth. She was forced back onto her knees, and knew that she would have purple bruises on the morrow. If she survived.
What followed seemed the longest hours of her young life as booty was transferred from the Ambassador to a smaller, swifter boat over a narrow makeshift bridge. She cringed as nimble lads climbed like
monkeys across the narrow plank of wood, moving with the ups and downs of the waves. Only one crate was lost to flounder in the sea.
Eventually it was their turn. Realising they didn’t mean to kill her immediately only brought a certain amount of relief. She knew what would follow would be a fate worse then death.
With a muffled scream she was scooped up against the solid warmth of his chest, his tanned arm anchoring her hips to him as they swung across to the pirate’s ship. Her eyes widened as they gazed down at the water so far below, dark and shadowy between the heaving ships. Her hands clung to his shoulders, her breasts crushed against his chest as she molded herself against him in those rushed moments. He landed on his feet like a large jungle cat, and slowly lowered her feet to the deck. A blush warmed her cheeks as she felt his warmth pressed intimately against her, and she was unable to meet the dark green eyes laughing down at her.
She bit her lip as she heard Miriam’s screams, quickly turning in his arms to watch as her sister clawed at the young man who held her, pleading hysterically for him not to let her fall. Before Carly could take a step toward her distressed sister, her upper arm was caught in a firm grip, and her eyes swung up to meet her captor’s.
‘Lock her in my cabin,’ he ordered to someone at her shoulder, never taking his eyes from hers. Her lips parted on a soundless gasp as she realised what he meant to do to her, and she began to struggle as the lad dragged her toward the steps that led below.
When the reached a door at the end of a narrow walkway the lad opened the door before untying her bound wrists. Before she could try anything he shoved her into a large cabin before slamming the door closed behind her.
‘Pig,’ she muttered, rubbing her sore wrists. She gazed around her in trepidation, her eyes widening at the unexpected sight that met her eyes. Fading sunlight filtered in through the several portholes lining the timber walls, lending the polished timber furnishings a warmth and homely feeling. A large bed piled with pillows rested against the far war, soft and inviting, and her eyes slid skittishly away, unwilling to dwell on the horrible thoughts flying through her mind.
A long desk rested beneath several shelves lined with books and interesting objects that spoke of exotic places. There was thick paper, quills and pieces of wax scattered over the surface of the desk, reinforcing the idea that the pirate was educated.
As she stood gazing around curiously, she was unprepared for when the door bumped against her, and she quickly moved further into the room, the pulse drumming in her ears.
Her stomach clenched with dread as the tall man with windswept black hair stepped quietly into the cabin and closed the door behind him to lean against its length. A shiver ran through her as those dark green eyes locked with hers, and she gazed back at him with a coolness she was far from feeling.
Again she felt the strange effect her had on her, her eyes taking in the deeply tanned face that would put a dark angel to shame, the massive breadth of his shoulders and long muscular legs. He seemed to tower over her in the confines on the cabin, and she gravely doubted whether her head reached his shoulders. A memory tugged at her, but she couldn’t quite catch it.
‘Remove your gown.’
She took a step back, shocked, her hand flying to her breast. Halting, she gathered her courage, refusing to be cowed by his overbearing masculinity. ‘No.’
She trembled as his gaze flickered over her, noting the erratic rise and fall of her breasts, her flushed skin and parted lips, the angry sparks flying from her wide blue eyes.
He merely raised an eyebrow.
‘You said don’t make this harder than it has to be. I choose the hard way.’ Her tiny hands clenched and unclenched in the loose folds of her skirts as she waited for his anger to boil up. She was totally flummoxed when he threw back his head and laughed.
Her eyes narrowed dangerously, and she stamped her foot. ‘Don’t you dare laugh at me, you – you mongrel.’
He leaned against the door, his laughter filling the cabin.
‘Sweetheart, if you are going to insult someone, at least do it properly. Call me a bastard at the very least.’
‘I am not your sweetheart. I am not your anything!’ She hissed.
‘Ah, but that is where you are wrong.’ Her neck prickled at the lightening change in his features, all evidence of humor erased. ‘You are anything I want you to be.’
She froze on the spot as he moved silently across the room. She was breathless as his fingers reached up and gently tugged the pins from her messy bun. Silky strands slithered loose, tumbling down over her shoulders.
‘Remove your gown before I tear it from your delightful body.’
She flinched as a caressing finger traced down the side of her neck, over her collarbone to rest in the demure V of her gown. Her lashes fluttered close as his large warm palms gently cupped her tiny mounds, moulding them to the shape of his hands.
A shiver ran down her spine as his head dipped, his lips brushing her ear. ‘You have a choice, little one.’ She bit her lip as his fingers slid down over her hips to grasp her bottom, jerking her up against him, and her eyes flew open in shock. ‘You will let me take what it is I desire, or I will leave you to the mercy of my crew.’
Fear held her motionless as he pressed a kiss just below her lobe before raising his head to gaze down into her apprehensive blue eyes. The fullness of him seemed to burn into her like a brand where he pressed against her belly.
‘Know that I will curse you to the deepest fires of hell if you dare to take what is not yours to take,’ she ground out shakily.
‘Come, my little rebellious beauty, remove your gown. Curse me later if that is still your wish, but for now I have an overwhelming desire to explore my new captive closely.’
Her face pale, she reached up behind her, her fingers grappling with the tiny hooks of the gown. It was a slow and arduous task, but eventually she was unhooked to the waist. With eyes lowered, she slowly eased the material down her arms, careful to keep the bodice pinned against her breasts.
‘You undress like an untried maiden,’ he commented as he towered above her, his hands molding her bottom as he ground her against him. Heat filled her cheeks.
‘Of course I am a maiden,’ she cried, stepping back from him. He let her. ‘How dare you suggest-‘She bit her lip at the unmistakable gleam of triumph in his eyes, only belatedly realising his trickery.
‘I dare,’ he murmured, his thumb brushing over her parted lips. ‘And I intend discovering for myself whether your claim to being a maiden is true. Now for the final time, remove your gown before I tear it from you delicious body.’
She drew in a deep breath at his threat, instinctively knowing it wasn’t made frivolously. With trembling fingers Carly released the bodice of her gown, letting it puddle at her feet.
She stood before him with lowered lashes, unaware of the alluring picture she presented. The smooth, creamy shoulders revealed by the thin straps of her chemise and the gentle thrust of her breasts above the snug fit of her corset and the creamy thighs below the short hem of her chemise encased in silky stockings held in place by lacy garters.
‘Turn around,’ he murmured huskily.
Slowly she did as he ordered. Her breathing sounded ragged to her ears as she stood silently for what seemed an age, knowing his eyes roved over her. She flinched as she felt his hands circle her waist, dragging her up against him so that the solid warmth of his chest filled the curve of her back.
Her eyes closed as the warm male scent of him wrapped around her, teasing her with hints of sandalwood and lemon.
A gasp escaped her as his fingers slowly slid over her corset to cup th
e small creamy mounds of her breasts barely constrained by the thin chemise.
She felt her nipples tighten at the lazy caresses as his fingers plucked and rolled at the sensitive peaks, a shiver racing down her spine as he pressed kisses along her neck.
She gazed down at the large tanned hands that molded and caressed her milk-white breasts through the flimsy material, her breathing shallow. These intimate caresses were strange as they were unexpected, stirring unfamiliar feelings low in the pit of her belly and intoxicating her senses with his closeness. She knew little of what went on between a man and woman beyond that the man shoved his male part between a woman’s thighs.
Fear ran through her at the thought of what this heathen pirate intended, and she tugged herself from his grasp, backing away from him to put as much distance as possible between them until she bumped up against the side of a table. Her belly seesawed as she saw his eyes narrow, and she quickly spoke. ‘Surely this thing you intend doing, it – it does not require you to fondle me so,’ she whispered desperately, her hands feeling behind her for a weapon of some sort.
His lips curved, even as he noted her fear and courage in those guileless sky-blue eyes. ‘Fondle?’ he inquired incredulously. ‘You describe my caresses as fondling?’
She swallowed hard as he advanced on her, and her fingers closed over a long thin object. She brought her arm up as he moved within reaching distance, her heart racing.
‘Don’t – don’t come any closer.’
His teeth flashed at her meager weapon, and it was then realisation struck her. ‘You!’ She cried. ‘I saw you in the port. You were following us!’
‘Not ‘us’,’ he replied silkily. ‘You.’
‘But why?’ She gasped as he lunged at her, tearing the quill with it’s silver point from her fingers and tossing it to the floor. She struggled in his grasp as he lifted her, placing her bottom on the table and moving swiftly between her thighs.
‘Because of this,’ he murmured huskily dipping his head to cover her mouth with his.
She moaned in protest against his mouth as it moved firmly over hers, her tiny fists beating at his broad shoulders.
She gasped as his fingers closed firmly over her hips and brought her hard up against him, firmly wedging his body between her thighs and preventing her from closing her legs.
Her fingers clung to his shoulders as he forced her back to the table, her hips arching as something dug into her.
‘Don’t’ she cried as she tore her mouth from his, her thighs trembling as she felt his hands slide up the sides of her thighs, dragging her chemise with them. She moaned as she felt the swollen part of him barely constrained by his tan breeches prod against her damp curls with deliberate intent.
She cried out as his fingers caught a scrap of chemise over her breasts, tearing it asunder.
Heat licked through her at the intensity of his stormy green eyes as he gazed down at her bare breasts with their rosy tips, and she shook her head, unwilling to surrender to the sensations he wrought in her.
‘No’, she murmured huskily, trying to cover her breasts from his all-seeing gaze, but he caught her wrists in his large palms, dragging them above her head and holding them prisoner in one hand as the other trailed down the sensitive flesh on the underside of her arm.
‘Yes,’ he muttered fiercely, his eyes lifting to hers as his palm settled possessively over her breast, the thumb brushing the taut tip. Her hips arched when his head dipped to draw it’s mate into the warm depths of his mouth.
She squirmed against him, the shocking feel of his mouth and fingers on her breasts causing a tugging sensation deep between her thighs, only to be inflamed by the friction of his burning heat grinding against her tender flesh as she moved intimately against him.
She barely noticed as his hand slipped down over her belly, over the folds of her hastily pushed up chemise to discover the golden fleece between her creamy thighs as she struggled against his mouth.
Foreword: Somewhere I read another story similar to this. I can't find it to give proper acknowledgement. It may have come from Powerone. I can't find it. Anyway, the other story was filled with violence; beating and every kind of sexual punishment you could put a woman through. I am not much better, but I have tried to put a different slant on a similar story about a woman captured during World War II. If another writer emails me that they had the original idea, I will pass it on somehow I...
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Group SexI was returning in a deluxe bus to Mumbai. As I boarded in bus and I was surprise to see a girl of around 29 years of fair color, our journey began at around 8.30 pm I felt sleepy due to cold breeze coming from the window. After around one hour passed I felt that someone has touched the feet. I thought it is due to bus effect and I slept. Again after half an hour I felt my feet being touched; I started looking down and saw Billo giving smile I understood the whole situation but I pretended as...
It all started on the drive to work. It was just before 9am. I had missed all the traffic on the beltway. I took the first exit. Then down some side streets. I was using a short cut to get to work faster. I was hoping my Friday would fly by. Then I could go out tonight. It had been a few weeks since I got out. I took a sip of my Coke. Before I slowed down at the next intersection. I was looking out the side window. I was minding my own business. Sitting in my big SUV......."Wham! ...
*Not True In Any Way* I got up from my grandfather's chair, gave him a kiss on the lips, and bowed. Walking to my two uncles, I knelt between them both, licking first my uncle Rock's cock, then John's. I spat on Rock's hardon, to get it wet, slipping the head into my mouth, I tasted droplets of pre-cum on the tip. Going farther down, I played with his balls, which to be honest, were massive, almost as big as soft balls. After two or so minutes of sucking and licking on his 9 inches of meat, I...
IncestThe next few days went by rapidly. After reviewing the syllabus things quickly got down to business, and it was impressive how much information we covered each day. Perhaps this was because there weren't as many classroom interruptions, but more likely the professors just didn't seem concerned about overwhelming us. By Wednesday afternoon I'd already written my first two-page 'paper' and was feeling remarkably confident in my choice to attend college. After years of private tutors and...
I was absolutely certain I had done the right thing. Our enormous future dependence on Emmy still bothered me, but the "pre-nup" helped. It helped a lot. Perhaps Emmy was merely indulging me. Perhaps she thought that nobody would ever actually enforce the agreement -- that my ever-growing debt to her would never be repaid. After all, unless she sued for performance, nobody would or could ever force me to make good on this running tab, this long-term debt. But I felt the obligation, and...
Cecil the caboose was one unhappy little railroad car. They hadn't washed him or even oiled his wheels for a very long time. He remembered when the yardmen Oscar and Pete would always start the day with giving him a nice wash with the long green water hoses that washed away all the dirt from a hard day's work. He liked it a lot better when he was bringing up the rear to a passenger train instead of one of those really dirty freight trains that left him covered with soot and dust after a long...
Hi, friends, It’s always great to be on Indian Sex Stories and I have always been a fan of this site.After reading so many stories I also decided to pen down my memories that happened last month. This is my real sex story. Any women or girls (and strictly no gays) who are looking for a sex or fuck friend around Mumbai or Pune can drop a mail @ married women especially your identity will always keep a secret and I know its importance. I sincerely believe women doing sex outside marriage is good...
Introduction: Rebeccas already resigned herself to letting these aliens try to breed her…but things are about to get a whole lot more interesting She had been living in this gray prison cell for days now…maybe longer. She had no idea what time it was ever. Sometimes when the creatures came for her it seemed like it was the same day…sometimes it felt like it had been days. The human man who had come to see her had come again, but he hadnt explained much at all. For some reason she hated him...
I was sitting in the Captain's outer office waiting to see why I had been called in so soon after debriefing. I was half asleep after a hard ten day jaunt into Laos where we were chased by VC patrols almost from the time we were dropped off. I had just sent the team back to the village to unwind and get some sleep and was on my way back to my hooch when an MP had picked me up saying the Captain had sent him to catch me before I went to sleep. Although this was strange I was too damned weary...
"Your father, Joe and I married two sisters, Joe married Mary your mother and I married Alice. Mary and Alice came from a wealthy family, their parents were early settlers and they bought up a lot of property locally. Joe and I came from similar although not so wealthy backgrounds. Alice was unable to bear children due to childhood illness that left her barren, Joe and Mary tried for several years to have children but without success, Joe had a low sperm count. Mary and Alice decided that I...
Once done I looked out through the window gazing at my houses remote back yard, me and my husband christian lived out in the hills but not too far away from civilization we had got the house after our wedding, we got married when we were both twenty five and now two years later here I am gazing down at the lovely grass that swells out as far as the tree line will allow it. We own a lot of land which extends past the tree that boarder the fields but Christian and me are not farmers so we really...
I recently found a large quantity of some very high quality and original writings. Proper credit is hereby given to the actual author of this and more stories that will follow. A Wild Yearning by Author Unknown Chapter 1 In the beginning, there was no thought of the Levitt's German shepherd Rex in Jan's pretty blonde head as she went grumpily about her early morning housework. She was by far too preoccupied with other things -- in particular with the peculiar frustration...
Several years ago, not long after having joined the Holiday Spa Fitness Center I had an erotic pantyhose encounter. I was just 19 at the time. As a life-long pantyhose wearer I wear pantyhose nearly every day and always under my trousers to work. My schedule for working out was every Monday, Wednesday and Friday immediately after work. When I would enter the men’s locker room I would look around for a discreet space to change. I would pull off my shoes and pull my shirt tails out. Next, I would...
"Thanks again Mum." Kate was hugging her 5 year old son as she spoke to her Mum. "That's ok dear, you go and have a good time. If John can have a week playing golf in Spain, the least you deserve is a night out with friends!""You be a good boy for Grandma" she said to her son."I will" came the reply.At that Kate Stephens headed for her car and the short journey to Lucy's. If her Mum had known the truth about their plans for tonight there was no way she would have volunteered to babysit! Kate...
John Sturdivant took his work seriously. He had first been a carpenter but found he was interested in other aspects of the home building industry. He learned plumbing. He learned electrical installation. He’d even worked for a while on a concrete crew pouring foundations. He knew how a house was and should be put together. His contracting license had been secured years ago. “What do you think, boss?” They were cleaning up at the end of the workday and the boys often talked about the day’s...
Authors note: A few years ago Borgart wrote and posted a story called "A Friend In Need". I liked the premise but wanted to take the plot in a different direction from that of the original story. I wrote to him asking his permission to rewrite his story. He consented to my request. Thank you Borgart for the inspiration. This offering is a complete rewrite, and please do note that the names have been changed to protect the original offering. -POC Paul and Cheryl Richards had been...
Chapter Three Had three words ever sounded so sweet? Daren stared into her eyes for a moment, framing her face in his hands. Running his finger over her bottom lip, he could have kicked himself for asking, ‘Are you sure about this, Stephanie?’ Silently, he begged her to be sure. He didn’t think he could walk away without having her. He watched her bite her bottom lip, lick it, and pull him down to her. Daren kept his eyes open as her face came closer and closer. Then their lips met. Every...
We meet againTime had passed by a few days since we were at the Lake, and my husband had showed me the film, and although the light was poor I liked what I saw, and was pleased with the results and that everybody was happy.There was just one thing I forgot to tell him, and that was that I had arranged to see the last man who had fucked me again, and that he had rang and said "could he see me tonight". He was delighted with me and hoped that he could see me again. I had to say that I would...
Love StoriesMy self torture true story of a torture sentence ordered by my online master. He lives in Europe and is a very sadistic pain master. He continues to increase my sentences of self pain torture. I did tell him I would carry out any sentence that will give me extreme pain outside of killing me. He knows just how to control his pain slut. Always looking for more ideas how to give extreme pain to myself Saturday self torture sentence and my e-mail to master Hi master Max, Well master I...
I was telling a guy this story and he said I should post it :D I was out partying one night when I met a guy I used to know.We were chatting a bit when I started to remember how hot he was in bed.:P He offered me a drink and after a couple we headed to his place.I couldn't contain myself as I was tingling with excitement.As we were driving along my hand started wandering..i could feel his cock was already I leaned over and unzipped his pants..I reached in and pulled out his cock.It...
Sarah was sitting there, on the bed, holding a full glass of water in her hand, crying. I looked into the living room where the empty glass of water had been, and it was not there. Sarah had apparently used some form of telekinesis to bring it to her. That was unusual, but not so shocking considering her previously shown power of teleporting. They were similar. What was shocking was that the glass was full of water when it arrived. I knew it had been empty. I didn't even know what to call...
Thursday, April 5, 2007 (Continued) I was flying toward downtown LA's tallest skyscraper, the 1,017-foot Library Tower, intending to start a press conference on its helicopter pad. It was about fifteen miles from the pier to the CBD (Central Business District; a.k.a. downtown), and I was flying it at about eight hundred feet and 30 mph, to let people see me reasonably clearly and to give time for word to get out so I wouldn't have to hang around the CBD waiting for the news organizations...
Since turning 18, I had developed a fascination for MILF's in particular. I don't know whether it was the fact that it was the knowledge that their bodies had matured or that they were experienced when it came to sex.However being the typical college-bound guy, encountering MILF's wasn't exactly easy and so I believe it was from this desperation to experience what it would be like to meet one is what drove me to look at mom in a different light.A bit of background on her, she's 40 years old and...
Lisa drove the "well" dressed teacher out of her neighborhood. She had decided that it would be necessary to travel across town to a mall about 40 miles from home to insure the no one would recognize the teacher. When they arrived and had parked the car Mary was reminded that she was to follow 2 paces behind and speak only when given permission. As Mary began moving across the parking lot she realized just how exposed she was. The skirt barely covered her bare thighs above her stockings...
James' eyes opened for the first time in what felt like days, his pupils slowly adjusting to the light. He began to take in his dismal surroundings and immediately his memories flooded back. His kidnapping, the battle with Jeanne, and being hauled away by the mysterious colleagues of his lover and dominatrix, Bayonetta. He examined the small room from the top bunk of a prison bed and found his dark seductress sleeping soundly in the bottom bunk below. It was mostly quiet in the cage of...
Norman St John-Ferris led the way from the long gallery against the flow of the visitors down the stairs and towards the back of the house. The two men passed through the billiard room; the table an immaculate green, the polished brass markers on the scoreboards glinting in the soft light from the lamps over the table. More teasels provided a disincentive for those seeking comfort on the padded leather arm chairs that once seated the more louche of the St John Ferrises, those that had lost...
Summer 2018Lust balls or Ben Wa balls aroused my curiosity. Albeit I knew what most of the sex toys do, I was baffled when I saw those little balls, which would not look out of place in the cat toy aisle of a pet store given their size and bright or metallic coloring. I googled, read a lot of exciting articles and decided I have to have one.I went to an adult store, an attractive girl in her early twenties assisted me. She was dressed in a sheer black long top and a red G-string thong. She...
Liza was born on an island south of Asia. Women had a single purpose which was to serve the man. They were used to bear babies and have sex with their husbands. Liza's mom had already birthed f******n c***dren. The c***dren were raised learning sex was very common. Men fucked women all the time as that is what the female body was for. It was a man's pride to have many c***dren. Liza's father had taken the oldest daughter and she was used to birth babies for a family friend who had a wife too...
Trista woke up on the day of her twenty fifth birthday. She turned off the alarm and looked over at her sleeping boyfriend, Roy, lying on the bed beside her. He slowly began to wake and looked up her. With a quick kiss Roy said, ‘Happy birthday.’ ‘Thanks.’ ‘How about I give you a little birthday present?’ ‘Can’t I gotta work.’ ‘You can’t go to work on your birthday. I took the day off to be with you and now you’re gonna abandon me. Come on call them and say that you woke up and had a...
I met Cindy and Madison in the entryway, before they could see anything else in the suite. “Cindy, welcome. I’ll lead you in as soon as we’ve gone over some ground rules. Do you agree?” Cindy looked both flustered and anxious, but she settled down and said, “I agree.” “Tilly is here of her own free will, as are you. You are her friend and watching out for her, so I’m going to put you in a seat near the door. The other ladies and I have a special trusting relationship and I will have them...